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boy hag sub edition

Previous: >>499021520

>What is Sword of Convallaria?
Sword of Convallaria is part gacha, part full-length SRPG in the vein of FFT and Tactics Ogre, with very light rogue elements. Originally released in the country of Taiwan, also has a separate CN version, a JP version and a Global version.


>Helpful links and resources

>Current Events
Traders from Desert (2024/09/27 – 2024/10/22)
Cocoa's Mini Adventure (2024/10/04 – 2024/10/20)
Voyage of Discovery (2024/10/11 – 2024/10/25)
Fireside Chat (2024/10/18 – 2024/11/5)

>Current Banners
[Debut] Safiyyah (2024/10/11 – 2024/10/24)
[Destined] Nungal & Nergal (2024/10/18 - 2024/10/31)

Touch Vlder Tail
Sorceress Hat
Vlder Sanctuary
Apply to a guild then reply to the OP or recruiter ITT with the last 4 digits of your UID and mention the guild you are applying to along with your current profile picture.

Vidya is apparently dissolving? Vidya members should pick one of the other guilds and join ASAP so you don't miss out on rewards
vidya dying aside, im surprised there's still enough active people to fill 5 other guilds
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i did want to post this pic for the OP in honor of el Día de Muertos coming up, but I looked in the archives and I had made an OP a couple months ago with same pic so didn't want to repeat
Vidya esta lleno de muertos
Most guilds seem to have about 20ish active members which is nice. Wonder how we'll hold up in the coming months.
oops shoulda deleted the cocoa's mini adventure my bad. next OP delete please (and traders from desert cause it'll be over by the next time we have a new thread)
When is Agatha (human form bikini) banner?
what's the name of that guy who spams the threads? so that no other guild accepts him
I'm one step ahead of you and already joined a different guild. Don't think so highly of yourself.
Man I really want some stars on Alexei
Dude's literally too angry to die
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Join Touch Vlder Tail.
that tranny gets namedropped every hour by either it trying to shit up the thread and attentionwhore or someone trying to bait it into shitting the thread so obviously it wasn't going to try to join a /vg/ guild again lol
greedy, spread the love
You act as if guilds ever mattered on this game, lol. Say whatever you want but the game will only decline, and no amount of useless name-calling will change it.
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>Schizo hour
>too pathetic to leave a community that hates you
>guild leaves you behind
>w-who wanted to be with you guys anyways, i-i already left for somewhere else!
ironic, now take the hint and fuck off from /socg/ too
No, you can enjoy knowing that everyone else fucked off from the game because of the exact things I said from the start.
time for big fucking damage-
>5-5 has permanent dmg reduction iv AND attribute debuff immunity
you rike?
I bought most shit from the shop so I've been just doing comfy diff 4's now
since it costs so much endurance, i honestly don't mind because i don't have to do that many runs a day anyways. i usually give any combo a good hearty few tries
You can dispel the DMG reduction with that tarot
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final results
i get ones without a dispel condition far more often than not in voyage
RIP Vidyabwos...
I didn't vote but I'm rolling because Auguste is literally me.
Those are dispellable with plain old dispels.
>forgot that samantha has that gigantic giga dispel
well then
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Sorceress Hat is accepting all refugees
Thank you for the daily 150 luxite
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>You can actually enter more than the 5 digits for the code and it'll count the extras as wrong
Quality programming
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reminder that there's maint in less than two hours
isnt auguste on friday
two hours
Probably hotfix and another surprise event at the rate we're going
>maintenance two hours after reset

Because the devs are retarded, as with everything else related to timing
Bro, our maintenances have always been around this day.
Maintenance has to happen at some point, give one good reason why it shouldn't be two hours after reset
imo its a good time
server is tuned to NA and the amount of people awake at 2am should be very low
>give one good reason why it shouldn't be two hours after reset
Because it should start at reset to maximise the amount of time after reset and maintenance which people then have to log in for that day.
>Start at reset so people waiting for reset to use their stamina get fucked
You might be retarded, and it's not hard even for NA peeps to just sweep at midnight.
i'm unironically tempted to get cornucopia for that fancy and useless couch
2am est is literally fine time for maintenance, maybe they could've pushed it back an hour but I don't see the issue.
I fucking hate that the cosmetics are liked behind premium+ version, should be in the regular one. BP is fucking dogshit regardless. Even the cornucopia weapons suck. The only 2 that are even BIS is staff for Harambe and the sword for Saffiyah Alter.
>Different CC suggests Hasna is next
Which leak do you believe? Personally I'd just wait to see the next banner because losing a few days of shards is better than missing the character you want.
Paid cosmetics is one of the best ways to monetize a game though. Doesn't fuck with gameplay but still gives you nice things.
Probably trust the Hasna one more since someone datamined it and another CC with access to test server is also implying it's her. I think it makes more sense that they just go back to the schedule that they had for TW/CN. The endless speculation and leaks have caused so much negative drama in the community that I think it just makes sense to not change banners around anymore.
They're a seafag, 2am is primetime for them.
Who's next after Hasna? Any datamines?
There's also the possibility that they panicked and changed things back, someone allegedly saw an ad of Auguste and Homa but that's just an allegation so I'm just not trusting anyone...but that means I also don't trust this CC.

Their monetization just sucks overall, people who are complaining about terrible prices for pulls even when they can afford it aren't going to be much happier if cosmetics are ridiculously expensive too like the Beryl and Safiyyah Alter skin.
The drama was so fucking fake and petty too it's actually ridiculous. It's like a bunch of teenage girls that were jealous that timaeuss had permission to leak banners early. Now they sit and cry how "oh no all the content creators quit!" like they wouldn't immediately shit their pants the moment XD paid someone with an actual subscriber base to advertise the game.
Ok? But paid cosmetics are still the best way to monetize a game.

>subscriber base
l m f a o
I'm surprised they don't have cosmetics and some sort of casual guild pve or pvp thing to show them off in.
Who said he had a subscriber base
If people want to pay for it, yes.
communities are so much better without leaks or asynchronous servers
Add a lot more base cosmetics and a option to visit other people's bases. Also more character skins.
I woulndt trust datamine since they updating the assets in batch
>He hasn't seen how schizo/gbfg/ is
Leaks are good though because it gives something to discuss, can hype future contents and can plan your spendings.
What we know is that the test server has stuff three weeks in advance, for example this Voyage of Discovery event was updated since the 25th of September. The maintenance should update some assets so we can roughly tell what's up.
Start it at reset and you would call the devs retarded for denying the players that obsessively complete dailies right after reset
based and true
sekrit knowledge fags are obnoxious as well as china says fags
Agreed, leakers who leak the entire story are going too far but fuck if I'm going to play a game and commit to it without knowing if the devs will ever release a new alt of my waifu or some reason to stay committed.
Yeah it depends on what gets leaked
I don't want story leaks but do tell me what gacha chars are coming out so I can plan out who am I spending for and who am I skipping.
Or if I'm just outright dropping the game because the next months have nothing for me.
The spending thing is important for me because I hate FOMO shit and if leaks reveal back to back FOMO repeatedly I'm going to drop it instead of spending. November is going to be an interesting month because we'll see who's right.
The only thing it gives to discuss is "will you be pulling for X?"
No leaks allow for discussion regarding what they could possibly do next and why everyone else's answer makes no sense
>someone allegedly saw an ad of Auguste and Homa

Are you sure? I always heard that the YT ad people saw was Saffiyah+Auguste.

Ok but letting one guy leak shit was fucking retarded and made no sense, people getting jealous when others have privileges they don't, its basic human nature. I didn't watch any of these guys anyways but it sucks that there's fewer people who make content about the game. You want it to have some kind of online presence so prospective/newbie players have videos to watch.

A lot of this just goes back to the delayed nature of the global release. They need to be more upfront about coming characters/events so people stop all the baseless speculation.
This game has not had any FOMO shit yet whatsoever
In my experience this discussion depends on the devs. If the devs have a standard pattern of releasing story and associated characters it goes okay but in other cases you're just going to invite schizos and metafags.
leak in delayed server doesnt matter
leak in simultaneous server would allow for better discussion
It does though, having zero filler before Taair if the Thai CC is right is harsh even for spenders.
If they change up release order from TW then it changes players pull priorities and it does matter. There's a big difference between the next two characters being Hasna/Homa or Homa/Taair. That's why people want any kind of leak.
That's just a (You) problem who's a poor metafag or doesnt have clear priorities
I may roll hasna for no other reason than coom
That's my plan. Extremely SEX design
Based coomerbros, I hope you saved up talents to invest in Seekers magic attack in the talent tree.
My priority is safe no matter what, but do you not think this will piss off even more people?
>server maint
Or you can stop being entitled bitches that think recording a youtube video gives you special treatment. You all bitched when they got paid in currency instead of real money so it got removed. Instead of being a bunch of good little leeches you rocked the boat and now we get to listen to lumi talk about how Taair is next for 2 1/2 months.
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I would like to pull for August since I think he is pretty cool despite being a male but I just can't risk it considering how hard pulling everything I want will be in the future.
And in pic related I didn't even include Hasna (because she is kinda bad unfortunately) and all the new girls that were released.
Pulling for based August will be me depriving myself from one of them and I just can't do that.
Hope you got your credit card ready bro
>2 1/2 months
Lol, lmao even.
No credit card but I do have a priority list. Characters like Agatha and Layla will be sacrificed if need be.
>He's unironically skipping Taair
>He's unironically not skipping Tair
>He's skipping human rights V2
I am sure his design is very human but I am still skipping
What does Vlder team need to actually be complete? Besides infection not being gigafucked by the devs on elite/boss enemies.
Eh who i'm pulling depends on schedule. Like I'm 100% rolling Auguste and after that my main priority is Tristan but I wouldn't mind Agata and could consider Taair if they give me time to save for mr shilled buffer man.

Also, that supposed double banner is of high interest to me too. If I was to make it based on characters I don't have today then I'd probably make it a Nungal/Inana banner and go nuts.
when will maint end, i'm retarded
The problem for me is even if I get everyone I want it's going to be hard to efficiently farm memory for all of them, Cocoa and Auguste are basically locks until 5 and so that leaves only 1 other but there's Agatha/Taair and anyone else I happen to pull.
That's the biggest problem we have, the banner schedule fucked things up enough that it's not unreasonable to skip Auguste and cope.
I remember on launch most people said "pick one of Saffiyah/Auguste to go for" and that really hasn't changed. Getting both is obviously ideal but unrealistic without swiping/super luck.
Yeah, it was always unrealistic for those two but now we have to debate on sacrificing Homa as well when she used to be further away from the both of them.
>people are free to reasonably skip a character that they clearly don't particularly want
Oh no
I am skipping Auguste because he raped me in one of the voyage levels.
>mutation: enemy gets act again for killing a unit
>forget about this 8 times in 1 match
Damn the Union, damn them to hell.
Yeah it was the Saffiyah/Augueste/Cocoa trio and you had to save for them. Was hoping to get 2/3 back then.
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August is cool, but ultimately he is just an unga bunga unit. It's easy to compensate for not having him.
He's not even cool, he's just a virgin with rage sperging about not being able to find a boyfriend-free girl
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do Union next
do Iria
Lmao that's a sign if I ever saw any. Play something else anon.
But it's even
This only makes him look cooler to me. I am going to be happy when I off banner him and if he is in dual banner with someone else I want, I am definitely pulling, but that's about it
His only rerun has been with Gloria so far.
>Huge update
What in the world?
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tf is this? bond tales??
Inanna and Rawiyah also got new stories after the patch but theirs were already unlocked
Bond stories yes, those were also updated in batches for TW and CN.
there will be an Edda Inana double banner eventually right?
i regret not pulling for Edda because apparently you can do stuff like give Dantalion beheading machete and actually be decent
Applying to sorc hat
There hasn't been one but you can make your own custom dual banner (Expected to be around half-anni) with characters up to Safiyyah. Take note of the following:
>You can't get any spooks, only who you picked
>Your first guaranteed is at 90 pulls instead of 180, but as you need to roll the first character another time to guarantee the second you can only guarantee both in 270 pulls max
I can't find at all what Nungal requires me to unlock
is that Nergal's story and I need to do his first?
I don't know, sorry. Don't have either of them.
huh is the SSR priest worse than the free priest?
Are you talking about Samantha and Angel? It's generally agreed that Angel shines in more content.
Angel is just very good and easy to use
Lmao good thing Nergal is on banner with Nungal right now! Surely you'd pull on the dual banner now that your waifu's story is locked behind another unit!
>relying on past TW reruns for anything
Literally irrelevant. They could pair him with whoever they want in global or for another future tw rerun
Angel is great
>Step 1: Survive a hit
>Step 2: AoE heal every turn even if you're full HP, just for the buffs
The only two truly unique duals we've had are Samantha/Dantalion and Nungal/Garcia, likely as we received the Iria route from the beginning. Everything else has been exactly the same.
>new character bond interactions
also mentioned: the Sylvia that Auguste squished was their stepmother, she just says their mother had gone off to do things
reminds me of the shittery that were Langrisser bonds
A lot of stuff got updated today, but there's not much to comment on besides:
>Safiyyah Alter is now updated along with her skin gacha, no Kvare yet but probably in the next maintenance
>Caris's gacha ad is now updated when it wasn't before, along with Caris' Masterclass. Same thing with Agatha
>Homa, Taair, Hasna and Schacklulu were all updated again, the former two with their events and Schacklulu along with chapter 13
Huh. This seems like more than three weeks worth of updates though?
Kind of want
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>implying soc doesn't fanservice bait
it's just a tiny context delivery battle where nungal wandered her fat ass near calamities, nergal followed to help and she must not get hit twice. followed by another danchou bond dialogue on why nungal gets more mad than usual about getting fussed over and nergal being brotherly the awkward way when she's gone. typical anime siblings stuff I assume but not bad
haven't checked out nungal's part yet. are there some 4cdn or cloudflare tracking domains you're supposed to allow for this new timer cancer or is it just wait 15 minutes between shitposts from now on?
Morning bros, and a special good morning to our adorable resident schizo Lumi, i'm pulling Auguste for you bud!
how about you pull this dick instead
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Even the cat has a SHOULD YOU PULL opinion on Auguste
You should have time to save for her at least.
Shite taste
When can i pull for Hasna?
after auguste hopefully, I could use a break from metafagging
>Iggy story
Garcia is ready for the vlder knot
Ahhh fuck.
Just woke up and my guild is dead.
Welp. Guess I'll stick around the empty halls for a while until leader decides to disband this corpse filled ruins.
Unfortunate timing for the guild focused event. It now leaves a bad taste.
How many pulls? I decided to opt for Kvare instead.
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I had the itchy fingers
I stop now right? No reason to keep rolling on beginner banner anymore
join socks
Ok the banner disappeared, i think it was probably worth the 10 Fates
the guild event probably is exactly why everybody fled the sinking ship just now
you'll miss out on a few tarots but someone can just brute force the codes in under a minute, or just join another too
>i regret not pulling for Edda because apparently you can do stuff like give Dantalion beheading machete and actually be decent

Just a heads up and while Edda is good apparently her wine spill doesn't work on ToA bosses so she loses utility there.
For Lucklets we've got mostly a strong core of active people and rotating out corpses and newcuties every once in a while. To be perfectly honest, I'm pleasantly surprised how active it is with how little there is a reason to do so in-game.
What's wrong with Night Raven?
Don't see her on https://swordofconvallaria.co/tier/ and she just seems like a solid damage dealer
I think the speed debuff does work and she has other uses, also her assist attack makes her nutty in some rounds of TOA. That being said she does fluctuate between T0 and T0.5 for a reason.
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>western localizers removed all mentions of "God" from Auguste's "God's Wrath" abilities
extremely cringe, just another reason to quit this game. I have 140 pulls saved for Auguste and if I don't get him I'm just going to quit the game. Pokemon pocket is releasing on the 30th and that's going to become my main mobile game anyways.
uhh... isn't that just a card collector?
is there even anything to play?
>suddenly have 3 red dots for bond stories
did they add new stories with this patch?
That list is comically ba,d don't use it. As for Night Raven, not a lot of tier lists bother ranking the non-legendaries. As for Night Raven shes probably the second best epic magic unit after Lash.
They did, yeah.
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>That list is comically bad
So you are telling me my Chadtalion is a Chudtalion?!
I ranked up my Col according to the website....
the asian devs who picked that name don't understand it the way you do so it didn't raise the relevant worldbuilding questions regarding the radiant cult for them, localizers did good

jpg collector "players" still have ended up here as you can tell from the auto whining, downside of having nice art
there's gameplay. It's a simplified and faster version of the TCG with lower numerical values and no power creep because it's a fresh game. There's no ranked mode on release but they confirmed they will be adding ranked and a trading system as well so you'll be able to trade/sell cards you don't want which is extremely based
>Auto whining
God forbid that you should be able to skip this VOD event after doing it a few times.
Col is good she just falls off at the very end game but she'll carry you before that.
She's also fantastic in SOD.
like 350 saved
yeah thats a good pull nice, getting it early on beginner banner extra sweet
I'm gonna try playing Lash now, fuck Candlelight
How many of my fellow lazychads haven't done the Elaman story for the rewards yet? Gonna start today and try and do one chapter a day kek
I'm tying to grind radiance rank in spiral, I'm at platinum in the final chapter of the Union route, I'm not sure if i'm going to get it since i failed a stage goal earlier.
You might want to sit down and have some time to do it, I started it day one and it was a real pain because of all the fights.

Ah fuck, I really should do that one but all of these fucking events are draining me and they don't even give that much luxite.
I am like 40% through the story, but I am struggling to motivate myself to go further. The constant events are taking up all the time I can spare on the game, and the "gameplay" in SoD makes me want to kill myself. Shame, because I was enjoying the actual Elaman story a lot.
>havent cleared 10-5
>only done 1 SoD run start to end
>only done 1 run of the new event
>halfway through elaman route
>havent done level 70 weapon trials
>havent finished taiir FJ chapter
some would call me a lazygod
Yeah the fireside chat event completely filtered me and I have strong meta units, I just completely abandoned the luxite rewards lmao just doing auto shit for now
>Kill myself over the combo topics to get 2 pulls
>Actually enjoy the story, auto the boring fights and get 200 luxite + other rewards per 10 levels of knowledge
Really makes you think.
I will believe it when its added, plenty of games say shit and don't follow through. Or its just years too late.
exactly bro, I'm at knowledge level 104 btw, at level 105 I'm going to get another Whale Hunter!
I'm sub-100 because the Elaman route really tired me out, do you consistently get 200 luxite every 10 levels?
The level 70 trials aren't as bad as you might depending on your units, give them a try. One guaranteed legendary weapon a day is a world of difference.

I'm kinda the opposite, surprised how easy some of the fireside chat is. Also if you can't using your normal team, look up the cheese strats on YT, you can clear some of the harder stages with luxite boys.
everyone has angel and she covers early game very well. you could also argue that the rest of your team can make up for what she lacks, so it feels like you don't need anything better
but few people have samantha, let alone at max rank, so they dismiss her without having tried her, she has incomparable utility and can do things that many others can't
>can survive literally any hit
>can keep allies alive even if 50 enemies in a row hit them
>provides very high teamwide damage reduction
>niche but massive dispel/cleanse
it looks like the same rotation of rewards every 10 levels, just got 50 luxite at 104
i have the units to clear them, but i am too lazy to set it up and do it

This is where people should have read the disclaimer that the tier lists they were reading had TOA and other such endgame modes in mind. Samantha is bad there because you want your healers to have other utilities and healing does nothing if you get wiped, but there's nothing wrong with building and using her if you get her now mind you, I'm not using Iggy or Xavier but that's more because they actively piss me off.
I started like a month ago and there's so much content for a new player it's insane. Just finished my first SoD playthrough and on chapter 2 of slaves n shiet beacon. Thankfully I grew to like SoD so I don't mind playing through it.
>playing SoC which has yet to add real-time PvP and lost 75% of it's playerbase since launch
pokemon pocket is going to be too big to fail, has real PvP, and people are already doing tournaments in the beta
>can keep allies alive even if 50 enemies in a row hit them
isn't she running out of nrg after the first 5 at most?
Lazygod I kneel...

Enjoy anon, just make sure your spending all your stamina on the gacha side.
>Enemy gains damage 3 buff when they get injured
>MFW it's Agatha
When i use "Mask" on Col, how does the Calamity Spawn "Barrier" still target her?
Mask grants Col Invisibility, and Reverse - Full -Armored Impact specifically says it targets.
sacred sanctuary can make it cost 0 nrg temporarily
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shant be rolling for males
>b-but they're meta!!!1
don't care
the based take that destroys metakeks
>Based take from a retard
uh oh metamelty
We'll see who has the melty in the future.
grilled cheese... yummy melty
invisibility specifies that there are "lock on" type targeting abilities and that they will remove it, I think stinger's proximity mark counts
wait Auguste is meta? I'm roooolling
First time failing a diff 3 auto run because of two things:
1. Enemy had 100% dmg resist from front buff, making them invincible to retarded AI
2. Both deaths were from explosive barrels because of retarded AI positioning
I failed a difficulty 4 auto run because Agatha is so buffed from the mutation that she kills two characters...
trinket rarity report after playing a bit over 2 months
5x (least rare)
>Deflection Device, Maverick's Cloak, Cooling Powder, Flying Blade Armguard
>True Lens, Fancy Hat
>Mystery Guardian, Crystal Burst Armor, Origin Hourglass, Hunter's Intuition
>Spring Pill, Roaring Flint
0 (zero)
>speed scrolls, teleport ring, ?
I was on Star Trial i think, fucker bumper would just take turn and bump Col off even though i used Mask immediately before

Pip is too much fun, i hope Simona is soon
still waiting for the day where I knock off 5 enemies with Harambe's 5 tile wide knockback
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Knockbacks are so fun

So do i have a use for Crimson Falcon?
Or if i have Col now, i don't need to bother?
She is almost 5*...
Off the top of my head you are missing berserker incense which buffs attack but isn't an instant skill so it sucks and the Greatshield which gives you a shield for a couple turns.
If a map has a lot of breakers Falcon is still good. Don't know your unit situation but I used Falcon for a while alongside Col just for general map clears, her mobility and damage are just really good.
Auguste is literally me.
I don't know why I never thought about it but the new Innana bond made me realize that Sylvia is a step-mother to the royal siblings. Innana just says their mother left when they were young. And she also brings up her bodyguard Ayishah. I could see one of the story updates featuring both characters.
Ayishah was datamined fairly recently, so she might be featured in Fool's Journey 15 because she was not one of the advertised characters in the current TW witch plot.
Hmm that would surprise me, I don't think they'd want to do more FJ chapters for characters that aren't released yet. Maybe it's just updating to add her into the game files? Like how Judge Samantha was updated in the game files and everyone thought we'd get a new Papal story but we got the witches instead.
yeah and it wouldn't even count as standby for tarots or modifiers, it's weird how that non instant incense is one of the supposed rarest tier, I think with roaring flint and the scrolls and maybe the shield

True Lens I forgot had 1 of them given by voyage momento, I don't remember if it gave other specific legendary trinkets, maybe a deflection device
The witches don't count as 4.0, CN already expected that Judge Samantha would be released for their first year anni.
>yeah and it wouldn't even count as standby for tarots or modifiers, it's weird how that non instant incense is one of the supposed rarest tier

They probably overestimated how good the attack boost would be. But the thing that actually makes trinkets OP is being instant skills.
i still don't have a cooling powder which i would really love on cocoa
but I've been very glad that i have a roaring flint
I thought there was a story update with the witches?
Yes, but it's not considered as a major patch in the vein of Elaman or Crimson Night. 3.5 seems fitting enough.
Cooling Powder is really overrated. In the rare situations enemies that enemies block your healing you have easy ways around it. Crystal Armor boosting her HP is far better.

Ah that makes sense. Is the story still accessible through SoD?
yeah but my armor is 1*, what's 2% hp really doing for me rather than QoL
yeah cooling powder is the easiest way around it, but consider atypical empress tarot on mass buffers for next best
I'm not sure, TW/CN players talk about it as if it's an event but Crimson Night is in SOD and there were a lot of events too. It probably is in SOD though.
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The situation is probably not bad
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>moments before disaster
It's the P.DMG taken +60% stage too
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>moments before disaster
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worst sisters game
you're gonna drag his ass down aren't you
Was asking about optimal Alexei build yesterday, looks like the thread archived before I could reply to the kind anon who gave me advice.
>lifedrinker and all the counterattack moves plus his gap closer. Stack counterattack damage with Tower tarot+crystal burst armor
Okay, so if I'm understanding this right, the left/right choices are:
>Right (Leg Slam)
>Left (Wild Howl)
>Right (Brutebear Counter)
>Left (Goredrinker)
>Right (Frenzied Slash)
>Right (Counterattack Storm)
And use 1 Castellia to unlock Anger of Icefield, which is what I assume you mean by his "gap closer" 'cause it's a charge.
And for the standard skill loadout, it'd be Frenzied Strike, Brutebear Counter, Goredrinker, Counterattack Storm and Anger of Icefield?

And as for gear, which axe is best for him, Brutal Axe 'cause he wants to be at low hp? My Crystal Burst Armor is on Gloria because I use her counterattack reaction, but you're right that it makes the most sense on Alexei, so which is the best trinket I can put on Gloria? Tower for tarot makes sense, which stats does Alexei want the most besides phys atk? And speaking of substats, he's a weird character, so does he want different engravings than the usual Wand on weapon, Sword on trinket?
Big thanks in advance to anyone who can help me make my werebear berserker the best he can be.
I use flying blade armguard on gloria and it often lets her quickly overturn a luxite cart which she couldn't even do with her basic spear attack because it's aoe, or get a bigger run up of 2-3 more tiles on gale sword when I have that ability on her, but there's probably smarter choices
Shoot, my armguard is already on Safiyyah and I think it's best suited for Saf.
>and it often lets her quickly overturn a luxite cart which she couldn't even do with her basic spear attack because it's aoe
Ah, so THAT'S why I kept hitting crates of luxite and they didn't explode! That's been bugging me for a while now.
Damn, I tried googling Gloria builds and gamewith is saying her best trinket is Old Scrolls of Auguste, which I've never even seen before.
you might not see an old scrolls at all
I used to put Coexist armor on her when she was frontlining more, a full Spring tonic could also be good if you're not playing oneshot difficulty content since healing is the one thing she can't do without sword+cup engraving
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to stand so brazenly, facing out over the cliff like that
who am i to deny what he longs for?
A schizo that simps like crazy to some gril?
Thanks, probably gonna stick her with a spring tonic once Alexei is built (still need lots of exp) as Maitha has my coexist armor.
Speaking of engravings, I take it Gloria uses Wand+Sword like most?
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This is what I use on my Alexei.
I found the cooling powder really nice since I kept having situations where he would get heal blocked and just be unable to stabilize in time because of it.
Crystal burst is probably better and I should give it a try again now that I am not concerned about the heal block spam in the campaign and it seems to happen less, but I still have no problem using him in basically all content like this.

Can replace counter attack storm with the dash skill, but whirlwind axe is irreplaceable for how I make use of him. if you JUST want him to counter attack and survive for like 1-2 turns with his passive then yeah sure, but for me I like him having the extra defenses and actually being able to survive and trade blows with enemies, then he gets low and can immediately full heal back up with 1 spin and help lower the CD on his passive, I have had many times where I have procced it multiple times in a single fight, so as such, as good as brutal axe is, hollow axe is just better imo (and it would better synergise with crystal burst hmm, I really gotta change it).
he already does good damage imo, I don't think you need to go full big counter damage and I want him to be an effective tank as well as having the huge counter attack and lifesteal, goredrinker giving him +60% atk and lifesteal is absolutely insane, the fact that my alexei has over 5k atk in fights without getting any special buffs or anything but just being hit means he puts out some serious fucking damage and heals up to full very easily, its very common to see 4k or 5k self lifesteal hits.
Wild howl is a ridiculously good skill, its amazing utility, and anger of icefield is godlike in pvp, especially vs counterattack storm when u vs a real player rather than an AI that just attacks you (the stun is very powerful, the gap close, ice, damage reduction, is just making it an absolutely insane skill) gets a lot more value.

I find a lot of use for him like this
>Wand+Sword like most?
yeah it's just annoying that it doesn't include that bonus attack in damage previews, you run up anywhere before throwing her flag to get more damage than it shows but you won't know exactly how much
but then that's also just aoe, if there's a way to know the preview value on those that don't center a target someone let me know
Oh wow, I've never even seen Cooling Powder before. Sounds like Crystal Burst is still the way to go. And Hollow Axe? Nice, I was considering that weapon anyway and mine is 3 star.
Double pentacle engravings sound good now that I see the resonance effect; I figured he'd want a non-standard engraving setup.
Thank you very, very much for this breakdown of what he does for you. I love bruisers with high atk+def and lifesteal, so I think I'm really gonna enjoy using Alexei once I have him built.
Thanks! If I'm gonna put pentacle on my Crystal Burst Armor for Alexei instead of Sword, that's all the more reason to give Gloria a different trinket. Losing her CBA is gonna make her squishier, I hope survivability doesn't become an issue.
The only reason I have to go against this and pull for Auguste is that Pamina and Lutvia probably won't be out for several more months
Just got to week 52 for the first time. Spiral is pretty KINO desu
bros this update is making me delete shit from my phone and I don't have anything to delete
If you have multiple gachas, uninstall one (make sure your account is linked first ofc), then download the SoC update, then redownload the game you uninstalled and it should all fit.
Updates for games often check if you have space to download the whole game again even though sometimes an update isn't even 100 MB.
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they're going all out
one bow for homa, one for goli, one for baloor, and one for barul
goddamn why do i even have all of these
melee might be the best since homa's skills are 1-3 range?
why have you not shredded half of these and merged the other
haven't really needed to honestly
Day 1 player I haven't gotten a single armguard trinket or crit crossbow, how do I turn my luck around bros
what about your momento selectors?
that's two weapons right there
have you tried playing a better game?
Used them before I had lilywill unfortunately, I would have picked one
worked, thanks mate
I'm legitimately surprised at the quality of this game. The other kusoges i've tried this year have been disappointing dogshit so SoC being actually good and remaining good has been such a wonderful little surprise.
its a very fun game with lots of soul. even just little shit like the attack animations are so good (cocoa hitting a mushroom like a baseball at an enemy makes me smile every time)
ignore the doomers and enjoy the ride
Np, I have to do this more often these days as I've almost run out of room. I play SoC on the PC client 'cause there's no way it's fitting on my phone.
It's 'cause it was meant to be a proper game instead of a gacha treadmill, but they had to slap the gacha stuff on to pay the bills. The good quality in its bones still shines through.
>being actually good and remaining good
>[Renegade Knight] Debut Summon is now available
>[Shadow of Calamity] Time-limited event is now open
>they won't actually be available for 3 more days
How is this allowed? I can only assume it's because this is a copy/paste of the text that will be in the actual summon/event notices that will go live when the banner and event arrive, but it looks so damn misleading.
Most games feel only fun at the start but start to feel dogshit after a month or two while this game still feels nice. Everything else I've tried lately has been absolute dogshit outside of the super big profile releases.
I was on-board instantly when I saw the goofy run animation they gave Beryl and only her alone.
I don't even bother with gacha games because it's usually lazy live2d animation slop, disjointed ugly UI and inconsistent artstyle, shit gameplay, and basically "looks like a mobile game"
Star Rail impressed me with its production quality but the soulless chinawank was annoying and the main story writing is awful wordslop most of the time (only Jarilo-IV was good). There the talented artists are held back by bad writers and the CCP, here the writing may not be a masterpiece but it follows conventional anime storytelling uninfluenced by political shit and you can at least feel the soul in that.
never enough coins
also why was safiyyah's stage so easy even with the modifiers
Agatha needs to be banned from PvE
whats wrong? you dont like a 4x4 AOE instakill?
>peeps into your FoV
>hey I see you have a team set up there, shame if something happened to it
>walks over a damage increase tile
>haha whoops, didn't see that there oh well here I come!
i was trying to auto through tower the other day and kept dying and wasn't sure why til i noticed the situation you just explained is exactly what was happening
agatha becomes a beast
even knowing how easily she can be cheesed once you've figured out the situation, it does feel like an oversight that a character doing its own health in damage is allowed for a boss with multiplied health
Okay I just dropped the new Wizardry game after the devs surprise dropped a new banner and pity didn't carry over
Sword of Convallaria is still best gacha of the year
surprised anyone played unironically that with how dogshit it looked like
I'm desperate for a new side game but i'm not THAT desperate
>agatha becomes a beast
yeah but when's the non-furry skin
how long do you think hasna has been blind for?
is she aware how insane she looks, walking around like that?
she even gets to always be around laramar's often bathing body
Should've figured the publisher didn't give a fuck when they made it dub-only.
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when your waifu Schacklulu isn't meta
ehh i think I'm done
Is she in Elaman story? Just started it.

Shes kind of climbed in the rankings recently. ToA is favoring piercing damage and she's one of the better sources of that.
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Huh I thought it was just asymmetric armor but Rawiyah is full Guts-Mode, prosthetic hand included.
Just sent a request, pls
ID 932003015
hasna has a very minor role in elaman route and like 2 sentences, but she does show up pretty early
so rawiyah actually has the flying armguard?
>male banner
>male/female mixed banner
>female banner
>male/female mixed banner
>male banner
This game has too many dudes, wtf were they thinking?
This was never a fanservice game, there's millions of them out there if you wanted one of those.
save banners
So they basically just threw the coomers a bone with Hasna kek

After Auguste there's only like 2 dudes in 15 characters.
Have you never used it on her before? She has a special animation and everything.
Rawiyah was done dirty in the Elaman route
I wanted to see her get a happy ending too but she literally just does a vanishing act in the Elaman route and has less screentime than fucking Hasna
Speaking of Elaman route, I'm gonna try it for the first time tomorrow. Does it come with a free Maitha/Faycal/Angel at the start like the normal routes?
Yes you still get the default starting crew like Rex and Noah Flash.
Free characters are given from the start, before any route split
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This event is some of the most unfun, tedious and rngfest pieces of shit I've ever seen.
Utterly unfun and you can't even get all the rewards. I don't even have the will or time to finish the cheevo quests because of this horseshit.
Momo's getting gangbanged
There's just no way out of this horseshit. Everybody's just stunned.
Don't let the situation get that bad then
If there's no way out then don't get in to begin with
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The assist modes for that event weren't even hard my dude you might just need more brainpower.
i think someone said there's an event for hasna and homa, so she'll get screentime then

still better than papal route rawiyah, though i do admit it made me glad to see her again, and sad that the story ghosts her completely afterwards
>ai decides to stun momo instead of anybody else
>game over
It is Brown Dust2 all over again. Watching people get mentally filtered in gacha games will never stop being funny.
Then what should you not let the ai do?
The assist mode for this event was easy. Build up currency and them only ever summon the watchers. You have Martha in that mission, she should be taking attacks for Momo if you need it. And at the end of the day you can always look it up.
get fucked because it's a small, tight area where you can't zone or kite
>maitha just dies covering and then the rest gets stunned
No, this is actually absolutely horrendous compared to the previous events where you just had to do things "right". Here the outcome is mostly determined by rng.
If the outcome is decided by RNG then it means you're rolling the dice and hope you win.
But if it is decided by RNG, then how come it is possible to watch a guide and achieve at the same result 10 times out of 10? That should be statistically impossible if it's decided by RNG.
I hope it's the same person getting filtered by every single event
Forgot to mention that you NEED Momo in the middle since her alert skill is the only way to clear the map.
I summoned the dancers fairly often, their aoe was actually pretty decent on some stages where enemies bunched up
Looking at future banners, I’m interested in Schacklulu, Agatha, Rawiyah alter, and Saffiyah alter. Is that going to be reasonably possible f2p?
>how come it is possible to watch a guide and achieve at the same result 10 times out of 10?
That was possible for other events, not this one.
>The 60% crit on standby works with march command
Assist modes reveal who is a real Danchou and who gets hard carried by meta through content.
What's bad is that those who copy a clear from youtube don't see which group they fall into
>follow youtube guide
>it doesn't work at all because you get completely different rng at crucial points which means shit that should be dead is still alive
I just purged my friends list from people who had been offline for more than 2 days
I went from 81 to 41 friends
Cool, thanks. I hope I can meet Kino again.
You, you're who I was talking about
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Depends on how much you have saved up right now, and how lucky you get with the
rates. If you're giga unlucky then no.
I do that sometimes, I nearly deleted my alt during that PvP event so many times
Problem is that their all close to each other. If you have enough pulls to guarantee 2 right now you might have a chance. You need a lot of luck if not.
wait what? as in the extra 2 move after attacking count as a standby?
That makes sense with the quirky logic that allows you to use Tactics after Instant skills. Standby also applies to Col if you kill a dude and end your turn with Act Again.
So 1 turn of downtime and all of a sudden you can have your cake and eat it too
Why the fuck is nearly every map have the enemy already on a elevated and fortified position and I have to march up while getting pelted?

Where are the standard ass battlefields from FFT where most of the time no team had position advantage?

Yeah it's still easy, but I'm not at late game.
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Bait them down if it's an endgame map or if they're trash mooks then just chain oneshot them with Col
>last turn of this shit
>only 1 enemy unit remains
>click auto
>valerie summons something and I fail the extra condition
>tfw forgot
This game will repeatedly task you with killing just unit and then plop you on a map where you can reliably send a boulder at them second turn every time
I suspect you've some confirmation bias going on
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Refugee 953001765
Ok I got Saff, how do I build her? Best weapons and skill path?
Eh I think it still pales in comparison to just stacking buffs on a unit with type advantage, then moving them into as many aggro ranges as possible with Invincible Hero up and ending your turn. Can easily clear the map in two turns.
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Just did one of those.

Yeah I guess they just stuck out more kek.
Those hit the boulder down the hill battles aren't still in the later chapters are they?
Newborn Blade or Everburning, armguard, course of fortune (with the proc 2 ability). Settlement of the Hanged Men/H.M Commander, Shadowless Blade, Anti-Espionage Orders, Blade Chase, Team Attack.
but that also means I can always have world tarot CD reduction on charge stanced leonide, that makes a whole character fun to use without having to dedicate advanced TP to his cheese
so it's pretty good
I wish I could get Invincible Hero to work. I cast it, walk up, take some hits, then it's gone and I die next turn. Who should I be putting it on? Also, what's the secret to beating Agatha on 7-5? The mutation also makes the enemies on her stage nearly immune to physical damage, so I can't use most of my usual characters.
>course of fortune (with the proc 2 ability).
I was told to use Devil on her, is Fortune better because it interacts with her passive or something?
I like Tower on Safi, Fortune can be nifty but I hate waiting for the effect and seethe thinking about losing out on 20% damage, plus the lifesteal is nice
I mean hey as long as you win, do whatever works.

I was specifically talking about Invincible Hero in the context of using it in Voyage of Discovery with that one Standby Mutation. It's a lot less OP if you're using it regularly during Tower or something. It's usually not better than saving your TP for Warhorn or Pursuit Order.

Dunno about Agatha 7-5 since I never dropped down to that floor this cycle, but you can hang back and Agatha will over extend since she has more movement. Then you use Warhorn and nuke with your best magic units I guess.
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So something like this? What enchant do I put on her weapon?
if you don't have magic dps in your usual team you've probably used Lash on the side already? papal ice is not the highest damage but he's also one of the few who doesn't have role disadvantage, Nightingale's not usually for basic magic attack but she's always good to have anyway
is agatha 7-5 the same infamous map as in discovery? there she should ideally be shot down before she reaches the main of your team, if it's not an extra act on kill mutation you can let her exhaust her aoe on inanna/saf summon (flag is not enough to bait the aoe), weakening her with an alert or strikeback invincible hero is more of a thing with discovery modifiers, without that you would need to pull back fully beyond her aoe range and let her run into yours

her trait does damage when fortune does the piercing aoe
>Turn order says it's Edda then Alexei
>Proc the guts
>Alexei moves immediately and instagibs Edda
No there wasn't any speed debuffs that got cleared before you ask.
There's a lot of RNG.
They broke the game. When you go to talents and click a source for the star you want it doesn't take you directly to the star trial anymore.
Yeah, I think it's the same map, the Vlder Mountains. She can spam her aoe at least twice in a row and there's nowhere to run. She can reach me in 2 moves, 3 moves if I back up all the way but she can cover the entire area I can back up to in one move+aoe. I'd like to use Alert but she has 80% phys resist and it really sucks that every single mage I have is dark and thus eats disadvantage vs her. She usually runs over the power-up tile on her way to me, and if I run forward to block that tile, she can reach and kill me on her full move. I'm out of hearts, waiting for another shot, but it really seems hopeless. I'm using Maitha, Beryl, Dantalion, Saf, Nungal and Angel. Tactics keep changing, haven't found a loadout that's worked against her yet.
It does though I did it just 20 minutes ago when I dumped my stamina
*she can reach and kill me on her first move.
she ignores frost I think, but did you try laying some fire tiles while pulling back with beryl
>losing in pvp match and outleveled RK10 to RK11
>opponent lines up in a row for a perfect burning riches
>knock them all into 2 explosive barrels
>win battle
I'm glad I rolled for Harambe
if it's just normal tower, sometimes it's better to just wait for next week's stage/mutation to be friendlier, and for you to get stronger
agatha doesn't leave much to work around besides staying out of her zone, and then unloading on her next turn. don't forget that the ancestral tiles help your damage too, you can load up on the first one, fall back as she approaches, then swarm her
There is a cheese guide for this, look up tower 10 week 11 iirc. No items required, just 1 star units (lvl 35 mainly)
I'll try that next, thanks.
>don't forget that the ancestral tiles help your damage too, you can load up on the first one, fall back as she approaches, then swarm her
The issue is the first one is within her range, I can't move forward from the starting position or I die. It's a two tile wide area too, it's really rough when the map seems built entirely around her kit. Can't wait to get her for myself though, she the gacha character I wanted most after Gloria and Saf.
They definitely drop off but I've had one pop up in the third chapter from the end before
If you have summons you can bait her with them and barrel her to death (tactics intermediate) slowly. This is another way, but it requires you to have certain units. Tactic 1 teleport someone tanky in and try the same thing if you don't have summons, it might work. She won't take the panel if you are right next to her.
>world tarot CD reduction on charge stanced leonide
oh wait maybe not, world tarot specifies it's when not using active skills and standby, not just standby
Nice, I think I found it. Unfortuantely, I'm tapped out of exp (which is why I'm walled on tarot/weapon trials too) to level all these cheese units, but maybe I'll have enough later this week.
There absolutely had to have been a speed debuff for him to go after Edda, unless it is the next round.
That's the one, it worked for me. One thing to mention: In the video, his archer gets a lucky crit. Someone in the comment mentions what to do if the crit doesn't happen (doesn't require anything extra, you just make a slightly different move by blowing up a barrel earlier.)
She doesn't have a mutation that literally allows her to reach you before most of your units can move right? If not then it comes down to a game of counting tiles to know where here AoE can hit and positioning just out of reach.

Here's an example of the positioning from 10-5 two weeks ago:

It'll be a bit rough since your magic units have disadvantageous typing, but the principle is the same.
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Aren't chinks supposed to be good at math?
Yo, I never knew that Faycal move was so good on single target, I thought it was meant for a bunch of targets.
If I could use my phys units, I'd burst her down no problem. I've been retreating, spreading out, she always kills at least one and then there's not enough damage to kill her before she gets a turn. Maybe I should swap teleport out for a thunderbolt.
Yep, saw that in the comments.
What am I looking at here
Yes that's about it. Spend a Castalia on the tactical adjustment skill whenever you want to use that, you can pretty much run Saffiyah regardless of the enemies defenders.
it's funny the disguise skill was one of the most talked about things for her leading up to release but I've never used it. The stinger passive is just too good.
...You do have your talent trees almost maxed out, right anon?
How close can you get with Warhorn + Safiyyah's M.Def Down? If you only need a bit extra, then you can Urgent Order the next round so your best damage dealer can eek out one extra attack before Warhorn wears off. I imagine Beryl's Armor Penetration would be pretty good even with type disadvantage. You also get the benefit of putting Agatha into Injured/Dying the turn before.
Don't have the Stars nor the Stamina to farm them. Have you been spending Luxite for extra Stamina or something?
I'm pumping the physical branch first but you're farther in, want that all +5% p attack.
lmao wtf how do you even get into this situation

my momo kept getting stunned but you can clear the map piece by piece
Also, how is one of your units getting picked off? If you move back, Agatha should just move and pass is there are no valid targets.

the best value was the star selector
>You also get the benefit of putting Agatha into Injured/Dying the turn before.
She still one shots my lv60 darkies from full hp even at dying, unfortunately. I was so fucking close this last time with Thunderbolt+Ragnarok to soften her up and a Chuu from Beryl. But she ignored all the bait characters I put up front, used her 7 bloody movement to go deep behind my lines and instakill Nungal+Dantalion. Now I have to wait another 11 minutes to try again, guess I'll run more VoD.
Nowhere close, I need a zillion golds.
I used it on that level 65 tarot residual where the majority of enemy units were defenders and it was good but ya you just want the damage the majority of the time.

I'm spread out, deciding what to do with Voyage rewards now.
anon, fireside chat doesn't have stars
didn't even take the ability when I saw you had to copy a role, not directly turn into a counter role
i thought it was voyage

im too brainlet for fireside, i did the lvl 60 vanilla runs and got out, enough for the gear thats good enough for me
I thought it was for the battle or until you use it again, not one turn.
Even with 7 movement, can't you position it so that she ends he turn like 5 spaces away? That means she can't hit anybody and then you can hit her back from range. If Ragnarok + Thunderstruck is somehow putting you close, then Warhorn should be way better. Bosses take less piercing damage.
The reason why I use the TB+Rag combo is so I can hit her way out of range. I've yet to find a position for the team that works like you said, but I'll keep trying. She can cover about half the map in 2 moves, it's wild how much range her aoe has on top of that.
why does gloria get to be on the app icon
Touch Miguel's Tail
and why is she maitha-sneaking up on (you) at the edge of the hilltop
ah, gomen!
Fucking hell. After 24 attempts (8 hearts with 3 backtracks each), I killed Agatha...and then immediately lost to a werebear swipe killing another team member. So I can beat her, but I have to sacrifice so much I can't win the stage after. Truly the most OP foe I've faced. She's started killing Beryl on her first turn lately too, she can reach her starting position in one move.
I'm skipping Auguste for no other reason than dexterity. I have zero interest in having to spam skills with him every turn.
But Auguste is a STRfag, not a dex one.
Which gives more exp: spending stamina on the 100 extra exp dungeon chances per day, or converting VoD currency to common exp?
xDDD very funny i upvote
STRfags aren't that duplicitous
VoD Dif 5 is 40k/20nrg, actual exp dungeon is varies from like 39k to 45k (assuming you're running the highest one of course).
Interesting, so it's about the same.
>She's started killing Beryl on her first turn lately too, she can reach her starting position in one move.
Can't you just Urgent Order to get Beryl out? You have Maitha, so you can piggyback off her speed to reposition. Cheaper than the teleport anyways.
Just 3 more Difficulty 5 runs.
I figured out what it was: I was moving Beryl one square forward to kill the charging axe and shield guy on turn 1, and that single step was enough to piss off wolf mama.
I've decided to pivot and try the cheese strat, just swept the exp dungeon a few times to level the meme units then I'm gonna give that a try.
I'm way too dumb for this game, or any strategy game for that matter, but I have a lot of fun when I'm winning.
ehh kind of
they start making them a little less obvious, like you will just barely miss all the units if you send the boulder, but if you wait a turn without hitting it they all perfectly line up
or they require you to knock them back to get the perfect aoe with a barrel, etc
If it could keep your Beryl alive, you could consider bring Rawiyah instead of Angel and just knocking the Luccian off. You're allowed one death and I don't think Angel will do much if you have Maitha with Invulnerable (het ultimate skill) blocking stray hits for you other guys. Could give her Bandage and a Spring Potion to top herself off and then she can kick off the other Luccian. Not really worth fighting them when you can meet them into the water.
I beat first battle of chapter 2 where the brother of Dantalion appears. After winning he said "we won", then in the next battle he says those are "our banners" and I can attack them as they are enemy banners.

Translation issue out what. I'm getting confused with this whole game. I thought I was gonna go back in time to stop the city revolt and save the Princess. But that one at the start was the only time travel so far to save Rawiyah
Going back in time and trying out your options is what Spiral is about. After the initial setup, Fool's Journey is more about explaining characters' pasts or fighting Calamities for Tarots.
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I want to Touch Homa's birds
if you touch homa's birds, they touch back
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Socks as always is recruiting and also accepting any refugees, regardless of your country of origin
Same old spiel, lemme know last 4 of your UID and all that if you apply
Don't worry about saving that princess, by all accounts she was fucking useless
Imagine the size of her sweaty, glistening, throbbing futa cock.
I did actually swap out Angel for Rawiyah (and Dantalion for Gloria) on the run where I killed Agatha then wiped to the bears. I've never used Invulnerable on Maitha, I might try that later.

But for now, I'm turning the game off after 6 hours of this bullshit before I drive myself to rage uninstall.
Not even the cheese strat will work because there is a different mutation on this stage than the one in the youtube vid.
At 2:11, the enemy Vlderan Scout runs up to the guy's Recruited Assassin, uses Assault, then Dual Blade Strike. Because of Fancy Footwork granting two dodge stacks, he dodges the Dual Blade Strike.
But this week, if you don't move, you get an extra attack. So when I tried this, after meticulously building this team, slowing the vid down to 0.5x so I could follow every single tile of movement and flawlessly replicating the first half of the vid, I got into a position where my own Recruited Assassin dies every time to that Scout because the mutation this week lets him: run up and cast Assault as an instant, stopping his movement, use Dual Blade Strike, I dodge, but then since he technically didn't move because Assault started a new turn within a turn so to speak, he immediately uses Dual Blade Strike a second time, killing me. Fun.
Stop trying to follow a video perfectly and just think, it will help you to not get yourself so stuck in the future
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Did you know that Berserk Incense is used to treat BD (Bestial Dysfunction)?
>It's nothing to be ashamed of, Alexei. You know, one in 5 men...
- Agatha
Why imagine. Build up the courage to ask for a taste. You know, as a joke.
Couldn't you have just moved your assassin 1 more tile over? Or does the Scout have 6 move?
You could also try Cocoa if you have her I guess. Higher survivability than Rawiyah, can use Iron Pot Stew to fish for big Crits on your nuking turn to kill Agatha and can use Mushrooms to stall troublesome enemies and knock Luccians into the water. In my video, I didn't end up really needing all that, but it's an option. At the very least, with Maitha + Cocoa, you shouldn't be dying from single target attacks after you kill Agatha.
Assault give extra move. I count on it for my VoD Agatha cheese runs.
Yeah but then he wouldn't have the extra attack.
I tried that for many hours today, always failing. I tend to use videos as last resorts, though considering how often I get stuck on things, maybe I should start using them as first resorts. Would save me entire days of time wasted for little to no results.
One tile over is into the water, there's no room. Besides, the assassin needs to stand exactly there so the Vlder archer girl will stand in that single depressed tile and attack him without gaining Highland Advantage, because her trait lets her ignore dodge when attacking from the high ground.
Sadly, I had to skip Cocoa so I could preserve my saved pity for Saf, as Saf is one of my top 3 favorite characters in the game and I really don't care about Cocoa outside of meta.
True. Forgot the Scout uses it after moving in this case.
Sounds like your average waifufag.
Use World Tarot and you should have enough NRG to stack the Dodge twice (when he first jumps over and then when you move to the corner).
I hate that this isn't an instant skill
>attention seekers try to convince everyone Homa is next
>suddenly backtrack and Taair is kicked back to late January
>coincidentally, lumi disappears from the general
That sounds neat, didn't know you could bank extra dodges like that. I'll try this tomorrow, thanks.
Auguste is the character that broke Lumi in more ways than one. It's very fitting that xhe disappeared right before his banner.
Just shut the fuck up already
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A sword without a soul.
What's a good weapon for this schizo God? I have the HP one for cocoa and also a 5 star hollow axe sitting around...
You guys just don't notice that you're replying to me most of the time, and I sure as hell wouldn't trust a CC underneath XD's employ. You're better off just waiting for every teaser.
>Gets rejected ONCE
>Literally angy forever more
Holy, virgin behavior. Sword without a soul? More like Lans Tartaros without soul, lmao.
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He likes the Tuning Hammer the most.
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bahahaha I knew that voice sounded familiar
doing voyage of discovery difficulty 5, on the last stage with the physical damage reduction reduced. for some reason, the auguste (breaker) in the stage takes absolutely no damage from my col or nonowill (seekers). what the dick!!!
Auguste is impervious to the touch of a woman
Lumi is the only realist in this general desu. This game is speedrunning EOS. Even the reddit is dead.
Stab his prostate with your penis. It's the only way.
>up against gloria and agooste
>gg this is fucking impossible
>le retard simp stands in the crosshairs of two boulders
>it's bowling time
The one weapon i don't have. I guess feast axe is the next best thing since he has so many instant attacks.
Too gay for me.
I refuse to go further than an effeminate lad blowing me and there needs to be a girl there helping/teaching and belittling it, preferably two.
that does shit for damage, too. I've beaten these voyage of discoveries on difficulty 5 like twice already, but this one seems impossible.
I tried that shit and it just tickled his scrotum because I forgot that Piercing does -99% damage. Boulders and Barrels are a meme in 5-5 unless you're running a Piercing team I guess.
If the lights are off and nobody moans, it's hard to tell the difference. Or so a friend told me.
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It's done.
Bro? Your 2 weapon selectors?
...What ABOUT them?
Sex without condom
Had to max fire sword for saf. 100% proc chance
>App store update
>Patch notes say the Auguste banner is now available
>The Auguste banner is not available
I think you should maybe check again dude
Haha, I wished it wasn't the truth but more and more people are starting to get tired.
Sounds really gay bro.
>schizo hour
>she's still unaware why people call her a schizo
>Saying the devs done fucked up in the past and they'll fuck up again because there's only so much they can change is schizo
>she's still on her holy crusade and obsession like a crazy ex girlfriend
>she still haven't gone to a psychologist or therapist
>He's still making up shit because all the past attempts sure did something
Also, I keep posting these things to let people know that they're not wrong to feel frustrated and tired. It was a clear dirty move to pressure players into spending for meta but I took the most issue with how the game's fun factor took a bungee jump into the abyss.
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I checked and there's still no banner, now what?
Two more days til war crimes.

I still only have fucking one of them.
women don't play tactics games
Might have to restart then check?
>still unemployed
>still think people need her wisdom for them to quit a game
>still think everyone can't think for themselves unless our resident hero spam her daily schizo word salad
I'm just waiting for hot church woman and then hot witch woman. HAG LOVE
I've learned that the "forced everyone to pull for meta" argument is because chinks are mad they didn't get to save up 4 months of currency so they could pull every top tier unit with a years worth of foresight.
Based. Whose your next 5* target? And you pulling for any of Auguste/Taair/Kvare?
I guess everyone dropping the game in your precious Global is the same too huh? You still seem to think Global was anything but table scraps, it's too bad for you that most CN players knew better than to kneel to a company that only saw them as a cash cow.
Been farming Magnus and Acambe besides Alexei. Magnus is the next closest.
Yeah pulling Auguste Taair Kvare.
Based homo...
>cocoa isn't 5 stars
it's cocover
I kneel sis...
thanks for bumping the thread as usual Lumi
It was coming to an end of a round.
He had already moved that round. He was gonna be first in the next round.
But he just straight up moved immediately.
In an earlier attempt he also took 2 turns in a row.
Is this some unmentioned resolve mechanic?
You're welcome, someone had to save this dead thread.
Auguste is still manageable, what destroyed me is that gloria's thrown spear and the seeker assasssin 3x4 aoe annihilated everyone in 1 touch too. You simply can't prevent 2 people from dying without the perfect setup, and trying to do that is just a waste of time.
I like Tair's story so far desu (just started it now)
Would this event had been better without that two-person wipe condition?

It unfortunately doesn't say much about him for many reasons and he's the only FJ character who wasn't playable IIRC, but it's quite neat.
Makes sense, there is a lot to tell I am guessing and with many different speakers.
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>runs up to you
>shakes her butt
>shanks you
>runs away
I'm still going to be Butterflyless and Agile Eyeless till (at least) Homa/Hasna's banner. Pain.
>Pamina and Schacklulu dual banner next in TW
Well they've both already debuted so they can't have one of those banners again you see
Pamina is pretty recent though, I was expecting Agatha because Taair is probably going to get his re-run when the new story starts proper.
I dont understand why is bad for content creators to get gifs, genshin and all the other popular gacha games give REAL MONEY + ingame currency and nobody complains, what makes this game different? Why the community is so dumb? This game is one of the most fun and unique gacha game I ever play
It's not bad for content creators to get some compensation, but you have to consider the following:
>Some spenders were already annoyed with how expensive spending is once the first-time bonuses are gone
>More than a few people know about Tower of Adversity and that only a certain number of players can get the top ranker rewards
>CCs were pretty much pulling willy nilly even on dual banners
>There were a lot more CCs back then
>The devs claimed that they would compensate Global/JP/KR for the speed up but they never did, they only accelerated events and that caused its own set of problems
>Real money can be used by CCs at their leisure, giving too much in-game currency is insulting to whales who spend much more for the same amount
So in short, it reeked of dishonesty and greed in grabbing influencers to cover up any complaints players might have with the game. That the currency was in Astral Gems was meaningful too as CCs can use that to get resources, so they wouldn't really understand complaints about other resources being sparse too.
>Pokemon pocket is releasing on the 30th and that's going to become my main mobile game anyways.
Just play both? I play like 9 gacha games and Im becoming a veteram in some of them so I can pick another 2 or 3 new gacha games
Not everyone is jobless like Lumi
>He thinks he can just spout bullshit
I REALLY WANT MY SUPPORT GOD but I will have to wait next year for him
I don't trust the alleged leak in the slightest because it's weird to update a single 2.0 character over three months before he's supposed to be released if it's true. Character updates are more reliable if they are paired with what they were supposed to come with too, for example we only had Fool's Journey up to chapter 12 until yesterday's update that now goes to 14 but Schacklulu's gacha ad was updated since the 25th of September...in any case, poor Taair is one of the latest victims of the devs inability to fix bugs in a timely manner because his ability to move after picking up a book was bugged by the number of steps, haha.
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i just realized that even in elaman route, you couldn't recruit these cuties
what the fuck
That's weird now that you mention it, maybe it's because they're enemies lore-wise?
you can recruit the reskinned assassin, the guard, and a masked one just showed up in my tavern
which ones can you not get, the headwrap guy, steel jaw and this fat bottom pseudobutterfly?
there's also a headwrap woman but shows in only 2 or 3 missions
a different one from reskinned abyss?
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Not really, we already got ch13 data since 25th. They just put whatever the translation ready, like they already put ch15 data, but for only 1 stage.
left is 25th, right yesterday
>1 stage
Huh, what's even the point?
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Forgot picture like a tard
Also, did you find anything interesting?
"thought that was a dude" (me about half the sprites in this game)
They probably just put any already translated files.
Not really
Fuck yes, I have a 5* Tuning Hammer no one uses plus a spare 1* one.
>Day 1 player
>No armguard
>No Crit Crossbow
>No Tuning hammer
Bricked bro...
>Still dead
>still schizophrenic
>Got Nono
Goodbye Safiya...
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Auguste banner about to trigger Lumi's PTSD
They could spare a pixel for the cats bunghole, but not a single one for a bellybutton?
Are you stupid? I got him in 20 pulls.
im getting bored of 5-5. i just want to skip and log off until next big event.
It's not about the pulls you dumb cute little schizo. I love that all of this mental illness stems from a character who is also a schizo lmao
same here but 1 armguard and like 10 copies of that highground trinket
I already told you before, the pulls are just a part of the overall problem regarding the design of the game. I'd elaborate in my own terms without taking TW/CN into account but it's not like anyone will listen.
I would please like my Cocoa's HP without leveling up breaker talents
then skip
who gives a shit
i want the radiant ore
no, love your breakers!
Dammit, now the strat breaks at 2:42, right after I start the first Luxite Shrapnel bombardment on the western enemies. The World let my assassin successfully dodge that first set of 4 attacks from the scout, but it leaves me 1 energy shy of being able to renew Fancy Footwork on Round 7, leading to death by the archer lady.
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atashi no ban da
>auguste just oneshots my whole team
>can't stop him or run away in that tiny arena
I love restarting bricked runs.
>pick diff 3
>don't check party setup
>click battle start
>select any buff that says "critical"
>press auto
yep, it's voyage of discovery time
that one got so much harder without getting piercing for free I don't know how I could have managed the rest without the scorch+aids perk, but auguste just got to move then died the same turn as always
One armguard and zero Auguste scrolls. I can at least somewhat mitigate not having more armguards with roaring flints.
>attack again after critting
Yep it's gaming time.
Holy fuck, I did it. I DID IT! And using my own strategy, too. Only things I incorporated from others were using Papal Chad like in that one vid and Anon's helpful Maitha Invulnerable suggestion here >>499462164
Thanks again so much buddy for being patient and continuing to provide advice, I can only assume it was mostly the same guy but regardless, this general rocks.

I put Saf and Rawiyah together up on the cliff, had Saf use her dodge to bait enemies for Rawiyah to push off of it. Speaking of pushing off, I tried to hold the line with Maitha and Papa to knock more regular foes off of ledges, while keeping Beryl and Nungal back to eventually deal with Agatha. I softened her up with Ragnarok and when she finally came in to blitz me, I was terrified that she'd catch my 2 dps together, but the aoe only hit Nungal, obliterating her before she could do anything this fight.
But a Chuu from Beryl, a Thunderbolt tactic (I didn't have enough for Warhorn, just barely made it to 135 TP), Ice Cone from Papa and an 80%-resisted Leg Slam from Maitha just barely killed the wolf queen. Then it was pretty easy mop up.

Damn, that took way too much outta me. Was my last heart, too. Now I'm gonna put all my stamina into the 100 extra chances of the exp dungeon to level up a H.A. meme team to beat Weapon Trial 3 like that one jap did.
Divine archer is very good with those buffs.
>lumi mindbroken at the thought of different devs finishing different assignments sooner than others.
god shut the fuck up about your boyfriend already holy shit
get a room already and fuck off from the thread you cancerous cunt
>pick physical immunity strip
>it's still there
it persists but you'll also see the disabling buff there too
point is I'm doing close to no damage
>having to gomen for damage
love it when a plan doesn't come together at all and then you still pull it off
>Permanent damage reduction 4
>Damage from the front -100%
>Damage down 80% while having magical shield
Pick your poison
reckless decisions were made
that reaction been any good?
Should I play this game?
If you like Tactics games I would give it a try.
idk bro, should you? If I was a mind reader to know what others like then I'd be a millionaire right now
It's a fun SRPG and has a mode where it plays like an actual game because the gacha doesn't matter in it
What do you wanna know?
Does it have good story and cute girls? I don't really mind the type of gameplay as long as the maintenance phase is not a slog...
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This is definitely the game you play for the gameplay and is very gameplay heavy. If you aren't a SRPG/JRPG fan then this game is absolutely not for you.
It's a story with mature themes (war, death, suicide, slavery, etc) so if you want lolis and fat asses it's not for you.
i decided to go all in on damage instead of survivability
the juicy part though is that he gets his knockback when it triggers, so it denies the enemy's attack completely because they're then out of range
That's good then... I get a lot of that from Nikke anyways...

Yes, I love jrpgs
>good story
i honestly cant tell, i'm not a storyguy
>cute girls
I think so
I like the story but mostly the elaman route. Iria/Plapal/Union is too doom and gloom, I prefer happy endings.
Gloria got fucked over so hard.
this is basically the opposite of nikke
nikke is my fanservice game, this is my gameplay game
exactly what I was wondering because with active knockbacks I still keep getting weird strikebacks, including recruited spearman poking from down a pit. I guess it's different mechanics
Nikke has a really good story too tbfdesu... but yeah, I saw this game a long time ago but never tried it because I didn't have time...
yeah i like the nikke story, really the only reason i havent quit (and my union). this story is good too though.
nikke gameplay is beyond garbage, SoC has very good gameplay
Red Hood ruined the gameplay for me... I used to manual everything with SW but now there is no point...
>it's agatha
I love wasting time and restarting.
>papals coming for miguel
the gameplay was always bad, just on a fundamental level. it's not fun.
but the characters and story and everything else is good.
Agatha is doable depending on mutation honestly but if I don't want to waste time then I just do diff iv's because those are autoable
Agatha or Auguste aren't really autoable in 4 either.
Glad to see my tip helped. Good job, I'm proud of you, son.
Bruh I thought you were lvl 45 or something to have been struggling this much on 7-5.
I never had tower Agata but based on the event version of this map I expect she can be a struggle at max level when the mutation is bad
Don't worry 3.0 units will completely trivialize this shit soon enough.
Niiice, they got Koyasu to voice the Count Dracula-lookin' dude? He's definitely gonna be the next male character I go for after Auguste.
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How do I fix this... I installed the game on steam btw
verify files in steam parameters for this game and it will probably redownload stuff
I did this but I got the same error, I also restarted my pc but that didn't work either...
Try downloading the standalone version then
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what is that error even? try downloading it to an empty folder or use a free VPN like cloudflare warp or some shit if its having problem downloading
Is that some broken way of saying you don't have enough space or something?
I'll try that
I have 500gb of free space on my ssd there is no way...
Why do I need a vpn for this game wtf... it's downloading now
Your ISP sometimes fucks shit up and downloading gets weird. Happens to me all the time with several things from webpages to random games.

Cloudflare basically owns the internet anyway so I just keep WARP installed for whenever that happens but keep in mind you can't post on 4chan while WARP is on.
>percentage damage increase mutation
>cocoa lobs shrooms for 22k damage
Yeah, thanks for the help btw... How do I know what server I am in btw or does it not matter?
Should automatically assign you to global? Since servers are like Global, CN, TW and Japan.
>do a quick spiral to finish off the elaman quests
>abandoned after 3 in game weeks
>still knocked off a bunch of sod achievements like starting a new run with different characters, doing a run without using the fate's favor, etc
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I'm finally done.
The ores were a scam at the cost. I went with engravings and gold.
The ores might be expensive, but it's guaranteed value for upgrading gear. If you're a lucklet (like me), then engravings + gold might be worth nothing. I'll stick with epic engravings.
What's your highest %ATK buff from an epic?
13% on a Spring Tonic lol. Though I haven't been really trying for better engravings since my initial rolls because I want to switch my trinkets to sword engravings instead of weapons. Does the rarity affect the maximum possible value or just the likelihood of attaining it?
I think it's just a likeliness thing, where higher rarities are more likely to give more + better stats
What's your highest power level at this point?
Mine's Saf at 3128
Just applied, final UID numbers are 2609.
When the other guildmasters get up you're getting blacklisted
what guild?
Gloria at 3201 she is a 5* but her trinket is only 1*
>even the 99x rank medals
you absolute madman
Just let you in, unless by some coincidence someone with those exact UID numbers applied elsewhere.
I thought about getting the engravings just for completeness' sake, but I don't want to burn the new chapter potions for potentially nothing. I also don't want to do 7 more runs lol.
We aren't getting another event that requires potions in the next two weeks by the time they expire. I think it's just a standard style event next (like Traders).
this one was the closest an event has come to requiring potions and even then they just benefited it a lot because of the 120 cost and good shop rates
For people who still have the stomach to grind the event, are you getting coins or star particles?
I think coins is the recommendation, the conversion is insane. I haven't yet spent 90 or so of the talents so I'm not sure how expensive it'll get.
I got 15 million coins and 200k star parts, the latter was more than I needed for the stars but both are more than I can use right now
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My first legendary...
you should really be rerolling for safiyyah
I don't reroll in gachas, that's for pussies. I've made an inseparable connection with Momo now...
good man
She's good early level, lackluster mid levels, but when she hits 55 you're gonna be using her everywhere.
Good man, I didn't reroll and turned out just fine with Guzman as my starter
Please tell me Guzman wasn't your only legendary
Nobody has only one legendary unless it's Maitha
Noooooo you have to have the commitment to get the very best possible start or you're just coping
I was thinking about just using them on star shards honestly. Would use up my octopus cans too.
rerolling because you got a male is understandable, anything else is cringe
Pretty good roll then for a non reroller
momotalks all over again
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Based, I do the same.
Could not be bothered with re-rolling.
So Auguste canonically has to be one of the strongest characters right?

>Sent on a suicidal mission to assassinate Faris where his goal is to "rescue" Sylvia
>Grievously wounds Faris and in a completely delusional state kills Sylvia
>Manages to escape after all that
>Assassinates a couple other elite Union Knights

World's strongest incel
He's definitely up there, although I wonder how well he'd fair against the actual bullshit magic the Papal States has access to.
>He's definitely gonna be the next male character I go for after Auguste.
Bruh your Taair?
>>Grievously wounds Faris and in a completely delusional state kills Sylvia
This part made no sense
Taair isn't male, I thoroughly checked.
Ya I'm not sure what a swordsman is supposed to do about someone like Caris or Samantha shooting a nuke at them kek

He goes into their room, tells Sylvia to come back with him, she's probably confused as fuck, Faris gets in his way, attacks him and then pleads with Sylvia to come back with him which she repeatedly refuses and then he snaps mentally and kills her thinking he's "saving her." That's how I imagine it plays out.
I'm gonna roll for Auguste before reading his story
He's easily the least likeable dick in the entire game so I'll feel bad rolling for him after I read his story
And how did you check this?

Sylvia was a paladin so she probably got in between him and Faris.
I liked Acambe but then I played the story. Skipped his ass hard.
A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell.
Pretty sure Sylvia was the Guard Captain? or whatever that NPCs name was.
I like his story but his gameplay is way too high effort for the reward you get.
Acambe isn't bad though. Acambe is more of a "Did bad things but had a change of heart" while Auguste was "Did bad things and then did worse things"
Nah Acambe's a PoS and still does shit he knows is wrong. He does shit to make himself feel better about it then keeps doing it.
True, but depending on the how the news spread of the Unions assassination attempt in the castle Faris/Sylvia might not have had a chance to arm themselves and might have only had their guards around them.
He has a change of heart by the end though because of Cocoa and decides to be a better person to earn her forgiveness
While Auguste would just say "womp womp" and laughing at your face
No, Ayishah is Inanna's double. Also that statement is so sus bro.

Acambe's hands are tied and you'd have a bit more of insight into this if you got the bad end in Iria.
That's why I think Sylvia threw herself in front of Faris in an act of desperation while hoping to stop Auguste.
She's batshit broken in that RT PvP mode if it ever comes back.
I think your version makes sense, would explain how Faris survived and also why Auguste has a distorted memory of what happened, he wouldn't understand why Sylvia would try and save a man who in his mind she doesn't care about.
So what did Sylvia look like? I want to see if she's worth being somebody's oneitis.
Yeah, it also works with how you pierce Sylvia and explains the blood on Auguste's hands.
Probably saving her, Faris and Ayishah for a future story update.
I wished this game had more story updates...
blind samantha when? she is already in the storymode
I feel like someone mentions a character resembling her at some point in SoD but I don't remember well enough to try adding more details than that
CN is expecting her to be their anni character because she was reworked and her OG has the Alter designation too, plus the witch plot is related to the Papal States.

that's an extraordinary level of confidence in knowledge of the entire script
Just the fact that Samantha Alter and her OG was updated tells you almost everything you need to know.
Samantha porn when?
that don't make a lick o' sense
The one that didn't make sense was updating Lutfi only to punt him again, or maybe it does because the world is against him.
The world should be against him, Lutfi is fucking shit
I forget, are pvp rewards sent out next reset?
PvP rewards? The Elysium Smash stuff you claimed from the event page if that's what your referring to. Somebody datamined some more PvP stuff but we don't know the date for that.
Clearly meant Clash
Don't we get the rewards at the start of a new season? Probably in 12 hours.
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Congrats to our top 100 clash finishers
Thanks, man.
One more day til war crimes
We all know why Sylvia chose Faris over Auguste. He has a huge sword to compensate for his tiny heart
>cocoa just hit 3 stars
5* is gonna be a while...
The time between 3* and 5* sucks.
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Gloria goes on another shard vacation tomorrow until Saffiyah gets to 3*
>Auguste's past
Imagine if they had done an event where we saw him fighting alongside Sylvia, I already miss Simona's event.
Alexei's pink hole
>do a bunch of voyage
>burn out
>ehh i don't wanna do it anymore
>next day
>do a bunch of voyage
>burn out
>ehh i don't wanna do it anymore
i'm gonna get some withdrawal after this event ends
I decided to just go back to sweeping stars because this shit is too long even on auto.
>>499606070 (me)
>see two breakfasts
it's beautiful
Shes so good even at lower stars though. You can't rely on Happiness but she's basically the perfect defender, AoE heal + dispel/crit, block+ heal reaction and the treasure chest.

5-1 to 5-4 usually isn't bad though barring the annoying mutations where you have to use magic units. Spend the first turn buffing units and then Ragnarok 2nd turn clears majority of maps easy. Boss can be tricky but aside from Agatha I've been surprised how easy to clear most are after a bit of trial and error.
It's still way too long and I got fed up after running into Agatha with a mutation that further buffs her damage. It's definitely fatigue kicking in and I hope the next one isn't so tedious because it was an early TW event.
Had to kill Lutfi
Don't know why he sperged so hard, it is his fault desu
He's literally retarded and after everyone in his life spent years pointing that out he's managed to convince himself that he's really just too smart and nobody else can comprehend it.
Some people are so far behind in the race that they actually think they're winning.
It'd be weirder if he didn't
Do you really expected him to be like "Yeah alright I deserved it, shoot me"
Dantalion would have and it would have been cool
Nope, I got him everything he wanted and simply wanted to help Gloria out. He decided to pull a sword on me for that. Odd guy desu
He was already the King and nothing would have changed for his plan.
Do any characters besides Edda, Gloria and Samantha have known surnames?
I think it'd be funny if Lufti was stuck in NPC jail and never released. Make it a running gag that he thinks he's better than everyone else yet continues to fail.
Gloria had always been nice enough to him but you have to remember that they only knew each other in the first place because Lutfi is a filthy traitor
Of course he was going to betray her when she needed help the most
>He's literally retarded and after everyone in his life spent years pointing that out he's managed to convince himself that he's really just too smart and nobody else can comprehend it.
Reminds me of a certain schizo
I'm going to shoot you
good one
This schizo obsession is pathetic dude
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guess again
The difference is that I based my observation on months of revenue data.
You're as insufferable as the schizo you're obsessed with, both of you deserve to be wiped from earth. One is obsessed with shitting on the game and the other one is obsessed with baiting the other for hours and hours to shit up the thread and the two of you make this place unusable.
wait are you telling me you fucking believed that screenshot?
IIRC most of them do, for example Safiyyah's surname is Fatima (?), Taair is Khalisa Nasir, Lutfi and Inanna's surnames are Zenobia Saleh, Auguste's middle name is Kaen and Caris had a Roman sounding one. I'd guess the only ones who might lack those were born commoners or plain peasants, don't remember Acambe's one but he had it too
I don't care if it's true or not, just saying that we don't have one schizo here but two constantly bouncing off each other
I know that you spastic I called it pathetic
Guess you're going to have a field day when people get really fed up, huh?
Does Auguste have his own path in the Union route or is it just Lufti and Gloria?
You can't do Auguste's route if you don't have his beacon
Just Lutfi and Gloria, other anon is memeing.
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Lucklets bros what happened to our treasures? who isn't collecting bros?
do you not want your free 110 gems a day?
What good are gems to a lucklet anyway?
Uhh, you can guarantee someone every few months?
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Does damage reduction increase additively or multiplicatively?
>2 days 8 hour thread
Did we EOS?
about 6 days ago, whoever keeps making new threads while I'm asleep refuses to add it to the OP
>the guy running the main wiki quit and deleted it from the internet
Which wiki?
the main one
But Nopotion and the other one are there though, so which one is it?
Too busy on the Octopath thread?
That wasn't the main wiki anyway
Owner of website just deleted it because he stopped playing months ago despite the community updating
Oh, I thought it was a different one from Lootandwaifus lol.
/vmg/ when?
Haven't done the math, but I'm 99% sure it's multiplicative. Otherwise I'm sure I would have noticed hitting 100% at some point. Easy to test with Papal Guard.
>Invulnerable: 40%
>Block: 20%
>Hermit+: 20%
>Penance x3: 24%
After grinding Voyage of Discovery for 2 weeks, it feels weird having Stamina again lol. This might be dumb but I kinda want to dump all my new chapter potions into Exp before the event ends in 16 hours. Getting characters from 1 to 60 costs 872490 Exp and I have a ton of silver/bronze units I've never touched.
What engravings do you guys use for Cocoa?
Double pentacle I think but I didn't look at too much for her.
I'm not taking my pen for a chance of winning 300 Luxite.
There's only one week to do it too, but leave it to the devs to be fucking retarded as usual.
That's the one I liked least, only checked it for some of the kits of future characters but it was almost never complete anyway. Soc.clouddrop, nopotion and voyagemomento are all good.
I use double cup because I have a rank 5 cooling powder on her. She's pretty much my best healer now that never dies
Doesn't sound dumb at all that's what the event is for
I must confess I also prod the schizo from time to time, his existence is just so funny to me and he always responds within 5 seconds like a trained dog
Sweet, I'll go for that then!
Here's another just for you.
so everyone is going to have Cocoa, Safiyyah and Auguste on the shard dungeon after tomorrow?
we need more x2 events
I'm not even done with my harambe, auguste has to wait
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Finally completed Weapon 1 Lv 70! Special thanks to Faycal for replacing Abyss and actually doing damage while debuffing. Truly, Faycal is best girl.
Cocoa, Col, and LilyWill until Homa/Hasna for me. Silver lining of saving for waifus.
most characters who send you a personal letter in spiral sign it with their full name
though some intentionally omit it sometimes
>Homa Bashir
>Caris Valenti Julius
>Taair Khalisa Nasir
>Prince Dantalion of the Kingdom of Iria
>Your Friend, Lutfi
Does Acambe do so? I seem to recall his full name coming up elsewhere.
Think a lot of people have decided to skip Auguste because he's pure DPS and you need to keep him in the shard mines until he's 4/5* at which point Tristan might be near release. I'm gonna have that exact trio going for 5 stars for the foreseeable future. It sucks because I want to pull for Agatha but she's another that wants 3+.

Gratz anon! You should be set for WT3 with Nungal. 2 can be tricky depending on your units.

Edda signs her last name in a letter to you in the Elaman route, it was something Arabic sounding if I recall. I'll get a screenshot if I see it again.
It's 'Edda Azimah'.
your stamina...
"does less damage" is additive but capped to -50%, "receive less damage" is multiplicative according to cn and corrected by redditors and youtubers, but one of them did make some video with full details
cocobutt, safi, and harambe, until whenever homa drops
It's sockver...
Hey sockbros wanna come over to lucklets? We also can't clear the mission but maybe we could do it together...
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Who else is lucky here?
Took me max for Edda and Saf
But I got Acambe in 20 and I got Simona in 20. So I am overall lucky
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My % can't go any lower if I never pull *taps head*
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Luck god here
Luckgod here
I log in at reset to brute force the code to always guarantee 150 luxite
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>rate dropped below 3%
owari da
I'm so ready for Auguste
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Eeeey finally got a speed book.
Eh? Do you get more if you enter it early?
How does this event work?
I sometimes get 150, 100 and today a 130
Foreigner living in Japan or?

Congrats and fuck you
first person to clear is guaranteed 150. do not spread this information
I got my second!
The drop table for weapon trial lv70 says
>Legendary: Few
>Epic: Frequent
While the drop table for weapon trial lv65 says
>Legendary: Frequent
>Epic: Frequent
Is this just a display error, or is lv65 really better? I surely hope it's the former.
The wording they use is weird. 'Few' means you're guaranteed 1.
Whoa, that's weird indeed but very good to know, thanks!
>Tarot from Clash gives you S2 tarots this time
Oh, maybe I'll finally get a fucking usable Fool tarot.
Hey it's a new clash map, don't think I have it in me to grind for a top spot with the events going on though
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You can use whatever language you want, I just play games with the JP language option
Finally got an armguard, let's see how overrated it is
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This map sucks 'cause I always auto pvp and my squad is hellbent on dying to minecarts. I'm still winning, but it's annoying waiting for the last 1 or 2 survivors of the minecart massacre to travel across the whole map.
Why does Auguste not wear an eyepatch on his 5* Art?
>teadon voyage map only has 6 other enemies
>none are elites or rares
>most don't even move until you get in range, and start really spread out
wow this really was an absolute joke of a map
oh my god just had 3 characters in a row die to the kart on auto cleanup
He lost his eye during that mission, it's not like he was carrying an eyepatch on him.
>pick the easy opponent
>turn on auto
>minimize for a minute or two
>repeat x5
yep, it's pvp time
why do they like making us do cross country cleanup for pvp maps
Isn't this new map weird? either you only defend one of your bases or you let the opponent 6v3 half your team then the other half five turns later
>clearing hardmodes for new chapter missions
>6-10: reduce Johnston's HP to 60%
>He explodes a preset barrel with his AoE and the stage ends
What a silly turn of events.
and auto is more dangerous than usual, our gomen airhead just runs onto the tracks to avoid a burst tower aoe
just watched my nono run onto the track, stop, next turn it starts glowing red so she does the song skill and doesn't move
Your dudes avoid burst towers? Mine like to try get overlapped by as many neat red lines as possible.
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>Another armblade from the end of season pvp rewards
guess i can't do my usual 5x easy until radiant, then nothing for the rest of the season
think I'll stick with 3x easy for as long as i can
Merge one of them to 4* and give it to Safi
why 4 and not 5?
You don't need 3 uses.
isn't Saf THE character that would benefit the most from having 3 uses tho? her trait hits like a truck
Everything is dead by then. I don't care what you do. Either 4* and preserve 3 or make it 5* and regret missing one.
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Make it stop
I couldn't get any single banner unit since Gloria and Simona through pity
wow this seasons map is fucking ass
ragnarok all sodomite maps
i can't auto when my retards jump on the train track intentionally
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im not ready for auguste bros...
>having comfy diff 5 run
>click 5-5
>augooste gloria

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