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>What is /feg/?
/feg/ is the general dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise.

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Previous: >>499036006
Shamir is my wife
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If you're not older than Genealogy of the Holy War, then you don't belong here.
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marry your dragon girl
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>do basic math wrong
expect something funny to happen soon :)
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Guys, I'm finding FE3 to be kinda boring.
Most units feel the same, and I have yet to be stopped by putting Draug in a choke point.
Draug just doing his job
FE3 is very easy, it’s basically built to be a retard-proof blind ironman game.
do you think they'll do another Marth game remake any time soon?
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Book 1 or Book 2?
They remade both of his games on the DS and FE almost died (probably because of how ugly they were). because of them.
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I think Mist deserves an alt
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many healers are waiting for an alt
She’s so PRETTY in this image holy shit.
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>Normal Edelgard
>Ruthless Edelgard
>Headpatted Edelgard
Still Book 1.
The lack of a combat forecast really makes me just mash units in there. I think it just shows my enemy's stats before combat, so I do damage calculation myself and then just hope the attacks hit.
Don't compare peak to 3HRT slop
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But they have the same VAs
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You're gonna give Lilina the buttplug?
When is Zeke next going to be on a banner? I keep missing him
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I'm tempted, especially since the shop is about to refresh so I'll have like 6 buttplugs.
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i guess the thread was funny enough
whats that thing ryoma says? uogi? uwogy?
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I love my waifu Shamir more than anything
Rebeccas Training arc.
Draft race btw.
Who do I spark if I already have a +1 Askr? No I'm not sparking Lethe even though she is cute.
I had both a good Lyn and a good Rebecca once. But then the battery in the cartridge died, so that data is lost.
Whoever has the best fodder for your waifu.
None of them do lol
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I want Letizia to sexually abuse me.
I don't know anything about draft races, do they use turn count as the metric?
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Whichever game from Archanea/FE6/Awakening you have the toughest time doing limited hero battles for
>make "Veronica, but bigger"
>kill her
>they've done this twice now
We know, Catherine.
Raul, please leave me alone.
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would you marry a neet bat?
No, I'm waiting for the Book OC villainess from the following book.
I like flat girls, not anorexic girls
There's a difference
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Caeda really does just recruit everyone, huh?
Thoughts? Should I basically just feed him a Halloween Askr?
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Caeda raped me. She got off her pegasus and started riding my cock. Then she held a dagger to my neck saying "join Marth's army or else"
She really is a horrible person...
Does she stink good?
…is what all of his “wives” would say to him if they were real.
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This thread is mad gay
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How come whenever Raulypoo arrives the thread gets really gay?
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So instead of gore spam, we have gay spam now? And mods won't do anything because...?
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Technically on topic
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He's using a 4chan pass, so he can't get banner for it. On paper, it's against the rules. But every time someone with a pass got banned for "spamming," they go right to the IRC and say "What's the point of a faster post timer if I can't post faster?" and there's never a good response. So they just get unbanned so they don't cancel their pass.
So there's pay-to-spam in the FE threads.
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The gay spam started immediately after someone insulted him.
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This is so autistic. I don't even have a problem with the gay shit or gays as a whole. I'm sick of seeing spam though. Clogs the thread up way too much.
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gay spammer is also the guy who spams Nowi / Tiki / Altina / other hags

I guess spamming random shit is just his personality.
It's fan art, retard.
No different than when pedos spam the thread with their fetish, so long as it's FE characters.
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No shit, faggot. Like I fucking said, I don't have a problem with the art, I have a problem with the spam. Retard.
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What's wrong?
Because the mods are F A G G O T S. What the fuck did you expect from this game's community?
How is it random when it's clearly a certain theme? Stupid head.
still blown away by sigurd's range

where does the game even go from here
What's the theme?
How do you know that?
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Jugdral will never get silly/slutty seasonals…
>What's wrong?
I'm just tired of spam being used as a shitposting tactic to ruin threads. It's annoying as I wish everyone that does it would die horrible deaths.
Gay niggas. Something you should know a lot about
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New Stall variants will become more common in prf weapons and skills. They'll slap it onto the next Seidr or something, I bet.
Good kekapalooza
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>next seidr
that will be in two years. Hopefully a counter to the mobility creep comes a lot sooner.
Are Nowi and Altina also "gay niggas"?
>How do you know that?
That he's using a pass to spam? His posts are on a one-minute cooldown on a board where image posting has two minutes. It gets lowered to one with a pass.
The stuff in the IRC? The IRC is public, it happened all the time back when passes came out and avatarfags bought them. Attentionwhores bought them to fill threads with themselves more.
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Where did they get posted? Are you being purposely stupid or do you lack reading comprehension?
The latter. Methinks you made it up.
>that will be in two years.
It depends. She's a solid contender for the next Bridal banner. Fjormdev finally let other OCs get one this year with Sharena+Veronica and Embla. Siedr was a backpack a month after that, so she might get a new version in May.
Otherwise, they can make Emblem Corrin create Veins that stall bonus movement. They already turned Miasma into a divine vein. They can make another new one.
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Why did engage flop?
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Beg for scraps by vooting…
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Because your parents hate you
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I got five Xitter accounts who should I vote for? Nel is an automatic no.
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backpack at most
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Maribelle then
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>gay spammer is also the guy who spams Nowi / Tiki / Altina / other hags
>means he spams whatever he wants with no theme
>you say he does have a theme with what he spams
>provides no explanation other than his current spam
I think the one who lacks reading comprehension is you, buddy.
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>Raul's attack dog is here along with the gay spam
This really is the worst general on /vg/...
You're so stupid
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Ninja alt next month
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>goes on a tantrum when his thread isn't the one to remain
>just like nowifag
Yeah bro totally not the same person, lmao
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Seggs with Shez.
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You're obsessed.
wow gay spams stops the moment you made this post
what a coincidence!
Oh you want more?
*fires a yaoi flare*
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Lovely frogwife
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Which route though?
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That's not a hard bar to clear thoughever
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Silas... I kneel
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I have no idea what you’re trying to say.
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Which route they had sex in to determine the quality of the route compared to the quality of the sex.
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What would you consider to be the best Murdock skillset based on the skills available in the upcoming HoF?

Is he still worse than Marni anyway?
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I guess they’d have steamier sex in any of the routes that aren’t Crimson Flower since Ferdinand would have more responsibilities.
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Love and appreciate Tiki
You should fire a kete flare
>X flare
aka the autistic retard who was already spamming spamming more and pretending other people are doing it too
Prove it or shut the fuck up already
Kek clapped his ass
Meant for >>499208917
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They’ve arrived
autistic retard who was already spamming spamming more and pretending other people are doing it too
as they should
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You're never beating the schizo allegations little bro
you’re never getting your parents love
guys is Edelgard evil?
Nowi is evil
this is untrue
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cipher nowi
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she is very nice
Just wanted to say that I'm playing Fire Emblem 1 for the first time in my life and the Ballestician chapter caught me off guard. I like that Beck comes with a laser beam that melts them but also that they gave them to some of the enemy so it's not really that braindead once you get to the village. That's all. Game's fun.
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cute ratty.
Eikthyrnir cute
Yeah FE1 is nuts, easy but impressive given how much they accomplished considering it was the first.
I'm doing 3 now. Can I assume the ballistae in 1 had ammo? I' guessing I can just plop Draug on a fort in range of the ballistae and win that way.
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No enemy weapons in FE1 had uses, including ballistae.
That's fucked up.
Nachtprinz 18 Chapter
Roy 17 Chapter
FehOwl 16 Chapter
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Don't care about your gay ass relay race or whatever the fuck it's called lame nigga
>I'm doing 3 now
If you mean you're playing FE3 book 1, sadly that chapter is not included and neither is Beck.
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I know I'm posting Edelgard, but I promise this isn't a shitpost.
We're coming up on the one-month period since Resplendent Dimitri. Do you think we'll get Edelgard or Claude in five days, then the third one at the end of November? CYL3 Resplendents start in December, so it would chain nicely.
No, they'll drop it when they feel like it.
They never do this shit sequensially. I think Edel or Claude are up in the next 3 months, then they'll ignore one of them for years (like with Camilla)
It could be possible, IS are autistic when it comes to 3H lords, they probably don't want Dimitri to be "ahead" for long, so yeah the CYL format of Brave -> Rando -> Brave could apply here for the lords.
Anyway only 5 days left.
>They never do this shit sequensially.
But they do. It's how we know that we're getting CYL3 resplendents, since last year had us get the CYL2 resplendents sequentially. Same with CYL1.
Footlocked Lance+Bow unit that can go through forests and swamps unimpeded and gains boosted avoid while on them.
Starting on a forest/swamp tile and ending on one provides you with another defense buff.
What do I do with THREE Dimitris? One showed up for my Halloween Lethe summons, I got another one on a random summon long ago, and I got the last one with the FEH Pass.
You replied you cared:)
Merge them and give him B!Alfonse's fodder
Fehowl you will always be the spic's footstool KEKAROO
If a unit's fodder is shit, just merge them.
I am glad youre interested in it:)
Will send you more details if you want
Why B!Alfonse? Isn't his weapon player phase?
He can use it well enough, but ideally his A slot would be Atk/Def Excel, and if you're foddering off a Sigurd then you can give him Momentum as well.
We need Sakura first chud
We can get Sakura on November 10th, anon. Then Claude on November 25th.
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I really really hate how the DS games Intelligent Systems made look. It's like they made 3d models, took photos of them, shrunk them down, and then gave them thick black outlines.
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> It's like they made 3d models, took photos of them, shrunk them down
congratulations. You found out what isometric games are.
Yes, but those don't have the disgusting thick outlines.
Nothing to do in this SHITTY GAME
Ugghh SD is up right now bro
And you still post here instead of doing literally anything else with your time
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hes so good
That's cause there's nothing to do in FEH RETARD
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Powerful lesbians
10% Defence growth putting in work.
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The goth baddie has arrived
I need more units of this bimbo. I can't make a Brigade and PoL team out of her yet.
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She can throat it
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This isn't suspicious at all
What did they mean by this?
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I love lolis and their Asses
Ashe's harem
>took Petra 5 years to get an alt
>Hapi still has no alt
>Laegjarn, Laevatein, etc. keep getting alts
You think Maeda resents the "more popular" browns?
nigga she hasn't gotten an alt in 4 years
let it go
She hasn't had content and years, and is still up there in the top 10% of "most alts in FEH."
Outpaces multiple CYL winners, counting their Brave they got for winning CYL.
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*sniffs her little wet phssy juiced pantsus*
That's because she's book 2 and book 2 characters are shilled a bunch.
Its morally injust to lust for minors!!!
What are your defense for this?
You're correct, but that was my point.
I expect another Laevatein next year. Maybe on the Jehanna banner.
>That spoiler
Worse by a long shot
Still can’t get over the fact that Soren tops.
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Lewd bitch.
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Where's the joke Buckley
The joke is that her face is fucked up, implying she's inbred.
But the art is bad, so it's hard to tell.
Just checked and it's the same.
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So, Aide Dagr is literally her using the power of her grandma just to get stronger. It's crazy that her race kind of sucks. The descendant get weaker as more born in the future. That means in the near future, anyone could go up and conquer their kingdom with no struggles.
Yep. And she's currently the one taking care of Nidavellir for Reginn!
To protect from... the other giants back home.
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What are the rewards for doing Summoner Duels? I can't open the tab for it.
at least it somewhat explains the artbook heights for Dagr/Nott being only around 6'2, even if they do say they're still growing.
Did ShamirAnon die?
I saw that kekaroo
>Oscar x Rhys, Jerald x Alois, Ranulf x Ike, Tibarn x Ike, Tibarn x Naesala, Leokumi, Ashedue, Alearfred, Diamant x Alear, Pandreo x Fogado, Alear x Pandreo, Ashepar
>Sylvix/Dimidue/Largo x Muarim/Dimileth/Dimilix
>Ephraim x Innes/Boucheron x Kagetsu/Jugdral shit/Brodiacest
Don’t care
Extremely based
I don’t care but the timeskip one is making me consider it
>Seteth x Byleth/Silas x Corrin/Chrobin
Only good when straight
He's at the club getting wasted and having one night stands with foids. Says he'll be back tomorrow with his 3H GHB clears.
Fuck you mean I can't put a halloween hat on Panette.
Linus/Legault status?
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Downloading an emulator to replay fates so I can see my beautiful cousin and our talented son

I love them so much bros..
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No strong feelings but I accept it
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I’ll add some of my favorite yaois that haven’t been posted
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When is our anime project being released?
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And here’s another Ikesoren for the thread because they are the absolute best
Gn /feg/gots
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Play Wizardry Daphne. It has blonde Azura as your ghost wife.
me on the right
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Anna was truly the bright spot of Engage
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Hag’d Sanaki
Delicious finally some good fucking food
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Engage anime based on the hit manga?
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Didnt the manga flop worse than the game?
Same guy
So what was the point of making a defensive harmonic unit? Literally useful for only one game mode and can't even do that right.
Friendly reminder:
Engage is lame and gay, and you may be a faggot if you preorder it. Fuck you.
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>Mentally ill FE fans caring too much about what other fans like
How miserable?
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i dropped heroes 2 years ago I think

what would i, a returning Micaiah fag, have to look forward to? new alts? skills that would work well on her?
t. engage troon
Should I bother Egging Murdock or just stick with Marni?
stick with Marni
Don't need to hate or like Engage to call you a obsessed faggot.
miccy gets alts frequently.
Her latest ult is apparently broken but I've not had issue with it.
>what do i have to look forward to
a lot of text that you will likely ignore like everyone else.
Typical friendless schizo reply.
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Lilina sweep.
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pikmin bulls cucked us
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Schizos hate Engage because they are one-note like FE characters but nobody likes them.
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any units I should look for that have skills she'd get good use out of? I have her base, the dancer alt, and her queen of dawn alt. I'll try and grab up the rest of her alts as time goes on.
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nice booba
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This got a chuckle out of me, but it's true.
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I have no clue offhand. All of her alts should be the exact same atk/res stacking unit that sometimes flies and works off debuffs.
a lot of new characters tend to come with complete builds nowadays
You might want BoL4 on the newest one to improve her supportive ability, though the crux skill she comes with is decent as well
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>He was right
That’s shopped. Alear won.
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alright, well, I'll just spend some time reading through the newer units skills and whatnot. I'm sure I'll find something useful for her.
Thanks, I'll keep an eye out for that skill. Any idea when she'll get a rerun on her newest alt?
Is there a single blue haired Fire Emblem waifu who ISN’T a colossal whore?
Is murdock the newest/most viable unit we've gotten in HoF since the introduction of free buttplugs? They're usually many years older and completely useless. But murdock still has some value left in him
Hi i couldnt help but notice you didnt actually answer the question and instead made a baseless assumption about the identities begind the two posts you quoted.
You just missed the B8% rerun on E!Sigurd banner, but attuned Heroes eventually gets rerun on remix banners and the dedicated "new heroes return" banners
Hard to say when she'll get on those, but you should have a few months to save until then.
She also has a chance to win the twitter FB rerun poll, but she'll be running against the FE8 banner with Eirika and Amelia, so it's not a given.
I'm playing FE2 to cleanse the faggotry acquired because of Engage.
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Shotamitri next year?
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>you should have a few months to save until then.
silver lining. hopefully I can save up enough for a few copies of her, in the meantime I'll work on getting my original Micaiah and dawn Micaiah up to speed for current content.
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she is perfect
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thats fucking adorable
That would be Winter BK
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>Multiple torches
>No Dragon's Roar or Laguz Friend
I won
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show it show it show it
im sexy and I know it
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she is very cute
Of which versions do GHB units get a free 5* for the anniversary quests
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Of course not because she has been optimized and maxed out since December 2020
I will give it to my cute chicken daughter instead
Gay Spammer!
Together we are...

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