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White border edition

Previous: >>498349826

>News & Reminders
Alchemy: Duskmourn is out
Buy the pixel Ajani avatar and sleeve bundle, extra life sleeve and pixel Fblthp sleeve from the store until November 15 to benefit charity
Historic anthologies 1-3 available in the store until November 12
Leyline of resonance is "being watched" in bo1
Five new precons now available in the store
MagicCon Las Vegas October 25-27


>Useful Links

>Free Codes

Should leyline of resonance be banned in standard?
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>he STILL didn't notice
>Should leyline of resonance be banned in standard?
Yes, and not just for bo1. A turn 2 kill is not something that should be allowed in the format and letting it stay sets a bad precedent.
I think it should stay because it is funny and matches arenas theme of being fucking shitty. Just play one mana remova broski theres like a million of them.
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This is the perfect answer to mono red
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I get that this mode is basically gambling but this is ridiculous. I tried to look for draw spells as hard as I could and could barely find any while every opponent goes first, has like 6+ draw 2 cards and also discard and counterspells to make me unable to do anything

like before I accepted that I am not a good player and could not be consistenly unlucky but this mode is making me question if bad luck is actually a thing
All ajani avatar players are me running a bot net to punish you with forced losses. You will bend the knee to Ajani or perish in obscurity.
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I mean look at this shit.

On my alt account I managed to draft a deck with insane amount of draw spells and then I face this on the draw. Finally I have all the draw and it's useless. This game is damaging to your mental health.
>have 100% winrate since reaching mythic last week
>ranking has gone down overall
great rank system guys
>100% win rate
>ranking has gone down
guy, the smaller the number is, the better
... your butt (and around the corner).
>retards ITT actually, unironically think on that level
Genuinely consider suicide at this point. Quit while you're behind.
literally the worst standard of all time
only thing that matters is who goes first
>only thing that matters is who goes first
Welcome to Magic: The Gathering.
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How do these decks always draw perfectly discard + removal into sheoldred? They even had another one.
Thats not very nice anon how would you feel if someone said that to you?

Fun Jank deck for Historic.
Basic gameplan
>play a planeswalker on Turn 3, preferably Teyo but Yorion so whatever you have
>get a cornucopia down with 1 charge counter
>get an ichormoon gauntlet down
>cast planeswalkers and use their abilities carefully until you've managed to stabilize
>take over the game from there
Most people will scoop once you have enough presence and a board state that's almost impossible to punch through. Deck is also very good at gaining life so stabilizing is easy. Putting an Ichormoon Gauntlet into the K4rn board is probably smart, and you can switch Door to Nothingness for Aetherflux Reservoir for easier, but more boring, wins. The deck's not easy to play, and requires very careful usage of planeswalker abilities so you don't accidentally fuck yourself. The most important rule is to never be scared, and fight until you're deterministically dead. If you're not dead on board, you can always recover the deck is wildly good at it.
Enjoy losing most games, but the games you win will be some of the most wild you'll ever experience. Ichormoon Gauntlet is such a shit card, but brewing around it has been so much fun.
Skill issue.

Probably relieved that someone finally told me the truth (if I were to put myself in your shoes anyway).
because its bots
there are less than 1000 real players left
Hi schizo.
Those niggers should just port in Coretapper, Everflowing Chalice and Surge Node instead so I can finally play fucking Dice Factory in Arena.

And Bridge, just for the extra salt.
only 1 minute after my post lmao
shills earning that 5 gems today
I agree, that's what initially inspired this deck. Holy fuck I would kill a motherfucker for urza's saga in this stupid format.
>that 5 gems
What flavor of third worlder are you, ESL?

Nah, that card's cancer. I'd take (non-conjured) Tron or the tools for Lantern Control over that.
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I building a ajani tribal deck what cards should i play?
I don't mind Saga as much as other Memedern players. It's a card, and the interaction between it and Coretapper is most of why I want it. What a dumb interaction, I think it's funny.
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See >>499297770.
No u
Is there a list somewhere of all cards with Ajani in them? Im making ajani deck and i know some have ajani in them but not his name, like heroic intervention?
in non-ranked draft do you get matched against opponents with the same record
Pretty sure, yeah.
>do you get matched against opponents
no only bots
Kickass broski thanks a heckin bunch
You shpuld be nice or someone might decide to post furry porn again and get banned, without them your pathetic excuse for a thread will surely die. Tread carefully retard anon.
>You shpuld be nice
And you should use a spellchecker, dyslexic "retard anon". Also, I'd rather the threads die earlier than having a faggot like yourself fagging it up.
You dont have a real argumant so you attack surface level things. Im sorry bud are you having a bad time whats wrong? Nihilism isnt the answer. I turnt spell chekur off because you still know what i meam and it getz stuph wronk somtims
What surface level things? You're a repugnant, annoying furfaggot; that's the beginning and end of it. You have no rebuttal so you're tone policing. Fuck off and go back to your containment board: >>>/lgbt/
You are having a bad time im sorry... whats wrong buddy what happened why are you so angry?
Anyways i think ive got the ajani brawl deck made anyone wanna see the list? Positive responses only please!
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Yall should consider cracking the fetch t1 or im gonna stifle you and you will feel bad.
but my information reveal
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What a fun game mode :)
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Really nice work here arena staff im really happy right now when half my modes just dont show up thanks for the free draft. Cunts.
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Oh, fuck you
(I'll probably leave it in though, at least for a bit)
did you try using the slider?
Are there any settings I should know about as a newcomer?
Yeah, enable manual ordering of triggers. It's annoying sometimes but there's a lot of interactions where you'll want it.
It will make you crazy. You gain nothing by playing it.
New to the game entirely or just to Arena? Full control to hold priority is one thing that can fuck you up if you try to do anything fancy.
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>got drunk and thought it was a good idea to spend almost all my rares building a mill deck
Please help me make this playable so it isn't a complete waste.
Mill is like burn, you can't half ass it, you need to commit. Unfortunately Standard mill is meh at the best of times, and it's pretty shit right now. You should cut most of that removal and maybe black entirely, outside of some exceptions like pic related. Founding the third path is great, but again there's no good mill cards in Standard right now that fit the criteria. Mindskinner seems bad since throwing in creatures means their removal is useful.
>Should leyline of resonance be banned in standard?
It should have never been fucking printed if they were even 10% competent at their fucking jobs.
Subhuman retards.
Anyone who plays or has ever played a leyline deck is fully aware they are the most subhuman creatures imaginable on top of it. Kill yourselves. I can't wait until that disgusting retard card is banned.
What do you think about making the sideboard a bit transformative with the main deck being creatureless and bringing them in game 2?
Thank god we still have B03. Tried playing two b01 matches earlier.
>You go second
>leyline into scamp
>Did you have fun?
Okay whatever next game
>You go second
>leyline into scamp
>did you have fun?
Holy fuck the sheer amount of non-games this single card creates, and the sheer amount of pathetic subhumans who do nothing but spam b01 Leyline still when there are so many fun and interesting standard strategies you can do. Fucking disgusting.
>any settings I should know about as a newcomer
Have fun playing coinflip simulator as subhuman newfag #23123464 goes to craft and spam leyline in b01.
That would probably be a better option, though I'm not sure if you can spare the sideboard slots. You would also probably want duress or something for control matchups.
Do y’all think I can revive aetherworks marvel in historic? I’ve been experimenting with g/w energy .
>New Standard Preconstructed Decks Coming to the Store
are any of these ok for ranked
I don't have any standard decks yet
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>quit a few months ago because standard made me want to blow my brains out but playing commander got me considering playing again
>see this
what the actual fuck is wrong with this company? this is genuinely the single worst designed card I’ve ever seen in 15 years of playing card games
if you have counterspells in your deck you're a tranny. simple as
>implying it's been dead
>considering playing Commander
>REEEEEing about a Standard/Historic card

>t. brown
Do people still play marvel energy? I’m talking specifically aetherworks Marvel.
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Check this out
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Check this out.
>t. brown
tranny. you cut your penis off. nothing you say or think matters. YWNBAW
>obsessed with imaginary trannies
Is this a side-effect of being brown?

Thank God.
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>Opponent has double red leyline on the field while you are on the draw with no turn 1 play
May as well reprint the elementals into standard at this point
This is a good thread im glad someone made a new one good job!
Man Ajani reprint looks like shit compared to Lily and Vivien reprints
What do you even buy with ur mythic wildcards? Everything you want is rare.
Where? The toddler format a.k.a. Standard? Even there you see Mythics among tier 1/2 decks, e.g. Sheoldred in Golgari Midrange or Abhorrent Occulus in Azorius Mentor.
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Buy bonus sheet cards for brawl
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Look at this awesome!
I play explorer and already got a playset of sheoldred, liliana and cavern of souls.

Brawl is the baby format.
Rdw has already killed by the time you play this.
Youre a baby pal
They've killed you twice by the time you play it.
Its just a new card for the ajani deck im making you wanna see the list?
unedited flavor text btw
They cant kill me i play interaction lol
Holy shit thats literally me!
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Does this look like a baby format to you? This is the most powerful format to ever exist.
>my wife and her boyfriend support my decision to play Brawl
Cuck brain, cope, rent free, take your pick! Someones having a bad time lmao.
>banned in bo1 and alchemy
any other decks like this in other formats? this poison shit is pretty cool
Now games ending before turn 4 before will only be up 25% since Bloomburrow!
Heckin based broski i was just 4 wildcards away from finishing the ajani deck, EPIC!
>The format with the most variance (outside of Momir) is the most powerful format to ever exist.
Man, this thread really is retard central, huh? Any Timeless deck wipes its ass with even the best cEDH decks on Arena.
>Liliana is now canonically an Insta thot
lmao even
Theres no way you could possibly know that when you cant play cross formats like that, youre the retard and your opinion is discarded.
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Retard opponent took 20 damage from palintir lmao
>Theres no way you could possibly know that
LMAO, look at the retard doubling down. Literally incapable of first principles thinking, huh? Grim.
>Retard opponent
More like "based card draw denier".
Eat shit leyline subhumans. Enjoy your ban you fucking braindead bottom of the barrel fks.
Fucking RDW pieces of garbage. Hope you had fun with coinflip simulator you disgusting maggots.
You're still bad and stupid so you're still going to lose to bad decks and come here crying.
Kill yourself leyline subhuman. You get what you fucking deserve. Gotta actually play magic now to win fucking troon.
LMAO, stay mad, turn 3+let. Never even played Leyline to begin with, RDW is more consistent without it.
Guys, do you think Kiora's kiora tastes fishy?
Dealing with traditional RDW is so fucking easy tho. Your in shambles right now Ill take your concession tho. Actually no KYS RDW subhuman. Your not even a real human poorfag can't afford to play anything but RDW in b01.
>tranny obsessed
>doesn't know how to spell
They aren't sending their best.
>leyline banned
>I-I totally don't use leyline in my b01 deck!
>is coping so hard right now
I also play Eggs tho', crybaby.
None of your greentext is relevant to the fact that you are bad at spelling and tranny obsessed.
But >>499420673 isn't even >>499420304, dummy. You know that you're the only one seething here this hard over RDW, right?
Anyone who wasn't seething about how retarded leyline decks were were leyline decks. Kill yourselves, after you enjoy the ban of course. Subhuman maggot fucks
>B-But you are not spelling correctly!!!
KILL YOURSELVES /VG/ MTGA general subhumans
How do you know all this stuff about other anonymous posters?
Anonymous deez nuts bitch. Your /VG/ mtga generals are a disgusting cesspool of the biggest troon WOTC defender maggots imaginable. KYS. I will continue to schizo and take a wet shit all over your general now. Enjoy your "discussions", because before I showed up this general sure had some high quality content in it!
do you guys seriously play a game where you just die on turn 3 to mono red every game?
>bitch replying
I wish I could see every subhuman b01 too poor to craft anything else leyline abusing little maggots face today when they log in and watch their 4 leylines be banned for the only game mode their retarded monkey brains are capable of playing because sideboarding is too scary of a concept for them to understand.
Like they had the cards to sideboard in anyways.
Death to newfags
Death to poorfags
Death to b01 andie maggots
Death to trannie
Death to jannie
And death to (You)
I could beat your best pussy timeless deck with my 100 card singleton and no commander, also youre just making up words so just shut up.
I bet it tastes just like caviar
OMG KWAB!!!!! Your so cool bro you got me! Keep up the great discussion on this enlightened general filled with high quality posts and discussions.
Enjoy the leyline ban little bitch
The answer is your a low T virgin.
Next question.
I did
do you retards do anything here other than eternally seething about mono red? no matter what kind of question i ask here nobody will answer, but if someone mentions rdw then its neverending circle of seething and counterseething. i refuse to believe that you subhumans are even playing this game.
I will continue seething all I want what you going to do about it bitch.
RDW players aren't fucking humans and they need to be bmed and outed as the braindead fucking rotbrained maggots they are.
All of these little bitches for the last month have been saying leyline is fine, only to have it (BIG SURPRISE BTW!) be banned in b01 like it was going too all along.
Fucking die RDW scum garbage. You are the bottom of the barrel fucking shit stain on this earth.
>t. low T virgin
>you retards
It's literally a single anon who pees and poos himself at the mere thought of an opponent playing a mountain.
Salty RDW leyline abusers who can't for a single moment accept the fact their braindead fucking subhuman disgusting excuse for a card was a massive problem and basically single handedly ruined an entire game mode
KYS bitches. Enjoy the ban.
Pajeet and hispanic players in shambles right now.
I will never not BM any RDW aggro player. Leyline or not. You fucking subhuman disgusting collection of people who willingly play RDW deserve to get fucking publicly neutered. Disgusting disgusting little fucking poorfag cockroaches. I wish I could watch you all get decapitated IRL.
1 Month straight of little fking cheesy leyline abusing maggots defending that card when it ends up getting banned anyways (HUGE SURPRISE BTW NO ONE SAW THAT COMING!)
You deserve to have every single fucking /VG/ general clogged up with the wettest diarreah from here until the end of time. Kill yourselves. Hope you enjoying the high quality content and "discussion" while i proceed to take a shit all over this subhuman cockroach infested board.
you dont have to intentionally bm anyone because with such low iq, your usual play pattern resembles bming when you rope starting from mulligan.
Did they ban the leyline finally?
Seethe and cope bitch
Enjoy the leyline ban
Can you read?

Don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question, of course you can't.
I have greatly enjoyed all my free wins and yes i will my free wildcards as well, biotch.
This free dino deck actually claps people's cheeks in BO1 Standard Play.

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its official, bye bye leyline

It's been official for 2+ hours, silly.
kill yourself third worlder subhuman maggot
Post hand i bet youre brown
All out! There are no more keys left in this giveaway!
do you think having the same foundations cards in standard for 5+ years will make it more boring
LOL, I bet this (>>499430060) actually is the shitskin that refused to prove otherwise last thread.
Yeah, I didn't link to it directly but to the giveaway homepage. Here:

Apparently you get substitute rares in addition to the deck's cards if you already own any of them.
When will we be recieving the wild card checks?
I *HOPE* that what it means they won't have to print a fucking Disenchant clone every fucking set etc. because all those staples will already exist in Foundations.
theres no more keys
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Your turn dumbass
how much do you spend paypigging mtga per year?
I only buy the one time deals and nothing else... maybe 200-250 since out of beta?
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>no time stamp

Nice try, streetshitter.
Yes, there are.
I'm gonna get the planeswalker bundle and the foundations mastery bundle
masteries always seem worth and I need extra gems to draft

the golden packs make boosters better than quick draft with gold
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Dunno what to tell your third world ass then. If you beg nicely I'll make a throwaway account and post the key here.
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fat hairy dysgenic virgin hands
>t. fat

>proud of being low T and hairless

Also, YOU are definitely brown.
I can tell just from your hands your a dysgenic ugly fuck unlucky genetic coinflip
The brown untermensch keeps yapping, kek.
Hes one of them faggots that spells the date in the wrong order too fuckin queer this is murica the entire world is murica
being obessed with calling others brown isn't going to make you genes any less desirable. How does it feel that your entire self worth is based from a kids video game?
Where'd you pull that one from, darkie? Projecting much? I play Arena to pass time at work. Do *you* actually derive self-worth from something that banal?
so not only are you dysgenic af, but your a wage slave dysgenic fuck. Lmao what a shitter. Unlucky.
>banned card

People told me it wasn't possible and it isn't like YGO with bans. I thank god that I didn't make that deck when people told me to make a deck.

anyone know a fun deck for a new player?

I was thinking a mono skeleton deck
should add that i really like how the bloom creatures also and don't know shit. I just finished my final jump in for today
just be a bro nigga
Beats being an unemployed turd worlder who'd contract fatal diseases from his drinking tap water ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Wagie wagie, stuck in your cagey.
Do you think we will get some sweet new ajanis in foundations i hope so
And enjoying it! Above average wage for a cushy WFH job where I can dick around for most of the day. You sound jelly, third world NEET.
Dino deck
>2E357-80507-45FDF-48{two letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the onions country famous for nothing but tree-derived sugar slop}0-29341

Booba sleeve
>54063-{two letter ISO-3166 country code for a certain Balkan shithole}261-3540C-7F45F-D6E5C
fucking nigger trannies banning the only fun deck in the game enjoy your tranny control meta i guess
Just lay best of three bro you got four free wildcards to burn bro
>anyone know a fun deck for a new player?
Check out the inofficial Artisan community. They've got a D*scord and do tournaments and shit. It's a format of only commons and uncommons so it's easy to craft shit.

Other than that, save up for a decent Historic deck, that'll help you win dailies quickly in the long run and without having to constantly replace/upgrade it.
I miss when skellies had regenerate :(
they don't put enough abilities like that anymore
thanks bro. if thats the tesya sleeve then this code was available for me so someone else can take it.
Yeah, that's the sleeve.
>We love fast and fun Magic. This is especially true for MTG Arena, where the guiding philosophy is fast, fun Magic for everyone, anywhere. What's critical is that it be fast and fun for both players involved.
f*ck that. how about you get twice the daily wins if you win without r*d
Regenerate is too complicated for todays retard brained players.
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Best news I've read all week.

Fuck you red

Red players tongue my anus
God bless! Fuck this shitty card!
This is a good day so many people mad i already made bank AND got my wildcards back fucking love this game and hate all you shitters. Fucking dino deck playing RETARDS.
>log in
>get free rare wild cards
>mono red still wins on turn 3
life is good
probably correct to ban in bo1 because bo1 is for hearthstone babies
in real magic leyline is a non issue, i acually hardly see it anymore
the truth is that sore losers will literally always cry about rdw until the entire color is banned
rdw has been around for decades if you havent figured out how to beat it by now you suck at magic
the problem is the game is so expensive and you get free stuff based on wins and rdw is the most fast and brainless way to play which is strongly encouraged
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Picked up the sleeve. Cheers anon!
>the entire color is banned
I want this to happen because it will be funny watching everyone in this thread be stuck in bronze 4 afterward
Only subhumans were affected by leyline getting banned. Fuck RDW third worlders. Dysgenic fking monkey braindead maggots.
I was about to craft 4 leylines predicting the ban but was too late sadly. Oh well, there go my free leylines for bo3
i w
if you think rdw is bad, i promise you, a meta with no tier 1 aggro deck is far worse.
i for one dont miss playing grixis mirrors all day
deck was so cancerous it got 3 cards banned
Into the beanstalk should have gotten banned as well. Then we would have actually had some fucking fun for once.
>dont miss playing grixis mirrors all day
thats because your a shitter who can't handle having to make actual decisions in a game
>Play b01
Lul RDW Braindead faggotry
>Play b03
>Lul beanstalk overlord deck variant #1616467
What a truly cancerous meta.
>Lul beanstalk overlord deck variant #1616467
that was me
thanks for the ladder points
I'm having fun and doing pretty well with raksac.
>F-Foundations will f-fix everything
>this time f-for sure!!
>it got 3 cards banned
which ones
>i promise you, a meta with no tier 1 aggro deck is far worse
This. All they're doing with this ban is killing oculus and mono-white control (which were actually fun decks imo) and letting golgari midrange type decks dominate the meta again.

Also the fact that the ban only applies to arena bo1 is scummy as hell. Either ban the card or don't. Don't give me this half assed BS that defeats the purpose of having a competitive format. When they admit on their post that the card was not banned for its power level you know something's up. Guess too many paypigs were seething about it so they had to do something and could not afford to wait for the next scheduled B&R. Utter corporate BS no different from the EDH bans last month
lmao cry more bo1 shitter
cut your dick off
Leyline abusing faggot subhuman spotted. You mad bitch?
What happened to hating bo3?
You're the one coming off as mad
>hating bo3
I play bo3 exclusively
its easy mode because arena players suck at sideboarding
meathook, fable and invoke despair
But you used to hate both bo1 and bo3, and chimp out at the bo3 shills. Did you finally get good?
Your unironically, and I mean unironically defending the pure braindamage that is turn 2 kills in standard b01.
Kill yourself
They should ban that stupid ass green overlord "Everywhere" card. That was the card that needed to be banned
youre right, instead of a ban they should just delete the bo1 format entirely
thanks for the ladder points
the 3 mana ramp card isn't the problem. They could ramp with the 3 mana harvest as well.
The problem is every single overlord in the game triggers beanwalk draw on impending for some stupid fucking reason. Beanstalk should read, if you spend 5+ mana to cast a card, then draw a card. Instead they get to draw and can make stupid braindead decks of just beanstalk + any flavour of overlord work.
The good thing is, it completely and utterly gets destroyed by any aggresive deck, or counterspell deck.
The bad thing is, it completely fucks any midrange deck in the game in value.
>it completely and utterly gets destroyed by any aggresive deck, or counterspell deck
(laughs in 4x elspeths smite and 4x cavern of souls)
>Laughs in tishana tidebinder
wow you turned my 3 for 1 into a 2 for 1
good job bro, proud of you
You seem upset. If domain was so incredibly giga busted then it would top all the tourneys no?
Except it doesn't because even tho it completely and utterly fucks any midrange deck, there are answers to it.
Hand disruption, tidebinder, heavy enchantment hate. Stay salty lil bro. You hit mythic rank 1 with domain yet or are you having some trouble?
you sure wrote a lot for someone who isnt mad
Just stating facts. It's an incredible deck, but it has it's weaknesses. I would still rather face domain anyday than the fun play a tap land turn 1 then die turn 2 leyline coinflip simulator. If it was as op as you are making it sound it would top every tourney. Except that hasn't happened, repeatedly.
>so many words
lmao so assmad
I mean, fuck me for trying to actually not schizo post for one time. This is why I take wet diarreas all over these boards, and why the majority does too.
Your all actual subhumans. Back to /tg/ I go. Have fun with the quality content on here.
maybe /tg/ will accept your tears
KYS. Your miserable cause your hardstuck with your domain deck and getting farmed by dimir and aggro LMAO
I thought you were done here?
sorry I upset you so much bra
Can't even deny it. Seethe and cope. Post rank, and untapped.gg winrate right now if your a man. You won't tho will you lil bitch? Cya
I hate Everywhere because it triggers Domain. As if we need a card BETTER than Swords to Plowshares, and why the fuck is Impending a "Cast" and not an ability?
>lets force players to completely build around a deck just to "hate" on it. This is as bad as Eldraine meta two years ago
>why the fuck is Impending a "Cast" and not an ability?
So you can counter it, presumably.
Standard is just cancer atm. No matter what you play. It's beyond cancer.
I play starter duel and jump in
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it appears my superiority has led to some controversy
>Apparently you get substitute rares in addition to the deck's cards if you already own any of them.
You definitely don't. I was set complete for LCI and got nothing for this.
What's wrong bro? You were instant replying in a minute before. Now that I asked you to post you rank and winrate you suddently went quiet? KYS
Post rank and winrate. Then we can see your superiority for all to see. After all, domain is unbeatable Stier deck that wins every tourney right? Ill wait.
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>spend past hour jacking off to korean camgirls
>come back to see that one schizo still seething about my deck
Nice cope faggot. Post deck and winrate. It takes like 15 seconds to screenshot and post right? So it should be no trouble for you since your on and active right now right?
Thats what I thought pussy bitch
Why the fuck do I need to open the installer for every update? I could have sworn the game used to be able to update in the client a few years back
control trannies rope
were you guys really playing bo1 arena standard?
It's all I play. I'm too scared of sideboards.
Nah, I play explorer bo1
midweek magic looks fun

>actual decisions
when I was playing like a year ago my laptop could handle drafting all day no problem
now it's crashing every other game.
did the game's optimization get even worse or is this on my end?
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Went 3-0 with this pile. People scooping left and right after the train to value town left the station. Choo-choo!
4-0 now.
5-0. This is getting ridiculous. All scoops, too.
5-1, there we go.
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lol this reward
sweet event though; did it on all 5 accounts to build a bunch of sealed pools.

also it's almost impossible to lose any games in it. matchmaking is wild when it's just the entire playerbase.
>installing a phone game on your pc.
Lmao you get what you fucking deserve.
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play on the steam version retardbro
>did the game's optimization get even worse
Yes, it did.
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What are these sleeves?
Why does an account I've almost never played on have the fat people sleeves?
Yes. I can't be assed to play domain ramp 90% of the time and waste 3 hours a game. At least mono red games end in 2 minutes
You get those sleeves for being the top rated faggot in the entire game, wow great job duderino!
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>4x FOMO
>4x Urabrask's Forge
>4x Caretaker's Talent
>3x Anim Pakal
>3x Warleader's Call
Anim and Forge double trigger with FOMO

What would you add to this core to complete the deck? Control package? More tokens?

I've been running Novice Inspector, Soul Partition, Lightning Helix, Enduring Courage, and Virtue of Loyalty. It feels OK, sometimes hilarious, but I think we can do better.
Uhhh i dunno. Maybe a way to put counters on anim? Maybe some protection spell?
Game used to only be a standalone PC client, fuck off newfags.
Hol' up, real talk. Why is it banned in alchemy? Scamp is not even legal in alchemy anymore
Soul partition seems worse than elspeth's smite/lay down arms, especially when you already have 2-mana removal in lightning helix. Post list and we can go from there
Read the article tard bro. It says its restricted pending a rebalance its no banned.
Yeah during the beta dipshit retard shithead nigger. Youre playing a phone game its not a pc game stupid head idiot bro.
>It says its restricted pending a rebalance its no banned
that's effectively the same as banned
meant for >>499537092
Alright Draftsissies, what's the meta? is BREAD still applicable or are we forcing a certain archetype because it's busted?
Ah I see, it's a retarded mobilefag mad that his phone stutters and crashes his "mobile" game.
Its not though. You dont get wildcards for restriction/rebalances. And it will be playable in alchemy again soon. I see what you are getting at but its simply not the same. Tard.
The problem isnt the scamp dude its definitely the leyline and shitters scooping
Im sorry you are stupid but its ok here ill actually answer your question now: theres a memory leak. Either restart the client every game or two or its your machine and you may need to reinstall or upgrade your dirty thirdie shitbox.
>memory leak
Works on my machine. I'm not a poorfag with little RAM and multitask Arena while in queues for other games with no issues.
Shut up retard i wasnt talking to you then
>while in queues for other games
Oof, fried-brain zoomie.
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>infinite removal
>free draw every turn

how are you supposed to beat that deck?
Kill the caretaker's talent.
Gee i dunno maybe disenchant would work? Have tried interacting at all and i dont mean playing that shitty bat 5 turns too late.
Also youre in white im pretty sure they super lose if you farewell them.
steam version is way better than standalone for some reason
6-1 btw
You don't, no idea what the fuck you're doing, anon. It always updates in-game for me.
>leyline banned
mirran banesplitter is back on the menu boys
what's different with the steam version?
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Mardu mwm deck, ez 3-1. Inti is the mvp here.
is bloomburrow draft fun
It comes with a complimentary dilator set. Play the mobile version theres no reason to install this shit on pc.
steam manages updates instead of the dogshit wotc launcher. also last time i used the standalone the game was barely functional, sound was glitching after a few games and shit like that.
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Every time there's an update the client tells me to launch the installer. I know it didn't used to do this when I played a few years back.
Prooobably better known as Saffron Ooooliiiive.
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>2 mana card that draws you a card every time you cast a spell for the rest of the game
>Also draws when it enters so it 2-1 any removal spell used on it
Is there an efficient spell for 2 mana that lets you go even when removing it that isn't a counterspell?
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>Spend the same amount of mana at sorcery speed to be down a card with only 3 life gained in return
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my mwm deck bwos
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I've found some strong interactions.

Plunderer and Dollmaker's Shop both generate tokens and have decent triggers for FOMO to double. Shop is easy enough to trigger, its tokens can block, and its second door is a reliable finisher.

Battle Mouse helps with the high number of 3-drops and has a relevant FOMO-able trigger. Lightning Helix is a nonbo, though. Double Mouse hands are incredibly powerful so I'm trying 4x and dropped Helix.

Skrelv's Hive is another resilient, reliable way to trigger Caretaker's Talent like Urabrask's Forge can, but it's on-curve. A bit slow, though.

Scoundrel has the option to create 2 relevant tokens, feed FOMO, and affect combat math which has proven to be delicate in this deck. Having haste is also relevant for triggering Anim Pakal and Dollmaker's Shop or rarely closing out a game.

I'm not looking for advice on a particular list, since I'm trying multiple and tweaking them constantly. I'm trying to brainstorm directions I could take this concept.
it's so interesting how i hit 3 wins in draft and suddenly i get nothing but lands or get mana screwed for my next 3 games no matter how many I run! what a funny coincidence haha!
finding arena devs and skinning them alive in front of their families in minecraft!
>gets 3 wins
>still has a meltdown
anon 3 wins is the goal; as long as you never get less than 3 you get your 1000 gems back and are pretty set to keep rolling.
>bo1 player whining on the internet
many such cases
it's so interesting how the game rigged a win for you 3 times, but you only start complaining once it does it for the other guy
bro you know you can just quit right….
>play draft
>encounter B/R
The real issue here is that you have four different 3-mana cards and all of them do virtually nothing the turn you play them.

And then everything on here is either slow or ramps you into the aforementioned do-nothing cards.

Caretaker decks function because they grind out their opponent through good removal and edge out with draws off cards like Sunfall.

You're trading that off for a massive value engine with a half dozen moving parts but the end result is drawing one (1) card off Caretaker every turn and maybe eventually having a scary board after multiple turns of your opponent not interacting with Anim or Forge.
Sounds like a (You) problem then.

*Saaaaffron Ooooliiiive
Funny how I went 5-0 and only then lost a game. And then won the next two. Haha, funny coincide indeed! Couldn't be that you're just dogshit at Magic, no way! Hihi! MaRo is gangstalking you on Arena, that's the far more reasonable explanation.
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They need to print better lands into Arena.
>no Thespian Stage
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>Nadu is now in hellque in brawl
>Continue to play Nadu
>50% of matches are mirrors
>The other 50% either lose or concede
Nadu will be banned eventually because its actually fucking broken. Its just a matter of them giving up on their algorithm solving the issue unless they seriously think forcing mirrors is the fix to force a 50/50
anon, that's not what the deck is doing...
>A way for me to use my one-off hate cards a second time?
>What a retarded idea! Let's not do that.
>a second time
you loop all of your lands in and out of the graveyard infinitely.
Yes, in magical Christmas land.

Fuck Jund.

Mill is such a nigger archetype.
Because you touch yourself at night.
Down (System Of A)

>Bans leyline
>leaves cut throat and three dozen of other one mana removal
>all counter and card advantage sucks
>match making keeps pairing aggro against 16 removal decks because, reason
unplayable or boring as fuck midrange kiddy shit
you are playing mostly against mtga bots that follow scripts with predefined draws.
I started playing around when the new set released in paper magic and I'm only level 24, does the mastery pass come out way early or something and I just missed a bunch of weeks? How do people complete this thing?
No way shut up that never happens.
you are responding mostly against glowie bots tha follow scripts with predefined posts
It varies from set to set. Generally there's not a lot of leeway, the pass starts when a set drops and if you miss a couple weeks then you're out of luck. Duskmourn in particular is very short, I assume it's because of Foundations fucking up the schedule. You also need to make sure you're not missing quests or the dailies/weeklies, you would definitely be higher than 24 if you did them all.
>all counter and card advantage sucks
The card advantage engines we have are far too strong.
No. No. Thats not true. Thats imposible!
That's the whole point of hell queue. And if Nadu is too broken for even hell queue, then making it all Nadu mirrors is a fine solution.
Or what they should do is stop fucking around with matchups and just match people randomly. Theres no good reason to forces matchups in an unranked format its just arena fucking with you to do something im not even sure what, build more decks? I dunno bunch of cunts made this game.
Yeah, let's just let those Nadu fags play against jank commanders, that surely will be fun for everyone and totally not kill the format completely
It deserves to die. The entire game is garbage and its gonna get worse now that profits are down. Lol. Lmao.
thanks cgb i knew that i can count on you more than on /mtgag/
This time you had two weeks fewer (maybe even less) compared to other sets. Also, never ever both buying the Mastery Pass right before the set rotates out. There is ZERO reason to. Only buy it on the last or second-but-last day, after considering if whatever level you reached is enough to be worth it to you.
>the faggot still didn't say whether he even tried the deck I built for his faggot ass
Unironically rope yourself.
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My ajani has autism
what are you talking about even
answer because i stopped playing the game and peeking in here for like a week and i did ask for decks beforehand, so im not sure if you are talking about me or someone else.
Anybody try the mind goblin deck yet?
>opponent casts thoughtseize
>opponent scoops
never stops being funny
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Don't do it. Don't block bro. Read the card. Bro please...please bro read

he blocked and then immediately left
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> tried to apply new card style
> misclicked and accidentally crafted an entire Oculus deck
So how much did I fuck myself over for spending wildcards instead of buying precon?
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Here's my bo1 explorer deck. I have a pretty good win rate. The lessonboard thing feels really lame though. What are some cool cards to replace it with?

that deck is good so don't worry. You get a lot of wildcards just from playing and the battlepass so don't worry about that either.
Thanks anon. I understand why it looks that way when you focus on the talent, but it's intended to be primarily a deck of FOMO synergies, which is why I only talk about FOMO in the first post. The talent and warleader's call are secondary synergies, because many of the cards that go well with FOMO happen to create tokens. (From my images: Urabrask's Forge, Anim Pakal, Plunderer, and Dollmaker's Shop all double trigger with FOMO and also create tokens.) I've already gone down to 3 talent and can see going lower.
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I have a similar deck. I found that Fear of Imposters is generally bad, and Enduring Curiosity is the most important card. Try swapping the fears for Floodpits Drowner. Plays much better with the tempo strategy.

If you're playing BO1, I'd play more Flankers because hating on graveyards is huge, plus the flash + scry has a unique interaction with E&G. Tidebinder can also catch a lot of people off guard, notably Liliana and making creatures lose keywords.
the Eyetwitch and Poet's Quill are pretty out of place.
I guess the monoB midrange decks don't really run 1/2 drops.
maybe the Deep Cavern Bat is the best 2 drop?
or Duress, Sheoldred's Edict, Reckoner Bankbuster
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>Tomorrow, @Wizards_Magic shares more about next year’s #MTGxFINALFANTASY release!
>Today, we bring you a sneak peek at a mage of the Gestahlian Empire, one of Final Fantasy's greatest villains: Kefka Palazzo! #FF6

reminder that this set will be releasing on arena just like MH3 and LTR did
I am gonna unironically consoom this entire set, I hate wizards and their practices but they got me by the balls with this set.
the Overlords are such well-designed cards
but I don't want to burn all my Mythic wildcards crafting them, fuck
I haven't given wotc any money since like 2011 but I'm probably gonna buy at least a box of this.
I don't even play paper anymore and I barely have a draft pod but I'll drive to a lgs or something if I have to.
green and white are the only ones you need unless youre building a janky combo deck in which case the red one can be fun
the black one is the coolest, and has the best art.
gonna have to play Pioneer just to cast these fucks (but crafting 4-colour manabases is going to fuck the rare wildcard count too, this is probably not worth it at all)
this game is shit and you are all retarded faggots who should kill yourself
Never touched FF in my life, is it really that popular?
god please fix my draft bug so I can draft FF 1000 times
will they have phantom draft for final fantasy since it's not standard
No, they rarely do phantom drafts and they definitely won't do it when the set is new.
Before 2008? It was one of the biggest franchises in the world
how many Jump In!`s have you done
I did 3 I think but all my decks are le bad...
The what?

Beccha he learned his lesson after this :^)
Zero, I think? Got a token for it though.
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Ah, you bitch, I can't believe you've done this!
>Jace, Counter-magic Adept
now that's actually good flavor text
Hey. Any good cards for putting stuff from the graveyard to the library? I'm playing sultai reanimator self-mill stuff, and it seems like if enemy runs a Jace or two, they'll just fuck my ass after I've done my thing, because usually there's like 10 cards left in my deck after going through it. Any ideas? Instant speed or an activated ability on some creature would be preferable.
why some drafts cost 5k gold and some 10k? whats the difference
You don't keep the cards afterwards vs. you do.
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Had the same question recently. I went with picrel as a Karn fetch target but you can probably find others via Scryfall/in-game search.
quick draft are 5k, the rewards are lower and you draft with bots (players should be a bit worse because of that).
other drafts are 10k.
finna play some moogle tokens
Damn i love this art of kefka poisoning the water. Hoping the rest of the sets art is on this level
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What are some cards that could fit in Historic monowhite land destruction?
Are there any alchemy ones I don't know about?
>monowhite land destruction
Not really a thing.

The only quasi-viable LD deck that I've seen (in Historic) was a deck using cards like Karn to turn the opponent's lands into artifacts and then using regular artifact destruction spells as pseudo-land destruction spells.

Your Crucible of Worlds plan is cute but not feasible. There aren't enough decks in the meta who can't function with just basics instead of multi-colored lands. Especially given that your "pressure" is mere bears.
Sorry, not Karn but cards like Liquimetal Coating (and Karn to fetch it if you don't draw the 3 in the deck).
rewards for wins or what? because i assume that you are not getting more rares by drafting with people
>rewards for wins
Duh. Just look at them.
When Patriar's Humiliation is used on a land that has been turned into a creature, the land also loses the ability to tap for mana.

Other than that, maybe Fall of the Thran and some indestructible lands?
ive seen them but i didnt think that higher entry cost for potential higher payout would be main appeal of it, because for average nub like me it looks like a scam.
If you're good, the higher reward ratio is a no-brainer, if you're bad then it isn't.
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This pretty cool
Worlds soon! I hope all of the ux decks crash and burn. I do not want to see any more of it in ladder.
quick is 5k, bo1, draft with bots
premier is 10k, bo1, draft with people
traditional is 10k, bo3, draft with people (also unranked)
drafting with people can be a tossup, sometimes there's scrubs who raredraft at any cost, sometimes there's tryhards who will take the strong common over a playable rare
Monowhite doesn't have much, you're better off with something else. I remember there was briefly a standard GB land destruction deck with stuff like casualties of war and assassin's trophy, but that was a meta choice because the most popular deck at the time was a 4c slop pile.
>reinstalled after not playing for a few months
>immediately greeted with the card pack that has the black on the front
>promptly uninstall
i admire your conviction
tefari hater
I like Tefari, not the black female on the pack though
You arent welcome here you filthy racist. MAGIC IS FOR EVERYONE! EVERYONE1!1!1!!11
I don't seethe at the OC characters being black but LOTR being half blacks made me seethe. really ruins the flavor in a tragic way
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Look at this character and tell me this was not supposed to be a redhead at some point in development.
looks like a top-down "black girls code" design to me
but I like her sexy biting lip expression
>All questioning

but i did have brekfast, y yu keep axin me how I be feelin if i didn have it when i told u I did
Universes Beyond shit legal in all formats starting 2025 :^)
Holy shit this art
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how can I possibly grind 6 sets per year
this game takes way too much time/money
not to mention majority of sets being retarded anti-flavor
Draftchads win yet again. Have fun buying those packs lmao, they sure as hell aren't going to be increasing the amount of gold you get.
i miss tournaments being on arena, paper is so unfun to watch
according to my calculations, quick draft with gems is only 26% better value than buying boosters when they come with golden pack like duskmourn (with 50% winrate and wildcard is worth 5x a random card)
>the worst way to draft is only better by 26%
and premier is 99% the value
and trad premier is 85%

how many drafts do you do before your rank levels off? it's ranked so I don't see why your winrate would be higher than 50% except at the beginning
Who's going to tell Wizards about primes bigger than 31...
>this set will be releasing on arena
not only that
it's standard legal
welcome to magic the fortnite
spiderman next year goys are you excited
I kept a 70% win rate in traditional draft while completing Duskmourn.
Hang all of Hasbro's and WotC's C-suite.

What about it?

It's amazing art, especially if you're a ffxiv player.
Uh-huh. If you say so.
why magic players are always so mad when facing lethal
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It's in your head.
since trad premier draft isn't ranked, that means you get matched based on record I assume?
then how much do you think your chance to win would drop for each win you have minus losses?
(for simulating)
>New set every 2 months
>Every set now legal in standard
If they fuck up and still make Nadu level mistakes that means its just going to get worse not to mention the powercreep since they will still want to sell packs to commander/modern players.
>Nadu level mistakes
traditional draft is a scam since they nerfed the rewards a couple years ago.
you could go 2-1 every time and still lose gems.
the upside is that it's unranked so you play a lot of games against literal noobs who don't know how to build a limited deck.
premier draft rewards are better but the EV falls off a bit once you hit Mythic.
The rewards are definitely worse than before, but it's still better than buying packs. You don't need to go infinite, I sure didn't even with a 70% win rate. I'm not under any illusion that I would be able to maintain the same win rate against good players, I'm just saying it's doable on Arena. I also dislike premier simply because it's bo1.
timed draft is too scary
wish this game were subscription based
Just play quick draft to practice, that's what it's for. No time limits since you're drafting against bots.
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is this game unplayable for poorfags? i spend money but only on my real hobbies (minipainting and gym)
f2p is hell
i'd consoom hard if it was FF8
You either spend money or git gud at draft. Or you can resign yourself to a pittance of cards, I guess.
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alright nvm thanks broskis
Quistis' Balamb Garden deck is going to be tier 1 bro we'll be consooming hard
you can unlock each set by getting 4 daily wins (where wildcard = 5 random cards)
but standard is last 3 years of cards. so you'd have to grind like a wagie for years to catch up

you can also play the starter duel and weekly midweek magic event for free. or play jump in mode
i'd honestly get kinda bored of running the same decks while seeing some sick looking cards being played honestly
>better than buying packs
buying packs is the worst thing you could do in this game.
draft is the only thing worth spending your resources on.
even for people who aren't good, at least you can be mindful about it and improve every time (back in the day we had to pay $15 once a week for a chance to do so).

getting good at draft is the hardest and most satisfying part of MTG.
If playing with the same stuff over and over again feels bad, you could do draft.
the starter deck-only format is actually pretty comfy.
I have literally infinite cards/gold etc in this game and I still play it sometimes.
the ideal way to start is playing a few rounds of that each day to do your gold quest (and get 4 wins, ideally)
Starter deck queue has preset decks, it's more or less an equal playing field.
Simic Terror is a solid budget deck.
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alright bros, thank you
I'll be giving the game a try tomorrow morning
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Took a lot of tinkering with the old list and dayum does this perform well with the threat on turn 5 of scrollshifting an avatar and turn 6 of just winning the game

>quicksand whirlpool, charred foyer, boilerbiggles, land ratios
not sold on those
might actually go back up to 29-30 lands
What the fuck does the change to combat damage actually mean
defending player does not get to see where the attacker is sending damage until it's done
no more "he's sending all the damage to this blocker first so i will pump blocker"
it's now "out of my 3 blockers on this i want this one to survive the most so i will pump this one"

You don't need to assign lethal damage anymore before moving on? I can assign 1 damage on two 2/2s with my 2/2 and then wipe with a 1 damage board wipe?
>the attacker gets to arrange multiple blockers into a conga line, THEN PRIORITY / SPELLS, then assigns lethal combat damage to each one in a line before hitting the next

>there is no conga line at all, blockers are never arranged in an order
>when players get priority, you don't know the order the damage will be dealt
>when the step comes to actually deal the damage, attacker gets to divide it any which way he wants

Most relevant impact is that this blows the fuck out of the value of combat tricks. Pump spells, indestructible, etc.
Simple example is something like

>I attack with 6/5 overlord of hauntwoods
>opponent blocks with 3/4 serra paragon and 4/4 knight errant
>I have to order blockers first, I would probably take serra paragon
>opponent then gets priority, casts Loran's Escape on serra paragon and makes it indestructible
>I have to assign lethal damage to the indestructible paragon before any is dealt to errant, so both his creatures live, and mine dies

now after this change, I simply assign 6 damage to knight errant and none to paragon. He can make one creature indestructible and I'll kill the other one. In that scenario, he could always save both his creatures no matter what I choose under current rules, and under new rules he can only save one
Wow did you paint these? Youre a fucking nerd lmao.

Kind of btfo combat tricks doesn't it? Takes a lot of strategy out of defense, i don't see why this was necessary.
Do you think the Spider-Man Card will have Reach?
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nah, i didn't
i painted this one so far though
>legendary creature - human spider

what do you think?
These are the same designers who just said that going for turn 2-3 kills in standard is only slightly too fast so they'll allow it for bo3 and paper but not arena bo1 and 'slow down' the game to turn 3-4 kills

They explicitly said part of their reason to do this was to take the strategy out of defense and make attacking less risky, favoring grug aggro players. They don't want you blowing out attackers with combat tricks and multiple blockers, they want games to last 3 minutes for the tiktok generation

It's also really stupid that you can give a creature indestructible or damage prevention and the attacker just ignores it and attacks the other?? Fucking stupid.
Still works for 1:1 blocking
Tbh that seems like a good change. It matters for indestructible effects and not much else, and it's stupid that you should be able to save multiple creatures with one indestructible effect just because the toughnesses line up well.
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sometimes all you have to do is not tap out. I don't think I can outvalue nerdstalk decks if they are patient and get their trinity of beanstalk + overlord + leyline in the top few cards like this guy. But you go shields down in a deck that only needs to hold up a single mana pip to remove ANYTHING at instant speed you deserve to lose
I agree that it violates one of the unspoken principles of the game's design for the past 30 years: the game's rules are supposed to favor the defender.

I suppose this rule change makes Banding relevant again.
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UB Castlevania when?
I think it'll have an ability that gives it flying until end of turn.
The Amazing Spiderman UR
Legendary Creature - Human Spider (M)
{T}: Put a web counter on target permanent.
{1}: Untap Spiderman
Whenever Spiderman becomes tapped, tap each other permanent with a web counter on it.
what the hell happened to this game? last time i played it was all about doing some magics and shit and now theres going to be a spiderman set? the fuck
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it got Mystical Teachings into standard for 5 whole years
is it /ourtroon/?
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No one reads this card.
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Do I give up on my dream of playing constructed, and delete people in draft?
Duskmourn draft is an amazing format, you should enjoy it as much as possible while you can.
He looks so much more deranged than he actually is
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quadrupling counters kinda fun
Tourist here, does the first set contain all cards. What set would i have to preorder if i want to collect all cards. I dont care about rarity
people generally don't collect entire sets.
cards are sold in booster packs of random cards from the set, like pokemon or other trading card games.
you could buy all the cards in the set individually
or spend like $150 on a box of (30?) booster packs and open a bunch of random cards; that should give you all the commons and uncommons, and then you could order whichever rare cards you are missing individually.
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>Spongebob secret lair confirmed
ok mongrels, how do you feel about UB becoming Standard Legal?
Standard is a joke format so I couldn't care less. Foundations seems pretty great as a set so I'm fairly happy.
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>19 sets in standard at the same time
Need a new format that has only half of the legal sets available. maybe call it standard-lite
Okay, I found my little dude. Not very good versus Jace, but he stops me from decking myself, and lets me play whatever the hell I want after I've gone through my library. Just won a game thanks to him. What a legend.
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The other anons are just straight-up lying. F2P player here, I have several tier decks in the eternal formats. Just save your wildcards, find a deck in those non-rotating formats that you like and focus on crafting that. Then you'll be able to easily grind your daily wins and, after saving up enough gems (via draft) for a Mastery Pass, start the F2P value train. I've got 160k gold right now, 11k gems and more wildcards than I know what to do with.

And if you're good at limited, you can just straight-up play it for free forever, earning rewards every single time you do.
See >>499891510.

Fucking retarded but completely expected. It's fucking over and has been for a while. This is just another step on MTG's journey to rock-fucking-bottom.
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Still 4 to go, no need to panic.
I thought you guys were taking the piss ... but it's actually happening. Someone firebomb WotC headquarters now before this gets even more out of control than it already has.
LOTR has two relevant cards and this set will be the same.
Also prepare to see niggerfied Tifa and fat Aerith.
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My nigger they already released some FF art.
>btw I have been playing my 15 wins daily for the last 5 years, in a year or two I might even be able to play timeless
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>MFW spongebob avatar
I already seethe every time I see that stupid pony avatar
Stop exaggerating, you silly bitch.
It takes all of 3 months for a new F2P player to get ~30 rare and ~6 mythic wildcards. Add another month at most and you can get virtually any tier deck in any format on Arena. You're a spoiled, whiny little piss baby.
Little good, little bad. Mostly don't like that there will be a new standard set every two months.
The f2p experience is horrible and you have to be a shill to suggest otherwise

The manabases in eternal formats cost 12-20 rare wildcards alone, have fun playing one deck for months
How many unique IDs would you say post in the average /mtgag/ thread?
>have fun playing one deck for months

Seriously, how new are you? I've been playing Lantern Control for years and I still love it. Did you skip the part where I suggested the first deck he ought to craft should be his favorite?
Post your "arena lantern control"
Oh wait, is there no arena lantern control that you could have been playing for years? Are you a LIAR? Or worse yet, a paid shill?
Just me and you pal
I've been playing it IRL, probably even before you spawned from your father's nutsack, you retarded zoomer.
I accept your concession.
>Just craft your favourite deck IRL m8
0.1 USD have been deposited in your paypal account
I dunno if you're legit fucking mentally impaired or just pretending to be, but the point of me bringing up Lantern Control was that it's hardly unusual for MTG players to have a favorite deck in an eternal format and play it for not just months but years. For you to imply that it is some travesty for a new F2P player to "be forced" to play their favorite, first constructed deck for a few months until they've got the wildcards to craft a second one is beyond embarrassing.

You're actual underage b&, aren't you? Bet you're still smooth like a girl down there, too, LMAO.
give me a BIG deck
Arena is a dogshit client and standard is a dogshit format and anyone who primarily plays this over a real version (like paper or modo or hell I'd respect cockatrice/tabletop sim more) is a colossal nigger and should kill themselves.
That being said, anyone who plays lantern control, or arguably worse yet, larps about playing lantern control should be first in line to kill themselves.
Not to even mention your attempt at an insult, which I'll leave out for your sake.
Apparently it hit home, zoomie.

Also, who said anything about Standard, you stupid toddler? I specified eternal formats for a reason. Standard is for kiddies like yourself. And if you're this mad about Arena, why are you even in this thread, you lil' pissbaby?
Stop replying to bait
please out yourself more you retarded nigger, i'm not giving you the dignity of reading the rest of your post, or whatever dribble you respond to this one
Post something worthy of being replied to instead then.
It makes sense that someone who enjoys playing a 20% winrate deck just to make the opponent miserable when it does work would also suggest the miserable f2p arena experience.
>For you to imply that it is some travesty for a new F2P player to "be forced" to play their favorite, first constructed deck for a few months
And then the deck sucks in the current meta and is unplayable, or it is too good and a card for it gets banned and now the whole deck is unusable but hey you got 4 wildcards! Don't spend them all at once! Fun!
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welp, i dont even have enough wildcards for this. something with older cards maybe? are cards like carnage tyrant or nullhide ferox still played? or maybe some kind of mono green brawl would be easier on wildcards
>20% winrate deck
LMAO, you wish, loser. Go ahead, show us on the doll where the Codex Shredder touched you. Let it all out.

>current meta
Again, we're talking about eternal formats, tard-kun.

>it gets banned
Remind me, what were the last two cards to be banned post-release in Historic (and which weren't fucking obvious from the start, like Nardu)?
>LMAO, you wish, loser. Go ahead, show us on the doll where the Codex Shredder touched you. Let it all out.
Lantern is a joke and not a good one. If it was actually playable then people would complain about it but nobody does

>Again, we're talking about eternal formats, tard-kun.
You mean the eternal formats that get rotated every 6 months so WOTC can sell packs?

>Remind me, what were the last two cards to be banned post-release in Historic (and which weren't fucking obvious from the start, like Nardu)?
Idk, ring and orcish bowmasters? Just kidding, they got alchemy-nerfed. No wildcards for you, goyim!
>If it was actually playable then people would complain about it but nobody does
Nah, it's just that brainlets like yourself can't get wins with it so few people encounter it in the wild.

>You mean the eternal formats that get rotated every 6 months so WOTC can sell packs?
Standard kiddies be like ...

>Idk, ring and orcish bowmasters?
So zero? OK, thanks for playing.
>Nah, it's just that brainlets like yourself can't get wins with it so few people encounter it in the wild.
based Lantern Control enjoyer
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>Jew-Ghee-O owning anyone or anything
lmao even
Blud really is equipping Sponge Bob with the Golden Spatula.
Just 'cause WotC is shitting the bed with MTG right now that doesn't unshit YGO's bed, y'know?
I will play an island and tap that island to summon Plankton. I equip squidward's flute to plankton, giving him trample, first strike, and weast. Your go
Why are you speaking like a nigger, anon?
Glad to see that world champion level players still can manage to punt on board, I guess we have that much in common.
>Need a new format that has only half of the legal sets available. maybe call it standard-lite
Unironically Alchemy.
Some of them qualified via arena. They're not used to keeping track of triggers
champion in card games only means that you cheat better than others
>looking at foundations spoilers
>red has embercleave
>foundations reprints all the most cancerous cards from the game's history
>will be legal for almost a full decade
>rotation pushed back by 1.5 years
>6 sets per year means Standard is now almost four times as big as it's historically been
>UB is now standard-legal and core sets are now wacky destination setpieces like Duskmourne and Death Races
Genuine question: who's the target audience here?
Even assuming someone buys all of the above with a smile, why would they play Standard and not an eternal format or Commander with their cards?
>>foundations reprints all the most cancerous cards from the game's history
It's for Commander.
I understand all of that. I'm not asking who the target audience is for the cards themselves.
I'm asking who the changes to Standard are catering to.

Why would a Commander player who's excited for Spiderman use the Spiderman cards in Standard instead of any other format?
embercleave is special guest
lets be real we all know they will release a community post 6 to 9 months from now saying they rethinked foundations and it will only last for 1 year and that they are changing standard to 2 and a half years and they will release 13 sets a year
people thinking foundations will be legal for that long are just crazy wotc cant keep a consistent policy for more than 6 months because hasbro needs to print more money
They're going to release a community post stating the Universe Beyond sets have outsold every previous core set combined. The current Jace/Vraska arc will be the final MTG set.
they will errata all planeswalkers into marvel capeshit
that's a given still won't change the fact that by the half of 2025 foundations will be dead. the 1 planeswalker a set will be kill. they will decide to release sets every 15 days. arena will be subscription based AND you will have to pay gems only for packs and the price will be bumped.
>The current Jace/Vraska arc will be the final MTG set.
any tldr what happened since war of the spark?
they became phyrexians but then in like 1 week everyone was saved and jace is actually ashiok and they saved a mascot and now they will gor to mario kart to get to star wars so bolas can be brought back
>so bolas can be brought back
bolas would unironically save magic
Granted now that universes beyond is legal in standard next big villain arc could be green goblin and doc oc
Bolas was right all along planeswalkers were a mistake companions were a mistake battles were a mistake
Is the UB thing going to be retroactive?
Like will Dr. Brittain and ass creed be legal when it goes in effect?
no it starts with 2025
Final Fantasy will be the first standard-legal UB set.
They also previewed some of the art.
Have fun with pic related in Standard for the next three and a half years.
Dont even know if it will see play stop being mad
Just to be clear, your argument is that you think WotC won't push a Standard-legal set with serialized cards in it?
>Have fun with pic related in Standard for the next three and a half years.
FFX is kino so I will
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why is every game like this?
missing landdrops vs opponent playing 3 rares
it feels like there are no decisions to make
is there a secret that i dont know to draft busted decks like this?
even when i get signs a color is open like GW in my case I still miss out on a lot of cards so the resulting deck is meh
Draft is balanced around playing against players you draft with. Half the strategy comes from mostly knowing what the guy across the table has, because you passed him half his deck.

Arena's draft is a slot machine. You're gambling on getting good pulls and for the guy to your right being more retarded than the guy who was to your opponent's right.
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you iq 60 morons are too stupid to understand and the paid transexual shills make it even harder but:

wotc is and has been copying hearthstone and ygo in all aspects since 2019-2020/war of the spark

mechanics, business model, etc etc down to a t. so with foundations it's the final nail in the coffin to phase out all non-standard, non-commander formats besides drafting (which is for iq 40 idiots). old/relevant strong but not broken cards will be reprinted with foundations and other broken cards will be added with each lotr-tier foreign ip set each year

standard aka nu-extended will be their tool to sell new copies of older cards and to migrate whoever is still playing this garbage into a single format since magic has been continuing to lose players for the last decade

power creep will eventually make all non-'standard' legal cards outside of the power 9 irrelevant and whales will always be spending money on new sets. there will never be an edison like set with just older cards and no new additions cause it doesn't generate money for wotc (some like from the original kamigawa to war of the spark and no cards outside of standard releases would be perfect)

anyways i'm just posting here cause no one has bought my account yet and you abominations can all kill yourselves, bye~ (also this timer shit is gay af, fuck 4chan why does anyone unironically still post here lmao)
>wotc is and has been copying ygo
The game would be in a much better state if this were true.
Textbook cope. Bet those grapes are sour anyway, too, huh?
>Genuine question: who's the target audience here?
Braindead consooomers, obviously. The FunkoPop crowd. The söyfaced, tranny-loving numale of America.

Sorry, sweaty, this is no longer your hobby *snaps fingers*
>drafting (which is for iq 40 idiots)
>t. bell curve bottom draftlet

And fucking stay away this time, you seething queer. No one's gonna buy your gay-ass account either, seethe&cope. You wasted all that time and having literally nothing to show for it.
>Braindead consooomers, obviously. The FunkoPop crowd. The söyfaced, tranny-loving numale of America.
Again, why would these people play Standard of all formats?
how many people got caught cheating?

Because all they want is to play the marvel cards and don't like/want to invest in learning the old satanic cards that mtg was or the lame ass mtg "lore".
Magic will be the official marvel card game (snap lmao) the official spongebob card game the official final fantasy card game.
The setpiece sets help the disconnection and aliviate the need to know who the fuck are these mtg characters since you can just like cute animals or horror monsters or cars or pirates or vampires or aliens.
Zoomers from each UB community will come get their fix and leave. If hasbro is lucky .01% will stay for standard but basically mtg will be a seasonal game for random communities and some seething sunken cost fallacy nerds like us 3 from this general and the "professional" cheaters.
>Because all they want is to play the marvel cards and don't like/want to invest in learning the old satanic cards that mtg was or the lame ass mtg "lore".
Sounds like Commander is the format for them, then.
Why would they learn 24 sets worth of cards just to compete in Standard?
>Sorry, sweaty, this is no longer your hobby *snaps fingers*
just create your own format and attract purists to it
doesnt marvel have its own card game...
Commander is for gay nerds and they will have to learn even more cards and have friends to play with.
They will just build a basic ff or marvel "block" deck and play it for a month against standard just like people did with lotr in alchememe
What wotc wants us to sell more cards for more people they dont want to appeal to a fixed audience and they know they dont need to appease mtg players cause they already showed they will gobble anything up.
They just decided to release more cards and with more diverse themes so more random people fall into consumerism and buy them.
Anon, no one who plays Commander learns anything.
It's 50% showing up with a precon and 50% showing off how much money you spent on cardboard. No one is actually reading the cards.

Meanwhile Standard has everyone showing up with the same 2-3 turn-3 kill decks every week over and over.

Again, the Commanderfag who likes Marvel isn't going to start playing Standard. Just like the Commanderfags who bought LotR didn't play any other format other than Commander.
>Magic will be the official marvel card game (snap lmao) the official spongebob card game the official final fantasy card game.
this is the part you're getting wrong. wotc just saw all those tcgs in japan that are getting some traction while being totally reliant on existing franchises, whether the game is based on a single one, like one piece or digimon, but also there are the ones like weiss/schwarz whose set design model is based entirely on collabs with existing brands.
wizards already has a dedicated player base, the problem seems to be how to attract new players and keep them around. so they decided the solution is going the collab model, take other IPs and get their fans to come and check out magic. and of course, they'll want to have all those new players being able to play with their new [insert IP here] cards in as many formats as possible. they expect those players to inject some lifeblood into standard, which they have been killing with their shitty decisions.
I have no idea how quick draft works these days, I haven't done it since Theros but there are likely tricks. Like, back in Theros the bots would be super shy about taking gold cards, in Eldraine there was stuff you could force. so there may be something. Some games are your fault, some aren't, some days you just get to eat shit. But if you're just being unlucky "every game" then maybe something else is going on. The stakes aren't super high so don't suffer too hard over losses and going 4-3 in premier is basically going even.
Mtg doesnt even need "formats" anymore. Wotc and hasbro dont care. If every marvel fan buys a set of cards to plaster om their wall and dumb "investors" buy all their stock whatever.
Formats was just an excuse for people to buy cards to play with but people now buy cards just for the sake of it so changes to formats don't matter they aren't trying to fix or make things better they just change it so nerds that play this need to buy more cards and they will.
The strategy might work. I'm pretty sure One Piece is actually beating out Yugioh in Japan right now, and One Piece is one of the worst TCGs currently being sold in terms of game mechanics.
I have no issues with UB because I never cared about Bolas or the Weatherlight or Dominaria. The cards could be tanks I would still play the game. But I saw a video recently where the guys suggested UB cards could be harder to ban, since it gives a bad precedent for future IPs, so there could be some pushback from people unrelated to development about banning something like The One Ring (which is a card that had all this promotion behind with that dude paying 2 million for it). And I believe contractually Wizards probably has the final say but I think there's something tot that theory, the brand damage is likely higher if some UB stuff is what gets banned.
That dude was Post Malone show some respect will ya?
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I didn't know it was him, I know him from MTG, I saw a list from the top 10 most listened songs on Spotify's history and I had not heard any of them and the only artist I recognized was him.
Barely been paying attention to the World Championships
Why did some of the Top 8 players get booed?
Wow didn't know mah boi Seth topped 1.

They supported Israel.
I swear fucking nothing works against Domain now outside not playing in the other direction
Caretaker control does well enough against it.
Turns out resolving Atraxa isn't that scary when you're already +5 on your opponent by the time it comes down.
I hit diamond for the first time today.
I'm playing an orzhov life gain deck.
I'm phone posting so I can avoid waiting 900 seconds
I summon spongebob in attack position!
you can't block his attack because he ripped his pants!
>haven't played in a long time
>reinstall to see what the games like
>heist your opponents library
>heist your opponents library
>heist your opponents library
>heist your opponents library
>heist your opponents library
>alt f4 and uninstall
pls return to tarkir be a return to form I don't want to block spongebob with a dalek
what's your favorite jump in! deck you've had so far
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Ever got value from Come Back Wrong?
Just had an opponent use Jace Reawakened to plot a Negate.
Am I misunderstanding something or is he retarded?
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>Opponent topdecks Spongebob, karate master
Fuck this rigged game
Is this real real? Don't play with my feelings.
I've felt this way since Cavern of Souls.
Is there any hype for the world championship anymore? I wasn't even aware it was the wc I thought it was just a random pro tour. i remember there were in-game events, you could win stuff, the thread would comment on the stream in real time and reddit would have posts with highlights. now barely anyone seems to care
About as many as in any other competitive sport, things like chess included. What, you think there's any sports with ZERO cheats? Do you tell yourself that e-sports pros all only got there by cheating more than you, too? LMAO, coping loser.

Ah, a valid reason then.

So don't play Brawl?
I'm watching replays, I've never seen these threads care much about competitive.
Tournaments are fucking expensive to host and promote. Wizards takes a huge hit just to have them happen.
The idea is that it's a loss leader that gets people to buy more product, but it turns out tourneyfags aren't the whales Wizards needs them to be.
Every decision we've seen in the past half decade has been a hard pivot towards the casual commander audience and those people don't give a shit about tournaments.
2 pills the community refuses to swallow
>original lore fucking sucks, it's boring generic fantasy
>it's a card game made for entertainment and you take it too seriously
standard is not a sacred cow, you can already play one ring in brawl
You are a nigger.
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>Special guest!
>Its Expropriate
Yall niggas will pay for advertisment and suck wotc dick all day.
Never paid 'em a dime (unlike you), retardo.
>redditors everywhere crying about UB
this is funny as fuck
I'm going to descend to the lowly realm of Constructed just so I can equip my Spiderman Mask to Sephiroth and dab on you retards with it
>Not enjoying Marvel slop in MTG makes you a ... wait for it ... redditor!
Wew, I knew niggers were barely more sapient than cattle but you really drive home that point, negroid.
redditor spotted
Nigger observed.
>redditor spotted
Mh, yes, redditors who are of course well known for openly calling others nigger. You know, I think it's better if you were to go back. All your tranny friends are already there waiting for you, I'm sure. Why not return to them and resume the group dilation?
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>No occulus reanimator or domain made it into top 8
>3 Mutts, 3 Europeons, 1 Nip, 1 Leaf
The fuck is the rest of the world doing?
playing better games
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Will Spiderman be in the netflix magic series?
look how angry the redditor is that his children's card game is turning into fortnite.
it lashes out with its favourite buzzwords.
Like what?
Redditors dont use those buzzwords. You stupid nigger.
You need to go back.
Wait, I just checked. Is that no longer how phantom drafts work on Arena?
My Horse Prince
ever notice how rarely this happens at Worlds?
It happens all the time, they just don't show the games where it does. That's the real reason they jump around so much. When it happens later on, they're forced to show it. I still remember that one final where the guy tilted so hard he kept a two lander and zero playables, in a fucking three color deck that relied on big spells.
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All formats? Where the fuck do i got to play pure magic with no third party cards then?
commander started as a community made format
Hahahahahaha the fucking number of sets people need to keep up with, the number of season passes will make the game unbearable, fuck this dogshit i'm switching to YGO master duel, i hope everyone who sticks around has a dogshit time, fuck this game, fuck WOTC, to all the shill kys faggots.
Oh no. Please. Dont go.
Is there a more jewish company than WOTC in TCG space, genuinely wondering?
>Genuine question: who's the target audience here?
Me. This is the Golden Age of Magic and you're on the wrong side of history.
I tap 4 lands including willy wonka's chocolate factory to play big chungus, response? Standard BO1 btw
I cant believe getting fucked in the ass with overwhelming releases is the right side of history, at least its goyslop flavoured am i right fellow consoomer?
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I for one cant wait to play my sephiroth standard braw deck. Final fantasy will save standard.
The only thing that will save standard is a swift and merciful death.
Thats cringe af bro why would you make this
I would really like to figure out how the arena shuffler can make me mulligan to 5 after two one land hands one game and then give me 11 lands in my top 16 cards the next
like 8/10 limited formats have been during the last 3 years
>foundations reprints all the most cancerous cards from the game's history
yeah idk if loam lions is that cancerous bro
that's in paper, right?
Absolute truth.
He's not, but you are a smelly basement dweller and both the game and the world at large would be much better off if you died.
Shills, kys i hope ai will take your meme jobs soon
literally 0 white cards in the top 8 #stopantiwhitehate
Bro is meat riding wotc so hard he's doing tricks on it, gasp louder you cheap whore!
>defending WOTC on fucking 4chan
This is the saddest shit I've seen, have some self respect
Yet again I have received a rare ICR I had 4 copies of already.
Ddosing arena aervers would be a mercy at this point
But you get gems instead! 20 of them woohoo!!! Just 9 more and its a free pack broski i cant believe wotc is so generous and kind.
For me it's the vault aka pinnacle of JOTC generosity, you get not 4, not three, not 2 but ONE mythic wild card, its crazy
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>when he's unfathomably assmad that his children's card game starts doing more collabs
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>be wotc
>realize this IP has been around for 30 years
>it has fiercely loyal fans
>let's change it to appeal to the Modern Audience
SO MUCH THIS XISTER! I can't wait to have another new set every two months with a buggier client and progressively worse card design!
Even if you like UB i dont see how this is a good thing the sheer volume of cards released will mean that meta will shift even faster meaning you'll be forced to grind or pay for new releases even more, this is a lot of pressue on the entire playerbase.
Yeah but they make up for it with all the sweet uncommons you get like 4 dude HOLY SHIT THE VALUE!
Cheater won, unexpected
they used to talk about reworking vault or something, what happened to that?
They didn't bother cause they try to put in as little effort as possible required into arena to extract money from the playerbase
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I'll be sure to pour one out for the casuals and the indigents. Rest in piss.
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imagine scooping to a fucking rabbit
yeah I don't know any game that gives "free rewards" like mastery that require grinding almost every day just to unlock. like th-thanks.

now it will be 6 sets and I doubt they give any more free stuff out
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Anyone have other flash that can make this deck better. i love Using cards on my enemy turn. Found this on youtube and its amazing
Javier drew like one card less with annex 3-4 times.

He finished that game at 2 life.
Privately, outside of Faggots of the Coast's ecoystem. XMage, Cockatrice and the like allow you to play MTG with any arbitrary restrictions. Just find like-minded people on there who also despise these changes. Like half this thread at least is of the same mind for starters.
You'll want some kind of card advantage in addition to flow, probably deduce or something cheap.
He only had one annex in the last game, the other two were both only open on ritual chamber.
Oh no no, he (ie. (You)) is definitely a nigger and no amount of kvetching is going to change that. Also, again, fuck off to your containment board: >>>/lgbt/
>Just 9 more and its a free pack
>buying packs with gems
Are you a tad retarded, anon?
Good summary but how was Amonkhet "surrender[ing] to outside pop-culture refrences[sic]"?
>broadcast skipped game 4 of a semifinals match so they didn't have to show land flood/screw
I thought you guys told me this never happened in paper?
>Wizard taking the identity of Magic and using outside pop-culture as a skin for the core of Magic itself
>Wizards using Magic as a game as a way to present outside tropes for normies to point at.
Innistrad and Theros did this but it tried to strike a balance of still being magic.
Amonkhet and Ixalan are where the importance of the Genre won out over Magic the Internally Consistent Multiverse but they still felt like they had to provide lib service.
The complete exploitation part below it is them just going mask off about the whole thing.
Thanks for that info. I was thinking of removing flood maw to add lost in mazesugar coat or faerie mastermind. you think its worth it?
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>crying out in pain as he strikes you
Wouldn't be able to help with details like that, I don't play those types of decks. Doesn't seem like a good idea though, you'd want cheap interaction against all the red decks right now.
It's definitely a subtle distinction to make, because every Magic Expansion set has always been a Planet of Hats, even as far back as Arabian Nights.
I can see the difference between, for example, the Good Kamigawa's Japanese influences, and the New Kamigawa's anime pop culture references.
>every Magic Expansion set has always been a Planet of Hats
That's the point, magic used to be the same dude wearing different hats, now its a bunch of hats shoved into a skinsuit.
>poor detected initiating snyde response.
Be quit anon im trying to have an adult conversation go play your dino deck or something.
is it possible to play land destruction in brawl?
Ramp up to 4 mana as fast as possible and have a way to kill all their 1 and 2 drops..
lads, do I craft the UB or GB deck in the finals. I wanna play some standard again
Neither. Craft the red deck from the semis
>retard red BO1 bullshit
no thanks
I can't win with Golgari to save my life, my cards always match up horribly with what's happening on board. For Dimir I have more experience with the tempo version with Enduring Curiosity (and I felt that version was slightly underpowered) than this Demons stuff, the demons look cool enough, I'm just not sure how often they're doing the combo but it looks like a deck that's in charge of its destiny often and that's mostly what I'm looking for.
>20 land deck
>draw 10 lands in a row
my issue with the classic midrange golgari is that everyone is playing those greedy value decks that go over the top and everything they play creates value so if I try to answer everything I am still behind
variance, my dude
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It's been rebalanced, therefore it's fair now, right.
It's honestly much weaker, however it still should've put counters on the player so that you can't just chain them to save yourself through the legend rule.
Bump. Looks like all the poor crybabies tuckered themselves out kvetching about too much Magic coming next year.
Funkopop The Gathering is fucking dying so you can suck off Hasbro CEO quarterly bonuses
Uh oh, looks like a woke up the baby. Hush little baby. You will play FF, Spiderman, and UUB, you will love them, and you know this to be true. Now go back to sleep.
obviously a hint that it's going to be dragon ball set
>try to play a deckstyle I never try
I think I’ll stick to nadu in brawl
its all cringe
Magic is Fortnite now but I doubt they got the money to use dbz and if they did those japs wouldn’t want to be associated with faggot the gathering
does every new set get the golden pack with 10 packs deal?
Japs loved MTG until the early 2000s
I think most Japs simply don't know it still exists, considering the competitive scene isn't advertised there at all and Wizards themselves marketed Duel Masters as a literal sequel to MTG that invalidated the latter.

Yeah it's whatever the latest set is
So right now it's Duskmorne + Duskmourne Alchemy
In two weeks it'll be Foundations
UUB = Star Wars
>Magic is Fortnite now
Imagine you're a marketing executive trying to keep their job
and you're talking to a millennial who barely understands or cares about the IP they've been put in charge of
"sure, remake it for the modern audience. let's watch those numbers go up! up! up!"
energy is high as you exit the meeting
the task before you: "the same product as before, but with no titties, and 100% more homobuttsex."
The toxin will take years to metastasize, and you'll be promoted and off to a new IP long before then.
You'd be a goyim to say "no" to that kind of deal.
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Not a fan of the 2x Conduit. Also I notice you have 24 hits for the black Overlord and your deck likes the mill. It's worth a try and is usually a better T2 than Dreadknight's spell.

I don't see any synergies with Dead Weight compared to instant speed Disfigure instead. Am I missing something?
>oculus prebuilt deck is $50
how are newcomer POCs meant to afford this game?
petty theft
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Only that Conduit could replay Weight, but if we're dropping that then it's not worth it.

There was only one white card so dropping that makes it easier too.

Also considering bitter triumph
The Thalias could still be OK with the Fabled Passage and some of those dual lands. Passage also works well with Wayfinder, Lumra, Titania, and Conduit if you keep it. I'd play all 4 if you have them.

Conduit replaying Weight is a whole turn play, given Conduit's one spell constraint. Seems like it's game over if things have come to that. The instant speed on Disfigure lets you blow out the red decks when they target their attacker with tricks or enchantments.

Triumph is good but weak against aggro. You often don't want to discard, and paying 3 life feels bad in that matchup. I like 8 low-cost removal spells in a midrange deck so I personally wouldn't remove any Tear Asunder or 1-drop removal for Triumph. I think your 3rd Wrenn, 4th Dreadknight, and final Conduit are the weakest cards in the deck at this point, if you're looking for things to turn into Triumphs.
Unfortunately, both Wizards AND the community think Arena is simply a digital extension of the paper game and not a video game in unto itself.
$50 for a paper deck is a fucking steal, after all.

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