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Warlock dev (finally) listened edition

>Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct on November 13th.

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Old >>499798164
Go here instead, accidentally split. Didn't see there was a new one.
recycle this one though
are we still back or is it over now
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>two panda babes walk up to you in dalaran and start doing this at your crotch
what do you do then, tomar?
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should I get the dino or not?
how hard/annoying it is to farm gold now that tinderboxes/nullstone farms are kill
mythic raiding is dead
you got at best two patches mythic trannies
better drink bleach now to remember the good times
When are they going to give Mechgnomes, DIDs and other allied races more love, similar to what dracythr got in terms of customization? Why is Blizzard a racist chud?
Pandas are so fucking ugly. How does anyone have a fetish for this shit?
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Get scared
I'm sure if you were to post a selfie we'd all be calling you uglier LMAO
those buffs are nothing lmao lockucks are such losers...
All these races disgust me to no end
mythic raiders are all pedos that jack it to loli and pizza
you fags get the rope first
How come there’s so many troons in this game??
only game with mythic raiding
you have to be a sissy tranny to mythic raid
simple as
Mmmm, loli...
I play Wow just for m+ and I'm a chad
I'm making way less money than I was at the start of the expac for sure. But I'd still buy it (with gold). There's never gonna be a mount you need more than an AH and a mailbox.
lol this maze+ community is something special
>see sad nooby player
>"I can't get into keys nobody accepts my application :("
>"learn 2 play"
>"let me see your io, lmao they dodged a bullet"
>"get a guild faggot"
you guys are a bunch of assholes lol
All valid advice, dumb namefag.
>baby little cuck too afraid to make his own groups
>baby nigger is too retarded to understand that his retarded nonmeta spec is not desirable
>little retard too "attached" to his character or something to just reroll to something good and win at the game
mplussers are always right, you shitter faggots make no efforts whatsoever and want to do big boy keys
>get a guild
no it isnt and you should fucking kill yourself your worhtless piece of shit
fuck you
another dumb tripfag to add to the filter go fuck yourself
You fucking idiot.
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What about them?
Maybe spend more than 5 minutes finding a good guild instead of accepting random invites from potato guilds.
>saw 10 billion paypig dinosaurs yesterday on my realm in dorn
>log in today
>literally none
What the fuck, did people get bored of it already?
Turns out nobody needs a mailbox that fucking often.
Further showing original bruto still the far superior mount.
I love them more than I can put into words
Post more
Why does Teldrassil still have the best zone theme+ambience?
youre not in a good guild
youre a shitter
you suck at the fucking game
but you still want a liquid tier player to apply and carry your washed up nigger ass and will accept nothing less
Because someone was a Night Elf main in Warcraft 3 and knew players would want to see that sort of environment and architecture scaled up the most compared to the other races.
God bless that man honestly.
uh.. they still want you to pay $15/mo to play? Granted inflation means it's not as much money anymore but still
Agreed, I always ran any Alliance character there to level. Best starter zone easily.
If only I could have original Darkshore returned.
works on my machine
>add a token to my bnet balance
>want to buy another one
>"no token available, please try later"
>1 minute cooldown
>"no token available please try later"
>meanwhile the fucking price is going up
what in the frogchamp, am I in a weird limbo unable to purchase a token or something, or is it because I bought like 4 or 5 in a row
holy shit what a trash game
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>have two shamans, one 80 and another 71.
>current one is all enh
>thinking about levelling my other one just to play ele and resto spec
is this retarded? I can't think of any other caster/healing spec that I care about besides shamans
use the script
>If only I could have original Darkshore returned.
Was my favourite classic zone as well
Fuck C*taclysm for shitting all over it
there is a script to buy wow tokens look it up on wowhead i won't spoonfeed you
Asking the tank to stop so you can drink is the most effeminate thing imaginable
What's a healing spec that doesn't need to drink?
No bro you don't understand, that $90 is so worth it for the convenience!
>*mounts up 3 feet from a mailbox*
It saves me so much time!
>*mounts up a 5 second flight away from the ah*
Money well spent!
at putting up green parses
good job loser
You say this, but when you run out of flasks/pots in the middle of the raid you will be on YOUR knees begging ME to mount up for you.

Just do a follower dungeon beforehand to stock up on mage food and adapt to taking quick drinks for a small percentage mana restoration between pulls.
GATHERER BROS................. HOW DO WE FEED OUR FAMILIES NOW...........................
Which hunter spec is actually fun? Are they useful in any M+ or raids at all?
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No, I'll supply them myself, and vendor the trash out my bags at the same time.
God knows there's no excuse for people to not have one of the thousand mailbox toys/racials.
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>anti nu-bruto propaganda was all the work of the sunk cost keks that got scammed out of a goldcap for the old bruto
it all makes sense now
>he scheduled a Bellular Live
Oh god.... Blizzard is SO fucked!
Dorf or gobbo hunter? I like guns.
told you to fuck off mick enough is enough
>og brutosaur
>blizzard got 0 dollars
>blizzard gets 90-120 dollars from each
thank you brother
cant imagien all the tools the ah jews got now that I realize it, you genuinely cannot compete if you dont know
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I don't even suffer from these problems. I feel bad for the average players who do.
Players who act like this aren't even good they are just assholes
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this shit is insane
ah thats why I see your 2700 ass sitting in +8s because you want to put in more effort than the average player. lol gfto
Anon, NuBlizzard got a lot of token sales on the FOMO og bruto, they're doing it again with the FOMO bruto
Your application to "+8" has ben declined.
lol I don't find many problem getting accepted after 625 and 2.5k io how is this happening to you.
because i'm a warlock
I feel your pain warlockBRO...
alot of these people dont pug which means theyre perpetual shitters that cant adapt to whatever horseshit gets thrown at them
anytime i invite some mythic raiding faggot to one of my runs they preform very poorly
last on dps
constantly dying
they're basically worhtless because theyre propped up by their "friends'
its a joke
they exist inside of a bubble and cry to daddy ion to save them
its pathetic
theyre trannies
and pedos
jsut take a look at this faggot
look at the video
and then look at the channel
they're degenerate
and they deserve to die
end of
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good game
>uhm you're a dps
and your game is dead
holy mindbroken
What's the point of spending so much of your time begging, pleading, cumming and shitting to get invited to M+ groups? Just so you can maybe get an upgrade to your ilvl so next time you won't have to beg, plead, cum and shit quite so much to get invited? Why do this?

Stop doing M+ altogether if you don't have a crew to roll with no questions asked.
>not restarting queue
gilded crests
oops forgot the video
im drunk
im mad
and im going to rant
deal with it tranny-pedo
Because despite all my rage, I'm still just a rat in a maze.
j-just a queue bug anon, just like the tinder bug when you get no matches hehheheheh
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Ah good, now I can attract the gay Draenei lads.
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eradicated every single horde scum. by myself.
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>open video
>check recent uploads
>trooned out
is this the end result of doing too much m+?
Damn that goat man looking pretty femboy built
think about it logically:
what kind of broken individual would willfully decide to treat world of warcraft like a job
this is a videogame btw dont forget that
but these people conduct interviews and treat A VIDEO GAME like its a real fucking world job
they are so fucking pathetic its unreal
that was the whole point of the game
to leave the real world behind for a time
but they're so worthless they decide to fucking treat guilds and raiding like its a real fucking job
thats the worst fucking part of it all man
Loot council?
you want me to reroll??
they are so fucking pathetic they willfully decide to forgo things they want in favor of someone elses vision
all for a fucking cheevo and to be accepted by a group
IMAGINE being so pathetic
you are weak
you are subhuman
you're an embarassment
and you should fucking die for it
holy based
that is a raider retard
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french people are so fucking retarded it's insane
this little muttoid is begging for money in front of the dornogal ah
and no I dont play on a fucking french realm
just a pure product of coincidence right, nothing to do with the fact that he is french?
just like half of my depleters in key coming from archimonde or hyjal, right babe? coincdences
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Making sure they dont res again... Scum...
are French people the equivalent of latam players in the USA?
because I fucking HATE Ragnaros players.
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i spit on the horde
tfu tfu
frogs are extremely bad, on top of being extreme retards but being smug about it
basically in eu we have segregation and all the esl subraces like italians spanish frogs and portuguese got their own little server
This is literally what i dream of typing in the note or whispering to the group lead.
keep up the good work!
>want to level a non allied race/panda dk
>have to go through initial DK quests again
Pain and suffering
yes anon I get declined from every key now lets get back to how these contemptuous players aren't even good.
When are they giving the horde a race using the human model? We have plenty of undead using it like Nathanos, Calia and Derek Proudmoore
what are u talking about
You be a """female""" dracthyr in visage form which is literally the human female model.
Warriorbros... we eating good tonight
still not inviting them
Meh not as good as you think.
An allied race or option for the undead to use the male human model. I like it for transmog reasons but i don't want to play alliance
I've decided to become racist
why and against whom
you might unironically get that eventually, if they do a big race overhaul which some people think will happen
ie merging thalassian elves together, dwarves together, draenei together etc etc
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>+20% dps is "not as good as you think"
Hard to tell if this is a case of bad bait or anime posters all being retards.
It would be nice, maybe they could select racials like a talent, draenei being able to choose between the regular draenei heal or the lightforged damage one. Or maybe it would be too broken
>cruising around isle of dorn herbing/mining while queuing for bg's
>buying loadsa bloodstones for honor that sell for a shitload
>grinding out the honor levels for legion artifact skins
sometimes its comfy to escape the maze of back to back declines and just chill/make gold
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>watching random female on twitch doing keys
>got a BDK simping for her to queue 12s with
>they still brick every key
god i hate women so much it's unreal
how bad is gathering now that chang has taken over?
Im sure pvping is nice gold per hour with the bloody thing
Yeah but you were supposed to do this the first 3 weeks of the expansion to make mega gold, not now after everything has crashed.
>hating the women and not the fucking simp
you got it all backwards and that's why society is collapsing
>how bad is gathering now that chang has taken over?
It's still absurdly good, I disgust myself so much I've made and continue to make millions of gold since the launch of TWW with bismuth and three-star herbs.
it's pennies on the dollar of course (aside from the bloodstones) but i literally have nothing else to do between raid nights, aside from pushing io, and i need the gold for raid consooms so why not
back to farming I guess
I stopped when I saw the nullstones dropping like crazy, it's true that rankthree bismuth is still 142 each, compared to 150 when I made millionns
I will farm a hour today and see how it goes, if it's shit I will get a nnew pickaxe with finesse and aim for more ores instead of the rare nullstones that are worth shit today
i fucked up BIG TIME by going into arathor spear when mycobloom and blessing bottom are the most common herbs
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Help me choose
femdorf hunter
>cute femdorf
>gets to use guns
>armor sets that has bones and other wild-looking stuff looks good on them
>compatible with new dwarf mogs
femgob hunter
>cute femgob
>gets to use guns
>funny whacky with big guns makes sense
>limited mogging looks unless its very industrial
which one??????????
Most of my mining gold income comes from rank 3 bismuth now that nullstones have tanked.
I will fuck this troll
I'll get a finesse pickaxe + enchant and farm tonight yeah, in the long run it's more profitable, sometimes I get 0 fucking nullstones in a whole hour, it's insane
>I stopped when I saw the nullstones dropping like crazy
It was a shock for me too, so I've put my nullstones on standby for the time being, waiting for prices to go back up eventually, or at worst I'll use them for crafting. But ore is still selling well and plants are still a sure bet.
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>watching random female on twitch doing keys
>god i hate women so much it's unreal
You're the one watching her
that sucks bro
I'm too powerful to be deceived by a mere mask I will fuck this troll

Captcha U4ERP
The answer lies in the server's dominant faction you choose to play on
suffer well
How does faction influence my gameplay, now that there's cross server and faction?
Bullshit, you can't spy-check without a flamethrower!
Cause if you roll Horde on something like Moon Guard walking into a literally empty capitol city can be pretty disheartening. One of the number one complaints you hear on here is server feels dead but that's not the case with certain dominant-faction servers where everyone is in one faction / city
>but dorn is cross-faction
If I buy a month subscription today, when does it expire? I would assume I don't only get 4 days, but when would it auto-renew?
The website is pretty shit at explaining their billing cycle and the specifics
It's 30 days. Not a month. Not until the end of a month. It's 30 days.
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god i wish i had more gold, hate being poor :/
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Be honest. How much gold would you spend on it?
It'll expire on the 30th day at the exact time you made a purchase.
So if you bought it November 1 at 2pm, it'll expire December 1 at 2pm.
If you buy it December 1 at 3am, it'll expire December 31 at 3am.
So if you buy it today, it will expire on

25 Nov 2024
i run a lot of my own keys, not as much as i join others but when i get insta-declines i put them on ignore
had a guy whisper me once who was in a party with i think it was a tank who applied to my key as a duo and asked me why i was ignoring his friend, told him it was because according to a note in global ignore he was a cunt that instant declined me for a key lol
Thanks amigo.
Was afraid I'd get the 30 days, but charged again next Friday.
>token crashed back down in only one day
Should be at least 10 million.
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i love global ignore list
0 because that's not a QoL for me, I don't have friends to sum. The only QoL mount was (for me) the repair one. I can't live without it. I don't need transmog or AH in the middle of a zone.
I'll light my cum on fire and spray it all over this troll
>buy 6 tokens
>dust off hands
>don't buy tokens for game time because waiting for the crash post-brutosaur when people need tokens
There are still a lot of players in this expansion, so the token is low. People are very active, they buy a lot for dungeons, raids, pvp and others sell a lot by farming. Lots of sellers, lots of buyers, lots of players. Hats off to Metzen.
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Got this today as a fury warrior mostly pugging with a few guild keys. My next goal is top 40 on my server which is around 2.6k, I'll just need the other 4 dungeons that I haven't done a 10 in yet.
Exactly, as the gold economy pro's knew, there's always a crash in the token price after a surge. Always, and that's when you have to buy for subs.
Can they fucking bring back the blood troll outfit already
what kind of actual dead server are you on to be top 40 at only 2.6k lol
And then do it as a tank or healer.
Did they fix the Radiant Memory thing? Or is it still a toss up whether or not you get rewarded properly for them?
yeah its the gift that keeps on giving. saved me from grouping with many a faggot many times
zero because i'm a warlock nigger
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Doing timewalking as healer and I was wondering why the level 72 tank I had was taking so much fucking damage. I was legit spamming flash heal on him and stuff. But then I look at his gear and he's still in level 39 gear basically. Hahahahahaha what the fuck. Just go to the AH and buy a 12 gold chestpiece.
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>finally reached 2.8k IO
i feel so proud of myself ^w^
>Radiant Memory thing
I had literally forgotten about this activity. People still do it, so I guess it's fixed.
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I could buy the Gilded Brutosaur right now. But I won't. How does that make /wowg/ feel?
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They really shoulda leaned into the masks and named the NPC's after what they're masked as.
Like this Draenei Commoner in Silvermoon.
This is the life of the dungeon spammer. If you're unlucky, you get 10 lvl with no loot.
Buy D4 and its expansion. I will soon with my gold.
does that make you happy anon? because that's the only thing that matters in the end
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It's just a pair of gloves but it mindbroke me
>dark lips
This is a very high level of sex appeal.
i don't think i've ever cared about mounts or obtaining them. i got the skyrazor mount from the raid and i never use it because it gets stuck in doorways. i just use the gryhphon from tbc (wows best expac)
like yeah the ah mount is useful but some dickhead in the raid is bound to have it so i can just use his lol
This goat likes dracthyr men.
Some people play worlo to collect shit and the idea of missing out on an "exclusive" mount gives them conniptions.
Then there's the guy who thinks $90 is a flex and he's sticking it to the "poors" which says a lot more about him than anything else.
no one likes dracthyr men
Why the fuck are there 3 active /wowg/ threads
>i don't think i've ever cared about mounts or obtaining them.
Same. I have like four or five mounts I use between my characters, and thats all I need or want.
Because og got 3 threads.
We're not falling behind inferior game.
Man, I wish we could craft in batches. Let me smelt/craft/scour a hundred in one go, instead of one by one.
At least I have Star Trek to keep me company, I guess.
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>ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... tank? tactyks doesn't pull those
we need to start gatekeeping FFXIV tourists
my god these are the whiniest whores on earth who need rape correction
They can revert all that and just give a +10% max hp buff to arms and that'd be a better buff
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>trinket gives stats
>trinket does a thing
Changes nothing and doesn't address any of warrior's problems
>awful defensives and durability
>mediocre cooldowns
>lackluster utility
>meh damage
But surely some 10% damage buffs spread around will fix everything!
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>locks getting a turbo buff
you will always be a bad mage
>new high damage cooldown gets added
>have to use trinket to do big damage
made for face fucking
>>little retard too "attached" to his character or something to just reroll to something good and win at the game
this is the only one i cant agree with

i shouldnt be expected to reroll to some faggot mage/augvoker shit because blizz is too retarded to balance the game even remotely well
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>2500 rio
>620 ilvl
>want to join a +4 for some runed crests
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>meta spec gets nerfed into oblivion
>non meta spec gets buffed into S tier
>fotmfag can't get into groups
>the guy he scoffed at for sticking with his class now gets all the groups
>sees you're not the exact meta spec I need
>declines you and laughs
Still a dpsissy, remember? Now put on the dress and beg for invites, faggot.
>my group already had boomie
>spec gets buffed
yeeep feels good
Same but I am 623.
Being a warrior is a path of suffering so far in TWW.
no it isnt
go tank spec
i started the grind early but currently 2700 io 629 ilvl, played arms mostly. it gets better but i literally did every key in increments of +1, sometimes ++1 in order to be accepted for the next level. such is life for the non meta i suppose
>get accepted as tank
>get yuge io
>try to apply as dps when you stop needing gear and just want io for your dps spec
>"uh yeah not happening, why dont you go tank lol"
fuck off retard
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I'm not doing your wagekey+
not my problem :^)
>prot warrior
Yeah nah, I can't fucking stand playing that.
How hard are +4s? My disc priest is at 609 ilvl and I havent dpne mythic+ since legion.
See? If anything it's cheaper and better now. You'd be batshit NOT to buy it, you're actually saving so money if anything.
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How many hours of WoW do I need to play using this mount to make back 1.3m~ gold /wowg/?
somewhere between 1 hour and the rest of time
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What if I want to get it just to dab on failed gatekeeping losers like bellulard and assmongoloid?
Depends on if you know how to make money. I'll prob make it back slowly, but early expansion is always where the huge money comes from.
>paypiggying to own the libs
unironically just buying it out of pure fomo and short-sighted consumerism is less goy-tier
>about to buy gear for my freshly dinged 70 char because of the sudden insane jump in dmg and health of mobs
>go to AH and filter 70-70
>it will show "70" gear but if you click on item it's ACTUALLY lvl 80
good company
pretty much the same as 2s
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what happens when u die
>you app as only DPS
>party leader makes passive aggressive comments about how hard finding tanks is
>he's ret
you wake up as yourself as a baby once more, everything we have done we will do again for all eternity.
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i'm tired of pugging mr bossman
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Creamy kultiran thighs
>cant even pug all 10s
the absolute state..
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not me ^^
Not with those thigh textures.
ill do my first raid with nerub today :)
unless some friends ask me out, but I give like 10% chance for that to happen
>buffed mobs because geared df characters were deleting them (a problem which would have resolved itself)
>characters that hit 70 from leveling and head to tww get absolutely slammed now because of this
They really thought that change through.
Long as you're in Silvermoon let me come lick your butthole
I took my Warrior from 30-80 over this past week, and I didn't feel any "slamming" when going into the TWW questing. The intro quests give you a handful of 400+ gear which bumps you up before you have to fight any mobs that could slam you.
creepshots of Nerub's GM plz
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At the end of BFA i got in a serious car crash that left me half paralyzed and i had to go through a lot of years of rehab
I remember playing Shadowlands at first but i simply couldn't do it properly with only one hand
I have skipped both that expansion and the next one, the dragons'
Now that i feel better and i can at least move my fingers consistently on my left hand, is there any hope to come back to wow?
The new expansion looks cool im a sucker for nerubians
Can i even do anything from those expansions? Is it feasible to just do current expac and then go back to see some of that content?
This is a serious post please don't spam me with hanged trannies
just wanted to say hope you're doing alright now
>tank straight up leaves after the first boss of siege 11 because this was our lock
dont blame him desu
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What's everyone at? Post em.
I will leave any key that is not timed from now on too
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would help if i posted the fucking image
did he get chased the whole time or something kek
Im at 35, did all the quests minus the korraks one, and killed ansurek normal
how in the FUCK do you have 50
you will be put on THE LIST
I am thank you anon
Contrary to pupular belief,
generalized left hemiplegia is reversible to an extent
nah it wasn't that. he even got snarky too when called out lol
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Can someone explain how BM hunter aoe works? They nerf the damage spells and buff a 0%dmg aoe spell to 100% ????
your fear mongering shit has no impact on me little dpscuck
I have left one out of three groups since day one of this season and I have yet to be declined to any single key or hc group
not a single decline, ok I dont apply to 12s and up but still
wish you all the best <3 stay safe
It’s over (for real)
unholy dk is so fun

hope it becomes giga OP so I can diseasemaxx to a greater extent.
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>join groups with augtism drACKthyrs in them
>+12 keys i get insta invites cus im a tank
>key starts
>i charge in 0 defensives and die
>WTF HEALS????????
>leave group
i will brick every key with augs in them and there is nothing blizz or you can do about it
fuck obliteration i'm gonna try sindragosa braps
Maybe they meant Beast Cleave damage ahah...
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>Key starts
>Get a bad AIWS flare up
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That was more than an hour ago, my Halloweening is moving on by expansions.
You request that a lot. Starting to think I'll have to go along with it at some point.
>dark ranger trueshot actively works against your aoe
feels bad
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Sindragosa is too hard for you traveller
>rogue doing my overall damage is flaming me for mechanics he failed
how do you deal with people raging at you for stuff they did tankbros? it's like this every run at this point
how do i make gold?
call them out then leave the key
Did they up the vdh dps?
I did 1.7m dps on the haloween boss at 611 ilvl
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Do hunts still have dogshit surivivability? I mildly want to resub but not if I keep dying in like 2 seconds.
I agree with >>499880003
be upfront, be honest, tell them the truth and leave
at best they learn, at worse they ignore it and remain retarded
finally i am done with doing timewalking dungeon and raid for the glorious 500+500 badges, all 60 of my characters.

hows your undiagnosed autism going?
I'll keep asking then
I think damage on horseman is a complete lie since I had a 45million ansurek trinket hit on him.
New to wow, trying to fill out my roster. I'm an altaholic in games that allow it and like to have 2-3 juicy side characters I can swap to for good times. I'm maining priest for disc and the occasional good time in shadow. So far I have also enjoyed shaman (ele/resto, I haven't tried enhance much) and monk (brew/mw). I haven't leveled much else beyond like 30-40, and those that I did (resto/guard druid, arcane mage, blood/frost dk) I didn't love much.
Any recommendations for another class/spec or two to fill out my alts? In the process of trying out affliction warlock
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You mean:
>archaic design
>0 utility
>practically last expansion damage outside of cooldowns
>shit stat scaling
>absolutely useless half part of the tree designed towards single handed fury
>2/3 of your end talents are useless unless buffed by 50% so ur forced to play whatever the developers decide to buff
>horrible tier sets visually and damage wise
>some of the worst community in the game second to only m*ges and sh*mans
>the most abhorrent people in the community council like Archimt*ros are contributing feedback to your class's development

Warrior bros we just can't win.
Am I eventually able to unlock all of the gathering skills for herbalism? I haven't put the points into anything because I'm afraid of messing it up.
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>psychic link buffed after maint
poggies shadow sisters
You forgot to mention Arms is weirdly fucking bloated these days too
>DPS talks back after being shit on by tank
amateur move
Even BM hunter has like 20+ keybinds now I can only imagine how shit stuff like resto shaman and shadow priest are.
Yes. Gathering professions if you do it enough are the easiest and quickest to unlock everything in.
i have 12 offensive keybinds as a shadow priest and 5 are utility/defensive
could be worse i guess
I never thought I'd want pruning but I long for the day skullsplitter goes away. And rend needs to fuck off too.
>le fast = funni gif
>nonwhite behavior
underageb& pls go
>t. seething aug
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just bitch everywhere like the warlocks were bitching
squeaky wheel gets the grease with neoblizz
chad-like behavior desu
Warrior is still one of the most played classes. If it was that bad people wouldn't play it.
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chuckbros... we've fucked our last suck
No futa Nelf/belf jiggies?! :(
>saturday afternoon
>nobody doing +11 keys
Its so fucking over
why do 11 when 12+ exists
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>still needing 11s
not even trying to be mean but you need to get better anon ngl
>pugging anything higher than 10

why? what's the point?
if you are pushing for score get yourself a stable group lol
warlockseethe was justified THOUGH
I am a pug god though
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yeah, I agree, it was
I'm still not inviting you into a key because you're toxic and some of the most unfun people to be around.
why do people care so much about arfus?
Is breath of Sindragosa hard or not really
Collectionfags and "MUH HECKIN PUPPERINO GOOD BOY" types.
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There are even less 12s
The new Dino mount is objectively better than the other one, right?
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everyone i've grouped with has either said chill or good vibes
the only person i flamed was a 620 shaman who fucked a +8 by refusing to heal the warrior dps a few weeks ago
Yes. Its cheaper AND has mail
non-deformed cute and small race when?
Not really
All about timing your CDs and keeping an eye on your Runes
Takes a little practice, but fairly easy to master desu
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Gnom is cute
Ok, so what would be even better than the new mount?

Because I bet you they are coming out with something even more outrageous in the future.
Make it fly and have a summoning stone
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Is that a motherfucking reddit movie reference??
what does this even do
I'm not a high key runner at all and I never wanted to be. I stay in my lane, but this expac I have ran 0 M+ because of the changes, I use to run 100s of low keys in previous expansions just for fun. They took that away for seemingly no reason. The key squish and new affix system made the curve way too steep for people who just want to play casually for fun and see a some progress during the season.
no idea
Iirc, if you're on a new alt that hasn't explored all the zones, this just opens up the fog of war. Anywhere your characters have already explored will be opened up for this alt.
That's not what the tooltip says though.
how many halloween currency can you get per day
It's exactly what it says
You're just an illiterate retard
Thousands if you have the time.
When are the patch notes hitting the live servers? Next reset?
Rub the two braincells together you call a brain and try to actually read the words in the tooltip this time.
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>20 euro
They... they got me. It's like another brutosaur.
yeah but how, they seem to be soulbound
by grinding
>log into a character
>do the dailies/quests
>fly around and go to every candy bucket
>log into another character
So what does it actually do, genius?
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Dead gaem
teh currency for the heartstone and the cosmetic is soulbound you can transfer it my good anon
are you trolling me
why this obsession with tank dps? on keys below 12 this shit doesnt matter
why not go for survival
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I made a warlock because I thought it looked cool and now nobody invites me to do keys
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>other thread is still alive and not even close to bump limit
Nice job faggots
survive what, below 12 you cannot die as a tank
I bet a brewmaster could.
>12 hours ago
>9 hours ago
im thinking of making a prot warrior for m+. is it based?
only if you make it a dracthyr
but these retards do they pull 2/3 packs die couple seconds in and its gg
prot paladin dies easily in even a +2
so does warrior if you let ignore pain and shield block be inactive for 1-2 sec
Why dragqueer?
istg the reason m+ is dead is because 90% of tanks are dogshit and think you NEED to pull 3 packs NO MATTER WHAT
even post buffs? I dont even go do keys because of that, Im genuinely afraid, and Ive timed all elevens on guardian
why? i'm thinking of making it tauren.
Requestan more troll sloppa jiggies!
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i had the old thread open from before and ctrl-f'd new thread and didnt think to check here for /wowg/, someone said something about starting a new thread so i assumed there wasnt a new one
sorry anon
let's put it this way prot pala does some 20% more damage than all other tanks but compared to prot war/bear it's some 30% weaker defensively
>are you trolling me
How dare you. I would never do such a thing, anon. Why could you think I would stoop to such despicable depths on a mongolian basket weaving forum for shitposters?
You only need to buy the item once on any character, so go collect the candies on several characters and have them buy an item each.
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Someone sent a whisper out of the blue "mommy?" to my LF Draenei and I have no idea how to respond so I ran and alt+F4d
I considered making an LF draenai but the only class that makes sense is paladin and everything looks better on a human.
>Prot paladin turns Skarmorak in SV into a joke by making it only spawn 1 set of crystals per phase
...nice class
>play mistweaver for one patch
>every other healer feels boring as fuck by comparison
bros.. hpal feels like pure slop now...
oh well, Ill try do some keys and see how it goes then
it pumps apparently but if I have to be dk levels of aware when I do my rotation Ill pass
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>but the only class that makes sense is paladin
Fucking what?
They've got Mages on Argus, cause Arcane is fucking everywhere as a universal magic. Priests also use the Light. Majority of their people at their camps are lined with bows defending the place and animal companions because Argus has its own wildlife, so they've got Hunters/Marksman everywhere. Anyone with arms and ability to hold weapons can be a goddamn Warrior if you're pissed off enough, and they fucking hate Demons.
And fuck it, glowing and clippity-cloppy hooves aside, they can be Rogues for the stabby-stab, just bad ones.

The only classes that make no sense at all for them is Death Knights and Warlocks.
prot pala rotation isn't particularly complex but it has the highest apm out of any class/spec in the game so you're button mashing a fuckton
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Leveling time walking, I'm healing and our tank is a paladin
He is only pulling one pack at a time and all of a sudden he just takes 40%-70% damage and dies. Obviously I get hit with "???" and we go on, but then it happens again. After that I have to just pretty much always be focused on the bar because out of nowhere, despite being able to take a pack normally, every other minute he just randomly loses all his health in one second.
I'm pretty new to this, so maybe this is my fault, I am curious, what the hell happened? I haven't ran into it with any other tank over the last 2 days, even in the same dungeon. Is it something I have to watch out for or was it like some sort of lag spike or what?
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for example, how do you approach a pack, or gather one, lets say first hallway of SV, the big ass pull at the start of NW, or gathering spiders at the beginning of arakiri
I guess the bulwark shield thing is clearly not enough, and you cannot stay on consec since you are running around gathering mobs
thats the biggest complaint I have honstly, once you are tanking and afk on your consec you are good to go
Why do you have all that junk? Sell or dismantle the shit.
Night elf druid or worgen druid?
I always hated Worgen druids, purely because I get autistic about a beast form transforming into another beast form.
Troll. Better racial.
All wow players are like Asmongold - they are all hoarders.
>There's never gonna be a mount you need more than an AH and a mailbox.

Wait for the flying mount that does all this plus the bank next year.
I was comtemplating leveling ench but its apparently dshit for gold making so there we go
4 seater flying mount with auction, mail, repair/shop and transmog for $199

You know those greedy Irvine bastids will do it
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>Can't find Nerubian Silkweaver Forum on the guild finder anymore
Yes I am Alliance
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so uhhhh
what am I gonna do once I max out my crests?
I got full hero/myth gear
do it on another char
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This some sort of flex for a Mage to be threatening a Horde force while naked?
Stop? Play for fun?
grinding gear and keys is my fun
I guess i could just push a higher keylo
It's pretty feast or famine, if you fuck it up in one of the 10 ways things can go wrong you go from top dps to the absolute bottom of grey parse pits.
It definitely requires a lot more foresight and adaptability than your average spec.
bros is healing ever gonna be comfy again

i miss being able to be a total retard and still time keys
i get very very high and brick keys that are dumb enough to invite me
tank dps is the only metric by which you distinguish a good tank from a bad one. any cock munching drooling retard can click death strike when he sees his health is low but optimizing your gcds for maximum damage while not imploding is what makes a tank good. this entire game revolves around timers and dps checks and tanks are not exempt from contributing to to that end.
bfa was peak wowwsnmj
are you a disc priest?
The only things I liked about BFA were the war stuff and vulpera.
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>warrior equips sword
its that simple.
Why is the current fishing rod so shit and off the shelf? It feels bad investing the mettle and then it only gives +skill to khaz algar fishing specifically, same with the threads. Theyre cool but it shouldnt be current expansion specific and idk why it is. And give a tool slot for the hat man cmon i earned my nat's hat
iirc he was the high elf death knight that was part of the allliance npc island expo members
I wish we got more satyrkino. The warlock classhall with a couple of cheeky satyrs walking around wouldve been cool
nothing you are free
Arms has legs now to stand on like a proper colossus. Can't wait to slay logs on it after update.
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Well that would explain him coming at me with a Sword. The wiki just says he's a Frost Mage and for some reason has a DK's icy eyes for some reason though.
Regardless, still weird he's just shirtless.
People need to fucking stop complaining about Anduin, he's easily more threatening and masculine than 80% of all male protagonists in current media and that's a good thing.
You exploiting cunt. There is no way you got beyond 47 without exploiting. Blizzard will drop the banhammer on the likes of you, mark my words.
I just wish that if they insisted on initially basically making him the same character as Valarian in Starcraft 2, which Heroes of the Storm would proceed to make fun of in that he seems to know everyone in both universes, he could at least have the same amount of charisma to be interesting.
Instead of whining at every fucking opportunity about such nonsensical shit like who he hurt despite being in no control of himself at all, and thinking his precious Light is judging him so heavily for it.
>Sul'thraze is just a shitty blue drop
Should have been able to combine the two shitty ilvl swords into a 610ilvl epic Sul'thraze.
what the FUCK is a void storage
i'm at 40 but i bought one of the mounts, and im gonna buy the other one in a bit.
Old dead content. I think people dump artifacts they can't destroy in there now.
>blizzard designs a 10-15 man raid that isn't meant to be muh esports race to world first content
>it's good and people like it
Maybe they'll finally start to understand that bending over backwards to appease 2 guilds that only play for one month out of every tier is a terrible idea.
I am at 42 myself. You do weeklies in TWW content, the play and awakening the machine, kill queen in LFR, and also a world boss.
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Why is Foxxo like this?
When Transmogging was first introduced they didn't have it on a collection system, that was brought in way later. You had to actively have the item somewhere, inventory, bank or whatever. So they made the Void Storage with it so you can save all your favourite mog items without taking up space in your bags or bank.

Now its pretty much irrelevant. Though I'll still go save some items I like for no reason in there. Like if I wanna link that I have it.
because he's based
ella hollywood
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There's a Valerian skin for Anduin in HotS? Fuck that'd be based.
Anyway I don't think it's a good idea to make the same exact character in two franchises over and over again, and Valerian is more of a shrewd politician which fits the Dominion while Anduin is a sincere diplomat which fits the Alliance that has its origins specifically as a diplomatic pact between multiple nations.
you're right because he's a school shooter now
Bruh he's a Sephiroth parody how did you not recognize this?
he's just like me fr fr
>people like it
Source? Citation? Proofs?
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There is, but its one of the blue quality low effort ones. They don't even change his hair for it.
And I think it came well after his release because it somehow slipped their minds to make the skin for what was basically the same character they already made references about with his dialogue. Ignore the Starcraft character is using Light spells.
I'm a generational m+ talent
lol he really is valerian, what the fuck I never noticed before kek
>Ignore the Starcraft character is using Light spells.
Yeah well it would be just as ridiculous if he was using nanomachines like Medic Uther instead, because how would he even do that and why?
Mostly because I never played any FF's and have no interest to.
What little I know of Seph is long silver hair, a stupid long sword and a trenchcoat.
Whereas that dude... Icy blue hair, tiny sword and sounding as gay as most other male elves.
You forgot
>Prot bring good means they will be gutted for a few expacs while being called the retard 24/7/365
Also warrior community isn't nowhere as bad as mage.
>Nerub raid in 5h or so
Are you guys ready?
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Well really, Valarian being in action at all is weird cause he did nothing but talk.
Also silly as it was, that Uther skin is my favourite of the game, I fucking love that crossover design for him.
Still though, more to >>499895042
>Valerian is more of a shrewd politician which fits the Dominion while Anduin is a sincere diplomat which fits the Alliance
See, I was kind of hoping that if Activision was just making Blizz drop Starcraft, the Valarian character would start to followthrough more with Anduin acting like a smug bastard as he was figuring out Sylvanas while being held in Torghast during Shadowlands. Was giving me vibes of him talking down Kerrigan for being impatient while they were trying to get someone to do a job properly rather than rush him just because she threatens him.
Buuuuut no, they decide to go the opposite way. And like... yeah, just re-doing a character from their other game isn't the best idea, but at the same time, that franchise was being put down by command of their Activision overlords anyway, and the way ended up going with Anduin is just... so fucking annoying.
Free use boigina fits with the always bottom closet homoFAGGOT that is prot
We will surely clear queen today.
every pug normal ive done died on the 7th boss because nobody would do the dispel bit properly
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Their names have some shared letters. I don't think there's anything in common beyond that.
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>guess the key level
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What did they mean by this?
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all my keys look like this on 10 or higher. its crazy how many shitty dps players there are
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It didn't take long to get foxvanas, the heir to the dark lady, to level 70. I hope the sylvanas set looks good on her.
The only logs you will be slaying are from the toilet bowl brownie
Just like the real sylvanas, she's made for worgen knot.
and if they fuck up the key for you it makes you look bad because you have a failed key
>unless you leave
i just depleted a dawnbreaker because i wasnt fast enough to land in the save zone at the last boss
fuck me
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mating press
holy based
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It occurs to me that blizzard released the cute fox bundle right after the 90 euro mount specifically to make sure that the last amount people possible purchase the charity bundle instead.
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>make a druid 1.5 week before patch
>have fun playing balance
>pretty good damage
>anniversary comes
>balance gutted
>+3 buttons -300k dps
>can't play my big booby worgen now
back to mage....
>Trying to do 12s
>0 problems with pulls, never in danger of jack shit
>retards still dying to party damage because they never learned when to press a defensive and just followed the tank and relied on the healer to heal them back up while they stared at hekili until 2700 RIO
Is BRD heroic doable yet?
you disgust me, zoomie. Yet you are still allowed to be here
>Dumb bitches still follow the boss and don't just whirling surge down to the fight area
You should all be put in chastity cages.
You're too stupid to control yourselves.
Is Harmonized Silk per character or account?
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>fat chicken 肥鸡 power of sun and moon active 日月之力活跃 stars fall from sky 星星从天上掉下来 need infusion from church man 需要教会人士的注入
>furry, friendly mammals
>hard scalie dragon monster
Vulpera and pandaren should be alliance while dracthyr should be horde.
actually brainlet its called the foot in the door technique
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the key got bricked and now the lead has to get it back up and its all your fault faggot
I don't think it will beat the damage I'm doing on my spellslinger mage now
i did just that but the timer ran out
you can just fly directly to the place where boss lands because there's a lamplighter there -_-

i was the tank and it was my key
The foot was already in the door, they sell bundles all the time. Whether the new issue is the selling player convenience or just the price is hard to tell though.
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i hate Ragnaros players
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>Get slept by Princess Huhuran every single week
>It's the only boss I don't have a 99% parse on
>Would probably be in the top 50 AQ40 rankings if Princess would let me play the game just once
I hate rng mechanics I hate rng mechancis I hate rng mechanics
Can't you kill Huhuran in like two hits?
I depleted mine because the green lines wasn't showing up multiple times so we all got stunned and moved by the waves
It also happened another time and a retard called me "shit player" because somehow I was supposed to guess it was on me without the visuals
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hey buddy i think you got the wrong door, /wowcg/ is two blocks down
ive heard green lines dont show up if you amz or something as dk? it was something DK specific IIRC
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No, the fights from my guild are typically 35-40 seconds long.
I just need 1 week where I don't get slept and use recklessness and I will parse.
Nice to know, I'm not a dk but now I know who to blame
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>Doing a 10 for my vault
>Everyone has timed it
>No interrupts
>No cc is going out
>Rogue isn't even mass garroting/blinding
>They aren't even using defensives
>I'm doing the orbs alone (that isn't an issue)
What the actual fuck
I hate french players and kazztards so fucking much
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Would you invite >her to your guild?
>the red felbike is locked to US
greetings love from kazzakstan
no because that is 100% a tranny
What makes you think they're a tranny?
people clearly play it because they have no responsibility in the group
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nice shoes
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Except it will not be locked to US? it will 100% also be available to europeans. Thanks to https://www.wowtcgloot.com/
just like those "american only" tabards released about a month ago that 1 autismo on here bragged about eu people never getting (when you could still get them as eu lol)
example i have 2 of the "american exclusive" tabards, the brick and crimson one. Pic related.
i will enjoy my felbike as european ^^
It's funny how despite not even being a civilization of living people, the Scourge still has a better sense of aesthetics than the Horde.
>b-but it's mostly nerubian silkweaving masons!
It's a lot more than nerubian ziggurats, there's skulls, there's bones, there's spines, sometimes there's even green glowing crystals. It's a very vibrant culture.
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>did the boss yesterday and today
>this dropped
>people said GZ
Is it rare? it looks cool.
>only 623 ilvl and 2.3k m+ score 2 months into the expansion
i'm so far behind it's not even funny sisters...
I do the boss on six alts every day for this.
Behind... what? Obsessed autists?
Just have fun :)
Do alts actually get drops?
I got 2 pieces of the new armor set these 2 days, then did the boss on an alt and didnt get one so I assumed its a once per day per warband kinda deal
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Holy shit, a crossbowman. I didn't think we still used crossbows in canon. Even the movie had footmen charging grunts with handguns.
I got the entire set 1 by 1 in a day on all my guys. All except for the backpiece but I didnt have an alt max leveled for the reward box, I probably wouldve gotten that too I figure
so it drops from the daily cache only?
You have to buy the back piece.

Yes, not him but I was farming arfus las year and I got the mount on my 8th kill of the day, something similar happened with the valentines mount.
>I hate french players and kazztards so fucking much
I auto decline those niggers and leave any group with them
non negotiable
>leader invites a t*rkish-nether player
yep that's an insta leave, good luck finding another tank
>be prot pal
>interrupt 40+ spells during the dungeon run
>teammates get so complacent with kicks they stop using theirs almost entirely
not like this man
What's the problem, you are literally the main character enabling them to do more dps per second, how is that a bad thing?
because some spells still go through - prot pal can do most of them but not all of them
its just laziness
>every other spec getting updated animations recently
im scared mistweaverbros

don't let them (((revamp))) crackling jade lightning or soothing mist
i blame the healer meta
It will come with the pandaren heritage and race update.
i want to get smothered between my vdh demonform's giant tits
I have this since 2008 lol
I hope all the pve carebears leave brawl soon. so many people are completely oblivious as to how battlegrounds work
monk really need an update though
their spell effects are so ugly
they said this about incinerate and lava burst

both abilities are now 100x uglier now.
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I've been farming this every event, every day, for the last 14 years.
Leave my class alone you freak
>how battlegrounds work
You type /salute then /y Ready for action! before running head first into a mob of evil foul greenskin hordes and attack them with powerful sword attacks and superpowerful tactics. What's so hard to understand?
how long mythic race to world first would last if blizzard killed ability to do splits?
keep winning wsgs 3-0, its been good
The warlock class mount is basically a better version of it.
i like the nu lava burst
Same duration because Blizzard would compensate through raid nerf shennanigans in order to make sure the team their current top brass gambled on would win and that the races don't last too long.
Kazzak will single-handedly carry your keys or be the worst scum of the earth. Avoid Kazzak, Turkish Nether, Argent Dawn and Draenor.
>be pvecuck
>get quest rewards from pvp for some odd reason
>ruin the game even more because you want your hecking dress up sets
the entire fucking GAME is a containment zone for you soft ass low skill rapist faggots and blizz still insists on shitting up PvP with you utter retards man

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Some of the new boots are looking a bit hefty
I keep getting silvershard mines and I want to scream
why argent dawn? all i know is it's a coomer server
>NA player
well thats the current brawl
There's lickable feets inside dem booties!
Try Nerub* not Nerubian
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how do i find a group of people to do m+ with on eu
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Wtf is the toy turning goldshire into a red light district building lol
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It says there are 4 maps
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delvechads won?
define win
looks more like a DOOM level to me, with all the demons and such
either join a guild that does m+ frequently or join a discord community for them
adding people from pugs hasn't been going great for me at least
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dunno it's from my coom twitter feed
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WarNIGGERS lost.
PalaGOD won.
TWW? The Whiteness Within.
Fashy won, fresh won, fascism won.
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any tips for finding a guild that isn't filled with either dadboomers who don't play the game and use a controller or toxic tryhards that demand me to treat the game like a job?
Too many darkskin classes in the meta though. Need some Ret and Holy buffs to really make the nonwhite hordes understand their place.
I too would like to find the answer to this question. I want to find a guild for people who just wanna run keys and raid a couple times a week without taking it too seriously that I have to pucker my asshole after every wipe because if the imminent crying and cringing.

I would KILL to have frens I can play wawa with again like in the good old days.
you dont really know what types of people are in the guild without talking to the guild master beforehand or something
the way Ive joined guilds in the past few years have just been looking up ones on wowprogress that fit the progress of content I'd like to do and had a raiding schedule that fit me, then speaking with the guildmaster to get a general vibe
we got a few pushers in my guild around my rating range (2650) but we rarely got a full team of 5 to push seriously with
Aesthetics usually are more prevalent among such cultures, yes
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I wish my ass was that fat.
My fem drae enh sham uses the darkest possible skin color available to draenei. Does this make you mad?
>he paypiggied 50€ for a shitty trader post tabard
wait you can redeem the bike if an american give you the codes? nvm then I will get it.
enhanceNIGGERS are getting massively nerfed again as of this tuesday, I am quite happy.
>watch andybrew play protpal
>he dies on +15
I guess paladin is still shit
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starting to feel like the hardest content in wow is to find a "midcore" group of people to play the game with that aren't shitters, know how to push buttons on the keyboard, play the game semi-regularly at least but aren't toxic assholes that play 24/7 and rage like nothing else if you make an honest mistake...
>the way Ive joined guilds in the past few years have just been looking up ones on wowprogress that fit the progress of content I'd like to do and had a raiding schedule that fit me, then speaking with the guildmaster to get a general vibe
i wish this wasn't the most straightforward way ughhhhh
it can be if you do hip thrusts at the gym
I like my guild a lot, been in it since dragonflight
pretty semi casual and try to push some early mythic bosses, and that's the only time we get any kind of serious
it is filled with a bunch of dad gamers but it's good fun
so if you're on EU on the maelstrom cluster of realms that's an option for you
Hopefully next patch makes the UTTERKINO ARYAN fashy und beyond F R E S H aryan KKKOMP real (aryan human male god Prot palaGOD,qt314 submissive belefie Ret, Holy priest SISSY KEKY fem dranny, aryan human male god retBVLLL, nelfie cocksleeve oomkin (astral glyph)
>Pugging 10s
Nta, but either you wait 30 minutes or the keys bricks at the first boss.
Why are people dooming in the comments about the anniversary content? It's the same shit we always get and they loved the casual slop that TWW has
a you problem
dps player type post
I am a healer
What does it mean? How can a key become a brick?
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it takes you 30 minutes to find a key as a healer? wtf lol ok come on buddy
you are a nigger
I am not a shaman, and I have to wait for those 10s.
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whats your ilvl and rio
623 and +2400
>I am not a shaman
Skill issue, unironically.
>warrior buffs
browns will rise
>play one of the races that don't wear shoes
It hurts.
You will get another 2% damage increase tier set next tier and you will be happy and all the pieces will have versatility on them
should be fine I guess but yea every you +10 key you apply to has a shaman with higher ilvl and rio than you, so of course nobody wants you.

did you try hosting your own keys?
As a long time warlock I usually just sit back and let the balancing dice roll where they may

This is the first time, and I noticed it was the same for many others as well, where I just bitched to high heaven on every possible community for WoW about Warlock, and it might've worked
Warlocks still suck. Affliction isn't even a dot spec anymore.
soloq m+ is unironically a good idea
>is this retarded?
solo queue wouldnt fix anything but I know dumb people will ask for it until they get it
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Warlock's gameplay issues won't get fixed, cause Mazed players eat up the devs sweeping % buffs.
soloq won't work because people will queue in, see that the group comp is shit with awful rio scores and then leave. if they add soloq you have to make the leave timer even stricter
2 of the 3 warlock specs are fine, and aff mostly just needs shard generation buffs?'

they even reverted the demonic core nerfs
better than nothing imo
I like the concept of demonology but it sure feels like a class where you just randomly start doing damage while imps come out your ass.
Destruction hasn't changed for years and I wish we got the original vision for it with the idea of overwhelming power where you build heat and need to avoid killing yourself as you do more and more damage.
the solution to m+ meta garbage is delete m+. You cannot have a high intensity, high punishment mode like that without insanely strict metafag attitudes forming. It isnt possible.

Either reroll Rshaman or stop crying. Make your choice
>aff in the dumpster
malefic rapture was a mistake
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Why are the black ones bigger? What did they mean by this?
>tfw none of my friends gifted me the mount
In times like these you really learn who your true friends are.
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Destro doesnt really have gameplay issues, it just needed number increases

Demo got the rng core removed which is already big along with some number increases

Aff admittedly got kinda shafted with these buffs only getting around 3-4%

The larger broad Warlock issues like utility issues, general mobility, and shit class tree isnt something thatll get fixed by a tuning patch, more likely 11.0.7 at the earliest
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>browns will rise
to the waterline in the toilet bowl
>two insta seethe replies

I'm on NA but you're very kind, wowfren
where the FUCK is my EU bike
Your best hope is on the trading post in the future, or they make it a gamepass reward
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Its decent.
Do timewalking dungeons give more XP than regular TWW for leveling?
nerub's gm?
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owned noob
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>overwhelming power where you build heat and need to avoid killing yourself as you do more and more damage.

The only way this concept could work is if Destro did FAR more damage than any other spec if it did its damage correctly, since no one else gets punished for their rotation besides less damage

Its not an idea that can really work in WoW
no matter how memespec you are you get to play the game without having to scroll lfg for an hour
the que will be astronomical but people will accept and be happy with that over making friends or rerolling, unironically
Ideally in this kind of system you would be penalized with a large rating loss which would theoretically lower the key level you would be doing forcing you to reprogress with a potentially even worse group
what if most of the motivation to do endgame content is to have better gear than other people and look down on them for being scrubs?
>Ideally in this kind of system you would be penalized with a large rating loss which would theoretically lower the key level you would be doing forcing you to reprogress with a potentially even worse group
if you can't leave a terrible group and avoid fucking your score over then this is fucking dogshit i don't wanna sit through a dogshit group in a terrible long run failing the key
i will get you some mtd dew but you must give me gold or bnet balance on NA
we can use more ppl in GLOBOFOMO that do things
>no matter how memespec you are you get to play the game without having to scroll lfg for an hour
Actually you're a dps so yes you will sit in queue for an hour before you get a tank and a healer.
>player rezzes me into an aoe
>accepting rezzes during mechanics
you're a shitter
you are at fault
>overwhelming power where you build heat and need to avoid killing yourself
>wtf healer didn't ps me
>playing the game
your a shitter
you're missing the point
you can passively fuck off and watch a movie or shitpost while you wait for the que vs actively sitting there applying to 50-100 groups
I never see any streams from Globofomo or hear anything about their activities ITT .... is the guild winning? Are there people online throughout the day?
>youre just supposed to know where one of the multiple people who can rez were standing the moment they cast it
nta but a shit res is still a net loss for the group, just move 2 fucking feet to the left so the 25% health player doesnt need to wait for the AoE effect to fade
he literally is
did your mother not teach you to look both ways before you cross the street?
M+ guilds are a meme. There's no reason to run with a random dogshit guildie unless they're you're friend when you can pug somebody with higher ilvl and io score in seconds.
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even 10s are a cancer to pug rn
in the start of the expac we struggled with tanks/GMs rage quitting but we have a solid core now doing fri/sat raids. 7 ppl on right now im just pugging keys
m+ already is solo queue though. skipping the group finder step wont make the mode any less toxic or shitty
Just remember anon the wow maze+ community is a contemptuous and cruel group of people motivated by the desire to feel better than everyone else via ilvl or io score.
Don't sweat anything they say.
I haven't played for a while, did they item squash everything again?
My twinks warforged gear is level 29 now, and I just did a timewalking and got some level 56 boots lol.
it is not que-able content
>wont make the mode any less toxic or shitty
sounds likea skill issue
>tank is a brewmaster
>tank is a paladin

if he dies, he dies
>people deadass declining my healer for their shitty +4
the people asking for solo queue are not mature enough to understand the issues.
I love maze pl00s but I just love it because I love playing my chars, doing my rotation, and going faaaaast. I don't care about ilvl (don't get me wrong ... good gear still gives good dopamine hehehe) but I made a promise to myself years ago I would not be mean to my fellow wow enjoyers anymore and I think I've done a good job correcting my behavior to be a way nicer person.

I just want to slay.
That's because you've got no rizz fr
skill issue true
m+ is shit slop he is right
>B-bro it should heavily penalize you for l-l-LEAVING!!!
*makes a group before hand or mass spam leaves keys to brick cuckies score*
t. Tank mandigo (your owner, I decide if you play today dpsissy and (you) don't get to play)
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nobody from globofomo streams outside of discord. like >>499912170 said we have a decent group of players now, raid nights are alot of fun, channers just playing the game and hanging out without taking things too seriously
people want to get gear easily and not actually play the game. This is so that they can look down and say these
things to people. Ultimately this typical maze+ person is confined by a need to validate their identity and boost their self confidence via worlo.
based weekly +3 no leavers chad
nerub sisters... the americans are beating us......
>m+ is shit slop he is right
its a lot of fun when your group meets the minimum competency level
nah, admittedly is 100x less shit than the alternative but still slop
>almost depleted a +5 GB as 604 prot pal
ermmmmmmm............. what the fuck is this class and why am I squishy as hell
And guilds are cross-realm now so even if I am on Sargeras and not MG I can still join?

Yeah I'm a +3'er right now because I got very sick at the start of the xpac and lost 2 weeks and now it's holiday season where I work so I missed even more time and am very far behind.

B-....b-...but I got all of the aotcs and ksm/ksh from last expansions all by myself through pugging! I swear I am not a shitter! t-t
Its normal
you're still ahead by a mile
says the namefag on 4chan

unironically off yourself
we fucking won bros
we fucking won
>And guilds are cross-realm now so even if I am on Sargeras and not MG I can still join?
yep, cross realm and faction. all NA realm players (and some based euros and aussies) are welcome
Jaina rims tauren though
people don't even like me being a namefag I get no extra dopamine by using it
Imagine feeling the need to show off a $90 mount lmao. All you're showing is that you eat up the shit blizzard puts on your plate with no questions asked. I regret renewing my sub now, I forgot just how much this company hates it's players. If it was Invincible or another rare mount you got when it was new I would congratulate you, but a $90 big ass stinky black dick? Nigger you need to revaluate your life.
poorfag cope
>2 double guardian packs one after the other
is this a fucking joke
Someone should measure if whale funds ultimately get poured back into game. If so maybe it isn't such a bad thing.
did dinosaurs even have dicks? i mean it's soft tissue right so it would've just decomposed into nothing after that asteroid hit the earth and killed them all ...
This is true.
also retarded healer complaining about missing count in mists
no more mount discussion please
we've had enough and the /v/irgins have finally gotten bored and left
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Imagine that I paid nothing for it with the millions of gold I have around. Imagine how glad I am to see poor fucks like you seething about it online.
I want his knot
i hate that shit
its like bitch
if you wanted to tank you shouldve rolled tank
otherwise stfu and heal/dps
caveat when the tank literally didnt do a route and its obvious
those people should be named and shamed
we know, nerub gm
>I bought…
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Lets talk about how Blizz is artificially capping how high WoW token value can go
You still payed $90 worth of it to blizzard retard, I'm not poor, I have integrity.
sorry that i have a disposable income lol
which warlock spell will be the most fun after buffs?
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>another key bricked because people are incapable of playing the mechanics of the second boss in mists
What's with this boss that is so complicated for people?
i should be able to set the price of the WoW token i sell on the AH and there is no argument against it
>you have to pull through maze walls if you want a good count for mists cus rng maze xddd
that's a weird boss to be hung up on. do they not understand the mirror image mechanic?
I love zero wait time for keys
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What are we doing today frens
I have integrity when it comes to things like treating others nicely, being loving and gentle with babies, not hurting or mistreating animals ... that sort of thing. But when it comes to the game I have zero integrity. I was complaining about how the patch was gigabusted one moment ITT then the BBB dropped and I immediately bought and sat on it because I need my max comfy dino and I'm going to play the game until it goes offline forever (if that were to happen which I doubt) no matter how shitty a patch is so my integrity is worth far less than having that Big Beautiful Brutosaur.
not really you can just pull after the last boss
I don't understand why people don't just play healer or tank more often. You are immune to a lot of the shitter behavior in maze+.
yes but you can get bad rng on maze and get shorter maze which means having to pull way more after/before last boss, wasting time
that seems a little pretentious
they fixed the pulling btw you cant do it anymore
did they rly? lol
>Its not an idea that can really work in WoW
Warlocks used to have multiple spells that used their own health though.
they did not (completely fix it), you still can with hunter/dk pet or with a boomie
literally did it 2 days ago on my 12 mists with a boomie, you have to mount up at certain angle to target mob.
what a cute bird :3
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Reading through tax code.
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Choose one.
goblin cus more exotic, yummy green pussy
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>healer dies on 2nd boss in Mists +11
>misclick macro for leave party bubble hearth /y GARBAGE %t instead of brez
I don't understand it either. I never killed that boss without at least 1 wipe, no matter if it's 2+ or 9+. It seems to be absolutely impossible to not get hit by the fox or the projectile for some people.
yeah and theyre all gone because no one has to fuck themselves over like that, besides burning rush, which is considered one of the worst movement spells in the game
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>can roll any non-meta dps I like to play because my two buddies exclusively play tank and heal and our groups are instantly full every-time.
>feeling the need to announce your departure
goblin always
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You get
>Big damn
You don't get
>Big not die
Play prot if you want big not die.
>paladin crybaby rage quits so many groups he has a macro for it
Least sensitive ret main
How good is this game for loot grinding?
go play PoE
did you commit to the hearth out of shame or did you cancel it?
Goblin girls always remind me of Filipino women for some reason lol, they tend to have similar bone structure in the face (and are usually very short hahahahaha)
same, when my best friend found a gf I was like "shit, my instaQs with a tank are over" but no, she got hooked on the game and now I can finally be a SV hunter because I have my own pocket tank+healer
Time and retard gated in raid & m+ respectively.
Why ... would you have such two different hotkeys so close together? xD
They also live in slums and crave cock of other men
>spend 90 dollars to have a portable auction house
>stand in town 5 seconds from an auction house anyways
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Which main-spec has the best players in your experience?
tauren prot war
same, I have 4 shamans 2 at 80 and 2 between 50 and 70
PvP Frostmage
PVE Assassin rogue
currently outlaw rogue. anyone still playing it tends to know what they are doing as fotm shitters are on assassin
Whats it gonna take to have a game with both good raids and good loot
Like i assumed that was the point
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Destro warlocks
Is Korrak's revenge a good honor farm? What class can I bring to maximize it?
he is prot retard
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> "we want classic plus!"
> even though blizzard said Sod is "classic with a plus" at blizzcon
> wtf no! we still want classic plus!!

why are chuds like this
Best experiences:
>blood dks
almost never talk just play their game
>bm hunter
chill havent seen one flame
>unholy dk
same as blood

>ret paladins
>windwalker monks
>blood dk
>fire mages
>any warlock spec
>resto shamans
>any warrior
classic+ is all they have to keep them going
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Why do the writers have such a hard on for making Alexstrasza suffer so much grief and loss over the years?
It almost feels like misery porn when you look into it.

SoD sucks and flopped and now they're coping that a "proper Classic+" would be better
classic players dont actually know what they want which is why brack was right
It's life's fate to face death
Lol, tardboy
Blizz will probably cave to classic+ and players will start getting pissed a year after release they don't have new content or modern features. Just like OSRS
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>see 2 elf NPCs
>both are barefeet
>and apparently they're fucking, too
What did Metzen mean by this?
Speaking of dragons
Wtf was the point of Ysera coming back just so she could fuck off again?
Why are we stuck with her Literal Who of a daughter?
Classic+ implies an extension of the original game and its design elements.
It does not imply a seasonal structure and timegated content?????
Anything that not currently FOTM.
Don't know if it's any good honor per hour but I love spacing out in it and doing one hour bgs.
I assume specs that can teamfight well like healers and MM hunters are the best at getting all the honor from kills.
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>be in the middle of a wotlk classic naxx pug
>want to open first aid
>accidentally click my macro from being an officer in my tight-knit tbc classic raid
>post in /r and /y: "you retards should put your fucking fishing poles, carrots and riding crops away or I'll kick you"
>instantly leave the group out of embarrassment
look at those fucking NASTY nightborne feet
does activating the curses at the start of horseman not do anything for drop chance or are people just lazy fucks as usual because im always the only one doing them
>Best experiences
blood dks
blood dk

retard-kun forgot his meds
Enhance players are all a bunch of fucking stop perma-dying FUCKING retards. Im convinced that spec isnt remotely hard at all it's just populated by retbrains that think any decision of any kind in the gameplay loop amounts to pure wizardry.
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>dota vs league joins my key
who wins?
>almost never talk just play their game
too busy holding their breath from seeing their hp jump from 0.5% to 90% constantly.
>WoW must be so hard compared to other games, I wonder what the rotations look like
>Proc proc proc proc meter burn proc proc proc proc
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Can this backpiece even drop from the headless horseman boss or do you have to buy it from the vendor? I got all the other items, but this one still eludes me. This one and the claws.
>blood dk
>blood dk

a spic druid wrote this post
>mm can teamfight
>groups always force huntards to be on guard duty because nobody wants to 1v1 on the other side of the map
what is the essential unga bunga class in pvp?
ret paladins ofc
>game thats whole selling point was to be mmos for retards is le hard
why is this such a common belief?
Oh my Guh...
I hope dota wins, I invested 5 years of my life into that game. It better not let me down.
Buy only, does not drop from pumpkin
>Best experiences:
blood dks
blood dk

brown pajeet hands typed this post
the duality of man. Or blood dk has the highest variance of players.
Supposed to be on the vendor.
Made for worgen btw.
we want vanilla fresh
not classhit plus
Idk youd think the way people suck off mythic raiding and shove thousands of dollars onto it that itd be like
he meant one blood dk player was a good experience and other blood dk player was a bad experience you retard niggers
mythic raiding is team jump rope. the rate at which you progress is based on attrition and bottlenecked by the weakest player.
When will dark ranger stop being so buggy
When will i be able to move my lunar storm
When will threat tables in delves work right
>invite our first outlaw rogue in tww into grim batol 8+
>pumps like a maniac in trash and in boss fights
>writes some nice comments here and there
>dies once
>apologizes and says it was his own fault
Pure bro class from my one random sample
It will cost you a raid tier
idk, did u see the new store mount tho?
You think we are getting another raid tier before midnight?
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>warlock highest kicks among dps

you love to see it
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warlock has no right having the highest amount of kicks, yet they often do

What explains this?
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need 4 more 10s for this week bros...
im not gonna make it..
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>enter Random Epic Battleground
>it's Wintergrasp
Female night elf shadow priest uwu

Female gnome arcane mage

Male undead assassination rogue
>warlock gets ~2% aura buff while being >10% behind all the top specs in st and aoe
>kicks that low on "inflated kicks with the affix" week
being able to kick while casting is nice desu
still no excuse for melee not being higher with their shorter cd interrupt
nice butt!
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more shadow priest buffs thx
It really is super fun just zerg fighting in the middle. I wish it was all year, but no doubt people would optimize the fun out of it like ashran or regular AV.
Bro, she's a near immortal Dragon Queen. Of course she's going to suffer over the course of the millennia she's been alive.
Honestly it's more of a surprise it took until the Orcs came to Azeroth, for anyone to actually try enslaving her and using her Dragons as mounts.
Trying to learn unholy dk in pvp but I feel like I'm just keeling over and dying in 3-4 globals despite 16% vers but my pvp ilvl is low, currently 621. How the fuck do I play this?
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And with that, I can now go to bed.
ret pala because I main one and I'm actually pretty good at the game
>Honestly it's more of a surprise it took until the Orcs came to Azeroth, for anyone to actually try enslaving her and using her Dragons as mounts.
That's because they didn't have the demon soul to enslave her, which Neltharion gave the Orcs to do so.
I only camp the towers as a rogue because teamfights tank my FPS too much, and I just die from all the aoe anyway and only need the tower defense achievement from AV.
If he were alive today, he would kill his son out of shame.
why, whats wrong with his son
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key failed because i invited a worgen. never invite a worgen.
but dota wins i guess.
Even without the Demon Soul, you'd think there'd at least be historical precedent for Humans who descended from Dragon Hunting Vykrul, who were very much okay with slave camps, would at least attempt to try and tame Dragons. Or even the profit hungry Goblins.
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poorbros.... the brutochads are laughing at us again...
>ret player doesn't understand what averages are
Checks out.
Dagran II is kino and I can't wait for him to grow a massive beard
TWW is setting a lot of new character arc tu supplement the one coming to an end and Dagran looks quite interesting
>in your experience
funny how ret haters can't even read
I want to have an impact and you have none as prot war
so, you are the only ret you ever interacted with?
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if hes truly the great man moira says he was, he would love his son regardless
pretty much
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I wish warlocks could speak to their demons more often
the black harvest quest was pure kino
mfw both my mains in your retard tier
That'd require Blizzard to ever care about Lock lore outside of MoP
why yes i am both a retard and a high iq player
i want the ability to pet my fel dog
my main and main alt are in the mouthbreather tier lmfao
>relatively little coomer shit in the thread
Is this what EU hours are like?
one of my guildie warriors reflected 3/4 of the web snares on ansurek
its way better right?
i always stood up for our cunt for years
the euros are just right about Americans(on average)
i dont even bother anymore
i was going to make alts so i had a class in every armor tier and everything i was thinking of is below their average intelligence. i'm so cooked.
My most played char are dumbass, high iq, mouth breather and scholar. I hope FOTM player get off my spec soon, they really ruin reputation of a class/spec.
its NA hours during a weekend, though
>first main
average intelligence
>second main

I take it.
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I usually do this quest on horde, I didn't even know Stormwind hid this place, there's even a Kul'tiran lock, that's neat
I wish they would keep adding pet skins for lock, hell do it for shaman and DK too at this point, I really should get the red variant of the fel hunter
Most of the thread wast
>holy priest in retard tier
This makes me vey sadge. Holy priest was supposed to be pure and good ...
>worgen bricked
>orc warrior is the one with shit dps
sounds like the mutt couldn't carry your asses
New bread?
You can /kiss your succubus for a heart over your head and his/hers.

as much as I hate Mazed+ I can imagine it's pretty fun with a group of friends
but the niggas who pug everyday have some serious issues
im a mw scholar and i think hpriests are bussin

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