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Previous Thread: >>499854863

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>10/23 (Wed) After Maint - 11/6 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Mari (Idol) (3* - Limited)
Sakurako (Idol) (3* - Limited)
Mine (Idol) (1* - Welfare)

Serenade Promenade - 10/23 (Wed) After Maint - 11/6 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Decagrammaton - 11/6 (Wed) After Maint - 11/20 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: Chokmah (Field w/Special Armor) - 10/24 (Thu) 11:00 - 11:20 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Insane & Torment w/Blue Dmg) - 10/30 (Wed) 11:00 - 11/6 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Bounties - 10/23 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/30 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 10/26 (Sat) 4:00 - 10/28 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions/Lessons - 10/30 (Wed) 4:00 - 11/6 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals - 11/6 (Wed) 4:00 - 11/13 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/22 (Tue) After Maint - 11/5 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Kazusa (Band) (3* - Limited)
Yoshimi (Band) (3* - Limited)
Airi (Band) (1* - Welfare)
Ako (3* - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/10/3rd
Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2668215
-ive aLIVE! - 10/22 (Tue) After Maint - 11/5 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
[Mini Game] Livin' on Sweets!: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/10/minigame - 10/22 (Tue) 5:00 - 11/6 (Wed) 2:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 10/23 (Wed) 2:00 - 11/18 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hod (Urban - Insane & Torment w/Blue Dmg) - 10/29 (Tue) 2:00 - 11/4 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 10/21 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/28 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 10/25 (Fri) 19:00 - 10/27 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Bounties/Commissions - 10/28 (Mon) 19:00 - 11/4 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Aggie server is being an absolutely pain.
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Have you thought about childs lately?
Telling Wakamo I'm being held hostage at Kousagi park
I'm going to take advantage of this rabbit
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In order to post in this thread you need to bully Miyu
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Ui needs to be stripped
Ui needs to be pinned to the wall
Ui needs to be licked on her face
Ui needs to be smooched
Ui needs to be kissed
Ui needs to spread her legs for my cock
Ui needs to be fucked so hard that she starts seeing stars
Ui needs to be made into a stay at home wife
Ui needs to be married
Ui love!
Do not reply to this post with your bad opinions!
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This too, is your fault
Miyako won. Bigly
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My precious desert rose.
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Rentryanon, could you please mark JP club 2627 ガチリセマラ部 as open. Note that the name could also use correctin'.
It's late Friday night, let's have some fun with some soundposts
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Miyako breeding
Why tho
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what did Miyako win?
should i watch trip trap train on yt before reading vol 1 ch 3
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Yuzu, this is for you
Witness me
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>no "smothering face in Ui's pubes"
Not a real Ui fan
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I would literally never stop trying to impregnate Hikari. Every day I would wake her up by coming in her and every night I would cum in her right before going to sleep, which I would do with my dick stuck inside her. I would take some viagra before bed just to maintain my erection so that she'll be ready in the morning when I thrust into her like an animal and slather her in kisses. Part of our wedding vows would be to have as many children as physically possible. I wouldn't even care if she's already pregnant, I'll fuck her while she's pregnant and she'll get double pregnant. I'll fill her with so much cum every day that she'll look pregnant even when she isn't (which she'll never be after we're married) I would do everything in my power to make Hikari as fertile as possible. I'd give her fertility drugs, I'd give her uterus massages, breast massages, I wouldn't let her go an hour without at least one convulsive orgasm. I'll even bake her home made lactation inducing biscuits to help her get to a point of hyperlactation syndrome so that she'll be seeping out multiple quarts of milk per day. Which I will save and drink just so that I can tell her how delicious it is. I'll make her so fertile that triplets will be the minimum number she's carrying at any given time. I would literally never stop doting on her, I would respond to her every beck and call and I would cum inside her again each time she asks for something. She would be so pregnant all the time that she would literally not be able to stand up straight anymore even after menopause. Her spine would be permanently bent out of shape to accommodate a pregnant belly. Even after she can't get pregnant anymore I would just keep putting more eggs into her. I would clone her purely so that I can put fresh eggs from the clone inside her after she runs out of them. She would have so much progesterone running through her veins at any given time that even the thought of not being pregnant would seem alien to her.
Cumming to Shiroko
Cumming to Miyako
Cumming to Atsuko
Cumming to Serina
Cumming to Mari
Cumming to Airi
me (sensei) not loving her, ever.
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Jokes on you, I didn't get why this caption were so popular
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i'm literally just drinking and going to fap to JC buruakas again tonight wtf am i doing
>Miyu bulling hours
>Retarded fag makes homossexual post with my wife Ui attached hours
Maybe I'll do Set red instead of being here tonight.
Mikoto would have killed Shun too...
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Miyako hours?
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That hips can give birth to quintuplets.
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Noa I love you
Cumming to Shiroko
Cumming to Ayane
Cumming to Nonomi
Cumming to Hoshino
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No thoughts. Only sex.
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Bazoos doesn't exist, its only flatzoos
Oh yeah
JP club Horny is open, ~18 slots
Also pretty much all clubs should have some open slots unless they don't have permission enabled with the slot expansion
yeah thinking i'm gonna jerk it off to canon azoos tonight
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What's this then?
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>wtf am i doing
You're going to do what you're enjoying doing. Seems based to me.
Hikari erotic
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Moderation is key
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Miserere mei, Deus: secundum magnam misericordiam tuam.
Et secundum multitudinem miserationum tuarum, dele iniquitatem meam.
Amplius lava me ab iniquitate mea: et a peccato meo munda me.
Quoniam iniquitatem meam ego cognosco: et peccatum meum contra me est semper.
Tibi soli peccavi, et malum coram te feci: ut justificeris in sermonibus tuis, et vincas cum judicaris.
Ecce enim in iniquitatibus conceptus sum: et in peccatis concepit me mater mea.
Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti: incerta et occulta sapientiae tuae manifestasti mihi.
Asperges me hyssopo, et mundabor: lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor.
Auditui meo dabis gaudium et laetitiam: et exsultabunt ossa humiliata.
Averte faciem tuam a peccatis meis: et omnes iniquitates meas dele.

Cor mundum crea in me, Deus: et spiritum rectum innova in visceribus meis.
Ne proiicias me a facie tua: et spiritum sanctum tuum ne auferas a me.
Redde mihi laetitiam salutaris tui: et spiritu principali confirma me.
Docebo iniquos vias tuas: et impii ad te convertentur.
Libera me de sanguinibus, Deus, Deus salutis meae: et exsultabit lingua mea justitiam tuam.
Domine, labia mea aperies: et os meum annuntiabit laudem tuam.
Quoniam si voluisses sacrificium, dedissem utique: holocaustis non delectaberis.
Sacrificium Deo spiritus contribulatus: cor contritum, et humiliatum, Deus, non despicies.
Benigne fac, Domine, in bona voluntate tua Sion: ut aedificentur muri Ierusalem.
Tunc acceptabis sacrificium justitiae, oblationes, et holocausta: tunc imponent super altare tuum vitulos.
Airi, Hifumi, Mari and Serina are mine and mine alone.
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Student for this feel?
does it have a slot for an onahole
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>Bazoos doesn't exi...
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The megane stay on
shut up, mohg
Hina after Taco Bell.
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What kind of games will they play with Sensei?
Why is Seia so sexy
She lost them in a tragic hot springs development accident.
UO was pretty based
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>someone smiles at nagisa
why is she like this
gonna need scissors
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I'm pretty sure those 3 are not Mine, but actually 3 separate students.
sexy genes
I will start a war against Nagisa's hymen
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i guess thanks
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Brown one is better
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>This post has (1) child
/bag/ wants to fuck children...
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Do (You) like Iroha?
50% autistic
50% schizo
You need to calm down, Sensei.
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I'll give you the Friday special then take my leave.
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Good morning fellow Mika enjoyers
I have a confession to make
I fapped to Mummy Yoshimi's official sprite
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Mummy Yosh saved Buraka.
I did it to RO sprites before back in the day
I'm gonna slap her culo.
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If Mikoto was on your team then your Marina would've died.
nom nom
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No more Hinawank?
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For me, it's Miyako
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making childs with mari
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Who saved Blue Archive? Mummy Yoshimi or Idol Mari?
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I can't believe how easy they made me like the whole Tea Party now instead of just Seia
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I should have saved the other junko match I did where haruna went first and blew her up immediately
>Don't like Tsunderes
>bYoshimi and hYoshimi keep breaking my resolve
How do I cure myself from the Yosh virus /bag/?
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OK ok fine I'll read yoshimi's momotalks, jeez
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im calling you out bro what the fuck are you doing
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Do you prefer when doodle sensei is portrayed as a gentleman or a degenerate filth?
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your club room smells obviously
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Why'd you send her into Haruna?
>Your favorite student
>Your credit card number
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>wake up sore and hung over
>I apparently spent $400 on pakeji while I was plastered
Arona, what did you put in my drink
Doodle as a shameless degenerate, human when serious or gentlemanly
I like the schizo option where he flipflops between the two
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I didn't know there was going to be a Haruna
Either one depending on the situation
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>Mari rep
>Lunch club card
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I like when he shapeshifts depending on the mood
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Certainly you guys wouldn't Natsu right?
Both. The yin and the yang.
>I apparently spent $400 on pakeji while I was plastered
Pics or didn't happen
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Were they teasing playable Rabu again?
Natsuing in Natsu's mouth
These essentially
Rabu, Rio, Kuzunoha, and Seia in the next two months.
Believe it.
It's rock to have lots of backstage sex
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God I hate wage slaving...
Let me smoke one
I would
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She wants romance and I'll give it to her
Saori gets a lot of triple kills, honestly.
Sumire had to tank a fish do not
Good morning
On the contrary: would Natsu be willing to do it with us?
>Rabu, Rio, Kuzunoha
I believe it
I do not believe it
Drunk-me really wanted those ASS alts, I guess
13 Sentinels was better
is everyone in these all ue20+ 5MMM?
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no wait, that's closer to 300 than 400
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What school is Rabu even from?
The Helmet gang seems to be anywhere unlike the Mouryo who're Hyakkiyako
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Thank you Sensei (Drunk) for supporting Blue Archive.
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I dunno, you tell me.
That's literally me
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Sensei your precious students are fucking dying
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Which student rapes sensei?
>Yoshimi hours getting interrupted by Natsu hours
Guess who's getting manzai'd again?
Airi. I’m 100 percent sure.
How do we save blue archive?
this isn't my fault
have you SEEN iori?
it is only NORMAL to act like that when she is nearby
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no one
they all do it with sensei's consent therefore it isn't rape
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It's top 10 of a reasonably competitive bracket. My team is fully UE50 aside from Marina who is UE40. The enemy teams I see in my bracket are almost always fully maxed out, including the specials. If I walk into a Nagisa or Minori they are UE50 and it's more than one or two people with that investment. Every Shiroko I see is at least UE40 but usually also UE50.
Me on the left
Make it R18
(stage left)
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Your order?
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you can't eos in 5 minutes
Make it live action FMV-based
Long hair yoshimi reminds me of jougasaki rika
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None. Though they may flirt, every student respects Sensei's sexual rights.
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One sex please
i'm sorry ui, sensei is used goods.
First we release a PC client, allow modding, and never release Seia while constantly teasing her release.
sexdance cgs at bond level 100
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I'm gonna buy the selector ticket for Miyako. I'm gonna fucking do it.
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Potty training.
With Peebuki.
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Would you play the new 3D game?
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Special event where every single students turn into a loli or a ferret.
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Mine may have died but her debuffs live on...
memes aside none of them
they may try to bait sensex but he isn't having any of it no matter how implied it may be
now with meme vision enabled all of them rape sensei like the worthless meat dildo he is
How come Sensei is still considered financially struggling when he can literally print money under his basement?
She gets added to the PVP Coin Shop in 4 months why are you rushing?
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What's Dorontabi up to
She's farmable in a few months.
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I really don't get this boss.

Followed a strategy on youtube and I guess I understood the general idea, but there were so many things to remember it's kind of overwhelming. I honestly feel like Set is easier to understand, since it's pretty straightforwardly..."buff". But here, I don't think I totally get it. Everyone matters quite a bit

This is stage/floor/whatever 74 Chokmah, using this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEtj_1H1Ygw
The SSaori I borrowed was 3* M777, my Shiroko Terror is UE40 5MMM
So basically, you can at least do 74 with weaker students. Very thankfully, a UE50 SSaori is in my borrow list, so I guess now I'll try 99...
>a ferret
The idea's cute, but you don't BA to attract THAT crowd...
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bro why
you can pvp coin normal miyako soon
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You definitely wouldn't Haruka
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>Wants to make a "child" with sensei
>The "child" is a book
>There are rumors going around I have been fucking Ui
Ui needs correction
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Do it... She is waiting
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you just had to show her getting helicoptered up didn't you....
Well? Do you want to fuck Ui or not?
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based based based based based
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That's fraud
PVP hours?

>[bad news]
I went 1/5 today
>[good news]
Good defenses left me at 5 so I just made the jump to 2.
>[funny news]
Some dude in my bracket keeps changing from NYHaruna defense to NYmutsuki defense, but it doesn't matter because the Anti-NYharuna bluetankspam team has a great W/L against the Mutsuki team too even though it was supposed to be at an disadvantage. The gremlin fireworks really do nothing but tickle anyone who's not a glass cannon.
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Momoi taught Alice a new word!
Can you guess what it is?
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>M*yako fags on /bag/
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>meme vision
Junko canonically pays Sensei for sex.
Yes but I want it to be in secret. The only one that should know is Shimiko because she has been cleaning our mess
I'll just wait until next week to worry about it. But that video looks promising. Maybe I will bite the bullet and just spend 1500 ligma and get it over with
Which student is the most paranoid
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Yeah I wouldn't
Hold back that is
>Very thankfully, a UE50
oh, UE40

Though, I saw that people cleared with UE40 SSaori so maybe it's fine.
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jumbalaya is a felon
thumbnail made it looks like she was covered in something else...
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>Haruka is still the only tank in Gehenna
the reason why BA revenue declined is because dodgers are winning and every nip salaryman is paying to see ohtani, there's your final answer
>Rank 126
I can't wait to be free from this bracket and these uppity pieces of SHIT
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made it look like*
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I'm thinking Airi is erotic
your next bracket will be worse
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That's Nagisa's schtick.
Or at least it was supposed to be since they didn't really lean on her schizo characterization on momotalks and other events once we were out of Vol.3. Guess they just want you to forget what she did to the retard club in that Vol before Arius stole the scene.
she did it in the latest event... and technically she also did it in her first momotalk
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God, I may go back to buyfagging. Why are they lewding her anyway? She is perhaps the least sexually implied Trinity.
Wrong. Airi is not for lewd!
You dare sully my eyes with this filth?
Is this appropriate for a nun?
When he schizoes between both
they just had to go and make it a piss thing, didn't they
The delinquents definitely to some extent think about doing it, there's the lines they have in suzumi's momo's that really sound like that's what they want.
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>Why are they lewding her anyway? She is perhaps the least sexually implied Trinity.
There's your answer
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Why does everyone want to rape her?
That's not right. Miyu should be tenderly loved.
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(You) WILL cum to Miyako
And (You) WILL like it
Honestly, not too alluring to me in that way. She is very cute though, and I wouldn't mind her sitting at my desk going on endless dessert rants. I tried out affogato because of her.
I reset my account every time I pulled a Miyako
hank hill ass
She's 2nd least sexually implied Trinity. First place is Foom. Third place is Airi.
>She is perhaps the least sexually implied Trinity.
She is a natural-born temptress, a succubus without demonic blood
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/bag/ loves Stacy the most
Imagine the smells at your chink sweatshop after making this...
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Is there even a way to get out of this situation without being raped?
Its romance to bust 10 times in her babymaker
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Her default portrait is still the ugliest in all of Kivotos
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When do you think we'll get another round of collab banners? The last one we had was a year ago.
We love Miyako here.
We all know Mari is Slaanesh in disguise.
>takes up a precious image slot reserved for my students
Should I buy the fig? I usually buy skytube shit.
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i would nut in natsu
Is it a pre-painted garage kit?
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I can't cope with the fact that Aris isn't real.
How would you explain this figure to your friends and family?
Your fault.
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I love rabbits in general
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Love your precious students, /bag/!
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coom in doom
good morning /bag/
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Nonomi would protect you
call Hina.
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Oh, I'm loving them, alright.
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Is Airi big or small?
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>Miyako spam
i knew sensei loved her
post the next pic
>friends and family
Nope, that's Mai's.
the next pic
literally me
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post key sexo
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I love students like Miyako
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From patternfagging it might be in another year
Or they might announce one during anniversary
Then again,
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>20+ years of rhythm games
>can't clear hard
I'm just bad at this...
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Go ahead.
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what about the opposite? Doodle for serious or gentlemanly moments, while a handsome ideal man human Sensei for being a shameless degenerate?
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I can't remember if anyone posted this. Realized I had the .mp4 sitting around in my mess of a folder

3rd anniversary graffiti board
I'm quite fond of some of these illustrations.
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What are some BA lucky items /bag/?
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getting stronger
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Which sisterly activity is this bros?
Skullman LOST
not important enough to get a sprite
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The last time I did, I got a mandatory vacation.
She's making holy water.
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Sensei (dildo mode)
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Who's the artist, image search isn't working.
>something similar happened to me with AL many years ago
checking your account when that happens feels really bad
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Airi's socks
Whether it's Airi or Kazusa, my hips will not be safe
I bet you played DDR back when it was the cool new thing.
Gotta dig a little through another account oddly enough
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Ding dong. Time to pat your students.
I really want a haruka gf that will love me, I just wouldn't have the eyes for another girl
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Seiapat, Seiasex, Seiahandholding
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Headpatted my students at 11:59pm just now
Almost didn't make it since I had to go back to my job to return a radio that I took by accident + buy half-off alcohol from the local gas station
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>saved band
>saved red set
>saved halloween
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Airi's not satisfied with just headpats anymore...
Deel dohs?
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Its a head start. Now you have no excuse not be on time in 3 hours.
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Hoshino more like Sexy
Ui, Airi, and Aris are the 3 girls that are like 20cm shorter than they actually are in my head. Fucks me up thinking about it
It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
>saved band
No one cared about her band alt and that’s why she got whored out now.
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I don't get it
But what else does she want?
I always knew she'd be a slut
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>jap shit
The joke is Hoshino more like Hoshiyes
The guy who drew this is most likely in his late 30s. Terrifying how fast time passes by
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This is actually a Miyako general
The beatings will commence
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I'm horny.
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He finds Hoshino sexy, therefore he equates Hoshino to being sexy by calling her sexy instead of her original name.
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That's dumb.
Fucking Mikalets. When will they learn?
I have never heard of this
What is this, bootleg ddr?
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It's Airi
I'm exactly Ui's size that is very depressing
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>no purples again
I think its mad I brought the pakeji...I didn't know it got jealous.
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sez you
Mari lewders deserve death
Pathetic subhumans who can't even control basic instincts
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Good morning, /bag/.
Ui is my studentwife though so I like that we have this in common.
What are you reading Seia?
>student came to my first cafe again on reset even without furniture cheating
I won
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>Hasumi general.
How can you say this when her only defining feature is her pair of massive tits? You wouldn't give a shit about her otherwise.
My timeline is just mummy yosh.
I think I'm going to die from sex
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I'm horny
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Gook ddr with a better panel layout
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so? are you implying Seia couldn't be equated to being sexy?
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I'm horny
What does Reisa do for workouts?
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Does Sensei live in Schale? Why are the bathroom doors made of glass?
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She as other features I also like.
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Its not cheating if her furniture ties into the theme. Your move.
Burn down Kivotos
Bluemark Hard FC with only 5 greats
I don't feel like going for the full sugar
>bitch that hates you
i don't get the appeal
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nta but yes equate implies that two distinct things are the equivalent, but as we all know seia and sexy aren't different things but the very same entity
>he doesn't live with his studentwife
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>Puritytards unable to cope with CANON
It's escapism, can't you see? It's not healthy.
Miyako showers in the cafe anyway
Good morning
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Cute big and small Shiroko. I think it's also from the same artist as pic rel.
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So I can spot students trying to ambush me.
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Tall, elegant, massive tits, and a glutton.
Honestly the tits are mostly a bonus for me.
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Which girl has a yandere tendency so I can avoid them?
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Don't call Reisa a bitch
/bag/ located
>puritykeks thought girls were safe from Sensei's corruption
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>pugs are prone to skull pain and breathing difficulties due to their short-nosed, brachycephalic skull shape. This can lead to chronic discomfort and respiratory distress, which can be life-threatening
Only NPC i can't fuck with since I don't think pugs should be promoted
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Just fly down to the next convention Kim is attending, locate him, and get down on your knees begging for your wife to get furniture. Fool proof plan.
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Still pure. Sensei can't corrupt her.
pure undiluted soul
And corruptionfags unable to quote the right post, apparently.
Jokes on you I love the corruption/mind-break tag
Post THAT Hifumi
You sleep on one of the sofas
Oh shit nice. Shame it didn't show the ako that one /bag/got drew but this is fine enough proof as is.
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Why are there no pitbull citizens?
Racist if you ask me
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The graffiti board buff is real
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I need more fanart of Nagisa summoning the great weapon named Mika
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Gym Mari makes me feral THOUGH
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They got into the Plum Blossom Garden and killed three toddlers... each.
Did you enjoy Rimukoro's descent into madness?
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>students get their knowledge through Blu Ray DVDs
The Boomers were right. No wonder why they're all stupid
She pees and poops a lot
That's the truth behind getting healthy, you just gotta poop and pee a lot
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>Maybe I've become a bad girl
Dunno, maybe you shouldn't act like GTA MC and steal a bike from some other student you held at a gunpoint?
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>slickbacks his hair
>senseiwank arc begins
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my passport is still good but I don't want to do that and I'll be at 100 before it ever reaches global
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Very much so
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>and I'll be at 100 before it ever reaches global
Tech Notes are a book
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>"whoah, that Sensei dude, that boomer got Aris pregnant :skull:"
>forced to spark for Yoshimi and don't have enough for Kazusa
Should I just cut my losses? Surely the rerun will have her and Natsu right
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Back in my day my teacher would beat me with a cane for writing left handed!
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Rage roll. I got BKazusa in 4 tenners.
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>zerk off
>5 minutes later forget who i zerked off to
what is wrong with me
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should've kept hitting you
Take more fish oil.
Don't be silly now. Robots can't get pregnant.
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Hime CUTE, Hime SOON not really
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I'm sure my crafting could get worse but I think 6 months is more than enough time to finish 3.something levels

I don't know why anon likes loli pee. Sounds disgusting and unhygienic.
as if that's ever going to stop sensei
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top lel
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You can't stop the horny
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On my way to page 10.
Who is the most cunnilingus-core Archive?
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>Your least favorite school
>Your favorite member of each club from that school
Imagine if Makoto got a Death Note and she started fixing Kivitos
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>guy makes a post wondering why mummy Yoshimi with less exposed skin is way lewder than swimsuit Hifumi
>most liked comment and several quote tweets say that Hifumi is super lewd too
>apologized to Hifumifags and says she is lewd too
they made him kneel...
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Not so fast.
Why does she look pregnant
Yeah, my bad.
>It's not your fault Kiana...
Hifumi has a really lewd body
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I wish Serika would play with my glizzard like that.
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Autism be damned my kot can work a grill
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Ako is the last of the pitbulls
The others were kicked out
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She does it to herself. You and repentdev are the ones coping at this point
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I just shaved my balls and they itch
Tbh, that option to fight only the boss battle to complete a mission stage is pretty good and save a lot of time when you're underleveled and have no chance to get 3 stars because your fights with boss at the end take more than 2 minutes.
>pubes grow on my shaft
I honestly wonder what are repentsevs thoughts on this
I am jungle man, lord of the bush.
Wrong. Her body is so unlewd that even Kokona and Ibuki are sexier than her.
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>only have to shave one ball since the other one is gone
I don't know man. I look at her body, then Yosh, and back to her raising my eyebrows realizing something in me is awakening. That body is dangerous.
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"Sinning" to Mari while simultaneously crying
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what the fuck
>even kokona and ibuki
but those two are one of the sexiests, how can hifumi even compete? artists seem to agree
Same... but at least I cum like a donkey still
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Sensei has no balls.
Testicular torsion isn't a joke
Go to the hospital if you think it's going on
Don't be a retard and avoid the hospital
Blue Archive: Epic Anime rpg
Mari ripping the photos apart and angrily telling Sakurako to dispose of the rest of her collection means that she is very pure. Keeping one picture for Sensei doesn't count.
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Hifumi is a pure young lady
Don't act like she wouldn't happily give you more candid selfie shots under the table if you asked nicely
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Tanks for the PSA breh.
/bag/ is a pro-man's health general.
Stop being a weirdo. Children can't be sexy. Hifumi is just so unerotic that she is less sexy than children.
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I like to shave but I also like girls with a bush
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Mari is a good girl. She only made that one exception for Sensei out of the kindness of her heart but that one exception is the limit.
When are you guys scheduling your prostate exam?
nothing weird about facts, hifumi is sexy, just not as sexy as ibuki and kokona
Ibuki is not sexy
Kokona is not sexy
Hifumi is the least sexy
becoming a slut for sensei, enough that she'd sin for him
Yoshimi is a better character.
Scheduling? Atsuko and Aoi takes care of me everyday...
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This event was so good bwos
Nobody cares about Yoshimi's character. People now only care about her lewd FOTM sprite.
say something nice about your canon wife
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Haven't shaved EVER cause no 3d woman ever gets close to me
So why bother? Yeah they talk and all, but nothing romantic
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>pump Umika up to 10 affection because I heard her L2D is cute
>get raped yet again
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It's her!
She knows you like it
I've been having back pains for about a year, but after trading my 10+ year old cheapo mattress for an expensive, stiff, orthopedic one I've been feeling much, much better. Almost a new person, even.
Buru Arkaibu.
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She's a very pretty dog.
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Naturally, I've always liked Yoshimi since the band alt.
It's just placebo Sensei. You wasted money you could have used for pakeji.
Quiet, Hifumifag.
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GOOOOD morning Rabu
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Soft beds are the worst.
Colonoscopy laxative day sounds like ass
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Rabu correction and officially playable when?
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Azusa could never
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Is that a fucking meta joke???
I'd fuck her in the peroro costume because it'd be funny
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Go read her mahjong doujin where she learns to have fun
wife material https://cdn.donmai.us/original/9f/e2/9fe2c4e12c749aec7f09c6f0719ba1bf.png
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Now resize the image and add funny blur lines so I can shitpost with it
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What's her @?
that's a sexable foom
very cute tummy
ring light reflections have started to become lust provoking for me
It just makes the girl that much sluttier
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Hoshino HATE
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Is it time for kikyo alt soon? what will it be?
Hifumi is so plain that even if she got a naked alt no one would think its sexual
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Her body might be slutty but her heart is pure. A maiden truly
Post the other webm
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That's our camera sensei
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i gotchu
Everyone knows that Momo friends collection is just an allegory for dicks, Mine being a fan of wavecat means she likes them long
Now post his x butthole.
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What's her problem?
we are so dead bros
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It's Hifumi's fault. She's so unerotic she drove baggots away.
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student for this feel?
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Rio love
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why did they put this creature on my bluestacks all of a suddon
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I hope I'm still alive when Seia gets revealed.
Which student is less likely to take advantage of me
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I want to watch Chise try to figure out what a vibrator is for.
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What if sensei isn't human and it was a dream all along and also Momoi was real?
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Vanitas... Vanitatum...
Ai (artificial intelligences) sapport, sar. Important
Yume, for obvious reasons
Did you think everyone calling bl*esharts pajeet adware was memeing? Fucking retard.
I always knew I could trust the students of Abydos
Malkuth would never
if there was another one i could use with hyperv and wsl 2 i would
Bluestacks is quite literally the only android emulator that is not by a chinkoid company.
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Mika sex
>wanting hyperv
What the fuck is wrong with you retards?
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Never did. Never will.
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>flashbacks to when she hacked a bus and shit to inconvenience me
lol no
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Sensei is teaching Aris about what sex is
i use my computer for other things besides vidya
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Daily Project RX reminder
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That works, cheers.
It's Alice. And I already taught her about masturbation.
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Do you ever just think
Where did the connection between AI and pajeets even come from? This never made sense to me.
Ballsackusan status?
I'm thinking
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Sorry for being sexy Sena.
>no halo
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His shift is starting soon
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Don't run.
>kv bad because halo
>rx bad because no halo
make up your mind
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>Azoos alone successfully occupied a warehouse and took out several JTF mobs
>only got captured after running out of ammo
>Kazoos with 2 goons got captured as soon JTF showed up
Flat Palug is pretty weak despite all the wank about her legendary delinquent days.
KV was bad because of the futa
RX is bad because it's bland
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in my case it was cancer. 11x6x5cm is not a comfortable size btw
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she's just holding back
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Miyu egg status?
G-guys its just a single teaser art we dont know shit about the game..
Raping this Kayoko cosplayer in particular
child soldier > delinquent
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how do you fuck up breast size this badly when you have THIS official art
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Why are you stuttering?
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Any students with low self-esteem. I trust that Sensei wouldn't take advantage of these poor students instead right?
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More project RX news when ?

I quit ZZZ the story was going nowhere
Shes a growing girl
Third worlders think ChatGPT is an all-knowing sage and are really just all over it in general, tons of scams and and junk websites use it now. Indians and Pakis are just the most numerous third worlders on the Anglophone internet.
Whenever /rxg/ is made, tourists not welcome here
He plays on the censored version
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Don't underestimate her.
>Ibuki is not sexy
AI please kindly generate bobs and vagene
KV barely had anything but it did spark some modicum of interest unlike RX.
Which makes sense, since KV was just stolen material by the traitors.
Why didn't Isakusan and the gang lead Project RX instead of going against Nexon?
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Who is the most dangerous among them? The one who will rape Sensei so hard that he won't be able to cum for 2 weeks after.
Something something money and freedom
Why did she do it?
>Azusa took out 30 JTF agents by holing herself up in a building and taking out anyone that got close
> And the JTF were only arresting her because Azusa was putting a stop to a bullying incident, and the JTF being an unjust organization decided Azusa was wrong for being a vigilante

>Cath palug was working with amateurs and knew they couldn't handle real battle, they would fold the second it became a real battle, so she told them to run once the real cops showed up. She played it smart based on her current hand she was dealt, the point wasn't to beat the JTF, it was just to get the cake
>But even then they only ran after getting a handful of the cake, meaning they accomplished the mission even if the cake got destroyed in the process
>If you look at them after being arrested Natsu and Yoshimi have black eyes but Kazusa is still in good shape.
Faust is a gentle girl
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I'm sure Hiyori is beating Akemi on her own
didn't like "favoritism" in nexon
Also the timeline of being developed since april 2023 would mean they'd already have BA stuff lined up. Not sure why they couldn't just schedule to change teams once the vol 1 stuff is done or whatever project but creatives gonna creative
It's performative art
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sleepi yoshi
go make your own general
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>no halo
instablocked the account
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Bully Gehenna students
They were given those large salaries and senior positions as an incentive to stay and work on blue archive while the newer blood had a chance to work on project RX.

something something nexon handing out bonuses for working on new games and not 3+ year old ones (let's ignore the fact that their salaries were already quite large compared to the rest of the employees). Basically they wanted to have their cake and eat it too by monopolizing the monetary rewards from working on a fresh project and felt cheated by not being allowed to do that. I'm sure creative disputes were a part of it but the monetary aspect is usually a huge part of these sorts of splits and exactly what the corporate rat who made project KV would prey on.
Cock ball torture?
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I'm so close to my next bond level up
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How could sensei do this?
Aggressively handling Chise.
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stop selling your data to the chinese
that's cheating and everyone will know you're cheating
umm...what is shunny doing there?
in the minigame, can condition be completely ignored after unlocking the "get 200" achivement and the hidden ending, or does it still affect something?
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it definitely increases the odds for a "Success" result
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Shining Sensei's shoes
Im not a toy, young lady
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Sensei has no shoes. He is shoeless.
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But if the chinks don't have your data how will anyone know you hit Bond 100
Bum ass nigga alert.
pat pat plap
how is the appeal of these characters any different to each other
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>wanting to bully your students
I do not recognize you as a Sensei.
Srsly why the fuck does it happen? Looks awful
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ryuuge kisaki
>Started playing Starsector again
>Installed Rapesector mod
>Incompatible with one of the new interesting mod

Blue Archive
jesus fucking christ...

Chokmah stage 99 cleared seriously only fucking barely.
Twitter somehow found out about my bond 100 even though I didn't tell anyone, japs are scary.
File deleted.
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Good job
Now do it again 1 level higher
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I don't want to hear YOU talking about shoes, Momoi
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I live in your walls.
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Every idol should've gotten a song with furniture.
skirino on field looks so silly
I guess someone saw you on the leaderboards? I know there's a few scraper sites for Global, not sure how well they work for JP.
She’s staying as an npc m8, who the hell would show up to a fight dressed like that?
Why can't students fly? Some of them even have wings, are they stupid?
I like the art
They are too fat
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congenital defect wings
big enough wings but too fucking fat
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Is there any reason to go for the normal ending?
I think I heard someone say something about event points, or maybe I'm remembering that wrong
Ask Hina dev, she's the only one that can do it
Pretty sure you dont get event points when you recover condition
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Double checked it, the scraper site has JP data, 20 pages of 20 entries for 100 bonds on JP's last Kaiten Raid.
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They can
You can't pull off the secret end on the first go unless you get mega lucky if at all.
No playable student would ever fight scantily clad
Most of the damage was done by SSaori even though she's only UE40, so that's something.

I used this strategy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEtj_1H1Ygw
and I didn't follow it purely strictly (I'd heal "whoever needs healing the most" instead of "whoever the guy healed in the video"--sometimes that aligned, sometimes it didn't).

In addition to barely winning this as one of the problems, the most common issue I ran into was Kuroko dying. If I wasn't paying attention, she could slip away.


She's making sure everyone's safe.
Ah so just don't touch it until you're done with 15,000 / buying from the shop then
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I couldn't wait for you to come and clear the cupboard
But now you're gone and leaving nothing but a sign
Another evening I'll be sitting reading in between your lines
Because I miss you all the time

So, get away
Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know
And let yourself go
You know you didn't lose your self-control
Let's start at the rainbow
Turn away
Another way to be where you didn't want yourself to go
And let yourself go
Is that a compromise?
Best they can do is jump really really high
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Can I clear 99 without vest with a ponytail and a hoshino?
Hina is fat?
Bro I just fapped...
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> D********
Bro >we hate dickwasher here.
All signs point to "no".
Dishwasher student when?
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What if I believe in my students really really hard
>tfw I started too late to get Ibuki
>tfw I won't probably be able to spook S.Saori with 100 free rolls
>tfw I won't be able to afford to roll for Reijo and I.Mari
Well, Chokonmuhdick will be skipped.
hina literally flew in v1
You see Hina fly in the new chapter
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I will simply keep clearing floor 74 stress free.
He would release 5 students and all of them would be the same one
Fuck is this we business?
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there are alternatives

Sometimes, miracles don't happen...
You should see her leg kicking animations and her face when the skill expires. Cutest thing ever.
Cumming in next Noa pic posted
> Dish Washer
Isn't that just Serika?
I just fucked this hard
Not her, she is an exception
This but 49
Wtf spoilers
>image limit
Now what?
who took em?
( | : | )
All of those post are students trying to bait you. YOU AREN'T SAFE RU-
Images aren't given.
They are taken.
ako doesn't make that face
Join Aodama. We have S.Saori at 固有2
Thanks for sharing but we don't need to know that, Yuuka.
band members' teen pussy
( | ⋮ | )
Missed a button you slut
>Dishwasher student when?
But all students are already female
>there are alternatives
we ran out of images: https://files.catbox.moe/oilg6i.png

This is the one I see in clears most often. You can borrow SSaori (hopefully) but you do need at least UE40 Kuroko

That being said, this strategy sucks because it involves babysitting NYKayoko. If you must, you can, but it's really tricky.
Mine actually does in her ex
okay but who's the student
⪩ ⪨
θ ω θ
sorry for being sexy seia
Your what?
Reisa's pussy
Even Cherino????
>blue armor kokona
ain't no way lil bro
>your #1 student
>your #2 student
>your #3 student
Yes, she just orders someone else to do it.
Smooth, clean, and ready for papa
Noa wife

honorable top 3
isn't that just leaping really high
Niggas are so fucking much of old farts they unironically engage dad jokes online. This isn't the Facebook grandpa
Cool arms Azoos. But why are you so skinny?
I wonder if someone actually thinks Mine is pronounced Mine and not Mine because of the Your Mine posts
Say what now
rectangular body
i admit it, i read hare as hare and mine as mine everytime
Isn't flying just leaping really far?
>your student
>my student
Kokona is honestly nothing to worry about, it's Kayoko that's the problem. Kokona is surprisingly tough.
Give me a hint
I love you and whatnot
I accidentally pronounce Saya like Seia all the time if that counts, but I can tell when someone's talking about mine or Mine and pronounce them accordingly
>Mine Idol
has Seia ever been pronounced in game? by another character
you could always have arona pronounce it for you
She not just the one that cannot speak, she's also the one that cannot be spoken of.
uhh no unless they specced into double jump? you need to be able to increase altitude by your own power while mid air for it to be flying
If you can't pronounce your studentwifes name properly you should fuck off.
Aomori Mine!
hair and mein are my favorite students!
Do you think Faust would notice if i came in her paper bag.. haha
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My wife, User Interface
haha it's ashiya douman from fgo
The game spells it out for you on her nameplate you stupid daft punk.

What more do you need you illiterate half-breed gorillaz?
>>tfw I started too late to get Ibuki
There are better students you can use as a substitute

>>tfw I won't probably be able to spook S.Saori with 100 free rolls
Wear your lucky boxers when do the 100 free rolls

>>tfw I won't be able to afford to roll for Reijo and I.Mari
Buy packeji...

Failure is always optional, anon.
American post
If only I had NY.Kayoko. As I said, I started after 3rd anni, so I feel like I'm not just bricked but super bricked. Especially with the fact that I was considering playing BA in January and I'm beating myself over it now.
you didn't answer the question
it's fine, these mats don't matter that much and you can just live with lower level clears

like, seriously, there's hardly any reason to try hard in this mode
Plenty of characters said her name particularly in Vol.3 you dumb cockmah.
with sound obviously
You didn't specify that. Better luck next time.
make the sound of (a word or part of a word) in the correct or a particular way.
⪩ ⪨
θ ω θ
( . ) ( . )

Big Seia
holy seia mammaries
That's just Saya
no? that's big seia
Yes, Saya is big.
This mode is one thing but I regret missing all those students I could get (that instant UE50 T.Hasumi would be helpful with blue enemies in 21st mission rn) and the fact that I'm trying my best right now to make sure my pyro budget will allow me to get what I want during bluefes (all 3 banners) and Kisaki.
what characters do have their names said by other characters? i can't really think of when that would happen
actually saya's quite short but that's not saya that's seia but big
So in your mind the characters in the story don't communicate through sound? What method do you think the students communicate with each other through then pray tell? Vigorous interpretative dancing?
Nagisa mentions Mika and for unreleased characters you also have Rinka who is mentioned by Shun, both in their voice lines.
She may be short but Saya is still big
Really guys? New thread while this one is imeji EoS'd and you're still arguing about Seia v Saya?
What a weird way to view the story. What caused that strange impression for you?
It's Saya though
it's actually seia
nonono it's Seia, Saya is another character that has "ay" instead of "ei"
ay and ei are pronounced the same tho
This much cope isn't healthy.
to me more precise it's サヤ and セイア so they're very different
sorry anon but they're different
You can't keep living this false dream
Wake up

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