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Dekinai edition

>What is Project SEKAI?
Project SEKAI: Colorful Stage! ft. Hatsune Miku is a rhythm game made in collaboration with Crypton Future Media and Sega. It features the 6 main Vocaloids from Crypton, along with a cast of original characters.

There are currently three other versions of Project SEKAI.
Taiwanese and Korean versions are available in their respective regions.
An English version, Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!, is also available.

/psg/ FAQ - READ THIS IF YOU'RE NEW! - https://pastebin.com/JcVaEtvU
Sekai Viewer - https://sekai.best/
Sekai Wiki - https://www.sekaipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

>Current Event
Rekindle the flame
Boosted Attribute: Cool
Boosted Members: Vivid BAD SQUAD (and its Virtual Singers)
Event Song by Utsu-P (https://twitter.com/utsupii)

>Current Gacha
Fuel my passion (Permanent)
Akito, Kohane, An

>Translated stories
Leo/need: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6Ipu35gWc72Fg1pMaEunvUqRK
MORE MORE JUMP!: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6IpuPVqm3NC0udfd4HbuaBlJZ
Vivid BAD SQUAD: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuetmkI-iYKlifuRI_0DN7gMFpTOjfyC-
Wonderlands × Showtime: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQdjQpE3RJWfu4s8o4rmOLRYiS87UrSlO
25-ji, Nightcord de.: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6IpsE78AMA4am8HVZuaUQ7k-f

>Translated event stories

Previous: >>499277610
That better be your art anon
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Niigku sex
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Nice very nice
I thought those piano keys were a duel disk kek
>L/N event
>still VBS header
when the movie releases I bet the only thing to be posted here would be some lol res screenshot of mizuki and ena talking in the background
We need to purge ENfags out of here I'm so fucking serious.
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*sneeds on this anon*
True it should be a low res screenshot of mafuyu
I can't tell where Ena's eyes and hair start or end...
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>EN players make up the most convoluted excuses to not join rooms but act like they're being excluded
>EN players now think they're the only server in the world
yeah i cant help but agree despite being EN myself
>EN server
You didn't play the game.
Rin-chan eventually
This thread would constantly be on page 10 if it wasn't for ENchads
what if anon is korean though
Yeah, it was comfy
Rin-chans NOW
Koreans aren't real
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No but I had my tablet out so I drew my own art for you.
Stop browsing 4chan, Ena
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Now push them closer
You're telling me all these kids all happen to be working with music in the entertainment industry, all happen to know each other, many going to the same schools, THREE sibling pairs, and they all regularly frequent a magical alternate reality occupied by the same benevolent cyberspirits that help all of them in a similar fashion with their professional and personal lives? Wow! What a coincidence!
It's fate, Fatesune Destiniku, if you will
There are sekais everywhere for those with the eyes to see.
Wait you're not a musician with 3 musician friends and have your own Miku? Sad!
The girl's school at least is notable for being a school for people in the industry so it's not a coincidence for that one. MMJ and WxS are the only ones that are actually professionals for the most part, so the rationalization is basically, between two schools they gave a handful of musicians because there's a population bias to begin with and these people sharing an interest gravitate to each other and uplift each other. What's happening isn't coincidence, it's privilege. Project Sekai represents an upper class.

As for sekai there might just be a ton of them that we never see
We need more szai duets
>Niigers mad at this guy for being right
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Don't flatter me like that, anons.
Kek I was actually implying you're shit at drawing jk don't niig yourself
I bet anything Shiho's caligraphy is more technically refined than Ena's art. She's probably better in bed too
But great artist Shinonome Jr. is the best comparison I could get?
any song in particular you want? I'm thinking suki kirai or yuukei yesterday
Shiroi Yuki no Princess wa...
Yeah yeah go back to onlyfans
Literally just look at all their bedroom. It's rich people shit. The most normal looking ones are Ichika's and Shiho's and even then its middle class at worst
>this is how rich people live
My favorite part is that the music group who met online without knowing each others identities ended up being 4 pretty and nice and normal teenage girls of the same age in the same city, with 2 of them even going to the same school, who all know of each others’ mutual friends, instead of being a fat Mexican 40 year old internet troll who pretends to be a cute Japanese girl, an unsupervised 11 year old who lied about being a teen, a creepy groomer and some guy from Brazil who has been to jail
But there was a creepy crossdresser
Honami and Airi, our poorfag reps
I really don’t think any of the characters other than Emu and like maybe Toya are supposed to be that rich. They’re like, “TV average”, what you see a “common family” living like in an idealized show even if it’s not realistic by today’s economy. Otherwise they wouldn’t all be working minimum wage jobs lel.
>fat Mexican 40 year old internet troll who pretends to be a cute Japanese girl
>an unsupervised 11 year old who lied about being a teen
>a creepy groomer
>some guy from Brazil who has been to jail
Niigo Kaito
Honami and Mizuki at least come from poorer families but there are like 6 legacy artists in the cast
I just assume they're all on metropolitan teenaged loser algorithm like how fighting game players are centralized in south California and a bunch of western utaite come from the same Canadian city
Dude they all speak fluent Japanese in voice calls
>Mexican who spends hours a day perfecting his LARP craft
>Mega weeb cringe pedo
>Bored child who goes on the edgy part of the internet where anime shit is everywhere, wants to fit in and not be seen as a poser
Ok so? What’s your point
bokura waaaa
yume wo mita
oikakete miushinatte
Broke failure
Wasted his fortune on blackjack and hookers
Piano teachers are poor
Decent but it’s not like he’s famous
Washed up old geezer
All hot and made for marriage ruining
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I would share a humorous anecdote with an adult Nene if she gave consent.
I would ruin Nene's parent's marriage without her consent
That you're schizophrenic and stupid
I've always been confused about Kanade's living situation specifically since her dad was supposedly struggling but they've managed to keep a three bedroom house while he's on life support for like two years
They say at the beginning that she’s leeching off her grandma, the plot device who exists to give her money but is too frail to visit her so she can be more alone and depressed/live the dream depression girl life without a stupid boomer parental figure around
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tier of how expensive i believe the bedrooms look, no akito in it because i was lazy but its above the ena tier since akito is the favorite
>Tsukasa in A
Do you really want to be missing a wall and to have a candle near flammable items
Kanade's room is expensive as shit.
Emu's room is literally just a 5 years old's room
Airi's should be lower
Emu is literally a 5 year old with boobs so checks out
And yet people sexualize her...
The room at the bottom there is still bigger than my entire flat.
her stuff is more expensive than her bedroom per se and i always rationalized it by her getting her dads equipment and also buying a better PC with the money from views of her MVs
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Kanade literally just moved into her dad's room, made a mess of it and stopped turning the lights on.
Falling into a coma and having a family member go through and use my computer is literally my worst nightmare. Poor Kanadad ..
I can't believe Kanade killed her dad AND stole his room...
how come all their beds are on a corner?
Young Kanade looking at all the pictures her dad saved of her feet and not understanding why until she got older...
Kanade Menendez...
>included a MMJ NPC's room over Shiho's
No sane person leaves three sides defenseless
It's very misogynistic of you to infantilize Emu. She is literally a math genius, has a high EQ, does xanax and performs unauthorized psychological experiments on random samples of fenniland customers to improve Otori marketing conditioning techniques. Please stop being condescending towards women of color and rethink your biases.
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minori's, saki's and emu's aren't on a corner, I think

he has the entire loft of the apartment, I think, so it's less privacy for a shit ton of space
the tenma's house in general is super nice
but what about minori
Which characters will end up in a padded room?
Mizuki‘s bed is extra robust so it doesn‘t squeak when I fuck him.
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My gf An Shiraishi and who?
>I suck my hamstar
How to get good enough to clear 28s? Is there a big gap between 27s and 28s?
Tenmama married a corporate exec though, so she didn't stay poor.
Practise, practise, practise, and move out of your comfort zone. Don't play hard when expert is 28 and don't play expert when master is 28. Don't let the numbers scare you.
Low difficulty rhythm gaming can train you to pay too much attention to the visuals for timing in a way that makes it harder to improve later.
Fundamentally you ABSOLUTELY NEED a good sense of the rhythm in the music you're playing along to to do well, because if you're using visuals for timing then you're trying to take two things - timing and what to press- from one sensory input, and that's a lot more mental overhead than autopilot tap-tapping to the music with your hearing and musical sense, and looking at the screen just for where/how to put your fingers.

My recommendation is, without seeing your personal struggles, that you try and train yourself to tap along to music on a desk or your lap or whatever while on public transport or just relaxing. You can improve at the game without actually playing the game if you want a break.
After that, like the previous anon said, move out of your comfort zone. My favourite thing to do when rhythm gaming is to completely ignore trying to get FCs or APs and just fish for clears on things I can't quite clear, and I play lower difficulties when I just want to warm up or because I enjoy a song without caring about whether or not I'm practising effectively.
The way to improve is to play harder songs. If you can play a 29, then a 28 will be easy.
The gap is large, primarily because lv. 27 expert's difficulty is primarily technical
If you compare Hatsune Creation Myth (28) to Brain Revolution Girl (27), HCM is far harder
BRG's speed sections are pretty easy in comparison
>I sucked my hamster
what if she meant it literally (actual rodent)?
Here she is.
A creature of some sort. Very picturesque.
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Eepy Rin in the morning
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Rin-chan now
The famous picture name
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mzmf sex life...
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An Shiraishi. The epitome of JK.
If this is not AI I will be severely disappointed, wtf is going on with her head
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Why would anyone ever ship them over their default ships
This is what mfentards actually believe
So rent free...
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Evolution requirements: reach lv25 at 25:00
How do I get the cool Migu variant?
So called out
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>spams mfen in every thread
>r-rent free
DEATH to thin hold notes
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I understand the appeal to ship mafuyu with a contrasting personality instead of Kanade but unfortunaly for Mafuyu, Ena has better chemistry with a much more compelling character
yeah, Akito
yeah, Kanade
I never got Akito shipping even though it's so prolific. He's easily the most gay dude in the game and it's a high fucking bar. I wonder if it's just yumes self-inserting into the girl they relate strongest to and then attaching onto the hottest dude.
Toya is the hottest dude tho
Hottest dude is KAITO
Yeah, Tsukasa
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if you could choose the next mizuena cover, what song would it be
>I wonder if it's just yumes self-inserting into the girl they relate strongest to and then attaching onto the hottest dude.
Other way around, incest shippers are dudes self inserting 99% of the time, although there’s is the rare female version of it as you described
Why does Ena having good chemistry with the fag she's a hag to mean she can't also be in yuri with muhfuyu
I'm glad we're calling her that now, kek.
I don’t think you can be a fag hag to your brother, and even if they weren’t related she’s repelled by his presence rather than drawn to it so she’s the opposite of a fag hag to him
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>that tiny ass head
Did Tsukasa’s mom have zika when she was pregnant with him?
Jigsaw Puzzle
Please save us from the sneeds
anon i'm so sorry but thats such a l/n song
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sleep tight
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I’ve thought about it a lot and there are no good ships involving Kanade or Mizuki.
I would love to hear your reasoning if you have any.
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Kanade is so driven by trying to save Mafuyu that that relationship feels deeply one sided. Thanks to that her relationships with other characters are nonexistent except Honami, but Honami is kind of a nothing character so it’s not interesting.
Mizuki feels like the pity case in every relationship. Like Rui is having to be extra nice and considerate as the relationship is solely for validation. Mizuki seemed to have a good rapport with most of niigo but thats worthless now that we know s/he’s always been running away and never wanting to show their true self. Now at the most crucial point with niigo s/he continues to run away and it’s unavoidable all those relationships will now be tainted with pity and everyone having to walk on eggshells.
Basically they are no fun to ship. Kanade can’t exist without sacrificing herself for Mafuyu and that is boring and Mizuki ships are just depressing.
>Mizuki seemed to have a good rapport with most of niigo but thats worthless now that we know s/he’s always been running away and never wanting to show their true self. Now at the most crucial point with niigo s/he continues to run away and it’s unavoidable all those relationships will now be tainted with pity and everyone having to walk on eggshells.
Eh, I think this is the wrong reading into the situation, and if the issue really gets resolved in Ena5 I think walking in eggshells is the very last thing that will happen. I don't think Mizuki was ever not being truthful in her relationships with Niigo, it's really her self doubt that makes her think she's an impostor, like she was always decieving them becaushe she hid the secret behind her gender. It's an understandable fear, right, that kindness based on pity is exactly what she wants to avoid but really Mizuki is just imposing her own thoughts and insecurities onto her friends there.
I agree on Kanade and Mafuyu tho, but in my opinion their arcs are going exactly in the opposite direction for that same reason.
Planning on getting a new tablet because my phone is overheating and can't really run the game that well anymore. How much better is the iPad Pro compared to the Air performance-wise for ProSeka? Is it worth the higher price or is the Air more than enough?
Pro if you have the money. It's what the gorillas use. The air should be good enough though, any issues would be due to ColoPale not optimizing the game better.
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Sekaicord is leaking again /psg/bros
The modern mindset of pairing characters based on how healthy and functional their relationship would be is baffling to me.
Let's be honest, mizuena is dead after last event. Ena wears her heart on her sleeve and her completely honest reaction to mizuki means their relationship as friends can be mended but it'll never go beyond that. People's first reaction to things before they have time to process and rationalize reflects their honest feelings deep down. It wouldn't be healthy for either of them. I love both as characters but Mizuki deserves better.
Ena is such a piece of shit.
Ena is a lesbian terf.
Ena is Mafuyu's bitch
I get why people think this but I feel like the emphasis on Mizuki's arc isn't on expressing herself and finding acceptance from other people, but opening up from her traumas and letting people into herself. In that regard I think it's a lot more satisfying to pair Mizuki up with someone like Ena that would make the effort to ask questions and struggle than with someone where it's easy to imagine them just accepting Mizuki instantly and going to comfort her, like, throwing out Kanade as the random example since the remaining niiga has her own shit to deal with.

Mizuki has an accepting family and multiple security blanket friends. Opening up to the niigas is an extra step because she's not actually lacking acceptance, there's pointedly an episode where she sees the classmates she's avoiding on the streets and realizes they weren't trying to be offensive in their introduction, they just didn't understand. Mizuki lacks understanding and the Ena dynamic is really the only one where I can see someone trying to navigate the insecurities instead of just reassuring Mizuki.
I don't know about that man, I get where you're coming from and it's not a bad idea, I'm sure I'd enjoy it regardless if they took the story in that direction, but it gives me "Mizuki x student A" vibes, can something genuine be born from a place of her very nature being questioned? I think that sort of raw honesty and navigating discomfort into understanding and acceptance it's more suited for a "best friend" position than a lover.
Mizuki will let me inside herself
More importantly, are we getting Student A into our divegrass team or not?
Every guy in this game is shippable with girls. Hell, I exclusively ship Toya and Rui with female characters.
An and Touya have the best potential ship in the game and nobody can convince me otherwise. Akito and Kohane are getting in the way.
Who even spoke about Mizuena being lovers? No OCs will ever get together like that.
I can only ever read Tsukasa and Rui as straight. I can go either way on Toya, he pairs up really well with people in general. It's only Akito that strikes me as a flaming homosexual.
If we're talking close friendships then I agree with everything you said, I just thought we were talking about shipping.
Antoya is one of my favorite ships in this game as well. I cannot see him with a guy and I cannot see An as a full-on lesbian either, the Anhane pairing seems way too forced to the point I don‘t want to ship it at all. I enjoy Toyanene and Kanatoya as well, they‘re rare but cute pairings. As for Akito, I only really ship him with Mizuki and An with Mizuki but in a platonic sense.
Kohane is shipped with nobody in my book since I frankly do not care about her.
I'm a straight male and to my knowledge RuiKasa is the way to go.
Despite his looks and what the majority of the fanbase thinks, Tsukasa has always seemed either straight or just “uninterested in romance to focus on becoming the world future star!“ to me. Emukasa is THE Tsukasa pairing as someone who mildly dislikes both of the characters, it‘s a very cute ship.
I'm a straight male and I think MizuRui is better
Wait a fucking second

I‘m a bisexual female and I think Mizurui is better too.
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Rui and Tsukasa is a ship only for women because any man that watches them will inevitably see the broship of two bros broing out in the way that woman could never understand. As opposed to Akito and Toya who are simply so fucking gay like if your friend starts acting to you the way that they act to each other protect your butthole, or like, open up I guess, whatever floats your boat.
Agreed on Rui and Tsukasa broship but I disagree on Akito and Touya, they aren't THAT gay, there's some in there but they have better chemistry with characters of the opposite sex than each other.
Picture name.
Those 14 year old xwitter troons/nonbinaries projecting their xyz orientations and gender identities onto the Proseka OCs is hilarious. Shitho is not a „transmasculine sapphic amab femalemale queet“ and neither is Kamishiro a „demiboy demigirl aroace queer“.
Yeah the only enbie and probably troon in the game is Mizuki, everyone else is a normal cisgender guy or girl and zoomers are mentally ill.
If you care about any of this you're about 3/4ths as much of a retarded faggot as the kids in question. Perhaps even more because you're over the required posting age and it still bothers you enough to make a post about it.
Carnation shows just how powerful the MizuKana chemistry is. No wonder we haven't gotten anything in 3 years
>t. demigirl demiboy
Any ship with Emu makes me gag because she looks, sounds and acts like a toddler
Emukasa especially because they’re both SpongeBob tier characters and it invokes the same feeling as consuming 5000 grams of sugar
Did I mention being bothered or affected by it? I quite literally called it hilarious and that's it.
I see. Thanks for the advice. Guess I'll think it over some more.
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Akito and Toya are not gay. They are just bros. Akito’s heart lies with Mita, the one who has faithfully supported him from the start and never left his side even once.
I've been working on an exam-replacing presentation for my music major (German highschool) about Roshin Yuukai/Meltdown. The practical part is me performing the song but I'm a bit stuck on what else to include into the powerpoint. I have slides with general information about the song, a slide explaining Vocaloid, 3 page analysis of the lyrics but I feel like something is missing. Any ideas or tips?
Emu's pretty mature in the ways that matter. Strong empathy, good sense of distance, doesn't ever try to fucking kill herself
She comes off as a manic pixie dream girl when it’s her in the supporting rule and needs to be coddled by those around her which is very obnoxious and also a problem characters like Saki tend to have. Aside from that all the fanart plays up the pedo aspect with Emu being super innocent and accidentally sexualizing herself with Tsukasa acting like a degen anime self insert MC and needing to protect her from herself
/psg/ and schizoships, tale as old as time
I agree. Their types of characters either pander to people who genuinely want to see funny and innocent (albeit childish and kind of cringe) stuff or faggots stuck in the 2010s ecchi anime era who turn every male character passive and faceless to self-insert into and redirect every female character's energy into some kind of "dere" for the males in question. Me, I just think it's funny when Tsukasa is launched out of a cannon and Rui and Emu laugh at it or when Saki mentally tortures Shiho for liking cute animals.
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And we reach the last batch of profiles for the movie with Niigo.
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I want to undress him...
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VBS figurines next
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I think that's bit of a ridiculous way of thinking. Beyond the logic breaking of thinking who could and couldnt become canon in a japanese gacha, Ena's first reaction was just genuine confusing, what about that feeling breaks their bond in such a way that "it could never become romantic" later on?
Like the other anon said, the issue within Mizuki is not really acceptance but rather vulnerability, that's why their thematic focus has always been about a certain "distance".
I don't know what they look like but out there somewhere there's a person going damn I want that Kohane so bad and that's kind of fucked up
These look so shitty, you would think with how much money Colopale is raking that they could afford to make those drop-dead-gorgeous figurines but no, we get barely-above-chink-bootleg figurines...
Kanade big love. Very cute. I like her huge block of hobbies and "special skill: measuring time by feel".
Mafuyu looks like a governess.
Slut. Also, hobby; ego searching, lol.
This is the one that made me really notice the character colour highlights on the skirt that I guess are supposed to be actual lighting? And I don't like them. But the weird mix of full coverage and the sheer fabric shoulders is cute.

I hope we get to see a lot of these in the movie rather than them being in uniform all the time, and I really hope they become game outfits after.
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where's My Sekai
I have an ipad air and it's pretty good, the ipad pro is (probably) very overkill unless you're planning on APing 35s or you want to use it as a laptop.
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I like tkem
middle school friends
>fully covered
>exposes shoulders
Again, I‘d appreciate if someone could give me any further ideas.
Cultural impact maybe? I feel like what you have is already enough so it's the only thing I can think about
Rin's profile and why she exposes her tummy and disclaimer you're not a pedo nerd
Play the divela remix and the vbs archive versions too
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Why is the art style on them so different? Just look at the hair compared to Akito's, looks like it's from a completely different game or something
It's because they're white guys anon, have some tact.
It was my theory too that the different art style was to represent that they were foreigners, but nope, that white guy NPC from the Clowns' story doesn't have his hair shaded like that but just like all the other adult characters
If we get these costumes in the game I wonder how they will do the colored highlight thing
I bet Akito can take both of them
Those white guys look like ugly, botched Ken dolls. Akito needs to get more handsome boyfriends.
I wonder if Airi ever modeled nude for Ena.
I think it's because their faces look a little wide, I noticed this tends to happen to the younger male NPCs, don't know why they can't get it right
Kanade has all these hobbies listed yet she's never actually shown a hint of being otaku at all
Yeah, their heads look like they were sized up in a really weird and disproportionate way. Similar to how some of the kid models look.
She should do that for me
Besides the guy on the right's hair, the artstyle looks consistent to me
I want to feel Airi's form...
She's a music otaku.
She doesn't play games, she just watches non-commentary LPs and buys OSTs.
She watches Mizuki's anime recommendations and when invited to discuss it, she goes "oh yeah there was that scene where x happened, the music was amazing they did some really cool stuff with the composition".
She reads manga and looks at art for emotional inspiration for her music.
It's just an advanced kind of hyperfixation.
She's smart enough to hide her power level
Thank you anon
No probs, good luck brosister
The amount of cash I‘d pay for a Meiko x Kaito x Luka threesome sextape…
Miku, Rin, and Luka for me. Pay the big bucks
I just paid for clownku
I'd pay to film a Shiho x Shizuku x Me sextape.
don't keep that from the class
Did you spend $5 for that 4* guaranteed ticket?
No I got this instead https://litter.catbox.moe/i6rpqs.jpeg
>no clownku sex
aw. in all seriousness though nice fig anon
I own that too
I‘d pay to feel and taste Zuki‘s tight, pink femboy hole.
Now put it in a jar
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I wish they'd come out with proper scale figures before releasing budget ones.
It's here brosters
Sorry you stuck your dick in crazy, Mafudad.
But Mafumom is a great person
'Nan 'nan
Mafumom is a good caring mother and the world would be a better place if everyone had a mom like her
Mafumom is the perfect religious tradwife any man could ask for
I love Mafumom because she hates nightcord.
Mafumom is a good mother because she wants Mafuyu to associate herself with successful and intelligent people, not a stinky neet who killed her dad, a menhera doomscroller who has an onlyfans and a groomer troon who took cocks in his ass.
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I love her so much
She is breathtaking...
The one who holding the phone? It's me.
Older male NPCs look significantly worse
Mafudad looks good, Shinei is fine, Harumichi and Taiga are fine for cranky boomers, but god Ken, Kanade’s dad and the Walt Disney knockoff from PIMH are the most hideous creatures to roam the Earth
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Why is she even friends with him?
>anon never had friends who did a little playful jabbing
Seconding the other anon, sorry for your friendcel-ness broster...
I won’t lie, some of this game’s attempts at being “funny/cute” don’t hit. Mizuki provoking Ena, calling her fat/implying she’s slutty, Shiho telling her sister she literally can’t be seen with her at school and that she has to fuck off, and some of the early slapstick directed at Tsukasa just come across as mean spirited even though it’s not intended to be. It’s supposed to endear you to the characters but has the opposite effect.
Don't talk shit about my hot hag husband, bitch
Mizuki wasn‘t wrong. Ena has an onlyfans, after all.
I've seen two different artists draw Ena saying she doesn't care that Mizuki is a guy but the "pushing her boobs up for pics" comment was out of line in hindsight. It won't happen in canon but it's funny to acknowledge an early interaction like that kek
top kek
You can call it that all you want but in real life I find “normal” people tend to not take well to name calling at all. They’ll play it cool in a public setting because no one wants to look like they can’t take a joke, but people who do that tend to end up friendless or disliked. You need to actually be socially intelligent to be funny without offending people.
Yeah I truly don’t know what they were thinking with that one. It’s just a creepy comment in general but is 10x more creepy coming from someone who doesn’t have tits and then add another 10x factor for hiding the fact that you don’t have tits from the person whose tits you are making fun of.
Clearly you have never been in Latam keep it that way
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This would be extremely rude and assholish irl, but as a 3rd person viewer this is hilarious
Bruh. It's a different culture.
Are you finnish?
Nene is literally me...
Hormonal boy doesn't know how to hit on girls, please understand. He's lucky Ena barely interacted with people in her first year of HS.
Anons don't interact with other people and it shows
TsukaNene is retarded anyway. Nene's for me and Tsukasa's for... I don't know who.
I don't pay enough attention to the story (or male characters) to care which OC he's for. You guys can argue amongst yourselves about that.
I don't think Nene consented to that.
I would exist in an adjacent plane of reality with an adult Nene if she gave consent.
Don't let the rude replies silence you, you're right.
>Anon doesn't understand different cultures
Your so valid sis :)
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>different culture means shitho can act like an absolute cunt to her sister and get away with it
Finally a good post
The japanese aren't called "bugmen" for no reason anon...
That's how most brothers/sisters are like tho, if anything the Tenma sibblings are weirdos and a case that literally never happens irl
I started thinking about Ena's other friends since this came up but except for Kanade, literally everyone who's a regular part of Ena's life is rude and will never compliments her to her face. Mafuyu is way worse than Mizuki about her cuts, we don't see Airi taking jabs at her or anything but she definitely has the same communication issues she does with MMJ and only says nice things about her when she's not around, Akito is a pretty standard sibling relationship, Shinei is her fucking aloof dad, and her mom immediately opens up to anyone visiting about all of Ena's insecurities.

We've giving Mizuki shit but Ena's standards are so incredibly low that Mizuki is the only person in her life that regularly pays her compliments.
Are you really claiming people only call each other names and insult each other in Japan or something? It happens everywhere lol, one of the American presidential candidates has a Wikipedia page dedicated to his namecalling. The human ego is universal regardless of culture. Some people will be able to take jokes and some will get offended, I would say that’s more correlated to self esteem than culture. Even if it’s culturally accepted to sit there and take it it doesn’t mean people won’t build resentment in silence.
TsukaNene is literally the only good het ship tho
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All I'm hearing is EnaAi is endgame
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damn them photo apps are getting crazy, i can't believe ena added a nose to herself
I don’t know about that. Hinomoris definitely strike me as the strangest. The Tenmas would actually make a lot of sense if the age gap was larger. They act like they have a way bigger age gap than they do, when siblings are further in age there’s less reason for conflict, especially if an older sibling has to be in a caretaker role like Tsukasa. With a 1 year age gap though it feels very strange. Hinomoris strike me as very anime, feels more like a granny who really wants to kiss her bratty 6 year old granddaughter on the cheek only for her to wipe her cheek right after
It's not even that the characters treat Ena like shit, the writers generally love making her the butt of any joke. They constantly exclude her from anything her friends take part in and it's routinely the punchline that she has no idea of or involvement in anything they do. Another thing is that anything that isn't her own focus story will poke fun of/ridicule her in some way or put her down for the sake of other characters. There are chink/nip Enafags who complain about this whenever it happens, that's how many times it's happened.
Comedy is subjective.
Holy based
I think the people she's closest to are the ones she goes out of her way to annoy, i.e. her mom, Akito, Airi, and Mizuki, because she feels comfortable relying on them. Mafuyu and Ena both appreciate that the other person will be honest about things, for better or worse.
>she definitely has the same communication issues she does with MMJ and only says nice things about her when she's not around
I don't understand. Airi has some self-esteem issues but not communication ones. There are some card stories where Ena and Airi are much more open with each other.
>her mom immediately opens up to anyone visiting about all of Ena's insecurities.
Her mom saved the sketchbooks that she tried throwing out because she didn't want her daughter to regret anything, and she made sure to record whenever Airi was on TV so Ena could watch them... Shinonome mama is the MVP of that household.
Would you perform Enalingus?
>They constantly exclude her from anything her friends take part in and it's routinely the punchline that she has no idea of or involvement in anything they do.
When does this happen?
If there's any character that deserves to be put down it's Ena
Constantly, of course.
I didn't notice it before but holy shit yeah, Ena is made the butt of the joke a lot of times
Luckily she has her art trio that always look up to her
If she is so cool then where is her sprite huh?
's father
‘s son
's partner
's dad.
‘s friends’ son
I don't know who that is can someone please translate?
did toyadad even have friends...
Le fils des amis de Harumichi, Cieuxcaça
Welp I lost this game of relationship shiritori then. GG
I feel like the devs know how many people want to see her.
>Akito mixed event pre-4th anni
>Shinonome family all eating dinner together, mamanan reminiscing about the camping date they went on
>4th anni adds voices to faceless NPCs
>Ena card story
>"MOM... Oh is she taking a shower?"
Stop teasing us, ColoPale...
Ena's father = Shinei
Shinei's son = Akito
Akito's partner = Toya
Toya's dad = Harumichi
Harumichi's friend = Tenmadad (?)
Tenmadad(?)'s son = Tsukasa
I thought it would be the mom because she’s a piano teacher
I imagine they know each other through music
Yeah that makes more sense
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'member when Kohane went back in time and inspired the Shinonomes to marry each other, thus making her the spiritual mother to Akito?
Niigo is almost completing their on-screen family members, only missing are
Dude spoiler that shit, I just got up to the part where Kohane went back in time and trained Nagi
The ones I can remember reading about were scenes of her feeling upset that none of the niigos told her what happened during two mixed events, one featuring Kanade and one Mafuyu.
Insert MMJ obaasan
Insert Anne of Green Gables or Wendy
Insert middle school Mizuki but ugly as all ojisans in this game must be
Insert Mizusister but with more wrinkles and not dressed like the Fr*nch
Kanagranny is going to die
VBS could put their NPC obsession for good use and add Shinonomemom in an Akito event
Sorry bwo we need to draw a fodder tier duo of fags nobody cares about for the next Toya event instead, please understand
I can't believe Kanade is going to kill her own grandma for the inheritance
I am a bit tired of neeepppppppppuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
What would Otomachi Una think of Mizuki?
Just a bit? It's the last mission I've finished the last two times and it's looking to be the same this time too.
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He wouldn't survive
Which OC would settle for a fat mexican male or take money to blow him one?
An would blow for cash but nothing more, Honami would settle for one.
if your head is slammed too hard against the table you can get a concussion/brain damage or have one of those rods go in your eye so unironically yeah
Do Angooners coom to An's BA clone or are they loyal to the original
I've came to her several dozen times but it's not quite the same. I'm thinking of starting some An commissions since this game just gets no porn for whatever reason.
damn women fanbase and not even the degenerate coomer kind
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I don’t see why degenerate women would make porn of anime girls any more than degenerate men would make porn of anime boys
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What would Tsukasa do if he saw his sister in such a precarious situation?
>not even the degenerate coomer kind
I'm guessing you haven't seen ruikasa R-18 tags
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What would Tsukasa do if he saw his sister in such a precarious situation?
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Why is he walking in on 2 girls in the bath?
Take her place like a responsible onii-chan.
Let her have her privacy like a respectable onii-chan
The lights are off so he assumed it was empty and wanted to use the bathroom in his house, duh
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Ah, yes. The innocent times before their relationship started.
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Jesus Christ the AI went insane over here
>going to sleep
>no An Shiraishi gf to cuddle up against me

When will this pain end.
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>Saki is so hot the men around her fucking melt
you'll need to be an Anschizo for at least a few more years
I fear it's the sneedium
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Mizuki might actually be a girl who was confused as a guy because she kept dressing as a boy. It's still up in the air.
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It's really not my place to talk about these things being a totally straight dude and all but I've always wondered how the LGBT community addresses the cannibalism their groups sometimes take to each other in all seriousness
I wonder if we even have someone part of the community
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>He hasn’t realized half the general is lesbians
That doesn't mean they necessarily partake or identify with the collective. It's pretty obvious this place is full of social misfits so I wouldn't be surprised
By definition yes but I don't associate with it because all my sexuality defines is what I masturbate to personally
Eh… I really doubt most gay people belong to The Community in general
That’s probably a minority of them really
Probably? I'm speaking as an outsider so I don't really know
Hey I want you all to know that I’m gay and a member of the LGBT
How do I get initiation to join? Do I drop off my resume?
I doubt Miku would care about anyone's interest in different kinds or the same kind of junk.
I'm just thinking
you have to wait for the open enrollment period
Miku is part of the LGBT community
Brazilian Miku
>checks QRTs
>it's all people missing the point of Chapter 8
Every day the gays stray further from God.
Zúndª pærtỳ níght
>artist is a chud
I figured as much from this art
Brazilian Miku and Luka are into straight men like me exclusively
but they are into each other
Any of you sing along to any of the songs as you play or sing vocaloid songs in general?
I don't know the lyrics to any song well enough to sing
I sing along to the noises in underwater
I only know Karakuri Pierrot and MKDR
It takes all my brainpower to play as it si, so no
I sing along to Summertime Record once it gets to "SUZUSHI NE" TTE IIATTA
The WALL is one of the songs I know the full song to, because I'm a terminal Sneeder. Others include Teratera, Ghost City Tokyo, Cyberpunk Dead Boy, Regulus, and Beyond the Way
I know happy synthesizer and dreamin chuchu fairly well
I'm a Mexican male and I condone AkiTouya.
I'm a Mexican male and I think there are too many Mexicans here
i think this is cute and that pandanan is one of her best nicknames
Long as we're talking about music, what's your favourite commission song?
Saa anyo anyo kocchi oide
If I had to pick, Hug
The ones with the word showtime in the title
Mr. Showtime and his dom husband, Showtime Ruler...
Something about Teammate just feels quintessentially Minori. I love her other commissions too though.
I'm Anonymous and I condone this ship
You think Mizuena is just the writers scratching their head, wondering what to do with the girls who aren't Mafuyu, then remembering that they had Mafumafu's leftover song they weren't doing anything with?
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I enjoy them
>shizuku, minori, and airi music enjoyers
Now we just need a harukafag to complete the quartet
You'd better be playing Append on the first two :<
I'm a thumb player and too poor to afford a tablet :c
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star actress neen neen
You can just get an older iPad Pro for the ProMotion if nothing else.
Sexo... with the Kagamines...
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Love them

Love them too
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What about Gyarufuyu?
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I prefer Saki gyaru
I appreciate that Mafuyu's hair works with fucking everything as a nice feature of her design
Feels OOC
She was perfect before and now she's even more perfecter
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Niigo Kaito is crying because he's ashamed he pissed on the floor and Clown Kaito is smiling down at him passive aggressively to make sure the humiliation sinks in?
Fujos are so evil...
if it's niigo Kaito's piss why is Clown Kaito standing in it?
Should I read Leo/Need events? Saki's pretty cute when she shows up in WxS
He's the one who has to clean it up, that's why he's angry
I like their events.
Lol no
Read mixed events with Saki in them instead, she's far more cute in those than when she's sneeding
Not the Miyajo school themed ones though, those are boring as fuck
I highly recommend you read them, especially if you are an insomniac, just one chapter and it knocks you right off
Nee nee nee
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What does his expression at the end mean?
I take it Mizugooners like this image despite it being Ena
If all the sekais got in a fist fight, we're all agreed that Ena would win right
If the competition is about the ones to go down first, then sure
Emu or Shizuku no contest.
Retard strength beats all
cat fight? Maybe
fist fight? Hell no.
Ena and Kanade would be the first to fall. Both are out of shape and melt in sunlight. Saki would fall shortly after due to cancer. Nene holding on only slightly longer than the other homebodies.
Literally every other character is athletic except them.
Kanade has two of the strongest units in the game as her bodyguard, the sun is the only thing defeating her
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I think Airi would
Mizuki would beat everyone up except for a select few
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Shinonome incest is so hot. Second only to Hinomori
I think Shiho is based for hating her retarded sister.
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I ship Ena with Toya
Zoomers in general don't draw much porn. This game is still around 40% male players but the vast majority are young. The guys get a bit more but still very little compared to other female dominated fanbases.
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but what about ichika
I ship Icchan with Akito
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>the artists deleted the art
I eagerly await the day Mizuki says he's a boy
We know, Ken.
airi tummy pero pero.......
mizuki tight pink hole pero pero.......
Loli Shiho kinda cute bros...
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on the other hand loli shizuku is the worst loli. she has a face like a 20 year old woman, her voice is totally unconvincing and her hair looks dumb
I just got the mochi mochi zunda song for the first time in multi and it's the worst thing ever devised by a human being.
Humongous forehead
her entire head is big. you'd think her poor neck would snap
once in awhile i randomly remember that An is really fucking hot but then Kohane shows up
>tfw scrolling thru the shop randomly
>see LEADER and Rainy Snowdrop
wtf this song is hype as fuck, any other songs like this? Even if it's not in the game yet
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As an Angooner, I do not give a single shit about Kohane and forget she exists. I don't read VBS stories anyway so I barely even see Kohane.
As another Angooner I recommend reading VBS anyway, An gets a good moment every now and then even with K*hane around.
Not an Angooner but when do VBS stories get good? Because holy shit their intro story is by far and away the worst one and turned me off intensely.
Oh they never get good, it's shit and absolutely not worth reading unless you just really love An (Like me), Akito or Touya and want to see more of them.
I did read one or the other VBS focus, but Light Up The Fire was the last straw for me. The way their events are written is just not my cup of tea. I prefer mixed events with An, but if you have any recommendations that'd be good.
Why is their cast one of the more popular groups again? Because if you need two guys, WxS are good from the get go.
Same anon, my favorite An focus so far is definitely Let's Study Hard.
WxS music is shit and their characters are stereotypical and unrelatable. I don't have a problem with all four of them, but it's obvious why VBS' character lineup is more popular.
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I'm a straight dude so I'm not talking sex here, but I much prefer Akito and Touya as characters to Tsukasa and Rui, personally. And An is extremely cute and likeable. I can see why the unit itself is popular, but their story is by far the worst written and stupidest in the game, which is also a sentiment I see many people share. That said as far as yumes go Tsukasa and Rui are more popular so you probably have a point, maybe Akito and Touya are more popular with fujos? But the clown vibes WxS gives are not for everyone and VBS is more like a really badly written shonen which zoomers love.
Kohane exists I guess.
Look at my daughter sing
I have trouble listening to Nene's singing because I don't have time to constantly jerk it. Her voice does things to me. I am so weak.
What a fun and interesting group Niigo is.
Reminder to put PokeMiku in your collab wishlist for the survey
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Did I slip timelines into one where people like VBS stories more than WxS...
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Any mixed events with An are great. I don't know if the VBS events talk about it, but An being the kind of person to do really meaningful gestures for someone else without calling attention to it is sweet. I was reminded of it during the Haruka obstacle course event too.
stand up brother
you are strong
>SEA hours
>bad opinions
VBS is definitely not more popular than WxS anywhere
VBS is pretty much entirely being carried by Akito
They aren’t more popular with fujos either, on any site Ruikasa absolutely swallows them in terms of works.
They don’t have to be “relatable” to be popular, characters who are interesting/funny tend to become more popular even if they are outlandish. However even in that regard there are more “that is literally me!” schizos with WxS and understandably so, they all do have their own problems that are generally communicated better than WxS, although they did a good job with Toya and a pretty decent job with Akito.
EN games today?
if anyone needs a certain time, specify it
I love Shiho. She's probably the most autistic chracter in the game.
Sure, I prefer around 9pm east coast if possible
9 PM EDT it is
I'm trying to join the room but it's not working.
Room number is 80085
Also we're playing TW
Tears of Garnet is by same guy who made LEADER
An having to settle for Nene because Kohane's not getting the hint. Also trying to make Kohane jealous
They are literally just saying good morning to each other. That doesn't make them lesbians.
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Why do you guys keep calling yourselves and one another gooners? Did I just stumble into the Eternal Arsenal Thread?
because that's what we are? what don't you get?
Literally just one retarded schizo
I call everyone a sisbro or faggot though
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I call everyone a niigger
They are really committed to Path of Thorns's consequences huh
Arteta is a hack
I stopped using sisbro after anon asked someone to explain why it was used.
so forgiving other people is cool and all but when are we forgiving "purple"
i use brosister instead
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mafuyu enkou
Thought that was Toya at first and I’m gonna choose to believe that anyway
Kind of corny desu, they could have just not given her a birthday message for Honami this year. It’s not like they’re that close. Who the hell is going to remember let alone think about their acquaintance’s birthday at one the lowest point in their life? A couple of months of edgy birthday messages from Mizuki for some characters followed by normal ones for the rest once she returns is going to be weird
they are removing mizuki from the game
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Getting a paizuri from Honami will instantly heal Mizuki
An needs Nene sex
Ultimate despair Mizuki
I like this. It'd be pointless not to keep committing to it.
No what would be weird is if Mizuki wishes someone a happy birthday then wishes that same character a happy birthday after recovery next year before they even aged another year.
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>tfw no happy Emu gf to go to church with
Cute friends (Ena took the photo)
I need Emu to become a niiger. Maybe destroying her beloved Wonder Stage will do the trick.
I always go to the Wonder Stage to play Wonder Style
How about Wonder Kart as the official proseka racing game
I heard Rui's track was one of the most fun, but Kanade's had the best music
Do the moomoos make their own music?
Unless you count the songs born from their feelings, no they have a fan for that
Cool. I know Leo/Need and Nightcord at 25 both make their own right? I don't care about VBS. Wonderlands x Showtime is a comedy troup not a music group.
Minori is so useless
they make Moo Moo Milk
>saved 3 more people than kanade
dumb kanadevil worshipper
Idol music is so soulless...
suicide music is so soulless
lifeless, even
I understand WxS being more popular than VBS but Ruikasa being more popular than Akitoya just will never make sense and it sounds like fake news. Its just that the dynamic between Ruikasa falls so far out of the tropes fujos generally gravitates towards.
They're the weirdo combo for a reason.
Watashi wa ame
Literally can not stop listening to it, I like the rain metaphor so much
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>Its just that the dynamic between Ruikasa falls so far out of the tropes fujos generally gravitates towards.
Rui is pretty close to the Kaworu/Nagito type of top from those BL ships
MMJ lyrics:
>"I want to love you,"
>I have to sing it, or it won't start. (Won't start)
>Is it okay if my steps are crooked?
>Right now, I just want to dance with you. (Haa~)

Niigo lyrics:
>"I long for you, I adore you," Those words and the song on this night,
>I wonder, will they reach the heart of whom I love someday?
>Will I be able to love them completely and earnestly?
>Will I be able to save them completely and properly?

No wonder /psg/ prefers the slut unit...
idgi these both read the same
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So cute...
For kids
For mature adults
I want a Niigo Toumei Answer cover so fucking bad but if its not in between Mizu5 and Ena5 then It will make absolutely no sense and then they will force Leo/Need down my throat AGAIN
lmao. nice try but most niigo enjoyers are angsty teenagers
Married for 65 years with 2 daughters
Airi gave birth to 2 kids and then married Shizuku?
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>cant even find her classroom
I hate this retard so much...
Miku, the fujos are numberfagging...
Fujos run /psg/
fuck off, shitho
Me too anon, me too...
Mind you shes a SECOND YEAR STUDENT when we meet her
Is Cat Food an Airi coded song?
I am so tired of the 4/5 room glitch.
Do they not fix it because they don't know how or they just don't care their game is broken
So? Doesn't mean you can be an ableist
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Who would be Miku and Luka in this situation?
Mafumom x2
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Everybody, the song changes characters every few seconds
When Mizuki5 comes to EN, I’m going to spend all the virtual coins required for the virtual live stamp mission on a giant “But what about Mafuyu?” message at the part where Mizuki is alone at the end
Ena songs are the fucking best
Real jokester here folks, true comedy genius
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But seriously, what about Mafuyu?
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Honami? More like Homina Homina Homina
Next Niigo event will be about Mafuyu saving Mizuki and then Mizuki goes back to normal
Then something even worse happens to Mafuyu
Kanade focus btw
I firmly believe something will go down in Kanade6 or something. That girl can‘t go on like this, the only thing she‘s living for is trying to „save“ someone, meaning she‘s living on the edge. I think it‘s laughable how her group doesn‘t really say anything regarding how unhealthy that is, at this point she‘s bottling up all her physical and mental problems and sweeping everything under the carpet because it doesn‘t fulfill a very unrealistic and shallow mission that she will one day regret. It‘s basically that she‘s so suicidal that she desperately set that whole saving thing as her life goal… if that breaks, everything will go down. I can actually see them making her father of her grandma die in her next focus. Kanade has always striked me as the niigo character who‘d be most likely to kill herself or at least experience something even worse than Mizuki did in the previous event. I believe the Mizuki5 aftermath could‘ve been a taste of what awaits Kanade since at this point it‘s just building itself up into chaos.
>Wow I should use my music to save myself
>Perpetual motion machine
>Becomes positive and upbeat person overnight
It's as simple as that, baby
Mizuki arc has to wrap up before we begin Kanade arc, their lives can't all go to shit at the same time
Me and who
Kanade will realize that she can't keep up with Mochizuki-san and Mafuyu-san daily sex sessions and will niig
It's unironically going to be this >>499957924
Her body doesn't have the stamina for it :(
But what about Kohane?
It's still incredibly funny how AkiToya and ToAki are relatively close in amount but there's a severe gap between Ruikasa and TsukaRui
Also those Rui and Tsukasa numbers are a bit outdated. Ruikasa is at 5,835 and TsukaRui is at 1,326
مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ لَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللَّهِ
Well Rui and Tsukasa have minmaxxed seme and uke appeal respectively
Meanwhile Akito comes with the best of both worlds
You know Akito and Toya have a loving relationship if they take turns being the top. Unlike that monster, Rui
But Rui can come up with all sorts of exciting ways to top
Vanilla gay dogs have no other choice to keep things interesting
I've accepted that I will never understand the minds of women. Even if Tsukasa had to be gay I can't see how he isn't simply the toppest man in the roster. But alas, I shall simply have to live in my foolishness.

I wonder if women ever get confused by male yuri tastes.
Meaning Rui needs newer progressively degenerate kinks to stay interested in sex with Tsukasa. Meanwhile, Akito and Toya are consistently happy with vanilla
Arrogant men are made to be corrected and humiliated, that’s all there is to it
this is probably the most I've ever agreed with a post in this thread
I'm Korean and I hate Korean art. It just looks off.
>male yuri taste
>wow girl kissing girl so hot!!! *writes them OOC so they behave like sex crazed whores*
What is there to be confused about?
There's that, but he also canonically folds easily to things asked of him from certain people - like pretty much if the clowns ask him to doing anything that isn't outright lethal, he'll wind up doing it. Which is good for putting him into a submissive position.
>>wow girl kissing girl so hot!!! *writes them OOC so they behave like sex crazed whores*
This but the part in asterisks isn't necessary
Wait how's that different from what fujos do?
Yeah, the WxS story consists of him getting humbled, then constantly humiliated by his peers. Case in point.
The yaoi of this game is actually canon and in-character
Men have no personalities to begin with. They are simple creatures and to suggest otherwise is to deprive them of their highest calling and one of the greatest beauties in the world. Stop maginalizing men by trying to make them complex. All men are animals.
Tsukasa and Rui are butch lesbians
You're not old enough to post here Nene
Man here. Can confirm. Am animal.
I dont know about that sis. I've seen yaoi fan art and half the time it's Rui degrading Tsukasa in some way, sometimes ryona
>implying loving vanilla aibou sex is inferior
He's short, arrogant, easy to laugh at AND paired with a tall guy who loves to tease him, it should be obvious.
>I wonder if women ever get confused by male yuri tastes.
This, kek. Men love to see girls lezzing out with no substance or story to back it up, it's rare that they draw/write good yuri and I say this as someone who vastly prefers it over yaoi
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>half the time it's Rui degrading Tsukasa in some way
That's just canon Ruikasa though
Reminder that this is a manly man's manly man game for manly men's men man men.
If by manly men you mean he/him butch lesbians then sure
At what point do you think the staff realized their audience was primarily going to be young women instead of old men?
When they developed male characters
When they decided to make More More Jump into a story about the intricate struggles of human nature in modern society rather than a story about idols doing cute stuff.
Feel like if they knew that early they would've made one of the units all male
Even if you ignore the males I think Mizuki would be way too controversial for Japanese incels, so they knew the risks they were taking.
I think all male units pose the risk of splitting the fanbase even more than it already is with unitfags and infighting, there would be a bigger divide between "girl fans" and "boy fans" who would be at odds, slipping the girls and guys intogether integrates it more cleanly so fans of the unit will have to accept both of them.
Vocaloid was always popular with women, so the female audience was always guaranteed. One thing of note, tho, is how the female audience of the game seem to actually like the rest of the cast beside the 4 boy OCs and Len and Kaito. Usually there's this unspoken hatred in fujos hearts for any girl who dares to threaten their precious ship but mostly I've seen fujos at worst be super cordial and enjoy the groups dynamics in a platonic way or at best even (genuinely) multiship some other yume or yuri pairing on the side.
Is there anyone doing "idols doing cute stuff" anymore? It feels like music girl franchises these days are in an arms race to see how can skirt the line closest to cynicism without actually offending any fans.
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hey now, not all men are bad writers
>Usually there's this unspoken hatred in fujos hearts for any girl who dares to threaten their precious ship
I've only seen that in shounenshit which, in their defense, the female characters are usually dogshit characters anyway who simply exist to be love interests. Never seen that in gacha games at all, isn't the reason why multigender gachas like Hoyoslop (and this game) gender ratio is 75:25 because girls will roll for both sexes while male players only roll for girls?
>male players only roll for girls?
I never got this attitude that I see everywhere. I'm 30 and I still have my childish fascination of wanting the coolest fucking dudes in my games
I think the problem is games like this it would be kind of hard to write a character like that into
Male characters like that who are popular with men tend to be from games centered around combat, not a VN soap opera about teenage musicians where the monetization model is based on rolling for pretty pictures of the characters instead of a cool gameplay kit
So the male characters are twinks written to appeal to women who will roll for their pretty pictures
I disagree with Mizuki being a risk in regards to Japanese incels, she's a type of niche character that usually gets a small but dedicated fanbase. The thing with Mizuki, tho, is that her arc is maybe one of the clearest in the game and the writing surrounding her never overly relies on her "gimmick" so she got ridiculously popular with everyone.
Thinking about It, earlier in the thread anons were complaining about how so many of the character backstories are just "saw this amazing music performance as a kid/wants to pursue music now" and Niigo stands out because it deviates from that norm and music is a conduit for their internal feelings in a more literal sense. Following that formula isnt something bad tho, I really like Tsukasa's arc too, but we see how the execution can be wonky.
Don't like the usual dynamic fujos have for Ruikasa, it's a cliche dynamic that makes it too unbalanced on Rui's side, he gets to pretty much "walk all over" Tsukasa and gets to top him too, the opposite balances it out into something that isn't half bad, Rui gets to tease and play with Tsukasa all he wants while Tsukada gets to "discipline" Rui for his behavior
In fact I'm sure this would be the favored dynamic if Rui was the smaller of the 2, fujos and their height-obsession I guess
Instead of seething about ruikasa just go look for tkri then, there's no shortage of it
>Never seen that in gacha games at all, isn't the reason why multigender gachas like Hoyoslop (and this game) gender ratio is 75:25 because girls will roll for both sexes while male players only roll for girls?
That's true for the female audience, yes, I'm speaking specifically about fujos in that regard tho, who do show the same sort of autistic traits of either hating or straight up ignoring the female characters that interact with their favorites.
I'm not seething about anything, people were talking about Ruikasa and top and bottom stuff and I wanted to chime in, am I not allowed to or something?
I think Tsukasa and Emu are the best with that aspect of his backstory, and that's mainly because of the purity of their relationship with their sister/grandfather
There's an attempt with An at showing how Vivid Street and its culture and people are important to her and all but LUTF did nothing to help with that, and Minori's backstory with idols never really clicked with me
>browse hoyo game thread
>someone posts about male character
>everyone starts calling it a brick, calling each other cucks or whatever the fuck wormhaver is supposed to mean
I don't get it either but they make any thread unusable
>Niigo stands out because it deviates from that norm and music is a conduit for their internal feelings
That really is interesting, besides Kanade, the niigers don't get multiple one-off events about getting better at singing or dancing like the rest of the cast do. They really should've given everyone a dedicated arc.
>They feel threatened by the effeminate gay 5'3 Hoyo twinks
Sad sad Hoyoslop slurpers...
Wait seriously? Sheesh why do they even keep playing it when males will always show up during cutscenes and stuff anyway. It's like they love being mad
Hey now, at least HSR has a second male model that tries not to look too twink
opening up that EN room in 25 minutes
I agree with everything you said, anon! I think Minori works in the context of MMJ because the other characters relationship with being an idol is hurt by the start, so having a fresh faced hopeful baby is a good contrast to even out the story but as you said it doesnt make for the most interesting of character outside of context.
The height obsession is funny, because when it's het or even yuri the dynamic works regardless of the height saves for some very few ships, but when it's two guys it's like their brain shuts down and goes "taller one is the top, smaller the bottom" and that ends up influencing the whole dynamic a lot, is there a popular gay pairing were the bottom is the taller one? Can't think of anything, closest thing is when the height difference is negligible or small enough, that is why Akito topping Toya isn't as rare compared to Tsukasa topping Rui
Never checked it out because the only appealing thing is Kafka and the Walmart Cheld but it's not enough to get me to bother with the grindfest ever again
I enjoy tap tap games so the daily activities in them don't feel like a grind
>They really should've given everyone a dedicated arc.
Honestly, it's not even that they don't have one, it just gets repetitive and most people tune out unless it's the better executed ones/their favorites. Some other characters stand out even when they are involved in those things like Saki, but still, I feel like giving characters a more conflicting relationship with music would have been more interesting
>is there a popular gay pairing were the bottom is the taller one?
Narumitsu is a small one but that's one example
And these days, probably Lenkai
With Akitoya it's not about the height, people like Akito's aggressive/cool aspect of personality as a top while Toya is more pure and cute for people who like him as a bottom
On the flipside Akito is sensitive and easily provoked/teased a lot which makes for a cute bottom and Toya is unflappable and has a handsome design which makes him an appealing top
You also have to remember that height/character design tends to be the way it is for a reason, cutesy characters are usually shorter so it's not really just about height.
guy is always taller and guy is always the top
every popular GL ship in this game has the taller one as the preferred top
My theory is that it's lizard brain stuff, one guy and one girl is "how nature intended" so the dynamics are allowed to work by themselves, two girls don't have built-in power imbalances so again the dynamics work by themselves, but two guys? In nature, they are rivals, one must win over the other because they just have to, and taller = stronger right? So taller wins over shorter, mix that with romance and you get the taller (stronger) dominating the shorter (weaker), and thus the dynamics have to warp themselves to fit into that paradigm
Ena gets events about growing her craft even if it's not music. I'm not even a niiger but hers are easily the best ones in that regard.
wo/manlets are made for wo/manhandling and teasing
EN room ID: 52399
starting in 9 or if the room fills up before then
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neneemu is indeed more popular if that's what you are asking so yes
After I found out many nip fujos are actually very homophobic a lot of the yaoi started to make sense...
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My cute cat who is allergic to herself
I can see Airi doing this
Knock knock. Any room for 1 more?
Sorry anon I'm too busy arguing about who is the top in my favorite ship
Niigerdevs are evil for taking all the attention Honami was supposed to get for her birthday and redirecting it to Mizuangst
Missed the room cause I was watching baseball...
better than playing league
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A reminder.
whoreish ena
Heh, I'm the opposite. I was playing in a room longer than I expected and I missed the first half.
Anon never replied to me so I guess the room's full...
still open/is there a free slot?
Full, sorry, I think there's like 5-7 of us awake right now.
I skipped church just to take anon's spot
gg bros
i just left so you might have a spot
woops misquote>>499979650
good games sisbros
Thanks for the games. Didn't feel particularly up to form, the misses on ego rock felt particularly bad to me since a lot of them were slider ticks.
yeah I was hitting everything super early today for some reason
it's whatever. rhythm gaming is just like that sometimes as I'm sure you already know
Thanks for the games.
I actually can't wait for the mizuena breadcrumbs during akito's birthday
Mafuyu should just get into sports to fill the empty void in her life
She is in the archery club...
Let's be real. Archery will never be a real sport
Ena is the only genuine whore
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Tsumiki songs always tend to grow on me
I think Culture could’ve made for a good VBS cover but oh well.
Ungray Days soon hopefully, a Ruikasa cover could be nice
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Any crazy Mochizuki yumes?
It's in the olympics
Cute horns. Reminds me of those laurel wreaths
Thanks, I like this outfit combo for her because she looks like a Greek goddess. Come to think of it, I just realized the archer Shizumafu cards were probably meant to be Apollo and Artemis.
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Sex w/ her 1* card
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>These are your 1-A concubines for tonight
Who do you choose?
Shiho > Minori > Kohane
But really bottom of the barrel choices...
Can I get concubines from 3-C instead?
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>Nene: Bark for me
Would you do it?
For Nene, anything
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Matcha strawberry latte
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I like how Minori looks like she's in her 20s
I like Anne better than NeneMu
Her birthday is more closer to shizuku's than haruka's
nene knows she has me completely at her whim
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I do the real dog thing and start humping her leg.
Why do the coomers always come out at this hour
>implying there's ever a time we're not here
I'm a terminally online coomer anon, come on now
so what's the verdict on the wildflower gacha thing that's up rn
it's double 4* rate right
I saw some people who were looking forward to it, but I don't think I'll be pulling. There aren't any new cards in its pool, and new lims are coming up.
>need to read like 300 events without fast forward or skipping
>ahh fuck how hard can it be? I don’t even need to pay attention and just autoplay… right?
>”omg we have to get ready for this school event!!! D-demo doushio? Wakanai…..”
>”Woah these kids are having another school event outside the sekai. They are so brave we have to support them”
>”Waah this random npc said something slightly hurtful all my confidence is gone” :(
>mandatory run away to sekai for pep talk episode
>”You just have to believe in yourself and your nakama”
>”Whoa… I never thought of it like that…”
>”I can attend the school event now because my friends are with me and Miku is watching”
>npc wasn’t really trying to be mean after all and everyone is friends
>app crashes 3/4ths of the way every episode
>repeat this at least 500+ times
>claim a paltry 50 gems for your suffering
I just put them on autoplay while I take a sneed
For me, it was Toya peeling vegetables for 8 chapters
I haven't read that one which is it I have to see it
Similar concept to that gacha in gacha anni4 banner with 2x rate up
Yeah I don’t like this, Greedypale needs to chill out
Gorgeous, Kanade looks different but in a good way, please don’t tell me that’s AI
Same Dreams Same Colors, aka the only event where VBS is actually a group. It’s like Secret Distance/Island Panic for VBS and it’s kino and one of their only genuinely good events

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