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Store link:

# Guides (Major spoilers; avoid until having played through the game once):
>Routes & Subroutes
>Complete Episode 2 Walkthrough

# News:
>Progress Report #10 - Chapter3A and 4 delayed to create a proper gameplay/story transition between the chapters. The next chapter is confirmed to be... Decay. Chapter 3A and 4 are DECAY. God have mercy on us all.

# Nemlei's previous games:

Previous thread: >>499624960

Most beloved edition.
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Sistertitty best titty.
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Kissable and cute.
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>nipples through clothing
I would like to take a moment to let you know that you are my nigga.
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Tired milf titty is better.
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Most beloved indeed
notably inferior in every way
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im just a simple certified titty enjoyer
>haggot not posting gugugugugu or sloppa challenge: impossible
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Mercy upon him for he has so little choice, between those and the one who understands anatomy and proportions about as well as a monkey understands nuclear physics.
>about as well as a monkey understands nuclear physics.
Say what you will about the haggot and his awful taste, but leave monkeys out of this!
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>monkey business
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Lemmie tell you man, there's just something about em that's just erotic
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So true
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If you were in Thiu's position, would you top or bottom?
We would switch
I think the game makes it pretty obvious that happy Thiu tops.
i would feel very uncomfortable being topped by the same sex
Irregardless of your own sex? If you were male, you'd only want to be topped by a female, and if you were a female, you'd only want to be topped by a male?
Motherfucker that's not a word!
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I don't like man ass and I'm not very thrilled about the idea of getting fucked in the ass, so neither.
We would probably just jerk, suck, and frot because anal is disgusting but dicks are nice
nta but it is a real word
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There is another...
Without spiraling down into pedantry: yes, it's a real word in the sense that it has found its way into dictionaries due to how commonly it's used, however I do not consider it a real world because it's grammatically nonsensical to have a negative prefix and suffix, it's essentially a double-negative compounded into a single word.

Grinch-looking bitch. Can't even be in Green Eggs and Ham because she has no eggs.
I want to eat her
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Do not eat the Hamsterley
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I love this woman.
Sometimes I wish I had a miniature version of my sister to carry in my shirt pocket and feed her french fries. Perhaps an oddly specific thing, but sisters are cute.
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Can we interest you in our line of pocket floozies?
Take a bath stinky.
krekkov-lookin ass
Bro wants a sister tamagotchi.
this is more like his art style >>499958384
that's ai
ai can still emulate art styles
doesn't really look like krekkov tho
it's too greasy and clean
the earlier image looks exactly like a sketch he'd do
Stinky sisters are in fact not good
BALD ass sister
Yeah I'm not seeing it. Krekkov draws women much more curvy than that.
i hope you didnt buy these anon
do you have one that is one pixel?
For the demon prompt today for drawfags, do you have any favorite demons from the Goetia?
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>i hope you didnt buy these anon
i just saved a pic of them from a previous thread
Nemlei is missing a golden opportunity on merchandising. People would murder for an Ashley Nendoroid.
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this community is full of troons
Not really, unless you're talking about places off-site like X, Reddit, or Discord, but they have nothing to do with us.
Stinky sisters are objectively superior
Explain the appeal
As someone with sisters, strongly disagree.
The smell of your wife's musk should be reprogramming you to start dry humping the air where you stand. This is doubled when your wife is your sister, as her aroma is going to have similarities to your own and will therefore be more pleasant than a hussie's scent.
They must not be stinky enough then
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>Ashley's armpits and feet have dick stiffeningly stinky pheromones
I hate all of you
How often have you really smelled them?
Kiss your sister's feet
Thats my quote
There's a small window where someone's natural smell can actually be pretty appealing, but outright body odor is disgusting and anon has a fucking brainworm. I go running with my sister regularly, her sweat doesn't smell bad on its own provided she showered at any point in the day prior, but I've also caught a whiff of my sister when she's gone full cave-goblin mode for a weekend and it's downright unpleasant.
It doesn't make sense with a bra which she is clearly wearing. Regardless of what the artist intended it to be, it can only be the shirt fabric bunching up due to the swipe of Andrew's tongue. Remove the bra straps and then it can be nipples.
my brother in christ why are you overanalyzing an incestuous coombait drawing for an obscure indie game on a taiwanese basket weaving forum?
While I disagree with the overanalysis on the grounds that the artist clearly intended it to be a nipple and simply goofed, overanalyzing shit is what we do around here.
Autism website
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Luv big girls
Luv sisters
Luv big sisters
They're huggable
I wish my sister was fat so she'd be less confident and more likely to stay inside and play games all day like me
This is so cute.
Why don't you Pavlov yourself into getting aroused by sistermust?
Do Noelle, Yule, and Ivy have official last names? If not, what do you HC them to be?
I'm not sure how this is supposed to enrich my life. That's like drinking awful beer until you can tolerate it. Of my sister's smells, my preference will always be for when she commandeers my bodywash so she ends up smelling like me.
How isn't tolerating and loving your sister's natural fragrance not going to enrich your life? You could fully appreciate and embrace your sister at all times.
Listen, I respect that you have a very specific fetish, but you're not going to convince me to get aroused by my sister not showering for several days. I spent most of my adult life in cramped quarters with people who hadn't bathed in weeks, it is fundamentally impossible for it to arouse me.
Smash sisters with a rock
Went back and re-read this post, turns out I completely misinterpreted it. Now my sister's pregnant.
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I was gonna bake my sister brownies, but I kinda forgot and now it's almost 11pm and she's asleep. Should I make them now at night or tomorrow during the day?
I find surprises are always better, bake them tonight so that she can eat them tomorrow.
Nemleiverse isn't really big on surnames
Smash sisters with a cock
>Noelle (My surname)
>Ivy (My surname)
>Yule McCucked (My surname)
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>Sitting out on porch with sister
>"Dude, it feels like we're an old married couple."
>Haha! I'll use my razor-sharp intellect and high emotional intelligence to say something slightly romantic!
>"Diamond's fake, by the way."
Luckily she laughed, but I fucking hate myself.
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>I fucking hate myself.
Don't, that was funny. There's no need to try to force things either, it'll come to you when it comes to you.
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Please stop making up stories about fumbling your sisters. You guys sound like touch starved retards.
I hope you die
>haggot makes another abhorrent post
Consistency is key, I guess.
why arent you breeding her yet?
You call this a fetish? You SHOULD be able to tolerate your sister's smell at all times if she's not adopted.
Or worse.. a HALF sister.
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I would not hesitate to give years off of my life if it meant I could watch you lose her in a way that was entirely your fault
Noelle Donner
Ivy Weihnacht
Yule Perchtenberg
thats right
Having children by multiple (wo)men means that you are a HUSSY. Is that the example you want to set for your childrens' own relationship?
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Das right, Anon. Go off. Tell those sluts what's up.
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It appears to be man hussy hours
Who the heck is that? Silabus?
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what happened to the /calg/ daddyanon
I hate that. I hate it so much.
hahahahahaha I dunno, they got me pretty good
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Which ending was decay and which was burial?
Decay is dog rape and Burial is dog rape
decay was ashley raping andrew and burial was andrew raping ashley
Decay is incest and burial is also incest. But Decay is specifically the one where the siblings start fighting and Ashley gets a vision of Andrew killing her

are we giving up or something
Have you forgotten that Episode 3 is NEVER coming out?
I'm aware coffin is cancelled
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>few posts away from >>500000000

damn, nice try though
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N-Nobody even tried to message me today to see if I was doing okay...
are you doing okay anon?
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Not at all
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I hope you have a reasonably adequate day.
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thanks, you too
Has Coffinland fallen?
yeah, blame the tittymilk and mommy posters for making it uninhabitable
Draw stickdrew
Billions must fuck their sisters.
hope your day sucks
Hey I like tittymilk but it should come from sisters and not mothers
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>he actually did it
Holy based! Thanks
you're welcome
The Touhou general OP got the get, nice
It's super cute their OP got the get, actually.
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now she's fat for real but in a cute way
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Hey /calg/, dropped out of here at the start of the month aproximately, but since there is no escape i decided to come back, as one does. I managed to miss the steam release anniversary in its entirety but i hope i have what i was doing ready for thread #300
What happened in the last month?
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The Korean whore's boyfriend cheated on her
Nothing ever happens.
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Asking Andrew and Ashley if you can watch them fuck.
Good, I love 2ho
Is dealer's choice just draw whatever you want?
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I walk through walls
I float down the Liffey
I'm not here
This isn't happening
Have you considered journaling instead of posting nonsense here?
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I'm just musicposting
Is this the general that has the sister with the feet?
No, sisters with feet are extremely rare.
Few if any generals manage to have one.
No, Ashley lost her feet in the accident
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I was hoping someone'd post that
Are you guys coping well?
Might kill myself
EP3 is not coming
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Can Andrea be the next jiggie please
I would like her to jiggie her ass if you know what I'm saying.
Pornographic jiggie? Not playing. Simple as. Lust is a sin.
Episode 1 unironically gave me the motivation to keep living. I'm not going anywhere, even if Episode 3 never comes out.
andrew isnt as cute as a girl im sorry lmfao

im going back to bed i hate you
You're right he's not cute coz he's fucking hot
no, sorry, I am not attracted to women
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Genderbend Andrew can be cute, most of it just lacks soul.
why are you even here?
ok, cope and enjoy
Femdrew makes it clear to men why the ladies go apeshit over Andrew
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I would let Andrea wrap her legs around my head anytime
Andrew makes it clear to men why the ladies go apeshit over Andrew
but I don't want to fuck Andrew. Andrea however makes me pant the same way Andrew makes female vtubers pant
If you didn't want to fuck Andrew then you didn't properly enjoy Coffin
Hear hear! You're not a real Nemlei fan until you desire male homosexual intercourse.
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Fujo dev fujo game fujo general
It's our time to shine fujosisters
Best girl.
With yourself of course
The bestest bestest
I've been trying to stop myself from hornyposting about Ashley all day. I want to post here but the only things that come to mind are rubbing my cock against various parts of Ashley's body.
if my bro was a girl I'd still love him but I wouldnt be attracted to him anymore (certainly wouldnt fuck him) itd be so over
I hope your brother comes out as a trans woman.
whatever, might as well post about it because men who like men arent allowed here, only lesbians and straighties
lost my cousin wife
why what happened lol
still better than these faggots holding pity parties for themselves 24/7
kill yourself already or fuck off forever
Are you going to guilt-trip everyone again?

calling you a cunt for being a cunt is guilt-tripping?

grow up
Silence, now is not the time for this
you goofballs
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But I thought she wanted to fight
This is statistically the 4th most homosexual general on /vg/, men who like men are a staple here
[smashes you in the back of the knees with a really big stick]

Go back to tumblr
Siblings by fate
Lovers by choice
>everyone I dont like is tumblr
[slow clap]
Won't it hurt more to get hit in the front of the knees?
I give you permission to hornypost all day just for this thread
...I'm not trying to cause pain, just incapacitate.
Look at this freak watching her kids kiss
kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself
She wants to join in but she's too shy to say it
>Typical haggot
love yourself love yourself love yourself love yourself
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yeah! SOMEBODY has to! you pathetic pieces of shit
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kill all mommy posters
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kill yourself
Have a nice day!
>When you're such a vile person your children sterilize themselves so you can't live on, and then celebrate after you kill yourself.

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fucking your sister isn't enough of a taboo
yeah okay I dont feel guilty about doing what I'm about to do

What's the reference?
It's based on some nijisanji vtuber, though I just like the blond and grey eyes look
Awww Julia with curls looks cute
Ewww Julia with curls looks ugly
^ holy fuck this contrary bitch is so annoying someone please kill her
It's giving Yosuga no Sora
^^^ holy fuck this contrary babe is so cute someone please cuddle her
so you admit you can't win an argument without devolving to schoolyard behavior, then
I admit that I can win an argument by devolving to schoolyard behavior, yes
[thumbs up] okay whatever you want to believe, retard
Do you think Ashley ever groped Andrew's cock while he slept?
No, she's not a sex pest like Andrew.
guys, don't listen to what the anon below me says. she's a psychopath and a hussy (I just get those vibes). just dismiss her and move on.
You should love sisters
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why is there mom even at the school to spy on them?

you people are actual losers 'omg look tricked u into seeing a mommy pic!!!'
>at the school
who says their at the school? Teenley's probably doing her homework at the kitchen table or at one of the desks in their room
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here's your mommy gf bro
Why do you hate women?
They annoyin
But you're one too?
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??? Respect my pronuns. he/him -.-
Also NTA

this is why you're not getting ep 3 or any coffin content btw
Yeah and the thing is I'll shut up but they'll post all fucking day like this, there was a 2-day freakout where I just watched them hag-cope and fight anons thinking they were me
I mean, there are multiple (implying) people who occupy this general for the sole purpose of starting shit. The general has been surprisingly comfy because everyone correctly ignored the boondocks-tier "nigga moments." It's kind of unavoidable because mathematically you keep throwing enough hooks out and someone is going to take the bait.
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very true, I have nothing to add to that, you're just spitting facts
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I really love this artist
I dont get the perspective of the veil, towel or wathever that thing is
Still cute art
nice never seen this
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>tfw big bro won't kiss your hair
It's a burial shroud, she just pinching the fold outwards
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Would Andrew get along with Femdrew?
Need female Andrew and male Ashley sex.
he'd cheat on ashley with femdrew because fucking a female version of yourself is hotter
>Tfw no mentally unstable little brother
Why even live?
she raped him after she coerced him into to going to prom with her
They'd compose poetry together and she'd mock him for being so horny (the only one he can talk about that btw) and he'd worry about her being either more depressed or downright suicidal (also her being alone with Asher).
you hurt my feelings.
I don't care you hurt mine first and never stopped so I feel nothing
no u hurt mine first
Okay. Tell me how I did that, and I will apologize.
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>sex pest
are we flanderlizing Andrew or is he really that horny? iirc after 3+ months of no sex he gets morning night wood once when Ashley wakes him up and literally crawls on top of him, other than that he wants to kiss his sister and comfort her like some faggy telenovela love interest.

he doesn't even get a half chub when Ashley sits in his lap which imo is a sign of either low testosterone or latent homosexuality.
by saying “boring” it made me rlly rlly sad
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oh my god shut the fuck up then
Yeah, it's the girl him, they'd be on the same wavelength. Might even drop Ashley for her, since they'd be even more compatible on everything and even more genetically related
On one hand, selfcest ftw
On the other, Andrew needs a manipulative and happy-go-lucky figure full of vitality to endure the pain that is living without real purpose imo.
youre so mean
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I fucking love jiggies bros..
>he doesn't even get a half chub when Ashley sits in his lap which imo is a sign of either low testosterone or latent homosexuality.

Brattiness levels were too high. She crossed the line from correctable to merely obnoxious.
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>Yule McCucked
Should be Ivy’s surname desu, Noelle is choking on that BYC.
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Made for Andy's Andy ouh.

Seriously, any news about the game? When is the new devlog dropping?
I just came back from a nice vacation Maldives and I hope there's some good news about tcoal.
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No way fag
Wdym no
You're telling me Nemlei just disappeared?
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he looks like he's gonna kill her
one can only hope
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Would Ashley get along with male Ashley?
Nemlei has been gone since December.
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Did something happened to her or she is just still working on the game?
Idk do I look like kit9 to you?
Male Ashley would rape her
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Well you have the face of a lazy motherfucker
Very true and no, still radio silent on nem's side.
Holy shit I missed you -3-
what's the backstory to this?
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>still radio silent on nem's side.
That's should be okay as long as the development is still active...
Heeeey :) I missed you too. I'm sorry I couldn't talk with you, the wifi over there doesnt' allow you to enter some websites. It's good to talk with you back!

KEK sorry I got a bit too excited there!
>fucking your sister isn't enough of a taboo
true, maybe it was one day but it isn't anymore
it's new I think
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Yeah, it's just boring without any new content to keep us entertained but oh well. I hope a simple drawing is what we get on halloween.
I was worried you left or something but glad to hear you took some time off for yourself. I'm just happy you're back -3-
Compiled some cute bois and bunnies for you https://files.catbox.moe/4ub7f7.rar
what's the backstory to this I'm even more confused now
let's be honest Nemlei actually hates us
I'm sure, if Nemlei has observed the community even after she stepped back from actively partaking in it, that she would hate a few very specific individuals.
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>I hope a simple drawing is what we get on halloween.
We deserve that cute drawing for being here all this time!

I was worried you would never answer again after I was radio silent for an entire week, but I'm so happy you waited for me all this time! I hope I can take you to Maldives one day as a reward.

>Compiled some cute bois and bunnies for you
Thank you!! ToT I was starving from some cute boys images since I couldn't access to them during my trip to the Asian island lol
The game needs Andrew and Ashley kissing.
The game needs Andrew and Julia kissing.
great now the pedos are spoilertexting, just fuck off already to your dms
Reminder: do not feed him attention, and as a general rule report rulebreaking content when people post it.
yea; you get nothing, i'm tired of you both
why not both also what about Julia and Ashley kissing
Hot! Would smash him and Ashley.
I took a nap for an hour and they just start pedoposting though lmfao mods dont care and reports do nothing
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Good to see you too, furrypal
no. leave me alone.
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If nems won't give us her characters in cute costumes, then I'll edit them on!
I'll think of some cute outfits each character can wear.
>you would never answer again
Nah, I wouldn't do that. I would wait for you even if you were gone a month or more. You make me happy.
>I can take you to Maldives one day as a reward.
I'm much cheaper to buy than that lmao. Just cuddle with me during the weekend or something and I'll be happy -3-
Or Andrew, Ashley and Julia kissing?
They would be like cats that really don't like each other and the only way to make them stop fighting would be Andrew/Andrea.
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>then I'll edit them on!
Based as always. You already have Ashley as a ghost, maybe Andy as a ghostbuster?

You also make me very happy. It's nice having someone that cares so much for me

I will cuddle in Maldives lmao
kill yourself, cunt
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Maybe Marrow can be wearing a mike myers costume, Andy a ghostbuster like you said and Thiu could be something nerdy like a star wars jedi.
Also please don't feed into well, him. I didn't interact with 'em after he asked and I recommend you do the same. Let's just focus on the nice things and not bad, okay?
Not me, I'm God's favourite child.
lol I thought so both of you should an hero immediately

you are ever getting jack shit from me anymore, enjoy the grave you dug
can you prove it
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Yessss I like those ideas very much. The would look so adorable!!
Lol don't worry about him, his comments don't bother me at all. I was just looking for a reason to post some reaction images because they are so fucking funny to me, I just found them on other /vg/ threads kek
It won't happen again :)
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NemNems (pbuh) does not play favorites. I would know, I'm her favorite prophet.
If God really loved you he would give you a sister that wants your dick
Nemlei (pbuh) is God, God is Nemlei. The Sister, the Brother, and the Holy Fujo. Also I do have a sister, the wanting of my dick being the only point of contention.
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Alright, so I now have 3 boys and what of the others? Renee, Ashley, Lynn and Vivian.
If you goy any ideas on what outfits they should wear, let me know so I can write it down.
>The Sister, the Brother, and the Holy Fujo
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Renee: maybe the classic witch costume? Exposed buttckeeks?
Ashley: G-g-ghost!!
Lynn: Zombie?
Vivian: Sadako from The Ring

Sorry if those ideas suck, I can't come up with something...
Your reminder that filters still work well
generic filter or tcoaal specific?
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Zane zane zane
Ouvre le chien
Kill yourself
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Renee gives me vampire vibes, like a tired vampire elder
I second this.
k bye
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Yeah, I like those ideas. I think it shouldn't be too hard to edit, so I'll work on them come the 30th.
You mean like this one? https://files.catbox.moe/8v0c14.rar
Ok, I'll try making Renee like this without outright copying this img. I'll dip into Vampire the Masquerade for inspiration.

Just Walk Away
>I'll work on them come the 30th.
Godspeed. I hope you can do your best!
>You mean like this one?
Kek yes I was thinking of that. Very sexy.

Based bestie
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I might add more characters to edit but some like from candy scabs and jack in the castle already are fantastical enough to be considered outfits so I won't be making them outfits. Don't worry though, Ashley and Andy will def have cute outfits.
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>I might add more characters to edit
Edit as much characters as you want, but don't overwork yourself.
>Ashley and Andy will def have cute outfits.
I can't wait to see them!!
I need episode 2 of this mod now!
Imagine trying to tutor that dullard.
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That is clearly a kitchen table or bedroom table or something, there is no indication that it's located within a school
Don't worry, I won't overdo it :)
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I know you won't. I trust you (like I always did lol)
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whats wrong?
I no longer wish to open up to anybody
where is vagdrew?
Ashley is smart! She just doesn't apply herself, or think things through most of the time.
post more bunnies
andrew with a vagina… i want to see andrew with a vagina, anon..
Andrea won't fuck you bro.
jerk off to Andrea then like everybody else....
not ANDREA i want ANDREW with a VAGINA
ah, the cuntboy connoisseur
rare breed indeed
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Here's Andy and Leyley hugging https://files.catbox.moe/5yvsca.mp4
And Andy eating food https://files.catbox.moe/q9cc6b.mp4
Vegetarian Andrew?
Ashley's vaginal discharge smeared on toast and eaten for breakfast
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>I trust you
Thank you, it means a lot -3-
If Andy and Ashley were in pokemon, what pokemon would they have? My guess is Ashley having Garchomp and Andy having Gardevoir
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it doesnt even taste bad u prude
I'm the one cucking him and also fucking him
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gonna punch a hole through the planet.
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LMAO that image brooo...
Decay route true end, Ashley replaces Andrew with ???, uses a sacrifice to make it take the nickname "Andy".
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>Andy having Gardevoir
I see what you did there kek, you crazy madlad.
Gardevoir fits him, I'm sure he will have fun with her.
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He sure would. As for Renee, she would have either a Mimikyu or Hatterene to help her with chores.
I would replace ashley with ??? if she gave consent
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And she would have Mudsdale to help her with other things
I would headpat Ashley if she gave consent
>that /gif/ incest thread with the two siblings
>they actually look teally similar
Never felt happier after a wank, gn /calg/
all the fun has been sucked out of this game for me im not inspired anymore or enjoying myself remotely enough to make content
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Watched football with my brother
I must be Ice Cube, because today was a very good day
Like driving Andy to school? Yeah
goodnight, i wont be coming back, no more art from me either, its over
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Uh yeah exactly that, what else would it be?
Fuck you too, furfaganon.
I'm even more confused than you because the link just lead to a 404.
>newfags can't link cross-boards
Nta, but it was a drawing of a quadruple amputee Ashley with a ballgag being fucked by a cultist using a quadruple amputee Andy with breasts. Andy was doing the ahegao face as the cultist fondled him and made him fuck Ashley
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Sis, did you read those Pokémon leaks again?
Misses this
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Gosh they were SO fucking hot
Latina trainers hnnnng
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Hmhm 7w7
Well, it was fun but I need to sleep. Glad you're back and I hope we can talk more wednesday or thursday.
Agree, I hope to see Brazilian Ashley or Renee uuoooh. Love you, night <3
Ashley represents everything a man could possibly find attractive in a woman.
It is scientifically proven that hugging your sister releases more oxytocin than anything in the world!
I'd absolutely believe it considering the first time my sister hugged me in like a decade it was like being baptized.
Nigga what
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Goodnight sweetheart. I hope you have a nice rest. I will to talk with your as much as I can everyday!
First Brazilian Miku, then Brz Sadako, PLEASE let it be Brazilian Ashley with Andy too ToT
what's the reference with these amputee Ashley pictures
There isn't one it's just derangement.
Anon wanted to see Andrew and Ashley taking a happy stroll through the park and drawfag delivered: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/462846751/#463040597
What the other anon said and I think the one with amputee siblings/cultist sex was a commission based on the drawfag's Ashley
>new devlog/update friday
Hopes, fears, expectations?
there won't be one
You'll get a promo image and the nothing of value
Cute pictures of Ashley.
A lack of Ashley pictures.
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There will still be updates on the 1st of the month per the last devlog, they just won’t be called progress anymore
Release predictions
May 2025
February 2026 (Valentine’s Day for sibling love)
oh then idk, I expect nothing
Finding out Decay is 3A and 4 was my 9/11
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I forgot that last month's Progress Report was the last one. /calg/ I don't feel good. I don't feel good at all
USA should invade Finland to pursue Osama Binemlei
We are reaching levels of owari da not thought possible
Its okie bumpkin
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Well we’ll still get updates, just won’t be called “progress anymore” and will reflect the content in the update. I’m pissed that it was voted to release 3A and 4 at the same time, I’m a Burialfag but at least we would’ve gotten some new stuff if 3A came out sooner.
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Chapters 3A and 3B never
fuck off
That's what it's called? You okay, anon?
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I love blonde Ashley
Someone needs to fix those diamond pupils, they bother me.
she looks like a skank with blonde hair
shhhhh, shhhh. i promise, itll be okay
dont lie to them, I really do hate all of you and you'd all have to do some serious ass-kissing to even attempt to fix it
hehe :3c
You guys should play Deception II, it a sisterfucking ending
I hope it's Nemlei writing to us again like the old days, and that we get some kino. I fear I'll have to work overtime again and miss the drop party on /calg/.
nemlei doesn't exist

is it straight garbage because you play as a girl and I am already not interested
>nemlei doesn't exist

>is it straight garbage because you play as a girl and I am already not interested
Wait until you find out about this game called the Coffin of Andy and Leyley.
this isn't the win you think it is
What, cause you haven't played that either?
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I've gotten every ending, all achievements. but ok.
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When I first played Coffin, I really related to Andrew. But the more time goes on, the more I understand Ashley. I fucking hate everyone who isn't my brother. He really is the only person who doesn't constantly drive me up a wall. He's the only reasonable person I know.
kill all ashley stans with a rock
kys hussie
sigh [deadpan] kys bitch, i guess, or whatever
This is still very harshly hilarious to me
How they got Jeffrey Combs' daughter for this I will never know
cold-blooded murderer
how many Steam badges have you made for TCOAAL, /calg/?
0, I dont want to ruin my Lvl50. I sell every trading card
dead game dead general
Osama Binemlei is to blame for this.

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