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>What is /feg/?
/feg/ is the general dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise.

>Fire Emblem Series Summary

>Fire Emblem Series Emulation Guide

>Fire Emblem Heroes Event Calendars

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Latest FEH Trailer

Previous: >>499737663
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kneel grovel lick
Sigurd will get fucked over by having a meta alt again
He used to beat Seliph every year, the switchover happened because Sigurd always gets treated well and it kills any momentum for rallying him
Sigurd's the best unit in the game again and a lot of his competition haven't had an alt in over a year
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These characters have CYL-level or beyond alts. Do you think they deserved them? Do you think they'll ever win?
Who is left that you want to win?
You're only complaining because you don't like the characters.
>stupid 3HRT image attached to cry post
Every time
Tiki is beloved by all
>no hips
Except schizos
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>Sigurd always gets treated well and it kills any momentum for rallying him
Do you think this will lead to a rally for Dorothea, since she just got fucked hard?

Nobody likes those characters. It's why they've never won.
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>Nobody likes those characters. It's why they've never won.
Most people don't, that's why they're still unpopular despite years of shilling.
you stink like whorethea
>3HRT spouting retard shit while also rallying for his slop bitch
You're so predictable
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>Most people don't! This rigged voting event told me so!
>Do you think this will lead to a rally for Dorothea, since she just got fucked hard?
Maybe? Depends how many Berniefags want to switch to a BE girl too
Also how much 3H winner fatigue there is, 9 winners in 5 years is crazy, it's basically half a cyl banner every year from one game, cyl7 was already a backlash against that
Fuck Redditkeeper
Imagine being so unpopular that you lose to a faceless NPC despite getting like 6 alts.
By that schizo's logic Gatekeeper is a beloved and popular character
You're so close to getting it
Helios is having a melty again because 3H keeps winning despite being mistreated, while nobody votes for Fates or Engage characters even with maximum shilling
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Yes? Why would you think he's not?
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You know who's not close to getting it?
YTiki. And she never will.
I think the only safe assumption to make is Byleth. Sigurd is right under him so the fight for 2nd place would be between him and Diamant.
Honestly, Black Knight is becoming a "will win CYL eventually" type of deal.
>Diamant might unironically be the anti Corrin vote
She's going to keep getting alts why you cry about Marianne
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This is the only place I've seen that tries to pretend Gatekeeper isn't popular, is it our high amount of anti-3H seethers who didn't even play 3H?

People like him, they like his dialogue about Fodlan, they like his cheerful personality, they put him in the musou as a secret character because of how popular he was

>but he has le generic design!!!
Just reeks of secondary because if you played the game you'd know he has more backstory and personality than most actual characters, especially modern ones
ngl you're all gay
dawg he has 26 images uploaded on Gelbooru this bait is fucking ass
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But you know what she will get? 4+ more alts, hundreds of images, continued merchandise and fan love. The kekaroo is on you
Nina has 900 uploads and is rank 700 in CYL and her banner set a new low for seasonal performance at the time. It's almost like uploads on a random fan-submitted art site don't reflect popularity.
You're trying way too hard for this one little bro
and those alts will flop like your intelligence
>is it our high amount of anti-3H seethers who didn't even play 3H?
Pretty much. Most of this general is schizophrenics who only played one or two FE games and hate everything they didn't play.
A lot are Fates/Engage fags who were utterly mindbroken by the fact 3H puts more effort into recurring NPCs than Komuro games do their main cast.
I can't believe we're nearing the end of October and going see the end of book VIII chapter 13 in a couple weeks
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I was gonna address this post seriously but it would just be easier to call you retarded.
I'm pretty sure you're that Anna schizo that embarrassed himself the other day trying to stir shit up as usual. What a waste of a life.
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Nina is sure talked about a lot here for such an unpopular character
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Every time we have these character popularity arguments the same retard chimes in with
They bring this up all the time and say it doesn't match a character's popularity.
It's almost like... it's a meaningless metric and doesn't reflect character popularity in the first place?
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you have been outsmarted
that post hurt you lmao
>Reddit-favorite game uses Reddit-favorite character as a broad brush over lasting character popularity
O ahm laffin'
It's Commissioncord schizos who want people to use danbooru to measure popularity even though it's
A) A single art website
B) Most of the uploading is done by the same handful of ultra dedicated people who have their own biases
C) Said Discord schizos will literally flood the thing with reuploads to boost a characters number (a fan of a certain Jugdrali swordswoman is notorious for this)

>Please ignore the fact Gullveig won CYL and has the best performing banners every year, I uploaded more Timerra art on danbooru so Timerra is more popular!
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you are hurt by a little girl
>it's a meaningless metric!...
Translation: I don't have an actual counter-argument so I'm just going to schizopost
It's going to be really funny when he gets banned and all the posts I know that are his get wiped lmao
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It's a meaningless metric period unless you want to stick to your guns that Nina and Elise are some of the most popular characters in the series and CYL winners like Gullveig aren't.
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You think Gatekeeper is popular. I'm not taking your schizo ass seriously, disingenuous nigger.
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>You're a schizo because you believe the second highest voted character of all time who was popular enough to be made playable in the spin-off is popular

Again, what are your actual counter-arguments to this. This is the only FE community that has people that boil with anger when you point out that Gatekeeper is generally well liked.
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I know its him
he'll be exposed any minute now
it is literally just babies seething that he won and their favourites didn't
Babies that didn't play 3H or didn't interact with him.
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Nobody is arguing that he isn't well liked. He is not popular. When people think of their favorite Fire Emblem character, nobody thinks of him. His claim to fame was winning a rigged vote and then being immediately hated when they saw how ass his kit was.
You are a braindead chimp if you unironically believe otherwise.
No (You) for you. Kill yourself.
>Less popular than M!Corrin
>More alts
How does she do it, bros
Anna schizo melting down hard
>nobody is arguing that he isn't popular, but he isn't popular
Okay champ.

>His claim to fame was winning a rigged vote
Oh so you ARE just a seething baby.
You lost the argument
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I forget some of you niggas are genuinely crazy kek
You weren't supposed to point that out
Rigged by who? How? Why?
Don't forget that IS specifically rigged it so that he beat Marth, who they rigged earlier CYLs for but they failed their rigs. 2000000 IQ
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Who is this nutball quoting? Someone call this nigga's parents
If I had to guess... probably you, when you claimed the vote for Gatekeeper was rigged?
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>Rigged by who?
Your mother
By sleeping with men to rig it
Because she's a whore
Oh and they only did it that one time and never again for some reason. They didn't even do it when they had a new game to advertise, in fact they let all of its characters lose.
They wouldn't rig CYL for Fates in CYL1, they wouldn't rig it for Valentia in CYL2, they wouldn't rig it for Three Hopes in CYL7, they wouldn't rig it for Engage in CYL8.
But yes, they rigged it for a NPC character they proceeded to do nothing with in a CYL event that was utterly inconsequential.
You thought this was a good response but a non-answer basically confirms to everybody else you're just schizoposting and don't have an argument.
Engagefags really don't like seeing 3H win. I mean this is what they tried to do before and after last CYL too.
Kek I knew it was the Anna schizo.
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Love and appreciate Tiki
Blow your head with a shotgun tripfaggot
Literally WHAT are you even talking about
Are we at least in agreement IS rigged CYL8 for Alfonse?
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sure you have to be legit blind and retarded to not see it
No because why would they wait 8 years to do it and why didn't they do the same thing for Engage's cast who they tailored the start of the FEH channel around?
if you're an idiot who doesn't know that CYL is run by fujos and reddit I could see why you think alfonse isn't popular
no because it's never been convincingly explained why they would rig it for alfonse but not engage who they had every incentive to incentivise and have released like 30 units for this year
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Joewari da
lmao those fujoshits would made manleth win try again dumbass
*incentive to advertise
never seen alfonse yaoi in my life
Alfonse won because of a rally by gacha secondaries, I remember some fehtuber did a poll and the majority of his audience were voting Alfonse
people who thinks alfonse is rigged can't get out of their circlejerks, dude is popular like everywhere but here. Fujos run the whole fucking series. Grow up theres no rigging anywhere. The only "rig" was alts given for 2nd place in CYL so that Lucina could get one too. Looking at you alcryst/diamantfag they will never be more popular than alfonse etc. now take meds schizos
He's a namefag not a tripfag, you fucking newfag
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>Alfonse is popular man you gotta believe me. The results prove it!
>The only "rig" was alts given for 2nd place in CYL so that Lucina could get one too
Expanding the number of prf skills to 2nd place and not retroactively giving prior 2nd placers one too was also pretty riggy and they only did it after Gatekeeper/Marianne (npc and side character) beat Marth and Eirika
I remember once the rigschizo said "find proof of anyone voting for Alfonse ever, he's so blatantly rigged". Then quickly a whole bunch of proof was indeed found, huge rallies for him on places like reddit. Literally all the polls had him 3rd at absolute lowest.
What is this?
He's "popular" like Adult Tiki. People voted for him.
I feel like I missed some drama...
>was fine with IS rigging it for Alfonse because I like Alf and wanted to see what they'd do
>until he was just a shitty Gustav ripoff down to the art poses
>ended up burning my free pick on Bernadetta for a Paranoia slave
>Paranoia strats work godawful in AR defense
>new Dagr came out and I've already had her S Rank Alfonse on every other of their alts
I want a Mulligan on my pick.
I'm still pissed about old 2nd place Braves not getting retroactive Prf skills. We need Brave Remixes where old runner ups get the Prf skill they deserve and all the first place units get updated Prf skills... Beorc's Blessing, for example, was dogshit on release even.
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Sure it took him until the 8th CYL and most of the beloved characters had already won AND people felt bad for him because he's FEH's main character but besides all that he's actually REALLY REALLY BELOVED by all Fire Emblem fans!
If Manleth gets the Sothis regalia I'm gonna be pissed
EoS soon!
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>Monday is holding the trailer hostage
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Nowi got a phatty
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Cute kete
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>What is this?
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My waifu Shamir is the most beautiful in the world and I love her more than anything

Please god just make this an alt already IS
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>struggled just to get through Ch 4 on Hard without losing anyone

It's been a LONG time since I played a FE game. does anyone have any early-game tips?
Abuse the fuck out of Alear's passive +3 -1 damage for adjacent allies.
Many weapons are better off transformed than upgraded, like giving Yunaka a steel dagger off the bat, or Celine an Elfire.
Give Boucheron the hatchet for the few levels you use him, so he gets that extra hit in on enemies within 2 range.
If you're having too much un-fun, do the fixed growth option.
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Dont try saving your engages for the boss, use them when they're immediately helpful.

Who is the best with Sigurd? I have him on Alfred


what Alear skill is that? Is this game like 3H where every Chapter I can go out and do 1-2 normal battles before moving on to story Chapter?
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Sigurd is good on anyone with a mount plus Louis. Alear has the personal skill Divinely Inspiring, which grants +3 True damage dealt and -1 damage taken to adjacent allies. There are skirmishes in this game for extra experience, but they can be somewhat difficult. A bit later on there will be optional paralogues which work better for that and also upgrade your emblems.
>Who is the best with Sigurd? I have him on Alfred
Chloe or Louis. Alfred is garbage, dump him already. You're gonna need stats in Hard mode, since the main difference is that enemies are basically ~5 levels higher than on Normal.
>what Alear skill is that?
Alear's unique passive, Divinely Inspiring. She always has it.
>Is this game like 3H where every Chapter I can go out and do 1-2 normal battles before moving on to story Chapter?
Yeah, they're on the world map. But the fun of the game is NOT doing them and still winning.
>Using fagfred
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I want to sniff Elincia's feet
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Wait a minute, that star on her belt...
it's better this way
Someone post the Discord link.
>Alfred is garbage, dump him already.
They really fucked up his class base stats and made his class skill only reduce physical damage in half lmao. Firene is basically "ditch anything related to Alfred".
Whens Jade? Shes hot.
nobody cares helios
Chapter 9.
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>Brom died to a 2% crit
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So no need to act like it isn't that way.
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Nephenee would never
He has children waiting for him at home
/Feg/gots can relate to her because they lust after fictional shit like her. Also fujoshis are part of anime culture, which most people on this site are into.
Probably because she's one of the quintessential examples of a dev favorite.
>one alt and a resplendent
I wouldn't call that "quintessential." Kagero would fit that much better.
Numbers you can't count to kekaroo
>Alear's unique passive, Divinely Inspiring. She always has it
I don't know how someone could suffer through MAlear. He's such a fucking fag.
When a girl acts masculine, it's cool. When a guy acts feminine, it's gay.
Kek. The next Kagero alt will drop under 6 months, I bet.
Getting a resplendent isn't dev favortism.
And she got her only one alt that she'll ever get in the 10+ years FEH will have existed once it all said and done.
One alt in the game's lifetime isn't exactly "Dev favortism"
Tons of characters have one alt and one resplendent and aren't singled out as dev favorites.
Why couldn't it be us?
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Nina is based for being a fujo, having a cute design and giving her dickass father a hard time
I like the Robin Hood shtick too
She randomly got one of the best resplendent artworks, good for her
Based devs
Peri will be on the ninja banner. She will have the biggest tits of the bunch and won't wear socks with her sandals, meaning in her damage pose, we'll get to see her bare soles.
Because this general is awful.
Plus I'm pretty sure one of the mods is a touhou fag
What seasonal should my waifu Shamir get next?
Women that tend to the Khan banner
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Post units only (You) have +10s of.
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Cunny Christmas will happen
All the slots on that banner were taken up by Gullveig, Lysithea, ATiki, Kvasir/Seidr, and Marianne
>Shittyanne getting another alt
She's not even worthy enough to be his footstool KEEEEEEEEEK
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Man people forgot about that new alt quick didn't they. I think I saw one single +10 here and that's it.
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Kek. She's pretty cute, and I did enjoy her being rude to Niles, he deserved it. She's one of the few 2nd gen reacting to her parents appropriately for stuffing her in a hyperbolic time chamber. Or really just to niles, I think she was on good terms with her mothers...
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Fire Emblem characters for this feel?
Who on the right
Bro wtf no Beruka?
The awakening and tellius trannies. You know the ones.
Timerra sexxo
Free Midori is pretty cool I suppose. I have plenty of very strong Fates units though.
That works very well
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>give a horseslayer to pegasus knight byleth with Quick Riposte
>ORKO the Death Knight
Fuck you John Madden mode.
I just use Leonie.
Leonie ALWAYS ended up being terrible for me.
Crazy to think Three Houses is already over 5 years old now. That's half a decade. The hype around prerelease was a lot of fun. Probably the best this general has ever been. I wish we could go back.
Literally impossible in 3H
Grow up
Remember when the timeskip was revealed?
Good times…
I will eat your fucking brains
>Probably the best this general has ever been.
holy fucking newfag zoomer.
Disgusting what kind of faggots I share this general with
You will eat most things
>dead hours meltdown
Incel posts above
based but you're not long for this world. So long, Anon
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What the fuck was that?
Dude he just deletes them himself and then posts a stupid dog/cat reaction image saying "woah did you see that"

It's why he never posts more than 3 pics at a time
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You made that up
It’s so funny when Raul puts on his trip when he thinks making a post will be good for his image but takes it off when he wants to start shit.
Did something happen?
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Raul told me that he saves all the porn that gets posted.
>no point in rolling the focus heroes in weekly revival banners
>they're all unusable trash with no si
>continue rolling for my 3* off banner waifu
Future is grim for feh banners
Wow it's almost like the point of those banners is to get merges for your favorites
I love love love Guinivere
Banners that only does something for 0.001% of the player base. How great! I sure hope we get more of those!
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Sure why not. It's more free summons at worst.
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Prim and proper royal ladies are the sexiest.
I've been in the super secret /feh/cord for a few days and he's surprisingly obedient there. It's almost like he has friends to talk to.
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Why so aggressive?
wow you even remembered to use an image I've used in the past
You should post nice Tikis only
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ketes for ever
Anon why are you pretending to be me?
Yes, and their feet are incredible as well. I've been addicted to Elincia's for six years now.
Can someone PLEASE track down and kill Namschizo. Hell, just post his address and I'll do it myself. I can't fucking stand this autist.
I fapped to Nowi today and I feel dirty now
She's very attractive so I can understand why it would be hard to resist her allure.
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Im a TikiAnon, I didn't say I was THE Tikianon.
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Frankly, I'm okay with this
Please get a trip so I can filter you.
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This thread aint big enough for the both of us
I just like tummies too much
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I'm of the opinion that it is
I don't know what your endgame is but please don't inconvenience the other posters in the general.
Nerthuz is very, very beautiful
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nice booba
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Next year, for certain
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budding chikkerboob
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I love my beautiful waifu Shamir more than anything

I hope we get more Fodlan content some day so she gets more screentime

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I really want to build my waifu but I've has such a bad time rolling for fodder. Sometimes wasting hundreds of orbs for 1 skill. And I need 4 to 5 different units to do so.
>he actually did it
Cute picture, anon.
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Any good pairs for Heroes Journey?
Owain and Ares
I just use the summoner and cycle between Eirika alts
The Khan and Shamir
I have a few units that probably qualify as long as you're not being literal.
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Probably not the only one but it didn't seem like a popular alt
>not popular
I've seen a decent amount of them, especially near the time of her release. It's not some ultra coom/meta alt, but a decent amount of people did like it.
It's a cute alt.
how do you think Leo copes with the fact his son is a cumdump for bigger, stronger men?
I know Shamir has history with blonde brown skinned girls but I doubt she cheat on Catherine Flavia.
Half a dozen babies with Fjorm
Canto+Celica ring feels pretty good.
Kinda tempted to play Awakening again. Should I actually bother with Lunatic? Or just stick with Hard.
Why not a full dozen?
Unless you want the challenge specifically I wouldn't bother. The lunatic experience is using a few characters that can keep up with the bullshit and bench everyone else.
Hard if you want to have fun
Higher difficulties in FE are tedious, unless you're really into it.
>forest has the best support with FKana
>pairing them means pairing FKana with Forest
Would you let your daughter marry forest?
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>First playthrough of Engage
>Meet random woman on the side of the road
>Opens up with Zappy
>Follows with Hiya Papaya
>Finishes the combo with HOLY BROCC-OLY
My fucking sides. I love her already.
>First playthrough of Engage
>Already has reaction images saved
I may or may not have done a quick search of the archives for a Yunaka image cause imageposting gets more (You)s.
Mmm, good point. I've never done Awakening Lunatic for more than a few chapters, but I also haven't played it for probably like 5 years.
It depends on the game. I don't think 3H Maddening is tedious once your team gets going, Engage Maddening was fine all the way through, and SS Hard is still a joke because Seth, but RD Maniac is artificial difficulty: the game and PoR Maniac is "dude what if there were twice as many enemies and half as much bExp lmao"
I'm still too much of a pussy to try Conquest Lunatic.
>this poor soul doesn't know how to get many (You)s with a simple text post.
Here, have one out of pity.
What will emblem Veronica do? Give a 5th team slot?
He isn't like that at all THOUGH. That's a gooner head canon you made up
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Veronica's also a dancer, so she would grant RMarianne's prf skill to literally every unit in the game.
Now that I type that out, that's exactly what I think IS would do.
She'll get Marianne's "dance" in the form of Contract but mixed with Legendary Veronica's Prf special
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Oh boy Marianne Cry Force at it again
Contract is a personal sync skill of Veronica in Engage.
>Contract acts as a restricted version of Dance, allowing that ally to take another action but without the ability to move.
>factually state what EVeronica's other main skill is
>some other anon gets upset
He's ashamed of him that's why he hates him kek
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Uhhh.... bros? I thought Marianne was hated? Why do these +10s exist?
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>me and my /feg/bros worshipping Sylvia's feet together
If you think that's funny you'd LOVE Reddit!
You used feh editor
Tell me more since you seem to be an expert
Threesome with Yunaka and Hortensia
Well, it's this really awesome website with lots of funny and quirky and random humour! The people there are actually REALLY smart though. Me and all my other friends who love Engage think it's great!
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Veyle* and Hortensia
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Yunaka and Goldmary*
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you like chocolate
More of a strawberry kind of guy.
Her mom, yes.
Veyle and evil Veyle*
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
She's not my type
Only if Emblem Marth is watching.
If you're wearing his ring or the ring is nearby he would be watching kek
Threesome with those two, while all three of you wear emblem rings (specifically Celica, Lyn and Corrin)
Where do you think the franchise will go from here?
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Miners on the left: Unicorn Overlord
Cave: Final Fantasy Tactics
Shadow Projectors: Fire Emblem
Leaving the Cave: Reverse Collapse Code Name Bakery
Saddam Hussein: Vestaria Saga
Hopefully announcing a brand new game next month
I genuinely don't know
You'd think they would copy 3H like how Engage copies a lot of Fates but IS doesn't have the staff required to make a game like that
Why next month specifically?
next month is the november switch direct
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Because I want it to be next fucking month, I'd want it to be this month, but with 5 days left that isn't much likely so next month it is.
Who spread this rumor?
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Only in terms of hair.
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Very cute
brunettes are the hottest women
Cute canonical love interest.
Canon wife.
Would you rather wait and have the next fe game be on the switch 2, or have it be on the current switch before the switch 2 launch?
Would it matter? Switch 2 is backwards compatible anyway.
It should matter somewhat, assuming the switch 2 is a stronger system then it should presumably allow for better visuals or more interesting features not capable of the switch. Some people care about that stuff.
current because I already own a switch so what does it matter?
>Arcane Marianna: "Yes... I'm, coming!"
On it's knees to better suck
Good evening saar.
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to be as woke as metaphor (lol
Teacher's sexpet
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Super prone to getting strength screwed on non-fixed modes. My first Engage run my Yunaka had 14 strength at level 26.
>Using Yuckcaca
my condolences
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Remember that Henriette is still poisoned?
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If Laraedr thought that we could bring people back to life, why did he think that poisoning Henriette would be good bait to get us to come to the tree?
Wouldn't Kiran just let her die and resurrect her?
He's a retard for attacking Askr at all, after we've killed countless gods
More like Fraudo
Current because it is my firm belief every console needs 3 brand new entries, not counting demakes.
Also a good game is a good game and will sell. Normies will buy anything if journos say it's good.
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Basilio's footstool
>have gotten enough off-banner 5*s through the bonus 4*-5* special rate and Arena tickets to +10 both Brave and Fallen Dimitri
>don't want to use either of them
>Neph and Ishtar are still at +5
>now they're giving me cav Dimitri too
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>Leaves Marianne at the restaurant with the bill
will you pull for the new upcoming OC mythics?
Absolutely no chance
Only if they have really good fodder for my waifu.
Did Laeradr ever elebarotate on the procedure of resurrecting people? Could be that the procedure requires Laeradr's assistance in some way. In which case Kiran can't rescue Henriette unless he cooperates one way or another. Well, knowing Feh's writing Laeradr probably has just gone off the deep end, but still.
do you put BoL4 on your main unit or support unit?
i don't post here often anymore but why do you want to post hentai. is it worth the three day ban?
I don't care about the OCs, I only pull for favorites, and those favorites aren't about to receive any new alts either.
>Did Laeradr ever elebarotate
There's only one chapter left, bro.
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This time for sure
Why would you want a remake if it's just going to result in making the cast more brown and gay?
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It doesn't matter. Laeradr will die in the final chapter, Alfonse gets the cure for his mom. Henriette is cured, but is too weak to continue ruling Askr so she abdicates the throne to Aflonse and he finally becomes King of Askr.
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You forgot
>Henriette then gets fixed in an FB or TT+, but it never gets brought up again
I'll try to free summon them, I guess
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I want nidhoggr and treesus is kind of cool, so yes.
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Hopefully after 4 remake they skip 5 and do a 6/7 together remake/reimagining.
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i actually wonder if that's what is taking them so long after having Koei Tecmo and Gust work on the two FE titles while IS planning on remaking two sequels into one big game.
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Any better C skill I could use?
Sure Life 4 would be good but I can just get the buff from elsewhere and Heidrun

She's hilariously tanky though, eating all Alears no problem.
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mythic fire dragon soon, trust the plan
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Who fired a kete flare?
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Ploys are rarely bad, Wave4, InfNFU4 or Pulse up blade so you can charge a special for player phase, in some cases Oath would still be better.
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res wave 4 is dwagon only
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engage sucked and if you liked it you should livestream your suicide
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You're weird
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i just don't really care much about this book OC
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I wouldn't mind if the book 8 respondents were basically cute nurses outfits like ratty has. Her outfit is cute.
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He had a number of players that maxed out his favor upon release. Given how CYL votes keep plummeting each year, making each singular vote count more, people feeling galvanized to vote for Alfonse as a protest against Book 7's success (there's a noticeable population that hate Yoshiku's designs), and more importantly, if IS were to rig the system, they'd want it to be in favor of Engage.
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People kept saying that IS rigged it so they could have Alfonse take over as king and use Brave Alfonse as his new story art.
That hasn't happened yet so I'm not holding my breath.
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Chocolate is delicious!
Can I get this painting autographed?
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Cute Ririna!
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Who else has this unit?
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Day 2 of our draft race in the Feh discord continues.
>Marcus free
What's even the point of this? Roy has already won.
nobody cares
Wow, it sure is weird how the spam stopped for this post.
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>Literally only spic's strongest henchman playing with each other
This shit is sad bruh
They tried getting more people but nobody wanted to play with them kek
>Nobody wants to play with autistic freaks
I'm shocked!
Oi! Did you just nooootice without a loicense?!?!?
>but nobody wanted to play with them
Story of their lives.
Not even the mutt himself would play with them keeeeeeeek
How many people are even in that shit hole?
They're aren't that many. Maybe about 20 people. Most of them don't post so it's mostly quiet and comfy.
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Buncun Lysi next year
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No. You look ridiculous. You're over 20 years old and you're still doing these childish stunts.
Marvelous...Would you come to my room later with this outfit?
I could teach you a thing or 2 with it...
Fehowl is pretty based.
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Why did they make her so hot?
The devs wanted a child...badly.
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she was proto edelgard
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Me too
Said nobody ever
Anyone that sucks off the spic isn't based.
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>still no "Lysithea with Thunderbrand" alt
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I love Shamir so much
Halloween and Attuned alts next year
kek not even his parents like him
if IS rigged cyl engage would have had a winner
the fact it didn't and the feh channel was so embarrassing as a result (sucking off engage only to then have to reveal nobody cares about it) makes me convinced they're honest about cyl results
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>the church of seiros wanted her dead on sight
You think we'll get a Saint Seiros Day / Zanado Desert banner some January?
Or will IS pretend Fodlan has less holidays than Nohr?
is there an aesthetic to build off for Zanado?
I don't remember shit about it.
Stupid owl.
i was gonna post edelgard, but i didn't have one.
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Yes, actually.
then yeah, it will probably have a desert banner at some point.
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Brave Marianne is already iterative on the regular Dancer outfit.
Imagine if we get some big jump in quality like we got from Tharja to Plegian Dorothea.
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Trying to render a cute tea party scene with the Ksavir lora, but any weight below 1.5 gives me a girl that looks nothing like Ksavir and any weight above 1.5 gives me multi armed abominations that only slightly resemble Ksavir.
I just wanna render some kute Ksavirs doing kute things :(
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sex... with tiki
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Why haven’t I been invited to the discord?
don't do that, she's sleeping
this artist is is a hentai artist, right? It's Homare who also did Erimiya's art, right?
How many FEH artists have drawn porn to sell at some point?
Himukai at the top of my head
>How many FEH artists have drawn porn to sell at some point?
Probably most of them, at one point or another. One was even drawing commissions of FE girls getting dicked while being a FEH artist.
This is the franchise that hired Dolphin Rape Man to do Shadow Dragon, after all.
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This would be nice
It's the only way he can get laid
sent ;3
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>dolphin rape man
bro tiki is a child so are the other kates
Masamune Shirow went from creating Ghost in the Shell to drawing animal x woman porn magazines. He has an infamous set of multiple women as scuba divers getting raped by dolphins.
Nintendo then hired him to do Shadow Dragon. Which also gave us the Linde pinup where she looks like she's fucking dead.
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Chiki is not a child. She has a childlike body and pussy but she's actually several hundreds years old and ready for sex.
Not the new ones, but I do want Eikthyrnir.
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My beautiful dragon wife
Fire Emblem + Church = Friar Emblem
Fire Emblem + Fast food = Fryer Emblem
Fire Emblem + weed = Higher emblem
Fire Emblem + Crowbar = Prier Emblem
Fire Emblem + Hair Styling = Dyer Emblem
Fire Emblem + more dire = Dire Emblem
Fire Emblem + Fans = Ire Emblem
Fire Emblem + Store = Buyer Emblem
Fire Emblem + 59.23% = Entire Emblem.
Fire Emblem + Futuristic Technology = Wire Emblem
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Tiki where did you get that candy?
Fire Emblem + Hurricane = Spiral Emblem
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Spiral Emblem?
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Cool Marisa
She's wondering why her tits are out
NIMIOUS just ADMITTED *live* ON HIS STREAM to *being* a "former" lolicon
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you guys have older characters you built but just stopped using or never updated past a point?
my old Seliph/Matthew/Barst tend to just sit and collect dust.
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How cute, the Byleths want Mark…
Genuinely one of the worst posts ever made on this site
Pot vs Kettle
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Who doesn't?
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>Tikitard got banned
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Sakura desires…
eww she's licking blood
Good! I'm tired of that faggot shitting up the thread every day. I'm sure he'll just ban evade though.
What are you? a pussy? A baby who can't handle a little blood splatter? I would stick my cock in her eye socket.
You're a depraved individual.
That's very weird. I don't want to be your friend
How to build?
>Braves get Resplendents
>so did Fallen Robin
>and Horse Chrom
Resplendent Adrift Camilla when?
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Ready to go swimming with Professor Byleth?
no, go away.
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Dibs on the Shez.
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Hi guys I am a new thread personality

Pocket Camp offline version release date announced

Will FEH get similar treatment?
This was announced months ago, slowpoke
10 o'clock sug
Release date + that official art was not provided back then retard
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What rule did he break?
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No I didnt
Told you
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You killed the man
not the idea
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Chiki-chan why don't you wear some panties or shorts or something?
I wasn't banned in the first place
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Mods please wrangle that tard he's clearly ban evading
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have patternfags worked out what the banner is?
I hope theres a kete or a cunny
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Where's the alt, IS?
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at Chapter 6. at this point who are good units to keep and keep leveling up? Is it worth using Jean?
stop playing engayge. Play better games
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knowing she wasnt going to wake up anyway for hundreds of years, would you?
up to your own butt
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Mystic Boost Echo when?
Big if true
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Honorary Engage character
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Jean isn't really worth investing in imo. If he can't reclass asap he's stuck in a class he probably doesn't appreciate. I'm general, Chloe is really the only super early unit that's good for investment. Everyone else gets outshined by prepromotes.
No, you're an honorary engage character.
>If not on Maddening
Everyone is easily usable
>If on Maddening
A lot of the early units will fall off, especially if you haven't given them Bond Rings yet (having an Emblem Ring equipped gives 1:1 EXP:SP, a Bond Ring gives 1:0.5 EXP:SP, and no ring equipped will not provide you with no SP).
I would personally say Jean is not worth it; his Prf skill only doubles CLASS growths, so he'll need to reclass to a class that either has loads of growths (like Wyvern Lord) or has growths that lean heavily into one or two stats (Warrior or Sage). And if you aren't sure where you want him to go, his base class and the classes he can promote to at base are absolute garbage.
For what it's worth, when I did Maddening Blind, most of my units were early game units and I didn't fuck around with reclassing too much. You'll be fine regardless if you aren't retarded.
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Then I can't look like >>500116314
I must look like pic related

I'm on Hard... does Sigurd work on Chloe? Also, should I just assume I'm going to have to kill every Chapter boss twice?
Sigurd absolutely works on her. At least twice, but in Hard it can be up to 3 times in the later maps.
jean is good in any class. his personal skill will make him the 2nd best unit in any class behind whoever is minmaxed for it
Smartest anti engage schizo

is there any point to using Clanne and Framme?
they suck, especially clanne. framme is your early game healer who gets replaced in solm by hortensia/pandreo but since she's a healer you could just keep her anyways
Clanne sucks nuts as a unit, not really worth investing into.
Framme has a specific meme build, but is otherwise your staffer early game. I took her to endgame because she's very cute.
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If you're on Hard, then
are good for the rest of the game. Yunaka only really falls off in Maddening, and even then you can still make her work.
Everyone else is pretty fucked. Framme and Clanne can work, but there are better alternatives. You're about to get one of them, too. Citrinne. She's better than both, and arguably better than Celine. Her promotion also gives her a staff, same as Celine's unique promotion.
Make sure to use Micaiah on someone you want SP and EXP for. Her Great Sacrifice gives basically a whole level every time you use it and it heals 3+ allies.

you guys are awesome, thanks for replying. the only other FE game I played was 3H. am I missing something or is weapon durability not in the game? Also, is Ch 6 too early for class promotion stuff?
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FE2, Fates, Echoes, and Engage are the only games without weapon durability. Promote ASAP. Promoted classes have higher growth rates and your internal level is always tracked so you receive the same amount of EXP.
The only recent games to have durability were Houses and Hopes. Otherwise, it's been gone since Fates took it away.
>Also, is Ch 6 too early for class promotion stuff?
No. EXP gain is based on internal level count, so it's genuinely best to promote a character once they hit level 10 to maximize their stat growths. Celine would be a good pick to her Vidame class. It lets her use staffs, so you can just drop Framme if she wasn't working out well.
Alear could also take a master seal. Makes her slightly stronger right off the bat. Alcryst will want one, too, since his Luna skill is great.

Cheers, thanks. liitle concerned about the Ch 6 fight, says recc base level is 6 but my Alear is only at 4
Huh? No trailer?
eos soon, no more trailers
Why were you not feeding kills to literally the only unit you need to use for the entire game?

It's tomorrow. The banner is the 30th.
You smell bad
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As the other anon said, since you're on hard, you can use whomever you want. For Framme, she starts as a healer, and if you keep her in the Qi Adept line, you can give her Lucina later so that she can use !00% bonded shield, but also, read what everyone is saying about Chloe and know that Framme statistically functions as a pseudo-Chloe, so if you want her to fight, just put her on whatever you'd do with Chloe (Griffin, Mage Knight, etc.). Clanne is a bit more of a harder case because he has absolute shit MAG growth, but actually really good STR growth. He's stuck starting at level 1 mage, so he either needs to suffer 9 levels of mage growths, or you need to wait until chapter 8 to switch him off, and then he'll need to play serious catch up. Since you're playing hard and can be sub-optimal, the levels on mage shouldn't matter, but consider definitely putting him on something physical and fast like warrior or paladin.
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Cute Lin/Lysi comic
I just think they're sweet together
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Trailer alongside the Switch 2 reveal
just dabbed on AA ask me anyhting
Who was your most recently completed +10?
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Two evils trying to seduce Lysithea…
Why would they use Zanado? They’d use Almyra because they can slut up the Deer girls and pass it off as female Almyran clothing
Almyra has no designs for women, to my knowledge. The closest you get are Nader and Shahid.
Exactly meaning they can pretend all females dress like sluts and use Nader’s clothing as inspiration

Easy money maker to put Lysithea. Hilda and Marianne in exotic clothing.
This is the company that made Nailah dress as Nailah, but red. They wouldn't put in work.
They'll tell five artists to do "Marianne's dancer outfit, but slightly different" on six characters and then call it a day.
She’s coming out of that room pregnant with Claude’s baby and Edelgard’s pussy juices dribbling down her mouth
>two evils
These two are the only ones that give enough of a fuck to save Lysithea other than Lin, Hanneman and Byleth. If you can save her then it’s fair that you get to rail her
>forgetting Lorenz "Eat your vegetables" Gloucester
In my head Lysithea gets a happy ending with Cyril
Isn't that basically 75% of her supports? Who else is there, Cyril, Felix, and some of the Golden Queer shitters?
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>Golden Queer
Nobody in the Alliance is gay, surprisingly. Came as a shocker, too, because everyone expected Claude to be bi.
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The continued failure of book 8 and Engayge
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I don't get it
Naga/nigger/stealing bikes
Oh eww. That's racist
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Only because they didn't give Leonie and Lysithea an A support.
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He's so based
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Drop the flower shitters and Vander.
Clanne probably needs to go to if you let him fall off.
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When is my wife going to get an alt?
why is young tiki british?
Balthus, Lorenz, Cyril, Ignatz, Raphael and Felix so a little less than half get to cure her.

And of the people that cute her, only Lin, Claude and Male Byleth actually get to fuck her
Adult tiki is also
Should I drop Arcane Blutgang on Marla?
If you want
Her speed sucks but I kinda like the idea of perma Flare uptime.
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Do you mean should you have her use it or do you mean should you replace it with something else?

I'm using it on her but I don't use her so often that I can really say if it's super necessary. I think if you're considering giving it to her in the first place you might as well do it. It's a lot better than Eclipse
I remember you saying years ago you try to use all your stamina by a certain time of day so that it's fully refilled by reset what time is that? You're PST right?
It takes 8 hours and 15 minutes to go from 0 to 99. So just subtract that much time from whenever reset is for you. For me it'd be 3:45 PM but in a week it'll be 2:45PM since we're switching back to 11 PM resets. You can also think of it as 15 minutes before arena/ar closes
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This was an oddly difficult map
I only got 1 Rinkah merge no Rapi's and I only got 20 orbs left and what if Nidhoggr releases soon
Playing fates for the first time...this game is so hard as a Newbab who's only played the recent games
Everyone keeps dying
Which Fire Emblem husbando would be the least apt to judge me for eating an entire pound of twizzlers in one sitting?
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Which route and difficulty? Only hard one is Conquest
persona would be more to your speed, fag
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I don't know what one I'm playing, I'm on chapter 5 and my mom just died but I'm on casual....
I started Engage with maddening for my first try and didn't even know bond rings existed till I finished it but I'm unironically being filtered here
Engage gave me no issues at all gameplay wise
Chose normal difficulty too because I am retarded but this game is harder than I thought it'd b
Are you playing an actual cart or an emulator? Because just look if the cart is red or purple if physical
Cia on my 3ds....
It just says special edition.....
I will never play persona I'm an smtfag
But those games are actually fun, I just can't into strategy games
You might be playing the actual "fates" game which is all 3 mushed together
I forget which chapter it is where you choose a side but don't pick Nohr if you're struggling already. Get a feel for the game and see if you even like it honestly
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>got another Marianne
ah shit
who's getting blutgang?
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Route Split is Chapter 6, though struggling before you even choose a side is not a good sign lmao
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I'm playing chapter 5 again and I think I just need to be less stupid
I'm doing fine now
I just haven't played fe at all since engage came out and I beat the game 3 times then stopped

I'll probably pick Hoshido anyways though, the nohrfags seem like assholes even if Elise and Camilla are sexo
Nvm rinkah just fucking died because I was checking the wrong enemy and she got blasted
>Elise and Camilla
My nikka
In most people's opinion, myself included, conquest or "nohr" has the best maps of the 3 games but it's a lot harder for a casual player such as yourself because you can't grind between chapters
If you pick birthright/hoshido and you're playing on casual you can just keep leveling your units on like side skirmishes
What shall I do with her?
Oh yea, bench Rinkah lmao
And make sure you bond with Kaze, I think...
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Conquest isn't really siding with Nohr it's more taking it down from the inside. Either way it's the only route with good maps.
>even though you get to pick a side they still sorta make Nohr "the bad guys
>because Hoshido is glorious Nihon
>but they made Birthright shit
>everybody enjoyed Conquest more
>so they got butthurt and made revelations even worse
I'll never forgive the Japanese!
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Azura died too it's just joever
Kaze and Rinkah seem extremely bad in general am I just not understanding them
They only do 8 damage both respectively, it feels pretty shitty. No other early game units felt this kinda uncooked compared to these two
Am I literally only supposed to use Corrin for this stage because it feels like only Corrin will do anything because Ryoma will always kill himself on the "boss"
Fair enough yeah if it has good gameplay I'll probably play it eventually on like easy mode or something then
But even if you take them down or something....idk they seem like assholes to act like Hoshido is just in the wrong if they literally stole Corrin. I'm assuming Garon and Mikoto are Corns parents so it wasn't really stealing but just a messy divorce, the nohr siblings seem like dicks still
>the Linde pinup where she looks like she's fucking dead.
Can you show me?
Favorite nikke?
Doro is eternal she goes anywhere she wants
But 4me it's Noah and Noir
Not that anon but for me it's Naga, Noir, and Volume. You might see a pattern here.
Honourable mention to Maiden. She's precious
You are my brotha
I bricked myself raising all of Bay's skills to 8 because she's so fucking hot
I tried to build Volume/Bay/Naga/Noise/Rupee
And yes I am also this guy >>500139984
Most based poster itt o7
I second this Anon. You're a based chocolate enjoyer.
Off topic methinks
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FEH characters for this feel?
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I love Morgan, May, Azura, Mamori, Mirage Tharja, Maiko, Tharja, Kana, Kagero, Marla, Rhajat, Rosa, Kiria, Sonya, Noire, Gardevoir, Elly, Tsubasa, Mirage Tiki, Hestia, Nel, Perrin, Ada, Ayaha, and Shamir

Trailer is tomorrow but they might drop update notes at the same time, I wonder if my waifu will get a refine next month, though I doubt it

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*Spic turns to his body pillow*
>Goodnight, the love of my life, Shamir
Of course it cannot reciprocate his feelings for it is nothing but a pillow
Framme basically costs no resources to use and build since she has all that healing XP to herself all early game so she tends to get a levelling headstart. It lets her flex more because as another anon she flexibly fills up class niches a unit may not do because they are filling another one for that run, or you need a unit to offload utility/poke to so others can do more offense.

>read what everyone is saying about Chloe and know that Framme statistically functions as a pseudo-Chloe
Pandreo too. Assuming they all go in the same magical/hybrid classes Pandreo actually is the heaviest in build, then Chloe and finally Framme who also is lower by 4-5 in HP.
>"Men like the goth girl aesthetic because it shows a woman whose exterior appearance is consistent with its inner state- that is to say, evil."
>General Mgubu
well. nothing from free pull and no skills i want in hall of forms.
no rng luck today
Yunaka claims she didn't steal anything yet she is mysteriously in possession of my heart.
>764 is needed to promote from T20 to T21
The fuck? Did everyone in T20 +10ed
the stupid hungry girl or have a merged Eitri/Hinoka?
764 is a pretty low ask, IMO. But, yeah, a demote and two legendaries that were both meta at some point is an all star bonus lineup.
Reminder that Eitri was an absolute scourge when she first came out because she was one of the first ranged units with flat Canto 2 and breaking through her dual phase damage reflection was incredibly challenging.
Hinoka enabled loads of Flier Lines in AR-D, plus she's had some really good color shares in the past.

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