Enlisted is the best squad-based World War II FPS currently, where you lead your squads of AI to their deaths, over and over.>Official Sitehttps://enlisted.net/>Roadmaphttps://enlisted.net/en/news/show/764-our-plans-en/>Enlisted Community Resourcehttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13SXNYOfbfhFHYQ-DTNpLzTDtYdPaz0f-M4W3HyxKcxg/edit#gid=982720857>Weapons List (Alpha)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTaMOPl_kdxg_-AXjr_iY5NTOGi0h3njjxevc0eOX0qzkkIMUsYJv8sUdc5icsYpE4v7IifU9ZRHy4C/pubhtml#>Current Battlepasshttps://enlisted.net/en/news/show/787--en/>Running Eventshttps://enlisted.net/en/news/show/816-reinforcements-received-la-r%C3%A9sistance-en/#!/https://enlisted.net/en/news/show/819-supply-drop-en/#!/>News>BRI can no longer match with BRIIIhttps://forum.enlisted.net/en/t/improving-the-matchmaking-for-low-battle-rating/152415>Update!/>Silver Chests implementedhttps://enlisted.net/en/news/show/817-silver-chest-rocket-hail-en/#!/>Update "Guerrilla Warfare"https://enlisted.net/en/news/show/815-update-guerrilla-warfare-en/#!/Defeat: >>498611165
>https://forum.enlisted.net/en/t/improving-the-matchmaking-for-low-battle-rating/152415DUMP YOUR BR3 STOCK NOW!BR1, 2, AND 4 STOCK ARE UP, UP, UP!
>>499809043stop posting this abomination
They should move the bikes to br1 maybe they’d actually have a niche there since apcs are br2+
>>499810748Shut up and play BR4!
there is no way the besal is better than the hotchkiss
>>499811682Bikes handle like garbage and take forever to level. The mounted MGs are good though.
>>499821619It isn't
Capture the flag
>>499822310then the hotchkiss is best in class
secondary weapon builds are actually not a meme idea with guerillas because of the ammo pouchnip guerillas with swords and type 2s/mp-28s is also 100% a meta build
>double smgs>in the most wide open campaign
>>499808893what a shitty op image. heavily consider suicide faggot.
>>499825032the type 2 is useable at 90% of engagement ranges in this game and swapping to a fresh 50 rd mag when you get in close with your 20% sprint is extremely strong. the auto 5 is also fun to use in the many tight objectives the pacific has >>499825383thats the sweatiest metapig in the general youre talking to bud
>>499808893>tfw no auto-mauser
>>499825623>sweatiest metapigeven more reason to them to exit life. there are three posters here that are the cancer killing the general.>inb4 autistic screeching about how the general would not exist without them.
>>499825383Where did the Schnellfeuer touch you?
>someone who has never been touched by another entity using this line.
HuxBox, Man_Bear_Pig and lolispats420 are the best posters in this general.
>autistic screeching increases
Really though what is your issue? I tried to pick a neutral clip that can't be misinterpreted as avatarfagging and shows off one of the cooler weapons available in the game.
>>499827293>Really though what is your issue?That's the butthurtfag that screeches in every thread over the most random shit. Probably a chud too.
>>499826504imagine namefagging tbqh
>>499810748Is this better?
>>499828858its fine as long as you're subtle about it>oh this screenshot with my name clearly in it? haha i'm just too lazy to edit it out!
>>499828678Originally I censored my name, but then the replay system turned censored names into an open challenge to figure out who it is
imagine samefagging to a literal handful of anons on a imageboard in an attempt to show someone cares what a namefag has to say>499827293>499828002
>>499828990maybe be less shit at editing your screenshots then you self-promotiing cumguzzler
tfw non sewer pipe condition murata 22s are $2000+>>499828858yes, actually>>499828990yeah I get it
tremendous buff to napalm when
>>499829910You have to censor everyone's name, as well as the map name. At that point you're barely even sharing anything.
>>499826504I have barely been posting lately, too busy.
>>499833632bullshit. your life is so pathetic you need people to know you got a good score in a video game because it is a close to an accomplishment you'll ever get in life. its even sadder to think that you believe anyone cares.
>>499834292Are you gonna call hima fat virgin next?
Talking about yourself in 3rd person is pretty gay, suxcox.
Hux didn't make the op
Have you guys played BR4 today?I got pretty consistent downtiers.
>>499809043So BR 3 will only play against 3 / 4 / 5 ?
>>499842926They match with 2/3/4/5, but because they can't match BR1 now that means BR2 are more likely to downtier and BR3 is more likely to uptier because BR2 is busy with BR1.
>>499843258>BR3 is more likely to uptiergg dickflow way to ruin the best br
>>499840694What unit/outfit is that?
>>499844581MG-39 squad
>>499837432/enlg/ is full of jacked Chads.
Fuck favourite weapon, give me your favourite SQUAD loadout
>>499843519no thats BR2 and buffed it, thanks darkflow
>>499847749fuck off back to your hugbox major ronald mcdonald
>>499847097I love medkit golems. There's just something satisfying about them.
>>499848810youre either a mutt player or window licking idiot if you think BR3 is the best BR lmao
>the only way to have comfy times in enlisted
>>499848997>oink oinkok
>grasping at straws this poorlygo be an annoying retard elsewhere please
haha I'm looking under your tank's skirt
>*paypig squealing increases*
>desperately trying to argue with everyone in the thread>doing it really poorly
>*bogieman derangement syndrome intensifies*squeal harder piggy
BR2>BR5>BR3>BR4>BR1(except for japan where BR2>BR3>BR1>BR5>BR4)shrimple as
>>499850725oh and BR2 and 5 are reversed with soviets
Command & Conquer Red Alert mod for Enlisted when
>>499867703Any reason why the cartridge had a rim?https://youtube.com/shorts/mIsm1onv4qE?si=kGMtdE3FbqglPXLL
>>499869186rimmed cartridges were the norm until the 1890s, and even then not everyone caught up
whenever I play japan, I feel the urge to go and play with my type 99s and 38s
>>499869186>>499869269Japan went from wooden castles and samurais to steam-powered ironclad warships & rifle lines in 1869. For the following several decades they spent a lot of time catching up to everyone else and weren't quite as well-experienced in gunsmithing as a culture. Same concept applies to their tanks.
>>499869802to be fair, the type 22 wasn't exactly an ancient conceptit, effectively, was the 1886 kropatschek done 3 years later with worse metals because lol japanese metallurgy, and the kropatschek was a perfectly fine gunsame with the lebel
>>499870068Oh don't get me wrong I'm not dunking on Japan. They modernized better and faster than almost any other cultural group over the last hundred years and some change. They just couldn't reasonably produce individuals like John Moses Browning, Mormon Gun Genius.
>>499870603to be fair, they did have some pretty innovative designs, and the arisakas were pretty well liked overseasmexico ordered a bunch of type 38s, britain and finland ordered type 30s, and russia used a lot of type 30s and 38s captured from the russo-japanese war
>>499869186never heard the nip version of 55 days in peking before, neat>>499869269>not everyone caught upeven today rimmed cartridges still make a lot of sense in extremely adverse (subzero) conditions, especially for belt fed weapons that really benefit from positive extraction >>499870603murata himself was definitely a polymath with firearms and he had the foresight to take the best features of euro arms into his own designs and integrate them cleanly, japans problems were more related to industry as it took them 30 years to get their steel plants online, rather than a lack of great minds >>499870869the arisakas are probably the safest service bolt rifles ever issued, between the exceptionally strong lugs, gas vents, and quick and ergonomic safety latch there is a lot to like
>>499852359soviet BR2 is still better than BR5
>tell team to pull their finger out in text chat>A_NAME_ALL_IN_CAPITALS points out my low kills as an insult>proceed to bantz him all game about his 0 cap score>threatens to find out my adress and bash me>end up with more kills (68 vs 64) and get 4 caps to his 0 at the last flag and laugh harder at him>he starts saying how its rallys that win the game not flag caps>he has 0 engineer score which i remind him of in chat>last thing he says before game ends is he is finding my addressbantz are becoming more fun than the game itself at this point
>>499874092Lucky you, when I piss people off they just start throwing
>>499874092just play the game instead of shitflinging with retards in the chat
>>499874652with all due respect, go fuck yourself. you'd be upset if i came to your work and told you how to suck a cock, so don't tell me how i should be playing and enjoying the game
>>499875219k if you want to ERP with the morons playing this game in the shitty text chat just stay off my team then. or better yet stay in discord with your kind instead of shitting up the game in general
>Challenging match>Teammates turn on each other and get mad online>Start heatedly typing at each other instead of playing the objective>We loseMany such cases.
Was bolt gun accuracy nerfed without warning?
>>499875813>erp>discordyou should open a multiplex with all those projections>>499876168maybe you should be better at the game instead of blaming others for the loss. we actually won the game, mostly due to me getting on the flag and telling streetshitters like yourself to get on the flag>>499876689i am thinking this also, i also think the shot strength has also been nerfed of bolts quietly too
>change my mind
>>499888559I have been feeling like this lately.
>get booster>get put into absolute 1-sided squash matchah I see, the same bullshit they did in WT
>>499888559I've noticed the AI has changed for the worse recently. AI now seems to run off doing its own thing and now even goes into the greyzone and dies instead of stopping at the edge like it used to. Darkflow need to rollback the AI to pre-gorilla builds and sack the fuckwits in charge of AI.
>>499890041AI guerillas will happily run into enemy spawn zone and die to tick damage instead of skirting around it.
>>499890041>AI now seems to run off doing its own thing and now even goes into the greyzone and dies instead of stopping at the edge like it used toThe simple fix to letting Saboteurs follow you into the grey zone was to just stop making bots avoid the grey zone. lol
>>499848997BR3 has access to every campaign and you get to jump up to semi-auto battle rifles, good SMGs, flamers, grenade launchers. Pretty much all the ironic gear and vehicles of WW2.
>>499890710>just stop making bots avoid the grey zoneI thinnk this is exactly what the brains trust at Darkflow did, and this is why they need to be fired.
>>499890910Ah yes the iconic German weapons such as the Gewehr 41, ZK383 and everyone's favourite German tank, the Panzer 4J
>>499890910>>499891228And how could I forget the workhorse of the Luftwaffe, the IAR81C
>>499891228>Gewehr 41the only semi auto rifle that was being mass produced by germany until the G43>ZK383the smg that 35000 were produced to supply the waffen-ss and kept being made up until 1948>Panzer 4Jthe model that was 30% all Panzer IVs produced during the war>>499891391>IAR81CBringing in a BR I plane into a BR III discussion just puts the "I am a flaming homsexual retard" written in icing, on the faggot cake you baked in those two posts.
>>499893197just pulling your leg mate haha but tbf the IAR81C is the best fighter up to BR3
The most iconic German weapons are the MP40, kar98k, Gewehr 98, Gewehr 43, STG44, Tiger E, Bf109, FW190
>>499895473>my autism prevents me from realizing the post i quoted was attempting sarcasmso sorry about your shit brain bro
>>499896131ok np
Garand = BR3Tommy = BR3BAR = BR3Sherman = BR3P-51 = BR3
>>499888559me on the far right
>>499877219post stats
>>499893197none of that gear is iconic lmao you fucking retard
Indiandeathtrain is a faggot!
>>499891391Germany lost the war because they didn't drop their Messershits for superior Vlach engineering
>>499927750the panzer 4, in all its variants, is pretty iconic considering it and the tiger are basically what every entry level wehraboo will gush about pre-world of tanks/war thunder
The entire catalog is shock full of gacha threads, Hiroshimoot should move this shit to /vmg/
>>499946015if only...
>>499927320only if you post your fauxgina first
So what do you guys think the big christmas update will be?
>>499959434Probably no gold like there was last year. A couple of vehicle/nameplate decorations is the best we can hope for.
>>499959434a youjo senki crossover
>>499927750>iconicI didn't say they were you dumbfuck, that was the guy who was pretending to be retarded that used that word. I was referring to BR III which slots in with the time period of the war with what the other factions were using, which is what darkflow aims to do with some exceptions
>>499895473>he lists the G43 but not the MG 34 or MG 42
Enlisted is very stale. I should put it down until the Victory Day sale when my current year of premium time expires in December.
We blew the enemy /enlg/ up into the air!
>>499973707>We blew the enemy /enlg/ up into the air!que?
I really dunno about the guy in first on my team in this match. Even when he wasn't playing his gorillas, he seemed to be diving straight into the enemy spawn with reckless abandon and seemed to know where all the enemies were at all times. I know this wasn't exactly a challenging match but the frequency and consistency with which he knew enemy locations was... odd. Reminded me of some players back in the day like Hans_Kaffee who just dived straight into the enemy lines and racked up insane amounts of kills insanely fast. I have zero proof but he's Chinese and named after a random Polish village that's hard to type for English speakers and obfuscates his name with non-ASCII symbols and fires with 100% accuracy from the hip while moving in the replay of his I watched after managing to get the non-ASCII characters for his name (which seems to be a common theme and makes me wonder if I am just playing the game wrong, because it seems like nobody else who scores super well in any match uses their sights as often as I do).I am just a shitter who is salty about not getting first place, but still, it's very odd. Back in MY day, having non-ASCII characters in your name was popular with cheaters because it made them harder to report.
Some days queue produces nothing but sadness, endless losses and games on defense. Other days it’s endless wins and games on offense
>>499983896Queue all* fuck
>>499940830the last ditch J is not iconic by any means and anything else is pure unadulterated cope>>499959324thats what I thought pussy>>499971056even if BR3 was supposed to be mid war neither the zk or p4j are mid war equipment by any stretch of the imagination, you also replied to that anon lampooning the idea of said gear being iconic so your whole argument is just rubbish
>>499973195truth. its been so stale that I am actually enjoying WT for the time being as a change of pace, shockingly the teammates are better on average which is all I want from enlisted
>>499980727hipfire has always been brutally strong in this game and 33 kills per squad is hardly "this guy is cheating" territory
>>499991563>pussysaid the faggot who posted "gib stats" because they had no other comeback>strawmenfuck off retard
>>499992708you are a fucking shitter who thinks 68 kills is worth bragging about and then refuses to back up their le epic skillz with anything concrete. stop posting I rather the thread die than read the abortive posts your mongoloid brain shits out
>>499992917>who thinks 68 kills is worth bragging abouti stopped reading right there. re-read the post, there was no bragging, retard
>>499993157>stopped reading after receiving the substance of my postwow I am le epicly owned and you are still a shitter who gets butthurt when told to play the game instead of fighting with morons in the chat>dont tell me how to enjoy the game brothats the thing you arent fucking playing the game when you are just typing away like a faggot and then bragging about it here. fuck you buddy
>*autistic attention seeker screeching continues*
>le faggot low effort nonreply
>tfw ur such a shitter u think bolts were nerfedwoe
where we ridin boys
>>499994648to the newfag incineration chamber
>>499994781do they teach me how to fly there
i think someone is up past their bedtime
>>499995018something like that>>499995061the real autism is not being able to handle light roasting
>>499995018if they do, i'll go with you. i cant drop bombs for shit.
>>499995293its literally just practice
>light roastingthe only thing getting roasted around here is you when you dad and uncle use you to make an eiffel tower
>>499995458lol could you be any more butthurt >constant poorly shoehorned references to gay sex actskeep your filthy thoughts out of my thread please
I wonder if you can still destroy these vehicle bridges now
>making a reference to a sex act is constant>my threadfuck off retard>>499995619i dont play pacific maps, so cant help you friend
>>499995458>He's not roasting me I swear!>*conspicuously replies without (You)s to every post*Fuck off retard.
>>499995935the only sex acts described in this thread were posted by you because youre an insipid little faggot and feel compelled to let us know
>replying twice to the same post>uses capitalization and third person framing to make it look like its from different peoplelow effort autistic screechposts do not deserve (you)s
>>499995935>i dont play pacific mapsthen why even reply lmao>>499996321wow its not like you were doling them out to begin with fuckstick. imagine giving a shit about that
>*autistic screeching continues*
>he posted it againI think I might out-RPM this anons brain
>>499992197Whenever I try to hipfire, the bullets land in cartoon circles around my target.
>>499996601depends on the gun really but most of them are disgustingly accurate from the hip. remember the SMG34 early on? it was crazy then but is still serviceable now especially with the spread perks
>>499996601Are you an Ausbro? I often wonder how much gameplay differences come down to ping for whatever reason.
>>499997327I am an Ausfag but it happens in the firing range, too. With most guns, hipfire for me becomes unviable outside of pretty close range, the only exception is the M2 Carbine because it has such high hipfire accuracy, whereas that seems to be how every gun works for every other "good player" and it makes me wonder what is going on.>>499996771I still die often to people moving and firing their MGs at 50-100 meters, their bullets land with 100% accuracy like every MG is the Vickers-Berthier for them. Again, makes me wonder, since accuracy and recoil cheats do exist for Ensharted. It's borderline schizophrenic but it really does feel like different rules apply to certain players.
>>499997927>different rules apply to certain playersmaybe theyre just built different >>499997952>FFL required for an antique never change fuddbroker
>>499994457Bolt actions were definitely not nerfed.
>>499997927>hipfire for me becomes unviable outside of pretty close rangeThis has not been my experience. >their bullets land with 100% accuracySurely this is exaggeration?
>>499994648To the quit button because fuck Gavutu.
>A couple dozen gold order tickets>Nothing to buyHopefully the next battlepass rocks but somehow I doubt it will.
>>499998724I have been in matches where people on both teams use machine guns without any accuracy penalties, and I frequently see the same thing in replays. Accuracy cheats provably exist and I wouldn't be surprised if many players are using them.
>>499999513Arguably a good thing, I don’t think meta gold orders was healthy.
>>500004017Monitors now come with the ability to overlay a crosshair on the screen. I have no doubt that is being exploited in this game.
>>500011420No, that doesn't affect the accuracy penalty from moving and shooting with a machine gun, which a lot of people suspiciously seem unaffected by.
Death to gacha threads
>Join any team>Mutts>Mutts>Mutts>Mutts>Mutts
surely it is better to have a radio squad with sniper support than sniper squad with radio support?
>Participating countries in WW2>Slovakia>Romania>Hungary>Ukraine>ROA>Cossacks>Baltics>Finns>Swedish volunteers>French SS>Czechs>Croats>Serbs>Bulgarians>Chineseand so many others i cba to listyet we only have the generic 4 countries with very low representation of other countries.
>>500050419They game has been struggling with low player count, the merge, steam release and silver economy rebalances balanced it out I can see them adding more nations the bigger the player base gets
You are now aware that the train mode was removed.
Are Sherman 105s the second most niggest vehicle in the game, after Panzer III Ns? Both vehicles seem to be largely played by shitters who treat the tank slot as their most important slot.
>>500063394it was fun too...
>>500055558There are several countries they could add that could just queue alongside other nations though
>Enemy team is bad>Bad-bad>Best enemy player scores half as well as I do in every way>My team still loses horribly because my team is just THAT much worseLove this shit. Just love it. It's amazing how much a TINY skill gap can win a game. Average player on your team has 30 kills and 11 deaths, average player on the enemy team has 40 kills and 11 deaths, your team loses because those 10 extra kills per player are the difference between the enemy reaching the point with full squads surviving and the enemy not reaching the point at all.
>>500069297Pretty much, maybe they'll start adding new factions after ironing out the game some more
>>500068719it was awful
I hope there'll be a camo discount in the Christmas sale. I want to do up my JPanther and howitzer tanks! I don't think War Thunder has ever had a discount on camos before, though.
>>500077559I think they were on sale during that big sale that had everything that costs gold be half off
As much as I like the KE-7, the BAR A2 still feels better, just by virtue of having FAR less actual recoil. The KE-7 is more like the M1918 than the M1918A2 in terms of how it "feels".
>>500080232Yeah, the KE7 has that thing where I’m just not landing hits despite the sites being on target. Same with the FN BAR.
>>500080374With the FN 1930, it's due to the high visual recoil, most likely. With the KE-7, I think it's just the (relatively) high recoil. Both guns are accurate enough that it shouldn't be a problem.
>>500080543Yeah in single shot they are accurate enough, but in full auto I'm not landing hits that I know I would be with the A2. I don't know exactly why but its what I consistently feel when using the weapons.
>>500081620The WAR, Lahti, KE-7 and FN 1930 all give me motion sickness to use, it's probably just some subjective thing about how the recoil "feels".
>>500063394I remember getting some post-merge but it has been a while
>>500081878so glad I dont have this problem
why does grinding out a new squad have to be so painful
>>500082386I get sick very easily from motion sickness. I can't read in a car or on a bus, either. After a few minutes of it, I start needing to throw up, and it normally comes out as white foam. Thanks for reading my blog.>>500085435Do you mean squad levels or unlocking the squad itself? Squad levels are hellish. People here poo-poo boosters but relieving some of the pain of grinding out Flametrooper II or AT II levels makes me appreciate them.
oh yeahI forgot vehicle crews can use the M1E5
what if enlisted was just steel division 2 FPS
>>500085540What's the point of grinding out AT Trooper IIs? All that matters is that they carry rocket launchers on their backs.
>>500088402They have better stats
>>500085540squad levels
One more vehicle skin and I will be "done" with the lootboxes.
tfw still don't have any of the squads
>>500090724>Panzer 3BNo such thing
>>500092771same and i've spent close to 650k
>>500094091autism, ignorance or retardation?
>>500094846Well, the 37mm can pen the roofs of even Pershings and Jumbos, so I don't see why you were complaining
>>500087860what if they added Panzerkleins from Silent Storm
>>500095329god I hated the panzerkleinsruined an otherwise great game
Japanese guerilla squad Event today ?
>>500097001yeah, the lily corps are coming homewe're all gonna get schoolgirls bros
>>500088402Better stats that allow them to take reload speed and vertical reduction/bolt speed at the same time.
>lose because I got in a plane for 30 seconds and my team instantly lost two pointsworthless fucking shitters need to get banned if you go 5 minutes without touching the objective point
>>500101470your team didn't lose ityou lost ityou are your teamthere is no one else on your team
>>500101470>enemy pressure the point>"well guess it's time for me to leave the battlefield and fly my little plane."
>>500105042They had laid off, had two Stummels on the right and a tiger shelling the point from the back. I was just going to try and kill them really quickly.
>>500105042sometimes you have to get in the air or be continually squad wiped by point shelling
Is the berreta smg for the paras any good? Might get them next sale to replace the OG43 squad
>>500108630It’s the same as the other 20 round beretta except it has a bayonet. It gets much better box weapons than the shitalians though. When I get them I’ll probably just completely retire shitaly.
>>500096528wasn't there an option to turn them off
Idk why but playing battle of berlin as germans is the only time i feel content if im losing, i just see it most as a desperate last stand before being cosumed by a tide of screaming biege apes instead of screaming at my retarded nigger teammates to get on the point
>>500108630its nothing special and the OG is probably better but the MG34 from the box is so brutally overpowered I feel exceptionally guilty using it at BR1 so I only spawn them in uptiers now
Why is the USMC Thompson a tier 2?
>>50011297020 round mags
>>500110389battle of moscow as soviets feels like that occasionally, but only when teams are slightly tilted in Germany's favor.
I love the type 97 lmg!Scoped machine gun go radadada
gorov to BR3 when
>>500132509The Gorov could easily have been a BR III LMG, yeah. It's basically just a Type 99.
>Playing top tier Japs>Every single death is to a tank, a rocket, or some unhinged psycho sniping 200 meters away
sex with knorr-bremse
I love this thing because it allows me to use an MG42 in BR2
>>500139627For 0.5 seconds until it overheats
>>500139715skill issue
>>500139627So does the Puma.
>Added – content.hq/hq_tex/res/hq_tex_characters/mg42_belt.dxp.bin (10.26 MiB)>Added – content.hq/hq_tex/res/hq_tex_characters/mg_34_42_ammo_box.dxp.bin (11.41 MiB)
>>500145009>Germgroids getting 250 round fortress belt MG 42sIt's ogre.
>>500145176Is it gonna be worth it now that the MG15 is not useless?
>>500147282I prefer the MG-42 in general if ammo capacity is taken out of the equation.
oh lawd
What the fuck is this shit
Those two dudes on the forums that sperg out over Volkssturm in Tunisia are going to love this.
So is this just to let people cheese the event?
Yea this squad is going to be fun
>>500152101People are screeching
>halloween battle pass cost the same as regular one>but no chance to make back your goldyeah no thanks
Got my second squad. Wonder where I should put these guys
the weapons are mostly just bloody, the samurai armor is the most egregious thing
>>500159818You should be happy to get more of those players to farm. They all roll USSR just so you know.
>I can now have my Sword Pistol and My Ancient Katana paired with Ancient Samurai ArmorI will bring soo much honor to the emperor.
this is the worst event so far
>paywalled eventIt’s over
So the only thing you actually get from the event is just CoD looking weapon skins right? I don't actually have to take part?
>5 silver
>>500162734And some over perked soldiers in 5 man squads with nothing but specialists.
>>500158179So they Halloween squads you can use in the normal game? What about the special soldiers, can you put them in other squads?If so, you can get up to 4 event squads + 4 gold soldiers. Along with portraits, a vehicle decal, and the Halloween guns which I'm assuming are just skins you can also use in the normal game?
>>500163202The soldier is tier to the squad.
>Teammates refuse to play the objective>One nigger just keeps running around>Deserting will lock you out of the event>Not doing anything will not autokick youNiggers
So if i get it right.You cannot unlock the 4 Heroes / unique squads without taking the Halloween Elite Pass ?Look like the free rewards include only 2.
grinding this pass is going to be an absolute slog
So is the only difference between hard and regular the fact that the lootboxes on hard are dogshit?
>Axis gets Gigahans von Skullfuckerand a FOOLISH SAMURAI WARRIOR>Allies get a black dude in a long coat and a Chechen(?) neckbeardThere's a joke here somewhere. Would have been funny if one of the Allied reps was literally the old Nigel pilot model from War Thunder.
>>500170762>fucked up the greentextBrb kamikazeing myself for such a shamefur dispray.
Does anyone have a clue what causes Halloween tokens to spawn on the map?
This is enlisted in 2024
>>500171525Opening lootboxes
>>500172653>we've gotten to this pointgrim
>>500152101>two dudes90% of the forum posts are critical
>>500160461nah console players flock to mutts and germs wayyyyyy more than soviets
>>500172653I just wanted more japan squads and instead we get dumb skins and a fugly tank
Snoop dog skin event squad?https://youtu.be/J-KxAOlRP6khttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0lqObVPJPU
>>500174732Can confirm. Soviets and Japs are concentrated with veterans. Americans and Germans are diluted with noobs. Americans want to play as Americans and Germans have the most gear and appeal to wehraboos. Can't blame them but it means Soviet and Jap teams dominate.
>>500172653every time I played enlisted I always thought "this game could really use a shitty cod zombies knock off"
>>500172653We Like Fortnite!We Like Fortnite!
>impossible to succeed the Hallowen radio signals objective if the 3 other players in the team don't play wellDo they even know their playerbase ???
>>500178732You can just drag it out since the waves stop spawning once they destroy the radio. So you could reset it for so long they actually try or just give-up.
Has anyone got a better gun than the MP-40 from the boxes?
>>500180221Yeah WINchester
>>500183224>No fucking ammo
>>500183593Just press E on the ammo box :)
>Pick the HARD mission that requires the special soldiers>See my team click through the special soldiers but pick the normal one>Quit and just shitpost for 5 minutes
Tokens drop seldomly from the boxes, seems to be always 40 of them.
nippon event guerillas...
This event looks horrible and I probably won't be grinding it.
>>500152403where do they get off charging $30 for 4 copies of a single weapon skin
>>500184995Your fault for playing easy. I found 800 on hard. Couldn't get it cause the teams are always shit.
can't wait for the next ParaDivision videohopefully he goes off on one about this gay event
>lose match due to zombie boss dick laser
Jesus Christ is the forum full of salt. It's just an event but these niggers are full on crying about so many things you'd think the event raped their dad and killed their mom.
>>500178380its not all that badsomething different for a change, and i dont get half as mad at my useless team in this mode
>>500186873Its a step in the exact direction I didn't want them to take.They could have been working on more theatres, factions or mechanics and instead they're implementing goofy vehicles, demons and Hero soldiers.
>>500187201>Reusing assets from previous events and CRSD>Actually they could have been working on X insteadOkay.
>>500188085i have no idea what CRSD is and only some assets have been recycled, many are new
>>500187201yeah its not really that big of a deal but adding goofy metallic blood skins and other stupid cosmetics to the main game is definitely something I didnt want to see. it feels like they retasked some of the cuisine royale devs onto enlisted and so we are getting things that vibe more with that game rather than the grittier ww2 atmosphere enlisted was previously cultivating >>500188085none of these assets are re-used except maybe the armor? I never bothered to play that shit though
So how do I unlock the new event squads in the main game?
>>500185597Didn't know that you'd get better rewards
>larger maps/lobbies>new game modes>new berlin maps>new normandy maps>new pacific maps>new jap squads>new bolt actions>new interwar SMGs>new planes at all BRs>new low BR tanks>vastly expanded uniform options for all factionsare all things I would greatly prefer to an expanded zombie mode
>>500188782It's a one of a time event
>>500188543By playing the event
>>500188881they said that about the april fools event
>Achieve 1 victory in a Halloween event fightProbaly the hardest task i got ...
>>500188881idk it seems like a pretty substantial use of development resources to me
>>500189335Won two times in 5 matches. Just avoid Tunisia (Dark souls mode), Rzhev (Dark souls mode) and Normandy (Hard Mode) and play Pacific (baby mode mode) or Berlin (normal mode)
I'm just not going to play this event, i don't care about CoD zombies and i couldn't give a shit about fortnite skins
>>500189494You have 1 new enemy with 2 recolors. Some simple skin work for 6 guns. 4 Character models with items borrowed from CRSED, 6 map assets of which I think 2 are borrowed. A decal and some profile pics.It looks well done but in reality it's not that much dev work. Crytek does about the same amount of work for Twitch Drops for Hunt.
>>500190646There's a lot more than that:>promotion and marketing including a video>the actual mechanic of the game mode (including pay testing and balancing)>setting up the new battle pass, artwork, text, working out the progresssion and pricing
>>500191278>>the actual mechanic of the game mode (including pay testing and balancing)They haven't balanced shit, they have suckers called Community managers that test shit for them and yet events like this are still full of bugs and glitches
>>500137974the KB has really grown on me after I initially despised it. moving the carry handle helped a lot
>>500191278>promotion and marketing including a videoYou mean like the videos they make to teach idiots basic mechanics?Which utilize the same editting and voice over team that WT uses?>the actual mechanic of the game mode (including pay testing and balancing)You mean the thing people do for free for regular updates?As for the mechanics it's just simple spawn enemies and magnetize them to an objective. The rest of the stuff is like the previous event.>setting up the new battle pass, artwork, text, working out the progresssion and pricingThe BP is just some images of the existing BP and the weapons with a filter. The artwork is not that much and the lowest cost of any dev work nowadays.The progression and pricing is the same as always.I think this took maybe 1 week of work spread over 2-3 weeks to account for some testing. And this work was earmarked long ago like all Gaijin events.
>>500190646>>500191278this is a custom 3D model not just a reskin too. who knows why they didnt use the anti climbing spikes that were actually fitted to armor in the pacific that there is a lot of documentation of
>we got Volkssturm Tunisia so they may add the Samurai
>>500192076>Take 7er sherman model>Import into game engine>Plaster existing spike model from cross out at random points>Paint damage decal from WT where appropriateYou are again over estimating how hard this is to do. It probably took the guy a workday at most.
>>500192159satsuma rebellion clan soldier guerilla squad when?
>>500192273And if you don't believe me the tank has the exact same serial number cast into the mantlet as the regular 76er.
Wow, Berlin really is easy mode.
>>500192273look man sure its not that much work but you are completely ignoring the fact that these two zombie events are the highest effort events weve gotten outside of april fools. its very disingenuous to imply it doesnt matter that more effort was put into this than 90% of the other events this game has seen. they could be doing custom work for bespoke event game modes instead of zombies for instance
>You've injured by x
Jesus Christ how horrifying. Will it even be possible to get everything from this event without paypigging AND squadding?
>>500188782People love Halloween, chud.
>>500189570You can choose your map ?
>>500192902>dieppe raid event>brest fortress event>ethiopia/italy event>heavy water sabotage event>maginot glider event>gran sasso event>partisan sabotage event>admin box event>etcthere is so much untapped ww2 content still and what they are doing with zombies could easily be retooled into a way to add lesser battles without forcing in minor factions or huge grand scale new maps they only add for large updates. all of the above could be done with existing maps and assets
>can't remove the dingus from the US medic squad*angry noise*
>>500193945No but you can desert if you won't get easy map with trivial boss
The Enlisted community's racism is legit stopping people from winning rounds of this event lmfao people would rather go with the default soldier than play as the nigger.
>>500194923I say this because every time I have seen people skip over picking their hero-soldier, it's because it's the black medic.
>>500194923>>500195351Lots of chuds in the game then
>>500195728Thing is, I don't give a shit if you hate them there niggerfolk or whatever, I just don't wanna fuckin' lose because of someone's racial fixation spilling into a game made by Slavrats.
>>500194923That's not even the worst. I see people cycling through 2-4 hero solider and then still pick default.I also never seen the Engineer ever place ammo.
>>500196272you can "cycle" through the heroes, even if you don't actually have them.
>>500196095>>500196690>>500196272I think a big issue is how fucking ugly his portrait is. He looks like a melting grandpa and the samurai looks like he is wearing huge shades.
Is Rust even usable with his stat spread? 8 weapon handling seems horrible.
>>500197228>No Vit>Taking health from medkits without medkit use speedNani? You don't need all those bonuses.
>>500197342It's his standard build, I didn't touch him yet
>>500168116The loot boxes on both have garbage weapons until you’ve unlocked or purchased the event ones which add them to the drop pool
>>500199439>FG 42 isn't even good>It will take 6 stages for an actually good gunGrimStG-44 is the best gun for this sort of shit. Maybe the Type 100 will have enough DPS to at least shred boses if you are running the ass man
>>500197228Seems like you could perk him for cqc MG-15 hipfiring.He’s so fast he should get in close quickly.
>>500197228I didnt realize he could use LMGs normally. the squads from this event could be interesting if they all have a similar gimmick
is getting no silver from this a bug or intentional
>Spent 20 minutes fighting, only to get wiped and receive 0 tokens
>>500200117You’ve got to remember that you get the weapons in the event as you unlock them, so no one should really be able to do hard mode right now. Even still I came pretty close with some dudes on the official server. And one of them was absolute trash as well.
>>500199891I suppose it's better to perk him fully into combat, you can have another engi in the squad anyway
>>500200548You also need the right comp. At least one guy being a medic and at least one guy being an ammo bitch. I would argue that 2 samurai are also pretty good since they can easily do the spawn and boss sub missions but they suck ass at the radio one.
>>500194923I'm not sure what you expected from the community of a WW2 game primarily composed of chuds of every color and creed. Even the Chinese players are racist.
>>500158179can you change the squad composition?
>>500202109I expected the desire to win and receive rewards to overcome the racism.
>>500204231>I expected the desire to win and receive rewards to overcome the racism.Human beings will find many ways to disappoint you.
>>500204208You can see what soldiers can be put into the squad
So how many Halloween Giga-boss is there ?I got one throwing little explosive blue ballsOne spitting fire like a flamethrower.And lazer-dick.
>>500205298There are two ones that throw balls, one that throws purple and one that throws blue.
>>500201972Samurai Jack getting a rocket launcher, with just one projectile, plus that reload rate is a slap in the fast.His TnT also does not replenish upon using ammo boxesRadio missions feel impossible on hard, by the time I reload my gun the transmission already got interrupted
>>500205094i know, what i mean if you can spend the upgrade change tickets to pick other types of specialist
>>500208626nothe medic squad sucks
Has ANYBODY in the entire community, in even a 4 man stack, won Hard yet?
You can't get the event weapons until you've unlocked them. Hard isn't that difficult when people actually have good weapons.
>>500214881Unlocking the guns takes fucking forever on Easy, though.
>Can put a proper uniform on Reinhard-sleeveless-Rust>Can't change the face of Waverly-dindu-nothing-WoodsonBut i don't want to play Obama ...you can remove the Samurai armor right ?
>>500216308Those are fighting words, anon
Community manager states, regarding token drop rate:>on easy one from crate is approx 20%>on hard it’s around 60-80%
alright ill admit the event is kinda coolno need for it to bleed into the main enlisted though
>>500217462fuk ubloody guns and samurai
>>500215496Yeah, paying jump starts everything a little.
>>500186867wait for zombie boss who shoots 12 homing flames that go around trees at you endlessly
>>500216308Why the FUCK would you want to do that?Yes you can
>>500217876I am not sure Hard is even possible at the moment without paying, so there's no point trying.
>nigger>medic>first freebie soldier no one is going to spend cash grinding for they know their audience at least
>>500218283I came pretty close without any weapons right when the event dropped. We got the hard boss (fireflys) though which fucked us. Also, it was really slow going with all default weapons. With a full party of good weapons I don't think it would be much trouble. Especially if you can avoid the fucking firefly boss.
>>500216308>proper uniformyou can tho
>>500217889you can shoot the homing flamesbut the last ones you shoot drop explosive packs
so i guess the strat is to only play when you get the task bonus? cause this is utter garbage. i thought doing hard mode would give me a lot more tokens, even more so with a leaver (3rd one in a row).
So uh.Why are Enlisted players like this?
>>500226292They are... walking further away?
>>500226559I played with a guy named Sir Dies alot and he kept dying every 2 minutes and I had no idea how he was even dying half the time, he'd just appear dead
>>500228029I am convinced a lot of people playing Enlisted are genuinely lost and don't actually know how to use a computer.
I've done hard a couple times now.
>>500226559Happened to me as well on the same map. One cunt didn't move from spawn, the twothers went past the objective. One died, and the other just kept running around
>>500221547Yes, you can change him.
>>500229903too many shitters using basic weapons in that queue though, better to wait a bit for a higher success rate unless you have a squad
>>500217462yeah it is. the skins are bad but could be worse and at least its handing out multiple freebies to all the retards who wont stay out of top tier anyway. they really should be handing out lower BR rewards but that ship has kind of set sail
>>500234849There are a few people on the official server playing it
How the fuck are you supposes to kill the boss when your guns barely do any damage?
>>500239054Keep moving and shooting it in the head. You can trap the bosses, too.
>>500239054Lots of bullets
>>500239254Not sure how I could trap him on Oasis but I'll keep that in mind for other maps.>>500239263More dakka is always the answer, of course.
>>500239475On Rhzev, you can trap the boss in the stacks of hay, to my memory.
>>500239534The Rhzev boss is a joke, just stay behind two trees and you're fine
Are the syringes shared across games or do they reset?
>first pacific objective has you transmitting from the bottom of a canyon
The bullet sponge raid bosses really make me not want to play this mode desu
>>500255091They aren't as spongey if you are magdumping their head with an FG-42
>>500256087or a grease gun for that matter
I don't know which boss is worse. The one that sends tracking impact grenade orbs or the one with the insta kill dick lazer that you can only survive by going prone.
>>500260658is there any way to tell which firefly orb is explosive and what isnt? at least the dude carrying the bomb in the last event telegraphed danger
>>500260658shoot the orbsdick laser is easy if someone distracts him
>>500260658>>500260778>>500261165The orb guy is impossible because Ensharted players are retards. If you group up, it's fine.
Man you can obliterate bosses if you have the FG 42 II.
>>500172653At least they finally gave the Germans a wool tunic with pleated bottom pockets.The cut of the regular wool tunics currently resembles more of a late-war police tunic than an army one.
>>500263598>>500264330buy a banner faggot
I genuinely cannot believe how fucking retarded niggers in this game are. They genuinely cannot deal with the piss-easy fucking blue ball boss. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS RUN AND TURN AROUND AND SHOOT THE BALLS YOU MORONIC FREAKS. How the FUCK do people go down over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over?
>>500266039it's another gajin game using the same assets and engine as enlisted it's relevant to the general you dumb nigger
>>499848998i am having non-stop 5+ nigger maps
>>500267381>im trans and retarded btwbuy a banner nigger
>20 matches until I get the StG-44AAAAAA
>>500269107It's pretty nice. If you already have the MP 43, it's just that but 10% better or so.
>>500269107You mean the bloody one? I just got it.
>>500269334How?Even by using my folded 100 times Katana and being the rattiest rat bastard possible I only found at most 80 Purple Points on Normal.I know on hard you can get 500 plus another 120 from the missions but the special eds in match maker make it impossible to win.
>rolled medic as my free halloween character>next free one is only after you finish the entire battle passWell, I'm done with this shit then. It was mildly fun, but I'm not paying $9 for it.
>>500268006buy a banner autist
>>500273647>rolled mediceveryone gets medic
>>500273856I got samurai
Only 1 of the 4 premium APCs are on sale? What the heck is this?
https://enlisted.net/en/news/show/826-fall-sale-en/#!/Sale is here.Time to buy the LVT.
I guess I could pick up the Chi-Ha for 12 dollars...
>>500274716All 3 of the ones on the store are on sale. The sale link just doesn't show everything. Go to the actual squad tab to see everything short of the gorillas on sale.
>>500274716Japan doesn't need APC they park with overpowered 20HP shielded ""LMG""" Paratroopers
>>500195351>>500195728You're both retarded.When you first start up the game and have to pick a unit, it defaults to medic guy. Also, clicking on units you haven't unlocked will temporarily change your icon for everyone else.
>From October 29th (11:00 UTC) to November 4th (11:00 UTC), you will receive a 50% discount on all squads and packs in the Gaijin.Net store, except for the bundle added in the latest "Guerrilla Warfare" update.>no 88mm flak wagon>no Stug III ausf A>no Italian squad>no Suomi smg squad>no planes at allhttps://store.gaijin.net/catalog.php?category=EnlistedSquads&search=enl_germany&tag=1wtf is wrong with the store ?
>>500284574Cause those are on the in game store not on line store.
>>500284574just Gaijin being Gaijin
German BR5 paratroopers - is it worth a buy?
>>500284574I think the sales are only on the Premiums they sell against money.The ones you can buy in Gold coins are not in sales.
>>500300368If you play a lot of high BR germans and you don't have a F2P paratrooper squad, then it's not a bad purchase.
>>500270827On hard you can get 480, which is 940 if you bought the pass. Plus the objective tokens as well.You still need to find the tokens though. I’ve had the best luck getting max tokens on Rhzev. Berlin is easy but has shit token spawns
>>500300404They are, just not all the sales
I'm almost considering quitting matches against japan as a amerimutt, both the vetern try hards who play japan and the shitty maps make it no fun
anons, how many times can you build an MG-nest as an engineer, in the Halloween event?is it 3 times and thats it? can i earn more "build points" to construct another MG-nest?also, im using one on the "send messages" task and the rest on the final boss - do you have any other clever tactics?
>>500309257Yeah, play medic.
>>500309257As a jap tard throw grenade infront of you about 10-7m, run with sword afterwardsBask in the 20+ kills that took no effort or risk to get.If your team is down and you are getting ass raped the best way to clinch it is by throwing a grenade ahead of you and draging the zombies over it.
Later tonight does anyone want to test out the Jap soldier and see if his armor actually does anything?
>>499808893It this an offline game?
>i got the niggerFUGG :DDD
>>500266775I didn't knew you could should them. No other orb could be shot
>>500324948Best event character. Worst in-game squad.
If the truck leaves before you get to it, does it still count as a victory for you?
Also if you change your hero soldier's perks in the main game mode, does that carry over to the event?
>>500328359Yes.You just lose any of the event points the left out guy carries.
Gonna buy the Type Hei para pack on Steam with my steambuxx. If it's not awarded to my account, back to support it is.
>Wasted a syringe due to the timer running out just as I got up.Kinda hard to survive when 30 übers are throatfucking your downed body>>500331458Are tokens shared across everyone, just one dude has to pick them up and extract for everyone to get them?
>>500336658Tokens are shared but you can only carry 120 at a time. Also, is buying the BP even worth it for progression in the event unless you are playing with a premade that actually regularly extracts with tokens?
>>500336773It would have been nice if they had stated that somewhere, I thought that I would only get the tokens I had on me. And panicked when I saw people picking mine up after I got downed>Also, is buying the BP even worth it for progression in the event unless you are playing with a premade that actually regularly extracts with tokensI have the bp, you get 3 task per day, no matter what. Double token reward, and thats it.
>>500337802>Double token reward, and thats it.That sucks, I can't see myself regularly extracting with enough tokens to make it worth buying until I have already completed the whole BP (just to get all the rewards). I am not sure if I will be finishing this event because I have a busy schedule.
>>500337802>>500338196Buying the pass is also the only way to get all four squads, not only does it make the grind twice as fast but you can only get two of the squads if you don't buy it.
I discovered a glitch In the Halloween event if you drop your grenade while your downed, but continue to hold the button it'll blow up after a few seconds. If you release the button, you'll cause another explosion.Do not hold the button if some is reviving, as you will get stuck in a grenade throwing pose, that can only be reset after getting downed again.You can destroy the portals with this.
>>500339484>not only does it make the grind twice as fastThis is assuming you always extract with 500 tokens, which won't be happening 90% of the time.
>>500341046It’s pretty easy when everyone has the FG or better unlocked. Just find parties on the official server.
It becomes bloody impossible to even get through to the portals if people get downed before they even blow up one.The enemies pour out of them relentlessly on hard mode, by the time I kill the conga line following me, another is already on its way to get to me.
>Pretty shitty team ups>"One last match">Rhzev>2 Medics, 1 Engineer, and one guy who had nothing unlocked >Make it to the second portal plaza>Get stuck, waves pour endlessly>Can't even move past the radio transmitter>2 guys down>I down my flask and just start running, and kiting while going for the portals>We push through>Collect tokens, everyone marks them for the others who can still pick them up>Boss waves were a cakewalk compared to the portals>Extract1040 tokens, top guy had 705 kills.It's all about the kiting, seems you can outrun most motivated simply by equiping the knife
>>500348989How do you get tokens?
>>500349908Press Alt+F4 after completing an objective
>>500349908Open the beeping crates, drop rates are higher on hardThe FG 42 makes all the difference, though the rocket launcher seems to be a noob trap. >>500217359
This shit is hard af, why not teams of 6?
>>500357737Would two more drooling retards help that much?
>>500357737stop playing hard if you are bad
The Pacific one is the only actual hard mode with the portals in the caves.
>>500348989I feel like a semi-organised 4 man group could clear hard really easily.
>>500360952I did it with three last night
>>500361214I beat hard with three before, one of our guys left really early. It was Berlin thoughever.
>>500360952yeah but 3-4 random people who barely have a conception of what to do is hard to come by. this will improve slightly as the event goes on
>>500360952It's such a fucking slog without the FG-42 at the very least
It's such a shame these special hero soldiers are tied to their squads. Imagine a 4-man MG-15 squad with the buff german
>>500350427rocket launcher has been a godsend for my runs when i see a teamate running from the entire maceys day parade
Anyone else here cant stand the zombies? Cool that they added it, just doesn't click with me
>>500375509It's okay. I'm a little annoyed at the amount I need to grind to max it.
What recoil perks do you guys do for MG42s?On paper horizontal+vertical seems nice, but in practice I think the RoF is so high that you tend to do your damage before the recoil kicks in, you just need to manage your bursts well. So in that case I lean towards x4 vertical.What do you guys use?
>>5003758944x vert is the go-to. Most of my MG problems are solved by mounting or crouching+bursting anyway. If you have the spare points and dont care about the full recoil some into reload never hurt.
>>500378212I just trialed it a little and ended up going with different ones for the MG-39 and MG-42 Early. With the MG-39 I can immediately feel the vertical recoil and x4 felt better. On the Early I could get by with just horizontal
>>500375509It feels like garrys mod where someone spawned a bunch of zombies into a multiplayer map. It's unpolished but I've enjoyed it so far.
>>500379876>It feels like garrys mod where someone spawned a bunch of zombies into a multiplayer mapGee thanks now I hear burning headcrab zombies screaming in my head.
>>500381313yabbamy icing
You really have to get all the tasks done every day to complete the event just on-time, don't you?
>>500386748yep worst event grind of all time
I'm not playing the event. Haha sorry I'm just not playing it.
I'm playing the event because it's kinda fun
>>500386748You can also just play ~8 matches for each level even on normal.
I have finally replaced the GAZ AAA.
>>500390570I keep the GAZ in BR5, it's better.
>doing event on the official d*sc*rd>some guy joins and starts saying he's got so much shit unlocked (we didn't want to drag someone into hard mode that didn't have an FG)>he is aghast that we are going to queue up with 3 people>you want to get a RANDOM?!>load into game>he's on console>goes down 800 times>gets 50 kills (on zombies) in 20 minutes>random is tied with me for most killsthx for subbing to my blog
>>500391187why's that? I mostly stick to BR2 because I started playing right before Battle Ranks were implemented and speedran through most of Moscow/Stalingrad's early unlocks with Lewis Gun Squad & Lady Medics. I'm trying to get other factions on par with my Soviets but it takes a while and it makes Events a total slog
>>500391658>why's that?https://files.catbox.moe/32xm61.webmIt hauls ass. Though one bad thing, I think they just stealth nerfed all the trucks, I think now only one passenger can fire out the back rather than all of them. Which I understand, the AI driveby accuracy was pretty bonkers.
>>500392078Ah, that makes sense.
Dick Laser is super easy.
Just got the German event squad. Where should I set them up? I was thinking BR5, using the main one to sprint up close and then hose people down from the hip with the MG-15. I’d be swapping out my seldom used fliegerfaust squad for them.Alternatively, I could set them up in BR IV and basically use them the same way but with a patronentranny.
>>5003905702 para squads? Absolute menace
>>500393450not when all your teammates die instantly
>>500395506As long as your team has a semblance of a clue and speaks English, you can warn them and say to go prone when he roars. Hard is actually pretty easy on a lot of maps, as long as people are paying attention. Oasis is a nightmare but doable.
>>500394934Got 3 squads already. They are only worth using in tier 2 imo for lulz
>>500396262I will use my jap one at BR 1. I will keep the Samurai Armor, I will give him a Sword Pistol, A Murata and an Ancient Katana
>>500396608This sounds fun.
>>500395506first time I did it, presumably with a bunch of first timers as well, we all got downed, 2 of us used our syringes, and picked the other 2 upthen we all understood that you're supposed to go pronebecause we were PC players
What would be better for Boss killing DPS, Tommy 50, StG or FG42. Accounting for reload as well.
>>500399396The FG with headshots has way more DPS than the other two.
Sex with the Red Demon shooter
>>500410442fuck is wrong with you
>>500379876The soundtrack slaps
>>500410545Red turns me on, and it's a dominance thing
>>500410738y'all motherfuckers need jesus
i think the event is fun but the novelty is wearing off quickly>run to objective, shoot some zombies if you want>collect ammo>complete objectiverepeat 3 times>fight boss>sprint to APC
>>500411090It can get pretty exciting when you're the only guy left, with the pride parade coming after your ass
>>4998088935 MINUTE PENALTY FOR A "EARLY LEAVE" >>500226559>>500226292WITH SHIT LIKE THIS!?i left after we were all downed and was repaired with the SAME FUCKWITS so i left then catch a penalty, HEY FAGJIN maybe people have shit to do and dont have time to waste on arbitrary bullshit cooldowns
>Fixed a bug where the "Oasis (Operation Earth Shield)" mission’s boss was from the Hard mode.No wonder that boss was so tanky. Out of like 4 matches that's the only map I've played.
Bibilo Hill is a nightmare up until the boss, where it becomes a comically easy slog. It's nice that people are able to consistently beat Hard now. All the shitters got filtered out.
Most of these squads are pretty memey, but I think the German one might actually be a tiny bit viable.
You can start a rally and have the other engineer finish it while you speedrun your way to an objective and begin hipfire hosing anyone you can find
It's incredible what dead weights so many people are in this fucking mode. You'd think, you'd THINK, that people would realise that as the ENGINEER CLASS you can BUILD STRUCTURES and PLACE AMMO BOXES, but... no! Haha! Lol! They just don't fucking do fucking anything. I don't get how people can be such fucking dead weights. Genuinely. I just don't get it. They have no excuse. They are confused by the simplest instructions/tasks, it's insane! Seeing these "people" in action makes me realise why so many matches are godless shitfests: because they genuinely do not understand the basic functions and tasks presented to them. They just wander around in a daze of confusion.
>>500449905I fucking hate people picking engineer, plopping down a few structures, and thinking they did something after getting 70 kills. There are ammo and medkits at every single objective. Pick medic and stop being useless.
>>500450349Engineer is useful on the Rhzev boss because you need to keep him trapped in the hay bales, and having an ammo box near the hay bales makes that easier.
Is anything ever going to be done to address this game's awful, atrocious, disgracefully bad third-person movement?
>>500450690It was better in alpha and had to be made worse for the sake of poors and consolefags.
>>500450349Most people only have a single class available, anon
>>500451435If they don't even have the FG unlocked, why do they insist on shitting up Hard?
>Launch Hard event>Team is only 2 or 3>Other players leave>I leave>I take 5 min penalty>repeat >repeat>repeat...
>>500450487You don’t need to do anything but stand behind cover for the Rhzev boss. It’s by far the easiest one
>>500458962Nah, Berlin is easier. You just have to hold W. Rhzev fucks over retards and leaves you alone against him and the adds. In theory you can just stand behind the hay bales or whatever but your average Enlisted player is genuinely too slow/stupid to do that. I watched a guy just stand there, in the open, as the fireballs flew at him and get blasted by them.
>>500459285gee would have thought hay bales would be a good source of cover for fireballs
>>500455516If you’re last one just suicide and you avoid the penalty
>>500459285The Berlin ones can roll into you from behind and they don’t have any danger indicator like with grenades. The Rhzev boss is the easiest. They’re all pretty easy if the team isn’t drilling retards. The Pacific and Tunisia ones would be way easier if they were out in the open and not obfuscated with terrain.
>>500460440Pacific is easiest. Hear noise run. Run horizontally to not take any damage.
>>500460565Rhzev is dodged the exact same way but he’s easier to shoot back
>>500460872For the Pacific only the guy with the aggro has to doge and everyone else can just pile in damage. Also I swear bosses take more damage when attacking.
>>500461317No one else can see the boss on the Pacific because he’s always behind the fucking hill
>>500461485He aggros on the closest player doing damage to him. You can be as close as you want.
I think I like the pacific map the most because of how cool it looksshame it runs at like 50fps for me
>>500460565Steel Mill is easiest. Hear noise, tap "Z"
Have any of you done Pacific on hard? The cave portals are by far the hardest objective in the entire mode.
>carry a pretty shit team on hard>basically do the boss solo>move towards the APC>the second worst shitter instantly jumps into it, starting the timer>the middling guy jumps right behind him>the worst shitter falls 20 seconds before the game ends>meanwhile the horde is still on my ass>5 seconds left>try to rez him but I realize that if I stay there I die>leave him behindif only I was the medic...
>>500466836Just be a gook and rocket launch them from above
>>500467890There is no box topside though
>lumped with 2 generics on hard mode>cant get past radio obj because weak faggots>quit>5 min penaltyso i'm punished for the game putting me in a team with retarded fuckwits... gee thanks darkflow>>500467658i jump straight in always fuck the rest of the team if they cant keep up or want to harvest kills fuck them
>>500472494Bro the whole point is to extract with credits, you don't get their credits if they don't extract
>>500473936>>500472494The meta is to spread out and find all the crates on the map until everyone has 120 tokens. Then finish objectives and have everyone extract. That way you get the most tokens from the raid.
>>500475039In my experience the crates aren't really that spread out though. The maps are huge but the crates are all right along the path to the objectives, except for Tunisia where there are crates in buildings when most teams just cut through the sand dunes
>>500473936>>500475039you mean the credits that other team members steal off you when you go down while healing reviving them... nah fuck them i'll just play another round and get more tokens
>>500476798Tokens are shared, dipshit. You want everyone to have 120 when they extract.
>>500476906not when team members are lazy cunts and dont find their own. and who gives a fuck about maximizing when there is over 3 weeks left. you sound like a minmax autist
>>500455516Alt-F4 should incur no penalty
>>500477068>and who gives a fuck about maximizing when there is over 3 weeks leftPeople that want to have the event done in 30 matches and not 60
>>500193357They locked cosmetics on these guys now, so this can't be replicated.My friend has dot 44 on Reinhard and now he can't change it.
Yeah I dont think having an event which relies on other players is a good idea desu. This one feels like pulling out nails. I'd much rather it have been the 20k points or something. Also I hope for next year they add Finnish soldiers for germany with the sklull helmets for Halloween or main Atoll Marines as an event squad for Germany/USA. I couldn't think of a halloween like outfit for the Soviets/Japanese
>>500495854Makin Atoll marines (ik it isn't orange but the yellow frag grenades would be like little pumpkins ig if you can imagine that. Better than kinda cringy blood weapons)
>>500497000shit forgot image
>>500495854I don't mind it much, a lot of teams are surprisingly good. Maxing the event out just requires you to play an hour a day, it's not hard.
dead 4 dead meets doom
Type 100 is pretty psychotic in zombies
>>500510235I'll take it over the sten or PPD, that's for sure
>>500514410The other Type 100
The last 700k of silver I've spent on boxes have yielded me nothing but an engraved PPK
kinda worried that the event is just an excuse to test out some of the concepts that will be applied to this gamehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vb9Ys_Q2ypY
>>500519774not my problem
>>500515978How the fuck do you already have the double damage nigger gun?How much have you played the event nigger?
another 250k gone because I wanted the last vehicle.I'm done, fuck the sandbag jagdpanzer iv, I wasn't even going to use it
>>500519774yeah this looks like shit tbqhmajor mechanics get tested in warthunder events before they are added all the time so id be more worried about them adding zombies to enlisted permanently than some other bullshit in a different game which wont matter unless the publisher reallocates development resources away from enlisted
>>500520337You earn one level per match if you buy it and know what you're doing
>>500520337BP levels are like 30 gold I just assumed the people I saw using that shit are just paying
>>500520540My friend did that, I just stacked 20 or so matches of it
>>500483020good thing i play the game for my enjoyment and not for whiney faggots like yourself
>>500523769You won't finish the event.
>>500523935you wont touch a titty
>>500523769also just saving this to rub your nose in later
>>500524301Why does that filename say "CuxBox"? I don't remember saying that...
>>500524584>i-it w-wasnt me!fuck off retard. this entire exchange reeks of your holier than thou know it all attitude and you replying mere minutes after it was posted denying it just confirms it further
>>500524746I, Man_bear_pig, posted it.
>>500524746I have been watching Beetlejuice and now I am fucking blind.
>>500525468go into the light my son
>>500525878My team lost because it was a 3 man lineup and I couldn't see shit. To be expected, I guess.
>>500525468I just had someone get that bug
https://enlisted.net/en/news/show/828-the-best-defenders-en/#!//enlg/ger squad up when
>we reserve the right to exclude from the ranking any battles that violate the game’s rules>merc is top of tunisa
>>500527209I would, but I am evil and ruin the thread, and revealing your names would make you NAMEFAGS.>>500527572Who would cheat in an event like this? People cheated in the last zombie event but that was by getting 8 people into one match.
It's a weird metric, most people were exploring the map and trying to get all the boxes, not speedrun it as quickly as possible for shit credits.Not to mention how drastically the balance shifts when everyone is running Type 100s and PPSh-41s.Or playing with two people that have Japs selected so they can run ahead with the swords to start objectives immediately and clear out the portals in one go.
>>500529014The Type 100 seems like it would totally bust open the mode because of the insane DPS it has.
>>500527209Let's do it, no one is better than /enlg/ Gods
>>500528696>Chance to have name made "famous" on some shitty game website>/enlg/ autists lining up to try>Who would cheat in an event like this?Anon, I...
on the first day of the event I had 2 of the most fun games in a while, back to backlike all the shitters were playing cod zombies(it IS fun though) and the retards were able to play in peace so you get games where you nearly lose the final cap despite the enemy being at 0 ticketsgod bless those kinds of games
>Guys get downed>They don't extinguish themselves when they are burning>Get rezzed and downed immedieately again because they are still burning
>>500537073I've done this kek
>>500539982Tunisian boss is such a spammy bitch
Now that most teams playing 'ard are 'ard men I will finish the event BP in 5 days.Once I do I probably will stop playing unless it has good infinite rewards. Mode is okay but it gets repetitive. Would have benefited from more guns and more enemies event like the paras in the first zombies event.
I don't think that people realise that the crates drop tokens
>>500527209New incel list just dropped
>>500544082Sometimes. Dropped tokens are marked by stars on the map. You can only carry a max of 120 tokens and tokens come in 40 per stack which cannot be divided.
>>500541265Tunisia boss fight has to be the comfiest part of the event. The blue fireflies flying through the tropical desert oasis at twilight is beautiful.
>>500533481nice score loli spats
>>500553363it's one of my better scoressometimes there's games where I'm meatwaving against meatwaves and end up with like 150+ kills and haven't noticed because the spirit of john arisaka is guiding my bullets
>>500563107honestly we really ought to have an update dedicated to ersatz TDssnowgerians get a ZiS-30, japs get the ho-ro or ho-ni II or 120mm long gun chi-ha or the ho-ro, krauts get one of their billions of marders built off french tanks, and the americans get the M3 GMC
>germans>soviets>americans>japs>brits>italians>frenchiesany more unique nations you'd like to see?
>>500563107I would buy a 30 dollar premium squad just to have a Hetzer honestly. Love this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe.>>500565836I wouldn't mind seeing the minor Axis powers like Hungary and Romania rolled into one tree, Finland could be standalone maybe? As for Allies I'm not really sure who else there would be to add aside from Poland. And if you made them a full tree half of it would be paper shit ala World of Tanks and the other half hand me downs from the other Allies.
>>500565836I know everyone here has brain damage but must we insist on bringing this up every thread?
>>500565836more commonwealth squads
>>500569605you could easily roll a commonwealth tree and a minor axis nations+italy treefinland would probably not exist as its own tree but as a part of the kraut tree and the very very ass end of BR5 russians
>>500542106>unless it has good infinite rewardsBest I can do is one self revive
>>500519774They are testing having a leaver penalty :)
you know I bet there was at least one sperg nip officer who brought his families samurai armor on deployment tbvh
>>500577284in what universe would finland be part of the russian tree
>>500591919unironically need a premium squad like this
>10,000 point match>First place & victory>Get only 5000 silverI thought they were going to fix the silver reward rate.
check out this matchhttps://enlisted.net/en/replays/#!/replay/390154541407390017
>>500607357They did, before you would have gotten 3k at most
>>500608293Then it needs to be increased again. Especially if they plan to continue with 5000 per roll veteran's boxes.
>>5006073575k silver is worth a lot more now though
>>500607357>10,000 point matchPoints don't mean shit. Not every match point is created equal. You have to look at the experience received. The score/match to research formula is DF's secret. For obvious reasons to avoid players from xp farming.
>>500591681>>500591919this is the type of guy that led bayonet charges with his sword against tanks, isn't it
>>500611304Either that or pic related.
>see 50% off on research tree tab>its only for paypig units
>>500612801Yeah I can see how that’s misleading. I guess because some people never check the paypig store they started moving some paypig items to the tree menu like Warthunder.
>keep getting 3 player only in hard mode>get 4>1 goes afk after 1st deathfuck this gay earth
>>500614526>get 4 in a team>1 hasnt unlocked anythingFUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKK
I’m happy to be done with the event.
>>500615465Honestly I just fucking gave up on the event, I'm not gonna paypig and I don't feel like grinding for the shitty free battle pass.
>>500615768The German squad is pretty funny. and of course the Samurai
>>500616291I might do one tier because the squads are random right? Honestly I like all of the squads, the Allied ones are almost normal and the Axis ones are funny.
>>500617287I think so
>>500593636the part where russia and finland agreed to keep finland's independence in exchange for the finns expelling the krauts from finland in late 44
>>500623068Ah yes, the “war” where the Fins pretended to attack Germany while they pulled out in good order
>playing event on hard>medic runs off in random directions drawing back mobs>never revives anyone>refuses to pick up the multiple fg42s pointed out to him>his name is eduado#1i hope trump deports this beaner fucktard
I am utterly befuddled by the absolute amount of retarded faggots playing this event that have seemingly never played shooters before. How are people THIS BAD at a video game? How am I tripling kill counts without breaking a sweat and they struggle to defend a single radio objective?
>>500625626did you just start playing this game?
>>500624486>Some useless prick on my team with "2004" in his name>Think "ugh useless kid, is he 10 or something?">Horrible realisation
>>500625747what? that you're playing with 10 year olds? it's a free game after all
>radio objective in berlin>have an engineer>repeatably tell him to surround radio with sandbags>ignores me for 7 attempts which fail>he builds sandbags on 8th go>we send 3 messages and move onliterally the forest gump of video games
>>500630810he's learninga couple hundred more runs and he'll know exactly what to do with the efficiency of a machine
>>500630804Anon... 2004 was 40 years ago...
>>500624486Might not have the FG unlocked
>Get three consolefags on Hard>None of them have the FG unlockedWhy.
fuck itI'm going to buy sword gun
>>500637234either I buy it now or I buy it latergold orders cum and gobut swordgun is forever
>Dude on my team gets SO mad at me opening crates looking for tokens that he spams the altar on the final task while raging in chat>Makes us lose on purpose>Out of sheer angerI... I don't understand the people who play this game. At all.
>>500638239>spams the altar?
>>500638901If you activate the altar repeatedly, it causes all waves to spawn at once. He intentionally spammed us with every wave at once to force us to lose because he was mad at me for opening a chest. Thing is, I was carrying HARD. REALLY hard. He asked my teammates to let me die, they refused (they knew who was buttering their bread) and in his anger he forced us to lose.
Finally, appreciated in my time.
>>500638974Why in fucks name would they allow griefing to this degree
>>500650718When I was finishing my the event all the groups were doubling up the first and second wave to speed things up, since it was already easy
>>500638239oh wow. this is the guy i was talking about in >>499874092
>>500659836i thought his name was all caps with underscores, looks like i was wrong, but this is definitely the angry gimp i was shit stirring all game
panzer souffle
I don't get how self-help kits are supposed to work. You unlock them in the battle pass but I never seem to run out of them.
>Somehow get stuck in an ammo box at the boss>People try to get me out>Another guy gets himself stuck trying to get me out>Ping the extraction point to get them to leave me behind>Good Job>Sorry>Thanks
Gaijin shop items were removed from the tech tree?
>>500680159Nm just the ones you buy disappear from the tech tree
Don't die
I genuinely start to think that the tech tree ZK is a better SMG than the MP-41(r)
Über Rider a cute
"Easy" is harder than "Hard", since the people who go for that mode seem to be a special kind of retard
In normal enlisted I'm 90% of the time the best player on my team whereas in the event I'm the best player roughly less than 50% of the time.I wonder if most of the truly dribbling retards aren't even aware of the event
>>500676613You start with 15, so people using it every single game and don’t have the pass to speed up the grind can end up running out. I finished with like 17 left.
>>500704390if you cant solo carry normal mode you might be a shitter famalam
>>500705603What BRs do you main?
>>500672354I cant even begin to fathom how low IQ you have to be to make a post like this
>>500709278currently 5, before that 3 and before that 2
>people still haven't understood that they had to lie down to lazer-dick>people still haven't understood that they had to shoot the blue bubbles asap>in Hard mod
>>500712463I also see lots of butthurt about token stealing lol. devs should have made it more clear they are shared
>>5007092782 the way god intended
BR4 is the thinking mans main BR
>BR2no Shermanno Thompsonno Garandno M1 carbinno BazookaWhy even playing a WW2 game ?
>>500720574>ShermanOh no what will we do without the Ronson>ThompsonBut I have 9>GarandI have it's successor>No M1 CarbineNigga you retarded?>No BazookaYou doubly retarded?
>>500720574lmao what are you babbling about.Also, chads drive the Scott. Same firepower.BSA thompson also exists.
Nippon Guerillon when ?
>>500709279i cant even begin to fathom how much of a butthurt faggot you are to report this. not to worry though, it will be in the archive forever :3
I didn't report it but you can still cry about it
cool story gaylord
Also, learn to use idioms properly you retard
cry more dragqueen
I know you're low IQ because you just repeat things people say to you lol. Fuck off from this general already
namefags are an asset to this generalschizos aren'tfuck off schizo
You are the retard foaming at the mouth over the least annoying namefag ITT to begin with dipshit
>>500720574>no thompsonjust buy the gold order BSA thompson
don't do that its shite
i love when the multiple personalites of cux start posting. it almost looks like he has friends>not going anywhere faggot deal with it
cuckbox is a good poster
shes an above average thread bumper at best
>>500625626if you haven't figured it out, this game is 99% bots. these aren't humans playing. depending on how good you are your bot difficult is adjusted to be brain dead or will carry the game by zerging every objective in coordination
>>500731262It's the best amerifat BR2 gun
you're off your fucking nut the lanchester mogs
>>500732172>your bot difficult is adjusted to be brain deadi think this is where i am now. i watched my bot walk into and stand in the middle of a molotov fire and just burn to death
>>500732359what ptsd do to a motherfucker
>can't change Halloween Squad uniform anymoreIs that a bug ?
Eeyah, I wish I had 3 more Suppressed Ermas for my gorillas!!
>>500732746You initially could, seems like an intentional hotfix
Has the hard level become slightly harder with less loot crates today? Or is it I just haven't smoked meth yet.
>>500735474But i can't even look how the squad look in other campaign/theater of war anymore.It's Normandy for the German engineer squad and Tunisia for the US Medic squad.
>>500732172>these aren't humans playingthe horrifying thing is that they are actually
>>500731746>>500731853>>500731979I was at a yard sale, sisters. Sorry for shitting the thread up by proxy.
Starting to sink in that this sale and zombie event is the only content we are going to see for the next four weeks
The only games I’ve ever seen go to time were when I was on Japan the enemy was allies, usually assault and demolition
How do you deal with the blue dragonflies ?I have seen some people claiming the last one destroyed explode, but i know its false.
>>500759972They drop a grenade if they are close to you. That's it.
Had the most obnoxious nigger in a game today>Consolefag>Put a post looking for players to play the event>Get a dad and his son and this nigger>Playing normal so I can see their skills>Get Rhzev so fairly comfy>On the radio the nigger goes down and I tell him not to waste his self revives on normal mode as they are limited and he'll have to buy them with real money>Says he doesn't care and he'll just buy more>get to boss>Turns out the nigger has 3 tokens and didnt say shit>hoovers them all right up>Son has two himself>We get to APC despite me telling the son and the nigger to go straight in>Son decides to create a train and goes down at the same time he enters>I go down right after>Nigger starts jumpoing around saying they'll never catch him>APC leaves and we get no bonus>Says games shit and leavesGOD I HATE NIGGERS, WIGGERS AND POTHEADS SO FUCKING MUCH
>>500750715Eh we'll get an event for Enlisted's birthday. Last year it was the automatic pistols and a meme characterhttps://forum.enlisted.net/en/t/happy-birthday-enlisted/129320While 2 years ago it was a GO, Profile picture and some decalshttps://forum.enlisted.net/en/t/happy-birthday-enlisted/81683So nothing major but better than nothing
this game has voice chatand I have no idea how
"ohg no"and in that moment we all knew we were fuckedhttps://files.catbox.moe/vpsh83.webmyes we got wiped
>>499808893sucks shit now, Stalingrad 1942 and both sides can be kitted out with panzerfausts, its fucking dogshit goyslop game
Was watching a YouTube video earlier and among a bunch of real clips of random WW2 footage there is a clip of someone firing a bazooka like it’s a fucking mortar.
I love getting cucked out of tokens because of the reset, what a good system.>>500777081I guess you could theoretically do that lol. What was it, some grunts fucking around or did it look like combat footage?
>>500777081I don’t know, it was like three seconds amidst a bunch of cuts. They seemed pretty focused on looking for the impact but I don’t know how often ground cameras were videotaping real combat anyway.
>>500778435Almost all footage was stage and shot long after combat was over.Real combat footage outside of gun cameras and AA directors is really rare.
I’m stuck posting from my phones but the clip is from the fat electricians 77th Infantry video, 27:08
>>500778851Oh I'm retarded so when you said like I mortar I thought you meant they somehow fire it it upright from the ground. I wonder how far they were trying to reach out with it, can't imagine a bazooka rocket making it over a body of water like that with any real accuracy. Maybe the bridge?
You know what would make this game even more awesome? Playing on a team that didn't suck a million black cocks before breakfast.
>>500792506mmm yummy
>>500805551Morning Hux, enjoy the yard sale?
You can see the number of self-help kits you have in the main page for the event. So every time you use one in-game the count goes down and every one you buy or unlock it goes up accordingly. Use them sparingly.
>>500813815Thanks. I only use them if I accidentally die on a boss and there's only one guy left.
Why do these stupid cocksuckers extract without the team. This retard just lost 120 tokens * 3 abandoned teammates * 2 for the BP so 720 tokens in total he just lost everyone by extracting without the team. Genius plays.
>Spawn>Go to put down rally point>Run to cap point>Enemy caps it before you get there>Die>Respawn>Go to put down rally point>Run to new cap point>Enemy caps it before you get there>Die>Repeat until defeatFucking brilliant
>vehicle slightly touches object>gets stuck
>>500830012>Drive a tracked apc over train rails>Vid relatedhttps://youtu.be/0cVlTeIATBs?si=TPCxKQxzKlwHyyRh
>>500826856Some times it's smarter to hold cap than build rally.
>Open crate>PPD34>Open crate>Sten>Open crate >Winchester>Open crate >Sten
>>500773348Did the boss come back?
The Samurai had an AT gun added. Still probably the worst of the four in normal gameplay https://enlisted.net/en/news/show/829-update-0-6-3-92-en/#!/
>Kill a horde>Another horde spawns>Kill a horde >Another horde spawns>Kill a horde >Another horde spawns>Kill a horde Is this a bug, the horde being the one that spawns accompanied by the sound bite
>>500862204Were you at the extraction phase?
>>500862290Nah, this was before that. Which is why I though it was weird
conders mg is the best german weapon
>>500871605Generally yes, but it gets really painful running into metaniggers using armor and vitality
>me as mednigger>2 assnowniggers>last guy suddenly changes from eng to assault at last secondneedless to say we lost>new game>medic 2 x ass 1 x eng>console nigger runs straight to the truck drawing a fucktrain then jumps in and gets 2 others killed before timer runs outfuck i'll be glad when i am done with this shit
>>500873773Do assaulters even get anything special in the event? Or are they just slightly better default soldiers?
>>500873773If it’s a good team I think the meta configuration is probably double AT and double assaulter
>>500875732Two weapons, which is more significant when one is an LMG. Also medic is slow as fuck
>>500875732>over 9000 hours in mspaint laterpretty much this>>500876031hot take from a self centered faggot that runs to be first in the truck>>500878916never seen an assulter who wasnt carrying anything better than 2 smgs or fg 42s
>>500879386>slight improvement
>>500873773im still getting people using recruits on hard every game
>>500880196i quit those immediately after letting the team know why
I think dorkflow should've added a token bonus for the amount of players survivedotherwise it just seems like there's no reason to not abandon everyone for the average playerI was abandoned several times because I was helping another dude, sad!
>>500881509The bonus is you only get a teammate's tokens if they extract.>there's no reason to not abandon everyoneThe reason is the fucktards that abandon teammates lose out on their tokens since they have to extract to be added to the token pool.
AUS GEZEICHNET>>500882742>>500882742>>500882742