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Previous: >>498994505

>What... is this?
Put simply, a simulation of Pro Evolution Soccer being competed between teams which are embodiments of boards of the 4chan imageboard. The players represent facets of each board's culture. All of the matches are AI versus AI. However, humans "manage" each team, creating their tactics and giving input during games as they happen to make substitutions and tactical changes as they see fit.

>Where can I watch the cup?

>Upcoming Cup

>Upcoming Invitationals



>Other videos

>PES Info

>Promoted Fetus Teams

Last day of the Fetus
Where are the VODs?
god's weakest rrat
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>/k/ lmao
fetus 3rd day and fetus first bait where?
Sorry, I still don’t care.
>ai poi
>third melty
>need fun
>aname cope
>already gay
I do care about 'lesbians' choking on cocks
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what we're you fuckers saying about /biz/ again?
4CB's wouldn't work?
/biz/ was the coathanger team?
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>/AG/ is in for DBC5
They didn't >test against it. /biz/'s export was lifted straight from /mlpol/, which won /pol/eague 6, hence why they didn't have enough CBs for the new subs format. As the manager put it, it functions almost like a 5-0-5, with its ability to conduct effective langboll removing the need to run fullbacks. Its weakness was that by running Gegen from the start, a team that played more conservatively would be able to exploit the stamina gap in the 45-65 window.
>DBC5 in less than 24hrs has twice as many signsup as /a/utopilot league
imagine being such a little bitch that you emotionally involve yourself into a shitty team because you have nothing better to do in your life
streak is the kind of guy to unironically do >we posting
>/4ccg/ eliminated
>/o/ bad
>/2hug/ lole
>piss show
>kwab discord
>aryan df
>third melty
>holy tony
>bench mods
>nice fat
Please have it not use that really dark green font next time, if there's a setting for that.
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at this point might as well just cancel /a/ lel or relegate it to a feature length new years even match and merge it into dbc so it runs all december
>creating a league for a board that doesn't allow generals
doomed to fail.
Some of you seem very invested in some random invitationals.
DBC is fun tho
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>>nice fat
>>/AG/ is in for DBC5
Okay retards I signed up /4ccg/ for DBG, what's the roster? This is what I have so far reply to swap out players/tell me to kill myself
1. This guy
2. Shiddy
3. Melty
4. Tom Nook
5. >9 (gk)
6. Soumissioner
7. Lost Media
8. Joe (RIP)
9. You
11. very GAY legaue
12. >vtumors
13. Big market bailout
14. Discord League
15. >>123456789
16. Skill-Based Esport
17. 2huminatti
18. You tell me
19. So you don't know?
20. Grim
21. Breed
22. >langball
23. >assco
We're not for your tricks this time. Fuck off
All of them should be KWAB versions
bestie got the invitational name wrong, that's totes cringe...
divegrass before ghristmas :DDDDD
Divegrass Before Ghrisdmas :DDDD
Is every non-specific invitational just gonna be 25-50% baggots and /vt/ from now on?
they wont give us the VGL vs VTL 32 team royal rumble so this is as close as it can get
I wake up dead
KWABOTY (to be decided whomst this would be referring to)
>/a/utopilot league
Dusty and Joe (RIP)
Melty should be called [opposing team]'s having a melty
What is POI? (Because actual interest doesn't matter anymore)
Rename >9 to page 9 sluts, Breed to I'm Breednevitable and Soumissioner to Soumala Harris
We NEED The Cracks...
This guy is gonna bail at the last minute again so don't get too excited
If he bails I will take over and run it as modified Winter 18 /k/
Awful esl suggestions don't listen to this one
more like
>creating a board league that in reality is just a personal circlejerk for teams you like and dismissing and laughing at anything the board might actually like
Worst post in the thread so far.
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what went wrong?
lost against a team that threw twice on the last day while sucking /admin/ cock
Shitty board has a shitty team, here’s my shocked face.
Ok, iqlet
sexualising managers
Anyone that tries to make /4ccg/ without Be the Change is a merc.
>/a/ got the anti-spam too
Next are either /tv/ or /sp/
/a/ vax status?
Mods are gearing up for faggot election spam, so it makes sense
Hopefully this means we get to see less of some ban-evading schizos.
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Looks like /dbs/ likes it
I don't understand any retard saying this isn't a good idea
defeats what they believe to be the purpose of 4chan
I would argue the opposite
This stops many phoneposters
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Thank you king, will upload this soon

So a bit of a discussion maybe, I opened sign ups early thinking "oh well it's fine there is going to be 8-16 teams when the previous sign up date hits" because it feels like theres been an invitational exhaustion lately
But now I feel bad because some teams are already missing out due to the 4 teams per board league rule

So in this case, is first come first serve still fair? It's only been 18 hours but I don't know any other way to do this desu
I signed up my /vr/ league team for Divegrass before Christmas
You'd be better off just barring vtlel teams entirely, they already have two leagues a year
Thought 3rd place was enough to be safe when that was only true in a good 4cc economy. Sou's recession means anyone can get thrown into a fetus.
He'd be better off barring all of the league teams for that same reason, but people want to have 4cc vs vgl vs vtl memes and that's why he's allowing a few from each.
They'll just submit loosely disguised non-vtlel forms of teams that they use. It won't change anything.
>people want to have 4cc vs vgl vs vtl memes
/ag/ league doesn't allow that and they shoot for 64 teams, it doesn't make sense for a more reasonably sized tournament to allow it.
/ag/ league could do it just fine, just like how DBC can do it fine enough if it runs with 32 teams.
i still dont understand what the /ag/ league is and who sings up for it
unironically do a real league with teams from all main leagues, bring back 4ccc.
architecture league
only fat teams allowed
>what the /ag/ league is
A randomly assorted cup organized by the /ag/ circlejerk.
>who sings up for it
People from pretty much all kinds of allegiances. True /ag/ teams are probably in the minority.
>who sings up for it
gusic teams
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Cancel the cup
>who signs up for it
anyone that wants to make a fake team that doesn't fit in to the board leagues, that's the appeal for most people
you accidentally got /rrat/ in the screenshot, they are a good team.
trip on
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>/a/utopilot league
VGL mercs
Admin puppet teams
#sportsball drama
Dragon Ball Genshin
How so, you are still anonymous you are just not allowed to spam on your phone anymore.
So WuWa?
You really needs the parentheses around, like (You)
2huminati has a single t
Make sure to use /h/'s Grimm model for Grim
>>499270053 and have the model be /adv/'s Be Yourself
Melty -> 'elty on the 'ord
You tell me and so you don't know could be just 1 player since it's basically the same meme
Might as well just have one player called /pw/ brainrot
This is not /4ccg/.
See >>499286869
bump the limit of board teams to 5 or 6 desu
(You) is rightful /a/ clay
On a second thought, it doesn't really need to be on the /4ccg/ roster, there's been quite a few proposals which can replace it.
(You) should just be BE or Be the change.
BE has a nicer ring to it
bump yourself straight into hell nigga
>So in this case, is first come first serve still fair? It's only been 18 hours but I don't know any other way to do this desu
It's probably the fairest way, unless you prefer to pick the top ones depending on rankings, but that's too e-sports minded.
>vt scum creating teams literally today in order to take up spots in DBC
You could have priority for non-board league teams but like other people said, better to just ban board teams altogether. The "proxy" teams issue has also been brought up, which I think could be taken care of on a case by case basis, shit like /sk2/, /pcmx/ and /myth/ can obviously go.
/pcmx/ is a legitimate invitational team tbf
Tom Nook
Remove Managers
Big Market Bailout
You tell me
So you don't know?
eFootball when?
Nothing ever changes
Fetus Bailout
/pw/ brainrot
The cracks have bloomed
Sorry not VTL related
as legitimate as a certain state for god's chosen people
can't wait to see Cipher battle it out on the pitch with his groomed e-girl CoManager
> The "proxy" teams issue has also been brought up, which I think could be taken care of on a case by case basis, shit like /sk2/, /pcmx/ and /myth/ can
The solution there is you just apply the 4 per board league rule to “proxy” teams while retaining the first come first serve rule.
rumor has it /ag/ league wants to expand to 128 teams
Looking at their page, they have had a team with logo, kits, roster, export ready since like April. As opposed to /myth/ which was just created today for one purpose only.
I'd say it depends on how you also feel about baggot teams signing up
I know nothing about it, but they have a kino logo and wiki page, so I would put them thru based on that effort alone.
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>/ag/ [...] wants to expand
board league teams are apart of dbc history
You mean they're separate?
>all these anons seething over /vt/ anons being more enthusiastic and engaged
honestly grim
People hate obnoxious faggots more news at 11 with "people hate bronies too?"
>enthusiastic and engaged
more like obnoxious and invasive
>only fat teams allowed
rank them
engage deez enthusiastically *dips ma ballz in ya mouf*
>a second bullshit /vt/ spam proxy team has been created today and signed up
Manager KWAB level tier list?
You see, VTL fags are so used to being able to get their way and have no fan dead teams spawn and be approved for no reason that they are trying to attempt here as well.
Authentic VTL experience.
make it so managers have to do 80% of their aes work, always.
Aes are more important than tactics.
>mr president...
phenomenal how unsubtle it is

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