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Nighthawk - Edition

Previous thread: >>499568365

>Official site

>Fan created content (custom skins, weapon sights, sounds and localizations)

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on AAM's, AGM's and radars
stealth soon )))

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Sale/Event calendar

>Devblog/update when?

>Content creator decal and discount datasheet

>Someone sending you runes?

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mbr0tt1SmmE

Reminder: now you see me, soon you won't
peas/aesa can do fancier stuff like sending a wave at X direction while looking at another, so the 'dish' doesn't act as a good reflector to other radars.
aesa can also send multiple signals at different frequencies at the same time, so they're better at detecting everything because one of those sent frequencies is bound to be better reflected off from targets.
they can look for dirt on one frequency (say some VHF band) then change to a 'higher resolution' it when it finds to check if it's an enemy.
then they can also interfer on incoming radar because they can quickly shift frequencies to phase cancel incoming waves.
all of that, extremely quickly.
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The Jumbo can literally just click on any part of their tank and nuke them.
Why do retards think having any weak spot at all makes armor worthless? It gives you a huge advantage against paper tanks.
>there are people ITT right now that actually think F-117s are real
I bet you idiots think space is real too, this thing is just a way to rip off our tax money
Frog or Swed?
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Winter update I guess
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Will the mutts chimp out when it's useless?
when aren't mutts chimping out desu?
Why do Russians write BBC on their planes?
why do you have BBC on your mind 24/7
they're already chimping about
>other nations getting shit vehicles
>barely recognizable reference to current thing
>not having the best MBTs and SAMs in addition to the best planes and ships
so almost assuredly
>2 hardpoints
>no missles or guns
>aerodynamics of a badly peeled potato
this is exact same situation as when A-10 was announced and when it got added it turned out to bo meh
I literally had to look up the Dance of Dragons and Seek & Destroy trailers because I didn't remember a thing about them, and it makes sense because both are so damn forgettable.
This one is as kino as Air Superiority. Like that other anon said, the chimney part was a bit silly but the trailer itself was good. Not on the Apex Predators level though.
why are you describing the ar-234 b-2 tho
you don't get it, me constantly having gay sex on my mind and hearing gay slurs in foreign speech left and right means it's the russians that are gay!!!
Everyone already knows it's going to be useless, This isn't the epic own you thought it'd be.
just out of curiosity man, where are you from?
you just proved him right, congratulations champ
and f-117 is going to be used as another arado where people will either sucidie bomb their one targer in ground RB or drop bomb from high alt and run back to base
Is Shenyang F-5 worth to grind with for Rank VI-VII?
Theres no valid reason to play China over Russia
the arados are very good, what are you talking about? of course they are not going to be over 10.0
Why are you pretending to be someone else now? This behavior is odd, Almost like you're trying to get a certain reaction or something...
that's what everyone that's normal knows and does already, good job pointing it out
if you knew this then what was the point of making >>499675974
AMX-13-105 spotted in the background
it's our time to shine frenchbros
I think they'll be insta gibbed at spawn.
1m2 rcs all around and only some extremely cherry picked angles for the supposed 0.001m or whatever, ditto for all other stealth ac.
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why would I want to see this when I fly?
>russian shill is going to have another melty
are they mandated to shit on everything US made?
>there is only one other person in this thread!!!!! ree!
take your meds
meds NOW
should I get the 2S38 to take long with my 292?
Also mutts crying make my day better
>Verification not required.
I cant fucking hit shit in mig15 help
>he already started
Didn't that sink
ashtroon and muttley are already full force sperging out, and we just got the teaser a bit ago kek
do you have autism and just want to argue for the sake of arguing
Are these crying mutts in the room with us right now?
Not this one, it's was scrapped.
How long will it take to reach "high altitude" with the dogshit performance it has?
Also gaijin made it so paveways can't really be used more than 4km away from the laser emitter
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talking to yourself is a sign of schizophrenia, are you going for the mental illness cocktail or sumn?
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Imagine the sex
Where are the anons just stirring shit up for fun?
>not denying it
concession accepted
i can taste mutt tears in this thread
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good turret armor can make bad hull armor irrelevant
bad turret armor always invalidates good hull armor
the tiger II (P) is not at 6.7 because its armor arrangement is impenetrable(it's not even good at 5.7), it's at 6.7 because it has a long 88 in an enclosed turret and enough armor to defeat MGs and autocannons
it's shit right
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How are you suppose to grind the modules for the F-117. It has no guns or missiles and it wont even have enough hard points to destroy a base
>m-maybe if i repeat myself enough times it'll come true!
They chimp out when they have the best stuff in the game, of course they will
>saving the same image twice
what a way to fumble retard KEK
its actually pretty good compared to most modern helicopters
and its the best russian helicopter even though its not made by russians
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>you are le chimping out
>past two hours since the trailer came out has been Russians crying about the F-117 and Patriot
>just ignoring the cool new plane they're getting
why are they like this?
what's so good about it
F-117 confirmed 6.3, might be actually usable
Is it good orjust something to sell?
avionics upgrade
engine upgrade
armament upgrades
its compareable to the best mi28 but it is fatter
but in game i bet it will get the igwe missile from the ratel atgm carrier
>is a MiG-17 at the same BR as a MiG-19 worth it
Yeah it's literally a worse mi35
It doesn't even have shielded exhaust
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not gonna lie
kinda kino
Its wildly undertiered after the BR changes and has an actual good line up if you have the other 10.0 vehicles. But end of the day its still an M60 even if its the best M60. It is worth a lot on the market so take that as you will
>getting excited for a reskinned arado
epitome of consoooomer
More like the mi28 prototype or mi35 with worse missiles and no ir dazzlers
not premium
I will take it as a "yes"
>still doing it
i'm sorry for your mom
No more (you)s for (you)
I accept your concession for him
concession accepted
rent free, cope and sneed
thank you
yeah maybe
but also its extremely sexy compared tothose 2 so its still better
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guess its my fault for being rasist
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kys fun policer
seethe all you want, you know i'm right
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I will not drop a single bomb from F-15E
I will just keep using it like F-15C (missle bus)
they're assumed to be one of the nametroons
I started pidor spamming hard a few threads ago and a bunch of schizos thought it was the swigger plane poster kek
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what seethe brother
keep proving me right consoomer troon
It would look sexier with proper exhaust shielding
Ka52 and mi28 mog it tho
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>120km range grom is fine
>75km range AGM-130 isn't
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>adding the nighthawk just so some retard leaks classified docs on burger stealth tech
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>buzzword buzzword buzzword
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>still seething
kek must've really ticked you off
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do not argue with obvious autist
>ameribeast mains actually seethe about literally anything whenever anyone gets it and they don't
You can literally start this shit by samefagging a few posts, then it's the actual schizos, lol.
is it better to bring one nigger bomb or dozen of 1k bombs in GRB?
you must be over 18 to use 4chan
they literally seethe and argue for the sake of seething and arguing lol it's kinda funny how easy it is to rile them up
The trailer is kind of underwhelming other than the Nighthawk reveal.
I think they pussied out on Asean sub-tree rightfully so. There are zero ground forces vehicles that stood out.
Unless they try to push "Naval" centric theme along with Asean, Mitsubishi F-2, Rafale and F-18 for december.
Is the IL-10 supposed to be this bad?
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actually here is an updated one, because lol lmao
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Let's get a burgergroid chimpout going, I'm in the mood for some laughs with minimal effort.
Don't forget the bounce from the turret face
Going? it's already in full swing
Anyone else playing call of duty tonight
eternal reminder to fly harriers spray liquid shit in the form of AMRAAMs all over the 12.0 matchmaker
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90% matches are uptiers in that f4c shitbus
oh well just 90k rp more..
whenever i get bored of war thunder (and wtg by extension) i'm reminded of this pic and it cheers me up
they should put the Nighthawk at top BR and give it the B-61, if they make it to the enemy airfield and drop the nuke they win the match
why is this shit 5.0
>low engine power
>can't carry a load worth shit
>guns are garbage
>not even tanky
No more WT for me today, i will play stellaris and try a full pre-ftl galaxy
baby's crybaby havin a tantrum
and they should add super tactikewl radio chatter and like, BIG explosions and tracers in the background and like like F-15s dodgins SAMs and B-52s bombing and flying and shit and like a humvee blowing up a tank with an ATGM and like a super cool carrier in the background launching planes and like nukes going off and like p-51s roaring in the skies above and marines all shooting and being cool hoorah and a huge USA flag on your base
okay kummycock whatever you say kummycock
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why isn't swampshit on sale anton
Can someone tell my why I'm constantly matched with americans when playing japan?
performance wise or looks wise?
Japan is an American puppet state
>ussr has 1 (1) lineup where their CAS is better than blufor (the ground portion is much worse)
>Johns immediately chimp out in ultrasound oinking
So tiresome
if only the article about the sales explained this
wouldn't that be cool?
MANY such cases.
>reading articles
I keep seeing people saying theres an American chimpout yet everything in this thread has been Russia players complaining about Americans
>not knowing how sales have worked for the past decade
>Patriot added as airfield defense in Air rb
>Shown to have 80km range in trailer
>Air rb maps are like 100-120km in length
Am I missing something? Or will this be the return of mid map spaa except worse?
Both duh
>no u
try again hernandez
historically accurate for BR 6.7+
talking about props
American teams need foreign nations to boost win rates otherwise it would be too easy for the enemy
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just spend my 4m SL unlocking like 2 trees worth of planes i never got around to buying
time to go grind more SL for the next 4 days i guess
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sorry but for me its the super hind aesthetically
i can understand armament wise but aesthetics is where you have me at a breaking point
I've still yet to see proof of this american chimp out
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I think the F-117 will be fine in GRB, I'm sure gaijin will make it invisible to radars
theres some complaining/moaning in the teaser thread
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Unless it sits above its airfield and lobs bombs, it will be a sitting duck to any aircraft in the lobby
So not here? I.e theres not a chimp out in the thread. so why are you posting about reddit shit on 4chan
sorry bro but that optic system blocking the gunners entire window looks retarded and unaesthetic
teaser thread on the wt forum*
although i guess that also qualifies as reddit shit
good luck finding me, I'm not showing up on your radar and GRB has no nametags
Are HE shooter just RNG vehicle?
Sometime it will blow enemies up and sometime it will do literally 0 damage
>redditors already seething about Russia getting ONE (1) competent CAS platform comparable to the F-16
they are also seething about the Patriot / Su-34 reference kek
F-117 dropping bombs on arabs is okay because it's America but suddenly referencing anything about Russia/Ukraine is le bad
why are you obsessed with Reddit
>installed firefox
>there's a shortcut to Boeings website right off the bat
what are they trying to tell me
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it's literally just a black hind with some plastic ammo feeders, camera obstructing the lower pilot's view and angular intakes?
well, duh, russia bad
see >>499668983
maybe we simply have a different taste and bias toward the military hardware we like and love to admire
>rolands have 15km range
>yet they only launch when there's an enemy 2km in radius of the airfield, with reduced effectivity
gee it's almost as if airfield AI is intentionally nerfed!
>ki 84 can see jets
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at last i finally see
It's a shame ka52 is so much better than mi28
you think that's bad? props can see a variety of SAMs in naval
Tbh I just grind AV8C until I got my f4e
Harrier at that BR almost garuntee you a base cause of how fast it get off the ground
You bomb one base then chug your 2 30g missiles to some flareless planes then mow some lawn until someone kill you can net you very good RP per run
stealth works less the closer the radar trying to detect it is to the airplane, so even if stealth is modelled it will not be great because of how small ground RB maps are
Is this 'best stuff in the game' in the room with us right now?
No it looks completely retarded
Always funny seeing how incapable bads are of flying decent planes capably.
i did recently play through MoH Airborne
that was fun
i do prefer the kamovs over the mi28 but then too adore the ka-29 a load too, maybe i just have something for bulky helicopters made for a specific duty being weaponized
i do also love weaponized mi-8s and the lot
yeah don't have anything at all unfortunately, got f4 by sim bombing back a couple years back
do want some harriers a lot but that'll come next
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>ASRAAM compared to R-73
I hate anglos so much it's unreal
the russkies compare the wobbldildo-73 to the ASSram as well
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I do not care about f117
Well yeah most people don't care about b*mbers
How is it decent?
I look forward to America getting Patriots at top tier
Finding enemy aircraft visually with no markers is really easy if you don't suck.
Moderntards have lost all their braincells from staring at a radar too much
Two 250kg bombs, like 400+ cannon rounds, turns well, good damage model. It's a strike aircraft, what do you think would be better at 5.0?
its probably the only slop tier plane ill actively go for
not to play, just for the memes
Going by baseless propaganda statements is retarded. It's a much more capable, one and a half decades younger missile.
The bombs are fucking useless, they don't take a base at that BR. The cannons are inaccurate and take multiple hits against light armor, it turns well for a while, but it lack engine power to keep doing it, any hit from a 20mm will kills you. The p47 is way better, let alone the FW 190.
which is the most handheld nation in the game?
Your favorite nation
And the least handheld nation is my favorite nation
Sorry but thats just how it goes
wt mobile
Ground: Sweden
Air: USA
Naval: USA/Germany
60k more..
the suffering is unreal
germany only in top tier, their destroyers are absolutely not handheld
The one you dislike the most.
Depends on the BR. For top tier it's currently Italy.
It's not for ARB, if your plane title is green or blue why do you expect anything in ARB?
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Is there anything Gaijin can add to German helicopters?
Destroyers aren’t great but I’d say they’re handheld from cruisers on, not just at 7.0
>be other people in the IL-10
>be bad

>be me in the IL-10
>can wipe out half the map with ease (read: if no retarded American mutt mows the lawn as usual)
>the 2x250 kg bombs are nice to have
>the 20mm turret is decent
>know that you split the four 23mm guns into two separate groups, increasing the ammo longevity by a factor of two

Skill issue ahoy.
>Night Hawk
>still not B-52
fuck off
only the heavies the lights are too easily defeated by SAP and even then the graf requires a lot of skill and restraint to use
CAS is half the reason german teams lose as much as they do
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wallet status?
Will the luchs have multifuel upgrade just like planes do and is its engine going to be quiet or))))?
I didn’t find the Graf to require all that much skill when I played it, it just raped lobbies as long as you had the right ammo and used ranging shot. Plus with either a backup or just owning Eugen you never have to spawn a light at 5.7
why do i see so many ruskis with some variation of "femboy" in the nickname
Because you have sick fantasy you pidor troon
>and used ranging shot
which is still a secret to this day
I don’t know how that’s still the case. I’ve shipped it here for years and I feel like it shows up in every naval guide I see. You’d think people would’ve caught on by now
>why are the people that invented gay sex gay?
truly a mystey
I thought dollar's naval guide video would get people to wise up but i guess not
No one plays naval asides from bots and retards(you)
like most gamemodes, the majority of players are completely retarded
add on top of that the fact that a very large proportion is only playing boats because someone told them the gains were good, and not because they have any interest in ships (or the mode in general) whatsoever, et voila
even the US destroyer off switch seems to be some sort of esoteric secret
Guess we get to keep top boarding for free forever. Just hope they implement that reload report this update and I’ll be committing war crimes in my Tennessee
You need to spade it somewhere.
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It's amazing how 99% of this playerbase still doesn't know how coddled and handheld mutts need to be to stay on a competitive level with the rest of the nations.
It's amazing how you're stilling posting a years old image from a website that never had accurate player stats
>off switch is a secret again
Fuck has it gotten that bad? I’ve only really been playing coastal and 7.0 the last several months so I wouldn’t know. Fucking dire if that’s the case, might have to pull out the Knox before gacha season
>Ground: Sweden
completely delusional
id argue its always been a secret, tapping a rear magazine is probably my #1 reason for receiving fanmail
it happened at least once
looking forward to gbu39 on my grippies
Sweden ground

It's not even funny
the american F4U-1A is literally a lower BR than the japanese one

This guy gets it
It felt like all the actual players knew about it in 2022 when all the bots were still around. Won’t complain if they’ve forgotten though since it’ll feed my gambling addiction
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it's amazing how much the truth makes you seethe after all these years
What does this prove? One is premium, in a minor tech tree, only people who spent lots of time in the game would buy it, the other is a low BR TT vehicle.
The Japanese one is the USMC F4U-1A not the basic one which is slightly different and both at 3.0
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>b-b-but it's a premium!!! and the other is le tech treeee!!!
i want to paypig but there is nothing in the trees i play left that i want
maybe the g-lynx? but im only fox niggering in britain, doubt i will ever go higher
But anon....the premium American 190 is winning more
buy an onahole or something then
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>b-b-but le win rate!!!!!
Why are you ignoring the fact you were proven to be a retard?
not me but also rent free
I accept your concession stats-retard kun
does this retard not know american, and similarly german teams are plagued with retards using bombers constantly and japs/brits are the most meta free win nations available in arb?
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>b-b-but le germans!!!
also concession accepted lmao
so he doesn't
>stattard making a fool of ximself yet again
It was funny for a while, Now it's just sad...
you got proven wrong not my fault you're crying and shaking so much you can't even open the pic to see for yourself
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good googly moogly my sides
>proves himself wrong multiple times
>weird sample size comparison proves him wrong again
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when is japan getting its Korean subtree?
>capslock meltdown
Are you okay? You keep repeating yourself and I'm starting to feel secondhand embarrassment for you.
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i rest my case
Yes we all know the Yak-3 is undertiered
yak-3 does fine at 6.0, same goes with the wyvern
but they're both 4.x for reasons ))))
Brazil/South American tree when?
I'm assuming the marine corp one is more compact because it has to take off from bumpy airfields?
you don't get to backpedal and act naive all out the sudden faggot
processed and accepted
>ESL capslock meltdown
Holy shit I think we broke it
>copy paste slop and 2 unique vehicles
many such cases when it comes to mutts
sad but funny shit innit
he's calling you the ESL thougheverbeit
>n-no u
It just keeps getting better
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as far as I know, the USMC variant is literally just missing the arrestor hook, they are completely identical besides that
no, the arrestor hook does not cost it any performance, it weighs 60 pounds
point proven and concession accepted
Another boring patch of top tier slop that nobody will ever play, can they hurry up and add some new fucking gamemodes?
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Why ignoring the fact you were proven to be a retard? >>499693261
Well Gaijin is giving them different stats, the marine one is slightly faster than the base version. I'm not sure why this warrants a BR increase though
Those of them who play for fun won't mind. The others, however...
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Good shit /wtg/ dunking on the cringe retards
You never had an argument to begin with.
n-no.... thunderskill sisters.....
we w-were
s-supposed to win
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>it's thunderskill's fault that anegrican players are massive drooling retards that need to get tied with high performance minor nations to have a chance at winning
where's your bravado from before? i thought you were supposed to dominate everything? how come you need every handicap if this is the case? how come the stats aren't good either way?
this isn't as relevant to the video game as you think it is
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>act high and mighty thinking you debunked someone
>get proven wrong and humiliated in full view of everyone ITT
>"a-actually that doesn't count..."
also cope and seethe, this is as war thunder related as /wtg/ is gonna get
the usmc corsair and the japanese premium both perform better than the first 1A
truly a mystery my brown friend
>obsessed with mutts
>gets his """facts""" from thunderskill
>floods the thread with samefagging pretending he won anything
it's likely the case that US pilots that choose to fly the USMC variant are slightly less incompetent due to being having the experience of flying the original 1A, in addition to the fact that players who make the conscious decision to unlock and fly foldered variants will generally be more intelligent than those who do not.
this results in the USMC variant having slightly better stats than the original 1A, and gaijin ONLY uses player stats to determine vehicle BR, it does not matter what the vehicle's stats actually are(as demonstrated by the same vehicle being a different BR in different trees).
in war thunder the difference is a staggering 32kg
using a p-47d-25 in that image for that post is incredibly ironic
yeah, japanese players perform leagues better than mutt players that's for fucking sure LMAO
>obsessed with defending mutts
>tries to discredit thunderskill because... uhm... JUST STOP BRINGING IT UP PLEASE
>doesn't even come up with an alternative to validate his claims
>floods the thread with samefagging pretending he won anything
why is mutt b26 4.3
and frog b26 4.7
is same plane made in different factory
don't act disingenuous just because you royally fucked up, the claim was that the jap corsair was the same as the usmc one from the mutt tree and >>499693261 proved this is not the case
>yeah, japanese players perform leagues better than mutt players that's for fucking sure LMAO
you'd have to be more retarded than your mutt boogeyman to do otherwise
>thinks I've been responding to it this whole time
>either too new or retarded to understand why thunderskill is useless as a source
>n-no u
wowie zowie!!
not me, kill yourself schizo
kinda wild that gaijin refuses to add the right guidance for any british missile
>japan air has been the definition of handheld for over a decade
>people still fall into the trap of thinking it's because of the players
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>another Category Nigger chimpout over America mains
*shits pants*
>floods the thread with samefagging pretending he won anything
>also floods the thread with samefagging pretending he isn't samefagging
>thinks anyone is buying it
even if by astronomical chance you aren't that's worse on your end because you just keep digging a deeper hole for some objectively wrong faggot for you both
read above
one of you misunderstood any point that was being made and trusts a 3d model, the other is a retard posting stat cards
you described yourself btw
>expecting muttgroid mains to AT LEAST do a bit of background checking in game to not embarrass themselves in front of everyone
takes like, no effort
and they still do it
this is the funnies shit imaginable lmao
>it's not the same plane! ree!!
>gets proven wrong
>no its not! reeee!
>gets proven wrong again
you literally have NO evidence to prove the jap corsair is higher than the mutt one because the players are better
weak cope
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>6 hour long chimp out about American
>turnfight zeros
>complains japan is handheld

They have a few undertiered UFOs like the Ki-44 or J2M but overall they are nothing spectacular
>it's now repeating itself like a broken record
>inane babbling
I rest my case.
>I love a rainy night
>You can see it in my eyes
>I love a rainy night
>Makes me high
>Well, I love a rainy night
>And I love you too
>the japanese corsair isn't a copy/pasted corsair
>it's SECRETLY a different better corsair
>yes, it looks exactly the same, has the same advertised stats and flies the same as that other corsair BUT IT'S NOT
>gets monumentally BTFO
>repeats what others have said to him as if that's somehow a gotcha
>casually ignores being objectively wrong both about thunderskill and in-game plane stats
>you have to turnfight zeroes to say anything about the nation that benefits the most from no g penalty, best average teams, nametags, map layouts, etc.
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i wonder at what point will mutt bullying (by being objectively correct and posting irrefutable proof) get banned on the forums and in here kek
what happened to the janny they had on payroll to delete all posts calling them out? finally died of >23itis?
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can you two niggers just get a room and take your faggotry there already?
this general is that room
>flies the same
this is where you have to leave your thunderskill and stat cards behind and actually play the game to find out this isn't the case
it's just something a good player like myself will always understand better than you
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From WTRTI's datamine viewer
cry harder ashtroon, it feeds my ego like you wouldn't believe
KEK you couldn't be more wrong even if you tried, >>499697579 mogged you HARD
>its nametranny in the walls o'clock
What's the event vehicle, going to take a long break from the game if isn't a worthy grind.
Also why is pidormutt so mad?
Anon I think you posted the wrong image
someone already mentioned the tailhook was nowhere near the mass you thought it was
don't call people pidors
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The BK-117A3M can be added to both Germany and Japan
yeah, you in a failed and overlooked attempt to move goalposts
Why are you ignoring the fact you were proven to be a retard?
Have you seen how OP the Su-25 is? And Sweden has good tanks! And the Germans! The AH-64 doesn't even have longbow hellfires!
>jizzes 6 mavericks into your spawn
>follows it up with two LGBs
>and four AMRAAMs into your airspawn
damn nigga this thread sucks
I jumped into this twenty minutes ago to drop my massive balls onto your forehead while you screamed about americans and insisted on not playing the game
leaks said it'll be russian and its name is (xx-x) (x-xx)
and we saw KV-7 U-13 in the trailer
oh funny, because that was my first post as well
see? i can do it too :^)
>screamed about americans and insisted on not playing the game
so what you're doing? I'm playing the game who do you think keeps bringing up shit to prove you wrong?
holy esl
>brownoid esl calling others esl as a last ditch cope
sad! concession accepted
as funny as this would be i talismaned the SU-25SM3 finally last night so i'd be getting fucked raw by gaijin waking up after 3 years and finally giving other nations real air defense
>the esl is resorting to "no u" again
america is based
Yeah, but the point is the Jap F4U-1A is the same as the US one, and the USMC variant is marginally lighter but not enough to make a meaningful difference. Similar story with the F4U-1D, it's heavier but carries less fuel so it also weighs about the same.

The only reason the F4U-1A is a 2.7 is mutt incompetence
Realistically, it's undertiered even at 3.0
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>brownskinned esl praising america
checks out lmao
Papa Daniel!
Papa Daniel!
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Play japan
Time to grind silver lions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSIFNuFa-RE
europe's best have already immigrated and it shows
Would Air RB be improved if Bombers spawned on the spot where the NPC bombers spawn in some maps?
There is a widespread conspiracy against US players. Gaijin covertly nerfs the stats of US vehicles in the US tree, leaving US vehicles in foreign trees untouched. The numbers (((they))) want you to see only serve to hide this fact from the unenlightened.
I will provide no hard "evidence" that this is the case, it is unnecessary, this is clear to me and others like me with superior skill and senses(fellow american players) based on intuition and vibes.
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Bottom line, mutt players are trash and I'm gonna J out and queue again if I get them on my team. I'm carrying everyone even Swedes and Jews but mutts don't deserve the carry.
isn't it crazy that r3r is a better missile than sparrow if accounted for the plane it's mounted on
you can't dodge while he can
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>r3r is a better missile than sparrow
>they seethe for half of a thread
>they cope for the other half
the fragility seems very british
air RB would be improved if strategic bombers and large tactical bombers were not playable at all.
>laughing at the nation that is coddled the most because it still somehow manages to be shit across the board is now seethe
lmao alright whatever helps you cope martinez
>laughing at the nation that is coddled the most
But you aren't obsessing over russia???
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>i get big bomber
>you get free kill
whats not to like
>dying to R-3Rs
average american main
>describing japan and russia but crying about america
enjoy your 15 minute break anon
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in 4 wut?
Let's be honest, no good player gimps themselves by playing Russia
Russia is mediocre at ALL BRs
>please ignore the fact Russia has the best MBT, SPAA, Helicopter and CAS jet
retarded bait
wasting your time playing a useless vehicle that never leaves its spawn instead of spawning a tank or a fighter jet
>4 sec reload handheld mobile
sorry, I don't play arcade
>trying to deflect your shame onto the russians after exhausting every other option
naaaah you ain't getting out of this that easy lol
flying bombers is not enjoyable, fighting bombers is not enjoyable, it takes a slot from a fighter that could have made the match better
bombers in war thunder are an NPC category, just like SPGs in WoT. they are just hamfistededly made into being playable vehicles to provide extra content and a way for incompetent drooling monkeys to have game impact
30 paveways coming your way to sniff your windshield as soon as you spawn
>another episode of russchimps and mutts seething at eachother
>if you actually play the game, you realize both are mediocre
>meanwhile the swigger leopard niggerbunker thats immune to spall remains the nigger of top tier
These chimpouts are d&c psyops from swedish mains
Leopard 2A7V or Strv 122, your pick
KVT as a second pick
Tiger UHT
>CAS jet
any F-16
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that was some cbt alright
defenseless rapebait experience
sounds like a you problem
>best MBT
STRV 122B, depending on how you count the Leopards the T-80BVM doesn't even make the top 5
>best SPAA
Pantsir, granted
>best Helicopter
Tiger HAD Block II, A-129D or AH Mk.1
>CAS/CAP fighter
>CAS attacker
>CAP fighter
This is the truth bombertrannies don't want to hear
There is no aspect bombers in Air RB right now that is eighter realistic or enjoyable
They should have their own PVE gamemode but it will be DOA, Gaijin doesn't have the balls to remove them
>if you actually play the game, you realize both are mediocre
Don't know about you but I'd rather have depression and reverse speed than some vodka magic ERA blocks that gets pen'd by anything in the BR anyway
>the rashan-boogeyman-obsessed tribe wakes up
>immediate chimpout restart
why are burgers like this? i thought they'd learned their place and we could have some discussion about the teaser
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of the vast amount of all the stupid bullshit, half my deaths being from CAS makes me question most why I even play GRB
Why is the french Tiger better than the german one?
>immediate deflction
nice one suzunigger
>not J'ing out before getting bombed
>knowing CAS is a problem for you but never playing SPAA to counter it before it gets bad
your fault honestly
Why are you still playing warthunder for then?
Spikes have a kilometer more range than the PARS 3 LR, it has a chin mounted 20 mm turret to defend itself, Mistrals are better than Stingers
Steam Deck update fixed my controller again. Do they generally give 50% premium time for VE day? Thinking of getting 180 now and then reupping around VE day if I'm still playing.
Hey, they'll at least get a Stuart at top tier kek
if I have to play SPAA I might as well not play GRB
>playing sweden with t80, t72, t55, and mi-28's
I think VE Day sales are 30%, can't remember if premium time actually goes on sale then either
>complaining about the problem but not doing anything to fix it
no empathy from me, get fucked
Russia might be mediocre but the burger tears and seething make it worth it
>no gun
>two utterly useless aim-9e a whore br higher
uh oh and i thought i had it bad
>Spikes better than the Mi-28 or Ka-52
this, i asked for a burger chimpout to entertain me and i got that and more
love when /wtg/ delivers like this
not playing tanks in ground battles does not fix the problem, retard, there is no fixing the problem
I want to play tanks in ground battles, I do not want to play SPAA
okay but where's this burger chimpout you've mentioned several times now
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teach them fear
>almost exactly 90 seconds apart
>i dont want to play the ground vehicle in the ground vehicle mode
>i dont like planes in the ground vehicle mode
>what's that? a ground vehicle that makes sure the ground vehicle mode has no planes to ruin the match?
>i'll pass
everytime some retard comes up with more incredible shit
nice samefag suzuniku
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2/10 for the effort
>Shitalian top tier
>Turkish Helicopter and Germany Tank
Hey be fair the 129D is the shitalian version of it
the tank gamemode. nobody thinks about some random fucking SPAA when someone brings up ground battles, nobody is playing war thunder just for a flakpanzer or whatever stupid bullshit you're suggesting
I want to play TANKS in the TANK gamemode, you fucking subhuman
Why don't these troonfags just reply to eachother? This isn't reddit. They have nothing to lose by attaching a proper reply. CONVERSE WITH EACHOTHER PROPERLY YOU STUPID FAGGOTS.
nice try suzuniku
it's called ground battles not tank battles stupid
>nobody thinks about some random fucking SPAA
at least 1/5th of the posts about ground battles are about the pantsir or some other handheld spaa
>I want to play TANKS in the TANK gamemode
then go play world of troons faggot lmao if you dont want to solve your problem then too fucking bad
in fact i think i'll go play some CAS in the hope of bombing your seething sperg ass
no really isn't it wrong
should i not have a gun in stock configuration on f-4e
i literally can't do anything other than "scout"
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What the fuck are you talking about? It has an internal gun
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post CAS clips to make mudsuckers seethe
>solve the problem of not being able to play tanks by just not playing tanks
sub zero IQ
yeah i'm retarded, didn't notice it was internal now
>nobody is playing war thunder just for a flakpanzer or whatever stupid
I have a friend that pretty much mains SPAA and SPGs (in AA role)
smartest mutt pilot btw
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how do we solve the bad american player problem
serious answers only
There's no alternative.
yeah, he's part of that figurative "nobody"
just like the tiny group that exclusively fly bombers or plays naval
>die to 1mm gap angle peek at 2km range by chinkbot
>spawn spaa
>nothing on the radar
>nothing in vision range
>getpaveway'd 3s later
>CAS attacker
the Su-25SM3 carries the same amount of missiles with basically double the range and has MAW to boot
>have to baby the missile all the way to the t-*gets hit*
>dump load, go to base, enjoy 5x target destroyed while reloading, rinse and repeat
shut up suzunigger
the only way bad players will get better is by watching good players play
IP ban americans from playing US above 9.0, that will split up all the fudds that expect gulf war performance despite not understanding the game over other nations
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>casually deletes your whole team by pressing 1 key
dissuade europeans and third-worlders from worshiping america and wanting to play as them
i take it pidorspammer got tired of getting banned and switched it up
one is a free kill and the other carries AIM-120s
take your pick
>double the range
lock on range is identical for AGM-65Ds and Kh-38MTs. Kh-38MLs have more range, but then you need to bother with SALH.
not really necessary. AV-8B has far better flight performance, better IR missiles, FOX-3s and a decent radar.
i for one welcome the change
Gaijin literally ran an event of CAS vs SPAA that showed SPAA is nearly helpless against CAS that isn't just ignorantly flying in a straight line, so I don't even know why people suggest SPAA in the first place.
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nuh uh
pidorposting and the swedish cartoon plane didnt catch on so the shitposting team has since reverted to classics such as
>mutt bad
>shaved rat
>norinco autumn catalog novelties
>nobody plays bomber/boats
but we're working on a range new forms of shitposting ;)
>so I don't even know why people suggest SPAA in the first place.
Because most planes in ground RB are not aware, tunnel visioning and generally retards.
Also the plane vs SPAA world war mode mission was in an open plane. If you're playing SPAA in GRB you should generally hide and only open fire when the plane is commited to some other target, only firing when you have pretty much a safe kill.
the great balancer for cas in props is that you cant be a good plane while also carrying lots of bombs, and if you carry lots of bombs you are a very big target
modern jets just throw that out the window
keep us posted
Been playing rank 1 and 2 Japan, and I've noticed their tanks are complete shit.
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What helicopters could Sweden get?
yes you are supposed to buy the chi-nu II or the type 74/90 and use those to grind
I prefer the authentic experience, at least early on as it doesn't take long to grind.
dont have heavy tank no6? cringe!
Why is nobody talking about how Italy has the strongest 6.0 lineup?
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Love me 'arriers
Love me Tornados
Love me Phantoms
Love Britain
Simple as
Unfortunately you're brown
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i want the real Tornado :(
squidley or nano?
because no one plays low tier
I have unlocked the Mirage fox 3 missiles
How do I use them? I want to do CAP in GRB
use TWS and fire them like normal radar missiles
yes, japan, an island nation that sent 90% of its industrial experts and output to the navy, was not known for its incredible armor
they're much like britain, but they didn't waste their time also making some truly horrendous heavy tanks
they only become "decent" by the first chi-to(a big overtiered panzer IV) or slightly earlier the chi-nu II(a small overtiered panzer IV), then you get to the chi-ri II(a fucking gigantic panzer IV at 5.0)
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>flocks of Arietes blotting out the sun at 9.3
Kino... simply kino...
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Its sexo kino
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Yeah I noticed, I just swept in behind and killed a couple in my Yak 38. Not a lot they can do about an R-60.
i thought they'd banned that tranny already
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imagine the shitshow if you posted this in 2014s /wtg/
I think I'll take my premium phantom out this weekend, probably be nicer now that f-14s got a slight br increase.
Yes, but you need another slot for the Tu-2
sexiest plane in the game now if only they could make its fm not dogshit
Pic unrelated?
>mig-29 base sees aim-120s
abusing the shit out of your often very high gun depression can help
i wish the fr*nch make more standard wing type aircraft and less canards
SPAA troons on suicide watch
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The sexiest plane in the game is by far the F9F-8
Based tank enjoyer firing truth shells at the low aura SPAAcel
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>Is Kino in your path
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>Boris Yeltsin after visiting an average US grocery store
so the key to having good GRB matches is to flank, get spotted and sent to the hangar, or clean up the entire enemy team from behind/side?
seems like luck to me, not skill
how do i know if an ir missile can be slaved via radar
actually it's using ULQ
either test it yourself or use the 'Guided weapons statistics' spreadsheet
>so the key to having good GRB matches is to flank, get spotted and sent to the hangar, or clean up the entire enemy team from behind/side?
No, it is to try to flank and fuck the entire team from the side/behind, or get at least enough spawnpoints for a plane/heli while trying. Either you fuck them from the ground or from the air.
>post-war Italy
>Fascist Italy
>Communist Hungary
>Fascist Hungary
They need to completely rip apart all trees and reorganize it into Axis, Allies, Pact and NATO. Put Sweden in some separate filthy neutral tree.
terrible idea
>get raped by premiumbabbies and die 3 times
>"is of crew lock)))))) should give more free development score to premium client))))"
most retarded mechanic award
excellent idea
Do not join LowIQ there are furries
name and shame
Theres literally nothing wrong with this. The 6.0 line up being a mix of everything is literally why its so fun.
I still think we could keep national trees more or less as they are, but with a return to alliance based matchmaking and disallowance of mixing enemy state vehicles within one list in RB. Then split matching further into WW2 and Cold War/modernshit.

That way you can have all Allied & Axis and NATO & Warsaw Pact copysloppa in independent national trees instead of consolidating into very few or exploding each into two or three microtrees with separate crewskill & slotting, while also having correct teambuilding dynamics and an end to aluminum trash in mid WW2 by instead forcing it all into the reserve start of post WW2.
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>luchs coming in an update
>its the modernshit luchs
>get raped by premiumbabbies
couldn't relate, shitter that dies to newfags
I've gotten 3 nukes today with all the premium tards I don't know how you guys are doing bad its literally free RP and SL
what packs are you buying
gonna paypig for an a-10a
don't really want or need anything else
dont buy the a-10
playing sweden doesn't count, troon
random time traveling bullshit from all across the world is entirely at odds with there being national trees in the first place
Don't care, its fun
if you wanna grind the tree get the F5C, otherwise you'll just be food for the enemy
Is there a list of vehicles coming next update?
i want it for the meme 10.3 grb lineup, the tree i can grind with whatever
What 10.3 grb line up, its just a shitty M60 with a abrams turret
maybe if even world of tanks is too realistic for you
two strikers and bradley a3
A10A Late is better
Bro take the stick out of your ass, its a fun varied line up whats there to hate.
marginally and it's 10.7
Having thermals is not marginal over TV guided
i can live with it
the point is that lineup encompasses all the actually cool burger stuff that i grew to love playing battlefields
there's the lav-ad too
and no abramses
the fact it's a retarded clownshow of random shit
anyone who likes historical vehicles in a historical environment hates it
Yes, the historical Tiger II fighting in Israel with anime bodypillows
retard or new
Pidor Daniel!
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>Put Sweden in some separate filthy neutral tree.
you mean removed from the game entirely?
And you're an Autist with a stick up his ass
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Just combine Japan into Italy as the Minor Axis tree already. Japan can't have shit because of whiny Koreans and infinite Chinese money. Thailand is hardly a consolation prize.
swedeofinland belongs to the Axis Powers
Ended up just getting the 180 for 20 bucks. I'll take my chances when it runs out.
i am so sick and tired eating all aspect missiles in my shit rear-only armed planes
Are the 8.7 chieftans worth a talismen?
Theres no reason to play Britain
I had forgotten how busted the Obj. 906 was
nuke tier lolpen APHE (85mm so it doesn't get fucked by volumeme) and 4s reload is nuts
it can even pen an Abrams turret ring on the very center
8.7 Bongs have a 62% global win rate, explain.
Theres a reason why dem nazi's lost
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don't forget the reverse speed
What ever happened to the retarded APHE change they wanted to do, they just like completely shut up about it
it's indeed painful, consider adopting casemate mindset to compensate
they did the thing they were talking about where the cap sometimes acts like a solid shot in addition to the HE filler still acting as a nuke
Just jagd it up and it will be fine
Give spikes to Russia then
But you get an unpenetrable volumetric black hole of a mantlet
When Russia makes them
collecting gameplay metadata to force it down the throats of bot vooters once they determine it is in fact imbalanced to have APHEnukes also steal solid shots' through penetration gimmick
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you do not
it's not a tiger's turret, it's a tiger 2 p's turret
The penetration viewer is bullshit
I have bounced countless long 76mm shots shooting that stupid mantlet center mass
Just last game I shot a panther 4 times in the mantled at 900m and he refused to fucking die
>nighthawk is real
rspvo neva m1t when?
Now that the F-117 is coming I want my other pipedream bombers that will be DOA.
Anything else for this lineup? I think Ill keep it at 4.7 so I can only max uptier to 5.7 instead of 6.0.
Is the KV85 worth using?
You get to fuck nano for 1hr every day if you play britain
>ASEAN anti-china alliance going to China
I will never not kek
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no, it is indeed that weak
>I have bounced countless long 76mm shots shooting that stupid mantlet center mass
then you didn't shoot it in the middle of the mantlet, you could have also just shot the turret face
>Just last game I shot a panther 4 times in the mantled at 900m and he refused to fucking die
bullshit, not a single shot at my turret from a high velocity gun has ever done less than kill my gunner, nor did I ever have trouble with panthers once I had a 76 sherman
You shouldn't be allowed to post in the thread if you aren't lv100 with 10k games minimum
I am greedily asking for a random Armenian T-90A (for sweden)
You shouldn't be allowed to post in the thread with a K/D below 5.
You shouldn't be allowed to post in the thread.
>people ACTUALLY thinking Patriots will be a player controlled, line up vehicle
fucking lmao, that's never going to happen.
Pantsir will be the best SPAA in game for years.
finally a non-retarded statement made in this thread
Get out then
How do i unlock the store levels in the shop with the green tickets?
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Leave, shitter.
Complete tasks for medals like its among us, its like 30 a piece
They told me jap 11.3 is handheldium deluxe.
Shoul i talisman the type90(both) i'm about to unlock?
>xe cares about stats
Must be tiring to reach all those AI first kek
tally the tkx
> nor did I ever have trouble with panthers once I had a 76 sherman

I play sim, microscopic niggerspots are not reliable even at short range
If you randomly shoot at a panther mantlet volumetric will eat the shell 80% of the time
You were on flat terrain, knew the range and the enemy was not moving. This is simply not how it works in-game

Meanewhile the panther will one-click your sherman almost everywhere no matter how you angle
i'm cooked i think
Post AI target kills, your sabre averages 2 kills a game meaning you're getting 2 kills and flying to AF to J out either that or killing bots not impressive come back when you get 5 kills a game average
oh then tally the type 90, it's still pretty damn good
anon those are Defyn's stats
Yea, I'm Defyn, what are you going do about it bitch?
LA-7 is better for GRB thank yak.
those "microscopic niggerspots" are two giant squares on the mantlet and the entire turret face
>If you randomly shoot at a panther mantlet volumetric will eat the shell 80% of the time
only for you
>You were on flat terrain
irrelvant with how bad the panther D's turret is
>knew the range
you either know this intuitively or figure it out in one shot
>enemy was not moving
a panther D can not aim its gun at anything on the move, it has 4 degrees per second of turret rotation and about equally bad gun elevation speed
you live in a bizarro world where the panther turret isn't total garbage
I live in the real world and I can tell you the panther's turret does not bounce
>ww2 shitbox argument
you're a garbage german main that sits in one spot, oblivious to his surroundings, and wonders why he dies all the time in the most handheld vehicle at that BR
so the battle pass nu-Greif gets custom loadouts while the old Greif doesn't thanks to )))), the nu-Greif still has bombsight view for its dumb bombs and proper bombsight tracking for the PC1400X, but doesn't have either for the boostered HS 293 rocket bombs that are its entire selling point.

Why is Gaijin allergic to giving these WW2 AGM carriers any dedicated targeting view based on what's already there and instead forces you to freelook or gunner view depending on how exactly your manual missile controls are set up? is this malice or incompetence? will custom loadouts allow you to nix the center 293 for a PC1400 or plain dumb bombs and subsequently observe the missile properly from the bombsight or will it decide to disable your bombsight the moment you equip 293s regardless of any other bombload carried? only God knows
ik ook ik ook
WW2 game
kys modernigger
not anymore chud
Is Japan even worth playing???
Ground Japan absolutely is, the Type 90s/Type 10s are extremely underrated. The 4s reload feels amazing
You're regret not playing them when the south korean tree gets added to japan
it forces you to learn how to not be a shitter and then you reach pure enlightenment
They're those constructable emplacements they were talking about. I will build one every game.
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>he doesn't play China
I main USA but none of their premiums on sale look all that great to me. Are any of the discounted USSR jets any good?
Yes, especially with the Thai and Indonesian sub-trees coming soon.
Talismaned the mig21bis

i think i fucked up, shoulda gone the SMT to avoid fighting f4s :(
>take teeny tiny TOW Wiesel into some fuckoff corner defilade
>magically give birth to entire Patriot missile battery and radar array
>absolutely no one is allowed to airspawn anymore without getting spawncamped
there would be riots, and I would laugh because I don't play modern RB airshit
yet I can kill panthers through the turret and you can't, curious
but smt sucks for anything other than delivering napalm to a singular base
How is this any different from pantsirs though? It's just making the game fair.
tech tree bmd4 when
except you can't
you play panthers and you cope
when do we line the endlessly artificial chimpouting muttcorders up for execution?
I didn't have any panthers before yesterday
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SMT is good, but BIS is F-U-N.
You are in the SARH meta without any radar, yet you need to play it like a fucking rabid pitbull. Head on everything from a multipathing position, and align your wing UNDER 1km to the shitter making him eat a fucking R60MK. Repeat it 6 times. Spading the BIS was one of the most FUN spade i did in a long time, and i did it when it fought hordes of F14
>Brimstones don't get FnF, even if it was nerfed to just IR style guidence
why not? you could add Brimstones and Hellfire L's and model them like Mavricks and SPIKE's, right?
racism isn't funny anon
They recreated the audio of the Su-34 pilot evading the SAM launch?
I mean, it's literally called brimstone.
What you get for constantly dumping coal in the thread i guess.
>brimstone gimped to oblivion because there's no counterplay
and what fucking counterplay there is to the Su-25SM3's missiles? Pantsir can see and shoot them down, other platforms like the ItO are able to do the exact same thing irl but it can't even see scout drones in the game
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god whats the point of trying to enjoy top tier swede if I just get paired with one death leavers and shitters in abrams 200% of the time on close urban maps with a bazillion angles
>and what fucking counterplay there is to the Su-25SM3's missiles?
you can smoke them
you can smoke brimstones too
no they're mmw radar
not my problem, move behind a rock
also the SU-25 actually has to find and lock you (with no targeting pod, just a forward facing camera) whereas brimstones are lock on after launch, you could just spam them towards the map and collect free kills
see >>499735967
fair. I wouldn't mind that much if Britain got to be OP for a patch, just don't pretend you actually think they'd be balanced with all their capabilities
Is there any point grinding US past 7.7 in ground tree? I've hard the deeper you go past this point the worst it gets and how I should rather focus on Germany or Russia.
The base variant Abrams is still great
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i unironically jumped out of my chair and screamed "KINO ALERT!!!!!!!!" 3 times in a row before saluting my monitor and sitting down
>WW2 boomers nerds from 2013-2015 started playing again
>zomerniggers that started after 2019 were permabanned
>1953 cutoff is reinstated, modernshit is nuked
>RB is renamed HB, only historial nation matchups
>3-lane arena maps are nuked, long-range sniping maps only
>Sweden, Pissrael and China removed for all time
>copy-pastes, worthless subtrees also removed

Make WarThunder Great Again
>Posted from my Pidorphone 7 in Saint Petersburg
I bought bunch of reserves to pad my death count so I dont look like one death leaver on statsheet
For me, its the Papa Daniel S1 ultra 64gb
Welp, this is a first in 4000 hours
10.3 10.7 or 11.0 for slavs? 10.3 has the most tanks but I’d imagine most games will be 10.7 anyway?
most games might be 10.7 in your 10.3 lineup, but at least you aren't being dragged into 11.7 niggerfests
you know what i meant
>game dies after a week
you niggers forget that the game was WAY shitter back then. Try to remove your nostalgia lenses and go watch videos from 10 years ago, where you had to go grind low tiers for a fucking week to play 1 day of top tier because economy was fucking trash
the low-IQ zoomernigger SEETHES at the truth
The game was a million times more fun back then
I played for thousands of hours in 2013-2015, it's not even comparable to today's shitshow

I'd rather see a 90% reduction in playercount than see zoomers continue to ruin the game
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How do I japan ground?
woah, things were more fun when you were a child? That's crazy.
Why is the Challenge 3 a lower BR than the Cheallenger 2s? Isn't it literally a better Challenger
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you be happy until 4.7. From 4.7 to 9.3 you suffer like a dog (excluding the Ho-Ri that is a niggerbunker). At 9.3 (now) something starts moving and you start to have fun. Then you reach 11.3 and you annhialate premium paesants with your cracked 4.0 secs reload
The impartial algorithm forgot to raise its BR in the latest rounds.
should I buy Ho-Ri prototype?
Chi-nu 2 seem cool at its BR but i dont know if i will play it that much
might get type 74 to skip the first 2 ranks
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chi-nu is "good" but... it's a panzer IV basically. It'll do good but you'll seethe at the fact that germoids have the same tank way lower. Ho-Ri is fucking PEAK of the tree if you ask me, but i'd not buy the premium one since you can't grind the whole tree with it. As a vehicle it's extremly good.
As for 9.3 i got the premium Type74 and the Type16(P). They are good at 9.3 but you'll ALWAYS be at least at 10.0. At least now that the abrams and leopards are up are playable. I used the 9.3 lineup to get to 11.3, and then the Type90 and TKX are cracked, reaping the souls of billions of clickbaits
>reddit when call of booty is american propoganda
>reddit when russian game references a real event
Good. On all counts.
Unlike now, this game was not for children back then
It was so much better your underdeveloped zoomer brain cannot even conceive it

>No light-tank go-karts roaming around the map
>No 400mm HEATFS ignoring all WW2 armor
>Historically authentic lineups and vehicles
>No retarded artillery tanks or IFVs
>No cancer urban call-of-duty maps
>No volumetric causing BS bounces
>Every tank has APHE, one shot-one kill
>Historically accurate penetration values
and best of all
>no Sw*den

This game is a perfect case-study of enshitification
lmao this but russians screeching about company of heroes
hmm even the 7.3 TT one seem to only have 230ish pen the premium got 200 at 6.7
thats like Tiger2 level so not that fancy, you wont instant delet point and click anyone
am I missing something here?
or are you suppose to use the HE round like 4005heshnigger?
>where you had to go grind low tiers for a fucking week to play 1 day of top tier because economy was fucking trash
could not imagine being that much of a retard to ever be in this situation lol what the fuck
oh I see, you're just a bitter heavy shitter who doesn't know how to aim
yeah I guess the game would feel awful now that you have to think and actually aim
must suck :/
>DUDE it le glorifies russia which was imperialist at some point
>glorifying a war where 1,000,000 civilians were killed is fine though because americans are the good guys of the rules-based (except when they repeatedly break them) order
ok redditor
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truly it speaks to the incredible, unmatched skill and dedication of japan players that the japanese panzer IVs are 0.7-1.3 higher than the german panzer IVs
>was imperialist at some point
The Russia 15 seconds ago was a different Russia.
I only play air arcade, I have no idea how you guys have the patience to grind all these trees out, just starting to get into early jets and man does it seem even more cancerous with the props vs jets on most matches. The maps are now huge but still diddling around in my 12th variation of an FW 190 and BF 109...the one bomber I have gets chased down by jets from across the map, what fun times.
A single round of a top tier tank costed upward to 2000SLs. Some tank had a repair cost of 30k SLs. You would lose ALL the rounds you took with you if the tank exploded and you had to rebuy them all.
Literally EVERYONE that reached top tier was forced to grind the low tiers to just play the high tiers. It's fucking history, you shitters probably were retarded german mains back then.

Not counting all the retarded game breaking bug there were. If you TOUCHED a teammate with your tank, the tanks would intertwine and be stuck together and you couldn't do anything. There was no volumetric, every bullet was calculated as a .50cal, so zegroids hackers would ALWAYS shot-trap you, if there was a hacker in a lobby everyone just leaved, and this is a time in which Gaijin OPENLY STATES that there are no cheaters in game.
Events were double more grindy, and they mostly were announced the day before and on a couple occations in the SAME DAY. Statcards are fucking broken even now, but then you had literally NO info on the vehicles you would have wanted to play, so the "pros" would fullstack on meta shit only they knew about and literally farm everyone else.

If you are saying shit like this unironically you either weren't there or you were just young or retarded or both to understand the sea of shit we were swimming in. It took the game being on its literal knees with 1000 CCU and 10 mins matchmaking to make gaijin wake up.
ok nvm when you say niggerbunker I thought you mean something like pile bunker lolpen big funny big TD gun
but its more of Niggers bunker as in a bunker that keep bunch of niggers safe
kinda weird how tanky it is despite how flat it looks
i might buy the prototype one this sale then
going to wait few more days to see if they add any news
Yup, the 200g on tnt. Did you ever use the pzgr. of the tiger? The second round with less pen. Well, everythin you pen it just dies (as for now, we'll see with the APHE nerfs)
I think it's neat
I get that, ARH AGM's would be pretty fucked but if they function like Mavericks, wouldn't that be balanced?
the fuck is that webm, far east side story?
AHEM, how long is the sale on for?
>at some point
Uh... anon, have you been watching the news recently?
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>CV90120-T GHOST will come soon
>Gripen E soon
>Flygsystem 2020 soon to be announced
Swedish domination will be eternal
You are truly and completely braindead

The economy was rigged but only at top tier, which most did not play. I still played countless matches in the T-10M as an F2P player and slaughtered Leo-1s by the thousands, it was glorious. If you couldn't afford to play you were just dogshit at the game

There were no hackers, the game was way too niche for anyone to care and chinks had a containment server. The botting and hacking problem is at an all-time high now, not back then, so don't try to cope making shit up

No volumetric meant it was really easy to hit weakspots, unlike now where shooting the border between two armor plates your shell vanishes into Narna. Volumetric probably made the game less realistic overall because it makes any complicated armor array into a no-pen zone, sometimes a simpler model works better

We still rely on datamines because starcards are still shit. This is always how the game worked lmao. No idea what you're talking about tanks getting stuck, it happened occasionally but was irrelevant

Just admit you were dogshit at the game and missed its heyday
>xer gets xirs info from MSM
I unironically never lost lions even as an f2p player
you guys sold me on the japan tree
but how do you CAS in this thing?
I guess its B7N2 all the way until jets?
I definitely had a lot more lions and had an easier time earning them playing war thunder years ago than I do now
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>fire aim-9L at someone
>as it's traveling I shoot at someone else and narrowly miss
>suddenly get teamkill notification from 9L that locked onto someone else after being flared
>well that suc--
>suddenly booted to the hangar
>check replay
>moments after my missile hit the guy my shots from the vulcan had severely damage another teammate I didn't know existed
>-88.000 SL
army fighters get okay bombloads but if you're spawning a typed fighter I find it's always best to combat air patrol and cuck other peoples' bombs, potentially throwing them completely out of the match for lack of spawn points
Peaks around 9.0, but past that it's pointless, yes.
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lmao heavy baby mad he cant just hold W no more
Yes. Just get behind hard cover.
6.3 and 6.7 Japan are great. 7.3 Isn't bad either.
T-10M could be played f2p as its stock shell was an APHE railgun nuke that cost zero (0) SL while every HEAT-FS for a Cuckpard cost 900 SL.
looks like they're partying in nanking
Ok i get it russia is bad, but russians are cartoon-tier evil they always fail in silly ways and have a misguided sense of justice

America is documentary-tier evil, a proper genuine bad guy with a long history of atrocities clearly motivated by malice or fun

You let russia do their thing = you get the most hilarious fails like crashing jets into apartments or fpv drones with circus music
You let america do their thing = you and everyone you ever knew will die in painful ways, you will witness horrors beyond your wildest imagination, hell on earth
Kis get 2 250kg bomb drops, zeros still get 2 50kg bombs which you can kill stuff with if you use 0s fuse.
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>America is documentary-tier evil
Maybe next time you'll think before firing at random, hmmm?
Never watched a natgeo documentary on some historical bad guy like mao or pol pot or the cartels?
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How the FUCK is America nearly as bad as any of those guys?
No seriously, how?
Actual retardation.
Please understand, the world has been obsessed with the US for the past 20 years, all they hear is US politics and US politics is always trumpeting how bad things are here, so they get this retarded anti-propaganda understanding of the country.
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predict the retarded surprise dev stream addition nobody wanted
realistic gives rewards twice or even more than what you earn in *rc*de
grinding an air tree is piss easy in ARB if you are above average and have premium. Even easier if you get tali on a good plane or a premium
ground is the true niggerhell grindhole
you can get around ~50k RP for a good air match with tali + prem acc but the equivalent match in GRB only gives you ~15-20k max
>calling anyone else dogshit
kek, you are no different than the zoomer shitters you claim to hate
Mig15 BIS Ish
Yak3 VK (fun little ufo prop)
man i miss old war thunder
Serves the Cuckpard players for using a pay-to-win premium shell, HEATFS would one-shot nuke like APHE does now back then
The T-10M also didn't have its two-plane stabilizer until much later, the Leofag was actually the better vehicle by a lot
Leotard cucks could just use APDS and still usually win, it penned the T-10M almost everywhere and was laser accurate, APDS was closer to current APFSDS when first added

No excuse for losing money, skill issue
if I get killed by another light autocannon tank one more time
I'm going to buy 2S38 and join the cancer
GRB should have friendly fire again
there should be no kill cams, the game should not tell you who or what killed you, except in post game replays
the game should neither tell nor show you what your shells do, except in post game replays
there should be no kill feed, except in post game replays, only the deaths of your teammates on the map should be advertised to you
Did the teaser contained any release date? Or tbd after the anniversary?
Thanks I'll save "pleasure" of ending US tree later in that case.
Palestine? America's fault
Serbia? America's fault
WW2? America's fault
Soviet union? Judeo-bolsheviks, trained by uncle sam
Mao zedong? Caused by the fall of the japanese empire, America's fault
WW1? America is to blame
do I use Skink or Bosvark?
imagine actually defending a feature that makes your shells randomly bounce for no reason at all
Sounds like a skill issue where you're used to firing 10 shots to kill so random bounces don't change much
bosvark so you can actually hit things. If you have an aimbot go skink.
>play USSR (9.0)
>every other nation has better equivalent vehicles at that BR
grim, I just want to spade my beloved T-62M-1

Say NO to cringe post-war apartheid tash
Also you don't die to 50cal strafers
>Get in cqb with chi nu? in an asu
>Disable his engine on first shot
>He tries to turn his turret around and shoot me
>Ram him and park myself next to him
>His gun cant reach me
>His mg cant reach me
>He j's out
Ok I never had this much of a laugh in WT
Hi guys im about to research a10-a, i have a thruststick t1900m, is it viable to grind in sim against ground targets at that BR or are the radar missiles going to kill me so fast? I tried playing CAS in sim at lower br but it was so hard spotting targets (like in a il2 or ju87)
Will i like Canberra?
thinking of grinding for it to use in bong 8.3 GRB
the way the 50cals on the T77E1 are so tightly grouped... it's gonna be nice ripping apart CASgroids
yeah, if you have a stick and TrackIR set up, you can pretty much make anything work in SIM. Just remember you're flying an A-10, and pay attention to what's around you.
>ID'ing targets
same issue, however when you get Mavericks, it'll be easier. The A-10C is actually very good in sim with its pod.
I have 6k GE to jump start a new tree
do I go with France or Sweden?
>thread discusses old war thunder
>talks about the t-10m
sweden doesn't even have a good premium
good swedish tanks are packs from store
air or ground? both?
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Post tractors
how's the life on the equator?
>play Germany
>enemy team is at our spawn within 1 min
>friendly rushes to enemy spawn
>spams i need backup
>blames team
American 6.7 heavies are less armored and have worse gun than the german equivalent
and they dont even have stab
don't respond, just put a hamburger into a deadfall trap and wait
F-5E, F-8E or F-4E
The other shitter was complaining of the days when HEATFS was premium pay-to-win ammo
This was right when the T-10M was added, it's toward the end of the "old" era of WT, before ATGMs were added
America 6.7 is KINO though.
yeah but F4U-4B or F8F-1B?
I really really fucking hope the F-117 is not a premium bomber
I dont want half of my matches fill up with them like Ju288
make it techtree or at least squadron
it just makes me feel like a boomer to see people talking about nu-thunder when discussing kino-thunder. i think most people in this thread started playing post-2017
Is it worth replacing my OF40 Mk2 with the Leopard 1a5? Looks like the OF40 has better gun handling and is faster.
AM-1 Mauler for 3 2000lb bombs of course...
Let's be real here, how likely is the SU-34 going to be complete dogshit like the flanker? I remember people hyping it up only for it to be what it is now.
Literally no one ever hyped it up, it's a WAY heavier variant of an already severely artificially nerfed plane.
100%, the paypig meta forces gaijin to hold americas hand for aircraft
>Is the Extra Thick version of the fattest ASF in game gonna be good?
they genuinely don't care about bombers and completely gave up on giving them a place in the game. its NEVER going to happen, and i say this as someone who wants strat bombers in the game.
>it's real
>No countermeasures.
beyond DOA
also can't wait for this game to prove that stealth is a meme (DickCumSlurping are too far up their own asses to even attempt modelling stealth, not that they can when every plane has ONE SINGLE RCS value from all angles).
>released as a squardon vehicle
Big mistake, everyone can test drive it and see it how bad it is
only people who think stealth is a meme are people who live in countries who have shit stealth capabilities :)
soinds was 100times better and also visuals
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still it might be insane in GRB tho
I assume you basically can get 2 kills uncontest with it?
>no AAM
9.3 max
>putting squadron and event vehicles into the update trailer
this game is cooked
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I know nothing about Japanese tanks from WW2 so am going to spade them all from ranks 1 and 2
leak list said it was going to be a squadron vehicle
I should refresh the page before posting...
>Due to its very specific role and somewhat poor flight performance, the F-117A will be at rank VI with a fairly low Battle Rating when the Firebirds major update is released.
so it won't face pantsirs?
I been grinding bong for the entire boxer event
now I keep shooting for barrel and tracks
I cant stop help
>spawn in spaa
>no planes
>spawn in tank
>killed by cas

>spawn in tank
>killed by helicopter
>spawn in spaa
>empty skies
just spawn in 2S38
>reduced signatures
>rank VI
so its hard to get locks on, and it barely faces advanced radars/seekers?
This, GAB is the superior gamemode
Tanks aren't sluggish pieces of shit anymore and you only get cas'd once every couple of games
If you can't use the AB spotting system skill issue
trvke, GRBsissies gonna chimp
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I still remember when this thread was saying supersonic jets will never be implemented
and now there is devblog for fucking stealth aircraft
any news on the dev stream?
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Thank you sir
A toast for you
>Conqueror in a full downtier
>in a hulldown position
its the other way around for me
while I like jet gameplay, I actually like it more when tanks are actually slows
these light tanks running around gunning each other down with autocannons like some call of duty game
>been playing Company of Heroes Modern Combat Remake this past week
>MBT's are fun, Stryker's are OP as usual, infantry gameplay is normal (unless you play the ME faction, then you spam suicide troops)
>Humvees are still the greatest thing to spam
I just really want some TOW's on wheels, I wanna get a minigun and play a real rat vehicle. Hopefully we see a Humvee in the future for WT.
For me it's the SLAP GAU-19 Humvee at 3.3.
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For me
>Company of Heroes Modern Combat Remake
Is the remake out?
I mean how are you going to lock on to it?
I guess you can still fly to it and gun it down?
This thing is just going to be awful to anyone involved no matter what mode
Or they are going to do that where if you open bomb bay then you radar lock into it?
will f117 be a good cas for xm1 setup? guided bombs and thermals at such low br seems great
it won't be un-lockable, just have a reduced heat signature, same with radar
think like trying to lock a prop with older missiles
7x35k for KV7
awful decals, retarded MG decorator
>retarded MG decorator
holy homosexual
tkb059 is sovl incarnate
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>dreams come true
>it's nobody's dream
>holy homosexual
i mean.. look at the country of origin
it's not USA tho?
>I actually like it more when tanks are actually slows
this is the worst opinion of this thread
this is pretty weak
>It's not the O-I
I sleep
>TOG 2
>some random slavic shitcarton nobody has ever heard of before
s-sub tree?
More news are coming right?
stream in hour or so
you can get it on the creator's pisscord.
update is based around first stealth aircraft
>look for the obvious flying dots in the sky
>or spam "Air alert" in the rough direction of their spawn
Nice stealth bro
Unless someone has a fighter jet spawn , or already up there to fly up to kill it while risking getting shot down by enemies SPAA, there is probably not much you can do no?
this game is so cringe
These updates are so shit
These events are so cringe
These devs are cringey
Anton is a cringy belapuccian manlet
this general needs to die
Outside of pidor and shitaly posters it's not that bad
Oh and there is that 3" penis anon
cry about it faggot
if this thing under the gun isn't a weakspot, then it might be the most useable DCT event, yet
especially since it gives the 3.7-4.0 lienups tier III capabilities even spawning a plane/SU-152
Well sometimes you have a really strange one that makes you wake with a start and wonder what the fuck was going on in your head. This is one of those
Kino just dropped
>look at reddit
>people crying that it isn't the O-I
>they cite actual napkin sketches to prove that it truly existed, trust me bro
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they should release this decal
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t. still coping about the death of wotg
Dislike big maps in mode selection screen to make them appear less.

Arcade is good for props, isn't good for rank 5 jets, but when you get to the rank 6 it will become even better with transsonics, reloading missiles and countermeasures. What planes are you using right now?

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