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Previous: >>497969848

Magia Record completed its service at 15:00 JST on 31 July (1 July for DMM version)
Thank you for loving and playing Magia Record
Thank you all the sisters who contributed to /PMMM/'s original contents

Magia Day 2024

New Kaiten PV

New Kaiten PV ver. Homura
1/11 18:00 JST

Exedra on Steam and Google Play

>MagiReco Story being uploaded on Exedra YouTube

https://justpaste.it"a"/f4avx (Remove "a")

>Cock Tower

>Remember Your Friends
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Ria <3
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Megucas by sex organ (please help me with this)

Eroha, Madoka, RikaRen, MasaKoko, Hime...
>futa dick
Yachiyo, Yuna, Shizuka, Homura, Touka...
Charu, Sunao
>fish sex organs (I don't know how fish sex works)
>absolutely nothing
>no idea
Monogatari girls
Sexedra soon...
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Are /PMMM/stacies real??
I went to see Rebellion with my last girlfriend.
Very brave of sis to bring her dildo to the movies...
>I don't know how fish sex works
First, female fish develop their eggs in their roe and lay the eggs unfertilized
Then male fish spray the milt on the freshly layed eggs to fertilize them

Some fish like sharks and rays engage in cloacal copulation where male and female cloacae are connected to inject milt
>sister got a gf
Can confirm Nemu's pussy like an open book nya~
Shut up brat your dick is 5cm erect!
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Meguca for this feel?
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This must be a Kirimine joke
I want to be her fwb…
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His wife will be fucked silly by megucas
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Just saw some drunk stacies twerk outside a diner window where I was eating a while ago, wouldn't be surprised if drunksis was one of them

A reminder to vote in the Tiebreaker Poll to decide the 3rd silver and final roster spots on the divegrass team. I'll be closing the poll today in about 20 hours (9pm Pacific Time, specifically), so get them in if you haven't done so


>when's rodswings coming back
Check back in Mid-November, would have probably asked today but the organizer had a hissyfit with his handegg team today and is unavailable right now
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Is this the psp game? do you know where can i download it already english patched?
This is the latest version
USB C(unny)
The slutty kind?
Is it bisluts or bistacies?
why not both...?
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Ummm where's the penetration?? the foreplay?? Foreplay is very important
And what are the names of the organs used to lay eggs or spray milt??
Juicy Mizuna OL oyster...
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Learn Hinomotese
How large?????
Less explain!
More graphic evidence!
there are only slutty kinds...
Now I need to see megucas fucking Bulma and giving Trunks a baby sister.
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dont care all fishes goes on my pan
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based dadong jiemei.
>dadong jiemei
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Last call for votes in the divegrass roster poll, I'll be closing it in less than 3 hours (9pm PT) and post the results in the next post. (Also remember to hit submit in the poll if you somehow haven't done so for some reason)

means Daito sister in the based language.
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>My exedra trailer... give it to me...
hold on sis today is a papa lol day...
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I miss this kind of posts... Songs with reco themed lyrics
National anthem of the wings of Chargius
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Me on the right
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Meguca for this feel?
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Kuroe bottoms for cats...
Ashley bottoms Mameji
Meiyui eats Mameji...
Himika eats Ashley...
If I don't play this game will I be unable to enjoy Madoka 3?
Madoka 3 is not enjoyable because Homura did everything wrong.
Isn't she going to get punished? With a good spanking from Madoka?
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I'm back after getting some food and counting up the results, thanks to the 19 responders who voted in this poll.

The Survivors of the Wildcard Round:
Kuroe, Mikage, Ashley, and Tart; Kuroe and Mikage retain their spots while both Ashley and Tart return to the roster

Kyouko, Mayu, Amaryllis, and Heruka; Kyouko, being part of the first /pmmm/ roster, misses a VGL for the first time ever

3rd Silver Medal Result:
Mabayu retains her silver medal spot; Namae came close though, with a difference of 4 points only

Oriko's name:
She'll be called "Destroy Kaname Wombs", she's fed up making all the phone calls so she'll destroy Madoka and Junko herself
Goddammit, that name for Oriko is so much less funny. I'm genuinely disappointed in /pmmm/. You just see the word "womb" and go LOL rather than thinking about what would actually be the funniest, especially to hear said on stream.
You should feel bad sisters. I'm actually mad about it.
Wait, Alina isnt a Silver medal anymore???
I just chose the womb because seeing "kill yourself" makes me depressed.. :(
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Here's the full VGL23 roster for /pmmm/, hope you can watch them play in Late November to December. In the meantime, I'll drop some /vg/ news soon since Mabs is in the roster and will be (hopefully) playing for /vg/ in the Autumn Babby Cup next week


I'm gonna get you for forgetting to complete it *spanks you*

Since like 2 years ago, we've had Kuroe, Rena, and /pmmm/sis as silvers already
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"Kaname" and "Womb" are very /PMMM/ compared to "kill yourself"
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>Tart return to the roster
Vive la France!
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I saw a license plate with "WGD" on it and it made me think of /PMMM/
>Kyouko OUT
Someone will be mad
Are you still accepting music?
Fuck, did fucking Ashley really make the team? I used to like her, but whenever I see her I think of the leafguy and I get mad.
Are they really blood-related???
Their hair colour and eye colour are different as well as their general figures.........
I would almost believe they have different mothers...
What's with Asian and other coloured sisters loving them so much...
I genuinely don't understand...
>Kyouko sacked
It's literally over before its even begun...
>no Sayak
>no Kyak
>no Mumi
>no Cheese
I miss Gero-san...
She's doing great with MahoAko!
MahoAko is fun and lesbian so I enjoy her MahoAko works recently...

Maybe she will return to Madoka whenever Exedra is released...
Without Kyoko, who should VGL23 trust?
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That's bad for your health Himika...
Even worse than sopa de coobie...
>Kyouko, being part of the first /pmmm/ roster, misses a VGL for the first time ever
She should be a medal, rotate her with Homu.
I'm glad she's dead
She'll be back.
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>Ash is on the level of Mikazuki 6
Is that a rarity star?
That's the chosen people's star...
forceful insertion of sperm into sister's womb...
/PMMM/sis becoming a mother?
No way that's happening!
Very ethnocentric remark...
>release date confirmed
>in 7 years
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My new addiction. Cute girls reviewing gear /PMMM/.
>search this on steam
>it doesn't appear
>search it on google
>link to steam page
>"this isn't available in your country"
>She plays Forza.
I want her.

I want her in Exedra.
I just remembered my new monitor has "AI Vision" and I haven't used it yet. Wonder if it'll even do anything on Exedra when combined with HDR (lol).
That feel when watching YT video /PMMM/.

See the pron shop I walked into and the ramen place I almost lost my glasses at.
Same. Will have to wait for its release to try the steamdb method people use with venus vacation
Manga being dumped on /a/ again
>Former Sex Worker now works at a Bentoya.
Mrs C...
wtf does this mean????????
Inseminating with whose spermies?
Megucas of course...
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>Former Sex Worker now works at a Bentoya.
Wait a minute........
Isn't it just upscaling using AI?
Thank you! This is battle pentagram?
Mixing the spermies of all megucas together and putting it in a turkey baster to inseminate /pmmm/ sisters with!
Imagine the spermie war...
>but also enhance overall brightness and saturate colors
Some AI enhancement to colour settings.
Only the strongest spermie can score /PMMM/sis egg...
Nanami Family VA AI models.

I can see why Kaji wants this to be stopped. Imagine what they are doing with pictures of his wife.
wtf is wrong with you, what would the VA think of this???
I think most sisters would prefer traditional insemination by meguca futa cock instead of a turkey baster...
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No, this is Portable.
No sound webm for now b/c Catbox is dead atm.
I didn't make it.
aislop is just insufferable
That would be so perverse...Hnng...
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Girls, I can't wait for shitty gacha rolls again
Gemspermie sacks will be full again...
its either hikaru spermies obliterating everything or every meguca spermies knows that sister eggs and genes are a lost cost and suicides with only sigu retarded sperm making it
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Futatsugi hag...
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31 is still extremely fertile........
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But some megucas only ejaculate like 1ml while others ejaculate like 100ml...
How do you mix it equally...
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You don't need to understand...
Imma gonna put some AI in the OP one day.
Hikaru's cheeky spermie factories filling up naughty /PMMM/ sisters who post slander about Futatsugi...
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>Hikaru's cheeky spermie factories
But they are no more...
Megucas for this feel?
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Do you have your sound webm as mp4s? I want to save them but it sucks not having the sound in the video?
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Here you go Anon
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Thank you
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Daito Ward
Does anyone have that image from the doujin of MagiRepo? The one with papa-Madoka on her knees with papa-Iroha behind her?
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I only have this...
Rat infested shithole desu wa~
THAT'S THE ONE! ありがとう姉ちゃん!
...sis....page 10....
pmmm drain gang
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Trailer where...?
New info where...?
Release date where...?
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Mummy Mami
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According to PAPA-sensei, Namae has to "watch" OG, reco and every spinoff to collect stars to turn on the lighthouse, and to recover her memories...
And Madoka, Homura, Sayacaca...
Show off to Homura? Ex-san? Ren?
Blocky butt...
This is why we need a Reco private server.
Mizuna ladies
Are you mentally ill?
I'm horny...
Horny sisters should be punished by being dumped naked and blindfolded in Futatsugi
tfw you have no friends or acquaintances so I have to humiliatingly post my "cries for help" on the madoka magica general LOL
It's okay, a lot of /pmmm/ sisters don't have any friends
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>7 years of reco reruns for exedra content
A MemeSpark??
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But why not??
Too late...?
Red idol really is the ace of Ami resort island...
This happened to me before
I was Sayaka
I hug all those sisters :3
Don't worry I love you lots.
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Oh, they're back.
Mitakihara has more delinquents than I thought.
Will Exedra be dead on arrival?
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Mami bros...
It's over...
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Madoka got the P-Balloon
What do you need help with?
Man I love the music from this, is it the same composer as To aru Kagaku no Railgun? It gives me such comfy vibes.
Sadly it looks like it will be.
What did she mean by this?
Any Spanish-speaking, Chinese-speaking sis there?

Could you translate these words to your mother tongue...??
(In a very lewd context)
1. Womb
2. Mating press
3. Impregnation
4. Meguca spermies
5. Milk factories
6. Baby factory
7. Egg factories
8. Spermie factories
9. Sex with pregnant women
10. Sex with other meguca's mom

Thanks in advance.........
Other language sisters also welcome!!
She's a Daito girl sis...
Do the math...
ummmmmmm baka sis dont u know google translate exist???
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Mami's witch barrier looks like a birthday party...
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Why is coobie like this?
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Spanish-speaking sis here. I have checked the Deepl translation and found it to be both correct and sufficiently lewd.
1. Útero
2. Prensa de apareamiento
3. Impregnación
4. Espermatozoides de Meguca
5. Fábricas de leche
6. Fábrica de bebés
7. Fábricas de huevos
8. Fábricas de espermatozoides
9. Relaciones sexuales con mujeres embarazadas
10. Sexo con la madre de otra Meguca
Gracias sis!!!!
Hermanas de /PMMM/
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Why is Yuna rubbing Juri's belly??
I'm not sure.
According to the wiki, ZIZZ STUDIO and Toshimichi Isoe are credited for the OST.
meguca feet
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It's when megucas release their sexual frustration in unison
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Would Ren really?
Exposing all fábricas...
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chinpo chinpo!
good coobies are all eaten by mao family.
>Fábricas de huevos
Fábricas de óvulos is a better translation
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another night, another panic attack
Thanks sis!
Somehow lewd remarks in a foreign language turns me on...
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.........*slaps your butt*
Reading Night on Galactic Railroad, the namesake of Iroha and Yacchan's doppel.

The train runs on alcohol!?!?!

Where can I ride this magic train?
Well wish me luck /PMMM/

In 15 minutes finally gonna watch Bocchi. Looked at Bocchi hentai, fapped to Bocchi cosplay, never watched it till now.

Better be good.
Bocchi rape is fine too
Reminder that Kita a shit
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another thread another another night, another panic attack sis post
BoKita babymaking sex
Magica the rock
Well I just finished watching Bocchi the Rock...what did I think of it?
do you mind sharing what is causing your panic attacks
sis without a mind of her own...
You now think of Bocchik's futa dick...
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>Futatsugoids tried to hurt this
ui's lifeless face with tears flowing infront of me when my horsecock penetrates through half her internal organs ssu!
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>GJD already
They skipped so many events
Dafuq. I want to believe they are doing this so new people can know the important bits of Reco. I really hope they don't skip small events
Girl Japanese Dick...
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11th Rebellion Anniversary soon...
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What would their daughter (real one) look like?
kill mizunoids!
sayusayu jab with fuyuu...
YuYuYu falsa
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I really wish I could play magia record right now
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Rena-chan bas-ACK
I miss Mello...
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>check thread webms
>that tv doctor with cane
>immediately think of yozuru
>"pmmmmmm... yozuru's huge cane..."
>horny again
Horny dumb Sayasis...
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Surely there must be fanart of QB driving the other car
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But I like YozuSaya more than YozuMifu...
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The future leader of the East
Mrs C's proud daughter...
I wonder if Exedra's PVP will be better or worse than Reco's.
Any Chinese sis?
I need spanish words for pussy and futa dick...
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Who's that pink woman???
Mizuna businesswoman...
Ah, the renown patronesses of Daito butt...
What Union will be like.....?
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Player guilds maybe?
yes, and?
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It seems machine guns are incompatible with Mami's magic.
At least it's not Tokitsukaze this time...
Does Miss Ibuki know this????
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I wonder if /pmmm/ would be invited to the BBQ.
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TsuriYachi 50% better than IroYachi or YachiMifu.
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Miss Ibuki is probably too reliant on the financial support to question what the respected Mizuna businesswoman does with her daughter...
Eating choripán with homura-chan...
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So this is how mermaid Sayaka having a fun...
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I miss Magia Report...
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Last Friday for October.
Exedra news when.
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Yes but Miss Ibuki doesn't care she is a type of woman who only wears pantsu around her home...
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Miss Ibuki also is too reliant on the "maternity support" provided by the teenage daughter of that Mizuna businesswoman...
that's a huge potato
Its a donut.
Possibly Yachiyo's donut.
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Alone on a Friday N-ACK!
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Punish Tonk.
Now I am confused...
Wtf is this image real
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Alone on a Friday Night?
God you're pathetic, pmmm.
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>>499639725 >>499640340 >>499642108 >>499644240 >>499648554 >>499636510
It was SHIT until the final part of Part 1
It was painfully unfunny till the second half
It was AWFUL but Kita and Nijika saved it and Bocchi became more bearable by the Part 2
And it made me miss my last bus home

And it was...actually pretty good. I wonder why I didn't watch it till now. Maybe I just got irritated by the shilling for it, saw no point to watching it when Bandori exist. On the latter, I was wrong. I watched K-On, Bandori before this, and Bocchi is different enough to be charming in it's own right

And perhaps secretly, irrationally, I am annoyed that we got this and we still don't have a K-On Shuffle Anime when I've been waiting for so long. It's already past the 10th Anniversary of K-On, I was so fucking sure the success of Bandori would soon bring on a K-On Revival. The Shuffle manga was a good sign, but then nothing. It has faded into the spotlight like the University Arc while Bocchi has risen, and Bandori keeps re-inventing itself with new generations. Secretly, irrationally, I thought the success of Bocchi would mean no need for another K-On Anime. I couldn't hate Bandori, but Bocchi was a convenient scapegoat.

^That said though, in terms of experience, I'd still put Bandori and K-On above Bocchi. Saw the live performances

It's just Ikumin on stage with a bunch of dudes and not her actual band. Bandori usually has the entire cast on instruments, and the girls of HTT at least learnt enough to play a few songs together. And bloody hell, 4U learnt to play the American National Anthem for Independence Day.
Miss Aika and miss Tokime are the same person
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As for the anime itself.

It's funny that this is called Bocchi the Rock when I didn't like her that much. I get she's an introvert but her constant monologues were more annoying than funny and half-way through I liked everyone but her. Kita, Nijika, Ryo, they carried the movie more than she did.

Thankfully she got better mid-way through with that guitar performance that saved the show and her monologues were reduced. Or they became bearable. So I can see the charm of her. This really is the story of an introvert coming out of her shell. If K-On had yuri and funny interactions, this has character development.

As for the comedy. It could use more work. Most of it didn't land. Bocchi's monologues annoyed me but I almost snickered as the physical comedy.

So who's my fave from all this? Has to be Kita. Bright, outgoing, which sounds like half my favourite anime characters. Like Manmaru Aya irodoori no Maruyama Aya desu I didn't think much of her in the past but I found out from the movie that she is literally lesbian. No subtext, literally says she wants to be Ryo's woman. I can sorta see why /PMMM/ kept shilling it now. This is not just Mitsu. It is Mitsu with an upgrade.

BUT....even though its obvious Kita wants Ryo, BoKita feels like the betters ship. The two just have better interactions and feel more compatible. A shy girl being encouraged by the most popular dyke at school? That is perfect. Good stuff.

Which suddenly makes that het Kita maid cosplay video I watched the other day very awkward and weird. Like I just can't lewd her anymore. Like it feels really fucking wrong. It feels FORBIDDEN like lewding Rika. Like the very thought of her with a male now feels me with disgust. It feels wrong...I'd probably still lewd Bocchi though.
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I started by admitting I knew the Kessoku girls through porn rather than the anime. Consensual, rape, that stuff. The difference going knowing them through porn to knowing the through anime is stark. The only personality that shines through, once molded into the porn archetype, is that they'd became mindless obsessed or broken with dicks. So I got to see who they were at last.

I'm so sorry Kita. Never again.

So do I consider myself a Bocchi Fan now?

Don't know. But I guess I can find a place for it besides Bandori and K-On.

And reading ahead, looks like they eventually sign with a major label paving the way for their rise to Stardom. Curious to see how far that will take them so might watch the inevitable S2 if it comes out. Hopefully by then, Yoppi, Sakupi took a few lessons.

What I DO KNOW is that Bocchi needs to take some tips from Mio Akiyama-senpai on how to REALLY impress her girl (Kita).

And lastly... >>499627356

SuleKita lesbian sex
Magia record... or exedra... i don't know
You mean Shizuka and Himena is blood related sisters!?!?
I love all my sisters <3
I go Taiwan soon I hope to see many cute Asian girls around!!
Have fun sis!
Qing yuan liang wo to you too sis!
AnisTaki seggs?
Magia Exedra
I don't know what this means...
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What does a Soul Gem taste like?
salty coins and milk
idk, probably glass and metal, thats what it looks like it's made from. not really sure what type of metal...
Beware of that Daito con woman Oowie!!
>It feels FORBIDDEN like lewding Rika
There's only one girl who is allowed to lewd Rika hai.
Ehh which one? Sponsor with long black hair or sponsor with short black hair?
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Alone on a Friday Midnyaight?
Kufufufufufufufu wwwwww
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>Alone on a Fri-
That's enough, Touka.
shut up tonker you're a fucking hologram now
your satomi penetrator isn't real
your satomi spermie factories aren't real
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You sisters are watching Rebellion today to celebrate and confirm Homura did nothing wrong right??
>Jill the Yarinaoshi Reijou
>She is actually 10
>And "marries" a 19 year old boy
Ehhh...I wonder why Shuu didn't mention this when she was shilling this show down under.
If Homura is counted as old hag, Jill is actually legal (though the boy doesn't even know that).
Some count her as an old hag. Others deny it.

But doesn't that mean Bayu is also 20s?
>watch video of Idol building PC then bluetacking Bocchis atop her RTX
Good/Bad idea?
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I hope they'll do more with Kushu in Exedra.
I really like her design.
Yeah she was cute, I hope they show all the reco girls at some point. I wonder how the gacha is going to work, will it be similar to reco with 2/3 star girls or will they just have rare girls and then items you get instead of girls.

Will we get costumes for the girls too, if they put costumes in the gacha I would have run out of gems rolling for stuff, Reco was luckily fairly f2p friendly.
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First f4samurai and now /pmmm/...
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I'm expecting the rarity system to be kept the same as Reco's.
Praying to god that we don't have to roll for costumes. I'm fine with alts and swimsuit units though.
I have to wonder though. We've haven't seen any interaction with homescreen megucas. If we can't interact with them by tapping or something will there be a point to costumes?
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My wife would make such a good mother...
>endlessly feeding her kids junk food
>good mother
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>junk food
Stolen food
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I love this artist
Artist name??
Ayame is really cute <3
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Artist called Tou
Akari making a Haato with her beloved senpai Tomoriru.

Keep supporting her Akari.
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More like pic related??
Meguca shocked by her gf's dick size
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Just watched the new version of this PV a few days earlier than everyone here...

Will give you some keywords that will make you even more confused...

Spoiler alert!

Nagisa eating a parfait (literally) while Green megane is watching
Nagisa and Orange hair brat's Big Merry-Go-Round
Tracing Homura's face gently......then TEETH and GUM
Top view of raped Akuma... in a spread eagle position...
Lizard-chan running at incredible hihg speed (kaonashi-style) and merging into Akuma
A lot of Majuka styled Madokas surrounding herself

I'm struggling to remember more...
You will know what I tried to convey here within a week anyways...
>Hereditary Jason
Is this a lawsuit /PMMM/?
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>when other girls keep saying AMANE RAPE and you've had it enough
Are you the one who predicted ashley's pv??
Fujino-mama raising her kid to love Genwun. Sorry Liko. Sorry Dot. Sorry Juliana
This guy.
Some bar ran a promotion to support MagiReco and Fujino-sensei.

You are now obligated to throw your money there the next time you visit.
Absolute shitluck.

Cute Official AliKari though.
I was just lucky enough to make myself into the Rebellion rerun...
>BUT....even though its obvious Kita wants Ryo, BoKita feels like the betters ship.
this is why kita is shit, they had bokita kino but nooo, that ryo fake yuri bait garbage got to go!
Boyoko GOOD
Bokita BAD
>My thoughts on your opinion
Nagisa’s got new friends…
MamiNagi is over…..
That's not Azul……
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>my opinion
>your opinion
That's not Yukika...
Each Rena belongs to SAYU…
Don't let Yuuna see this…
Is Touka good at sucking Nemu's dick?
There was that picture...
>page 10
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Rena's rena
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pure incestuous love <3
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Putting Rena in a Hamster ball!
Kaede's dog chasing Rena while she's in the hamster ball!
Mitsune licked THIS
/PMMM/ shiguweenie sisters i love you too!
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What is /PMMM/ drinking?
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Just watched Rebellion again for Rebellion Day...
It's a fucking masterpiece...;_;
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I miss pinching nipples of lazy sisters who don't equip the bonus memoria........
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Jun's costume is EROTIC...
Drank a couple of beers and now I'm feeling funny
I miss Jun so much. Wasted potential
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Yukishiro kino...
Except SayuSayu belongs with a Futatsugi Cage Fighter.
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Shut up Futatsugoid cunt!!!!
Yes my opinion is based. BoKita is best.
>neo magius jun fighting for meguca supremacy

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