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Kill all kazans


>Launch Trailer
>Official full OST

>Regarding Final Omega Strikers Updates

>Steam page

>Check rank & stats by username here:

>Check ranked match history by username here:

>Mega dump of emotes, models, etc.

>Latest Balance Patch

>/omg/ Cup tournament archives

>/omg/ Custom Games Sheet

>/omg/ Aggie archive

>Previous thread
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gg pp? idk what drek was doing
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Yeah who knows, big waste of time. Sorry about that one.
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Jewno makes my dick hard
Projectiles are objectively overtuned
source? strike shot existing. a single ranged light hit every now and then is better than size+power and two mobility gears on almost all goalies on almost all maps.
Nerf ALL projectiles
Why should I play this game when Rivals of Aether 2 is out in a couple days
Reason #1
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Because Omega Strikers 2 is in the works.
Drek cloaca
You kids have no loyalty these days. Play a game cause it’s fun, not cause its new and flashy.
You remind me of those foids that drop their boyfriends because they become bored of being with the same person. It’s sad
I played this game for over a year and a half
I’ve played paladins, hearthstone, and gw2 for over 5 years each and i still play them to this day
Does Frostfire get a sub goalie if Dubu dies of a heart attack during the match?
Because fightans are lame and gay. Still patiently waiting for The Announcement: Byte Breakers Edition.
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I-is that a- oh it's a boy nipple, totally fine I guess...
Do you get a new player if a teammate alt+f4s? It's over for Frostfire.
Wormgod's dubu needs a heart transplant.
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Mako you slut
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Mako is a pure maiden
she thirsts for white cock on the daily
So does **** and he's a virgin.
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I love Luna's little waddle.
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3/9 EU
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4.5/6 EU
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shes so cute it wraps back around to lewd
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divegrass soon, reply to this post if you want to play, or call me a nigger
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and reply to this one for roster changes
proposed changes before was an autistic widow rename , belly bros probably renamed to team chat still from the last tournament winner, maybe a >byte breakers rep?
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>belly bros rename
Team Chat is fine, but that reminds me we need a new tournament.
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hello nigga
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Yes. Finii only please.
the cutest little darling
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Oni sluts!
I love sad onis
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Pudgy little thing
cam on /omg/ score som fakken goals
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10 year old pussy uooooh
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I won't tilt today! Today I have fun!
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I will double tilt to make up for it then.
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Games are more fun with friends!
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I should give my fumos a bath... The last time was like 4 years ago.
Can any cat experts explain why they would do this
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>he tilted
i know it’s hard to contain your autism but please try for the sake of those around you
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I need to blow off some steam...
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jerking off helps a lot with that, especially if you do it with a fren <3
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For me, it's drinking.
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so that’s why jewno is such a retard she pierced her brain
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why would I jerk off if I can just rape instead?
Gorilla characters are out in full force today.
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Kids' going places.
Love griefing turd burglars. Fuck these niggers.
You hear me Nekofied? Go fuck yourself you piece of absolute shit.
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be nice
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Idk why you’d immediately select kazan against kazan hater 4000 that immediately rage quits everytime he shows up and expect customs not to blow up
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ggs, it was fun!
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Because even without Kazan you'd find another reason to owngoal or go afk for 15 minutes to seethe in chat.
seethe? perhaps. but i own goal a lot less than you think i do. like idk where this is even coming from i barely own goal i just leave
also deserved for allowing kazan to exist. you all deserve to suffer, however mildly, for allowing this to go on. especially yeasty.
claims to love customs but won’t do anything about the rampant kazan spam. this is how NA customs died too btw, have fun on your death march towards oblivion
youve own goaled deliberately at least once in every customs youve ever been in na or eu
you speak lies right from your first sentence
that’s genuinely just not true
besides me own goaling when someone else is afk because i do that all the time but in actual serious matches it just doesn’t happen
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I should kill myself
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suicide pact?
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I change my mind since I made that post
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I have seen the light
You are a nigger and we better qualify this time
+1 for Team chat to keep the theme of a tournament winner. Who would be the BB rep? unless we bring tsuncat back with another name, if that so I vote for replacing office lady or small indie company. Could also have a player to celebrate XDME getting fired
go strike elo assassins off the side of the field! in omega strikers!
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juno?... You okay?
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I'm gonna drink Juno
pumpkin flavor?
i wonder if worm would rage at me if i stopped letting him win
that aimi model was pure sex
running on all fours for her moves, and its clear they could have done more with it going by that kneading paws animation on the twitter (which was also sex)
what would the xdme rep even be
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>baiting this hard
i want 3 clips on my desk by noon or you’re fired
I'm so fucking mad.
Dia, needed 1 win for 25 wins shit, decided to play ranked.
First match, 2 dia and fucking high gold vs 2high plap and dia.
ofc lose because of this retard who was 3 levels below everyone.
Second match, enemy 2 highplaps are on my team, but now my enemies are 2 mid dia and 1 chally, derank to plat.
Third match, everyone is plat(all subranks) but my team get dude who is playing the game for the first time in 2 weeks, i.e. has forgotten how to play AND he was on Finii so were self scoring alot.
Another defeat.
It cost me so much will to just not leave after another finii self score last match.
All Finii players need to be raped.
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Still no aggie...
/omg/ is declining... pls draw finii reclining
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very true. i’ll rape honk tonight for you
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EU customs
I’m so fucking sick and tired of finii’s obviously offense oriented kit being used defensively. If (You) do this you are ass
>b-but none of my team can damage!!1!
then don’t pick finii.
no buts. you are objectively in the wrong.
of all the characters to complains, i expected finii the less, and of all the reasons to complain about finii, i expected that the less too. Where the fuck do you come from
>play a damage amp character
>never damage amp
gee i wonder.
it’s just mind numbing how shit finii players are. they use the worst creation in the game for blocking to block, like why?
obviously there are situations you need to do it and it works but my god the only time they hit an enemy is if they’re aiming for the core and an enemy happens to wander into it. it’s a fucking damage amp and i’m literally playing asher i can chunk half their health with a single ability plz
>put bubble on barrier
>win game
simple as
amps dont damage without voltage
also i was unaware finii has any buff at all
It’s not a buff it’s a debuff, enemies hit with her secondary take 30% extra damage
they cant stop yapping
Losing so much has me in my feelings again
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>1 game away from promoting
>get stuck with a fucking Juliette goalie
I am filled with a murderous rage
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eep time bwos, maybe NA customs this weekend cus halloween event??
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I'd be down.
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never ever
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Sorry, EU runs this show now. The next tourney will be played on LONDON.
who impregnated this blobbo?
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The tourney after next is Frankfurt.
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the fuck did you say?
I get 100 ping cunt
My fault
What a slut
what a wife.
his autistic wife
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I had to log off because I'm going to work, sorry.
I have not played this game in a long time, there are 3 or 4 new characters I haven't seen
What mode do I queue? Quick play hasn't popped in 7 minutes. Do I need to queue ranked despite not playing for a year
not quick play
The timing on the regular strikes feel so bad now, did they change it? I feel like my LMB is coming out so late and I missed like 90% of my shots and looked terrible
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EU customs (probably quick)
Check your options, you might have the setting where strike activates on releasing the button rather than pressing the button.
That was it, game is playable now
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Become a professional Omega Strikers Streamer. There's not many so it'd be easy to become #1.
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>Goalie picked momentum boots
Its so fucking overrrr
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Design better hitbox previews that show where the fucking sourspot even is. X shows you the sour-spot on his primary what’s the excuse here?
asher just be like that since release
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>wormboy discovers a complaint about ashers kit that was present at her launch
>hasn’t been fixed
you guys should have been harassing the devs for this since launch then. I didnt realize this was a thing til i picked her up
also that nao pic makes me want to prematurely ejaculate in my pants :3
supposedly they "fixed" this several times. they are just that incompetent
I mean it’s an indented feature supposedly. The ability description says it light hits near the edge. It should just be clearer what is classified as the edge since the little hitbox preview fails to show you. Its fully solid which implies its the same when its not. Luna’s super has a circle near the center to show that it hits harder, why can’t they just add a line to each side to show when the sour hitbox begins? This isnt fucking hard
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>not pictured: rasmus hook
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Old news. She's still a beast though. Whether it's KO'ing or force-pressuring everything. Always my second goto when Juli is banned/snatched.

Never understood why she has nails on her gloves.

You can't hide your sins.
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It's alright. I've paid my sins by getting a goalie that couldn't defend a barrier if you gave him a paycheck the size of the US's GDP and a forward that had less relevance than a background character the game after.

I'm just gonna play Elder Scrolls man.
Maybe you can join us for customs this weekend. We know how to play!
that's octavia?
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Me at the top (with a different name)
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tits too fat for zoomies
You need another /omg/ boyfriend to carry you to diamond
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I don't need to be "carried". I just need ONE (1) competent teammate to carry their own weight for once. Yet I get paired with all the subhumans OS has to offer.

I get it's a dead game but man, I wish this wasn't cross-platform.
I think just one good teammate is not enough in this economy...
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>This economy
What? The economy of smurfs? Well, in that scenario, you're fucked either way but time and time I've seen it again. Two good Forwards can win for a shit goalie or one competent Goalie and one good Forward can fend for one lacking Forward.
>thinking you play with actual humans and not bots that fill playercount
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If I'm playing with bots, atleast let them be expert level and predict the puck's location....
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Thanks. And after 2h of trying to get the 15min captcha thing i can finally post on mobile again
stop posting on a phone
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>opened 1 liter beer can
I dont think I will make it to customs tonight...
i dont have wifi at work
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Ultra Strikers bros... Not like this...
Invite me to the discord
only if you post nudes first
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What a puss. I got to mid-plat drinking 1 liter of vodka a night. Man up and PLAY.
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but that's only 2 normal beers
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Niggas with invite privileges probably don't even browse the thread anymore.
meant for >>499790439
I'm just not a beer man. I can drink liters of vodka or brandy and be completely fine.
But beer makes me always so sleepy
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Holy shit Ody actually fixed me being unable to buy points
Maybe if they did this 16 months ago they wouldn't have had to make THE ANNOUNCEMENT
What are you trying to say about us xbox bros?
Choose your next words carefully, lest I LB+LT combo you with juli
6/9 EU
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Kazan (Kazan)
Where are the EU customs?
you might be prediabetic
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So you drunk your antihistamine knowing Custies are going on? Anon, you may have similar forecast than some of the Negroes I know.

You do console players a good word, Wormy. I was more referring to the Mobile and Switch players. (I tried playing on Switch. It was hell.) And you can't combo someone not on the edge. Think I know my OG Primary well enough to AVOID her.
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aesop finally learning the codebase since xdme was fired
EU customs for real this time
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says the one that slept through the last tourney
and thanks, I try. i’m pretty shit tho, just most console players are somehow even worse. especially with all the juli nerfs they keep pumping out for no reason. its no wonder you have such an easy time avoiding my dash pawnch
NAsisters please EU is dying we need you
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I wasn't anticipating it so badly to whine about it in a post.
> especially with all the juli nerfs they keep pumping out for no reason
For. No. Fucking. Reason.

Even nerfed Nao's Proximity Drone (An IMPACT ability, mind you) from stunning.

Yet Kazan and Vyce are perfectly fucking fine. Honestely the whole team behind OS needs to be replaced. And no. I have an easy time dodging Juli because, again, she used to be my Primary. I know the ropes. And you're not garbage. You're quite good, Wormy-Kun.
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Aesop redemption arc!
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If they get it this bad in a dead game imagine how much worse it’ll be in the nu game.
it’s pure dev bias, like kazan got a skin b4 finii and also gets to be eternally broken and the devs just don’t give a fuck. Favoritism bias disgusts me.
FUCK KAZAN, AND FUCK NAO (romantically)
Oh god how incompetent are they
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>using visual scripting for the main menu
I mean, I haven't really done much with game engines so that's okay I guess, but why is it so messy?

At least aeslorp is trying to learn to code.
Can node wankery even be considered coding?
Also all devs do this shit this days which I guess is one of the reasons everything runs like ass.
>Can node wankery even be considered coding?
Well it IS advertised as "code without knowing how to code!"
>ody uses UE nodeslop
>this is why omega strokers development was so slow
Imagine if they required 6 years of actual coding experience
You know, the 6 years is funnier now that we know they use visual scripting.
The most experience I have with coding is badly making a "Hello world" program and even I know that
A) Node "programming" like this is like someone making some EZ bake cake mix from walmart, following the instructions and calling themselves a renown baker
B) That's way too fucking much shit for a menu
thank you for the wonderful games frens, it's been pleasure to play with you all this marvelous night!
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designers pretty much everywhere in any game use visual scripting
dont think that like actual engineers do that shit
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Was fun watching from the cuck chair
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You know, this gets me thinking I should work on my game ideas again, but I hardly have any free time to learn a game engine, and I don't know how to model or animate.
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I'm honestly surprised I can still get queues at a decent pace like 4-5 full months after giving up on the game for dead
looks like today's peak was ~500 concurrent players too (on PC anyway) which is impressively resilient
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It's almost the weekend NA...
But I'm playing Kingdom Hearts 2 this weekend
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hehe higher mama higher!! *nuzzles her cheek*
i lub you mama <3
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bro what the fuck
wormboy shut the fuck up you have to flip burgers.
This bu unironically.
who said i was being ironic? i love mommy erp :3
i want mommy asher to change my diapy and discover i made cummies to her earlier while she was holding me to her chest and breastfeeding me uwu
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sorry mate. She is built to become a breeding sow for a lot of healthy greenskin babies
if she’s a breeding sow then im her needy little piglet :3
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These are dark times for the omega strikers general.
That better be the entirely of the main menu and its submenus
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night market
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I want Era to shrink me and use me as her tampon
bwos wtf
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ban him again aesop
I dindu nuffin
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It’s not my fault i love my mom, ok?! Stop being jealous!
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>goalie clearly doesn't wanna play goalie keeps jumping forward
>let me defend!
>refuses to go forward
What was his problem
I want ai.mi to sometimes bite my hand when we cuddle then lick thr bite to say sorry
there's no fucking way your boyfriend accommodates this.
You not scoring
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2.5/9 EU
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4/9 EU
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5/9 EU
i’m single
how’d you all know it was me anyway
Him leaving the goal without eject button didn't help us score at all
In fact the only rounds we scored were the ones where he didn't jump forward 10 seconds into the game
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Bad-mouth Nao one more time and I'll (I still have no idea if you're European or American) fly to your State/Country and deliver you fisticuffs. You. Know. I'm Wealthy.

And hell no. They can't even netcode 6 players into one game. How will they do that in a Battle-Royale scenario? It's just dumb on their end.
h-how? I live in the same state you do, remember? I had to ride out the hurricane same as you. thats why i’ve missed you so much, since we were so close we could’ve actually…bleh
Also going for br years after it went out of style is dumb, especially since they’re trying to compete with smash bros. like are they trying to fail?
at least the game looks pretty, animation wise. i love the os women so much, especially nao. i would never bad mouth her! she’s made for smooth sensual love making
do you play better or worse when you're hungry
better, never corestrike on a full stomach
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never corestrike
The new gundam series is good. Robot striker when?
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I'm really bored of Rasmus on Ai.Mi's App
I try to pick other strikers but I keep seeing him, I'm just going to start picking Rasmus too and hooking *them* into the hole until they quit
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just ban him and if youre going 2nd it’s not hard
blame bad map design
juliette ban takes priority
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Simply play juli, she’s cute and racist
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juliette is racist?
She's not racist she loves whites.
I've been away from the game for several months. Did they change something about the game mechanics now? Even mediocre goalies are completely fucking cracked and are somehow able to stop 3-4 volleys in a row even if I layer them on top of each other. There's something weird about the basic strike cooldown and I'm not sure if something changed.
Hitting the core with an ability refreshes your strike cooldown.
Check your setting and make sure you have the strike delay thingy off so that way when you click you’ll strike immediately instead of having to click and then release to strike.
also they added this thing where hitting abilities resets the strike cd. i forget if that’s still in or if they got rid of that too
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just kill him lmao
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>Hitting the core with an ability refreshes your strike cooldown.
Wow, that's a big change. Why did they add that?
spice things up in their dead game. also strikes used to refund a few seconds off ability cooldowns too before they realized that was a fucking awful idea and removed it in a few weeks
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For my challenge run i’m going to only play the best character in the entire game in his best role wish me luck guys
this game still makes me laugh
goalie whiffs 3 saves in a row and I just bust up going "what the fuck are you doing man"
make sure you time your playtime for that account ban % speedrun for alt+f4ing too many times when he gets banned.

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