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Previous thread >>499019995
Birthday edition

Reminder to report and ignore shitposters
>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>Danganronpa News, Interviews and Articles
Latest: DRS Released on Steam.
Old news updated 23/7/22: https://pastebin.com/pnwKUj3d

>/drg/'s spoiler-free guide for the series *MUST READ IF YOU ARE NEW*

>Game links *contains links to official store pages for each game*

>Download pastebin *contains DOWNLOADS "wink", art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

>/drg/ resources: *contains links to ship tags, modding tools/guides, fanart, fics, and dr-related artists*

>in the event of pastebin getting nuked
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Best mage Himiko! I hope you all have a wonderful day! For those of you posting about how much you love your waifu or husbando I have a message for you They love you too
Not one dangan shares my birthday
We all want to be her chair.
Bot post
I'm a real person!
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Although my birthday comes right after Despair Sisters one.
Getting a birthday lapdance from Mukuro and Junko sounds like a dream come true.
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I wouldn't be able too... I'm not sporty enough to hold a chair position for a long time, especially if someone putting pressure on me with their body.
Mine is couple days after Chiakers and Chihiro
No, they'll probably just eat my birthday cake on their birthday since it's two of them and so I wouldn't be able to get any on mine on the next day.
Getting yelled at for failing to hold still would be nice too
No, I mean like if you literally transformed into her chair by magic. You wouldn't be able to talk or move, but you would still keep your senses. You would be able to see, smell, feel, taste, and hear. And the seat part of the chair would be like where your face would be as a human.
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Happy birthday best shota!
Well that's horrifying
Really? I think it would be awesome. Like you said, it would be hard to hold that position if you were a human, but for a chair it would be effortless. You wouldn't need to worry about breathing either so she could really sit on your nonstop for a long time.

More importantly though, don't you think you would be pretty nervous being around a beautiful girl like Junko? Interactions between humans is hard enough as it is... being able to become an object allows you to get up close and personal with her without any of the burden that comes with interpersonal relationships. She could just walk up and sit down without saying a word or even making eye contact.
I had a dream tonight.
I was visiting Kirumi in her room and she served tea.
For some reason she really was pissed off at me. I knew this because the tea, she served me, had too much sugar in it.
It was a weird dream.
>For some reason she really was pissed off at me
She's pissed because you aren't living your life to its fullest.
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>don't you think you would be pretty nervous being around a beautiful girl like Junko?
I would be, but not because Junko is beautiful but because she can throw a fucking grenade at me.
who is this character
I definitely need a wheelchair Monaca girl to hold my chain while I cosplay Servant Komaeda.
From the spin off Ultra Despair Girls
Has anyone ever wondered how Izuru does mundane things like eating, brushing teeth, changing underwear, peeing and pooping?
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I love Mikan Tsumiki
Mikan doesn't love you. She latches on to whoever is giving her attention at the moment.
Then ill keep giving her more and more attention
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convince me to play this game
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me too xister
But I did.
Otherwise I wouldn't have visited her
Well she won't throw a grenade at her chair, so it works out.
He's dead.
Grimace Shake reference?
I'm not American what the fuck is a Grimace Shake
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Who up shakin' their grimace
Who is this character?
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Shake your grimance to find out
I don't understand, which Danganronpa game is she from?
She's from the novels, learn to read
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Which one?
Danganronpa: Echoes of Deceit
I can't find it, Can you send me a link?
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It was included in the SDR2 demo version on the PSP which is very rare to find these days
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Me when I lie on the internet
Fuuka from persona
Lie bullet detected
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Please delete this
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Who is this character
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We are following the same artist.
Why is there a vibrator on her table?
Because I'm not enough to satisfy her...
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That's a normal thing you use after a rough loss
Aww yeah, Chiaki pic- NOOOOOO
You're gay now.
CLAMP esque proportions
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I love my grand wife!
have you consummated the marriage
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I'm not from USA, but I use social media.
Are you man enough for her?
I feel insulted
Added this info to my avatarfag folder.
You have one? Who's in it?
It was a Mcdonalds limited time shake that was disgustingly bad, people only bought it to taste how bad it was, since it's so bad people joked it would kill you.
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you're the reason everything sucks now
Blame Steve Jobs for making the iPhone.
Why? I can't see my country here.
What is this a graph for?
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number of sexual partners of average female by age 20
Chiaki Nanami
was tempted to post chiaki nanami showing a slimy stain on her panties but it felt like it was dangerously close to nsfw
dw that sort of thing is safe here, go ahead
it is nsfw and u should kill yourself for even considering that shit you degenerate incel.
What if Chiaki ovulating?
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split opinion
we don't need to see that.
Lipstick dangans look cuuursed
I love lipstick but I agree that image feels off.
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You wouldn't marry the school bicycle... right?
If it turns me into a superhuman demigod? Sign me right up.
-fag is a tranny!
Pics 3 and 4 should be reversed. What dumbass made this pic?
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Wait, what do 3 and 4 have anything to do with ntr?
And how can you penetrate a hymen, it's a freaking hymen, it's already has a hole, if it didn't women would explode with blood that would store inside.
Does this really happen to women?
Mikan is not a whore!
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No, women usually don't pee boiling water
Not her fault, Mikan was taken advantage of, I forgive her.
Will you continue to forgive her as she keeps having extramarital relations?
My Mikan will never do such a thing, she just needs some loving :D
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Reminder to take your bro to the gym so he can get stronger.
Izuru is canonically the ultimate cuckold
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If your dangan isn't on here, they're irrelevant.
>Izuru is a Kaedefag
>Wait, what do 3 and 4 have anything to do with ntr?
Obviously another guy is fucking and taking your girlfriend's virginity
Just finished rain code
It was mid, kodaka should go back to working alone
What was the reception for it?
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I really adore (some) of the ancient 2010-2015 DR tumblr fanarts. The majority of it is cringy but it's really charming, considering DR wasn't popular at all except the small cult following it had.
Ooooh. I thought you're like, getting cucked by her hymen and your sperm.
Lot of people loved RC and thought it was better than DR. People are looking forward to a sequel with Kurumi but I think the sequel will be with a new character altogether.
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You saved a miniature image DORK
DR was popular in 2015
Why the fuck are Kaede, Rantaro and Celeste here over Maki, Kaito, Sayaka and Byakuya? Why do these three always get merch and promotion compared to everyone else that isn't the major characters in that pic?
Ayooo this nigga likes irrelevant characters hahaha
Pink girls sure are something
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You mean murderer?
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Korerkiyo wishes he was as popular as Kaede, Shuichi, Kokichi and Rantaro.
You know its more complicated than that
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Is it? Or do you want it to be the case?
>In the non-canon Danganronpa V3's Ultimate Talent Development Plan, Chihiro tells Mondo about his real gender rather early on and Mondo appears to take it well. The two train together, with Mondo considering it "a promise between men". For a long time, Mondo was the only one who knew Chihiro's secret, as Chihiro told the other students about it around the time his school years ended.
Yes I'd say so.
thank uu :3
>Mondo supports trannies
Ew. He was better when he bashed chihiro's head in.
>In the non-canon
Talent plan is non canon insofar as it didn't actually happen, but the interpersonal dynamics exhibited in it are true to their characters.
The characters ls might be the same but the relationship not.
>Sometime after Mondo and Chihiro's deaths, the remaining survivors found a high school picture of the two laughing with Leon, possibly meaning that the two were friends prior to the Tragedy. In Danganronpa 3, Mondo is shown working with Chihiro to help seal up the school.
Doesn't matter, Kirigiri framed Naegi boy as well.
Troonhiro literally invaded female spaces for 3 years before finally deciding to reveal his "true" gender and then expects people to accept him, what a fucking creep
He and his fans deserve to be castrated (if they haven't done it already lol)
How does this make the murder more complicated?
Because it happened due to temporary insanity, not because Mondo wasn't his bro. He instantly regretted it too.
What are you, a radical feminist?
Ah yes, my favourite ship.
Hakagure x Soda can
Girls didn't want him around so Hinata organized his own baking night.
With blackjack and hookers.
Kiyotroon is a radfem? BASED.
Unfortunately in the world of danganronpa they're all libfems who are fine and content with trannies and faggots alike.
Because he's the most popular and most V3 dangan shilled in merch and other stuff after the big 3
goodnight /drg/
I was late again. Tomorrow for sure.
And why?
Is there anything sadder than a male feminist?
Some men are willing to do anything for a crumb of coochie.
Their hair would not look like this in heavy rain
There's a lot of hardened cum in their hair that provides it a stiff resilient structure
>images that precede unfortunate events (rape)
A dangan dance but everyone plans to part ways leaving mukuro and maki alone in the middle of the dance floor to awkwardly try and dance
He's just like me frfr
>There's a lot of hardened cum in their hair
Shit nonny would never say if she had the displeasure of smelling stale cum
Nonny you work at a brothel?
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No, it's real.
Kyokoniggers are retarded
They are both snakes. Makoto belongs to Mukuro.
Makoto belongs to Mukuro.
Supremely based
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Hinatan has been neglecting me lately... Going as far as to cheat on me with Shadow The Hedgehog. How despairing. Truly. And i was the one to hug Sonic while thinking of him.
The furtherest i went was talking with other anons, never outright ignoring him... What use is it being a taken anon now...
I'm probably being too whiny. Hmph. But to do such a thing after our previous conversation! Hinatan is totally heartless! He needs to sort out his priorities, seriously. One more offense and he's getting tied up and picrel treatment.
Mukuro Maki and and Taeko bonding over understated dark colored clothing
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Can't say he didn't succeed.
What about their underwear?
Maki is a discount Mukuro with sonic autism
So better in every way?
Mukuro "yamcha" ikusaba
>forgot to rename file
>he doesn't know file is just a generic name that appears when you ctrl-v an image
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Sakura was too tall to fit in this meme
Pretty based
Makotokekolds deserve all the bullying they get
They don't get bullied.
i wonder if there are any dangans on basedbooru
I just love it when a client asks, "How much is it going to cost?" When I tell them their best match is with X company, they raise their voice at me after I tell them I'm unable to provide them with an estimate and that only the licensed agent can give them that information. I had this one client ask me how we determine which provider is the best match. After I explained it to him 5 times in a row he kept repeating the same question over and over until I finally rebutted him with the "Unfortunately, I do not have that information. You will have to ask the licensed agent for that information" until finally, he hung up. Jesus Christ old man.
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>ai sloppa
/drg/ has fallen.
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What do you actually do at your workplace?
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Verify personal info of consumers and upsell them insurance, ask them questions such as "Have you filed any claims within the past 5 years?" and then transfer them to licensed insurance agents.
She is so damn fine
You scam people out of their livelihoods?
Nope. We don't sell their personal information. We only work with licensed insurance agents from reputable companies and they don't want us calling them they can opt out to receive calls and text messages.
Well you did say you're upselling them on some insurance they don't need.
"Upsell" them in the since to encourage them to want to receive a quote if they say no. We don't have to force a quote on them after we rebuttal them once if they say no once we move on. Think of it like a sales representative at a retailer. It's a part of the company policy.
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Holy humongous
You must be quite extroverted to work with people so much. I spill my spaghetti on phonecalls.
Because he's hot and has a nice mysterious vibe to him.
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I NEED to suffocate myself in Makoto`s ass.
Shut up Sayaka
This but >>499368698
She isn't a shotacon tho-
Makoto isn't a shota.
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actually he belongs to owwie
it's eerie how similar they are and sound.
because they share the same seiyuu
but it's not just that but their names are practically the same but jumbled up
Komaeda is basically Naegi's Wario.
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He is a quasishota, as he meets all but one requirement. He has a babyface, and acts like a child, but although he's short, he isn't child-sized.
Then whose the Waluigi to Komaru?
What in the Devil are you chappering about?
I think that's an AI bot post
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I love my loli 'n' shota <3
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Beautiful girl
My Kaede gf told me to get ready for November...
It's going to get cold. You need to buy new warm clothes and you with your Kaede gf need to hold hands tighter otherwise you both plummet on icy road.
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Yep. Once Trump wins, the left is going to get violent. We're gonna have to fortify our homes and businesses as well as stock up on supplies and self defense equipment.
It's funny watching people play V3 after DR2 and after meeting Rantaro being like "Oh brother, this again..." thinking he's Nagito 2.0. Like one of the people I watched playing after Rantaro finished talking about himself said "I hope your talent is dying first, because I can't deal with this for the whole game again"
What do yall think about Sonia Nevermind I made.
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just finished the anime, Nanami... T_T
Underbutt him!!! Yeee
Happy Ougoku Wednesday!
Reverse it.
dw fatty ur body is fortified enough. everything bounces off ur blubber.
Her foot is fucking massive
Wgy did Hajime talk with a hallucination
Thought it was Korekiyo at first.
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best girl
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Nice gamer wifebeater
He's an incel
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Do you think Chiaki hits Hajime with her Nintendo switch?
he took his lithium
Flustered Mahiru is cute
-fag is a tranny!
who's cutefag
Me = lonely
Let's play gartic phone or something today
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Meeee I like cute dangans
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My Kaede gf when she's about to leave to go to Chad's place for the weekend
My Kaede gf when Chad is coming over for the weekend and she's about to kick me out of the house
Is that suppsosed to be Souda's or Gundam's child?
Cute either way!
Those are Peko and Sonia's daughters with Nekoramu
They babysit them while they are fucking
Lay off the NTR doujins Shuichi!
Leave dangans out of your own mentally deranged fetish.
isn't shuichi just that posters /drg/ nickname, like kiyotroon, mahirufag, hinatan etc?
No, it's kaedecuck at least (he's not real kaedefag)
kaedecuck = makoto = shuichi
ougonta = himikofag = thread poster
kiyotroon = transjimeposter
nagitofag2 = kamukun
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and hinatan = hajimefag/kamukuns e-bf
Saimatsu irl
shuichi is so lucky
What was her deal again? Was she evil? I memoryholed V3.
kiyotroon = despaircest = junkofag2
mahirufag = transjime = kaedecuck2 = incestfag = shitposter
mahirufag = fuukafag = soniafag
Every poster here wants to be the bf in this situation
Shitposter isn't a name, it's a term. They're all fucking shitposters.
No u. what contributions have u made to the thread recently? thats what i thought...
>shitposter got mad
Let's choose the culprit! Puhuhuhu~
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I'm not good at math, what does this all mean
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2024, I am forgotten..
So is Danganronpa.
Maybe if you posted tits, fatty.
She was actually the prime minister of Japan and she saw in her memory video that Japan was gonna get destroyed so she tried to get out, whatever the price would be to save the country.
Pic makes it sound like she's doing it purely for herself.
Because it's a joke.
It's technically true but without any context.
I'm sad that her voice actress died. It buried any chances of new official V3 stuff involving her too.
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>Hundred Line comes out
>DR fandom becomes invested Gen Alphas
Why would you want tits if I'm supposedly fat?
It's wrong to like fat tits now?
>Why would you want tits if I'm supposedly fat?

Tits are SUPPOSED to be fat. We love fat tits.
V3 is so fucking stupid
>highschool maid is a prime minister
>high school tennis player is a killer convict
>mastermind's motivation would be completely nonsensical if the plot didn't get derailed by the protagonist
Guess Kodaka forgot it's supposed to be a bout high schoolers
It makes sense to me.
Nothing wrong here
Yeah desu i see it
You skipped the whole plot and ending. Their talents are artifically made, same with memories. Look at Gonta's FTE, it's supposed to be illogical.
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>Going as far as to cheat on me with Shadow The Hedgehog
I had a momentary lapse in judgement, it won't happen again. Though, can you blame me for being enamored with what is basically sonic universe version of Kamukura? Imagine if Kamukura got his own spinoff game...
>One more offense and he's getting tied up
Ah...? Hmm
No, I did the cardinal sin of playing the new Sonic (Shadow) game without messaging him and now I face the consequences of my actions.
Luckiest bench ever
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Kaede becomes real and she loves you and wants to marry you but she has to have sex with another man while you watch once a month to remain being real
Do you do it?
What's the downside?
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I would like to enjoy Kaede without the cucking, thanks.
I want to fix Mukuro and make her realize that being abused by your sister isn't actually hot and cool.
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It is hot though maybe not cool
Mukuro needs to learn that being the abuser is way better than being abused. Then Junko and Mukuro team up to abuse me sexually.
How would being abused by IKUSABA MUKURO differ from being abused by Junko?
I like it when my Kaede gf dangles my chastity key around
Junko's abuse is characterized by psychological torment, deception, and emotional manipulation. She often plays mind games, making her victims question their reality and motivations. Mukuro's approach might be more about physical dominance, intimidation, and showing strength in combat scenarios. Her interactions may lack the psychological manipulation that Junko employs.
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>dresses like a dangan
>acts like a dangan
>speaks like a dangan
>titled "The Ultimate Gentleman Spy"
Austin Powers is a dangan
>If Kamukura got his own spin off game
Hmm... I'd actually really like a UDG sequel with the same characters + more scenes of Komaeda and especially Kamukura. Preferably together. And you know what I'd do then? I'd message you excitedly, download the game, then tell you I'll be off playing it for the next 10 hours. Hmph.
>Ah...? Hmm
Oh, y'know. I'll just take special care to make sure you could never forget me again.
Okay guys, serious talk. Who’s getting Hundred-Line?
goodnight /drg/
My mom
Then what the fuck was the idea behind ultimate assassin who only killed out of self defense?
What about it
Izuru ToT
Kaede gf
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Thank you for bumping the thread for our sake.
Let it die
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>I'd message you excitedly, download the game, then tell you I'll be off playing it for the next 10 hours. Hmph.
Oh. Yeah, I probably...deserve that. Ouch.
>I'll just take special care to make sure you could never forget me again.
These are dangerous words. You shouldn't say things you're not prepared to own up to.
You're welcome
I have practice bumping my hand while I watch my Kaede gf with other men
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It's ouming time.
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Kaede: Let's go to the music lab!

Shuichi: Akamatsu-chan is so cute...


Shuichi: You're too close...we're touching...

Kaede: What is it?


Kaede: But we always slept together like this 10 years ago...

Shuichi: Uu... <- fully erect
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Kaede: Here,try playing this little piano! You're so cute,Saihara-kun.


Kaede: Huh?! You're saying we'll get married 10 years in the future?

Shuichi: Yes. Look,this is our wedding ring.

(It appears the +-10 versions are not the originals aged up and down,but copies of them from the future and past.)
I want a copy of my dangan...
Which Dangan is widely accepted as the most unpopular ronpa?
Hagakure, Hifumi for DR1
Akane and Nidai for DR2
In the future we will have dangan robots. See you in 2030.
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He needs the D
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>You shouldn't say things you're not prepared to own up to.
And what if i am?
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Oh look, here comes Miu. Convieniant.
Fuck... if I wasn't at work right now I would have started to touch myself.
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Thanks for telling the class, anon.
When it comes to busty blondes I can't help myself.
Shoot yourself in the head. Your family will not miss you.
Round 2, what do you think about these 2D Vocaloid danganvideos?

They would miss me. Also, I don't want to die.
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Sounds like a medical condition
Are you a doctor? I think it's a pretty healthy response.
Wanted to make a banger post but I forgot what it was about the second I put my fingers on the keyboard.
You're a worthless nobody who contributes nothing to society or real life.
Your mother pities the man you could have been.
I have a job and pay taxes.
Don't worry nonny i support your banger post. it was so funny i still remember it 2 weeks ago so keep posting!
Chiakifag also used the exact same excuse. Maybe you're him.
You're not me, and Chiakifag isn't this degenerate.
Chiaki isn't blonde.
Cuckposter goons to Kirigiri too though.
Chiakifag isn't the cuckposter. Kill yourself.
We were talking about Miu? Nobody said anything about cucks or Kyoko.
>Chiakifag isn't this degenerate.
I use like 7 different personalities in this thread, this means nothing
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Stop yapping, more fapping
No one cares about you. Kill yourself.
I like these minimalistic but still sharp pencil drawings.
If Tenko said this to me, I would immediately shut up and start stroking.
Very scratchy lines
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Imagine having that kind of power over a mofo. All of the possibilities.
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Izuru <3
I can only think of one possibility.
'zuru + weapon = moe
Glorping Dangans
There's this one schizo on /a/ and /v/ who is deadly convinced that Kaede was killed off to appease jealous feminists.
Makes no sense, feminists are the ones who bitched the most about her being killed off and replaced by a male.
buying it day one
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>Okay guys, serious talk. Who’s getting Hundred-Line?
On one hand it looks kind of lame to me, on the other hand I thought the same about V3 but I ended up having fun when I played it.
I had a hard time noticing any coherent takes in his rambling but he said something about Kaede being punished for being too sexually aggressive to reassure femcels. He started insulting Kyoukofags too.
What does that mean?
I'm not. Kodaka doesn't deserve my money spending on his low effort game with lame characters. Thanks for asking.
Honestly, I'm quite introverted in real life. I've become so used to interacting with people every day over the phones, and it's helping improve my personal and social skills. I admit when I first got a customer service job I fumbled a lot on my calls but thankfully I'm fortunate enough to have a supportive team and resources to help me grow my business. It also helps that my new job uses heavy scripting (while also occasionally improvising)
The year is 2024. The average 4channer can't into piracy.
It means you fill them with so much cum, they glorp
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Me when Nagisa
I love this V3 normalfag dynamic but apparently it's controversial.
We support indie developers here.
I would buy if it went on a good discount but they must have blown all their money cause the games just keep getting more expensive.
You weren't gonna support him anyway.
I will not piracy this game. Fuck you Kodaka.
>Kodaka went into debt making his new game
>game looks worse than average fangan
>Kodaka is begging people to buy his games now
>game looks worse than average fangan
It's also going to be a finished game
Which is something it has over the average fangan
I'll get it
When I met you last night baby
Before ya opened up ya gap
I had respect for ya lady
But now I take it all back
Because you gave me all your pussy
And you even licked my balls
Leave your number on the cabinet
And I promise baby I'll give you a call
Next time I'm feelin' kind of horny
You can come on over and I'll break you off
And if you can't fuck that day baby just lay back and open your mouth
Cause IIIIII have neverrrrr met a girrrrlll
That I love in the whole wide worrrrrllddd
Are fangan sloppa fun?


Crude and uncute
>EVN trash

No its most likely tumblrslop
That song is pretty misogynistic but somehow Nate Dogg makes it sound smooth af when singing it meanwhile the other verses by Snoop Dogg and Kurupt are disrespectful and rude af.
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I'll buy it because it looks more interesting than V3.
nf at the top when she sees me
And I'm the bottom version... sigh....
yes, makoto, if you are an ugly hifumi freak and you say nasty shit people are going to be creeped out but if u look like miu irl and say the same thing it will be hot or funny. this is the way its always been.
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Would you take your Dangan plushie out in public?
Yes maybe another DR would talk to me about it.
I'd let others fuck it
I have a feeling yours is a Kaede plush.
BIG Junko
DR fan*
I need to swallow me whole
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Mr. Krabs...
I wanna feed that non-Dangan you keep posting to Junko, and watch her digest, adding to her luscious curves
I wish it was me
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Angry Kaede is cute
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>testing the waters
Why is she like this?
She autistic
Nagito I get but why do girls simp over Byakuya
Byakuya is easier to understand why than Nagito
They did before dr2
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Dobry deń.
Where is Sakura?
This isnt funny but I chuckled fuck you
She's a disgusting ogre, who would ever think about her sexually?
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I just realized that Junko's boobs would be really soft if you tried to touch them.
snapping Tenko's choker
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you know it smell crazy in there
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Smell crazy lavender! I'm sure Komaru made her bath and put deodrant on. They're both cute girls so obviously they smell nice.
>hot mean blonde who treats toko (and the player character to some extent) like his dog
nagito's the one who's harder to understand desu
Women aren't Toko IRL
i don't get what that's supposed to mean in the context of responding to my post
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>Sorry, could you repeat it one more time?
>that's why... I WANT TO GO PISS!
You're black
danganronpa sex gifs
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They do? I thought Byakuya is a laughing stock of the fandom both for male and female fans.
I don't get it
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Bunny Makoto qt
Nagito only has one hand (which is holding the cup thing, so he can't hold the cut iself)
Oh I get it now thanks. I thought he was just doing the fruity hide hand in your sleeve thing
Unf hhgggnnn!!
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I already knew that.
Even tho he's really irrelevant, he's really special to me.
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When she hawks your tuah epic style
Sex with Sushi
They're just too cute together, if only she had lived we would have had a pairing to surpass Naegiri
My Kaede gf makes me wear the dress to prep the bull...
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Me and my Kaede gf consuming our daily dose of interracial porn before going to sleep
He looks like he fucks mechanic chicks
Femcel radfem souda(fag)...
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Hunt gone wrong
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Lol k
They look like heads of those old paper dolls you need to print and fold
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Where do i get Chiaki's sweater/jacket in real life?
Cosplay exist.
Ali Express
I want a real life jacket that's like hers that's good quality and lasts for long beyond cosplay.
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...I think we should move this elsewhere.
Unfortunate timing on your part sending these just when we both logged off. I did enjoy these more than the MMDs though, actual art and animations will always look less uncanny to me. I like the colors on the V3 one.
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What would you need it for?
Man same, i wanna have dangan clothes that aren't some plastic polyester crap
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In about 5 minutes anon will come here to say good night.
goodnight /drg/
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Hmph. Say what you want to say outright... There's no elsewhere. Hinatan, surely you aren't embarrassed of me?
Hajime anon (2)'s on-topic bait strikes again. I appreciate that you learned from last time, however Hinatan is the Hajimefag here. My favourite character is Komaeda, actually. Although it's a very close competition with Kamukura.
This video is really well drawn and well made overall. Although my japanese skills are seriously being tested here.
And i ended up finding [https://youtu.be/SZVvkagUhi4?si=TocYz_vw-mgDVJf2] In the reccomendations, which is a pretty good although sad PV. You'd think the song where it is just the words "I am trash" being repeated 50 times would better fit Komaeda, but i appreciate the creativity.
Hmm... I like V3 most when it is about the entire pregame personalities and meta aspect of the game. I remember there used to be fanfictions where in the author's note and description the author would purposely make it so it was Tsumugi writing them and it has all been a part of the plot.
Nice bra
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>mastermind's motivation would be completely nonsensical if the plot didn't get derailed by the protagonist
Nevermind all that. V3's mastermind is arguably the biggest retard in the series.
>deliberately created a setup where she:
>breaks the immersion of the killing games by revealing it's a show
>makes fun of the audience for liking the show
>gives the heroes the key they needed to figure out how to beat her
>SOMEHOW didnt think ANY of this would backfire
Tsumugi could have worked if she actually wanted to end the killing games, but this is never explored.
This doesn't sound right.
Tsumugi SHITTY fujo writer!
Tsumugi killing her own show!
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Does this means Souda gets with Mikan?
How come DR0 "Junko" was way funnier and wackier than what we got in Despair side? Also, how could Mukuro possibly impersonate her if she was portrayed as an absolute retard in DR3?
/sjg/ reference
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>surely you aren't embarrassed of me?
It's a bit different this time...I'm not used to this kind of role reversal. But I'm also not opposed to your bondage-adjacent interests however.
>You'd think the song where it is just the words "I am trash" being repeated 50 times would better fit Komaeda
I've actually seen this video before, I considered bringing it up in my previous reply, but I decided against it. I like the art, though mainly because I like that Hajime artist and how they draw his "assets". Though I like the creative decision to make his hair fade to black throughout the video leading up to the end. Also, while I wasn't aware of the lyrics up until this point, I think I could make an argument for it fitting Hajime better since I'm guessing it's a metaphor for tossing something out. Hajime loses a part of himself in turning into Kamukura while also not valuing his previous state enough. Treating himself like trash. It's here you could probably also go on a tangent on how he and Nagito are alike and parallel them and whatnot, but that's not within my league of interest.
She has a boyfriend
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Fucking caught a stray while scrolling twitter
The first time I linked you that Kamukura and Komaeda MMD I thought I was gonna score a double jackpot, but I got brutally shot down instead! Although in my previous post I actually did want to drop a Komaeda centric 2D video as well but the combination of my failing memory and Japanese artists nuking their accounts randomly makes it hard to look up videos I enjoyed a lot last time I was going through my Danganronpa phase. Really annoying. I spent a lot of time scouring Youtube, Niconico and Bilibili for one specific video today but I still haven't found it. The video you linked is another one of the ones I linked but I figured dropping too many links at once would be inconsiderate. I think >>499695338 is right that the lyrics do fit him in a way, it's just that unlike Komaeda, his character less vocal about these feelings in an over the top way.
That being said, I was silently hoping I could fish some interesting DR music content from you as well when I posted that hehe.
Here's a Komaeda and Hinata/Kamukura combo for you. I'm not a fan of Bilibili but I could (no longer) find it on YT:

>I like V3 most when it is about the entire pregame personalities and meta aspect of the game.
Oho? Elaborate on this.
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Hmm... Hm.
>T · A · T
I got the song's meaning slightly work, upon rewatching [https://youtu.be/dlmDDcRDByc] and reading the lyrics, i realize this song is actually perfect for Hajime. That artist did a really good job with the idea, execution and art itself. And i literally thought 'Oh, Hinatan will definitely like this if only for Hajime's assets' Why did you decide against bringing it up, though?
Your interpretation hits the mark. And i hadn't even noticed the fade to black thing. The ending was expected but it didn't feel as the other PVs... Again, good execution. A lot of artists get really lazy with the art and don't bother drawing for just a few frames yet this video was made with care and love.
The lyrics are about tossing everything out, including sentimental treasures and interpersonal relationships and 'worthless' people and by the end the character (The vocaloid/character's named Kagamine Rin, by the way. She's better than Miku) ends up throwing the most worthless person -herself- out.
It definitely fits with Hajime throwing away his life and character and bonds and everything he might've had as cleaning up everything useless, as catharsis.
Him and Hajime are a kind of parallel but not in that way. Komaeda was set around the concept of Contradiction. Despite having such low self esteem, it isn't quite the geniune and deep complex of Hajime. He has pride and trust in his Talent and of being above the reserve course students and normal people at the very least, however, he still believes he's not like the rest of the Talented. Perhaps missing something they naturally have, akin to talent or, a simple consequence of being cursed from birth, so he can't ever be like them. Komaeda and Hajime are about a good few steps away from each other on the self esteem bladder, with Komaeda being on top.
Holy shit shut the fuck up already
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But nobody is posting anything anyway, I just wanted to talk about Danganronpa music videos bros...
me when im in an essay writing competition and my opponent is a hajimefag
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:}> face girl is my favorite kodaka archetype
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Dandadan in an hour!
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What the fuck is her problem?
Needs correction
Corrective rape specifically
>mukuro has only 1 event with Makoto in the v3 boardgame but three with fucking Rantaro
What is this horseshit
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Get in here
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Starting in 5 minutes
get in here or die
This arouses me.
She is designed to arouse you
I love that.
I've been watching dandadan and it's dadadamn good
You should be watching it with us right now.
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It's so good I ended up reading manga for the first time in my life
Nagito sex
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Why is it so dead tonight...it's FRIDAY GUYS
Yes it is...
Because Rantaro is the writers` self-insert Cucker.
He cucked Kaede from both Shuichi and Tsumugi in V3.
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Move to a better time zone
Say something nice about your dangan's dangan
Breast size
Sonia is literally me so she is cute and perfect and the best in every way
Based Kazuichifags
Komaru is pretty cute for someone average, but that may be because I'm her brother.
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What do you mean by that? You mean dangan who's my dangan has a strong connection to, or who would my dangan's favorite dangan be if he was playing Danganronpa?
Dzień dobry
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Lol, so both of you wanted to link that specific video but didn't. What if i hadn't bothered to click on it and share too?
Don't worry about being 'inconsiderate' I might take a while before responsing but i really like dangan music videos. Back when i had just gotten into the fandom i am pretty sure i finished watching every single DR Meme/MV/Animation/Animatic/Literally everything on youtube. But that was all the way back in 2017/2018, so i haven't seen any of the recent stuff.
>Fish DR content
I am planning on digging through my playlists and likes and finding some of the things i liked back then, however i unfortunately don't have time right now. That will be done, someday.
I liked the first one, although when i went to click on similar others on that website Bilibili attempted to download itself without consent. Thanks, bilibili... great...
That site has a lot of gold that's not anywhere else on the internet for whatever reason, so China gets super stubborn and makes using the site as obnoxious as possible. I'll have to get on my pc, dammit. Why seperate basic web functions like that?
I really liked the second video. I've known that song for years and only now read the english lyrics. Although, i've noticed the direction of those artists is really lacking. I recognise the intented feeling and purpose of each scene yet they feel disjointed. That's to be expected... And I'm not sure that i could do something better if i try, but it's still apparent. It's better when they simply redraw the scenes and panels of the original MV.
I ran out of space, so I'll write about it in another reply.
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His hair isn't stupid, it's actually cool-looking
PS. Servant Komaeda would give the most hearts to Kamukura, not post-sdr2 Hajime. And Komaeda wouldn't give Kamukura a No either what the hell, dude fell in love during the boat scene and kept asking to meet him again and talk for more. Though, i don't think Komaeda would ever give Hajime a Yes in any scenario...Second panel Komaeda is correct to every Non-Kamukura. Yes I've been annoyed at this image for a while.
sex with tenko
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Teen boobies
kys pedo
What's your problem homo? Angie is a healthy developed teen. She likes Atua, making out, and having sex.
Why homo?
Only a homo would think liking teen boobies is wrong
I thought people like you think gays=pedos not the opposite
Honestly, I've seen more pedos who hate gay people. They usually think that pedophilia = natural, homosexuality = unnatural.
Angie is the flattest dangan girl who isn't a loli. She has no boobies.
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Imagine if Chiaki came back, but she had major brain damage from the blunt trauma and blood loss she had to endure during her execution. For instance, she loses her ability to play video games very well. Forget getting the high score in Gala Omega, she struggles to so much as overcome casual mobile games. She's still dimly aware of the talent she once possessed, which makes her repeated failures all the more frustrating for her, but she still has fun playing games. The best part is, she always ends up forgetting what happened except for the most basic of details, so even a single game can always give a fresh experience for her. Her speech pattern is stunted and instead of being able to articulate complex concepts like talent, she simply whines for Hinata-kun to play with her. She gets lonely when he leaves her for too long, probably ptsd from her execution.

Whenever he does, she giggles softly and nuzzles against him, and basically she cuddles more than actually playing the game. Her love for him is the one of the only things her enfeebled mind can cling to, so whenever he has to get up - even to do things like make lunch for her - she cries and holds onto him. She holds him in a bear hug and begs for him to not leave her. Even though his strength easily outclasses hers, he can't do anything or else she would get hurt. So he has to very gently push her away, letting her fingers grasp the empty air, and seeing her eyes water as she realizes she has to say goodbye to her Hinata-kun yet again.

Then he comes back with the food and she acts like she hasn't seen him in forever, and then they hug and kiss. Of course, this cycle continues on and on... truly, her childish innocence in this state creates an eternal game utopia.
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>literally just the limbless hajime doujin but without the amputee fetish
why is chiakibro like this?
Imagine if Chiaki got to live a normal life as the average highschooler girl with her best friends and beloved class and got to eat many yummy crepes and visit many places and attend all the game cons in all the countries and get to beat Hinata-kun and Komaeda-kun all the times she wants to and have her own modded minecraft server with all her friends.
The fate of all extreme gamers....
I think we should leave the depraved mentally ill fujoshit where it came from. Unfortunately you'll never be the Hinata-kun in your unhinged self insert nor will Chiaki ever be like that or have anything to do with your fantasy. Consider therapy, or suicide.
It's cuckjime self insert delusions
It's the exact same scenario as that depraved Komahina limbless hajime doujin except with different characters. This sorts of scenarios are extremely common with that crowd, hence why we should leave them where they came from.
when the limbless hajime doujin did it it was really funny when chiakitard does it its weird and creepy
both are weird and creepy
No, not really. It wasn't funny and Hajime doesn't deserve that either and that artist should've outright considered suicide.
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Uh oh melty
>MF killed the thread
That one anon with a stick up her ass.
you XD
Meant for >>499770205
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Dick up her ass?
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It's a Love Hotel key, retard.
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Shit tier artist.
Prob doesn't like the shading cause I don't either but it's still fine art
Obscene and crude drawing.
Very cute gouma.
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Reminder that Sayaka is the cutest girl!
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Their Ouma sometimes looks like a kid with a down syndrome. Weird body proportions, also like anon said, shading is terrible.
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Meeee meeee~
*pets u* Very cute indeed :3
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I do not seek to change the course of your walk,
I just want to appreciate you as I let my time pass.
Under the vast sky, I can only hear you sweet talk,
Peace and dreams that can only be seen through a glass.

We live in a beautiful time, but fleeting,
Full of laughter and sighs that keep on repeating.
Days slip away, nothing is everlasting,
But admiring you make the days more lasting.

I look between your eyes, waiting for a sign.
Waiting for you to stop time one more time,
I hold your hand and time leaves my frame of mind,
But I've never felt it leave us behind.

My Chiaki, you take away my care for material things.
If time is gold, next to you I'm richer than a thousand kings.
The journey may be short, but it will never cease to be real,
And with every second, I can feel my heart heal.
welcome back chiakifag
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It's a hoodie.
He has been here

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Loving this new batch of fanart from the recent collab.
>It's better when they simply redraw the scenes and panels of the original MV.
I think it's better if it's somewhat inspired by the original but still uses creative liberties, like in that Abnormality video some frames were a 1:1 redraw but others were completely original. It works.
Your anti-Hinakoma bias is showing.

Really love the artstyle of this picture but when I looked up the artist's Twitter it was set to private. I thought the point of making art is to be seen. Do they just hate attention from foreigners?

This thread needs more Halloween spirit.
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That's Stevie, though.
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Tsk. I thought Hajime anon (1) replied at first... Ah well.
>but others were completely original. It works.
They can add frames to the original, but when they make up the majority of the video it can get a bit... messy. Either dull and boring with one drawn frame for 5 seconds, or too much animations, frames and vfx in 1 second.
>anti-Hinakoma bias
My reading comprehension of the original text* is showing.
>artist's Twitter
L bozo. I was already following them so i can still see all their art. They haven't posted anything mentioning making their account private except a discord link for a Hikoma server. Artists be like this sometimes. Maybe it's because their gallery got reposted onto danbooru.
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Ultra exclusive private twitter content.
>but when they make up the majority of the video it can get a bit... messy.
I think that Daijoyuu-san video with Shirogane that was linked earlier was actually better than the original, although it only covered the last part of the song.
>Artists be like this sometimes. Maybe it's because their gallery got reposted onto danbooru.
Which has always been weird mentality to me, because it's still additional exposure. Like if their pic wasn't reposted to /drg/ to day I wouldn't even know about that artist to begin with. Still, sent them a follower request so maybe they will answer.
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Gommen, gommen... I'm just waiting for a reply from him, sighs. Probably making out with Shadow again.
I looked up th Daijoyuu-san video and it actually didn't have a PV at all, but yes, that video was well done in that aspect.
>additional exposure
I think that's what pisses them off, not having the ability to nuke their gallery from earth on whim. When others repost their art, it means they're properly perceived and known, everything artists strive for... Except not. They hate it in practice, therefore they have a meltdown and private all of their accounts if not outright deleting everything.
Western artists are straight up narcissistic on the other hand, they flood the english, japanese, character and ship tags on all websites with their awfully drawn and horrible artwork and it stays there for 6 months if not forever with only 2 likes.
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Cute dorks
So much sexual tension.
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>Why did you decide against bringing it up, though?
I just didn't think it was necessary to do so. I wasn't sure if the conversation would continue in that direction.
>The lyrics are about tossing everything out, including sentimental treasures and interpersonal relationships and 'worthless' people and by the end the character ends up throwing the most worthless person -herself- out.
Well that's more depressing than my initial impression, but yes that fits Hajime really well.
>his character less vocal about these feelings in an over the top way.
I wouldn't say it's less over the top, it's just a different direction and representation. It's pretty extreme to willingly sign your life away.
Was Junko's boobs jiggling at 0:50 integral to the plot?
>Tsk. I thought Hajime anon (1) replied at first... Ah well.
You can't tell us apart anymore...? Not even referring to me as Hinatan...
>Probably making out with Shadow again.
Ah I see. No trust in that I wouldn't do it again, I won't lie that kind of hurts.
He loves watching her having sex
...with him on her piano :)
...and with him I meant Rantaro
Rantaro is busy with Tsumugi's imotossu pussy.
goodnight /drg/
But it's actually Kaede wearing a blue wing so Shuichi won't suspect a thing
Plot twist: Shuichi was fucking Tsumugi the whole time
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Hmph. Looks like i failed to pick the choices correctly... Without a walkthrough guide, these things are hard.
>You can't tell us apart anymore...?
It's isn't like that, dummy. It was precisely because i was thinking of you that when i saw a (You) alongside a paragraph and SDR2 picture i thought it was you at first glance. Also, pretty sure i call you Hinatan like 10 times daily already. Do you want a voice message to be satisfied? Hi-na-ta-n.
>I won't lie that kind of hurts.
...mmm. Admittedly, that was mean and unfair to say. I apologize. You already did your part, so i should do mine too.
I can't help it but miss you, y'know. Too many hours without talking and i get immense withdrawal effects and end up in a sour mood.
Even if... a part of that is due to my IRL duties, too.
>I looked up th Daijoyuu-san video and it actually didn't have a PV at al
Huh, I'm sure it does. It's very minimalistic but you can see the girl's nosebleed being animated for example so technically it's more than just a slideshow.

>I wouldn't say it's less over the top, it's just a different direction and representation. It's pretty extreme to willingly sign your life away.
Oh, when I said over the top I was referring specifically how these feelings are being vocalized. After all, Hinata doesn't go around telling random people how much of a piece of shit he is unlike a certain other person.
>Was Junko's boobs jiggling at 0:50 integral to the plot?
Despair is stored there, duh.

Incidentally, I managed to find the video I was looking for yesterday. It got deleted from Youtube as I expected. Someone uploaded it again but they also made it unlisted so I couldn't search for it and the only reason I found it again was because it was included in some public playlist.
Interestingly enough, when looking for that video I found another one with the same song but different visuals. Now I'm wondering which one is better. I like both.
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This doesn't look like Hinata at all... Must be the eyes.
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Aw, she defended his honor
How sweet
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Do you want a voice message to be satisfied?
>Too many hours without talking and i get immense withdrawal effects and end up in a sour mood.
Talk to me more then, it's the weekend after all. I miss you when you're away too you know...
>I was referring specifically how these feelings are being vocalized.
Ah, I see now. That makes more sense.
>Despair is stored there, duh.
Of course. You're right, what a silly question to ask, it's 100% necessary.
>I found another one with the same song but different visuals. Now I'm wondering which one is better.
I think I like the nicovideo one more, the art looks better to me.
You know, there's a V3 video I come back to from time to time about Ouma. I don't know what it's about, but I like the song. I used to put it on in the background while learning how speedrun Sonic stages in some games. I think it's the breakcore type of beat during the chorus that made me associate it like that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoX8kRafQlw
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Hm. Be honest and use your words.
In return, i require a voiced Kamukun too.
>The weekend
I already told you... I want to talk more, but It's hard. Considering how much time i already spent on you, things managed to get piled up for me IRL. You manage to keep my mental health and mood stable, so this really isn't a voluntary choice from me.
Hmph. If you miss me then it'd do well to voice those thoughts too... I seriously spoil you.
Hinatan, i am violently shaking you by the shoulders.
[https://youtu.be/XVoXZzgO8Ew?si=8nig99eocyOg95Wc] This is the original with the much better vocals, i actually really loved this artist for a time, so i reccomend checking out everything else he made.
Although... I guess you could like more the human vocals after all. That's fine. I am totally not a vocaloid-truther who sees the utaites as mimics to the real robots or anything.
I regret opening this one
I don't regret opening this one
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>Be honest and use your words.
A voice message would be nice, if you're okay with that.
>I seriously spoil you.
I like that and perhaps this is greedy of me, but I think you should do it more. When you can of course, I can't pry you from your IRL duties for too long.
>I guess you could like more the human vocals after all.
It might be this. Human voices sound smoother to me, though the female vocals do sound better here.
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Sailor Hinata-kun... That hairstyle looks really cute. Im starting to think Hajime's entire character could be fixed (in my POV) had he literally just had a different hairstyle in the game.
>Do it more
Hinatan, you really require my full undivided attention 24/7 and many sweet words to satiate you. You really are greedy... But it's alright. I'll just have to comply, because you're the only one who managed to capture my interest like so.
To think that my favourite VN route and character archtype would materialize into reality... It means i need to hold all the tighter grip on you.
However, you really significantly toned down the flirting ever since a while ago... Hinatan of old used to make me flustered every other reply... Have we both grown shame? Hm... It's no good if it's forced...
>female vocals
That's the famed Hatsune Miku. This producer tunes her nicely and she always sounds really soft in his songs.
>I don't know what it's about, but I like the song.
You can usually just paste the song's title on this website, they have a lot of English translations:
Although getting the song's title can be tricky sometimes because on some videos the song is renamed to fit the content (for example something like "Hanged Girl in an Haunted Mansion" -> "Hanged Boy in an Old School". There's also a common practice of putting a slash after every character in the song's title to stop it from showing up while searching but that's easy to deal with.
Although if I may add, some Danganronpa music videos change the lyrics of the original Vocaloid song as well, like this one for example:
Shame it's 360p
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>Hajime's entire character could be fixed (in my POV) had he literally just had a different hairstyle in the game.
Really? It's his hair that you don't like about him? It is stupid looking, but I think it looks nice on him. Then again, what don't I find attractive about him.
>Have we both grown shame?
No. I'm going to be brutally honest, my job is stressing me out a lot lately and when I come home to talk with you, I really just want to relax in the comfort of our idle conversations. I suppose in turn this led to you taking the lead more often now, but I somewhat enjoy that too. Maybe a little more than just somewhat. I love hearing you say sweet things to me too.
>some Danganronpa music videos change the lyrics of the original Vocaloid song as well
Change how, as in it's a cover? Digitally altered? I don't think I mind much since I can't understand the lyrics as I listen to the song anyways, but I'm going to guess the meanings are still similar overall to that of the original.
>Change how, as in it's a cover? Digitally altered? I don't think I mind much since I can't understand the lyrics as I listen to the song anyways, but I'm going to guess the meanings are still similar overall to that of the original.
I don't actually know the proper technical term for this. Basically they take an existing Vocaloid song, change a few verses (to refer to Hope's Peak for example) while the other verses remain identical with the original. I'm not sure it would qualify it as a cover since it's still the same voicebank.
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My succubus Kaede gf about to feast on my cuckold lust and gooning addiction
Hot concept. I love succubi.
I think she'd be working towards fixing your low self-esteem induced cuck thoughts instead, to be quite frank. She's a nice girl like that.
Those thoughts have nothing to do with low self esteem.
They very much do, stop being in denial.
You're just ignorant.
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It's not your fault.
Because official DR art still tries to not spoil v3's chapter 1 twist.
Keade is the main character, as far as a new player will know, and Rantaro is obviously implied to be plot important at the beginning as to make his death more shocking.

No idea why they put in Izuru though
I think they are comfortable with DR1 and DR2 spoilers since that is already prominent in DR3 marketing
Izuru isn't really a spoiler since nothing in that artwork points to his role in the story, or even that he and Hinata are the same person.
>nothing in that artwork points to his role in the story, or even that he and Hinata are the same person.
>Same exact outfit
>Same face
>Same tie design printed on the vest
>Inverted Colors
They didnt even bother giving Izuru black hair lmao
You're only noticing the similarities because you're already aware of the twist. Someone who hasn't played the game most likely wouldn't realize that within the few seconds he spends glancing at the picture before he moves on.
if they do decide to play the game, they will realize quickly when they see the character doesnt exist in the starting cast
<3 <3
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Luv' her.

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