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(re)Awakening Edition

For all things Dragon Age. Talk about the new game coming up, or the one you're replaying to psyche yourself up for Veilguard. Reply to the OP if you have an addition to make. We'll settle on an OP here in a thread or three.

>Veilguard Offical Launch Trailer:
I'm just here to reserve my spot in the next Mass Effect general
Everyone line up for your mandatory reawakening penis inspection
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Second for Merrill best girl
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Skyhold (night)
> Dragon Age: The Veilguard
>Yet another transgenderism simulator
Why do you even bother posting about this game? We've already seen countless games that all take the same cookie cutter format as a Bioware game with just as much transgenderism. What's the point? Aren't you more interested in things in the world beyond just generic WRPG slop and transgenderism?
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Sera best girl.
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Solavellan supremacy
Solavellan superiority
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Holy zazed...
How do we feel about all the drastic redesigns of the qunari?
I cant even express how little I give a fuck. Qunari blow and always have
Looks like the average American lad I saw when I visited
I liked how they were presented in Origins, as just kinda typical plains barbarian folk.
Post the true Sera, not a tarot card.
this might be a minority opinion

but they should keep the tarot cards aesthetic they used in inquisition
this might be a minority opinion

but Loghain did nothing wrong
Barely distinguishable from humans. It's an ok look, but makes you wonder if they're even a race or just a culture. The lack of more qunari in the game also means you barely have a window through which to learn about them, so while Sten is good as a character, you're left to wonder just how much there really is to the qunari.
Perfect, actually look great, unique, suitably alien but not so much that they don't fit in. Their role as outsiders in the city also fits that look perfectly. You truly feel like they are members of a powerful empire with a distinct culture and ruled but also a distinct race, even if they do accept others. Best qunari.
Meh, not that fan of Bull. I mean, he's alright, I can believe he's a member of the previous race, but he's also extremely far removed from the previous ones. Works for what he is though, precisely a qunari removed from the culture for reasons, but I'm not particularly attached.
that is not a minority opinion
anything that gets more Ferelden dogs slaughtered is good
It's a new game for a new era. Harding can do magic now. Qunari are just like tieflings. And Solas needs his privilege checked.
Why did OP upload the wrong image for the thread?
Okay, who is more hung
Taash or Aveline?
Sisters reborn I can’t wait
>Qunari are just like tieflings.
I like how in this "new era" Bioware seems to have decided that qunari are not allowed to be a non-conventionally attractive race and instead have to use the exact same faces as humans and elves but with the horns haphazardly stapled on.
Traash duh
Are there any romance/sex scene leaks?
That's all I care about. I know the game will be shit either way.
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Here we go
Will inquisition or DAO choices matter in veilguard?
I want my inquisitor to be with solas
>inquisition choices
some of them
>DAO choices
none of them
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what I clicked
>We never seem to meet anywhere nice
what I got
>I wish we could get better acquainted harding
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Did anyone else listen to Vows and Vengance? Overall it was extremely lame. I do not recommend.
are they ever going to acknowledge the architect?
Might bring back more of the magisters though.
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Cassandra looks so cute in the divine dress
I have it on my "to listen/watch" list, but I just never get around to it
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What makes The Veilguard a DA game anyway? Because it feels a bit like a Ship of Theseus franchise at this point, where everything that was present in Origins has been slowly replaced or retconned.
It still has the fade so thats something
You'd have to define what makes Dragon Age "Dragon Age"
Darkspawn still exists, Qunari still exists, Ferelden, Orlais, Tevinter still exists
So do the Templars, mages, the Fade, elves, dwarves
Umm... d-darkspawn?
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What's the matter? You can't stand the sight of a strong Elf woman?
that mouth...
wrapped around a FemQunari's big, throbbing dick...
She doesn't think she's pretty and that's what makes her pretty
Greasy goblin. I’ll never forget how mad people were when she was revealed to be a lesbian. Before the game came out.
You did pre-order it, didnt you?
Name one reason to
>in game cosmetics!
Name a real reason
>they can say the game is selling well!
A real reason
This general is already dead.
I shall cherish the 3 hours we shared
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me too
I guess I'll see you guys in /crpg/ tomorrow
always remember: TQD
5 more days
Where is she bros….
Yep. Getting rooks coffee too
The biggest red flag for me is that the answer to this question is no. They aren't doing the dragon age keep system this time, they're only asking three questions: who you banged in Inquisition, whether you disbanded the inquisition, and if you want to save or oppose Solas. And since who you banged doesn't matter, there's only really two questions that matter. This feels like such a downgrade compared to the mass effect and dragon age carryover stuff in the previous games.

They said it was too much effort to make content for a dozen decisions that you made 10 years ago, so they devoted their time and resources towards in-game reactivity, to the things you do in this game. That's fishy to me, but if it's not a lie and there's actually a lot of reactivity, then we can judge it based on that like we would with any other rpg so whatever. We'll see.

The second it was available.
Is this where meet n fuck kingdom 2 is?
Why is the F capitalized
He's stressing the important parts
wait my bad, i saw what the women looked like.
Naw nig you want taash ape ass
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Its simple. We kill all the mages.
Cullen I can't deal with your fagatronics right now
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The maleficar must be stopped, brother.
I want to fuck femHawke so bad bros...
Dragon Age: The First Game

Dragon Age II <<==== What happened here?

Dragon Age: The Third Game

Dragon Age: The Final Game
Literally the best game
Templars vs Mages x100
The final fight you choose which one you want to side with, then you fight the other party's end boss, then you fight the chosen party's end boss directly after
I meant the naming
Just Dragon Age II? No cool title?
It has been 6 hours since thread creation... and there is ONLY 67 (now 68) posts... xisters... What went SO WRONG?!?
The unspoken subtitle is simply "Electric Boogaloo"
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Cute wizard wife
Come Halloween this place is gonna be packed
Same VA as Y'shtola in FFXIV btw.
Holy crap, /dag/ revival? Any oldies still here?
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Female qunari always looked like that tho. Here's a male one.
The first major crpg release after bg3 is going to get so much negative comparison. I just hope da4 has a reasonable amount of reactivity, choice&consequence, build diversity, fun characters, and good enough music to at least hold its own, even though I have a feeling it will be worse on all of these areas.
It's not going to be BG3 but I don't think there is such an expectation for most. It doesn't need to live up to BG3, just its predecessor(s). Can it deliver a satisfying conclusion to Solas' story or will he be just a rushed storyline that needs to be dealt with in the last 20 minutes.is the big question for me.
Yeah except BG3 is a piece of shit compared to any Dragon Age game
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>trapped Qunari
exactly what they deserve
>like cass
>like solas
>like varric
>like dorian
>like cole
its not fair, parties should be six nor four
now you get two
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Inquisition is still as good as I remembered it to be ;-;
only having 8 ability slots is ass tho
now we wait for Veilguard
As someone who enjoyed inquisition, Veilguard looks shit already. It looks like they've made andromeda with swords.
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Well, you're in luck, because the Creative Director of the game is the biggest solavellan fan, and the devs admitted they know the popularity of that ship is what carried the franchise during these long ten years. They promised "closure" and didn't even want to hint at how the reunion may go, because "it's something you must see for yourself".

Which is fair - I mean, all the other romances from Inquisition got a good ending, while a Solas-romancing Lavellan only ever got the short end of the stick. It makes sense for them to acknowledge the pairing so heavily, but I'm sure the other fans who don't give a shit will riot when their Dorian or Josephine doesn't get the same amount of lines.
I heard they got rid of blood magic :(
couldn't even use blood magic in DAI
bioware went to shit over a decade ago
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what the fuck went wrong sisters?
no shot veilguard is good right?
its highly unlikely to be

but hey, random shit happens maybe against all odds and in complete opposition to how things have been presented so far it will turn out ok
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EA. They bought Bioware right at the end of Origin's dev cycle, so Origins is still mainly a Bioware game, but its also the last bioware game. EA is full of retards who think the vocal minorities are the target audience and that culture has since become engrained in Bioware too. Veilguard is even being directed by a literal troon too, so you know its gonna be full of the weirdes terminally online porn addict unironic >>>/lgbt/ tier shit ever.
You control the buttons you press
Each one I press just fill up my gaymeter
It's pretty impressive that the game's AI is able to read you like that
Im playing Veilguard, so ofc Im at least gay.
Funny that the most loved couple is hetero…. I still have low expectations
Im buying veilguard, but it better majorly impress and invest me before that refund window is up because nowadays everything past the refund window turns to shit very very quickly.
I was almost certain they were gonna let you pick that you romanced Solas even if you recreate a male Lavellan. I still think they're going to do some thing with the flashbacks or memories or whatever to show Solas being gay
I'll pirate this trash if Bioware didnt chacracter assassinate Morrigan. I was looking forward to killing that egghead. A dual axe wielding Dwarf rook killing knife ear """""gods""""" could be fun.
Yeah I was thinking about that. I’m gonna seethe if they let it happen
Imagine if they let male Lavellan pick Solas as their romance but Dorian and Sera stayed locked to gay. I'm sure they would have done that if they wouldn't get any backlash.
That won’t get backlash besides from the sisters. Gays have a special type of oppression. See nexus mods for gay Solas/Cullen/Alistair/Morrigan
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Will there be any reactivity to this shit in veilguard?
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The ONLY reason I care is for the Solavellan angle. A small part is caring if the Veil actually gets torn down which would be awesome but I'm not holding my breath. Rook seems like a faggot and I have absolutely no investment in a new protagonist or any of these boring companions, getting to know them, or what happens to them. They failed to appeal to me in any way. I hope they all die. I only care about my Inquisitor, who should have been the protagonist of this game in the first place.
No, nothing from the keep is being used
If theres not a dwarven city and level area places whatever tf region thingy, Im gonna shit my pants
Should I play DAI because its simple to do, or try not to kms while trying to get DAO to work on my current year pc? Id much rather play O, but im not opposed to I. The whole prolog shit before the keep is a massive slog, but past that the game gets pretty fun, imhotbqhdesu
DAO worked well for me after I installed the 4K LAA patch thing and used the Borderless Gaming app to run it as fullscreen windowed mode.
Yeah, Im reDL it and give it a try again.
>dwarfs cant be mages
wow, racist much?
Chuditte spotted
Nobody cares about your sissy romance homo
Okay, wow. It just started right up. Gonna give it a go until it becomes apparent I need to do the mem unlocker dohicky.
Harding has magic now so
For me the textures started flipping out on the NPCs around Ostagar but the prologue section was totally normal
No she doesn’t retard
dwarves aren't people, they are stones.

if they were people they'd be in the chant
Yeah, I started as a dwarf and the textures/lighting were really weird and loading the diamond quarter crashed it, but ended up getting it working real smooth(for now, but osamar has always been the worst) by downloading a 1.05 exe and running the 4gb patch on it.
I wish DAO would run on my computer, it usually crashes by lothering
best girl?
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patching the exe has fixed that for me in the past
My first playthrough I will be a mage, date Neve, and help Solas.
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Hey that was my plan too
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thoughts on isabela
>A small part is caring if the Veil actually gets torn down

It probably will, players who already finished it said not to rush when near the ending, because you can't continue playing after the story ends (the game makes an auto save that will allow you to take care of missed sidequests). It probably means the world will be radically changed.
what a dumb nickname for a lead character
>The Warden, later the Hero of Ferelden
>Hawke, later the Champion of Kirkwall
>The Herald of Andraste, later the Inquisitor
I really hope they get a cooler title because my god it sucks
You always have to feel like the main character, don't you? Well this isn't the story about that. This story is about the HEROES of the VEILGUARD, not just a chosen one.
Big boobs
no wonder why human males rape elf women
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Why does a swamp witch (right) need to dress that way
Chess piece
Or maybe pirate talk
My guess is because shes an unironic edgelord. Flemmeth even makes fun of her who dancing under the moonlight and doing the witch of the wilds larp. Morrigan just really romanticizes the whole witchiness of it all.
Anders did nothing wrong
>The ONLY reason I care is for the Solavellan angle.
I guess I don't get it. Your romance happened 10 years ago. Why do you care to see it ruined in a "sequel" where you'll get a crumb of closure at best?
no shit
its still a shit moniker
to be fair to morrigans terrible taste shes probably bored shitless being alone with her mother in the wilds
I like it, chess is nice
Chess dude
Did Morrigan and Flemeth ever.. you know...
Has the dialogue in veilguard been leaked yet?
Is it good?
It's funny. I kind of want to repost stuff I found on /v/, which would be relevant to your question, but it's so cringy it would feels like shitposting.
I'm expecting it to be generic marvel tier writing, but I hold some hope that bioware isn't all that bad...
jesus christ what did they do to the qunari
I don’t know but they are hideous
>only 2 options
>>You've chosen to encourage Taash by focusing on the benefits of a multicultural background
wow that was not anywhere near as bad as I had expected with all I've read about it
seems kinda nice if you can actually influence your companions viewpoints and whatnot
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>mfw broghaine
He did nothing wrong.
He poisoned Jarl Emon lil bro
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Can we get a waifu poll like /bgg/ has
just make one
Okay then
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I really can't think of anything they could do that would "ruin" it in any way that matters. I want to see the conclusion of an unfinished story idk what's hard to get about that.
cute lavellan
Post you're cute Lavellan
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She's called Brandi
Brandi Love?
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NO. Brandi like that girl in the song by Looking Glass.

thanks <3
This 1 is cute
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Thank you :3
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how comfy is the lighthouse going to be?
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Do not listen to him. We must make the Tevinter Imperium great again and ensure a future for the Altus.
Ok I've a lore theory: the Archdemons and the Evanuris are very closely related. In Veilguard, only 2 elven gods break free - Ghilan'nain and Elgar nan. The remaining 5 of the pantheon are missing and we don't know why. Now hear me out, how many archdemons have the wardens killed so far? 5! And how many archdemons are still left? 2!

I bet Ghilanain and Elgarnan are going to use the remaining 2 archdemons - Lusacan and Razikale - for something sinister. Maybe their soul is partially trapped in these dragons and there objective would to be search and unite with them to fully awaken their power? And Rook's objective would be to stop them? We'll see. I'm 100% sure we're gonna get the answer to what the blight actually is, and how the archdemons and elven gods are truely related.
Sorry, my Lavellan is a dirty race traitor for Cullen
god that's fucking hot
I make it sound cruder than it is, but I just thought it's a good romance with a good payoff in Trespasser. Also considering that Lavellan can call Solas 'hahren' (elder) feels to me that he fulfills more of a mentor role. Especially a mage Lavellan.
Blood Magic users are all racists, so they are no welcome apparently
>Your advisor is an apostate?
>Over my dead body!
I dont remember her auto aggroing bcuz morrigan before. Guess Im team templar now
>hitting page 9 a mere day after the first thread
we are dead as fuck
literally only hope is veilguard reignites interest after 10 years
Not really liking this 2 handed warrior in DAO. Might reroll to dw rogue or mage.
Has 2H warrior been fun in literally any of the games
I rolled it cuz its the one Im least familiar with having never used it myself or sten really.
I like the crazy backstabbing dmg with rogue, but playing a mage is a lotta fun in DAO.
>3. I killed an arl's son for raping my friend.
Backstories are cool.
when are the veilguard sex scenes getting leaked?
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To what exent does no blood magic affect the Mage Question? Without maleficar, does the title of "apostale mage" still hold enough weight?
4 or 5 days
You've been the victim of misinformation, probably on purpose. They are not removing blood mages, and maleficar stiff exist as a problem in the world. What the developers actually said is that blood magic will not be part of Rook's personal backstory, meaning you can't play as one in this game. Very different things.

It's too early to vote. We haven't even met the companions yet. What if the person that you think is physically attractive in the current promo pictures turns out to be super cringe once they talk in game?
What if best girl is a side npc who we haven't seen yet and is not part of the poll?
Maybe the dedicated Dragon Age thread can finally tell me why so many people hate Iron Bull?
They hate him cause he broke Origins qun lore with his trans buddy. Maybe cause he’s super gay too.
I hate him cause he’s an ugly bara, and the marketing for Inquisition focused hard on him yet he never stood out to me for the companions.
Woke ass, DEI and ESG infested, LGTV game
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da4 could either be the best bioware game in years, incredibly mid, or flop of the year, but one thing i know for certain is it will never be perfection since they'll never have her

still hyped to play it though
origins was ok, 2 would be goated if they all didn't have the same exact face. 3 is where it peaked.
You know it's a literally who character when you're forced to google it.
Kids, lemme tell you a story about a developer named Bioware...
This was in the Beforetimes of course...
>snoring sounds
>someone is possibly defecating on the other side of the room
Only 3 days left. Is there a build planner somewhere we can look at to plan ahead?
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>male human noble warrior
>romance morrigan
>two handed fighting style
>spirit warrior specialization
>name dog Barkspawn
>save connor
>save eamon
>save the mages
>save the ashes of andraste
>make peace with elves and werewolves
>bhelen on the throne
>destroy the anvil
>dagna leaves for the circle
>take grimoire peacefully
>retrieve stens sword
>reconcile wynne and aneirin
>reconcile gheyna and cammen
>reconcile oghren and felsi
>put ruck down mercifully
>put tamlen down mercifully
>give templar cookies
>avernus research with ethics
>harden alistair
>harden leliana
>have the threesome
>have the ritual
>unite all of Ferelden
>personally kill howe
>personally kill vaughan
>personally kill marjolaine
>persoanlly kill taliesen
>personally kill uldred
>personally kill jowan
>personally kill branka
>personally kill kolgrim
>personally kill the broodmother
>personally kill the archdemon
>alistair & anora on the throne
>friends with everyone
>redeem loghain
>side with the architect
>fight with the messenger
>save both amarathine and vigils keep
>hook finn and ariane up
>go into the portal with morrigan
>sit and watch entire credits to 30 Seconds to Mars This is War

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