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The Wheel has turned once again

Godslayer Edition

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 3400 units, 1100 spells and 400 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them. It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

>Our pastebin (extremely outdated)
https://pastebin.com/wjbSA98Y (embed)


>Multiplayer guide
>Blitzserver (game hosting service)
(Dom 6)


>Mod inspector
>Pretender calculator
>Debug mod (still dom5)
>Communion fatigue calculator (still dom5)
>Automatically prevent starts in all provinces with less than X connections (still dom5)

>How do I change the fonts?
Replace guifont.ttf, guifont_fancy.ttf and guifont_texty.ttf in the game's 'data' folder (C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Dominions6\data)

>Fan art

>Sloop’s Comfy Balance Mod

Previous Pantokrator >>498782389
>Do you guys think dracolich can beat ~50 cynos?
Yes but it is rather dangerous because they berserk and have two attacks, I would definitely test that out first. Cynos are pretty stronk
Did Babel Builder get MA Mictlan right?
I aint gonna risk it then, not worth losing it for 100gpm. That was my thoughts too. Probably a 70% chance of a win but not worth.

Speaking of dracodick expansion, do woodsmen blowpipes actually do damage to him since they have FIFTY damage poison stun?
Did Babel Builder get MA Mictlan right?
if they beat his prot, then beat the MR roll, they'll do 50 fatigue minus 25 from his resistance, but he should be hitting them with fear breath so you'd be very unlucky for him to fall asleep
even if he falls asleep woodsmen only have daggers so they'll probably rout from his fear before they do any damage to 20 prot with pierce resistance
You'd think an inanimate undead would be immune to poison though. So the fatigue/stun poison is calculated all at once unlike the damage poison? Interesting.
What I would recommend is getting some units like vinemen or skeletons and posting them in front of the dracodick. THey can wear down the cynos a bit and more importantly let him use his fear and breathe weapon on the cynos
>woodsmen blowpipes
Do you guys like these niggas? I've used them a bunch because they're cheap and the stun poison seems cool but they don't seem to accomplish much.
Babel Builder can babel my balls.
nope id rather have any shortbow
yeah i will but right now it's expanding time so ill just fly out of the cave to somewhere else
I wish Slowing Weapons was better. I've tried to gin up a few builds with it but it seems best for sacred archers and some kind of rombo combo like MA Xibalba + Quagmire + other bless buffs to ensure the hit lands in the first place
>starting genning natgen nation pack
>most of the mounted units are bugged and have attack penalties
it's over
unironically considering a schizo jewtube channel dedicated to dominions

tired of all these retarded faggots spouting their nonsense meta-analysis
I'll be a comedic idiot foil if u want
I'd watch something where two guys were assigned nations to 1v1 with and one played sensibly and reasonably while the other one just did goofy shit (that had a shot at working well) but that seems far beyond the scope of every Dom video I have ever seen
No, Xibalbrat
that was my second guess
I truly hope that Therodosbro was responsible for this
Has anyone had success with containing undisciplined units with surrounding units that are large than them in unit size? Putting buffs on undisciplined units is a pain
Is wizard tower an event or ritual or magic site
ok it's a ritual. holy fuck 2000 wall level
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Reposting so mememin can see it
the wheel is spinning
is blitzmin dead bros? i think its 2 weeks that he has been missing
Who will be the new blitzmin?
Died to a remnant munition in the Kursk offensive
blitzmin would never die he's probably working on something important
The latest round of shellings in Ukraine were pretty brutal I heard. It might be time to fear the worst...
Had to wageslave to afford more sobek commissions
i thought blitzmin is an aboriginal
Nah he's Ukranian
Does ring of returning work on fatal damage (either soul slay OR 1 shot damage like gifts of heaven)
Can any haploautists explain this difference to me? I get lost on some of these subtleties.
We blitzing today?
recently found AO Reaper
he seems based
>nonsense meta-analysis
Explain? I'm a boomer and watch very little YouTube.
So do you guys only use the thread for blitzes nowadays and use the in game browser for everything else?
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A place to have fun between smoke breaks
i think he means people, not exclusively popular youtube channels but observable to a lesser extent in /domg/ too, casually brushing off some of the nations or strategies in general as "bad", particularly the less commonly played nations, because of what is "meta", or perhaps more precisely, because of what they perceive as "meta". this subjective "meta" and subjective perception being direct results of those close-knit communities in which they play and are therefore prone to criticism.
and i suppose anon here offers that criticism, which personally i would be eager to hear.
>in game browser
I kind of want to punch anyone who utters this at this point, in most any context. Not you, because you seem to be mocking it, but in general my fist wants to make contact with jaws and teeth wherever this is used.
i have noticed a decline in new games too
Guess I'll make a simple slops MA game

no thanks
Same desu.
>want to join a game
>haven't even played a vanilla game of dom6 yet let alone a modded one
Its a balance mod anon
Its pretty much vanilla
I know what sloops is, I just wanted to get a taste of Dom6 without anything else to compare it to 5
i would like a sparks game.
you are alone in this liking of yours
it's over....
Any new maps?
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>fighting lemuria
There's no fucking supply anywhere. what the fuck do i do.
message a nation with nature access and hope they're willing to trade supply items instead of backstabbing you for revealing that you are in a hellwar with the ghosts
Is anyone up for a sparks game?
Make one and see if people join bro. I will say though I agree with sparks being a kind of tiring mod to play out. I respect the time and effort that went into it and it's really fun to browse the pretender list and check out their cool abilities, but it's kind of imbalanced and paradoxically building your entire pretender around its unique ability actually feels worse than vanilla building where there are no abilities. Like if you go for an awake sparks tendie which is probably optimal, you'll be doing the exact same thing on turn 50 as you were on turn 5: leveraging its unique gimmick. And that just gets stale fast. I think once Hellenika comes out it'll completely overshadow sparks, since it's got a similar variety and the same power spike effect without stapling an ability to every pretender.
It's a single player game...
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>losing in single player
Alright man, I don't consoom goysloop, but whoever made a Diplomacy map is cool in my book whether they slop or not.
I'm not losing jackass, I'm just annoyed that my mages are getting diseased.
Actually, now that I think about it I can just poach their undead mages.
Mages can actually starve and get disease?
Yes bro?
I played Dominions since 3 and I never had that ever occur.
What do you think happens when there's 0 supply in a prov, commanders eat first but it's not like they all secretly have the needs not eat tag.
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I'm just surprised that it's an actual issue for you
I'm not even bro, just saying it can happen.
that would mean he is blitzing for 5-8 hours every weekday starting at 7am, the australian timezone makes more sense
Sounds like you're a goodplayer. But let me ask you this: have you ever been so good that you could fight indies for 14 turns and declare yourself the winner?
is the map a placeholder or is this going to be a small game for like 3-5 land and 2-3 water?
never underestimate a man's desire to blitz
What's the official title for our /domg/ Hall of Fame Shinuyama?
Victorious Shinu, up there with Undefeated Ulm?
He works for the army infrastructure, not on the front lines.
Working full time shifts at the blitz factory
>storm is alt 5 but perpetual storm is evo 6
just as shilolfraud intended
ummm well you see they're altering the atmosphere for storm and evocating the perpetual storm that'll be $44.99 with tip
Yeah but perpetual storm sucks ass. The nations best suited to use it are the ones who get fucked over the most by it.
Unlike storm, which advantages the nations most suited to cast it
Basically yeah. Flying nations can queue up storm in battles to hit after their aerial strikes have landed, but perpetual storm removes that possibility and also fucks their map movement, which is one of their key traits.
Business idea: cast ritual and research / forge item and research
Dark forbidden magic: research and patrol. You genuinely used to be able to with a backdoor exploit.
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You can recreate this with this one super simple trick!
>raiders hate him
Na'Ba can actually exploit the fuck out of this and it's bullshit
prease exprain
They get hermit sahir mages exclusively in labbed but unforted provs. They're very good mages. Normally slowly recruiting a mage over 4 turns would be very vulnerable to raiding, but na'ba can also make jinn blocks which are basically mini monoliths. If they stack up a bunch of them while cranking out sahirs, the province is insanely hard to take all while being a research/summon/ritual hub.
Aren't djin blocks expensive in vanilla?
slop's fixes this
And then a Queen of Elemental Air holding a staff of storms and a ring of returning comes in on cloud trapeze and drops wrathful skies on you.
No, 5E for a 50 health E1F1H1 innate caster with 25 prot is insane value.
Oh wait I mean A1F1.

What's that gonna do? They call all cast shock res and phoenix pyre with a gem.
So I trade four air gems for an air and a fire gem per jinn block, kill most of your army, and get away scot free? Sounds like a win for me. I'll be back next turn as well.
np man, I mean you could be bringing her alongside your army to actually win wars but you do you
>I can remove your emplaced MG pillboxes and trenchlines with my wing of F-35s
Bruh we're talking about early-midgame and small unit tactics
Yeah, alt 7, thaum 5, enchant 3 is hella early game.
Compared to Conj 8, Const 7, Evo 6, Ench 4?
Where are you getting alteration 7 from?
Phoenix Pyre was mentioned.
only as a countermeasure to the insane lategame raiding you suggest
I wasn't the one who said it had to be early game. And there's no reason to think it wouldn't be vulnerable late game unless you build back the demolished fort.
So what? Destroy your cap to make 4-turn hermits instead of 2-turn Malikah, then spend over 1500 gold later so that you can't get raided? Great plan. Do it every time I play against you.
Uh nobody's destroying their shit, it's about how naba can build legitimate defensive infrastructure in unforted provs.
we're talking about how unforted researchers can effectively research and patrol at the same time. the fort demolition thing is just a fun way of mentioning it
@sloop can you nerf ring of returning? make it like 5 uses
How do you do awake titan expansion? It seems to me like you need to research buffing spells and you have to pick up air and earth AND you need to craft full ulm plate + tower shield if your Titan has nothing which all together could take at least 5 turns if your faction doesn't have the appropriate gem income. Seems like a complete waste unless you have a good bless for your sacreds AND you have good sacreds.
>if your Titan has nothing
I don't think you're supposed to try and expand with those, try a tiwaz of war or something
You don't, it's a noob trap. The fantasy of becoming nearly invincible early on by rushing out ironskin and temper flesh and regen seems cool until you realize it'll take you like 8 turns to get there and you may as well just take a dormant guy.
i was trying to make kami of the sun workable, shit doesn't work
nigga she's in a fucking robe that's far too many turns spent researching and forging to make her viable in the first 12 turns
i will bury my splendor and awe in this grave
>con 1
>blacksteel plate
that's 2 turns
for 99% of them, you don't
sloops fixes this
Do you enjoy mathematics?
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I remade all of the conditions that the other guy stated (kami of the sun, unbearable splendor), I rolled out on turn 5 because I didn't have enough earth income as Jomon, so turn 4 rollout for a nation with better earth income. This is the result with unbearable splendor and blacksteel plate, in dominion of course
Must have been cloudy, try again on a sunny day
Is this a meme or did they add non-magical weather in 6
yeah. you don't watch the dominos weather forecast?
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Not that anon but if you want to make the sun bitch an awake expander, you can't
There's too many S1/S2 mages to let you go lower than S8 in the late ages
You can make her wild brother an awake expander and have him forge the lighter blacksteel armor, he won't be able to take on barbarians in the first few turns but he can move out on turn 4 and take on heavy cav provinces
>I remade all of the conditions that the other guy stated (kami of the sun, unbearable splendor)
he said splendor and awe, those are the abilities she comes with, not a bless
if you want to make her work you need to account for her inability to kill everything around her and take fire shield as a bless, and also forge her armor
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>no you can't make awake titans work in vanilla you just can't!!!
eat my shorts
kid named scales:
sloptards are notoriously retarded
yeah but you also cant make jomon work haha that nation is worse than therodos
Are you trying to say that this works lmao
Every other nation in LA has mweps
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That's vanilla you fucking idiot
This is slops
SIKE, that flawless vanilla tendie was cooked by King Slop himself
anon that's not what he meant...
maybe you're sloptarded after all...
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He is such a faggot
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I hate him beyond reason
>hoop earrings
he's living rent free in your head man get a life
He's literally just a british boomer who whines about labour constantly but votes for them in every election
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skeleton squad btfo by a gigaachad marignon noble and his pet birds
dominions is my life
he lives on the beta team trashing my life rent free
seriously man get a life already
I don't take advice from 4chan nerds
unless it pertain to Dominions 6: Rise of the Pantokrator
In fairness tories were in charge for 10 years and basically nothing good has happened in that time
don't do this, it makes domg veteran gas
Are you implying good things were happening before?
what are those going to cast?
I dunno, I'm not br*t*sh
This should be a safe place for people to talk about their games without judgement, I fail to see the point of someone calling others and telling them to get a life
>Victorious Shinu
Is this game worth getting if I just want to play single player or should I just get TW Warhammer?
But anon's not even talking about games, he's just bitching about some eceleb.
the guy who has singlehandedly done the most to ruin the game?
newfags need to leave
this game gets boring after awhile in singleplayer
but the multiplayer is some of the most insane crack addiction level shit have ever seen
not really for the singleplayer, but the multiplayer is very tolerable for someone who usually doesn't play multiplayer (like me)
it's like taking one chess move every 24 hours, except the chess board is a 4X mythological fantasy game and your opponents are all rank amateurs and the concept of a meta is barely-existent and highly disputed
Can I just join any game on blitzserver awaiting pretender submission provided I can get in? They're all domg games right?
A good number of slav discord and forums use them apparently
rude desu
usage of blitzserver should require playing in one of Blitzmin's blitzses once a month at least
How are you supposed to play nations with rainbow mages, like t'ien ch'i?
You have to pay for a lot of useless level 1 paths on every mage and you can build a reliable strategy when you depend on a random path_ups.
I'd rather have a bunch of dedicated casters with deeper access to cast big spells, even if it's more predictable.
Communions usually. In battle that horde of 1-path mages turns into multipath 2-3 (especially with i.e power of spheres)
Rainbows TC type is supposed to be site searching everywhere for any gem income possible. They can efficiently use gems to craft and climb. N2 is equal to N3. E2 is equal to E3-4. F2 is equal to F3. D2 is D3-4. W2 is W4. They can use W gems to summon berserk sacred demons. A gems to summon heavy armor sacreds, F gems to summon fire throwing sacreds. They can craft the national weapon and armor for cheap. Later on you can use matrixes to give the slaves regen and reinvigorate. When they have a decent N stockpile they can break into G3-G5 for 30 gems. Rainbows are super hungry for gems.
Every nation wants to use gems of every path, trading is a deal that get worse as the game goes on. It's a pain to break into other paths and people are not dumb to give you boosters. Rainbow TC can do whatever it wants with the gems, and if you want to cast globals you should preemptively plan it with your tendie anyways.
No, sometimes random discord communities or /v/ make games. There's a private game toggle but some people don't know about it. You can in theory upload your tendie anyway but for discord games they might have users verify who they are and purge the unwanted adds.
Jomon expert here.
Dont bother with any tendie that isnt earth snake, not because they cant expand but because earth snake is capable of expanding right out the box but most importantly its amphibious and you need water provinces or you lose.
oh and dont ever dump growth, you are extremely gold hungry and having all your pop die will make you implode without anyone's intervention.
I still haven't played any of the nip nations yet but Jomon looks kino. Any other general pointers? Different anon here btw.
protip japanese katanas are armor negating because their steel was folded 9000 times
>you need water provinces
Can you play land-only Jomon?
Yeah but then they're a super generic human nation. All their best shit is underwater.
Jomon is indeed kino and is very fun to play.
>You want to expand into water ASAP and get atleast 1 or 2 water forts to spam ryujins, ryujin production is your #1 priority
>Alteration 4 is your first research priority for multiple reasons, so your tendie can thug expand into harder provinces (water in particular) and because your tendie is going to be the only thing capable of fighting anything UW until your forts are up
>get into water ASAP, and once you get there FORT THEM ASAP EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO HOLD PRODUCTION FOR A TURN
>you want to expand with samurais/aka oni samurai frontlining for your samurai cav, put the samurai at the front and the cav at the bottom almost all the way at the back and set them both to attack front, that way both of them will reach the enemy front at the same time without your cav getting encircled, your cav will mulch most indies and your samurais are solid fronts
>once you have forts UW, start ryujin production and if you are expecting a fight with an UW nation pump out shrimps they are insanely powerful, otherwise get sharks to aid you on land.
>first turn get 2 ninjas and recruit 2-3~ cavalry, use the 2 ninjas along with your starting ninja to assassinate expand, do not prophet your first commander.
>dont use ninjas on barb provinces they get fucked by barb leaders
>avoid fighting cross bow and elephant indies
>after you recruit the 2 ninjas just pump a lot of master shugenjas, they are excellent researchers, casters and site searchers, mass a good chunk of them then start pumping out onymyojis
>you want 1-2 other land forts so you can recruit more onymyojis as they are slow recruits and are your powerhouse land casters
>prophesize a ryuujin so he can bless your other ryujins during raids
yes thanks to having onymyojis which will help you immensely on land + okay land roster, however it's not something to willingly opt for, you should always prioritize getting UW forts even if just a pond.
Is stellar focus even worth it if you already have 2-3 magic scales? It's just going to horror mark fucking everything that i recruit in the fort and will take 6 turns to repay with zero overcast...
Damn that was very thorough, domo arigatoo senpai
not him but how do you know you killed enough indies? even if I do the wait wait wait retreat trick i waste turns if im wrong and then need to assassinate AGAIN
I've never done assassination expansion. Can anybody give me the quick tard guide to this? I've only ever used assassins to troll players, which I love. How much equipment do you give your ninjas in this case?
you literally cannot get equipment for assassination expansion so zero
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Bonus quickly made cheat sheet for spells of note for certain random paths for ryujins (dont forget they all have 1 free gem for a free water elemental, if you don't want to use them for buffing/thugging use shit like frozen heart/falling frost)
this was quickly made so it's a crime against every graphic designer but I CBF.
>your bless can be one of three things, a specific counter (mweapons if there are a lot of ethereal nations), a tendie focused bless centered around making your tendie as strong as possible so he can defend you against any early UW nation aggression trying to boot you out of the pond as UW nations have map painting autism and hate sharing the sea with others but you can also try a diplomatic approach as you only really need 3 sea tiles at most and the rest is just free income. and lastly the last option and one of my favorites and my latest invention, but is more vulnerable to getting booted out of water, obfuscate bless, it allows you to raid even harder with ryujins and makes it so they can't be magic phased.
>a tendie bless is the most consistent, and since you will be going earth snake you want to run either recuperation or just go unbreakable, but an obfuscate bless is more powerful later as ryujin raids are very strong once you have them, they have an almost global movement coverage and are recruited with a very good accessory.
>you have high water access so you can go cold 2 to use murdering winter defensively if you believe there are no other nations that will be able to cast it against you, otherwise go heat 2.
>if capable, use ryujins to site search sea tiles, you want a lot of water gems for maelstrom/elementals/crafting etc, also site search with onymyojis for astral sites
when you try to assassinate it will give you a message saying there are no commanders left, you can then attack with a ninja and enemy will auto route.
you don't need any gear for basic militia provinces.
yeah i understand that but it's still an extra turn. so there's no way for you to know intuitively no commanders are left?
iirc the basic militia/archer provinces can't have more than 4 (or was it 3 I cant remember) commanders so if you kill 4 just attack after.
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finally picked up 6 since it's on sale and I always get the urge to play this game around Halloween.

I'm thinking of setting up a game with MA Emor as the threat for something thematic. Will the AI give it a decent pretender or do I need to make one for it?

Also I remember a mod for 4 or 5, that had an actual Halloween themed nation. With jack-o-lanterns and scarecrows and other stuff but I can't remember the name of it. Can anyone spoonfeed me?
you'll probably do fine with a random AI ermor, their units (lictors) are terrifying without a good bless or god anyway

BUT you could always just give them a decent one like undying and reforming flesh
Hm. I can't seem to find the button to use a pre-made pretender anyway when setting up a game. Where did it go?
Also you can't go full -/+3 on all scales anymore? Lame.
Right well I loaded up 5 and found it but it's not in 6. What gives, if you can't use pre-made pretenders then why does the game still let you make them?
you have to press ctrl+L for some reason
you can go up to four scales if your nation and pretender add them. eg asphodel 4 growth, ermor 4 death

dont think you can go 4 magic, but you can go up to 3 with a fair bit of pretenders. 4 magic would occasionally horror mark you so it's bad.

abysia can go 4 heat, but again slight popkill so not good
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>it's true
Okay but why get rid of the button?
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they spent too much time gooning over their LA pyrene nation they added with semen extraction mechanics
Peak Illwinter vision
>cast Utterdark
>it dispels your overcasted well of misery, the only global you own in 7 globals
Ngl Samsa i would go ai as well if i'm in your shoes. But since no one else is human i declare Kyomatsu victory in the Natgen bowl. Finish game and write up in a few hours
iits likely just a bug but illwinter is too lazy and/or incompetent to fix it. the game is a fantastic way to sink time and brainpower into something but whenever you encounter something strange or seemingly nonsensical always remember the game is made by a dumbo
so true sisters!!!!! i love sucking slop cock so much i give slop sloppy toppy all day!!
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>so true sisters!!!!! i love sucking slop cock so much i give slop sloppy toppy all day!!
>pump out shrimps they are insanely powerful
Are you shrimply joking?
Put any spare cash you have into scouts, they can check the commander count and also take provinces at the same time (hold x3 then retreat) so your ninjas can go on to the next one.
phlegra, eepy giants
Oh, if they hold long enough they can retreat safetly (scout ping) but give enough time to the enemy to rout
I fail to see why weapon bless is a separate damage and not an addition to the weapons damage...
Junior, you dare doubt illwinter’s vision?
Don't you dare talk shit about my Illwinter!!!
It'd be too stronk if you could strenghtmax and hit everything with 20+ acid damage with weak sacreds
sloptards btfo'd yet again>>499509981
>It'd be too stronk
just like the ghouls that slop made three times as strong for no reason! Good! tell em sister!!!!!
dont you dare question slops vision!!!!!!!!
oohhh uuhhh mmmm sloppy toppy i give you sloppy around your cocky sloppy i love you sloppy
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I love my strong ghoul wife!
>haven't played any of the nip nations
Shinuyama is piss easy. Just spam size4, armored, melee capable archers and get unaging bless for your big mage.
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WTF is this shit? This is the 2nd time this has happened. WHERE IS MY FUCKING GRAPH????? BLITZMIN FIX THIS SHIT
Did illwinter remove it?
its a blitzserver problem doe, you fuckin sloptard
Who do you guys hate the most? Waterniggers, caveniggers, or elfniggers?
I just hate human niggers tbqdesu
>make a game with mods
>everyone complains and goes ai
>make a game without mods
>everyone complains and goes ai
Maybe mods are not the problem.
good maps solve this
What Gen'd Nat ended up winning?
I wish there was someone as invested in fomoria like the dude from jomon to give me a good rundown. Tho I feel i am getting a good grasp of the giants (who can go underwater so cool) + elves (who are also negromances) + solid spearmen. They also have two (2) flavours of sacreds, how cool is that!?
I am checking out fata morgana and it freaking triples the worth of buying province defense, but I don't know how often do you buy Pd in MP. Probably not much.
most indy provs only have 3-4 commanders so 2 assassins need 2 turns assuming they win and a scout or throw away indy commander can just follow them around

if you are more concerned about time than gold you just shit out indy commanders and have them attack in on the 2nd turn of assassination
sometimes they will die but mostly it will go "faster"
>but I don't know how often do you buy Pd in MP
I buy 6 in every province to avoid bad events and 15 in provinces I'm building a fort in. If you have leftover cash a PD dump could be a good defensive tool as long as you back it up with troop/mage support
You could make PD dumps better and still get owned by some fireshield thug or a large army... or you could turn those Glams into units and items.

Dreams of An Awakening God and the Gem Gen are way better.
> or you could turn those Glams into units and items.
Specifically, you could have 18 mirror scouts instead.
By the time you're casting fata morgana the bonus PD doesn't really matter much. You're mostly casting that global for the nationwide unrest reduction if you need it.
>I wish there was someone as invested in fomoria like the dude from jomon to give me a good rundown
I'll give you one in about 6 hours once I'm done waging
cast Dance of the Morrigans
simple as
water, followed closely by cave. Elf is a DISTANT third
lol you're not even allowed to enter the province, the game just won't let you

At least has few access points to emerge from the cave even if Agartha is obnoxiously strong even outside of it. Also funny how a lot of spells just don't work underground...

just fuckin meld them
Random paths need to fuck off. I don’t want to play 1 turn/day pachinko. Just let us pick the path.
Let me tell you what I have learned so far wrongly possibly so you can correct me and don't have to repeat yourself.

>Recruit druids every turn you are not recruiting something else, since they are the most cost effective
>Massing Fir Bolg Warriors is good for the initial expand. They have spears and shields (I like repel & parry). I am used to an awaken monster for tendie
>Sacreds are size 6 and size 9 giants. In my experience the best bless are FEAR, resistances & regen. After cappin the circle I can get 3-4 a turn easy and expand through other means
>Research begins with Alt 3 for mirror image + displaced for my tendie monster. I begin researching Conj 4 and recruit some Nemedian girls. I summon Barguests as I research Alt 6 unlocking Twilight, Nightfall, Invulnerability & Soul vortex. At least those are what I care about
>I have my mid game army with sacred wolves with stealth, fear bless, darkpower (and all it implies). My tendie is also stealthy but I don't put it where it should...
After that I don't have a clear game plan but I spam more sorcerrers, research for horde of skeletons & false horror and that's it. Oh, Constuction 5 for +1death staffs an glamour gowns 15 gems for the gowns is too much
Warhammerfag here
Chaos Dwarves
Wood Elves
and Norsca are the only nations left for the first balance pass

Anyone down for a casual game so I can start gathering data and feedback on nations for the next balance pass?
just walk on their forts before they get too much research done

here is a lobby
I am super lazy about the changelog, srry
treat it like a natgen game where you sift through the nations for gold lol
>just walk
thats the problem, it takes an irl week to get to them while every one of my provinces has a gorillion birds raiding it
pirate nation when
Dominions 7 will have a water layer and include boat combat as units will now be able to exist on top of water. Trust.
That's funny because in conquest of elysium they have boats and you can larp as pirates and even get pirate units if you take over pirate towns. But you can't in dominion.
>expander succeeds against a heavy cav province
>fails against a heavy infantry province
Have you even wondered why undead leadership tends to be 150 or 200? I have never ever filled it to capacity. I haven't tried reanimator factions however, but stuff like Bane commander having 150 or Bane lord having 200. I find it weird
>undeadlets when will they learn?
Have you ever played Sceleria?
Play any reanimator nation
freespawn nations ferry around hundreds of troops every turn, then thousands
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Hey guys, the VGL is starting again. Any interest in this general in having another go at it? We did alright last time.
I have no idea what those references are... but a simple yet catchy one would be
>Glamour You could name them fucking elves I guess
which would be three players side by side (mirror images)
we already lost non-blitz games, my heart can't handle losing the divegrass games too
there's already a dedicated *lf hate player
the full roster is here:
Naval combat is kino but you already know it would be broken in Dominions and everyone would complain about it.
Fuck yeah, let's go tent owner!
What the fuck is this?
forester bob my beloved
let me tell you a little bit about daktyl roulette
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The /vg/ league is a competition between /vg/ generals played in Pro Evolution Soccer, with the top teams receiving the dubious honor of getting a spot on the main /vg/ team, which will then compete against the other boards in a different competition. You can check out /4ccg/ for more info.
>Black Servant
my fucking sides
Forester bob is an absolute fookin legend
I see you aren't an Erytheia enjoyer
I really wish someone saved /twg/'s parody horn from back in... 2016? It was just ours but with TW soundbytes and it was hilarious.
they ape our customs
they scorn our culture
they pick fights they don't understand just to fit in
When are you doing the player votes
Haven't decided yet. Might do them over the weekend. That said, I'm already open for new player suggestions, so if you have any feel free to post them.

For anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about, pic related is the current team roster. If you have any ideas on potential new players, feel free to post them, but don't bother with asking for players to be removed - in a few days I'll be doing a poll to determine the new team roster.
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...I forgot my pic.
vanilla game when
why would anyone want that?
blitzmin died fighting in ukraine....
maybe I should host a disciples game to heal domg
with three player teams so I can pass the reigns of chainstalers to their teammates
because i already made my tendies for vanilla instead of poop's and i'm too lazy to remake them
Alright you guys convinced me. I’m now a proud owner of Dominions 6: Rise of the Pantokrator.
only current memes I know of are the anti sloops gay sex poster, the pajeet stormflight lanka guy little miss obsessed guy, and Victorious Shinyu, the Shinuyama version of Undefeated Ulm. As putting them in may be rewarding them for their general shittiness I'm kinda like why bother
More cute girls. That frog model was pretty good.
welcome home brother, you'll be happy to know we have a warhammer fantasy mod
the first two are too spammy and tripfaggy to acknowledge, but Victorious Shinu is fine, he stopped posting when the bullying intensified
then again we already had Undefeated Ulm as a candidate and The /domg/ Veteran is already in, if we don't draw a line the whole roster will be monuments to /domg/ being bad at the game and going AI for gay reasons
we definitely need storm flight enjoyer or something like that in this new roster
Victorious Shinu model needs to be a green-skinned samurai with a japanese knife in his hand and a huge ball of intestines and gore hanging out of his belly
Host your own game and you can have the settings however you want
Lewd Serpent Dancer would be kino
Can path-boosting items be used to give a unit paths they don’t have yet? Also, can any commander be named prophet or only the ones with the menorah skill tree?
No. Anyone can become a prophet but you can only have one at a time.
No, you will need to empower
Any commander can be propheted as far as I know, if they're already holy 3 they will increase to holy 4
two in already and I haven't even joined yet

>they are both turbo threat nations
oh no...
>all the ages are cool, has cool summons, thugs and troops

>all of the ages are the same
>trash sacreds, trash troops
>summons: horsehead nigga and flying dogs
How does sailing work exactly? Based on the manual it seems that to cross from plains 3 to ocean 5*2 to enemy plains 4+3 in a single turn it would cost 20 map move. I’m looking at LA Marignon and the fastest sailing commanders have map move 16. So sailing must be exclusively for traveling across 1 tile oceans within your own territory. Wouldn’t even work for an invasion, let alone raiding. Shame, I was looking forward to trying out a Viking coastal raiding strategy playstyle.
Nobody knows how it works, but I've definitely gone from friendly coast -> ocean -> enemy shores in one move before.
>Lewd Serpent Dancer would be kino
I am a peaceful representative of undead. Please pay me no mind, Nagash isn't even going to be summoned I promise.
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Literally unplayable
wuxia niggas and a summon for every elemental gem
bureaucratic niggas and gifts from heaven
throat singing niggas and kickass old men
wuxia ninjas?
something like that
I could make a 3d model for him, but I am not so sure about converting it into the soccer game's format.
do eet
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The actual model-making is the hardest part by far; the guys in charge of aesthetics for the league as a whole would be thrilled to just have a model to rig instead of having to cobble something together themselves. Any 3D assets you're willing to make would be appreciated.

A number of /domg/'s more iconic models, such as Bob, Frogged and the Jews, were made by a person who isn't around anymore, and even then it was just a one-time deal.
Ok, QRD.
>I personally believe that any nation who can expand well without a monster (Fomoria is one of these) don't need the monster, and should take a cheaper awake or go dormant/imprisoned instead. You can still take the monster and get huge fast, but you'll tank your scales and won't be getting as many provs when boxed in by players, compared to the AI
>Fomoria can take a couple of big incarnates like you've been doing and do well, but their giants aren't as strong or nation defining as the other 4 EA sacred giant nations and so can focus on the rest of the nation instead. If you go imprisoned scales instead, I highly recommend Larger and Far Caster, the first because it's just solid stats and Fomoria suffers no attack density loss from it, and Far Caster allows their sacred goat druids (their only anyfort battlemage) to chuck the very good spell Orb Lightning at the enemy field from round 1
>I wouldn't rely on Fear too much, it's banned in many non-/domg/ games for being busted and overbearingly strong, but mainly because it might get a nerf bat at some point
>I would use the Nemedian Warriors for expansion instead of Fir Bolg; they are caponly and thus a better use of the cap's resources, have far better stats and a helmet leading to less attrition. Mixed groups of 16-20 Unmarked/Nemedians can clear most indies, the Unmarked are much more durable and soak projectiles better than the elves while the elves dodge barb swings better than the goats. They do much better together against a variety of indies than as mono groups
>The big giants do work for expansion, but cost 2 sacred points (one less spear thrusting compared to Unmarked). I would only get these if you had that regen bless, if you have bodies of water boxing in your start and need to expand into the sea/over rivers quickly, or if you have elephant indies in your cap circle and need your big untrampleable guys to deal with them
How does playing modded games in multiplayer work? If I’m in two mp games with different mods, do I have to constantly switch my mods on/off before doing my turn for each one?
No, the game is smart enough to load/deload the appropriate mods whenever you connect to an MP lobby.
Do the mods need to be active during pretender creation?
Yes that's the one bit you actually have to pay attention to.
what you do first is connect to the game, even if you don't have a pretender ready
the game will download the proper mods and activate them
then you make your pretender
connect to the game again and ctrl+load your pretender
Holy sexo
How do I expand when all of my troops are shit and fold like paper? Is an awake expander required for anyone that doesn't have good solid troops or sacreds?
wut nashun, some that look bad aren't even bad at expanding once you figure out some tricks like holding weaker cav back
Basically yeah. Awake expanders are also great defensive tools in the midgame.
it depends
I was trying EA TC, I remember nobles shredding everything with almost 0 attrition but it seems they're a lot weaker now.
You are supposed to time your formations so that when your line infantry make contact with enemy line your nobles are flanking at the same time. Changes to harassment and trample means they are much weaker surrounded and need chaffs to take the brunt of attacks.
I will get to it. I have a few lizardman models I can base off of, it will take some time to do blitzmin justice but I am not starting from scratch so I have a bit of a head start.
It's funny because I was trying this a few days ago with kami of the sun. Your expansion will be shit if you don't awake hellbless which is sad since I really like xianxia mages.
Kami of the Sun isn't an awake expander though bro
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>get awake expander
>stop 75% of what makes your cap sacreds bad at expanding (indie projectiles)
>cap sacreds + sacred summons will roll over anyone who doesn't have magic weapons
>the Fir Bolg druids are stupidly efficient researchers. They only cost 95, can forge their own Owl Quills, and 1/4th of them can forge and use Dreamstones later on for huge RP ramping
>my first research goal is evo2, as you will want LBolt ready for a first war or rush defence (and some goat druids to cast it by the end of expansion). From there, const3 is a good target for Owl Quills, but also for Corpse Constructs and lightning rods (these are cheap bodyblockers/siege chaff any D random goat druid can make a ton of). >You'll want conj4 for the barghests as you noticed, ench5 for horde of skellies, alt6 for the spells you mentioned as midgame tools. You will want conj8 as a later game goal, both because Dance of the Morrigans is a ridiculous retardedly strong spell and because getting first dibs on Well of Misery can feed your endgame. I recommend having at least D5 on your tendie so you can cast these without the expensive const7 Skullface
>Your Kings are your most important mages and while not SC material they make great thugs depending on the randoms. The A4 ones are your precious big air casters, these are army support with stuff like Army of Mist and Soaring Army later on. The D3 ones cast Invuln/Soul Vortex and raid without gem usage. The W1 ones cast Quickness, Personal Flight and Liquid Body and counterthug with a Midget Masher, golems get owned by him. The G1 ones are the least useful but can gemcast Ephemeral Swords and Horrible Visage
>in the endgame, you'll want a bunch of Druids hucking Orb/Chain Lightning behind your preferred mix of bargs, scales troops and corpse constructs, A4 kings throwing out Army of Mist and sorceresses putting up Darkness or Nightfall. Outside of stack fights, drowning the opposition in Wraith Lord raids and tart SCs is a viable endgame engine, but endgame always depends on circumstances and you might need to break into every path for solutions (or just win by thrones in the late-midgame instead)
I was experimenting since the only other option was this monstrosity. This is a scales nation... Right?
Alright bros I figured something out. It starts out incredibly slow but once I can get the nataraja some blacksteel plate she can ram into any province she feels like. I still only got 15 provinces though and I have no idea if this bless will survive first contact with an actual player
I like the energy but turmoil and misfortune 2 will mean barbarian attacks up your anus for the entire game
I have a misfortune 3 curse that pervades every game I join, even if I take luck. I have been effectively beaten by indie attacks in the first year once, with luck 3 to boot
have you looked at the other shit nagashizzar gets?
instathreat nation
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Here's your jomon awake expander anon
Research Con 1 Alt 1
Forge a black plate chest armor
Expand with researchers researching ench 2
Avoid barbarians until you get personal regen
With Ench 2 Alt 1 you'll have enough to take on even hellblesses
Victorious Jomon, the build
Yes please take this and start next to me.
This guy sounds like he owns tents.

shilling one more time tonigh


(remind me to upload a new version tomorrow Nagashizzar is bugged...)
>drake shoots flames 3 times in a turn(?)
What happened here? can they do this?

what items should I get for a demon lord? I am summoning one right now but dont know what to expect
Drake fire is sometimes used in place of a regular attack.
I know that, but why did it do it three times in what seemed to be one turn
it really depends on which you get
bephelgore a shade mail, have him sneak on your target and reduce candles. Or 2 blood boosters and have him summon demons knights.
pazuzu give blood boosters and have it summon storm demons
geryon kind of sucks, but you can fly him into sieges to soften up their candles
ashmedai is a true pimp, maybe shade mail, assassin heart, spider amulet. Not much is going to survive an assassination with this guy fully kitted. Give him a runesmasher and script hellbind heart.
belial give stealth items and have him seduce.
buer really sucks just use it as an army mage
>Brettonia reliquae freespawns shitty pilgrims with 7 dmg stone throw in battle
>But it's still 7d6 free spawns
>Reliquae also has 5 attacks with ambi 10
>Give them thunder weapons for fun
>Wtf they killed vampires and wights no problem
Gotta experiment with death explosion next to see which is more fun
I am running Khorne and I have 2,000+ blood slave without ever blood hunting once
aheem aheem

sloop's shitty imbalance mod!
getting some prec also helps the goat druids, 9 base precision isn't the worst but it's useful when you cast nightfall for the barghests
better than yours hahaha
Does prec even matter
I believe precision is a fake stat
So is there anyway for a new commander to have his orders pre-set?
Like if I'm churning out cheap mages can I have them already be set to the back corner, set to cast X?
Ctrl 1 a pre-made script
1 on any commander and they'll follow that script if they can
Bodyguards Y/N?
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Is this a joke?
I've played MA Marignon twice and never made one of these. I'm not sure what the point is.

You get them during expansion and then never again.
>I'm not sure what the point is.
>they can harass enemy archers and mages
>I'm not sure what the point is.
>they can harass enemy archers and mages
>I'm not sure what the point is.
>they can harass enemy archers and mages
>I'm not sure what the point is.
>they can harass enemy archers and mages
>I'm not sure what the point is.
>they can harass enemy archers and mages
>I'm not sure what the point is.
>they can harass enemy archers and mages
Get 10 for cheap drone strike capabilities against enemy commaners
this guy can read
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Getting hit by remote attacks and realizing demon banes are a better defence against flames from the sky than fire rings
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Is 1 Fire Resistance (5Protection) enough to keep my Knights and Fagspam from getting FIREBALLED by my own mages or does it need to be higher?
the fire protection is a flat damage reduction from fire elemental damage before the other damage reductions are applied. So at 5 it might help, but it wont be 100% safe if your mages are throwing stuff that does 15+ fire damage
>protecting your shiny rare mages from assassins and mage line from a spell like Howl
>If you want to use a commander offensively they can help preventing your commander from being surrounded or singled out
>They can make a commander like the mages on your mage line extra targetable by enemies (especialy flyers) on attack rearmost which is bad on one hand, but can be exploited to bait them away from your mages
5 fire resist is enough for your own dudes to not die from a fireballs aoe
but not directly from a fireball
Lategame you're going to get Pillar of Fire and that's going to go through everything.

5 should be enough when you combine it with fire res casts and lets you do Heat from Hell before getting fire-fend.
but can they actually? Do they automatically attack rear?
go figure, I thought it'd just be like naba camel riders where they just dive bombed the closest squad
>Lategame you're going to get Pillar of Fire and that's going to go through everything.
I like how most spells go "severely injure" or "only the heaviest armor can save you" or "those who fail to resist" or "crippled for life" or whatever
Meanwhile Pillar of Fire just goes "it will kill those it strikes"
Pretty hard to survive 35 fire damage with 10 armor and 10 hp desu
that is on my list of things to watch
might need to be toned down
Muchas gracias amigo.
I have noticed the strenght of orb lighting but the range has always been troublesome thus I have always avoided the fom druids. I am intrigued on how you've left the girls out of the equation pretry much, but I can see how skellyspam is not infallible in MP. False horror is a charm however.
This is a much more solid game plan, thanks, it uses all of Fomoria's strenghts. Heck, the elf warriors even have stealth so they can be used to nefarious ends later... what commanders do you like to use for your squads? Just fir bolg champions or something bigger? Not counting kings who are thugs, mages and commanders
If they are air they will cast mistform
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*in a bernie voice*
I am once asking you for your testgaming support

This is a little preview of what we will all be dealing with, if we do not turborape Nagash immediately. Please contribute to the NagashRaping fund

Thank you for your consideration
Wait one
Sadly I can't t. original modbeggar
Not convinced by the Itza changes though, slanns losing all their crosspaths seem like a massive downgrade, plus giving them all cold vulnerability while they're already cold blooded... not seeing many upsides
>I am intrigued on how you've left the girls out of the equation pretry much
They are great mages (D3 and G3 for 2 RP!), I used the G3 random ones to good effect. I just don't see skellyspam as a core strategy for Fomoria since your only D2+ mages are caponly and they can't communion to spew skellies indefinitely.
>what commanders do you like to use for your squads
I like the Nemedian Champions as expansion leaders; since they're caponly and your cap will be too busy recruiting kings and sorceresses for the rest of the game after expansion, the champions you recruit early will be your only ones and so it's good to have 3-4 of them to lead elfing parties later against players. The goat champions are also good durable priest leaders.
I wanted them to have a more defined indentity
I have a burning hatred for shotgunning paths on powerful mages

So I made them tall rather than wide
The nation as a whole has really good magic access though

Also over 50% of the time I spent on them was in getting throne summoning spells to work (and technically I haven't tested them yet)
>Dont bother with any tendie that isnt earth snake
What's wrong with Black Tortoise of the North?
once you go black tortoise you never go back tortoise.....
Jesus how hard do you tank your scales to pay cuck tax on paths for magic weapons or obfuscate with a monster tendie and still be awake?
yeah I am doing a direct comparison now
sombre's Slann are much more expensive with very shallow paths

Mine allow you to contest virtually every global in a way his don't.

I added a bunch of antidemon national spells as well.
very loreful very kino
>one single target attack that misses half the time
That thing can't expand against anything. I don't know what the fuck Illfraud was thinking. The undead sea turtle on land can trample but the land tortoise can't.
>practicing expansion for Tomb Kangz (gave up on dwarfs)
>make scout my prophet
>he can't preach
>attack swamp next to cap
>it has an undead destroying site
>took luck 2
>ctulhu cult event on my cap costs me 3 candles
I might go back to dorfs.
Shit. Yeah earth serpent only has a single target attack too but attack is 3 higher. Also fear. I was thinking I liked the paths better on the tortoise but I see your point.
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Not that much really.

he should have been able to preach let me take a look
Earth serpent is notorious for dying to anything immune to fear, so imagine trying to take a longdead prov with it and that's the tortoise against every single prov.
None of its starting paths have anything that help it, either. Even quickness barely matters. You look at the tortoise and think "finally another expander" but it's worse than the fucking solar eagle.
Woah I didn't notice how badly you fucked Nagashizzar when I picked it. Mummies, giants and liches no longer being recruitable, and having shitty freespawn is rough but I suppose I should have checked before I signed up.
yeah it's early game is worse
but mid and lategame it is a nightmare

there is currently a bug where you can't summon the liches of the council

will be fixed before we start
Is it ever okay to take drain 2? lol I feel the initial research debt will kill me.
if you're only recruiting mages that aren't slow to recruit with 15+ research and you need the points badly for an expander or something, I can see it
Drain is something you dump if you plan on a gigabless and raping the first neighbor you see
>giants can only attack one tiny thing at a time
This is why CoE was smart in having swing damage that hits adjacent squares
will a slave collared god respawn with it still on or no
All equipped items are lost upon death but afflictions caused by those items remain.
we got SLOPS king mod on so it'll be fine, feeblemind will go away and restore the paths.
slops is so retarded on so many levels
if it's so retarded why did it make this game not auto end because of a mistake
Can you look at their remote castle construction spells too? They show up in the mod inspector, but not in game.
they are only castable by necrotects
in wastes
so true, this is feebleminded erasure. slop cannot keep getting away with this oppression of feebleminded domg veterans.
>illwinter meticulously designs the affliction system to penalize exploiting units that repeatedly come back and to make every conflict have the chance of going bad
>sloops all but removes the system for pretenders because lol it's more fun that way

If you can't see the issue here idk what to tell you.
yeah apparently undead can't preach and that is just a general dominions rule

fucking illfraud I swear
I might bump the domspread on the tomb kings by one, to compensate
>adjacent squares
dude, hitting squares is awesome already
my dad wants me to move to another city to get a job and all I want is to master dominions and watch anime girls
>illwinter meticulously designs
stopped reading there
sloop fans definitely aren't beating the low attention span allegations
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Ad hominem doesn't change the fact that Dominions was made by monkeys
deathscale 1
is 1d3 longdead

deathscale 2
is 2d3 longdead and 1d3 graveguard

deathscale 3
is 1d3 graveguard and 1 longdead horseman

deathscale 4
is 1d6 graveguard and 1d3 longdead horseman and 1 black knight

deathscale 5
is 1d6 longdead horseman and 1d3 black knight and 1 corpse giant

now they stack, however they are also dependent so if the first one doesn't trigger because of the domscore roll then none of the others roll
so each successive layer has less of a chance to roll

^^^Those are the freespawn rules for nagash
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>illwinter meticulously designs
And two pretenders don't get recuperation, without meaningful compensation.
So serious question do you genuinely think Sloop has a firmer grasp on how to balance the game than Illwinter themselves
That's just delusional man. One side literally crafted the game from nothing over decades, the other is some random modder. Get a grip.
bro your bridgman? your bargue plates? a reilly method perhaps?
>being so new you think Illfraud plays multiplayer
Presumptuous newfags will never not be the greatest blight on this website.
Yes, and not even Sloop specifically. Anyone with some grasp on the game and how it plays could make a balance mod, and at least half the time it would be objectively better than vanilla.
>recuperation on every pretender so balanced!!!
You are utterly clueless, please stop posting
No it wouldn't.
>sloptards stopped claiming the mod doesn't nerf anything
>now they say it's better balanced than vanilla
Is this what they call doubling down?
Sloop has a firmer grasp
Aethernomad has a firmer grasp
Red Rob (DE) has a firmer grasp
SomethingAwful trannies have a firmer grasp
SOMBRE has a firmer grasp
Discord players have a firmer grasp
every wannabe dominions eceleb has a firmer grasp
domg veterans have a firmer grasp
All of the above have a firmer grasp on the game than Illwinter and (You).
Please stop being wrong.
and keep in mind Illfraud stays retarded even with half of these people being on the beta tester team screaming in their ears to stop being retarded
I have no knowledge of these words
How many times does the anti sloop mongoloid need to reveal himself as a clueless retard before you stop feeding him (You)s?
you should look it up
Oh, it's nerdy art shit. No thanks.
hey there are like 3 of his posts with zero (yous)
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Join the warhammer alpha testgame

kino spell screenshot for le bribings
you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink
>orcs become U
used and upilled

But I'm burnt out winning this scrub game
I'm just not that invested into getting good.
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might I entice you with that spells big brother?

also no one should be treating this lobby with any seriousness in terms of winning, there is probably so much broken shit that we are all just going to be fucking around

I would encourage people to try to break their nations (in both the overpowered sense and the literal nonfunctional sense)

just make something silly and test out the new spells and shit

For example, I already had to nerf the hail spell for kislev and middenheim shit was bonkers busted. Literally unbeatable
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hail spell in action (prenerf)
I wish I knew about this series before marriage and having a kid. Spent my 2 hrs of free time yesterday scrolling through the mod inspector scribbling notes on how I’m going to build my pretender and which spells/items I should focus on unlocking first. I was enjoying myself so much that before I knew it, it was time to get in bed so that I could wagecuck tomorrow. Then I realized I no longer have time to fully enjoy a game like this. Perhaps in 20 years when my kid moves out I’ll be playing dominions 10 with you guys.
sorry dude but id just get bored i cant roleplay without custom gods and sombre says they;re boring to make it's so over
Multiplayer matches just take like 5-30 minutes of attention every day though.
dude this is THE game for you, it will take a fair bit of time getting used to the game but after that it's smooth sailing and just chilling with 30 mins a day max per turn, usually less if it's just army movement
>30 mins a day max per turn, usually less if it's just army movement
Figuring out what's actually useful in practice from the long list of spells, units, items, etc. is the biggest hurdle.
After that, you only need to submit one turn every 24 hours, and that timer is usually extended for later turns with more going on.
For straightforward planning and low micro turns, you want nations with minimal Astral or Blood magic and mostly one or two kinds of magic without a ton of different randoms. Here's a list of straightforward nations with no extra micro like heavy forging or freespawn that are at least moderately good.
>EA/MA Pangaea
>EA/MA Agartha
>EA Abysia
>EA/MA Caelum
>MA Marignon
>MA Ashdod
>MA C'tis
>MA Atlantis
>LA T'ien Ch'i
>LA Atlantis
>expand good
>forget to build forts
>expand good + build forts
>forget to site-search
>expand good + build forts + site-search
>forget to craft items for thugs
>expand good + build forts + site-search + craft items
>forget which paths I need to research for key faction spells
This just keeps happening.
there have been past warhammer mods that did have custom gods, it would be easy to steal pretender sprites from those even if they didn't completely match the current mod's art style
If a spell requires multiple paths to cast, does your mage need a higher skill in both paths in order to get a fatigue reduction, or will a higher skill in just one of the paths give a reduction?
what's wrong with that, elaborately planning army movement is cool but not necessary

and playing to win is gay anyway just play to win one war or severely disable an enemy
It's only the first path.
alright i'll join, which faction needs testing?
I kinda wanna play orcs since the last time I joined a /domg/ warhammer game they were absolutely dominating
Bone Nose tribe has sacred Savage Boyz that can be recruited from any fort so that is pretty cool, dunno what needs to be tested
t. Mork Rokker
secondary paths are a minimum requirement and nothing more, they have zero effect on anything else
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Warhammer modder guy, I dunno exactly what is going on but I am accumulating so much blood that even empowering 7-8 guys a turn won't stop the blood slaves piling up, it is preeeeetty righteous
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What are your thoughts on wraparound maps?
I'd wraparound her map iykwim
Whenever I don't turn on wraparound I spawn on the edge of the map and only have 2 provinces connected to my capital
shitposting aside I think having at least one wraparound activated keeps players from having 'safe' places in the corners of maps, which can also take many many turns to move troops from. I generally see people asking for at least west to east wraparound, with north to south being A BIT MORE CONTROVERSIAL PERHAPS
Full wrap has always been the most fair and the universal standard. No or partial wraps have a host of problems, including things like that dumb early Abysia win in the Victorious Shinuyama game.
It's the main reason all those maps on the workshop rarely get used in MP. They're made by SP players for SP and have no full wrap, because full wrap hard to do n shiet.
That makes sense. I will do this in the future
everything except
Wood Elves
and Chorfs

the rest could use a testdrive


I will be joining as Nuln
Seems vanilla enough that no one else will have wanted it

also can confirm
The orkz were a labor of love
they have some quirks, but give them a chance before you guffaw
that seems like a bug
are you getting blood slaves multiple times for the same province?
yeah I found it

when sombre released a new version and I merged the changes I fucked up the part of the mechanic that makes it so it can only happen once per province lol

glad you told me
And they called this shit tier compared to regular bloodhunting, fools!
sombre's version is absolutely shit tier
this bug is busted
when my mechanic works as intended it is very swingy
you go from tons of blood slaves to none to tons again

it rewards endless, mindless conquest
Great for MP. Keeps players honest. Its harder and the thing is, players go AI at the smallest set back so... east west wrap ensures games last AT LEAST 15 turns before someone goes ai
New to 6 question.
So my capital has a passage to a cave system. If I take that province, do the resources go to my capitol (fortification) like other neighboring provinces?
Can I be enlightened on what pajeet stormflight lanka did?
the only case where this doesn't apply is between land and sea provs (which cringewinter would enable on amphibious nations if they weren't too busy guzzling nafri cum)
I don't think that is true
I play SP and I dislike nations based solely on what I am paired against. Fuck Ur, Tienchi (T'e'ch'i'chi'en'chien'chi), c'tis, abbysia and others that I can't remember because I beat them early.
Hmm, a good meme for the PES mod could be >only plays SP or >SP Only or smt
Is there a horror mark equivalent of the blinding build? The only item I know is the shield of the accursed
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Last shill session of the night

High elves are so disciplined (almost) all of them have formation fighter 5

this makes them vulnerable to aoe effects and evocations

but wait? what is that?
Shield of saphery? A spammable aoe twist fate spell
Protective Presence? A cheap spammable dome ritual spell?


uploaded a version with the bugfixes
those that joined already will have to download the new version
Why magic weapon
elfsissies... gobbos (bakemono-sho) have more hp than us...
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didn't even look at that
god I fucking hate Sombre

also a sombre thing
these are elite infantry, I just screenshotted them to be representative

pic related is a more normal elf infantry troop
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>get in loser we are cooking demons
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Is the "fire and keep distance" command any good? Will my 7 horsey archers on FaKD do better than 10 losers with no ride on fire closest? I've been buying the cheaper guys because they're cheaper and I get more arrows in the air.
How many players is Simply_MA going for? It's a pretty solid and waterfag-free lineup so far.
>no dagger on the horse archer
why is sombre like this?
Players who delay taking their turns give me nigger fatigue.
Ninja fatigue?
Funny, it gives me nigger lust
Delaying your turn makes you want to take a BBC? That makes sense.
>take a BBC
The Abysian mind in action. No, I wish to follow in the footsteps of Berytos, pleb.
heh, I almost made an "abysian hands" reply but decided I didn't want to engage with it
>both if you thought about Abysia
What deepest lore do I not know about Abysia and BBC?
Dead general.
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Patch soon!
>he hasn’t heard of the abysian factories where they mass produce fire rings to allow humans to breed their women
ea/ma mongol nation soon!
why is her sword hairy
just pulled it out of inanna's snatch
>LAmentation Man just gave himself an extension
BADMIN CONFIRMED. So much for the "I have 24 hours so that means I don't have to finish early" argument, since he apparently feels no need to even respect that constraint.
>joining a self-proclaimed badmin's game
told you. not only he told you but i told you too at the time.
Unfortunately I will be gone until the end of november in Osaka due to family stuff
I will be seeing you dudes
The map and tutorial should be done by then
he doesn't even seem to be sincerely LAmenting, since he keeps doing it over and over.
Nah I agreed with you he was likely cheating dude. I bet the admin here was spam replying to you for more trolling
You're talking like we're supposed to know who you are, but I do not. Anyway join a game as Jomon while you're there. It'll be immersive.
you are japanese?
he makes the maps
THE maps
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The problem is that custom maps aren't terribly hard to make, you just have to jump through a lot of loopholes and esoteric knowledge to make them function.
I hate waterniggers like you guys wouldn't believe.
Why do you call them that, look up stats on swimming and you will see it's actually not them that are thriving in the water.
I'm going to go pelagia again next blitz, therados shill
What do you mean?
I know I just said I hate waterniggers but this is still kinda based anyway.
Waterniggerdom is based when I do it and cringe when someone else does it, just like all kinds of other things.
Pelagia gets the pass because they're specifically designed to fuck over all other waterniggers while staying inside of their bowl
I need to play them then.
Are they good at their job? I've never given them a second look. They seem boring.
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>therodos anon singlehandedly elevated therodos from garbage-tier nation to s-tier nation that needs a dedicated pelagia in every game to hold therodos at bay
how did he do it? is he an intj mastermind? if he can do this with therodos, imagine what he could do with other nations.
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You tell me
Therodos anon didnt do shit, everyone is just annoyed about a popkill nation
nigga dedicated months of playtime to a nation over a 4chan shitpost, severe autism if anything
Flippers typed this post.
Just play them on a map so large that nobody can stop you from getting on land.
Pelagia is the only waterbro nation
they protect us all from the waterniggers
a certain idea of ys
argument still holds merit. badmins are badmins regardless. even the word early implies... hehe :) *extends for myself again*
Which Pangaea is best Pangaea?
LA because it’s the least dishonest one
My mages keep casting regrowth, what's it do?
Dominions 5 Pangaea.
gives undead regeneration
>newfag playing asphodel
oh no
Nah not new just retarded, I figured as much but wanted to ask.
I'm still trying to figure out what this meme means, or if indeed it means anything. Is calling a nation honest just a cheeky way of saying it's shit?
How do I into Ragha? I haven't tried them yet but would like to and I'm confused by the heat/cold thing. Can anybody give me the Ragha 101 for retards qrd?
it is a complex and layered meme
the result of many iterations of /domg/ culture
lurk more

>the only honest nation is EA Ulm
Dishonesty is a measurement of how elf-like a nation is

>stealth on all units
Extremely dishonest
>>stealth on all units
>Extremely dishonest
stealth only on mundane units
no stealthy sacred troops
also no stealth on the best mage: warrior smith

Even it's use of the most dishonest mechanic is honest
the honesty of the nation is so pure it turns a dishonest mechanic honest
You don't win the game with only the sacred troops, they're your scapel
The bulk of your army are stealthy bitches
Luv me warrior maidens
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let the shilling commence once again

Here we have a little guessing game
anyone know what this spell does?
if you have been terminally online in the thread for a month and paying attention, you should recall

give me your guesses. Answer is in the spoiler


It casts returning on your enemies. They get zoinked back to their home province
Does the mass blink spell now also blink your own troops?
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it does
However I have a suspicion that this will make the spell much worse. Being that your troops are squishier than average and many have ranged attacks. You are kind of giving away your advantage if they get mixed in to the enemy troops. Whereas enemy troops getting dispersed and picked off is almost always a benefit (assuming it is onesided)

we will see how it plays out
surprised no one went for tzeentch yet
it has some of the coolest and most unique effects by far (I also like the aesthetic Sombre achieved for them)
It should cost negative gems, if that's possible.
it is not
it is MR negates
maybe I make it give your troops MR and then the second effect is the blink?
so fewer of them get blinked?

IDK, I want to see someone really use it first
Which nations are you wanting to test again?
the unchosen ones are
Khorne (I think the guy has submitted two tendies)
Altdorf (low priority, I am playing Nuln which is very similar)
Middneheim (low priority, ditto to Altdorf)
Beastlands (low priority I didn't much to them)
Itza (high priority, I want to see if their throne spawning spells work as intended)
Nurgle (low priority I didn't do much to them)
Black Crag (low priority someone is trying out the other ork faction)
scratch that someone just joined as tzeentch
pbem or blitz? When do you plan to start?
of course

probably tomorrow

I wouldn't be opposed to blitzses if there was interest, but somehow I doubt people would want to play an unfinished product in a blitz

could be wrong
brb joining as all of these simultaneously
>unfinished product in a blitz
probably better to iterate fast with blitzes desu
though the turnout is pretty small for even vanilla blitzes
yeah obviously doing blitzses allows lower latency on feedback and changes

but the bottleneck is people's willingness to join
I would think people would be more willing to join blitz with an unfinished mess since it's lower commitment to something that's probably going to be very flawed
I sure would, but the problem is scheduling a time when enough people can make it.
I see blitzses as way more of a commitment honestly
an unbroken 4 hour block vs 10-30 minutes anytime in a 24 period?
>10-30 minutes anytime in a 24 period
But you need to do them every single day (sometimes twice a day) for the next few weeks/months, and the total time spent will be something like 20-50 hours assuming you live until the end (tall order for domggers I know). They're far more of a weighty choice to join unless you're the CEO father of five who only has lunch breaks to game.
so what? i find it fun

I also brush my teeth twice a day and eat 3 times a day every day for decades

For the simply MA game I'll start in 12 hours to give everyone time for any last minute changes
Also is everyone chill with settings?
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Don't stop me now
Don't stop me
'Cause I'm having a good time, having a good time
I'm a super combatant leaping through the sky like a golem
Defying the laws of DRN
I'm a racing car, passing by like Annunaki of Love
I'm gonna go, go, go, there's no stopping me

Earlier in the match R'lyeh actually managed to score Dreams kill on Dai Oni with 25ish MR, I think that was impressive
>less than 10 land provs per player
newfagmin strikes again
>he thinks badmin already picked a map
Is this overload? What the hell's even happening in that game bro
>and the total time spent will be something like 20-50 hours assuming you live until the end
vs doing a blitz every weekend?
Why can't you see that 5 hours of concentrated gameplay is far less of a time sink than 10-30 minutes every day for two months
I find them fun too, I just consider how I'll feel about turn fatigue in a month and what else I'd want to do with the free time before committing, far more so than a blitz. And I certainly don't weigh the time against basic functioning human stuff.
The comparison was weighing the commitment of a (1) blitz game vs a (1) PBEM. You don't have to join every blitz if you don't feel like it, but you do have to get your turns done if you don't want to stale (probably throw the game/get called out in thread) or go AI early (definitely throw the game).
For the anon who's been bitching about Titan of the Forge/Allfather not getting recup in SCBM, here's the possible workaround:
I can add an event that forces him to get a limp whenever he doesn't have one. This would make his recup less effective, since sometimes it would heal his instantly-returning limp instead of a "real" affliction, but it's still better than no recup.
I can't do the same thing here, since losing an eye stacks. Each turn he would lose another eye and there's no way to limit it to one eye missing. This would require some extra bullshit.
>remove Allfather's missing eye starting affliction
>give him an extra misc slot and make him start with a cursed eye loss item (these are unaffected by recup)
>add an event that automatically forces him to regain that eye loss item if he doesn't have it (like if he's killed and recalled)
I've already tested these and have them both working, so there's no reason I couldn't add them to the next version.
>I can add an event that forces him to get a limp whenever he doesn't have one
Why can't you just give them the same thing everyone else has? Literally just give them recuperation. Nobody will care.
I've AI'd both PBEMs i played here after a month because I genuinely couldn't be arsed to be doing turns anymore, and because my meticulously planned battles ended in stalemates unsatisfying anyway. I learned to hate waterniggers though, I know trouble when I see water.
I will watch a ton of 10 minute youtube videos
bruh I have not watched a 4 hour youtube video in my life

a 4 hour block is way more commitment than 10 minutes a day
>The comparison was weighing the commitment of a (1) blitz game vs a (1) PBEM. You don't have to join every blitz if you don't feel like it, but you do have to get your turns done if you don't want to stale (probably throw the game/get called out in thread) or go AI early (definitely throw the game).

it is a false comparison though

you are telling me that in that several month period (that the PBEM player is in his game) you are only playing one blitz?
>I can add an event that forces him to get a limp whenever he doesn't have one. This would make his recup less effective, since sometimes it would heal his instantly-returning limp instead of a "real" affliction, but it's still better than no recup.

can't you just reduce their stats to be in line with having the affliction?

In vanilla removing their affliction doesn't seem to be like an intended thing, more like a byproduct of the way afflictions themselves work
This is why I weigh PBEMs as a big commitment, so I won't sign myself up for games I won't be enjoying or putting in the effort to win come lategame.
>you are telling me that in that several month period you are only playing one blitz
I personally would play more because I want to. I don't *have* to though, that's the point of contention. I'm not committed to having a freed up saturday for the gigablitz every weekend for the foreseeable future.
A correct analogy would be watching an 80-part series of 10 minute videos on the same subject, and you have to make some progress through it every night before bed. It is less commitment per day, but you better really like the subject matter.
It's a matter of SOVL, you wouldn't understand. Hephaestus is deformed, Odin sacrificed his eye for power. Negating these highly thematic features would violate flavor for "balance".
Why not fucking half his move/map speed and call it a day
>A correct analogy would be watching an 80-part series of 10 minute videos on the same subject, and you have to make some progress through it every night before bed. It is less commitment per day, but you better really like the subject matter.
vs doing it all in one go?
yeah I am going to do the 10 minutes per day
I didn't say negate them
I said give them the affects of the affliction manually
can even give odin the one-eye tag
nothing changes except they lose the little affliction heart and you can't heal it anymore

in spirit they would still have the effects of the affliction. Add it to the flavor text
But can't they heal their afflictions in vanilla? That would be a straight nerf, and we know slop's doesn't nerf ANYTHING. don't look at the resource cost of crossbows
it wouldn't be a straight nerf, because they would get recup now
I like them actually having the affliction and baking it into their stats has some weird effects like TotF becoming a cripple with a limp instead of going straight to crippled, but if anons prefer the stats baked in with no workaround fuckery, I'll do it that way.
Far caster happens after the unit is blessed? It's obivously so but I have the feeling it's one of those weird exceptions
Oh, so it's only a compensating nerf for recuperation. Then let's give every chassis compensating nerfs.
>Far caster happens after the unit is blessed?
Yes. The exceptions say "(all) sacred units/commanders" like larger and morale do. Otherwise, it says "blessed units." But I wouldn't be surprised if there's a case where Illwinter got it wrong.
going more than 3 turmoil doesn't add any points for bone nose tribe
I thought that was the map so I didn't join, you sure it's not the map? He asked if the settings are good and never mentioned a new map
Hello I love Xibalba
Nagashizzar here. Will probably be switching to Vampira. When attempting to submit a new pretender I noticed there was another update so I might have to check what's changed.

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