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Previous: >>499688287

>Faerie Sugoroku: Insect Cage Game - For a Yet Unseen Perfect You:
●Event period: October 16 ~ November 6 JST (3 weeks).
▶Requirement: Clear Lostbelt 4 Yuga Kshetra.
▶Complete missions to advance in the story.
▶Stormpods quests they will have their ap consumption halved.
▶Strengthening for 4*Archer Emiya, 4*Saber Yagyū Munenori, 3*Caster Geronimo and 5*Alter Ego Meltlilith.
▶Spiritron Dress for: 5*Alter Ego Kazuradrop.
▶The summoning probability of 4*Moon Cancer Kishinami Hakuno will be three times higher than in a normal Friend Point Summon.
-This gacha will be separate from the normal friend points summon and no other 4*Servant will be summonable.

>Fairy Sugoroku Kazuradrop PU summon:
●October 16 ~ November 6 JST.
5*Alter Ego Kazuradrop (limited)
4*Saber Yagyū Munenori (story locked)
4*Archer Emiya (permanent)
3*Caster Geronimo (permanent)

>Fairy Sugoroku Meltlilith PU summon:
●October 23 ~ November 6 JST.
5*Alter Ego Meltlilith (limited)
4*Rider Huang Feihu (permanent)

>30 Million Downloads Celebration Campaign:
●October 4 ~ November 30 JST.
See OP >>497212067

>Rerun of previous Milestone Campaigns PU Summon:
●October 6 ~ November 1 JST.
▶Each servant will rotate every day. For the full schedule, see the link below.

>Lostbelt No.5 Clear Support Campaign:
●October 1~31 JST.
See OP >>496833712

>Pastebin for utility links:
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Getting vored and unbirthed by Kazura.
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Which TM garbage will be shilled next event?
>Forgotten for ages
>Revived just for a gacha collab that closes the book
Hmmmm... get Mahoyo'd!
>Keikenchi is obsessed with Meduseless for some reason
CCC again.
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We already know fgo part 2 ends with a DDD collab.
He needs to find a new favorite character. OG Meduseless is not getting content.
I could see it and it annoys me...
Reminder that Kazura has a raccoon foot shitter inside her.
No one will remember her in a few weeks anyway
What go you so upset Hakunanon?
But Hakunon, you have literally been programmed for anal
>spends 99999 years working only to be killed in a mobile game collab for claps
is Nasu a hack?
isn't that obvious?
You guys realise that Violet getting a sprite for Kazura's NP means she's coming soon right? Expect the November event to have her
this time for fucking sure...
Look. I may like Violet, but enough about Nasu wanking his fucking bias shit and works instead of working on fucking Majhoyo 2
I hope the anons who say that fgo is going to die next year are right
sick of wormshit
>Nasu: We're working really hard to convince people that Ordeal Call isn't fillter
>Also Nasu: *wastes half the year on OC3*
what did he mean by this?
I am personally sick of Nasu forcing his shit and not progressing the plot AT FUCKIN GALL
He can't even do proper pandering. Oh wait, he doesn't do that shit, he only pander to himself the fucking retard mushroom piece of fucking shit.
Imagine the shitstorm if she steals the NY servant spot
purizzu raiku sakura mmmmmmmmm ok?
He’s based for making hakutards seethe
I unironically hope that, if FGO fails and everything is Nasu's fault, the original Sakura becomes the reason of his true downfall and becomes essentially what E.T was to the gaming industry decades ago, and see his fragile ego break until he is reduced to a toddler without parents
GudaBB love
I hate fgo but this place is delusional.
I wonder if a similar fate will befall the Guda's once FGO ends
Liz Japan had a sprite in Pretender Liz's np and she's still not released
Guda will get worse: a salaryman ending.
Isn't Guda set for life due to their work for Chaldea?
I think (s)he's set for a sealing designation.
Part 2 prologue had Da Vinci fake reports to the clock tower so they wouldn't mark (You) for sealing designation.
>Part 1:
Fuyuki: Nasu
Orleans: Higashide
Septem: Sakura
Okeanos: Higashide
London: Sakurai (presumably with Nasu for the Goetia part)
America: Higashide
Camelot: Nasu (with Sakurai for the Egypt parts among other things)
Babylonia: Nasu
Solomon: Nasu (+ everyone else for their own Servants and stuff)

Shijuku: Higashide
Agartha: Minase
Shimousa: Sakurai
CCC: Nasu
Salem: Meteo

>Part 2:
Prologue: Nasu
Anastasia: Higashide
Götterdämmerung: Sakurai
SIN: Urobuchi (guest writer)
Ooku (3.5): Minase (with Nasu for major Beast stuff)
Yuga Kshetra: Minase
Atlantis: Higashide
Olympus: Sakurai (with Nasu for the whole end bit)
Scramble (4.5): amphibian (guest writer)
Heian-kyo: Sakurai
Avalon le Fae: Nasu
Tunguska: Sakurai (with Nasu for the big parts, presumably?)
Traum: Higashide (with Nasu at the end)
Nahui Mictlan: Nasu
Yeah, and because of it Guda can't be credited for anything they've done. Chaldea might also end up being closed down either by the Mage Association or the United Nations, so Guda might have to return to a normal life.
No you don't understand.
How dare Nasu ever make content I personally don't like.
It makes me piss and poop my pants in RAGE.
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>Nasu stops adding Liz and Lizalikes
>game goes to shit
Lizlith, tasukete
This but unironically
so fucking true
>got NP2 just from dumping event tickets
This brat really loves me
I don't think that had anything to do with sealing designation.
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Enkidu? for me
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Finally finished the event. That was pretty cute.
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Mages are the pettiest motherfuckers in Fate, if they had a accurate report that had a complete nobody solve a situation AND took down two beasts when mages well known families failed?.
Someone would've wanted to pick your brain if they know what really went down.
You stupid bitch. You've let rancid fanon infect your brain.
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You lost the game /fgog/.
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>current 90++ has a Super Large bird on the last wave
>but even a fully maxed APEX can't clear wave 2 without facecards if you don't have a maxed class score as well
Luck fucker gimme
Bros, I didn't expect the imaginary scramble main interlude to take so long. The map exploration shit really takes up your time for no good reason
for me it's having to hit the enemies twice to kill them
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Arisu... Forgotten...
by who? you?
>still no info about the sequels
>no info about the movie adaptation either
I'd say by Nasu
If the sequels are written with the same care as OC3 I'd rather they never come out
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Please consider sex with the banana
Only in Kokomo
That's a very cute banana
I didn't realise Nasu made the movies too.
If you have a fully maxed APEX, why haven't you maxed the Saber score as well?
Dead game dead general
post leaks
Next event is eos
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you know Lasengle ninjas can break into your house for this?
That will definitely be the event with the best reception on fgog.
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Someone has to do it.
Here's how the church explains every strange happening in your local area.
Arthur's enemies in this SQ are Giant Dragon, MHX and Summer Castoria.
Well, they're holy sword related, at least the latter two.
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Is Melusine for (You)?
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Mochi cheeks.
Got tired of posting the same picture so now I am building a Ibaraki folder
>Got tired of spamming
Does it count as spamming when it's only one image for thread?
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Don't post too fast guys I can't follow
ritual posting is essentially spamming
Canon Melusine is for (You)
CHOCO headcanon Melusine is for Percival and Aurora
Just like what you are doing with your shitty fanarts?
That's true, and the same applies to your posts btw
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>Young dude flops
>Old man thrives
Many such cases.
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Divegrass anon here, setting up the poll for tomorrow. Need name recommendations for the following characters + final call to recommend anyone else:

Hakunon split player
Summer Eresh
Arc and Ciel
They both flopped
>tsukihime clap
no thanks
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Definitely not this shit.
Fuck off
Good news YOU will have the chance to not vote for them soon! Or recommend something else I need some poll filler.

From the feedback I got already, it definitely was not going to be a positive portrayal.
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>stuff from fgo I don't like
Don't you dare.
I'm gonna start spamming ABBY FUCKING WHEN every time I see that image
With the feedback I have now I'm tempted to throw her on with that name because it least its something!
I'm dreadful at coming for names but I'll give it a go.
>Summer Eresh
>Saves/Ruins Summer
>Arc and Ciel
The new model for I CLAPPED.
This event was revealed to me in a dream.
/fgog/'s TRUE never ever.
Also I suggest renaming Bromani to The Promised Consort since that was a meme that floated around for a while.
I appreciate any attempt.
Passionlip should have a ferris wheel on her background to really drive the thing home.
>From the feedback I got already
From WHO?
We don't want that shit character in our team whatsoever, fuck off you're not representing US
>Summer Eresh
Also a fucking shit choice
Kill yourself
>Arc and Ciel
Only Fate characters please
Put City and Xu Fu in the team
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Please update City's model to be in her Summer form.
you forgot the !
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I ask her multiple times leading up to polls, I just make a poll of the characters I'm given man, that IS where the board decides. I just add what I'm given and let the poll filter out the results.

City has been on the team for nearly 2 years.

There is one I saw on the MMD site I usually steal models from, It requires a password but I will see if I can get it.
City may also have some Koikatsu model but I'll check there too.
As a Cityfag checking her pixiv tag pretty often, she gets some Koikatsu stuff sometimes
Yeah she's popular so I'm not too worried. As long as there's some decent one there she should get her summer head. I kinda prefer koikatsu models over MMD because sometimes the MMD models look a little... off. Noticeably Kuku on the team right now.
Meh Kuku isn't fgo core
remove kuku from the team yeah
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I'm a kukufag but I'll admit her presence was carried by the nuclear fusion posting around LB7 release. She's just faded into that weird bench spot where not many new players are coming in, so only a couple of old players are being voted out, and more often than not its players that were new the league prior. But that's why I need actual options for the poll, and getting told options are shit without being offered alternatives is unhelpful!
I'd say ORT is fine, but just use his cute Spider form instead. Though that might be hard to make...
farming chains for eresh and medals for dob on that other camelot stage
man medals suck ass to farm. already out of pure prisms
There are models of ORT I think?
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ORT is actually already one of our starting attackers. I ripped the model directly from the game. He used to be bigger too, but after some complaints he had to be sized down.
ORT is the sluttiest
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>literally naked all the time
yep yep
Stupid dumb sexy spider, wish it was playable instead of the whore we got in its place
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Should have been a loli
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They fuck
no one cares about this shit, fuck off
me when people post about fgo
thankfully we don't do this around here
Is this guy playing football for us? If he's not he should be.
Daybit is on the team.
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Anyone do art of Kazura to match the CCC Secret Gardens?
His gay servant too?
Tez isn't gay...
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I nominate everyone in plotgang.
>Cath palug is indeed a cat based on its legend
>literally who 1
>literally who 2
>literally who 3
>literally who 4
>literally who 5
>literally who 6
>literally who 7
Tez has been a very reliable left back since he got added, and always gets a good pop when his chant plays.

Kirei and Galahad are on the team, Bromani used to be but was dropped when he wasn't getting much content. Olga had a push when LB7 came out but surprisingly didn't make the team that poll.
>Olga had a push when LB7 came out but surprisingly didn't make the team that poll.
let's be real no one fucking cares about her
I certainly didn't!
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Kigmari would have won.
Summer Eresh should be 9/11 related, Protea is already in the team so it fits.
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Lmao your fav is.
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Nasu in the gudakigu
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The characters /fgog/ hate the most (and their mom).
Still wanna bang the mom
And I'm officially out of bond grails.
Until we met again bond gods.
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Now I am curious to see how was the reaction of other generals when he appeared in the field
>can turn to into a cute girl
Would you guys accept her offer?
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He really looks more like a Beast than Summer Eresh...
What a shit design.
Sakurai doing the whole, "I will story lock this ascension even though it spoils nothing" thing that Nasu does
Haydee when?
cute flop
But enough about Summer Eresh
>Never personally appeared in the game, maybe a couple lines somewhere at best
>Never personally appeared in the game, maybe a couple lines somewhere at best
>Dead since the prologue almost 10 years ago, substituted by a flanderized bimbo version of herself that could be sold as waifubait and used in filler content
>Literally the most boring PLOTman in the history of writing: appears, says some gibberish, leaves, he did this for 7 years
>The lowest level of clap
>Her only memorable characteristic so far is her butt
>Yes I too would like to know what was up with Nervous Man and Twig, maybe we'll find out in 2.5 years
The absolute state of this game's plot.
Leave twig out of this.
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Nasu should STOP leaving Twig out of this is more like it
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Ai using piece of shit
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the dumbest
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the cutest dumbest
saturday night dead time
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kani kani
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hate content
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>AI NEETorpa
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sexy body
damn brat
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Sorry but I'm a Miyu guy
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>stole her month
>stole her chance at being playable
>stole her parents
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>2022 smol Liz Halloween.
where's the bulge
claeanon ate it
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OC3 confuses me, is my understanding right or did I fuck up somewhere?
>Humanity built 1G and then 2G AI which supported and supplemented them
>Beckman destroyed 90% of humanity with 2G AI and the last 10% became 3G AIs aka AI Humanity
>AI humanity built the Archetype which would succeed them, then locked it away after it didn't wake up
>AI humanity tried to explore space but their collective desire to become NEETs conceptually cockblocked them
>another war happens thanks to conflicts between organic humans and AI humans(somehow?), humanity on earth went extinct and Moon Dubai becomes stranded
>BB Dubai activates and manages Moon Dubai for 300 years
>under BB Dubai's management AI humanity in Moon Dubai become NEETs
>they become so NEET that the sheer force of everyone's NEETdom creates an evangelion angel turning everybody stupid, BB stops this by cutting the power and then forcing everyone to touch grass for 17 years
>Human Order says this is still a shit end and it's going to nuke the timeline, BB Dubai says let's find a better way for everybody to die so at least we can stay in the archives, and starts a popularity contest on the moon for everyone to headcanon how exactly Earth died so that they can pretend they all died the same way
>All AI humanity needed to do was admit that they're at a dead end, let their Archetype go into space to start a new planet, and "graduate" (aka retire and spend the next thousand years dying out because Nasu thinks you go directly from the end of high school to fucking nursing home) and Human Order would accept this as a successful timeline
So what about in PHH, is humanity also supposed to create its successor by the year 3000 if it doesn't want to be pruned? Or does that only happen if they turn into NEETs?
First, don't think too hard about it.
Secondo, I think that it's more like "as soon as you create the successor you're on a timelimit" situation, rather than Humanity as a whole being hard capped to year 3000 ac
Dead game
Dead general
How are people 2 turning the 90** node with only NP1/2 Ciel? I've seen nips on yt clear it with Merlin and Koyan but do CCs really make a difference?
>You MUST entrust the future to these immortal creatures that will better evolution and let yourself die
Did Nasu forget part 1 plot? Solomon literally passed the torch to the demon gods (a magical version of those AIs) and look what happened. No seriously. There's basically no reason to go against Goetia if it was ok to screw humanity over something the magical/digital caretakers could create a better version.
Nasu forgot a lot of stuff during OC3
But this was kinda deadass. His Mooncancershit doesn't sound any different than the regular pillar demon. Except latter isn't associated with some gag meme (other than the pancake one).
He had the never to put the "flashback" of Roman and forget all that drama in part 1 isn't very different from this shit (except it was less stupid).
It's +20~30% Crit damage, man.
Nobody gave a shit about them not because they were weak, but because normal cards were more random compared to NPs.
>news doko anon gave up
doko anon... doko...
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Why didn't (You) just use a Command Spell to get one of (Your) Servants to catch you like Shirou did when Rider kicked him out of a window?
Or did Nasu forget about that too?
Bring Kuro for extra buffs
Don’t card lock in wave 2, just NP the single enemy and Ciel will recover 40% NP, she going card lock and brave chain crit the 900k enemy.

Goes without saying you need Cooldown Append Skill.
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As canon says, Command Spells can only be used on the servant who made a contract with (You). Canonically this is Mashu who accompanies you for most of the story chapters.
This point was also used in Samurai Remnant, so Nasu hasn't forgotten the rules. He just didn't want to or (You) were being retarded and conveniately forgot (You) can do that.
I'm more interested in Red Garden at this point.
probably because of the daylight saving adjustments
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He is probably still dreaming.
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>no translations ever
>popular servant
2024... am I forgotten
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News doko?
bwo... you were supposed to post that one hour ago...
They changed hour in Europe (again)
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Is there any event like comiket or something next month? , I saw a lot of artists making doujins about them this month
Nezha butt!
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since when was Melt the Warmaster of Chaos?
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Comic City maybe? Or Root?
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>I will now proceed to please myself with this snek
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Comic City?
>pleasing yourself with a raitabortion
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We should have got a summer ascension of her, fuck Raita
This the only for (You) list I'll acknowledge.
you're not gonna make it
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Sex with Okita
GudaBB love
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I think this is the most dead state I have seen fgog in for quite a while
Merlin, give her a penis
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Well it's official, Kazuradrop is the single most successful non-summer or anni servant of 2024. Anytime the shitposter tries to tell you she flopped just remember this.
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Your wish is my command
Nice made up numbers, you can stop pushing your weird agenda now
>D-Doesn't count
Copium overload
Show your source then. If it's not directly from Aniplex then yeah it doesn't count.
We finally beat all the hoyoslop
Source is right there not surprising the schizo can't read
>If it's not directly from Aniplex then yeah it doesn't count.
>If it's not directly from Aniplex then yeah it doesn't count.
Did you deliberately skip the second part of his post or...?
>Did you ignore the part that doesn't matter
So it's a concession then.
>the only source that can provide real numbers doesn't matter because.... just because lol!
they aren't real numbers because it's not a valid source retard
and Appmagic is a valid source because...?
never een lolifags try to push so hard the "we're not a flop" narrative
because it isn't either, why are you moving goal posts schizo?
I thought wuthering waves would finally kill genshin
Why is it flopping
So you're telling me those Appmagic numbers aren't valid at all? Then what was the point of all this conversation?
Why is there an insecure Kazurafag constantly trying to prove she isn't a flop? No one said she was one.
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The glorious Nipponese site with made-up numbers claims we're barely above September despite having 30 or so rerun PUs.
pedos are the most snowflake and insecure fags in this general
I doubt that this is true
that blonde girl is everywhere and I never see anything about kazuradrop.
Let's totally ignore all the other 30M campaign servants on rate up
>Mahoyo collab
>Summer 6 rerun
so these are the only popular months outside of anni and NY huh
I am also surprised the Arcade rerun did so poorly considering that everyone was asking for Draco's rerun
OC2 and Mahoyo collab are the only good content we had this year to be fair
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Servant when??
she's still alive bro
I've seen this thread on page 10
Hasn't Rappa been around for a couple of days?
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what the fuck is this
Fate/Grand Order
Lore accurate strenght
u rike????????
You may not know this but:
The namesake of the concept of "Age of Gods" in the Fate series originated in Japanese mythology, in particular the Shinto myths from Nihon Shoki and Kojiki.
And yet, likely and ironically, Japan is possibly the very last place on Earth where the Age of Gods came to end. Up until the rise of the shogunate system in the late 12th century, power over the archipelago was in the hands of the Emperor, the direct descendant of Amaterasu and therefore, a demigod holding power over an entire nation.
However, with the acts of Minamoto no Yoritomo, which included eradicating the entire Taira clan to extinction, eliminating Yoshitsune and Benkei, purging many other entities which he perceived to be threats and taking power away from the monarchy by establishing a feudal system and ascending as the first shogun, and the death of Emperor Go-Shirakawa the same year, the Age of Gods in Japan and the long era of mysteries, mysticism and the unknowable officially ended in 1192 A.D.
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no, i'm using stella and killing myself
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Servant like this?
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Fate/Grand Order Cosmos in the Lostbelt Ordeal Call 3 : Archetype Inception written by Kinoko Nasu
Goetia was supposed to be like this but something went wrong.
I pay you 15 european dollars if you kill nasu
That's like 3 billion USD. I'm in.
Hmm... I use "Charisma", it grants Attack Up to my entire party.
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tehehe have fun
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okay, how do i clear this
use quartz until you win
this one is actually pretty easy, the Arc fight was more annoying
> but something went wrong.
DW And then Lasengle didn't put him in the gacha
He made people like some Sakurafaces already with SERAPH.
If anything, OC3 made people dislike her again.
If anything, this shitshow made me hate Eresh
actually i just need to use bb cosmo skills
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Tohsaka (Dubai).
I already hated ereshflop
the event just made me hate ereshflop fags
Thread is dead though
>weekly revenue
meaningless metric
that's just salesfaggotry in general
You know what I honestly don't remember any of the OC3 fights. I just remember that for one fight I used one or two blue cubes. I stopped caring a long time ago. Low rolling and missing a break by 45hp thus missaligning the invuls I had set up ? blue cube. Boss inflicting 45 different debuffs every single turn while having 37 different immunities ? blue cube. They're handing them to the players because they know how obnoxious their boss fights are, and they're not giving one or two once in a while they giving like 30 of them every time a chapter is released so they're expecting people to spam these bad boys.
I try it out of curiosity; the gameplay is fine, good even when you compared it to Genshin and the animation and the models are very high quality but everything else is awful. The fact that they decided to embrace full China wank doesn't help.
Everyones favorite single mom BB
If she's everyones favorite, how come her children hate her?
BB is a bad mom
That anon never said anything about her being a good mom
Almost all of the remaining servants in the story had a contract with you
BB was from Chaldea, sure she fused with the other BB, but after the fight with Hakuno she expelled the aspect of the other BB and was just Chaldea BB again
Protea was from Chaldea, sorta
Eresh was from Chaldea, although she can't fly just like Mashu, so all she could do was break the damage a little bit.

Real reason they didn't do the command seal rescue is because Guda already wasted all three command seals earlier in the story waking up Eresh
Why don't they just tell Nasu and the other writers to fuck off with whatever retarded ideas they want to implement for fights and instead just design better boss fights????
how do you bond farm?
I’m pretty sure she only discarded Last Slot and kept the BB Dubai data for herself. She also mentions that she can switch between BB Dubai and Golden BB. It’s confusing, especially figuring out if Chaldea BB is in control.
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Pure love
more like pure spam
just two more chapters..
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Baby Bob.
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>Has to serve matcha cake
Poor Rikyuu.
Same game that has Summer Abby and Chloe. Shit has always been a pedo game.
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Pshhh, nothing personnel kid.
>"Passionlip if you use your skill on Anki Eresh sword in this normal plane you'll fucking die"
>"I know but I'll do it anyways"
>Several paragraphs about how she is literally breaking apart in seconds flat, arms shattering like glass, entire body burning up
>LOL JUST KIDDING, we stuck her in Eidson's healing tube for a week and now she is perfectly fine!
When did Nasu become such a fucking HACK.
like 20 or so years ago
I thought people love that shit, it happens in DBZ all the time.
His brain always stops working when it comes to Sakuras.
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Look at this dood.
Enough people clearly do but I just find it incredibly lazy to build up fake stakes. It removes all tension from the scene when in the end there wasn't any consequence to the supposed suicidal action.
OC3 has got to be the most controversial thing Nasu has written for the game
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last super aids battle and i'm free
Since it is named Ordeal Call 3 I figured it was important to the story but it reads and feels like filler, even worse than OC1. It feels like I'm reading a summer event.
Some plot threads are also so weirdly executed, like Arc's entire chapter.

Plus the time limit doesn't exactly help and I'm really curious as to when they are going to release it for reals considering all those warnings they had prior.
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>It feels like I'm reading a summer event.
I can't even think of a single plot thread that was well executed. 80% of the characters could be removed and the chapter would be the same.
>It feels like I'm reading a summer event
Even as a summer event it absolutely sucks. It even makes the artic summer looks good.
gildimes keeps getting merch... it's not fair jetsissies...
>Since it is named Ordeal Call 3 I figured it was important to the story
Jetnetty never drew a dime.
Even Nasu said in interview Ordeal Call is filler
B-but at least OC2 had a proper message and justification for pulling the plug on the Avengers...
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I live here btw
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City's natural enemies.
I don't get it
Wrong guy but ok
(You) look pretty different today.
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The saberface no one remembers anymore.
That's not Lakshmibai
You mean Janne negro?
Yeah, the Saberface no one remembers anymore.
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she is cute
>is cute
She could've been a perfect Musashi
Good morning saar.
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>400 JPY for a keychain
the quality looks shit too lol
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What do we think about it?
I hate male guda's goofy ass pose
It's not dumb, he's about to draw a card from his duel disk you dummy.
I love male guda’s cool ass pose
I don't care about male guda's whatever ass pose
he's done this shit since day 1 but I think he'll have trouble topping the fat femboi lover npc in lb7 for a while
>got headshot on fucking screen
>by a super servant with super bullets that ohko city who's also supposed to be a super tanky servant no less
>got an entire node where the game mutes itself to show how sad (you) were
>fatty just walks it off thirty seconds later
people come here complaining about "stakes" sometimes and they're playing a game that won't even kill off the guys who look like fodder npcs a decade in
I mean at least it's not the 15$ ff14 keychains you can find on the squarenix store.
The stuff with Anthony was almost passable if you ignore Nasu's half-baked ramblings on AI and his own personal laws of robotics.
During the first half I was kinda interested in seeing if Nasu would go anywhere novel with the whole "humans stopped doing both work and hobbies/leisure" idea, or how the dude or Kazura's schemes would evolve after doxxed him over voice chat to the entire server.

Of course in the end none of those actually go anywhere, the NPCs just disappear and then jump in with a plot shield redemption arc at the last minute
So.... what are we getting for November? GudaGuda or something else? And will we have Christmas this year?
Correction, he said that he always had the intention of explaining the classes but he wanted to expand it, and he wanted to make sure that it was good for people.
Disregard facts about no summer welfare or even a welfare at all and less than 5 summer servants this year and more sakurawanking, what it matters to him is that you get the message.
The message I got from this is that I just can't wait for part 2 to ends next year to leave this trainwreck.
I should have grinded 1/3rd AP more when it was up, bros...
It's hard to imagine them skipping GudaGuda.
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Can I get a qrd on this?
cute and canon
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who's the most meta-defining gudaguda servant ?
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Actual serious real question so georgie and the uthernigger >>500103256 can fuck off
Besides raita, did we EVER had a Guda with a Servant made by an official artist?
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Do I get a free Caren today?
>plugsuit is basically the best option for 99% of the hard content
>same goes for the shitty meta supports who are in the single digits when we're at a total of three digits worth of servants
Why is Lasengle so fuckign incompetent at game design?
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Dear /frog/, I've kidnapped your senpai, if you want her back, you ought to give me 1B QP and 1K in blank servantcoins as a ranson, or else she'll get it.
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One day.
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>It already sold out
This is why we can't have nice things.
>Daybit's also sold out
Yumes confirmed.
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Well, ReDrop recently did an oneshot of Kama's interlude.
>Daybit sold out before Kirsch or Kadoc
>part 2 to ends next year
They'll never manage to keep this commitment. 100% it's gonna be "expanded". Nasu has written himself into too many corners.
Redrop likes Kama and Guda but seems to prefer Gudako (plays as her, makes fan comics of her and Kama, etc). When TM requested Redrop do an official manga adaptation of Kama's interlude, they probably also asked for Gudao to be used.
CHOCO, Melusine's artist ship her with either Aurora or Percival. It's just headcanon
I will not pay, good luck fucking her ass
Isn't Redrop a couple? Maybe it's the wife that play the game
You know Redrop likes to draw both Gudas right?
The dude is the one that colors and gives the artistic direction, the wife is the one that draws so if anything the guy is the one that plays the game.
Yeah I do, having a preference doesn't mean you dislike the other one or anything.
Most of the Kama stuff features Gudako, anon.
There's no announcement of which one is sold out in their official account (yet). Are you sure this is not edited? Daybit sold out before Kadoc/Kirsch/Gudao is already weird enough
They need to release a MC with cooldown reduction, offensive buffs, and NP charge. Being able to cycle in an additional set of buffs is too strong. A mystic code needs to have a power level comparable to a meta support to even be considered over plugsuit (unless it's for farming time considerations).
There is point discussing this?
Because Chaldean Command Seals are weak as shit.
Is Bazett good with just two Skadi? I really wanna play around with her. I think I might just buy a quartz account with 5 copies and borrow her from that account.
>Release in Feb 2025.
>Broken tl and こちらきまりました!
It is obviously an edit
She was able to clear CQs before Summer 7 released so maybe.
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Cha cha
>dream I was tag teaming a friend's fairy wife servant
My dreams have been pretty weird lately
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Iyo farms, Himiko sees use for challenge quests and Kenshin owns the hell out of OC3, so it's probably one of those.
The second biggest doujin con in japan bro.
What's your other weird dream?
My np5 Luvia destroyed her.
np5 Luvia cheeses most of OC3.
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Okuni, Shingen, and Takasugi who have all flawlessly integrated themselves into the renewed CD reduction memeta
otherwise it's obviously Himiko
Banging Kuro full nelson in a small bathroom.
Weird how my dreams started involving characters I usually don't care.
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Stream news in 3 hrs 38 mins?
Based dream at least the cop didn't knock on the door.
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>memebit is so shit someone has to make an edit that looks as if people like him
and yets he more popular then flops like olga
Him being drawn fucking popular/likeable characters like Guda/Tezca/Pepe/Kirsch doesn't make him count as popular or else by that logic then faceless mob and ugly goblin/old man are the most popular character on the entire anime/manga/game industry
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Portuguese Sakura should've shown up in OC3, her absence is one of the things that made the chapter such dogshit
I mean, most of those servants aren't good/people have most of them
This is still a shitload of money, but other than 2022 being a miraculous bump, FGO does a little less money every year.
real moms should have more ass than that, hasn't this bitch watched Pixar movies?
Well yeah the reason why they're pumping reruns because they know the game's already past its prime
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She WILL save us in 45 minutes
+48 hours maybe.
>ruins FGO
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News doko?
Castoria Buff
Her S3 now also buffs Quicks
Where is Castoria's buff? Piece of shit game
not everybody is a fat sack of shit
are you american?
What's with the City--Bob rivalry?
>having an ass worth the name = being fat
I'm not American but with how retarded you are, you might as well be.
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Choco hates Guda and want Melusine with Aurora or Percival.
>no u!11
Sounds like you got called out, fattie
that's your persecution complex talking
>almost two days thread and we're still 300 messages away from the next one
grim, even the schizos gave up
>slow thread is......................LE BAD
yeah it is
The thread will move when there will be news.
Until then, rest.
Surely a campaign to add a free quest on the bleach earth will save us
hmmmmmmmmmm yes we can discuss for an hour or so how to 3t the new quest
Truly the savior of fgog
Maybe even two hours if they add a new CQ/red torch quest.
Otherwise on Friday will start with the 'member LB6 campaign
I'm so excited to fight bloated hp Morgan and Oberon again. Maybe we'll have Cern too this time for maximum cancer.
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Castoria LOVE
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>rolling for shitoria
nah, fuck your meta shit
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Quickbro btw

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