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Previous iM@S Thread: >>499124708
Official website: idolmaster-official.jp
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
English wiki: project-imas.wiki
APKs: apk.ksmz.moe
Old archive of materials: sites.google.com/view/yukipobackup
Old FAQ + Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv
Material translations + Music downloads: pastebin.com/DebHdukE
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/cLdezeDu
Next thread OP: pastebin.com/A5UGxTuB
>Event/Gacha Dates + Links (Oct 19th): >>498998618

>Archive of >>499029992: archive.is/lW7wq
- Previous News: >>499124719 >>499124760

Oct 21st, 8:55PM JST: SFP Madoka OurSTREAM: >>498886357
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>Million Live
- TD Chizuru "Blissful Drink" SSR commu sub: >>499198498
- ML Chizuru's birthday tribute 2024: >>499152714
- ML 10thLIVE TOUR Act-2 5 TO SP@RKLE!! BD rips: >>499103446 >>499141410
- GK Upcoming Saki Card (Oct 20th): >>499130029 >>499184336
- GK Upcoming Selection Ticket (Oct 20th): >>499126142 >>499126238
- GK Upcoming Platinum Gacha (Oct 20th): >>499126553
- GK Upcoming Quality of Life changes (Oct 20th): >>499127684 >>499128025
- GK Upcoming Animate collab preview: >>499139731
- GK Hatsuboshi Gakuen HR #6 photos: >>499130870 >>499131327 >>499132376 >>499133228 >>499137143
- GK Commu scripts: >>499171439
- GK Upcoming Contest Season (Oct 21st): >>499178728
>Shiny Colors
- SC Release event photos (Oct 20th): >>499156467 >>499156652 >>499140442 >>499155184
- SC Mei itasha: >>499130067
- VL Cosmo's "Kouten Shuuki" on NHK's VR! ~VTuber's Music Radio~ (Oct 20th): >>499126410
- VL Manaka attempts to fry onions: >>499200626
- Arcade upgraded from CRT to LCD: >>499157147
- GK China learns about Ume's household fancomic TS: >>499153023
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go go go
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i love Nono Morikubo!
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I love Ranko, and my adorable daughters too.
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Such cute collarbones and tummy
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cool blue mizzymoto
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I want to marry Minami Saki.
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should have pawed her bushy brows
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i'm still thinking about this asahi
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mitsumine isn't that big
what's wrong with her nipples
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What type of fashion is this called?
I imagine at first she isn't into it, but then her body gets hotter and hotter
ends with her being completely confused after multiple orgasms
Who drew it?
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Asahi's first orgasm...
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Are you eyeing my buns, Producer-san?
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Reika no
This but Minami Takahashi.
Sexing this fake celeb.
and the hair?
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she doesn't know
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Kneading it as if it were dough.
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>what's going on?
Nichika has a round head.
it fits into my square peg
Nichika has a big clit.
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Hapiba Cheez
She didn't know but now she does.
Giving Asahi her first creampie
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Round things are beautiful
Due to irritation from chronic masturbation.
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Stop wanting to fuck 14 year olds.
I wonder if it’s worth sparking before the counter resets. Probably not..
Do you guys just not roll or what
I only like 2D so you don't need to worry.
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Stop telling them to be so sexy.
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I roll, therefore I am
Rolling Oinka downhill.
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But why?
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This counts as t-bagging
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Did you mean "tell them to stop being so sexy"?
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I LOVE my loli wife
imagine the fart
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Love Mao
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>buy rocks
>don't use them
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That cap of Hayate being self aware that she’s a sex object.
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>circle ranking
I wanna win this event. Which /@/ circle is the strongest one? I get the feeling they are all casual.
post that uzuki derp pic
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These are not my glasses.
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Don't have that one saved...
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he's playing a clever word trick, because pederast are for boys
/@/ has had rankers in basically every game. Even the dead SM ones had people referencing the general with their display names.
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Will we ever get a repeat of this?
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She wants it
Depends, what does the event involve? Last time Danketsu cleared the missions really fast.
Probably in granblue fantasy or some other cygames title.
Thanks for the input, Cliff.
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Lovey dovey sex with Producer and idol ONLY
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Aphrodite at the Sea (2024)
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That sounds boring
Cute Yayo.
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That's normal and BASED
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Fuck off
Hana isn't like that.
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That doesn't sound fair.
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Sorry, posted the wrong image.
Is it cheating if a producer has more than one idol?
Blue chitose....
Hopefully not, it was a disgrace to the franchise.
Leaving these two
wanting more
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I'll have this outfit by summer time
I want to impregnate this fish.
Obscene tummy
Same, Moogs, same.
HanaPs and ChiyukiPs really love ntr...
That's not fair to Kita.
Can I have the cap of whew Hayate saying she’s big for her age?
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whew hayate
Hmm, why?
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Good cosplay
If this is supposed to be nee-san then it's not good.
cosplay would be so good if they didn't always stare directly into the lens
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I can't tell who it is so I don't think it's good cosplay
I disagree.
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I think she's asking for it
She's not a stripper.
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Bass Belly
Would inseminate repeatedly, but she fails at conveying whoever this character is.
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I thought it was honkers at first sight...
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>principal just randomly drops an event on producers
I like this man's style.
Princess carryin'
I am once again punished for not having enough produce idols...
How would your idol react to your 7,5 inch cock?
Orgasm several times before I've even had my first
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Asahi's JC vagina...
Ami please
> How would your idol react to your 7,5 inch cock?
>"mine's bigger"
Is it even going to be possible to get top 100 without S+?
my idol's futanari cock is bigger
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When you throw the SSD into the trash.
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Silly boys...
SSDs are useful for the operating system though.
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Heso kisses.
I bet Madoka drinks coffee black without milk or sugar.
S+ runs are basically either whale or Plvl 53+ territory. Most brackets won't have too many P's in those categories

Miki speaking in the bus.
Fewer than 10 idols can do that and Madoka is not one of them.
Miki on the bang bus.
a little bit too young
serika is dangerous
A little too Raph
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Madoka can drink lemon juice straight from the carton.
Madoka eats corn the long way
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I owe Rinami sex.
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No, Rinami is for waiting until she's 45 to have sex.
I want to trick Sayoko into having my child.
She really is Chiyuki-coded...
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*into having sex with my child
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I can’t believe that Shiho gave birth to a Chupacabra.
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Could it be that Suzuki failed to gain the traction management expected from her?
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stars and stripes
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the same age as chie
Hatsuboshi Academy covered her ass.
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What the fuck is this image trying to imply?
I'm an apparition?
Mifune is not pure?
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Comic LO idols
The kid may see you as a homewrecker for making mom work a lot
but yukimi is younger than chie
Luca drinks hot sauce from the bottle.
Post more TDkino sex webm
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it fuyu
and chookie
and koito
Available now!!!

3【夢の扉を叩いて】Mayuzumi Fuyuko
SSR【惑わせないでエヴァネセント】Kuwayama Chiyuki
SSR【うつくしむモメント】Fukumaru Koito

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so that means ykm is still pure
Yukimi's first orgasm
Why is she doing that?
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「プラスチック・アンブレラ」is now available for play. Yes, the MV does feature the titular plastic umbrella.
Relevant limited missions have been added.



Gameplay Preview:
>finally bought jewels in the game in case i need to spark one of her SSRs
>ordered one of her figures (the wedding one)
>aiming to rank high in the anniversary
>still don't feel worthy as her producer
How do I fix this? I thought im@s was supposed to improve my self-esteen.
it said she felt something during shooting in the tweet
I still can't get over the Runa version.
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Don't forget to tune in to Madoka's OurSTREAM tonight.


Hand over your credit card for tickets while you're at it.

Come on amiami, when are you shipping my happis. It's already late October.
But I don't have a 7.5 inch cock?
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If liking 2d idols improved self esteem Japan would be a country of Chads with 15 inch cocks.
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Pick up the pencil and draw.
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That's neat, the prop closes.
Why would self esteem make your dick bigger?
Aaaah, I love it.
Picking up a skill for the sake of an idol is usually a good idea. Some JPs adopt their idol's associated hobbies.
This and Fuyuko being able to remove her mask in enza trigger a child like excitement in me as if I was booting the N64 for the first time and seeing 3D graphics even though I know in my head that technology is so advanced now that this capability is trivial
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That's how you know she's the one, you always give but you never recieve, now keep giving your money to scamco.
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Also, they've now provided a transparent version of the Hana frame.


And another shot of the panel at the Akihabara official store

>_< is what the shiniani needed


It feels like 2020s anime shy away from doing faces like that. I miss them.
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Helping Ume stretch
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You know this is the same shit as posting screencaps of the tweets except the dekinai ITT won't realize what you're up to and tell you to fuck off.
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Say hello to your new Gakumas Idols
Iochi Mari CV: Ari Ozawa
Utazumi Sakurako CV: Kakuma AI
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>as if I was booting the N64 for the first time and seeing 3D graphics even though I know in my head that technology is so advanced now that this capability is trivial
It's an oddly relatable feeling.
What am I up to, exactly?
You're posting tweets from nobodies.
I know what the literal-who stalker is doing but I'm trying to ignore it.
>Some [...] adopt their [...]'s associated hobbies.
It's fairly common to adopt/imitate one's favorites like trying out a food shown, going to the place that inspired the setting, etc.
I thought we liked when tweets came from based Japan?
Everyone ignores the OperaKEK at this point
He draws some nice busty idols for a bad man.
I hope that someday I pickup something good like running at 4:00 am.
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I use Firefox, though.
>my favorite is a gyaru
I fell for the udon meme because of Shiz and now it's my fallback food for when I don't feel like trying something new when in Japan. Curse you Udon idol.
Afternoon naps and net surfing are something good, nihehe.
That's retarded and the only thing you'll get from that is being out of energy at 2pm.
Post glasses idol
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Who’s your idol. I’ll take care of her since you aren’t worthy.
Cool things I've taken up from my idol:
Dark Green
......yeah, that's about it
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Picking up excercising and fashion/self-grooming from idols is a good idea.
So much shilling for such a mediocre idol.
A cat is fine too
I rubbed a shrimp for my idol.
Take your meddies already.
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enmity sense Hiro is tricky

I'm gaining too much health/shields and not getting good timed +1 turns and her special effect
Nay. Sorry me not liking Hana affects you this much, buddy. Maybe you should take a breather.
Please do that with Hana while I watch.
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I feel like the lack of places that serve udon was the one thing that prevented me from falling into that situation. On the other hand, onigiri replaced my go-to combini snack because different idols bring them up. There's also McDonalds which had that Char Aznable and Godzilla burgers (special mention to the Touhou one).
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that's kind of weird, but okay
that's ok bro anything above 5 is painful anyways
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She's MY mediocre idol though
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This is not related at all to im@s and only tangentially related to your post but I need to share this because I have never shared it anywhere else.
My father's old age crisis was to get really into udon and now it is the only thing he makes for food. He's not even Japanese, interested in Japan, or into Japanese food or anything. I don't fucking get it.
Saying Hana is not being forced down our throats is just plainly being in denial, though. And the
>new unit always gets tons of content fast
excuse just doesn't cut it anymore since they're over one year old. The japanese "nobodies" are right to call them out.
Hana LOVE!
not for the butt
Conbini onigiri and a bottle of milk coffee was my morning food. The conbini karaage can be hit or miss though, I had some that was good, and some that was too soggy to taste good.
When's the next Tomano content?
This just sounds like dicklet cope.
Udon is great though. Taste is filling.
Hana isn't that fat.
Maybe he saw it on a travel channel show and became obsessed with it, and ended up liking it.
I swear that every time I see that statement the size gets smaller.
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I think it would be better if you left this general. This place is full of people who are into humiliation anyway.
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Leaking Shiz's noods.
Cope, NTRfag.
>Hana isn't that fat.
She is when I'm drunk.
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I'm not sure if I'm doing things correctly but this is the best I could churn out from her.
And I have no idea how the deck should look like for stage 1.
Temari is dumb enough to actually send me nudes.
We are getting Fuyu and Madoka content in SfP first because Bludayama thought people talking about the GRAD meant they now like Hana and wasted a ton of money again in campaigns thinking he finally made her popular.
plastic umbrella really is the best solo
Not a very high bar when you see what Stella gave to all of us
This but her seiyuu's.
This, but the Runa version in a non-ironic and non-shitposty way.
Stella autist, get over your hateboner. People can like those songs just fine.
It's definitely up there.
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Caught up to the GK story commus

I feel sorry for Dance Trainer, she really got stuck with tardwrangling these three
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>Producer-sama... are you familiar with the trolley problem? degozaimasu
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Chizuru's Pool Celeb Birthday 2024

Mirai - Chizuru-san, congratulations!
Tsubasa - Take me on a date fit for a celeb, okay~?
Serika - Please teach me how to laugh like you sometime!
Chihaya - Nikaidou-san, congratulations. I'm also interested in that...
Mizuki - I've prepared some sleight of hand fit for a celebrity. Involving bills...doki doki.

Akane and Azusa were at her party. Azusa wants Chizuru to show more people her cool side, and Akane agrees to help, starting with merchandise (payment ratio to be discussed later).

P gives her some famous gorgeous celebrity chocolate. They're at the park later where Chizuru remarks how fantastic the taste of the chocolates was, but is worried about the cost of them. P's glad she liked them, and this level of present was needed since it was for her. Chizuru says that she'd be happy with any present he'd give her.


>Mari in im@s
I wish.
> "It's been 3 years, are you still disappointed about Stella?"
I'm still disappointed
I will forever be disappointed
On my deathbed, I will be disappointed
When the seas heat up and the world descends into global catastrophe, I will remain disappointed
When I reach the gates of St. Peter's, he and his angels will ask me before they kick me to hell, "Are you still disappointed about Stella?" My answer will be "YES!"
When the race of man is no more and the ruins of Mankind are nothing but dust, I will still be disappointed.
Ancient Alien Civilizations will find the smoldering, volcanic corpse of the planet earth and decode the secrets of our ancient "internet", they will find this post and so my eternal disappointment will be brought forth into the far-flung reaches of space.
When the last tiny flash of heat in the universe dies and all descends into entropy, my disappointment will remain...
This for me but replace Stella with Hana.
I'd rank Kamisana Shindatte higher but it's a close race. Chocodate Sundae is the top earworm though.
Who do we save/not save?
who is stella?
Star doing nail art.
Stella stage, which wasn't a very good console game
Spare some collabs for your friend Mei, Fuyu.
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Boomer general…
Neech gets 3x as many collabs as Mikoto, just like in canon!
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Cina baby
I don't have sense Kotone, but do you really need that many good condition turns?
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What compels a human to ritualpost in an anonymous congolese cricket forum?
We got another sensei card before the trainers...
Mean looking girls
It's in the name. Humans crave ritual. Even monkeys have rituals. It's primal.
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I always this chart a bit disingenous because it excludes all-283 collabs like Aviot. It dilutes the contrast but it indirectly exaggerates how underutilized some idols are. Like, they drew art for everyone in the Aviot thing, they weren't exactly ignoring Mikoto.
Mei is at 7 there, she's not in a bad spot at all.
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It's also missing some unit collabs.
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she's too short to be in the back
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I like it bony.
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The world owes me a shortdol/smol seiyuu GF
Fix Nari
Bony Girl
What if I want to break her?
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>100 rolls
If I don't get Anna, then that means I actually liked her.
the valkyria from VC3 on psp
If you don't get Anna, that means she doesn't like you.
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The prop use is pretty nice, MTMN got a nice MV. It's an unlikely idea but imagine if Haruki's MV involves a bass guitar.
I must impregnate Miho
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Revenge for shaking the screen too much (even though Kotone partakes in the shaking just as much)
Didn't she play bass in her band? It seems like an obvious inclusion.
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What did she mean by this
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But I was supposed to be the demon.
Seems like its some idol road esque stage
She did but I don't want to say it would make it a guaranteed element of Haruki's song.
Then again, we just got Plastic Umbrella and Yuika's intro commu is literally set in a rainy day. Also if both of the Double Ha solos are Cometik flavored then I can imagine Haruki having some deep bass lines.
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My idols keep eating dance notes

Why is Hayate like this
Aoba where's my multipliers.
I love the way Haruki Ikuta waves her hands and then proceed to move them alternating ups and down when she was singing 「じゃあ、またね」って 手を振ったその後に残る余白 in ハナムケのハナタバ
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9th round of ML birthday acrylics to start next year.
I ikuta on her suzuki until she ikarugas
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What a wonderful commu!
I will make Luca pop a Hana by the time Haru ki comes
Cute little girls get bad touch.
Can she fucking die already? Chitose's death will elevate CG's status.
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That was a very good commu.
dumb idol only good for sex
Why don't you die already, one less bad poster on SEA.
hm nyo
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MikaMiria service and armpit service
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I got several reports of bad men activity in this thread.
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yukikoz and their dads
I wish the idol I hate would just die already.....
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I would
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haru was paired up with the dyke
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I would too
>Ai and Kaoru
>Nina and her mom
Based continuity.
How would one be a RisaP without being accused of a Bad man?
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You can't elevate a dying branch
Letting an independent third party examine your hard drives
>already replying to himself to branchwar
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and chika's canon mom
That's the trick question

You don't
In the same way, you can't never raise what never took flight
You don't
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be a bad wo-man
That too.
You don't.
She knows her audience. Embrace it
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Uhh....... say you liked Toddlers and Tiaras
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Elaine (27)
I mean when she dresses like this
Are you saying she's asking for it? Because of the way she dresses? That's not very nice.
I thought the "wedding figure" and "rank in anniversary" words already gave that anon's idol identity away
>I mean when she dresses like this
So 95% of the time?
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Damn, P wasted no time and gave her dad and mom grandchildren as soon as possible just like they wanted
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fan service
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Alluring flatness
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Risa will allow them! Those rorikons
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>that artist
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When the Peregrine Cock that is Taka does a drawing in his sfw account, we can rest assured is 100% Vanilla
I wish I had a fat mari bullying picture
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Thanks for reminding me that a good portion of im@s artists are into that stuff. Wish things were different.
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You could if you're asexual
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SfP leaks
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Greetings from 2024
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Genuinely shocked it took this long
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They want all my money, huh
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BA. Maybe try it.
It really was but that pretty much leaves SideM as the only one who never got theirs
Come to think of it, SfP was apparently delayed by more than a year so I guess that's why.
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Totokin my beloved
actually no money was exchanged, I'm just fairly good friends with them. Still, do support them.
airi milk
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Cinderella Corp.
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It seems now you can choose if you want to start with a new idol or go back to work with the ones you left behind.
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oh nice art
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I had a real fear that Ai was never gonna show up.

Be a FemP. Ship her with Haru.
hold out tight lil button, you can live through this. i believe in you.
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>[Skyscrapers Sleep At 10 PM] Totoki Airi
Skill: Higher, Higher! (Dominant Harmony)
Every 11 seconds, there is a 35..52.5% chance to boost the score bonus of Passion idols' active skills, and the combo bonus of Cool idols' active skills for 6..9 seconds. (Only when playing a Cool-type song with only Passion and Cool-type idols on the team.)
Leader Skill: Dominant Duet (Makeup&Voice)
Raise the Visual appeal of all Passion cards by 150%, and the Vocal appeal of all Cool cards by 160%. Passion-type cards will also receive the type bonus from Cool-type songs.

>[WelcomeSana World] Miyoshi Sana
Skill: Let's Create Together! (Skill Boost)
Every 7 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to boost the effects of currently active skills for 3..4.5 seconds.
Leader Skill: Tricolor Ability
If there are Cute, Cool, and Passion idols on the team: Raises the skill probability of all members by 40%.

>[The Head Maid's Favorite] Togo Ai
Skill: Secret Tactics (Encore)
Every 12 seconds, there is a 35..52.5% chance to activate the previous skill again for 4..6 seconds.
Leader Skill: Cinderella Charm
Increases fan gain by 32% when you finish a live.
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Alice's face when Sana tells her she built that in survival mode.
Brown bricks with Sana
the walking sax
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holy shit
oh nooooo
She could do 1 hour of saying nothing and just looking at me with a rbf and I would watch all of it
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How long does it take until the song being played at GK live concert to be released? I need Top Secret NOWWWW.
A real big fish?
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sexualizing iku?
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Iku Nakadashi.
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Well I know you can't work in fast food all your life,
but don't sign that, paper tonight.
She said, but it's too late.

oh no
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Thank you.
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Masters! Masters!
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which anna did you drop into the lake?
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Same reason why I rolled
Hana's commus are either
>yo check out this dumb bitch she has no dreams no passion no talent all she has is looks why the fuck did you scout her you hack producer look at how much of a shutty idol failure she is she can't grow she can't do anything back to status quo with you you fucking worthless bitch
>hehe Hana so cute... Double Ha... P-love... Hehe so cute...
Lemme guess....you need "more"?
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Stage 1's only deck requirement is that you have Idol Soul aka Buff Block.
I don't see the problem
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damn that's a nice ass and thighs
I need...
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This just sounds like Hayate's commus but longer and meaner.
hopefully GKs will do a cover for it sometime in the future...
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30ms kogane on sale this week
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Take a look back at the Hatsukoi performances with the Kash after the live on 10/27.


Also the Hiroshima performance archive and survey is up.
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Goomy cooling down your computer. Just kidding, that's actually lubricant.
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the slippery lube water gun fight
classic variety tv show thing for idols
Brand new mochi
don't pussy out Amai
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Mari-chan you are not supposed to do this...
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gakumasu has brought back naltal
>130 rolls
>2nd SSR is Ritsuko
Rate up is a lie in TD
I know that feeling, especially in TD
I think everyone who's played any gacha knows it.
The worst thing is when rate up does work but it keeps giving you the other SSR instead of the one you want.
>women who look past expiration instantly get sexualized
>young girls dressed in clown trash outfits
Is there any more anti-lolicon idol game than CG?
That's the only reason I haven't given up yet, I rather being off banner than having the wrong rate up.
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I got 3 S4Us and both Nao and Anna in 30 rolls
cunny is overrated shit anyway lmao
Can you give an example of a gacha game that sexualizes young girls that qualify as lolis?
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Modern Im@s does everything in their power to make sure she's a goofball who doesn't even understand what she's saying, and never sexualized.
If they could turn back time, they would delete her initial slightly lewd outfits as well.
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DANKETSU slot open
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I think it's more like
>I've made it/I've arrived!
>We've only just begun/We're just getting started
or google tl seems right here
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when will we make nina talk like a pirate
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This girl is broken
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If you ask the workshop, they'll make anything you want
I won't fix her
Even the Japanese are not safe from baving shit takes lmao
sigma female
no that would be a case of "localization"
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Who's going to be X, Zero and Axl?
perfect wife material
she can be anything you want her to be
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we curled it
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>Shiki dialogue
God help us.

Something like:
>Here I come!
>Yeah yeah, we're just getting started.
>It's obvious I know that! ("Obviously," seems a bit wordy for Haru)
It should be mandatory for every girl to wear twintails in the Theater, even the hags
Even the post is zeros
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nothing worth saving there
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Happy birthday, Chizuru!
If it's Cingeki or something Nina can say wowzers or ahmazing depending on context, but yeah I try to keep U149 more dry and sometimes use TL notes which are less fitting with the gag strips.
Oops, all zero.
Is Hana another variation on the "perfect idol but not really" schtick that they were going for with Toru?
Saitama cuties
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Kind of? Toru's problems I think becone evident by her first commus while Hana's weakness take longer to show.
I think SC seems to give some major debuffs to their "natural talent" idols.
These quads represent her
Character deep
Mochis I own
But without the Childhood friend debuff
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miyu where is your panties
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*fucks youre cat in the ASS :3*
Yeah but she's also the meta commentary idol of the unit like Madoka.
Toru had her charisma aura but it didn't take long for people to see past it.
My bedroom floor.
Toru was never the perfect idol. She only has a prettyface.
I think Kogane might be closest we have to a "perfect idol" but it has some asterisks.
Shhhh, you can post that in english or they flag you as shitposter, do it along with a Japanese comment and they'll take that seriously
just imagine her going "nyooooooooooo"
Toru's singing reduces Madoka into a nervous breakdown and her dancing gets full grades and never tires her out. She good enough on minimal effort to get Mikoto's attention even.

Toru's the perfect ideal idol who doesn't hold up in the reality of the game. Hana's the perfect commercial idol that doesn't hold up as a human being in her world.
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Tr@vel Medley!!! website.
Madokas profile is still better it is better
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Merch for the Hon-Hikidashi collab.
What's on it again
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New memorial commus.
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New color options.
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Live Infinity has started.
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Dooominant gacha has started.
What's a good alternative for that PLvl 53 card?
The “random rainbow card” scroll and a lot of luck.
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Helpful Links

10/21 - 10/28 LIVE Infinity (Ai, Sana)
10/21 - 10/28 Dominant (Airi)

10/18 - 10/25 Platinum Star Trust 13 ~Sky Survive~ (Tsumugi, Noriko)
07/17 - 2025/06/28 7th Special Training
10/18 - 10/26 "They Are a Hitman and a Little Lady" (Anna, Nao, Chizuru, Karen, Arisa)

10/09 - 10/31 CoMETIK G.R.A.D. Release Mission
10/18 - 11/31 Collabo Fes (SRS Amana)
10/18 - 11/31 Scenario Event Rerun "Dream Stride, Anywhere" (SSRS Juri)
10/18 - 11/08 6.5th Anniversary Special Mission #2
10/18 - 10/31 6.5th Anniversary #3 SSR 2X Chance! Once-a-day Free 10 Roll Stamp
10/18 - 10/31 Twilights Collection [SSRP Hana, SSRS Hiori]
>>Paid Jewels only
10/19 - 10/25 Anime Episode Airing Celebratory SSR 2X Chance Units that appeared in the anime only Step-up
10/09 - 10/31 CoMETIK G.R.A.D. Release Step-up
10/09 - 10/31 6.5th Anniversary Idol Stamp [Produce, Support]
10/18 - 10/31 6.5th Anniversary Once-a-day SSR Guaranteed Redraw
10/18 - 10/31 6.5th Anniversary Limited Idol Rerun Step-up [Produce, Support]

10/21 - 10/24 New Song Mission "Plastic Umbrella"
>>Produce Idol
10/12 - 10/26 Anime 2nd Episodes 1&2 Airing Celebratory Step-up
10/21 - 10/31 "Across the Starry Dreams" (3* Fuyuko)
10/21 - 10/31 "Loosening and Fading into Gold" (SSR Chiyuki, SSR Koito)

10/07 - 10/22 Contest Season 10
10/11 - 10/23 Hatsuboshi Commu Chapter 3 Vol.1 "We are Re;IRIS"
10/21 - 10/28 Juo Kunio's Idol Improvement Month (Kotone, Sumika, Rinami)
10/18 - 10/28 L.U.V (Rinami)
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What happened?
>LAFARY staff who were fired for taking samples without permission and taking and posting photos of concert attendees' seats don't seem to regret it lol
Rinami femPs?
Everybody wants to have a cute and well endowed nee-san.
Manaka killed the Tree Sentinel in her first hour...
She's better at video games than me...
God you're so retarded.
Did they leak merch and pose with it?
Imagine being worse at vidya than a vtuber.
What the hell I thought female streamers were supposed to be bad at games?
Female streamers are also supposed to be popular
Like Cosmo!
The wiki should really have this stuff but they're lazy
No, there's stupid (very Japanese) company rules about not posting stuff related to your job like the free concert tickets or merch they give you
Honestly she's based
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The one who gets the lewds. Seriously, Cosmo already has made it past the 30k subscribers make and the reason why she hasn't done a milestone stream yet is that her schedule gets sidetracked, prioritizing the Aiktasu Academy! collab and her resuming of Armored Core 6 on top of being thrown at collabs with other vtubers
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Admittedly the lewds mostly come from one guy.
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why is she so squeaky
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Companies with strict security guidelines has rules about not posting anything related to work. It's just that the Japanese are very serious (OCD) about compliance and security that that sort of ithing gives the bad impression to the company. Also, as seen with leaks, the unspoken rule for the Japanese would be to keep mum and low profile first (no getting ahead of the official announcement) but are free to go crazy once it's out in the public.
Still, one would assume that the one with the biggest boobs would be the most lewded.
zero personality
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Was Saki's cooking really that repulsive, or was Temari just being a big baby?
This sound she makes while wagging her finger after every lesson makes me laugh for some reason
Hana is a mirror that reflects a producer's deepest self. A sheer cliff with nothing to hold onto. Do you really love your idols or just the footholds they present to you?
Pドル Kill Em All 2024
I am absolute pure white
430,000,087 DEAD FANS
Checked and Hana pilled. Is Hana the best P sexuality idol?
Letora has too many debuffs.
>pudding hair
>dog piss
>barely concealed lack of enthusiasm
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The perfect idol.
Kirari is a titty monster and she might be the least lewded high profile CG.
The Samurai fear the Amazon.
This is funny, but half of these replies are samefagged sadly.
No shit, Detective Moogy.
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Hana answered some of the questions at least.
>half of these replies
>9 during the late SEA hours
/@/ really loves Hana…
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>There is no meta commentary. She is supposed to be shit. Did you rike it.
Hana loves me this I know
For the commu tells me so
Nah, Million live anime wasn't afraid of going for goofy expressions. I just think Shiny Colors is trying to go for a down to earth vibe that in my opinion just makes it come off as boring.
She has a sibling?
Yep. A younger brother. It's OVER.
Oh I know. U149 did them too, I distinctly remember Shin making some crazy faces. I just meant it happens less now.
that means she has seen a PENIS
The odd thing is SC's own game has goofy expressions.
Total /ss/ victory.
NO!!!! YUIKA!!! DON'T XD!!!
I feel that we've had more XD idols but I can't sort through every card.
If Kaho has never gone XD I'll eat my hat
I want to say maybe during a card animation, ditto Choco.
Worst SC unit to be in a room for karaoke?
>1K watching Manaka play ELDEN RING
VL won... Can this translate to more lewds?
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Noctchill probably.
>Enter the Notchill karaoke room
>Everyone is abusing Koito
SHHis; Mikoto just sits there until it's her turn and Nichika wants you to leave so she can monopolize Mikoto. Mikoto won't let you get Nichika drunk.
wow that's alot more than my favorite streamer, good for her. baffling that they didn't go for the souls streamerbait earlier considering it's theirs.
Don't vtubers have a similar nerf to actors and VAs wherein they don't get lewded much?
There we go, hell yeah Kaho.
HCG would be the best
Nope. I have seen so much Suisei and Marine porn, and the former is seen as a bit of a prude.
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We're so back
Probably because they have that competition thing during their first year and the staff really tried to keep things equal. Which was why Cosmo has only finished her first playthrough of Armored Core 6 this year despite being able to play it on release. Now that they're idols and there's no more competition plus the staff being mostly hands-off nowadays with the stream (more so since they're streaming at their home rather than the studio), they decide what they stream/play.
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IS: Casual and friendly karaeoke session.
L'Antica: Mildly competitive but friendly, also someone gets wasabi stuffed into her snacks.
HCG: Casual and friendly and fucking LOUD.
Alstro: Casual but short because Tenka took a nap.
Stray: Competitive and mostly friendly.
Noctchill: Casual but mildly tense.
SHHis: Casual but turns competitive and awkward.
Cometik: Casual and friendly, save for the emo woman.
What about with Amai and Hazuki?
Force feeding Luca snacks
i could satisfy mikoto
>Not even top100 with 13.5k Kotone
Master mode small deck has dealt irreversible damage
Probably not hard since she doesn't know what the clit is.
IS: Fun and casual.
L'Antica: Fun and casual.
HCG: Most fun and loud. Everyone is enjoying it.
Stray: Fun and competitive.
Noctchill: Madoka and Toru doesn't engage. Koito looks like she wants to go home. Only Hinana makes it a bit fun.
SHHis: Boring. Mikoto just wants to sing while Nichika wants you out.
Cometik: Least fun because Luca soured the atmosphere.
Nichika lust
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You forgot Alstro
prude only makes people wanting to rape more
not really theres heaps of vtuber porn
yeah and marine is seen as a whore
in a good way
Is this what sex with each unit is like?
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Will contest AI use the debuff block card on turn 1?
Ayumi I see you
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She's in a weird spot where she's kind of strange and not in an erotic way. Also loved by women (possibly even more than men).
Hiro's card gets highlighted as recommended play, and during contest, she has been using that every time.
rub the fivehead
Isn't that because that's her signature card? What about people without innate debuff block
Fuck I meant Ayumu fucking keys
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Haven't managed to roll Ugh yet but for now I've got these fashionable nerds.
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I've been running the same strat even without the level 50+ damage card which is supposed to be the core of that meta build
Getting rid of all basic cards and running a small deck seems like an alright strategy in general
I'm lacking in good dance/visual support cards but I've been getting S scores for my vocal idols quite easily, just hope they don't nerf it by the time I reach level 50 so I can farm memories
Least deranged noctchill hater
Yes. Mine.
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Maybe you need a gaymer keyboard
Everybody does.
Nichika should show her then.
Nichika mega sexo
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unzipping that chest zipper
Lewdest bun.
in the butto
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Kanana is unforgettable
That's just for show. It doesn't actually reveal anything.
She needs to wear less.
That's an apple
The game can’t have a Cero-Z rating.
Suisei wore one and it could open
umm no i only want hinata's
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plastic umbrella is honestly too good for a lamer like yuika
really curious as to what the muku mv is gonna look like
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What am supposed to get from this meme?
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I should have animated this in hindsight.
Maybe he hates crepes.
I hope it looks like a crystal cavern
Jealous she's getting more popular than your idol, huh?
Noriko milk is top tier.
Cute Kita
The omnipresent :3 mouth is a major debuff to her r34 power.
3/5 Lipps would like a word
That’s just the mark of a top tier cocksucker.
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