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Demonology edition


>Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct on November 13th.

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Old >>499614242
It already feels like the end of an expansion...
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First for Ukraine
I can't believe they killed off my nigga Anub'azal...
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Gentlemen, let's be on our best behavior in this new thread.
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Post your Dracthyr girls
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Post more WoWcuck stories, I want to jerk off.
>coom big time to slop and artwork of draenei
>ingame animations and voice make me hate them
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Based. Fuck Ziggers. I kick each and every rusfag I see.
>Lose to Russian in arena
>Create a report to Blizzard
>Claim to be Ukrainian
>Claim they were emoting/spitting on me the entire time and it was hatred and that I am scared
>They get banned
Life is good in 2024


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What am I in for?
Skyrim from wish.com
Better times.
Even worse gameplay than fag fantasy 14.
>Thread says 11.0.5 is unacceptable due to bugs
>Does not mention a single bug in their post
it's basically skyrim online so if you like skyrim for all its faults (dogshit gameplay) you'll love it
>The mount event thing is literally stolen from asmongold
I want to suckle on Jaina's big hag breasts while she calls me a good boy

Post Jaina if you agree
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based and true
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Mythic+ represents an outdated game format that no longer resonates with the current player base. It's hard to imagine many players still enjoying speed-runs. Eliminating the timer would resolve most of these issues, as the real challenge should be in the content and the experience itself—much like raids, which aren’t time-bound.
I want to engage with my friends in tackling new and challenging content, focusing on the actual experience rather than artificial barriers created by outdated mechanics. For Blizzard to genuinely enhance dungeon difficulty, they must move away from an over-reliance on add-ons. The recent World First race underscored this, revealing that Blizzard primarily provides the game's framework while add-ons compensate for UI shortcomings, class imbalances, and outdated mechanics.
It's absurd that we need add-ons just to have decent group and guild filters, essential tools for end-game content.
Jennifer Hale.
Probably a more confusing new player starting experience than World of Warcraft.
Expansion storylines having gaps between them because they expect you to play the dungeon, to know why characters are currently where they are in the current expansion story you're in.
Easily playing the game out of order without a guide, despite there being an intended play order with references and changes to the world in later stories, if you actually do it in the right order.
Realizing your choices don't really matter and there's a canon narrative the devs go by that does affect later expansions.
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fun dps specs?
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M+ flopped
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Which one is more fun

Delves or Skyrim dungeons?
colossus has a cooler icon
More troll jiggies plox
Every time I lose to Russians in arena I donate 10€ to a drone unit.
I'm at 80€ so far.
insanely bad combat and genuinely nothing to do besides doing samey mindlessly easy daily chores for rng cosmetics or playing through several years worth of dlc storylines (also mind-numbingly easy and of varying quality) + everything actually cool is from the cash shop
If you like exploring and playing at your own pace, then your in for a good time. ESO is one MMO besides GW2 that's actually super cozy to just fuck around in and enjoying yourself.

The whole world scales to you in ESO so find a zone/Culture you enjoy and just do quest and explore the world while clearing the mini dungeons

The one thing I would advice though and it's probably the most important thing. If you intend to play the game get ESO + (The subscription) otherwise your bags will get bloated in no time and your going to spend more time on inventory management than playing the game
Skyrim dungeons but only with the vore mod
Play literally any other class as dps
>insanely bad combat and genuinely nothing to do besides doing samey mindlessly easy daily chores for rng cosmetics or playing through several years worth of dlc storylines (also mind-numbingly easy and of varying quality)
sounds like ffxiv

>everything actually cool is from the cash shop
sounds like gook slop
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Yes I play gnome
Yes I use a toy to shrink myself even further to micro size
Yes I run around the feet of female characters and cam up at their asses
holy based
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Good morning, anons. Did you sleep well? Mommy's got some fresh milk for her lovely posters.
now that I think about it
why do human women have such big tits compared to every other race?
Arms main here
You do mediocre damage and you are squishier than any dps class in the game unless you put ignore pain into your rotation and in PVP you only do decently once you have gotten very good
The REAL problem with Mythic+ is that not everyone gears gear.
Its so insanely fucking stupid. People wouldn't mind spending 1 hour trying to crack a 10 if they knew they were guarenteed to get something at the end of it.
can dracthyr stay in visage form if they aren't playing evoker? if so i might seriously reroll
>Terrible auction house system
>You HAVE to animation cancel every 3 seconds in combat or you're not getting invited to raids
Other than this it's ok. The world and cities actually feel alive, other humans speak in chat which is something WoW hasn't had for about 10 years
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Yes. You literally never have to go dragon mode on other classes
>other humans speak in chat which is something WoW hasn't had for about 10 years
Play on an RP server.
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i was waiting for humans to get elf ears but i guess dracthyr is my next best bet. sorry nightborne, but it's over
are the titles warboud or character bound
"cataclyms enthusiast" etc
Aren't they only temporary for the event?
Can someone explain to me why straight coomers and gooners are so fixated on women with cocks?
I rerolled my warrior yesterday
Look at that troll amazon, she is almost as tall as the belf dude next to her when sitting down
right? they're fucking based. i made my druid one but too bad she spends most of her time in flight form gathering. still sick though
no fucking way
Two women having sex are hot. One of those women having a cock is even hotter. No matter what trannies try to claim, it has absolutely nothing to do with them because they're all ugly men. Curvaceous women with womenly bodies but also dicks which they use to stick in other girls is both straight and hot.
They've been watching porn since their early teens, so normal stuff became boring for them.
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>Ranged standing right beside each other during last boss of siege
I dispel immediately if we're not running to a platform, if you're in range of somebody else and a ranged dps it isn't my problem
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He was right all along.
What are some settings I can finagle with to get better performances in-game? I find that my performance just fucking tanks when I'm in raid.
You're playing Arms wrong because I pumpalump in keys
in raid I smash single target but get cucked on any adds but that's just padding shit anyway
Interesting read
neo-puritanism is so fucking retarded
I was liking this a long time TES fan for the exploration and lore aspect but man, the leveling experience is so fucking piss easy, if I don't feel at least a little bit of challenge I get bored. Never even made it to see endgame.
WoW retail is also easy but at least if you don't play a tank or healer you actually have to be careful not to pull too many mobs or elites.
Just looking at the stats
Who is /ourgirl/ now?
arms could definitely use a few tweaks like removing some abilities from the clogged gcd and buffing the quite frankly horrid defensives/available hp pool but in general it's pretty good
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What did WoW devs mean by this
ur mom
Extremely based.

Fuck Ziggers.
>Eh? All I have to do is get some servants to build the Dark Portal and let you lot in from Draenor, in exchange for some exotic half breed alien cum-dump with the mental age of a five year old? Well of course Gul'dan. I'll get right on it.
What did the Guardian of Tirisfal mean by this?
Work around the big button
Press da buttons and remove frontal cortex

For me? Thane.
>quite frankly horrid defensives/available hp pool but in general it's pretty good
Reduce ignore pain cost
Make skullbreaker do all bleed damage instantly

There, i fixed your class
not canon
Just slap shield wall on all warrior specs and make it work off AM.
I hate Preheat so fucking much
>Take the Aphrodisiac
>Turn into a fucking tree
>This dumb fucking pink haired slut goes "Oh! Sorry it was an APPLEdisiac!... Wood still do it!"
>Gets awfully fucking close and then whispers
>"You got wood~?"
Always Alinity

>Players are encountering a critical bug with the Threads of Fate skip in Shadowlands, locking them out of raid access.

so i was doing timewalking to level but i've noticed my gear sucks? is this a problem? should i start questing for more gear?
Arms sucks this expansion and I say that as an arms main for the last 5 years. Healthpool is just too low, you die to globals so easily in raids that it's not worth playing
>mental age of a five year old
why would someone punish themselves and level through shadowlands? It can't hurt you anymore, just leave.
Garona and plenty of the First War Orcs were children that were physically aged up by Warlock magic so they could serve in the War effort.
Be honest, in his situation everyone would have done the same.
>and genuinely nothing to do
This is actually completely untrue for a new player.
Do the story quests, travel through the world and once you reach "endgame" deinstall.
>Fun to play
>Strong in PvP
Does this class or spec exist? The closest I can think of is BM hunter but it's like 80% fun, 20% strong.
skill issue
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>Farm ICC on endless alts for Shadowmourne/to pay my sub
>Works fine for years
>Take portal to Lich King
>Fall to death/ground doesn't load in
>Repeat 5 times, still happens
>Log onto another character and try
>Same thing
How on earth did this happen?
>melee do this
>fucking melee manage to kick you in the water
dps players brains
Strong speccs are horrible to play and Fun speccs are weak as fuck.
>fags exploiting in high keys +16
are these people retarded
The game is perpetually breaking down with every patch and then these bugs don't get fixed, they just pile up
we needed the floor for the anniversary party
MM Hunter
BM hunter
MM hunter
Feral druid
Where the fuck is my Warlock's army of retarded greenskin child soldiers?
Aka competency crisis aka lack of white blood
>Feral druid
>Fun to play
Did you try it in TWW?!
They fucked it up.
>get a quest to queue alterrac valley
>1 sec delay on everything
>as soon as a zerg errupts 5-10s delay
servers no bueno
Feral and Druid are not fun.
ww monk
arena balance changes with the wind tho
how do you do the blood infusion questline solo?
Dont cry for bress next time you die dirty monkey
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the fuck are you able to pay your sub by farming ICC? what is even in there that you can sell?
You wiped most of the remnants out when taking out the Dark Horde in Vanilla and Fel Horde in TBC.
Rend and Maim Blackhand were both children who went through the ageing up process as well.

But like everything surrounding the Warcraft 1-2 era lore of Orcs and Warlocks, the devs sorta shoved it under a carpet over the years so people don't ask questions such as why are Warlocks not using this ability again. Or was Medivh and Garona's relationship very questionable.
You need a good pc and 3 alts
>be me a druid tank
>do dawnbreaker
>fly to the first mini ship as a bird
>clip through the ship
>try again and I clip through it again
>meanwhile my retard team starts fighting the adds coz they cant land out of aggro range

yea it sucks that blizzard is too dumb to program working floor for this game
>needing a bitch res
skill issue
Women don't owe you shit you degenrate trump fan
Ok get nerfed more, 0 dmg 0 health chud
so... the quests are weekly? There's absolutely nothing to do during the event when you've finished them after two hours?
>You can kill world bosses daily, inclusive on alts
>Mount off
>Mog competition
>A raid
>A new timewaling dungeon
"Nothing" to do
skill issue progressed to terminal brain issue apparently
yea I think you can farm the world bosses. some drop mounts but I dont know how often they reset
Every event that has ever released lately comes out in an absolutely unacceptable state and it will take around a week or two of patches before it reaches anything close to acceptable
D tier retard shut up
Trying to cast Orbital strike on the boat during the final boss is fucked to hell and back too! Even worse if you use travel-form to quickly when you have to fly off the boat you get the ground version instead
world bosses dont drop the currency thoughbeit
Ah you don't want content. You want to blast through stuff for currency so you can buy your shitty t2 remaster set. You must be wearing a genuinely awful transmog right now if one of these dogshit sets are an upgrade to you.
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its worse than we thought
and DKs can completely fuck you over during the last boss coz there is a bug where the green shit indicator doesnt show up when you stand in AMZ
where is the pvp gear vendor for this expansion?
havocbros? do you exist? is it fun?
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Chieftain bros..
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I play vdh and had to respec to havoc for pic rel
it's shit damage wise but it''s kinda fun and "zoomy"
I would probably play it if I was a dpscuck AND it was decent damage wise
>presumsed deceased
Alexestrasza literally fucking ate him after Rhonin/Krasus (I forgot who) wrestled the drago soul off fo him.
Why did vengeance not work? I haven't attempted it yet but was going to do on my vdh instead of my mage.
The damage check was that bad? I though VDH still did really good damage anyway
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NTA but imagine caring about "transmog"
I have 2800 rio and 5/8M
God I wish I could piss off dragon mommy enough to get swallowed whole
your drip is more important than any of that other nerd shit
Honestly if I see a character in random non transmogged gear I assume they are good players.
scaling is so fucked, gear before tww has too few stamina compared to TWW ilv gear im getting almost 1 shot in timewalking.
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You're thinking of his dad, Nekros.
Krosh was a Wetlands NPC.
https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Nek%27rosh_Skullcrusher with Nekros never getting the role of Chieftain because Zuluhed was alive a the time who he served as second in command to.
its pretty much only for playing m+ with some friends so i dont care about the current strength, other classes aren’t holding my attention at the moment
>meta race
>shit mog
>flexing rating no one cares about
holy fucking soulless NPC

did not even try as vengeance but itr cvould have potentially worked if I kept fel dev and two procs of demonsurge for the cocoon, overall dps would still have been higher as havoc
cannot fucking kil the eggs as 623 guardian; even druid of the claw, with a lvl 48 dps brann with 4/4 curios x2, insane
>I'll have you know I can flatten steel with my thighs
JESUS, I forgot about that one
Only positive I can think of the zandalari is that they can roll prelates (paladins).
>lackluster appearance options
>retconned into looking like scalies
>glowy eyes without lines like the elves have make them look unemoting while normal trolls have myriad emotional ranges that can be noted from eyes alone
>Normal trolls have better druid forms
>normal trolls are the cutest females on the horde
>like bro they have visible perky nipples and jamaican accents
>normal trolls look chill while zandalari are trying too hard with the idle pose
>you are basically a priest or a mage if you want to be a true zandalari because its a caste system
>shitty tattoos
t. indian manlet that watches 'menswear' gurus on youtube
Noone will ever compliment your "rio" or your "5/8M". I get compliments on my mogs daily from strangers.
oh it shows quentin.
nobody cares what rating you have kid, but fashion is important.
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>>retconned into looking like scalies
they have the same skin texture as those gronn in azj kahet
I think they look cool.
>No Half Orc and Half Troll children, despite both races living together for decades, with them both likely having the same Titan construct of Aggrammar origin for an ancestor.
Where's my Torcs blizz?
Oh ok, I didn't even know he had a son kek
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>she has a jewtube account
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What's the best way to earn the event currency? spoonfeed me, please.
Since when are orcs and trolls titan related?
>gronn in azj kahet
Why are there gronns in Azeroth? I thought they were native to Draenor
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The Alexstrasza sex minigame.
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Where is that?
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>people that genuinely dont care about transmog or mounts
they kill shit ingame
>muh fashionistas
35+yo balding manlets that """""""""""collect"""""""""""" things*, with no fucking achievements ingame outside their mount and pet counts

* : oneshot outdated content week in week out in search of le cute mount and rare transmog (nobody cares, even less than R io or m kills)

let that sink in
sex with morchie
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>Take my shoes and socks off
>Can smell them while I heal in m+
You can only unlock it if you play Tauren though
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>Alexstrasza was freed by her consort Korialstrasz, and the first thing she did was dispose of Nekros, swallowing him whole and alive.

Holy shit. Imagine getting swallowed whole and alive by Mommy and then she turns into her thicc "Humanoid" form right after while you get digested into becoming part of her curves!!!!!!
Zandalari being reduced to an Allied Race is a damn shame. They are so fucking cool and have been hyped up since Vanilla as the pinnacle of Troll Civilization. I would have much rather gotten Zandalari/Dark Iron as fully fledged races instead of 8 horrible reskins.
Horrendous amount of grind in order to maximize your character.
Does anyone have a comprehensive in-depth guide focused on acquiring maximum possible amount of anniversary tokens? I want to farm this fomo shit as quickly as possible and as efficiently as possible. I have 40 chars I can use to farm and transfer the tokens assuming this shit is farmable instead of being completely account-wide timegated.
I'm actually extremely curious how the fuck that works for dragons. Can they just not go into visage forms if they ate something as a dragon or does it follow some sort of magical hammerspace rule?
>I have 40 chars

>she doesnt know
It's timegated for 3 fucking weeks, god knows which Irvine retard thought this was a good idea
They aren't, afaik
Chronicle Part 2. Agrramar found Draenor effectively being strangled by rampant plant and spore growth, and figured it would be a shame to let the planet go to waste. So he infused a mountaun range with arcane energy which brough it to life so it could literally fight the giant plant creatures, the Sporemounds, as a being named Grond.
As they fought, pieces of Grond got knocked off, but they came to life as well and began to fight pieces of the Sporemounds which had also fallrn off. These pieces became to Colossi, who in turn had pieces knocked off which became the Magnaron. From the Magnaron, the Gronn, Ogres, and (least of them all) the Orcs were broken off.
So much of Draenor is, in an indirect way, the creations of the Titans.
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I care about m+ and fashion, and I look better than you IRL.
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To be fair, most people don't either. Vanilla lore was a mess for Orc clans and honestly a lot of the clan leader-ship issues this game has had didn't get fixed until Dragonflight.
But if you've played WoW since Vanilla, you've had met 5 different Chieftains of the Dragonmaw Clan in this game's life cycle.
Nek'rosh in Vanilla who you kill
Zuluhud in TBC who you kill
Mor'ghor in Cata who you kill for Zaela
Zaela who you kill in WoD
And now left with Gorfax

Since Chronicles 2 confirmed that Orcs, Ogres, Gronn, etc are direct descendants of a Titan construct made by Aggrammar.
Since at least BFA with Uldir and all the lore surrounding it, as well as the multiple Titan facilities on Zandalar with Constructs that take up Troll iconography. As well as War Within introducing new Deepwalker mobs that look like the same exact line that Orcs descended from, but now with giant stand out Troll tusks for some reason.
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there is nothing wrong with using a full set
This season made me hate it desu. And KSH the past 4 seasons. Mythic+ needs an overhaul.
retard here. How do I find groups for the timewalking raid/dungeons? They aren't advertised in the group finder, and if I speak to the NPC I get ported in by myself.
everything is daily-locked and account-wide isn't it?

yeah ... let's celebrate our game's 20th anniversary, which is actually quite a feat, with more fomo because we are trans and retard. that's blizzard
it's account wide timegating
you can't use alts to farm more
basically you just need to do every weekly quest available from tanaris, and every weekly quest/activity in the expansion zones
Orcs and ogres are descended (via magnaron and gronn) from stone giants created by Aggramar to beat the plant monsters of Draenor.
Steamy creampie sex with alextrasza!
That was a pretty nice shaman tier set. Unbelievable how bad the current season set looks by comparison.

You can only get 48 this week if you have TWW, far less if you don't have expansion
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>I look better than you IRL.
I'm sure you do retbro
alright .... i guess it is what it is. thanks fren

if i can't get all the sets from this event just by playing then it's a shit-tacular event just like everything else blizzshit has been sharting out of it's stretched out prolapsed asshole
>everything is daily-locked
its actually weekly locked
Turn shadows off. Easily the biggest resource hog. If your comp is decent enough that's usually all you need to adjust.
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based rogues nuking the charts by abusing a super niche bug
>this beautiful, regal 10/10 dragon was defiled by Orc dick
So fucking hot
Well, for a starter. I'm not the schizo who saves random pictures on the internet and thinks everybody looks like that, take your meds you're beyond sad. Also, just crosslink your body on fit, before saying other people look ugly.
>far less if you don't have expansion
*strokes nose*

lol jfc
a game developer that doesn't understand "fun" ... what a tragedy.
those niggers better make us unlock everything after two or three weeks, I'm not there to farm weeklys until the last fucking week of this shitty event
If you don't have friends to do group content your max is like 10 a week. Its bullshit.
this is what peak wow looks like
you have like 3 months to get the sets and when you get 100 bronze coins you unlock repeatable quests to get more
if you just do most of the weeklies every week even once you'll get all the stuff in time easily
>saving pics of ret players
>saving aislop pics of wow characters

>browsing fit
how to out yourself as a pathetic nonwhite dyel
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My guess is hammerspace. Due to their size, Dragons would need to eat more than usual. It would be digested into copious amounts of half-digested slop funnelling through their intestines at all times and create a lot of waste matter. Which for a large dragon wouldn't be a problem, but in a smaller visage form, it would simply not 'fit' inside. Therefore hammerspace magic is the best explanation for why someone as big as Alexstraza can still keep a stunning figure in visage form despite no doubt eating more than even the average dragon and having her guts churning large volumes of meat at any given time. Thusly it is not impossible for Alexstraza to eat an average sized Humanoid and then transform into her mommy form while everyone around her is none the wiser.
what was blizzs intention when nightelf body 2 says: i'm a girl??? wtf?!
still can't believe metzen thought it was a good idea to make that canon
Most of TWW sources are bugged and don't actually give tokens.
ok, we just stop and ignore each other from now on, you're not a functional human being.
thank goodness it's at least 3 months. thanks for the reassurance wowfren ... if i miss out because of fomo i might DIE
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Great, not only they don't even play the game and don't test shit, you're getting fucked even if you are a paypig
>thank goodness it's at least 3 months.
Now we know when the season will end.
literally all of my jej
Are there any Shaman specs/builds that use totems the least? I like the class but having to micromanage totems and their keybinds is annoying.
peak dyel and passive aggressive answer, let me guess, fem nelf holy priest?
get a load of that cuck
spriest sisters we still fucking suck after the buffs...
you are severely mentally ill and should seek psychiatric help asap and i mean this with utmost sincerity anon
I've done everything I can solo and I have made 9 tokens this week. So in 7 weeks I'll have one piece of armor.
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>Alexstrasza is able to give birth again following Azeroth blessing the Aspects again
>all her consorts are dead
I'm leveling warrior because some anon told me they are great, but it feels really weak?!
Call in the Orcs, it's time to make her remember.
Queen Ansurek Kill - 3

This cannot be done in Story Mode - Has to be in LFR difficulty or above.

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>Dracthyr can only be the boring core classes


It's fine. Orc men will find a way to get her pregnant again. They always do.
>>all her consorts are dead
BRD, Codex and Palace are basically unplayable if you dont have a group. Queues are a minimum of 45min for each
She could just /ss/ Anduin.
Wong again, don't you ever feel retarded for being a schizo? Pro tip: You can't tell who's the person behind the screen, mongoloid. Take your meds.
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non-evoker dracs should be able to stay in visage form all the time

in fact you know what, fuck it - let evokers stay in visage as well. i hate the dragon forms but i actually like the visage customizations even though many of them suck and look terrible.
Blizzard, a small indie company, obviously can't expend the resources to create like 3 models for druid transformations, shaman totems and paladin mounts
the art is off model as fuck
draenei is one of the ugliest races in the game with the most shit tier animations next to female dwarves

You can't even queue for Chromie if you are not a paypig
>tfw not getting digested into dragon shit while she preaches about protecting all life
>non-evoker dracs should be able to stay in visage form all the time
they can
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>Take my shoes and socks off
>Can smell them while I heal in m+
Anduin is busing being raped by Sylvanas
>classicboomers got banned from the Silithus event.
>missed the outlaw bugkino
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tyyrande x shota belf, name a better combo I'll wait
you already posted that retard
Exactly, these Irvine retards don't even test their shit
reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally? that's actually pretty sweet ...... might make a draggie rogue
OK, maybe Alex could then contact the realm of life and ask Elune to bless her with so much additional life energy she becomes spontaneously pregnant.
tyrande x bald disgusting smelly green orc
Zuglings Birthed: 10,963
lol i remember this guy
>has aotc
>but no queen log
very sussy
you telling me people who killed the boss week two, NOBODY was logging?
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>the ret paladin experience
Cuckqueening Vyranoth by making her watch me sleep with Alexstraza.
>You're playing Arms wrong because I pumpalump in keys
So do I but that doesn't change the fact that Arms is probably the squishiest dps in the whole game right now.
It has decent defensives but it has fuckall health because Warrior's health talent requires 2 points for 10% more health and it competes with 2 really good dps talents so no one one takes them
DPS warrior also doesn't really bring anything to the party that a prot warrior doesn't already and more
I still want to play Arms but it's honestly not that fun when you're playing a dps with inferior versions of things everyone else has, plus Arms has been eating stray nerfs all expansion because Fury did well on AoE heavy boss fights in the raid
My advice to anyone playing dps warrior right now, reroll to something else, DKs (both frost and unholy) are super good and durable, ret is seemingly permanently good etc.
t. Arms main who rerolled the fuck off because the devs have no idea what they're doing right now
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>outlaw bug comes out
>people stack outlaw in m+
>clear the worlds fastest time for siege

does she just shit them out hundreds at a time like a frogspawn?
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does it make you seethe he fucked that one gold digger for months?
isn't this the guy that is pro genocide?
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Wow these rogues are really talented
Crazy how outlaw bugs get fixed right away if it does big dam but they were totally fine leaving a bug that broke the most important damage button in the rotation if you sheathed at the wrong time for several months
Move Endurance Training further up in the talent tree, make it a 1 point talent and increase the hp from 10% to 20%
Now it's actually fixed
man these threads are so much better when the avatartrannies are behaving like normal people and dont blogpost their inane autistic brainfarts

or they are dilating i guess idk
No, they spawn out of her poop in the thousands.
they fixed the damage buff but the ar breaking bug is still there, the bf bug is still there and another subt bug is still there
>t. Arms main who rerolled the fuck off because the devs have no idea what they're doing right now
i feel like this is the overall feel of the game right now. the balance is so fucked and unstable plus blizzard work is shit and totally unreliable so it's tough to settle down and focus on any single character because you never know how they will invalidate your commitment. i have an army of chars and i have no idea what to main. i wanted to main shadow but that's bunk and i went enhancement but they are fucking around with that now so like ......... what the fuck.

just pick a set of fomo meta classes so the class balance can "settle down" and let the season actually continue in some consistent manner instead of this unstable nonsensical chicanery
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>>all her consorts are dead

This makes me wonder what Dragonflight would have been like if Krasus was still alive and was the "Khadgar" like figure of the expansion, I think it could have been really cool.
What a fucking waste man.
still live in your head however
Making the full xp buff require a tedious daily quest is annoying.
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which one of you is this
nah he let his teeth rot out when playing WoW
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Anniversary status?
>nah he let his teeth rot out when playing WoW
how does that even happen?
someone who wants to get perma'ed and lose all that mountsmogscheeeeevos lol
This patch is a symphony of errors. The bugs, the horrible event, the terrible class balance. Everything is great to watch.
>drink soda nonstop
>never brush teeth
>proceed to do this for 20 years while playing WoW and never developing lifeskills
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lol she is so gross. look at those soulless bug eyes. another terrible wow influencer that belongs in the garbage.
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>don't ever invite wl or warriors to my groups

Do I miss out on anything? Prior are mage/shaman/dk.
mogged by fandy
Mazebros, the season is fucked, throw in the towel
Same shit with healers. I main a MW monk since MW I hate casting stuff. And as a pugger, I am hardstuck at 8~9s since none even dares to touch for 10s.
that's a clueless normalfag who doesn't know what tranny means lmaoooooooo
>made enough money just to get his teeth fixed
He won the game and you lost it.
ugly bug
>none even dares to touch for 10s.
run your own key, healchad
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sometimes i wish i was about 10 years younger and could have jumped on this e-girl influencer boat of the games i've already been playing for decades. i'm not awful at the game, but i do play an awful spec but maybe that could have been part of the fun. back to waging i go haha....
like did they actually fall out?
that's crazy
he just like me
That's not because of lore, that's because they are too lazy to make the druid forms, same as every other race.
>Still playing the Maze when Delves exist.
Shiggy diggy
DPS shitters brick my keys at the first boss.
are you a survival hunter and wage at a computer storeb by chance? ;)
If you are EU I can carry you through 10s.
But you must be on discord, where I will routinely insult you and the rest of the group and talk about how the holocaust didn't happen.
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no i play a frost mage and work at a software company
na is still the same
think r1 went up by like 100 tho not sure
im 4/8 mythic and still climbing io timing 11's and pushing into 12's, all on arms. sounds like a you problem bro no disrespect. i play arms because its fun, i enjoy it and i'm getting better at it. idgaf about what some pinkcuck is doing on wowlogs lol
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>will never own a full set of god given natural teeth again
he can keep his "won" dentures
dang lol
>I am hardstuck at 8~9s since none even dares to touch for 10s.
whut? 10s are easy.
>I am griefing my friends lol
Post logs
It's little column A little column B. You need to remember the main people who are writing the game currently are hardcore Night Elf lore fans. Giving other classes to Night Elves allows them to turn those classes into Night Elf lore and shill more Night Elf characters into all roles.
But, if they give Druid to other races, it's a blemish on Night Elf lore when suddenly Forsaken and Blood Elves can do it too.
So it's easier to say, oh yeah, well we can't make all these custom models despite in the past them cutting corners on the custom models for Druid forms before. Instead of just admitting they don't want other races to infringe on Night Elf's lore.
Your group carries your heavy ass
Post logs and rating
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>be annoyed that noone invites off metas like me
>start own group
>dont invite off metas because off metas are bad and I want easier clear
Getting invited is the hard part.
We both know he won't because "I'd get doxxed!!" or something like that.
>barbie dress up game
imagine getting benched for this
Imagine being a mazed rat right now getting fucked by Ele Shaman and DEI devs lmao
it really is
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Is that smart or evil?
ignore that fury parse
smart, evil, cute, and sassy
she's perfect in every way
if hes trying for 11s for score hes somewhere inbetweeb 2.6-7
didn't he make one of those pregnant as well?
The absolute state of this small family company
Is there a chance she joins us by the end?
>thinking m+ logs mean anything
lmao retard
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>4/8 mythic
one of my teeth got a crack in it and rotted till half of it came out, i assume thats how it starts
gaymongold simps btfo by 1 gif
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true, but she could appear more outside off the main story.
she picked the time line where you become allies agaisnt a more evil foe.
I wish this was true.
So this is how WoW players who played the game for 20 years look like.
We need a sidequest where she tricks the player into having a romantic dinner with her
I would invite you to my group.
yea i lost like some of my teeth the same way.
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she appears at the start of every meme+ with her feet conveniently right in my face :3
Of course. But like in BFA, only the Horde version is canon
she'll swap immediately if she gets a taste of the BGC
reminder: never try to qualify yourself to apes itt
they will just move the goalposts and tell you your shit anyways, despite you likely being top 3% na for score
they would tell mdi players they were shit
why wow players look like this
ready for the new offspring?
YEAH hah hah hah I was tricked, fooled, BAMBOOZLED even and did NOT enjoy it at all hah hah hah ..... ~
can you give a hint?
if you dont play gnome female as child, you are doing it wrong
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now times this by 20+ years = holes in teeth and your shit breaking

simply stopped by a sink and a cheap toothbrush, rly makes you think.
still looks way better than dracthyr.
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that's not enough though maybe you should get a buff for licking her feets
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Clearly too much body fat and teeth not yellow enough to be him
but surely there would have been massive warning signs like pain or your teeth turning brown before falling out though right?
what a dumbass
*puts the key in*
*leaves the dungeon*
*recreate a new group and repeat*
Now I have 10 stacks of Xally-feets
>15 minute debuff for leaving Korraks Revenge after fighting at Snowfall GY for 1hr+
>ai shits out a better design in 15 seconds that is more faithful to the WoW style than the dragthyr
people who don't take care of their teeth don't check their teeth, people who don't vist the dentist just wait for pains to past,
unless you get an unstopable toothache no he wouldn't have noticed. also you assume all the teeth that rotted were front teeth, a lot of the time it's back teeth that will fail.
is celebrate good fun a daily reset or do i actually have to wait until next week to get one tier set
any huge tiddy amazon kaldorei jiggy please sirs?
lmao my pug ass is 4/8M for weeks now, why are fags so bad at this game?
bro its just an orc head on a dracthyr body
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just drink sugar free soda, problem solved.
>Horde at Broken Shore
whats wrong with her mouth?
>my pug ass is 4/8M
are mythic raids still using the old raidID lockout system?
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>Now I have 10 stacks of Xally-feets
time to brick the next key, kek.
yes sister
i really dont know why
its gay as fuck
maybe more people would raid mythic
What if Deathwing turned orcs into dracthyr in secret experiments on Draenor and they are the next allied race?
He is literally retarded
He rather mountsmogcheevos instead of walking 10 seconds to his bathroom to brush his teeth
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Not the normal jiggy anon but please enjoy this elf
looks like alliance human
worth it :P
fuck damn that shit is fucking gay as fuck
how the fuck did you manage to get 4/8 as a pugger???? do you have a group of frens or did you just blitz all 4 in one night?
The ultimate giga chad dwarf
t. full of aspartame
>maybe more people would raid mythic
make it 10 players and I will play it
having to tardwrangle 19 mouthh breathing retards is too much, I can manage 9 of them
i don't want to hear any complaints anymore
you joyless number crunching shit eating abuse victims are playing exactly the right game. i hope they break out the burkas and the next expansion's just straight up in yiddish and the cd-key is on a stick in a cock shaped popsical you need to suck until you can see it because i know the average wooga fan will suck that dick
I missed an interview due to staying up all night and playing wow, what do I do bros?
>goes out of his way to mog vanilla gear pieces
what did xer mean by this?
>can we get a pedo jiggy?
Lalafells are off topic.
just make it 5. lord knows more than 1 tank is pointless as far as encounter design goes
hes going for the clown suit
ironically ofc
>make it 10 players and I will play it
Why did they ever remove that? 10 man hc and 25 hc worked fine? Why would 10 man mythic raids with lower ilevel as reward compared to 25 not work?
tell them you were taking care of your grandma and reschedule
aka family emergency
only if you care that much for the job but if it's not important then just try for something else, retard
>aka family emergency
Good idea I'll try to make up a BS excuse, made up plenty during college
Nah, the main problem with dracthyr is their malnourished femboy look.
Their arms, torsos and legs look like some north korean defector escaping a famine.
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i'm now doing almost half the damage i was doing on monday and went from top 3 to bottom dps from this fucking patch. what the FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE DEVS? WHY was a "hotfix" necessary for so many classes that ended up doing the opposite?
family emergency excuse works everytime but have to treat it like a WoW ability, goes on cooldown for a few months so make sure to hold off using it again for awhile or you'll get irl curse of tongues.
10 mans were always goat. Karazhan is still my favorite raid of all time.
thanks for the advice asmon
Yes, it's horrible. On rashanan we had someone that kept killing raid. We only managed to kill rashanan when that retard died on pull (and nobody rezzed him), guess what, not having someone wiping the raid help a lot. The worse part is that each pull people kept telling him why he killed raid and he kept saying he understood but would do the same shit next pull.
You join a 2/3 boss kill while you are 8/8H then next week join a 3/4 boss kill and you will one day be 4/8M.
>give advice
>get called a rotten tooth mongrel as thanks
>in the timeline where my brewmaster elf is more lore friendly class / race mix than any warlock
Gul'dan bros... its over. CHEN CHEATS
this is truly the endtimes for all game devs. while they poison their minds with hair dye that's leeching through their blood brain barrier AI is getting stronger every single day and moving forward like a tidal wave. the blizztroons FOR SURE know they are reviled and hated by everyone using their products since they for sure read this thread and consume all the same content the rest of us do so they have probably phoned it in.

like basically all of media and game development is crumbling in on itself and we see the fruits of this crumbling even in our beloved game. >:(
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based china exploiters
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holy shit
thats what 12k each?
Warlock honestly just feels like a non-canon class at this point
Guldan can only carry the class fantasy of it for so long
Still not going to stop playing my lock THOUGH
bro I cant get into a single key as outlaw now
What are those even for? I've sold all the ones I get. I'm an alchemist
it shouldn't be this hard to play this multiplayer game with other players

people have been telling blizztroons to eliminate raidID lockouts for years but they gotta keep baiting to keep people subbed because either the content they make is shit or they dont make anything at all for months at a time so they have to resort to talmudic tricks to keep people pay-pigging
I only do futa draenei and futa elves
Make them breeding a cute loli
gaming industry has needed to crash for awhile now but doubt it will happen anytime soon theres still way too many shitheads making bank from it
but it does need to fall so the grifters and greedy noses fuck off
yeah 3 weeks ago, they are 600g now
We're in a sad state when Microsoft taking over and replacing the dev team is actually able to provide some hope to players. I've played Blizzard games for 30 years, and it's sad to see what has happened to this company.
i don't understand how a game still struggles to balance after 20 god damn years. it makes no sense how balance is still an ever growing issue and what do they do? add more fucking classes instead of working around the ones we already have. i don't know what class you play but the frost mage changes are so laughably bad that your tier set no longer works. i'm not even joking. you don't press ice lance which makes your tier set invalid and basically just regular gear. you spam frost bolt and flurry like it's 2005 again and you do half the damage you did on monday. i'm giving them until next thursday to undo this shit or i'm unsubbing and telling my raid group i quit. i am not going to sandbag and waste 20 other people's time. i invest so much gold and time into this god damn spec that now it's impossible to play. sure i could reroll arcane but then i have to reroll all of my crafted gear and everything else on top of that. oh and arcane got fucked too and it's the reason frost got fucked :)))
Same. I played Warcraft 1 on our family's Macintosh in the mid 90s and have been a blizz-enjoyer ever since. Watching them go from "we'll release it when it's ready" to "just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks" is actually kinda heartbreaking.
where the fuck have you been?
blizzard has been a shit company for a good 12 years now, lol
>Made my orclock a shaman
>made my trollock a witch doctor priest
>instead of remaking my old warlock forsaken in classic I rolled arcane mage instead
>swapped by elflock from a crack addict to an alcoholic
Its jover...
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Tell me about niggers. Why do they eat the cornstarch?
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So let me get this straight:

>they launched the patch without any prior testing
>some specs like elemental shaman and outlaw rogue were bugged and were doing 10x the dps
>ele got nerfed but rogue slipped by
>in a few hours the ratings for the cutoffs got increased by 100-350 per region

I cannot imagine the salt and anger "pushers" are experiencing right now. This is beyond kino.
>I've played Blizzard games for 30 years, and it's sad to see what has happened to this company.

but that's every western company, the only hope left for gaming is From Software and Capcom to some extent.
there is a bunch of new shitposters talking about how they are heckin 60yo veterans and blizzard was great until tww
>"When in doubt... touch anything that glows." (Removed in patch 9.1.5)
Why was this one removed?
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>profaned tindercoin
Yeah I fully agree it's not acceptable in the slightest. It's insane to me that players who pay 1 or 2 dollars a month have access to all these simming websites which are able to sim every single item/talent combination in the game at the click of a button. The fact they cannot get the balance right while these kinds of tools exist is utter nonsense. They should have their own big-ass server rack over there just dedicated to crunching numbers. They are stupid and useless.
I've been living cheerfully in willful denial of the reality because it's all I can do to cope. :(
Ele is not bugged they are grossly overtuned.
How many BGC gangbangs would it take to tame her?
>in a few hours the ratings for the cutoffs got increased by 100-350 per region
no? The only jump was the day they nerfed the +12 affix by half.
>I cannot imagine the salt and anger "pushers" are experiencing right now. This is beyond kino.

Why would they care, they have been playing Blizzard games forever, you think that's some game breaking bug? LMAO.
Elemental shaman wasnt bugged, they were just updated with absurdly huge numbers that Blizz didnt test at all

Outlaw rogue tho is a pure exploit
Because touching glowing dicks
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i literally have the bitch in my bank, why are we fighting her again?
uh anon you can't just touch women even if they ask you to you fucking rapist
Outlaw bug STILL not fixed despite maintenance LOL
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They literally don't know how to patch the game anymore. Horrible bugs that even the pre-Legion era didn't experience.
Blizzard are retard season 11 episode 5.
pistol goes boom boom boom 手槍砰砰砰 infinite power無限的力量great shame for family對家人來說是極大的恥辱banned by heavenly decree被天命所禁止would do it again會再做一次
looks like timewalking gear
put the knife in a cum jar
based chinamen
You purposefully don't keep a game balanced, a balanced game turns stale way faster than not
A balanced game also kills gameplay diversity, players will all have access to the same tools, there can be no deviance since that introduced imbalance
And no I'm not defending insane shit like elemental or outlaw (an actual exploit)
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>queue for lfr on level 30 character
>kill first boss
>can't loot
>oh well at least I'll get exp this probably gives a few levels
>finish wing
>zero exp earned
if 2000s edgelord metal is the designated genre for wow pvp
what is the designated genre(s) for wow pve?
yeah this is definitely one of the dumbest things I've read in this general and that's really saying a lot. I pray you get banned so I never have to read something so dumb again.
ambient drum and bass
anything trance
2000s trance
yeah i dont get the logic
the main reason im barely playing right now is because of the terrible balance and the chaotic state of the game.
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Based DS9 fan.
Shut the fuck up.
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This NIGGER hack preheat probably thinks having multiple builds makes him look knowledgeable when any aggregator will give you the best one anyway
youa're a fucking retard
they hated him because he told them the truth
we need more shitfests like 7.3 and 8.3
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>Get into a world boss group
>Don't get phased to the rest of the group for a full minute
>Once I get phased in I can't use any abilities
>Can't fucking jump
>Can't even log out or exit game normally, have to Alt-F4
Blizzard what the fuck, how does jumping even break
Hire your fucking QA department back
>messiah complex
demonized as well? Seems like demons usually have an easy time with retards
>the terrible balance and the chaotic state of the game.
I asked my friend, and he told me DF meta was far worse, so I trust him over some 4chan goldfish brain.
>impossible to get orange parses without an aug
what's the play here
>bro if they don't let enhancement shaman be top dog DPS by 30% in all situations that's basically the same as making it the exact same as every other class
smartest asmongold viewer
Your friend didn't play DF then which had a few specs which were unviable the entire expansion but otherwise the state of the game and balance was faaaaaaaaaaaaar better than it is now.
I remember sub rogue going from top dps to the bottom in a single patch in DF, it was surreal to see
>"I've been trapped in a bubble with the same guys for 10,000 years. You could say I'm ready for a little... variety."
Nightborne women are canonically racemixers
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>its timegated
>its not timegated enough
>its grindy
>its not grindy enough
Stop hating the game.
It wasn't. You could play literally anything and do far more than enough to accomplish any goal you had.
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I've been playing long enough to see people complain about both button pruning and button bloat
>Rogues finally have time to shine
>it's because of a bug
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jiggy multiple characters are hard
this made me laugh out loud and now my coworkers are looking at me like "wtf" xD
What did I miss?
Yeah bro they added tol dagor and affixes back too
You're very smart
Day 1 player. Been playing off and on. Stopped in mid DF. Thinking about reinstalling to grab the updated tier sets before theyre gone.

Do you still just do lfg dungeons to powerlevel? Is getting the tier sets hard for a new player this xpac?
its bfa
Does anyone even bother with havoc demon hunters nowadays?
rogue chads its time to RISE UP!!!!
>current top dps GODS
>bloodfang is the most well designed and best armor set in the entire game
rogue chads we are no longer bottom of the barrel WE ARE AZEROTHS CHOSEN!!!!!!
No anon not a single person plays them they are completely 100% non existent in game, not even a single person
>wowgods won
this was supposed to be our time doomsissies
>claims to have stopped mid df
>doesn't know how the game works
Why do you fags do this?
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>she doesn't know outlaw will get fixed and the entire rogue class will receive nerfs as punishment
>quits wow
>starts trooning and supporting israel
makes you think really
The titans literally modelled humanity after themselves.
literally me after playing OG for 4 months
humans are vrykul mutant babies though
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Let's talk about elves.
havent played in over 2 years my guy. just asking simple questions that i guess triggers incels
next week emergency tuning will be one of the most outrageous examples of wild kneejerk overcorrection in the history of this game, current balance will be completely flipped on its head even compared to the "big" anniversary patch
ok what do you wanna talk about
can we get some trolls or draes or nightborne
yeah its funny. i don't think most people that whinge about this game even know why they're whinging. its like they expect the game itself to fix every problem and depression they have in their life. never seen a more entitled playerbase
personalami art is so shit it can be replicated by an AI so easily, it's sad
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sexo gm
Being a fucking retard does annoy the people with brains, yes. Now fuck off back to your retard hole.
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Elves make excellent travelling companions because they have ultravision and keen senses so they will always be on the lookout for danger. :)
they both have human husbands for sure
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I like that nelfs and nightborne are so tall, DnD elves tend to be womanlets
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uhm, I like them?
>Thinking about reinstalling to grab the updated tier sets before theyre gone.
These sets will come back next year and the years after, no reason to rush it if you don't feel it, also don't ask random retards on the internet.
Imagine the smell...
Night elf women rim Tauren men btw
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prot pala bros.......... we will get nerfed I can feel it................
this is not normally.....
sexo gm sissies...we have competition now >>499652359
...time to upgrade from sexo gm...rape....
lol, triggered incel says what?
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you got that backwards fren. there is so much of their art plus derivative styles that there's a mountain of material to feed to an ai for training. that's why so much of the slop ends up looking like it. it's a chicken or the egg thing hehehe
erm... where is anduin?
I rim tauren women
You just said it THOUGH
Yrel stole her to be a mascot/fucktoy in her crusade.
>people cry about positioning of forge loaders in sv saying they are hard to dodge
>tank pulls them back
>the same people still eat shit
Tyrande x hyper equine bepenised black tauren bull
>takes my 626 ilvl tank into a +2 key
>posts logs
Wait, let's say I skip this week, am I forever behind with the tokens?
lol, triggered incel says what?
I bbet they're gonna bump up the token you can get by the end of the event so I'm not gonna bother resubbing until late December again

>t. sub ends in 5 days and alr have AoTC and 2k io rating
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>this is now your biggest wow content creator
I miss when preach and bellugar were dominating the space with their dooming and gloomin
noone care about 50yo shitposters anymore
That kind of content is only fun for a little while hence they all left and quit or whatever. Like "wow the game is dedge" okay fine I'll just go play something else. =/
should have done it the right way the first time, now im bricking your key tankoid
do you spam mousewheel as prot pal for SotR, à la Ironfur?
Are patron orders fucked for anyone else
playable harronir when?
Hopefully never.
The game doesn't need a 5th slot wasted on Elves.
shift+mousewheel up is literally my Ironfuzz hotkey :D
>guy makes videos relevant to the game
>anon hates it
>dumb ecelebs that barely play the game make videos coping about how the game is bad
>anon loves it
they are already confirmed to be an allied race in a future patch
I don't know who this "anon" guy is but he sounds based and redpilled.
gayreach and gayllugar are both fat bald ugly retards
>several seconds as it charges up
>several seconds of travel time
its like the most telegraphed aoe in the game lol just move sis
and worst of all above all else: BRITISH
>watching a "content creator"
Looking at these videos is an even bigger waste of time than playing the game in the first place
I mean Kelani is the retail guy, Legion was his first big expansion and pretty much killed the competition in BfA.
2 SoD weapon skins for your preferred classes
Save them for one of the mounts in the rotation that you actually like and want to use. Otherwise they're worthless
buy the northrend cooking thing for big cooking profits while afk
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What if I have 136,400 TW badges and have all the mounts already?

Where do you buy these?
This looks terrible
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Alleria is next up to be turned into a Japanese funko pop
>dps announces he has "big cds"
does he think im going to amend my route or something?
looks like shit
what mounts are in the rotation?
yes you retard
cute! i despise funkos because they are the ultimate goysumer goyslop but i'd make an exception for her :3
wait for MoP timewalking and get the cool cloud serpent. The rest are ugly if I remember correctly
>not xal
weird choice...
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Honestly they missed out not doing Alex for Dragonflight.
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nendos are cute. if they made one of old aleria or old jaina i'd buy it
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This is the elf game, soon Horde and Alliance will be 100% elf and eventually Azeroth will be just one giant elf forest
>not her iconic green outfit
>her shitty shadowlands outfit
but why? we'll still time it this way and pulling more at once just increases the chance of a wipe

Have a draenei I can't get it to do trolls and I'm not a big enough fan of them to mess with it for that long, if the normal slop anon is around later and posts their prompt/lora for trolls I'll try again though
>yoda swapping from protpal to rogue just to chase that raider.io score
yes if you read the post you replied to thats what I said
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ultravision my cock please
Before green man came ... Kalimdor one big Elven forest.
The drakecrest shield looks so bad, it looks like it's made out of plastic, imagine walking around with a plastic shield with a cartoony inaccurate dragon on it in a world where dragons actually exist
probably buying the azure worldchiller
Can you stop putting dicks on women?
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This is the mount for 5000 badgerinos, you can also buy Azure Worldchiller or Illidari Doomhawk for 5000 badgerinos
>obnoxious player
>is a meta spec
name a more iconic duo
ur face and my peanus
yeah but I won't

>name a more iconic duo

>nonmeta race/spec combinaison
>absolute dogshit at the game
looking at you draenei/worgen players
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>you will upgrade to the premium 5 years sub for better visuals and sound cues in pve content

The future is here boomies
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Which way Stafflock?
>The drakecrest shield looks so bad,
Because they look like classic dogshit because they are classic dogshit lmao
The huntsblade and the dirk are the only good ones
>nendos for worlo
We're so fucking back it's not even funny.
Right works better with that set
read your own post. you didn't mention sylvanas retard
>Because they look like classic dogshit
But it doesn't look like classic at all it looks like modern disneyslop
what the fuck holy fucking shit
link to article plz? there's gotta be some kind of nuance here to justify this ... right?

right is waaaaaaay better lol that scythe looks gay af - you can get a nicer scythe for free in Ardenweald from the chest inside the tree
>sod finnaly gets some new original "content'
>retailGods steal that shit instantly

the first one and is not even close
They usually make more than one, 100% there's a Xally one in the works too
>two insta seething meta cuck replies
>cartoony inaccurate dragon
Well yeah, cause it's based on Spyro
she better be levitating and not be wearing shoes
its literally some classic dogshit slop tho
Keep putting dicks on women, anon. Doing god's work

Nevermind, Doomwalker can drop 3 mounts this year, good luck faggots
>what the fuck holy fucking shit
link to article plz? there's gotta be some kind of nuance here to justify this ... right?

The free option is still great but the one you can buy is personalized to you, sounds like some placebo bullshit or scam.
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should drop the timereaver too
fucking f words
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Reminder, you got 3 months of killing Kazak to get this to drop.

Seems to be the next big thing the industry is trying to push as a thing you can buy into. Cyberpunk announced they were doing it also back in June.
Thanks! Have my cute donut steal OC high elf!

>pawns of the dark master
the spawn rate on this quest is absolute dog shit
>every single boss in hc brd is harder than the first half of mythic nerub'ar
so wrong tho but yeah everything else a bugfest
All my cod friends dont care, they still buying this shit, kinda funny.
50 reacts
fucking retarded
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speak for yourself, we need more elves.
left = affli
right = destro
>left = cuck
>right = chad
it's a frog slow-boiling

pretty soon you'll have to give up your first born's organs just to be able to log into your computer with the way things are going towards the perpetual subscription model
right obviously
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>fps shit is cancer scam
Ok who cares? Shit genre for low IQs
checks out kek
Do you still get extra XP in warmode?
Tranny coded race, like those tumblr artists that always go out of their way to draw women fat and with a disgusting amount of body hair

can you kill him once a day per character or is it once a week or is it once per account?
god i love nelfs so much n_n
Pretty sure it's once per day, per character
she fucks horses
Yeah, it's the superior alpha tank way to play the game. WM OFF care bears are weak
what a loser
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XIV has been doing this for a few expansions now
can all the other world bosses in tanaris be killed daily or is it weekly like a normal boss? i got purples from 3/3 of the bosses i killed yesterday ... if they are farmable i might have to start leveling my alt army to 80 and farm this shit
name a more retarded duo
XIV sisters.. Care to explain?
The broomstick part of the staff on the left has a more fitting color scheme (darker purple) than the one on the left, but the blue scythe part sticks out, so over all the one on the right fits the color scheme more
But when the fuck did people get into the mindset that everything has to be of the same colors in mogs?
It's not like fashion irl has people running around with green shoes and green pants if they're trying to match something to their green jacket, guh

Bonus points for the staff on the left imo for being vanilla-style (I know it's a SoD weapon but it feels vanilla like, just like the T2 remake, much more so than the other staff)
It's daily, per character. You'll see the world quest repop up after reset each day on a character allowing you to do all the anniversary bosses again. Except for the Dragons who change rotation on which one is up each day.
very cute, wish there was an alexstrasza one though
>be holy paladin
>pick selfless healer talent
>use holy light on someone else
>heil emote is gone when cast finishes
worst update ever
Is this a hidden drop or something? Can't find anything about it
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet thanks wowfren
>my coworkers
Blizzard employees...
nendos aren't funkos they have actual character design not just a single template
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It was a new drop added for this year. People likely haven't determined the drop rate yet
>Reminder, you got 3 months of killing Kazak to get this to drop.
Im buying the black one
Also where the fuck is the portal fo kazak?
Anything else we should be aware of
ele/enh shaman, arms warrior, fire/arcane mage, frost dk
I wish (used to, at least). If Blizz had hired me years ago when I applied and cared then the game would've been far better off. Now I'd never touch that company because of what it is, what it has become, and who works there now. Yuck.
To me is so funny that every time a western company is doing something retarded square beat them to it.

People were complaining that the D4 collector edition was like 300$ without the game included and guess what, Square was already doing that shit.

Still crying about the CE thing is retarded, they would just charge you the CE price + the game, this audio thing is weird.
Druids can get there quickly via an emerald dream portal to Duskwood.
Alliance have an easier time to get to the Blasted Lands.
Horde's quickest methods are the Zeppelin from Org to Stranglethorn, getting a mage to portal you to Swamp of Sorrows if that portal's still a thing. Or using the Deadminds pet battle teleport from Legion Dalaran if you have it unlocked.

Nothing else really, it's just an RNG drop
unironically pick what's been good throughout most of the time for the past 10 years
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>Horde's quickest methods are the Zeppelin from Org to Stranglethorn, getting a mage to portal you to Swamp of Sorrows if that portal's still a thing. Or using the Deadminds pet battle teleport from Legion Dalaran if you have it unlocked.
I guess they are making the old world feel more alive, fuck me
Why do I always regret my race/class choices?

What is the definitive race that matches frost mage?
How hard is it to get the redone tier 2 sets for a new player?
Something gay
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the school bullies used to let me fuck them so i looked gay

they didnt even tell people; they knew theyd won completely

they just smiled mockingly as i walked past
Hmm, yeah, she looks like she has a Dracthyr bf
im not a furry but...
This, just mod skyrim nigga
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>have to wait 12 hours in real time for this shit
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2 days into the event and I have already burnt out.
which wow general do I post in if I wanna talk about cata? or do I not? the other one is nothing but classic mazed goobers talking about fresh and sod baloney.
Wait until you get to the final grind
take a break vtumor
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>add talent where tank literally sucks the life out his own own party members to stay alive
>the talent is on a paladin and not death knight
gotta be one of the worst thematic additions to a class ever
>poopsocking a retoilet event for transmog that will get added to the trading post
fuck Russia
How do you have a burnout when there's nothing to do at the event since everything is weekly gated?
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But I'm unemployed and wow is "what I do". I wouldn't know what to do if I took a break.
what if these are all men
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Sad info: if you wield 2 brewmaster staffs you only take the right one over your shoulder.
Is there some website people use to more easily put together transmogs / see other peoples? Wanna make my own stuff but id like to easily swap around pieces i dont have and get ideas
wowhead dressing room
Try a different game for a bit
play classic
My friend is havoc, and when you play it really well, it shows and you stomp meters.
I think purely by numbers it doesn't seem good but it has a very complimentary damage profile for this season.
>rares in arathi wont drop anything unless you have the heart of azeroth

Ha Ha Now That's What I Call Frickin Epic :D
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lol. lmao
play that new f2p mmo for a bit.
Once you realize how dogshit everything besided wow is you will be back. >>499392213
vdh has good aoe. their single target is gonna suck without cds so bursting down the egg sounds harder than it needs to be
Are the events at caverns on a set rotation or is it random? Its driving me nuts because I just need the stupid story telling achievement for the bird but I'm only at 10/50 because I never see that event happening
so now that the dust has settled why did s1 of tww flop so hard m+ wise?
anyone in that thread neets to kys as soon as possible
too hard and the average m plusser is shit at the game which is why so many of them reroll fotm to help offset being shit
XX:00: Story Time
XX:15: Fashion Frenzy
XX:30: Story Time
XX:45: Mount Mania
Story time rotates through C'thun, DK and Baine in order
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Arthas deserved better
Thank you. This makes it so much easier.
Too hard for average players, even if you yourself are good, you still have average/shitters in your pug that could fuck you over, either through a wipe mechanic or from challengers peril. Plus a lot of the encounters are fucking annoying and require a lot of movement/time off the boss
>rares in arathi wont drop anything unless you have the heart of azeroth
Are you fucking kidding me?

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holy fucking based
>bugs are everyone to the point it's clown fiesta private server level in every ormnkf endgame content
>but it's anniversary so blizzard don't care, they will get all the money anyway
Lmao, it never felt better to be doomgod than now. Get fucked pay piggies.
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Laugh at retoilets
>90 USD.
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GET fucked pay piggies ahahaha
>shit at the game which is why so many of them reroll fotm to help offset being shit
I never thought about it that way, but it actually makes sense. It must be why people sperg out over DPS charts.
Reminder to mass report anybody you see with the paypiggy dinosaur
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TRP is such a good addon, I have never once RP'd/ERP'd but I still always have it enabled just to read profiles, entering a raid and seeing that someone has a profile and that starts with some shit like "A 6ft tall Eredar Demoness stands before you her 10 inch barbed cock fully erect and leaking green fel cum" is always hilarious, especially when they're then terrible at the game or a shit talker
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thanks for funding Classic, piggies
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Mr President. A second bundle has hit the servers
wait im retarded, not a leak these are WARCRAFT 3 INSPIRED MOUNTS
>reign of chaos
I gotta admit
Kinda based
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>it even looks better than original
The store price is cheaper than it would have cost to get 5M gold by buying tokens back in BFA.

Storechads won
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I will be buying the golden dinosaur to flaunt my irl wealth.
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>To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of World of Warcraft, Blizzard has added a new mount to the in-game store. Players can now purchase the Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur, which offers Auction House and Mail service for $90 USD or the equivalent in your local currency
Hey doesn't this thing look suspiciously like another AH mount that didn't cost almost 100 dollarydoos and was earnable in game? Whatever happened there?
thats not real
>its real
>expansion: $90
>in game shop mount: $90
>20th year anniversary: 1 week worth of content for next 3-4 months
>honor the legacy by spending 30$ on top of this full price monthly fee in game shop game
Are blizzard that poor they can't just put them into the game?
Its over bros, Blizzard has forgotten Warlocks exist
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well it does clearly says 30 years of warcraft anon, not wc3 either

How hard is it to get the redone tier 2 sets for a new player?
>respec prot on my ret pal
>run ara kara 11
>way more safe than last patch
>outdpses other tanks by like 20%
>better utility
>infinity kicks
>finish with over 8 minutes left
we gonna see a new godcomp meta?
best race for a dk?
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Did Blizz reverse the Timewalking nerfs planned? I saw they were gutting 500 per character to 500 for the first and 200 for subsequent but I got 500 on my new alt after doing it on my main
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>Removing the dinosaur from the game except for gold capping on the BMAH so you can charge ninety dollars ($90) American for it in a different coat of paint.
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Tokenbros not like this
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the mounts have wc3 decorations on them, they are WC3 themed
also the fact it got "Chaos" in the name
>reign of CHAOS
This one has a mailbox on it so is objectively better.
>nerf holy paladin dps even though it was below the middle of the pack already
Combo whore, the whole core team is already onto midnight, isn't it?
This is so funny because dracthyr visage women are even uglier than the dragons, they do NOT look like that
What if they got it during BFA?
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Why the fuck is SoB in the dungeon rotation? It wasn't good then, and it's even fucking worse now(somehow). The dungeon needs to be buried and forgotten, it's horrible.
Paying blizzard extra money like a good goy is honouring the legacy of the company and everything blizzard stands for
>Buying it with tokens
Good goys, giving Blizzard even more than the ticket price.
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you have to be mentally ill to pay $90 for a mountie
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going to buy the 90$ month, seethe poorfag.
Most reasonable explaination is the dev(s) who worked on it are still on the team
Dracthyr visage women are cute as hell as long as you aren't terrible at making characters.
Them going back to look at Reforged is more or less an open secret at this point. I think this and the Hearthstone WC3 inspired Pixel art skins are even more evidence of it.
It's a different mount retard
You get a bimbo whore as your mailbox??? I'm unironically buying this
>hearthstone wc3 inspired pixel art skins
where can i see this?
>thinks $90 is a lot to spend on the game
>spends hundreds on buying gold to run gdkps to play the game less
Why are classic piggies ike this?
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He didn't come back...
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Transmog is great, I love dressing up as other classes.
>all this poorfag cope
>6 tokens
That's actually perfectly fine I have that much and can make that much on the go easy
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Buy the dinosaur. You aren't poor are you?
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>one of the best dungeons
>and it's even fucking worse now
no anon, stop posting.
>Birthday in 7 days
All these mounts will soon be mine
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They all got leaked during the big Hearthstone data leak few weeks ago. The Hearthstone general has the Thrall one as it's OP currently. But a WC3 Jaina, Arthas, Thrall and Malfurion are confirmed.
I could buy it essentially for free since I convert all my gold into store cash

but still wtf
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I've done
>all the world bosses
>4 timewalking dungeons
>machine awakening
>spreading the light
And these are the only tokens I've gotten. This is bullshit
Just noticed that... bros... fem humies are my weakness you can't do this blizzord...
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finally we get our own insane mtx, can't wait to buy this dinosaur and make people absolutely seethe
wow's store is somehow surpassing ziv'x one in terms of shit in it
The BFA one is also a paypiggy mount, and it actually cost more. If you have the old worse one you are objectively a cuck.
oh i see, thanks for sharing, anon
The only way to have this opinion is if you've never ran it.
>auction house mount back as a cash shop mount
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I called this shit as soon as they removed it and faggots actually tried to defend blizz saying they wouldn't be that greedy or they would release another one in a future expansion for rep
poorfags and redditors already seething. based ion dabbin on retards
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>Tanking CoT
>We wipe on twins (Brazilians didn't soak frost circle with me)
>No big deal run it back, ask them to soak blue circle with me
>Brazilians get impatient waiting for a pack to roam away
>Pulls 2 different packs of trash
>You have been removed from the group.
Yep that's it I'm installing the beanblocker weakaura
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kek and already people parading it at the story stage lol
>blizzars workers will have a busy day spaming what are you poor? in /wow/
Have a load, faggots and i hope it's not that cold in the cars you are sleeping in between the shifts
probably the easiest 10 I did honestly
>Stratholme Arthas
>Already kitted out in skulls and spikes
A lot of stuff starts to make sense when you remember just how many poorfags are on 4chan.
These "people" have to grind out a token every month for their sub and then act like they are getting one over on Blizzard when a token sub puts more money in their pocket than a regular one.
>t. poorfag
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It's going to shoot up in no time hombre
tokens instantly sold out the moment it was announced.
Why are we losing our shit? 1.2 mil is way less than what the OG's paid
>this is the behaviour of nerubs
Im thinking about joining <elysian> now
>7 minutes ago

Cancelling my subscription right this instant
This one is better as well because it has the mailbox on it too.
people like to pretend they bought the original brutosaur with anything other than rmt
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get fucked rogueniggers
its actually cheaper than the old brutosaur mount if you bought it via wowtokens cause that mount cost 5mil, which is more than 90 usd
It's here for 2 months
Tokens will go down once everyone gets it
every new online gayme that gets a /vg/ general is populated by the same old ffxiv/monster hunter/gookslop mmo/gacha
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What a sales pitch, I'm now interested in your guild. Please, tell me more.
It even comes with a qt human female and Orc bull for interracial BGC breeding sessions!

Where's my credit card?


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The WC3 inspired 30th anniversary mount collection.
The WC3 Hearthstone pixel skins
The internal PTR getting an update for WC3.
The WC3 trading post reward for November

I'm sorry Blizzard, I cannot watch you tarnish it again.
at current prices thats only 1.2 million gold
>hummie and orc slaves for your mount
what did blizzard mean by this?

Also this mount is not the usual 25$ because they have to defend the pride and sense of achivement of the retards that wasted 300$ 6 years ago.
Fucking lmao
>numbers all time high
>blizzard starts shitting the bed and getting too greedy

one job
I bought the mount because I'm a neet millionaire.
i wonder how much seethe all the twitch streaming m+ niggers are generating right now, yoda must be pissing his pants
Might spend the £60 just for the convenience of the mount having everything together.

Imagine not having disposable income
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new >>499664396
imagine giving blizzard more money than you have to
At least the ones on the XIV store are purely cosmetic
>90% of the comments are "OMG I BOUGHT IT INSTANTLY"
zoomers killed gaming
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I've been subbed almost non stop since TBC.
It's really not going to make a difference.
>I see at least 8 of them, thats at least $720. holy shit
not even close to the level of that ahri skin
elysian is dead because people joined that instead
>90 dollars
god damnit
thats a steal but it still makes me mad
im going to have to buy it.
who could say
there arent enough 12 keys up at any given time and im having a really hard time getting invited
i want to switch to prot but i feel like my haste is too low
honestly its kind of worth
people paid like 2k in tokens back when it was current and that piece of shit doesnt even have a mailbox
>A is paranoid janny that can't stop power abusing and kicking people for no reason
>B is people saying mean gamer words
I'm literally shaking wish I had my reddit janny back so he could stop these chuds
I hope every single one of these faggots get a perma vacation off this
Hey, I'm Valfader (unironically). I never hid the fact that I bought a Queen kill during the first week. Best thing I ever did. I got BIS weapon right then and there.

I'm very glad to see that I have fans talking about me two months after the relevant thread. Must mean that you really got nothing else going on in your lives. :D
The quote added is not from me, though, so at least get it right.
>healer keeps dying on Dawnbreaker normal
>i (the tank) gets kicked because others are standing in shit
you can turn off the shitty fur, retard
>belt gloves and boots are not from the set

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