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"I can't sexualize this..." edition

>>>The Game<<<

>30/09: Shattered Space is released
>17/09: New beta update - https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield/article/QSbsZDsZVAKO6Ft5LEzAh/starfield-september-update-patch-notes
>16/09: Shattered Space deep dive - https://youtu.be/Br8_YASkfb8
>20/08: Update released for REV-8 vehicles; Shattered Space official release on September 30th - https://x.com/StarfieldGame/status/1825972729784238548
>08/08: New free Doom mod coming soon

>Mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/

>Q: CK?
>A: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2722710/Starfield_Creation_Kit/
>Q: What happened to .ESL?
>A: .ESM can become light plugins now instead
>Q: DLC?
>A: It's up
>Q: What's the deal with NG+(+...)?
>A: Restarts the game with minor changes to the story and world, while preserving your powers and skills. 10 cycles for suit upgrades, 6 cycles for upgrading the starborn ship
>Q: Should I reinstall?
>A: If you are excited about a customizable difficulty, 3D maps, ship decorations, new bounty hunting missions and mechanics, official mod support and a vehicle, then yeah

>/stag/ modlist: https://pastebin.com/VJNgbAzw - https://rentry.org/stag_mods
>Artbook rips: https://mega.nz/file/TlJSBTwB#GhmrZRoHDAhhei__Bz2zc6GisgB67_vONrAfYQR8lK0
>Character builder: https://nukesdragons.com/starfield/character
>Threadly space music: https://youtu.be/tI-5uv4wryI
>>>OP template<<<
>https://rentry.org/stag_op_new (will be periodically updated)

Previous Planetary Survey: >>499001774
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Biblically accurate Liara
At least she has a vagina this time
>snitch on the leaked documents
>not the pirated mods
based retard
What documents got leaked again?
Bethesda uses documents?
Bethesda cannot afford to do this when modders are the only fucking people who can save this shit show even a little bit
That isn't what he says here at all.
Yeah I misinterpreted the wording on that. My mistake
>when modders are the only fucking people who can save this shit show even a little bit
Bethesda had their shot with Sharted Space and fucked it. There's nothing left
>Bethesda had their shot with Sharted Space and fucked it.
Except shattered Space was never meant to "fix" the game since they aren't expecting people to buy a DLC to fix the game(nor should anyone buy a DLC to do that)
I'm assuming anons are talking about the documentation on how to use the CK2 that Bethesda is keeping exclusive to paid modders.
Shattered Space is one of several expansions they have planned, and iirc, they've been working on it since before Starfield's official release, which probably means much of it was already set in stone before people starting shitting on the game. If you don't consider all of the updates they've been putting out up to SS to amount to anything, I guess that means we won't truly see how the public discourse has actually affected development of the game until the next expansion is out.
This is what retards believe. They deliberately explained everything in the DLC and somehow people were expecting a giant update that'll magically keep them interested in the game when they didn't like the base game.
I still don't know why this game in particular causes such intense seething and screeching from autists and Bethesda haters. But it's funny anyway.
1. Its not on Playstation. So Snoys are eternally upset
2. It isn't Fallout or Elder scrolls, so Fallout and TES fans are buttmadd they aren't getting more Fallout and TES
3. Harder scifi settings generally aren't well received. people prefer the sci-fantasy like Star Wars, and Mass Effect
4. Starfield changed a lot about how Bethesda does exploration, so people aren't happy about that
>More tacticool mods
Sure they made them lore friendly but please can you port something that looks vaguely sci-fi?
On a related note, Rajin revolver is very good but unfortunately, it's paid.
>see a poll about what features do the players want in Starfield
>most popular answer is co-op
Not only it's impossible but, what?
Where did you see a stupid poll like this?
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I'll give them 4, cause exploration here just sucks due to the repeating POIs. After a short bit you know exactly what you'll find if you explore planets, no more "wonder what I'll find" like in previous games. Unless you like finding new creatures and nice views, then it's great I guess.
Updated modlist with a new creations link and a couple of mods

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I need to figure out animations for it And finish the textures but I haven't used Substance in a while
Nice, glad you're still working on it
>I need to figure out animations for it
I think all weapon mods atm are reusing vanilla animations
Thinking about replaying Shattered Space for the second time but I'm struggling with creating a Va'ruun character that doesn't look edgy or generic
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Yes, but This Gun loads sideways, while all "revolvers" in the game load by breech loading. So either I modify the geometry to acomodate that somehow or figure something out entirely. I don't mind animating but I don't know how to export those to the CK (if its possible according to what some other anon said the other day) so I've been slowly going through the docs.
Either way I think I'm going to go with the Destiny 2 approach of loading a "magazine" in the "tube" since its easier.
everything is still up on the internet archive, heres a pdf of the documentation too (no pictures)https://files.catbox.moe/4xycfq.pdf
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its up, on nexus soon tm
(same lady who did buildable walls and doors, its a goodie)
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wait a min, is that gun?
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Alright I'm going to make a second, slightly modified version. So I'll have 1 with the side loading (I tested it manually on the model and I'll need to raise the LED just a little so it doesn't clip, New Vegas' animation is some whacky shit) that I'll try using the Magshot reload anim; and 1 breech loaded (yike) one to use the revolver anims with. No promises on anything.
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Rate and also post ships.
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from my OG 'verse
I asked this last thread but didnt check replies/follow-up so ill try better this time.

I want to do a miner/industrial/outpost builder playthrough but not sure where to start how to invest perks. I want to do it where outpost building isnt an endgame thing. Trying it without specific purpose mods either. I always end up just flying thru space landing on planets murdering spacers. I wanna try a more, economically minded character
my brother in Christ the previous thread is linked in the OP
Science would be your main perk investment.
Its not hard to figure out which perks would benefit that playstyle the most from there.
Mining makes piss for money and the next best thing is fabricating crafting items from materials.
After getting some perks for functionality like booster packs, sneaking, piloting etc. what I'd hard focus down is research methods to 3 so crafting items takes less resources followed by a perk into botany and zoology then weapon modifications. The outpost perks and special projects would be your bread and butter so focus those down whenever you can. Commerce, chemistry and gastronomy would be something you'd want to invest into aswell so you could make extra money from those too.
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Does the shield get in the way of the view?
Not much at all. I prefer flying in third person.
First goodish looking ship from slopfail. May I see from another angle?
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Make sure to enjoy the local scenery for atleast one minute when exploring.
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Sure anon
is the Path of Redemption side quest broken? i read through the pages but nothing happened
Airlock, cockpit, and landing gear upset me but its not like Bethesda gives you better options.
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The ship is unmodded, I could make it look a lot nicer if I removed the build limits
What mods?
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Once I start NG+, I'll use these to make a new ship
Isn't there a specific route for it?
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That's all I did before the vehicle came in. I actually miss that a bit.
Check out my reply >>499479365
Kino, I love the weather in this game
Love the top, the expanded front, the subtle yellow color. Don't really have anything negative to say.
Cheers, took a bit for me to figure out a good hab layout for that ship.
My autism dictates that there should be enough beds on the ship for the whole crew or a minimum of half so they can rest on seperate shifts.
For this ship that meant 14 beds total + captain's.
>the pages
The book the old man gives you?
You're meant to use the clues in it to find the shrines. Rare example of the game actually requiring the player to do something besides follow a quest marker.
7 Would be enough, I imagine they would take shifts and whoever is tired should sleep on the couch
Ty frens. I havent played around with it much but for cargo links can I load them up with multiple resources at a single out post or is it one landing pad per resource? can I load 3 and link them to 1? Havent really played with it so I dont know if there is any load balancing. Mods for it?
I've been gone for a month. How's the DLC and what is this new captcha shit that takes 10 minutes
Pretty good, and it's part of the new anti-spam measure introduced a few days ago that's mostly aimed at slowing down spam bots and ban evading shitposters.
Pretty okay. It's more classic Bethesda than Starfield which I have an issue with.
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Big Bang at 94 or they are showing the ballistic damage only?
ya, it does more than just 94. It is lagging behind at level 105 now though
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Very cool environment
Decent side quests and dungeons
Not enough ship related stuff
New loot is a hit or miss (still haven't tried the new grenades)
>still haven't found S.T.E.V.E
what's the trick behind it?
Who the fuck is Steve
Steve from Minecraft
Guys I think Andreja is actually autistic
>"How am I supposed to feel at a funeral?"
Happy and excited I guess
Short for stayven
>It's more classic Bethesda than Starfield which I have an issue with
Can you elaborate on this? Particularly the issue you have with it? Not because I'm looking for a debate, but because I'm looking to see if you can put into words what I've not been able to for over a year now into why I like Starfield so much to begin with (more than both TES and Fallout).
The Starlash is kinda meh, but at least it comes in ADVANCED unlike the Equinox.
I do like how different blades on the Shimaz change it's look.
Also the thematics of how the non-caped zealot suit matches the others but has the house tag cut off is nice.
I genuinely have no idea, I haven't tried automation yet.
The most I do for the outposts I built is funnel all the materials by setting a line from the harvester to the storage for me to pick up when I need them. Like adhesive, titanium, aluminium, etc.Í
Just experiment and see what works, scrapping buildings refunds all materials as far as I remember.
Thats why she is the best waifu.
I know its Marvelslop but her behavior reminds me a lot of X-23 who is a top tier waifu.
disconnected from bethesda
Not expanding on what makes Starfield different from other Bethesda games. It's no secret that Starfield has been the most "different" game they've made in a long time, mainly because of how the world handles the optional content such as POIs or the planets themselves. The promise is that you'll stumble upon different environments, discover new wildlife and planet quirks makes it more intriguing than being in Skyrim and entering yet another cave with that same claw puzzle and cave assets they've been using for all of their caves.
While yes, I see the irony behind that comparison and I don't think how they handled the POI system is better than condensed handcrafted content, I still think the uniqueness of the "classic Bethesda formula" is exaggerated and blown out of proportion even more so when Starfield came out.

And I want them to expand on that: more POIs, more variations, more space stations, more variables to how the world works whether it comes from basic weather or new factions.

Don't get me wrong, I really liked Shattered Space and it made me yearn for TES6 but that's the thing, it doesn't feel like something they should do for Starfield.

>into why I like Starfield so much to begin with (more than both TES and Fallout).
For me, it's because I enjoy their vision for sci-fi that is grounded yet fantastical enough to be a power fantasy. Even the idea of having a ship that acts as a home for the player is cozy and something you won't get out of most other sci-fi games. I also liked the questlines so much and repeated them with multiple characters, one of the things I expected Bethesda to underdeliver on are the questlines and to my surprise, I don't hate any of them.
It's down
The position of that fire selector always triggers my autism.
Which one will release first
>DLC 2: Starborn
>Chargenmenu update
>ID software Doom Creation
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>ID software Doom Creation
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>GTA VI will release before DLC 2
Might be good. I didn't like how those bunk beds were exclusive to the captain quarters hab
knowing anything about guns at all and looking at Starfield guns will trigger the tism
all the Laredo ones are easily the worst offenders
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>all the Laredo ones are easily the worst offenders
*Stands in ure path*
>Revolver shotgun
>No way shape or form of getting the round to the chamber above
>The angles and tubes are nonsensical
It's almost as bad as some of the more egregious Destiny guns, and that's saying a lot. The worst Laredo has is the Rattler with the frontal mag.
To be fair I forgot that one existed, probably mentally blocked it out
I think it looks cool :>
Hell Yeah
It just looks cool okay
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And it's still not as bad as Destiny's guns. Bethesda won.
The ???? is where the pump is.
>You have to have a pump, that's what makes it a shotgun.
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Right, my bad!
Leaning more into what makes Starfield unique from the other Bethesda RPGs is exactly what I want them to do and you laid out a lot of examples of what that looks like with your post.

>I really liked Shattered Space and it made me yearn for TES6 but that's the thing, it doesn't feel like something they should do for Starfield.
This leads me to something else, I like Starfield BECAUSE it's different from the TES and Fallout games. While I personally liked SS and didn't really feel like it shouldn't belong in Starfield, I REALLY hope Bethesda doesn't take all the feedback and critique as "we need to make Starfield more like The Elder Scrolls in space now". Let TES embrace being TES and what makes it appealingnto its fans, let Fallout embrace being Fallout and what makes it appealing to its fans, and let Starfield embrace being Starfield and also embrace what makes it appealing to its fans.
Did the DLC or any recent update "fix" the cap on mod count yet or have they even addressed that it's getting fixed?
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>on barren planet, boosting back to ship
>land on thin air
>can loot a ship in orbit
>Resolved an issue that limited the number of loaded creations to 255
Does that include the FormID shit? Because the last time I played, maybe 2 or 3 months ago, I was stuck around 99~ mods because of FormID shenanigans.
Thanks. Big if true, guess I'll go fuck with my mods and start a new run this week. Going to miss that big dick ship I stole, though.
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>Doing freestar quest
>go to Clinic looking for Maya Cruz
>convince doctor to give me the VIP wing key
>first thing I see upon entering is a murdered doctor laying in a pool of her own blood
>absolutely no dialogue anywhere with anyone wherein I can say "Yo, your VIP patient is AWOL, and she killed your dude"
ive had npcs just drop dead randomly over time, weird bug lol
but i cant do shit about it
Some NPCs are suicidal like that goth gal bank chick
- Spaceship dungeons for M-Class/Legendary ships
- More space stations/space station builder/The Eye being the player home it was meant to be
- At least twice as many guns
- More Starborn gear/guns/ships (hopefully next big DLC))
- Blackreach tier dungeons
- Outpost system rework. I call it SimOutpostments.
- Asari from Mass Effect. I'll take Quarians as well.
>Asari from Mass Effect. I'll take Quarians as well.
A mod, maybe. Star Wars already has custom alien races, nothing for Mass Effect yet
I want a reactor with more power, two reactors per ship.
I should be able to max everything but Grav Jumping at the same time.
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You can also just do it with console commands. Same as cargo, you don't need a mod to change those either of those stats.
I don't mean model replacers but an actual alien race of hot space blueberry lesbians who crave BHC.
The magshot revolver loads from the side.
Pretty sure you can do that already with mods but it's too overpowered
I just want somebody to make an Event Horizon style mod.
>I don't mean model replacers but an actual alien race of hot space blueberry lesbians who crave BHC.
>actual alien race of hot space blueberry lesbians
Not a chance, we'll get monogender Greys with body time 1.
>- Blackreach tier dungeons
Given how empty Blackreach was, I'd rather they put more focus on something with substance, rather then "big but empty". "big but empty" was the major issue with Starfield.
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>with body time 1.
Is that the good body time?
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time for some exploring
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Starfield could probably stand to have darker occult activity going for it, ranging from gory human sacrifices, cannibalism, drawn pentagrams in an attempt to summon demons, etc.
Link to the newest creations?
see >>499549898
Mod to keep your shit between NG+ universe jumps.
Not seeing new creations? Am I blind?
this place is fucking dead! Todd needs to pull out the big guns (double down on slop).
cut atmospheric flight (thank series s)
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this game would be fixed if the major settlements got varuun'kai treatment, and if other systems got procgen dungeons (snap system) and prefabbed settlements per faction, giving you a "home base" to explore planets.
Body type 1 is the Data not the Seven of Nine.
>and if other systems got procgen dungeons (snap system)
Proc gen dungeons are the worst kind of dungeons. They never make sense because proc gen just isn't smart enough to build man made structures realistically.
>and prefabbed settlements per faction
Why would this be a thing? Both the U.C. and Freestar only control 4 systems each. Any settlements beyond that aren't part of either faction so they wouldn't use faction based pre-fabs... and even within the four systems each control why wouldn't both just use the already existent generic pre-fab buildings to keep initial costs down?
>giving you a "home base" to explore planets.
You already have one, its your ship.
Who's got this?
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because its better than the alternative of 5 rotating identical poi's per level bracket silly. starfield is too big for the amount of radiant content it has

and settlements would let you explore a planet, clear dungeons, sell loot, and pick up quests and crew without having to leave a planet and enter the loading screen simulator. these settlements would only exist on planets within a certain level of light years from the settled systems in my hypothetical headcanon.

>ship is home base.
yes, but it doesnt come with vendors, mission boards, or other amenities
>because its better than the alternative
It isn't. I'd rather have a smaller pool of decent POIs then a larger pool of trash radiant interior POIs.

>and settlements would let you explore a planet, clear dungeons, sell loot, and pick up quests and crew without having to leave a planet and enter the loading screen simulator. these settlements would only exist on planets within a certain level of light years from the settled systems in my hypothetical headcanon.
These settlements wouldn't have the kinds of vendors/money needed to sell anything of any significant quantity(why would a small backwoods settlement?) So this wouldn't solve any issue.

> yes, but it doesnt come with vendors, mission boards, or other amenities
Nor would 99% of these small settlements. The vas majority of the human population would lvie in a small handful of larger settlements like New Atlantis, Akila, Neon, etc. etc. The smaller settlements(smaller then Gagarian etc) would only exist for the people who REALLY wanted to get away from everyone else, or for very specific things like small mining operations. they wouldn't be big enough for significant vendors, amenities, mission boards, etc.
the idea is you have both nonny

>why would a small backwoods settlement
they have a representative from the trade authority to help outfit their operation and to help facilitate transport of their goods, anything in space is going to be super expensive. on that note these settlements are going to be easy picking for spacers or aliens, and will need help with maintenance/mining/whatever, giving plenty of quest potential. throw in a spaceport bar for crew, some outlying farms (food and energy) and you have yourself a nice little settlement :)
>they have a representative from the trade authority to help outfit their operation and to help facilitate transport of their goods... and will need help with maintenance/mining/whatever, giving plenty of quest potential....
Trade authority wouldn't get involved since there is little to no profit to be made from doing business with these small settlements(hence why they don't in-game already) Also, this is what LIST is for.

>on that note these settlements are going to be easy picking for spacers or aliens
Generally theres little reason for spacers to raid these sorts of smaller settlements given they would have little in the way of valuables to loot. Spacers and Crimson Fleet would be much more focused on all the derelict instillation from the Colony War which have military grade weaponry and other high value items.

>throw in a spaceport bar for crew, some outlying farms (food and energy) and you have yourself a nice little settlement :)
These smaller outlying settlements wouldn't have a spaceport bar for crew, there wouldn't be enough people going to them to warrant it. You'd really only see this in larger places like Gagarian, or New Homestead. At best, any space crew coming out to deliver/pick up something from one of these small outposts would just use the colony cafeteria.
How new are we talking? they had pretty new stuff but not the ones released yesterday I think
see >>499658359
I wish the interesting science fiction designs of Star Wars weren't locked behind a mishandled and creatively bankrupt IP.
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ok use LIST then, they were underutilized, not being able to sell contraband seems like a fair trade for the ease of access

>failure to communicate
one of the best quests in the game, spacers are low tier scavengers living outside of the law, they absolutely would target a defenseless settlement for provisions and energy, as opposed to fighting a major power or organization like the fleet or ecliptic.
speaking of ecliptic, maybe someone has it out for another colonist competing for their interests so they put out a hit. unlimited potential, I think you just hate fun

ok, cafeteria serving alcohol and other provisions then. and while im talking small settlements, i dont mean as tiny as whats in the vanilla game already
It's not there.
At least make the POIs have a chance to be flipped horizontally.
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it is
Then its not under the section labeled creations in the pastebin.
>as opposed to fighting a major power or organization like the fleet or ecliptic.
And they can do that without targeting smaller settlements regularly due to the number of abandoned military outposts in the systems.
>speaking of ecliptic, maybe someone has it out for another colonist competing for their interests so they put out a hit. unlimited potential, I think you just hate fun
I mean, there's already small radiant quests to defend outposts from attacks.
use the base64
why are there so many military outposts everywhere when theres like 6 settlements in 4 systems? how are criminals able to have a major presence in space in literally every system in the game? meanwhile civilian presence is almost nothing. its a game and if you want immersion the scale needs to be balanced the other way
>how are criminals able to have a major presence in space in literally every system in the game?
Same reason bandits make up most of the population in fantasy RPGs. Its a game, and people want things to shoot, not rando NPCs that they have no reason to soot/
Can anyone answer this?
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just dont jump retard you missed the metanarrative about abandoning everything in pursuit of power vs being satisfied with what you have. silly murderhobo
I want rando npcs I have no reason to shoot
Why isn't the Doom mission up yet? Are they really holding out until the 31st?
We've never been told when its coming.
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Why yes I'll deliver all those tampons.
No mods. Your best bet is to add each item through console
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God damn what a disgusting junkie
There's a mod you can use for items and gear. Ships I don't think there's a way.
Why is Starfield's modding community so inadequate? Fallout 4 (and Skyrim to a lesser extent) had lots of problems that modders provided solutions for really early on. Starfield continues to lag behind, but anyways what mod?
Not in my game
>kills the entire purpose of NG+ by cleaning up your save
>is a scripting nightmare
These are great though I wish there was an all in one. Also I have no reactor limit but the thrusters I'm using cant get enough power no mater how many I add. Any Ideas?
Anyone know which mod is best to remove build height and length limits for ships?
>Why is Starfield's modding community so inadequate?
Its really not. A good deal of what people have regularly asked for is available via mods.
It's not. Modding is great. Toddmala's economy is booming.
Is there a mod that makes the intro mission replayable in NG+?
The mining mission? nope. No more humble beginnings for you, Starborn.
this, zoomers are just too retarded to explore nexus, theyre expecting huge curated modlists with everything they want 4 months into official mod tools being available
Skyrim and Fallout 4 are both near or over 10 years old by now.
Starfield only released like a year ago with the proper CK made available only in this year's June, let the modders work.
>Fallout 4 (and Skyrim to a lesser extent) had lots of problems that modders provided solutions for really early on.
There were mods to fix early issues with Starfield too.
Also like, much like Fallout 4, I dot really feel like Starfield is missing all THAT much mechanically. There's certainly a lot of personal tweaks one can want, but in terms of high level stuff the game mostly does everything I'd expect it to. Only big things I'd like to see that aren't in the game already are
-Useable mechs
-Space stations out outposts
-Space walk segments
And like 1-2 things I can't recall off the top of my head.
Im friends with one of the bigger names in modding and he honestly hates what Bethesda has done. He has gone back to modding their older titles and fucking around with Unreal.
> with one of the bigger names in modding
Name if true.
> and he honestly hates what Bethesda has done.
such as?
Can I use UI mods on Xbox or they break the game in half?
Automaton-like Robot companion customisation. (And throw it on Mechs if they ever add those, for the hell of it).
Yeah, that was the thing I couldn't think of. Automatron-like robot customization.
>He has gone back to modding their older titles and fucking around with Unreal
Todd needs a new engine. TES6 will suffer from shit writing and janky engine issues.
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Everyone says this, but what's a better engine? Fucking Unreal with its no-modding tool and stutters up the ass? Unity lmao? GODOT?
Time to RND, Todd.
>Todd needs a new engine.
Engine isn't the issue, never has been.
Yeah that engine that always needs a script extender has never been an issue.
The engine doesn't NEED a script extender. Modders have to use one because they can't modify the engine at that level.

Its like FNIS in Skyrim. FNIS exists because modders can't add new animations to Skyrim directly. Doesn't mean the engine can't do it, its that modders don't have the tool to do it.
Soooo make a new engine and build it with modding in mind. Got it.
Has there ever been a game where the modding tools are not a deliberately neutered shit version of what the devs use? Like proper "do whatever you want with it"? Guess you'd have to go freeware or really old games for that, I can see why devs would not want to do that from a business point.
They'll give out the source code at that point. The creation kit is as advanced as it can get.
No, why the fuck would any developer do that? Bethesda's is the most advanced by far.
The game is built with modding in mind. The issue is every single uses third party software that, while the devs have licenses to use, doesn't mean they have a license to give out to modders. So devs have to limit what modders can do via official tools.

Also, a lot of the script extender functions are shit basically no dev would ever include because its kinda dirty backdoor ways of doing things.
>The issue is every single uses third party software that
every single engine*
>The engine doesn't NEED a script extender
consoles need to be banned
Has nothing to do with consoles.
WHERE ARE ALL THE MODDED SHIP PARTS! I've only found 2 on the nexus and they are mid af.
you are insane or console poor to be saying that a script extender isn't needed. todd games are not worth playing without mods and the script extender is needed for that. kys
A large portion of Starfield modders are just using the in-game creation system instead of Nexus. Theres a lot of ship parts there.
>todd games are not worth playing without mods
>and the script extender is needed for that.
the vast majority of mods I've used in all of Beth games don't need the Se. If anything, the SE is usually associated with shitty blaotware mods.
>If anything, the SE is usually associated with shitty blaotware mods
Fucking this
like decorative or habs? youre shit at searching if you only found two
Shit like this not interiors.
like this

let me guess,you need more?
(theres one more i cant find rn that adds double decker habs with stairs)
Cool list but I wasn't looking for habs, vanilla part flips/snaps/rehash, or m-class stuff.
These seem to be the same ones I saw on the nexus that I thought were mid.
Overlooked this one. I like the guns.
This is also cool but wish there was more.
searching for creations is such absolute shit
Kinda wish they have post IDs just to avoid that
Bro your Avontech? Derrtech?
Stooopid taiyo slope wont shade...
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go off bro
How do (You) know he was talking about (You)?
I never understood this as a retort. You hit print screen, paste into paint. It takes an extra half second to remove a (You) before you save and post
Get over it, retard.
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What does your scanner reveal?
Double Reactors also doubles the hull HP and makes the ship practically unkillable.
Try supplemental reactors, more power without the HP bloat.
I'm not gay BUT we need this
bro, your crewmembers with aneutronic fusion?
Doesn't stack. You can only get 1 point of power no matter how many you add.
works on my setup
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Any paid mods you guys want?
Thanks baby. The new link got us covered.
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Todd Howard loves me regardless of my player characters sexual orientation.
don't see it in the new link
If the Starborn could be considered beings grasping what might be holy power, then there's probably an opposing faction out there somewhere with access to power that is the antithesis of all that, right? I mean, with Alien Reanimation only being able to revive alien creatures, there's gotta be a darker, more necromantic variant to that power out there that revives humans too like we see a certain Starborn using to pit Ecliptics against you.
Varuun should have spawned an offshoot
There should be an opposing faction. I mean the starborn themselves aren't exactly aligned either but I doubt they'll do the same thing they did in the main quest for DLC2
The opposing faction was the emissary.
Maybe, but they share common goals even if the methods were different and more pretentious. I'm thinking a new faction altogether one that aims to be anti-Unity.
Any cool mods from outside the Nexus and or creations?
Not sure how one would be anti-unity because anyone who gathered the mcguffins can go into it.
How would one even attempt to stop it? The only way I could see it happening is if you throw the mcguffins into a blackhole but who is to say they wont just pop out somewhere else in the galaxy?
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>What does your scanner reveal?
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>How would one even attempt to stop it?
Give the Armillary to an interdimensional dream deity who will "safeguard it", but may or may not try to use it to escape his pocket reality/prison by using the unity to merge reality with his own, effectively turning him into a god? Just a thought.
Mod to make weapon FX look gooder?
There is EXE
But I dont think it covers laser and particle weapons. If you do use it grab this aswell.
This one I recommend.
Makes the laser pointers actually work as they should.
Haven't really found anything that makes particle and laser weapon effects better.
How the fuck do I pick up this gun without putting it in my inventory? I'm talking telekinesis
didn't mean to reply to >>499731201 disregard.
god this is the aesthetic they should have gone with for computers and such
There's an apple 2 computer in the museum
Macintosh 128K*
"that would be too fallouty"
yeah but the rest of the computers in the game should have been more Aliens-y cassette futurism honestly
that kind of thinking is why we regressed back to separate full screen menus instead of keeping the menu system within the gameplay like the Pipboy
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this game needs more kino outfit mods.
Find Va'ruun gear and larp as DUNC
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I love you /stag/ please don't die
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only gonna use it once i find a white one for myself, the black one isn't my style.
it's in the base64, last page
do you think we'll get At Hell's Gate this Tuesday?
up status
I hope so, new vehicles too please Todd I'm begging
fat andreja
waddling all over my ship
we turn down the artificial gravity to ease her stomps
but she keeps eating
>chargenmenu still not updated
I just want my thick snake wife back
She's still thick in my game but yeah she's staying like that forever without chargenmenu
wake up
People are getting too worked up over the Doom creation.
the chargenmenu guy is going to be cumming and crying now that you've reminded him it's not out again
Is it their fault or Bethesda for advertising it like it's a big deal
No matter, I still want to play it
>or Bethesda for advertising it like it's a big deal
They didn't. They put out like one trailer, and basically haven't talked about it since.
Stop being right
me just want shotgun

you're being reasonable, knock it off
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tfw they're just going to reuse the model (reskin) and animations from the double barrel shotgun in game for the Super Shotgun and call it a day. I hope we at least get the ZOOM space suit.
Bethesda gave them the assets so it must be good looking at least. There's already a Doom suit and shotgun on the Nexus and both are decent-ish
Gone are the days of labors of love. Pay for shitty skins and low effort tripe. -Love Todd
>I can always say
>It's gonna be better tomorrow
>Falling away from me
>Falling away from me
You know, I've been thinking about this. Obviously we're at the start of the race where everyone is figuring shit out before the free market stabilizes, but the fact that some cocksuckers out there are charging money for 0 effort gun reskins really makes me want to go out and make a whole pack and give it away for free as an alternative. Paid mods should have at least some decent content to it, some meat in that soup, you know?

Either way
>Don't want to work for Yannick
>Game forces the quest onto my log
>Work for him
>Have to redo the whole god damn thing because ???
>Now I know how to craft Aurora
>Quest is forever in my Activities tab
Good old Bethesda repeating the mistakes of Skyrim, I see
Doom creation is going to add demons, guns, and ravenous hatred... ...right?
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What about some new Chunks?
Nah, just the gun, armor, sword and a demonic themed dungeon with brain spider enemiss >>499538205
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kys blintroon
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It will be this.
You will get a plushie, derpy armor set, and something else no one asked for at best.
Know of any mods that add in space lynching?
no you retard
It would be kino.
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I hate this character
I love this character
I hate this game
I love this game.
I love this game!
This isn't a game
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so brave sista
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Trans representation <3
I'm waiting for the rain to wash who I am
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>"for 5 credits and a ride to the next ship port, I'll suck your dick the whole way there, mister"
hehe he did it again
tfw the Avatroons and the Avatrasher are the only things keeping this fucking general alive
/tesg/ in a nutshell
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>Welcome to ch-
>Here's my female charac--
Like every other general focusing on games with character creation, such as /tesg/, /fog/, /hpgg/, /cp77g/, /aa2g/, etc. But hey, at least these aren't cuck generals like /hgg2d/.
Choose Your Chunks is doing poor numbers compared to other mods, why is that?
business running/job simulation games are big
stinky boy alert
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it's so over
Big as in size or popularity? It's not very deep either but seems like the players are more welcoming towards traditional quest mods than dynamic management
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It's just begun. Billions must eat.
It's up
Chunks are made of people!
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Took a little break from Starfield for the time where mods are broken by updates.
>get bored with Witcher 3
>get bored with Dragons Dogma
>Get bored with Elex
>Reinstall Skyrim
>immediate fun and dopamine
Bethesda has it so easy with me it´s crazy.
Todd owns you, you don't own his games
You never owned games, Todd games or not.
the games own us, enslaving us with addiction, sapping away our precious little time on earth. that's deep, anon.
So deep, almost as deep as Sarah's hole
I'm playing to shoot dudes, not run a business
deeper than the Marianas Trench, that one
You're everything wrong with gaming. Ponder about that before you go to bed.
Todd... new patch pls... something...
I doubt the next patch is going to provide any real reason for you to get back into the game. You'd best look into a few mods or go and find something else to do for the time being.
I'm still playing...
My friend is playing Starfield for the first time, it's frustrating how clueless he is about the simple systems like ship power and even looting
me too and I've got 200 hours
It really made me realize how important that long tutorial is.
Sure, but it will be only shartered space bugs fixes, sorry no more content until 10 months, you can buy all of this paid mods ehem... creations in the meantime

Anything, please, I'm dying
>he doesn't even know how to change quests
omfg I'm losing it
It was up
Looks familiar. I like it nonetheless.
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We're so back right now, TES6 got cancelled
In 2040?
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RIP >>499857507, we will miss you
>start imagining DLC3
>realize that it'll take 2-3 years to release
>end my line of thinking quickly
baka I wish Bethesda was faster
All of the generals that I post in are dead af what the heck happened
anti-spamming shit causing people to have to wait ages to post?
browsing the comments on "starfield bad" videos is always hilarious
why is it always ladders? starfield implemented them and I wish they weren't in the game
because he read it in a reddit comment somewhere
i once had someone say to me completely unironically that they hadn't upgraded the engine at all since oblivion, completely unironically
One day we'll get a mod that lets me kiss Sarah
The site is dying
Anti-Spam measures slowed a lot of people down because they were either ban evading a lot or their internet/browser was throwing out whatever information was necessary for 4chan to recognize them as old users, so now they have to wait out 15 minute timer to post again from time to time, and a lot of them probably said fuck it.
>and a lot of them probably said fuck it.
I can't believe it, they finally left this website
Mocapped french kissing by Bethesda itself would be nice
Some tongue action here and there, a little spit won't hurt too
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Crazy that Baldur's Gate 3 and Starfield share the same rating classification.
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>witcher 3
>it´s like watching a movie
That´s why I prefer Elder Scrolls,Fallout and Starfield over the rest. They are not like a movie. I feel like I´m in that world because I can interact with the characters and items more. In other rpgs the world just serves as the background. You can´t sit everywhere, you can´t enter every building and you can´t progress to become a god like fighter. If the engine haters get their way then Bethesda RPGs will totally lose their apeal. Because
wait, you can use ladders in this game?
Yes? inside ships
It should be possible, and also its one of a few things which might actually make the game fun, because the in game characters and world is bland as shit.
Also would make the busy work for certain things a lot less tedious. one of you makes a base for aluminum, the other for resin, then you can pool resources in half the time etc.
could even make it story related, you NG+ into your buddies universe or something.
be thankful, it took Todd several years to come up with the tech for ladders
>It should be possible
It's literally not possible with how the scripting works and how many variables they will count for. They'll need to build it from the ground up like 76 and trim everything to make it run on a server
literally nobody will be playing this empty dead sandbox heap of shit when gta6 comes out. A game which actually has competent world design and writing. Even though this one is going to be so woke it will hurt, it will still be better than blandthesdas ridiculously safe edgy snorefest.
>Let TES embrace being TES and what makes it appealingnto its fans, let Fallout embrace being Fallout and what makes it appealing to its fans, and let Starfield embrace being Starfield and also embrace what makes it appealing to its fans.
as much as i think blandfield is boring as fuck, this I 100% agree with. Starfield needs to have its own identity, and trying to suddenly turn 360 degrees and walk away from that is a catastrophic idea. the balance i think would be to make a shit tonne more POI and then distribute them across the 1000 worlds as unique locations, with logical positioning and some lore contained within also. just keep trickling in POI until the game is saturated with interesting content, basically, not go completely campaign mode retard about it. this game is one huge radiant quest, lean into it.
>safe edgy
Now you're just throwing buzzwords within thinking twice
>Proc gen dungeons are the worst kind of dungeons. They never make sense because proc gen just isn't smart enough to build man made structures realistically.

you say this like we arent on the cusp of an AI revolution and AI cant make that stuff already.
This is a cool map. Made by AI. Wokegendered game designers are shaking in their boots.
You haven't played the game?
I really thought sharted space was going to be like wh40k with chaos incursions but instead they gave a ghost person and a little space spider. fucking lazy as shit and so lame.
GTA 6 will be woke. The ending was already leaked way back and the dude character dies and the Latina gets blacked.
Kissing Sarah's sweaty asshole. Imagine the smell.
This is basically one step removed from requiring payment and subsequently an account to post.
This site is not long for this world.
>competent world design and writing
Kek. GTA hasn't had this since 3, Vice City, San Andreas

>the balance i think would be to make a shit tonne more POI and then distribute them across the 1000 worlds as unique locations
The game already has over 260 POIs it can spawn. the issue is that the game keeps using the same 20 or so over and over, instead of using more of what it has more frequently.
Nes wizardry tier
No. but I plan to later today...
A lot of those POIs are very content lacking. Often, it's just a little camp or a small outpost or a tower. It needs meatier POIs and it needs more of them. There's no getting around it.
>A lot of those POIs are very content lacking. Often, it's just a little camp or a small outpost or a tower.
So exactly like skyrim and Fo4 where like 2/3rds of mark locations were just
-2-3 giants around a camp fire
-A ruined nordic tower that's hollowed out
-A glade/clearing with some spriggians
-A small, one room, cave with bears or w/e
-An above ground "ruin" that's a single building
etc. etc.
Yes, but Starfield had/has the potential to be better than those games. But as things stand right now, once you've gotten about 150 hours into the game, you've almost certainly seen most if not all the POIs the game has to offer, which kills a lot of the incentive for exploration. The step they needed to take but ultimately didn't with this game would've been procedurally generated dungeons, similar to Daggerfall. But it seems that the only road left for them now is crafting and adding more POIs.
>It's literally not possible with how the scripting works and how many variables they will count for.
Random skyrim modders got coop working in their 13-year-old game, and you think bethesda can't do the same in their newest release? A new release that's built on the same foundations as the aforementioned old game, no less?
>that goddamn jumpscare where you exit an area and the follower is right in front you and you see two shadowy eyeballs from clipping inside their head

Fucking hell. STOP.
Got it working =/= fully functional
>The step they needed to take but ultimately didn't with this game would've been procedurally generated dungeons, similar to Daggerfall.
This would've made the game worse as proc gen dungeons are hot garbage.
>procgen dungeons vs the same 10 shitty dungeons that feel procgen anyway

Kill yourself my man. Also, they could make handmade dungeons for quests, procgen for randoms. Like it was obviously meant to be and would make sense. Alternatively, they could have made 100 dungeons with the same assets and that would be fine too. Have fun in abandoned cryo lab faggot.
> the same 10 shitty dungeons that feel procgen anyway
None of the dungeons feel proc gen m8. Proc gen wouldn't get anywhere close to what we have in-game.
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>Have fun in abandoned cryo lab faggot.
I know I'm gonna
>severe retardation

Yes because nobody has done procgen dungeons before properly, you know those tons of succesful roguelikes don't actually exist. Fuck off Todd.
It's up
It's quite functional. No more buggy than the default Bethesda Game Experience™ at the very least.
>lays out the foundation for the main starblivion and starwind project
i love seeing overly ambitious modders who don't yet understand that any large, team-built mod is doomed to collapse under the weight of its accumulated autists/trannies/egomaniacs long before a finished product has any chance of seeing the light of day
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>oblivion robes modder
Well he´s serious about it.
It seems like a fun mod but an entire project is kind of stupid even if they had a dedicated team
> roguelikes
Rouge-like proc gen only works because no one playing rougelikes cares if the dungeons make any sense, or follow any logic, and just want ENDLESS MAZE! to crawl through.
Honestly if people are actually going to considering modding Elder Scrolls into Starfield, then I think there should be some animation overhauls to the melee combat too, alongside support for 2 handed weapons.
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>that bald spot
literally me
Antonio Inoki lives in Starfield!
Would a fully realized player character with all his Starborn powers maxed out be considered a Cosmic Level threat?
Not in a Bethesda game
the wiki site is down but the files that made the Wiki never got taken down
Man, I remember a week after launch, people who'd gone through unity were sucking off Bethesda for the genius of having the player slowly become the Hunter or Emissary depending on how they played. Remember when people argued that the writing was actually good in this game? What happened? Why is it cool to hate this game? (Don't say Youtubers told them to. /stag/ tells me not to listen to Youtubers and thats basically the same)
so whole everyone thinking he's a sell out he's actually working on getting the Official wiki public
HoneyMoon Phase?
As far as Bethesda writing goes, this is still some of their best work
It literally isn't though
Who's he?
And what's better than Starfield other than Morrowind? Skyrim and FO4 are genuinely retarded in comparison. You can claim they have better atmosphere or whatever but the writing was an all time low especially in Fallout 3.
Not him, but Morrowind's writing wasn't very good. Both the MQ and guild quests are almost all Skyrim radiant tier garbage. The background lore of Morrowind is good, but the actual writing in Morrowind is probably the worst of all thier 3d games.
>And what's better than Starfield other than Morrowind?
Morrowind. Morrowind is better than Starfield.

Whats the logical falacy where you just tell the other person not to make the only winning argument? Desperation?
I said some of their best work not their best work. Work on your reading comprehension.
kek ok buddy, here's your sippy cup
So immature
lmao wahwah
it's up
Choose up to 2 you would like to have as future content in this game:
1. Ability to tell Sarah, Andreja and Sam to pick up an artifact instead of you. You can now help them and Barret gain access to THREE Starborn powers exclusive to them as they can't all have the same power
2. You can now tell any companion to hop in the driver seat of the Rev-8 and have them drive towards wherever you place your map marker. You can also use your own weapons while in the passenger seat instead of Rev-8's mounted gun
3. You can now take on radiant jobs as UC and Neon security which will also add a new floor to the apartment buildings of each city with up to 15 randomized designs each time you enter those floors. These new locations will involve investigations as well as loot opportunities for thieves
Is the game worth it to buy full price?
1 is kinda useless given that companions will always be less powerful than the player

3 is pretty good, I love detective quests
Try it on gamepass and see for yourself. I bought it for 100$ and I'm still playing
Why did Bethesda use procgen power for evil and not good
the environments are good tho wdym
they look as good as the real thing
>tfw weapon and armor Skin Modding is possible thanks to special option and the pre-order bonus
>beth didn't go full transmog pill and made color skins for all the non-faction armors
they'll say it's up but they'll never ask if you are up
It's up
why is starfield such a downgrade from fallout 76 imo
They are meant to be separated armors not buyable skins
That QOL update where they added loot all bodies option was nice, shame the two teams are separate
There's a general for this piece of shit?? What the fuck do you guys talk about?
I've looked. Not much. Least of all the brand new DLC I saw advetised.
Sarah's butt
She made me depressed knowing I'll never get a woman like her irl who cares so much about me
To be honest, the opinions of a board full of losers who play videogames all day isn't exactly valid here
It's fascinating how the doomer culture they have became mainstream. Nowadays I feel more alienated browsing /v/ than Facebook
Gamers with years of gaming under their belt are so antithetical to everything Starfield stands for and does well
Honestly, critique is the last thing this game needs. Its brilliant, people just want to point out all the things wrong with it and it doesn't help. I don't understand it. Its a great game and people would understand if they just shut up
armchair development and Bethesda games
name a better combo
People shouldn't expect great writing from bethesda. its unfair.
don't worry even when Bethesda has good writing people will just act retarded about it to claim it's bad
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>even when Bethesda has good writing
go to their official discord and see that they don't care about critique, they are surrounded by dick riders, everyone else is wrong in their eyes
see what i mean?
Damn.. this is some high iq posting
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please present the post-morrowind good writing of which you speak
see what i mean?
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stop it anon, you're raising my blood pressure with your shenanigans
who asked for this
seen what I mean?
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finally got around to binging the dlc, and i gotta say it was very meh. it wasn't bad, but certainly could've been better. ending felt a bit anticlimactic, and i do wish andreja had a bit more interacttions being back in her hometown.

but i still had a decent bit of fun, and it's a beautiful environment. 6/10

also i really need to learn how to use the ck to extract heads.
Nice shot.
>also i really need to learn how to use the ck to extract heads.
Click on an actor and bake its appearance from the tab where you can modify its headparts
What they clearly did is made a small set of POIs attached to caves for the main quest artifact hunt, made a dozen more for side quests, another dozen for survey towers/labs etc and just made that their entire pool for the whole universe.

The problem with this is they all kind of suck even on the first go-round (the cave with the elevator is just bad) and the *only* reason the radiant system worked in Skyrim was the crazy amount of genuinely cool unique dungeons. I think everyone remembers the first time they went to Broken Oar Grotto (even if they cheated on that one) and if you weren't too far in you feel like the whole world is going to be like this.

In Starfield, you enter muybridge pharmaceuticals and think "wow the whole universe is just like this isn't it" and you're right. It's indefensible and the game would genuinely be better if the artifacts were lying on the ground in the middle of nowhere and the POIs occurred once per playthrough
>Skyrim was the crazy amount of genuinely cool unique dungeons
So cool to enter another dungeon with draugrs and a rotating stones puzzle. riveting stuff
i've been dicking with ck for a while now, feel like i might never get it. i'll probably just give up for now, or hope someone else who's familiar witth it can do it.
till death do us apart
It's not rocket science, you should search for a tutorial or maybe I'll post one if I had time
i did extract some things, but i'm not entirely sure i have all of it, and i'm inexperienced with texturing all of it.
Deshawn lost
it's up
your butt
another for the collection. thank you, anon. I'm up now, if you're picking up what I'm putting down it's 6 am and I am now awake
Morning wood
you gnome sayin'
starfield still uses the SPECIAL system from fallout, it's just not visible. the sensor array mod for helmets just adds 5 perception to increase the distance that enemy blips show up on your compass
Yeah remnants of Fallout code are still present here and there
see >>499791657
He's using a trip filter him if he's so annoying
Is the second dlc out yet?
what the fuck
did you mom stitch you this for your 17th birthday? wheres the latex or leather suits -.-
Bethesda should go full on Mandela Effect and have random chances for some faction quests to play out a little differently during NG+. Maybe even swap around npc names and appearances
Next year
just download this mod will ya?
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What a waste, I would have been all over Lillian if the game gave me a chance
>radiant system
>worked for Skyrim
The irony is it suffers the exact problem Starfield POIs do. The loot is the same as the loot anywhere else and the enemies are the same. If anything Starfield cuts down the time you're wasting. Only radiant thing that worked for Skyrim was thieves guild repeatables and they still fucked those up too.
People who don't understand you're basically getting the same results by investing in the proper skills. They need to see a big number to know something is big and that they're strong.
..i just let a few shots off.. i thought she was essential.
Any way to make the spf console command work? I'm not that good with the CK for NPC editing. I want to make Andreja either jewish or pajeeta looking and Sarah into a black woman with her British accent.
Not on the current version

SFAnon said it's working but he probably has a special build

Your best bet is to edit them in the kit
Well shit. The lighting in the preview box sucks.
You can change it through the preview menu by double clicking the preview

It's not the lighting I have an issue with, it's the high FOV that gives it a fish eye look
It's not up
All of my systems are down. Down, down, down
>5 dollars for fisher price suit
>3 dollars for plushies

They are literally shitposting, can't be otherwise explained. I'm a pirate so I didn't know the exchange rate for the jew credits and just looked it up, I was strongly hoping 100 credits wasn't 1 dollar or regional equivalent but of course, it is. I don't really give a shit cause I pirated all of this shit but this is just pathetic.
>Other games charge $40 for 5 weapon skins painted blue
>Bethesda charges 5 dollars for the same
Creation prices are far better then other MTX prices
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>2 dollars for horse armor
Fuck off Todd.
is it up? I need to know first
The pricing is really weird. Escape is worth 5$
That civilian spacesuit is not
So why they are both 5$?
I guess they count for the amount of effort it took?
That escape level comes with its own voice acting, scripting and even unique assets
The suit is just a suit, it's not even implemented in the leveled lists for some reason Bethesda is avoiding that like a plague whereas in Skyrim, some creation club armors were added to the lists
Pricing for MTX is usually based on a combination of how much it cost to make vs how much they expect people to buy it.

A quest may involve a lot more production, but is expected to have a MUCH higher download rate, so they don't need it priced as high to meet profit quotas, but something like an outfit will be downloaded by far fewer people, so it needs to cost more(relatively) to meet the same metrics.
Oh that makes a lot of sense.
>reached 800000 credits

Ships massively help, you actually have something to spend it on. It's not needed at all but you can just collect ships if you feel like it and always have something to buy. In previous games it was mostly houses for the money sink but who the hell does that, switching houses and transffering all your shit, it's a pain. Ships are much better.
We play Bethesda games to avoid this shit.
True. I just wish there was a bigger class than C that is even more expensive and harder to build.
So you haven't been playing Beth games since Oblivion? In case you forgot
>Horse armor
>6 different house DLCs
>spell tomes
etc. etc.
On the subject of money and value, I've been dodging shattered space info as much as I possibly can before I play it myself, plan to start it today. But for 30 goddamn dollars I would expect a full expansion but the hostile reaction I've been hearing about is that it's like something between dawnguard/dragonborn at best. That sucks.
> I would expect a full expansion
I got 25 hours out of it myself. By comparison, I got 30 hours out of dragonborn and Far Harbor, and Far Harbor, when adjusting for inflation, would be around $33-$34 today. So its a pretty fiar prices when comparing against their other DLC.
30$ because they have so many voice lines. I think it's the biggest DLC in terms of content but it's still 6 hours long questline and 20-25 if you completed all side content
From Oblivion to Fallout 4 there wasn´t any problem. With Starfield it´s starting to get too much.
>That escape level comes with its own voice acting

Plus the vulture quest, bethesda has finally done the bare minimum. I still cannot fucking believe skyrim's and fallout 4's OFFICIAL content, not some random modder's shit, has the silent treatment and story told through goddamn notes and recycled lines. Absolutely cynical low effort, feels completely out of place with the rest of the game. They even released a version of skyrim with all this shit and the "better integration" was that it starts by a courier or finding a note. Pure shit.
I think those no voice acting quests are done by hired modders whereas Starfield creations are officially done by Bethesda itself. They just labeled them as official but in reality, it could be Elianora who made that house.
This. Most of the creation club stuff for Skyrim.Fo4 were done by modders, and thus had no VA. Bethesda mostly just did weapon/armor skins and shit like that.
>slave labor

That's even worse. But seriously they couldn't even be bothered to make the stuff they sell properly themselves, god damn. It seems that's over thankfully. At least, so far, 2 quests and all the other things are simple content that doesn't need a quest.
>slave labor
uhhh there's a contract with specificed payment and everything
Well, /stag/. Is your space realistically dark or bright blue just as Todd intended?
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>can't land on a sun
>can't land on a gas giant

>can't explore the sun at night
To any regulars who might be having issues posting here now because of the anti-spam measures, try using a different browser or disable any automatic removal of browser cookies in the one you use.
Yeah but some people don't want cookies whatsoever
Shame because they are pretty tasty with a bit of milk
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Based Starborn
I wanted to come back from my vacation to play Shattered Space but I'm just playing Rimworld instead. Oh well.
Planets you visit out of habit? I always got to land on Mars for some reason
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Andraphon is my home on every playthrough
Don't worry about it, Starfield is just a very on and off kind of game much like every other Bethesda game. At times you really want to play it, at other times you just don't really feel up to it.
What's the catch? it looks like your average barren moon
I played Fallout 4 for 1200 hours and 76 for at least half that (no idea since a lot of my gameplay time was on Bethesda.net). Every time I think I might want to play Starfield I play Rimworld or Stellaris instead.
It has incredible sex monkey inhabitants that only reveal their presence in the evening.
because it has soul, weird that in 200 years they never built other big settlements in there tho
For me:
Skyrim = 14,000+ Hours (It's actually much higher because I pirated both LE and SE before buying that latter cheap on Steam)
Fallout 4 = 750+ Hours (It's probably much higher because I pirated it it too)
Starfield = 1300+ Hours
Morrowind = 2 Minutes (lol it's definitely much higher because like I said above, I initially pirated the game)
Oblivion = 0 Hours (Same deal as above)
Fallout 3/NV = 75 Hours+ (Much higher hours as per usual due to piracy, and my experience with 3 was through NV's TTW mod)
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What Starborn powers do you guys actively use that improve yourself as a fighter? As of now I only use the force push...
Force push too for when the enemy has bullshit damage
It's up
How does that even make natural selection sense? Your brain exposed to everything? One misstep and you have brain damage.
This game fucking sucks.
Primarily Gravity Wave (Modded to ragdoll enemies across the room), Gravity Well and Reactive Shield
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At second glance, Hadrian isn´t that bad if ya ask me.
>love the vibrancy of ReShade's FakeHDR
>but it sometimes causes shit to look TOO bright
You guys ever come across a ship called the Evening Star on Va'ruun'kai? It just randomly landed in front of me, and I can't find anything about it online. It's not a Va'ruun ship, and I don't think it's a spacer or Crimson Fleet ship. It's clearly a ship from the Settled Systems, but you can't go inside it and no one comes out.
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Ok what the FUCK is happening.
I have a "supply 90 plutonium to Jemison" that isnt working. The ship comes down, picks up the 90 plutonium and then just..........nothing gets delivered. intersystem pad has plenty of helium links are all correct. the ship just never drops off in Jemison. Ive deleted/replaced the pad multiple times and nothing. no mods btw just vanmilla. bug?
Cargo links are quirky like that
That's an interesting name. I don't see it in the vanilla ship list either
Maybe I'm face blind but she looks more similar to her father now
game should've been high scifantasy, nasapunk was a mistake

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