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>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Release Date trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dJpKRWYNkE

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>499087115
ok i melty
I love huntresses
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PC players should leave. They do not belong in /mhg/. This is a Consolechad space.

If these gender confused freaks do not leave then I will choke them with my biceps with Spongbob music playing in the background. You have been warned
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Anon said the bullying is just banter. I'm looking forward to playing with consolebros and making new friends in wilds crossplay
You spend more time spamming stickers than playing the game.
tranny please understand arigato
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>he didn't cut his wedding cake with a Valkhana GS
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Not possible. PS and PC rooms would be seperate. It is there to prevent the grooming of innocent children.
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The clashing of two worlds will happen, it cannot be stopped. Though the question is.. will it bring about a glorious new age of prosperity for /mhg/ or will it spell out doom and destroy us all.
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Blondie the Queen :)
nobody cares about your frogs chud rise won
>gender confused freaks
>my biceps
What's with the heavy eyeliner?
Playstation Sunbreak lumu?
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Nothing confusing about biceps, anon. They're manly as hell/
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Expectations/Hopes for the showcase? Would they really go out of their way to make their own event like a month after TGS if they weren't going to announce a demo?
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I'm already buying Wilds, I don't need to see anything else. I hope there's not too many spoilers, I'd prefer discovering all the cool new things for the first time in game.
only trannies go to the gym
you will be very surprised then because it's not a monster hunter game
Why are the Brazilians acting up today?
Honest question, why the fuck you don't even stop shitposting and play the fucking game?
>Go to 4chan
>People are shitposting
>Get mad?
What did you expect?
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You no longer spark joy /mhg/. I will now declutter my life.
I will join a lumu if someone makes one but I won't make one myself.
Post your hunter right now.
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>1 (You)
I admit it's not my best score.
/mhg/ exist for people to crap on. If you want a chat for gaming you should join our discord.
invite link please
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they are seriously making wilds cinematic heavy? why the fuck? did normies love it that much in world? that was horrible in world
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Monster hunter ended with GU that was the whole point of that game. Everything after has just been mh flavored slop. Just eat your slop and make sure to tip and shut the fuck up
But they aren’t and they have already said you can skip cutscenes
Stop getting mad at shit you make up n your head. That is called schizophrenia.
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this brings back so many memories
woah.. this is way more degen than anything nu-mhg has done
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Unf oh Lord ugh oh goodness me yes SLUUUURRRRPPPPP YES YES YAAASSSSSSSS
I did not consent to this. Delete this now. Now now now now now. Delete this now. Right now.
and thank god it'll stay a memory, because people are too fucking lazy to make a new one or anything like it
no way this is real
That's the saddest thing I ever saw
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>did not consent
That's the fun part
>all these newfags who have never seen this before
this this this!!
I just feel bad for lance players at this point. I mean how can so much in your life go wrong?
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nu-/mhg/ is nail dirt compared to golden age /mhg/
the yearly awards alone beats whatever the fuck this is >>499200801
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>PCancer thinks he is relevant
where are they now?
pc is king idgaf
Half of them probably committed suicide by now.
All overdosed on HRT, it's tragic
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One died of covid
One got imprisoned in Morocco for bestiality
The othe got caught luring a cat into a motel
Alatreon saved us from this
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2/3 furries? grim
>white glint
i didn't knew anyone with decent taste could bear to suffer the presence of walking trash like mlx
41%, to be exact
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Have you guys ever noticed that all the screenshots of PS4 players are from 4-5 years ago and all the PC ones are recent? I just thought that was interesting.
You didn't knew English too, apparently.
PS4 fags had their fill and moved on
PC fags are stagnant water filled with mosquitoes and all manner of filth
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I've been trying to get a ps lumu happening for weeks now with no luck.
>Moved on
>Still on the same filthy general reposting images half a decade ago
I've been trying to get a fake ps lumu happening for weeks now with no luck.
ps4 = casuals who never played vidya seriously int their lives, moved on and didn't ever touch the game again
pc = actual gaming GODs who take things seriously producing proofves and content
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>he plays as hunters of the opposite irl sex
larping faggot LMAO
Those people moved on while shitposters still post their half decade old material because that’s all you have left in life. Trolling with the same old shit for years on end.
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How peculiar.
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Uh oh. sounds like the new babbies are getting butthurt because rooms back then were more fun than their erp rooms of today.

Don't worry just make sure you save enough money for Wilds so you can join the first year of fun! But don't forget your rent~
Isn't he still in PSO2?
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fuck off fuck OFF FUCK OFF
are you my wife
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Go fuck yourself?
>the biggest shitposters of /mhg/ in one picture
got traumatic epididymitis
monster for this feel?
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no, I am a husbando
Terrible armor mod tho
what's holding the armor
Don't worry I'm sure you snoys will play the game for 3 months and then remind everyone about it for the next 6 years.
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Make it 1 month and the next decade.
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He is the highest skilled hunter that this sorry general has ever seen.
The discord has been going all out this weekend
what does it mean when i damage a mon and a down pointing blue arrow is next to it? on world
>will never have a well built Kirin huntress gf
Just end me bros...
how come old mhg has so many group photo's and we only have 1 >>499204747
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Change is good.
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shes infertile anyway
Post your Hunter, now.
post lumu already before i sleep
has anyone done the same for world?
I stopped looking at kill screens because most of them are using coomer mods, which drops the quality to 0/10.
i cant im in bed
Kind of bizarre they'd not even give you the option. Tokuda is just disconnected from the average player
That's not /mhg/. That's a reddit room.
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I don't think the mod is that bad
You're right considering actually playing the games is reddit and posting old screenshots is 4chan
one choco for one lumu
no im not her if you are asking that
Is that why you stopped posting yours as well?
>complains about coomers
>is the biggest coomer in the whole /mhg/
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schizo group
2018 holy crap
holy kek it was correct
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It's the most powerful discord ever made. Monica clique? More like BOREnica.
how do you even have the courage to post here after this >>499201318
try the new skins
What about it?
Always was.
lumu doko
why are there no dlc costumes for your hunter in world like there are in rise
>Looking at the MHW girl armors
>A lot of the early low-rank sets have shorts
>They're really really cute!
I think Sunbreak and bingbing bugs STINK
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PenisKing ruined this general forever
We've been in limbo all this time
ie: it's over
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this one? I hate fluffy so I never bothered with it
which skin do you recommend?
I don't post killscreens.
But they're soulful
World and rise got more UI shit patched in as they went so they could always add it
Someone will probably make a mod day 1
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The one with the large areola like the other choco uses.
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wtf is going on in this thread
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Melts and more melts.
Need help with SA combos in world. If the monster is down and you're in axe is better to go into wild swing into morph sweep or wild swing > heavy slam > morph slash
this image has done irreversible damage to the speedrunning community
wonder where all these freaks are now and what they look like
>Every other place I've checked says that you need to complete all the optional quests in the game to get a gold name
>Turns out you just need to complete Master of the New World
Fucking amazing. Also noticed that there's less people that submitted one Lynian picture than those who actually reached MR 200.
I'm sure.
It's called hunter, not photographer.
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I did them to get 10 more album slots so I can admire more huntresses
I'm here to hoont, not play pokemon snap
Anons died between base world and iceborne.
Unfunny faggots circle jerking to delude themselves into thinking they matter on a literally who Chinese basket weaving forum

My best guess is that they like that feeling of being "known"
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wait it's this one, the last 10 requests
you also need gold rank to get the album increase
Playing a cute girl... makes me feel cute...
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>I hate fluffy
why? it's way cleaner than vortex
Something to look forward to in the morning guess
post steam friend code
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This girl has been forever ruined for me by that one poster. Why did they decide that doing this face to face oblivion style dialogue would be good?
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Sissy huntress...
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>Somebody posted amazing gameplay in the previous thread
>This thread is suddenly nothing but shitposting
What the fuck happened?
I also hate vortex but these mod managers have become necessary evils...
Snoys get uppity when people actually play videogames
It's like on /biz/ someone posted the first Chainlink pool with unclaimed LINK rewards...
Dead marines... They died in the 2 years after they locked up their LINK.
pctroons are the only ones who get assblasted about anything though
A combination of PS players and late burger hours. Thread is always shit around these hours. Room is also always filled with shitters in these hours.
>modified gameplay
What happened was that MH came to PC.
What did pctroons get assblasted about this time?
Now that's just sad
>>modified gameplay
Stop begging and make one
The guy who posted the prooves last thread has a mod that changes Fatalis's roar into Tom's scream from tom and jerry, and it offends that guy's pussy
>calling out your own samefag
But then people will know that I'm a sissy!
Someone reminded them that sony still exists.
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with how many hours i have i thought i'd have more overall hunts
But you will at least post your male huntress right..
whats the fastest way to make big zenny in iceborne
You remind people every thread like vegans
pick a weapon and stick with it
Just hunt something you think is fun and sell the loot. Or Mew are Number 1.
i get bored using the same thing over and over
She's female!
Equip plunderblade on your palico.
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You faggots better not think of shilling your groomcords when wilds is out
what if they made a mh game with accurate hitboxes
I'm sure everyone here is mature and self aware enough to not join any discord invites linked here
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>I'm sure everyone here is mature and self aware enough to not join any discord invites linked here
i'm a solo hunter
no friend having ass
Stop listening to Tigrex, he's an asshole
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play a good game
Who the fuck still plays Monster Hunter or ANY game on PS4 in October 2011+13?
pic related
>I'm being groomed into playing a femboy and not a huntress
Is there a way to make the player character smaller in Morlod?
Sorry I meant pic unrelated.
No one's playing them on PS5 either
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Doesn't matter when I'm gonna mod out the HUD and replace it with HunterPie on day one (or as soon as HunterPie's modders finish it for Wilds), just like I did for World and Rise as soon as I found out about HunterPie.
There may be in Childs though
Based, pre-ordering
I hope Kirin is in Wilds so Type 2s can wear the Type 1 top.
ngl hunting rathalos was not great and it made me hate this big jungle map
No I was right the first time, pic related
Feel free to show us one anytime
your flash bombs, bro?
Thank you for showing us one with that pic
i dont care about your tranny mods
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me lol
I'm just not going to hunt at your pace. I do what I want. Stay mad
jazz... your sharpness...
saed grug don't care
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They really like making her sing huh? Is her VA supposed to be a big shot or something?
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Yeah she's a big shot
She's my wife minoto
buying 10 copies of mhw+iceborne right now
What does Guard 5 on SnS look like?
I still can't tell which is which
yay boobies
Weak, not worth it
Like you don't have any guard
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>posting the fake
still can't block shit in worldborne, not really worth using
actually fantastic in risebreak when paired with embolden 2-3
buying 10 copies of rise break right now
big titty goth tigrex
It's still hilarious to think worlos really believe meaningless shit like this makes or breaks a game. I mean it's always nice to have but take it away and 90% of people won't give a fuck because they never noticed it in the first place. It's entirely performative
any pictures?
You say that but I know you'd be frothing at the mouth if Sunbreak's creatures did something that World creatures didn't.
Bornefrog kino.
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That shit might be meaningless so lets looks at some numbers. The hard data. Straight up facts.
settling for soulless is sad anon
i feel bad for you
No in fact the other day I stumbled across a video of all the little animations in sunbreak and I literally had not seen over half of them during my playtime and I have 700 hours in the game. The ones I did see were a neat experience I forgot within minutes
Return whence you came
It's just ultimately meaningless and I would much MUCH rather they spend that time improving the game's balancing or fixing bugs or just generally improving the experience
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>mets lost
it's time for a late night world room/lumu for a bit
Be on in like 20 mins
>Get a cool kill
>Think the killscreen will be cool
>It's not
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Consolefags don't go around /vg/ even mentioning what they play nor do they bitch about pcfags unprovoked. Literally rent free.
>nor do they bitch about pcfags unprovoked
You had that retard literally spamming her ancient palico pics a few threads ago because she couldn't stand that PC players were posting new memes of a PC player's palico lmao
>You can wall run
>The Palamute can
This is very annoying
newfag here
does doing consecutive, uninterrupted attacks to the head build KO faster?
sometimes i feel like if I get hit by an attack even once I have to hit the head a lot more to get the KO again
yeah. ko, like every other status, has build-up decay
Been thinking about this for a while but I think I hate all of you. I hate the way that you talk. I hate the way that you act. I hate the way that you play. I hate the shit you guys laugh about. I hate the way your hunters look. I hate the names you give your palicoes. I hate your lack of drive and appreciation. I hate everything about you bitch ass bums. Read my lips:

Based hater
what's supposed to be my comeback for this
how many hbgs are in /mhg/'s rooms
What's the proper modding etiquette for Sunbreak rooms? Is there anything like the /mhg/ questpack? What about the spiritbird spawn mod? I'm guessing it works for everyone if the quest leader has it but I'm not sure
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ohhhh that explains it.
thank you anon.
weird sneed but ok
Wilds killed the hype
And there is a pctroon bitching almost every day about consolefags and snoy.
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what? skill progression actually real? i feel like i take hit less and less as the playtime goes up.
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That's your Evade Window skill bro.
KEK, worlos ain't ready for this bombshell
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I was not shitting on my cat i swear
but i was talking about 4u
>so mad at glav he took a grumpy dumpy on his palico
this is 5/16 btw
come play
its type B YOU CHUD!
Tips for fighting Rajang in Rise? Stab it balls? Which is good weapon against it. I only use LS, SA, DB and hammer.
I haven't entered MONSTER HUNTERâ„¢ general for a long time. Are your PCfags still seething over 1080p 60 FPS with fake frames turned on?
yes, they are
>Play MHW
>Play Sunbreak
>Try to go back to MHW
>Game will crash on startup unless I restart
What the fuck is going on
I guess everyone is either going to play on console or with an RTX 4080 huh.
Do you have mods installed? Some of them broke with the last update. Update the performance booster if you have that and remove FQ.dll if you had the mhg mod installed because the speed quest thing breaks the game now.
My huntress is so cute, I'd ERP with her if I were a manly chad hunter
>ricie is a wristcel
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>Jump Master: Prevents attacks from knocking you back during a jump.
>except that it doesn't
fucking why
for anon
>jar is back to playing bingslop
no... the lumus... cant survive like this...
You got duped, the details on it is not clear. Basically it only stops you from getting knocked when you JUMP, jump attacks are not jumping apparently. It's always worked like that. It would've been good for hammer jumping but alas.
Thanks, wonder if it works on any surface or it has to be plain specifically
>kept choking all night thanks to whatever sickness i have
monster for this feel?
weapon for this feel?
huntress for this feel?
Room is closed
They call my palico the drink
I am the cup
I don't give a fuck
What did he mean by this?
They call him a beverage of sorts?!
I've never used Jump Master before, but I thought it'd be useful with the on-demand Aerial attack. Guess I'll have to make do with just timing my Condensed Finishing Discharges
may I see her?
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>want to be DEI
>accidentally make blackface instead
classic pozzogs
"Worlos" (like one guy who doesn't play the game) who posts those webms doesn't believe in anything, because he doesn't play the games
Name one thing elemental CB needs sharpness for
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Evidently it's not meaningless. Why can't you just accept World is the better game and take the L? This kind of coping is unhealthy, Darren.
If I see you use that silkbind like that one more time I'm going to kill you for real
>just had a big rise push in NOW
>not adding any of the 3 Lords for Halloween
>a big rise push
i thought you were making a poop joke because of their skin color but you meant magnamalo and aknosom kek

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