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>Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct on November 13th.

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Old: >>499664396
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im an elite pumper!
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Mereldar capital city... soon...
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picture with boobs?
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Not used to seeing her without a knot or an orc cock inside her.
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>the cash flow and drama from the mount will drown out bugs and balance complaints.
its over.
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what's the problem? are you poor or nigger?
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she's for everyone
Purchased, thanks for the ad
jewelcrafting takes like 10k+ ore to skill
what a jewish profession
>Level 60 death knight
>Already sick of the shitty sounds frost abilities make
How do you guys do it?
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>WOW haters don't have bought the expansion in hope to make Blizzard lose money
>Backfires when the new longboy mount comes out that makes even more than what they would have made if WOW haters bought
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Game's so alive. We're going to get so much of this money put back into the game, sisters! We might even get some armor that isn't just a painted robe!! We are so back!!!
I don't like this path.
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the next cash shop item will be an auto loot pet which I would buy
I'm going to host my own WoW server and play with bots powered by ChatGPT
Good bye faggots. I hope your dinosaur shoves his head inside your ass.
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by having the screen covered in big numbers
it really depends on what you plan to do
shit in pugs in maze+, decent in RBGs/Blitz and ST fights in raids as you can now spam shadowburn as part of your rotation and blast away with what you did in trannyflight, particularly as its a lot more forgiving when you make any mistake or miss a CD

its been gutted since trannyflight S3 due to how well it performed with PI
now its frustrating to play and you get severely punished if you fuck up, but if you manage to ramp up and not fuck up your CDs you can pull decent numbers both in raids and maze+

just dont touch pvp if you want to keep your sanity. pet AI is retarded, you hard cast nearly every ability and for some utterly bizarre reason most of your pet-based abilities require direct LoS with your active pets to use them, rendering the turret pet spec utter shit in arenas and RBGs

i was agreeing with the fact that wheelchairs are retarded in a setting where a priest can unfuck your ailments and wounds and even bring you back to life
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>drowns out bugs and balance complaints
>price makes up for any sub losses incurred by shitty practices
It's more over than you know.
today I skinned like 100 beasts and no talon dropped

is it OK to assume that the catchup mechanic is exhausted?
made my mage ito dragtyr for the fluffy ponytail
still have to look at the furry form at the login screen
i was scammed
>deploy Brutosaur, auction house mount
>deploy Brutosaur 2.0, auction house mount + mail box
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No matter how you feel about the AH mount, there is NO reason to actively whisper people hate about it.

I am a uni student with a part-time job. I have FUN money, that I CHOOSE to dish out on things that bring me happiness! If I wanna spend £60 or $90 on a mount I have EVERY RIGHT to.

I whipped out the mount in a city, and got someone telling me i'm humongus faggot wasting money on a dying game coded by diversity hires and kikes.

If you don't wanna spend money on this mount, then don't. No one is forcing you to. But don't hate on others for wanting something.

I could have easily spent £90/$120 on some valorant bundle and no one would bat an eye!
>Weekly PvP Warmode - 1
> Source: Sparks of War: Hallowfall Sparks of War: Hallowfall
>Weekly PvP Quests - 2
> Source:
> Preserving in Arenas Preserving in Arenas gives 1
> Preserving in Skirmishes Preserving in Skirmishes gives 1

Is wowhead right? I don't see the quests for the sparks of war and skirmishes giving bronze coins
Only professions were leveling up as an actual gold making thing and not simply a luxury are enchanting, inscription, tailoring, and alchemy.
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Which class race combination is cool based on the RULE OF COOL/fun fantasy archetypes? I currently have
>mag orc sham
>femgob rogue
I'm thinking either
>femDID loc + m ded priest
>femDID priest + m kurian warrior
I wish warlock was good. It's a great class fantasy but the rotations are just so bad.
>Warpwood Quarter or Strath Undead appears
>leave, log out and try again on another alt
If they aren't part of the quest rewards then they don't give them. There is still some stuff that SHOULD give bronze coins but don't and are waiting to get hotfixed.
if you want a fem dark iron go shaman imo
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Thoughts on Naowh?
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Apologize ANY time.
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seething poor
naowh thats what i call based!
pretty sure that guy is an oil driller tho so only kinda based
>fem dark iron go shaman imo
already have a shaman anon
Undead everything but my favorites are undead priest, warlock and death knight. I'll admit I hate elves but they have the best sprint and stealth animations in the game so they make for great rogues. But only femelves. Also think human death knights and warriors look so fucking cool but I hate playing alliance
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Someone sell some fucking tokens
The mental gymnastics these types of faggots come up with to defend themselves is disgusting. It's really no different from watching an old man diarrhea all over some french fries then eating it pretending it's a delicious pootine meal because his mistress told him to do it.
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nah ill wait till it hits at least 300k
I dunno about their gymnastics but I have no problem using the gold I got by playing the game to buy it
red drae lock?
its cringe to get offended by something some random faggot says to you
its giga cringe to seethe about someone buying a cosmetic in a video game
wowisdead64 haters have nothing, NOTHING to say about this pic. they will talk and talk then act like their pc and phone stopped working when this image comes up.
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I feel like a lot of issues with the patch stem from having to tie it to the anniversary. As events the anniversary stuff has never been amazing to begin with an objectively there's more shit to do here than any of the previous events but it's not just an anniversary event. It's specifically the first odd .5 patch of the expansion on their "new" (dragonflight started this) every six weeks a not insignificant content thing to be given and as that it's kind of whatever. A lot of the bugs were things that would have clearly been fixed had this baked for a few more weeks but it had to align specifically with the anniversary. Even the new raid (and to be clear here it feels like a new raid. It's low effort since recycled but all the bosses genuinely have abilities and most would fit perfectly alongside shit they released in the past) is contextualized by not just being "a new 8 boss raid" but "the throwback pseudo time walking event that's here for a limited time". I've seen a lot of people just assume it's literally just the timewalking version of previous raids like Ulduar or BT. So many of the issues seem to just be the fact they forced the patch and the event to be one and the same.
>problems with azerite armors, azerite farming, alts were like a job, expansion rushed up etc
>the buggiest patches ever, m+ disliked, thousands of employees fired, replaced with literal jeets who are shitting things up etc
>BfA --> Shadowlands
>TWW --> Midnight
I wonder...
Of course not. You're a faggot shill type who has no problem purchasing and selling WoW tokens and contributing to the downfall of the game. You have no standards.
get a job
>he watches e beggars
thats a grim from me, dawg
subhuman boomers
hope they all die from the worst cancer possible
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https://twitter.com/FGCLordEmrys/status/1848666396424618405 this is your healer in M+ and Raids when they mute discord
any mistweaverbros ITT willing to update on the status of the spec?
I hate when I'm walking down the street and I see an old man do that
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His fiancé is cute and whiter than most Americans
Hopefully they go up to like 400k. I will convert all the bnet balance I got when they were 190k back into gold and make 2 million gold profit
With gold? Sure.
So how do I make enough gold to buy the mount?
I wish, 90% they're some troon who doesn't even bother to shave
>doesn't even play the game
>seethes like a faggot 24/7
i'll never understand this behavior
I feel sorry for NA /wowg/ having all the obnoxious avatarfags
Why would I pay real money when I have fake worthless money
does a lot of healing if youre good but fotm cucks seethe because its not shaman so they unironically wont invite you
>pretends i don't play the game when i do
i'll never understand this behavior
I bought the mount.
I bought the mount pack too.

Nothing anyone says to me matters.
I will have fun. The dopamine from enjoying my fancyboi will be good for me while the poors' seething will shorten their lifespan. It's win win.

Cry more, poorfags.
>be me
>still using mammoth mount to vendor items when inventory is full
>walk to ah when I need to (rarely)
>walk to transmog guy
>walk to mailbox
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I wish if fem Kul Tirans had to be fat, they at least looked like this
shes mid
and American isnt an ethnicity, abdul
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eh, not as interesting to me compared to DORFS
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if you idle/afk farm epic BGs to trade honor for blood gems to sell on AH
>7k per gem
171.5 gems to buy the mount
>9k per gem
133 gems to buy the mount
>queue blitz
>animals fighting in the enemy flag room for 2 and a half minutes straight with nobody picking the flag up
>go there and pick it up myself
>almost the entire enemy team makes a beeline for me and claps my unescorted ass
>I was alone on EFC most of the time
-13 rating
>queue blitz
>animals afking between 2 kotmogu orbs without picking either one up
>end up with most damge, orbs held, points earned across both teams but still lost by a few dozen points
-15 rating
>finally win 1 game despite a few animals "defending" inactive bases in eye of the storm
rating unchanged

I can't git any gudder. When is the inflation coming? I just want 1800 for the set but this is worse than CBT
i guess the threads gonna be like this for a couple days huh
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>This is what Mythic raiding does to people
And I thought Nerub raids were a fucking disaster

my favorite healer desu, even though fotm fags prefer shaman
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nah, not all of them
pic related is on AD EU and is just as much a waste of space as the other monobrow futashitters that infest this general
>be me
>open up game and this general
>people complaining, ignore
>play vidya
i know that the game is dead and TWW is performing worse than dragonflight, but was 90$ mount really necessary to save financials?
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>TWW is performing worse than dragonflight
This /v/ meme is factually incorrect
same, if i buy the AH or transmog mounts i know i will just waste even more gold on these npcs
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>All the nerubian silkies bought the mount
we so back bros
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I am once again requesting your Xal'atath feet pics and feet pic accessories
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Don't give them any ideas... My Lootarang will be made redundant!

So aside from that, is the new cheaper AH mount not fucking better as well since it has a mailbox too?
while this is indeed a tranny, its one of those fake porn things, it was never streamed on any website.
Sorry are people actually discussing something to do with the game? Not enough avatars or porn jiggies for ya?
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if you want the pvp tmog my advice is do solo shuffle or 2v2 arena, relatively easy to get if you find a good random whos pretty damn good and you get super lucky and have a solid win session to get 1.8k in 1 go or 2. pic semi-related im a shitter blood dk who rolls unholy/frost to get the pvp tmog when it looks cool
ever since whichever one of you hunted him down hes been alot more obnoxious lately
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>loot pet
Please Blizz, please give us the green Longboi for tendies next week
we are long past the necessary aspect my nigga
this is just about making money for investors while devs are making poverty wages and players are playing an inferior game compared to a decade ago
the system will fall there's no doubt
the question is will china fall first
does prot pal get better with haste?
my prot pal @594 ilvl with 19%haste feels a bit like shit to play compared to my 30i%sh haste guardian druid
Proof game has no subs: $90 mount
This for real?
I found he's been posting less given the embarrassing quality of his TRP and the art commissions of his coomer character.
Yes you need at least 30 and ideally around 40
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Meanwhile China:
sneedolands was so dogshit I quit an hour into the kyrian zone
would be hilarious
goblin mapper-tron 5000 toy $70
can mark a zone on the map and it'll automatically tag and give you loot from mobs that die with a 5 minute duration+cooldown. Blizzard implements unique tagging rules making it count compared to the 9-10 cap limit
>people who play the game can't complain about bad practices
spineless shill
>the goblin obsessed poster is also the recent warlock poster acting like he's seeing the game for the first time despite having full raid mog
Man avatars really are all the same like 3 people, huh?
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It's still a publicly traded company. Profit trumps everything else.

There's nothing to be mad about with this mount. There are already ah mounts in the game and you can technically buy this one with gold anyways.

It'd be different if no other ah mount existed and we were in the middle of a content drought.
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>It finally feels like Warcraft again
s-surely the token crashes back down once people have bought their long bois, right?
The second the celstial steed his the store it was always going to be like this. For all we shit on bobby not even he did this, Msoft is just another bobby. In the end the bad part is AH mounts will always be locked behind some store grift now.
>I found he's been posting less
well thank god, he was starting to get to m*ye levels of obnoxious after we finally bullied that fag into submission
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People are literally seething so hard over the Dino.
they are generally mentally ill autists and pathological liars who seek validation on 4chan and twitter with gooning material and blogposting their schizoid thoughts

they are not people, they are subhuman troglodytes
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>get in a +12 group after an hour of queues
>accept summon
>walk in
>realize I have no flasks
>don't want to embarrass myself by hearting back to town and buying them
>...buy the mount

I guess they just have to meet financial quota and pay off DEI hires that can't release non-bugged patch.
The interest and sales are low so they have to bring numbers up somehow. Especially while now people can buy sub for gold.
>they actually Killed solo BG blitz
sucks I was having fun too
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I'm learning how to make 3d renders with wow models and having fun
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you're going to want to try to catch the knife
its spiking for the next two weeks and will hit a low point mid event and ramp back up towards the end of the event
this is very tame
t. mmo raiding veteran
It's so tiresome. By nature they are attention whores and whenever one dies down another takes their place.
>same image

nah you arent fooling anyone mongrel
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God, I love Ansurek so much. Fuck Xal'atath and her stupid feet.
nobody summons in high keys retard
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>check link
>its real
i give up with this company.
Not watching this ozempic balding faggot, is he on his seasonal grift of ''im against blizzard i hate blizzard!'' before he takes the cock in the ass again and promotes them when they pay him?
>he timed his last key
Must be nice
Man these comments are harsh
This mount is a slap in the face to the original Brutosaur mount holders.
For me I had to have the Brutosaur because you said its never coming back.
So i purchased the 40 wow tokens needed to obtain it.
Thanks blizzard… just a real slap in the face.
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>fuck Xal'atath's feet
That's the intention, yes.
>half elf/dracthyr adventurer

I wish the roleplaying community did more gatekeeping and make such lorelet concepts impossible to enjoy
that makes sense
part of me just wants to buy now but the play might be to wait for the dip as you say
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>it's real
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hello again gooners

making some more pinup slop, so feel free to request some and I'll try and fill a few
try to refrain from requesting 2+ distinct characters as the extension for that is annoying to work with and it makes the gen+inpaint process take far longer
can do 2d or 3d easily
Thank you anon.
already turning on wow?
that was fast lol
Whales getting exactly what they deserve and nothing less. These companies aren't your friends and never have been, stop rewarding them for this behavior, maybe?
>Because FFXIV is a fundamentally better game.
Holy based
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>So now they're selling QoL in the shop. You can't even get a mount with an ah and mail in the game.
This actually is the test bed to see if they can get away with selling you QoL/p2w in the cash shop. The game is officially turning Korean.
Blonde femhumie with a nice butt saar
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can't fuckint believe it
I have just enough gold to get the package on my 2nd license but I'll be broke
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...Thats a kinda racist name for this machine
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What do you think anons. Can I do a better name for my hunter?
>brutochuds SEETHING
LOVE to see it
extremely cheesy

So no mount promotion????
>2000 tenders
Told you it was coming.
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surely they don't get away with this
What's the next QoL/P2W item they are going to add into in game shop?
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not even gachaGODS pay $90 for a skin ...
Hello again, I asked for the Jaina one and I'm now requesting Alexstrasza or Whitemane pretty please. Squatting down showing off her panties/cameltoe while giving the middle finger. Please. Lots of cleavage too :)
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>XIV is fundamentally a better game
I loathe these niggers so fucking much
XIV is in SHAMBLES right now and I'm the first saddened by it considering I play both game
This pseudo forgiving nature is what lead games to die / slow down
the game is really not bussin' at all rn
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i can't afford my weight loss injectiens if i buy it 2ce
I think it is. That mount sold amazingly well. They might even give us plebs 100 tenders extra next month as celebration.
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why does prech look like tommy pickles now
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>wowg poors crying
>meanwhile in real life
I got no idea I'm worried he's dying, some anon said ozembic.
>XIV is fundamentally a better game
No wonder WoW players don't like this video, it's just truth bombs after truth bombs.
if this post ends in 9 this fool cappin
only in that eventuality will I then roll for another 9 to prove on god t dubs is bussin
I hate Xal'atath's feet. I hope she gets toe fungus.

Pet: Wolf named Razor and Horse named Chance
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u mad bro?
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not clicking on the video
Depends how you bought it.
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sorry man not doing the same thing twice
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time to drown in the open air.
any sensible individual doesnt give a shit
i take more issue with buying the ohter mounts, they're pretty weak as far as cash shop mounts go
ive thought about learning 3d model shit to make niche porn for money
but am i that low?
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Queen Ansurek makes me hard. It's a very difficult fight when you do it with one hand.
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I exchanged currency for goods and services.
I want a goblin futa to laugh at me and call me poor.
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WoW won.
Simple as.
>relaxed in real life
>m+ fails don't bother me at all
>5 mins in timewalking with randoms and i'm fucking seething
why am i like this?
m+ participation will crater and the shiteaters will not have ammo anymore
Bragging about spending over $200 on mounts isn't an own.
lmao are you me? i cant stand playing with casuals. them going slow through fucking deadmines made me rage quit yesterday and go to bed
>sorry man not doing the same thing twice
Alright, what about a different pose. One of them leaning over a bar or a table with their cleavage pressed down, squeezing them together, smiling at viewer? All good if not. Also not sure if there is a Xalatath lora yet.
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>female human
>orc male
Are holy priests playing archon or oracle?
u sound mad
Can't imagine paying the price of ~2 new games for a digital animal. Makes me sick how far we've fallen
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actually looking closer the face is pretty fucked here
fixed version

xalatath has had a lora since prepatch almost
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>I exchanged currency for goods and services.
which currency?
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now those are some genuinely ugly mounts
all the mount colors clash so bad with their armor
>one shot everything get stuck on ansurek forever
As a nerub raider I know this is real.
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*wins by doing nothing*
make the ass look more real with muscle lines and not like a BBL please, I like big asses but I hate nigger BBLs
i make $7000 a month and even I cant justify spending $90 on a mount for wow
as if it makes a difference which lol
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Posted in the wrong thread
you just know...
>Literally paying to make your game worse
Good job, dumbass.
TurtleCHADS are laughing at us...
Every tank i've had in timewalking is like they've teleported here from 2004. 2-3 mobs a pull. standing still looking at the next pack for a few seconds before pulling. i'm going fucking crazy.
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not even square troons believe that anymore kek
Defensive that's strange.
How does he do it?
blizzard lost by making several, several, several, several, several thousands of dollars in a day meanwhile your game is dead?
yeah, you're winning bigly LMAO
>oh yeah? what kind of currency?
>uh d-doll-
The psychotic melties will re-ensue if you drop trvthnvkes such as this in /wowg/. Please don't do it again.
it's not defensive it's simply fact

whether i swipe or pay with tokens SOMEONE swiped
the debate that's as old as time immemorial
i like dah bat and dah vyern
>crying about how other people spend their money is game discussion
fuck right off
he killed wow with 1 single trick: by doing nothing
Scaling is fucked, 1-70 i'm god, 71 im made of swiss cheese.
congratulations on not having less than 100 IQ
the """people""" who buy this mount and poor and retarded
they would be made fun of by actual billionaires
Him doing nothing would be less damaging to his game than directing it
There is also the noueveau rick who like to show off in asia and people with poor impulse control.
Then just say it
it will never be a better game until they fix the netcode
Yea I've been having the same feeling. Personally I just started pulling for tanks. I'm not letting a south american from ragnaros keep me in a fucking timewalking dungeon for 30 minutes
Why yes, discussing a new mount added to the game IS game related discussion! Thanks for clearing that up.
I'm sure you can goon to feet jiggies later, you'll be okay.
paypiggies FEASTING today
this, right on
smart people live frugally out of principle not necessity
dropping 90 bucks on a mount is quite retarded indeed and what you would call a bad """investment"""
10 million active players say otherwise. Sorry wowbuck, but it's over for you and your troon game
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How's the return on your investment so far lads?
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im probably going to buy it bros
no because i'll say i swiped and then you'll laugh thinking it's an own when it really isn't :D

Alright I can afford the mount now. I rang up my phone provider and changed my payment to 2 weeks from now so I have enough left to pay for the dino.

We're winning bros.
Drohgoh and Noawh, best duo since Goebbels and Hitler.
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>10 million active indians means india is a good country
thats a kek double you
Im a neet who lives off autismbux from the government and dont need to justify spending $500 on wow tokens to get the bfa brutosaur. Im not buying this $90 1 cause I quit the fomo grind and dont see the point resubbing
Why do you care? I make plenty of cash from wageslaving and I have never understood being mad at someone else's purchases. Even if I think its retarded I'm not seething at another persons decision. Stop being commie faggots
>buy the pig
>eat the bugs
>wear the dress
no one considers it an investment retard
buying a 90 dollar mount is more or less equivalent to riding home from work and on a whim you decide to go to a slightly more expensive restaurant for dinner instead of eating the groceries you have at home
its a one off purchase
>buy with money
>buy tokens to give you money to buy it with money
What's the difference?
what the fuck happened to swifty
dude was popular and well known, even had razer as sponsor and now he is a 300 viewer streamer
bait used to be believable, troony
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>5 years of patiently waiting after not giving up $800 finally paid off.
Patientbros we can't stop winning.
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>appy to a +12 mists
>summons go out
>enter the dungeon
>tank tells everyone to mount on their brutosaur mounts
>everyone mounts up on one but me
>tank asks me where my brutosaur is
>explain to them that this is first time in months that I only have $10 in my bank account
>everyone calls me poor and /cringes away from me
>they tell me they won't start the key until I buy the mount
>after 2 minutes of thinking they were joking they remove me from the group
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The most fun I've had so far in TWW was the prepatch levelling/gear catch-up event, lol.

The game at least felt like an MMO, however shallow.
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apologise right now
if you just buy three tokens right now instead of this cashgrab and sell them in 6 months for 500k each you will probably make more money than you EVER would fucking with the AH unless you are some turbo autist that makes it his main game
retail players are legitimately retarded sheep
it's actually below Shadowbringers numbers
This, and it's why it's so funny that the first argument and defense shills have is "ummm you're just like jealous cause you're poor?"
No, you just have more money than sense, we have more sense than money. I'm fucking rich in game, i could buy 7 of these new brutosaurs if i wanted to. But i'm not going to buy a single one, because it's literally retarded and a waste of gold.
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I'm doing my part!

captcha: DN0X0X
unemployed faggot neet with nothing to do and obsessed with a game he don't play has to fill his empty meaningless life somehow
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>All arguments on why Brutosaur is bad is based on the idea of spending real money
>point out people are using gold
>point out that people selling tokens have massively disposable income and as long as I'm not spending my own money I don't care because gold making is easy and them being too stupid to do it is on them
>FFXIV has cash-shop only items that will never be obtainable with anything but cold hard cash while all WoW shops subs and services can be gotten just by playing the game
>95% of people who got one RMT'd and paid the Chinese to ruin this game further to get it

I think you guys are just really bad at making gold. Hell, I'm not even good at making gold but I still made 5 mil on expansion drop.
jesus dude
Just say it.
everyone that bought the mount just fucked us all
OG doesn't sell QOL thougheverbeit and you can't counter that objective fact.
because you're directly rewarding garbage patches, indian customer support, lack of QA
even shit like translation are not finished anymore and apparently a ton of things are lacking
explain your logic how
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Anyone else find it funny that the OG Dino mount costed $500? Blizzard just shit on all of the owners and sells a superior version for only $90?
I had fun in 8.3, that's all you get.
we were fucked when you guys called DF a good game or actually encourage the development of m+ this is nothing. drop in the bucket.
>it's why it's so funny that the first argument and defense shills have is "ummm you're just like jealous cause you're poor?"
>"I think you guys are just really bad at making gold"
Every. Single. Time.
>OG doesn't sell QOL
They sell Fantas (free in barber shop) and boosts (free with gold) lmao
It is also the only place to get the 8 player carry mounts
the furfags and onion faggots who called for diversity and unity between the alliance and horde actually did
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Race changes isn't QoL
>first the tinderbox now this
Crafter cartelbros...how do we respond?
wtf i've never seen this xally sticker before! /save
it's being years, i doubt anyone cares
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>Don't buy mount
>Need pots during raid
>Snaps fingers and 1-19 people summon their shekelsaurus
>Laugh at Blizzdrones
Because there isn't a logical reason to be shitting rage squirts into your 10-year old ratty underpants unless you are jealous
Prot War
Vengeance DH
Blood DK
Which of these is the most fun?
>Friend came back for expansion
>Reviews generally good
>Couple of good gameplay changes and updates have been added since SL
>About to pop the button
>$90 P2W store mount
Thanks I almost gave in Blizz
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if i can earn the gold to buy it via gathering I needed it, if I cant earn the gold to get it then I don't need an AH mount.
>race changes isn't QoL
>do more or less DPS based on race
>just got the wife to change my early Xmas gift from the Metaphor CE to the gildyboi
isnt wow below 2 million players
mountain thane prot war or sanlayn dk
you already posted this
If you can't comprehend the notion of people laughing at lesser intelligent people, a favorite human past time, then that's on you. Makes sense this is lost on you, that's why you bought the pig, uhh i mean dino.
consider the only, ONLY evidence present
>your lack of a brutosaur
>the fact you're seething
>your claims that you have money and just don't want the brutosaur
seriously. what conclusion do you expect us to reach?
>thought about buying the brutosaur
>log in
>literally 100 of them standing around me
>realize i'll never have to go to the AH anyway without one
I won
don't forget the retards who bought it on the BMAH for gold cap
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>you already posted this
Wasn't me? can you qoute the post im curious
fake money isn't real money
hahahahahaha xD
I'm gonna call the fancyboi "Shmekels" from now on
ain't nothing but a humiliation ritual baby
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>he could have had OVER TWO YEARS of WoW sub but bought the Bruto instead
mental illness, in what universe did someone use the Bruto enough to pay for 25 tokens???
>all the 4x4 farm groups that now have an ah mount
imagine paying a monthly subscription to a video game and then criticizing others for wasting their money
you were presented with several logical arguments in this very thread but you chose to ignore them because you're an unprincipled, contrarian dumbass who would let someone shit in their mouth if it would allow you to act smug on the internet
mb didn't mean to tag your post
i get far more use out of the mog feature on the yak than the ah
I don't expect a mouth breathing window licker to come to any conclusion, i don't expect thought from you at all. I expect you to just kind of sit there banging your arm against your chest making weird retard noises.
>presented with several logical arguments
>ummmmm its paid because real money that you aren't paying checkmate
okay lil bro :)
I will not but the mount because I will not put my dear friend/fuck buddy Katy Stampwhistle out of business
Your server looks dead.
>having a lot of fun on my mage
>event happens
>have to playback tank or healer to do BRD or the Codex
Kinda annoying. I can understand BRD, but Codex seems like any group comp could do it.
Even though The Coreway is usable again, there is still plenty of construction work and rubble clearing needed.
No problem.
Yea I was going to buy the Yak but I got the Ethereal Transmogrifier instead.
If you can't comprehend the notion of people laughing at lesser wealth people, a favorite human past time, then that's on you
it's prime raid time on Sargeras
>expose the fact you're the only one on your team trying to win
>get immediately dogpiled in every followup fight
If you want to have any semblance of fun then just brainlessly hk farm with everyone else. Nothing pisses the turbogeared enemy mm hunter off more than somebody messing with one of his healbots.
alright, i take it back - you didn't choose to ignore the arguments, you're legit too stupid to even understand them
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I'm not buying the brusotaur because it would make the ritual of going to the AH when I need something obsolete and I'd feel stupid every time I'd forget to use my brutosaur
2 bikes
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What is this thing? Look at the ears
best purchase i ever made unironically
repair + mog option. get a new item, immediately get to try it out whenever you want
yes, yes, from atop the brutosaur
...which you don't have
...which is the only thing separating us
...but you're not angry about that. it's some obscure philosophical complaint about my spending habits, the gist of which is I'm stupid and you're smart
...despite the only available evidence suggesting you're poor and therefore not smart
>only see 3 or 4 brutosaurs on my server
>swap to my mage
>congoline of 40 in the exact same spot
ngl sharding is pretty fucking stupid
>do more or less DPS based on race
OG has this?
>ah mount
I sleep
>summoning stone golem mount that actually works
real shit
I really like this tactic to justify the price.
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Reddit is losing their fucking minds over the mount. Reminds me of Legion levels of activity. Did the Dinosaur literally save the game?
I like going to places in town. Makes the world feel more real.
Part of me wishes the general vendor on the yak sold updated inventory so I can buy food on the go, but that might invalidate going to town, and seeing MoP items gets me nostalgic sometimes
Still it might be a fun option to have a quest or an expensive item to upgrade your yak vendor to sell max level white food and maybe some reagents
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Reminder to report anyone on a bruto for anything you can, cheats, name, chat, and Gameplay sabotage
>Summoning stone golem mount that when you try to summon makes little tiny golems spawn to click on the portal so you only need one person to summon the whole raid
Fund it, ship it, shill it, sell it.
fomofags on suicide watch
Mount promotion's likely a thing just for NA.
So uh, get fucked EU I guess?
harder than I thought it would be to get a good one of this pose
tried genning 30+ and moving some prompts around but I wasn't happy with any of them
try something else
seems pointless most of what you get from 4x4 is raw gold and goes straight into a yak vendor
>...despite the only available evidence suggesting you're poor and therefore not smart
Nice projection.

Funny how your only argument is "umm i'm going to pretend your poor" and "i didn't spend real money so therefore the concept of exchanging a currency for goods or services doesn't count :^)"
Just shut the fuck up and enjoy your overpriced shit mount you pay piggie.
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>$15*239 Months = $3,585
>$60*10 Expansions = $600
>SP500 since 2004 = 616% or 10% per year (Inflation 329% / 7.4% P.A.)
>$4,080 deposits, $8,937 interest
>$13,034 USD
Well anons? Was WoW worth the 13k?
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>We think that a moderate amount of gold inflation is healthy. It ensures that new or returning players can catch up and participate in serve economies without having to put in a herculean effort to avoid being priced out of essential goods.
>In this case, we want to ensure that in the long run, years from now, we don’t find ourselves looking around and seeing AH mounts that are as common as repair mounts are today.
>the internet equivalent of hood niggers with gucci bags calling everyone else poor
it doesnt which makes calling it an rpg even more laughable
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Good goyim!
>updated vendors
Yes please. questline, gold, KSH/aotc, something. And put the good water on the first page instead of the second page.
fuck you dorn innkeeper.
Cute I love it
I might get into less raids since my lock closet won't be needed as much but it will be worth it
>tcg paypigs got shafted
>brutosaur paypigs got shafted
that's one positive thing about blizzard
they love fucking over their own paypigs and humiliating them in front of everyone

there's gonna be an AH mount in the trading post
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They will never get these tabards either. Feels good to be NA chad.
i mean just quickly queue for a follower dungeon, wait for the mage to put a table down, get your stuff for free, leave
it's that easy
>the internet equivalent of hood niggers with gucci bags calling everyone else poor
More accurate you would say hood niggers and Chinese as they prop up most luxury brands these days.

But yes, this is absolutely no different from someone buying a Birkin.
okay lil bro whatever helps you sleep in your racecar bed at night :)
>release one of the buggiest patches of all time
>fanbase rewards you by buying $90 mounts
>all the poor fags trying to reassure themselves that their based for not being able to afford the mount
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Stay mad
i only got walgreens near me, never even heard of the other two places
Blizz Direct is 3 weeks away.
These grifters know they need to get all their doom in NOW before the orgy of corpo dicksucking kicks into high gear next month.
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why can't they make wolves/worgs similar to their concept art and not some weird looking thing? the older orc wolf mounts was much more taller/stretched out, the WoD ones look like a carnival ride.
That's exactly what it is.
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There's at least one mount late fags can't get!
Thank you contractual obligations.
So true and epic. Take my updoot!
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I will not be buying the dino mount not because I am opposed to the cash shop (I bought the cat) but because it's ground only, STOP RELEASING FUCKING GROUND MOUNTS YOU INCOMPETENT FUCKS MAKE ALL MOUNTS SKYRIDING YOU FUCKING SLOP SPEWING JEETS
>>there's gonna be an AH mount in the trading post
I dont think they'd do that, not after making peoople pay 90. atleast not for another 10 years.
im still REEING to this day. remake it or recolor it you californian faggots
Blizzard wants to make this clear: THEY HATE POOR PEOPLE

Fucking idiots
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poor shard
seething poor
TWW early access already proved poor people provide nothing to the game or community. forums were full of seething blacks, browns, gays, all foaming at the mouth. yet in-game was harmony, banter, productives hard at work not bothering anyone.
I'm in full support of premium servers which confer no benefit except a higher sub fee to play on them just to shut poor people out. it's been proven already they're fake fans who have no interest in WoW beyond spreading the misery and filth that poor living conditions and stress have caused them.
His pet should be a hound named Knothanos
Is having money or having things rich
What's even better is the 90 dollar mount is bigger than the previous one and gold plated, so everyone with the new brutosaur mount looks so much hetter than the previous one
I'm better than you because I don't understand this reference
It's lower quality than real food just fyi. perfectly fine in most use cases. just should be known.
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>treads on a motorbike
I bought early access because it was worth it. I'm not buying a retarded overpriced mount. Get fucked faggot.
Yeah sometimes the ai just doesn't want to cooperate. Not sure what other poses to do. Don't worry about it anon, thanks anyways.
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>77g sugar
>290 calories
>105g sodium
Jesus christ no tabard is worth that suffering
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Only if the premium server can't be phased into by people inviting their non premium friends
And an option to queue into people also only on the premium server
I would gladly wait an extra 10 minutes to not spend a dungeon or raid with a third worlder
It's powered by magic you fucking idiot
what tail size do you fem drae usually use?
Everyone just sits in town anyway. I don't see why you'd need an AH mount. That said, I do have a small urge to consoom but I'm taking a break after I'm done with the anniversary event anyway.
isnt it on the black market AH??
no they literally cant bring it back
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Nope. They legally can't put it back in the game do to some contract shit they did back during the competition.
It's why Alliance can buy theirs but late Horde players can't get the Horde one.
> I don't see why you'd need an AH mount
i genuinely don't either. other, dirt cheap mounts have repairs. and the yak has the mog
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>spend 5x more for some in game nigger bling
>it looks like the poorfag fremium version and gets mogged by cheaper newer shit
wow investments everyone
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Post spec you main and if you think this is accurate
>Baby (Optional)
>It's why Alliance can buy theirs but late Horde players can't get the Horde one.
Hordies get keked again
>Baby (optional)
I'd watch WoW porn if it was funny like this
do not slander enh shammies like this. We only exist to ZUG and slam lightning and thunder at our enemies. We don't even talk to women at all.
i main arms but i don't do that
the bm is accurate though
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Sovless garbage
yeah I'm thinking you have no money left.
>oh no oh fuck will I recoup my losses I can't afford to have the heating on if I don't
these are your thoughts, these are why you're so stressed all the time, this is why you can't behave normally. anyone who's not from the poverty line like you, constantly on high alert like you, sees your behaviour for what it is - that of a poor person.
I'm all for redemption arcs and the western story of strong-willed people breaking through class boundaries but I think that'd be better on the whole. it's been 20 years and a lot of these people haven't changed.
>lnfidelity for a brewmaster
nice larp lol
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3k rio in every season of DF and mid tier mythic raiding experience.
cant find a guild coz Im a tank.
god this sucks so hard. there are so few spots.

all the mythic raiding guilds want CE experience even if they are not a CE guild. lol this is like real life job hunting.

you want this job? well you better have 10 years of experience in this field!!!

Just give me scrolls of mass summoning already.
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Sovlful peak.
Rshaman. Not accurate. Actively trying to acquire nudes from any egirl I acquire.
I think the fact that the one that involves real life stalking not being the biggest red flag shows the mentality of women.
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Alright you made me laugh i'll give you that.
I kind of wish there more servers than just the RP ones that didn't have sharding I don't want to risk being accosted by some sex freak just to play on a self-contained server.
Weren't we getting some bikes for the anniversary as well or did I dream it
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World of Warcraft : The Sex Update
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more alex, in a cheerleading outfit is possible
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I spend that much eating out for lunch every year.
You're getting a Fel Bike forma da Green/Burning Legion as apart of the questline on the 28/29th.
You then might need to buy Mountain Dew, Forma da Red, forma Da Purple to get the Red and Purple variants. Exclusive to NA
The ele guide I watched said
>hit chain lightning like a fucking monkey
and that resonated with me.
there should be a race filter where vulpera is always 'uwu' even if their dk
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people want the best and be carried but not put in the effort themselves, that's life anon. even if you bring the skills they'll always be measuring you up against some superficial standard they're too afraid of doing themselves. pretty pathetic to me desu
Thalyssra in a virgin destroyer sweater
im bear but i type meowdy in chat what does it mean
100% accurate except i never got warned or banned despite saying some pretty wild shit in public chats, i guess EU has no moderation except for the automated stuff and all the nafris and balkanoids playing here never report shit like that
I met my wife through wow, so yes.
>compute cycles were wasted to make this
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>dog in
>see this
none of them have even timed a 10
a 10!!!
maybe they shouldve kept the money for a boost am i right sistergirls? LOL!
Its more just funny how so many poor people keep themselves poor
>not wanted
>no mechanics for tanks
>job application
>extreme time commitments
>guaranteed dogshit loot system
>forced to be cordial with subhumans
tank spots are always very limited so yeah. you're also now around mid patch, higher chances at the start of the tier
you spend 35$ a day on lunch? what are you fucking eatting? lobster?
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That's right brother. We spam that lightning and fire like no tomorrow. Hmm elements, I love the smell of burnt people. Imagine being such a normie people try to associate what you do with women. For me, it's STORM, EARTH AND FIRE
timing a 10 is worthless though
getting a longboi is eternally useful
You're winning in game. They're winning financially. (the only way that ever matters or ever will.)
honestly i have more respect for people with that mount than people who time 10's
being a bear is fun. tanking is fun. if you disagree that fair. you dont have to do it.

yea I wish my old guild didnt switch to 3 raid nights a week. they were chill

whens that gonna be? January?
Prot paladin
Not accurate, I never flirt with girls online because it feels icky. I bet everyone else does it and I just want them to be comfy and do well in my keys, not like I am gonna ever meet them.
i spent more on drugs for less to show for it
$60 actually, only workdays.
Clients don't like it when you take them to burger king
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but sisterpoonerbro...
why spend all this money when you cant do the bare minimum...
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I play prot paladin I am actually regular homo gay I met my bf in wow

my backup character is a night elf sv hunter
>They're winning financially. (the only way that ever matters or ever will.)
>People with $100 in their bank account buys mount is the same as person with $100,000 in their bank account buying mount
Remember the key demographic for WoW are generally poor LGBTI people.
reread my post anon. it's not about tanking it's about raiding.
I got so fucking obese when I started working software architecture/sales it's unreal
3% passively learning how to herd monkeys, 7% table manners, 90% apple cider vinegar to keep my 4th lunch down which I'd eaten by 2pm
160 > 270 in 1.5 years then I started getting heart palpitations if there was a way to get people off guard and pliant without food I never unlocked it
january will be 11.0.7 i think
>he goes on expensive dates with men
lmao gay
making gold is a more interesting end game than speed running dungeons to me.
next mount is gonna be guildbank/personal bank
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>$90 vs 8 million gold AH mount

Can't you see THE VALUE? Thanks for beta testing paypig brutosaurfags!
For what? All their imaginary items? Lmao
If the suits can actually comprehend WHY the 90$ mount sold more than all the other store mounts, then they will 100% push for more "p2w" mounts.
how do you make guild? there are no more world quests.
In DF when it was 2am and I was too high to do m+ runs I would just fly around gather some herbs and do world quests for a few easy thousand gold each week to cover repair costs etc.

god I hate blizzard so much.

I also pirated a gold making guide and its literally 80 pages of the dude explaining different professions and then naming like 2 farming spots for leather and cloth. fucking cringe
i dont get it
what do people do on the auction house?
i just use it once to enchant my pvp gear and thats pretty much it
game saved
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next mount is going to be dildoseat dinosaur that only nerub GM can buy
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Kneel in supplication worm and I may feel merciful enough to buff your class by 5%
I am a crafter so I use it a lot
Probably. I mean, if they're ever going to drop 1 to finish the trifecta, it'll be during 11.1's Goblin patch.
Then it's just waiting for the profession mounts that open up a profession station when you mount up
and not accurate because I would never get banned however it is imperative to make women feel as uncomfortable as possible. just without overtly breaking rules
Proffesions, Crafting.
Yea DF was better for causal gold making it's not great right now unless you take professions seriously and are willing to advertise in trade maybe make some alts for concentration crafts.
Studen? yeah that guys a fucking memer. The transmog flip is the thing that makes me kek the most, sure thing boss I'll sit on this item for months and hope I get a sale.
longboi can't even fly lol
how much do you think paid story skips will be?
>0 pvp gear
>stomp the alliance
wtf bros I though talterac valley was your turn
part 1: fat hideous retarded hideous balding autistic gray haired old stinky orc added, bimbelf added, anal functionality added, marriage feature added. part 2 of the update is coming soon, no timeline yet but it's been 50 years since part 1 so any day now.
Ion, your only solution for my class is buffing it 5%.
I want a proper rework for Warlock
*puts on nerd voice* um sorry guys looks like we overshot the shaman buffs a bit, we will be giving them a 3.5% aura nerf, this should put them in line
I have alch skilled but Im so low on skill points that all of my potions suck and I cant make gold with it. even if its maxed i doubt its gonna be a money printing machine.

it was a guide by solheim, but I guess he is on studen's level. so fucking bad and he wants 40$ for it. literally just information you could get from wowhead or reddit
Show me your Dracthyr who don't just look like you tried to make a female human or male belf. Give me draconic features on their Visage!
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>double his mastery
Deprecated. Maybe ounce per expansion I clean my bank out
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Why'd he do it lads?
someone fucking tell me what the ICC gold farm is
>pugging as tank
>11s are too easy
>12s are too hard and people die to group damage
The Xalataths Guile stuff is kinda dumb, the content scales already with key level why add extra 10%?
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>Doing anything above 10
>will pay 20€ instantly
god this is such a fucing monkeys paw.
how much is it in euros? 70€
i still havent timed a 10. people always fumble at least one boss
don't see the value in having that or ah
the real end game of maze+ is ruthlessly filtering out the shitters and adding then making groups with the good ones
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Post your personal opinion tierlists.
Why attempt to pug content that only exists as a pissing contest? Feel like you should get in with guildies/bros at that point.
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>tank dies to the pull in last boss ara kara
>it was my first 10
>everyone left
>3 days ago.
He knew, he sold us out.
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>doing anything above mythic 0
>b-b-but I need the number on my gear to get higher
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I don't know who she is but I'm in love
going from level 8 delves into m+ is the play now
500 valor for loot reroll coins
Blizzard please
I like survival hunter the most and then all of paladin

Everything else is pretty gay
if the brutosaur mount was 20$ would peolple still complain?
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retarded list. dogshit. can't believe you have that opinion.
without telling what the list is nobody can agree or disagree.
prot warrior, ele shammy > everything
But it's fun lad...
Complaints are irrelevant, the question is will this mount cause people to leave and the answer to that is no because the players are cucks.
Personal opinion on how fun the specs are to play.
no because they're poor*
if they tried to leave their house they'd be the victim of a violent crime
The point of 12+ is to get a group of friend and test your friendship.
That said Guile is sorta cringe, I guess experiencing the dungeon in a "pure" form is cool but the affixes always add more !FUN! to the experience.
By fun I mean suffering. I play dwarf fortress.
>no because they're poor*
Two things can be true

They are cucks and poor
Yes. The complaints wouldn't be as widespread and vitriolic but it would still be an issue.
Honestly the only way for this to not be a shitshow would have been to add this new brutosaur in game to an event vendor for 5 million gold same as the last one. it's the only way people wouldn't be mad and in fact people would actually be happy and celebrating blizzard for giving them another chance at the mount in a fair way.
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m+ should have miniboss invasions
very nice
>Can you release a cash shop item in a $60 expansion + $15 sub fee game without being in the wrong
No, you cannot.
lol, 5m would make it a lot more expensive than it is now on the shop, what are you on about
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If not on the list I haven't played it.
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>Be me.
>Do Nerubian zone rep
>Find out that the 3 individual reputations all have cap off quests
>Set after the raid
>Can easily be gotten before you finish the raid if you tunnel vision one rep and then do the other 2.
>One of the reputation NPCs dies off screen post raid with 0 fanfair.
What the fuck were they thinking.


5m was the price of the last brutosaur you dumbfuck.
god i hate that last pull. the totem cuck never drops the dispel totem either so people just die to the 99% snare
Haha man if only there was a way to revive nerubians haha :)
Haha, just jesting, yeah.
I thought there was a daily quest for the anniversary but it's not up, I did it last night
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everyone is so disctracted by the ebin lizard they didnt realize these whip ass mounts got put in the shop at the same time for NO FUCKING REASON FUCKING KIKES FUCK YOU
i know, retard, that still makes it a lot more expensive than this one
poor people can't pretend they're taking a moral highground by complaining about the price if it's in gold. they'd stay silent out of shame that their impulsiveness and low IQ followed them in-game and made them poor online too.

Man, the long boi buyers got fucked
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>take an extra shift
>mount secured
its that simple.
Post screenshot with the most amount of cash shop brutosaurs in it
Do you know how to read? I said the only way people wouldn't complain was if they brought it back as a limited time vendor item for 5m the same as the last time.
Don't reply to me if you're a pajeet that can't read.
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>For no fucking reason.
It's to build up hype for their upcoming Warcraft 3 Reforged Relaunch.
They weren't. Remember when Metzen said that development was more democratized now than when he left Blizzard? This it is what democratization of development produces. Lots and lots of slop that makes no sense that sucks and makes you feel like shit.
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This is my class ranking :)
m0 insanely worthless now. Who wants to put in that much effort for veteran gear. Only good for farming super specific trinkets like ion's sac
How long until brontosaur comes on the trading post?
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Ethically-sourced, homegrown gold organic Brutosaur obtained.

Also, for anyone else trying to grab the tokens before they skyrocket, log in and out. You can skip the 60 second waiting and it's much faster especially in a dead auction city, provided you don't have a toaster.
She might as well have been a cheerleader given how useless she was in DF
i can read you dumbfuck, but how it being way more expensive that this one would make people happier?
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>Sexo and rich
hoylshit i love nerub GM did she post and pics?
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>i can read
>proceeds to show that he in fact, cannot read
Kek. I ain't repeating myself. Scroll up and read again or just move on.
>was about to buy 5 wow tokens below 200K before they eventually went back up to 350K
>blizzard inflates it while I'm sleeping
Well fuck them
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Blizz could unironically rugpull 3 months from now and remove the AH npc and I doubt many would quit over it.
Anyone still playing at this point are lifers
yak >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> brutosaur
Democratization of a creative process like game development which requires a clear vision with clear goals is typical woke-induced main-character narcissism.

What wokies don't realize is that:
- not everything has to be for everyone
- not everyone needs to be represented all the time
- it's not always about YOU and YOUR ideas/opinions
khadgar in a speedo
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>Offer valid through January 6, 2025
Why don't they look like this in-game? All the NB fanart and slop are always way sexier than they really are. >:(
WC3 Reforged Meat Wagon mount > discord trannies spamming the same dino mount
They are really cleaning this comment section from bad comments.
Who dies?
i don't think people go to a specific item comment section to have melties
They didn't clean it up janny on the news post

every dps spec is a humiliation ritual desu.
>not getting your fomo shoulder appearances
why is this a fucking fomo item? WHY IS IT ALWAYS FUCKING FOMO ITEMS FUCK BLIZZARD
>the engoodening of reforged
I have a feeling the Brutosaur was supposed to be a 2 year trading post reward but an executive at blizz got wind of it and demanded it be on the store
The flavor text and name make it clear it has to do with the trading post
The general dies in the end of his questline, takes place post raid
The vizier outs himself as the spy within the court at the end of his questline, also post raid
I can't really remember what happens in the spiders one.
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>tfw I'm not an AH rat who stares at a spread sheet all day so I don't car about AH mount
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QUESTION: what caused WoW token prices to soar on September 24th?
Whitemane in a bikini 3d
>have 800k on main
>stuck at work while token climbs
I really should learn to work a remote desktop
s1 starting
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>only 93 USD in my country

Looks like I'm finally getting my own longboi, kings
i only just managed to buy one now at 255k
if i can sell it for 300k i'll be happy
what does that even have to do with anything? The mount is not even useful for that. It's useful for buying raid consumables mid raid or stuff you forgot before a M+ key starts. Also if you want random shit like the fish needed to spawn one of the rares
>sweater that won't keep you warm
women are retarded
Parsec my dude. It's ez and effective.
No port forwarding or any configuration required.
What happened to the Warcraft faction back transmog for the 30th anniversary?
I'd be embarrassed to get on the green brutosaur now LMAO
This is what WoW players want, they vote with their wallets.
It's literally made to attract you so you mating press her. Based autistic anon
That's not how it works... the token you buy with gold and the token you buy with cash are not the same item. Token has to go up like 25% to break even if you convert to Bnet balance and then buy a token with the balance
Baldo was right, worlo players love eating shit
The woman who isn't real and was generated by a computer explicitly to be softcore porn?
so can any of you colossal faggots explain what is actually wrong with somebody buying the brutosaur?
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you can mod them as you like, but you won't ever get a great face like in fanart
>Offer valid for a limited time*.
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I wish I was a euro so I could join nerub and play with anons all the NA guilds I've ever joined have been mass invite and literally no one talks and half of the members haven't been on in 10+ years
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Man I knew it the second I saw him. Actually masculine player friendly leaders always seem to have a limited shelf life
must be nice being a fucking broken fotm ret paladin that can get into whatever key he wants and is never declined while topping meters in keys and in raid
>duurrr do i press ma aoe or ma single target hmmm *rubs only 2 neurons together*
i have to do the quests for that stuff? damn...
Hey you know what, the shills are right, i actually am seething that people are buying this mount. Do you know what would make me seethe more? If you bought more! You should actually just buy every mount on the store, that would make me real mad. Spend as much as you can.

Order the cat rare. Eat a runesaber. Have a longboi. Have two.
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Use mods and risk my 20 y/o account just for g-cup bimbo tits? Pass.
>2 years ago
I just play worgen
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was also right when he said inferior cultures should be genocided?
nta but there's no risk. been gooning for years
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Correct on all counts. It also serves the profit motive because like I said it allows them to just pump out tons of shit because it doesn't have to adhere to a single person or small groups vision.
>Can now opt out of pressing both crusader strike and wake
Ret will be an autobattler spec by the end of worldsoul.
>tfw euro tfw too shy to join nerub
it's over
>no 'buy the pig'
one job
new noname55 just dropped
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It mogs my longboi...
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>Play demonology
>Do rather well topping the metter all the while I get tunneled and CC my opponent
>Lose because the french warrior ran in tilted
Call me a nigger and a faglord for playing pvp
Shit you're right, i really dropped the ball on that one.
>risk my 20 yr old account
As if Blizzard would be so kind as to free us from this torment. NTA but the day when they banned us for using Arctium because cheaters were, they reverted that shit within 24 hours because of the amount of money they probably lost. They know damn well what we're doing and don't give a shit.
go to bed schlomo
diagnosis: elfslut nymphomania
prescription: daily doses of BGC


why did they make it black and bigger
this is fucking weird lol
That's fine but all the armor in the game would have to be modded to match their modded body type because I don't around naked in this game
BBB (Big Black Brutosaur)
im so sad, they're killing my favorite game.
>take stupid ass dinosaur
>make it slightly bigger
>throw on some gold jewelry slop that they've been adding on fucking everything since DF
>make it black and bigger to cater to the crowd even more
>charge 90$
>collect billions
they really just know their audience too well
Devs are BBB fans...
would now be a good time to buy a token for real money? its rising now so you get more for your 20 bucks
wtf I wanna see the Nerub GM on one STAT
Is blizzard incompetent with the warcraft IP?
And it's FOMO
Players love that shit
Same. I'm just defeated at this point. DF had me down, but TWW has defeated me. All I feel about this game is despair.
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i buyded it :)
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haven't been any reported bans in like 7 years, and those that were banned were reversed the next day
blizzard knows but doesn't care unless you exploit with it or flaunt it openly on social media
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what happened
the microsoft buyout was supposed to make the game better
Anyone that said that is clueless.
>t. former halofag and forza racist
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that's only true for modern 3d armor
most equipment are just body textures and adapt to the size
if you're savvy in blender you can just adapt the 3d stuff yourself though for your favorite outfits
sadly equipment textures are hardlocked to 256x512 so if your model has huge tits then it's gonna be blurry and slightly warped if the UV mapping isn't great like my mod here
The game is thriving, no matter what narrative you try to push doomie
>"store mounts keep the sub cost $15! It's unsustainable otherwise!"
I've seen some shit people have said justifying the store but holy fuck.
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Did you really think so?
What gave you that idea? Killing off the favorite notable characters? Forgetting and misusing known characters or items in favor of making up new ones that don't fit? The complete disregard of every character race and both factions? The complete disregard of the world? Shadowlands? The retconning of every monster enemy and cosmic force?
i think the token selling out, a first ever afaik ever since it was added in 2014, speaks for itself, despite what the buckbroken tourists are saying
the new cope is that this mount is what's preventing subscription prices from going up
I'm praying to the gods of capitalism that they increase them
just fucking imagine
nice kiwifarms account anon im sure all your 300 posts are not in any way unhinged
why do people say player nightbornes look bad when this one looks sexier than any belf/nelf?
Finally read this. This shit show had nothing to do with Activision
>Activision was mainly hands off when they first came into picture
>same with Kotick
>Blizzard had already experienced so much growth in such a short amount of time that the cracks were forming even early
>TBC was rushed out to capitalize on WoW's pop culture success
>axed all of Blizzard North, scrapped the almost finished Diablo 3 they were working on and reused a lot the game's tracks in TBC
>spent years and mountains of money on Titan only for it to be completely scrapped
>Kotick only put his boot down on them after the blew millions of dollars on multiple failed cancelled projects
These devs were never based. They got extremely lucky on an mmo and the proceeded to flounder for the next 5 years
This is at least the third time the token sold out. Hell the last time was during df.
never happened
>the new cope is that this mount is what's preventing subscription prices from going up
Stockholm syndrome is a real thing
Well well well... What kind of WoW player do we have here.
what's the quick way to tanaris?
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I told you fags this years ago. WoW was so absurdly successful that it corrupted Morhaime and the rest of the company.

There was an old video going around of WoW pre-release where Morhaime was quoted in the video as saying if they got to 1 million subscribers, it would be their dreams come true.

it got to 12.
The type of player to buy a brutosaur and brag about it on /wowg/. A disgusting cretin, naturally.
major city portal room -> caverns of time
ultrasafe transporter gadgetzan
realistically, caverns of time portal
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Kill Orcs.

Rape Elves (consensually).
Why Aren't YOU Enjoying the War Within?
>>Blizzard had already experienced so much growth in such a short amount of time that the cracks were forming even early
giving young and inexperienced nerds unlimited financial and professional success is a recipe for disaster every time.
I read the WoW Diary and most people at Blizzard thought Vanilla was either going to fail or get like 10k subs max. The development of Vanilla was a shit show because they all had no idea what they were doing and never made that type of game before

Shows how strong the base idea was
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Even nerub's sexo gm?
i wonder if they will cancel another blizzcon too since TWW is doing worse than Trannyflight and they are desperate LOL
I was considering coming back to WoW because my friends are playing again
The mount for the 20th anniversary gave me legit FOMO and I was going to resub this weekend
Hearing about the mount today cured me.

Thanks, Blizzard!
You saved me from making a huge mistake!
They are not going to do blizzcon until there is something big to announce.
becasue im going to miss the brutosaur mount again
why would they think that considering that warcraft 3 was so wildly successful
i mean hell, people still play now, when rts games are pretty much dead
So we are back to maximum doomer wow is dead mode? Awesome, fuck this expansion. Anyone that was talking up this expansion despite how garbage the gearing currently is needs to take a look in the mirror. What happened to making the game alt focused again or giving people more time?
Also the story is fucking trash again...
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>Dr Disrespect.
>They literally made brutosaur available fomo again
you posted this like 10 times already
take a hike, troon
usually Im trying to stay positive, but releasing a bugged and stupid balance patch and then right after selling a mount for 90 bucks on the store...well how can you not turn into a doomer
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>retards still just blatantly lying for (You)s
19 milly unique toons
Of course it's all the filthy paypigs here defending retail wow. How is it that DT of all things ended up being a better xpac than Blizzards hyped return to form called TWW. Fuck even DF is better than TWW so far
most stable wow general poster
Why? Isn't Blizzcon like a festival with merch and other stuff not only announcements? They were doing it all the time before
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I'd fuck him (female) extra hard.
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Just woke up - why is everyone freaking out?
I want to have sex with Melanie Morten
business as usual, nothing to worry about.
Blizzcon was always bad for business (red numbers every single year) and there is nothing important to announce till next year
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OINK OINK OINK OINK INK OINK It will be $500 next time and you will still buy it
Australian SHART...
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I wonder...
the dinosaurs came back
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I'm buying the mount, and you can't stop me!
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Oink Oink Oink I love eating shit so fucking much. Give me more of that shit
brd has fallen
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tich G O D S he bought it
Me in the back
but it did
he bought?
dump eet
Asmongold did an Asmonfold and kneeled to the mob.
His time is over.
Oh yummy I love eating shit so much. Im a dirty little pay piggy that loves giving to Blizzard so much.
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If wowgee had to guess: what percentage of the current dev team do you think have been around since before Legion?
2%, and that includes ion and metzen
But they could turn profit from people paying and being here alone not counting merch and other shit.
They couldn't sell out on tickets 2 years ago and now wow is even bigger flop and other IPs aren't doing that well. No wonder they are cancelling Blizzcon to be honest
>Anniversary event is uninspired
>World content sucks
>Mazed+ is worse than ever
>Already got AOTC

Why play? Game is kinda bad now, I was subbed logged longer in DF. The zones are really bad as well.
why are /v/roons like this. is it their brown skin, lack of hygiene or what
most of the seniors are oldfags from tbc/wrath. like teran gregory or morgan day
why do you fuckers still play this trash ass game go play like litterally anything else
Post a screenshot of your character in game right now
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>Wow's modern audience
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Only problem is it's so convenient and I undercut and flip so fast that now I'm out of money until it rolls back in

Ah well
Millions of Asmonviewers don't even know about brutosaur because Asmongold can't stream the news to the world.
Blizzard is losing billions of dollars at the moment because of it.
5% and i'm being generous
holy fucking shit you retoilet niggers are retarded. how the fuck, in 2024, do you not know your way around classic dungeons?
>you're going the wrong way
>hey you're still going the wrong way
>why are we making this take longer than it needs to?
>you have been removed from the group
the absolute state of this tranny safespace is unreal
im gonna do it bros........... i'm gonna become a paypig............. that mount is just too good a deal.........
Lmao fat cry baby leave your mothers basement for once
>The paypig mount is more expensive than the entire expansion + sub
Bwos.... how did it come to this. What is our future going to look like
>Female Night elf Hunter
Nudes of Nerub gm were leaked and that shit is ... well .... I'll let you decide .......
opinion discard, drink bleach
More ulduar runs then all of fflogs combined btw
>888 bunny rabbits
that's a lot
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This is you right now /wowg/
Was blizzard's master plan to get Hasan to goad him into saying stupid shit to get himself banned so that he couldn't dump on their new cash cowasaurus?? BRILLIANT DANGERHAIR-TIER MOVE!
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Imagine being too poor to have your own mobile auction house when it's now 85% cheaper than the BFA version.
Look at all those Brutosaurs! Yummy!
If I am a paypig then that is my nature. It is all I can be. You don't/can't expect a paypig to not be paypigging meanwhile here you are totally of your own volition by choice huffing all the paypigs' post-shit-eating farts because you love it. :D
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Oh my god it's so yummy guys. Please feed me more
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>Massive QoL so I can flip on the go
>1.3 million that I'll make back in 2 weeks tops
>Line up with the others to watch random passerby /e spit and seethe

That's a lot of fomo right there.
Bro they sold virtual tickets in the past and it was still red, blizzcon will never generate money
I do not feel like farming Ingame anymore
best time to buy the 20 dollar wow token?
when it reaches 300k plus?
Anyone mad at your is some shitter irani who's entire existence is farming and selling gold to survive irl.


I have already made thousands of gold that I wouldn't have otherwise made thanks to my brand new fancyboi by auctioning off some random ass greens that I never would have even looted from the mobs because it's a waste of time to loot them, to mail them to an auction house alt, and have to relog to post them but I figured hey why the fuck not I got my own personal AH right here so I posted them and they sold within only a couple hours. That's another 28k g on top of my Scrouge Mcduck pile.

The rich get richer.
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It's coming out bwos
Most fun caster? Not accounting for bugs
Frost mage
fire/frost mage
That fat hordefag dev from the interview.
Uhhh Metzen maybe?
ele shaman no question
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I just bought the BBB (big BLACK brutosaur) and a wow token
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Look /wowg/, more gifts from Blizzard!
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Please feed me more Microsoft. You are the savior of our game and will lead us into the future
Fire+++/Frost+ mage by a mile

Demo lock used to be a close second but they assfucked that spec into the fucking dirt lol
hey janny
clean these shitheads up
im not gonna lie it's pretty funny
because theyre posting shit lmao
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>Icycrits dead by cyanide
>Rudi dead by cyanide
>Incestral dead by cyanide
>Pozy dead by cyanide
>Entangela dead by cyanide
>Gisco dead by cyanide
>Spitfire dead by cyanide
>Jalopy dead by cyanide
>Nizbun dead by cyanide
>Doutei dead by cyanide
>Khubbo dead by cyanide
>Dohra dead by cyanide
>Potatosock dead by cyanide
>Musei dead by cyanide
>Runeheal dead by cyanide
>Sawicky dead by cyanide
>Polywag dead by cyanide
>Thaspion dead by cyanide
>Ashanari dead by cyanide
>Blueno dead by cyanide
>Aeyr dead by cyanide
>Deathsu dead by cyanide
>Empy dead by cyanide
>Koragon dead by cyanide
>Fey dead by cyanide
>Kaite dead by cyanide
>Jocelyn dead by cyanide
>Danielle dead by cyanide
>Fallaa dead by cyanide
>Pizzacat dead by cyanide
>Lemondo dead by cyanide
>Lynris dead by cyanide
>Nastytaxi dead by cyanide
>Loveoven dead by cyanide
>Slaughterloc dead by cyanide
>Yolocrits dead by cyanide
>Vajeera dead by cyanide
>Yorick dead by cyanide
>Raichoo dead by cyanide
>Roxy dead by cyanide
>Kari dead by cyanide
>Shiki dead by cyanide
>Switch dead by cyanide
>Bearheart dead by cyanide
>Castelia dead by cyanide
>Gruxx dead by cyanide
>Dogman dead by cyanide
>Froo dead by cyanide
>Chen dead by cyanide
>Giggleblush dead by cyanide
>Linstead dead by cyanide
>Pizzaburger dead by cyanide
>Healforfun dead by cyanide
>Ralph dead by cyanide
>Spook dead by cyanide
>Nastynate dead by cyanide
>Puba dead by cyanide
>Mobilitygodx dead by cyanide
>Cuckmeup dead by cyanide
>Haruna dead by cyanide
>Lerou dead by cyanide
>Bannix dead by cyanide
>Von dead by cyanide
>Qtbootygodx dead by cyanide
>Playpal dead by cyanide
>Niggertrey dead by cyanide
>Tau dead by cyanide
>Troves dead by cyanide
Am I the only person who likes Arcane?
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the hilarious factor just made me enjoy my purchase even more
if people just ignored it it I might have felt a little guilty but being mass targeted for hate emotes / speech is so fucking funny for riding the 1.3m gold mount
You stupid, subhuman fuck. It's not about the gold. It's not about the money. $90 is fucking nothing today. 1.2 million gold is fucking nothing today.

It's like the streaming collapse! We could have everything on Netflix still! Remember when 99% of everything you wanted to see was on one service? Remember when they didn't bounce content around so you never knew where it was? Remember when you didn't have to spend $80 to get half a dozen decent shows? Remember when you didn't have to bother with piracy or VPNs or your ISP fucking with you for torrenting?

EVERYONE FUCKING KNEW NOT TO GIVE MONEY TO THE OTHER STREAMING COMPANIES. Those of us who are actual, rational humans and not ambulatory pieces of literal dog shit TOLD YOU not to give them your money because if you didn't, everything would go back to the way they were before, but if you did, everything would just get worse and worse and worse.

And you fucking retards fell for it EVERY GODDAMN TIME.
It's fucking impossible that the human race doesn't destroy itself in the next 50 years because most of you absolute morons are so stupid you'd let a corporation shove its fist so far up your ass it came out your mouth if they dangled a shiny pebble in front of your sub-30 IQ ugly fucking face.

This shit is so easy. But so many of you are just so stupid that you're legitimately not even people anymore. You're closer to a fucking pig or cow or other farm animal than to a human being. So you get farmed for money like good livestock.
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when is the token price going to go back down? it cant keep going up, right?
Let him post, I like that guy.
I have not played arcane since the rework but I just love frost and it feels good with frostfire.
Please stop talking about w*rld *f w*rcraft during melty hours
too bad it's dogshit and does half the damage it did last week both SS and FF
did you just compare wow with a streaming platform



hahaha! blizzard just made boatloads of money giving players something they've been requesting for years!
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Myself after Microsoft gave me what I always wanted
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BRD status post nerf
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okay but where was the AH mount in vanilla? tbc? wrath? did not exist, their services got better not worse.
Just the right kind of chubby.. Like a good slampig.
gutted by about 40%
let me know when it hits 300k and I'll sell one of you chuddies a token
Actually the only people at fault are token sellers. Token buyers capitalize on that stupidity.
You paypiggies know this won't be the end of this right. The next must have mount is going to be 2x this price or more.
Next step is going to hilarious for sure.
We can only predict what it is going to be.
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>poors can't even afford to license stock images when trying to shame richards
Not my problem.
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>wowg right now
You are all responsible for the state of this game right now
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Thank you Blizzard! :3
the good state? you're welcome
How much would you sell the Deathchargers reigns for?

I got it in the TW dungeons and sold it for 100k.
It'll undoubtedly go up even more since it's Fridayb tomorrow and then the weekend when people who have obligations or jobs (which net them disposable microtransaction income) will get some time off and will want to ride around on their new BBBs.
It goes for ANYTHING. Fucking everything is ruined. Every mom and pop store in my town is gone because lazy fucking retards couldn't resist the walmart that opened 30 minutes away. I did the fucking math. They spent more in gas getting to it than they saved by shopping there. They fucking bankrupted a dozen mom and pop businesses AT GREATER EXPENSE TO THEMSELVES, just to shop at a billion dollar corporation known to commit millions of dollars in wage theft violations every year.

And the list goes on and on. You name it, stupid consumers being too retarded to be trusted with money have ruined everything good related to that thing.

Here's a good starting point: https://www.darkpattern.games/
Note that most of these patterns weren't in the game before the first merger, but every time they've merged or been bought the quality has gotten worse, but the company has made more money. Supposedly, that stupid sparkly horse mount made more money for Blizz than the entirety of Starcraft 2, so SC2 died and they put more resources into cash shop bullshit.

It drives me fucking insane that every Econ 101 class says both parties must be informed and rational for a deal to be fair but 90% of the public demonstrates daily that they're neither informed nor rational with their money. And the rich just fucking rake everyone over the coals because of it.
Who the fuck buys that lol.
It's not like it has a 0.02% drop chance anymore.
Good state? How in any way shape or form is this a good state. This is far worse than DF right now and that's saying something
now that's cap
you should move to north korea
I wouldn't expect conservacucks who view money as the end-all-be-all of humanity to listen, anon.
leveling is so fucking boring holy shit
It really isn't. The game right now is grindy as fuck in a simillar way to early shadowlands. Delves are a waste of time and might as well not exist. Nothing new exists while everyone just does the same treadmill as always.
The 'story' which was meant to be a main selling point for this xpac was short and garbage.

So tell me again what is good about TWW?
WoW is designed to encourage you to take breaks. Go play Metaphor, SH2 or Cod6 then come back refreshed and ready for more wow
>have a comfy night shift security job making $20 an hour with great benefits, all I need to do is just check in guests and make phonecalls
>can spend literally half the shift playing wow, do so with volume off so that I can hear everything around me without issue
>in a single shift after taxes i have the money to buy the mount
>only actually paid $30 out of pocket for it because I used my worthless gold to buy some tokens for balance
>funny dinosaur mount cost the same as the shitty warforged nightmare mount that was so bad it had to be literally removed from the cash shop

ez clap desu
post your character
current wow is not design for you to take brakes though. TWW has ramped up the amount it expects you to grind once again
They should have at least made the mount part of some 6 month sub bundle or something, make it feel less egregious.
don't care about brutosaur
just enjoying how prot pal was propelled into the best tank for this season after the changes
doing 800-900k average dps over a m+ run, SoTR uptime is far better, you kick more spells than your entire group combined, and divine shield has so much CDR that you can cheese tons of mechanics like bubbling the slam on skarmorakk to spawn no shards more than twice in the encounter
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I am currently raiding 8 times a week on classic era, but want to play retail and have no idea how I will spare the time for it.
Uhhhh tf you talking about? Warforged nightmare is kino!
January when the mount is gone from the shop.
I have "millions" of gold in transmog/unavailable shit that'll probably take months/years to sell. What's the best US server to consolidate it all on? I guess factions don't matter anymore since Warbands let me trade freely but is A52 better than Illidan?
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We are so cute guys. Look at how blizzard now sees us
I did a stonevault 10 with a good group and the prot tank was pumping hard like the dps shits crazy it was 2 chested
Don't care. What else am I going to spend my money on? Women? LOL
That's because you're bad at it.
yeah the dps is 20-25% higher than any other tank
how does that change anything unironically
Absolutely no lies detected.
both, or MG
like what? the important stuff is weekly
there's no torghast. no box of many things. no codex farm. no sockets of dominaiton. no shards of domination
i don't get it. like even if you're a giga casual you do the weekly vault stuff and weeklies, then you can spend most of the time doing whatever you like, or just log out until reset
lol seething poorfag
Such a dead p2w game
I think he wasnt dumping the weapon hero talent on me (rogue) and thats based on aa speed right?
>this is who spends their time crying about avatarfags
Honest question, would racism against fictional races be bannable? Like if I say stuff like vulpera are not people and have no rights and wahtnot.
And sacred weapon is currently bugged and only going on healers so it's going to get even better.
no. I'm sick and tired of people who don't give a shit about this game weighing in. people who barely play in any real capacity and insult every new development while contributing nothing. how about pay up, or reveal yourself as a traitor when people ask you where your brutosaur is.
The RP scene must be atrocious these days so I'm sure you'd get banned for fantasy racism.

Move on anons.
>celestial steed copypasta
damn just made me nostalgic for 2010
>Casually deciding to ignore the current state of the crest system
You are being disingenuous as fuck and you know it. TWW made this system far more grindy than in DF
>filling a group for first 4 mythic bosses
>while i was alt tabbed some guy linked raid leader's warcraftlogs. (he is not 8/8 heroic)
>everyone starts leaving
this community man i swear i hate these people so so much
Is templar that far behind ls? I prefer big hammer bonk to the buff uptime minigame
figure it out yourself
transmog is high as gas on my server, tichondrius
how are you coming to that conclusion
finally did a +10...
maybe wow isnt so bad after all

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