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Extra Piss Edition

>The Final Shape
>Episode: Revenant
>Destiny Rising

TWAB (24/10): https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/twid_10_24_2024
Update https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny_update_8_1_0_2
Developer Insight - Raids and Dungeons: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/raids_and_dungeons
Developer Insight - Combatant Modifiers and More: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/combatant_modifiers
Developer Insight - Next Generation Armor: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/next_gen_armor
Developer Insight - Solo Ops: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/solo_ops

DIM: https://app.destinyitemmanager.com/
Armor Picker: https://d2armorpicker.com/
API: https://www.light.gg/
Stats: https://destinytracker.com/
Braytech: https://braytech.org/
PressKits: https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2
Gunsmith: https://d2foundry.gg/

>TTK, Buffs/Debuffs, DPS, etc...

Previous: >>499763881
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There are actual grown men who unironically find this pissing from the ass meme funny.
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So if Saint-14 is a Lawbringer, what's his equivalent to Daubeny?
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Was it money well spent?
better than the gay shit you post
most of the shit on this website is incredibly unfunny so I'm not shocked
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piss pajeet is based and im not going to pretend otherwise
truth shit tho, thats pure shite
I sincerely doubt any of the sony money went to Marathon. That shit is red flags on red flags.
They just recently said that Marathon is too far in development to switch to free to play from the $40 pricetag.
Friendly reminder this was the exact sentence defend to use Concord, and it made as little sense then as it does now.
>Make game.
>It's a f2p genre.
>It has f2p style season passes.
Marathon is gonna flop, and it definitely didnt' see the sony money. That shit went to their new multi-billion headquarters.
What killed the hype
your judaism
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what was daubeny deal again
no hesitation is the best gun in the game
>d2 died so that marathon could die harder
god bless
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Too lazy for war
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He was actually smart. He saw the writing on the wall and knew the Blackstones were going to do bad shit and wanted out. It takes some balls to desert. Him making the Warden his second was smart too. He puts his best foot forward while making Holden put his second instead of fighting himself. The best part is the Warden took all the heat while Daubeny got away clean. While everyone is fighting and dying for years, this guy is chilling at some beach somewhere surrounded by chicks. Daubeny won before the game chronologically started.
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Play Warframe
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I play both, wake me up when Xaku Prime drops
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November 13
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I still want a MEGA-Tool.
Sex with Reb
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hags@bungie when
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>the assblasted nigger that had a meltie about for honor but is saying nothing about the cuckframe poster
hmm, i'm noticing
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Based jailbird
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>me with my Truth
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Velkhana > hags
I see this general going the way of the katawa shoujo general given the way are here right now
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After getting icebreaker i really hope they rework it and make it actually worth using
>Goygeon weapon getting reworked
Never ever
PC crashed out if nowhere
>going the way of the katawa shoujo general
whats going on over there?
So Destiny is dead for real now...
I can't believe it.
What killed it?
its over......
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I can't play for honor ever since season 2 centurion, the game pisses me off way to much
The infinite combo's long gone.
When I began playing Destiny 10 years ago, I could never imagine it would end up like this. Genuinely thought it would be a good hit of a game.
Oh i know i returned for a bit in season 3, the game pisses me off way to much
Bungie did. This was suicide
The looter shooter genre's cursed. Nothing can kill anything but themselves.
Ah… borderlands…
next person to doompost has to take me to dinner
Yeah they have to take us to dinner. They have to pay for both of us and take us to a nice movie after too.
Would anon approve if Fikrul dual wielded axes in Destiny?
does it play the fanatic theme?
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>that time roman called everyone bitching about cent a shitter
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Same stuff is still happening today. People claimed Pirate was bad for a while now and she has received zero changes and she's the most used character by over double the amount of the next one in a tourney.

The game is full of delusional players about their favorite characters.
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>shinobi got unSOVL because shitters couldn't deal with a stupid gimmick that was extremely situational
i will never forgive them
It was a much more innocent time and despite on the cusp of things changing, the average consumer was way less informed. It was easy for Bungie to pull a bunch of good marketing and promise the world when people didn't know any better and were open minded to see what could potentially come next. Double edge sword of the taint of content creation, their influence is inescapable but you can find a relative consensus of just how badly a game fucking sucks nowadays.
I am willing to bet my entire life savings that one of the biggest pushes with Marathon will be to bad mouth state of FPSs(whether legit or not), talk about Bungie magic that only Destiny and Halo had, and other nonsense that's putting lipstick on a pig. The fact they already scaled back the "make your own guy, customization for expression" with those murmurs of it being a hero shooter already sunk my fellow fashionfags, not to say characters in Destiny ever looked good. I just don't think it has any good chance even among people who try to stay positive
why are there so many trannies? I literally cant stop finding them after 2018
I never run into trannies. Why are you running into so many? Why are you drawn to them?
Tranny Dev
Tranny Game
Tranny community
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So I just went around in the other generals and literally no other general cares/posts/ is this obssessed with trannies as /dg/ is, so I have to ask, what the fuck is actually wrong with you faggots that you literally cannot stop talking about trannies every single hour of every single day?
NTA but at least half of the /dg/ clan are troons
You must like tranny content, I don't see tranny anything on the internet.
Did they start that way or did it happen after playing Destiny for a while
>I don't see tranny anything on the internet.

You are using 4chan. Stop lying on the internet.
Too be fair a lot of lfgs I end up in have at least one and destiny tries to pander to them a lot
listen its not my fault the games I so happen to play are infested with trannys
I dont even know why trannys like destiny so much
>talk about Bungie magic that only Destiny and Halo had
The horrid jank? The crunches? The abuse and whining?
I don't see any trannies here or in the generals I browse.
>listen its not my fault the games I so happen to play are infested with trannys
Anon do you have something you want to tell the class
>literally no other general cares/posts/ is this obssessed with trannies as /dg/ is
We used to only occasionally talk about them but here recently its been one mentally ill autist constantly bringing them up.
No I dont know what you mean
Trannies from the beginning
So destiny is confirmed a tranny game which makes all of you trannies
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>destiny rising is an alternate timeline
How? I thought the witness won if every time line but our own. Like some end game shit. Isn't that the very reason Elsie kept on looping?
The main NPC for Neomuna was an FTM and one of the main post campaign npc of an MTF.
how does playing a game make you trans?
does playing a white straight man game make me a straight white man?
This is also right after the collapse so the Witness and the Guardian going full retard in Black Heart are still in the future
Alt timeline means we get to be the guardian that learns darkness and then goes crazy and kills everyone
Translock sisters..... The general is turning against us.....
Warlocks are not the tranny class
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Titrannies actually
>That shit is red flags on red flags.
concord had more and still got that dosh
sony retards have more money than sense
How did guardian powers become so uniform anyway? Shin pops golden gun one day, and what, other hunters view that as the pinnacle of solar?
I would have been trying to force out solar machine guns and launchers and shit like that.
Trannies are today's furries
>ruining nerd spaces
We see Crow make a solar Iron Banner axe, so my theory is that guardians do all kinds of other things with the light that we don't see, it's just uniform for gameplay and balance. Plus some techniques are probably considered better than others so people use those the most.
There's some in-universe elitism like Hunters refusing to say anything about Warlocks giving them Blink.
icebreaker is good chud, we totally needed a worse version of cloudstrike
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>Warlocks are not the tranny cl-ACK
Is any of the updated prophecy shit worth grinding for?
I'd just like to go back to when playing a game was an enjoyable experience, I don't know if it's just me getting old.
One thing I more or less dislike, is that I'm used to playing action and shooter games, they have always been my genres. So whenever I play anything that isn't those, I feel like something is missing and isn't right.
they're all mediocre
holy moly....
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Because it's a perfect storm of... everything. Game is in """bad""" state, studio is demoralized, /dg/ has been doomer general since Lightfall, if not sooner, they keep annoying white boomers from their Halo days, nuBungie are preachy as fuck and been annoying with their "X at Bungie", and all that progressive stuff actually had a negative impact on game, that even normies had enough of it and lashed out on lame Osiris x Saint tumblr-tier fic.
Trannies is a meme that stuck around, because shitposting is the only thing left for us.
Oblivion goblin shaman cosplay looking good
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Me wearing a Shaxx costume got hit by a void bow from another Shaxx last game. Somehow still won even though two of our team were bots.
they all have better or sufficient substitutes you can get elsewhere
Genuinely shocked absolutely no one is talking about how bungie creative studios is being pulled
can you really pull what doesn't exist
Shinobi NEEDED to be change because it was BROKEN on every level, you'd only say the opposite because you don't understand how retarded pre-rework Shinobi was, and no this isn't just about ranged attacks, everything about them was Broken in both a good and bad way
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were they even working on d2?
honestly i'd rather have them cut the cord and just say hey fuck destiny instead of leading people on after witch queen or just say fuck it and cut off the tumor that is the marathon remake
Lightbearers can use their power to make or do almost anything they can think of. The Light abilities we have are just pulled out of training manuals that the Vanguard put together to get New Lights prepared to fight as quickly and efficiently as possible. Stasis abilities are either made up by us or a result of trying to copy House Salvation, and strand abilities were all thought up by us and Osiris.
Not answering the door for hunter and warlock trick-or-treaters.
>nova bombs your shitty house
I've spent more time playing For Honor with the Saint-14 skin than I've actually used Saint-14's helmet in Destiny.
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>helm of saint 14 was a plate glued onto a blue helmet
>regular legendary armor but new bits added on
no fricking way...
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forgot my image
with how they reworked it, it will stay that way.
Just found out you can have sex with women.
Is this real?
what the hell is a women
New content patch irl?
We lost another gamer, bros.
Fan status?
always on 24/7
this sound pleases the mind and soul
[Sad News] The fans have completely given up trying to defend Bungie
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lol their RNG is 100% broken and has been for at least for the last two seasons
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Why warlock have saggy titties?
anti-crafting s-s-sisters???? our response????????
What determines the strength of exotics in the lore? I can understand some magical hive weapon being a force of nature, but what makes manufactured guns like Thunderlord so strong?
they yellow
It’s just a fun gameplay mechanic that denotes a weapons importance.
Bad JuJu gets its power from ahamkara bullshit. But Suros Regime is just a gun made by a weapon foundry.
Some weapons and armor have tangible things that give them power, others are just given power because they belonged to someone else. Don’t question it too much
you for-got dey yallow
Really just classification. I bet there's no in-universe reason you can't equip all exotics.

There's no real lore reason besides some of it. Sure, black hole guns like Graviton Lance and straight up Hive God or comparable shit like Touch of Malice deserves a category above but Suros Regime is an entirely mundane weapon. Similar for Cerberus+1 being a frankengun with an exotic power source. The enemy-guns-turned-exotics are the definition of exotic but is anyone putting a freaking Shock Pistol named Dreg's Promise or not!Bolter issued to every Cabal named Skyburner's Oath on the same level as literal gods turned into guns?
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>go...guardians are starting to question exotic classification and limitations!
I am now sad that there's no Guardian with a shit ton of guns like Neo during the lobby scene and all of them have autoloading holster. Maybe he somehow doesn't know how to reload guns so he constantly swaps between his dozens of on-person weapons.
Scorn approaching
give me a demo for it
there is plenty of them
kek, Hunterbro btw
If you play a female, you are a troon
If you play a warlock, you are a troon
Even Lance and Nathan?
I play female warlock so it cancels out
titans and warlocks are straight
hunters are gay
I unironically met a female warlock the other day that turned out to be a troon…
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Warlords predate classes.
>my mind is riddled with troons everywhere i look troons live rent free in my head that female character a troon that tree a troon that car a troon that mailbox a troon if it isnt a mans ass i can stare at all day its a troon forget about logic thats a troon mindset all i can think about is troons and staring at a mans ass cause thats not gay at all thats self inserting so if i self insert everyone else must be too cause troons is all i can think about that neighbor of mine married to a woman troon my church pastor who talks about jesus mother a woman troon trump talking about grabbing them by the pussy troon if it isnt a man troon rent free everyday and everynight troons is all i think if it isnt a man so i have to self insert as a man if not i am not a man i am troon fuck finding a girlfriend or a wife that would be troon cause that would mean i want to be a woman if im with a woman if its not just me staring at a mans ass all day and all night its troon
Ok troon
uh oh the schizos cant refute it lol lmao
why does felwinter have a warlock?

Troon bitch
I want to go back bros
fuck me i hate phone auto correct
I mean, I do play females and I am a troon. I do have a Warlock and I am a troon. This adds up.
Surly a Bleach crossover would save the game.
Same sis…
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I play a female titan and yes I am a troonbian
>hoil focused
>class item drop
>not hoil
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>focus hoil
>first drop is hoil synthos
fuck off fuff, you didnt even have it focused
also there is no DOWNLOAD button on github
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perk attunement for every single gun in the game when?
>he STILL hasn't found the download button
oh no no no
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pretty offtopic but I'm curious
why is there some fag in thread obsessed with trannies anyway? it's really fucking gay, I assume he's a groomer or something but who knows
shut the fuck up tranny
ive already explained it before but i will repeat myself ONCE more

Tranny is the worst thing one can be
Nigger faggots are common now, its not an insult anymore
there are unironic nigger faggots in this very thread (you)
No shit we will call each other tranny
>nooo don't expose the /dg/ trannies!!!!
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pls add cute catboys to Destiny bungie
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/wfg/ is making fun of us again.....
someone had to have pissed him off in some way or maybe hes new here idk cause i dont ever remember anyone going on and on about them at the begining of revenant. regardless hes being a giga autist who needs to shut the fuck up
didnt ask
Troontard warlock ALERT!
wild samefagging, almost on the level of frame troony
you would think with the new anti spam measures this general would have gotten better
How much actual content is there for a f2p? I know most of the major stuff is locked behind dlc but I still kind of wanted to check it out again.
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jesus fuck you people are damn near as mentally ill as the people you keep talking about.
>tranny is loosing it
dares of eternity is free, 1 free dungeon, 3 free raids
quite a bit of stuff desu, but nothing seasonal / campaign related, a lot of exotics are also locked behind paywall. Give it a try and if you do decide to buy anything do it on sale
Cool, I saw that it was still on sale on humble bundle after just missing the steam sale so at least I'd have just over a week to decide.
I miss the old general design philosophy on Titan and Warlock visors, where Titans usually had a t-shaped one and Warlocks had v-shaped ones; I think Hunter’s was “gas mask” I think, can’t really remember
>T for Titan and V for Vwarlock
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>Gayloman troonies seething again
It’s simple and I think it worked
Nah I just think it's funny a V is more visually striking
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Translock sisters, were there early signs?
this but unironic, looks kino af
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These look good as well
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gyat zamn that hunter is gonna get it
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Remember, don't argue with "people" who attempt to strawman and cherry-pick.
bro you are only making me harder
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I think I'm gonna try out Hunter when this finishes downloading.
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i would play d1 if i didnt have to pay extra kike tax for online
This was the playstation exclusive armor set right?
Neuroghast, yeah.
>scripted toutroon get #45
pls gib cute trans character Bungie <3
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My favorite
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>friend desperately wants Conditional Finality
>other friend got it on his very first clear a while ago
>he gets it AGAIN last night
>I get it the next run
>friend does not get it
>he's now the only one in our group without it
RNG works in mysterious and hilarious ways
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I love how Shiro and that set can trace their lineage back to the same concept art.
thats me whenever i explicitly want something opposed to usual "eh i wouldnt mind to have it"

Learn to identify patterns, learn how to manipulate
"rng", learn how to take advantage of reality waves
some people dont have friends and thats sad
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I used to be in an old raid group and there was this person that wanted 1K Voices but every time we all ran the raid rng would miss her. It got so bad she was the only one in the group without the exotic and we kept mocking her about it.
I miss them all.
the super energy you get back from ballidorse wrathweavers is sad
neuroghast my beloved...
they've reworked that exotic 20 times its just not gonna work, frost pulse and the super is are two abysmal aspect of stasislock
atleast it works for boss damage now
warlock stasis super needs to go
it doesnt help either that we only get 4 fragment slots and that bungie doesnt implement what an anon suggested awhile back which was making the harvest aspects already built into the subclass.
But yes its just not gonna work at least as a support item.. they need to do something like making frost pulse while having ballidorse equipped turns the rift into something... kinda like icefall mantle replacing the barricade or hoarfrost.
The super? I suppose so. It could be nice with chill inhibitor also because of the x4 I think weapon surge you get.
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Why does this look 10x more soulful than the shit destiny gets..
The hellscape stretched on endlessly, smothered in a haze of ash and blood-red light. The Titan moved through it with calculated purpose, her armor dulled by layers of grime and battle-scars, the echoes of defeated enemies fading in her wake. She scanned the desolate ground, searching for something known only to her heart and intuition. The air was heavy, thick with a sense of hidden purpose, a pull that guided her to a lone, worn chest, half-buried in the scorched earth.

Kneeling beside it, she brushed away the caked dust, her fingers trembling as she lifted the lid. Inside lay fragments of a weapon, pieces that held the faintest glint of something powerful and old. She shifted through them, the weight in her chest growing as she uncovered each part, until her eyes landed on an emblem, a golden tree, etched carefully into the metal. Her pulse quickened, a hollow ache filling her as recognition dawned. She had seen that emblem before, in quiet, fleeting moments when her mentor’s past glimmered in the light, revealing slivers of a story never fully told.

The realization struck like a blow, a raw, inescapable truth seeping into her bones. This was her mentor’s weapon, a tool forged in the fires of a life lived fiercely, now broken and hidden in this forsaken place. She lifted the emblem, its familiar mark bringing with it the weight of loss and a purpose yet to be fulfilled. Her mind raced as she pieced together the truth: the weapon had been buried here, its power hidden and waiting, held back by her mentor’s fear, fear she now understood all too well. The weapon, when whole, could consume life, drawing it out in exchange for terrible strength, and in the hands of one without a ghost, its use was a death sentence.

Clutching the emblem to her chest, she stood, her path now irrevocably clear. She would find her mentor, this silent guide who had shaped her path and quietly guarded her heart.
When she found her, standing amidst the ancient trees of a forgotten forest, the Hunter’s gaze softened, a glimmer of both pride and acceptance within her eyes. Without a word, she turned, leading the Titan deeper into the woods, past the whispering leaves and shadowed trails until they arrived at a small cabin, worn and lonely, nestled among the pines. The Hunter paused, her gaze lingering on the weathered walls as if they held memories beyond sight. Her eyes spoke volumes, this was where it had all begun for her, where she had been reborn as a Guardian, in a world far removed from her former life.

In the clearing, the Hunter took a step back, unsheathing her blade with a quiet, unwavering resolve. Her expression was one of calm purpose, each movement a silent declaration. She would not allow her protégé to stagnate, held back by unfulfilled longing and unspoken grief. She raised her blade, inviting her mentee to meet her not as a friend, but as an equal.

The Titan’s heart broke beneath the weight of unspoken farewells, yet she understood. She drew her own weapon, a deep, reverent breath steadying her as she took her stance. Their duel began, a fierce and elegant exchange of blows in the stillness of the forest. They moved as if bound by a shared rhythm, each strike a testament to the bond they had forged through years of battles and quiet moments, of silent admiration and restrained feelings.

As they squared off in the silence of the forest, the Titan felt an icy dread settle in her bones. The Hunter moved with unwavering precision, wielding her knives and gun in perfect tandem, each strike and shot infused with the fierce determination of a warrior who had weathered countless battles. She gave no quarter, her every movement a testament to her skill and resolve, her strikes landing with lethal intent. The Titan met her with fists and bullets, each blow a powerful surge, but with every clash, the weight of what was unfolding grew heavier.
The duel became a storm of violence, the air crackling as their shots rang out, each impact more intense than the last. The Titan’s fists struck with bone-shaking force, and the realization settled into her mind with dreadful clarity: she would overpower her mentor. Her strength was undeniable, terrifying in its raw intensity, and with each devastating punch and shot, the truth clawed at her heart. She was going to win this fight, and every step closer to victory only deepened her terror.

The final blow came like a thunderclap, reverberating through the clearing with an explosive crack that silenced everything around them. The force struck the Hunter, and as she staggered, the Titan saw a look in her mentor’s eyes, a gaze filled not with fear but with a fierce pride and profound peace. She had given her all, and her purpose was fulfilled.

The Hunter fell to her knees, her breath shallow, and her movements slowed as she reached into her cloak. Her hand emerged, holding the final piece of her weapon, the piece that had once made her whole. She pressed it into the Titan’s hands, her fingers lingering, her eyes softening as she imparted her legacy with a silent benediction.

The Titan knelt beside her, grief tightening in her throat as she watched the light fade from her mentor’s eyes for the final time, with no ghost to resurrect it. The forest stood silent, bearing witness to her agony as she clutched the weapon parts to her chest, an uncontainable scream tearing free, echoing through the trees and reaching to the sky. She remained there, trembling, consumed by the pain of loss, as the weight of her mentor’s legacy settled within her.
i can fix her
In the days that followed, she returned to her city quarters, carrying the fragments of the weapon with a resolve carved from grief and fury. She rebuilt the handgun, piece by careful piece, each part a memory and a promise. When the weapon was complete, its green and gold gleamed in the light, and the emblem of the golden tree stood as a solemn reminder of her mentor’s strength and sacrifice.

From that day forward, she wielded only this weapon and her own two fists, facing her enemies with a fire that burned unyielding.
Every enemy that crossed her path met the fury of her fists, her strikes landing with a precision born of purpose, her bullets ripping through the air with deadly finality. There was no hesitation, no restraint, only the brutal certainty that she would not be stopped. She was no longer the protégé, she was the reckoning.

Those who dared stand before her felt the sheer force of her wrath, each blow a silent vow that nothing would prevent her from carving a path forward. The light that had faded in her mentor’s eyes now burned in her own, fierce and unbreakable. She fought with a single-minded fury, unstoppable and relentless, leaving nothing but ruin in her wake.

From this point forward, she would be a force beyond fear, a storm bearing down on anything foolish enough to challenge her. She would honor her mentor, her weapon blazing a trail of destruction until her purpose was complete, until there was nothing left in her path but silence.
So yea, that's what my dream was last night.
Well I didnt read it but it looks well written. Is the mentor supposed to be you or are you the titan or are the characters random
Neither of them looked like my characters, so I'd say they're just random characters.
Bungie could never.
That's an actually interesting story.
The hoarfrost crystal barricade taunts enemies correct? or is that only for the normal barricades
What fucking dosh did it get? They spent 400 million on making that turd and in the end refunded every single one of the 12 sales they actually made. They didn't get shit but a spot in the unemployment line.
>Warlords predate classes.
What you're saying is...
Warlords are...
Guys, hear me out.
Destiny 1 legacy.
Listen, wait, don't change away, just listen.
Destiny 1, with all its content. Re-released as an offline game (peer to peer co-op like borderlands)
But updated with all the modern amenities, you know, 4k resolution, 120fps, FOV slider, etc...
Sure but only if they say destiny 2 never happened and make a good story that continues from the end of 1.
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>Make a good story
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>resident nigger hunter main shills his youtube channel
when will you kill yourself faggot?
Like I give a shit you got him block I was just mildly amused by the joke in the vid, what the fuck is wrong with you dude?
>nigger whole shtick is being a nigger and parroting dg
I also sent fuck ton of reports, might copyright some videos. i hope you die
Wouldn't know it's literally my first time seeing his video, you genuinely need to calm down.
there is no going back on this one nigger
shouldnt have shilled your dogshit channel
You have fun with that mental breakdown schizo, tell us how it works out for you when you're back from the ER for slitting your wrists while screeching about niggers.
who are you talking to
im gonna cum
Sad how a whole thread can be ruined by one schizoid having a full-blown episode.
>nigger seethe
keep pretending like you are welcomed here, you should have stayed quiet
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>nigger melty
funny cuz thats all americans ever go on about
race race race
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i believe in pic rel
>nigger wants to be with whites
ofc you do
i get the feeling that its the same dude that goes on and on about trannies
>nigger and a tranny found each other
When there is new content we can talk about destiny
>Didn't bother with SE because witness dps looks like cancer and I hate puzzleslop raids
>looked forward to the dungeon cuz i liked warlords (too bad the weapons in WR sucked, so there was no reason to farm outside of the rocket pistol)
>Vesper dps is even more autistic
>Suddenly remember this video
YFW this guy isn't an absurd outlier, its who the game is being designed for now
I fucking hate this video not because it's autistic but because he felt the need to defend titan as actually strong when it plainly wasn't. The same patch that had this guy doing 4.5 mil per phase had hunters doing upwards of 8 fucking mil per phase.
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He is not doign anything special tho, you can sit in one place with well shooting whisper / grand overture / thunderlord or you can jump around with anarchy gl and conseslop
>you can sit in one place with well shooting whisper / grand overture / thunderlord
You'll still die through well
im a shitter and i remember pulling 8mil on hunter at that point in time
There are 2 place where you can just sit in well. Jumping around with anarchy and special gl is also braindead easy


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so what is vesper and who is the host?
>2 hunters and a warlock
So titan is still garbage
I see.
akhtually titan is the way to go for entire dungeon, both solo or in group
>need to abuse invis(hunter thing)
you need to abuse conseslop not invis (which is abundant on every class now). Soloing this dungeon on hunter is cbt, doing in group you NEED translock
here is salt doing pure solar
here is some random shitter on console doing pure solar and levi
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>So titan is still garbage
whats consoleslop
transmatic consecrations with synthos
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>using pure solar
They didn't beat the dungeon
shut up ender
i still have no idea how they do not fall down every fucking time
keep talking ender
Underage warlock upskirts
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well hold on now, maybe we can sort out the whole translock thing ToT
Hello datto/cammycakes/watchwalla/saltagreppo/paultassi/deej/robertbrookes
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i bet at least a half of that is just thirdies earning money for food.
As far as I know Warframe doesn't have action houses or any way to change plat into money, I think
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I'm a white straight male ask me anything
Why do you pretend you aren't gay?
Oh Robert... are you mad you can't use your gay hypno mind tricks against me again? It's ok to accept defeat
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>Implying anyone here knows how to make a pipe bomb
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>nigger pootuber still mad
Dam they were right Whisper is shit damage
you need gazilion buffs and debuffs for it to do 120k, otherwise its barely doing 59k~
>>Implying anyone here knows how to make a pipe bomb
It's not that hard. Without looking it up, you just need two chemicals that are inert on their own but cause a pressure build up when they're together. Then you just need to build some sort of mechanism that starts mixing the chemicals together after a specific amount of time.
Now look up some chemistry and there you have your pipe bomb.
actually i think 59k~ is the max since that vid is on contest, 100k~ is on normal
People here have problems with simple video game mechanics that are literally about matching images and you think anyone here knows anything about chemicals or how to build a simple mixer?
i bet i can build a pipe bomb
>local Hidden attempt to flush out anti-fallen troublemakers by posting "bet you don't know how to build an ether bomb" on VanChan
ah shit not again
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>Racism outside of /b/
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>aaaah save me tranny janny, im being oppressed!
Give us the shaxx-lite armor in D2 please…
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Can you nigger trannies fuck off back to discord or whatever /trash/heap you crawled out from
I’m only racist against titaniggers and translocks. Sometimes even fellow huntiggers. I especially hate players who get in my way in activities or when Im jumping and we block of bounce off each other. Stupid ,retard monkeys.
>Titroon melty incoming
The general really takes a dive when amerimutts and third worldersare awake
>That one BDF troon is having another meltdown
chest and legs were turned into iron banner armor, there is a similar looking helmet but i couldnt find class item or gauntlets. Personally i want far right one
What's the difference?
Ummm foreskin status???
I am going to glim your shit weapons
[Good News] Warframes playerbase continues to increase as Destinys plummets
/dg/sisters...... /wfg/chads are making fun of us again.......
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>frame troony is back and samefagging again
ugh, will we ever rid ourselves of this infestation
You are fat and have no foreskin
You cannot escape America. One day we will invade your country and build McDonald's and Walmarts everywhere! That is... if we haven't already, heh.
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>got pVp roll i wanted on trials adept
>got godroll for Tomorrows Answer
noice, won’t have to touch trials ever again this episode
I swear, we'll colonize mars and the first business that opens up there will be mcdonalds
But did you get the new flawless shader?
am not sure, let me check
>Eurotards staying up past their bedtimes
Careful, the Somalis might hear you
i don’t see it, the Shaded Envy one.
heard it was bugged but if i didn’t get it’s not a big deal for me
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>Throwing hammer is probably the most iconic titan ability in the game
>still no exotic for it
>No, wormgods and synthos dont count
Mini hammer exotic that makes your mini hammer explode for a shit load of damage while consuming the entire charge
dunemarchers used to give your hammer lightning aoe but that was too fun so they disabled that side effect.
>Path of Burning steps rework
>2 hammer charges
>hammer now explodes on contact, igniting any enemies struck directly by the hammer
>cannot be retrieved
>solar final blows refund 10% melee energy
>can't be retrieved
>you hurl your hammer and it whiffs through the skirts/between the legs/under the fucking armpit of your target
>waste the charge since you can't pick it back up
I know you want more grenades but turning your melee into another grenade isn't it.
>Forgelord’s Sling
>Arm exotic, Iron lord aesthetic
>Throwing hammers now bounce back to you after hitting an enemy with aggressive tracking, can hit targets on it’s way back dealing reduced damage them and scorching them
>if you miss it bounces off a surface and tracks to the nearest enemy but you need to pick it up like normal
>increases the hammers size
>Killing a minor enemy creates a solar explosion that scorches and killing majors or bosses create an ignitions with a larger radius depending on which one.
>Adds a second hammer charge that bungie will remove or tweak after the episode it is introduced
New Titan exotic
>The further you toss your throwing hammer, the more damage it does. Hit melee input again to recall the hammer back to your hand
There, hire ne Bungie
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Yea the problem I find with hammers is that the game wants you to whip them across a battlefield and then go to grab it but 99% of the time i cant retrieve it because its in dangerous territory, and its lack of tracking means that you can easily whiff that shit in the best circumstances. Ultimately this leads to sunbreakers only ever using it in point fucking blank
The point of making it un-retreivable is that you can now chuck it without fretting about retrieval.

This but its a class item exotic and its mark of the sunforged
vesper final boss sucks so much cock

leave some for the rest of us
they should make an exotic that lets you recall whiffed hammers. Or just have it come back on its own if it doesn't hit anything (walls/floor included) within three seconds of being thrown.
Are the troonframe shillers troonlock players????
Honestly I like it, though isn't sunbreaker's main issue that they don't have a boss damage super without pyrogales (which still leave them with a somewhat conditional slam/tracking wave super)?
All subclasses should be able to have 6 fragment slots
>hammer damage without synthoceps
Baseline Burning Maul used to be okay, but the ignition nerf fucked it.
Bungie wants Subreakers to actually throw the hammer as a ranged attack, but genuinely doesn't understand that there's very little value from doing so. Yay, a dead red bar dreg and a sunspot. Either make the hammer last way longer on the field or let it automatically return. For an example of what Bungie unironically wants for Sunbreaker and throwing hammer, just look at Arcane Needles.

If pyrogales is viable as a damage source vs a boss you might as well use Behemoth, because Quake just does retarded amounts of damage, so much so that just popping Lost Signal + Anarchy then spamming RMB as Behemoth does more damage, as well has having retarded amounts of healing through Icefall.
Compared to instant supers that let you go back to a weapon swap rotation?
Remember when they 'buffed' Hallowfire and actually made it worse, and haven't said anything about it since
You don’t like how they turned it into a shittier version of post nerf inmost light? How would you rework it smart guy?
Focus on its primary use pre-solar 3.0, namely thermite grenade spam. There's Ashen Wake for fusions, but thermites were exclusive to Sunbreaker and I don't think there's ever been an exotic focused on them specifically.
>durr make everyone more op in a constant cycle until nothing matters
Shut up retard. Anyone who agrees with the idea of there being total waste of a slot exotics are part of the problem. Exotics should be more rare, but also much stronger. Destiny has some of the lamest exotic/unique/etc tier of loot I’ve ever seen. The shit to strong ratio is out of wack and even things in the middle of the pack can be so nice it’s more for fucking around in strikes than anything that truly matters or is beneficial.
I just want to have fun
the amount of possible exotics is infinite
thus some of them are going to be bad because there are not infinite good ideas
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Fun is having your balls twisted by one piece of content for 20 hours and having nothing to show for it.
That’s a poor excuse since it’s not like we have had more useful ones in the past and they slowly got worse, the quality has been all over the place where outliers on both ends can drop at the same time. Good ideas can still happen and this is a dev creativity problem and very possibly hire ups shutting down good ideas. We won’t have endless good and interesting exotics, but we have more total trash than good ones. And now the creativity is so low they try to rework old ones and just give them an elemental damage boost and call it a day.
it is not an excuse, it is a fact
exotics were never ever created to be equal
What's the acceptable useless:useful ratio?
They can still be good or fun in different ways. There is zero excuse to waste dev time on items no one will ever use.
That doesn't sound like fun :( can we just have content that doesn't completely mind fuck you or is a slog to complete with unique and interesting rewards plz. Also i wish my primary weapon did more damage
It's up
look at ... EVERYTHING of year 1 exotics
You lost to a bunch of dirt farmers in pajamas and had to exit their country in the middle of the night, your ships are always breaking down and getting stuck in the repair bays and your soon to be president is the little bitch of putin while your entire country are slaves to the kikes

The only thing you're going conquering is your greasy bucket of food
When they talked about exotic class items, that picture is what I imagined, I was really happy they would bring it back and then they revealed those monstrosities, at least the warlock one is small enough to ignore but holy shit titans and hunters got fucked hard, with hunter being the worst one
What about them? A lot of them are simple and destiny was a simpler game at the time. They were dumbed down to fit the weird competitive shit they wanted to push and exotics got expanded on since they abandoned that awful idea. Yet some of the more useful ones from early D2 are still used while some newer ones get immediately trashed by the community. Just look at those pointless new titan legs. Some launch reworks have been good like lucky pants and peacekeepers or just fucking lazy like making ashen wake be anti champ and that’s it.
This game has never intended all exotics to be good, so it is invalid to expect them to be
The world cannot be better
Im surprised they havent released more ornaments to bait people into buying silver
The ornaments are fuck ugly though, I dont think I have seen anyone using them
I expect them to try and make them be useable or at least fun. You still haven’t proven it’s fine that there are a lot of shit ones other than something a dev would say on twitter to excuse their laziness and lack of creativity which is a requirement for their fucking job as an exotic armor designer. If that’s too hard then either focus on making less exotics a year that are better
quality or just bump shittier ones down to a new tier of loot so they can be used with actual armor pieces that feel exotic.
Is your country any better?
They need more to fit different styles. Or instead of an all classes helmet ornament at the end of a season pass make a new ornament for the class items instead.
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Filling the pool with more trash means it's harder to try and get good rolls of good exotics without focusing, and focusing is relatively expensive, which means people have to grind more.
So true. I forgot this game is mostly about grinding and not having fun!
>release an ornament for each class that isn't hideous
>they're some of the most-used exotics in the game
>the existing models are universally loathed
ez money if devs weren't retarded as retarded at art as they are at PRNG
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This game is about selling expansions and silver.
I love how everything in this talk is probably why so many live services crash and burn. They really believed this shit, lmao.
This attitude is how you get to a point where you're disabling supers in your single new dungeon at release and your weapons haven't had an actual random distribution of traits for years
It’s funny though. The train station analogy is shit because if a shoddily built station was forced to run and sent shit flying the consequences and loss of life would be catastrophic and result in a lot of people involved getting fucked. Just like what’s happening at bungie right now. Kek
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The fact that they admitted to trying to gain players' trust with the goal of milking them dry later was pretty bold/deranged.
Bros... I was playing ace combat and the clouds tricked me and I crashed into the ground...
This is why instrument flying is important
Love how a lot of devs tried to skip to the revenue part.
so how exactly is this a vampire hunting season... we're just playing onslaught
They should have just reskinned and tweaked the baron fights if they were fully committed to repurposing old shit
>The vex... are changing
>Because one goblin waved at someone
>The scorn... are changing
>Because they have red eyes now
Please look forward to how the hive will be changing.
>the vex are now heckin’ individuals and are forming a community!
Lamest thing they could do them fr fr
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>Maya gives the vex free will as individuals instead of being part of a hive mind
>Immediately compels them to serve in her "choir", making them lose their individuality
I wish the Witness won
Why was she also able to mind rape Cabal? If they explained it I didn’t pay attention.
wasn't cabal oil some kind of nanofluid material
I remember Asher hacking their supply depot back when he was still alive and daily adventures were a thing, and we could either hack the goo to explode their ships or blow it up then and there.
What are the consequences of guardians eating cabal oil in cookies?
The Echo of Command gives her the power to control anyone, radiolaria were just an easy starting point because they're small and simple, which translated into vex and exos being a starting point.
So is it a plus for Cirno to get that or a minus for not getting 9s?
How will the hive change in Heresy? Will their chitin be purple this time
>purple chitin
>extra spikes on shoulders and head
>more retard xivu shit over comms and “banter” with savathund
>power of sisterly love happens they both reunite and return home
>lore page about them knitting
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I think that its unacceptable for more than half of titan's exotics to be literally useless dogshit
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Oryx's brood was purple, so since we're getting Dreadnaught memberberries I could see it happening.
Is it possible for this game to get any worse?
saint 14, osiris, translocks, zaval suddenly aging
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The Apollo leaks that were confirmed by the secret in Vesper's say yes.
you have no idea
I just want destiny 3 already... When will they finally give up on this mess
same, i just want a clean slate.
don’t care if they bring back shit from d1 and d2 again, i just want to start fresh, with updated gameplay and graphics
I want osiris to get killed off so bad it’s unreal.
fuck i have a 300 word essay due tomorrow but i cant stop farming bygones
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>osiris dies
>another ghost immediately finds him
sorry bro all you're getting is destiny rising
>osiris rises up
>Wowie call me Horus instead
>no longer gay
>is now based
>season of saint crying
>300 word essay
You have to be 18 to post here son
what should i pleasure myself too?
Me and your mother
Haha. Okay bungie, tonics for gear was funny. But let’s never ever do this again over focusing at a vendor.
Who fucking cares about Bygones when there are piles of better pulse rifles. What roll can it possibly have that you want?
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Do people unironically want a "clean slate"?
D3 would unironically kill destiny as a franchise, which some people may want.
No one would buy D3.
Every person would think:
>Why should I buy a game that the developers are liable to completely delete once they don't feel like maintaining it anymore?
They lost the chance for D3 when they sunset all of the content from beforehand.
>Do people unironically want a "clean slate"?
the people that want that are the people who checked out ages ago. "Clean slate" is the only thing that would get them curious again, that doesnt mean they will play, just that they maybe take a look at the game
you're either an idiot or a shill, nobody wants to play d2 everyone is in the d3 waiting room
people literally say
>destiny looks interesting but when I see all the dlc on the steam page I get turned off
it's a death sentence to continue keeping d2 on life support for sunk cost retards like you, all 20k of them compared to millions waiting for a half decent game in the destiny universe
See, D3 on a new engine would be good as long as they maintain the core gameplay and correct flaws. The issue to me is I don’t trust any of the retards at bungie to not try to force in pants on head retarded, monkey gorilla, smoothie blender brained ideas into it like when we moved from D1 to D2.
>people literally say
>>destiny looks interesting but when I see all the dlc on the steam page I get turned off
No they say:
>you play destiny? the game where the devs deleted entire game people payed for and refuse to give back?
No one is in the D3 "waiting room", the "waiting room" doesnt exists, stop deluding yourself. People see destiny and think
"clean slate" is just making these same people look at it again hoping for a different reaction.
every other avenue has been explored
opening the fucking vault is the only way to gain people back
Too see what Bungie is capable of on a new engine wait for Marathon.
>>destiny looks interesting but when I see all the dlc on the steam page I get turned off
The solution to this is just doing what every other game does and bundling their DLCs so you only have to buy the most recent one, but that would mean Bungie is no longer able to pretend that Destiny is F2P, and also means people no longer have to purchase 200$+ worth of expansions.
While a D3 waiting room might "not exist", a clean state Destiny not developed by Bungie and rather by competent people would definitely get old players curious. Destiny mobile might be a catch, but look at what the game looks like when Bungie isn't the developer, and it is supposed to be just a mobile game and one I'm definitely curious to try.
The only thing Destiny rising has going for it is the goonbait characters.
>I'm definitely curious to try.

>new engine
thats just unreal engine 5
>competent people
DEI hires and pajeets. When will you faggots realize the reason why all these companies are abandoning inhouse engines and moving to UE5
delusional, one day they'll be forced to make d3
they'll be forced to get competent people to do it too to save their asses
and it'll work and you'll all sit there and pretend you knew it would all along
>competent people
they are practically non existant and work in big established companies like rockstart or quit long ago. You dont understand just how grave game dev situation is, there is no people to hire expect for DEI trannies and pajeets, chinks have their own companies who at best might take your outsource request.
Hopesisters... are we back?
literally doing everything else besides a 3rd darkness subclass
more layoffs are needed
There was a job posting for engineers to improve Tiger specifically for Marathon contrary to the rumors that they were moving to Unreal.
b-but all the signs...
all the h-hints...
it can't be..
it has to be real
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here's your subclass(es) gweilo
fuck off cunt eyed subhuman
actually hold
Solar? I think the character's just named Wolf, so they probably wanted to do a Saladin/Young Wolf's Howl callback by giving him a melee weapon that glows orange.
>delusional, one day they'll be forced to make d3
And you think people would fall for it? D2 only worked out because D1 ran like dogshit and they were expanding the market out to PC gamers. D1 was only 3 years old when D2 launched, Destiny, as a franchise was not a known quantity for most people.
Now it is. Who the fuck would buy into D3 when they know what Destiny is and how Bungie operates at this point?
You just know they have meetings where autistic streamer rage is treated as a serious point of discussion. Instead of fixing the issue where their MTX are "uhh one of our devs has this weird hobby" instead of the cool/sexy stuff that actually keeps MTX-driven games afloat.

Also insane that their solution to that has been "uh three seasons a year and they're all time-gated to shit" instead of actually committing to things like onslop and making a fun, less repetitive experience with high replayability and rewarding loot.
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>Instead of fixing the issue where their MTX are "uhh one of our devs has this weird hobby" instead of the cool/sexy stuff that actually keeps MTX-driven games afloat.
The """magical girl""" sets that Brookes championed before being fired will definitely get people to throw their money at the screen.
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sure could be, but solar is almost always depicted as fire with exception being well, it was mostly a joke desu, but that glow looks like traveler glow but orange, not as solar
Instead of magical girl outfits they just made nonbinary fur-fetish armor…
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i hope /dg/ will be spared by /pol/ in the next coming weeks, i hate it when we devolve into absolute madness
it's an election year, no one's getting out unscathed.
insane samefagging, go back to your original threads tourists
dg always was and will be pols rightful clay
kill yourself
why does this look ai generated
china has about the same spark of inspiration that modern amercian devs have
odds are it is
>ai more soulful than nubungie
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haha get it????
im hungry
I haven’t tried it, but I heard it might only apply to the middle crystal.
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Kill Randy
Open wide, i've been holding this in all day...
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im surprised that bl4 is getting made after the movie was one of the biggest bombs in history
Remember when we were supposed to get other kinds of destiny media besides games?
did anyone want that? a show like the halo one would be fucking awful for destiny
how do people use heat rises consistently without floating down at all? i get up in the air, and will be able to hover for like 5 seconds, then will begin to fall slowly. I see others who can just stay stationary in the air without ever needing to come down.
Most people always want to see their favorite game or franchise get a movie, tv show, etc, even though most of the time it turns to shit
you hit jump again in the air as you're falling
most people are stupid then
I think it would be funny to have a lot of trash to laugh it.
They call me... haloman... and I want good armor sets
That's my haloman impression. Did you guys like it?
You need to also post some boring concept art from 20 years ago
Okay so if D1 titan armor is lame and boring then what is a good armor set to you
He clearly loves season of the which ornaments and the new dawning slop
>doesnt deny his love for chink slop armor
Lol, lmao
Giving warbeasts a bath and drying them off using warlock dresses and hunter cloaks
Several of those cloaks are probably war beast pelts
Hard to make Verity's look "good"
it's up
yes I do, a clean slate away from Bungie because they've proven themselves to be incompetent for 10 years in a row
which is why I'll be playing Rising when it releases
Based. Rise up my xigga
Thanks to how much they fucked up D2, they can never really make D3, the most that can ever happen is shit like Rising, just spin offs by other developers because absolutely no one trusts bungie anymore, least of all sony
OK now it's actually up
trannies it's up
use the crota chest piece. its the only way
>twitch grooms a mc youtuber into becoming a mentally ill tranny
>starts dating another mentally ill tranny
>they break up
not surprised
it still hasn't gotten an ornament?
will this accelerate the trooning out process
Totally unsurprising. 2 bottoms can work for a bit, but eventually it gets old. We both need a lot of attention and to be the prettiest and to be fucked, but someone has to top and it gets tiring being the top when you aren't one. I hope they both get bfs.
Destiny 2 The Final Shape: Episode 2; Act 1, Revanant?
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me with my Apex Predator
hey it actually looks like it
Where did you find this picture of me?
This guy mains warlock
no :(
i no raid anymore. community too toxic
That's simply it, you're a complete rube if you actually trust Bungie to do the sensible thing because they made Destiny on doing things completely ass backwards to swoop in like heroes with simple fixes way overdue after everyone was pissed off and starved. On top of that a Destiny 3 is more likely to look like what we have now than ever change because if they seriously wanted to buckle down and deliver "the next logical step", take the game higher, it would've happened by now.

The game always had limitations and its tough to have a serious conversation in 2024, that Destiny is suddenly going to get better when there's still so much in disarray, Bungie can't even have the decency to list quantified numbers of what perks, exotics etc do. Bungie's loose rubric of how they wanted to pitch the game basically lead to its downfall and why they over relied on content shills to make this game seem way more coherent and better than it actually is. Don't get me wrong I don't have a problem with it being beer and pretzels brain off entertainment but when they have so much that still feels and plays like shit, the charm wears down to basically nothing and the game's just not fun.
I wish I had that chest piece, but for me I do
>Verity- Oiled Gunmetal
>Corrupting Echo Arms/Chest/Legs- Mercury Vex Chrome
-Coronation Bond- Mercury Vex Chrome
I never bothered farming artificer armor, but am bored enough to do it now. how easy is it to solo farm grasp?
Soloing generally defeats the purpose of farming. Also I wouldn't sweat artificer, they're gonna change the armor system anyhow
Warlocks > titan > hunter
What killed it? The hype?
artfice armor is just 3 extra points, you're better off focusing at failsafe for spikey statted armor in the 65-7 range
Just finished ace combat 7 with my f22 raptor
The game was a very simple concept pitched at a time when you could make it sound endless and full of potential, and there wasn't as much of a constant stream of over analysis or approved content creator shills yet. Then it played out, Bungie slowly but surely did bare minimum changes and then sorta winged it for years, into 2, and so forth. The game looked cheaper and more hollow the longer it went on and realization set in that the only thing keeping the game going is bungie just constantly fucking with things and never improving balance in other departments equally. The game was never meant to have much of a future for how poorly Bungie handled it.
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>The game looked cheaper and more hollow the longer it went on
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lfg2 gotd
Whomever decided the enriching flake sources and drop rates should be fire and blacklisted from the industry
Um.... hey.... I'm the one who decided the enriching flake drop rates...
Guards, seize him and remove his foreskin
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seems ok
32 really isn’t a lot that’s like 10 tonics for specific legendary weapons
Why would you even care about the seasonal weapons anyway? They are all shit
I wonder how bad the exotic mission's flakes will be. Imagine if it's only a few every completion.
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I’m guessing a set amount a week per account to make me extra mad
Liturgy’s alright
Thankfully the exotic weapon from this season is also shit too so you don't have to worry about farming it
Oh yeah tough guy. What’s your current favorite weapons to use?
choir of one
32 flakes is 32 tonics
Oh shit you right. My problem is I just don’t wanna play onslaught.
Kinetic slot: conditional finality, chattering bone, fatebringer, lost signal, imminence (pocket heal)
Enery slot: choir of one, Zaoulis bane
Heavy weapon: Apex predator, edge transit, grand overture, microcosm
Yeah none of the seasonal shit is better than these… bungie wont top Choir for a while I feel.
If they cut the max ammo in half like they were originally planning it would have completely killed the gun
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Ice, ice, baby.
>soul (top)
>soulless (bottom)
I miss D1 art direction and technical yield so much, the engine is so bad.
I don’t wanna run lost sectors to get this…
What does it even do? i just know it’s a fallen dildo shotgun
it's too damn ugly to use anyway
It doesn't reload by shell instead it does by mag and it just does ad clear
Enjoy :)
There's a browser extension that lets you grab uncollected items on your old season passes. Maybe you have some engrams left?

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still better than icebreaker
you only need 50 to unlock all the onslaught tonics.
Bungie should have just stuck to their guns from years ago where they said Ice Breaker in D2 never ever
>it's just the ricochet of sleeper simulant
I was thinking telesto bolts, like that one origin trait, but maybe on crack. Why the fuck would you ever want your slug shotgun to beam off into 7 different shots into the wall behind a thing? The things are usually piled up around you, not neatly in a line in front of you.

It always sounds so cool and then they just do one thing to fuck it all up.
>always sounds cool and they fuck it up
Like the new titan exotic legs
Yeah, case in point another great example
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dunno both looks and sounds like a good exotic that will have its place. It has intrinsic anti champion capabilities, it weakens, it auto reloads. The only problem with it is shit boss damage
If a special weapon does shit boss damage it should be glimmed on sight
Watch there be some cheese to angle all the beams like sleeper and it melts bosses

So it's literally just sleeper but as a shotgun?
wtf is that fov
Do you think destiny will ever do space ship combat?
you know those guys who fly around with mysterious guns and solo everything by doing 999999 damage with golden gun on warlock? yeah thats his pov
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>dunno both looks and sounds like a good exotic that will have its place. It has intrinsic anti champion capabilities, it weakens, it auto reloads. The only problem with it is shit boss damage
Its place will be in the trash. Or at the very least, people who just like it. In content where things hurt (GM, Masters, Raid encounters against bosses) this won't do anything to merit bringing it.
There is plenty of ways to apply weaken now, especially depending on Artifacts of the season
>Anti Champion
Incredibly easy to work with, most things that have champions that deserve a bit of respect already have specific Exotic's that do the job the best. i.e Wishender, Revision 0 or Eriana's if you're feeling a little spicy.
>It auto reloads
QoL can be nice so I'll give it that, at least.
>True Sight
Okay-ish, more of a PvP thing mostly.

The problem, similar to Icebreaker is that it's once again trying to lean into a potential of add-clear with viable Major+ capabilities, but the problem is always the same everytime they try do this. The ammo reserves. Choir of One is the only thing in the past half a decade that's a special weapon with any viability for add clear (clearly what they want a lot of these exotics to be) while not being a stupid choice for anything remotely threatening.
And if it lacks in the Major+ department and is only bringing "it's so good for ad clear though"; Incandescent, Voltshot, Destab, Sunshot, Graviton.
I think Icebreaker is neat tm on stasis lock with the new exotic and a build that just leans fully into stasis to maximize crystals. Right now I'm focusing on shards due to the frost armor in the artifact, but going back to iceflare next season and changing the fragments around should make it more relevant.
You are not wrong, it will be an exotic that you have to go out of your way to use.
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god icebreaker is so shit
just let it regen ammo passively you fucks
se acabo
>*munches on your cock*
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reminder that warlocks are the coolest and the strongest
And whom are you quoting?
iirc the retrofits for it were
>Loose Change (lol)
>Destabilising Rounds (lmao)
>Repulsor Brace
do we know what the stasis gl catalyst is? i need some fucking reload rate or auto loading
>loose change
>destabilizing rounds
Holy shit for what fucking why though??? I hate how bungie does cats now. Fucking stupid shit brained mud fuckers.
the catalyst is bazinga
jewgo is desperate to shill these dogshit perks, i pray for the day they give up. Every void weapon has these
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anti barrier is so rough this season man
Killing tally would have been a better choice for this shotty since it just regens ammo…
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whats the best farm for these
Bro your wish ender? Revision 0? Eriana's vow? Arbalest? Lament?
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Have blood drive unlocked, go to infinite ad spawn, kill until ether siphon procs, slaughter everything indiscriminately for RNG mats until you blow your brains out from boredom or get enough for tonics
>wish ender
sucks, i hate bows
>revision zero
killed in cold blood
i want to use the exotics that i want
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yipee more dogshit special ammo exotics with only add clear as its viability
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special ammo exotics in the ENERGY slot is what really fucks your build over
At least two of those are fun to use though.
It’s One for All iirc, so 35% more damage to hitting three dudes
Wong, warlocks are played by troons
>felwinter was ratspoopin as a transexo
How do we save /dg/ from bungie?
>But Suros Regime is just a gun made by a weapon foundry.
i mean, maybe suros regime is just the rolls royce droptail of guns
>"banter” with savathund
why would they even include her in the story anymore? she is literally powerless corpse that can only be revived by immaru and i doubt vanguard would let him do that again
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>itt: neon nerds in shambles
You love to see it!
>he paid 250€ for a title
lol, lmao
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... y'all paying for your titles?
i remember godslayer was a piece of cake to do
correct, the legend title is still much rarer
stasis glaive after reset
we hype?
I remember getting annoyed with my “tryhard” friend constantly fucking up Caretaker on Nezarec tier so I just went ahead and got the title by myself.
He didn’t get it even when he lfg’d by himself later and is still mad I didn’t do it with him.
oh shit it's next reset? I wouldn't say I'm hyped for but I will grind for it (I will never use it)
>non adept
im interested to see what the character pose with it equipped looks like
sounds like a baby
And by fucking up I mean the time trial part. We were able to clear the whole thing but he couldn’t get the platinum on caretaker, atraks and nezarec.
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doesnt even work properly
you never know, the galive changes could make it useable(lmfao no)
gms are back next reset
ive been craving a CHALLENGE
of fucking course they put them in the same week as halloween event, fags
Bros I feel terrible. I cheated on my gf on accident.
what's a gf
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rimecoat shitters make onslaught boring
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what are the acceptable loadouts in your opinion
Why is everyone so shit at the game that you end up having to do all of the work each time? It's fucking exhausting
they will call you anti eliksni, but they will never call you wrong
it fuels my main character syndrome so its fine by me
i just get very mad when a warlock does not run well, since i die without one.
im running rova
You suck at the game
fuck you bitch
at least youre honest about it
hunter main
I've tried Speaker's Sight/Well for safe pinnacle runs and people still refuse to stay alive.
If your fireteam solely needs you to run a speaker/well build you need a new fireteam
Onslaught is also boring without Rime-coat, so maybe that's not the problem
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i've seen rimecoat, mask of fealty and used both
they're quite good, however i am yet to see anyone actually use the new titan exotics
The new titan exotic is pure meme. The explosive self-damage reduction isn't enough to actually let you survive with more than a sliver of health and the stasis crystals being in a ring instead of a wall means they don't work well with all the shatter tools. Mask of Fealty is also bugged and part of the perk doesn't work.
[Good news] bungie has started development on siva
don't give siva bros hope, they'll od on it
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>Tell 4chan what triggers you.
>Expect them not to post it again.
You've only yourself to blame brother.
Is the game back?
what did he mean by this?
We have a local schizo that has a full melty every time this tubecuck is posted >>500154189
niggers work in mysterious ways, i bet he doesnt even realize the link he posted doesnt work.
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Works fine on my machine.
Are you sure you're not seething so hard it's interfering with your wifi?
*impales you with halberd*
I don't really care what you call your penis, I'm not into it.
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the seasonal weapon is neat
rime stealer is a nice perk
seasonal weapon is really good, better than both icebreaker and upcoming shotty combined
shame its an auto rifle so its harder to get headshots for headstone though
i can't seem to get a headstone/rimestealer hc either
I really feel like
>when you use your class ability
mods and perks are entirely designed around hunter and that sucks.
oooh you meant ritual weapon.... yeah... its not bad, i dont like rpm
>phoenix dive
considering the other two classes literally plant you in one spot for a few seconds to cast them (barring thruster) you're likely not wrong. Hunters are the only ones who get any real utility out of those out of the box.
bungies chosen people :)
For the season I've been using the TFS two burst. Headstone and Collective action considering shards are the name of the game this season.
I forgot Titans got gimped dodge, that's fair.
>phoenix dive
Let me just phoenix dive on void, arc, stasis, and strand, anon.
I guess strand has the pvp dodge thing but that sucks in the real game.
>sit near adu plinking
>team mates constantly drop podded

Least yours made orbs I had a guy last night who never used his super.
>I guess strand has the pvp dodge thing

You can pair it with rain of fire for discount dance machines.
That actually sounds pretty cute if I had mythoclast.
A 32 woman groomed me when I was 20. My hair looked so good.
>xe doesn't have mythoclast
We couldn't beat the vault of glass
i have it but i don't have the catalyst
i wish any girl had interest in me
>void, arc, stasis, and strand.
transmatic, take it or leave it
I’ve completed VoG in D2 once, because my raid group has been dormant, might end up doing DSC this weekend though since some of them are coming back for Festival of the Lost.
I only have legend of acrius and 1k voices.
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Wheres the fucking damage?
>brigs have 1.2 mil hp
what a fucking joke this game is
>pay ten dollars to farm this
Gotta make it watchable bro.
its up
Bungie has spent years trying to make titan barricades worth a shit
>abeyant leap
>hazardous propulsion
>arbor warden
Like a third of titan exotics are adding utility to the class ability because on its own its not very good.

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