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PS1 Hagrid Edition

Welcome to /vg/'s nexus for all Wizarding World and Harry Potter games, including Hogwarts Legacy, Hogwarts Mystery, Magic Awakened, and more!

>/hpgg/ Movie Night Cytube

>HL & MA Student Profiles & Writing References

>HL & MA Character Homework Sheets

>Quidditch Champions (News, Paper Mask)

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>Hogwarts Mystery (News, Art, Fanfics, Blender Models, & Emulators)

>Books, Movies, Non-current Harry Potter Games

>Fan Games

Previous Thread: >>498951963
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how is this so transcore?
It’s because Tiger, Tiger has claimed the seafaring aesthetic for the queers.
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Little drawing because Maria and I have been playing RE4 (2005) and she asked me to draw a little something for the thread.
did matti engage in overtime tho?
I love it
That's so so so so so so so good
My neighbor got big testicles cause we see this dude everyday
Based gryffinclaw couple.
I think it's the only one, or there's another?
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This is so cuuuutteeeeeeee
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Fucking kek
There's Garland and some other witch, but they're disappeared.
garland made up his bird girlfriend

A student of mine and her boyfriend we caught doing sexual acts in the cafeteria during lunch a bit ago. All the teachers I talked with blamed her boyfriend for what occurred. It feels so stereotypical but maybe things can be stereotypical at times. There’s so many narratives about boys who pressure their girlfriends into sexual acts. It makes me sick to think about it honestly. Sometimes the fan fics I read randomly make me feel so gross.
I thought garland dated his dog.
new gacha game idea
story based
normal gacha daily shit to do

its the books/movies but with little to no focus on the main trio, they are literally backround characters

you are a regular hogwarts student going to school at the same time as harry potter. you have classes, studies, adventures and dungeon crawling, endless castle or forbidden forest and the surrounding hamlets and such
>you are a regular hogwarts student going to school at the same time as harry potter
Dunno if most players would like being basically a background character/NPC
Okay play Bully
So just hpma but more annoying memberbearies?
story based? morel ike story crgine
It was the girl's fault.
cause pp is a cute male anon posting a cute fem witch

cute transcore
Unlike Mega and Penney
the fuck does this mean
pp has a pp?

theyve been pretty open about that
which one of our wizzas is a manlet? i need it for research
i want to suck pp's pp
Harry Potter games?
Yeah there's a couple going
Are there any new ones in development or nah
Think all we know about is the director's cut addon new edition whatever it is for Legacy and that they're probably doing a sequel or at least another Harry Potter game.
Shooting up the owlery
There was a height chart made for HL OCs but I don't think MA ever had one.
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Plants ready in about 40 minutes.

Yeah, sure. What're we in, year four? I was only about 5'8" at that age and I haven't really thought my guy would be much different.
That isn't even manlet for that age desu
what's with slytherins and names that start with A
list them
Evil letter obviously
total laziness
If ravenclaw is the house of E and slytherin A. Then what are the other 2 houses
Gryffindor house of M and Hufflepuff house of F, perhaps?
Slatherin and Myffindor
>house of m
*screams in marvel ptsd*
consensual and in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
God I hope not.
amelia personality a. talking about amelia personality b.
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Look at me you guys. I'm now the Slytherin.
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I would be glued to the windows all day, looking at the fishes.
this is the real reason slytherins get so many dates honestly, free aquarium dates whenever
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You need to be taught a lesson that you will never forget
Hufflepuffs get all the BBW because of their easy access to the kitchens.
My robes! No!
I'm sick Eva help
Imelda had such a tsundere energy.
She did and that's why I liked her so much.
Now you've made me mad.
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I'm still pissed that we didn't get a butler uniform
This is what they took from us
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Get well soon.
Why? Bad memories?
Spider-man killing himself for no reason (guilt doesn't count) is beyond retarded. And they only did it for "shock value" and "appearing more mature ;^))))"
We're part of a community, part of something
I would say so but if this is the only community you belong to that’s prolly bad for your health.
One day....*sigh*
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But also I don't really belong so I guess that's fine?
Mega you are literally an integral member of this community.
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I didn't dare saying it...
I'd like to be pressured into sex
Only mudbloods allow themselves to get fat but we don't count those as actual Hufflepuffs. They're just filler to keep people from realizing what we're actually up to.
Where is the content and why all the halloween stuff coming after Halloween
because china hates europeans
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>that pic
Get well soon2.
Smooching (You)
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Imagine watching funny cat videos instead of getting a good night's sleep.
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Club Events in 54 minutes.

Send them to me.
I'm crepuscular actually
I just read manga and I am now very eepy
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Club Dance starting now.
I just masturbated and now I'm ready to pass out
You should let me help clean up
Club Quiz starting now.
Get on your knees and start licking
Who did you do it to?
Go to /aco/
Thank you for the events, Mega.

I'm watching my funny cats before going to sleep for the night.

We're getting that spooky board of bounty in a couple of days that will make all your gems disappear.
Dead general
Thank you for hosting.
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Post your character's relationships.
make one for ocs
no, that's just asking for unnecessary drama
Sure, why not.
Drama is life
anyone pathetic or weak enough to get upset over not being listed as a fake virtual rp friend on a dumb meme list is not worth being listened to
do it do it do it do it
>listed as a fake virtual rp friend on a dumb meme list
But they are not fake? People are real friends here now and anyone left out of that will rightfully feel bad about it. You are a heartless asshole for not having the empathy to see that.
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But it's an in-character relationship chart for -characters- not a buddy-buddy actual friendship popularity list.
The lines for that have always been blurry here. It will show clear favoritism for some and hatred for others. Is it that hard to not do it?
who was the good fry?
shut the fuck up you goddamn pussy
i dont even want to make this list anymore if i have to share it with faggots like you
I can't remember if it's the cheesy one or not
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Eh, we're adults posting about wizards. We can handle it.
It's not that she doesn't know if she likes, she doesn't know them at all.
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This is how the redditor that I stole it from filled it out.
Everything is about looks
so true, I can't remember a single thing any character has ever said
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beep beep
stranger danger
excuse you
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I still think the most retarded Slytherin name is Pansy, but that's probably just me.
uhmmm, i'm thinking based???
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Smooching the thread
witch smoochability tier list?
>the gacha games cant support the thread anymore
I don't like the games I play but its the only games my friends play.
Don’t be meladramatic, we’re always ebbing and flowing in terms of posting habits.
Should I meme the fruity boys in as well?
ebb and flow are not applicable terms to something thats dead
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Anon is smooching all the girls...
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forced topic
Anon is smooching all the boys...
I would smooch every single OC and the people who play them.
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I wouldn't touch any of you animals with a 11 foot stick.
Wtf I literally just heard this word the other day.
I don't understand how it fits here.
I was reaching at that point and did it as a play on "being dreamy" but yeah I'm sure there's something better out there.
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Peppermint tea isn't as bad as I thought it would be.
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It's nice, both with or without sugar.
I could spend the whole day at a tea shop sampling different blends...
With a good book it would be a wonderful way to spend a rainy autumn afternoon.
I misread and thought you said sock.
why would I touch you with a sock?
It's an interesting change from lemon or orange.

A sock full of doorknobs maybe?
I might touch people with a sock full of oranges actually.
I didn’t say you did! I don’t want you touching me with a stick or a sock!
I'm not touching you!
Not with your sticky sock you aren't!
What the fuck do these categories mean?
Step off then!
Dude, just ignore them.
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It's like I'm watching children play.
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if I was a child I'd spit loogies at you
You can't outspit me. I can fill a whole bottle, I have techniques beyond your understanding, I'll sit on you and waterboard you.
please don't waterboard children, that's a bad thing to do.
I want to make a classes tierlist but I'm so laaazyyyy
Do it now
typical slytherin behavior
Keep your stinky socks away from people
Only if people stay out of my space bubble.
now i dunnawanto
That's right, fear the sock.
I've always found it to be a bit too sweet
But it is a great alternative to sweet beverages
eva control your goblin children
No. I have dignity.
mmmm the tears are so sweet
You have nothing.
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How's your dance career going?
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your wish is my command.
>not included
I admire the effort even if I disagree with what will come from this
this is true autismo
why include people who don't avatar post in thread
You play MA?
I don't know. I exclude them whenever I make tierlists but then people complain so I added them for this.
Autismo maxima.
They based it on the MA tiermaker.
>they don't avatar post!
Some of us are just lazy, okay?
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fuck it, we ball.
you just need to post in a fairly specific way. then you don't even need to avatar post for peeps to recognize your posts.
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>you just need to post in a fairly specific way. then you don't even need to avatar post for peeps to recognize your posts
Yeah, like Rout...
Actually no, I'm just baitposting
Bitch doesn't know nobody
>I'm a literally who
Finally, my absence is paying off..
Never has.
>she knows maur and eoin are creeps
still somewhat based
Dramae Whorius...
not wrong
but she simps for eoin
I warned you making a list with OCs would lead to drama. But you didn't listen.
>i warned you fire is hot
Yeah notice how nobody but the chronically untactful Penney has done it?
Nobody ever listens.
Eoin is a bathtub twitch thot?
They changed their name because they are a pedophile and someone keeps pointing it out.
so about those HARRY POTTER GAMES
i blame diana for this
super based. its why eoin had regular meltdowns and autistic rants whenever penney was mentioned
Who is writing this lore? Where's Penney with her writing feedback for this shit
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It's not that big of a deal, plus there's nothing else going on right now and it's basically related to Magic Awakened.
So I'm not the only one that listed themselves as their enemy.
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Mega? I had a feeling she'd do it too.
please stop posting these charts
I don't hate myself.
I can't wait for Quidditch Champions to go f2p.
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not exactly
>cant wait for a cheap meh game to turn into a cash shop
No that would be bad
...Doesn't f2p mean zero money spent on it?
>slut mega
I would post mine but it boring
Do it
I will make it interesting for you.
All the cool shit costing money is worse than being part of the game actually.
That doesn’t even make sense. Like it’s not a secret I changed my name in hpma, I literally wrote two short stories about my new OC.
There’s a sale on quidditch champions and HL and Lego HP but only the non HD ones running right now!
Of course I’d use it, I made it.
Yeah but then you look lame in comparison to peeps who spend their cash on stupid skins.
>hates eva
>doesn’t know anyone else
but why?
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I was thinking of it in a humorous way, I don't really hate myself either.
La hufflepina...
I don't really joke about that. No implications. I just don't.
>imagine not hating yourself
Couldn’t be me. Tho that’s sorta changing a bit, like literally today someone said I was really nice and I melted. People have said so much supportive and nice things to me over the last year, prolly more than I ever received in my life, and it’s forced me to like myself a lil bit.
Be nice to yourselves! Unless you're evil! Then you should die!
Well, trust and abandonment issues aren't much better but I don't hate myself, no.
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Daniel is being groomed
So is the MC
Wenshi also being molested by Dirk Darksen or whatever his name is. Netease continues to deliver.
Wtf I've been nothing but nice to you
Goodnight sweeties
Good night cute anon.
Why should I, if I am the one responsible for myself and all my mistakes and screwups are my direct fault.
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What's happening here
Yeah well stuff happens man no need to beat yourself up.
I miss Joutou
MC offers Ivy to share some of the sweet potato, Ivy agrees.
He tries to split it in half, but one portion is evidently larger than the other.
Ivy stares at him as they both want the larger one.
MC failed to break the sweet potato into two equal halves and now Ivy is going to break him in two
I hope he's doing alright.
I miss dueling with him
Sometimes I feel like i'm losing my sanity
Me too.
seek professional help
There's no need for that, and I think it would just drive me even more crazier
Ivy want potato.
Same i dont even know who i am half the time.
snoooork mimimimi
I request that you please stop posting on page 9, I want to see the thread die before the bump limit.
>>499742607 - INFLATUS
See, now I'll tie the thread to you and we'll float back up to the front page.
Now there's a proper wizza
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Goodnight hypogigis
I should be saying goodnight
I really shouldn't stay anymore
It's been so long since I held ya
I've forgotten what love is for
Did you seriously not understand this comic?
No, I don't speak moonrunes and I don't recognize what that thing they are trying to share is
And that's a good thing!
Not really that hard. Ivy talks about food almost all the time so people meme her as a glutton.
It’s her one visible character trait besides being the mc’s best friend. Even Lottie has more going on despite minimal screen time than Ivy.
That happened once, a year ago. Someone just made a new thread without having it link. A fairly boring outcome.
Here is a list of reasons for my placements, please choose to get mad as per the one I placed you in.
it’s because I hate your vibe.
>literally who
I don’t know anything about you and have had minimal interaction.
I do know things about you and maybe we’ve interacted but I don’t feel like we’ve had any meaningful interactions that would make us friends.
Merci it’s on sight.
Same, but with every next duel.
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And being a murderous pitbull. Though that trait mellowed out recently.
Ivy is NOT a subhuman breed
Anon dogs aren't human
Her overprotective nature used to make her incredibly aggro at the mere thought of people messing up with (you) or her other friends.
It's a joke, lad.
I don't think we've ever talked that much? But thank you.
You sure? Look at how she wants to kill you >>499730984
Its too late, I told him. Surprise is ruined. >:)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/317598 This was a really good little adventure. Rarely is it I find something so well put together on a whim.
Anon, having a finely honed murderous instinct is the most human trait. There is nothing subhuman about killing people.
No I just realized it was stupid
Calm down dumbass.
I hope he will pop in and say hi. :(
This is such an idiotic word choice, especially since the author realizes their mistake and had to alleviate it with a gently. You can’t rap gently, it’s an oxymoron. A better word would have been boop which while a cute babyish word, would have fit much better and already has the connotation of gentle playfulness.
Can you just read instead of trying to inject your weird unhelpful "advice" into everything just to hear yourself talk?
I instantly understood what the author meant by saying "rapped gently" you can strike gently, you can attack gently, you can hammer gently. Retard
Boop would not work there at all, are you retarded? They were saying she did a playfully aggressive tap like you would to shoo away a cat or friend annoying you in the arm
You are a narcissist.
yeah well I read something completely different at first glance
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Mate please...
God it is too fucking easy.
merely pretending to be an unlikable retard will unfortunately, not make you a woman.
I already am a woman, being an unlikable retard is just for fun. Honestly tho, definitions of words do matter. Yeah obvs you get understand what the author meant by rapped gently, but it’s actually all wrong. Rapped is a word most often used for knocking fiercely several times, usually on doors. It is far too fucking strong, tap, a more neutral word is better suited. It’s really not a difficult thing to understand. The moment does not call for the aggression of the word. If someone tapped your nose, would you ever consider they had rapped your nose? Especially in the context of someone seducing you?
>don't talk with your mouth full, here have some cheese
weird ass dialogue tho
Weird how many results such an egregious error has.
>Honestly tho, definitions of words do matter
Define woman
Gentle rapping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1PVmANeyAg
>gentle rapping
I continue to be shocked this is how his voice sounds
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oh really?!
yeah he's a strange fella
a woman is a person who is a hot bitch. Frankly, uglies don't deserve a gender identity.
yes lots of writing is bad, you don't have to tell me.
>using Hermione in the current meta
that's dedication. I gave it up the moment Mcgoo dropped. literally the wizzbang combo is so much better with Mcgoo.
JK Rowling is right, a woman is a person with XX chromosomes. You are always projecting. You can't pass and that is why you have so much open hatred for ugly trannies.
Ade due Damballa.
Give me the power, I beg of you.

Secoise entienne mais pois de morte.
Morteisma lieu de vocuier de mieu vochette.

Endenlieu pour du boisette Damballa!
Morteisma lieu de vocuier de mieu vochette.

Endenlieu pour du boisette Damballa!
Endenlieu pour du boisette Damballa!
Endenlieu pour du boisette Damballa!
Endenlieu pour du boisette Damballa!
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I miss my wombo combo with Hermoine but yeah, nuking things out of existence is better with mcgonny.
I've heard that hermoine with the big cat thingy I can't help to spell even if my life depended on it is a very good deck.
>how to make furniture huge
>other furniture glitches
>which sure some trans peeps
MAJORITY and you know it.
That's gibberish.
what where
Eternal whirl is good, the other is eh
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I wanna spend all my gems on the thestral outfit...
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Don't forget to wait until you've earned and spent all the free tickets.
(No I didn't get it, it's a preview)
It's lucky that I hate the thestral outfits hair and clothes
Like seriously we've got like 10 different renditions on that long slightly wavy hair already for dudes, give me something short you hacks
A lot of outfits and hair are way too similar.
Makes me want to go and kill Dracula
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He won't stand a chance.
Just make sure you don't accidentally stake one of our Volturi cosplayers.
Gods i want that whip.
Club Events in 40 minutes.
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>the thestral outfit pose has a subtle smile
Club Dance starting now.
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>like the song
>but it filters me
Club Quiz starting now.
>I already am a woman
No, you're not. You're an ugly man.
Just report him and move on, you don't need to keep giving him attention
Raio, that song is extremely easy...
Much like himself
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Look at my son...
The contest is over.
Some people were sitting on each other's laps during the quiz
How could Matt two time on Liz while she was right there?
Mine have a nose
Careful he will get his tranny jannie lesbian boyfriend to ban you
but... I haven't even started it yet...
Can you shut the fuck up?
That's the main reason reporting him won't really work, but it'll atleast hide the post for you and not give him attention
Lmao so suddenly NOW it's off topic and bad and shouldn't be talked about but earlier it was fine?
I forget that there are some aspects of this fandom that are incredibly cringe, even for me.
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I saw this really comfy-looking space design and it made me wanna add a second story to my own, but I don't think I can afford it.
why does everyone have stairs but meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I wanna build my frog shrine but that stupid fucking elf wont give them it to me.
Some people with Kossa in their spaces have been posting invites in World Chat. I got all the furniture that way.
How the fuck do you add a second walkable floor?
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besties are the people I talk to the most+james, euph and alice would go in this tier too
99% of people fall into acquaintance tier but I went ahead and blanked out people I can't be sure I've had a chance to bother to some capacity
If you don't know who I am well.... why do you hate sexy women ? ? ? !
>character turns body towards someone I wasn't even looking at like a creep while idling...
Don't you headlock me My I'll cry really loud
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Making a heart with my hands.
Show yours, want to see Eva's too
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Absolutely not, I have trust issues, my list is guaranteed to be indavertently offensive in some way.
I still spin in bed mulling over how people who clearly care about me don't care the least bit about me.
Just say everyone is your friend ez pz.
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Awww look sweetie, we’re My’s precious little babies! She treats us such care!
Sometimes you think you meant something to someone and turns out they barely consider you an acquaintance...
I'm so fucking dumb what a waste of time never opening up again to anyone
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Doesn't matter, we're frens.
my & mercy is the strangest friendship in the world.
Yeah, a pure maiden and a whore
Please, she's not even top five
make a tier list
>spent all my gems on the board
>didn't get anything
when does the regret end?
Ha ha!
Shut up Matt.
They both have the cottagecore vibes and murderousness though
my & mega isn't?
I just took them as being very different people is all
they do though
nah that makes sense
oh yeah i'm thinking about that sauce.
pizza sauce
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I made sauce with tomatillos my cousin's husband gave us, it was so good.
My OC is soo pure it's not on the list
You're OC doesn't even exist
my oc doesn't even know what a penis is
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no it makes perfect sense
we're both pretty babygirls who enjoy climbing beautiful men for sport 2
I'm off to the side off the chart because I can't be categorized I'm both a haha funny willy adjacent comedy clown while being completely chaste at the same time
oh my god why would do this to meeeeee
Love that video
God you're stupid
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what a pure little angle baby, you're like a cherub and too pure for this world, fly away little one, fly
That video made me laugh after a somewhat shitty day. Thank you.
show more pics of the dog
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Do not slander my good name.
Where do you think you belong?
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I have never posted lewd stuff on /hpgg/ my reputation is pure
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I haven't faced a single human being a while...

My heart is very pure, thank you very much.

Poor Dylan, I think he's a funny guy.
>My heart is very pure, thank you very much.
I've seen the way you dress
naizuri with flav...
It's called being an ally
Overcoats? Yeah, I don't see how that dirties my soul
skill issue
>matti turning flav into flavia and getting her pregnant
these polyjuice potions are getting out of hand
polyjuicing mega into a boy to make her more feminine
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This is based on my character, in the context of MA.
She knows time travelers, co-captains, Roman because he sent a bouquet, Penney because she took pictures.
It's in no way a representation of anything else. (Except how "lonely" she is, she isn't but I can't find the proper wording.)
Who are confirmed time travelers, Flav and Flo?
Bros I got my nails done they look so fucking cool. Also I realized I am prolly manic because I literally could not stop having insane thoughts today(I literally wanted to jump off the L platform to see if I’d break my legs) so I apologize for my behaviors lately. A manic me is a worse me to be sure.
Woaw I made it onto the auspicious Mega knows me tier. Truly I have made it.
He’s so cute in his lil sun hat.
You took the pictures and even wrote a story.
That is so true! Feels a billion years ago. Well every thing feels a billion years ago, I’m really bad with time, but still. My first short stories in years were for here. It’s crazy how much I like this place, it’s full of fluffy weirdos.
Me too, I hadn't written in decades; I've never properly written even (especially not in English), though I did enjoy writing silly short stories in school.
Still have a gut feeling I should pursue it professionally, that would be really cool; the idea of Being a Writer is so... Romantic? Appealing?
Would you break your legs though?
Just take a break from posting, literally all of your posts from the past few weeks has been like that
Honestly ur prolly right. I’ve been enjoying myself waaaay to much which is generally a bad sign.
Being a writer is romantic until ur doing it and ur just hunched over and ur back hurts. Tho that might just be me. Tho the other time I write is on the bus surrounded by crying children going to school. Neither seem super romantic. But being a writer is mad cooool.
At the time I def thot I was built different.
It's about the... Aesthetic of *being* a writer, that's romantic.
I have good writing posture so that's fine.
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Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di
Da be dee da ba di
Da be dee da ba ddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
if I was green I would die
double D's on a guy
slurpee spray in my eye
No movienight tomorrow?
We may or may not have accidentally sacrificed Eva during last night's daemon summoning ritual by using a lot of her blood as a bargaining chip. I'm sorry, but movie night is suspended indefinitely.
Eva got into an accident so probably not
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yay, I missed the sale in August and expected to be stuck waiting for the winter sale
I confess! I killed Eva and roasted her, she made a yummy steak!
You can tell this isn't true because Eva wouldn't taste very well.
Goodnight hypogigis
Good night, anon of slightly above average appearance.
The blue recolor of the Sirius outfit is pretty nice, not a fan of the base yellow version though
>friends on 4chan
How does it work do you talk about your personal life?
Shared interests go a long way. You don't give away any identifying details, but you can talk about things related to your personal life.
we game, talk about things we like, make vague references to irl. i have exchanged nudes with a few people.
You talk about things you enjoy, eventually you get close and build enough trust to open up more. It’s much like making friends at school who you slowly open up to.
Why do I get the feeling you're a guy...
He wouldnt'
Not to you maybe
Accessibility to adult women is never the reason why these predators do what they do.

They prey on naivety. It excites them to defile and ruin innocence. They find pleasure in “taking” something from you. It’s always been about total and absolute control.
What does this mean
There isn't a single really innocent person here.
No, you're the one who wants to believe they're innocent or clueless, but they're not.
I miss Evalyn
We'll get her more blood in no time, do not fret.
Thats making me feel things...
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This is the purple recolor, which is a choice, but I plan to only get yellow and blue. I’m so excited for this wheel.
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Wiggers for this feel?
Pick any 2 random sneks
These games are in desperate need of BBWs
You're in need of cyanide.
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These games are in desperate need of BBRs (Bean Bonus Rooms)
Bim Bo Wizards
Blonde Buxom Witches
what about blonde flat witches
What about them?
i like em
What do you like about them?
Haitham, Addie, Taladria.
Who are the flat witches?
mega and my
pp isn't meant to be very busty
I dont get it. Are there beans there?
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You use your witchfu in your deck, right anon?
I don't play videogames.
Why yes, I do use Dumbledore.
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Of course.
Having brunch and farting in bed
Club Events in 48 minutes.
pp is CUTE!
I still can't believe Mega regularly browses the aco thread
what are the best non unforgivable spells for raping people?
Is she on break or something

Amazing that isnt a more used spell btw because of horny sexually neglected boys.Also amazing that love potions also arent unforgivables because you could get the same effect technically.

Technically crucio too.
are you retarded
>no unforgivable curses
>lists 2/3 of them as answer
I missed the
Part. Forgive me....
I don't, there was an accident because I wanted to personally tell a creep to fuck off.
I genuinely don't care about that place or anything going in there.
Keep it there, stop bothering me with it, and stop bothering the people there with me: it's NEVER happening.
Club Dance starting now.
Club screaming starting now
Mega visits /x/...
Wrong, starting in 1 hour
I only browse this thread. Once in a blue moon I go on /an/.
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the dark secrets are hes gay and topped with a dildo attatched to his forehead instead of properly using a phallus spell
Club Quiz starting now.
But you could become an irl witch, they have actual real magic on there
I'm a 30 years old virgin, I've unlocked my powers.
I live in a swamp, animals are drawn to me and do my bidding, I make soup.
Oh wow you're really really really old
Do you remember 9/11?
Club Quiz starting now.

Yes, they made us do a minute of silence in class, they did the same with the Sri Lanka tsunami.
That's scary, did you think you were going to die?
Also Belgium and France were in the Vietnam War, what did you think of that?
Couldn't care less.
Flemish or Walloon?
25/25 but born and raised in Wallonia.
I'm not confused about the image, I'm confused about the answer.
She is Burgundian
Myrtle sure changed
she's so tsun tusn for us
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my son 2.0
>its smug aura mocks me...
Trick or treat (both sex)
treat me
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I'm handing Bubblicious this year if any kid comes knocking.
I love those. Would have offered Jawbreakers but they're too rare over here.
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he's an undertale dog now
I have nothing
Thats the creator, Toby.
You have me
All you have to do is listen to exactly who I tell you to be to be loveable
Toby, The Creator
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I have finally found something to do with my incredible amounts of tokens and cards.
We are having a cupcake competition.
Winner gets a legendary card, 5 epics, and 20 rares of their choice to be traded from me to them.
If you don't have any trade tokens, don't worry, I can give u stuff as you get more.
Obvs you'll have to give me cards in return for this to work but I am sure everyone has copies of cards they don't ever intend to use.

You have until the end of October 31st to submit anonymously, and then everyone will vote on their faves the next day.
I want the competition to be anonymous because the designs should speak for themselves so non anonymous designs won't be counted.
I will not be submitting a design.
I will be putting all the designs in https://rentry.org/hppg_cupcake_compeittion_2024

Good luck and have fun!
Do you really think they'd be bettter off keeping ruining their own life than taking advice from me? Or if its you, then do you just like playing with the idea of self destruction? I could fix everything about your life and about you
I'm not asking for anything emotionally in return
I was just kidding because of the way it sounds, but now I am sure you are and forgot you were a freak.
It's your life, you can make mistakes if you want to, that cam be important. I'll always be there to pick you back up once you realize you need it though. I already love you, but I could make you loveable
I love you
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In-character only, based on who I do stuff with in MA. Friends/best friends = interact with a lot in game/roommates/squadmates/frequent forest expeditions; acquaintance = have interacted with in game a little; doesn't know = haven't interacted with in game.

Also, movie night will be *today* at 6:30pm EST (10:30pm UTC), and our films for today will be The Colour Out of Space followed by Halloween (the original one) — that is, in about 2 hours and 50 minutes from the time of this posting.

See you there soon!

Still on; see above. I forgot to announce yesterday, sorry.

Thank you for hosting.

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Image supplied by Alice which probably definitely has nothing to do with me. Nothing to see here; move along.

I think doing a bit of professional writing could be neat for sure, especially if you're not having to stress about relying on it to make a living. If it appeals to you, you should give it a try some time. Lots of people here including myself quite like the stuff you write; I'm sure others would as well.

Ooh, that is rather nice. I don't know if I've got enough keys but I think I will try for it...

I was away for a bit because I'm kinda dying of work right now and haven't had time for much else, and also the thread was being dumb(er than usual).

But I'm right here... who did you sacrifice? Was it *supposed* to be me??

Alice too I think, though she's not on the thingy.

Most certainly not.

MA Eva's pretty flat.

Oh neat! I probably will not have time to submit anything but good luck to anyone who does.
The thestral broke both of your arms? How are you supposed to... you know...
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If you mean in MA, Broom or Protego Totalum work best... Sidealong also *sometimes* works but sometimes the thestral follows you when you teleport and I genuinely have no idea why it happens and why it's also so inconsistent about happening.
>Best friend
>not shown as friend
Eva hates me, she wants me dead!
Stop grooming people Penney.
'Ate Birds
'Ate Badgurs,
'Ate Lions
Luv me sneks
If you're not a Snake, you'll get the rake. Simple as.
Holy based
Sure, sure... you hate Matti
No one believes it, Flav
How many of those sneks you really know, Flavius?
My, please give this nerd a good spanking.
Replace "Afraid" with "Disgusted By" and it would be 100% based
Don't need to know them all to know that all Sneks are fellow kin.
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Today's clue is here, they keep making the Bridge mistake.
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Updated with a very important correction.

Hm? We talk a lot and used to duo together back when he still duelled.

Don't be silly; you're not even allowed to die. Besides, the people I marked as friends on here are just ones I've interacted with a lot in MA...

>If you're not a Snake, you'll get the rake
So if I'm a leaf and also not a snek, do the rakes like... cancel out, or do I just get two of them...?

Oh, thank you. I spent so long looking in completely the wrong place last time they got the bridges mixed up.
The 'Covered bridge" makes a confusion
Oh, don't be silly, miss Halliwell.
In your case, I'm going Akimbo
You forgot Merips then, Flavius
merips is forgettable
Fugg. Thanks for pointing that out.
Sorry Merips.
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Enemies?! How dare you, you filthy gutter snake! See if I EVER let you read my collection of Lusamine x m!Reader ever again!
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>not knowing lottie's location at all times
I pity you people...
I got confused, okay?
Tell Alice to hurry up, only 3 days left to transfer
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We've always been rivals, you blonde magpie chasing, Griffindork
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Hello hypogigis, movie night starting in 15 minutes.
Tonight we'll be watching The Colour Out of Space followed shortly thereafter by Halloween (1978).

Grab some popcorn and/or drinks and come join us for some spooky movies!

Expanding your space is a fucking mistake if you don't have enough matching furniture to fill it.
Looks like one of those gaudy Second Life or Habbo rooms
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Had to modify it a bit

One of the rare outfits that caught my eye. I like the default colour scheme a lot.

Very cute to add the owls. I wish we could have more pets.
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Fine by me, you blonde viper worshipping slytherslut!
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Movie night starting now.
S-Slytherslut??? W-Why I would NEVER! You kiss your girlfriend with that mouth you scatterbrained, hussy?
>danced once
We did?
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Believe it or not, the Chinese version has them.
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Every day and every night! Also, my mouth? When you’re calling me “Hussy”? You lick your girlfriends shoes with yours?
the girls are fighting :(
I'm not partaking in such lowly Gryffinwhoresque actions, you clumsy ditz. Do I have to teach you a lesson again on the duelling grounds, slut?
Gryffinwhore x Slutheryn
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Oh well in that case... I think I'll just be... um. Elsewhere.

Cute drawing! I think this might be one of my favourites of yours; the expression and pose are great heheh.
>I wish we could have more pets.
Same... as Mega said the CN version has them so we'll probably get that option eventually I think? Owls are some of my favourite birbs anyway so I don't mind too much but I'd love to be able to have even more pets... I hope they let us buy more bird perches eventually too; mine are completely full and I have no idea what to do with any more owls I get because I'd feel bad having a perch for like all but one of them?

True true; I shall go bother her incessantly.
>True true; I shall go bone her incessantly.
I didn't know you were like this, Eva...
Might as well just announce it on the hpg discord to save time. Not like you guys care about MA.
Magic Awakened isn't that good but it does work as a way to filter out people that aren't good at keeping up with the socializing and staying in the loop.
Whatever you're trying to do cut it out
Oh god you scared me for a moment; I thought I actually typo'd that and posted without noticing...

Also I sent out an announcement on the WB side juuust in case.

This bait sucks and you should be embarrassed.
explain mega
why the fuck is her name megamelons
de Cameron named ancestor attended Mahoutokoro, Deka in Japanese means big, Meron means Melon, Deka Meron = Mega Melons.
It's a translation joke from Way of the Samurai 4.
look at half the people in any given movie night
they're all ocs who dont post anymore
it's just a glorified discord clique hang out session
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Oh please, we’ve all seen the way you ogle Cass, groveling at her feet is the least depraved thing you’ve probably done. Besides, groveling is befitting of a snake, I’m sure you’re better at it than most, Jezebel. Wins one duel and never lets you forget it…
cytuber oc.... stop trying to start drama...
....nigga what did no one bother to correct it
It's just funny
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Because it's funny.
Same reason why my witch is flat.
I plan to write the name's origin story at some point.

I accept it. I don't like it but I accept it.
I think I've had enough of you. Hiding your traitorous visage behind your porcelain mask again, are you?
Uh oh he's in the dress again
I didn't expect to go this far when I made my witch for Legacy.
No regrets though.
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Just finished Colour Out of Space; Halloween (1987) will be starting in 10 minutes. Go pee or whatever.

Not including the 3 anons I can't identify, 8 out of the 11 people currently at movie night play MA actively. Not that it would matter even if they didn't mind you; it's literally a completely public link I post here! It's like the least cliquey thing possible! Stop being dumb.

Me neither, on both counts.
It's ok, he looks so delicious either way
anon kun come join ussssss i want to chat with you
Sizzling hot, out of the oven loaves of bread near your location!
if you peg me instead i will be right there, loaf
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I can amputate your foot and install a peg leg if you want.
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You sick fuck I can't believe you want me to do THIS!??!!?!?!
I almost had a groundhog day moment until I realized daylight savings is today.
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That always throws me off too...
the daylight was in trouble???
yeah but we saved it
vampires all over the globe curse ya-me-ha your name
I don't care about jewish vampires and their yahweh
no it isn't you fucking morons
that's next weekend
Time is meaningless
South Africa does it a week earlier.
>a country of racists
who cares?
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Movies done; Cytube open to hang out if people would like.

the voices in my head keeps telling me everyone are traitors plotting against me
there probably is one, but you need to figure out who
Percy works for Paradox. He's sabotaging your mappies.
That is what multiple traitors would say
Percy would never betray me, he is the most truest of the true
>That is what multiple traitors would say
true, I would never lie to you
>Percy would never betray me, he is the most truest of the true
The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies, it comes from those you trust the most.
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Fun, isn't it?
do they tell you to put a vibrator up your ass for us to play with?
Check aco
I'm going to bash your head with a frying pan.
I'm constipated.
I didn't need to know that.
i fucking miss SBS so much
wizzas for this feel?
gmod harry potter RP servers from a few years ago

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