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Duel Links Speed General #2483

The Fusion master edition

Warcrimes >>499476108

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is a Mobile and PC game that uses the Speed and Flush Duel formats. /dlsg/ focuses on the SPEED duel format of the game. Classic yugioh anime discussion also welcome. Flush discussion NOT welcome.

>New Player FAQ
>Datamines Drive

Current Events
>Raid duel Yuri event
>Starving Venom set release

Upcoming Events

Useful resources for info on Legendary Duelists, Skills, decklists, events, etc.
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
>Official Duel Links Page
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Probability Calculator
You notice how every YGO series has an "evil" shota?
>DM: Noah
>GX: Marcel
>5D's: Rua (manga)
>Zexal: Haruto (kind of)
>Arc-V: Sora
>Vraind: Roboppi
What was Kaz trying to say?
You'll never be Japanese
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His deck literally can't go first due to dying to a single Chalice, Book of Eclipse, Droplet, Dark Hole - any decent board breaker you can think of. He'll have fantastic board breaking capabilities, but that doesn't matter when the coinflip will cause him to instantly lose half of his games on average to any even slightly competent deck.
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Call him Martin
Real talk, Rei's friendship with him was far more interesting then her obsession with Judai or her rivalry with Asuka over Judai
So, tier 2 at best?
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I shipped them too.
i unlocked POV mode
If you had a demon arm for a day would you jack off it with it /dlsg/? I go left handed so I'd definitely give it a whirl.
VR bros... this isnt what they promised...
Honestly, that also makes more sense than whatever relationship she was fiending for with Judai. I think I agree with you now.
Say Jaden
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Are you a manlet? Is this how you view the game IRL, barely being able to see above the table?
Quantum bros ...
maybe he lost the shins fighting the japanese

The big difference here is Cotton wasn't born a manlet. He sacrificed them while fighting for his country, like a man. Those born into an abomination of existence are a whole different breed of scum.
OP you seem to have forgotten about the best site for this game:
The number one site for current events, leaks, new player gem guide and top tier decks.
HE will some day return.
Oh nonono
Sorry I will fix it next thread
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I love Sora.
5D's had Lucciano.
>pre-emptively hitting FUCKING GHOSTTRICKS cards
are they fucking stupid or something?
Yeah it makes no sense. A deck that has battle handtraps native to its strategy isn't such a bad idea to have around right now with those damn birds on top. Thankfully they gave them a great archive skill to make up for it.
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Ancient warriors end board is a lot more decent now, two spins a non target pop and a s/t negate.
They do.. Compared to what pure Performapals got.
>5D's had Lucciano.
Somehow I forgot about him.
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why would you use anything other than lyrilusc for this event
I don't build any trans coded decks
>angel of mischief is banned for the raid event
I was hoping they'd forget
Post that Yubel deck of yours.
sorry im not a chink from zhuanglonglu province
post replay
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Trueman, Fujiwara and Darkness in 2025
Why out of all the things that get leaked do two not get to see new character level up rewards?
Still trying ratios and skills but this is my build so far, I have sogen as the skill since it's an attack boost at best and something to pitch for Sun Wou at worst in case there's nothing in my hand I want to send to the gy.
#DuelReplay #DuelLinks
Forgot the decklist
how do the secret chronical foil unlocks work
if I take noise lvl 1 will I get more options
Love that, in his first appearance, Trueman's only plan was to summon a 2500 Atk beatstick and equip it with axe of despair. And in his second duel, he just brought out Meteor B and a backrow. Truly a duelist of the people.
It's random, I think if you put stickers on cards they'll drop too so just put the stickers on cards you use frequently or dont like spam them and they'll drop faster.
BASED on what
arc-pee is never based
Yuri killed arc v characters. That's based.
member how this guy was hyped up to be too broken, his deck just can't come

And now he's barely even gonna be tier-2 if that?
The power creep has gotten absurd, I can almost see fucking Tearlaments coming before too long.
oh yeah I remember that
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Map to 3 in Duel Links please

(closes thread)
Thanks birdchad, keep up the good fight against the special summon menace.
how did blud make it to legend with this
Because a non-momsaid skilled deck requires drawing the out. These decks have their outs guaranteed via skill press. It's literally that simple.
Because literally anything can with decent backrow. Hell, I bet you could kog with a pile of strong backrow and some 2k normal summon vanillas/rank 4 toolbox/generic links if you played enough.
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What are you going to be playing on Halloween
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If we're speculating TCG meta threats coming to DL then please gib Serpent Strike and Nephilabyss before Bystials arrive so I can enjoy my snakes before it gets hard-countered by the meta/meta-counter cards.
pendulum fucking sucks no wonder this dogshit mechanic flopped
Stay mad, loser. Cry about it more.
you have nothing better to do with your pathetic life
Says the bitchboy crying about suffering with a mechanic he's too stupid to learn properly.
are you a pendulum fan? why are you having a meltdown over my post
Gem Knight FTK
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do you think if they added the following support the deck can be good?:
Dark World
Fur Hire
Literally projecting now, are we? You literally came here to cry about a mechanic.
do something better with your life instead of trolling
>calling me bad means they're trolling
Or you're just bad and need to get good. Pendulums are fine.
Pendulum sucks because they're bad at designing cards
You either get overtuned as shit ones like SHS or just another piece on the pendulum goodstuff pile
Pendulums are shit. there's a reason why it barely gets any support now
The Grapha fusion is kind of insane so it has potential.
>fur hire
It would need an insane skill to carry it even with more support.
Just more FTK shit more than likely outside of the fusion, so no
>Fur Hire
You die to Veiler/Book of Eclipse or basically anything that disrupts your normal summon if you dont have a skill to freely extend for you, so no, the cards alone wont be enough
Nemuleria and Vaalmonika are cool, but neither really play like most pend decks do so it's hard to say if you can really count them.
Just make a DM reboot that only uses fusions and links
runick fur hire maybe, it's alright when it pops off
it's still absurd how powerful backrow is when the TCG/OCG had long since stopped using goodstuff backrow by the time Links came around.

I assume it's because the monster side is carried by consistency skills.
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I'm starting to wonder if my time in Speed Duel's starting to wind down
Feels like we're just a step or two away from what MD is, not as far as meta/powercreep but the feel of the gameplay becoming pretty similar
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share some funny bullying Cyberkeks replays
#DuelReplay #DuelLinks
i heard that synchros are basically dead in the TCG/OCG.
Aporia won
Bro? Your Tenpai?
fire up the digitalduel room
It's because we don't really have as busted an ED. The big reason backrow stopped seeing play in other versions of the game is why play unsearchable backrow when you can just shit out 50 different negates/banishes/pops on a stick? Also doesn't hurt that you can't choose to go first or second so you actually have to build a well rounded deck that can do either.
Not even close. The only thing that is dead are generic omni negate turbo synchro, and even then only the best ones like barrone.
join the duel!
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This whole ranking up XYZ shit will never not be stupid and illogical from a game mechanic POV. Free summon for nothing.
Its just the way things will go
Everyone's gonna be running turn 1 boards with multiple disruptions into a turn 2 otk if their deck allows for it, assuming they dont just kill you outright lmao
I made one here
#EnterDuelRoom #DuelLinks
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Note to self: Put more level 8 snakes in the snake pile
A real DigitalDuel Room? I can't freakin' believe it, mate.
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I love the Obelisk Blue uniform
>uwukacho -ACK!
Stop spectating you guys I don't know how to play amazement
look behind you
You're gonna make me want to dig for draco anon I loved played them in in master duel
it's GILLETTE time
Dear Vennominaga,

I love you

I never want to see you in my hand again

Will I get laughed at if I haven't played since 2019?
Add Verte
No ,we're all using untiered pet decks anyway
Cool, here comes the birds.
predaplants are so ass bros...
Yes, but only if you lose.
doesn't verte suck for actual predaplants though
it just gets abused for red eyes/destiny/branded fusion
sounds like it needs the baronne treatment of being skill locked.
I'm thinking of returning to the game, but I’ll need a new account since I no longer have my 2020 one. Predaplants and Darklords are my favorites, and they're the main reason I'm coming back. I’d like some advice on what I should do before I start. Should I spend the starter gems on the pickup box, the anniversary box, or the new Venom box? If I go with the pickup box, I can get all the cards in triples, but the anniversary box is tempting since it has a lot of staples. The new box also looks good, but it seems like it’ll require a lot of gems along with the anniversary box, so I want to be smart about it.

Also, how’s the Ancient Warriors deck? I think it’s based on the Three Kingdoms and looks cool.
Did you time out anon?
I played that pretty shitty, Ancient Gear bro
Yeah I'm too used to Master Duel where you have like a 6 minute timer
If you are starting fresh you probably want to reroll until you get droplet from the selection box. ESPECIALLY if you want to play darklords, since their skill can search it.
Really? What does droplet do that its needed

So droplet(one copy) and go for pickup next and end with new box?
Ancient warriors are decent but they won't win against lyrilusc on their own you'd have to put IDP or boe in your deck and hope you draw them.
>What does droplet do that its needed
What doesn't it do? It's a powerful card that works going first or second. The only reason every deck isn't playing it at 3 copies is because it's selection box.
It's the one thing that stops current meta threats.
Join the duel!
Good duels bros. I'll come back if it's still going when Yuri drops.
I want Yuri to drop on my cock
this but HIM
I want Yuri to drop everyone in his path
why does yuri sound like that in English
Why do (you) sound like that in English
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OK i started to roll and stopped at one drop and went 2 box into shadows. Should I try(and most likely fail) at getting another droplet or am I fine and go into a new box/shadows to finish?

also is Vendread still playable?
>also is Vendread still playable?
No, aside from the link being occasionally used in various other zombie decks.
You only need one droplet if you're using the Darklords skill or archetype. In general, you don't really run two or more dropets, unless the deck is specifically built around it. You start with less cards in hand, so unless your deck loves discarding cards for GY advantage, you really don't want to discard too much.
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Didn't know anni gave free 10 pack.I got lance thank god only have 1385 gems left. going to find friend for free blue eyes + gems
Damn. i liked them

Ok thank you for that information. What would you recommend now? spend my last gems on anni pack or star on the new pack?
Play Darklords
You should have just chosen a deck/archetype and then went for the boxes that best got you those pulls. The easiest deck to get into should be Blue-Eyes, since there's a bunch of decks and free giveaways with it all the time.
Damn it Komoney, hand over Starving Venom and Odd-Eyes Wing and no one gets hurt

I've got all the other UR's except those and I don't think my household can handle 5 Socutebosses.
I'm gonna leave the room up,I'll probably join later if anyone's still around
English Yuri sounds gay as hell
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Yuri sisters go on without me....
>greatest goal in life is to "become one" with three other men
Why wasn't his Japanese voice gayer
ambulomelides is in
trancord link sisters?
Pls use my code
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Does an SR dream ticket have shekhinaga?
Tried looking up whats in them but couldn't find it and noticed construct is in the UR one.
>those level ups.
Yuribros is the predaplant meta dream officially over?
Wait for Brilliant Fusion, trust the plan.
they're all good except for ultra poly though
>"I'm called many names... but my name is Yuri."
>No deck that uses all 4 dimensional dragons
>Only relevant deck is a synchro oriented one that doesn't even need Wing
If Predaplant doesn't become somewhat meta this box is officially a flop. Are we seriously gonna have to wait till ZARC for Pendulum Magicians to become meta?
>No deck that uses all 4 dimensional dragons
Just wait for the GOAT
Yuri vs Yuri for maximum... yaoi? That can't be right.
Predaplant is actually petdeck status, why did they get kiked as hard as Lyrilusc?
Do not compare Lulugods to pedoplants
You could say the same thing about Windwitch. Same box as LL, same rarity distribution, even had a bundle. Literal dogshit.
It's not terrible, you can make 3 Dragostapelia turn 1 with the skill. Literally don't think you could win going first against Lyrilusc, though.
Today I will remind them Starving Venom Dragon is a "Venom" card, and thus is immune to Venom Swamp.
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>Yuri has special voicelines for Alexis
>Clowns on her when she loses
Well yeah. It happened in the show.
That's it from me in the room. Next time I might have more than 3 constructed decks but I make no promises.
good duels bud I'll try to get some more together too. I was struggling to find something to play too
>Literally don't think you could win going first against Lyrilusc, though.
I mean which deck doesn't rely on drawing the one lyrilusc out?
I don't remember ever being able to beat lyriliscs without drawing like 2 BoE or the dragon ritual.
Hell how would predaplants even playthrought the gazillion bounces they have on their turn 1 end board if predaplants went second?
Unless I'm missing something, the skill can at least out the bounces but there's basically no point because you'll just get attacked directly a billion times
>Hell how would predaplants even playthrought the gazillion bounces they have on their turn 1 end board if predaplants went second?
Skill place a Predator Counter on Robin, Hydra tribute Robin to summon itself
>"Mom says I can place a counter on your untargetable monster"
So by cheating, got it
how is ghostrick snowman as a fp2 fix for the indestructible bird
>mom says I can foolish burial my monster for free
>mom says that I can send a monster to the field and summon another monster to the field after you BoM me so I can continue my OTK.
Lyriluscs aren't any better.
It's a non targeting bom that only activates for a direct attack and gives you a body on the field , so make sure you have space for it and are able to link it off into something I guess.
Ultra poly is pretty good in my buster blader pet deck
How can i get that "noise" surface for chronicle cards?
I should have just spent my leftover gems on trying to get a second droplet instead of this shit box.
Just keep dueling in pvp it'll drop eventually if you keep using cards with any type of foil/rim/sticker you put on them.
It's a random drop just by playing the card
I'm not sure about the Sepia and Damaged foils though
The damaged foils look pretty cool, so does max sepia looks like a ghost rare
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yurisere bros...
I like pendulum
You also like kissing boys especially the black ones
Seems like you need some egao in your life
I haven't had eggos in years you're probably right
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Black > White > Purple
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>So that's your dragon and predator plant deck...! But next one, I'll definitely win! Remember that, Yuri!

As i thought
they had never really dueled before and Serena's competitive nature made her not want to lose to him and want to keep rematching.
How DID Lulu lose to Yuri in the show, anyway?
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Ruri is a shitter. Shun didn't train her well
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sorry Yurifag, but shaddoll chads run this game
>sorry Yurifag, but -ACK!
I clearly won, anon.
>I clearly -ACK!
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>Duel links cards aren't weigh-
Are Shaddolls expensive?
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Zarc is a nigger...
Purple dick??
Because Nightingale is shit in the anime.
If you do the anniversary box, you can have the whole deck build in a little over the same amount of gems it would take to run a main box once
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The smallest, apparently.
When we gonna get Ritual Darkraze?
he's based on Zorc duh
Not a real summoning type so never
yet another arc v event where we get no archive skill for pendulums (ㆆ_ㆆ)
shun always had anger problems, even before ruri got kidnapped, he just got an excuse for lashing out after that happened
The Arc-V ace monster theme is so sad and somber
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should i even bother
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Only if you like the deck. I love Predaplants, but I'm not about to delude myself or anybody into thinking that they're going to be a meta contender.
unironically 1 feels like all you need, but i am making schizo plays so take that into consideration
thanks to the skill, one copy is enough.
especially if you run three predapractice
niggers darkraze
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>predapractice + chlamydosundew + 1 monster
>predapractice special chlamydosundew, add byblisp
>chlamydosundew effect fuse into ambulomelides with itself and byblisp
>ambulomelides effect, search predapruning
>byblisp effect, search sarraceniant
>normal set serraceniant
>ambulomelides effect, tribute serraceniant and special summon ophrys scorpio
>ophrys scorpio discard a monster, special summon darlington cobra
>serraceniant effect, add predaplanet
>darlington cobra effect add superpoly
>polyermization from the skill, fuse ambulomelides and darlington cobra for dragostapelia
>predapruning bring back ambulomelides
>set superpoly
>end field: dragostapelia, ambulomelides equipped with predapruning, ophrys scorpio, set superpoly, predaplanet in hand
>on opponent's turn, discarding predaplanet, use superpoly as disruption OR use superpoly to fuse another dragostapelia with ambulomelides and ophrys scorpio
>predaplanet can then fuse for a third dragostapelio, using 1 dragostapelia on the field and a monster in hand (if you drew one of the cards being searched, add another byblisp instead) or using both dragostapelias on the field, alternatively you can fuse for another ambulomelides and search another sarraceniant if shits fucked
this deck its nuts in my hands
Dark holes you
let's put it to the test in the duel room later on then
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nice endboard
>but super poly
useless against half the meta
is this the worst event for auto duel? the poor AI is struggling to do the most basic shit
>finally cleaned my apartment after months of living in my own filth.
>feel very satisfied and at peace.
Decks for this feel?
dragon maids
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clean your room
wash your penis
My weewee smells like fish
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Monster world...
This has been known for a long time. Only the retards who think they understand the game here deny it. Even reddit retards are aware that the rarity or something to do with the obtainability of a card has an affect on its drawing. There's also the last cards you added being an influence. Nobody has gotten the formula down 100%, but it's known that Circle for DM decks has one of the highest starting hand ratios due to some factors.
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Not looking good, Predabros...
>32k gems for a bronze deck
I cackled!
Legendary youtuber playmaker got a 21 winstreak with it!
Sometimes the AI has completely stalled out and forced me to quit autos (standard and raid). It's only happened after the latest update and so far only my raid Magistus deck. Can't surrender since it's still my turn so I have to close->re-open and give up.
Between this and the splash screen for Blue-Eyes Gold Rim I wonder what they fucked up.
>Win streak in legend this late into the month meaning anything
hey 21 is a lot you know. What are the odds of going up against that many bad players in a row over there?
Yeah what are the odds haha
Hearing Yuri's dub voice for the first time and boy it SUCKS
Does Shaddoll cards triger from Dante effect?
At least it's somewhat entertaining. Lulu and Rin sounds like they're 50 years old.
You'll never be Japanese
The send is a cost, so it shouldn't since the main deck monsters specify as effect.
Thank God.
Are the servers unironically down
Works on my machine
Emergency maint to ban Anki
I miss him...
One of his opponents was on Live Twin Unchained, AKA the almost strictly worse variant of Unchained that only idiots or gooners use
He was not facing good opponents
Live twin unchained is a better live twin deck, not a worse unchained deck. It's their cope to make it playable until we get spright.
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turn 1 sky sissies... predaplants put a free counter on us and tributes... cyber dragons gets a searchable kaiju... it's over...
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Man i love this skill. Killing niggers and kikes with it all day long. Cant get enough.
Doesn't change the fact that it's still garbage and that Gaymaker's "Tier 0 Predaplants" coasted on the fact that his opponents were playing trash to get that win streak anon was talking up
How is the best monster in the main deck not run at 3
You can search it with skill so you dont want to have more than 1 copy in your starting hand.
Way to go plat sis
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Release her and make Live Twins great again.
The problem is you still want to draw it as often as possible so the Skill can search the other pieces you might be missing, like Sarra or Byb. You'll be sitting fine and dandy if you already opened them, but if you didn't, and also didn't draw Scorpio, you're just kind of fucked.
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>New Year 2022
Burning Abyss, key pieces of Pendulum.dek, then-Rank 4 staple Evilswarm Nightmare
>New Year 2023
Kozmos, Knightmare Unicorn, Knightmare Phoenix, Dark Hole, that stank bitch Iblee
>New Year 2024
Shaddolls, Suships, Machinas, fucking IDP

Well, anon? Why aren't you saving for the New Year box?
>konami skipped the minibox because they wanted to make more money from people buying OP predaplants in a mainbox
fuck these absolute scumbags
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I got a bridge to sell you...
But if I clean it might hurt those cute little fellas
They wouldn’t have if the original VA wasn’t such a retard
Because I’m at gem cap and have to burn what’s in my gift box
Blud thinks listening to the sub will make him Japanese
>Blud thinks (HEADCANNON)
I don't want to listen to cringy dubs who the fuck would want to be japanese?
Play it muted or play Master Duel then, retard
You have plenty of options
You guys forgot to link your replies
>I prefer listening to the original audio
lmaoing at ur life kiddo
No I didn't
I'm too lazy to link my replies, but that's fine since you can do it for me
>>I prefer listening to the original audio
>was just going "but who would want to be Japanese earlier"?
That's right he's our bitch,our little replycuck
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>That's right he's our bitch,our little replycuck
>listening to the jp dub means you want to be japanese
uhh sweetie?
>listening to sissy hypno means you want to be a sissy
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oh it was a sissyfag all along, no wonder your brain is fried
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This is the pointless argument i've seen all week.
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What mirror match is this?
any deck I don't like
ruri birds
Going second decks that rely on the opponent having a monster on the field to make some sort of play like old Kiteroid Lunalights
Damn, I remember when Saber Dancer felt like an un-outtable menace.
I fucking hate that deck to this day.
Just sit there with an empty field and Kiteroid waiting for the opponent to deal just enough damage for Destiny Draw then search and OTK next turn
Neither of us ran it,I had to make a move since Id lose by deck out but he took advantage of that and beat me next turn.
Book of Eclipse
I'll never forget the absolutely absurd preferential treatment LL got, either.
>every other girl and also Yuri on release had to dig through a main box for their shit
>Rin and Yuri weren't even good
>Serena got all her shit reprinted all too easily
>Serena's shit was already meta once
This needs confirmation. Is this about LyriLusc or LunaLight?
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I'll take on everyone simultaneously.
in a duel right
She got doctor'd btw
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Wish this game had more crossover interactions. Seeing Yuri and Bakura smack talk to each other would've been kino.
Yami Bakura would make Yuri cry
I will never understand why Konami decided to make Predaplants so bad in terms of power, Yuri was basically the main villain for a big part of the show and was unbeatable yet when they give effects to his cards they are all shit at first and even the support waves are average until the DIFO wave
Also why didn't they add in Predaplaning and Triphyoverutum with Yuri's release?
they are afraid of making super poly too strong
They need to save cards for the rerun bro
so they can put them in the next box silly
They still have Triantis, Bufolicula, Verte, Predaprime Fusion, Greedy Venom, Predapower and maybe even some of the stuff that still hasn't been printed from the anime with new effects like Lilizard and Stapeliaworm
oh so scary, it would be too bad if i banished it or sent it back to the ed
Negated :)
Yes cards have counters, what does that have to do with my post?
those are for a future main box.
Yuri will handle her
Yuri would card that jobber, effectively ending DM earlier.
I don't understand what's supposed to be appealing about any of those archetypes
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Does anyone know why C39 still resolved? I might be retarded, but I can't figure it out.
read the fucking card
Gold bro....
That's not the point of the post he made
Just wait for Branded to carry the deck.
That would explain it. Always forget there are cards that just can't be negated, so I never look for it in text.
Then what was the point? He's talking as though people would want to pull for those archetypes. What's their appeal?
Wait a minute
>deck based around fusing and dark dragons with horror aesthetics with a very homossexual guy that wants to merge with his other half that has a girl he wants to protect
Branded fits Yuri way too much
The cards he pointed out are staples and is implying the cards in this year's new year box will also have some ,so you better save your gems
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why is she like this
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There was an anon that was wondering if the yuboys and ruris were supposed to be indistinguishable from eachother.
And I wanted to reply with yes and post these pics, but I couldn't find them and now I did.
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It was made before Ruri was revealed.
I still remember when people thought she was going to be blond.
Rin a cute,CUTE!
They do look alike but with different expressions and wigs. Same as the girls.
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She's asking for it.
No, no, no Lulubros, not like this lulubros, NOT LIKE THIS
What did you want her to say, "next you should suck my tits while I ride the shit out of you"?
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>gets mad at Yugo for being a horndog towards her
>gets mad at Yugo for being a horndog towards anyone else
>also wears pink booty shorts, a form-fitting jacket, and a motherfucking choker
So we agree that if Yuri wasn't going around commiting war crimes Rin would have been the most evil among the eight free, right
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She'll get there
She's a classic childhood friend , literally best bracelet girl.
So she fucks the local hobo camp for cards?
>and a motherfucking choker
I'm tired of people pretending this is supposed to mean anything about how risque somebody's dressed. Do you look at this guy and think "yeah, he's horny 24/7/365?"
Forgot image
For the sake of yugo
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>sexually oblivious girl accidentally says innuendous shit all the time
sexo trope
I don't see any innuendo here
so sad they didn't change their hair pieces too
So this is the power of pedoplants...
I mean Yugi wears a choker.
It's called fashion, coomers wouldn't get it.
Back in my day chokers were a signal you liked to deepthroat shit.
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>Back in my day
No, the 90s. Bitches wore them to signal to dudes that they liked to be choked or to choke on cock. Fucking zoomer.
I look like this
I'm sorry for your loss.
>Yugi's a fucking homo
>Yuto would have been gay for Yuya if he didn't already have Ruri
>Rin is a tsundere (slut)
Checks out
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what we really needed was this
>what we really needed was [a one-sided Skill Drain that's also Swords of Revealing Light]
No, fuck off
What happens if you don't have a predaplant to target?
Any deck can use this card. It's just that only Predaplants would be able to pay the maintenance cost but having a temporary Kali Yuga effect as well as Swords of Revealing light is insane.
witch and wicckid sex while the wizards watch from their cuck corners
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That one anon was right, Yuri has no turn 1.
So he's like Sora in that regard. That's too bad.
Can't sora pop cards on the field now?
yes, once and that's it
Salamangreat and Galaxy can out this lmao
Foxys effect activates in the gy, including the popping effect.

Same for galaxy cyclone.
Sora sisters....
Yugo deserves a big titty gf like Akiza over this gremlin.
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She going through puberty, she'll catch up eventually.
I got a shit ton of gemmies and building CyDra in Rush costed me peanuts. What Yu-Boy deck is better for the ladder? Next month I wanna climb with something different.
Go back quantum manlet
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She gets big tiddies in a few years
Yuri turn one is two dragostepelia or one with a Necro fusion set for a second one in the next turn and the preda counterspell
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What does Celina look like?
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I've been waiting for Yuri since 2016. You bet your ass I'm gonna reach KoG with him
wish we got younger celina in a bikini, teen titties are so erotic
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>Rin's thighs
>Rin's tummy and navel
>Rin's ridiculous sized gonzonaks
kek she literally needs to show off cleavage to keep Yugo's attention.
You can pay that animator guy to draw porn but he will require you to sign a NDA.
>to keep
He literally keeps obsessing over her even when there are other women in the room, she'd have his attention even if she dressed up in overalls and a potato sack
Knowing how evil she is, she probably dresses like that because she knows it'll set him off, while she can still pretend that she hates that he's a horndog and keep getting excuses to beat him up
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I still can't make up my mind over two or three Byblisp. Like, it's a card that you absolutely want to be able to access because it's one of your best fusion materials, but it's also h o p t, and opening multiples is going to be absolutely miserable.
What are the odds we get another speed character this year? Dumon is next month , Rin and Lulu are coming December and Yuri is returning in January. I think January this year we had a rerun and new character but I can't remember.
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50/50. Don't they usually take a break in December? Next month will be a Rush character. Unless we get our much awaited GX character
Basically zero. Yuri is the grand finale of the "first part" of the Duel Links Arc-V storyline, and Zexal has been left on a cliffhanger with Dumon's event implying Nasch's advent. They might throw in a random Vrains character, but otherwise, the storylines that they've been working on are pretty finished for the year.
We really are only getting one vrains character a year aren't we? I could see them throw Akira at us as a throwaway character but that'd be it for speed this year.
They still have characters like Atticus, Fujiwara and even Trueman if they really feel like it
5Ds is done, unless they dig up the dark signer corpses that were forgotten but I really doubt it
Zexal still has a ton of characters, both important and filler
So does Arc-V if they really want to scrape the bottom of the barrel.
VRAINS could use Komoney printing some of their fucking archetypes
>the year is 2030
>our events for this month are the Devack rerun and Zane in a wheelchair unlock
>Zexal still has a ton of characters, both important and filler
make a character for every single number card with a skill to add them (including the banned ones)
>the crazy Jesuit sorcerer Kitefag becomes instantly meta just because he has Shock Master access (plus Big Eye to sweeten the deal)
What a timeline that would be
Rhongo would unironically be fair in Speed Duel format.
>in that case, defeat me if you can
Who is it
Fucking who?

Chinese lines: Well, use your hands to defeat me
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Shock master doko
Brain empty
Zwijo for Go Flush. Should be common sense since his theme was added already
What about the Duel Quest character
Probably just having Tour Guide be a the little sprite instead of Yugi
how many unlock slots have been wasted on flush
January was Mizar. December was the month they skipped.

I’d bet they skip again, but if they actually decide to be generous, I’d guess December will be a low stakes fan request character. Not for Arc V though since they just got Yuri and 2 bracelet sluts
Dumon for rerun, and zuwijo for rush. Well rival characters for each world is usually common for unlockable, with some exceptions. I’m glad he’s next, he’s one of my favorite rivals.
Not counting release characters I count 5
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Not Kaz's style not ygo, simple as
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rushCHADs win again
Beyblade looking ass character
>another flop duels guy
Welp at least we will have more time to save for real boxes
Peak female design.
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>Still trying to force rushIT into DL
They will never learn
Uh flush sisters mind explaining this?
>negative 50 yen
They pay you to grab these?
What if this was your sister?
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Starry knight sisters we WON bigly
I would take pictures of her and fap
Yeah not even kids want this fucking shit
Only grown fat manchildren or turbomanlets that can't cut it into the real format, or even the DL format
Uh I’d be giving her a lecture about how it’s not incest if she doesn’t get pregnant
I would impregnate her.
No one cares about fairy faggot decks
That’s your sister tho
Yes. And? That only makes it hotter.
Yea and I’m hoping for a daughter so we can go the oyakodon route
Fairy lives matter chud

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