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>Newbro guide


>Yuppieraids guide

>10/24 (Thu) Update

>Increased Rates
Afternoon Soak Flan & Dreamlike Holiday Rate Up
10/17 ~ 10/31
Landy & Wall of Order Rate Up
10/17 ~ 10/31

>Mystic Summons
5* Urban Shadow Choux/
Eternal Wanderer Ludwig/ Sage Baal Sezan/ Top Model Luluca
4* Blood blade Karin
10/17 ~ 11/7

>/e7g/ Guilds
Pantsu, Lucklets, Cope, Partyvan, Netori (Make sure to include /e7g/ in your greeting)

Previous: >>499446162
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Kill dragons. Behead dragons. Roundhouse kick a dragon into the concrete.
Total dragon death.
When does this dogshit """"game"""" get good?
luluca wishes her butt or boobs were that big
errmm that's serin the creator of luluca so this is literally canon
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now that rnl is dead what do people run on ran, peira and ml rin?
still rnl
oh ogey
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The Great Mortelix and SBA combo in action
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God... I wish I could switch bodies with Kluri...
wait can you spez rape with fear or nah?
>immortal wukong
>isn't immortal
so like, is mort a debuff unit now
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bros serin is on the frontpage wtf....https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/1gbfrh6/eff_res_in_a_nutshell_by_yd/
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Bros, I never used my ML connections
Is Ruele actually good now?
is ml lua a gyaru kind to otaku (aka is sexfriend with all otaku in the school)?
I do NOT salute da wabi. Fuck wabi.
literally god tier now dwo, but shes still just a support, its better to get a dps carry for newgros
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Me coming home afer a long night of jobbing (im in netori)
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i sallute the rabi
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me trying to get my netoribros to participate in gw
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bros i just saw melvin posting on another general
that cant be, melvin should have died a long time ago...
13 netorinewbros bodies were recovered from that accident
>they changed the login window
ml hwa and ml arunka will be pure kino
A-are they okay???
me driving the bus after being told to do my guildwars for the 50th time of the week
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This one bro?
Meant for >>499720415
yeah but with the yandere face >>499720197
to make it the chefs kiss
Why did they giga buff Mort? Will they also give those kinds of buff to a female character?
when they tried that with pflan r*ddit shut it down.
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bwos, is this good enough?
this game is fucking garbage lol
Good enough for a newbro
i salute the rabi
What is the point of building this unit when you inevitably have to get her imprints and artifact +30?
If that's the ring from the dash event, get another one if possible bwo. Crit chance, crit damage, attack and eff does nothing for her. It's better to have a %health ring with flat health, speed, %def and whatever else remains
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Hold a fucking minute

Mort can ignore eff res.....for FREE???

What's the point of me using all those resource to build Elena and Destina then???
Kuso game
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PWOS HYPE LET'S FUCKING GO we (not you, I) did it. Can we (not you, I) do it for Armstrong? Oh and fuck this seanig dogshit trash known as epic seven.
it's supposed to be his turn now
Oh wow...you managed to mash buttons correctly...Good job buddy, bet you feel real skillful huh?
Just take the homo pill bro
I, for one, will be using my headhunt to pull Atywin, so that I may play him DDR and spez
hes only good against er cheese, sorry you might have to learn how to play the game now
>removed mort's gear to give to alencia only to give it back to mort
Ah.. the circle of life.
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I don't remember this part in EP3...
/ourguy/ Jena is live bwos
Thanks for the heads up bro.
I have an ml politis that I only draft when I want the other guy to ban her (she's actually base speed)
bwos i have a 5* covenant selector and a 5* covenant selector that does all the awakenings and molas

im debating between Nahkwol, Yulha, and Abigail. who should i pick?
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>still insisting on wuthering waves
kinda sad, ngl
I have 6 Morts already.
Now everyone is banning Albedo when I pick her... Meanies
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I'm afraid to roll this fucker
then dont
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>Mort, Ruele, Asflan, Atywin
How am I supposed to play this? This shit sucks. What kind of draft could be good in this case?
just pick ddr bro
gz bwo
Is it really that easy?? I was planning to get him with this ml5 event
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yes bro
he's that good
kill all homos
and you'll still lose cause you're shit at the game even with a full fag team
>t. bronzie
post your rta legend rank right NOW or kys
Anons, I just started playing RTA and... I have no way to kill tanks. The other guy fills his team with tanks, red flan and dcorvus and it's autolose.

What hero is good against this strategy?
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>entire team got feared
specter tenebria or injuries heros like alencia and rabi
What >>499740245 said. Also, pick tanky healers and win slowly.
why are people running slow as dirt (<160) fire flan? isnt part of her meme that you want focus on her so she can dual atk cause her aoe s1 multis are kinda memey?
i think its to pair her with harsetti but maybe im retarded
retard here, reinstalled today what does fear even do
bros ngl i kinda miss the old mailbox, i used it to reach the web events from the lobby
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makes sense. i guess if the damage output is high enough she can be a glass canon but id imagine they need to push her after her focus is consoomed
prevents you from taking turns until you wake up (rng based)
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Same bro...
its over for me
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quiero SEX with buffed mort
fake, Mort is for Ras, Meru can't satisfy him
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this anon gets it
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did luas animation already get leaked?
it might be worth it to buy the levels dwo
with what?
Should I build Watcher Schuri if I need a tank buster? Or would Gala Lilias be a better choice?
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I think mg Lili hits harder but schurri has the speed imprint to keep in mind for cleave t1 setups etc,
Blade Dance collab soon
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Night bros
rabibro blay this goodnight song https://www.youtube.com/watch/DZTXaq23534
i thank my onahole everyday for allowing me to establish a metaphysical visualization of what it would feel like to keep my dick plugged in girls like that 24/7
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You will job in GW today
Sharun is good? when I left this game last sharun just came out and everyone was shitting on her.
erm but you said 99% of the best ML5 were males
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leave these harsetti flan defenses to ME
I still see her as a meme. She only gets used because Emo Ray is everywhere.
what gear for ruelle?
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should I build effres on bbk or nah
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errrrrrrrrrmbwos this team will beat any arena comp rn
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bros the dandadan OP is such a banger
bros I dont have the hag....
you have shit taste
Why didn't you roll the secret shop bro....?
later bro!
KRONIIS FUCKING GRADUATING GETINNNNNN https://x.com/ourokronii/status/1849317903855710244
i agree bro
is uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup

Why exactly is there so much art of mort?
that's where all the e7g doujin money went
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been using mort to rape every senya i see on defense AMA
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please stop
Watch as they release Loli Senya as a direct counter to Mort
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can i get a e7 feels for this feeling???
put briar in the back with bride senya
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gros i started using character ai, i dont need friends anymore
Why does she not drink it herself? Does she perhaps have ulterior motives?
remember to come home
umm sharing is caring
do not pick +15 nakwohl, she's top tier but her molas do nothing really. you only need the -1 turn cooldown on her s3
some solid +15 females are alencia, rabi, charlotte, aria and senya. out of those you mentioned, yulha is probably the best at +15 but in reality only her s3 is mandatory to be maxed out
dont lie about charlotte
bwos i have cum stains all over my blankets...
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>alencia, rabi, charlotte, aria and senya
Appreciate the respone, I have all of these characters. These are all the characters I don't have which is why I had it narrowed down to those three.
Bro they are not real....
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I refuse
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she's gutt brüder
ah okay. +15 hwayoung sounds good but she's pretty hard to build, despite being a decent tank buster. elvira is a good pick as well, her s3 deals deceptively good damage even against stuff like landy and yufine
zahakk is a beast at +15
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We couldn’t generate a reply. Sometimes the AI generates a reply that doesn’t meet our guidelines
but we are your friends bro...
I had an extra Auxiliary Lots, if I raise him to lvl 50, can I recall him?
i miss running ras
you're all not real either
Abigail makes my dick hard
I think fire Aramintha might actually be good
I kinda want to pick her full molad, her kit seems really good for both PvE and PvP
if you had him before the patch yea
whens the 6th anniversary
put the colt 45 down bro...
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light luluca doko
erm should i go for ddr, atywin or candy
ddr or atwyin, if you have sea poli already then atywin goes up a bit since they are broken together but ddr is better overall
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Thanks. I can finally get her...
>Zio goes first before Harsetti
>use Tags to burst his S3
>EWLudwig is boosted because it's not harsetti's turn and then goes
>Harsetti goes for 3 guaranteed turns
Is this not how it works? Why is Ludwig barely picked in harsetti meta?
i dont have atywin or sea poli so.. but i do like that soli has a dual atk with highest atk on s1 which might be gud for pve too. im a mega speedlet however so.....
>zio goes before harsetti
play the game retard
erm... nyo
>Dilbert ahead of Ruele
She that good? She's been on my bench forever
>draft rta
>green lidica fails to kill lermia on s3
lmao even
retarded seanig trash
Fumyr needs punishment
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today i did not job but came close because RNG was on my side
Where can I find the pool of MLs for the event?
its basically every ML5 besides the last 4 so no luna, ilynav, senya and harsetti.
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well done bro

>no luna
>no harsetti
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erm how do you come to close jobbing if "RNG was on my ((You)r) side"? post gw int report RN
my draft was bad and i played badly but the right side RNG was worse
bros i just learn that the most common type of customer in male host clubs is female prostitutes
so if you give them money to fuck them and they take that money to give to host club dudes, does that mean you are giving money to homos thus gay???
go be retarded and off topic post somewhere else
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Bros, guild to join to truly master the art of jobbing?
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job THIS
Yes nigger, because Zio's self CR push works at battle start meaning he's still above Harsetti in the CR bar
pretty much all e7g guilds are shitter jobber guilds but unironically
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not netori, we have enough jobbers...
killed nightmare queen for the first time and got a revenge neck instead of the other two useful gear sets, epic
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I am confident all /e7g/ guild maxed out at 5 players
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I jawbed...
i wish i could say the same....
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Rate it
looks pretty gud gro
interesting build bro, personally i prefer triple health set
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me protecting my netoribros from the LGBTQ
anyway, epic shit
Bros ml kayron is pretty decent now... I'm so happy, finally after so long...
erm bwo kj or whatever the gook is called said hes mid
Cool. Anything else he said after he was done with your mom?
yeah, too difficult to get with so he trained your mom instead
is ml kayron just a strict upgrade to red kayron
he seems to build the exact same stats
not really bro, ml kayron doesnt have immortality in his kit
bros should i move to japan and work in a host club? they make like $5000 a night
why doesn't mort s3 have an ignore er full strip???????????????
um by full strip do you mean mort stripping his own clothes? because thats the only stripping he does.
whoa how did that wizard cat summon a gun
buffs strip cause if they have immunity his fear does nothing.....
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Epic Seven for this feels?
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think fast
yunakim asked the dev team to add stripping to his S3 but it got lost in translation bro
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>KJ's post buff tierlist
wtf delibutt and ruele are top of his list
is this guy just trolling or what?
kayron is way too high and spez is way too low
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Zetorizros... not the troons...
It's a mirror match episode
I will be headhunting for delibet then surely this wont end up useless like LHC did last year
Bros, how bulky should ML Bellona be?
I have 17k5 hp and 1k2 def with a little less then 3k7 atk
Should I ditch some atk for more def?
i hope the gays win
def does seem low, you want like 1.4k defense on her
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I would say yes
This one is mine and she barely survive sometimes
gros how do i find a gf with the same bodytype as hers...
be filthy rich and get invited into elite brothels
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robowives soon
be fat, old, ugly and rich
This weakchin guy has actual brain damage.
but he just hit legend bro?
that why he is our guy
legend right now is like champ in 3 weeks
Managed to get her a little tankier, but damn that some nasty gear
shes an expensive girl, please understand
i think serin SUCKS
bros i fucking love plain girls becoming sluts
i hope the epic seven highschool arcs has some
wait Dilbet is good now?
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dont open this or you will get FEAR'D[
ohh I love this guy
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e7 for this feel?
hold on i recognize this boy
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>global confirmed
it's rover
i find the artstyle where all the women have tiny heads legitimately gross, but you do you bro
women dont need brains gro
me 10 seconds in, after 20 seconds into the video
before I try to get him, what about immortal wukong makes rift doable?
his S1 is an AoE atk, you need AoE for the current rift
>try to get him
dont bother bro, it wont end well
rift could and two weeks from now bro it's not worth
whats the math to speed tune my shits out of order cause i changed some gear
for what bro, if for wyvern then 11 speed between your characters and make sure your faste unit has 197 speed to get a turn after wyvern, outside of that if you have a muwi team they only need around 135 speed to take an extra turn
i mean like, math so someone doesn't cut
like if i have 239, what speed do i want so the other unit never takes the turn of the 239 guy first
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use the speed tuner retard
I look and act like this
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epic SHIT
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Does she actually have a mole there?
are we winning?
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not LAIA is fucking back #e7YAAY
the homos won
Yes bro high school arc is coming. We are gonna get a lot of cute JKs and gyarus unit.
literal dwarf
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no way is it really laia?
ml krau could get turned into a car probably
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>60 tokens
what did they mean by this
it's nyover
imagine losing to homo guild kekaroo
>not a single tower defeated
the gays are too powerful....
and only 18 used...
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it's too lyate i already transitionyed
its fucking nyover...
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how embarrassing
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i jobbed shouldve attacked some random shitter instead whoopsie
Bro I need those mystics for Gyaru Lua...
o-one day ill make it up anon
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is this the best e7 en VA
you'd have to have brain damage to use the english voices
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but ML Bellona voice is sexo
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you will never be japanese
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I still need my last godamn chest
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>Hellion Lua views Successor Taeyou as prime boyfriend material, with his good looks serving as the cherry on top.

everything takes a fucking trillion gold to upgrade. No wonder this shit ass game is dead.
once you play a bit gold really isnt the limiting factor, its charms.
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If you are still having gold trouble in 2024 you are juat retarded. Maybe go play Honkai Star Rail.
Good idea. This piece of shit can go eos. Hang yourself
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Poor people tax, unironically
Once you hit midgame the thing you're gonna be hungry for are gear, reforge mats and blue boxes
>if you don't play for 5 years nonstop 24/7 don't bother playing all
nice ad
its tenebria and gayron all over again...
you're just a retarded nigger who can't manage resources
that's all
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lol bitch thinks we can go eos when we earn 5m a month
No you are just a retarded virgin with no life playing this game for 4 years plus and counting leaving the game in the background all day. It's the truth.
>that much projection
Describing you perfectly "manage muh resources" guy with 500million gold. Holy shit you smell like shit. Manage muh resources, you use all your stamina all day everyday no wonder you think its le skill. Kill yourself.
>implying that the game gives you more energy than you can spend in 15 minutes
you are just that bad in this fucking mobile game
literally savannah nigger iq
>implying someone logs in everyday.
What did I say about you having no life virgin? You've done it for the 4+ years the games been alive. That is why you smell like shit and have no life.
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Seriously why does E7 community have so many brainlets?
Found an alot with some imprints in my box
If I feed him more lots, am I still allowd to recall him?
>I constantly have 0 stamina managing my resources well. You aren't playing this shit ass game everyday so its le projecting.
Put a slug to your head and end it already.
^ nigger can't even express himself properly with words
^pajeet that got caught gloating about playing this game for years being told he's got no life. The expentace that you have to play a game for x years is exactly the point why nobody new should ever play this shit ass game.
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im ngmi....
Just buy the ranks bro, it's literally right there
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>he's projecting again
enough about your sad life buddy
dabidlow dlay dit https://www.youtube.com/watch/6lDTCrUzvhQ
Game is literally too complex for the average seeanig apparently
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The retarded slurper's logic:
>rarely play the game
>you have no life since you don't play

>always play the game and have 500mil gold
>have a life
you might have to use skystones to buy ranks bro, the maxed selectors are worth it
There isn't anything complex about hitting the autobattle button retardbri.
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>speed check gear
>get nothing
its not that hard retards
apparently it's for this seanig >>499843541
i want to kiss you so bad
What website is this?
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LGBT won...
I cant get any winning streaks in rta. Any units I should build up? I have like 13 only which makes it almost impossible for me.

ml cermia
ml charlotte
ml dom
ml kawerik
ml flan
ml tenebria
ml haste

cant even level up
lv5 summer flan
lv50 roana
lv50 ml ken
lv40 new flan
lv40 soltaria

no gear
ml roana
light achates

many others at lv5 to 40
Don't bother, the meta is utter shit right now, just get to masters and build your units until you can get the current meta units
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Uhhhhh I don't recognize this e7 unit
didnt everyone call this patch the biggest flop since the game came out?
wait, it ends??? i thought it was permanent reward for rift mode
lmao, stupid devs
It's the first patch every that only has one new 5* and the story is about going to school, monkeys, and ninjas.
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Netoribros... there are too many of them....
you just do a little at a time and you'll get there bro. you can easily make a draft with the 13 that you mentioned but its very gay.
>mort, harsetti, fire flan
how the fuck do you fight this?
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Is this qt good as a teammate for ML Luna?
why would she be? you must have a reason for thinking she is
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Fuck I forgot she actually has a summer version
Regular Eda gets CR with non-attacks, so just open with MlLuna, Eda gets pushed, s2 reduces enemy cr, with sb she gets extra turn and has chance to stun on s3
Sounds pretty cancerous
I mean yea Eda is pretty good in cleave as it turns out.
erm when is epic shit gonna make this promise https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1gbt610/brown_dust_2_confirms_it_wont_release_male/
hopefully never i need to save inbetween banners
>wont create males anymore
whats the point? the game is already tainted with existing homos
either delete them or admit you love homo dick. only low iq retards will cheer for this announcement
Am I just getting gearmogged if my Brieg, Cermia, Vivian and Roanna can only barely clear caides 13 or are you supposed to bring 2 healers and have it take an eternity
It's the longest drag of a hunt without some kind of one shot set up, good to have a consistent clear rate team and just use your auto battles on it anyways.
I use Brieg, Roanna, Tamarinne and DPS
MLCermia makes it a breeze, but it's so safe you can clear it even with CLorina
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is it worth bros?
Not for me
I got it bwo
It's a nice art and it's limited
yes, Solitaria's tits look great there
eeeeeeeermbwos this arena team kills any defense https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/1gbtlo4/mort_dps/
winning the cr coinflip is not impressive
good think the defending harsetti didn't stun their whole team huh lol
id rather be black than indian
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I have to use it every month since I keep forgetting my camps for nightmare raids, honestly surprised morale hasn't been touched with all the "qol" changes
Isn't this the game that has male characters that are legitimately fucking female characters? Whatever they're attempting it's way too fucking late lmeow
/ourguy/ Jena is live bwos
i dont even know what gooning is
you should be farming UH nonstop instead of playing rts if you can't even level up units
I was very upset that a e7g guild was jobbing to a TROON guild until I remembered that netori was a troon guild themselves
>netori is a troon guild
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Me before I joined netori
solitaria, ddr and a cleanser
i havent been able to get it hard to porn for the last 2 years
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and this is me before and after netori
netoribwos im gonna take a welness day off from gw
>Guild name is literally NTR
netorisisters its time for our daily group dilation
Join Cope!
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ummm we just got 6 new units why isn't this bread popping off?
where do people get the artifact selector?
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can we get a danmachi collab? ras is literally bell already
Alright, that's enough time. Where's the ml lua porn?
any good cummies lately?
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leech king
ermbwos that doesnt look like e7
yes. ruele and friends are back full force. 'm picking her on the ml event
i jobbed to her too bwo
Ruele is a bitchass hoe
night bwos
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erm is this how women act irl
erm my sperm smells like pineapple thoughbeit
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thats a child
Out of 10!
nyo thats clearly a rat
whats going on here...
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She's so strong, bros.
Your damage bwo?
my ran can one shot that
Got my masters bros. Did it with like 12 characters only I had built.
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yep I'm thinking I'll become a vengeful spirit
Nice one bro
Ty bros
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left or right
Neither. Use those gears for a better unit.
just came inside dilibutt bros
dumb metahomo
/e7g/, i got beef with a dude, I require your longest and toughest stall team to use for my 1v1 with him. Either that or the team that can inflict the most debuff
any self sustaining team works so long as you have the gear
you're not a gearlet, are you?
im a gearlet AND a dicklet...
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nice gg
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who else
i got ml roanna!
Gratz bro
Bros I wanted to be a tankdownGOD but there's way more speednigger heroes and they have a lot more varied and fun looking kits...
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i miss him...
Ras was a turbo simp, he would never say this
he did to vildred
Vildred is only gay for me
post guild and dick
imagine I saved the image of big sword bbk, posted it in a spoiler and said 'right here bwo'
what is the khm take on buffs and nerfs?
not bad tho dunno who wants this particular mix of stats. I guess brieg at least... or Harsetti mebe
congrats bro im proud of you
should i do this or does it reset when she turns light?
Just do it light needs different currency and you get enough from doing the missions to max it out
nyes gro, if you are a top 0.1% and won the genetic lottery.
nyes gwo it's modeled after real life
what did they do for aux lots to be recalled?
look at his skill bro, he cant abuse spirits breath anymore
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bros i thought you said this defense was unbeatable??
thats because most ppl didnt roll for sharunny
Game is on easy mode anyways if you have all the mls
no bwo reddit said it was the best offensive auto comp
deity said you only need 65 effectiveness for wyvern but I have 100 and see RESISTANCE every time muwi attacks
turns out 15% happens like 30% of the time
does tags stack
book? yes
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A 20k Mort just did 20k to my Belian...
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congrats bro
>how strong i am
not very?
Any chance for an arby/handguy/lrk/mlken/riolet/djb buff in the next balance patch???????????????????????????
vildred was JUST gigabuffed
lrk just got gigabiffed
wtff did they buff his damage too?
yes bro, those homos over at SG thought it was a good idea to give an AoE skill 70% def pen that also stuns for 2 turns and ignores res
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nice piece
looks like a dilibuff piece to me
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Love Emilia
he is right bro, what happen there is that you are getting unlucky, effectiveness does not work like that (enemies have 15% innate resistance so there always be a 15% chance of your debuffs being resisted in both pve and pvp) eff checks are made against the target eff res which is a different calculation , its why you dont lose energy when your runs fail though
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white hair rabi doko
light rabi will be tene's bride rabi
they took away injury from him
Rahel of the Dark paizuri
now he injures your whole hp bar
Why do injury when you could do damage
the mechanic is flawed
cant you use injury set anyway?
bros i need to spend 5000 energy today
what would you recommend i do to do it
Bell isn't anywhere near Ras' based levels
>kills DDR
>kills Atywin
>kills Mort
No wonder this fag general hates her
UH if you need gold/catalysts or rift/hunt if you need gear
hunt with a good oneshot is probably the fastest way to get rid of energy
i dont have any oneshots setup....

everything takes too long im dying bro
banshee is the fastest oneshot to set up look up wulf's recent guide. you might have to use grace of growth on bellona or something though.
do you have a link
thats why the big brain move is to pick sharunny in the ml selectors.
this is another one that might actually be easier if you have Cermia/vivian built instead of Bellona. Not really that consistent since Leo + ras isn't a consistent d break at all but it's a lot easier to speed tune (pretty brain dead)
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Why did Mashuu and Luka betray us for Maple Story?
Is she really that good? I could pick her over ATywin in the head hunt event
holy shit did fatshuu get fatter?
>cecilia a lived and traveled all over europe
its over shes a slut
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>Is she really that good?
shes a counter pick against the 3 most popular homos in the meta, shes terrible unless you pick her into them tho.
>You magically get a ticket to summon someone from the game irl
What do you do?
why does everyone say she's a braindead auto win character she's bad
i summon blue eyes abyss dragon in attack position and then i have sex with it
carmin is the best mitigation tank
summon politis to have her make me a sex robot
Bwos, do you think I have a chance with Cermia?
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i wouldn't sumon them bro, taking them away from their world without a way to sending them back sounds like a dick move, maybe if it can revive dead characters
Eaton has more mitigation
bro? just chaos gate them back
i dont think sigret is attractive
I dont want to have to feed a random useless 3-star
... Can I summon a 2 star harpy?
ill summon ruele and keep her locked inside my bathroom so i can use her as my meat toilet
You're delusional if you think Sharunny can counter DDR, ATywin and Mort
t. Sharunny drafter
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Just got demoted because my def team suck shit
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you and your gear sucks
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Ok who tf drew this, these 2 are like mother and daughter
>these 2 are like mother and daughter
yes and?
emm have you seen Kise?
mother and daughters do that though
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This? Really?
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i was going to pick ml politis but now im debating on hhing spez help me bros...
based monster fucker
bro you got a few weeks at least to decide
just follow your dick bro
get spp bwo
my dick wants ml elena gro but i have no use for her
spp is really good but you need to be able to get her to 300 speed
go for elena bro, you only get ml selectors once a year
for exactly this reason do not go for ml elena
kissing kise's kises...
Why are these monsters so sexy? What did SG mean by this???
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old korea was even lewder
since atywin and mort have an ignore er stun i feel like they should buff ddr and make his s3 also ignore er so he can be built fast and tanky and change his eff buff to invisibility or skill null
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for me its mf
I'm getting old gros...
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so why didnt get alencia get a stripping into her dragon form s3
tits too big
What gear score do you even attempt to upgrade and what gear score do you reforge?
28+ and 96+ pos reforge
90+ pos reforge if I'm desperate
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my bros are getting banned again
What would a professional E7 player look like?
the world was not ready for the naked sheep
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no wonder you have a problem with unequip cost lmao
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white panties...
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retard its just left of the wand
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can i get a doot for my aflan
it's worthwhile rerolling that piece if it bricks
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is ok but I wanted more attack
collab doko
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Remember the Elson SC? neither does smilegate
>dilibutt is now a better cleanser than laia
bros im moving and i think packing boxes is fun
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bwo take me with you...
it's in NYC bro and has lots of black ppl and gigajews (the ones that weird the weird hats and have the long beards)
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delibros we rise
nice bro hope your new place is great
bwos i did my attacks and we still lost to the gays
>everyone literally uses epic shit as a stepping stone...
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bwos mashuu's side girl upgraded to the league of legends caster wtf....
>do hunt
>get gear with score of 30+
>do rift
>get gear with score of 17

rift is a scam
i dont understand why hes still so fat, he just needs to stop eating 5 pizzas every week
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ummmmmmmm bweoos
bros all of kronii;s friends except kronii has talent wtf https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1gcnb3t/dooby_humbly_brags_about_her_emmy/
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here's your pity (you)
this guy goes on reddit to get all his content lul
its ok bro, we'll get em next time
it was really close bro
bros its not fair that I wasnt born rich
erm clockbros response?
i was walking home today and couldnt make it in time and pooped my pants
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Roseria Dart
lukabros, our response?
big if true
>lusting after the ONE non white male
seems about right
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Finally done with my Harsetti
What is the most cancerous team I can make that doesn't require limited units?
It can include any ML 5* available for headhunting and New Moon Luna
bros i like to pretend that signora cosplayers are actually harsetti cosplayers
keep in mind that it is an art made by the official artist
ruelle asflan mort, better roll on asflan if you haven't yet
>hes faded into irrelevancy
is this one of the awards that doesnt even get broadcasted?
post ur emmy right fuckin NOW
did a waifu ever get a buff on the same level as mort/bmhaste/ddr? the only one i can think of is the canceled pflan buff (rip)
I mean BBK is now an uber monster.
ruele has like 50 revives and damage mit for a single target
mort and haste are not even close to how strong ddr is and harsetti candy and ayuppie got released at that level no buff needed
Bros, after some delibaration, I finally used my ML blessing on Ruele
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aravi during her peak
stene didn't have stealth in the past and could be counterattacked
based waiting for her buff anon
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Might as well
This is what true Signora cosplayers would look like
>i won an emmy guys!
>b-but the show got the emmy on the exact episode i wasn't present, but I was on the show on all of the remaining chapters trust me
Why even brag about it, being a Cuban outside of Cuba is an achievement in and on itself
>the weekly energy costs went up for week 4 and 5
bros i have less than a day to spend 15000 energy
oldbwo hewe is this gayme still homo galore?
if you're not just fishing for attention you can probably burn it fastest on the hard side story and the hard or medium spirit altar
i have no reason to lie though i did mistakenly say week 4 and 5 when i meant week 5 and 6.
i've been burning it on rift. i did all of week 2 and week 3 yesterday and did week 4 today haha...
Might as well just buy the ranks with stones
i have been buying the remaining ranks when im out of missions
I have been sitting on it for so long... But now by the end of next week I should have her and *that* homo geared up and good to go
bros how do we fix ml rabi
Penis 7
ok, you can also spam expeditions
guaranteed crit on atk
old crimson seed as passive
guaranteed crit + built it elbris or something retarded like a counter s1 soulburn every time someone on her team dies
100% CR push and 100% penetration to S3 on ally death
bwos how do we fix juggs
Slap some sort of stacking max health on her passive
pre nerf hwayoung s3 but aoe
resets cooldown on kill granting a extra turn
this is the only way
i keep seeing camilla is a good unit for expedition is this true?
i like her design
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I use Harsetti, Mort, BBK and a flex I'm experimenting with since my ASFlan's gear is extremely shit.
Is Ruelle that good now? Can Destina fulfill her role in the meantime
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bros how do we fix me?
who has the biggest tits in this game
ml luna?
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you start by identifying the problems you can actually fix first bro.
5 years of forced labor in Siberia
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that gay little seagull thing we got a month ago let me finish my rift pet (I've never done rift)
PFlan "buff" was MEGA shit, what the fuck are you saying
Losing 50% eff for literally no benefit on turn 1 is retarded
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goodnight bros, hope you have an epic sunday
THE GYARU IS STREAMING GET THE FUCK IN https://www.twitch.tv/spacebarchar
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ummmm who
Second aola? Bbk? Singelica? Idk bwo
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eeeeeeermbwos why is no one talking about eff scaling units
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bwo im thinkin about getting a dupe gaither for the transmit stones
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what is there to talk about? Rather talk about the dmg EE scams.
Who is this?
Pedophiles, what's your consensus on ml lua?
what is there to talk about, she still gets BTFO by 15%
/ourgyaru/ is not a fan https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2286456683?t=1h3m59s
/ourguy/ Jenazad is live bwos
Used goods
i just spend $100 on epic seven to finish week 5 and week 6 of the dash pass.
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bwos what lifesteal unit needs eff
None bro. That piece is dead. Let it go
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i have 2 selectors left
these are the only characters i do not have
who should i grab (its the regular selector and not the +15 one)

i do not care about shoe
Get Zahhak and Tenebria for nightmare raid bwi
please dont talk about her i need no one to know about her until the last week of the season like bbk last time
sharun and lua dwo
hwayoung is pretty good for exploding units dwo and zaCOCK is a good unit in general for pve and pvp
explain bwo (ive never done nightmare raid)
this is actually what i was thinking desu
looking at my account the only males i have built are arby, brieg, aras, wukong, sol, ray, and furious
do i really want to add another male to my account
really depends on what ur aiming for dwo, you can stay stagnant in your account progression while collecting females or play da animation
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should i build any of these losers
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ummmm where do I get this background
Mort if you're gay and meta.
Ran if you're gay and meta and can get him up to 300 speed.
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last summer event
is there any yuri in epic seven
she's DEAD to me now
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Epic Seven?
More like Epic Shit!!!
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ermmmmm who
>speed set
bricked, all the cool guys(bruisers) use destro now
my 460gs speed ed is gonna kick ur ass
finally the dash pass is over
i can close the game

anyway, post em
You can feed aithers into the gaythers until SSS and get good transmit stone returns

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