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Haruka's Cunkie
previous >>498452608

>8/1 Stream
>Senran Kagura Runner app announced: Senran KaguRUN!
>6th Anniversary Stream

>Complete Character Listing
>NewWave card wiki
>New Link doc
>Newest Fanart

>MarvelousAQL Senran Kagura Site
>Official series' Twitter
>Official Shinomas Twitter
>Creator's Twitter
>Official Artist's Twitter
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Have cake
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Where is it?
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NL updated with a PvP for the rest of the month, a new challenge, and two green/purple focused banners, one which you can roll twice and will give you a guaranteed baku from a selected pool.
Cute ghost.
In 7 decades, 7 years, 7 months, 7 weeks, 7 minutes, and 7 seconds.
I'm morbidly curious to see the bimbo futa goldfish
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You wanna see the bimbo futa goldfish?
You don't wanna see the bimbo futa goldfish.
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feminine senrans
a man with tits is not feminine
Meeb would look more feminine if she was a little chubby
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pronebone the snek
the snekage from snekgakure
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last touch up
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Mirai tripped me while I was carrying a pot of hot dogs to the sink and I almost boiled him alive in hot dog water
hot dog water is a euphemism for jizz.
You jizzed on your male cat, what a faggot.
The right one looks pretty good, but the left one's face looks a bit weird. You are getting better at manga style faces though, keep at it.
>ywn recieve a blowjob from Miyabi
>ywn fuck Miyabi's ass from behind
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Don't think about cheese.
asagi's eyes are too close apart that's why
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Would you help this Senran?
Define 'help'.
but that's not a senran, it's a who wave
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hey that's not shiki.bat
Looks like a pretty Japanese ninja to me.
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Why is she like this?
Full of kum and vinegar
Young, dumb, and full of Kum.
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only yumi is allowed to do lewd things since she wants to have all the anons' babies
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Evening /boobgen/
If you haven't voted in our team's VGL 23 roster poll yet, here is the link to do so. Thanks guys!

Autism, but the good kind
>pits & vinegar
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Does Sweden Yes have a mole on one of her boobs?
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wtf tamazuri is down with the devil?
>Sweden Yes when she gets cummed inside
fairy senrans that will be a good onahole
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I don't see any on her model or any of her other art. The dot is maybe just some kind of error or possibly her nipple.
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Alright, chapter 65

>Somewhere inside the giant dragon, the Zodiac team are fighting a swarm of yoma, and manage to wipe them all out
>Ginrei is feeling pretty confident, but Kureha tells her not to get cocky since they are on enemy territory, and Tama adds that the rest of the zodiac members aren't there, so they aren't at full power
>Suiren mentions she still has to meet Syuri, Kurohoro and Aimu. Kureha says they are currently protecting their school, so they have to give their everything there
>Suiren also says she knows Hyoki wanted to go help despite not saying anything, but Leo is relieved she didn't in the end since she wants her to stay away from fighting, and she's still worried about the effects of the yoma drugs. She wants to protect everyone so they can live in a peaceful world

>More demons keep appearing, and the girls wonder if they've collected enough red orbs
>Kureha notices the room keeps getting darker and darker, and it turns out there's a bunch of shadows around, which end up merging together into two entities, the giant yoma Jura
>Jura wants to play with the shinobi until their bodies are all red with blood. Suiren is surprised about how different this giant yoma is compared to Orochi, saying it almost feels like it's a little kid
>Ginrei attacks it with a drill attack, but it doesn't hurt the yoma at all. Kureha follows with a powerful slash, and for a moment it looked like it worked, but then the yoma keeps moving as if nothing happened
>The yoma isn't satisfied and says it wants to keep playing, so it will start playing onigokko (tl note: tag) and runs away at an incredible speed while laughing
>The zodiac team can't believe it still has that much strength after Kureha's attack, and then chase it

>No matter how much they try, they can catch up with the yoma
>Suiren is at her limit, and tells the rest of the team to go without her
>Kureha tells her there's no way they are leaving her behind, and Leo says she managed to endure all the hellish training up to this point, and she knows she can keep going
>Gin and Tama also encourage her to keep going. Suiren gets up and says she'll try her best until the end
does anyone know if teh stills from burst were brought back to full resolution in burst renewal?
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>No matter how much they attack the yoma, nothing works. Tamayura seems to have noticed something
>Jura says it wants to change the game, and now they will play hide and seek, and it starts appearing and disappearing at high speed
>Tama wants to use her eyes to reach the true nature of Jura's attacks. The rest of her team don't want her to use it so soon after last time since they know it causes a lot of strain in her body, but Tama knows it's the only way, and she also wants to confirm something about the yoma
>Kureha tells the rest to trust on her power, and to buy some time until everything is ready

>With the help of Tama's eyes, they manage to land clean hits on Jura, which finally weakens it. However, even with a weakened body, the yoma gets up again, saying it wants to keep playing
>Leo wonders what's going on with this yoma, and Tama tells them that when she used her power, she saw the image of a lot of little girls overlaping with Jura
>Suiren wonders if the true identity of the yoma is a bunch of dead little girls. She starts remembering her own circumstances where she couldn't live a normal life due to the experiments she went through, and thinks they should help them somehow
>Leo thinks Hyoki would feel the same. Kureha isn't convinced since their opponent is still a yoma, but Ginrei says they probably can't finish it off because of the regrets of the girls, so if they manage to clear that, they might be able to win
>Leo thinks it's worth a try, so they decide to play along with Jura
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uhhhhh... bushy senrans?...
Does Ronk have a bushy butthole also
>Jura wants to play "Kemari". The Zodiac team goes all in and the yoma is glad they are taking the game seriously
>Jura is enjoying the game, and after playing for a while, the Zodiac team lands their final attack, finishing the yoma off for good
>As Jura vanishes, she tells the girls it had fun, and wishes they could play again some other time
>The girls are exhausted, and wonder if they managed to clear the regrets of the girls. Tama tells them she did see their smiling faces
>Kureha says she didn't want to help a yoma, but she couldn't leave all those girl to suffer anymore
>Suiren thinks she still looks happy despite what's she's saying, but Kureha says it's only because they managed to get the red orb. Leo and Gin tease Kureha because she looks cute when she's being dishonest with herself
>Leo notices there doesn't seem to be any more yoma in that room, so they'll move on to meet up with the rest as soon as possible

That's the end, good night.
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Huh, Nepran Tunara is really underwhelming. Surely it'll pick up.
I have bad news.
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Surely the use of her eyes will increase Tamayura's popularity
All those eyes are telling me is that it's paizuri time.
ok but where's kazakiri
i hope she's naked
hiyori stapler
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So uh, if NL ends its story, what happens to SK? Is it finally kill?
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>suiren almost defeated by running
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>NL dies shortly after the main story is done with nothing else in the foreseeable future
>NL keeps going with events and other stuff until who knows when
>They are already working on NL's replacement

Reminder NW ran for almost 8 years, and this december marks NL's 7th anniversary.
>New Wave
>New Link
>New ____
New Babu.
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>The way Sōji's boobs squish
Sōji's boobs confirmed real.
With enough money and a good doctor, you can have very realistic fake boobs.
meet the new babu
same as the old babu
so no evil cloth this time?
where's the cunk?
Ice to meet you.
I bought this frozen veggie pizza expecting it to have like, a few minced tomatoes and zucchinis on it or something, but no the thing looks like someone dumped an entire salad onto it. It looks like something someone would make as a joke if they had to make a veggie pizza for someone they didn't like. It's pretty good.
Did it have cauliflower crust?
no that's disgusting I need gluten to survive
veggies are more evil than cloth
it's a shame we lost Kazakiri and Amane, but I'm glad Toki is gone forever.
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need milk
I imagine they're working on a New Link 2 and basing it off Dolphin Wave's updated tech. DW is already 2 years old somehow too.
Hopefully it doesn't have those horrific pancake butts that it had on the PC game.
I think the rears are still lacking in DW, but hopefully that's something they can get right for once. Lotta butt focus nowadays, it'd be disappointing for Senran to lose out.
Senran Kagura: New Rears
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Yeah, DW looks nice in comparison, but the models carry pretty much the same problems they've had since the Vita.
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Someday technology will advance far enough to give us an on-model Ryoubi
Show me the rear.
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Now a side view.
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I need more senran culos
>For my friends!
>Put everything on the line!
>With my heart towards justice...!
>I will carry these sins!
>Now let us dance!
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Senrans who would need help from the Smiling Friends.
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yes we get it, you watched reddit friends go eat a dick in /co/ you'd be more than welcome in that cuckshed
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>Anything popular = Reddit
>he says posting the 9gag senran
Senrans whose favorite Oney Plays host is Zach.
Is that pic supposed to be ironic?
I love Yumi so much it's unreal puri
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senran kagura but it's loud house
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he said loud house not rugrats
Modern cartoons make me want to kill myself. Senran Kagura.
Thanks for reminding me to download the next few episodes of Smiling Friends to watch at work tomorrow.
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look at this pokemon
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Now that you talk about Pokemon, we finally know how Mega Yumi was going to look before she got scrapped and it's disappointing
least retarded yumifag
smolos sexo
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senrans that have cory as their favorite
absolute pololoppai
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>sorting through my nl inventory
>rolled a stupid IDIOT homuneko at some point in time and never realized it
>tokens already farmed
what the fuck
Remember when Onsen Asuka, Maid Ikaruga and Festival Yumi were the three strongest cards, back when pvp could last -minutes-?

Pepperidge Farms remembers.
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i remember christmas yumi
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Mirai casually licking her own asshole in front of you
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Your blobby gyaru, sir.
what does she smell like
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Smolo version where
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I'm gonna make love to ya, snek
gonna lay ya down by the FIYA
gonna make ya moan and perspi'ya
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Oh look, it's already Purple's birthday in the time zone corresponding to Japan.
instead of bar crawling on her birthday looking to get laid, Murasaki hits up the inns in WoW looking for ERP, riding to each one on her new $90 dinosaur mount
Yomi mount
Goldfish mounta
Murasaki birthday paizuri and impregnation
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Don't be fooled, this is the real protagonist of the series.
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>Waking up with Murasaki for her birthday
>Browsing the internet with Murasaki for her birthday
>Watching Oney Plays with Murasaki for her birthday
>Playing vidya with Murasaki for her birthday
>Playing with Bebeby with Murasaki for her birthday
>Eating pizza with Murasaki for her birthday
>Going to bed with Murasaki for her birthday
>Paizuri with Murasaki for her birthday
>Foreplaying with Murasaki for her birthday
>Having sex with Murasaki for her birthday
>Cuddling sex with Murasaki after sex for her birthday
Why can't I have a Murasaki GF, /skg/?
*Cuddling with Murasaki after sex for her birthday
I fucking meme rolled Murasaki on her birthday, that's insane.
Sex with Miyabi for Murasaki's birthday
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Shark teeth sexo
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The culo out of space
The yomi in the walls.
At the MOUNTA of Madness
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I wanna MOUNTA Hanabi.
Now I remember why Hibari is the Hanzo character I want to fuck the most.
Ok Mario
The Call of Kafuru
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cowwe a dooty
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feed her
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Call of [spoiler[Doody[/spoiler].
*Call of Doody
Damn it, not again.
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Dolphin wife
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Bear wife
snek wife
moving to a mormon compound and marrying kafuru saki and snek
they continue the main story with just all the girls wanting to bang sensei and getting jealous of each other
Saki is for fellow NEETs only.
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Feel up the dolphin
would kabubu be a good wife and mother?
>Have children with Ryōki
>They all age half as fast
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What is this facial expression trying to convey?
She was mistaken for Yomi and is about to be fed her weight in bean sprouts
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The Legendary Ass?
ryobi, but she has hank hill ass
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imagine having for friends a tall girl and used goods
creampie all gessens
Yeah, fuck Yumi!
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>a tall girl
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>fuck Yumi!
I will!
Having sex with Yumi will make you get a babu benis, experts say
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stop spamming your trash scribbles
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What's your senran's charm point?
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Ryōbi's cheesehole.
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Describe Ayame in 3 words.
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It's her birthday, right?
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I think we're all in agreement here, Imu>Murasaki.
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Yeah, but it's Saki's day, so I'm posting Saki.
Murasaki waking up as the sun goes down
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>fire up ape escape 3
>girl sounds familiar
>it's honkers
>secondary antag is mr. k
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imagine futa ryobi impregnating murasaki
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Cute NEETs.
Is that proper gamer attire?
No, they should be naked
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New dakis incoming
why is always yumi?
they should make more yumi rape porn
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Yumi it hot. The fact this is an officially designed outfit is what makes her even better.
>Semen Demon Yozakura is canon
it already was but this makes it more established
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oh no not the Hanabis
That's a nice looking Yo.
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no, yozakura, i'm not getting you pregn
>Japan's birth rate just spiked
My bad
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>go to Gessen to impregnate the coconut
>impregnate the hamblester instead
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Make Japan Fertile Again
>France's birth rate just spiked
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This but Kum.
>Kindergarten's birth rate just spiked
The guy impregnated the ham, what did you expect?
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This is your elite ninja team for tonight. Say something nice about them.
give crimson or death
This hamblester costume always amsuses me, because who the FUCK would give her a gun?
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No flatties, the best titties on average team.
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I lust after Sister Shiki on a regular basis
I like shortstacks
hank hill ass
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This whole area
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I love my Mistress!
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Shame about Uppers
Why didn't people like that game
Premise was too hetero when ecchi games were all about yuri bait. That, and marvelous obviously didn't believe in the game so they gave tictac a shovelware budget to make it.
It was a janky game.
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when we gonna see some... Bushimaru?
Dai looked like a man and her bust was nerfed.
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It's still Saki's birthday, post some more NEET bears.
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She really wants that jelly donut
I'm enjoying the new Call Of Duty.
shawty got low
like REAL low wtf
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Senrans with this vibe?
kemono just randomly got gumroad importing to work, are there any good senrans artists on there?
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One of the many Whos I miss.
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Do it. End my suffering.
All missing whos are in kunoichi vallhalla.
Which senran is this https://youtu.be/-UYgORr5Qhg
>page 10
What the fuck are we doing there? Is the board getting that fast?
I want to anoint Sister Shiki's womb with my seed
I found my lost vita so I'm replaying EV, sorry.
I'm over in /dbg/ shitposting about android 21 and sometimes gohan
I bought an arcade stick for cheap but don't play any fighting games so I've just been emulating NES games and pretending I'm playing on a Nintendo VS. machine.
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Post your cutest Sakis, /skg/.
the sleeping pokemon...
Since we're still in time for Murasaki's birthday and a few weeks away from Halloween, here goes the bear and cow event.

>The story starts with Gekko congratulating both Murasaki and Ushimaru for winning the 6th anniversary poll and being chosen as the stars of the Halloween party
>Saki doesn't like to stand out and wants to go home, but thinks it will be fun and is excited to see what kind of costume they'll get
>Gekko obviously already has something in mind that will fit both of them, but Saki knows she's going to make something very revealing
>Gekko already has something in mind, but BLANK knows she's going to make something very revealing

this happens every event
>Some time later, the two are already wearing their costumes. As expected, Saki doesn't like being so exposed, but she appreciates Gekko's craftsmanship, and she thinks bebetan looks cute as well
>Ushi tells Saki she looks pretty good in her zombie nurse costume, and in return Saki tells Ushi she likes her witch costume, and that it makes her feel different than usual
>(You)-sensei arrives at the room and compliment both of them too. Saki says she'll try to dealwith her exposition a little harder, and Ushi tells Sensei not to stare at her so much, or she'll start feeling weird
>The Mikagura sister arrive. Renka tells both they look pretty great in their costumes, and Kafuru wonders if their breast were the deciding factor for their selection
>Hanabi explains Gekko asked them to help Saki and Ushi. Murakumo and Ryona are there as well, the former wants to go home too and Saki is glad someone else can relate to her feelings. Ryona on the other hand, wants too feel ashamed from everyone's stares
>Ushimaru is happy they are there to help, and wants to do her best, and Saki doesn't mind her taking the spotlight while she hides

And we love it every time.
>The halloween team goes around the base playing trick or treat. Murasaki is still not used to being outside in such a revealing outfit
>Ryona is amazed at how revealing it is, and Kafuru adds that the part around the chest in particular is basically a high class weapon. Kumo is worried she isn't cold, despite her wearing an equally revealing outfit
>Saki thinks she's reached her limit, but (you) stop her. Saki thinks about how (you) selected them and now she'll really go along with everything, but asks not to stare at her too much since it's embarrassing
>Imu, wearing a nurse outfit, appears and congratulates Saki, but then notices Sensei is with her and asks if they aren't doing anything weird
>Saki denies anything weird is going on, and then asks for a trick or treat. Imu says Miyabi and Ryobi (both wearing sexy nurse outfits) already had the candy prepared
>Miyabi apologizes, saying she had them, but can't find them now. Ryobi is on the same situation, and asks Ryona if she had anything to do with it. Ryona didn't do anything, but she likes the cold stare her sister gives her
>Since they don't have any candy, Saki and Ushi will have to trick them instead, and tell them to prepare themselves
>Ushi will start feeling weird
like feeling horny?
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murasaki the cock
why are they like this
Oh no she's pink, the worst color for a vn heroine.
>As a trick, Saki and Ushi start tickling Imu and Miyabi. Ryona is doing the same to Ryobi, while the later is thinking for a punishment for her
>Saki says that despite the embarrassment, she's starting to have fun, and thanks Sensei for encouraging her
>Ushi wonders where the candy Miyabi and Ryobi had went. Hanabi finds candy wraps all over the place, and Ryobi recognize it's the ones they were supposed to give
>Kafuru and Renka say the naughty people who did this deserve to be punished
>Sensei will help the girls find the culprit, and Ushimaru says they'll continue to enjoy Halloween while trying to catch the one who did all this
>The girls follow the trail of candy wrap until the end, but fail to find anybody. Ushi says she's sure they'll figure out something eventually
>Kumo is impressed at how dignified Ushi is acting despite what she's wearing, but she admits it's actually really embarrassing, specially since Sensei keeps staring at her, but at the same time it makes her happy
>The Touno team (and Yasha) arrives, dressed in sexy demon outfits. Yuyaki asks Ushi what was she saying about Sensei, but she keeps it a secret
>Kumi says she wanted to participate because she gets to eat a lot of candy, Misato tells her not to get too greedy and save some for her too. Yasha thinks this human food doesn't taste that bad
>Nachi compliments Ushi's outfit and asks if Gekko made it, and then immediately thinks in a way to make money with it. Yuyaki tells her to stop getting on shady business practices
>Ushi tells them she's just having a lot of fun. She then remembers what they were doing initially and asks for a trick or treat
>Nachi was prepared and brought candy to give, but can't find it anywhere. Yasha says she didn't eat everything and blames Kumi and Misato, and then Kumi puts all the blame on Misato who says she wouldn't do something like that
>Ryona wonders if they got stolen like it happened before, but regardless, rules are rules, so they'll have to get tricked
>Ushimaru is tickling Yuyaki. Saki is surprised at her technique, and Kumi wonders how can she make them laugh so much with such slow movements
>Kafuru doesn't really feel like laughing with the culprit still out there. Hanabi asks who could have such a big appetite
>Suddenly, the girls hear a sound and notice something running away
>The girls think it might be a yoma, and they all go in the chase for it
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>The Touno team (and Yasha)
This is discrimination
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>The original Halloween group lost sight of the yoma, and got separated from Yuyaki's group
>Hanabi can't keep up with this mystery and thinks her head will explode. Kafuru calls Renka for help, and Ryona actually wants her to cause a big explosion to feel good
>The Gessen team arrives, dressed as bunnies, and congratulate Saki and Ushi for winning the election
>Saki is happy, but says it isn't the time for that. Yumi asks if it's because the trick or treat game, but Ushi tells them there's a yoma going around stealing candy
>Shiki says they'll help them get rid of it, but they can't find it. Saki tries to follow the smell of sweets in order to find them
>Thanks to Saki's help, they managed to find the culprits who turned out to be members of the Shinobi Gure, who managed to summon some very low level yoma
>The girls lecture the failed shinobi for using the dangerous yoma for something so trivial, and proceed to beat them up
Please ignore that Ranmaru.
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>Now with the shinobi gure members defeated, the girls can finally enjoy Halloween properly. The rest of the girls compliment Saki's smelling powers, and Ushi's slow, but precise fighting moves
>Hanabi still can't keep up with all that's going on and is about to explode again, and Ryona wants to be punished by Ushi and her whip
>Yumi says that now that the candy was found everything is done, but Shiki says there's still something left, and the Gessen team ask Saki and Ushi for a trick or treat
>They realize they dropped the candy they had, and Sensei isn't carrying any either, and then Minori starts tickling both girls
>Now that the party is over, (you) are alone with Saki, who says Gekko told her to spend some time together as thanks for choosing them as winners
>Saki asks if you're interested in her outfit since she noticed you've been staring at her before, and tells you to look as much as you want now and not be shy about it
>She then asks if you like candy and says she couldn't eat that many during the party. (You) ask her to give you some candy herself, and she tells you you're acting like a child, but since today is special, she'll give it to you anyways
>Saki thanks Sensei for always helping her, and looks forward to keep working together in the future
Having Minori tickle me down there.
>Now it's Ushimaru's time. She's happy Sensei chose her too, and now that you're together, maybe she'll play a trick on (you)
>Ushi asks if (you) really want to get tricked, and then asks you to get closer. She then gives you a headpat, and tells you the cows likes it when she does that
>When she finishes, she wonders if it wasn't mischevious enough. She then asks Sensei what he thinks a real trick is, and to teach her since you're all alone

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must get better at drawing asuka
must get better at killing yourself
that's a frog
Jump in a pot of water.
they still haven't given us our date with hagoromo
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Smolo Mirai needs attention.
Mirai's been licking himself and sneezing in his bed, he's fine
hanabi ate the candy
wife's birthday is almost over for my timezone. i sometimes wish i understood more japanese and played new link
anal smolo
Teaching Murasaki English just to hear her speak Engrish.
Shiki is Murasaki's english teacher
amane speaking immaculate english
ui belting off memes and the occasional racial slur
kazakiri using picture books (her hobby) to help her learn 1 to 2 syllable words
>Ushi is going horny for Sensei
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What is this body type called?
that's a cat, not a body type
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Post the cat from that Neptune crossover game
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That's not a Yasha. This is a Yasha.
All birds are Yasha if you think about it
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Modest bust..
no, Cassowaries are Hagoromo, Ibises are Toki, Hawks are Rin, Crows are Yuyaki or Miyabi
all other birds can be Yasha though, I think, amybe I'm forgetting one
But Yasha is a crow too...
that's really greedy of Yasha to want to be a crow when crow is already shared by Yuyaki and Miyabi already.
There also happen to be two mythological fire birdrans
Ikaruga's Phoenix and what's the other?
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I've got something else Yuyaki and Miyabi can share...
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stop spamming
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You think Compile Heart will make another Ninja Wars ever?
I wouldn't count on it.
Compile Heart sometime ago announced like 4 games on which they are working on, so their schedule is quite tight.
Besides, Ninja Wars wasn't made by Compile Heart in 100%. Tamsoft helped them, and from what I've seen they are now busy with that Bleach fighting game.
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Makes sense. And I don't hink Ninja Wars sold especially well.
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i knew it was not fucking good
we must keep moving forward
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*needs attention*
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I can fix her!
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uh oh stinky
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Who the hell is Steve Jobs?
Ligma Naraku.
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Your section chief.
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The HR manager.
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Ranmaru (OG) or Ranmaru (Remastered)?
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These are my personal assistants
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I dreamt Mistress got a new card in New Link and her passive gave her big damage bonuses if you dressed the other 4 characters in bondage items so I did that and she was super powerful
Stop, do NOT _______ the snek
Stomping sneks
Stomping weasels
Stomping cunks
smashing mirais (1979)
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mirai did nothing wrong
Always draw anime faces for anime characters, it'll help.
Mirai was born wrong
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That's.... pretty good. Keep studying whatever manga you've been reading to learn faces from, it's working.
don't worry, he'll go back to his stick figure faces just to piss people off soon enough
He has been 'drawing' like this for few years. He is quite infamous on /ic/ from what I heard.
Toki doesn't deserve boobs
Toki is 917 years old
Cunk's cute fat cheeks
Give cunk tits, ass, thighs, hips but keep her height and fertility
The ultimate cunk form
The Cunkimate Life Form
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cunk was the amane negra all along
Kazakiri wearing one of those yellow japanese hardhats
cunk the builder
can we cunk it?
no, it's cunked
Ikaruga legs.
ikaruga pegs
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Kazakiri isn't fertile though
I tried the other day, got two cunkies
Alright boys, post it.
What's "it"?
Post it & cunkles
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those were turds, you fucked her in the ass
I'm no blind, man, I know the difference between cunk and mirai
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Kazakiri getting stuck in a wall
Kazakiri Uehara
Kazakiri stuck in a pocket plane dimension for 900 years
comes out still not having tits
I like where this is going.
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c-cup cunk
Only Kureha will be graded on this scale
Extending Breasts
I didn't realize she was Canadian until I remembered what her name actually means
>Leaf Senran
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Kureha is just canadian snek
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Scientist Katsu is turning the friggin frogs gay again.
Frog butt.
Manager-san here,

Here are the results of the roster poll
On the Team:
-- Ushimaru (Touch the Cow)
-- Yasha

Sacked in the Morning:
-- Meimei (Fuck China)
-- Yagyuu (Goodnight Skeegee)

-- No change in our medals or the Crossover Senran's model lineup (although if you want to add other players to her rotation, we can still do that).
-- Naraku will be the only goalkeeper for VGL 23

Btw, I was thinking about taking a screenshot of this >>500002383 or >>500003056 for Yasha's in-game portrait. What do you guys think?

The group stage draw for VGL 23 will take place on Sunday, November 24th at the usual cup time. See you in four weeks for another season of divegrass, /skg/!
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how about something from this?
lol that's a good one as well
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I want to blow my load in this cute burger who
seconding >>500091037
right around 00:09 or something similar
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meme rolled the stinky pussy xmas toki
good day today
stinky pussy halloween toki
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posting it
why's it stinky pussy?
aged 900 years in the same shinobi cloth
but she's changed clothes there
stinky pussy would be her default clothes
new clothes
same vagoo
surely Toki has taken a bath
she can't seduce (You) without taking a bath at least
There are many reasons to not put your dick in Toki but her smell I don't think is one of them
>she can't seduce (You) like that
even with Kagan I'm not putting my face in a fishy pussy
i am
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You called?
no we didn't say goldfishy pussy
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Feed Mirai.
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senrans with this vibe?
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Seed Mirai
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I'm a cunkamaniac
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stinky, stinky, really stinky, stinky, stinky
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Don't call my wife "really stinky".
but its hot
hot and stinky?
what she lookin at
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Mirai! Are you ok?!
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who's the blonde to the right?

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