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Previous Turn: >>499674276
>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

Download: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/
PC Download Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neowizgames.game.browndust2&pli=1&gl=US
25th Developer Notes: New Character Pack and H2 Update : https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/news/view?id=3863

>/bd2g/ Resources
Resource Kit: https://rentry.org/bd2kit
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/M1ySuJEF
Progression Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtruzowr
All Service Cutscenes: https://mega.nz/folder/vmgW1Lhb#9GWTEK3Z7I_VDDdx-kp7yQ

>Current Patch
[Patch Notes]
>Codes (Valid until October 31st)
Redeem: https://redeem.bd2.pmang.cloud/bd2/index.html?lang=en-EN
Nebris sexooooo
500th Day Special Broadcast (October 25th):
>New bitch is just Eclipse at home, complete with blue inner hair
Why did they think adding generic companions was a good idea?
>this double faggot once again finding random shit to bitch about
Luvencia > Eclipse
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This game is so gay, I finally get free shit and it's my 4th copy of Ventana's UR and Rou. I still need Hikage's weapon and she is currently +4. Fuck you John this game is shit and I hardly care about the new hag costumes. Who actually likes office ladies? The term even sounds gross.
I don't like any new costumes from latest broadcast.

Thank you John for helping me save my dia and tickets.
Don't play this game but nice feet.
Devs are so cultured. Even questioning whether they're better with or without socks/pantyhose.
I hope we get more feet focused fan/AI arts this way.
Nebris being the first to have the 'additionally immersive' feature will further enhance the feet propaganda.
I'm biased towards Celia so I will probably +5 her bunny abusing costume, but just in case, which one is better to +5 between her and Eclipse?
My penis says Celia. But I also want to have easier time on FH.
Nebris-GODS...We Won
holy SEX
Speaking of Nebris: Which pub does she show up in or is it any? I keep getting Alec and Rafina endlessly...
You’ll have to keep waiting for refresh. From my experience you ain’t got a chance in hell until you clean out all 3-4* and maybe even some 5*. Get ready to be spooked by 1-2 characters that love you, stalking you every other turn.
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Is CuteAndFunny the only competitive /bd2g/ guild? Did anyone else reach the top 1%?
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she isn't in the pub rotation
only brave nine characters are
haven't seen any of the other guilds ANYWHERE in the leaderboards
Soft is top 1% though.
Don't forget to recruit your Seir in the pub.
show the blue glow
Ah I see, I thought I read here that she was in there.
some people thought that base costumes would always be in the pub and reasoned that exceptions like Loen were because they were from alternate universes, while Nebris is likely the same in the main universe
you only need to remember that angel Jusia is her own base costume to realize that BD2 originals don't always end up in the pub, even with their base costume and in their chapter
Both amazing. Celia will buff her own chains, even on physical teams she'll still be exceptionally useful for Fiend Hunters. Eclipse is more PVP and elemental depended on her use against bosses.
I'm a shamed bunnylet. What's wrong with Eclipse tits lighting up corruption like cracks? Are they just her boobs veins?
I see, thank you. So my penis was right. I don't care about PVP and elemental vs generalist wise... well, it's better the latter.
Hm-hmm. That Loen deadpan facial expression is shockingly triggering my lizard brain.
I now want a hypnotized sweat licking rapey session with her without reacting as I order her to sweat like she did a marathon and me groping like a koala while inhaling and licking her smell and bodily fluids.
And that's bad. Pigstia should've appeared as fixed recruit in ch14 after finishing it. And as for Loen, I think it would be a good idea to make a tavern in LN pack where she would be fixed recruit, and then also 2 extra ones for any 2 non-limited AU costumes (because LN pack is basically summoning characters from all AUs).
>Are they just her boobs veins?
They are
Origami likes to add visible veins to most characters with large breasts
most of the time you can't really see them without turning up the contrast
Bwos I finally think I might clear FH level 10 in a day or two, am I past the tutorial now?
How long have you been playing bwo?
I joined during summer Teresse roughly.
Soft and Cuteandfunny are the only two hardcore bd2g guilds if that is what you're asking
How much rolls do you need saving for duo Bunnies+5, bros?
Soft is a casual shitter guild, we didn't get max rewards because a couple people had like 900-1500 points.
2k if you're maximum unlucky, probably around 500-800 with average luck. But keep in mind they usually give ~200 free tickets during the (half) anni events.
Calm down Nerine
Mamonir chads, don't forget to give a 1 star review on the google play store. John will feel our full wrath.
Yeah I'd say so, enjoy the free 3 tickets extra from now on.
They are done giving free tickets, bros. Certainly no 200 anymore.
Dias are for pulling only right? Any other use for them?
>Dias are for pulling only right? Any other use for them?

I only keep them as a last resort if I want to pull for someone. Other than throwing 10 on the odd key for Rogue tower, I just leave them put.
>random Rubia out of nowhere
This modestly breasted seir costume has me disappointed immensely.
You can buy some torches or ToS keys with them but that's pretty much it, they're mostly just for pulls. They may add some limited packages that can be bought with free dias during the 1.5 anni and give a random URIV but those are like 3x max and cost ~2-3k free dias each.
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Yeah. She should have been flat and with more focus on her ability to attract rapists and assaulters with her sweet tears. With some more feet to boot. But Nebris covered that. But Loli feet are another kind of delicacy. Especially if they cry.
Look, it is everybody's duty to rape-molest-hug Seir, no matter if she's a 13 year old idol, a 130 year old demon princess or a 26 year old office lady, whose father is an angry yakuza, a vengefou demon duke or a greedy megacorp owner.
Bōkarutanto..Eleaneere yo
Make sure to buy the season pass for 1000 every season assuming you get to level 17.
Any idea if Idol Ventana (the sexiest idol) will get a banner soon? I need to +5 her because of how good she is.
>Game called BrownDust
>Full of women with big sexy brappers
I want to inhale their brown dust, bros...
you can buy rice(lmao) or torches(actual good investment)
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what do I do with all this shit
craft stuff
She still does not have her base so that's probably what's next for her
I want them to rape my nose and face with their scent...
>I want
would yrliet fit in the toilet?
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Something like this.
On second thought, better to spoiler it. Kinky to some degree.
Elaborate. What could possibly not fit my toilet.
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They better show how fat her thighs are. Everyone of her art works show them practically bigger than her head
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Yeah this is impossible
>there are faggots in this thread complaining about these costumes
Why don't they just play a game for homosexuals?
They aren't playing this either
It's some new /v/tard shitposting meta, pretty much every gacha thread has them complaining about something retarded
I've tried lv10 4 times and every single time my run ended because of those 7hit swordman fuckers on F30. Then I just stopped trying.
Thought on us finally getting a self-insert with the 1.5 anni and Nebris being our first official girlfriend?
Her footjob is unexpected but what I'm looking most forward to.
>Nebris being our first official girlfriend

Rejected. I've already self inserted as Lord Olstein, like me he has a never ending supply of pussy.
It's probably going to be a big nothing like some throw away lines in the main menu or character profile.
I would be surprised if they actually put effort into it.
I'm expecting something like a quest/side-story where (you)r player sprite walks around the new city place with her as your companion, maybe with an exclusive cutscene at the end.
It would probably be much easier for them to not show the self insert or even design it and just go with a VN style short story.
Unless they just decide to use the one from BD1.
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Please tell me you people are joking. It's blatantly obvious at this point that Diana is the end game goal. Beautiful, smart, virgin, she is perfect for me
Diana nursing handjob pov cutscene will save the game
ya i'd rather not see it at all
when i saw the snowbreak mc i couldn't stop laughing
into the trash it goes
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Anyone here going to roll for UR collab gear? I don't know if I should for Yumi or not. I'm skipping Yozakura since she's shit. Hikage I've already got lucky on.
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Self-inserts are okay if done right. Pic related.
Nah, certainly not anymore. I have no plans to pull in November so I dumped 230 on the selective banner like a retard. Got fuck all for my troubles
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>230 on the selective banner like a retard

Who or what were you trying to pull? This is hilarious.
She looks like she lets gluttis have their way with her.
i think those mcs have characterization beyond being a mere self insert but i generally agree nonetheless
At this rate Nebris is probably going to get a wedding dress next year.
The priority was my first B.Repi. Even though she's coming next month I'm sick of not having her on my account.
Got my track Levia to +5 after 50 pulls. Got spooked by Rou, then Sylvia and kept chasing my losses. Stopped when I got mic test to +1.
Who is that boiling noodle one?
>kept chasing my losses

Been there and it's awful. Maybe Refi's banner will be good for you.
Kek. Clearly not recognizing the greatness of Levia's sweaty toes. Better for me. I get to lick them in peace.
>all 4 are a small penis asians with no personality
I don't even mind spending that many pulls since I need the powder, but yeah the results sucked. Bought Nebris and Teresse this month. Probably won't pull for Refi now - powder and a selective ticket will get her to +1
Arknights' doktah. The feet and smell focus AI slops for Arknights are some of the best stuff I've had the pleasure to see.
Repost from previous thread for those who missed it

>SP15 in February
>Code A Rafina cutscene on the way, after that 9 5* characters (m/f) are left. Females first.
>Big new system centered around interaction with characters coming with 1.5 anni ("you can experience emotions from a first-person perspective")
>Stray Cat Rou will be made available again, not decided in what way yet.
>Contemplating buffs for more older characters & renting Guild units for FH.
>Hard confirmation that there are no plans for new male chars or real-time PvP.
>MyRoom x MyRestaurant overhaul postponed until next year, interaction system seems to be the highlight of 1.5 anni.
>Equipment/Preset settings for PvP Defense and so on the way.
>Vertical Mode for PC not easy, won't be ready for 1.5 anni.

>Yumi panties issue: Original Senran cutscene drafts had more exposure, but they "slightly increased the coverage area" on request of the Senran IP holders. Revealing the originals will be hard as it requires a review process with the IP holder.
>Wanted to collab with Senran the most because they thought it fits well with BD2's artstyle. Some internal resistance to Senran collab at first, but they admitted it worked out well ("Excellent match")
>Confirmation that MT characters turned out too strong for what they were intended to be, working on balancing collab units more (Senran is the new standard)
>No plans for collab reruns, but they will release "regular characters" with similar performance.
>Aiming for 2 collabs a year. 1-2x year is the most common preference.

Criteria for doing a collab with BD2:
>Has to fit well with BD2's artstyle.
>Collab IP holder needs to embrace the keyword "Sexiness", and there has to be an "element of combat".
>They don't want to collab with popular IPs just to become famous (Nikke), they want IPs players will like and cheer for.
>Newglutti benefits may be improved during times where lots of new users join
>Criteria for new characters: Appeared in the story y/n, useful in Fiend hunts y/n. Characters are always designed to be enjoyable during their banners.
>Artbook: Aiming for next major anni moment release, but you'll see some finished APEX figures at Korea AGF.
>BD2 merch purchaseable in US: Working hard to make it happen, but (you) will have to cover the shipping costs.
>They want to release on Steam, but too busy creating content to work on that.
>They are very careful with adding new buffer characters as to not invalidate the investments everyone made, but they will look into making weaker 4* versions of existing buffers with slightly lower performance.
>Would be nice if there were more content where (only) 3*~4* characters could be used, but: this existed in BD1, and while it was fun at first, players abandoned it for content focused on 5* characters.
>Minigames and "more fun elements" possible if they enhance content that uses MyRoom or the field
>Thinking of something to do about the excess recruitment contracts (convert into engravings/awakening mats?)
>Again confirmation that UREX dupes can be dismantled.

They saved the truly big reveals for the 1.5 anniversary update in December. Confirmed so far:
>Nightmare Winter rerun
>Bunny Eclipse/Celia rerun
>OL Nebris Costume
>Free new +5 Morpeah costume (contest winner). Stray Cat Rou will also be made available again in some way.
>Character Interaction System
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I blew 300 on selective looking for various Gisgrays. I only got 1...Manager Gray (one copy only as well)
Is Yumi any good for LN?
Her dots don't do any damage, but her base damage and chains are pretty decent if she's well invested
Is it horny time yet?
It does sound like the self insert thing will be the highlight of 1.5 so maybe they are going to put some effort into it.
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>Is it horny time yet?

100% yes
I started playing during summer Dalvi banner, ive never beaten level 10 FH, thats normal or i'm a fucking idiot?
Self inserters gonna be disappointed from overexciting themselves over a myroom tier experimental feature
>4th Nebris costume hinted at December
Did they really say that? She's not on the November release schedule, so that'd mean her OL is the pick-up in December, unless they plan two drop TWO Nebris costumes
I expect it to be small and tame fanservice that is probably not canon lorewise.
Something like the Captain in Honkai Impact.
There's no 4th costume. Her new one is in December
>Nebris will also have a pickup in December with special content
That's the word that's causing so much confusion. But it's probably just that her OL costume is releasing in December along with the interaction update
It's just a translation error.
That's what that one anon was saying about the new Seir costume. I agree this time, though
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It's a screenshot from the cutscene
I started during Venaka/Nebris banners and I've never beaten higher than lvl 8. Usually I beat 7 and call it good enough. Lack of B.Refi is fucking me over for 2nd team
Work on your supports. This FH is fairly easy since it's geared 100% towards Yumi. Newglutti's clearing level 10 now, won't stand a chance next boss, I'd bet on it.
Yes. It's a game focused on brown feet and smelly feet in general. Spread the word and gospel.
Sorry friend but based John is an ass man
I want some exquisite first pov with lots of bodily liquids and ASMR sounds.
Fuck. I want lewd hentai ASMR now.
We need more ASMR. I legit sleep with some of Azur Lane's and get horny with some others.
ASMR is good civilization.
Wife rate? Pic related, my wife
200% would lick her sweaty underboobs and armpits. Not a fan of lactation, but I would drink that alongside her bodily fluids.
John is an official titsfag
FEET BROS! The time hath come.
This is the feet revolution. We need more and more feet! Bare. Toes focused, stirrups, pantyhose, sweaty socks, sweaty in general, steamy, dirty, white tights, black tights, soles, against glasses, nose raping toes and more.
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Celia is so lucky. Imagine being molested and groomed daily by Eclipse.
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John shilling Nebris and her feet would beg to differ.
Is Admiral Sylvia worth getting? I only have Sword Queen at +0.
>rectangular feet
did the guy who made this never see a foot before?
I'd get her as she is useful. It's just she really needs the 4 turn buff duration from sword queen to be amazing. Which that itself needs to be +2 for the full 4 turns.
Is Rou for me?
Rou is a national treasure
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Did sloppa anon and sploosh sploosh Lecliss anon die?
All posters left because of feet and stink spam.
All posters are playing wizardry now
I'm pretty sure it's the other way around..
>playing buggy nostalgia bait in current year
couldn't be me
Nikke anniversary killed us, 8 threads within half a day. This is why I pushed for a self-insert and full on waifu pandering since day 1, instead we are only known a cuck game (nikg) and scat game (everyone else)
This month did well bwos
I'd still be playing because b9 is gonzo
>Her dots don't do any damage
You have just 1 turn in LN
She can be used for chaining only
What is your Last Night score? I wish John would do something more with that game mode. Pointless once you reach 110 million score. My score is just over 200 million, I could go higher if I wanted to.
I got to 161mil, haven't bothered using Hikage/Levia/Summer Eclipse yet. As you said there's 0 incentive to push beyond 110mil.
>sloppa anon
I'm alive, there's just been no new girls to train because collab

Kinda sad it didn't spell daddy to be honest.
I'll pass the message. I'm certain they will appreciate their feedback. I'll also add my 2 cent and ask to make it smellier and dirtier.
What about more feet and sweat focus...?
BA does more threads in a regular day. Do better b8
I see. Should I go and preach about feet and why they should have more sweaty and steamy toes raping cummanders nostrils too I wonder.
I recall there being solely that loli Trony for feet department. Good, but lacking overall. But as of late I saw that really sweaty one and it was indeed good.
Loen is simply superior, but I can't lie to my lizard brain.
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Do you want me to start sploshing again?
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When you put it like that...
You wouldn't drink oil
What do you think?
So the OL pack and costume is for December and not Halloween?
I started playing in early June and was reaching lvl 10 FH by the end of July
it's all about how many pulls you're willing to buy and how lucky you got with spooks
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*splosh* *splosh* *splosh*
no, it's for Halloween. Nebris just won't be added with the pack probably because she won't be good in the FH
>Next wave of banners starts on Halloween
>Stream begins with a "Halloween update" notice
>lol jk here are some OLs instead
I can't be the only one who was a bit miffed by this?
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Your move physikeks
Why? Why do so many people insist on building def? Just build MRES anon. Don't you want to beat Eclipses and DJs with their mres shred? No one is running Elise. Come on anon...
Who has the best gear craft skill to level? Does it matter? Newfag btw
Layla because she is a girl. Fredfags suck ass.
Sounds like an airtight argument
There's no difference. Only difference there was, was way back when Fred couldn't craft UR gear. Now he can, so either works.
Don't forget chipi chapa and wiggle
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>get swimsuit nebris
>says she is saving her first kiss

Really? No guys have tried? Is every girl just hot in universe or every guy gay?
Plump feline and granhildr deserve a mention their bucko.
As for me, it's clean, bare feet with no smell.
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For me it's Teresse
it's because the new pack is OLs vs zombies
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Of course guys have tried, it's just that she is saving herself for (you), the player.
she's saving herself for the autistic hot guy lifeguard (I forget his name)
she even says that she became a lifeguard to get closer to him
she's 16... not 26
you are pulling this out of your asshole.
I don't remember a single mention of her being hot for him in the 2nd summer event.
Did any other Korean gacha games make actual halloween outfits?
After a few rip the bandaid off, I'm sure others will follow.
After thinking about it the self insert stuff is at most just going to be some sort of touch interaction screen where the character will do or say stuff and considering it's L2D it will be pretty barebone.
If it was a event / story or gamemode they wouldn't say it's part of Nebris costume because other characters would be part of it.
And it's probably easy to add some sort of special menu or homescreen to a new costume compared to making a completely new thing.
The Nebris showing her feet is probably part of it and the skill animation is the one where she sit on a bed with the tied up soldiers.
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Underwear skin where?
I prefer having a named mc than a (you) mc.
Only the bottom two are real self insert. The other are just characters you play as
Imagine being Jayden and seeing Justia naked as she reeneters the gate
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didn't Nebris let Octovius I do whatever it wanted to her when it was possessed by the unfulfilled sexual desires of everyone Dalvi teased?
That was hot as fuck
Guys ive been spooked 3 of the 4 times ive pulled on seir free roll, wtf i'm wasting all my luck getting dupes of seir and lathel
That's not how it works anon
Lucky people are lucky
Once you get lucky, you will get even more lucky
Just keep pulling and keep the hot hand
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Bwos... not like this
i assume the recruit from pub for free tickets thing only works when the banner is active?
ie if i don't have eleaneer i should wait for her upcoming banner before getting her from pub?
It's retroactive for when their banner eventually comes in the future.
oh so if i had a +5 seir i would've gotten the 50 tickets when her banner dropped?
i got all three kagura weapons from daily singles, what the hell am i
John really wants to bait you into maxxing the collab units. Worked against me when I dumped 300 pulls for yoza. Either way, just don't get baited. Too many new costumes coming out in the next 2 months.
well, that ship has sailed...
i only picked this game up just after the start of the collab so i don't know shit
Also repeat banners won't reward you with 50 each time if you were curious. One time reward.
>One time reward.
Well it used to give rewards again.
ah still nice ty
When's the next Gray costume?
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fuck these fucking cunts
Doing a Song in Snow finally...holy KINO
John Dust 2-sama...I kneel
I prefer them with socks or pantyhose, dirty, sweaty and steamy myself. But can definitely appreciate pristine and bare toes and soles as well.
Fully argeed.
For me it's those fucking swordsmen that does a million hits per turn.
I always say if you aren’t a decked out account then no amount of perfect team is gonna do shit, you have to rng out the best artifacts to stack enough damage in order to one shot. Let alone for you who doesn’t even have B Helena




I'm here. I've always been here praising Glacia stinky pantyhose and feet. Just made an effort to not have the markup syntax get me here.
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>Still no Ceres release

We hope everyone will enjoy the fully interactive reverse bunny suit Ceres we have prepared for the 1.5 anniversary
Bunnies are overrated
i just beat the campaign up through latest chapter and i only have a magic team
where do i go from here?
Bro your side stories? your tower content? your +5 max teared waifu?
Indeed. We need more drenched in sweat PE clothes.
I want to enter a steamy classroom of Levia and Loen class while they're changing their clothes after a track team session and inhale the aroma.
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Before anyone says anything. I was the one who left that bite mark on her inner thigh.
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I've done it bros, rock fucking bottom.
When is sexo time.
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Imagine the smell of her feet trapped in her boots for over 8 hours after a hard day of work.
I don't even know who is this supposed to be. Terrible slop.
I agree. But given I was looking at her smelly feet I'm good. (not mine)
>Alecseeded account
Abandon ship
I just want to end it all. I'll never come to terms with the fact I'm not Lord Olstein. Living in seclusion, in a god damn mansion with a qt cat girl.
So when are they going to remove the men from the gacha? If you get spooked by a crappy female unit at least you might get 10 pulls should they re-run her banner. Since they're unlikely to re-run male banners, getting spooked by one is a brick and a slap to the face
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I feel like a sage suddenly. Could this be related?
Or it might be ED.
Will we get some mahou shoujo like girl? Mahoako collab maybe? I mean. Mahou shoujo transformation sequences are strangely erotic.
>pvp win rate all week: 70-80%
>pvp win rate before reset: 30%
fuck off, john
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WHAT THE FUCK happened to this game

I used to get 66% winrate and reach Master 3, now I get 77% and never even see Master during my fights

More people playing now
t-minus 40 minutes until pvp season ends lazyglutties
The game massively grew in size since the 1st collab and anniversary.
Is there some data on it? I mean, it's definitely true, but wonder on the 'degree' of growth.
The devs did show this on the previous livestream, I also look at other factors myself. Revenue has been steady around ~1.5mil (up from 700k) which checks out with what the devs said. The same winrate as before will get you a lower rank in pvp. In FH, I always start FH at a certain time and noticed 100k+ players ranked (=lv1 clear) compared to the ~45k I'd see before the 1year anni. So yeah.
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>Anon, why do you always show up for work 2 hours early?
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R8 the base and what upgrades it will get for bd2
>face same team with Rou and Justia twice in a row
>Rou lucked out both times with dodges so I get 2 losses
i think her newer model looks much better so i'd have to see her newer model with the base costume
I just hope they don't pull another levia where the cutscene is god tier but the splash art is subpar because they decided to use the old asset
I hope she's shit so I don't need to pull. I haven't even recovered from the collab. By the time I do, this game will be over a decade old.
Another pvp week has ended. How did you do?
yeah, that shit was lazy as fuck
I can accept it happening with the 4*/3* but for 5* they better make new shit instead of reusing assets.
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I forgot...
I'm the horse.
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>only ever seen riding things
>big ass
>thick thighs from squeezing her mount all the time
she's perfect
Didn't know DST is still a thing, so that happened.
so your time's been off for the past 8 months?
because DST ends next sunday not today
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>because DST ends next sunday not today
Ah. Yes. As an europoor, time changed today for me. I hate it. Did KR's time change as well, or do their time not change ever and we're the only cursed ones?
Not since '88
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Marry Lecliss, Anastasia or Liatris?
The horse is a biological female
Git gud, I always end up in Master 1-2 at the end of my dailies.
>armored, muscular, female
It has a magical penis. Source: Hero creation EX.
Who has the best feet and body odor?
I, the horse that gets to costantly feel Luvencia's ass, am however only attracted to girls.
I humbly request for more zenith ass focused slop.
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Are those ancient crystal things supposed to be so damn rare? I even go days before crafting a single UR.
yes, they are used to make endgame gear
110 million in last night nets you 5 a day, 1 full UR craft. It'll be UR I though, since John is a trickster.
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to dodge the bad luck with URs I save 500 ancient crystals and craft 100 gears at once it always gives me from 4 to 7 tier IV URs
Zenith's ass was absolutely necessary to bring my attention.
Is that Jayden?
I’m nowhere near that u only got to like 8 mil or something recently.
you get hundreds biweekly by doing tower of pride
Aim for costume dupes, don't chuck gear, give anything to anyone so it boosts the last night bonus. Eventually you'll get 110 million. My advice? Work on Promise of Vengance, Herb and Homo Lathel. This guy carries hard in that mode. Homonculus Lathel is end game staple for physical teams, you can't go wrong with him
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I am officially declaring myself a Glacia worshipper. I'm taking mirror wars defense seriously now and will be using her as my tank. Thoughts on this? I'll rework it for more defence when I can get the resources. Also team suggestions would be appreciated. I've got Helena, Bunny Eclipse all set up, so I'll aim to use those 3. Thanks for the help. Anyone who says I'm bricked can go fuck themselves. Glacia is a pure maiden virgin and I love her.
oh nononono
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Is that when it resets back to the first floor?

I don’t even have homo Lathel.
Why are her breasts nerfed here? She’s like at least twice as big in summer or lab.
>I don’t even have homo Lathel.

Don't worry, everyone gets m*leseeded eventually.
I lost the PC client download link, anyone could kindly post it?
anon, please..
do you think she wears a bra? that sweater looks so tight...
She does. You can actually see it through the sweater's fabric.
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huh, you're right
based origami
>doubting based CHADgami
he's the only artist I know that consistenly draws veiny tits
Thank you. Might your next rolls be a golden hand.
anni date?
Artists do this all the time. They don't care about continuity as much as viewers do. They just draw random shit without caring if the body is completely different or not.
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That better be redirected at me. Fuck that guy.
>Somehow got Yozakura's weapon through free pulls
I only have her at +1 since most people said she sucks, should i try pulling more now that i have the weapon or is it still not worth it
2 ways to look at this. 1 She's your waifu and you want her at higher dupes. 2 She's the worst of the bunch. Roll with your dick. Free Dalvi beats her outright in damage and being a virgin.
>being a virgin
Her (party pool) knowingly being able to merely take on just 3 guys at once laughs.
Her being a thousand year nine tailed fox with countless drained males under her clothes laughs as well.
Uh, whatever is fine with you I guess.
I would personally do Loen, but I don't know about that anon's charm to be fair, so I will abstain from commenting further.
Bets on Luvencia? I want water physical because that element sucks.
Dark probably, but i dont play Brave Nine so i don't know much
Their is no element so it's completely off color you see and the aura she gives off.
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Hi, anons. I downloaded your gaem just now and I am finally done with rolling for random waifus that I have no knowledge of. Picked the eyepatch lady on the infinite banner just because I thought she looked the coolest, and then rolled for the collab girls and their weapons (also no idea who they are) because they're leaving in three days, apparently? I have absolutely no idea who is a good unit, who is a bad one, or generally what the fuck am I supposed to do. Did I get good chars? Should I explode? I am super confused about everything. I apologize in advance for anything that I may or may not have done.
Celia is best pick from infinite draw so your dick picked well
Senrans are fine, it might be a good idea to +5 any of them. But since you're such a newglutti, you probably can only max Yomi at best, since she's the welfare freemium one. So try to do that before collab ends
Otherwise just play and enjoy the story for now, even the 3stars will get you through early game
When even a newborn glutti isn't a Hinata's Knifelet...

I got 2, I'll trade one for Yumi's UR gear. Please bro, I'm fucking desperate.
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he's not a gobletlet either, but I am...
>Luvencia will be added as a physical damage dealer with Darkness property.
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>Barely roll on UR gear banners
>Literally missing everyone's UR gear that have been on banner since about Loen's release

I....I'm fucked...I'm missing so many exclusive UR gear it hurts.
>Free Dalvi beats her outright in damage
Retard. Yozakura is the strongest wind magic dps right now. DoT is a meme when chainstacking is meta 90% of the time
The strongest wind DPS..who couldn't even get past lv8 in G.Raid
I've only rolled on 1 exclusive banner since April. I have exclusives for pretty much every character I care about, just missing 3 or 4 for the characters I use regularly. You need to git gud.
Sounds like a skill issue
It's facts, retard. I'd know, I've spent an entire day trying to make magic work before I conceded that it was a physical raid. Maybe there were 0 magic guides on Youtube for a reason.
At least you rolled for collab's exclusives, right?
You're bad.
I have 2 of those. both being Hikage's.
Post your lv10 Yoza carry clear. Go on, I'll wait.
Isn't it fine to just use the IV gear over unique gear?
It's been confirmed thousands of time, that she doesn't love you if you don't have her exclusive UR gear.
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Moving goalposts now, aren't we? I said she's the strongest magic wind dps, but that doesn't mean the magic team is stronger than phys. Nebris is better if you have both costumes at high investment, and you have access to homo Lathel while also buffing Hikage. Was only 50mil away from beating lvl 9 too, if I just had +5 medical Terrese.
Yeah it's fine if you want to give your wife's pussy to Gray-sama. He's an expert in making women cum and he's a very handsome bad boy.
>He's an expert in making women cum and he's a very handsome bad boy.

Newbie here, does pity carry over to future banners? Or are they reset when banner expire?
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It carries over.
guaranteed 5* pity carries over, but power of hope doesn't
>powder of hope
I meant the other kind of pity(x / 200) turns into powder of hope
So, the 100 pity system is carried over and shared among banners right? What about weapon banners?
Banners for weapon pity are a scam, literally any UR gear will reset it. Most argue it's impossible to hit 100 pity for UR gear.
same concept as character banners. Unfortunately 3* and 4* character URs also reset the pity, so it hardly matters..
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You don't need him, but it helps. Base Levia and Hikage are the 2 best damage dealers, while Bride Refi is actually the most important character for LN. Having her +0 will probably double your score
Is there someone that consistently update this tierlist when there are new costumes?
>Senran IP holders were the ones that censored the animations
I don't fucking get it, isn't Senran kagura literally all about fanservice and shit too? why the fuck would they do that
>hikage +2
how bricked is my account if i don't +4 her?
SK is owned by Sony (Jews). It's not independently owned by some otaku who can do whatever he wants.
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I'm happy that I picked the best girl there. But can I even clear the event so early into the game? Should I level someone specific that can carry me through it?
Spamming her skill every turn makes a huge difference. I went +4 because of that alone. If you get Bunny Celia then Hikage really doesn't matter.
I understood it immediately when you said S*ny, damn, why is such a raunchy IP being held by such a fucking pussy ass dogshit company
No that'll bite you in the ass. Focus of Layla and Schera's abilities to craft resources and weapons. Gear everyone up. Keep at it with Celia though, higher chains = more damage. Levia, Gamer Rafina, Helena, Medical Teresse, Diana, Homonculus Lathel, and Refi are the best supports in game. If you can get hold of at least one of them, your life will become easier. Diana more so in end game.
How many of you are pulling or pulled for a +5 Yozakura?
I see. Thank you very much.
>>If you get Bunny Celia then Hikage really doesn't matter.
oh good i was planning on getting the bunnies
would rather not waste pulls if i don't have to
Me. I also have all Senran at +5 except Hkage who's at +4 until last day to avoid dupes (will get her last copy).
Also have all of their UR weapons. I got 2 Knifes and 2 or was it three gauntlets even...
Focus on rolling for Hikage. She's the best of the bunch, but she needs +4
Most 5* are worse than 3* and 4* characters early game. You will get all of them to +5 fairly quickly
Get everyone you use to lvl 20 (takes 1 yellow + 1 blue slime)
Arines and Elpis are your best friends. You need 5* support characters at +4 or +5 before they are better
Samay is your early game healer and the best hybrid phys/magic buffer until you get +4 med Teresse
Buffs are additive (including crit rate) but multiple of the same buffs from one character only refresh their duration.
Kry, Fred, and Emma are great for repositioning and knockback damage
Lucrezia can keep enemies silenced indefinitely and is a source of infinite SP
Layla, Gynt, hat+eyepatch guy, and Beatrice have uncommon knockback directions if you need to set something up a certain way
Wiggle is based
Save your 5* recruit scrolls for Diana (chapter 10), Olstein (ch4), Lia (ch7)/Levia (random), and grab Seir (random) if you can because she gives 10 tickets while her banner is up
Do you think its worth it to do that as a mid-level player? i have 100 pulls left and the only one who isn't at +5 yet is Yozakura, the only thing holding me back is the possibility of a hot new character or alt coming out
>can I even clear the event so early into the game?
Easy mode for all non-story packs doesn't let you use your normal characters and gives you a temporary team instead, so you should be able to clear the event pack
Bunny Celia adds to her own chains. 7 becomes 14 + it's a 9 tile hit. Hikage can't compete once you get enough Celias.
or it's just a complete fabrication to deflect blame onto someone faceless versus the devs taking the blame. this is the exact same shit that John said occurred last time and he 'would do better next time' and yet it occurred again and he deflected blame once again
Bunny rerun soon. Celia and Eclipse are busted. If you want a far easier time, save for them.
collab characters won't come back, and the new office characters aren't limited to a season, so they will go into the powder of hope shop and can spook you. The answer is clear, but if your dick likes one of the new costumes, it's still up to you.
Senran Kagura is not owned by Sony. the only thing Sony had to do with SK was forcing them to censor their game if they wanted it to release on Sony's systems and that's it, Sony does not own the IP at all
Is Yuri for me?
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yeah, someone in the discord seems to update it when they add new characters. I'll probably upload it here too so it's easier to find
The IP owner wants you to buy their games for the full experience
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I +5'd them all and got their UR's.
How many pulls for the UR gear. I want to know how fucked I'll be when the free dailies don't get me Yumi's.
>If you get the best muti-tile (second best single tile) chainer in the game you don't need the best single tile chainer
You should get both. Hikage is higher priority, since she's collab limited and you only need +1 bunny Celia
you only need +1 to get the most out of bunny Celia. Everything after that is only damage
Hikage is mega limited and needs +4 to be useful outside of 1 round combat
The only one that took a while was Yumi's which came at 131, the other two I did like 30 pulls and got both and then another copy free
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Bunny Celia is +4 for the 6 turns. Also, I know a guy who knows a guy who said he knows a guy, and Celia will be getting a bridal alt after Christmas.
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>Yumi's which came at 131

Oh shit. Well I hope I get lucky on the free dailies or this might cost me dearly. She is good so I will spend tickets if need be.
still, bunny Celia will probably be getting another rerun next year, and is still over a month away so there's plenty of time to save.
Hikage might never get a rerun (devs said there's no precedent and implied that we shouldn't get our hopes up), so she should be your priority
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Bunny Celia looks good, Eclipse however looks like a fucking fat hog in every single one of her versions and i'm no fucking architect so she's not for me. I guess I'll save for Celia but i might still throw a few pulls at Yozakura's banner to see if she bites
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Is this banner worth pulling on at all?
That's for whales that want to catch up. Always pull limited banners for the extra tickets up to +4.
No, you don't get tickets back even if you pull the character you want. It's whale territory.
Fuck, i really want those girls that i selected there but you're right, its a stupid idea
bride refi is having a banner end of next month so you can get her then
praying for a sacred justia rerun soon(tm)
How do you know that? do we have foresight?
Do it, it's worth if you're not a lucklet.
they post developer notes that give us a look at the upcoming month
the sticky gets updated when a new one drops
This banner is actually worth it if you really want all of the units you pick and if they are all likely to re-run in the future (so you'll eventually get your 10 tickets per copy).
Of your choices, B.Refi is re-running next month. Pigstia and Levia are so damn good they are certain to get a re-run. Loen probably will (with Levia), Ana and Rou are less likely but still possible
I +4 all of them, got enough Draw Points to get Yumi and Hikage to +5 and recently got the last Yoza dupe I needed from a free daily.
Just missing Hikage's UR now, got Yoza's on a free daily and Yumi's in 70 tickets, waiting to see if I get Hikage's on a daily or if I have to throw tickets.
>Yumi's in 70 tickets
How comes you never waited until the last day? Was it down to clearing level 10 fiend?
No, I just got impatient, had lvl10 clear guaranteed even without it.
Not unless you plan to buy every single pack for more rolls, or need dust and have all banner characters +5
The better (paid) version of it available in the first couple weeks to newgluttis and the one around anni are worth if you need certain characters that you don't have +0
If you aren't buying pulls until you get what you want, stick to banners
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>New Employee Seir
>The employee costume for Seir who has just joined the company.
>She is holding dearly onto her special umbrella gun to protect herself from incoming shots.
>Her skill set is about granting buffs to her allies when hit by enemies.

>Seal Snatcher Luvencia
>The employee costume of Luvencia, a sales manager leading her team with a wild and tough demeanor.
>Carrying the tradition of always being on a vehicle since Brown Dust 1,
>Luvencia will be added as a physical damage dealer with Darkness property.
>She also has a skill set that matches her appearance of holding a shotgun.

>Queen of Signatures Michaela
>The employee costume of Michaela, a lover of serious firepower with a serene smile on her face.
>While Luvencia has a tough demeanor, Michaela leads her team with experience, wisdom, and a laid-back attitude.
>Like her swimsuit costume, this one has a certain weakness,
>but that weakness is made up by the raw firepower she showcases as a magic damage dealer.

>New Employee Nebris
>The employee costume of Nebris, who makes others let their guard down with her playful and mischievous smile.
>Like Seir, she is a newcomer to the company,
>yet her skillful and relaxed atmosphere makes one wonder if she is truly a beginner in her career.
>Similar to other costumes, Nebris's costume is designed to be a damage dealer with Wind property.
>She has the mechanics to produce more firepower in certain conditions.
>Nebris will also have a pickup in December with special content.

>We are also preparing content that can make characters more appealing through interactions and individual stories,
>while maintaining quality control for illustrations and cutscenes endeared by so many players.
>Nebris, who was mentioned earlier, will be the first character to benefit from such content.
I don’t have bride either.
Cool, nice of them to do that.
They all look quite good
>Interactions and individual stories
Are they moving in Blue archive's direction? or is it interactions with other characters like hoyo stuff usually does
Do debuffs not work on last night? Otherwise why is sports festival Levia so low?
Ah, the secret ingredient #1 that I love so much. There are at least two other secret ingredients by the way.
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Which gacha do you play.
zenith is just like refianons...
Damn Michaela gonna stick with the "self harm" stuff, i hope this costume is atleast better than the bikini one
Celias will never be dethroned
I find it weird because in B9 she gives buffs at the cost of the receivers hp
Debuffs don't work, and buffs have 50% effectiveness or something
>Encourage mobs to beat up Seir to benefit your team
>new meta, slutty office attire
>slutty office workers have nipples though
How are they going to handle this?
Are red slimes in the event shop worth getting?
Depends on how much currency you get
I always buy everything limited except the stars and event stamina
Sometimes I also skip the ability pills if I feel like I have enough excess
The rest goes into Refining Powder when the event ends, or Engraving scrolls if I need more and ran out of guild money
Never buy more scrolls than you plan to use immediately, especially since the event shop has them at scam prices
>Demon's Daughter heals herself when hit
>idol generates SP when hit
>OL buffs allies when hit
Pvp meta is about to change again because of this crybaby
>Her skill set is about granting buffs to her allies when hit by enemies
They're finally adding something to counter Zenith
I think everyone has nipples anon not just slutty office workers
How does this matter if she doesn't have a taunt?
Her base skill has taunt.
Luvencia will have to be extremely SEX to tempt me away from my +5/+5 awakened Eleaneer
How long does it last, the description on the wiki doesn’t say.
Which of the collab units are worth going to +5?
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How many in-game universes do we have as of now? Is it seven?
-Jayden's JKs
-Agent Schera + Idolm@ster Gray + Pool Party/Summer units
-RRH Rou
-Wuxia Sylvia
>running out of time to complete senran story
4 turns
All of them are good, it depends on what you already have desu.
>single target damage/chain, highest chain in the game but st only
>top tier water damage dealer, but similar pattern to Schera
>free, 3x3 wind
>top-tier wind magic damage-dealer with 2 turn timing.
All good, just depends on what you want/need and who you want/need from the non-limiteds desu
Is idolmaster Gray and summer Gray the same universe? He looks like too much of a chad in his summer outfit.
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you forgot
>0.5 Anni Dystopia
>Mirror Wars (extra dimensional)
>Last Night (Loen is the only native)
>Evil Castle/Path of Adventure (literally on the map, but some people argue that it's an alternate universe)
>Dream world (story pack 13)
>Mushoku Tensei world (connected via dreamscape)
>Senran Kagura
>Brave Nine universe (no Justia or Lathel, slightly different history)
I forget if the fairy kingdom (Refi's homeland that was eaten) is canonically in the same universe
The Night World (Dominus Octo) can also be considered an alt universe
Levia literally extracts power from an extra dimensional source and communes with eldritch beings from beyond the normal universe for power (pic related is the eldritch being in question)
Seir can never be meta until Justia is banned, which at this point she should
In LN, does Bunny Celia's buff applies to her other costumes as well?
Self buffs only apply to the costume that uses them
I think dystopia got retconned into a movie in the pool party universe.
Got it, thanks.
I'm pretty sure it's only a movie in that universe. In the Nightmare Winter universe, it probably actually happened
uh bwo? you seem to not know how +4 works on her
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I didn't know that wiggle was in brave 9
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I assumed so. PP Gray's profile states that he's the head of an idol group and that he's looking into recruiting new idols.

>Brave Nine universe (no Justia or Lathel, slightly different history)
Never knew that. I always thought our game would lead to Brave Nine. The story of Brave Nine isn't given as much attention as it is in BD2. right?
>Levia literally extracts power from an extra dimensional source and communes with eldritch beings from beyond the normal universe for power (pic related is the eldritch being in question)
I only know of Dominus Octo and the Six Devils. Are there any other groups of characters that are wanked hard in terms of power level?
Is there a /bd2g/ guild in brave nine?
I just want to try out the game before they go eos and make it offline
Personally, I'm waiting for it to EoS so I could read the story at my own pace.
I just started since the /vmg/ general said to get the 1 gold shop stuff at least
it resets daily and is basically free resources
>I always thought our game would lead to Brave Nine
so did everyone else
recent story packs have been contradicting the lore in B9, so now people just treat it as an alt universe
>Dominus Octo and the Six Devils
they're Legend tier (6*), but above them is the Exalted tier (still 6*, but purple) with characters like Fabian, brave nine Satan, and the overseers of fate (Destiniers). Above that is Mythic tier (6*, but cyan) with demigods Eda and Frellea. Hero Iseok is the only human in this tier
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This one's pretty cute. Hopefully our game won't resort to adding new rarities soon.
Is this the reason I have less than 10 ur ivs? Because I leveled up his smithing before I even got hammer girl?
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Didn't know "Brave Nine Story" was separate from Brave Nine. Shouldn't this be a better way to read through the story than playing Brave Nine?
What’s the difference?
Story seems to be a more story-focused retelling of original Brave Nine from what I searched. I can't seem to find much information about it other than that.
No, they have the same chance
They EoSed it. It was more of a VN with the Captain not being a self-insert.
>nebris is just BA Asuna copy
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How does Magic Stone Knights tie up to BD? I read somewhere that it has some story in it.
Didn't play this
Wait hold the fuck up if Iseok is the highest tier human how the fuck does Alec get “the strongest” meme? Was he just a joke this whole time?
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>758 years old
Huh, didn't know Yuri was that old? I almost forgot that Whitebolt is just some alternate universe of the actual Yuri.
Sexy tiger. The double ears make it even better. I'm cursing myself with endless fetishes since the start of the year.
I was so tempted to start rolling for this. Glad I didn't. Now I'm down to Yozakura's UR left. Everyones at +4. How's everyone else doing? I want to +5 Hikage and Yumi, so I'll easily go over 800 tickets in all for this.
Angelica sexoooo
>add +0 Yumi to the team
>immediately get 50m more dps
Yumi is +0 no UREX
Everyone else is +5 + UREX
Gave up the moment they mentioned they will release costumes with similar kits. I like Senran but it’s too neutered compared to even the real Senran games. It was only the unique kits that blinded my judgment.
everyone is +4, Yumi is ready to be sparked, no stash left, thinking whether I should go and pull 40 pulls that I have left on weapons, since none dropped.
All +4
Close to 200 on Yoza and Hikage
Yumi at ~130
Yoza and Hikage have UR
Will roll Yumis if I don't get it with free rolls tomorrow
+5 Hikage
+5 Yumi
Both UR weapons
I Didn't ever bother with Yoza, since I already have Dalvi.
Hikage +5 with EX, 131 pulls
Yoza +0 no EX, stopped at 80
Yumi +3 no EX, 200 pulls

Contemplating whether I'll at least +4 Yumi before the collab is up or not. I already have a maxed Morpeah and Admiral Sylvia.
What's the next costume in the arena shop?

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