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Previous: >>499667918

>What is Sword of Convallaria?
Sword of Convallaria is part gacha, part full-length SRPG in the vein of FFT and Tactics Ogre, with very light rogue elements. Originally released in the country of Taiwan, also has a separate CN version, a JP version and a Global version.


>Helpful links and resources

>Current Events
Fireside Chat (2024/10/18 – 2024/11/5)
Shadow of Calamity (2024/10/25 – 2024/11/20)

>Current Banners
[Debut] Auguste (2024/10/25 – 2024/11/07)
[Destined] Nungal & Nergal (2024/10/18 - 2024/10/31)

Vidya (RIP)
Touch Vlder Tail
Sorceress Hat
Vlder Sanctuary
Apply to a guild then reply to the OP or recruiter ITT with the last 4 digits of your UID and mention the guild you are applying to along with your current profile picture.
My good friend Lutfi
Nothing like a friend that would backstab me or throw me under the bus to save himself at any possible opportunity
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>Gloria's self-assured smile
What is she plotting?
To live out her days with a high value man that can keep her happy and doesn't fucken nag nag nag all day long
I feel bad for anyone that skipped Safi for Auguste.
Safiyyah felt OP from the get-go even at 1 star
This senile old man needs months of farming to not feel like shit
Skill issue. My Auguste deletes everything.
Kinda felt like that before i got him close to 3k power, now hes just deleting things.

Also i had no invest on the breakers tree until today and suddenly Rawiyah got to 3700ish attack power and its now also deleting things
She has another banner when her Alter is released and you can pick her in the custom dual banner, that said I also picked her over Auguste.
>Peek at Reddit frontpage
>5 stars Magnus
>5 stars Miguel
>5 stars Auguste
Am I playing a bara game
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>That smile on Taair's face
Safiyyah is better out of the box but Auguste still hits like a truck, you just don't get into rage easily. Also you need to supplement his low mobility somehow and atm that's only Gloria til Homa/Taair.
Wait, doesn't Edda give Move as well?
Ah ya I forgot about her, I just thought about Gloria's +1 because her Leader Aura also synergizes with Auguste
you're surprised that Reddit is full of gays?
More people probably have Gloria too.
>not being a retarded waifufag
In this case, yeah
This looks more like a daddyfag kek.
Yeah I transitioned Gloria into Auguste's personal buffer. She just follows him around and gives him the good stuff.
People give them a lot of shit as devs but making Gloria the debut banner has carried people through the entire game, SoD included
That was one of the few actually good things they did.
>watch replay of defense loss
>enemy walks onto tracks
>cocoa knocks her off of the tracks and proceeds to stand on tracks herself
good god
>Putting this shit map when people have so much shit to do
Do these devs even talk to each other?
>Weapon Boss 3 Lv 70
>ATK down 2, no turrets alive, zero buff stacks, Injured
>All teammates are within Angel's aura, 10 stacks of Devil, and at like 95%+ health
>My ranged units still die to the 2nd AoE
Holy fuck why does this boss hit so much harder than Weapon Boss 1? I'm using the same gear, so I guess maybe Boss 1 is tuned a little lower because you're expected to take chip damage from Stigmata? Thought shitting out enough damage to put it into Injured would be enough, but it seems I'm gonna need to level up Lash for group M.Def Up 2 and maybe reroll my engravings for M.Def and HP.
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but does Lash's M. Def 2 even stack with Angel's aura?
failed to break shield?
I literally only picked up the game because I could reroll for her.
Do you mean Apocalypse II or the attack after the shield? If you failed to break the shield then you take leftover damage based on how much HP the shield has left. Apocalypse II fucking hits like a truck though initially but if all you said is true then you should be tanking it easily. My issue with WT 3 came from Outlaw Guard not being able to tank Apocalypse at first, after he was able to do that it was smooth sailing after.
who should I equip my roaring flint to? is Auguste a good choice, or would I rather put it on someone who deals magic...
How many times have you lost the 50/50 so far?
>Calling a twink a homo when he's gay for history
>Calling a twink a homo when he's gay
Well yeah, of course
It should, M.Def buffs and the Aura have different tool tips.

No it's the one after the shield AoE. It scales with the amount of turrets but I already cleared them all.

Admittedly, my M.Def bonuses for Tarots and engravings are merely "mediocre", but it would be a lot of resources and frustration to reroll them. I think I'll try out Lash since that's the cheapest option. If my ranged units didn't have ~5000k HP they would have survived. Too bad I'm out of Star chests to pump the relevant Talents.
Col, Momo (Gloria)
Maitha (Cocoa)
Dantalion (Acambe)
Cocoa (Safiyyah)
Are you clearing his dead turret buff?
Guzman (Gloria)
Col (Cocoa)
My Feast Axe is +10% patk and +15% matk. Should I go for more patk and not worry about the matk? Auguste of course.

Mine was:
>Momo, Garcia (Gloria)
>Iggy (Edda, bailed out of getting her)
>Nonowill (Acambe)
>Iggy, Xavier (Safiyyah)
>Faycal (Auguste, decided against getting him because I'm broke)

If you don't have multiple armguards then give the Flint to Auguste.

What's your party comp? Are you using ranged units to take out the turrets? You should be able to do it with Crimson Falcon.
Not even a single stack, my most squishy units just barely died. Maybe they could survive if I gave Angel a Priestess Tarot for get them to 100% HP, but she's one of my Judgement holders so I'd need to shift that to a Devil holder and loss the M.Def from that.
If you did VoD and got gold/engravings I would try for a higher patk%
>80 more points for another trinket
Don't bother it'll just be another hourglass
it was so early on I didn't know any better. Never rerolled. Had his moments early on.
Was using Col, Nungal, Faycal, Angel and Blade. The turrets are not a problem, I can reach all of them with Blade and Col. Blade is for dodging the single target attack since he can buff himself with M.Def 2 to ensure it target him no matter where he is. Faycal replaced Abyss as Debuffer since double basic + his trait + Meteor Line + Disaster Bottle can give out enough debuffs to reasonably refresh Atk/Def Down. Nungal is the Magic Shield clearer of course.
I've rolled on only 3 banners (Nungal, LilyWill, Cocoa so far and haven't lost a 50/50 yet... On this account. I lost hard on Nungal's dual banner on my first account with 3 Garcia and an Iggy.
>I lost hard on Nungal's dual banner on my first account with 3 Garcia and an Iggy
See now you shoulda played that out. How else are you gonna learn?
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No nonowill clear with auguste
>complaining about Momo
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Need a guild. TVT if Vidya is dead. 8540.
Post ID so I can add you
Learn what, how apparently Garcia is yandere for me? I know pulling on Duals is a bad idea, but if you want a Standard character and your account is still new, then that's like the one situation where Dual Banners are good to roll on since there's nothing to lose. After lucking out a second time with LilyWill I'm Debut only.
I don't roll for broken units. No Safiyyah isn't broken.
Thanks for the account, sucker!
Nice, now I can add you to my blocklist. Retarded /soc/ faggot.
fucking dumbass holy shit
Don't bully newfriends, faggots
If you're gonna post /soc/ and /b/ shit then i'm gonna bully the shit out of you. At least make a minimal effort to fit in, it's really not that hard.
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Sorry I assumed we were all white and trusted each other. Forgot I'm surrounded by jeets and gooks.
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Apply to Sorceress Hat we still have a few spots left
His fault for posting an uggo. Just post a cute anime girl like normal folks.
>minimal effort to fit in
Like what? Talking about Lumi? Shut up cunt
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I'm half way to getting my first scroll. Meanwhile ppl are paying $11 for random trinkets.
Like open danbooru, grab the first picture on the page and post that to grab attention. Or idk, post a fucking cat.
Why the fuck are you posting some random whore on an anime general?
You're not talking to the same person, schizo.
>Still at 250 myself
Homa please bring your banner soon I need to puuuuuull.
I'm saving for the pick ticket. Hopefully I'll get Inana before that....
Good thing I already got Inanna, getting 5 pulls for every 5k is better than that.
I forgot about that desu
I paid for the trinkets kek and picked up 2 of tickets last month and 1 of the tickets this month
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Ok invite me thank u
>Random namedrop
zamn acambe's 3* is real shit
Yeah, he's a lot more fun to use now.
without the battlepass weapon he still feels bad to use
That's why I'm waiting for Taair, Cocoa's 5* is going to take fucking forever.
candlelight is gonna be even busier now...
>First hard mode map of chapter 11 teleports the NPC Auguste
>Teleport him back with Saf's scout

Has anyone managed to replicate this? My Candlelight doesn't even get to half this damage even if I copy all the steps
I meant Night Raven, my bad.
Now I'm idly wondering how beefy can you make Saffiyah's summons with Acambe's aura and his own buff, too bad she can only have a maximum of 2 on the field.
I did something similar but less impressive with Nungal and it worked, but it was slower/riskier.
What's the way to fish for crits? Backtracking usually just gives me the exact same results
Are you just trying again or changing something each time?
I'm not sure what I should change or how I should change it. Like is it deciding my RNG seed by the action i'm taking? By the square i'm going to? Both?
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Fuck bwos I’m so tired of seeing people single pull Auguste like it was written in their destiny.

I’m sooo salty right now. Lost THREE 50/50s to Teadon, Maitha, and Faycal. Ended up having to hard pity this geezer like the people I usually laugh at.
Rolling in this game is so shitty...
RNG is deterministic, if you do the same thing you'll get the same outcome. Moving to a different square should change it.
So if I move next to Gloria and use First Aid Bandaid on her then do Gloria's turn, do I get different RNG if I backtrack to Cocoa's turn, move behind Gloria and use the same skill?

Or does Gloria have to be the one doing something different to get different RNG? I discovered that I'm lacking damage and the only way to get it is if Gloria crits, issue is that she doesn't want to crit at all.
If it makes you feel any better it took me a hearty 44 rolls for him to turn up and I'm carrying on your spirit by laughing at you
What a gay sandnigger
Luck is a limited resource, they didn't tell you?
>lucklet cope
Luck is a skill honed through rigorous use
Changing one action would change all future actions.
>30 fucking keys
miss me with that shit mode
I've got to pump up my knowledge levels for all the good stuff and to pile up currency...
>Gloria's turn, do I get different RNG if I backtrack to Cocoa's turn, move behind Gloria and use the same skill
Just swipe desu, it's pretty ez to win
>Swiping for a shitty system where you can get cucked by tons of lost 50/50s
Haha no.
>Bringing in your Elysium characters makes SOD farming so much faster
Not bad, but it's going to take a while to max everything.
what's the next rate up?
One CC said Homa, the other said Hasna.
Word is it's Caris.
>Current witch plot is just an event
Depending on where your account is, chances are by endgame SoD units will outscale your own due to personal training & skill combinations.
Engravings+Tarots probably bridge that gap
I know, but this helps to cut down on some time.
>Gloria Pascale Roland
>Teadon Alfred
Is anyone even keeping track of the full names?
>we need a name for the old man steward that raised the child of the house he served
>we can't just call him Alfred
>uuuuuhhhhhhhh make his last name
>Brown girl (Tomboy?)
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>Auguste Caen Kante
That's another for the books!
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i was losing motivation to play so i spent 180 rolls for three auguste pulls. im at 7.2k luxite now. i think im pretty lucky on my current weapon/trinket/character pulls, but i always feel like events are more of a chore than fun. might take a break for a while. thanks for reading my blog friends.
>like the people I usually laugh at.
I'm gonna do a Simona x Alexei fan art
Based. She's topping, right?
Ok, I'm gonna balk at it
[Spoiler]She's gonna have a fake you-know-what made of ice and being the idiot he is he'll be caught with his tongue stuck to it by Agatha[/spoiler]
The events are seriously tedious and long.
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She is a big girl.
What the fuck is Garcia's weapon lmao, giant yo-yo
>Inanna learns to summon boxes in SoD
I feel the same to be honest
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How many Caravans were you guys able to send?

So for I got 6 + the urgent order.

Also yeah events are a chore especially for smooth brains like me :(
if you take away her booze would she die?
>would she die?
Almost always
>Hanged Man randomly attacks, and Rawiyah takes the blow for Inanna
I don't get it, why the fuck would he attack Inanna?
Because she's a princess and Dantalion is kind of a scorched earth dictator so he would rather kill Inana than let her fall into the union's hands
imo to me the more retarded part of that route is how they just kill her off like that after making the prologue all about saving her
It makes me wonder how these routes are written because I also have a complaint about how Rawiyah is almost absent in the Elaman route and Inanna and Edda have way too much screentime.
>Beryl wants 3,000 gold coins
Fucking kill me man.
Rawiyah was done dirty in all routes honestly. They try to portray her as some sort of heroine that's really important but they either write her off or kill her off which really sucks ass.

I want to hope the future event with Rawiyah alter gives her a more satisfying story but it being a flashback means it'll probably be pure tragedywank or the story of how she lost her arm rather than giving her a more satisfying story.
Yeah, I don't think either of us are going to be satisfied with the outcome unfortunately. It's a shame because Rawiyah is a pretty fun character and I like her more than Inanna anyway.
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You can try and get her in the custom dual banner, it should be available for our half-anni and one out of the two is guaranteed in 90 pulls.
You don't need Edda, Inana and Nonowill seem more important in these cheese routes.
>Lutfi sounded pretty smart, until he started ranting about Dantalion
The true definition of middle child syndrome.
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i dont have inanna or nonowill either, just cocoa and a bunch of DPS
im going to get destroyed in tower of adversity rankings, aren't i?
wonder if this is do-able without gloria
>Critical mission did not give the last 25 points for the stage goal
>Have to abandon a different stage
Why is this game like this?
>perfect rolls
>but they're split between 3 stats
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You have been visited by the miniroll of justice
Say "thank you miniroll" out loud the next 3 times you minroll and you too may be blessed with your very own usable miniroll. Decent luck to you all!
Trying to do this and it's so fucking hard to replace Nonowill, I'm literally at my wits end.
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Finally, I did it. Had to fix Gloria's shitty speed with Scrolls of Auguste so she can use her AOE and clear the adds before Auguste nukes and take Mask on Col because her mdef after her self buffs is greater than even Gloria after potential burst for some silly reason.
Also apply Vuln with Safiyyah and Pdef down to make up for Nono's vuln application.
Why does this game have so many french youtubers? Je ne parle pas français
are there any scenarios where not getting a unique 4th node is actually GOOD? because to me that tarot is bricked because of 4th node
at least you dont have to do the assist quests

im skipping half of the events, not doing the hardcore parts of fire event, not doing assist stages, and only got the voyage shop down to like ~40 legendary star chests remaining barely cleared out the store
I do the assist stages, Fireside Chat can go fuck itself though.
i actually wish i got spooks since i really need some magic dmg legendaries

not lucky since 2.3% drop rate but didnt lose 50/50 for auguste or saffiyah now i still cant beat the max trials unless i watch youtube guides for using epic units, too lazy
For some tarots its not that crucial, for example the tower in some cases youre better off rolling a good percentage. I also have a hermit card with all phys atk rolls, its a nice statstick card for things taht dont need specific effects.
Bro, your Beryl? She was the luckiest ever pull for me because I got her in a single.
you can auto thje stages and still get all the gear/trinket etc so im happy. I hope the dev remain aware of that balance
yes with other tarots, most of all Tower if you want more damage instead of lifesteal
and taking into account crit dmg is already at least 50% and more with some characters or buffs, even this card >>500044729 with 10% patk instead of the 4th node would be good
They need to stop locking luxite behind that though.
Any auguste videos on the other two trials? Only seen all weapon trial 3 stuff
You can call them tedious, but they're definitely not long.
Look at FGO if you want long events with story stages and what not.
This is 8 (now 10) nodes for farming that you do once & like 10 stages of story. If you decided to blitz the event, you'd be done in 1-2h and then it's just 2 sweeps a day.
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they cant be bothered to make a little map anymore for events
Noice, now I got both 50/50

I will never roll for a male
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Nice, I got my wish and clash gave me an armguard for Auguste! Wishing you guys good luck on your random trinkets, we really need a daily dungeon for them.
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i got 2 more alert trinkets from clash. i still only have a single armguard.
Hasna is a bonus unit for Homa event so either the event goes live early and you can't get the full bonus or the schedule stays the same and the event goes live at the proper time.
I wanna try this setup, which skills do you have equipped on the two of them?
Let's see
>twice on Beryl/Col banner (Garcia, Nungal)
>once on Edda's (got Dantalion, never got Edda)
>once on Simona's (got a Faycal dupe, never got Simona
>three times on Auguste's (got a Gloria dupe, Garcia dupe and Safiyyah dupe before getting Auguste
So, 7 times so far which tracks. I'm terrible at coinflips. My record is one time in an online card game that had a lot of "flip a coin" mechanics where heads was a positive result and tails was negative, I got tails 14 times in a row. Yes, really.
Man, that one's terrible too and Automata is all that's stopping even more people from quitting.
The HP drain on Tower is pretty comfy
I'd assume Fool tarot isn't really much better over an HP% trait
That is interesting, because our current event used to have entirely different bonus characters as it was launched somewhere around September/October 2023. Speaking of events, all the Augustelets should start prepping their best Breakers.
Gimme those, I'm 2 off from finishing my Faycal Alert build.
It doesn't really matter what were the bonus events for this desu. Either they overlap the same type of event with 1 bonus character for Homa or they stick to the schedule. Only contrarians think she's getting moved up.
I don't know about Hasna and Homa but there's a whole lot of filler between Homa and Taair. Agatha is pretty formidable too so I wouldn't put much stock in the devs staying true to schedule.
For Gloria:
Silencing Attack
Lance of Longinus
Knight's Glory
Vow of Justice

Her gear is Nameless Staff, Old Scrolls of Auguste and Judgement tarot. My Auguste changes setup depending on where I'm using him, he's fully castalia'd so I can swap skills around.
I don't care, the conversation isn't about post-Homa.
God Auguste doing 10k just with his basic attack non crit.
It's hard to get excited about it when my Momo is doing 6k per alert trigger.
Auguste doing 10k with his attack and pushing out his ass saying Eee
Thanks, didn't even realize Nameless Staff was a spear. Looks like I only have one of it, but that should be fine since I'm assuming you're only using it for the movement. Still no scrolls, sadly. I blew my castalias on Auguste too so I've got options, but I'm too dumb to know when to use what.
>10k just with his basic attack
Damn, what are your engravings/tarot stats looking like?
they will spook you
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I gotta come clean I didn't know the fools journey talents gave a damage boost. I just throw them on because they're free.

I have +34% +120ish attack engravings and devil tarrot.
man i need homa and hasna already
i recently switched up my main team and it's been a pretty fun change of pace, but homa was fun during the traders event too
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>clash with no defense
>just one lone thief
>the ai still manages to kill 3 of my units on the rails
i have my lvl 1 outlaw defense to be nice, but i also put them all in the middle so i could farm some pity merit points while ppl farm me
Is that the play? Just put out one cute defenseless girl so people pick you?
You get the points regardless.
>I have +34% +120ish attack engravings and devil tarrot.
Still, that's pretty good! Way better than what I have. I'm running Magician, maybe I should switch to Devil.
My only good physical magician is on Gloria and my devil tarot isn't great it's the best of what I have for more damage. Very close to unlocking the breaker +1% attack 1% all attributes nodes though. 4k attack is the dream
>our resident schizo has resorted to YT comments now after every other community figured him out

Amazing levels of schizo
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>surround one side of the tracks with barricades
>trap your defense character on the left side ledge
>watch as the enemy AI all line onto the tracks
kindly don't refer to that as ours, it's just here because it's literally everywhere
also go back
They literally gave only one week for the fanart contest this shit is hilarious even Mihoyo usually gives a month or two.
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I'm not an artist but even the /mjg/ arts and craft tourney has given at least a month for submissions.
They probably expect everyone to use AI.
did those also have prizes tuned for about half an hour of AI prompting's worth? SOC wouldn't even be able to hand out participation rewards without "the community" bitching lmao
I fucking hate the "community" for this game. Don't know if that's just gachas or what but half don't even want to play the game, just get rewards. Complains about nothing to do and now they complain we have too much to do because they just have to get every reward. They would throw a shitfit if you have 5 luxites for winning pvp matches.
That's every gacha, pretty much. You see it in this thread too.
People don't really want to play the game, they just want free shit. At least this game is more gameplay/story focused or you'd see shitfits about censorship, who cucks who or muh males too. Gacha is where all discussion goes to die.
SEAmonkeys in a nutshell
it's gachas, when you go with this business model, along with the whole money for nothing aspect, you've also volunteered to handle (more) braindead customers
This is just gacha. People want free shit, they complain about everything possible, whether it's legitimate or not, and they always interpret every dev action as nefarious and designed to fuck you over. It comes with the territory though when you design a "free" game and you get all types of lowest common denominators playing it.
Could be worse, a lot of these games also get the fanatic toxic positivity types where you literally can't rant, vent or say anything bad about the game because some autist gets extremely fucking defensive about it because you aren't sucking the devs dick.

It used to be somewhat rare but I feel like this type of forced positivity has spread through this site like a deadly poison so now you either have threads that loathe the game and would rather die before saying anything bad about the game or the opposite where everyone is a diehard fan of the game and if you ever have a single complaint, even in jest, you'll get ten schizos jumping on your throat because how fucking dare you retarded tourist.
if that were the case then good bait would be criticism, instead good bait is saying something really really dumb... do the math
It is like that though. There's a few generals on this site where saying you don't like something can bait endless replies and hours or arguments.
I still come here because it doesn't have that toxic positivity you see in a lot of other spaces. It's very black and white for most people, you can really like a game and still point out some stuff that didn't work.
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Knocked out the ranged weapon trial after being lazy, now just gotta figure out how to murder the melee one with Auguste and I'll be home free.
Auguste feels so bad to use at 1*....
Feels like he needs 2* MINIMUM to be a real unit
you could have done the Nungal cheese from out of range
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I'm just gonna reequip my trinket on a magic character when I'm rolling for PATK engravings and on a physical character when rolling for MATK, from now on
I didn't have the damage to oneshot because no Inana or Nonowill so I just took an extra round

Trying to figure out if there's a way to cheese trial 2 without engaging with the mechanics like I cheesed 3 and 1 but everything I look at either needs Inana or 2* Auguste. Tons of F2P clear vids but they require to actually engage with the mechanics and I don't want to give up like that yet.
You don't need to 1 shot you just stand from outside his attack range and shoot.
Yeah feels like he takes too long to pop off at 1 star, at least its only 1 week until he hit 2 stars and we start cooking.
For reference, best I've found with 1* Auguste is this

But I have no fucking idea why Teadon is even there
So what's the deal with Caris, Schaklulu, Agatha and Taair banners? I'm assuming they wanted to release them before the Elaman update but didn't get to it so they just put them before the 3.0 update. Also I never thought about it but if they really wanted to change banners around they could have put these 4 before the Elaman update in global.
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Hell yeah, call me MC Hammer because I fucking NAILED IT! Love it when a plan comes together. Lash's group M.Def up allowed Nungal and especially Faycal to just barely survive the 2nd AoE. After that, it was all ogre for the boss. Zero causalities too, so even better than my Weapon Trial 1 clear.
>Faycal and lash
Damn, good job
I think they are just doing the banners based on the events we get
Yeah but those 4 kinda stick out being sandwiched between 2.0/3.0 updates.
I hope they release after the rest of the Elamanians so I can save for a bit
I'm going to bring Faycal to Weapon Trial 2 for the trifecta.
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There is no deal. You got misted by some retards on youtube. Just follow the schedule we've always had. If something changes, it changes.
Hahaha, you'll see how much you want to play the game when the real P2W comes. I already said this before but the dev did practically nothing to improve the game and things like those random trinket packs are further proof of where their interests lie.
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>année 2024 de notre seigneur et sauveur Jésus-Christ
>not flagmaxxing
kys browno
The absolute state of amerimutts.
Yeah pretty much
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reputation shop is about to reset

don't buy out shit you don't need because tarot series II are supposed to show up for reputation currency
kill yourself lumi
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What should I be buying out?
Asking for a friend.
Bond charms and gold, then whatever you need.
Whatever you want, it's your choice
There's no real recipe
>Page 9
Auguste killed our general...
I do it manual I dont need automsta for FGO
Seriously, the thread is even more dead now lmao.
I'm not really feeling Auguste. He's slow, clunky, squishy and requires constant Inanna babysitting to do anything.
Doesn't even have a fucking counter.
I dont need automatas help for FGO, why people here are so weak??? Sword of Convallaria is the most relaxing gacha I have ever play, you just chill and get free pulls + you can farm shards thats just insane
I don't regret pulling him but yeah he's far from being independent. Dantalion can be slotted into any team like plug-and-play DPS but Auguste is so selfish he needs a whole team around him.
Oh yeah, I was chilling doing almost all of the hard mode stages yesterday. It was very fun and entertaining! /s
Can't believe weapon 2 has given me the most shit when I thought it was the easiest when I was doing my lv65 clears
I'm not even touching that garbage designed by low IQ baboons.
Weapon 1 and 3 were easy since you can most definitely ignore their mechanics

Weapon 2 is hard because he rotates between mega nuke -> AOE mark -> AOE nuke -> Line nuke -> Repeat while being extremely careful that none of the crystals explode or your whole team is gone which is really annoying and always have to be playing the mechanics
I'm glad SoC boots up so fast, the other games I played have shit resync and loading times. Especially considering the random crashes.
Dantalion does mediocre damage though, he's more about versatility with his choice of physical or magical damage and buff cancelling, and survivability with his HP and NRG regen on any unit death.
It's also the perfect gacha to play on a PC.
I mean everyone said this about him before he released, none of it is new. This week you'll get him to 2* and get 2 stacks of rage at the start and that'll help some. But even then I still don't get the complaints, his damage is still stupidly good at 1* even if it's awkward (Gloria helps here with her leader aura here and +1 movement from flag). You also have to consider that we don't have Homa or Taair which are his two best supports.

>Weapon 1 and 3 were easy since you can most definitely ignore their mechanics

Not at all for me, have none of the legendary magic units so both were pains in the ass.
You can do 3 with Night Raven, no need for Nungal or Beryl. You do need Safiyyah for this one tho.

1 you definitely need the magic rape squad to cheese it though
It's a tradeoff, yeah. But by stacking Devil, taking advantage of [Unharmed] engraving, and attacking enemies one turn earlier than most DPS he can make up for his lack of damage. He's just very easy to play unlike Auguste. Auguste is more about bursting and killing multiple enemies at once.
Broes when do I unlock guilds...
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Gonna wait for someone to publish a good video without Inana or Nonowill for weapon trial 2 because this is GAY

I don't wanna slog for 15 turns with the F2P gang but I don't have every meta unit to shit on it in 2 turns, need something that meets me in the middle.
>You can do 3 with Night Raven, no need for Nungal or Beryl. You do need Safiyyah for this one tho.

I tried the HM/Irian squad for 3 but had issues tanking the single target attacks. However I easily cleared 1 with the Safiyyah/HM team. Stinger getting the AoE target and then exploding before it hits him and Saf dodging all 3 hits of the single target with selfless blade is comical. And I had Night Raven crit for 25k at one point.
Safiyyah should easily take the 3-hit because nobody there should have more mres than her unless you're doing potential burst with gloria since that gives her a shitton of stats
He just doesn't do anything unique like many other characters, all he has is damage. Even fucking Rawiyah has more going on.
>I don't wanna slog for 15 turns with the F2P gang

Bro you only need to clear it once, that's worth 15 turns. Check here if you haven't:

There's like 23 minutes before reset. In the time it takes for the trial to rotate back, surely someone has posted an usable clear.
See! this guy understands it, you dont need to try too much
He does a lot more than just damage but even if he didn't, his numbers alone put him far ahead of everyone else.
Whenever I try that shit I just get instantly deleted so I stopped caring.
So T1 Flame Conjurer took the single hit with no problem but T2 the 3 stage targeting highest mdef was Night Raven and I don't remember why exactly. I cleared it was Lash as my magic damage but it was a pain in the ass getting everyone to survive Apoc II.
Yeah, probably gonna need to go back to the drawing board for Weapon Trial 2. Think I'll need to finally bite the bullet and level Outlaw Guard or something, my jank comps can either do damage and die or survive and get 2 hits in every couple turns. Clearing Weapon 3 is good enough progress for today. Still no fucking Martyrs even with 1st clear and sweep though.
This guy has a pretty F2P clear but it needs gloria
Unfortunately, I am a Glorialet. Weapon Trial 2 will be my final hurdle, so try to level up some Talents to try to get the boss Injured earlier, that what it really comes down to.
Took dantalion on the last fireside chat map to disable samantha's revive.
Same. weapon 1 the easy as always, 3 which has given me trouble was very manageable. 2 even using a guide I'd burn all rewinds a couple of times each day it was up
>He just doesn't do anything unique like many other characters, all he has is damage

Fair but his physical DPS even in TW is only rivaled by Tristan in her burst state for 2 turns. Also most importantly his sprite and animations are pure kino.
His art is kino too, I'm skipping Tristan because she's ugly.
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Welp. That was 6000 reputation well spent, lol.
I thought Tristan was a guy.
Probably was originally but we need muh waifus to survive or something.
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Just realized that I made thing difficult for myself because I forgot to level Faycal's Bond. Well he's done good, so he's earned the bedside slot until Hasna or Homa show up.
Her design is just ill-fitting, it'd only be slightly better if she was a man.
He carried me through 2 Weapon Trials. I think it's only fair.
3's big problem was always surviving apocalypse but you usually have a decent window to kill before that

1 gets absolutely trivialized by having the big magic units. Just beryl or nungal makes it infinitely easier while having both AND edda makes it cease to exist in two turns

2 feels like the hardest because ranged attacks of any kind are banned and you NEED phys DPS but the strongest phys DPS we had was literally just Rawiyah so I guess people have to just raise their Augustes before it becomes easier
I was too late to tell you guys not to get it...
Somebody else said this about her design before and I think it explains it, her waist is too narrow for a woman, both in her regular and 5* art. That and her clothes just look like they don't fit the setting.
harambe was my first max bond..........
Yeah, it's just terrible all around. I like Layla's and Kvare's art most out of that batch.
What's your favorite 5* art?
while I understand the other stuff, hes pretty bulky if you got the right stuff, mine is always healing up a shit ton every time he takes a turn just because of his passive, but you have to take that passive for him to function as a unit basically, its so much extra damage and survivability.

yeah dantalion is a really comfy damage dealer and i'm always happy to use him
he does solid damage, has a bunch of utility, great self healing, solid range, incredibly self sufficient. hes just peak easy to fit in and get value from.
Do you ever wonder if the devs regret not making Lutfi a female?
do you ever regret being a massive faggot?
Based, easily one of the best. Most of the guys have great 5* art.
Nungal the GOD of MILK
if we compare safiyyah's upbringing to rawiyah's, we see a discrepancy here
I love how different her 5* art is in contrast to her normal one.
What do you mean?
Yeah it's nice, very charming
Safiyyah's dairy-maxxing certainly worked well
>beat weapon 2 with a clutch cocoa's mushroom to the boss' face at the last possible moment before the timer ran out
>2 stars because i went over the 15 turn requirement
How do I get rid of the rocks while also having enough DPS to kill the boss? And no, I don't have the premier buffbots Gloria/Edda/Dantalion.
this assist leonide stage is gay
that is SO leonide
damn homo
im quitting

im lvl 60 and i couldnt beat floor 7-5 agatha
i usually auto tower weekly so i stay at floor 7 but i couldnt even beat it manually wtf
-80% pdmg i dont have beryl or momo it s not because im bad
Just so happens you aint got beryl or momo because you're bad
I'm 60 and I can't beat tarot and weapon trials.
Cya later Lumi
Calling every random person Lumi isn't going to save the game, and I already beat Tower ages ago you clown.
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Amazing. 5 out of 6 units got karted on turn 2.
It's not THAT hard and I was taught Night Raven is an excellent mage that you can use in case of no beryl or nungal. Lash is excellent too and some anon cleared a weapon trial with her.
Comfiest clash map yet, no matter how hard the defenders try to manipulate the AI they will all inevitably head for the rails.
Another true lens...
The same applies to your team too though which makes this clash tedious.
At least you can avoid the first turn by keeping them far enough away so they can survive a few turns at least. Absolutely the most retarded map ever though.
I gave up on trying to auto this and will simply suffer and seethe until Radiant.
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Lash is mostly Piercing based damage, so I'm not sure how effective she'd be over Night Raven (who I wish I had lol). She's great for (relatively) low investment Weapon Trial 3 clears, but basically in my specific case she didn't really do much damage, she just had exactly the right kit for my situation.
>Group M.Def + Rejection Mask + Angel Aura + 4 Devil stacks + Magic resistance engravings with okayish M.Def % to barely survive the initial strike.
>Light of Sanctuary on full HP Nungal for the DMG Up 2 so she can solo the magic shield
>Dispel basic so I can get away with only 1 Judgement on Angel, and run another Devil for enough damage to put the boss into Injured before the 2nd AoE
I brought Energy Ray to help out with the magic shield but it ended up being more beneficial to use a Dispel on Lash's free turns, though it did give me the little extra to get the Boss within kill range for Angel.
I'd meme on you for not having Night raven who is a gold character but it took me 450 rolls to get ONE divine grace so I understand
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This is a crop of an image from 2 months back and the situation is exactly the same lol. I manifested Stormbreaker on Cocoa's banner, so maybe I should try manifesting the rest of the Epics for Hasna's or Homa's banner.
Yeah, that's how pikeman musculature develops
The chest piles up high for a huge burst of power when throwing and the hips bulk up to twist the entire body into the throw
lmao nice reply sir

Auguste clearing the ranged weapon trial. Who needs magic anyway?
I wonder if we'll get higher trials in the future. Because right now Auguste unga bungas everything.

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