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What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the Survivors. The Survivor's objective is to repair generators and escape. The Killer's objective is to catch the survivors and kill them.

>8.3.0 | Mid-Chapter
>Castlevania Chapter Trailer
>FNAF Chapter confirmed for Summer 2025

>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download
>Official DbD poll:

Previous Thread: >>499714921
dbd is an incel game
All my teammates are dead at 3 gens what am I supposed to even do survivor sucks man
dbd is a sexo game
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sigh sables are such bimbos
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Sex with David
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sex with Dracula (Wolf)
You shouldn't be able to grab ppl its a cancerous mechanic that robs the survivor out of two health states. I remember the old days with not being able to counter camping without having 2 people go in for the sace because the killer can just grab the survivor right off hook robing them form making a trade.
>These mfs don't even play their own game
play killer or look for people on discord reddit 4chan Twitter tumblr or bhvr forums to play with. Shit I enjoy solo q since swf is too easy and I rotate matches like two killer games then 2 surv games
Jesus what the fuck happened to this game in the last two years?
>trans character
>dog shit Nu-maps
>DEI catering
>Bright obnoxious color pallet
>horrible ui thats too big
This game is dying faster then overwatch holy shit this game used to be so simple now its perverted beyond recognition, not to mention you'll only encounter the same 5-6 meta perks everygame. They should just make this shit free to play and increase the price of cosmetic for all female characters
>avalanche of buzzwords
oh please do stay gone, retards like you are cancer. everyone will be better off.
i automatically stop reading
DEI and Sweet baby are the automatic "this post is not worth reading" flags.
You need to be at least 18 years old to post on here, come back later please.
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There's only one trans character in the entire game
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newfags always out themselves in the most spectacular ways
stop samefagging
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holy schizophrenic retard.
Then why are you posting here?
And huntress and nurse
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nah, fuck you.
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wrong pic
so despite the new ui where you can see the killers ping, you still cant see if they're still in post game chat right?
all the same person btw.
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literally all me
>Complete a gen
>Meg and nancy just hiding watching
>Go to basement and unhook
>Still hiding and watching
>Complete another gen
>They get out and I don't
>I still had more points than them
just checked you get to see the killers ping if they're in the post game too, goes away if they leave. nice.
just suck it up and play your best
eventually you'll get out of it
how do u hit great skillchecks, whats the mental focus for u when u hit them?
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wtf we got scammed, 2013 lara was cute
>how do u hit great skillchecks
high FPS isn't a suggestion, it's a requirement.
>mental focus
the fuck are you talking about?
well i mean i get distracted and i look at the red bar then i try to hit it but it doesn twork f4 me
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>i look at the red bar
do that?
you should always have your eye lock to the great skill check area.
use this
yeah i figured. but i also did another thing just now, i turned skillcheck size up to 100% in the settings file, it was at 80 since my hud is at 80. played a match and that helped a lot too. good stuff, feels way better.
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>we got the auntie lara
>get left to die on hook even when the killer is nowhere near hook
>start running kindred
>still get left to die on hook even when the killer is nowhere near hook
I fucking hate this game
go get some mentally ill chronically online friends to play wtih in a dbd discord server
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so we're not getting ptb next week or what? no dev update yet this month either
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Usually PTB is 3 weeks after a major patch but I guess they could delay it for all the shit goin on
I need chaos shuffle back or some other game mode that forces variety. Facing the exact same builds every game is just getting too boring to deal with
>No new permanent gamemodes
this game is dead lol
You're probably not in high MMR and that probably wasn't a SWF.
We don't like your chud kind here. Every DBD content creator is pro LGBT. Equal rights and self love is the true pandemic
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>the safest place for them to be when they're being tunelled is on the hook
I agree we should nerf killers some more
thinking about changing my steam name for dbd. what do you guys think of "sable's foot slave" or maybe "rebecca's toilet"?
What about
>David's bosom buddy
what program does lynn use to lower her mmr?
why are there no pallets in this game anymore
are pallets toxic
DBD men kissing
I just played a match. I seen some palettes
>mark my words gordon freeman and the whole resistance will get raped by the bcc (big combine cock) in hl3.
-gabe newell
What compelled you to post this on the Dead By Daylight general on the /vg/ board?
dredge has to be the most braindead fucking killer in the game
it literally plays itself
Explain yourself. If you don't explain yourself in a satisfactory manner, the dredge will come out of the next locker you pass by in real life and deal with you.
Literally how could you ever possibly complain about dredge who’s just sadako but *slightly* stronger?
Because they all bring make your choice and a Midwich offering
That's what 8.5k+ hours of dbd do to the human psyche
the fuck is this retarded take?
they do different things.
Dredge is an anti loop killer with semi good mobility.
Sadako is a slowdown killer with semi good mobility.
comparing the two is fucking retarded.
I think what he means both Sadako and Dredge can teleport to fixed points on the map out of their control, but Dredge has much more to choose from and can do it much more often and these points can be slowed by survivors but not completely turned off.
Your statement is wrong solely because Hillbilly exists
Every game I have is just freddy or doctor afking with gen block perks..... are these bots? I just started playing survivor....
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probably people lowering their MMR and farming shards to sell their accounts. you'll be out of there soon enough.
what a very useful and high quality post.
expected from a fengtranny
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i don't even own dbd
This is the Dead by Daylight general.
I heard that cote is gangstalking sissyschizo
You do, and even if you didn't that's not going to give you back the year of your life you handed over to cote
vittorio owes me sex
I always let the last surv go to ensure a sustainable supply :)
Let Bunny Fengs go. They breed like rabbits and will keep the population high. Even one Bunny Feng can produce thirty new adult survivors in a fog-time of just two werks.
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>equip stbfl
>slug someone in the void
I can’t believe I’ve been sleeping on Nick Cage, he has some of the most fun perks in the game
how does STBFL help with that?
you can dish out hits quicker as they're trying to pick each other up
Dramaturgy is definitely fun, but you'll get bored of using it quickly because it's very rarely actually useful. You'll end up wishing, even only for the sake of fun, that you were using another silly perk that consistently brings the fun.
Plot Twist is very strong. Has some notably synergies. One overlooked thing is that, due to a bug that still hasn't been fixed, if you are picked up during Plot Twist then you don't scream or make grunts of pain for the rest of the trial, so it's worth downing yourself if you know the killer is about to catch you. Doesn't matter if this reveals Plot Twist to them or not, there's not much they can do with the information. On top of all this, Plot Twist has opportunities for such fun plays as matadoring weskers over vaults and things like that.
Scene Partner is good for making everyone hear your survivor scream all game if you have a funny scream. Steve may be the best Scene Partner user.
Not talking about the Feng faces, but why are the baby rabbits themselves shopped in?
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Scene Partner can also help in chase with the extra aura reading and its the one I use the most of the 3
I wish there were more survivor perks that made you scream, it's funny getting a killer's attention by yelling at them as Ace
If I’m using all three of Nick Cage’s perks what should be the fourth?
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Something that pairs with Plot Twist so something like Soul Guard
this one got a giggle out of me
Is now a good time to start playing killer since half the time survivors just DC/give up as soon as they get downed?
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Behavior chose to portray The Trapper as a musclebound and arrogant. I think he would be a jock.
Spirit has the only good skin from the dbd beach spin off game, huntress skin looks like an old lady
>playing wraith
>start of match go to shack, Zarina working on gen
>bing bong outside next to door, then swing around to hit her coming out of window
>chase her to a weak pallet, do the barebones doubleback to make her vault the pallet into me
>immediately dc's as soon as I downed her
imagine getting butthurt over basic mind games
Its a dc pandemic for solo q players also Id rather have somene dc them kill themselves on hook tho
this desu killing yourself on hook is the new way to troll because if a survivor just quits the match they run the risk of getting a bot taking over that will probably do better then them
I think Dwight's skin looks pretty good
no i don't
not to mention i'm completely immune to your light triad hypnosis cote
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killermains' strongest warrior
Cote is in your walls, waiting so he can reinstall DBD
why the fuck is Borgo so dark now
Why do soloq animals go down instantly against M1 killers is this real chat
swf needs nerfed.
Agreed. Killers should spawn into a 4k postgame screen.
>boon: dark theory
>[BUFF]: Increased haste to 5% (was 2%)

>Parental Guidance
>[NEW] Stunning the killer by any means increases the stun duration by 20%
all of Huntress' skins are terrible except for her winter coat
Objectively wrong
How would this game be if it still had the original grind with this many survivors and killers?
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You need to kill yourself as fast as humanly possible for the good of all of Mexico, Transil.
How often do you still see legacy skins? I had a game few months ago against a Claudette that had one and I knew instantly that match wasn't going to be easy.
Yes she was. Shame she sucks
>as everyone who plays the game knows, Big Gordon Cock stretched out tight combine pussy in the first two games, in the third game the same thing will happen due to the fact they’re massive bitches
-GODbe Newell
cute little cocksleeve chinese gremlin :3
killerkux… our response??
>scene partner
>There is a chance of 50 % that you will scream again, extending the Aura-reveal duration by another 2 seconds
Does this stack with eyes of belmont aka +4 seconds every scream or will belmont just add 2 to the original aura read?
why is this thread so dead
The nurses and blights killed all the posters
good question, i don't know
Why do you have nothing better to do with your time than inquire about the activity of a 4chan thread
I got everyone pregnant
Made the game too killer sided. This thread was 80% killer complaints but now there is nothing to complain about because all the survivors quit.
All the regulars got drunk yesterday and a fujo made them kiss each other
holy fuck, turn on otz's stream
he's trans
I only had one Jake which I killed in Lights Out
was legit and not a cheater since he had pics back from 2016 along with acheevos
it really is telling
you can tell who here suffers from crippling ADD pretty easily
this thread is just sissyschizo’s personalities all talking to each other
They nerfed pallet spawns and shut down too many loops and diluted every tile pool.
Also made survivor perks suck to the point where the biggest thing killers complain about is fucking Windows or even shit like Deja Vu
what's your favorite mori?
Ink_him just bulldozed grandpa's farm and turned it into a fine black gentleman stripclub
Is it a Halloween costume because he's dressed as a tranny? I guess that is pretty scary.
This game is nothing but sweaty p100 killers who play the game on easy mode and have BHVR on a leash.
he uses the tranny flag as his icon in game, its only a matter of time after he broke up with his girlfriend
Just got a quad iridescent 4k on Xeno
I will now go and masturbate to Xenomorph porn as celebration
The Claudette I encountered may have been a cheater. They did have a vac ban. However they also had thousands of hours in the game, so I'm not too sure.
Killer is kinda fun
I know I'm facing low MMR babies but still
There is not way to "nerf" it.
The only solution is for you to get good
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>play lois griffin
>survivors do the family guy death pose when morid
it's so peak
Swf nerf: people who are grouped up are shown in the lobby so the killer can either dodge or equip a suitably sweaty build
I didnt know Tru3talent posted here
remove lobbies completely so blight on a 1500 winstreak doesn't dodge the swf that matchmaking put him against so he can go tunnel babies and a baby gets backfilled in against the swf
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>tfw still no Hotline Miami crossover skin for the Legion with custom chase & tape add-on music and unique mori
we're long past DbD being horror-only, why is BHVR so stupid
>10 second killer queue
>3 minute survivor queue
>no incentives
fuck you bhvr
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>has a hammer instead of a knife with a satisfying crack sound when he hits people
>mori is him just slamming the survivors in the face with the hammer over and over again like he does in the game to finish people
would be kind of peak ngl
>tfw event ruined by killers sweating their asses off for the 4k
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haha scott's wife funny
Yeah. I hate how ever since 2v8 they have been broken (even though they claim they aren't). Been earning way fewer bloodpoints.
Jack > any DBD killer.
Also they had to nerf the bloodpoint gains of this event. Come on man. I have all survivors prestiged 3 and I'm halfway with the killers. I need it to go faster.
>has gen kick perks, addons to nuke gens when survivors miss progress
>has a 3 gen as well
>chases healthy survivor at one of the strongest main buildings in the game
>oi mate too high calibah man fuckin swiff comp wannabes survivor sided game man *starts humming to pretend he isnt mad*
Killer mains, how often do you let people go?
Pretty often I give hatch. I don’t care that much about getting the mori and I like getting nice EGC messages instead of death threats. I don’t usually throw matches to let multiple people leave unless something exceptionally odd happens like if two people kill themselves on hook at 5 gens or something I might turn friendly and try farming with the last two
Depends entirely on the situation. If the last survivor never gave up trying to do objectives to win, nor played like a toxic faggot I'll usually let them go, If 2 players gave up and suicided early I'll usually let the last 2 farm.
Other than that, I don't usually let people go.
If the survivor is dressed like a slut, they get hatch
What if I was the last survivor standing and I was playing Felix with the purple jacket that shows his midriff
That top looks like ass, his sleepwear outfit looks infinitely more slutty than that
As often as there is a Cheryl or Lisa in the match. Also there must not be any gay charms.
how do i know when to go for the unhook after the gates are opened in solo queue
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>what if a fujo with big titties and a small waist asked male survivors to do stuff with another man
Do you agree?
Felix would be in the “not interested in her” tier but not because he’s a fag but because he’s married and has kids and is faithful to them
>Acting like any moid wouldn't cheat if the other woman was significantly younger and more attractive
Tru3sissi3s LOST
would fuck her
has a nice sense of humor that makes her the perfect slut
It’s true im a sucker for cunny
since the finisher mori i just mori the last survivor every time no matter what the moment it's available
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I’m currently checking in at the airport, about to get on the plane, and for the first time in a while im not really excited. Maybe it’s because of my lackluster destination. I also don’t feel really compelled to take pictures of everything, including international cute girls, but there aren’t any here yet really. Thanks for reading my blog
Killers for this feel?
The hellion
>its a scott does another fucking stupid """""experiment""""" episode
I can't wait to have everyone parrot back his nonsensical takes until bhvr does exactly what he wants
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does david's 5th anniversary skin come back every anniversary?
Dracula is kind of overpowered however
Hope you have fun man. I should really travel too
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>someone playing David on stream
>Check his socials
>Oh wow
I don't understand this game
because you're new or what?
bros how the fuck is it we can get sand and silicon from the earth and use lasers and shit on it which enables me to talk to you from across the road and teabag albert wesker while playing as nicolas cage in an hallucinatory game?
I do not understand its aura
then run distortion
Just watched the first two Hellraiser movies.
Killer for this feel?
shut up nigger
Pinhead was a brit in World War 2 wasn't he, he was probably racist so that makes sense
gods work is truly amazing
basically just threw up my entire dinner because i ate too fast. killers for this moment bros?
I liked the 1st one a lot. Real fast paced and original.
Why is every bill player so fucking bad at the game lmao
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he's loud as shit so the only people playing him are either new, casual or memers
Nea karlsson footdom.
Are you by chance a house cat?
cow tree is such a retarded loop
Do killers need a nerf?
Nah they need a buff
Which DbD character would make the best mom?
What we need is old maps back
>clowns cigar box addon is still bugged
How so?
Survivors can see your aura even though they aren't invigorated
I'm sure they'll fix it in 2 years max
Which survivor gives the best hugs?
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I have now arrived at the other airport. How are you all doing on the other side.
>hook female survivor in leggings/dress/shorts
>legs wave frantically
I feel like it’s bm to stare… But I want to stare.
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Kate owes me her plump pussy for babies
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>this event is killer sid-
Flashbang is OP
you shouldnt be able to go inside a killer when they pick up
Lisa Garland.
I should be able to go inside Kate
Is blight serum good for you health wise?
not as healthy as Kate's Densons
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>survivor runs up to the gen you're doing, immediately blows a skill check, and runs away
do skin characters even count?
>And huntress and nurse
neither are trannies if behavior said they are then behavior is lying
googoo gaga
Not their fault BHVR has yet to fix the grace period for skill check notifications. Actually, they should do away with that RNG bullshit and let you hit it off the gen like with Overcharge
Me. The first one is still the best. The most recent is pretty fun too but not the best.
Umi chapter WHEN
Beatrice my beloved…
Erika my wife…
At first I wondered how the fuck that could happen but then I wonder something similar happened to me this summer for pretty much no reason so I’m wondering if it was the same thing
Funny cus it true
>>500124178they need to make a black killer immediately that way whenever I'm in post game chat and someone's salty about the ez 4k I could just reply with
Only newfags forgot what was taken from us
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>bought new headphones
>Still got 4 outted as spirit
Play nurse desu-chan
Fan skins for each of the legion members
Manny Pardo skin for Felix
Richter skin for Renato
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This is what every ttv looks like if they have their camera turned off, yes even trans people look this good yall just like to cherry pick bad examples from reddit.
thread is still populated by gay retards
nothing has changed
>getting anything
shit idea
On a gay website why are you pretending to be straight loner?
You replied to the wrong post tard
>muh heckin racism
it's amazing how well BHVR was gaslit for this
Bend over slut
The entire civilized world needs to band together and forcefully quarantine the Indian subcontinent. Never get into a taxi with these animals.
Press control f then type >>500124178
Some survivor said he reported me for holding the game hostage when I simply waited for one of the two downed survivors to bleed out so I can Mori the last.
I don't have deerstalker and there was no fucking way I was going to find the other survivor even if he crawled away to some hiding spot.
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Was this made by a killer?
You scared?
No I just wonder why the fuck they thought it was holding hostage.
devs taking actions against chuds now didn't you hear about the guy that got banned for body block a survivor on midwitch for 15 mins,? Body blocking is viable how about just not hold the game hostage? I was the survivor in your game btw I just had stream mode turned on so you couldn't come in my chat
nerf killers because survivors are retarded
this this so much this
I forgot how cute she was honestly
people say a lot of wacky things when they're mad and trying to be threatening
Janny spotted
reminder to put this tranny in your filter under names.
Man, really appreciate my first game of the day being against a cheater.
Kate "Milkmaid" Denson
Nea "Mistress" Karlsson
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>Main DBD leaker is hinting non-stop at Tokyo Ghoul chapter in March
No wonder Cote thought people were going to bitch about it. People are going to shit on it harder than Trickster if it turns out to be real.
>Four man swf with chinese names
>Hyperfocus, resilience, stake out and dead hard on every one
Yeah not sus at all.
watch them not nerf bat form but nerf everything else but that.
usually BHVRs MO
What’s the deal with slugging? Why do killers do it, why is it considered bm?
Some killer incel complained that hooking survivors "buffs" them actually in form of OTR, DH etc so now killeroids slug as a form of protest.
>Play against a Pig
>Go down cuz theres like 3 pallets and 1 shit 4 wall on the north side of Groaning Store
>Get tunneled and unable to take the hat off because she can just break chase with stealth

>Get a boring trapper game

>Get a Bubba on gideon meat plant who gets 2 basement hooks at 3 gens

This game is fun I think
It's often way more advantageous to slug survivors than repeatedly place them on hooks, depending on killer
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Yeah I think I'll be using lightborn for this one.
ink_him has more charisma than both cocksuckva and ratjewnd combined
you forgot to mention nina and jen also get pimped out by ink_him btw
They both have tranny skins thoughever albeit making them trannies just like those who main them
gen rush should be bannable
Agreed. Survivors should die instantly after 1 M1.
Kate should be my wife
Sable should be my cocksleeve
Mikaela should be my gf
But...doing gens is the whole fucking game
I thought waifus was the game
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How come these are extremely rare achievements?
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Scott is so weird
btw I was a consolefag
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killers should load into the game like this
teams of 3+ survivors who queue up together should be required to do an extra generator
Sable should be required to sit on my face
Imagine the smell
>now have to worry about 2 genning yourself
no thank u
I should be reborn as a baby and take turns breastfeeding from Kate, Sable, Lara, and Rebecca
Agreed sis. We finally wont have anything to complain about.
You forgot Mikaela
say what you want about otz but at least he's not like this
Tofu’s the only OG DBD personality that isn’t bitter by now somehow
>dbd women
tbqh i'm so glad they dont exist in tcm.
#ugly #ethnic #would produce incel sons #pukefuel
You should watch Otz from 2018 when he was a Trapper main
He used to yell after doing a big brain play but seems to have lost that youthful exuberence in the meanwhile
They should buff Kate's tits.
At this point just make dbd a singleplayer killer only game.
At this point just make DBD a dating sim so I can be with Kate
Head On
Do you even know how to take advantage of the Window of Opportunity to woo her by having a proper country Dance with Her? If not, I imagine her temper would Boil Over if she finds out you're a typical city boy with no class.
Any time she gets backstory tidbits it’s always about how she’s a pure angel who does stuff like spending time with a girl in the park and teaching her how to play guitar, so I’d imagine Kate would be easy to get along with
cote used to sneak in at our frat parties but he was too inhibited to approach women. he once got angry and pushed a jock named hands and got his ass kicked by the other frat bros and sissy.
sorry but i'm not into women with fasds
Cote = I forgot to take my meds and a hallucination of Cote appeared
our frat parties = I live in my mom's basement in France as a NEET but when I stop taking my meds I can summon multiple hallucinations and call it a frat party
too inhibited = my schizophrenic hallucinations are only visual, and they cannot speak
I've met nuns that are very kind and lovely to speak to, but obviously impossible to pursue a romance with.
Sooooo since they’re making killer bots for 2v8 when are they going to add them to custom games?

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