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Previous Thread: >>498338806

>Download Links:
(Available on Android, iOS, and PC)

>Current Events & Banners:
Collaboration Event: PGR x Black Rock Shooter - Blazing Simulacrum [Sep 27 - Oct 31]
Limited 100% Rate-up Collaboration Banner: A Black Rock Shooter (BRS) [Sep 27 - Oct 26]
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1-qkFHURh4

>Characters Database and Recommended Builds:
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dead master more like dead thread lmao
chuu2 KINO
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ded gaem too
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Such a shame. The last 2 breads could have been baked with so much cool BRS collab CGs
Now we are too close to Uncle, and Ishmael.
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I tried to look for this coming for the past 30 minutes, now I can rest in peace
There's also the other one where Asimov sends a construct back to the design team because it doesn't have the back exposed
you got 'em bro
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Total Luna Love
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Yes but with "does more catch moves" and "your dodge gauge decays real quick" mods it kinda sucks ass
That's why you just timestop him to death, yeah. Reflection clash generally doesn't reward actually playing the game because of the timers, spamming ults with Lamia or CW is the best bet usually.
We should get Uncle before this cycle finishes, so you can just do it with fire team later. Uncle should generally be pretty much unkillable, even there.
Echo Aria is so depressing what the fuck.
It's gonna get worse.
Are there pain cage fiends that stalk the leaderboards during the last hours to make sure they get a top score? Last night I was in the 10%-5% bracket in ultimate pain cage. I login today and I was pushed back into the 10%-30% bracket? That wasn't even the first time something like that has happened.
The main reason I like Selena is because she qualifies as Gary's childhood friend.
>childhood friend
>a good trope
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Kinda wish to see other characters other than CW modded in, only things I've seen was Vera in ER and 21 Feral in Palworld
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The dev stream is on the 26th right?
I thought this nigga blind
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Watanabe's fucking dead
>Kuro's taking legal action over WW leakers
is PGR datamining next?
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I wanna see someone mod some of the pgr guns into like fallout or something. fuck people up with Wanshi's sniper rifle or use Karen's cannon as a bazooka.
dead master more like sex master lmao
I'm begging here Kuro, playable + rerun please
they should rerun brs collab with that sophia looking girl next
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Huh where's the orbs? Did the rework the candy crush gameplay?
its character specific
Don't believe this poster, he is Ballard.
my guild rival scored higher than me in weekly guild score!
Its fucking over
Time to buy those packeji, bro.
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>5th Anniversary Preview Special Program Appointment
>Cause and effect interweave, the dawn of a long night. "Honkai Impact 3" will start the "5th Anniversary Preview Special Program" at 19:00 on October 26 (this Saturday)!

>Exclusive Information In this live broadcast
>The two voice actors of Ishmael and Selina: Jiang Yingjun and Liu Zhixiao will be invited as special hosts to bring the new S-level character [Ishmael·Sunshade] introduction, the new paint job introduction, the new version theme event, the interpretation of the new main storyline, and some event planning with the commanders. At the end of the show, there will be a mysterious guest who will bring surprise information~

>New S-level character [Ishmael Sundog]
>"Life is as fragile as bubbles. It will break if you touch it lightly. But because of this, the brilliance that bursts out will be particularly dazzling."
>Preview of the new main plot
>He has read all the stories and watched all this happen. It all seems familiar, but it seems different. After learning all the predictable results, the commander will also face new choices.

>New paint preview
>The white wings are pure and holy, and the spiral star crown is wrapped. In the bottom of the quiet eyes, it reflects the epic of another hero.
>If you can't escape this river that swallows freedom, it is a fairyland, and how is it different from the secular world? At the moment when the fish jumped over the dragon gate, the girl resolutely fell from the rainbow bridge.
>The neon lights are dazzling, the fireworks are all over the sky, and the dancers' skirts are still swirling in the air, flying between the carousels.
> At the beginning of creation, brilliant stars were born, and forbidden shadows were bred. When the girl quietly opened her eyes under the shade of the tree, what was shining in her eyes was not only the gem-like galaxy, but also the captivating young fruit.
So why did you change it to Honkai Impact 3 when the text actually says PGR properly?
does this mean we are getting a new selena frame soon?
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Unironically, google translate just does that. I have no idea why.
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Seems to be an issue on your end
Shes participated in alot of Kuros streams so I wouldn't consider it a hint
On the webpage auto translate it becomes Honkai Impact 3, in google translates apps it becomes "Zhanshuang Pamish" and on DeepL it becomes "ShuangPaMish". Truly technology is confusing.
>Punishing: Gray Raven
>not Battle Double Pamish
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Oh I think found out what happened, I put the entire text this time and it changed to Honkai Impact 3, what the hell.
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It's a real term apparently.
This is what they mean when they say languages are dependent on context I suppose
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>Rolling for the Sundog frame
I'm gonna be rolling for Ishmael Fantasy Japan
so sad, with her being an antagonist in the evil timeline youd expect to get a new frame
That was a google translate sabotage by Hoyodogs. Anyone can send a request to edit a translation, like Wikipedia. I've noticed it before but haven't yet to find out how exactly it trigger, to correct it. We need to find out how and report it to google.
i thought google tl is powered by aislop
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Dead game
EoS soon
LMAO even fucking google knows this game is just a Honkai 3rd ripoff now.
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if watanabe is big boss then who will be gray fox?
I can't explain it but I always root for the childhood friends or similar characters. Even in damn Toradora I was hoping until the very last episode that Minori would win in the end. Haet Taiga.
>Haet Taiga
I haet anon
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Hey thats my job
I liek Bambi.
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Me too
I just started playing this game today, and saw Lee's drunk email
Is he gay for me?
I liek Anon.
I don't know.
life is unfair...
what if liv fucking HATES (You), do you still lov liv?
Good times, that show.
Trick question. Liv cannot hate, LIVLOV. LOVLIV.
You left me... you left me to die!
She didn't have a choice...
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I got Rainbow instead of Nitor. Kind of sad, but now my Bambi has a good CUB, so it's alright.
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Why is Kuro like this? Sometimes uploading in JP/EN both and other times just EN or JP.
who knows, i dont
I know, but I'm not telling
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*marries bambinata*
So fucking based, I'll hold off Vanessa for you
*marries vanessa*
So fucking based, I'll hold off Liv for you
*marries liv*
would liv share
only with lucia
*marries anon*
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Calm down, it's still a week until we get cogged.
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X-mas Lov is finally mine
Bwo your maid livlov?
She looks kinda horny.
If Liv is lov, then why does mankind still have to suffer? Livlov more like Livhaet....
...Anon, you don't have the matching Levi-Guns coating for that Christmas skin! You're BRICKED!
I don't think so. Huaxu, a site approved by Kuro, uses datamined data.
lmao who did the opening speech on this? I can't put my finger on it but he sounds like some youtube commentary guy.
Watanabe sounds good at least, but Ballard isn't gruff sounding enough.
How are Alpha, Bianca, and Pulse after their leap?

When leaps first came out they were a huge thing. Lee's leap propelled him into the meta. Rosetta's leap gave physical team more teeth. Astral's leap made him into a nice cope option for Lunalets for a while. Things kinda died after that though.

Selena only got minor fixes, not a leap to make her less terrible. Characters that I hoped would get a leap never got one. Nobody talks even talks about how Alpha, Bianca, or Pulse play after their leap.
They are more fun to play, but that's about it. The thing with leaps for non-meta characters is that new players, who are supposed to benefit from those leaps as cope options, can't afford leaps since they take a lot of time to farm. You can build like three characters with the same amount of serum.
Uh... she's a little smoother to play with a Leap. Does more damage with maximum signature. That's about it...
>new players, who are supposed to benefit from those leaps as cope options, can't afford leaps since they take a lot of time to farm
people say this but as a newer player I haven't had this happen to me? like they take time but it's not any more time than it would to fill out a full memories set for the character and get it leveled and statted, I've done multiple leaps now and they never felt like they take all that long, not sure what I'm missing when it comes up like that
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Which way gacha man
How popular is Arkknights compared to PGR?
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>void damage Liv
It's coming... Liv's first non-support frame...
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Asked my lil bro which Constructs he liked the most. His choices were 21, Bambi, Bianca and Nanami. I am really happy he is my bro.
>same time
Having never played Arknights, i've seen more people out in the wild talking about that game than I ever have about PGR, so i'd say a lot more popular.
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>soon watchers love
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All the signs are there
>still no 21 shards in voucher shop
>still no leap
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I'm surprised that Ishmael got a frame before many other did. When is Vonnegut's frame going to drop? After the free S Sophia patch?
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as usual then
Anon no, it might be flat too but it's not 21!
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we love licking Nanami around here
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Now that Vonnegut has a bossfight, I think his chances of becoming playable have actually increased by a decent bit. We've technically already fought Ishmael which is why she's getting bumped to S-rank status from the get go.
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Ishmael is the only one who can give us children
I already impregnated vanessa, chaos and one of the twins thoughever
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If all the agents are going to get their own ultra special Void class unique to them, what would Vonn's be? Luna's an annihilator, Ishmael is a watcher, what role would Vonnegut get?
Sleeping on Liv's thighs.
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I'd rather help myself to the fluff
Vonnegut: Godfather
Element: Void
Class: Integrity
A man who lives an honest life. He does everything he can just so humanity can have a chance to live.
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Multitrack drifting
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Save the Liv clones, that way you'll have 5 Livs. The real Liv will leave you in the future.
kill lithos
Look at that subtle colouring. The tasteful thickness
>what role would Vonnegut get?
Gray Raven Commandant gets to sleep on this everyday???
Gary gets to plap this everyday???
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If you have real Liv, you can still make an infinite amount of copies. If you have five clone Livs, they can't be remade and if they die, there is no more Liv. Also, you wouldn't sacrifice that one Liv that cared after you for years and saved you from death on numerous occasions, right, Anon?
>Also, you wouldn't sacrifice that one Liv that cared after you for years and saved you from death on numerous occasions, right, Anon?
That one Liv left
Liv sacrificed us and Lucia
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Liv went to Solaris-3 to get the Wifekeeper, Changlov and Fulivlov. Once they are back, nothing will stand in the way of true lov!
I lov liv and livbros
I want to rape alisa
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Ishmael's sprite got reworked
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You want to rape this?
Damn that looks way better.
She looks less smug. Now she looks like she's going to destroy Gary in bed.
Now she looks more like she did in her old sprites. In-game face rework when?
Cute autist like her makes me wanna dick her down
>Commandant, come on! I'm going to win this level soon, it's your turn.

>...Don't be too happy too soon, you'll be the last one after I kill you, Kamui.

>I'll try my best to win! It's agreed that if I win this time, the bag of potato chips next to you will belong to me.

>Wishful thinking.

>This game has recently updated the three-player mode, why don't we try it in the next level, it will definitely be more tense and exciting!

>I don't care. But let me make it clear first, I won't show mercy just because my opponent is you.

>Relationship first, competition second, none of these are important!

>Your position is over here, Commandant. You can come and get some of my snacks before this level ends, just to kill time.

——Happy activation date "Kamui" & "Camu"
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New chapter PV, looks like we are getting absolute kino again.
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Kinda anxious with what gonna happen after the upcoming story in CN. hope we get a playable Emma in the near future tho
Cat? Fox?
she a dead-eyed crackwhore now
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Never forget that 21 has been learning how to cook from Lucia.
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finally Lappy2 stream... hopefully this anni construct isn't a letdown. I'm not big on Qu's gameplay nor her as a character and I'm not feeling Lucia's design (albeit that I'm still pulling because Gray Raven autism). since Ishmael is going to be up next, I really hope it's either
>mandatory Kamui/Camu, even if I'm not that fond of him to begin with (only launch construct with no alts)
more NPCs would be nice desu but I think the aforementioned really would want a new alt. would be hilarious if Lilith turns out to be the new construct but I doubt it anyways.
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I play both, Arknights is far more popular for obvious reasons (mainly the bar to entry being far lower). gameplay is good for a gacha game, not ideal but ultimately preferable compared to what slop the average chink/good/nip gacha game call "gameplay". one thing it did was made me appreciate that not every chapter is an absolute word soup like 17 and Noan's which were pretty bad in that regard. (most) Arknights stories essentially fall in the same pitfall of chink gacha writing as the aforementioned where you easily could trim down the word count in half and lose absolutely nothing. I would still take it over our sister game, Genshin and HSR though desu
I think Lilith will release before the anniversary.
Can't wait to see the updated 3d model.
Grey eyes are pure sexo.
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Do not lewd the Liv
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Hot damn
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Liv can lewd on her own!
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now what
There is nothing lewd about this Liv. This is basic interrogation training.
Then why am I feeling aroused
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It's called lov...
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Really good post.
Which character is this?
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3d update when
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make your choice anon
Hopefully S Bambinata will be right behind S Sophia. Oh wait, they are both fucking dead. Fuck Cradle btw.
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since Floating records are glorified filler chapters, what's stopping Kuro from just going back to S-rank + A patches whenever they're dropping one of these. it'd speed up NPC releases and alts wouldn't take too long to come out
people arent very fond of fillers
Question. Is Gary a human or a Construct?
(You) are a human
All human baby, you need your body to not reject Tantalum (or some shit like that), Garys body hates that shit frfr so (You) can never become a construct
Oh shit, cool. And we'll get to be playable, right? Or were those new pictures some threads ago for out-of-combat representation? I'm pretty new and only just hit Level 60. I'm genuinely really liking the story so far. No. 21 gave me feels for Vera.
Commandants are pretty much always human. There is only two known exceptions so far: Chrome and Vanessa after time skip.
>And we'll get to be playable, right?
(You) are too soft and squishy for something like that. Most of the time (You) are an anti punishing night light who occasionally makes some clutch shots.
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Theres story moments where Gary is playable, but not as a proper character, its always first person and a little limited. Despite all that he wields weapons and kills Corrupted as good as any construct, were just that good.
Oh okay, that does seem to explain why the Constructs are so anxious at the beginning when you might be in danger, since I assume that as badass as we are we're not nearly as superhuman. I'm also looking at the thread and previous pictures where we look like Halo ODSTs and those look cool too. I wonder why the change.
Oh fuck yeah. That's hype. I'm looking forward to it. Also I'm in love with the switch ups of perspectives in some areas, like in the recent event during the story mode. No. 21 is fantastic and I hope I can get her version with the claws sometime.
Tell me, did the phone version of PGR got new terms of service? It is asking me to accept things out of nowhere.
i noticed the login thingy has a white background now
I'm unsure but I noticed the change too.
>Liv left
>No. 21 left
Vanessa stayed.
She can't stop winning.
Total Vanessa win.
I've decided my main team will be BLACKROCK SHOOTER, Liv: Empyrea and Nanmi: Pulse because I love BRS and Pulse's Corrosion outfit reminds me of Chariot; I know Starfarer would probably be leagues better but rule of cool. As far as CUB, is there any particular downside between going with Punchy or any of the other Fire-damage related CUBs? I'm also about to drop more dollars on BRS because I've been working my balls off for it; what's the best package deal to whale?
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I bet that bitch Vera forced No.21 to go back to Babylonia
>wonder why the change
(You) will get a wunderwaffel spacesuit armor sometime after the Spiral of Chronos chapter.
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Probably they think it's better to put all their focus on 1 character per patch so they can more easily fine tune their kits up until their release (not that it stops A-ranks from still being pretty weak.) and having chapters focus solely on one character ups their for (you) factor since they get to have more personal screen time over anyone else.
Also look forward to the Three Floating Record chapters in a fucking row arc soon
Hell yeah.
>the three EX chapters in a row arc forgotten
Why is there a separation? What's even the difference between an EX chapter and a Floating Record?
Punchy is meant to be used on Lee Hyperreal and gives some small qol exclusive to him, but it still acts the same as any other CUBs for the most part and still give benefits to fire units that aren't Lee.
Punchy deez nutz
Nobody tell anon that CUBs automatically change their element depending on whos equipping them
Floating Records just seem to be glorified interludes now that they've also scrapped those, and just use them as a place to cram a character's entire life story inbetween whatever the actual plot of the chapter is.
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Man I hope we get a playable character with FAT TITS.
But then again I'll have to wait a year before getting her... Life is pain...
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Human, also a son of sparda.
If you are talking about the customizable commandant that is from the new dorm. In the story you play in first person when playing as commandant, but since there will be a model they will probably use it for cutscenes and maybe combat, but the first person thing is unique to (You) and increases the self insert factor so they might keep doing that.
Noctis' chapter was definitely more than just an Interlude.

YO THAT'S COOL AS FUCK! I'm excited to get to the point of that.
how many missions is blazing simulacrum story?
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There are so many nice looking npcs that should be playable but the slow rollout of units makes it almost seem impossible at this rate.
i doubt shortalt, nigel or the blonde commander girl are going to be playable ever
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Long forgotten...
Coco and Tifa too...
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I want this one
Has that guy even appeared once since he showed up in that one random holiday event where he stunk up the science council lab with his rotten takeout?
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She looks like she has cataracts now
Maybe on CN? I think the Sashimi Incident was the last time he was heard from on Global. Maybe he was fed the rotten fish and then died. Horribly.
>open the mailbox
>see Kamui's and Camu's letters because it's their activation day
>instantly skip and toss them in the trash bin
>>see Kamui's and Camu's letters because it's their activation day
how the hell do dead robots send mail?
Anon.. I...
Oh nyo... At least it's Passive 5 that's unique per unit, right?
>Flame Blast
>Increases the carrier’s Fire DMG by 10%.
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Literally first pull on the banner, I got her. It was destined to be. It was a 10 pull though, so it left me at 1 pity, so I pulled once more and got Qu to go with her, since they're the same faction. I need three uniframes for the team anyway, right? So with Camu I should be set now. I know you guys said that there isn't really any relevant uniframe content right now, but I at least want to give Pulao a full workable team.
Also, question about the normal banner that uses the blue cards: Is there any reason to save these?
e.g. in HI3 they have spending events that it is worth saving dorm tickets for as although limited, they count towards it.
I've finished the initial 40 roll guarantee (picked Karenina, got Luna from S ticket and Vera as A rank to make a dark team). Luna and Vera are fully geared with the recommended memories and 5* weapon, albeit not all of the equipment is fully leveled yet. Then my next goal will be Karenina. Realistically, can I then start investing in the uniframe team, or is there a game mode where I'm going to need a second functional omniframe team, first?
Which pack to whale for the 6 Star BRS gun? Which pack to whale for BRS?
Generally its better to run 3 uniframes but qu and pulao have Hanying, an omniframe buffer made specially for these two, in regards to blue cards you can save them if you want to be ready for new A ranks

as for uniframes vs omniframes the former are entirely weaker and some endgame modes require the latter, if you dont really care about score chasing (the bulk of gacha currency rewards are participation and reaching a low score treshold) and leaderboard competing youre free to build the kowloon team and use it in phys favoring content
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If you want a Kowloong team you can get A rank Hanying for a physical team, at SSS (you can farm her shards) she buffs Kowloong units with 30% atk which eliminates the debuff for using uniframes with omniframes, that debuff will also get removed in the future so she will just straight up buff these 2.
Can't remember, but probably
I honestly plan to go for it purely because RAWKIT FIST is such a fun idea.
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Falling day and night
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I hope we get Jetavie as a playable character.
jetavie theme: https://youtu.be/BKoYT4febHM?si=4gWn9SXxDnpezM-B
I'm dumb. So I have my 6-Star BRS weapon. Can I use her other 5-Star weapons for anything at all?
you can use them as reso food or scrap 3 to select a different weapon
As the other anon said, use it to reso another 5 star weapon or scrap 3 and go to the recycle shop and get another 5 star weapon.
Oh okay, thanks!
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FACK you
Can I watch?
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Isn't she a human? Just pray that we get new Bianca frame.

No. 21: Feral makes me want to go feral on her hindquarters. Also her gameplay is so fun to play.
I want to purchase the Nightbreaker and Stellar Thunder coatings but I don't own Crimson Weave. What do?
Buy them and then buy Alpha during 100% anni rate up
I put in about $160 today. I suppose some more won't hurt. Thanks for the heads up.
>There are people in this thread getting fucking financially milked by a fucking flattie collab character
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Very based
If it was the scythe girl instead I would have been one of them.
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As much as I enjoyed Black Rock Shooter: The Game, I do definitely prefer a more modern rendition and PGR fulfills that perfectly. I make plenty of disposable income and if they get enough money, maybe they'll realize a rerun or further collabs with BRS would be a good business venture. Don't worry, I'm not fucked by any margin. But I am certainly a chairman of the Ittybitty Titty Committee.
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Nice. I like how she looked in her intro due to actually resembling her NPC art with the smile, but I did think the art left a lot to be desired. Hoping they rework the in-game model too.
Why were people complaining about Ishmael's model?
Breedable rear end.
Mainly from the front she resembled Bianca a too much. That said, I'd say her sprite art had it far worse, like a combination of Changli and Bianca. So I'm not surprised they decided to tweak it first to resemble her NPC sprite which had its own appeal with the vacant smile.
To be fair, at the height of her popularity BRS was more well known than PGR ever hopes to be. She might still be.
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What does this line even means?
People were expecting pink Changli, her original NPC face whose Changli was based on. But we got pink Bianca instead. I'm fine either way, Bianca is a beautiful woman. Ishmael is a cosmic mass with eyes and tendrils who can eat dimensions after all.
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Kuro proof reader at it again, its asking if (You) would be comfortable with a scenario where Lucias fate is decided for her, simply because she is a construct.
Liv lic
So what will Lamia tell Luna after the story.
I scouted Nugget/Lithos and found a thingy but then gave it away to Gary Raven?
Do skins ever come back around? I really like the Bianca skin but don't think I can get it and her weapon before the events gone.
what you're seeing is literally the rerun so yes
it's going to take long though
>literally the rerun
Rad, started a few days ago so didn't know and googling shit for this game can be weird at times.
it's going to take long though
Guessing a year at the least then?
>Guessing a year at the least then?
not too sure if it already got a 3rd rerun on CN but for reference the original release(on global) was on Feb so it might come earlier than a year
>>499618258 (me)
forgot to quote
Quicker than I expected if that's the case, thanks anon.
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is this good enough for a lighting team?

Also, should I get Uncle? I like his new frame a lot, and admitedly I don't have a fire team. but I also play very casually, so..
you could get uncle and wait for leaplov to get her with vouchers
who's her?
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Liv Empyrea, who will be getting a leap on 3 patches from now(Teddy's patch)
Such a lewd creature...
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oh it's just Liv. got it. Is that frame as lewd as the old one?
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Its pretty lewd.
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liv is a pure maiden
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explain why this frame is pure sex.
that bitch vanessa...
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Anon, don't lie to yourself.
Any news on that?
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Why is she so lewd?
That's the true influence of a Chief...
this but with Vanessa
Cuddles and headpats too!
I dont get it
I get it
can u explain
liv sex
*sexes your liv*
refer to this post>>499620224
hey, sex ur own liv!
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this but with >>499624626
oh now I get it
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>Isn't she a human?
>Just pray that we get new Bianca frame.
Gen 3 Bianca with even bigger tits let's gooo
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this but with Celica
How important is his weapon and cub?
She's such a fucking tease.
>Gen 3 Bianca with even bigger tits let's gooo
Is science ready for such an advancement?
For every new frame weapon is mandatory. Cubs will always be just a nice bonus since gather is now usually in the core kit, plus you'll likely have at least one old cub with gather if you really need it.
Bros I have a question.
I can auto the first two stages of Norman but I have to do it on manual for the rest is there any reason for that?
I saw Rex clear everything automatically.
not sure how it works exactly but youre likely required to clear the stages in a prior cycle before they are autoable, there also could be a requirement like not using batteries
Oh I see
So if I wait for Qu: Shukra patch, and not roll for Watanabe this upcoming patch, I'll be able to select him as a construct target for the checked event S rank guarantee?
No, you'll have to wait until Luna patch.
How much of an upgrade is Watanabe to Nanami?
When is the next anniversary so I can roll on my favorite construct with 100% rate up and then start rolling on weapons?
Was it Baby Norman or Big boy? I did the easier one for a long time and I was never allowed to clear past the second stage, but after clearing the harder version I could auto everything besides Cloud Mine
a huge upgrade in general, he even outdamages lee
i think Kowloong sucks
As much as Lamia is to Luna. If you care about meta or just actually playing the game in general, you roll. If you're a schizo like Lee skippers, you skip and suffer, then complain in /pgr/ about powercreep.
Is Liv's halo actually attached to her?
not physically
Will see as i'm not biggest meta fag, as I want to SSS Shukra and only have 2 pities worth of pulls right now.
30k isnt enough for sss
You need 75k + tip (only 60k + tip with skulls) to SSS a S rank character.
I know that, I'll save BC in the upcoming patch and going to buy a couple bundles to have enough for SSS.
bwo, just take the fatepill! you're gonna get 9 qus in a single 10 roll.

I've completed the Beginner Guide and now I feel empty inside because I no longer get to see Celica and hear her tell me "hi~" every day.
You can always visit her in the Guide page.
Thanks bros, I'll grab Hanying with my remaining banner cards and then save for the future.
>play the chess minigame
>Vanessa is a huge bitch in the story for no reason
Seriously, what the FUCK is her problem bros?
(You) stole Liv. And (You) got a better test result in school once.
Maybe if she wasn't such a terrible squad leader Liv wouldn't have Livleft. In that same story they mention that she is a squadlet who doesn't even currently have a squad (most likely because she is a huge bitch) which is why she tries to recruit Teddy.
She can do what she wants including raping you, and still winning in the future
Vanessa had Bambi and that Gyaru Construct, at the very least.
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No.21 dodged all of her KICKs
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>Visits you in the hospital while you are in a coma
>Gets horny and just fucking rapes you
Vanessa is fucking weird man.
I can pull for No. 21: Feral on the Arrival or Fate Arrival Construct banners. What's the difference? Also I want to play her with Noctis: Indomitus and Vera: Garnet. How is that team composition? They'd be my secondary team and I like them for the aesthetic and how smooth and fun all of them play.
Why are Bianca and Karenina so rude to Chrome? Isn't he their commandant?
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Arrival Banner has a hard pity of 60 but a lower chance to get the character before that, FATE banner has a hard pity of 100 but a higher chance of getting the character before that (1% or so). FATE Banner is a fucking scam, you will almost always go above 60, rendering it useless, even if you have alot of pulls to fight the average I think you'll need to roll for at least 5 copies to reach that point. On that note, these rerun banners are also a scam! Only have a 70% chance to give you the S-Rank you've selected and 30% chance to offrate you.
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>Isn't he their commandant?
No, Chrome is the commandant of the Strike Hawk squad. Bianca is from the Purifying Force, Karenina is from the Engineering force
Karenina and Bianca don't have a commandant. Bianca's part of the government death squad and Karen's just an engineer that likes to tag along with her sometimes.
Oh, okay. So they're all working in tandem. I thought they were working under the same group. That explains things. I must have missed those details since I thought the Strike Hawk squad was the Purifying Force.
Thanks a ton for the clarification. I'm also not too thrilled about 70% with such an investment, so imagine there'll be a higher rate for her at some point in the future.
Nanami is such a crackhead, what the hell. Lmao
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Every anniversary we get a 100% banner where you can select the character on rate up, even change the target whenever you want. Thats usually the best time to catch up, of course you'll have to wait for anniversary and thats still a while away.
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Never roll on Fate banners, people have already done the math and its straight up worse, not even giga whales like rexlent roll on that. Thats the Cerberus team and makes for a lightning team, definitely a good choice especially if you don't have Alpha.
Have you used your S rank pick from the standard banner? if not you can use that, if you did then my recommendation is to wait for a selector or to wait for the anni banner (you can select anyone for 100% rate up)
I've already used my pick, and I picked Empyrea when I did initially. I'll definitely do that then! Also that's funny they all happen to be team members. I love how their kits fit so well together, their looks and playstyles all mesh well with that. Good game design. I'm not worried about Alpha since BRS is my main girl.

Oh yeah, that was a few months ago right? Quite the ways. I feel sad I missed out on the fancy backgrounds. Unsure if I want to drop money on the current one or not.
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We love Cerberus here, Cerberus gaming
With how often and how reckless Liv is connecting to different M.I.N.Ds, I feel like she's going to get corrupted or warped or something at this rate.
Hell yeah. Also I love everything about Noctis' vibe. Always a huge fan of friendly delinquent punch-guy trope.
God I wish girls were real. They're so appealing to look at.
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Vanessa apparantly did actually manage to build a full squad again but literally the next chapter after it was revealed the timeskip happened so we're probably not going to know about that last member for a long while. Like how the gyaru girl on Vanessa's team first showed up in Ayla's story but was just known as "the girl that dresses weird" without a portrait or name for so long.
Where's my god damn playable Teasell, Kuro?!
I really like that girl in the middle's design.
does he know
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Halloween gonna be hype
Epitath looks stupid. Why would Wata change his color scheme so much?
Probably noticed that the flames from the power source on the frame was that colour anyway and just themed around it
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But his regular coating looks like Wata always have looked!
Well, I got Hanying, but is the only way to rank up by farming two shards per day? How many shards are needed to reach SSS, it seems like it's going to take months?
Also, how do I get the pink china dress outfit for Qu? It doesn't appear to be in the shop, so does that mean it was limited and I can no longer get it?
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They thought edgier design = more sales
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This thread empty. YEET!
astral doesnt have the same colors as nightblade
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>astral doesnt have the same colors as nightblade
are you sure about that
Evil Liv will sell millions...

They have the same palette.
i plead my case
>original: beige jacket, gray and black robot parts with yellow highlights
>second iteration: black and gray robot parts with yellow highlights
>third iteration: dull green clothes, black and gray robot parts with bright green highligts
Is Astral just Nightblade without any clothes on?
its a plane pilot frame
>(Almost?) never seen with the mask on
>It's an option for his coating
>Seen half of the time with the mask on
>No option
I will never forgive Kuro
Why did they give the pure christian girl such a hot design?
>Has horns before she was playable
>No horns when she becomes playable
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Yes here is the evolution chart
Will take 70 days of pure farming, but you will get basic tickets from playing, so if you already got all the A ranks that you want you could grab more copies of her to speed it up (18 shards for copy for an A rank). However don't use BC for A ranks, you are gonna need all of those for S ranks. As for the skin, I'm sorry I don't know.
>Liv has horns while playable
>is horny
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looks strange
Uncle when he sees Nanami trying to get back into meta with a lightning frame.
>Nanami popping up in the recent story
Is it canon? Isn't she out in space or turn into a spaceship somehow?
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This is my dog. She may not be the best dog but she is my dog. What type of dogs do you guys have?
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I don't mind the switch from yellow to green, but Watanabe's new outfit just looks really overdesigned to me despite it not leaving much of distinct silhouette. All those straps and lines around the torso just feel like random clutter that don't do anything. The pants are fine I guess, Kuro just really likes to give the guys chaps now for some reason, but the waist cape alongside the actual cape is too much, pick one or the other. Also why the triple eyepatch lol?

I like the idea of his frame already being a little pre-battle damaged, his heart being partially exposed to where it emits a faint glow is actually really sick. but I feel like they could've designed him a bit better.

pic unrelated.
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This is my dog, she's really cute, and LICKable, and kissable, and sexy, and smart, and psychotic, and cool, and mature, and I want to continue spending my life with her.
As soon as transcendents become relevant again ;)
Should I SS3 BRS?
F2P and I have like 5500 BP currently. BRS at S4 I think?!
Won't be rolling for her weapon.
Do you like her alot? If you don't just get A-Lee ranked up for free
I already have Hyper. I'd have BRS for a few modes that need multiple unique teams, and just as a rare collectible.
Do you want her at SS3 though? It would be a waste of your BC if shes just going to be an extra body.
I guess what I really want to know, is if she's functional at SS3 or if she's only usable at SSS + 6* Weapon. If SS3 is meaningless then I don't really have a reason to do it.
Define functional. She's an A-rank so she will never compete with a gen 2 S-rank in terms of DPS even at SSS+. That being said, SS3 seems to have a lot of shit attached to it so if you're dead set on using her that seems like a big threshold.
>boot up PGR for the first time in months
>Get overwhelmed by all the content
>nearly at the end of a collab patch
Just do the chess minigame to get your free BRS.
What did Kuro mean by this?
Maybe its a registered design or something?
That shirou in shadow supposed to be third member of the squad?

>Game is 15 years old
>Still no new Sophia
>only artist that gives her consist art makes horrific fetish art 50% of the time
Pls, more Sophia..
He doesn't even draw Sophia anymore, he draws his "OC" that looks almost exactly like her
I guess Jews are still around on PGR's universe after all...
Yeah his OC
Is just Sophia with very slight differences. On one hand, I no longer have to see Sophia cater to his fetishes, smell, hairy anus/pussy, guro, on the other hand, he was the only guy actively drawing her.
Not that Anon, but I have her at SSS4 so far. I want to get her to SSS+10. Once I hit SSS+, does it go up from needing 18 Shards per? And will I receive more than 18 Shards when I pull her? I might just whale this last leg of the journey in maxing her out. I love BRS and am obsessed with her and she is in fact my main focus, forever and ever. But I'm trying to figure how much actual dollars that'll be to do that.
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Who do I level up just to get through story? I'm using BRS as my main attacker and Liv as a healer
Story is very easy. BRS does Fire. If you can ideally get a Support or Amplifier alongside a Tank, ideally that both focus on Fire, you'll be golden.
Well I don't have any of those and this game's pretty stingy with currency so do I just invest in Lucia or...
Lucia is an attacker just like BRS, though she can get stronger than BRS over time. The story isn't hard enough that it will require you to devote lots and lots of power. Throughout the story, too, you'll be showered with characters and rewards, so you'll be fine going with Lucia or BRS. Level up whichever is more fun for you. Liv and Nanami are fine. Save your leveling components for when the content seems slightly too hard so you don't level stuff you don't have fun playing - you'll need the resources later.
For story you can just level anyone you like, after a certain point the game will start giving you trial characters to use instead. For which characters you can build for endgame here a list of teams, remember to change it to beginner friendly
And if you want alternatives because you don't have or don't like a character just ask.
Do you have to link an email or something for PGR?
I don't really like doing that, but I'm not seeing any other option when starting PGR.
Having a Google login, or linking an email, yes. There's no native login for the game.
I did it. I've spent irresponsibly but the bounds of my love for Black Rock Shooter knows no bounds. I also decided to pick up the BRS weapon and skin for what's her face, too.
>I also decided to pick up the BRS weapon and skin for what's her face, too.

Anon did you get the skin for alpha without actually having her?
Correct. I am, truly, IBRS.
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Probably a regional thing. The art was originally made to celebrate the Mooncake Festival which is I guess a big Chinaese tradition, while for Global it's just being used for celebrating Thanksgiving. Americans don't typically eat mooncakes on Thanksgiving so I guess they decided to change it into something else. Question is, what is he supposed to be eating now?
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Little guy is just like me frfr
Same, on Kami-sama without any cap.
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This kouhai spittin
sniffing 21s sweat
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I dont have the perfect image for that but heres some lickable pits with a 21 that is about to exercise with me in bed (the exercise is sex get it)
I wish she'd sit on my face.
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Alright fine heres the relevant image, LewdRover on twitter for the full thing
You are a saint and I appreciate your sense of taste and compassion in abiding a fellow. Much love.
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No.21 bros gotta look out for each other
So how many times do I need to pull for BSR and her weapon?
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What did Noctis do to deserve this,
even the captcha...
What are you aiming for with her?
I just want her, and her best.
Basically I'm a new player. I wanna continue with PGR but BSR has one day left so willing to swipe for her if I gotta. But want to know if I'm even guaranteed to get her or not via swipes.
You are guaranteed to get a copy of her every 10 pulls. It all depends on how far you want to go with her rank wise.
Clearly he's enjoying some biscuits that came with his Thanksgiving bucket of fried chicken
idk why the fuck I did this
I see. I only just unlocked the roll functions. How much farther do I need to go to get enough for a 10 pull without spending money?
BRS uses special collab tickets which can only be gotten by swiping for them or converting black cards into them. While new players get a good of black cards are first I think you can only hope for around 30 pulls or so. You can get 30 of her shards which is enough to unlock her from the chess mini game.

However I think its such a spectacular waste to use rolls on her for a new player that I would recommend just swiping if you really like her.
I see. I should have started the game earlier like I told myself then. Life is a shit.
Thank you.
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no tail, no buy
1 more day...
Never thought that Wata would be a bepis drinker.
watanable: pulse
So whats the deal with uniframes like Camu? The tutorial said they have debuffs if on a team with the regular frames so should I even bother building him or just ignore him?
The debuff is gonna get removed in the future.
Some modes still uses uniframes so it's nice to have a full upgraded one instead of using the trial ones, but it's low priority. Eventually when you are not desperately grinding shit to gear your important characters/teams you can level him up
Do Golden Vortex.
Alright I'll get on leveling him when I've got the extra resources. Thanks anons
I got BRS, and she is A now.
I also have 8k, how high will her rank go If I use it all on her?
She's guaranteed at every 10 pull which is 18 shards. Assuming you have shit luck and only pull her on guarantee that's 54 shards which should take her to SS I think.
>Assuming you have shit luck
Oh no...
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Man every time I listen to this song it hits me hard
Especially after playing Lamia's patch...
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Worth adding that those uniframe stages will be gone in two updates, so uniframes will be basically completely useless unless some big reworks happen to them.
theyre removing the uniframe stages from norman/babel?
>Words words words words words
>On a red ping, Watanabe gains two additional paragraphs of WORDS
I will do what I always do, run him on the trial stage until I figure out how he works
Yes. Norman gets a general rework in Qu patch, and I think there might be old uniframe bosses in the flashback babels, but those now die faster from regular teams than from uniframe counters.
You literally just ping red and special red. He doesn't have other orbs. Lamia/Lee level of braindead.
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Why is she so precious?
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>Lamia/Lee braindead
eh? at least Lee and Wata are at least decently engaging by being able to do shit outside of spamming orbs (a built-in dodge on one and a parry). then again, it's Gen 2. I'm not expecting any genuine fun and well thought out kits for S-ranks ever since Stairs Qu came into existence. the new Lucia and Nanami seem to be a step in the right direction though
Because liv is lov
And you can play Qu without spamming stairs. Doesn't change the fact that when you play Lee, you enter core, spam-cancel orbs, and press 2 ults. There's no gameplay beyond that. There's no gameplay beyond spamming one color orbs and ult on uncle either. In fact, Qu is more complex because you at least have to finish core before ulting.
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Never liv your Liv unsupervised!
I see male, I skip, Simple as.
Don't lic Liv without warning!
Constructs don't sweat silly
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Hot lonely Livs in your area?
How do they regulate temperatures without sweat?
Then why does my No.21 taste salty sometimes
what does liv taste like
like lov and lamb
do not eat liv
crotch removal
The shading on this is done quite well. lmao
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I dont have that one image of liv consuming the weaker liv
It's so jarring seeing Nanami speak normally like this. I'm eager to see how she goes from crackhead combat gremlin to this.

Oh boy.
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Licking Veras condensation!
I wish to add you as a friend in the game.
>implying there is a liv power ranking system
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69 with Insane-ish Black Rock Shooter.
So wait, Lucia's memories are deteriorating? And she's trying to gain new memories faster than lose them so she won't lose herself? I don't understand why she had to delete all her old memories to fit into her new frame.
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you are not gonna beliv this
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>horrific Liv blob in SSS tier
Anyone from Brazil here?

I've tried to buy Rainbow Cards via Boleto Flash but when I printed the ticket and returned to the game it immediately tried to see if I already had paid for it cancelled it?
the liv limo...
I outscored my guild rival
That's a lot of cloaks!
Guys? Do I still need to pay the ticket, as I fucked up, or was it altogether cancelled?
Not Brazilian but I'm unsure.
Kinda hard to take the Forsaken seriously as a important faction when all their characters are Watanabe and Watanabe again
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>No tracksuit Liv
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Very important question. does she have panties? I can't see them behind there. I don't have Luna (yet) and I want to make sure before purchasing this frame.
>bollie bosses heal 2% max HP per second
>cloud island bosses have the energy depletor
Holy shit this instance of norman is pure cancer
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I did Bollie side stage to get rid of the heal, and that was the best decision ever since I cleared the stupid parryball with 3 seconds left on the clock. Cloud can suck my dick, I'm not going in there.
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>bosses heal
>bro do coop to get 5* weapons!
>do coop
>never get anyone on quick match
>have to fight Rosetta over and over again alone

so fun.
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>Blocks all of your regen
Heh, nothing personal.
It's a coating, but yes, she probably does have panties. Sort of stupid that there is no SFX coating stages for reruns.
Everyone does the coop at the start of the weekly resets, so if you are days late you are gonna struggle to find people. Basically do all of your runs on monday if you can. And if you have to do it solo just do the easiest boss at easiest difficulty to make it faster.
i find plenty of people on mondays at 7pm server time
what memories build did y'all get for brs?
Unlike most guide sites, this one actually is legitimate. Though I built Fred for my bottom corners because I like going fast and dodging. She isn't meant to be competitive, so I say build what leans more toward your interest in fun.

I didn't realize Constructs could be entire cake factories, my God. I'd love some of her pound cake.
>Monday evening is the one day I'm the busiest.
tuesday should still be fine, later than that will probably be rough to find people though. Alternatively you could try asking in your guild if someone is willing to coordinate a time for coop.
you can always ask for help in chat 1 or your guild
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You've based taste, Anon. Muh.
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Just got done with some work, I'm on EU, post code and I'll add you bwo
Oh sadly I'm on US. Are cross-regions able to add eachother? It would be a crime if not.
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Wait a fucking second I mistyped, I'm on NA server, but I live in EU so my schedule is relatively fucked up. There'll be no issues
Do it.
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I wish Global got to have some of the random brand collabs that CN got. Kentucky Fried Punishing is already canon.
Oh okay!
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when they say "when in Matrix" that's when everything goes slow-motion temporarily while in battle, right?
thanks anon
gracias anón
Anon is good Anon. I like y'all.
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I want to LICK No.21!
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The one in the middle of the bottom row belongs to me, you guys can share the others
Anon that's a dog
Who are the characters on the top/bottom left?
both wanshis i think
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I think they're both supposed to be Wanshi, top when he was young, bottom his newer Tank frame
Damn this picture of 21 is cute. Perhaps too cute. Babylonia needs to launch an investigation to determine if her cuteness is natural or the result of cute corruption.
Commandant please do the needful and impregnate Commandant Vanessa with twins swiftly thank you

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