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Previous thread: >>499791361

This thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems, in space or otherwise.

List of commonly discussed /egg/ games:

Voxels, blocks and vehicle builders
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>Starship EVO
>Stormworks: Build and Rescue

>Chode - Children of a Dead Earth
>Kerbal Space Program

Logistics and factory management
>Captain of Industry
>Dyson Sphere Program
>Factorio also >>>/vg/fag/
>Factory town
>Oxygen not Included
>Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic

Programming puzzles
>Last Call BBS
>Opus Magnum
>Shenzhen I/O
>Turing Complete

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big intersections edition
no edition edition
Why are bots so stupid all the mental gymnastics of getting A to B cease to exist with blueprints
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I think I've finally started to unlock something big brain that might help

I can get a 60% faster flame tank with 2 additional engines, enough combustion engines to power a pulse laser full time with a mk2 big battery and flamejet ammo
I can outrun and broil snappers, I can flame/grenade laser biters, I can laser suicide biters automatically before they can get near me and it's still a tank
And I don't need nuclear or blue chips for this either, I am producing 1.5 MW as is (and the laser defense is sucking up all of it)

I can do 50something an hour and I don't get slowed down by trees, plus I have extra armor like a tank

I can actually take down small nests just fine like this actually and I think I can whittle down that nest to the south that's causing me problems by retreating to my wall of death since the flame tank doesn't take fire damage as well

This might be recoverable


If I could ram shit this would be ridiculous but obviously krastorio's creep basically slows your car to a halt
Factorio with physics.
>implying that's big
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Resposting because the thread died.

>>499966827 #
>>499812354 #
Took me almost 50h to reach rockets now. No blueprints, not a veteran (only launched a rocket some 5+ years ago), had to figure a lot of stuff again from nothing, constantly having to stop building to deal with biter nests, started on a desert, wanted to do the other sciences to get more damage upgrades and other stuff because of that, wanted to future proof my base because I had no idea of how much of a drain of resources the later stuff would be, I just knew I would need tons of iron and copper.

If I had to restart, I would go with railworld to disable biter migration, build smaller and rush the rocket stuff. I only went this far in one week, because I had the week off from work.
are space platforms fully sustainable or do you need resupply?
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6 hours on gleba and the music is so melancholic it makes me think about things I'd rather not
It's possible to make them fully sustainable
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I don't know if this can take me to fulgora considering the power issues but it can definitely do vulcanus
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Unlucky with the map; there’s no space to build a bus. Any suggestions?
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Explain this one to me, i was able to split the gears straight into a sideways underground belt no issues but wasnt able to do the same to the circuits. I did try to it a bit lower to make sure it wasnt conflicting with another existing underground belt but still nothing.
>building a bus
Make it to the south, curve it if you need. Kill the trees in your way.
your circuits are on the wrong side of the belt
and I thought the bots crashing in space in SE was bad...
Is it wrong that I'm doing purple and yellow science and setting up drone infrastructure before going to space? I want the factory to be able to sustain itself when I finally leave
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>mute in game music
>put factorio playlist on youtube
What are you talking about? There's plenty of space.
I think it's smart
space is easier with a nice fast reliable source of supply rockets
you should only be bussing in the early game and there's plenty of space there for that
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You remind me of a neat trick I found: Efficiency modules are insanely OP in space
Here's what two measly T2 modules do to a crusher
I put this on my entire ship and the power never go down, it's kinda ridiculous
Nah, I'm doing the exact same thing. After I built my first platform to make space science I decided to stay on Nauvis a bit longer to make sure I'm balls deep in weapon damage research before I go to other planets.
yeah I have efficiency on literally everything, but it's not enough unless it's in a high solar area. I just did a test run to fulgora and the result wasn't pretty
What's the issue?
ty, I never made a vertical bus before
No, there's not
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What are you hauling? Space pirates are gonna rape your ass
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one last push and the days of manual building will be over once more
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throw some quality twos in your solar production. Quality can make up for the -50% in fulgora orbit.
I only have 16 solar panels, 5 uncommon and 11 rare and it is ammo positive in Fulgora orbit.
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as shrimple as that
Second demolisher was less smooth than the first, but we took it down. Next one will probably have better tech for, so that should help.
This one unlocked a much better coal patch and a lot of sulfuric acid, so should be great for setting up cracking and in general a mall (I want lots of belts, foundries, and miners).
I guess I should also automate rockets for real on vulcanus, right now I'm importing the supplies to launch them and it doesn't seem worth it compared to just crafting on-site.
I've realized why belt stacking is on Gleba instead of Vulcanus. Maximizing continuous single belt throughput is very useful.
Do walls actually stop asteroids or did you just put them there for style?
they soak up some damage but mainly i just thought it looked cool. I might remove them because an asteroid has yet to actually hit them lol.
is anyone actually making quality agri science?
seems way harder to make even epic quality bioflux than it would be to just ship back 5x the packs
what's the yellow border on the belt?
circuit monitored
I like how every space platform looks really different since no one's "solved" them yet
>Make a quality storage tank
>It's the same capacity as normal storage tank
you mean nobody's made a copy-paste blueprint book yet
same thing
/eggfag/ when
just handcraft science packs until logistic bots
can you explain what's going on with the selector combinators?
making 10 exoskeletons and seeing the results of the qualities feels like doing a 10 pull in a gacha. I'm addicted
I'm making a better one next time I go back to Nauvis or Vulcanus I want to maximize the cargo space while still being able to send down iron plates, ice, carbon, steel plates and iron ore
oh and space science of course
>first time trying to de-spaghettify my factory structure
>start a game with a noob attempt at a main bus design
>freestyle everything
>fuck everything up because I was awful at ratios
>learn how to ratio
>in the process of deleting 80% of my factory with bots to restructure it completely with blueprints
Is this common with other players? This factory means a lot to me so I don't want to start from scratch but am I wasting my time or does everyone do this at least once?
I still have my pre-bot spaghetti and it keeps running why delete it
I have a lot of other saves with spaghetti structures but it filters me at yellow science and becomes tedious to manage. Trying to create an intuitive base design
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I wrangled some circuits into an automatic recycler. All I have to do is enter the number of items I want in my base and it deletes the rest.
I've finally graduated from basic pump circuits to balance oil.
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This bad girl can clear 15k km in 40 seconds flat. Her main job will be hauling science from Gleba. Maybe she'll pull double duty for taking bioflux to Nauvis once I get there. Advanced asteroid processing will make the refueling much quicker.
He's probably using Select Input so the assembler doesn't get a bunch of different outputs

I dunno, I haven't delved into this shit myself yet
the top one is turning the 3 signals into Sx3, and the right one is taking those signals on the red wire, and using the value on the green wire as an index
I think... here it is with one less combinator, but there's still much room for improvement
Yeah I saw that Gleba science spoils and instantly thought I was going to make a purpose-built speedy piece of shit that moves Gleba science and nothing else
I spent 20 fucking hours on fulgora to build some electromagnetic plants, recyclers and rocket. Science nowhere in sight. I am glad i cant just fuck off from this planet
>Gleba science spoils
oh just fucking kill me dude
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It's alive. This bootup is going to take forever.

Looks neat, I guess you probably have a setup to do the quality tiers.
It spoils in an hour. Git gud
It takes 1 hour for it to spoil. It's really not a big deal. The worst part about it is just fiddling with your lab setup to be able to automatically pull out spoilage for whenever you end up letting the science sit in the labs for too long because you're researching something that doesn't take Gleba science.
you have to automate the platform
I know for a fact I'm gonna forget to queue research and all that shit is gonna spoil. Is there any way to check with circuits whether something is currently being researched?
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Parameter crafting is way too powerful damn first time trying out these logistic bots
you're shipping ammo from the surface?
Just constantly take out the spoiled packs and put in new ones.
Automate your Gleba defenses.
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Should have scouted just a little further before building the wall
I would look at the screenshot again.
>all of the gleba tech looks the coolest
>everyone says it's the last planet you should go to
>also that it's cancer because of spoiling
now that's just wasteful
the idea is consuming just as much as you produce. destroying the excess is boring.
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>Save game and fly to the other planets for the first time
>Just spend 20 minutes or so on each planet futzing around before reloading to before the trip
>Decide i want to go for Fulgora but I'll need some extra support from the home factory
>Will have to kit out another platform for proper support
>Need to set up a new oil plot and double plastic production
>Which means I should tap more coal
>tfw all I want to do is start in on a new planet but "just one more thing" bullshit keeps happening
The foundries/EM machines are so insane though
base 50% productivity
can I go on a suicide mission to fulgora just to unlock recyclers really quick and then come back to nauvis?
You save on biter evolution by not destroying those spawners.
Unless this is already lategame, in which case, lol.
I just went to Fulgora and made changes to my Nauvis factory remotely.
Yeah. It's really easy to get off of Fulgora. Though you can only craft recyclers on Fulgora for some reason so you'll have to set up that at least.
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I'm there second and it's a lot more fun than vulcanus imo. I finally have science going with this goofy overengineered combinator setup (with higher sciences shipped in). The spoilage is actually mostly ignorable once you get production going, but it's really confusing to start if you're like me and generally plan out new factories "bottom up", expecting things to sit on the belts while you figure out what the next step is.
so what's the deal with gleba anyway, seems to me that spoilage isn't something you need to deal with outside of the few steps where it actually matters
Just build another base and leave that one running as a mall
Yep. I'm going to use the same setup to recycle failures (without the speed modules of course) so I can start getting mass produced quality. I just unlocked the deep oil supports so I can easily expand my train network to any island for more room too. Next up is gleba though for epic quality.
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going to be hard to capture and feed one of these boys
Manually designated artillery?
Use the new turret targeting to avoid killing nests I guess?
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I want the entirety of space age converted to pyanodons
nearly everything you craft in gleba spoils and the spoilage ratio is a multiplier on everything that uses those items as ingredients. there's no in-depth way to sort spoiling items, only "spoiled first" and "fresh first", so the end result is you have to spend one billion years setting up ways to take spoilage out of everything and scaling up is cancer
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right now my plan is to kill this nest and then landfil to this island, steal it, pick up the landfil and supply it by bot
Keep up. The new consensus is that you go to Fulgora last.
why not vulcanus -> fulgora -> gleba
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is the "spoiled priority" filter on inserters just meant for containers? I can't imagine how it would be useful on a belt.
>hmmm, this item expires in 5 minutes and this one that was made immediately before expires in 4 minutes and 59 seconds. let's filter this away
You have to leave on a rocket. You reappear at the same planet you die at.
The epic quality unlock is on Gleba so Fulgora is really pointless without it. Meanwhile Gleba has a lot of techs that are useful on their own, unlike Fulgora which only has a small handful of niche stuff.
What about arc turrets, are they useful on Gleba?
shit. well packing a rocket shouldn't be *too* hard, right
Too bad. I went there first.
yes, just put a pump off your tank and it goes a long ass ways, haven't hit the cutoff yet personally
i can actually kill the biters
the problem is if I go near the nests at all my pld absolutely kills a nest in 200 ms
if only they had a targetting setting like turrets
artillery isn't an option because I don't have it
They're not going to be a deal breaker if you go in without them. The gun/rocket turrets work just fine. Same thing with the mech suit. Spidertron that you unlock on Gleba is equally as useful, if not more.
You could do it if you have some other item being made and shipped off gleba. Tie that item to your science packs somehow. Once that research starts backing up you send some kind of circuit to halt production.
Can you use foundries on nauvis?
If you start a space platform on not nauvis, how much time do you have to build asteroid protection? Seems like vulcanus orbit would be the ideal shipyard otherwise.
Yes but you need to ship in calcite
>can launch rockets
>can't engineer a freezer for spoilage
how hard is that
uh no actually it makes perfect sense if you think about it uh the reason is uh the reason uh shut up, okay?
Freezing would just damage the delicate organic compounds or something.
>cant place spoilage on Aquillo for storage
so with the buff to fluid wagons and the reduction in water usage you could literally setup nuclear power anywhere you wanted now. Considering each train car is 50k water
Try freezing some tomatoes and tell how they turn out when you thaw them
I dunno about mass producing quality at that stage through recyclers I think it's just better to just quality module a smaller factory of intermediates until you get enough rares to make your equipment and not much else.
But the EM plant and the tech armor compel me more than anything on Gleba. Fulgora can also be a quicker in and out as opposed to Gleba.
NTA but why can't you quickly in and out gleba?
You send up only ammo, platform, turrets, solar panels first. Then a grabber, crusher, assembler, and smelter for making ammo
I'm just supplying the platforms with ammo from nauvis
500 per rocket
enemies and the fact that damage can brick your managed spoilage
Enemies and spoilage.
not too hard, calcite has a pretty good rocket weight and it's used in small quantities comparatively.
It's 100% worth it.
are biochambers even worth using or are they just a retarded burner assembler
Almost everything on vulcanus is free. All you need is a coal patch and you can make nearly free rockets and ship as much as you want.
my gleba science keeps spoiling inside the fucking labs
This is what finally made me decide on Vulrectum instead of Fugg

50% productivity on Holmium production was too good to ignore
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>is 50% FREE productivity with no modules worth it
but it's a massive pain in the ass to manage the fuel that fucking rots
Make more labs anon. Productivity inside and speed beacons too. I think you can set a circuit for freshness too. Any that aren't ripe go straight to the furnace.
Dunno what else to tell you. T3 prod, eff modules are huge. Advanced asteroid processing, asteroid productivity is huge. Biolabs are insane. That's not even to mention the stack inserters. Gleba is what takes your factory to endgame. Some free prod on circuits doesn't even come close.
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first ship complete
just a touch overbuilt though
Can get to any planet in a minute or less
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i took the cowards plan
you can't say "if below X freshness then filter", you can only grab the freshest or the least fresh.
but how long does it take to refuel all of that
That's not too bad.
holy fucking shit rape this nigger who designed the "automatic request from space platform" shit with a knife
shit has the items in a box with an inserter pointing towards the silo but shit just says "waiting for source item"
it's almost like you clicked the "deliver by bots" button and are trying to load it with inserters
Is there a reason for the empty space at the front?
I'd stack a ton of cargo on that
In that case just filter inserter the spoilage into an active provider chest. Annoying but not a huge deal.
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why the fuck are you using steam storage and not just heat pipes
If the platform will accept a rocket silo it shouldn't be a problem. If not, taking the base components might be a bitch but doable. The rocket components themselves aren't too bad to transport. It's just fuel, LDS, and processing units. Might as well bring a cargo catcher too just to have it on the planet when you return.
No beacons? With all that power some speed beacons for your fuel would be perfect.
explain the combinator to me like I'm retarded (I'm retarded)
it's so that they only insert one fuel
T is the temperature parameter on the reactors
stop inserting fuel. Waste the first 5 fuel rods, then remove spent fuel 1 by 1.
are the enemies worse than nauvis?
>it's so that they only insert one fuel
Can't you just override stack size on the inserter instead?
so you only insert when it goes below 500c?
He's overcomplicating it. You don't need to do this shit with combinators anymore

But yeah. A nuclear reactor will burn fuel regardless of whether or not it's actually producing heat that actually gets used. If you work it so that the inserter putting fuel in it only does so when it actually has space in its "heat buffer" you'll waste far less fuel than you would otherwise
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How do you deal with "waste" on your spaceship?
Everytime I fly I get a ton of fucking garbage in my cargo, it's like mosquitoes on my windshield
Toss that shit overboard.
That's what I do. I set my output arm to pulse and only remove spent fuel when T= whatever temp I want it to stay above. Then I attach that inserter to the input arm so they both only swing one time. You have to prime it with a single fuel to get it to work.
inserting fuel is difficult to control, but the reactor turns off immediately when the output is clogged. Clog that shitter up, then pull out the rod to turn it back on.
How do you make concrete on Vulcanus? Have the space platform harvest and send down iron ore?
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it doesn't fit
what's the ideal time to insert? I assume it's just before the heat pipes go under 500 since they won't make steam anymore
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Self sustained vulcanus sucks
You can literally insert it into the empty void of space
or design/circuit control how much you're taking in so you don't have to toss anything
Foundries can build it with molten iron
>what's the ideal time to insert?
right now.
time for new blueprints
Put a wire to read your entire belt contents and hook it up to inserters that dump when it's above a certain amount. This is assuming you have a closed loop. Otherwise dump it off the end.
god fucking damn it I don't wanna redesign everything again
Eh. It'll start making heat almost instantly so just above 500c is probably fine? I'm lazy so I'd just set it to 600

Bro you need to use the recipe book

Hold Alt and click on concrete.
I have it at 550 on the reactor, since it's gonna give enough buffer for it to not be 500 at the heat exchangers
>Recipe book
But I'm at work and daydreaming about factories.
Hold ctrl+shift.
Problem solved.
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My new best friend
cute angery boi
am I supposed to use productivity modules in all of my furnaces? and also speed beacon them?
Is it best to craft quality base ingredients and work them up the chain?
Craft with quality modules, send common ingredients to science production.
>heat pipes go under 500
Cool fact; heat pipes can't go under 500c (maybe they can on aquilo idk how the cold mechanics work there yet)
Since heat exchangers only work above 500c they will only consume heat from 500-1000. Once the pipes hit 500, the exchangers stop working and so the pipes/reactors will never go below 500c
What button do I press to flip a recycler horizontally?
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>Last time I played Factorio I'm pretty much primed to go to my first new planet
>Just can't decide
>Definately going to go to Vulcanus first for all the materials it shits out
>No, going to go to Fulgora first. Get some recycling loops set up and get the final armor
>Maybe Gleba, spidertrons, new labs, all that neat stuff
AAAAAAAA I DUNNO. Every time I think I've settled on one, another's benefits are all I can think of.
same. ended up just improving nauvis while I can't decide
Fulgora is probably the quickest to get back from
H for horizontal
V for vertical

If you desire.
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I did it, I made foundry from scratch!
I guess they did a good job balancing them. For you, anyway. I think the progression is clear
Vulcanus is the easiest, just want some poison capsules and ammo to kill a small demolisher.
Fulgora is iron-deficient, you'll need an orbital platform turning asteroids into iron to drop.
Gleba wants some resources imported, including a lot of ammo.
(Which is probably best made in orbit, rather than launched.)
Honestly vulcanus do shit out items. Also we're getting real close to 499999999
fulgora first
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Some gacha general will claim the get with some worthless bump post, like always.
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Finally got Blue Sci online. I got my jetpack next on the list is robots then I can start building the actual base.
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I'm trying to figure out circuits setting recipes but I keep ending up with this iron plate ending up in the output of this assembler and jamming everything up and I cannot understand why. I'm trying to make engines by having this one assembler do both the pipes and gears. The engine assembler is waiting on gears here and there are gears here for it and if I remove the iron plate the inserter will grab them but I can't figure out how to stop this plate ending up here.
Update: I set the assembler so it sends a stop signal while its busy and the combinators to only send the recipe when that signal is not there and now it's not blocking but it's still filling up with excess plates on output.
Iron ore is present in the big rocks along side copper, stone and tungsten.

Assuming you landed on Volcanus from your space platform, you should be perfectly capable of doing a zero-item restart on that planet.
Really, just mine the big rocks and save the carbon you get from trees for turning tungsten into tungsten carbide. (Use coal as fuel)

Yes. Exclusively productivity in electric furnaces, with speed beacons to offset speed loss.

Yes. Exclusively quality modules of the highest tier on each step.
Just remember that speed modules decreases chance of higher quality.
So just add an inserter filtered to iron plates that takes it out and slaps it back onto the belt to be reused.
what is the utility of setting recipes by circuit?
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I need a mod that lets me do pic related to biters.
Instead of 100 assemblers for 100 items, 1 assembler for 100 items
Pretty obvious use dude!!!
Not gonna use it myself though,
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What's the point of this shit recipe? There is no calcite on nauvis and there is no iron ore on Vulcanus
>Yes. Exclusively quality modules of the highest tier on each step.
Addendum: that is, you have to restart the tech tree each time you improve in quality level.

> Better ores
> Better plates
> Better plates = Better circuits
> Better plates + Better circuits = Better miner
> Restart
> Then work on the electric furnace
> Restart
> Then work on the production machines
> Restart
> Then work on resource collection again
> Restart until legendary
> Uninstall because you realize gambling isn't fucking enjoyable and is the dumbest fucking feature in space age
You can ship 500 calcite per rocket.
interplanetary shipping to give you more resources.
And then spend an hour shipping the calcite back to nauvis, its not as nice as shipping directly 500 stacks of iron ingots in SE
can someone post a screenshot of yumako and glognut processing plants?
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Preparing to go to Aquilo.
> reinstall because having the highest quality buildings isn't that important since half of them just increase speed and you can increase speed by building more machines.
>Those thrusters.
Oh. OH SHIT fluids flow through them? Fack. Wish I knew that.
might I recommend nuclear reactor
how quick can I do fulgora if I have a ship with a bunch of supplies to drop down with
Not symmetrical, rebuild. Please study >>499991079 for proper ship design.
normal ore to plate is 1ore:1plate
ore to molten to plate is 1 calcite for 50ore:500molten:50plates
So they're equal but you go through the foundry which has 50% productivity. And more module slots. And you can take molten iron directly into gears/sticks and most important: steel
Gives you options on different planets so the foundry isn't locked to Vulcanus. Shipping calcite is cheap and isn't it more iron ore efficient? How much molten iron does it take to make an iron plate? Also it's probably quicker and more space efficient than smelter stacks. There's lots of reasons that recipe exists.
seems like something for after a large logistics network, for personal use items?
I cant use foundry smelting without calcite?
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I took everything I learned designing that ship and redid my orbital science, no more clogs to clear and it makes triple what it use too, very happy with it.
boo hoo
SE had more expensive rockets, and different design goals
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Well.. yeah. This is Spage, not SE. I'm sure SE breaks lots of stuff that's just easier with SE cargo rockets.
Ship it in, nerd. That recipe uses 1 calcite. Rockets carry 500. Load up a space platform with calcite and you'll have all you'll need for a very long time.
Without Calcite and thus no molten metals you can use a Foundry for:
(all will benefit from its 50% productivity and speed over lesser buildings)
>All belts, inc undergrounds and splitters
>Holmium Plate(Fulgora unique resource)

Everything else requires Calcite but it is rather worth it.
Note that using the Foundry makes low density structures and plates as precursors to processing chips a lot more efficient so it is also making two thirds of rocket production cheaper too. So sending it isn't like building rockets in 1.0 vanilla factorio.
Not that expensive when you can ship 500 stacks per one. One rocket full of ingots can supply your megabase for hours
do you think packing logist bots would make gleba less cancer?
Nauvis sucks so much dick compared to vulcanus is it better to use vulcanus as a main planet and just grab the uranium from nauvis and use it to power a super ship. Do labs produce less in other planets?
Can you store stuff like lava and molten iron in storage tanks? Can you barrel it?
>All belts, inc undergrounds and splitters
seperate anon but, I was totally under the impression that would've used molten iron. Thank you for telling me this before I made my real belt factory!!!
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why do people pretend like getting calcite is hard on nauvis
The belt fills up and there's nowhere to put it.
>put it in a box
I'd like to get to the source of the problem rather than keep slapping band aids on top of band aids. Maybe I could just unpower the inserter that puts the plates in if I'm not sending the assembler a recipe. I ended up just making a drain for the plates but I am NOT happy about it.


Why do I have to wait another 15 minutes to make this post I thought it was just the first post without cookies.
The endgame lab is nauvis only
Robots make everything you do far less cancer, but it's not quite the chemo you're looking for.
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Yes and no
Why wouldn't you bring bots anyway? They are a godsend for making a bootstrap factory.
not even slightly. the only way to sort spoiling items is with inserters. bots do jackshit.
It'll make everywhere less cancer

Labs produce the same on all planets but Nauvis(after finishing Gleba) gets a SUPERLAB
Also last planet makes Fission power worthless if we're talking super ships.

Check the factoriopedia in game. Spoilers technically I guess but whatever. Shows all recipes and entities and shit. I'm still on Nauvis struggling to get purple and yellow science while regretting my choice to go Death World, but I can look it up and answer people's questions still.
I do know about the factoriopedia, I just straight up never checked because I assumed it used molten ore lmao.
Tech gate
God damn gleba is god tier I gotta get out of fulgora lol
Okay somebody punch the numbers on tree agriculture on Nauvis to make INFINITE burner fuel
just use it before it rots, lmao
filter inserters to extract spoilage
automated production and shipping
extra belts
it's doable
Aquilo megabase
hellooooo, you can pop any time
imagine not going gleba first
Quality bots not increasing speed is such a cockblock
lemme have good bots before infinite research
also imagine crying about spoilage clogging up shit when they give you an easy way to void it (heating towers)
you didn't even have them until aquilo until a few days before launch
They increase the distance you can fly without recharging which was a much larger cockblock in normal factorio
>They increase the distance you can fly without recharging which was a much larger cockblock in normal factorio
Based, I'd rather have this than speed.
Hold up for a second, how the fuck do i get iron ORE on Vulcanus? For concrete
So how does evolution work in spage? I’m just leaving nauvis for vulcanus at 20-something hours and my evolution is at like 60-ish % already despite elf modules - generally I barely interacted with the biters past the first 2-3 hours and just two nearly patrols to blow up closeby bases.
FFF had gleba as valid target early for low evo due to small ones being squishy, but already a third of my biters are big so…

For that matter, does polluting on other planets also raise evo? What if I fuck off nauvis after 5 hours and build big on vulcanus?
Well it won't do shit if you don't do vulcanus so Vulcanus->Gleba is bis cause having anywhere calcite is extremely good
is there an alternate concrete recipe
If you have a foundry you dont need it, they build concrete from molten iron
If you dont have a foundry, mine it from rocks and put it into an assembler
Nigga how were you making space science? Did you launch iron fron nauvis?
Oh right, foundry can do everything lmao nice
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>have to count every quality type with it's own combinator then add them together to use circuit network with them
Look out anon, there's a demolisher going right into your factory.
bro quality is optional bro
it’s a fun system bro all my friends love gambling, you get like $300 in free credits?
bro all the zoomies love gacha, get with the times lol
So far I did Fulgora from scratch to rocket, now im doing same with Vulcanus
Damn I've been so busy with Factorio that I haven't even showered or jacked off.
am I supposed to have massive rotting chambers or burners at the end of my belts on gleba?
factorioman doesn't even know what coolant is unti aquilo, how would he create a freezer before then
Can i deliver shit from space without landing pad?
Yeah. But be careful, it can kill you.
>Can't barrel molten metal
Come on, Wube. Let me silly. I've always wanted to use barrels but you keep fixing shit so I don't need them.
Where is it supposed to land?
Is the true circuit endgame finally here?
Yeah but why would you? You can always pick up the cargo bay on a planet and move it. Unless you want a ton of drop pod litter. I can respect that.
What does that mean?
>tfw playing Factorio between posts on F-list
I've been in perpetual bliss since Spage.
Yeah, on Gleba, you're gonna have so much fun
You probably already figured it out, but that amount of chemical plants for fuel is nowhere near enough for that amount of engines, unless you're idling it for a while.
>transport ores by belt to melt them
>transport molten ore by pipe
>put it in a barrel
>transport barrel by belt
>unbarrel it into a pipe...
utterly deranged
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here's my goddamn nutrients, so where's my goddamn biolab
I have yet to go to space or play much at all because I've been busy and sick. I'm excited!
Bro your prerequisite techs?
Did you get multiple per craft?
>ammo clip the same weight as assmebler/steel furnace
>unable to build inventory, need to put everything on hotbar
>nothing really unique or interesting about space aside from grabbing asteroids, it’s nauvis with a different background
>you’re not even there, no real feel / wow factor that you’re in space
I think I dislike practically every aspect of it, in contrast to the new planets which I find cool.
EM plant or foundry for wires?
Or make molten iron directly, barrel it, space it, and unbarrel somewhere else. Is it the best solution? No. But it's incredibly stupid and I love that shit.
Better question, can you fill a train with molten iron and why the fuck would you do that?
Looks like there is a lot of storage there. As long as it's not constantly in motion it'll be fine.
I have 22 days of nuclear energy remaining and I haven't used circuits for nuclear once
Foundry because you can pump fluids in which is faster than inserting items.
But why not produce directly at the foundry?
Guys fucking Alt-click on shit holy shit
no, aha
now we're cookin
Not using buffers, essentially
So why use trains instead of belts? My first expansion ore patch had like 80 miners and all I needed was a blue belt running from it to my base to bring in the ore
Are trains mostly there so you can change the destination if you’re too stupid to design the base properly the first time?
Trains are more flexible and they're more convenient once you put up with the initial headache of setting up a network
rail line can take 10 of those easy
just extend the rail, don't have to add more belts
imagine the iron cost of 10 blue belts going huge distances
Train scale super well when shit start getting too far
I make one big station and a giant circuit and then send my army of wagons to pickup all kind of shit at lighting speed
Belts are easier the first time around. Make a fat wall of yellow belts feeding the base.
Trains are easier the 10th time around. draw a couple rail lines and hook them up.
do roboports prefer sending out higher quality bots before the lower quality ones?
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>So why use trains instead of belts?
I just like em
Train autists are the worst
I don't want to run 5000 tiles worth of belts for 1 ore patch (single lane)
I accidentally made some high quality signals.
Because you can't launch trains into space!
528 hours seems like a lot.
I'm sure I have just as much, doesn't mean I want to waste it all.
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Why is that soapbox so tall? Trains are fun.
Trains are very easy to expand and can move more resources faster. Say, you want 20 blue belts worth of ore, you only need 5 wagons and roughly 1 train every 11 seconds (though at this scale you'd want to smelt your ore into plate on site with electric furnaces because plates stack up to 100 vs 50 for raw ore, dividing the number of trains you'd need by 2).
Say, your trains can travel from your unloading station to your mining camp in 1 minute and come back at the same speed. You just need to divide 120 by 22 and round up. That's 5.45, so you'd need 6 trains with 5 wagons for 20 blue belts.
Now if you look at the cost of that many trains, you'll see that it's actually not even 9k iron for 2 loco, 5 wagons train. A rail cost 2.75 iron, a blue belt cost 31.5 iron. I'm not counting fuel since it's more or less free (seriously a single nuclear fuel takes over 33 minutes of constant use fully drain and all you need to make it is one rocket fuel and one u235, which are both basically free at this point) and lube since it's also basically free.

So basically once you start scaling way up and got all the techs, trains become the obvious choice because they're much, much cheaper and smaller for the same work.
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post armor grid right NOW
Trains come earlier than blue belts and are way cheaper. One belt isn't a lot but you'll be using A LOT more than one blue belt of iron ore. You'll deplete your first expansion plot on blue belts alone if you use belts instead of rails. And train networks are a lot easier and quicker to expand with and will bring in much more ore for cheaper. Trains are all around better than belting stuff in past your first expansion patch. I've already got 3 iron plots being mined purely for the throughput.
and the pentapod eggs?
are they just miserable to deal with no matter what you do?
I'm currently in the process of getting 300 turrets and 10000 red ammo from nauvis
>Can't figure out signals
>Take it out on the people that have
Don't be a jerk. Just spend a little time learning trains and you'll have a busy and high throughput train network in no time.
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design #3 is a success
First post that sounds moderately convincing, thank you trains anon
Uncommon being 11x11 is so annoying and I’m not close to having mats for rare
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We bussin on Vulcanus
yes, and that varies depending how long your heat pipes are from the reactor, so adjust it to make sure the extremities never go below 500c
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1.1 modded, using a jet (Aircraft mod) with shields to get around and fight
similar to a power armor+spidertron setup
using Autobuild mod to build
how can global warming be real when aquillo is a frozen ball of ice?
Earth is not Aquilo.
Only way to get stone on Vulvanus is to produce other shit and toss it in lava to get more stone as byproduct?
holy fucking shit I need a break from this misery
but gleba ain't that bad and people who suffer are suffering from their own bad habits
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>Costs 31.5 iron plates to move something one tile
>"Why don't you do this, are you stupid?"
Well, one of us is stupid.
what bad habits specifically
like science
wasting their best years on video games, mostly
>>Costs 31.5 iron plates to move something one tile
not that trains are bad, but 32 iron plates is quite literally nothing when there's 10m+ ore patches within a spitting distance of your starting space in the default map gen now
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slow as fucking shit and havent been playing a lot, but ive secured a border perimeter with only red+green science and nothing behind oil.
only need to clear out a few nests within the perimeter before i can move onto making a proper base.
next goal after military+blue is defender automation, then i push southwest to get some better chokes for train stations.
whats annoying is that medium worms have started to spawn so i need to grenade suicide rush if i want to get rid of them.
Rails can be used by multiple trains at once.Trains are limited by cargo size, their speed, how good your network is and the speed of loading and unloading.
At larger distances the difference between the speed of trains and the speed of belt (even though you can stack it now) becomes larger.
In addition to that, if you program your trains correctly they can serve multiple purposes and only bring ressources if there are enough of them at miner base and not enough at main base.
Sounds like you could use a car.
fucking pentapod eggs, that scared the goddamn shit out of me
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What do you think of my Ship?
It told an embarrassing amount of time to design and work out all the kinks, though maybe I'm just too hard on myself. First trip to Vulcanus was blazing fast and with out issue, used all the fuel and ammo. I guess I made a fast ship? Original design only had 4 engines; it was a nightmare to design so it changed to 5.
people need to start posting what version + major mods they use because I'm not sure whether to call them retards or not
in case it's non-rampant spage: this is a hilarious amount of overpreparation, you must have placed 100x the turrets I did before getting to third planet, and that included a mid-sized base that was churning through all six nauvis sciences + space
>using cheapest belts and cheapest inserters
did you bother building them in space (hence cheapest shit) or did you send the most garbage things possible when rocket launch is 95% of the cost anyway?
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Have not upgraded in a while
At least use red belts in space you idiot
you literally have the most limited space so might as well make the most out of it, i mean you already use quality buildings, why the fuck cant you just have better belts?
what does + lightning reach mean
one of the people on the server made a half assed botmall and then was never seen again
That you are never further than 6 feet away from a lightening and that they crawl into your mouth when you're asleep.
Were you on Fulgora before? When you put lightning rods next to each other their circles merge and cover more area than just normal circles would. This reach is that joined part
mostly unmodded spage.
BUT TO BE FAIR my last save was with rampant.
>tfw sweeping and bump a lightening egg sack and tons of little statics scatter everywhere
The increased speed doesn't help anything in most cases. They're also QUALITY inserters. Less power but still a bit faster.
What the actual FUCK is fulgora?
Other planets look just like normal planets. But fulgora looks like it came out of different game. The artstyle is completely different and weird
I meant to say Gleba, not Fulgora. Fulgora looks normal. What the fuck is Gleba?
for me, it's getting 50 gorillion wood, iron and copper when I just need some spoilage to kickstart my machines
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so what's the difference between left and right? do I care about the connections as long as a roboport is connected to at least one that's on the same logistic network?
>I meant to say Vulcanus, not Fulgora. Fulgora looks normal. What the fuck is Vulcanus?
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There is logistics hole in the middle on the right and no connection to the left roboport. Robots will fly normally between them though
LITERALLY me except I have -4 panels +2 batteries
>There is logistics hole in the middle on the right
gotcha, makes sense
>and no connection to the left roboport. Robots will fly normally between them though
does the connection matter if they're connected to the same network?
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say something nice about my lubricant and sulfur facility
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I could go for rare armor desu, I think I'm missing quality engines
No it doesnt, bots will fly on shortest path anyway
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where are RCUs?
Reduced to atoms.
what happened to /svgg/

why are factoriotards like this
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>Drive tank all the way out to furthest outpost that I'm building
>Fuck I need more inserters
>Drive all the way back to get them
>Drive all the way out again
>Don't have enough steel chests
>Drive back to steel outpost
>Drive back to furthest outpost
>Not enough furnaces
>Have to drive back again
>not having personal logistic requests
>not having logistic requests on builder tank
>Is there any way to check with circuits whether something is currently being researched?
If nothing else, you can wire up inserters or belts and count how long since you've seen a glebascience move.
Builder tank?????

what the fuck did i miss
Tanks have an equipment grid now.
And they can be driven remotely.
(Still manual only, but from anywhere, including other surfaces.)
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just remade my iron, this is double the output of my old 40 furnace setup
btw I think it needs to be in radar coverage to drive it
roboports also provide radar coverage
Factorio just had a major content update so people ate talking about Factorio. Where did we lose you?
With belts you need to add a new belt lane for every new item. With trains you can reuse the same set of rails for many different items. Adding a new train to a pre-existing set of rails is much cheaper and much less work than dragging an entirely new belt across the map. The big downside with trains is that the stations are large and rails are pain in the ass to build without bots, cliff explosives etc so it usually makes more sense to just use belts for early expansions.
>not using gambling modules for your smelting
kovarex won't be happy sis...
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I don't have logistics set up yet because I am a fool
>yuge iron patches everywhere
>yuge copper patches everywhere
>2000% yield oil fields halve production every few hours
I've slurped up two mid-sized oil fields in the same time my first copper patch went from 8m to 6.5m
the problem with making quality plates is that means I have to make quality everything else, as well
Make oil out of coals.
I too miss dimensional depots
Oil fields drain way too fast, it's ridiculous honestly
>Just place everything in ghost form
>Make a blueprint of everything
>Go home and place down a requester chest
>Click blueprint on chest
>It automatically brings you everything in the blueprint
>Slurp up chest and head back out
is there a button to switch between train elevation levels when you have the ghost up
What's a requester chest?
A chest that requests.
Your mom's chest because she's always requests my cock
Where do I get it?
Is there a way to only LOAD a space platform with items at one planet? I want to load it with rocket parts at Volcanus and transfer them back to Nauvis, without getting a loop of sending them up and down on Nauvis.
Is there a way to condiationally activate the logistic requests on a platform?
Hand craft 500 yellow bottles.
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anyone have any good new train loading/unloading setups?
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I survived Aquilos :)

Full of cryogenic science, fluoroketone, lithium plate and 6 cryogenic plants :)
It has to be in radar coverage to start remote driving, but if you leave coverage you can keep driving, you just can't see shit.
>t. had to drive my tank to me blind on Vulcanus
I completely forgot about the beacons
I know and accept the ship is mediocre, but its still my first
I'll add them for the second ship
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is this even safe?
>land on fulgora
>look around gso don't drop cargo pad yet
>ship is geting damaged
>send it home
>oh i didn't drop my supplies

welp I could bring it back or reload but thats being a fucking coward
You can build everything from nothing on each planet
Except Aquilo
Try it.
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Some quick sashimi science
Odd, Vulcanus
Even, Fulgora
0, Gleba
empty space is cause I didn't know what to shove in there
that'd be a shitload of cargo space, what would I fill it with?
At least you didn't get Gleba.
Looks like the big ship that could take lots of damage paid off
Anime body pillows.
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>game expects you to play space trains with the stations
>try building a space train anywhere other than Nauvis orbit
>it gets knocked out before you ever set your first 50 space landfill
>build it on Nauvis
>spend 10 hours with your dick in your hand sending parts to your space train
>Ok, It's go time.
>ship makes it safe to another planet
>ship DOESN'T stay safe in orbit.
>ship needs to stay there for another three hours getting repair packs, landfill and whatever else sent to it
>Can't just move your 7 science production to another planet, oh no, you gotta do Nauvis + one science per planet
>Everything needs to be shipped in Aquilo
>All the stupid 50% prod assemblers and drills need to be sent one stack at a time by rocket
I give up. I'm not spending every last blue, LDS and rocket fuel I have across four planets playing Futurama just to unlock tier 3 modules and the spidertron in a more convoluted way.
Thank God you can turn off the DLC and play non-ass Factorio instead.
i made some recyclers and some miners feeding into them so I am getting a lot of shit I need
but there isn't a lot of rhyme or reason on what recycles to what I can see so just have to test everything
How does space platform damage work anyway? I had a few strikes while I was exploring planets but didn't have a chance to sit there and stare at it. Does it instantly destroy stuff and the platform rebuilds it if it has it in inventory? Does keeping repair packs on the platform repair damage done to it?
That's the whole OST bro.
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And it's cooking. Now I need fluids and rails for when these small patches of scrap inevitably die. Pretty easy planet there definitely should've been enemies of some sort
>using anything bigger than the tiny islands
you didn't beat the game
You probably should just have a couple turrets on your platform and make bullets from crunchy asteroids bits. That's plenty to keep your platform safe in orbit around the first 4. Building them takes a little time but once it's built and you have a design that can keep itself safe in orbit then you've got your space train. Like one turret worth of coverage is plenty for the 4 planets.
>this dude got to aquilo but still only has 1 launch pad
>despite being launch-constrained due to his own retardation he didn't figure he can produce ammo much cheaper by sending mats into orbit and crafting ammo there
>using anything but uranium bullets by the time you're on fucking aquilo
anon maybe you should play animal crossing instead
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My seed was just incredible
I hate when my logistic games have logistic challenges.
Why are there no liquid tank trucks?
who else here is using cargo landing pads as warehouses
I think ignoring quality before you finished nauvis + vulcanus + fuggora is probably better than bothering with it at all, except possibly sticking normal quality tier 2 modules into your miners and saving everything for the future
I put qual on crafting foundries/electromagnetic/big miners why not
I put quality modules on my dick. Nothing really happened though.

Liquids can't have quality
how do i make an inserter pick up only one item at a time?
maybe yours lol
*pisses on you with my epic piss*
Is it gleh-ba or glee-ba?
Click on it and limit hand size.
Watch the trailer. Gleh-ba.
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Yes, but it will be super boring. Might make a nice side project video like the scrolling printer.
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Keep us updated so I can rip off your design for a universal constructor satellite.
I've been on Gleba for 8 hours and the pentapods are already up to being all medium sized. How do you defend the crop growing areas? I'm about to start building my base.
o. whoda thunk.
Don't you unlock rockets on gleba?
an entire blue belt worth of throughput is being loaded on each wagon and it still feels really slow. I will probably want 2 blue belts per wagon
>Thank God you can turn off the DLC
Yeah but you still spent 35 bucks on it and you'll have to live with knowing you spent money on something you have turned off and locked yourself out of because you were too dumb to figure it out.
How long until "Can you beat Factorio when everything spoils?"?
Rocket turrets, rather.
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>Set down on Gleba for the first time
>Just running around checking stuff out
>Personal laser turrets start blasting something
>It explodes into a bazillion crawlers
>Start running
>Laser defense starts blasting a ton more egg sacks
Shit got very yackity sax there for a bit.
Literally finishing that up now.

But I kid I'm not Dosh. I was just saying you can beat it with one assembler. I dunno if he's here or not. If he is, big fan, Dosh. I almost thought about turning ads on for your videos. I didn't, but I hear it's the thought that counts.
>landing pad snaps to grid like rails so you literally can't put a station 1 tile next to it to load shit fast
incredible game design
Wube is a hack.
fulgora is actually pretty easy and shits out resources
and i'm making things way harder on myself by throwing quality modules in everything and making quality shit
is there any reason not to put quality in miners/recyclers and just recycle anything less than epic (except things that don't give anything back when recycled, or if you want to void them)
there has to be more to this planet i'm missing
or maybe it is because i'm comparing it gleba?
it is literally free resources, but no bots (? honestly I just assume thats why my bots don't work I didn't see a tip or anything about it)
free oil
the lightning is nothing but free power
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What could cause an item to not be requested from the logi network that definitely has it available? One of these chests is clearly requesting the same item but it's not finding it on the network.
The chests are right next to one another.
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wube more like anal lube
Why is one copper wire and one copper cable
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>Literally finishing that up now.
>But I kid I'm not Dosh.
Ah shit anon that was it. I must have just searched for copper and click the first one. Thanks, that was driving me insane.
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Wow, these bait posts are just getting dumber every day. That's just obscene.
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>is there any reason not to put quality in miners/recyclers and just recycle anything less than epic
Going up the production chain and then back down is more efficient, especially considering the built in productivity.
>(except things that don't give anything back when recycled, or if you want to void them)
All of the things that don't recycle into something else recycle into themselves. So you could do that with quality and just brute force an item to a higher quality with losses.
Post your Fulgora base.
I just lucked out and got a rare power armor mk2 on my first try with 5.2% quality from normal component. 12x12. What should I put in it?
Slightly more than you would normally
see >>500000014
>smallest u-turn is now 36 spaces
fuck rails rework i wanna go back
are all turns bigger?
why the hell are you limited to 1 landing pad per planet? god forbid you use an expensive method to slowly move severely limited quantities of items somewhere else
I think I'll just go directly to Gleba after Volcanus. Don't even need to stop on Nauvis.
>why the hell are you
"fix it" or live with it bitchboy
it's because they don't want you to use them like warehouses
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>is there any reason not to put quality in miners/recyclers and just recycle anything less than epic (except things that don't give anything back when recycled, or if you want to void them)
It can be tough to balance that and a giant pain in the ass if you're not using bots. I set up some circuits that allows me to adjust exactly what I want in my base and everything else gets tossed into the recycler. This one does quality and I have another et for speed for items that I just need to void.
Hey Dosh!
*gluck* *gluck* *gluck*
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Diagonals require a lot of spacing, worse even, some spacing values aren't viable because diagonal segments are twice the length of straight segments
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>First time setting up trains since I played space exploration
>Fulgora spaghetti rail to communicate islands because if I don't I will definitely run out of scrap
I hope I remember how to do this shit but I have to start with the elevations and with huge patches of you can't build here
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is this how you do a loading/unloading station properly?
thinking is that loading/unloating takes some time so several trains can remain parked at once
if you put stack inserters on both sides you can unload a wagon in like 15 seconds
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Why does the circuit condition to read the fluid level in the tanks not work? The green signal (hooked up to the tanks) has the values.
how do you insert modules in space
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I forgot how annoying it is to start from scratch with no red or green automated.
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Is quality worth it on thrusters?
the one part of the DLC that doesnt hit for me is spoilage.
the concept is fine, great even, but the implementation is bad.
its effectively a big red sign that says
not to mention the problem of gleba science also spoiling which becomes a whole pain in the ass on its own when you've got leftover upon starting a research project that doesnt use it.
id say
>spoiled items dont transform into other items, they instead have a small chance to provoke an attack from that planet's threat. spoiled eggs instead contribute to a guaranteed attack.
>power hungry cryo towers from aquilo with a 3x3 range and freezer chests (no logistic variant)
cryo preservation being a costly late game way to deal with spoilage
>inb4 buh muh logistics challenge
this specific logistics challenge just isnt fun. everything else is great.
Everything recycles to one crafting step back, liquids are deleted, ores are deleted, plates and steel are deleted, concrete gives you iron ore etc.
are laser turrets bad in space? even guys with nuclear reactors don't seem to use them
It takes less space to make an ammo factory than it does to have extra power generation for all the laser weapons you'll need to reach Aquilo and the edge of the solar system.
check asteroid resistances to laser damage
if you could insert/extract from any extension, yeah I could see that
otherwise I don't get it
rocket launches are already more than expensive enough for any material you could otherwise move by train, even with lategame prod techs
Weird, it seems to work fine for me. Does it still happen when your tanks are completely full?
Btw do you use filter on your inserters to know what they're doing? Pretty clever use of filters.
most asteroids have 90%+ laser resist. I only use lasers when starting up a platform on vulcanus, since it's fast to get running with 600% solar efficiency.
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so am I fucked or...?
sulfur to steam to turbines
simple as
Dosh, you can't keep running from PY forever
theoretically, what's the earliest you could reach the edge of the galaxy?
Circle around it for now. Later on you unlock cliff explosives.
breddy sure the selector combinator can do that by itself
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So, how do thrusters work?
How do you figure out how many you need?
what prompted this
/fag/s are weirdo ngl...
t. THE Management
Yes it does. They have a capacity of 25k, and the check only checks for 24k.
**Yeah, it makes it easier to see at a glance **
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When's he making an updated circuits tutorial?
Docjade already did that before and he already updated his setup to work in vanilla so there is no point.
I didnt have it yet. I literally started naked on vulvanus to see how far i can go. I handcrafted a solar panel to even start anything going on.
Now i do.
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how do you output 21 on this chest without 5 combinators?
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how I make sure there will be always 40 uranium-235 for koravex and the +1 uranium-235 end product goes to my nuclear fuel assembler
Always add more
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literally impossible
Thank you Jebediah but my question is more, the thrusters use MN as a measure and the platform uses tons, are these convertible metrics, how does it work
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look at these FAT FUCKS. feels so fucking good getting these imported to nauvis. this mine was closer to 8 red belts before.
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my method

enriched goes into chest, grabber only grabs when chest has more than 10 u-235 and can also grab only 10 at a time. This means it can't grab the last 1 u-235 still in the chest. everything is recycled and outputs a single enriched slug. it can break but only in an extreme edge case where it dumps a second load before it finishes recycling the first load
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Rebuilding my engine array as ECU is getting an update, Added a new turbo system and it's supercharged now.
Sir, this is a factorio general.
Connect the assemblers to the centrifuge so they read its contents. Set the one that outputs the u235 for the next cycle to be active when u235≤40 and the other one for the surplus to u235>40.
*inserters, not assemblers of course.
Dunno why my brain mixed those words, guess I need some sleep.
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>You can die getting crushed by orbital drops
Now you just need to import some turbo belts too. Or make them locally by importing just the tungsten plates, i don't know which is faster.
are there any examples of player placed items that return nothing when picked up, like in a mod?
Ooh a stormworks post
>it's that mentally ill wierdo who uses gigantic air intakes
No buffers, everything is produced & delivered precisely before it is needed.
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>no shotgun turret
>no cannon turret
>no grenade launcher turret
>two new turrets with new ammo and a turret for an ammo type that already had a use with the spidertron
>while 3 existing ammo types languish in purgatory
t- thanks Kovarex...
>get to Vulcanus
>turn off air-conditioner irl
>get to Aquilo
>Turn air-con down to the lowest possible setting
I'm feeling immersed. Can you really say you've conquered Vulcanus if you didn't build your factory in 38C / 100F conditions?
If you're not gaming next to your open door oven then I don't want to hear about it.
>he didn't put himself in a G simulator for Vulcanus' 40m/s/s surface gravity
at least tell me you got some sulfur in a bucket and set it on fire or else GTFO this thread
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you told me to use trains instead of belts so you best tell me how to signal this properly
I want iron trains to sit on the wait area, then go to their depot when it's available. at the same I want a coal train to get to its depo without waiting behind an iron train
adding a signal to either magenta or red makes iron trains go beyond wait area and coal train gets stuck waiting
replace the top row of signals with chain signals and add a signal at the end of the iron stop.
Have you tried used chain signals instead of regular ones maybe?
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>get to Gleba
Who gives clothes that nice to a child?
probably his older brother that's a photographer, considering this pic was for a content photoshoot
also it's probably just some cheap shit suit
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huh this actually worked
>Have you tried used chain signals instead of regular ones maybe?
I still don't understand why it allows a coal train to go but an iron train is waiting when another is unloading
does it apply to each of the signals 'upstream'? as in it works as red for iron trains but green for coal train?
Nauvis is like straya you should start there
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>medium poles can't span the distance
what am I supposed to do now?
the coal train's intended path has a valid exit, the iron trains don't.
get uncommon medium poles
there are two reasons why you'd want to bother with quality early on: rare medium electric poles (enormous qol upgrade over normal ones) and rare mining drills if you want to boost your ore patches significantly
How big are the patches? Can you put substations all around it?
what's a good km/s for a ship?
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>Older Picture
This setup has got some real power. 1x3 Modular Motor.
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Can you really not accept belt inputs when you have rocket silos set to automatically get shit from the logistic network or am i doing something wrong? I wanted to keep that setting on but still feed things like science through inserters.
You post something good, We reply. When you don't then we ignore you. It's a simple set of rules, Anon.
It doesn't tesselate if you don't align the poles at the same places
your just gonna have to use 4 then
I disagree with 4. 5 is the limit.
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quality power poles might be the comfiest thing in spess age
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the u235>40 inserter never works regardless of the centrifuge's content. it says disabled by control behaviour

the u235≤40 inserter always works regardless of the centrifuge's content
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did you check zhe box?
I might be retarded but is there any downside to spamming steam engines on Vulcanus? Steam seems pretty free.
anyone did the math on the regular vs explosive canon shell?
it is working now
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Factoriobros? How can iron pipe handle 1500°C? Iron pipe for molten iron, really?
they are just built different
the math is that resources are infinite so if I'm using something manually like a tank it better have big boom
there needs to be a mod that you need at least uncommon pipes / offshore pumps to deal with lava and rare pipes to deal with aquilo's whatshername
I mean the planet literally has tungsten on it. Maybe make something out of it to handle special fluids? Like add tungsten pipes that allow you to move liquid metals around but until then you can only place foundries directly next to lava
I also had to set the stack size for u235>40 to 1 instead of the default 2
no math needed, they buffed power armor significantly.
>needing a speshul pipe for lava
>not needing a speshul pump for lava
this way lies madness, cluttered inventory, space exploration tier tedium and endless bullshit like "but why am I using lava like a liquid when it's molten rock rather than red water" and so on
can melting ice from one or two meteor grabbers supply enough water for nuclear?
Stainless steel build is finished, curiously I'm finished before I actually did the research which I suppose is good in the sense that I did something but bad in the sense that my base produces science so sluggishly I actually got ahead of it. Anyways now I just need to scale up the new plant (Yotoi) and research the techs to place the buildings and set the recipes and stainless steel will flow. Lot of items need it at this tier so I can get some fancy new gear like new power poles unlocked.

My long term goal for this science stage is to unlock modular armor and build all the components it needs, one of which is stainless steel.

It was a huge hassle to find a right sized phosphate rock, curiously there were only big rocks which you naturally can't mine without some super building from later science and had to scour the map for a small source (on the very left of the pic)
>space exploration tier tedium
Dont give me this shit, you can transport 5000°C steam, plasma and literal antimatter in normal iron pipes in SE
40 cylinder?
>90% of surface buildings having their special snowflake equivalent for orbital platform
>nnoooo you cannot use a normal assembler you need to use a white assembler when you're in space
Yeah. So it may turn into a dragster that's turbo and supercharged.
Can you setup a speaker on a ship to make some noise when it it arrives at a planet?
I get it now. I understand why everyone hates Gleba. I thought I had a good, working design but as it turns out one machine didn't have an output. Since it's Gleba, instead of this causing me to lose out on some production it actually caused my entire factory to shut down.
skill issue
Come on man
Wait, there is no pollution on Gleba, only spores from the agricultural tower?
God damn. I could have brought some foundries with me if I had known that. But here I am instead, paying attention not to produce too much pollution and putting elf modules in everything as not to get ass raped by daddy dick legs.
yes we should have a different assembler on fulgora (electromagnetic interference) and vulcanus (it's too hot) and gleba (because fuck you)
in fact there's no reason why an assembler should craft so many things, most items should have their dedicated assemblers so there's thirty different ones per planet
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>train signal blocks don't show up on ghost rail
>train stop wagon outlines don't show up on ghost rail
up yours
yea I think like they used to?
>box that can do anything manufacturing related, from simplest machine parts to extremely advanced electronic circuits and even entire buildings inside of it
>aieeeeeeeeeee is that zero gravity? save me ereandel-sama!!!!!!!!!!
Earendel here: we fixed rails, from now on for trains to not derail you are now required to frequently lube the entire rail network
joke's on you I'm going gleba first then just using yellow belts for everything
The fuck do i do with all this solid fuel that keeps clogging my shit in fulgora? Im getting way more than i need.
Iron pipes could handle concentrated sulfuric acid since forever, but now you're bitching.
How big should my base be before I head to another planet?
I've got a small base with a single rocket pad that's self-sufficient enough, should I build a big base before I head out?
best factorio mods for train autists? apart from LTN, I prefer vanilla trains now
cargo ships
you get trains, but on water
>space exploration tier tedium
Oi, don't give Earendel any ideas.
> best factorio mods for train autists?
Aquilo naked survival
oh fuck I downgraded version and went back and now all my BPs are gone
A few days ago an anon posted pics of their soulful, yet highly impractical, SE base which used trains for everything. Their interplanetary shipping system was even a bunch of trains packed into spaceships.
>fish spoils after 3 hours
>an ice cube just chills on vulcanus indefiniteky without melting
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Found it.
it's for the trains and for the rocket.
If you can't use it, put it in a recycle loop
It will eventually disappear
>super forcey fun place allows you to blueprint over existing structures, not only nature like trees and rocks
if violence doesn’t work: use more violence
Seeing as Earendel crammed a lot of his SE stuff into SA anyway, its a shame we didn't get the high-tech space trains and the special rail as well.
How do I get rid of shit on nauvis? I need a lot of petroleum but far less heavy/light oil. I have over 60k rocket fuel already.
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>1 (one) atomic missile is too heavy for a
>high-tech space trains and the special rail as well.
I dont think those were made by earendal
The actual space content in spage is pretty shit desu, it’s just a remote building on platform minigame. For all the shit I give sex, it did crazy stuff with orbit, even if it needed 3x as much effort as I thought reasonable
>also belts weigh more than 10 times the material used to make them
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>automatic backup system
>automatically deleting backups
This happens so often it's actually a joke
Is there some other power source in fulgora like vulcanus had acid neutralization or am i stuck fishing for ice to feed boilers? I really didn't want to pull out the nuclear energy card.
This might be a stupid question, but how do you calculate how many assemblers are needed to fully saturate one belt?
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>have a space platform
>platform produces master race science
>platform also has a shitton of iron, so i just smelt it, put it in a hub and also request it
>platform shits out ONLY iron plate pods
>1k science sitting in the hub doing nothing
what the fuck gives?
Nigga the sky is made of electricity.
>Space platform got destroyed and I'm stuck on Gleba
How painful are my next hours gonna be?
kek I ran into this exact same problem earlier.
I think space platforms can only send one thing at a time (and landing pads only receive one thing at a time) unless you add cargo bays. So that single slot is getting eaten up by the iron. I'm not sure how it determines priority.
You'll notice when you have cargo bays that they have extra doors that pods will fly out of/into.
the power is right there
take it for yourself
seconding cybersyn. I consider it to be just straight up better than LTN.
i'm gonna build a cargo bay right fducking now and check if that's true
Please do. I was lazy and just deleted the inserter that was putting iron into the hub.
Rate Calculator gives you a useful shortcut to quickly see the output of anything in a selection (and then just know that yellow belts are 15 i/s, red 30, blue 45, green 60).
The more involved way would be to use Helmod or Factory Planner to tell you exactly how many assemblers you'll need to hit those numbers.
so wait if tanks can be remote controlled and have an equipment grid do they have logistic requests? Otherwise how are you expected to keep them stocked? Or is that just unlocked later once you get requester chests.
i remember someone saying that they added a basic rate calculator to the unmodded game but i haven't found it anywhere and might've hallucinated it
They don't have logistic requests, but you can have bots manually give them items by opening the tank's inventory in remote view and clicking its empty inventory slots with a ghost item.
>do they have logistic requests?
anon, they literally do have a logistics tab
When you place down a machine and select a recipe, when you mouse over the machine it will tell you the expected inputs and output per second.
>a tank has a smaller equipment grid than a power armor
Nevermind I'm (>>500034675) a dumbfuck.
>>500034785 is right.
I haven't opened my tank's inventory since I unlocked chests.
>A tank has an equipment grid
That's news to me
tfw when playing railworld so biters were never really an issue so didn't explore very far, now evolution is high and shit sucks.
it's new
tanks with power legs are incredibly silly
>can't ride rocket with a weightless blueprint in your inventory
fuck you too kovarex
how many blueprints can you send per launch
just shove it in the blueprint library
How do you get coal on Fulgora?
Import it.
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Fuck you. I am not playing your slopped engine game.
Flow through nigga
But my platform is dead and I'm stuck here
What do you need coal for?
what's the deal with the engines vs weight anyway, I can't see ingame anything to give me an idea of how much thrust I'd need to achieve a certain speed for a certain weight
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To make plastic to make superconductors
Are you retarded?
Recycle red circuits.
Bro, your LDS recycling? Or red circuits?
My issue was always LDS and red circuits backing up on my Fulgora bootstrap and also a shortage of ice since I'm a retard who didn't plan for how much water holmium solution takes and built a backup steam generator.
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>leave for twenty seconds to go grab some rocks to get foundries going
>car gone
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Time for fulgora
How does Space Age compare to the Space Exploration mod? Better? Worse? Does it feature any chemistry like Nullius? Is it unique or does the DLC look a lot like the SE mod? I'm gonna have to buy it so I can have 100% achievements again but I want to lower my expectations if it's just the mod but paid.
I'm starting to wonder if making all the Nauvis science on Vulcanus and transporting it on Nauvis is not a better idea. Vulcanus gives you a lot of iron and copper very easily and you can fit up to 1000 science per rocket. Sending 7 rockets per trip is pretty fast since you can buffer 2 per silo. The platform has plenty of inventory space for all the science.
Damn, didnt know you could do that
can't have shit on vulcanus
That's a really neat ship, anon.
I couldn't even imagine trying to drive a car through Vulcanus.
You tread on its land. Vulcanus law is centered around the NAP, you know.
Stylish chevron ship.
Way better. No chemistry. It's fairly unique. Some things need a bit more work, some icons are pretty bad and some mechanics are not fully explained.
Is it on nauvis?
Gleba is pain
It's pure suffering in videogame form
Yes, it only requires red, green and blue science. Usually it's one of the very first things you should unlock once you have blue.
Very cool, I'm sure the icons will be updated and exploring mechanics with no guide is my favourite way of learning them. Can you elaborate on what's way better? Are the stackable items on belts a gamechanger and does the items having qualities make the game unfun like people thought? Are trains too casualized now?
You get one power armor, or a thousand tanks. Seems pretty straightforward to me. The only real issue is there's no goldfish bowl module to remote control a tank, kovarex plz fix
> How does Space Age compare to the Space Exploration mod?
Spage planets are vastly better than sex
Spage platform is vastly worse than sex
Spage has way less unfun tedium but it’s still much more present and gamey than anything on base game, such as 25 ammo being weight limit for a rocket
sex has better orbital logistics mechanics, at least from midgame. platforms are kind of a joke imo

tldr have somebody sane take spaceEx orbital /spaceshit (ie trim bullshit by half) and combine it eith spage’s much much better planets and you’ve got a winner
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Also, rate it.

Figured I could use the 2 lanes of the same belt to transport ammo and ores around the ship in a belt loop. Filtered inserters put the chunks in the second loop used by crushers (with yellow borders) and the red inserters will throw excess chunks of the crusher loop out of the ship, with circuit logic, to prevent clogging.
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Vulcanus it's so convenient.
try not overdoing it and just put them in a fridge and see how much longer they last
Why send science back to nauvis at all? Unless you have placeable 50% prod labs it seems more effort vs just build mor on vulc
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>2 lanes of the same belt to transport ammo and ores around the ship in a belt loop

Meant to say chunks. Ammo and chunks are transported by the same belt.
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If earendussy got over his my way or the highway bullshit I think space exploration on top of space age might actually be -the- way to play factorio tbhfamalam
the SA platforms dont really fit in with the SE imo
maybe as a spaceship substitute
>can put 100 walls into a rocket, but not even a full stack of ammo (because it's too heavy!)
Do quality pumpjacks lower oil halving in the same way that quality mines lower ore usage?
It’s crazy how quickly oil runs oit on nauvis compared to ores, it’s like 10x as fast
Well yea sa platforms are the only thing I actively dislike about spage, they’re just so whatever compared to physically being there in space exploration and the yuge orbital base with unique buildings you get to play with
Wube pulled an earendal in the name of game balance
Get ready for some power shortage on that ship as solar power goes to shit on the way to fulgora. I have way more than that and i still end up using half my accumulator power.
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ngl i am fairly disappointed in space at this point
space platform shit is just annoying with all these nonsense restrictions and just waste your time
vulcanus is boring as fuck, worms being passive was a mistake, just set up the science (which you barely need at this point) and never looked back
arrived at gleba and it's painful to look at but at least the new production chain seems interesing
we'll see how it goes but i'm really not feeling it so far
Yes. Open the factoriopedia in game and look up the entity, any stat the entity has with a diamond means it is affected by quality. It has a tooltip.
Looks cool, what speeds are you getting on that?
Presumably I am away from a computer if I’m asking
>arrived at gleba and it's painful to look at
You catshitters have the worst takes, gleba is the coolest planet by far aesthetic wise
If you want to do it in your head, belts are 15/30/45/60 items per second. I just have the common ones memorized (green chips per yellow belt etc) and for anything more complicated I just use an online calculator like:

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looks sick
im going to leave it as it is
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I've never been so glad to see so much water in factorio
hoping the other sides are the same
gonna be a lot of work to clear all the nests but I want a nice perimeter. Soon time to build the real nauvis base
>some sibhuman spray painted Palestine on the sidewalk
>a cool cat added death to in front
>another cool cat added and israel at the end
anyway I really wish I picked rail world and 300% oil richness on nauvis, it’s kind of tedious dealing with biter expansion in the long term and oil wells vanish before you finish building them
This is anonymous internet discussion you don't need to provide an explanation

I honestly love them all and can't pick a favorite.
yea I wish the devs are open to adding new stuff (tweaks are off the table), something like an endgame thruster that doesn't have to be on the bottom edge so big platforms are not doomed to being slow
the main menu has a nice big platform build that spans the entire screen but I have not seen anyone build platforms that big
they feel like a train wagon with a factorissimo inside of them, in space
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it's up
You can now make decent rails without blueprint, make loops without carefully calculating the placement of each rail and you don't need to have nuclear fuel at each stop. That's about it. I haven't used elevated rails for anything but going over natural obstacles.
Quality is a nice bonus but doesn't really matter for the most part until endgame. Putting a few quality modules on stuff you'll use on your platforms and your equipment can make a pretty big difference. Getting high quality items is fairly trivial after you've cleared fulgora.
The new machines are a much bigger deal than quality in my opinion.
Overall, each planet has fairly unique challenges. Space is its own challenge too.
Think of how unique some logistic challenges are in nullius or seablock and remove most of the tedium and you have space age. Now imagine if you could transfer some of the very easy to get resources from one mod to one where those resources are hard to get at a huge cost and you have space logistic. fulgora gives you a shitload of blue chips? Spend some to make a rocket and ship it to gleba.
>such as 25 ammo being weight limit for a rocket
Only for green ammo, red is 50 and yellow is 100 iirc. You can make yellow and red in space.
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wanna swap then
You can make all of them in space, or have twenty launchers going full throttle sending ammo. That’s not the point. The point is that it’s total bullshit that makes no sense if you spend more than 10 seconds thinking about it done purely because the devs didn’t like players steamrolling their balancing with cheap, plentiful ammo on platforma that would make logistics too easy so they implemented nonsense.
It would almost be better if they made it so you can’t use normal turrets/clips in space at all because $made-up-bullshit if they hated the idea of somebody stockpiling 10k ammo easily for interplanetary travel. Make special ammo that needs space thingamajig when crafting or something. As is it’s gamey as fuck and will probably never stop being so
>bro u so mad about this tiny thing
yes it’s a very noticeable wart implemented for wrong reasons, fuck you
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oof where's all the ore?
Guess you'll be building a giant over the ocean railroad. Will look kino though.
Whats a good ratio of chem plants to thrusters?
click on the entities and look at the numbers
It's a complicated question because there's an efficiency curve, so while each thruster will consume 120/s of both fuel and oxidizer, if you're underfilling them, they actually become more fuel efficient in return for less thrust. So more thrust per unit of fuel, but less thrust per thruster.

I never really bothered to figure out a good way to choke the supply to thrusters that isn't a clocked pump, and so I never really make a design that relies heavily on that, but it's an option if you want lots of thrusters.
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just what kind of shitbucket are we launching into space when we can do this IRL?
Have you taken a look at how fuckin big irl rockets are compared to factorio’s?
You’re sending toys compared to the real thing
yeah that is the current plan, I just need to actually build the science setups and research it real quick
and to find which direction is the closest to some fucking land
Just imagine how smug Earendel must feel right now.
are they any boat mods updated for 2.0? might be worth getting one just to scout where the land is before building one direction or the other
unless you got totally screwed like oldschool Minecraft island spawns.
Yeah, it really bothers me that the copper required to make a stack of space platform weighs the same as a stack of space platform tiles. Extremely blatant forced balancing. I'd much rather have rockets be more expensive but have realistic masses for stuff. Or add a mass and volume system to incentivize shipping up dense materials instead of crafted stuff. It's irritating that 50 miners can fit in one rocket load, but you can only send a handful of bullets. Different classes of rocket would have been nice too. And ground to space weaponry, like ortillery or nuclear missile launchers that can target ground. I really wish Factorio leaned harder into realism and less into forced balance.
ngl the space shit adds so little to the experience that having a teleporter that lets you move between planets (and take no items whatsoever, unlocks for other planets happen purely thru planet specific tech) would probably be better than the current system
Wtf, was that on normal settings or did you raise the water level? Always thought islands aren't possible on a standard map.
cargo ships updated today and I already have a boat on the sea down south, so I'll get exploring that way
or research the helicopter from the helicopter revival mod that I also threw in since I suspect it'll be a bit faster than the shitty ass boat, but that will require rocketry first
either way I'm in a good spot rn
I raised the water level to some stupid degree and then promptly forgot to check for how close any other land is and whether there's any uranium on my island so I'm in a bit of a pinch right now
Gleba is my next stop and I've already setup my labs for the upgrade on Nauvis.
space to ground*

Also: can't really ship nukes into orbit, can fit an assload of gun turrets but no ammo, 10 nuclear fuel is somehow heavy. Instead of making the weights anything resembling realistic or internally consistent, they just patched up any possible way around their dumb balancing. When something like the wiring for spaced platform tiles should be a fraction of their mass, they put a hand on the scale and make the copper ingredients weigh the same as the finished product.
>no nuclear
time to cover the island in solar panels
>Also: can't really ship nukes into orbit, can fit an assload of gun turrets but no ammo, 10 nuclear fuel is somehow heavy.
the most video game of video game design that was ever video gamed
>people running sovlless main bus when hou can vomit everything onto a few belts you keep stockpiled with ciecuit network that reads the content and decides when to add more of X
Never had an easier time setting up a mall
Mods will fix everything. It will take time for people to lose their rose tinted glasses, but we'll get there eventually.
Weapons are forbidden in space, chuddie
Another thing: can't use chests on platforms because "no gravity" but belts and inserters are fine?
I will need to power the furnace stacks somehow I guess
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for reasons that I can't explain, the fuel is flowing back in the oxidizer pipeline. Why?

Guess I will rework the whole thruster area.
Has anyone done the usual thing where they attempt to see how realistic the fuel/rocket size/launch capacity etc. ratios are, to see how funny the numbers look?
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This is what happens when you apply "this insect can run at x times its own body length in y seconds" to sized-up things
They shouldn't have limited with a new weight stat but purely stack size, it's what stack size is already supposed to represent. They could have changed the stack sizes like nukes not stacking anymore for example like artillery shells. Maybe it's a large rocket or maybe it stacks to 5 and regular rockets stack to 50. Was fiddling with the stack sizes not enough?
i have seen spiders do this irl, those little guys zoom
what the fuck
>been waiting for FNEI to get updated
>just realized it's already in the game

I should maybe read patch notes or something huh?
It's basically a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sputnik_(rocket)
that was me with wire shortcuts too
might be worth reporting it to wube
some weird fluid jank going on there
>depleted uranium is the heaviest shit there is
>depleted uranium ammo is therefore very heavy
>10 bullets per magazine
>4kg each
what's unrealistic about it?
what's your refueling/depot design?
I can't wait to see what overhauls are going to come for space age, I may be getting ahead of myself but I'm expecting some real over the top shit. I'm sure any overhaul is atleast a year off but it's something else to look forward too.
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>Fly up a stack of turrets
>recycle them
>turn the scraps into ammo
>have more ammo than an ammo rocket
It's silly artificial limits to say "don't do that" for no reason other than don't do that.
>Schwerer Gustav silencer car
>when I hold 10 nuclear reactors in my pocket it's fine
>when the rocket can't hold 6 gorillion bullets it's unrealistic
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Why the fuck I barely get any Jellynut seeds? Yumako is growing good
Make rockets into different types like small med and large to carry more capacity but make them way more expensive to make the bigger they are, there fixed the game
tank is really good now
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tank with exoskeletons is goat
by far the greatest use of it's grid space
don't need lasers if you just run circles around the biters
a requester and inserter at every station
I know, interrupts, but if it ain't broke
Kovarex explicitely said that he doesn't want bigger rockets, he wants more rockets. He wants you to have 50 rocket silo firing rockets constantly.
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nta but

I don't give a fuck what that fat retard or the retarded furry want

mods will fix it or I'll make a fix myself
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so how do I top up ammo when driving remotely? do I need to hit a pit stop every 100 shells? or will the next 100 from tank's inventory be loaded up when the first 100 is used up?
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Have you built your door yet?
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bro you CANNOT be serious
I'd really like to use it if it's done to transport cargo.
They will take what you have in your inventory.
quality is optional :)
>no room for beacons
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1x3 are complete have to update the ECU, 1x1 then will need a redesign. 5x5 has been started and have a general space efficient layout in mind after which i will begin the jet-turbine generator perhaps dabble into steam/nuclear.

Then i will have to look at a engineless build.
you bacon them from the outside THOUGH
>"My" door
I wasn't involved in that I mean I sort of was but in a different game so it doesn't count, but it would be cool to see the door open on that car and see a giant fuckin cannon roll out like it's a 1600's warship on wheels
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>can't place chests
>cargo bays won't work either if they aren't connected to the hub
>Nauvis NE Coal
Your trains can go out of Nauvis?
Had no problems, helps having mostly rare solar panels
yours can't?
How do you void stone in fulgora?
no way to lower item quality btw
have you met our lord and savior landfill?
can't you just toss that shit in a recycler?
okay I set up trains and it took a lot longer than I thought it would and I regretted it a lot until I installed the train honk mod
now I only slightly regret trains instead of belts
Yeah and then my recycler isn't working on something more useful
>OR 5s of inactivity
There, solved
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>claimed new field like 5 hours ago
are you serious
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>cuck box xl
Isn't it impossible to landfill the oil?
>unclog a single piece of quality coal (lol) clogging up a train line
>quality piece of coal (lmao) goes on to clog something downstream

yes but it costing 50 stone means you can put down like a dozen chests and be gucci for like 50 hours
wtf. why does factorio run like shit? ive got a Ryzen 9 5900X and the game uses 100% what is this bs.
works on my 8700k, user error
Missing something.
Recycler that loops back in the same recycler. It only has 25% chance to give back a stone.
you never regret trains
they make everything better
I can't wait to make my cuckbox

Just need a bit more time
Then either sort your quality coal at the pick up or drop off station.
You only have yourself to blame if you put quality modules in your miners and don't account for quality coal.
just add filtered inserters that check the belts for any quality items and pluck them out before it gets to the train
I don't understand why they didn't just make space shit have more hp so it's balanced around ammo stockpiles. If you are launching rockets then you have a base capable of producing an ammo stockpile. Interplanetary travel being a matter of stockpiling, preparation etc rather than subsistence would feel a lot more satisfying imo. and if the game was balanced around that a lot of the arbitrary weight restrictions could be avoided. I'm assuming they have their reasons, but those reasons aren't clear to me at all.
Why did you put quality modules in your miners?
You literally can't get quality if you don't put quality modules in machines.
You can cheese the hot slugs with poison nades, Wude even made a point of it in the ff, what did they mean by this?
I died in my own stink cloud with the slugworm.
while I'm off-planet, I think I'll order my bots to pave the whole of my factory in refined concrete
they should be done by the time I've got gleban science rolling
>Wube even made a point of it in the ff

People don't really read that shit do they?
>just add filtered inserters that check the belts for any quality items and pluck them out before it gets to the train
that isn't reliable btw
splitters work all the time, inserters let stuff through occasionally
Quality coal isn't as dumb as it sounds.

>It has the highest carbon content, the fewest impurities, and the highest energy density of all types of coal and is the highest ranking of coals
I don't think factorio coal quality affects its burning properties though.
if I have 2 iron mines, 1 is close by and the other is really far away, is there a way to have them use the same station name and have trains prioritize filling out the stations rather than going to the closest one?

Last time i'm buying an indie game.
Shit should install and work.
Not a fucking slideshow with a 5900x and 3080

A fucking explanation as to why it runs like shit.
yeah, limits on stations
I'm already doing that its just not super efficient
but that means I have to run as many trains as I have silos. if I have 3 trains on the network, I don't want them to all go to the closest iron mine, but I do want that mine to support 3 trains if I added 3 more later (unless there are circuit conditions I can use to scale station train limit with trains of a certain name? train count / stations = limit basically)
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lol dosh's base froze
clean heat pipe lines
Ended up just reloading an older save
Do NOT underprepare before going to space
I got stuck on Fulgora with zero resources and my Space platform got destroyed
imagine not just pulling yourself up by your bootstraps
new /egg/
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Your home planet can send another rocket, right? You had a fully automated bot base ready to go, right?
The city didn't survive...
i'm wondering about this too and i think i'll just read the trainstop buffer content and disable the station if it's below certain limit, to encourage trains to go to stations that have shit available in ample quantity
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Almost everything can be wired up now and it simplifies combinators setups so much I love it.
Wired trees when?
it's truly the circuit golden age
This is so incredibly funny.
You would've gotten a lot more help if you weren't blaming your own incompetence on /egg/'s favorite game.
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after a small rework due to the liquid bug, also fuel and energy issues, I finally made a successful travel.

got 171 km/s on that ship.

I expected space travel to be longer, they made the planets way to close to each other.
works fine on my machine
ryzen 5800x3d and a 4070
did you identify the bug?
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Pic related is my U-235 production. The encircled drop area represents the moment I disabled the circuit condition that controls U-235 input into KEP, which was set to read centrifuge recipe contents, and was limited to 40, so the machine won't hold onto another 40 and deprive other centrifuges from it.
This simple condition nearly doubled the rate at which the production line reached its full potential, it's really nice.
they are already talking about it on the forum, looks like the thrusters swap the fuel with oxidizer if one of the pipelines becomes completely empty.

I had not enough production or buffer in there >>500045480, so that makes sense.

Until they fix it, I suggest that everyone use some tanks to prevent the pipelines from running out. Trying to fly work on fumes may trigger the bug.
ah, that sucks since running low on fuel can provide better efficiency with a speed trade off
hopefully they get it fixed
im just pissed that i just dropped 62 euros on this game that you all praise and the menu is just 10 fps.

So tell me, what additional setup do i need to get it up to 60fps?

I even set everything off or low and it still 20 fps.
You're incompetent and shouldn't bother with PC gaming
Try something more simple, like a Playstation
think your computer has issues
my game runs at 60fps no issues
maybe you have too little ram
Nigger, I am playing on an i3 laptop and it runs fine.
Factorio runs at 60 FPS on my 2015 Macbook
Your PC is broken or you have some weird FPS limiting program running
maybe an issue specific to your computer that no one else has is your computers fault and not the games?
Do you realize how peak autism it is, that the spaceships themselves, in factorio, are floating in factories?
Check nvidia control panel if there's and FPS limit imposed setting on globally or program specifically (factorio), there's two of them, background and foreground FPS limit, verify both. Check your display settings both in nvidia and windows and make sure the refresh rate is set to at least 60hz or more.
If every setting is correct, then check your temperatures. If temps are okay, then do a memtest. If memtest passes without errors, then, and I'm saying this unironically, ask r/Factorio. If all fails, then request a refund if you bought it on Steam.
How many chemical plant you need for 1 thruster ?
In case any of you were wondering, slow down capsules don't affect worms.

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