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/rog/ - Ragnarok Online General
B**lies are a bunch of cheaters edition

Currently: Ragna/v/3

>Ragna/v/ 3
>7x EXP/5x Equip/3x Misc/10x Cards - Pre-Renewal
We are here.

>4chan servers
There are no 4chan servers, even this one is heavily moderated (specifically global chat) with a dwindling population that bans you if you speak out of line.

>Basic resources:

Careful with iROwiki links. If the url has "wiki", you're looking at the Renewal article!
Previous >>499877410
Reminder that Grapefruit will never know I hate her.
please dont namedrop me
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remember when cikeks reflect abused on 4kek when devchud said he was going to "fix" it?
remember when clikeks stole all the castles for "fun" when they were abusing castle rewards for months?
Why do you have to pull the OP into your holy war? I want fun stuff.
how the fuck do I play an alchemist? or should I just reroll?
Google acid demo and make loli plants.
Get your Homonculus
No. I played 4leaf for 1 (one) day, so I don't remember any of that. Why did you play there? And why did you bother remembering drama from it?
They really AREN'T beating the cheating allegations, are they?
It's not cheating if you don't get caught!
bullies didn't even play that server
i have no idea what this is, do i need a lvl 99 main to farm the mats?

there's no homonculus on ragna/v after I read the class on the site but if you know a server that has homonculus let me know i guess
lame mouse makii pantsu sieggy shion and jessie did
just recycle that thread after this reaches bump limit as it was done first
qrd? were they caught cheating there too?
as someone who's interested in joining this game after not playing it for years is there anything I need to know before downloading?
Yeah stay away from this server.
Play a server that isn't Ragna/v/
It literally exists to be a playground for the guild called "Bullies", and the dev will bend over backwards to cater to them while turning a blind eye to their blatant cheating.
the thread is pretty schizophrenic but people in game are very helpful and kind. if you have any questions put #global in the left side of the chatbox and it will send it to everyone in game.
>It literally exists to be a playground for the guild
pretty fucking gay if true
>and the dev will bend over backwards to cater to them while turning a blind eye to their blatant cheating
wait, that guild openly cheats with no consequences? and the other players, what do they think about that? they're not okay with it right?
haven't read the threads can you tell me how are they schizophrenic? currently downloading the client patcher now
ok thats bait
You're replying to someone that has been having a meltdown about them and spamming the cheating thing for a while now, but wouldn't give any explanation of what he's talking about. You can read the last like 50 posts of >>499877410 if you want context, but it's not worth it.
Come to the Kani thread fellow enlightened one
so I have a bunch of orlean servers and royal cooking kits who the fuck is even interested in those? put them up and didn't sell
Some neet plays 24/7 and has meltdowns all the time.
lull has meltdowns from anything tho
oh is the cheatposter lull? that makes sense actually
Right she has them too. forgot about her
Unification thread
there's already a thread up what's your endgame do you feel bullied?
I need you to come in and show me your dick.
>can you tell me how are they schizophrenic?
people are afraid to show their true colors in #global chat except for some individuals so /vg/ is being used to vent out our collective schizophrenia
treat it as /b/, dont have serious talk here and just shitpost if you want
>unironically has stored images from more than 5 years ago ready to go , with archieved links and everything
>still manages to fuck it all up and admits that they in fact, cheat and use exploits, specifically in ragna/v3
Ok Rance, what the fuck were you even going on here? What's the angle?
Show me your cock!
There's 2 buying shop looking for them in payon. Just sell to whomever you fancy.
were you even going for on here*
I'll post my dick in the /trash/ thread specifically if you stop asking people to show their dicks.
Anyone have a ice katar laying around?
nta but don't fall for those prices, both those items are 100x more worth than whatever prices those store are offering you ;)
more like
>I just set up two stores with retarded as fuck cheap prices to trick this newfag into selling his shit
let me guess, another B**lies member?
Actually, yes. It's Peonggy
Thanks alot for the katar!
rogue treasure price check, I would like to buy one if you have one to spare. My budget is 5m
Sorry, 10m for non-bullies members.
what server? I can help if you're playing on MyRo
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Welcome to the hording game, enjoy your stay.
>sissyboys are now posting dick pics
im out
Don't call me a sissy you faggot, my dick isn't feminine
iam on ragnav
10m? goddamn
I remember when i first started I saw one being sold for 2m.
what happen with the price, we should have more items lying around, no?
why bullikek like this? stop poaching and hoarding...
damn, sorry man wish I could help you out there but not on ragna
that's pretty fucking wild ngl
there's no one farming items so there's no items to be sold unfortunately
+7 at least
nta but is +7 armor useful? as far as I'm aware you lose def after 2+ monsters attack you
>posts his dick on the demands of men
stfu sissy
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I have a Magni Cap and Stone Buckler but I'm still missing an Odin's Blessing, around how much would it cost to buy one off someone?
On the same topic, what would you recommend I card it with for GC specifically?
been trying to get an odin's blessing myself, we could party and do some odin hunt maybe
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I’m so tired of this... this grind. All I see are endless waves of frosted smiles and cookie crumbs. Every bullet I fire brings me no closer to satisfaction, just deeper into madness...

The Toy Factory… it’s no place for a sane MAN, but here I am, trapped in its twisted cheer, blasting through sugar and snow for the faint promise of a rare card drop. They mock me with their jingling laughter and that ever-present peppermint scent. Every Cookie that crumbles beneath my boots just spawns another. I shoot, they respawn; I shoot again, and still, they keep coming...

I’ve lost count of the rounds I’ve fired, and the bits of sugar crusting up my gun… But I won’t stop. Not until I have what I came for, even if it costs me my last shred of sanity. This is no longer about leveling up—it's about wiping the grin off every single one of those Cookies

Based Utena!
Maybe, I don't know that I'm strong enough for it or not though. I'm only 79/49 and haven't rebirthed yet.
3 of us, let go
Utena posters get a discount for being based. If you are on right now, go to larry and I'll sell you an odin for a good price.
if you plan on leveling to 99 in geffen3 (you should) then you should stick a bathory in it so that deviruchi dark jupitel doesn't push you around
yes you will take slightly more damage from your own gc
no it doesn't really matter
wouldn't ED be better for that then? 50% shadow resist while not doing extra damage to yourself since it has 25% holy resist
I'm on right now, I'll head to Larry's. I don't have very much Zeny but if you're interested in items, specifically Royal Jelly, I have a very large quantity of those.
you can't heal yourself with ED unless you want to swap your armor after every pack of mobs which sounds fucking annoying
also the damage dark jupitel does is irrelevant (pretty sure it hits for 1 if you have 99 int), it's just stopping the pushback
you lose flee,the higher the upgrade on your armor is just going to be better.
I see, thanks anon
you also lose hard defense
think I sold one for 1.5m some days ago
you're not beating those cheating allegations btw scumbag exploiter
Threadly reminder that all the anti-ro in 2024 and anti-Gredex posts are made by a handful of bullies, most notably Sieggy (aka Peonggy), who is so upset about being called out for his AFK farming bullshit he can't stop seething.

Who is Peonggy? A lowly lifeform that subsists entirely of a diet on bulliekek (male) titty milk. Originally, this rodent was known as "Sieggy", a Biochemist player on the first Ragna/v/ who was the leader of the Coinshitter guild. The spectacular failure of both his guild and his 'leadership' left him buckbroken so hard that he become the ULTIMATE simp, ass-kisser, sycophantic little bitch for the bulliekeks. So great was his subservience that even those that mocked him underestimated the TRUE extent of it. When Ragna/v/2 happened, this little bitch became the ultimate peon-pawn-grunt worker for his "masters", playing SOLELY to farm them cards, which were then used in parties that he wasn't even invited to. In other words, he slaved for them for FREE, with absolutely ZERO compensation being thrown his way, all so he could be on the winning team. As if that wasn't enough, eventually even his masters started mocking him and calling him Peonggy. The ULTIMATE and final boss of all cuckolds. These days he goes by names of "Bootleg Wizard" and "Gordon Ramsay".

Make sure to remind him of what a pathetic little cuck he is next time you see him giving his bullie masters a blowie in town.
I sold an OB for 1m yesterday, don't let people fleece you too much more than that
ro in 2024 is a double agent and sieggy himself
that is a renewal mechanic not pre renewal
is not just him as you can see ITT and the previous one , their whole guild confirmed they cheat and use exploits to play games in the thread OP
Also a gay cuck.
no that's cucksex
no that's peonggy the king of cucks
>Lull quits his two face nice guy act
>suddenly B**lies leaks everywhere
Not surprised but would love more leaks of their "strategies" that we all know what they truly are (bugs).
What leaks you're talking about?
Did you just... ask a genuine question to a schizo?
>What leaks you're talking about?
NTA but read the previous thread.
Nope its Ro who doesn't even gets some while shes getting everyone off
its so funny he quit after the discord leak about 14 other men
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delivery for kiborex
BRAVE and LOYAL knight kiborex looks so cool. great art anon!
that's dodo
Is it possible to warp in hel's castle?
I havent done sign quest yet but I want cursed water
you can always ask people to make water for you
the hair is very dodoish
merman drops cursed water and it's pretty easy to kill
Man leveling sucks
merman drops holy water
wanna go and take a look?
me only 80 but I rebirthed.
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Threadly reminder that all the anti-ro in 2024 and anti-Gredex posts are made by a handful of bullies, most notably Sieggy (aka Peonggy), who is so upset about being called out for his AFK farming bullshit he can't stop seething.

Who is Peonggy? A lowly lifeform that subsists entirely of a diet on bulliekek (male) titty milk. Originally, this rodent was known as "Sieggy", a Biochemist player on the first Ragna/v/ who was the leader of the Coinshitter guild. The spectacular failure of both his guild and his 'leadership' left him buckbroken so hard that he become the ULTIMATE simp, ass-kisser, sycophantic little bitch for the bulliekeks. So great was his subservience that even those that mocked him underestimated the TRUE extent of it. When Ragna/v/2 happened, this little bitch became the ultimate peon-pawn-grunt worker for his "masters", playing SOLELY to farm them cards, which were then used in parties that he wasn't even invited to. In other words, he slaved for them for FREE, with absolutely ZERO compensation being thrown his way, all so he could be on the winning team. As if that wasn't enough, eventually even his masters started mocking him and calling him Peonggy. The ULTIMATE and final boss of all cuckolds. These days he goes by names of "Bootleg Wizard" and "Gordon Ramsay".

Make sure to remind him of what a pathetic little cuck he is next time you see him giving his bullie masters a blowie in town.
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I made 100 cursed water for an anon that asked yesterday but he never showed up after. would you like it?
wait why didnt he show up? Did u pee in those bottles...
I don't know why but I did NOT do that
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I want to have violent sex with this NPC.
Oh so they are not cursed anyone more no wonder he didn't want them
please pee in my holy water next time
you can have some holy water if you'd like too I have literally 1000+ of them
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Saggy Hag's Erotic Conquest
She's coming back right?
Shion is back I saw her in larry
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I'm not strong enough for this.
After she's done erping with the 30th
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uncalled for Lull
>greet Meth in global
>don't get any reply
>left the dungeon and is back in Moscovia
bros, how do I talk to her?
Lull Corner!

-I'm selling my services as a high priest (for now) to do any mvps/dungeons/parties, we can either share loot amicably or you can pay me for gems and what we both feel like is adequate

-I'm searching for a guild or a group of people willing to do every content in the game too, it doesn't matter if you can't clear anything right now, I am fine with learning with you and/or share the little knowledge I gathered over a month to help as much as I can as long as the guild is as passionate and motivated as me!

-My dream would be to find a mvp partner to do a ton of mvp rotation with every day, to get as much loots as possible, giving them away for free, and hopefully get a mvp card too for the fun of it, I have infinite stamina to play!

I'm leveling/playing:
A High Priest 99
Alchemist 57
Lord Knight 84
Ninja+ 85
Wizard 80
Assassin 95
Monk 67
Crusader 84
Gunslinger 60
Sage (in progress RIGHT NOW!)
Archer (in progress)
Taekwondo (in progress)
Soulinker (in progress)
Blacksmith (in progress)

Contact me in-game (global chat) if interested, I rarely read the thread

-I need LK gear, an ulles, a nid garment and diabolus robe/armor/helmet/ring, Odin's blessing, please contact me with your prices/service if you have them

-Lull Pontera Market (Soon, in progress)

Note: I don't have issues with erpers but do not contact me for anything ERP related
She's super shy. You need to get close to her first.
what a sperg
anon, meth is a bot
I'm sorry that was me, I was shitposting before going to bed yesterday. I'd be too embarassed to pick it up now after you genuinely got it...
Fuck you. You don't know shit.
look mom I'm in the screenshot
I'll take them instead, *****
I feel like the lolcows are like a offering to the volcano gods for my amusement and this is almost as good as getting tings.
but nonoko and her simps are gone
There will always be more.
You say this now but when you become the next sacrifice don't come crying to me Ennui!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I forgot to add! I'm making an excel sheet about the uses of every single item in the game

I heard someone already started one, if they can please share it with me, I would appreciate it!
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Does the Priest skill "Asperio" last any longer on this server? I noticed all the other buffs and such either last much longer in the case of converters or are just toggleable like Spear Quicken so I was wondering if Asperio worked like that too so that I can have Holy Element on my weapon while farming Raydrics.
Or is the Raydric map particularly dense and I'd be better off farming them using Grand Cross rather than Holy Cross and autoattacks since they'll be swarming me?
no lmao, it lasts 3 minutes
who is bigger lolcow
ro or lull
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did you really commission this?
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sure! I'm a little predisposed right now but I can deliver them once I'm done with this. who should I send this to? or you can just send me a pm
Lull because she actively tries to be one.
Ro is just Ro
Its Ro just for the fact hes a cuck.
Nonoko the fakenice slut
Raydrics are pretty spread out and there are archers so no GC
I want ***** to be the next lolcow
Reminder that everyone hates Grapefruit
Wasn't that Gredex's idea until he posted the iRO wiki page about them?
Do you miss him that badly?
People are hurt, just being honest won't guarantee you anything.
You don't have to be so direct and be careful what you say.
lol, good luck, they're too real and chill to actually care
>You don't have to be so direct
yeah no
fuck your gay online fluffing
confirmed cheater like the guild he's in
>5 letters
How did you know?!
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I've been farming here for so long that I'm starting to see faces n the ground

Does it look like dr disrespect to anyone else?
It does! Like someone turned up the transparency and overlayed him on the tile!
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Stop being black. They are too 優しい for this shit.

People's minds are too limited, it's not difficult to have a favorable situation by saying the right thing. I'm not being nice, I'm just being smart about how to deal with people and I find some of the dramas here unnecessary.
Lull try looking at the letters on the blocks and symbols next.
Can't change a goon but I appreciate your call to soothing
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I know the big ones are saying what is said on the map, but I'll check the little ones!
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What does it mean...
a snow duck hate 2 assholes for christmas.
maybe parroting sucks bugs + sex

is what I read fron the floor
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I'm farming a Raydric card for my Manteau, I was wondering what I should go for after that though, specifically for playing GC.
This is my current gear (as you can see). What should I go for in my accessory slots for example? Or my boots?
I don't know them, but now I want to marry them, just to spite everyone else.
Grapefruit, will you marry me?
You're looking at it wrong.
Cold to fly south(hint)
what are some good places to farm zeny other than mavkas?
desert wolves
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did he make them pay yet?
sunken ship or hidden temple if your guild gets specual favors from niggerdev
>I can put down nobodies one-handed
This had better not turn into a group jerkoff session.
At least not without dinner and a movie first
what's the best 1-handed sword for a Lord Knight?
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my fem hp looks like this
was he caught afk farming in hidden temple too?
My crusader will protect you!
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esl favelanime graffiti from the slums of brasil
mine does too
Never played paladin so I cant help with specifics but in general, there are a few shoes card worth considering: matyr (+1 agi +10% hp, easy to farm), green ferus (slightly better matyr for hp padding but also more annoying to farm), sohee (+sp and sp regen), verit (middle ground between sohee and matyr, +8% hp/sp), gold acidus (better verit if your equipment isnt overupgraded, way more annoying to farm). Your equipment looks fine for pretrans anyway besides that morrigane belt that's doing nothing for you. Dont know if crusaders run rosary or what even on acc slots, but that sounds better still. fin helm is nice as well but maybe you dont want to bother with that yet
>sign quest
would rather shoot myself
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how's your confession coming along
I usually go with 2 rosaries on the accessory section and tidals later on the footgear
Rosaries are very cheap, you can buy them at prontera castle if I'm not mistaken for 15k each, and they help a lot with GC self damage. Look for safety rings later.
Should I snack on Ruffles or Cheddar Goldfish?
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Want to make a duo somewhere where nobody plays?
how many alice cards are enough alice cards?
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come on Imi, u bullies couldnt be this cheap, right? Make it 100k and I will sell you 40 karv
nigger makes the slut get off once and becomes full of himself kek
hill winds
nif dungeon gives decent money if you can mob stuff I feel
pasanas are ok as well
The rating should be 1/15
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>I don't know if it's reciprocal
>I don't like the skills
>I don't want to monopolize anyone
>They'll mock me
they have billions, its either 200k or nothing
Get a Vidar+Vali since you already have the combo, it's more than enough until you rebirth and get wool/tidals
oh I missed this reply completely, super sorry anon. don't feel embarassed at all! it took no time whatsoever. we can meet up somewhere if you'd like
just finished a little bit ago but rain check on that since the other anon showed up maybe. I can make 100 for you too if you'd like
>I missed peonggy's meltdown
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it's probably sounded a lot more reasonable in his head, but to me it just seems like getting raped by bullies in ragnav1 was the best thing to happen to him, since it gave him an excuse to join them.
>dont care about meta fagging
>joined the guild that meta fag the hardest
isnt peongy the same idiot that did the afk farming?
waiting for gredex raping nonoko drawing
I really want Lull to be my wife that nags a lot.
they're all in cahoots , or do you think creating a duplicate thread was just a mistake?
They really are into duping anyway.
>Actual cheating
Do they have no morals?
I can even see their stupid afk farming make sense in their minds, but duping is just plain cheating lol what a bunch of faggots
cute peco
third ice pick just dropped
its slotted one too
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I spotted Lull, Meth, and Ennui together.
I am very scared.
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I had to respec
>even this one is heavily moderated (specifically global chat) with a dwindling population that bans you if you speak out of line
Is this real?
its a troll op
Yes, that happened to ro in 2024
Cala too strong
how petty do you need to be to give a shit about homunculus/reflect AFK-levelling in 2024
somethings going down
there's this idea about how the game "should be" in a perfect state, but it's a delusion
Blame the dev, he's the one with enough of a chip on his shoulder to ban it, but with too little of a spine to enforce it.
It's not about how one things the game should be, it's about the rules that the admin imposed when we accepted to play on his server, the fact that he allows his friends to break them is the problem
how childish do you need to be to not follow rules
I see I'm not getting a straight answer through all of your server drama bullshit.
What answer did you want, what you wrote was a statement not a question lol
Makes for a pretty poignant answer, come to think of it. Nothing valid, just purely arbitrary, meaningless justification.
hey stop noticing moving goalpost
whore, whorer and whorest
king of cuckolds peongy has joined the chat
It's part of the problem. You get these trash people who can't stand other players doing what they wish in-game, so they seek to ruin other people's fun out of some vague sense of "competition", as if levelling up your character or grinding for loot is the pinnacle of achievement. You're not allowed to do these things because little Timmy can't accept the fact that he might actually "lose" to someone who doesn't even bother clicking Porings.

There's your answer. How off the mark am I?
I sure want my single solo GM/dev/admin to spend all their time making absolutely sure people aren't multiclienting or AFK-grinding, it'll be the end of Rune-Midgard if he doesn't!

stop making unenforceable rules for shit that don't matter you stupid fucks
>king of cuckolds
isn't that ro?
>there's no actual drama today so instead i will cry about the first thing that annoys me!
Grinding and leveling is literally the only thing you do in the game lol, why automatize it?
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If afk farming/homun become a thing, I will quit the game
to make 42% in 2024 seethe ofc
I don't give a fuck about it, we've already seen how easy it is to kill the AFKers, I just want the dev to enforce the rules he himself makes.
Isnt the people cheating the troons?
people don't care so much about the afk farming as they do the hypocrisy. an entire job was gutted remember
>It's okay that you need to make one of 3 classes to actually farm anything effectively
>It's NOT okay that you are required to make an alchemist in order to sit in one spot and very slowly kill things
Show me on the doll where the alchemist touched you.
>get carried to 99/70 by the nth abbey party
>quit right after
Is this the pinnacle of gameplay to you
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erm...oldfags sell some gear on payon, no one is selling pantie combo how I'm supposed to play the game, also open a shop buying herbs and strawberries, thanks
is peongy really gordon ramsay
No hes ro in 2024
PM me and I can gift you a pantie combo
yes, you don't think there's another autist willing to do the grinds and scams right?
sure, ign?
Whisper Lullaby and I'll give you a panties/underwear combo for free and I will pay for your herbs/strawberries to get you started
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I'm going to sleep soon but I figured I'd ask,
around how much INT would you say is needed to make spamming Holy Cross comfy?
utenaposter when are we getting married
I do around 5+ rounding it up, so also you can sustain yourself with heal
Do you look like kiwi irl?
Fuck, Marry, Kill?

Fuck Lull, Marry Ennui and Pat Meth
Yeah I think that's the objective best option
If we killed Lull the quality of the threads would improve a lot and Nonoko might still be playing

So kill, fuck, marry
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Ennui you are much better than that. Lull will only use and drag you down.
no and he's not going to
please don't namedrop me
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>no drops
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...our response?
I've always hated the fact Nonoko uses Aoko for avatar fagging when she is one of my fav characters from type moon.
she did it like twice, and it was when she started her break
any sort of precast (loki or gust), at least 2 times more bodie-- i mean PEOPLE, extensive "MUH LK AT WOE!!!!!!!! WE ARE NEW TO THE GAME!!!!!" posting, reddit spacing
you kneel before your new overlords
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Ragnar/v/ sucks, dead tranny server worshipping trannies like Lull who chase away based real bioroasties like Nonoko. I'm moving to SiegfriedRO
>rmt allowed
good morning pinoy sirs
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>3 hours later Lull still doesn't realize nobody wants to party with him
>everyone is in their secret thor, thana and mvping parties and nobody will tell him
Pretty sure Lull is the one posting the fake Satan Morroc party announcements as well.
I genuinely believe thats a falseflag and he made his name similar to lulls to bait posts exactly like this
>Lull ups the fakenice to the point he's acting like a lobotomy patient
>Everyone is wary of doing anything with him anymore
>Could have just changed his entire persona and restarted with his new nice schtick
>Didn't, either because he's retarded or refuses to abandon the attention his name gives him even if it's all negative
Doesn't help with the fact he uses the same look for all his characters. Lull, don't hate you but god your character looks hideous.
so when are you guys gonna kill satan morroc? I need to leech
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you niggers talk about other people way too much, is it to hard to just have fun with your friends and enjoy the game?
welcome to /vg/
>>Could have just changed his entire persona and restarted with his new nice schtick
Yeah except for the fact that the cliqueguilds don't ever invite actual new players and all the new players on the server are just alts already in guilds
what is rmt?
Real Men Testosterone, something the sissies in this thread don't have
raping male tpriests
I have tons of panties but not any undershirts
I'd have to farm pasanas more but im too busy grinding in limbus company
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Rape Unis
when to use racial cards and when to use size cards? Iam asking because there are likes 8 races and you need at least 16 cards to cover them all, meanwhile there are only 3 size.
For example Iam up against a large brute with a katar. The katar has 3 slot, 1 being sidewinder. My weapon size penalty is 75%. Does it make much of a different between 2 minorous cards vs 2 goblin cards?
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thy dailies manager...
>can't get ulles cap unless you're in certain cliques
i havent seen dodo's parties in a while. Is it over, sisters?
he hosted one like 8 hours ago bro
didn't you hear? LULL is the new dodo!
Dodo quit because Lull kept being weird to her
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why are they named geographers, I don't see any geography
Gredex please come back to put Lull back to her place
satan is up by now, do something!!!!
@ro in 2024
why you listed bullies 4 times
A brutal reminder that a lot of you are sociopaths
Trying to help somebody with their feelings when they're going through shit and for them to say nothing or even thank you for your help or return the gesture is sociopath behavior
a lot of you fit this description
It's a videogame lol
If they really wanted to hang themselves cause of RO then they should just do it
not happening today they said
He made two new alt to play low-level parties. It's going to take a while for the 84+ parties
No he's a totally seperate person coincidentally in the same timezone and playing the game at the same tiny shitty thirdie subhuman resolution and the same passive aggressive "gee i don't know why people are obsessed with me" typing style and screeching about YELLOW KEY whenever this called out.
Peonggy doesn't care at all what people think of him, in fact he barely even reads the threads just like all the other cool and uncaring bulliekeks that totally never post here, so he'd never do something like that.
They don’t understand what you’re writing bro due to their low IQ and EQ; just give it up.

When you meet someone “normal” these days on 4chan befriend them right away. Don’t befriend just anyone out of desperation, or else you’ll end up with schizos and BPDs.
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real photo of lull the neet
is lull the new lullcow?
I've wondered bout that myself. I wonder if there isn't some curious shape on it that we can't see as players? Maybe it actually has a map of Rune-Midgard on it o something? Weirder monsters exist, after all...

That aside, How much are gloves nowadays? I'm going to spend the entirety of next week grinding in abbey and I might as well put that zerom card to use.
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There's an NPC in Juno who explains the name.
looks like ro
geographer vore porn, now;
I saw someone linked his loli ruri pet egg on global yesterday. How? I thought you cant get the taming item for her here?
not sure, I just started I need to farm a pair myself, I think I will camp mummies it's comfy
dev gives out custom pets as event rewards
Seeing Lull in global is making me wish I could experience this game all over again
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this is gay sex isn't it?
nonononono you weren't supposed to post this
you can tame her with abracadabra
nonoko already got bullied out
Today I will remind them
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namedrop me next please
please don't namedrop me
Me after him, thanks
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Sry, I haven't had that much time to play recently, too much going on irl
Is it still happening? I'm almost home
Yes, whole server is gay, including you and me
not today
tomorrow maybe
come unburden your soul
or tell me about the stupid cuck porn your want me to draw
you have it backwards
I'd like to apologize for not hosting an event last night, I must have been more tired than I thought. I'll host a monster invasion similar to last week's tonight, in about 5~7 hours. I'll post about it 1 hour in advance.

Later, sometime this week, I will bring up some more Proposals regarding content expansion. If anybody has any suggestions, I'm open to reading them. Byalan 6 and Biolabs 4 are some obvious choices but I might consider Einbech Mine 3 too.
fuck off fag
One handed quicken for rogues?
Tomorrow is Monday....
Unfortunately it is real, it happened to a player that was stating his dissatisfaction on how the server admin gave no punishment to a player (from B**lies) cheating/exploiting antics.
horror toy factory please
Did bullies cheat on their last ET? Why have they not posted webms to gloat like the other attempt? Were you there?
i already don't respect you for drawing dumbass gredex shit, don't make it worse
Skarava hall???
draw peonggy sucking male's bitchtit(male) while jacking him off
Isn't Horror Toy Factory one of those instances where you have to do them every day for a chance to enchant some piece of equipment? That seems like a very bad match for Renewal.

I wasn't online when it happened.

People already voted to reject Episode 13.3 so I don't think Scaraba Hall will happen.
who shitposts for respect?
>wasn't online
lol convenient
I look forward to your video of an ET clear showing where and how an exploit is possible.
>dev doesn't even try to deny cheating allegations
kek this
No wonder your server's been dead for a while now o7
im not here to suck dev's or bullie's cock but "um they cheated, i think?" with 0 explanation or evidence isnt an allegation, its just being a retard
nobody besides you is saying that when there's clear evidence in videos and screenshots but nice try i guess
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>People already voted to reject Episode 13.3 so I don't think Scaraba Hall will happen.
I would've voted for the option "fuck off for a month or two please, slow down on the powercreep and ask again later" but there was no such option
post them please
bullies afk farmed naght siegger using autocast cards
i mean can you post them then? i'm down to believe it if thats true, fuck bullies, but i'd just like to see the evidence
post what?
ok miku
I watched the bully ET clear on twitch.tv/raynian live as it happened. Your fault if you missed it, maybe you should subscribe so you can catch the next run live.
bullies stole my lunch money in highschool and thats why im angry at them
unlike you who LOVES saving every bit of post + image I don't care for such shit, it's in previous threads and the archive you love so much you're quite pathetic and disingenuous at that too thinking hurdur I'm so smart hehehe nobody will realize it's while getting constantly shat on
bulliecucks trying to discredit SCHIZOCHADS credibility by samefagging false claims so (You) forget their afk farming bullshit
pretty based reply
this is precisely how you deal with cheaters
It's bulliekeks falseflagging to muddy the waters.
Even if there was an exploit used, niggerdev will just claim it's okay as we've seen before so everyone knows it's pointless to bug him about it.
i broke my entire stock trying to get slot
>Faggot gets put on blast for abusing reflect / auto-cast
>Effectively AFK farming which the server is supposed to be against
>Also potentially bypassing multi-account rule to loot up (no other logical explanation to this)
>Niggerdev puts a rule in reaction to it
>Does not punish the player for abusing
>Said fag pretends he dindu nuffin and was a good boi
>Despite a rule being just put into place because of his actions
>Meanwhile he taunts everybody who thinks this isn't right
>Multiple people are mad
>Some quit and even delete their characters
Chery on top:
>niggerdev once again disappears like in every ragna/v iteration right before it dies as he realizes he fucked up (Again)

You can see the effect of this in global chat and in the mayor *player* population (which was around 15-20 players) movement ceasing completely to almost a 150% in reduction
population was barely affected, give up already
you lost the plot
bullierat deflect attempt #1831
>cheat on every facet of the game
>n-no the ET clear no one saw is 100% legit
ah and because I know one of you tranny retards love to do this kind of shit
there's currently two posters talking about B**lies being cheater
one is talking about the afk farming method and previous exploits used on mvp's
the other is claiming an ET run with exploits (where suddenly a "new" anon will post a video of the run "artificially" creating that gotcha)
this is how scumbags and cheaters act btw
>An entire wide open map
>Enemies still just happen to spawn next to me while i'm sitting
rigged ass game
You must understand that ***lies has unironic mentally ill transexuals in their midst where they openly talk about their hrt and whatnot. The main posters that do shit like >>500072305 are those specifically mentally ill people that thrive in those kind of scenarios (where you have to make up a lie, then disprove it after making it up so that everything else is ignored, and the observers/posters/lurkers then discard all previous allegations because the artificially brought up one was disproven). You brought this to attention thus changing the way they'll (trannies in ***lies) behave now ITT.
how do i afk farm?
Gordon Ramsay = Sieggy = Peonggy = AFK farming scumbag
didn't goon say he was going to quit
Can you please remove auto turn undead from exorcism bible that I asked for weeks ago? You said you'd look into it.
>believing anybody
you can bet that nonoko will be back in a few days
And don't forget, after those trannies and simp enablers fail to falseflag and memoryhole something, they resort to saying "it's just one schizo shitposting" with no other argument.
Reminder, there's more than 1 poster here.
what are macros used for?
didn't they stream literally the entire thing on twitch?
everybody has moved on but you keep seething here like a little fag
what kind of mental illness compel schizos to keep posting about a game they don't like or dont play? all bullies are retarded but you are worse you are niggers
let me refer you to

i'm pretty sure theyre already back on but on a new character with a different name
nice cooldown you have there btw
>>Multiple people are mad
>>Some quit and even delete their characters
you mean one guy lol
i can confirm that isn't the case, but i know you won't believe me

it was still one guy that deleted his characters.
i didn't deny or even comment on anything else.
one guy? where's
? pretty sure there's more than "hehehe it was just 1 guy" there
nigga a lot of those people were already gone
and Mariel literally posted last thread saying he's been too busy to play
fuck off

not how it works chuddies
needful katars for sinx? thinking of making one
>outlandish claim
>uhmmm sweaty ur wrong

4 seconds later

>ctrl+f "bulli"
>29 results
please seek helpv0lyj
you're so fucking dumb, the incident had nothing to fucking do with those people being gone, how low IQ are you
Nice concession there.
take your meds already
>ctrl f "hot erotica erp yuri futanari"
>0 results
** can you calm your tits already
>People leave a state ages ago
>Somebody commits a terrorist attack in the state years later
>"Man I can't believe that attack caused those people to leave, I'll never forgive them"
enough about palestine

not beating the mentally ill + cheating allegations
People be like I HATE BULLIES!!! But be begging how to clear content with their strategies.
I play on MyRo though? what strategies are you talking about roflmao
How did this meme start? I see everyone doing it.
it's the sound asians make when scared
Slow down? Slow down with what? He barely adding stuff to the game and you want him to wait another 6 months just because of your slow ass? I want new shit to do.
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peoples....reject more contents??
how did that Endless Tower today ended up? any good drops? couldn't make it in time
It's a /dbs/ meme, the "jobber scream" taken from the portuguese dub of DBZ where Vegita makes very effeminate "AIIIEEE" sounds while getting beaten to death by Frieza, which actually sound like he's about to orgasm.
It was also discovered that the official translation of the manga has an AIIIEEEE scream in the first chapter when Bulma is jobbing to a Pterodactyl, making the cry in fact canon and not just a meme.
That's so based thanks for the explanation. I'm going to AIEE every time I die.
people rejected insane powercreep
nta but would also like to know
lmao bullietards really think anyone will forget about their endorsed cheating
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where should I get the last 5 levels? I'm getting too little xp on orc village
what class?
you could kill stings easily, just have to be careful for gargoyles, but geographers are typically the way to go all the way until 50
Unlock leaf cats!
Your creamy clip?
I tried clock tower but I get one shot by every fucking thing

I will try it looks cool

noted, thanks
Go kill creamies and get their card. Buy a 250k clip from payon kikes. Then go kill stings.
I already got the card, I will try to farm some cash I'm close to 250k
Kill ambernites 1 map north of orc village and sell their shells to the kike in payon buy converter mats
Don't buy clips from the kikes. It's a 100% drop from a miniboss that spawns every hour 2 maps south of morroc
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Hello everyone, thank you to the people who reached out as I get adjusted to running the guild in Nonoko's place. I am still gauging interest so feel free to drop a request for us if you like, just please bear in mind that our members are a bit thin right now. If you had an active request prior to yesterday, please resubmit it

I request that you move on
if there isn't much interest anymore than it's a valid request
/trash/ is that way
gonna start an ingredients store for chefbros, any requests on what i should farm?
Nonoko = Kiborex
there hasn't been any interest in you for weeks now
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Look at this sucker
BASED Hirohito
Fuck you, that's not true
We already got married in another game and there's a date going on right now
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Nice. I just assumed someone would be camping it.
Close your server. /rog/ doesn't need a secret club they don't know what to do with anyway.
If grinding and levelling are the only things to do in this game, why do you care so much about how people perform those actions?
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Still not playing myro. Unless you give me a big starter pack. Iam talking millions if zenny here. Maybe some cards.
literally who asked, pinoy
In the early days, yes. Now everyone has one or two already
All I see are anolians
do kunai crit?
Dev can you please add the Talk-lines for all pets? The pets you get from Abracadabra taming feel so soulless when they don't speak with their personal quirks.
Dead thread...
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lmao the absolute state of acradia
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Ice Dungeon party!
Best exp I've had all of my (character's) miserable existence so far
Deaths remain at 0. But for how long?
make sure to kill ktull
Best weapons to slap this on? Krasnaya? Death Guidance?
Can't allow players to RMT unless they're "donating" or "contributing to the server"
It's been the same landscape in private servers since around 2008. You run a shitty box-standard server, adjust the rates and QoL-functions, become king turd of shit mountain...and subtly place your paypal down. You will of course be compensated ^____^ Why else go thru such lengths to stop players from bartering with each other outside the game? What benefit is there in shitting on your own players, doing their own thing between each other?

It's because they're not RMT'ing with the admins anymore.
At 00:00 server time, 1 hour from now, I'll begin the Monster Invasion event. I'll also hold marriages, if any is requested.
Veteran Sword.
veteran sword
if you get 3 of them, krasnaya
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mom plapped
ifrit... we'll get you one day...
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If you give me 100k zeny I will enter your name into a draw and draw the first 3 winners...
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Chu Chu! Follow me Ice Giant! Chu Chu! All in a train!
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Chu Chu!
>Chu Chu
So lull is a spic, that explains everything
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ty for the party brooos
sadg that I couldn't go into magma
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Strong mage soloing every mob by themselves...

Ty for the party!
is that her after the 10th
Lull, thread isn't your personal blog.
Yeah I think I’ll just solo to 99…
thats normal
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I need aoe. BIG aoe. BIG and FAST aoe.

Keknewal it is for me, then. I want to be a super saiyan, not a super faggot.
ninja gets insane aoe here after trans
kunai and magic, the mirages add an aoe effect
cucksex quit
No thanks, that's for fags. Give me Huu Ma or take your ninja stones and ram them up your ass.
then fuck off
>only a handful of cooks
>no one brews
>no one smiths
umm crafterbros?
I hope he killed himself
>investing time and effort into a server thats going to shut down in a few weeks or less
lmfao just log in level up log off bro
you say this every week
There's a few brewers here and there that sell publically, but I'm sure most guilds have one that serves themselves. Crafting smiths are just not worth it.
Speaking of brewers, what's the price of a blue potion?
converter changes make smithing not worth it, period
this server sp regen is insane when leveling and when it gets harder to sustain people are only playing when in a party with dancer, niggerdev fucked up this shit
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Did this stayed unfinished or the author said something that I am not aware regarding the story in the game?
it ended at the tournament arc and was never finished
i got a choice to make with my 93 crit suno
>slot goblin archer and have a nice generic weapon
>slot kaho to optimize for peach tree murder
>get a +7 platinum shotel and dump luck completely
what do?
I should just quit I don't want to be alone anymore
why would you do the weddings first, so the lonelyfags can suffer
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took me a while, but I finally did it, bros....
i know there's people in that fucking audience right now whose souls are hurting waiting for this fucking thing to end just for an event
My real wife is at work fucking spicdev. Play the fucking invasion event already.
Where is the event happening? I just woke up
>kibo in the audience with shit there right across the way
>xan in the audience probably mulling over being left on his own
You can go back to sleep, bullies alts are getting married and are scheduled to finish in about 3 or 4 more hours
anybody who thinks chachamaru isn't an alt at this point is fucking dumb
I want to plap monsters in the event after though
if meru marries a m*le I'll kms
>dev's wife's boyfriend is an alchemist
this explains everything
Cute bells
It's over, im leaving the server
pooter is going to fucking die
whos gotten married so far
Server is officially dead, selling everything I got 5 bucks hmu I accept bitcoin
Who the fuck is pooter
Nice server BR cliquefags. No wonder there's so much drama; there's like 20 actual players and 80 alts.
And yet no one alts wants to marry me...
Only one I'll marry is a cute pet when I get one, one of these days...
i'll marry as an sp battery but that's about it
green maiden...
if you're a priest your commitment should be to God
Someone to add to your blacklist along with his alts Chun Li and Mordred, hope he chokes on a cock and dies
Right please list them.
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Thank you to the strangers in Payon Dungeon
even though it was for like 2 minutes it was still nice being in a party, I'm too anxious to talk much even on a silly outdated computer game
Must have a huge cock
its over, time to quit RO and find new game to dump time into
spam marriage skills next to me again fucking homos, fuck off
it took you way to fucking long to realize it
So happy to see men playing as anime girls getting online married to each other for a whole hour!!
And it makes me so mad for some reason
Why can't I get married?
which bullies still aren't married...
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same brother hope we get to meet again
>pooter won the dodo bowl
it's over
do you want to get married next event... i will let you invite me to the guild, too...
No way that sounds gay lamo
Fuck off Ennui you're not getting into Bullies
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im not ennui...
Its still gay though
Find Xanto a pair
Who are you then? I don't mind getting married, I do have my own guild
i don't think i can settle, im sorry but i wont be happy
Oh so im not good enough?
Bullies WISH Ennui joined them
anon you really need to learn people's alts
>And it makes me so mad for some reason
>Why can't I get married?

But it's just men online marrying other men. Join the clique and you'll get gay married...
Ennui is an alt?
He really just needs to get out of his shell and interact with others in parties
If you're willing to settle for non-Bullies, I might have a friend who would be interested if you play a boy...
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I didn't get married because my bullets won't come out....
nta but i play a boy
gross lmao
>ded thread

I play a boy and a girl...
I don't need anybody
lull is so nice that they are greeding drops while everyone else does the work
Stealing card drops from different parties, even
what's the big deal about cobalts, the elemental sword?
what a dogshit event kys niggerdev, next time do something people not in endgame can enjoy
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cute madoka
>not in endgame
>4 years into the server
what is wrong with you
>he's still hurt
it's ok bro
i started 3 days ago though
you have to move on
Loved watching guys playing as girls getting married for 5 hours and then enjoyed the "event" that no one but the BR admin and his filipino/BR no lifer clique fagbuddies could enjoy... I'll surely invite all my friends to start with me on this server!

BASED megucae poster!!
i'm fine with how things are
really i'm fine
Lull stole the purple maya card and he is now convincing his party to keep it lmao what a nigger
Which number are you
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Anyone up for pvp (Pinoy vs. Pinoy)?
Stop being bad
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I got nobody to play with so I'll just play something else.
Baneposting won the Ennuibowl
Can you do the Satan Morroc quest on multiple characters and get multiple accesories?
of all the mmos you could've played, you chose the worst one
why does he do it
Smart. The server is pretty unbearable for new players, since there are no other actual new players. I mean Mabinogi is ass too, but it's still less ass than this.
if bullies doesn't invite me before next week's event i will quit
duality of anon
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forgot pic
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*Greeds your party's drops*
And I'll do it again too.
These events are fun until people like so >>500119074 start hanging in the back, greeding items while everyone else works together to clear the event. Hatsuzuki is Ikkou btw.
and people wonder why everyone hates blacks
Nigger behavior
Based, most of you losers honestly deserve it due to what goes on in this thread.
banning him from all my parties until he gives it back to the rightful owner
Good job fuck these faggots.
I didn't even get anything anon. Just some goibne. Trust me if I had the card I'd give it to Nobeta
Oh no! If only there was something like autoloot to prevent this! Sadly that's IMPOSSIBLE
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Our hero returns to Lightharlzen for a well-deserved rest and to enjoy the first-class alcohol that this highly advanced city, so remote from civilization, provides.

As you take the first sip, and to everyone's surprise, a woman with impeccable blue hair enters the bar, with a broom the same size as her, and with a cat that hides in her bag, which observes her surroundings very carefully, and with much curiosity.

“Master, I've been looking for you for weeks, and every time someone manages to tell me where you are, for some reason I'm a few hours late and couldn't talk to you...but not anymore! I finally found you!”

You can hardly understand what the woman is saying, her way of speaking and the speed of it makes you wonder if the alcohol is already affecting you or if it is you, but a quick look at the others confirms that in fact, the event happening right in front of you is not something that you get to see every day.

"It's me! Liza! I'm the girl you rescued from the dungeon where autonomous androids are manufactured! You don't know how happy I am to find you! After you helped me escape I started working as a maid and an adventurer to learn more about the human world, and let me tell you, I found many interesting things! But…. I also found a lot of misery, a lot of sadness. I made the decision that I would become like my rescuer, my teacher, I would be a defender of justice and under my mantle I would carry your name high! This is why starting today I will be your servant and your ally on the journey to save the universe. I am Liza, the Cosmic Maid, and from today onwards we will be allies!

Without allowing you to say anything, the woman takes her broom, quickly snatches the inventory bag you had in hand, throws the bottle of alcohol in the trash and stops in front of the door of the bar waiting for you to get up, looking at you; for a short moment you could see a fire in her eyes, her determination, she almost looked like if she was a human herself….
Yeah sure you would faggot. There no point in saving face when everyone knows you were greeding.
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It's so over for us Dodo bros...
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babu orc
Deadbranching these babu with no survivors
Considering Nobeta is a good friend of mine I would? Not that there's any point in arguing since I don't have it anyways.
Why didn't you invite Lull?
I fucking love this shit and how you tie up all the mini stories together while using the game in-lore stuff for your band of adventurers
So if it wasn't a "friend" you wouldn't have retuned it to the rightful owner? How kind of you Ikkou! Can't believe someone like you would ruin a event over greed.
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>Chachamaru Taken
>Dodo Taken

Playing this game to escape reality but reality always catches up with me.
>Get blacklisted by half the server over some shitty drops
Why did she do it?
funny because this person used to play in ragna/v so he could had potentially been another great dodo but myro won him over
So nice of you to keep loot from other people by greeding shit 0.1s after it dies!
she sold the drops to bullies already, so the only people that blacklisted her are the ones that aren't doing content anyway
Naw I probably would. *shrug*
You do realize the skill follows normal loot rules right..?
Unlike ragna/v/ myRO doesn't have retarded drama or an owner who caters to a certain guild at the detriment of all of the other players
>Without allowing you to say anything, the woman takes her broom, quickly snatches the inventory bag you had in hand, throws the bottle of alcohol in the trash and stops in front of the door of the bar waiting for you to get up, looking at you

or any players or any global chat in english
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cause I could
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I had all day to play yesterday and I got home just in time today to miss the whole thing. Its so unbelievably over.
me on the right
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23 online. 47 vendors. 2/3 of your online players are vendors. 60 characters are in Prontera right now, out of the 70 online. There are more characters in bio3 on Ragna/v/ right now than there are outside Prontera on that entire server.
and you were based for that
woahh I see myself i'm ugly
>wholesome as fuck solo players making up their own role playing adventures while legitimately playing the game and doing the hardest content with zero (0) drama involved

>server admin caters to a guild that outright cheats and uses exploits (confirm by the image in OP) to play a 20 years old solved game, have homosexual weddings that end up with players using Greed after killing the MVP boss event and 60/100 of their playerbase are alts to grief and scam the 1-2 new players

It's quite fucking simple really.
don't forget that of those 60 online 40 are auto-trade merchants btw
I've recently started on both servers. Incredibly similar active population as ragna/v/ after you remove the alts and the shitters that only log on for WoE.
I played mabi for 50 hours and never partied with or spoke to anyone once
do you think woe is going on right now or something
what even is this post

For reference
I was ignored in #global. you will pay
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wow me too
Go to Payon and buy from my shop.

>Master gunsinger, they are too many of them! What are we going to do?
Absolutely fucking based fuck those afkfarming cheaters in their fucking cunt faces
>tfw you will never experience dodo's dodos...
It's funny because they're seething about someone other than their clique getting drops they had no intention of ever using anyways
>Level 99 transcend classes
>All getting even more rare shit
>Inflation rampant
>Player base dwindling
Smartest RO private server host.
It really is fucking funny.
gonna laugh when you guys figure out who that is and why bullies isn't complaining about it
You don't need autoloot, you only need to extend the loot protection on items beyond the current value. No idea if dev ever increased it after people repeatedly told him it was going to cause conflict among people if he left it as it was.
It's fucking idiotic that you lose the item protection as you're walking to the loot.
yeah loot protection should really be way longer than it currently is, at least like 30 seconds or something.
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I'm gonna go kill Verits in a bit for their card, should I kill the Minorous that are on the same map while I'm at it to? Is their card valuable to people?
Even regardless of their card they drop the Two-Handed Axe [2] which is good for Blacksmith afaik and I think I'm gonna play Blacksmith as my 2nd character.
There is no conflict, looting is an art, you made your party full of ranged/mage and a lone chad knight came in and took your stuff? It's on you
>chad knight
me? no reason to play
Minorus card is HUGE gives damage to monsters medior or large I think, it's a pretty good one
Based and real, melees have to suffer for 90% of their playtime. If you're a rangedsissy and not getting in range of the mobs, you don't deserve loot anyways
its good though powercrept by brutal murderer/gan caenn from the nif event dungeon can't remember which. may as well kill them if youre up for it
Bro you have an exclusive spot in ANY party I'm in
Did Dodo get married?
Utenaposter my wife!
probably yeah on one of his 50 alts?
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All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for the daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
What's with those nigger banana tree hat?
look mom I'm in the pic
>get ulles cap
>noaim: "I want it" (has one) | fio: "I want it" (no has)
>sell ulles to fio for PWYW
>noaim bitches
>fio drops ulles cap from guilt
>doki gets ulles cap (party item share)
>doki was afk, thinks ulles cap dropped from atroce
>doki: "who want"
>anne: "me want"
>doki gives anne ulles cap

>lesser elemental ring drops
>mouse gets it
>noaim thinks its one of ifrits rings
>noaim: "WOW aren't we gong to roll for it"
>noaim harasses mouse into dropping it
>mouse minecrafts xerself
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It's over
what's the earliest you can go to geos on mage
Given chat will not be moderated, I think we should just start ERPing in Global in protest of Dev's recent actions
all those players yet none of them are a real woman
yeah I'm a guy irl
Dump every point into INT and get Firebolt 10. Then you can go. It'll be slow at first but as long as another Geo isn't there to heal them you should be fine. Personally I like doing Greatest Generals for a little bit after Mandragora.
Sorry I meant by the time you have Firewall 10 you should have enough INT
all the whining about gear and guilds -- acting as if these trivial things actually matter will never stop being funny
>Look at me im mister sigma, I don't care about vanal stuff like fun in a videogame, I like to grind IRL and invest!
Fagdev hates ERP because it reminds him that he's closeted. He will start moderating it if it happens
What did he do now?
Randomchads win again. Rolling is codeword for controlling drops.
Let the system and player decide what to do with their loot.
I'm an actual female but I pretend to be a male playing a female character.
When you think about it, setting loot to party share means you're already rolling for it. You don't need to do a second check.
What class do you play?
Cringe, I hope I never run into you. Women are fucking vile.
exactly, the game does an internal roll and assigns who won the gear. what they do with it from there is up to them.
Hello there cuckdev, go host another shitty event for your BR friends that doesn't benefit actual honest players at all
We know Lull
we know Male
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>people ignored my post
gonna beat up my pillow...
You must be in menopause at this point; this game is fucking ancient now lol
I main super novice but I made almost everything and need more character slots.
You will never know who I am do it doesn't matter does it?
I'm not one of the thread celebs I just wanted to let you know that females actually do play.
>do it doesn't matter does it?
I'm not catching feeling for a cute little fag only to find out he's a she.
I'm a guy playing a female character that I dressed up to be my ideal woman and I couldn't be happier
>I just wanted to let you know that females actually do play.
nobody asked. also, i'll believe it when i see it
DO NOT grief the baby party at high orcs
We know Lull
We know Gabriel
Marry me please, pm Gredex.
I am a gentleman.
All women owe me sex!
Females play, hell my wife plays, but like you mentioned they're not gonna be thread celebs (massive attention whores). That's strictly for the guys pretending to be girls with their kawaii high priests and shit.
I don't pretend to be a girl I'm a boy people just think I am one for some reason
how do I get a slotted pantie?
Which one was yours?
Dev can you give SuNo more skill points? 120 isn't enough to play around with.
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NPC in Payon slot it for a million with 5% succes rate
When will you and everybody else realize that the real way to make super novice fun and viable is remove all pre-requisites for skills so you don't need to have a bunch of points invested in shit you don't use at all, and you can pick and choose the exact skills you want only. Not more points, less clutter.
if poster equals bullikek, dev do implement
The way to make SuNos fun is let them pick 1 or 2 skills from advanced jobs. They're already better Stalkers, just double down on it.
fucking jews
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Would anyone on this server be interested on playing with me? If not thats ok...
You opened my eyes. I now know what I want.
Dev please read this Anons post!
I could invite you to our guild too if you wanted a cute emblem
I fucking hate women so much it's unreal.

Pray that you will never meet me in the game or I will make your life hell.
500126857 = mouse
I'm making a soul linker soon if you want?
how the fuck do i get some sp regen on my knight? am i gonna need 30 int?
Yes, I enjoy playing with new players because I'm a new player myself.
40 is the most comfy
hit 'em where it hurts and the birds will sing~
this is what you signed up for when rolling on a literal clique server for 4chan cliques.

you are all getting exactly what you wanted. your rage and disappointment at the various goings-on is entirely your own fault.
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not dodo
you're not a girl, bill
Every 6 points of int = 1 sp regen.
If I'm running a build that spams power attacks a lot, I'll have 30 int, otherwise I can comfortably get by with 18.
I will now retire from the server and delete my characters
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When something says "resistance to [race]" that means every damage from attack or skill from that race gets down by the % ammount? What about elemental resistance? (like a fire monster attacks are all fire? idk)
Attacks and spells from that race
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I bought an Aqua Elemental card yesterday but when I tried to upgrade a shield to put it in they all broke.
I need money and elus now to try again, would any anons like to donate to my shield fund?
Go farm a Fin helm if you haven't already. By the time you're done you'll probably have hundreds of Shields to break
I forgot to add that I will pay you in helping you farm something.
What class do you play? Level?
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xd XD
SuNo 99
>just out of sight
My anonymity is secured.
Pff what would I farm with a suno
I can agi/bless you and heal you or you can use me as a human shield with steel body!
Pretty much, when I clicked on the 4chan ad for this server I thought there would just be old 4chan posters and RO players from 2003... how the fuck did it get so cliquey? Are these guildfags even from 4chan? Someone the other day said this server was featured in a YouTube video.
>when I clicked on the 4chan ad for this server I thought there would just be old 4chan posters and RO players from 2003...
>this mannerism, and the way of typing
I think I know who you are... wait- YOU ARE LULL!
Its over!
I wish that was true. I still want to play with Mouse despite everything.
I wish this server was interesting and full of drama as the local schizos want it to be, in fact it's a pretty cozy and slowpaced server and the global never has anything crazy going on.
you weren't there when the afk autotrader shit went down, then
Hello Lull
I missed it t-t
I'm never posting in the thread again.
i was but i have 2024 blocked so it was still quiet
Why am I so lonely all of the sudden
bullshit. there was at least a dozen people screaming "CHAT WILL NOT BE MODERATED" when he got muted, and lots of arguing before then
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Maybe we could play together, but only if you want to!
Nonoko = mouse
Onyx = mouse
Feath = mouse
Meru = mouse
Milka = mouse
Hanyeo = mouse
Asonia = mouse
I believe it.
I do! please let's play
what does this mean
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Um, okay. Would you want to meet me in Brazil?
it means I didnt get namedropped again.....
>not been namedropped a single time
feels good
I want to sexo Yuel so bad...
Okay! I'll be waiting there by the kafra
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I'm proud of myself I got to a 2-1 class for the first time in my life, it's not much but I used to quit every server I played at like lv 50 kek
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Jebus: Hey guys, I just captured a castle, but I think there might be a glitch or exploit involved. Can you report it to the developer? They're in your Discord, right?
Clikek1: Uh, yeah sure, we can do that.
Clikek2: But wait, if there's a glitch, does that mean we can get some big rewards from it?
Clikek3: Yeah, let's go capture every castle before they fix it!
>Clikeks proceed to exploit the glitch and capture every castle for rewards.
Jebus: [Noticing the Clikeks' actions] Wait a minute, did you guys just exploit that glitch I mentioned to capture all the castles?
Clikek1: Well, yeah, but you didn't say we couldn't!
Clikek2: And look at all the rewards we got! It's amazing!
Jebus: But that's not right. We should have reported it to the developer instead of taking advantage of it.
Devil: Okay, I've fixed the glitch now. But since the Clikeks already captured all the castles, I'll let them keep their rewards.
Jebus: That's not fair! They shouldn't be rewarded for exploiting a glitch!
Clikek1: Ha! Look who's talking! You're just jealous because you didn't get in on the action!
Clikek2: Yeah, you're just a sore loser, Jebus.
Jebus: Fine, if that's how it's going to be, I'm done with this game. Enjoy your ill-gotten gains.
Clikek3: Haha, what a dumb move, Jebus. It's not our fault you couldn't keep up.
>Jebus leaves the game, feeling disheartened by the lack of fairness and accountability within the community.
Wait a second, aren't you the player that always leaves me hanging? grrrr
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Would I really do that?
How can I set up a killcount for 2 monsters at once, or not possible?
wait a second, there was a castle exploit and B**lies were using it?
I want to fuck 3 of these
No you wouldnt!
But there is no one in brasilis...
@killcount mobid slot#
there's something like over 10 slots from 0-whatever, check them with @killcount list
You can set up to 10 monsters on your list.
Do '@killcount list' to see everything
Then do @killcount mobID slotNumber to assign it to a slot

Poring would be @killcount 1002 0
Drops would be @killcount 1113 1
Then Poring is set to slot 1 and drops to slot 2
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Sorry but I dont have any butterfly wings, I have to walk back to the kafra! Please just wait there a little while...
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I'm on my way right now!
I believe!
You absolute idiot
Current bullies members, yes
Im sorry...
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Stay lonely.
Damn you...
as if these things truly matter when you either
A.) flock to a new server and restart anyway, nullifying any progress any of these people made
B.) admin pulls the plug, ending any and all progress, rendering all achievements any of these people made moot
C.) realize You Are The Problem by shooting down their fun when they discover something interesting and/or exploitable, and pretending "fairness" is even remotely important when you're already playing a broken game, machine-translated from korean-to-english in 2003, with literally 20, maybe 30 unique players, and then heavily modified by a dude who admits he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing

pick one; that one happens next.
I'm making 10+ merchants right now to create my own mini market, I planned to put them all in prontera at first since it's my favorite city, but a lot of people seem to chill there, and I don't want to make the town uglier for them if they prefer the calm of the city

Where should I put my market at? Or do you guys think it will not bother people in prontera?
t. bullifaggot
You're all so insufferable.
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You're going to Brazil.
The fact that people payonsit and not prontsit is baffling to me. I hate payon.
i'd rather sit anywhere fucking else
Not really beating the cheating allegations, in fact this just reinforced the allegations that B**lies are in fact cheaters. Not just in Phantasy Star Online 2, but also here and likely all the other games they cheat on and then act like they were legitimate achievements.
Do Blacksmiths have a higher chance to successfully refine weapons than refinement NPCs?
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>Bullies afk-farms and completely breaks the spirit of the no-afk rule
"He dindu nuthin", gaslights and gloats about how the dev bends his own rules and preferences in order to avoid banning a bully.

>Random uses a skill within the game, which has no rules regarding loot distribution
"Nigger behavior", que seething and bitching for hours in whispers, main, and the thread. Incoming loot protection patch to remove this way to play.

Good server, guys.
I'll support your market and start prontsitting until people get out of payon.
Job level 70 whitesmiths have about 10% higher rates. Below 50 it's actually lower.
what is best to level sage to 99?
What a beautiful country. Imagine if it were white.
Porings are safest.
The best part is that skill follows the normal loot rules, you can't bypass loot protection with it. They're just mad for no reason.
it's both bullies in both cases you dumbass lmao
Doesn't look like it.
wake up
where did boat come from? is it an alt guild? they have like 50 members
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No I'm comfy and in bed. I just needed to shoot my shot after hearing about this weeks bullshit bully drama and will return to my slumber until the next one drops.
>he's not in the sekrit boat clique
>is it an alt guild
you figured it out
now guess whos alts it is
Delete this
Im tired, how come I've killed 1700 AKs in days and only gotten two (2) blade of darkness and nothing else?!!
I like Onyx she is cute
>everyone bitches about the greednigger
>except bullies who are suspiciously silent
gee what a mystery anon
I love her!
I proposed to her today but got rejected hard
And your solution of crying about it -- incessantly -- is getting you where, exactly? Why do you care this much in an environment that literally does not matter? How does AFK-levelling affect YOU? Is it because they might actually get loot? How does someone else reflecting damage hurt YOU? Is it because of the gear they might get? The EXP? where does doing this suddenly make the game impenetrable and totally unfair to you in an environment that is by-design already unfair?
What's stopping them from doing it normally? What's stopping you from doing it normally? What's stopping YOU from just doing the same thing?

Why are YOU such whiny, crying little bitches? Stop playing the server if you aren't having fun there.
You are literally importing unrelated drama from other places, presumably because you ran out of other things to bitch about in RO.
That's because she's going to say yes to me!
ok schizo
You're not really beating the cheating allegations btw Rancychuddie
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Now do it again.
Dude the server has like 40 players, if someone is cheating it affects everyone lol
do you think their reading comprehension is in that level range yet? going by this thread they don't even have their frontal lobe developed
I am effecterd because the thread is now filled with garbage instead of cute posts.
ERP thread is down the hall and to the left
First it was
Then it was
And now it's

I'm gona
I'm gooona
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I'm at level 83, no party would accept me as I am outside their range and I play support class.
I'm level 80, you can support me instead!
>no party would accept me
>I play support class
you don't play the game
he's talking to himself again
How rare are War Axe [2]?
>bully's alt ruined yet another event
glad im just sleeping through both woe and that shit
>Random uses a skill within the game, which has no rules regarding loot distribution
What? What happened, I'm living under a rock
>outside of their level range
>Random uses a skill within the game, which has no rules regarding loot distribution
member of the bullies alt guild spammed greed through the miniboss event and vacuumed up all the drops bullies weren't supposed to get including maya purple
>icewall can only trap mobs if you're walking north or east
Have you ever heard this saying? "It's better to shut your whore ass mouth and have people wondering if you're an idiot, than to speak and confirm that you are."
we're not a bullies alt guild.
Hatsuzuki from boats (Ikkou from kusoge/retard card (yet another bully's alt)) was greeding loot at event through BS skill because loot protection is basically non existent on this joke of a server
rabibro why do I always find you in every thread ?
What's the bullies alt guild?
>hehe we're just an unrelated group of exploiters!!!! really!!!!
lol are you sure about that?
i don't play that server because i instantly saw the problems with attempting to make natural game progression. i have no association to any of you "people" involved, but i am definitely sitting here laughing at how much the precious sanctity of your game riles you all up. gotta say; it's a good time watching you trip over yourselves to be mad and project your boogeymen. if you want some actual advice, perhaps you should die on that hill somewhere that it will actually matter to someone outside of your kool kids klub

keep up the good work
>reddit spacing
>i don't play that server
hello fe(male)
Hey you forgot to quote
but I'm helpful like that you're welcome :)
>kuso gets caught exploiting
>player isn't banned
>kuso remakes as retard card to salvage their reputation
>bullies gets caught exploiting
>player isn't banned
>makes a separate exploit guild to keep doing it
what did kusoge do to exploit?
hanyeo duping
>a separate exploit guild to keep doing it
what guild is that?
don't care what you do with it; you're the ones with this little infighting problem, not me. i offered advice how you should handle it, considering where you are and given all the information about what you're playing on, but you seem unable to grasp that videogames are supposed to be fun and instead make enemies...so yeah, have fun with that.
who are you talking to
Boats is a bullies alt guild
that's how you know they won't get banned
I have no idea what your post is about but that's okay because I fucking love Legend of Mana
Why isn't there more stuff like this post in the thread?
schizoposting hour, what can you do.
because that takes effort and and a bit of confidence
>why can't you guys be distracted away from us exploiting again under a new flag
kill yourself
This shit feels like it's fun of teenagers from the thread.
>2 month old guild
>under a "new flag"
holy schizo
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Where is my cute anime wife
Typos are what I get for phoneposting I guess.
agreed. the thread is where the drama queens stir the pot and scream at the voices in their heads. people who actually play the game don't come here
nobody guessed my name, I'm safe
Everyone comes here but says they don't.
I bet you that every single one of you is a shitposter!
hi fe(male) you aren't as smart as you think you are
I have never once brought up another person from the /v/ server in the thread and you're retarded if you use the /vg/ threads like some kind of discord DM circlejerk to anonymously talk about some random faggots that nobody besides you cares about.
Shut the fuck up Lull you stupid whore
i come here to laugh at the clowns and cucks
guess my name and get it wrong so i can laugh at you
i don't have to guess rancy you're transparent as fuck
let's talk about how gredex disappeared like the pussy i knew he was after talking shit
I can assure you. I am the most powerful weeb here.
Gredex is infiltrating bullies right now, his plan is to destroy them from the inside.
t. goon
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Hey crazy people when will you do Satan morroc again? I need to get my accessory. I really really reaaaally want it.
fuck off lull
Lull already has them you fuck
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can WS upgrade armor? what's the best agi/flee footgear for sage?
Hopefully soon I missed it too.
it's so fucking funny
>nothing is ever acknowledged between him and nonoko
>his alt is in Hope and it wasn't entrusted to him when she left but Xanto instead
I'm gonna be fair here, I wasn't the first choice, you're reading too much into it
Xanto is a cool dude and very under appreciated
When Gredex starts his killing spree I hope he spares me. I gave him a gift before.
don't come to the server tomorrow
Thanks ill stay home
The guild went to GODBLESSTHEUSA, not Xanto
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sorry, no one is getting away.
cucksex was never gonna do shit after 15 guys happened
thank you, i'd prefer not to be used as fuel against gredex when there isn't any kind of hostility there
Reminder that I hate Grapefruit
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Gredex is based as fuck and I hope he makes you normies pay for your sins
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can anyone make a tldr of all drama for a newfag, all I know is there some guy named gredex that's a cuck, theres a guy named lull that everyone hates for some reason and there's a guild named bullies that cheat the game and the dev does nothing, missing anything?
Gredex was a simp for Nonoko for the longest time and got cucked by 14 other guys
Gredex is actually based, Lull is a schizo but can be nice at times, and Bullies did nothing wrong.
All the shitposting is the Myro shill trying to kill the server because he didn't make friends on the first day then quit.
>even when being shitposted, he's somehow nice about it
bro i don't know how you fucking do it
>gave her free art and got nothing in return
That's all it pretty much. Doubling down on dev being a faggot.

That fucking loser...
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Dont kill me yet niggas im literally gathering up with some dudes cuz we are going to play Haven and Hearth on steam release, ill be back as soon as we get wrecked.

Stop spamming my doodle, or at least spam the cool one!
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carry on the torch young one
see you in MyRO bro
I have a feeling they have something going on but kept quiet
that something involves 14 other guys while he watches
what free art?
gredex and lull are in a love/hate relationship and commissioned art of it too. Don't get pulled into their weird ERP scenes
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maybe they meant this?
how the fuck?
bet he has way more than enough to evolve his Alice pet too lmfao
literally no one else other than him play there so he gets all the Alice spawn
Seems cool I’ll try that server in the morning since Alch isn’t fucked there
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maggie plapped
no berserk
my lover <3
plapped her twice today and no berserk so sad
cliqued by the bio clique again...
>He parties with people that cuck him
Holy shit lmao.
Thank you for once again not namedropping me in this thread.
who are you anon? I'll make sure you get an invite to the next one

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