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5 days until 50% of the Granblue population in Europe gets decimated

Vikala Trailer
New pass soon

Next NA tournament (#14)
Saturday October 26th 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET
Next EU tournament (#9)
Saturday October 26th 12pm PT / 7pm GMT


>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Upcoming DLC
Vikala (October) will close out the pass, season 2 starts with Sandalphon.

>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Grimnig, Charlotta, Yuel
>Latest Patch Notes (big meaty, 1.52)
>Steam page
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays

Last Djeeta art dump and DP frame data debate: >>499077782
v-v-v-vikala desu!
is she getting in
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Yin vikki or Yang vikki?
Fucking Yang vikki then taking her rat ears off before cumming inside her
putting the ears on nier!!
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Why did Cagliostro made her thighs so thick?
I want to get in...
good news we're in.
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Why are burgers so eager to bully the ESL speakers?
9 times out of 10, people who say ESL are third worlders
we're former esls
the better question is why typing one letter wrong turns someone into an esl
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im brown
Well, in this specific case it's because it could mean that the person who made that post doesn't fully understand how to conjugate in the Past tense.
But I mean... it's not like Americans have a perfect grasp on the language either; they keep fucking up "your" and "you're" all the time.
Reminds me of this recently. She plays a different game
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hotgluing a horse...
bro Bread is male, shosan is the female
>gets plinked by belial once
>if it's midscreen blueslop fireball comes out for 6k hp and 3/4 screen corner carry
>if it's near the corner you're looking at a raging + sba cashout for nearly 9k damage
>Also has a command grab for some godforsaken reason
>Also has an autowin button against fireballs and zoners because fuck you why not
I hate this character so much.
Who's that on the left and how likely is she to get in Rising?
Also, does she actually have a fat ass?
>doesnt know clarisse
first you must read this
the irony considering that burgers are ESLs themselves.
...isn't it dead?
Pretty sure they killed it Anon, something about copyright infringement or whatever.
Internalized trauma from serving as the world's laughing stock 24/7
does this work for you?
Cagliostro's grandgrandgrandgrangrandgrandgrandniece. You know how fat Cog actually is so you can get the idea.
think you meant for
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let's all be positive this thread
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you will never be him
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thank you
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boobs too big but very cute anyway
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the reason they didnt show vikalas sba in the trailer is because she pulls out rodentius and dumps a mag on a nigga
damn, Vane looks like THIS?
from a pure animation standpoint it's ridiculous that this move is plus on block. You try getting down into that pose and standing up again and see how plus you are against the guy whose shins you just kicked. You'd be like -50 and your knees would hurt getting up that quick.

My other pet peeve is sieg's SBA starting up so quickly you can actually use it to antiair people which makes no sense with its animation. In 13 frames he's somehow able to leave the ground and divekick down onto someone jumping in on him, from higher than they originally were, it beggars belief.
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it makes sense if you think about it
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Siggy wiggy's SBA makes sense and it will NEVER change
around me he does
How? Been trying it for an hour now
I still don't understand the idea of making fun of someone for speaking multiple languages. Sure sometime typpos and shit are funny, but it's like a lynching sometime.
I don't want to speak to beaners and pajeets and brazilians.
Notice how it's always chimps who are too retarded to learn any other languages outside of their own do this.
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Brazilians are based albeit
>learn their own scribbles, English, french
south americans
>learn their own language + english (I think brazilians learn Spanish too?)
>learn their own language + english + arabic so they're not killed when Muhamad takes over their country
>doesn't know the difference between you're and your
so, we know FukuACK is game director, but do we know anyone else in the dev staff? battle director or some shit like that?
white brazilians are.
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all brazilians are white
Epic meme you fucking nigger
What a joyless twat lmao
battle director is pachi from Xrd
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why do you hate us so much?
So Vikala is going to be top tier…
>creator of Danger Time
>every system mechanic ever added in the history of granblue is abhorrent
danger time was based
all granblue mechanics except overdrive have been based too
Where the fuck are you in the lobby or in tournaments you niggers?
daisuke created danger time
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screencap this one of rat's random items is going to be a rat earband she can attach to the enemy
I only hate twitter memes.
No wonder the mechanics in this game are so terrible then.
I join on occasion
Run by a horse nigger that sided with the tranny that killed the general, never entering out of spite
>horse nigger that sided with the tranny that killed the general
im tired of seeing these same old tier list, whos gonna make the player tier list for this general
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This Soriz
This Zeta
Can't fault you for that as I didn't like that demon either, but I like the tournaments.
Boa noite anon, está tarde
one of my remaining real life friends died so i have been miserable lately
Sorry for you anon.
He's in a better place now.
top 3 is pretty easy to tell, just look at the tournament it’s the same 3 people most of the time
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nyo... remain pure.
For what purpose?
We should ALL aspire to be forever pure, forever righteous...
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Was bored and made a MU chart for Ferry based on my experience. Anre is surprisingly aids for her, mom mu is also kinda rough, you REALLY have to play super slow and boring to win, or you just get carred to the corner. New lucilius is absolute disgusting to fight, even if you block everything he still gets blade level 5 super fast and you will die at 65%ish percent I think. I put Yuel in that spot cause her jump back is super easy to catch and it kinda makes her game plan pretty straight forward once I see they stop doing it out of fear of getting punished. Kat 5U is very strong vs cause the single hit on it lets her gap close with a dash in from fL distance, unlike vanes shield where its good too but there just isnt as much as a threat and his buttons are huge and telegraphed. At best he gets a grab.
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Nier too low, Ladiva too low, Lowain too low
Best list so far
I dunno, some of these supposed S-tier characters are lacking in results.
please explain to a Vira-main how the MU is even. I need some tips.
in what world is bea not s+?
What happened to Anila that she dropped back down to bottom tier?
>Thinking bea is on the same level of luci grimnig and belialhomo
A world of someone who actually knows how to play this game
But understandable considering bea and neechang are gbvsg's boogymen
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you already posted this
>Fling a mousy pinwheel at your foes with Rodent Rhythm! These little buds can keep out foes or lock them down to kick start your offense.
Oh nonono it's another blue grenade
Ex-soriz main here
Non shitpost question
How do I win as sieg
i can't open people up when they delay 2l and rotate options like a nigger
I don't have any throw bait
I don't have any bc bait
Chip them out
You now realize how much a throw bait carries. Good thing Sieg is a 66L spamming machine on par with Belial.
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just get 100 meter
You have a stance that leads into a command grab, a parry, a safe block move or a non-safe damage dealer.
the nignogs I fight aren't brain dead, whenever I try ORKAAAAN rps they downback and look to 2l stuff the command grab while blocking all other options
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I'm at the point where I like the idea of playing Granblue more than playing the game
play like rinna
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>be me
>watch jappa gm our lord and savior gamera replays
>they don't tech a single grab against him despite gamera not doing any baits at all
>opponent dies to throw loops
>I play
>opponent techs like a deranged nigger with constantly changing delay 2l timing every interaction
Why is gamera so privileged
because you play 2B and have 300 ping
>can hit some out of their sba but can't on some
what's even the criteria?
Playing a privileged character.
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I want to say that his SBA is the one with the most invul frames but I can't be arsed to check everyone
Smug doesn't fit Ferry at all.
I never fuck that up what do you mean
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guess people finally got tired of pretending she wasn't garbage
people have just yearned to upplay Anila since day 1
remember when she got her new 214U and people were calling her top 5? 37% winrate in Masters btw and she got nerfed since
Is Siegfried still good?
You reminded me I have a replay against Ferry as mom that ended in a timeout with both at 0% life, I need to record that before the patch wipes replays out
He received a slap on the wrist and remains one of the most privileged characters in Rising.
The nerfs hurt him quite a bit, but he's still a solid midtier. However you do need to rely on solid fundamentals to win, he isn't a gimmick character that hands out free wins like the top tiers.
That bubs placement makes me feel better about sucking Ferry's donkey dick when I fight against her.
also lmao at your good MUs being the "bad characters" (Vas is good but remember when everyone thought he was bad before fuselit raped everyone?)
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>needs fundies
>no gimmicks
>no free wins
good one. nearly got me.
Why does this general always have least one homo downplaying faggot?
Oh yeah sorry I forgot, he has the amazing gimmick of wasting all his meter and killing himself in order to slightly increase the range of his specials.
Which he absolutely doesn't need to do to win anything.
easy (you)s
So you would agree that he has no real gimmicks and wins by using solid fundamentals?
I wouldn't call his fireball, his SSBA, his massive amount of damage and reach while still being relatively safe and quick "solid fundamentals".
Goddamn, his 2U is a warcrime.
Yeah, the same way Belial wins by using "solid fundamentals".
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Yeah, that post is random buzzwords used to collect (You)s.
>character has a big ass fucking giant sword
>still has some of the fastest buttons in the game
>character has a huge fucking sword
>spends most of the time kicking
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Belial has all that in addition to gimmicks and a better fireball.
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It's time to add her
What a coincidence. Now there's two fighting games with characters named Siegfried who use a big ass sword but is still fast as fuck. Both are also obnoxious faggots to play against as well. Any krauts in this general? If so, fuck you.
our choccy zeta is a kraut
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Yes, but it's now time to bitch about Sieg.
Damn you, used to play Siegfried in SC, until I switched to Hildegard in SCV.
Yes, Kraut
Was actually excited to check out Siegfried when the game launched, big sword dudes are still cool. Until I played against that faggot.
krauts love knights and hate jews
Choco Zeta, if you're reading this, FUCK YOU!
>used to play Siegfried in SC
Scum. Sieg and Nightmare are absolute dog shit and overtuned to shit, they lack for nothing! Speed, reach, damage, good horizontals and verticals, fucking installs now that just make them even better. they have it all.
>Choco Zeta
he's cool don't be mean to him
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Fuck you too.
In my defense, we were just casual friends mashing buttons at each other. Didn't really know what a tier-list was back then.
But do you want to know another grave sin of mine?
I mained Jin in Tekken 3 and 4
You may want to rethink that after that confession.
How are you atoning for your sins?
This is FKHR's art, check it out
By getting screamed at whenever I may hint at Zeta having weaknesses.
>he can draw cute girls
Keep up the good work!
oh god we are getting a cyberpunk guest character too
you are s++
Fuck off, Belial has a fullscreen parry, a command grab and a fucking invincible fullscreen command grab parry.
You are S++, which is proficient enough that your opinion is valid and you should pay no mind to people trying to discredit you for your rank.
You are S++, with your one and only main character which you played since release day. You are for all intents and purposes a players whose opinions on character strengths are invalid. Especially your own character.
if Strive got Lucy and we got Becca that would be some brutal mogging
that said if we are go get another guest I want Geralt (unironically)
Sigger also has a half screen command grab that does full stage corner carry, a parry that does full screen corner carry, a low crush, a fireball you can't roll, a DP you can't dodge, a GameShark SBA, etc. Fuck off, gimmick fraud.
Brutal mogging on who's part, because
Lucy >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rebecca
I was actually just typing this, it would be hilarious. Even if the characters don't really fit in either game.
Sieg has an armoured unblockable that also functions as a combo starter. Don't forget about that.
>GameShark SBA
I was going to say that we should get a Dungeon Fighter rep for a guest but then I remembered that they already did that in Season 1.
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>Trooning out
Yep, that's a ratfag alright
Today I picked Cag for the first time and now I'm strangely drawn to the idea of becoming a cute girl
The colors blue and pink seem really alluring too
>troon talk
belial downplay incoming
Can't wait to rat out with my gbvsgros on the 25th!
come to think about it Belial isn't that strong actually
Neither was Niia, they should really buff her back.
Why aren’t cool characters like Bubs ever good
Boring tends to be more efficient.
>Faggot with lipstick and long black nails
Real homo hours
>announces his own arrival by calling it some kind of "hours"

little narcissistic but okay
lobby doko?
Wait 4 days then wait until I learn Vikala
but i'm dropping this kusoge in 4 days.
Bubs is good though
bros i think its time to drop this kusoge
nothing about it will ever improve
im posting a bea
wtf who let him do that
i wish i could improve at this game
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But I like it already as it is?
We’re getting Vikala soon, that’s a big improvement for the roster.
Yasss, sis, we should drop this kusoge that we never played.
I'm at the point that I need to talk to other people and actually have to watch my replays and I don't like that
That's a frog
EU ft5s
Why are you here if you never played this kusoge?
i wish that was all it would take in my case
why should i watch some literally whos low ranks
Vira has very solid far buttons that you can use to check mine, on top of that her 214 U is an insane button if you see her throwing a gee gee from anywhere but full screen cause it can catch her recovery. I say it’s even cause vira still has trouble getting in because of the lack of projectile, if you are at full screen you can use lumi to cover a run in, only move that can hit you from that spot is U whip but you might be able to dodge it.
Pretty boring MU lol, mom can pillar full screen so I can’t commit any gee gees and her dash in can stop me from controlling space at my optimal range.
I was debating putting soriz there too along with lowain, but idk I need more matches against them. Ferry’s 236x will eat katbot and still hit lowain lol I just kinda spam that against them
Ferry vs Sieg is in Ferry's favor though.
you want to get install as soon as possible in the match up
What's the difference between Lancelot and Seox for you? The gameplan for them both seem pretty equally miserable.
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Shosan please.
it's actually gamera's
Nier upplay continues even after she went from top 5 to bottom 1. I wonder what group is behind this.
actually it's mine
that's my problem though.
>can't get in to cmd grab
>built no meter holding down+back
and even in lumi, graceview and airdash are way too slow.
I’m sending you to Brazil.
They are but she can punish six when he does the dash back after the rekka and his wall jump is pretty easy to react to with beppo, m or h beppo will catch them all and you just dodge the u jump back, plus he has low total health. Lance has that obnoxious multi hit projectile that’s slow does really well to cover him from 70% of the screen and on, also his 214 will crush any of my normal buttons and he gets a combo on counter hit. Oh his 236U will also hit from full screen if I try to gee gee, just has very good anti zoning tools I won’t count his dp much though cause it’s pretty easy to react to with my dp, but fuck me does his little jump into dash down get me all the time lmao
You can combo into command grab if you ever block a DP with 50 meter on hand by punishing with 66H
214H is actually +1 on block against ferry because she has a 8f f.L
You want to stay at around 214H range or be in her face
You can build meter by just walking back and forth, holding downback doesn't do anything but you can OS instant block during blockstrings for extra meter. Don't run because you can't dash block in this game.
If you find an opportunity from fullscreen to just rip into install with super, then do it. there isn't much in terms of a punish she can do.

Once you are in with 214H, f.L > 2M catches abare 2U, if they get afraid of using 2U after f.L you can either 66L or 214M to stay in their face and apply safer pressure with staggering your c.Ls to check for DPs.

Once you have install, neutral is in your favor as you can more easily exploit Ferry's inability to AA as well as having a fullscreen 214U, but as regular Vira neutral is in Ferry's favor
oh yeah, 214H is actually +1 on block in general if spaced in a way where the first strike whiffs and you only connect the second hit. So you can 214H into 66L pretty safely
but after a blocked 2M your pressure still isn't over because you can either reset with 214M or go for 236L for a safe ender and to again check for abare options from ferry.
If shes afraid you 214M, if she isn't you 236L until shes afraid
reminder that there wont be a balance patch
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issat so
say it ain't so
>5U clashes cancels Graceview
This game is garbage man
bubs is good now
not top tier but he's solid there isn't much to complain I think
But they already confirmed they're nerfing Ferry.
let me guess
the patch isn't going to change anything
which retard made this
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don't open
I'm warning you
my anus is in danger
my cock is in danger
many thanks, bro. i really appreciate it.
I should have listened... that was scary...
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White woman supremacy.
Imagine if Vira's gameplay was as interesting as she is hot.
File deleted.
let's Zetaboar
man I hate Beatrix
you could have just linked the jp version
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>KON KON >:3
>they spoiled her lobby emote
pretty disappointing emote
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This general's health is directly proportional to the amount of sheep posts and posters. The more sheep posts, the healthier the general is.
We mistreated our sheep posters and they abandoned us, now the general suffers as a result.
I hate EN dub so much.
fuck you
Our sheep poster is a troon supporter. Fuck him.
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will you try the rat out or main her?
Unironically spam 66L+far light+2M loop until you land a hit. Or if you wanna have fun and not get bored to death, use normal ORKAN and whiff the uppercut and then do a 2M to catch them trying to press a button too late to punish it. I've done it to HYPER MEGA SUPPOSEDLY -GRAND- MASTERS desperately tryharding so it works on all levels of play even if people say it doesn't and that they would punish it all the time without fail because we're all EVO champions in this text box on 4chan. Doing ORKAN by itself with no followup is also a mixup/bait as it is too, so keep that in mind.

Other than that, you gotta play it slow and pretty boring when you go against super defensive players but that's not a Sieg thing, most characters that don't have scrimblo bimblo mixup shit will struggle with that. Use normal VERDRANGEN when far away to clip people throwing out random shit. It goes far and hurtboxes in this game are comically huge so if someone does something that isn't a privileged disjoint, you're gonna clip them.
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I love our sheep posters.
I'll try her our to see how to deal with her stuff, but I'm not gonna try to main anyone else until Siete comes out (and hopefully he isn't boring to play)
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I'm picking up this game for her (never touched a fighting game before)
probably not, her gameplay style looks lame
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Is Vikky the new Plat?
Just got mom to S+, so, sure I'll give rat a try, although I'm a lucklet so I doubt I'll enjoy playing her.
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I'll definitely try her out, I never bothered with any DLC characters shes the first I genuinely wanna try.
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Sheep is love.
Was stuck at S++ with zeta. Now i made it to GM after switching to vira couple of times. Im having so much fun with Vira that i didnt even get to try versusia. So no, im skipping on vikala
Lucky Kookie ass character
Pepsi EU Anon...he's been offline for a month..just like green ladiva

i missed them so FUCKINg much..
Post a lobby and I'll show up.
I wonder if Thinking regrets siding with the tranny
>playing nezu 5 times in the lobby is siding with the tranny
nice schizo headcanon
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Everyone who played in my grand bruise squad is under MY protection, so choose your words carefully.
That Kokkoro cat is so fucking CUTE
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Cooler than any f*moids that are already in or will be added to the game
>in a discord
>every other post is teenage tier meme shitposting in the rising channel
I've blocked like half of these fuckers, at least you all are on topic.
>Ferry thinks Vane is free
>Vane thinks Ferry is free
Blessed 5-5
>at least you all are on topic
why would Vane think the matchup is good at all
why does she look so profoundly sad
I feel one of Vane's biggest issues is people pressuring him and Ferry likes to sit at the range Vane does.
When you get that first knockdown, it's easy to simply pressure Ferry and keep her where you like her because she likes it, too.
There's 5-5s where people gnash their teeth against one another, and then there's 5-5s where everyone is happy.
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Are you the stalker?
>teenage tier meme shitposting
explain how thats any different from /gbvsg/
Yeah, I'm done with Vira, too bland, too honest. Gonna get Bea-pilled instead.
>I'm going to the even more bland character
weak bait
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that's just how burgers are, TikTok has fried their brain
I thought kilvenz was some 15 year old kid, turns out he's an old nigga that acts like a teen
I've said it multiple times, /gbvsg/ is the best rising community out there and id love to be proven wrong.
we are all scholars albeit
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I want Yool to smack me with her tail like that
I love watching this at .5 speed.
Yeah, I changed my mind. Guess I'm just having a character crisis.
Just pick Bubs
Just use Zeta, Bubz, Eustace, Percival, Naru, Zoi, Nier or Versusia
They are the only interesting characters in the game
make the room
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Desu... No one wants to join my Bible study group...
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Ferry will gladly join if you edit that pic to have "bible" instead of desu
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coggy is pretty interesting too
He looks gay.
Dabbled in all of them for a couple of hours, excluding Bubz. Still felt no desire to main them. Might just take a break and come back when Ilsa releases. Hopefully she's like Eustace, but with gun-kata instead of zoning.
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perspective is wrong
It's gay
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I can see how the match can go either way, I just haven't gone one thats like obliterated me yet, its either one sided or close rounds. Also this was kinda funny
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Goddamn it
I can SORT OF understand why he attempted 66L, but pressing buttons after that was silly...
do you think ferry prefers Momo's cock or beppo's
Yeah maybe he thought it went away if shes hit on block lol even if it did hit me the auto combo after would still get him.
It's actual gen alpha deep fried meme shit.
I'm in my 30s, I already feel bad enough some 17 year old is in GM while I'm hardstuck S+.
Fewwy still knowledge-checking people to this day...
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Bros, the twitter account's version of the game looks a lot crisper that mine. I'm running the game on max settings on PC, why is that? or am I just imagining things?
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I've been reading the bible recently too
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Does this add input delay?
If your PC is shit it might, otherwise no
PC ini edit looks really nice, especially in motion. You'll pick out users running anything else in videos almost immediately after you get used to it.
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damn this dashback macro is the most broken thing ever
i feel like i'm cheating
Ferryanon, who are your favorite Ferry players? Do you watch replays from different players in the ladder? Did you pick up anything from Garaitz' run with Ferry in those two tournaments we just had? I noticed he used a lot of preemptive bebbo :DDDD but I don't play Ferry myself
how many times do you fap to ferry per day?
and who is second favorite girl (assuming Ferry is #1)?
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/r/ someone edit a bible into this
>merp stream
>nigga queues into the same 2 people for an hour straight
Nice Game.
>go for tick throw
>2L actually hits
>whiff the throw and get fucked
Should I be reacting to the hit/block here?
I actually don’t watch any players other than to cheer on our charlotta, kat or recently djeeta god. Probably part of the reason I hit a slump a while back ago cause I never checked to see what other people are doing with her, and unfortunately I missed that stream I was out with some friends. Presumptive bebbos:DDDD seems pretty good, I’ve toyed around with it cause it’s super fast and high priority I should give it a crack again, right now I’m just trying to implement some jU for some auto shimmies. I’ll take some time to watch the top ferries on ladder today though, I do remember watching one of the rank 1 and he kinda just spammed 2U and beppo in that set.
Bad anon, NO GOONING ALLOWED in Ferry’s bible camp.
Number 2 right now? I’d have to say Djeeta, it was pretty fun getting her to masters but Vira tied with her too I think. Vikala might take it though I love her design a lot and her random projectile gimmick seems fun
>open twitch
>6 streams at respectively 59, 27, 18, 9, 2 and 1 viewers
man it's so sad how unpopular this game is
though this in particular is not exclusive to grub, FG is just an extremely unpolular genre. even sf6, which is orders of magnitude more popular than all other fighters, is mostly propped up by japs
I miss when fighters gave you the choice to search specific regions. I can get good connections with the EU from NA but why do I have to select the WHOLE world these days? So gay. There was one game that allowed that then they patched it out. My guess 3rd worlders complained about being excluded
let's Versusiaboar a bit
rip my game crashed. probably not gonna reboot though. GGs.
I’m on my way home and there better be people in the open lobby or else..
no matter how hopeless you may feel at times, please remember that God loves you and has a plan for you

i main soriz in granblue fantasy versus: rising
this but Ferry, the canon catholic tradwife
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thank you
i don't know what his plan was with giving me the antigene
good and bad are relative terms, you serve a purpose by making others look better
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Absolute state of Rising cord...
more like absolute state of the US
just realized that I'm going to be at an event when rat drops
Won't be able to participate in day 1 funnies.
what the FUCK is a neopronoun
has this perso never played touhou
character launches kinda suck anyway because they drop late at night and they do that shit where the game is offline for maintenance but you can queue for casual with the rat already playable
I don't know if the time they drop is a good hour in JP but they should seriously remove the maintenance casual queue and drop the character earlier
i don't mind the maint queue, I used it to play nier after the changes. I'm going to be away the whole weekend though.
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what's your thoughts on aoi yuuki
very cool
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Games anyone? Room is up
PW: gbvsg
I fucking LOVE Aoi Yuuki
Even isekai is good when she's involved.
Still up, 1/9
yeah aoi yuuki is cool and all, but check out this new queen
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that's yesterday's, post the up to date one with 2/9 people liar
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I'm too sleepy to play, bro...
are you EC? I can enjoy and mash like a retard for a bit but it will be ~200ms (though stable)
Its ok some people joined, rest well anon.
WC unfortunately
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Critical levels of scam are present in this picture
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this has to be a troll
>play against Beatrix
>instantly lose the will to play
funny how that works
>play against Narmaya
>instantly regain the will to live
funny how that works
>sniff Ferry
>instantly hard as diamonds
funny how that works
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im gonna post a bea
*croak croak*
that thing talks?

also you posted the wrong link https://x.com/gbvs_official/status/1848559912898727941
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my worst MU's are against Vira, Metera, Ferry, 2B and Vane
why is that so frog
You need to have a car battery attached to your nutsack if you play Lowain on a fucking potato PC that lags everytime you send out the faggots
my lowest win%s are vs lancelot/versusia at 37% and vs lowain at 39%
these are the real scam characters, the stats do not lie.
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I miss RS like you wouldn't believe
i was so pro
on chirstmas when the game came out I was staying with my parents for the holidays and played on my steam deck over wifi. I picked lowain.
lucky for you we have someone that plays vira and ferry
>iron mouse
holy shit
ironmouse stream on Vikky launch???
did someone finally clue Cygames in that vtubers are maybe important for advertising? only 9 months late
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my worst winrates are 2B, Versusia, Lucifer, Charlotta and Kat, ranging 14%-19%
vane: the shield and swing makes it impossible use fireballs
>ferry: the command grab and gigi 50/50's
vira: 22M, SSBA whiff punishing, autocombo into command grab, air hopping which makes her 2H proof, and that green plant which gives her an unblockable 50/50 fuzzy on oki that is also BC proof
>metera: can't approach her at all
>2b: the whole character
another one i hate is belial
ferry does not have a command grab, but if she did, I would also lose against her a lot.
>green plant which gives her an unblockable 50/50 fuzzy
>he doesn't know
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She doesnt have many true 50/50s, a lot of people Ive fought let me get away with this set up cause theyre afraid of getting hit by gee gee on the way down but its very bad, 2U is the safest/most consistent set up for a safe one, or a grab for outside of the corner. Though if you dont tech it will be a safe gee gee.
havent played in 3 months sorry anon.
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Same goes for the cross over, just practice those techs, you CAN tech back too if you want but you dont get anything.
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fewwy pwetty
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mmmm, nyes. many studies have shown such truths.
Yeah, you're not gonna convince me you just REALLY like Katalina/Belial/Sieg/Beatrix
That you just discovered you're the biggest Katalina fan after they buffed her to retarded levels
YES I am salty as fuck that in a game with 30+ characters I only face Beatrix, 2B, Belial and Kat
It's so fucking annoying to pick up a new character then be thrown in the Belial/Kat/Bea gauntlet. I could beat the niggers playing these characters on my main character, but guess what? it still wouldn't be fun and it still would be a lot harder than it has any right to be
What am I supposed to do, Pick Belial and instantly have a 90% winrate then uninstall because I don't want to play fucking Belial?
i liked kat before she got buffed but i am and always will be bad.
Nyes, I did always like Lucifer actually.
He is peak 2000s edgekino.
I played katalina before they buffed her though
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Yes, he's cool. If I were a fujioshi eye patch wearing doujin drawing Harvin, I'd be all over him
not their fault that every character plays the exact same so when you lose to some retard playing belial, you ask yourself why don't you play the character that has the better 66l reward
that, or you quit the game like many have
So, how do you rate the rat's SBA animation?
I didn't like it that much but I wonder if that's more because I'm in a bad mood so it affects my judgement
didn't quite like the sounds or the bright yellow background
I also dislike SBAs with lengthy animations, i like to avoid Lance/Kat situations
the designated jobbing rats...
Anyone wanna play? Will probably use Ferry to get into her flow again.
if you dont mind ~200 ms
No issue with me. I'll be in the lobby.
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I can't play against Ferry because I get distracted by the prettiness...
I have a few hours to spare till work i suppose
okay, logging in
you said you want to get back into Ferry's heavy flow so I'm picking my main to give you more of a challenge
man i guess today is just not the day for grubbing
that's too fuckin long. I hate these long ass SBAs where you can go take a shit and come back before they finish. EVERY single SBA should be like Cag's or Percival's
You WILL watch your character get chomped and you WILL enjoy it.
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Ggs anon, fun games, actually really impressive you managed to block gee gee and momo in the corner. Youre like the 3rd person out of everyone whos managed to not crumple to the pressure. Good shit man.
ggs, thanks, I'm trying. Your timings on throw/mash were really hard to deal with.
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Playable PriConne when?
Just one... any of them...
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Will Vikala say "Cheesed to meet you" during one of her intros?
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make a real guest character
Dragalia... Lost
dragalia... lost.
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Are there times where her panties are actually dry for once
well, you'll have to hear her vo in english to find out, good luck with that
when her nier is far
>Terminally online
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who wears the pants in the nierxvira ship
>no a2 cameo in 2b's cutscenes
she's in
neither of them wear pants around the other to facilitate ease of access
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i used to pray for times like these
I've been watching the Nier anime and they gave A2 a MASSIVE ass in that. It's just... huge.
Season 2 was her season.
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i haven't watched the anime, i figured it was another bad adaptation. Is it worth the time?
It's probably the best video game adaptation to anime ever.
I watched the first half before playing the game, enjoyed it a lot.
Then I played the game, enjoyed that too and I'm currently catching up with the second half of the anime.
It changes some things apparently but I think it keeps mostly the same tone as the game, and the fights are cool.
>unironically asking for more Nier Sloppomata
>season 2 is 2A
>season 3 is Kainé
only way to save this kusoge
they should add goku and gojo
Game already has plenty of snake oil salesman characters autopiloting all the way through every match and one of them is a guest so she is a double waste of a slot.
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I do like beatrix tho
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I think I might be reaching the lowest point in my life because I've been turning more and more into religion, more specifically getting back into my catholic roots
or its just part of growing up and realizing that it makes more and more sense than the opposite
>imagine putting bea on the same level as belial kat grimnig
(S)hitter (S)potted
>more and more
meant "a lot more", mixed two sentences I had in my mind
Your thoughts on Aya Hirano?
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I want to blargh her blargh
Yeah who doesn't like winning without putting in any effort?
don't need to come up with a reply because another anon did it for me
Here this is for you >>499362961
(S)urefire way to tell someone's rank on gbvsg
>When they complain about scamchang and bea instead of belialhomo/grimnigger/katslop
>that's because you only see these 3 sloppas in master queue while bea and scamchangs is a low rank thing
who do you think will get baited by this? apply yourself bwo
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yeah his bait game is very weak
Grimnig is cancerous but atleast he is kinda interesting to watch while Bea and Narmaya (and both the sodomite and Katalina for that matter) are only good for curing insomnia.
I kinda like fighting Beatrix. Yeah, she's strong and does a lot of damage. But you pretty much know what you are getting yourself into, and her players tend to share the same braincell with her main.
Narmaya can be obnoxious with her flips, but her entire toolset isn't as overtuned as with some of the actual top-tiers.
Narmaya and Bea both suffer from a problem that is in theory they should be flexible characters and watching them should be fun
but it's just not
almost all narmayas and beas play the same, all use the same combos with no variation or thought
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All these grub girls line up in a row and take off their shoes to reveal their stockinged feet
Which would you sniff and why did you pick that particular grub over the others?
Yes, we talked too much about the actual game.
>Belial and Kat don't use the same (blueslop optional) combos
>fighting a C rank
>only 330 matches played
>hitconfirms everything
>all combos are optimal
>able to stop throwbaits with c.l
>switches the timing on his delay 2l and rotates options with dp/mash
>uses BC offensively to keep opponent shoved in corner
>able to do walk up c.h to kill delay tech
What the fuck is up with the skill level of this player base. How do they know all this with only 330 matches played
okay you get this (You) because I'm tired
they do, it's annoying, Belial is literally the cure for insomnia because every hit he gets it's the same shit, auto combo into fireball into Asmodeus into SBA
Kat is abhorrent too in a similar vein
However both of the above don't have a gimmick like having two fucking sets of specials and applying a buff on the enemy that makes him float in the air when hit with a special, it's a fucking problem that these two run into the same problem
Why the fuck do you think I'm some Belial downplayer or some shit? I fucking hate Belial kat and 2B too, fuck her, but I'm not bringing them up in totally unrelated posts
you won, here's your (you)
What you're describing is the problem with modern gaming. Infomation is easily accessible now so everyone and their mother knows the optimal shit or build or strat.
Its not just a grub thing, even in sf league dotard or what have you, everyone knows the optimal nonsense.
And why would someone do something unoptimal if they know the optimal play? That's why modern gameplay is so streamlined now
>YES I am salty as fuck that in a game with 30+ characters I only face Beatrix, 2B, Belial and Kat
This is every fighting game ever, you always face more top tiers or strong characters
I tried it and it tanked my fps
i run the game at 4k tho
>nigga hasn't experienced playing Luke Fighter 6
this is not entirely true, I used Narmaya in my example, the very top end of Narmaya have some combo variety and in how they play
the problem is that they are the 0.1%
I'd say more but I really need to sleep gn
Anila because her geta shoes allow her to air out any sweat unlike the other girls who wear boots.
Personality wise she seems to be the sort of girl to be happy to let me sniff em. Vira will stab me if I tried, ferry will be a bitch about it, cag will insult me, and I dislike aya hirano
Even another anon mentioned last thread that people don't really lab in this game and this is why you always see a lot of the same fact. It doesn't help that the easy shit is really easy and basically optimal.
The only variation narmaya does in her combos is the decision to hold H flip for superior oki
If not she goes for the blue fireball route if she's not looking to sba
That's it. Don't make narm sound like some 200iq gigabrain character.
>The very top end narmaya
Nigga every chang i met down to the shitters at B rank can pull off the hursix ult refund youtube combo
i always assume it's someone on an alt for whatever reason or who got their save data wiped cause steam cloud saves can be fucky if you don't exit properly.
>only 100k views on rat's jp trailer, 60kish on the en channel
Discord fighter, prease undastandu
what is there to lab lil bro
I really want a friend I can play games like granblue rising with and also talk about whatever stupid shit comes to mind.
We are all friends here.
Optimal punishes, no H skill routes, refund routes, routes that put you into a more favourable oki situation.
The problem is that only certain characters have this kind of flexibility.
fuck you.
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>complete this sentence
ferry's panties are
>no H skill routes
How many characters can actually do this?
pretty wet
I see people do 66L cM in combos when dash cH is possible. They need to improve themselves.
>Anon doesn't understand the importance of consistency
>Promotes being an optimal frameperfect schizo instead REEE YOU LOST 500 DAMAGE
(S)hitter mentality.
I bet you have the same tranny mentality regarding stuffing scamchang flips with c.h instead of the standard c.l.
nta but vira can use 2H 214M near the corner. for less damage…
It's not even a 1f link. People are just lazy.
I knew that, but that only works if she gets 2H is a counter-hit or she uses 236H from the correct distance. She can also loop auto-combo > 236M (hold) > M like 3 times in the corner too. The recovery on H skills are so fast that I barely use it though.
Zoi, Bubz, Eustace, Djeeta on certain counter hits and I'm sure there are more. Like the other anon said though, some characters just cycle cooldowns well so there isn't always a point in doing them.
Big Lucilius moment.
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There's some dumb shit that Soriz can do with 623M but it's almost never worth doing when you can just 623H > 236U instead.
I think you need to look at this from the failure angle, though.
For a good chunk of the cast, a blocked 66H is a full punish at that distance.
The ones that crumple will all get blown up, while the ones that bounce will all forfeit your turn.
It's something worth optimizing if you want, but generally I don't think it's worth the risk compared to the reward. 66L > cM also grants far more screen distance. The damage is also probably very close to cH depending on how far along you already are in the scaling (i.e. if you opened with a 66L, your scaling is already shot so more hits are better)
This character is so stupidly great.
Looking to upgrade my old dinky madcatz stick for this game, hows the qanba obsidian 2?
Used a friend's, I'm a TE2 enjoyer, but it felt fine to me.
Might have been the first Obsidian, though. I like having a bigger stick.
Not always an issue. For example, Belial does crouch confirm 236H4H he can either 66LcM or microwalk cH. Failure here means they block the cH(or mash DP I guess if they are a freak like that)
Katalina does close buttons 236U(not 2M or fL or other far button) she can easily short dash cH instead of 66L cM. if you mess up and get 66H, your combo ends there and it sucks. If you mess up and cH too late, they fall to the ground and you get oki since it's U skill HKD.
Neither of these should get you punished for doing it wrong(unless they are mashing DP vs belial).
There are probably other instances but these are two that I've seen.
The same belial players that do 66L cM over microwalk cH will still do the 2M cL cM corner juggle which is, imo, harder than getting the microwalk cH because everyone does the 2M cL cM so they know about it.
I feel rather than safe combos people just don't really lab stuff and instead copy what others do.
low budget looking sba
>ye olde 3am (S)hitter rank games
>the same S+ player 4 times
>long break
>AFK B rank
anyone playing atm
yea playin with this dick atm
i was playing but i stopped because that other guy was playing with his dick and it made me uncomfortable
I feel like you're just completely omitting the idea of 66H coming out when you're attempting to do 6, then cH.
At a certain point it does come down to just having better execution, but people do simple things for a reason even if they're not optimal.
i.e. Lucilius can link off of his 236M grounded in the corner but you it's a 2 frame window to microwalk then cM, which is insanely tight all for the sake of eking out one more special in your corner bnb for more damage and sword meter gain.
No one does that because it's absurdly demanding with very easy drop potential, even if all that happens is they block your cM.
Also to follow up, them blocking your combo is a "punishment". You lost out on damage, corner carry, meter, etc. It's not always about
>but I could get hit
>I feel like you're just completely omitting the idea of 66H coming out when you're attempting to do 6, then cH.
yes because you hold forward and press H it's literally impossible to get a dash normal from that.
it is not time for another day yet
It does come down to an execution issue, yeah. I imagine this is something folks who use a dash macro would have far less concern about, dunno if that's the case on your end.
Even barring the potential for messing it up, 66L > cM could still give more reward in terms of corner carry and damage depending on when it scales.
Belial is a great example, honestly. His plus buttons allow him to bully more easily with 66L, meaning he's really likely to see it as a starter, gutting his scaling.
actually we complain about people with standing lows, 2b and siegfried.
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His plan must be fucking retarded.
charlotta SBA is literally just her skill but rainbow
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But it's quick and satisfying.
Could be worse, like Katalina's. Someone post the webm.
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mmmmmmm nyo
im not posting the webm
i don't believe in god
Cog owes me sex
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dead game status?
microdash cH becoming 66H is a concern, microWALK cH should never be a 66H because there is never a dash. you just hold forward.
Yeah from a 66L starter with the new changes it does 20 more damage to do the easier route. There's a tiny bit more corner carry from 66L as well.
However, this is also part of my point. Knowing when different options give more reward is also something to learn from labbing. The initial question was "what is there to lab" and knowing what routes you should do off different confirms is one of those things. It isn't as important in this game as it is in other games where strong starters just give you entirely different routes due to hitstun scaling and etc but it is something people could put a little more time into, if they wanted.
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>The initial question was "what is there to lab
That's fair, I popped in midway through.
I enjoy the lab in this game because the options are technically so simple that you get some real jank stuff when you try to go fishing, like >>499370804
Can someone give me a non shitpost, non emotional objective assessment of why bea is considered to be a fraud?
>Medium buttons are stubby and have poor frame data
>f.h is decent but sluggish at 11f
>22M is -4, gets you in but turn loss
>22H suicide on block, use outside of combos is very limited
>22U is suicide on block
>214M can be stopped by dp if you try to reset pressure with it
>214M throw bait only works if the opponent is literally glued to the corner, 1 pixel off and you fly over the opponent and end up in the corner yourself
>No midscreen throw bait
>9f c.h means she can't do c.h after a raging
>Has to break open people using OS the manual way
>Basically ends up being a basic strike throw and 66l character
I'm not seeing it bwos
And no I don't play bea, I main katalina and I don't find bea to be a problem
>why bea is considered to be a fraud?
you have a command grab and move fast
>Command grab
>Move fast
So does Vira. Is she a fraud now?
too many retarded things said to point out
not going to bother
NTA but a 10f command grab is a very different game, even though Vira's has way more reward.
>Comparing Vira's slow ass command grab to Bea's
>Anon asks for a honest reply
>Makes sure to specifically say to not give an emotional answer
>Gets the usual 'no u' dipshit comeback
Beatrix truly is gbvsg's ptsd trigger
Try not being so obvious with your next bait and maybe you'll get some real answers.
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schizo retard
Vira has to run at you like a retard for like 2 seconds before she grabs you.
Have no idea why you tried to reply to me with that, but ok.
>issa s-s-samefag!
>gets proof its not
>starts to babble about random shit instead
Sorry you are mad no one took your shitpost seriously. Damn.
melty in progress
>Inb4 insecure tranny is going to get triggered into replying because he can't fanthom a world where he doesn't get the last word
thanks for the (You) btw
now be a good tool and do what you were made to do
Brown hours.
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Post sheeb
Yeah, your melty in progress.
Apparently Tatakai Tuesday has Granblue now?
why are beafags like dis
Vira trophy wife confirmed
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didn't this brownschizo anon have a melty the other day too
22 series infinitely better than other characters who have to use 66M. Safer on block, can be canceled into to catch people who are trying to walk back when they aren't in your 2L/2U range after a poke(like fH), if you have clock from command grab it becomes really rewarding on hit.
has a command grab
has a throw bait to begin with, saying it only works in certain situations doesn't matter since most characters don't even have one at all
fireball while lacking at long range is much better in pressure compared to other characters(fH into 236L/H is more rewarding on block than other characters, fH into 236M destroys roll/dodge, much better RPS at this range)
10f command grab(unreactable)
>9f c.h means she can't do c.h after a raging
this is true for a vast majority of characters, why are you listing it like it's a downside?

>i play katalina
No, that wasn't me.
>replying to a shitpost
he straight up lied on "9f c.h means she can't do c.h after a raging" btw
soriz can do c.h after raging strike and his is 10 for example
it was me
I might be in the minority here but I would trade 22 series low hit property for a good coco deskcar any day
>grimnir using U fireball when his H fireball was still spinning in place
Stupid fucking character
Try going C.XXX autocombo into raging into c.h in the corner and see if it links
>Imao imagine complaining about
>Oh its grimnig
Yeah you're right, this is a stupid fucking character indeed
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raging strike in corner vs grounded the statement is true. Raging chain it isn't. Raging strike if they were already launched by an EX or a 2U it isn't true. It's a stupid point but technically correct.
the actual lie is that 214M doesn't work as a throw bait outside the corner. It only goes over if bea herself is point blank. You can easily do it from within throw range and not whiff.
oh no... you meant after a regular raging strike in the corner and not a raging chain loop where not having c.h link would actually somewhat matter in terms of damage?
oh no no no.....
>He doesn't know that sometimes you need to burn raging if your combo starter is on cd
>But why is it on cd lmao
>Because its used to hitconfirm in nootch
>Why don't you just chain then nigga haha
>Because you can't sba after chain
Helped save everyone here some time by answering the retarded shit coming from you in advance
i think it was 2 threads ago we went over that there are only like 8 characters that have a cH faster than 9f and multiple have one that is slower. The character is bad because they...have a standard cH? Is that the downplay?
Why are you green texting a bunch of stuff that was not said or implied? Are you mentally unwell?
Like anon said earlier
>this is true for a vast majority of characters, why are you listing it like it's a downside?
And it's not like it matters in terms of damage since we all know Beatrix explodes. Based on your complaints and the way you try to argue, you are just profoundly retarded I feel like.
>show something that only works against instant teching dumb dumbs
>assuming opponents won't delay later at all
nyes very useful
now compare it to something like cog air bait or seox walk/run up air fireball bait that kills both options and covers a very broad timing
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>Here is my retarded downplay
>ONLY objective and NON emotional answers to my retarded shit please
>also I play Kat btw and NOT beatrix
>I just REALLY like to argue and go apeshit defending a character I don't play smile
shame on you for falling for this shit bros
>In advance
>Calls other anon retarded while lacking basic literacy skills
>I hope he cries about this green text too
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Who's the best Vira player in the world and why is it rinna feuglace?
>Bea cH: 9f startup -2 on block
>Ferry cH: 9f startup +3 on block
you ever notice how everyone complains about beatrice and not the much more fucked up ferry? I think it's kind of strange that the general is obsessed with this average character to the point where they ignore the insane frame data other characters have.
There are a lot of situations to lab
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Whats happening
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I'll be honest anon, most of you either suck at the game or if you don't your opinions are so full of bias and subjective points it's not even worth responding because you just want people to agree with you that you're correct.

I've never seen such entitled cry babies ever, fighting game players are something else.

When I lose a match yes, I do realize that the opponent might be playing a character stronger than mine, but that's like my 5th or 6th thought, I actually realize I just suck at the game and got outplayed for the most part. Do you guys genuinely never have this thought? Do you truly believe all your losses are because "le fraud"?
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Nice BC you got there
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>muh moral superiority
I dare you to not think you got robbed if this happens to you.
katalina is so based, destroys fraudulent dipshits. You're going to learn to block mids TODAY.
This game has some RNG interactions, I knew what I was getting into the moment I booted up the game.
>mashes BC
I like how you refused to respond to the part where your listed "negative" got btfo'd.
>Doesn't mention that her 'le epic read' leaves her plus ob so she can ram another degenerate guess right after
Nope, totally all skill bwo, get gapped kuhuhu
how dare a character spend meter to be plus
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Where's my plus then
you have to use a different ultimate skill to be plus.
I like how much you're seething over this
Plus, beats BC, beats throw, not a lot of characters have that in a single tool. NTA btw, it's fine that characters have strong stuff, considering it does have counterplay.
you forgot it beats 2h too
Yeah, forgot about mentioning it being air ok and you know, a teleport.
Oh and it's an ambiguous crossup that immediately btfos anyone not using the guard button i.e 99.9999% of this game's playerbase
And it's plus on dodge
>still cant refute
Ggs ez
Also pays my taxes when I cast the move
Well yeah, that is the wrong answer to it after all. I'm actually not even sure if mashing beats the crossup honestly, I should lab it.
>He's still on it
>Even unironically goes ggs ez
I swear some anons on this board are like 5 or some shit
Either that or tranny behavior
bro is casting his abilities in granblue fantasy versus rising
The fact that Vira's and Anila's 214U exist in the same game as Narmaya's 214U is honestly baffling.
>It was the brown obsessed tranny fag all along
To no one surprise
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rising should have more brown girls
Kil is like 40 years old and acts like he's a 15 year old teen
It's just nigger behaviour
What we know about the brownfag so far
>downplaying beabro
>the scumchang ult flip complainer
>goes schizo about trannies and is afraid of replying properly when he is at his most mad
I usually win these sets but Rinna's unhinged offense takes some adjustment and then I sometimes get dodged the rest of the evening.
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Sex with niia
>It's all the same person
What we know about the tranny anon calling everyone brown so far
>has sexual fantasies about brown men
>assumes every anon replying to him is brown and also a samefag
>never takes xer meds
>2U spammer
Just block low and punish bwo
And this is still one of the best generals on /vg/.
Samefag pajeet
Now watch as he calls me brown as well
beabro is s+ as well
why is that s+/s++ ranks are the loudest in this general?
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Why is thread so unhinged today
Stop feeding the attention seeking schizo then
thank you
i'm calling everyone here brown and there's nothing you can do about it
Started when a Beatrixfag posted his list of dumb reasons why she is not a gorilla or whatever. And the he got mad enough at the responses that he likely still shits up the thread.
We should all collectively only use brown skins.
Imagine what confusion that would cause.
It's just one thin-skinned anon who always gets baited because they need to have the last word at all times
>Suspiciously fails to mention the triggered self-hating brown anon seething nonstop
Nice try
Brown post
You will always be brown
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i'll show you something brown
Thanks for proving my point.
We know it's you, you self-hating brown tranny
Just use a trip at this point because you might as well
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These anons are brown esls
>tororo is streaming
Why aren't you watching the honest jappa salaryman play his homoknight gbvsg?
I'm not good at fighting games, nor do I only play fighting games. How could you call me black?
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i am a brown erune sex lover, what about it?
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sir I'm a yellow monkey, not brown
>Not good at fighting games
>When every local is 70% nig, 25% troon freak, 4% white and 1% Japanese tourist
Why must you lie
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I'm a white guy from Britain where the nearest local is a 2 hour train journey away and I'm an anti social autist. This general is the closest I've gotten to consistent locals experience.
Can anyone please tell me why Bea is such a shit character? I don't even play her and I play Katalina but Bea is so ASS, man.
>Call Vira spammer brown
>triggers all the browns in the general
>Now everyone is apparently me
I'm more powerful than I thought.
>loudest in the general
Isn't that just you
but i am
There is that brown Metera skin that almost made me want to pick that character up. The one with the black hair.
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i lack pigment to a dangerous degree
>katalina ragequit
lol lmao
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Isn't that dangerous, with how close the sky-realm is to the sun?
Please see a dermatologist.
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this one? it's nice
>brownschizo tranny posts two bait posts in a row
>everyone ignores xim, not a single (You)
Where is night-realm? we need that
or underground realm
I only called him that once. I didn't know it would trigger him that much. Forgive me...
Being a secondary, I have no idea what is actually below the clouds and islands.
Yes, yes…
>he immediately replies to his own post after getting mocked
jesus talk about being a insecure thin skinned fag rumao
literal clown-tier behaviour here
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Post genetically perfect women
StreamCHADS are we watching tororo or tahichi today?
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We are so back
I didn't know that browns were so easy to trigger. Didn't even call them a slur or anything, just the colour of their skin. Me thinks they have an inferiority complex.
>Schizo turns out to be that one mentally ill anon who spent their own money on a commision
The mystery unravels...
Time for another meta post from that guy mentioning trannies.
>Being a secondary, I have no idea what is actually below the clouds and islands.
Basically an hellscape called the Crimson Horizon, but it's more like falling into an alternate dimension than being a place on earth
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idk which schizo you are talking about but whenever someone asks for vira I will post this image.
Next time I'll make sure to use someone else's money when I commission artwork.
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>rat is the best idol-ACK!
I wonder if Vikala's 5U will be one of her main used abilities or just a gimmick that is overshadowed by her specials.
Bro just use a trip, we know its you. Like why even bother with the facade at this point
>someone else's money
of course a schizo like you is still relying on mommy and daddy to get by
>tfw stopped replying long ago
>he still think i am behind every post so he just makes a clown of himself without me doing anything
Feels good man.
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i just want to post images of girls kissing each other
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pyost viwa
>*check hours*
it all makes sense now lol
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At what time are characters usually released?
depends if they're brown or not
we should all get a trip me thinks
>H leibinlebu is hard to fuzzy
- Tororo
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What's your excuse for not maining this semen demon gbvsg
I like her transformed version more
>Transformed Vira snorting Lumi crack is unironically less schizo than regular Vira
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Just think the serious executioner mode is way cooler.
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Mentally unwell women give better sex anon
>anon lecturing about sex
Roflcopter even.
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Post women who would lecture you during sex
How do I have fun in Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising?
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Play a top tier
Belial or Siegfried
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Get good at it.
I'm not a pro but at least I'm Master and have fun.

I cannot enjoy competitive multiplayer videogames unless I'm good at them.
But I have 4 master characters already.
Read my other post and consider extreme introspection then: >>499381995
I read that post and don't think it's relevant to me.
>Still not GM
Not the flex you think it is bwo
I didn't say nor imply that it is a flex. That's your own mind speaking.
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3 days left
Then you're just depressed and you need to stop playing videogames, get a haircut, a wife, and fuck off from here already..
You might be right.
>could have just said you were masters
>had to slip in hur hur I have 4 masters
nyes I'm sure it is
i would respect you more if you admitted it instead of this pussyfooting around
It's such a low effort achievement that I really doubt someone would lie about it.
I stated a simple fact. Only somebody that puts value on would take it as a flex. You sound insecure.
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with all the hype she's I'm honestly hoping for her to be trash tier
bait used to be believable
What a retard.
She will be busted
She will be super popular
You WILL put on the rat ears
>Female character
funny joke mang
Can you type it again in english?
Meant for >>499396452
Two out of the three female characters released so far were really good on release and are still high tier.
Who gets harder faster?
>A burger when he spots a chance to call someone an esl
>Belial when he sees rushifaa
The latter one is divisive, but doubt anyone would think she's weak.
I meant that Cygays wouldn't let more than 1 female character be top tier per major patch
Yuu wrill get a top 5 filled with homos and that one rotating female pity pick and like it gaijin
>sex with cag would quickly devolve into her lecturing you on alchemy and why she's great while you sit there in bed with your boner long gone as you zone out her babbling
Man, I can't put my thumb on it but this entire general really feels like two or three anons just schizoing as different personalities.
Shouldn't cag be more troll or shitposter like? My headcanon is that she would go "Lmao kek look at you getting off from sticking it inside a oji-san guhahahaha"
3 of 3
All me.
But lade told me she was shit
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I have 1 character in S
I just don't know where to put mom to be completely honest, it seems some matchups are really tough for her, but I'm talking as a spectator since I don't play her.
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i have never been above S
She has results, though.
Wish it would magically show your max in-game rank next to your posts so that I would know not to reply to shitters.
So you two are the (S)hitters that GM schizo anon kept calling out for complaining about neechang and bea...
my condolences
i only complain about grimnir and 2b
but that fat nigga lade said otherwise tho
he's GM and master on every character
how can such a genegawd possibly be wrong
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corny ass mother fucker
Suframare, https://litter.catbox.moe/3yrt8m.jpg
She win't get into Rising, though.
good image
all mids just block
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I'm not reading all of that.
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>Kat dies
>She immediately rebounds on danchou
Like a real woman
you need to be nicer
must be someone else because I never complained about narmaya or bea
>and I dislike aya hirano
>horrific otherworldly sounds
Reminder that Otherworlders are actual evil dudes in Granblue canon and you could argue that Otherworld is a place in Grub world.
>go out for half a day
>come back to 200 brown and schizo posts
its beautiful.
brownoids do be like dat
don't feed the self-hating brown schizo attention
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Do one as oki
Do another when they stand up
Do another flip, they'll recover immediately now
Instead of doing the overhead use the L version, you'll hit them doing 2H

Always fucking works
Draphification is my fetish
Try this against pink niia and report back to us how it went
I main katalina and I don't find bea to be a problem
why is Charlotta fellating the cab
call eachother brownies again!
Just in case that was a 66 input and not teabagging, a holy knight isn't afraid of BC loving Ferrys! Yah!
impressive innit
niiga dayo
WAY too big Almeida. And I'm not talking about her boobs.
Not impressed.
has strengths like high damage, good confirms, corner carry and her unorthodox dash
has weaknesses like weak defense, normals with different properties, polarizing matchups and her unorthodox dash
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Can someone say they are impressed with my comeback against OP Ferry? I'd greatly appreciate it.
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shame I missed the meltdown earlier
I wanted to post this
>boot up game
>very motivated to play for hours
>ready to tryhard
>first opponent
>a walking back 2B
>win or lose, close the game immediately after
What a fun-vampire of a character. All joy and motivation is immediately lost when I play against her shitass faggot moveset.
this but also Bea and kat and Belial and Sieg
This but cag and metera
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worst matchmaking ever
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I have seen better
>voiced by ironmouse
I'd say we would get a huge influx of players, but vtuber fags don't have money.
these but also abel and pringles guy and lance and lowain and shart-a-lotta
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I'm impressed!
Thank you!
I have come to the realization men are more dramatic than women based on this thread
this thread is filled with only the cutest of girls
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I'm not a girl
charlotta is.
>consooming western whore content
maybe if it featured someone from vspo, hololive or hell even niji but EN vtuberfags are all fabela dwelling poorfags
Ironmouse voices the trap, not the character.
i feel you anon, to me fighting 2B is too draining to keep going if i face her more than a set a day
>voices an attack, not even the character
wow this really is just a blatant attempt of trying to get vtuberfags to play the game
if that was the case then they should have picked someone from hololive
anon, Ironmouse is like the biggest streamer on twitch, she is a pretty easy big name to draw attention to your game across the world
seems more like they are trying to appeal to the wrong audience.
>playing games
I mean, it worked for dix...
Reminder that ktang jobbed to this mashing nigger live on stream
Yeah, the japanese side.
who will be the first to challenge rinna to a ft10
this is a japanese fighting game based on japanese gacha.
ironmouse's content is just reaction streams to internet memes and playing the latest early access, multiplayer slob.
wrong audience. she played tekken 8 and nobody cared.
with hololive and youtube.
but this is vshojo and twitch.
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>biggest streamer on twitch
no wonder the western vtuber community is in shambles then
Heh. Even if the retention from that is 1%, it's still a considerable win considering the current number of players.
And by that, I obviously mean a win for Cygames.
At worst, it will just be like 2B and her audience, on another scale.
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I think Vikala already had an ''oficial VA'', that's why they didn't get ironlungs to voice the whole thing
Which is a shame because her VA is horrible and mentally ill
yeah? the girls playing sf6 were all holoJP, of course it worked for the japanese side
I'm actually pretty optimistic about this but the cynical in me needs to post this
That belial tweet had 24M views, if 1% of that converted to players we'd be the biggest fg
>Which is a shame because her VA is horrible and mentally ill
>yeah? the girls playing sf6 were all holoJP, of course it worked for the japanese side
My point is that there is a real difference between JP and western vtuber fans, also the circumstances are different. CR Cup (basically what Sajam Slam was inspired from) managed to get the vtuber fans invested into the event and the game, they also manage to squeeze out a "storyline" if we can call it that for it, and for the very first one was pro players teaching people that never played a fighting game before and how complete beginners can have a lot of fun in a fighting game and contribute to their team in the tournament.
I honestly don't think these two instances are comparable unfortunately, I hope I'm wrong and more people pick up and like the game, but I'm not too hopeful.
>Mentally ill
Kinda a given don't ya think
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Go away
you WILL love your mom
>watching strummers for this kusoge on twitch
>all of them have an ego issue of some sort that spills out even when they win, say less about losing
what is it about streaming that makes people assholes?
I get it on this mongolian basket weaving board since we're all anons but you have a facecam and a name as a streamer
I see you
I see you on my follow list
whatcha doin i see you you're playing casual MM and now it says you're online, are you chilling at the menu?
dont watch vtubers but i feel like im inclined to say "literally who"
Any master siegs or lances in here? I need MU experience.
Anon, this is gbvsg, we're all gms here
if they add a vtranny guest character I am immediately dropping this game
There's a Lancelot that pops up every now and again. Dunno the last time I saw a /gbvsg/ Siegfried
>vtranny guest character
nigga what the fuck are you talking aboot
Why do you keep calling them "vtranny" when they're almost all biological women whores?
It was totally worth putting this shithead character in before anyone people actually asked for to artificially generate hype in 2Btroons who will just flock to the next game that's shilling 2B after they get bored with the previous one.
because the only people that watch them are trannies and/or shitskins
I'm not going to lie:

how they added her is pretty cool. Her moveset is really similar to how it was in automata, the fact that she plays differently is interesting and the whole gadget arsenal she has is also cool. You can tell they've put effort into her.

But yeah.
>cancerous to play against, braindead to play
>didn't do shit for the popularity
Not worth it when GBF has so many cool characters they could've added. I hate guest characters in videogames so much.
you sound deranged, have you taken your meds today?
you sound brown, have you stepped out of your mudhut today?
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Here's your season 2 guest character, bro
If I was good at this game I would probably be a really cocky obnoxious egotistical loudmouthed asshole. I would make the resident Charlotrannies look tame in comparison. But alas, I am forever A rank. Consider yourselves lucky.
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Awww, the little cute kitty is hissing, isn't he, little BITCH.
Good one bro!
Why does she look so eager while being almost naked?
Get off fucking wifi, holy shit.
myake me
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Sadly it's the norm because tards piss themselves in excitement over the same characters getting pimped out to other games and when you point that out, people act like you are a joyless cunt for not wanting to see fucking 2B or Terry Bogard in literally every game ever made.
This is mostly a westcuck trait. Most JP GM tier streamers are incredibly chill and regularly meme as they play. Also I notice it's usually the low crystal masters who have this sort of chip on their shoulder, aka the classic salt stemming from being good but not amazing at this game
Why is this place only active when you faggots are having melties over inane shit?
Why did I have to find >>499430476 in a fucking /gbfg/ catbox link instead of you useless niggers posting it here?
shut the fuck up brownie
not my problem
I am only a humble S++ Sieg unfortunately.
have you learned how to break throws yet?
WestGODs dunk on jappoids in this game
Yeah you press M+H whenever you block anything so they can't ever throw you.
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Go back to trooncord kil
The West dunks on Nips in every game, the only reason Japanese used to have a reputation for being good at fighting games is that they got all the games several years in advance so had a massive head-start. Simultaneous releases have removed that, and all of a sudden Nips can't even win their own fucking EVO.
>Samefagging replies
this + HRT improves reaction times and the fact that most westchads also use vyvanse recreationally gives them the competitive edge over the honoraburu salaryman spirit
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Last evo, burgers.
troon va
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>My point is that there is a real difference between JP and western vtuber fans
What's the difference? They are all brown.
I got to masters with lunalu so I’m basically masters with everyone if you really think about it heh…
save us bruise queen
A lot of people here sperg out fiercely about VTubers for some reason, I find it very odd as well.
I don't watch them but I don't lose my shit at the mere mention of them, and I sure as fuck wouldn't stop playing a game I like because of one of them.
>A lot of people here sperg out fiercely about VTubers for some reason, I find it very odd as well.
yeah i always found it pretty weird too
but then again 90% of this site is some form of mentally ill, the vtuber raging ranks pretty low in the list
which one is your favourite vtranny?
i don't watch vtubers
have they even mentioned a balance patch coming?
nothing so far but i find it unlikely that they won't do a mini patch
the "balance changes" in the most recent patch only managed to fuck up balancing even more so I really wouldn't be asking for any more balance changes from these incompetent fucks
if they didn't announce it then it's not happening.
>only managed to fuck up balancing even more so
How? Nier isn't the unparalleled top-tier anymore, and a lot of weaker characters got some juice. The gap between the best and the worst has become a lot smaller.
Profuse schizophrenia
>Vikala joins the #GBVSR roster in the Ver 1.60 update on Oct 25!
That's it.
I'll drop the game tomorrow.
Have they ever released ONLY the character and nothing else alongside it, regardless of how small it is?
From memory all character releases had small balance changes with them or some bug fixes
why tomorrow exactly
2B's patch had nothing in it.
Man, I wish, we still got 2b, though.
reminder that there wont be a balance patch
you forgot your nier_plush.jpg sis
im not that anon so using that would be rude
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there will be balance changes. this has been your fortunechang report.
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There will be balance changes and your main will get nerfed.
I will demand neechang hugs if you are wrong.
What a coincidence I main Belial Beatrix 2B Siegfried Katalina
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why is it called a paw when it's a hand
dong ding
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come get your free hug
>gets anti-aired once
>gameplan falls apart and just resolve to walking back setsuna
every time.
ow :(
b-bread doko?
The powers that be told me I cannot bake.
i baked 3 of the last 4
i aint baking this one
nice satyr
this is pretty much mandatory if you have a 4k monitor. looks like garbage otherwise

why do you have a 4k setup if your GPU is bad

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