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The Strongest Human Edition

>DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MN8DnsXPmQA
>Dragon Ball Superdivers Announced! https://youtu.be/8YNyrd9MD0w
>Dragon Ball Project: Multi Announced! https://youtu.be/d6bowq2uQM0
>Useful links:

XV2 news:
>Daima DLC announced
>The 2nd Festival of Universes is underway
>Future Saga Chapter 2 Announced

SDBH News:
>MM6 has launched, Goodbye Heroes...
>Database: https://www.carddass.com/dbh/sdbh_mm/cardlist/
>Deck Autism: https://rentry.org/sdbhdecklist

DBSDV news:
>You can have a team of up to 8 characters (7 cards and an avatar)
>3 card types: Impact, Rush, and Boost
>CAA/TAA have been renamed as Action Skills
>If you collect all 7 dragon balls in-game and summon Shenron, you'll pull an guaranteed Super Rare card
>Avatars can also be Namekians or Fridges
>Avatars can also equip accessories and level up a skill tree
>If you max out your SDBH avatar's level and transfer them over to Superdivers, you can unlock default SDBH avatar skins for your Superdivers avatar

steam > userdata > [your steam id] > 323470 > remote > DBXV21
DBXV2.sav should be there, which is your savefile
If you wish to delete it to try reimporting or for other reasons, disable steamcloud on both Xenoverse 1 and 2 first.

>Daima DLC announced

DB The Breakers:
>Season 6 released on June 26th
>Survivors: CAC, Bulma, Oolong, The Farmer, Chichi, King Furry, Yajirobe, Baba, Dende, King Kai, Gogeta, Cheelai, Lemo, Future Mai, Puar, Jaco, Bra, Launch (Good and Bad)
>Raiders: Cell, Frieza, Buu, Vegeta, Ginyu Force, Broly, Goku Black/Zamasu, Baby Vegeta

>XV Booru: Upload drawfaggotry here

Rest in Peace, Akira Toriyama
Thank you

LAST TIME ON /dbg/: >>499927539
We need more what-if fusions. Not just for the end result of new fused characters, but so more characters than just Goku and Vegeta can utilize the mechanic.
they should introduce a new character that is a fuseslut and gets everyone to fuse with them
Doing a little testing with items. Base Vegeta (Super) hitting Base Goku (Super) with an unboosted Galic Gun without items hits for 7480 damage. The same unboosted Galic Gun with the items Blast Attack Boost 1, 2, and 3, equipped dealt 8545 damage, and increase of only 1065, or roughly 15%. For reference, 3 standard punches dealt 1110 damage. Additionally, boosting Galic Gun with R2 increases the damage by roughly 25% with or without items.

It's my conclusion that items aren't nearly as big of a deal as people think they are. You have stack several of the same type of item to get any appreciable boost in just one stat. In light of this I'm not sure why some players here and elsewhere view items so negatively.

Additional info: I tried testing items that allegedly boost the speed of smash attacks and rush ki blasts, but I can barely discern a difference in the charge attacks and ki blast speed seems totally unaffected, at least to the naked eye. Items that increased ki recovery were also miniscule.
Also, for comparison, equipping all 3 health boost items gives you a total of 15000 extra HP, making it far more economical.
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Your character IDs, sir.
>Vegeta has just 10 slots
>which means the transformations share a slot as otherwise he'd need 14 just for the base game
>Goku has 20 slots though as the only character
>implying thry're prepared for at least 11 base Gokus
Does Kale have a gigantic steroid clitoris?
No, she's natty
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>Dare I ask how bad it is?
Vegetto started out normal, but over the years he became a seething bitch, not unlike Vegeta. Salagir also changed his entire relationship with Son Bra, where it was suddenly revealed he threatened to kill her, and eventually it was revealed he did that because she once destroyed a galaxy (Which Son Bra didn't care about and all she could think was the she finally surpassed Gohan)... And Salagir says he was wrong to do that.

He's annoying but I also pity him, his entire character was ruined to make Son Bra look better.
Remember that any story mode mission where you have a unique moveset count as separate characters in the files.
Just because they can transform into 9 DP forms or are they good on their own?
Seriously? I thought they had the tools for character customization, but kep them from the players. Now that would imply they need to make a separate copy just for that. I guess there goes the hope of that feature being added in later.
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Well shit I never thought SSB could've looked good.
I mean, every preset in XV2 is treated as a separate copy as far as the files go too
Why are there so many empty slots between the Super characters?
Considering they come after U6 characters, most if not all of them are probably meant to be ToP characters.
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them were intended to be the other GoDs and Kaioshin just for the purpose of being the peanut gallery in ToP cutscenes only for the entire chunk of story mode to get gutted
It's possible they just made a lot of space there in case they wanted to add something and didn't have any particular plan for ToP representation.
I'm kind of garbage at the game. I've reached the point where I can beat people who mindlessly mash or just try to charge sparking. And I can match people who have okay knowledge, but advanced or intermediate things and I begin to fall apart. Any advice or things I can do / watch to help get a better grasp?
Just keep fighting
other than memorizing how many square presses before each specific triangle press so you can intentionally do shit like turning your opponent around or doing a generic ki wave that can combo into your ult, the rest is just improving your muscle memory through practice
>Still no battle damage GT Goku costume but the game has one for everyone else.
>No mods either.
This game blows
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>Still no fusions DLC
>No heroes DLC
>No exclusive crossover event skins
>No erotic sex battle mods
>No battle pass either
This game blows
I will continue to throw hands. Thank you for the input.
I dont understand the seethe against people picking stuff like SSJ4 Gogeta, of course people pick the strong cool guys and not someone they dont care about
reminder that Gamma #1 and Dr Hedo will be hanging out with the Pilaf Gang in the next movie
>He really thinks Shitper is coming back
Next movie will be a Daima movie.
At least he's right there in XV2.
How do you change movesets in SZ?
You think? Don't they live at Capsule Corp while Hedo is gonna work at wherever their cosmetic department is?
>WHOmma #1
>ever being relevant
what's the point of the fusion tab in customization? I know what it does, but it seems like a waste of space
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>Pick Ginyu
>Only use Body Change if my opponent picks meta
>Only abuse instant sparking if my opponent picks giants
also I always thought it was weird how Ginyu didnt just try to steal Frieza's body
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>devil man is coming back
>devilmite beam damage will scale off how evil it's target is just like in BT3
so would that mean characters like fat Buu or Goku just dont take damage or something
I don't see them adding Zeno, his assistants and GP as playable chars.
I pick wheelo but I don't abuse the broken shit (grab and dash attack), giants literally counter low dp characters it's pretty good against 5 team meta cunts
>I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them were intended to be the other GoDs and Kaioshin just for the purpose of being the peanut gallery in ToP cutscenes
Those are playable character IDs.
Goku won’t unless he’s super saiyan, I think it used to work on fat Buu too.
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>SS1 Bardock
>59 Jacket Goku
>Adult GT Goku
>EoZ Goku
Oh yes baby, I've been waiting for this!
Give me 15 point zeno that's a chiaotzu on steroids
They were at least worked on enough to have an ID.
I wish FighterZ still got content
make his sparking super just instakill any character
Kinda weird how the game counts Nail as a form of Piccolo, but King Piccolo as a separate character.
Fighterz was never even allowed to make new assets besides the DLC characters. They had to recycle old ones for new moves. Makes no sense that the contract was so rigid when they sold 10 million copies.
gonna pull that tail
dey racis n shiet
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is smooching monkeys legal yet
they really didnt have to make SS deadly bomber go in slow mo
I have made it... legal
>beat dude ass
>no rematch
>immediatly find him again
>he ragequits second 1
finding s rank opponents is really rare. do you all suck so much?
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KEK, post a lobby and I'll humble you down
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SS Minusdock looks great
Swimsuit outfit mods when?
Is 0690 supposed to be Super 17?
they really shafted 17. 18 has destructo disk unblockable and an insta sparking mode
I'm mad about how they cut so much out of Trunks's story, so I'm going to make a custom that covers his return to the Future and his fight with 17 and 18, Cell, and Dabura. For the first two parts it will be Trunks (melee). Should the third part be Trunks (sword) or Future Trunks with his SS ultimate deactivated?
Sixth or seventh time now
>plays wheelo broly roshi and does the expect loser spam
why are you people like this do you have no honor?
You're going to fight or what? You did the same thing here >>500055168 then you ran away like a bitch.
Oh sweet! Are people able to mod it so that it's the in-battle damaged costume.
ye im not tryna play for no rank. and what do you mean you gonna fight? of course i fight. i play 3 androids none of them being the cheese ones. i just want normal opponents that get to S rank by being good instead of using broly unblokcable or wheelos dash spam
>Baboon speak
The guys has a different gimmick in every fight, I don't know why you focus on Janemba so much
buzzwords. as expected from a degenerate defender. lol. lmao even.
>degenerate defender
What are you talking about?
reading comprehesion too. nice one bro youre gonna make it far in this world
Cope B Rank scrub.
literally S
should I play the future Trunks or Frieza story next
Post team
I'd say Future Trunks' has higher highs than Frieza's, but neither is particularly good. They both have a lot of wasted potential.
He counts as a form of 17, so no.
cant post picture but 18 with destructo disk outfit, 13 base, 2nd Form Cell which i should kick because he sucks but theres literally no other android that doesnt suck/cheeses so ye
and i got the shit beat out of me by some dude using low costs with false curage. very interesting strat wont lie
Kek, that's a new one
>2nd Form Cell which i should kick because he sucks
What do you mean? I've seen some people making other shitters ragequit with him and his grab
I'll never forget that time she sliced Gohan in two.
His ID is shared with regular 17.
ye thats kinda all he has. hes in the category of characters that are slow af but have 3 bars. i dont like him hes like turles
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Both. The base broly's have instant sparking so by default they are very good.
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>try to use ult
>press right trigger
>press circle
>*sway stance*
>press circle
>*sway stance
>press circle
>*sway stance*
>Mai has a Player ID
So...how exactly is she supposed to play?
Good morning ranked queue, I hate ningen so much its unreal
>uses a ningen parasite
fake god
wtf why is Turles so low
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>jinzoningen in ningen body
>majin in ningen body
I refuse to believe the Super Dragon Ball Heroes game on Steam that released in 2019 is 60 bucks.
looks good with proper detailing, that said. Think you can get a shot with him using kioken blue in his EoZ outfit?
yeeeeah even as a hardcore dbz stan i wont buy that shit for more than 20
It commonly goes on sale for very cheap ($10 range I believe) and does have a free demo if you want to give its mechanics a whirl before buying. Also remember that it is SDBH of 2019, so it won't look as pretty as the later BM/UGM/MM cards.
How come I never see anyone online using omega shenron?
he is slow no insta sparking no unblockable bad moves bad ki blasts no cheese option
he has explosive wave tho i think and fruit is not bad
I'm perpetually stuck in b5-b2 with my super frieza-fused piccolo-tien/android 18 team. As always I am mid as fuck at fighting games and reach the exact middle of the bell curve.

Sometimes I think I'll get to A if I just throw a high tier in there or play with a 5 man team, but android 18 is pretty good and its probably just cope.
Syn isn't good enough in his own right to justify sacrificing power to save on DP.
So just start on Omega then?
I think people are seriously sleeping on Zarbon and Kidhan
Why do that when I can save DP by playing a character that is, at worst, slightly weaker and can go up into something just as strong, if not stronger?
Idk why do people spend the same amount of points on Hit and Anilaza when they feel way worse than Omega
If you're going to play shenron, you may as well play syn. Omega is not worth 8 ap, even though he some pseudo-cheese with his supers. He's pretty bad for 8 AP, which is doubly bad because he takes so many points.

He's not bad if you just like him, but at 8 dp he cant be justified from a pure efficiency standpoint. There are so many better 8's and most of them can transform up to 10.
I've seen some tech with zarbon, he's fun, combos go further than most of the cast. and if you're getting your booty hole fucked you can go monster and cheese with false Courage, full power combos and his melee-range grab ult.
i get alot more variety in A rank than in B b has so many ui and gogetas
>genuinely like Gero as a character for years
>like his design
>like his fighting style
>know that everyone thinks I'm playing him for cheese
It's just not fair fruit bros....
How long will it take to get the 100 online fights achievement? I really don't care about ranks and shit
just play ranked single battles, quickest queue/lowest playtime. If you really don't care, just queue in with a 2dp low hp character and mash buttons til you die. Alternatively pick gogeta ssj4 and mash buttons. It will take you a few hours.
I can’t for the life of me figure out how gun-based gameplay is supposed to work in a Sparking/Tenkaichi game.
>I really don't care about ranks and shit
Pick Satan solo and play like an idiot and you'll get it in no time.
I won't, they will fight like nrmal and use their guns for specials, like how General Blue used to have a bazooka
Is Mai even a martial artist?
no but she can take Trunks
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Note is pure!
is literally anyone except goku krillin tien yamcha and roshi
Chiaotzu and Yajirobe.
I can't not read this character's name as "Roastie"
ok name one villain that is an actual martial artist(in the game) that we know for sure he did train some type of specific fighting style
Tien, Tao Pai Pai
You already named him under different criteria, but Tien.
Basically everyone use martial arts in DB in some form. Ki is just japanese for chinese 'Quigong Martial Arts' bullshit.
>he thinks we'll ever see those characters again
Vegeta, his Galick Ho is a family technique apparently so it's a family style.
still waiting for SSJ4 Vegetto before i start installing mods, but SSJ Bardock and Goku's GT Gi over his Saiyan Armor are coming with him. lol
fat buu/super buu absorbed the Kaoishin and therefore knows whatever martial arts they've got being hundreds or thousands of years old
I'm worried that Sparking Zero is only going to focus on releasing character DLC and not add in any new costumes, stages, or NPCs for customs.
stages 100% will be added, NPCs for customs who cares while its still busted, costumes are really the only thing to worry about - I want them to add a lot of them but I doubt that will come until late in the game's lifespan.
not villain anymore
not ingame
idk martial artist? vegeta?
>idk martial artist? vegeta?
Military Martial Arts is martial arts. Martial based on brute force and just spamming also both exist.
Also without some skills, there's no way he could get within punching distance of Goku without getting dismantled.
Oh and I just remembered: Even if we don't count his family style, he trained in Whis's martial art.
>who cares while its still busted
What's busted about it? It's unorganized as fuck, sure, but I haven't noticed anything outright broken.
That's what I meant by busted. May as well not be working the way it is now.
i said martial artist like goku actually is one
no vegeta just punching is not

I won't argue that Vegeta knows some kind of martial arts(I'd wager a guess that all high-class Saiyan's get martial training from a young age), but he was much faster and stronger than Goku which would easily make up the difference in martial ability(if there was one). Except for when Goku was using kaoiken - which Vegeta did manage to read and counter at least once.
How should they change the stat-boosting skills? How long do they last, 15 seconds? They need to last longer and cost 2 sp.
The final Goku Black story mission is such a bitch.

In order to actually end the campaign correctly, I have to let Vegeto live long enough to switch out for Trunks, which is tricky because the best way to survive against Blue Vegeto is to kick his ass so he can't kick yours.

Then I have to let Trunks live long enough to do his ultimate on me and THEN I have to let myself get hit by that ultimate, which he likes to do into the sides of buildings and miss entirely.

Getting the alternate win condition is like 200x easier than letting them beat me.
lol no they are very good already espacially considering how bad they were in bt3
u trolling? they are the worst skills in the game bar none. You're lucky to take advantage of it in 15 seconds with how strong defense is in this game.

Kaoiken not being stackable pisses me off
>but he was much faster and stronger than Goku which would easily make up the difference in martial ability(if there was one).
I mean in general, not just during their first fight, like Majin Vegeta vs Goku where they were fairly equal power wise. though Goku was being more careful and reluctant.
Are you insane? You can vanish everything in this game and a vanish chain takes way more than 15 seconds, so getting off a buff skill is basically a total joke, with exception of the False Courage skill that gives you temporary super armor.

All of the damage buffs are dogshit.
no one cares about kaioken and even that is good. stats boosts like finish sign or false courage are very good. you want shit like false courage to go 30 seconds? the fuck
false Courage is not a stat boost, or at least is not what I was referring to. Finish sign is not good.
literally every stat boost is good. the problem is vanish battles as one guy stated
even b rank shitters can vanish spam they need to fix that shit asap
>the stat boost is good except for the thing that takes up half of the battle

which is what I initially said, it doesn't last long enough and costs too much. The stat boosts fucking suck.
I don't know why you would want it in regular matches, but it's good in custom battles, since you can give the player the ability to perform fusions, if they want, but keep them from using specific ones.
So if you wanted to make a Fusion reborn custom, you can keep the player from using Vegito or Gogeta (Super).
They made Vanish a core game mechanic (Probably because Xenoverse did it) but because it's tied to Ki and not it's own resource it's really stupid.

There was none of this gay Naruto Substitution Jutsu shit in Tenkaichi 3, in that game the whole meta is about dash cancels and go-behinds.
just make it cost double the ki everytime it chains
boom fixed
I have faith they'll do something about vanishes and super counters, but I doubt they'll do it correctly, at least the first time.
This doesn't fix that Androids 19 and 20 can vanish infinitely because their last ki bar doesn't shrink.
If you change the difficulty to easy it locks you to the canon path
Ginyu seems to legitimately love working with Frieza.
Plus what happens if he fucks up? Is likely the only reason he needs to not betray him.
There's probably an upper limit to the Body Change working.
Remember that Frog Ginyu had to trick Tagoma into 'performing' the technique by making him go 'Change!'.
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hi wanna fight and argue over xv2?
fucking hell, that sounds infuriating
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>Whos the cutest and most purest Saiyan!?
>*entire lower half coated in the blood of millions of people she slaughtered*
We are going home
Narcis Prince is that you?
is this game discussion or is it just an excuse to discuss DBZ without all the /a/ faggotry
The later but you have to say "fuck vanish wars" at some point to blend in
It involves both.
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Boss is making it in. Trust.
>argue over xv2?
What is there to argue about?
What would she even have as a moveset? She doesnt' fight very much.
>discuss DBZ without all the /a/ faggotry
It hasn't been this in years.
Dataminers reveal that The Drink is being added to Sparking Zero
Calling TP to fight for her and she uses elder Kai as a meat shield
Yeah, as much as I had fun playing the game, it's not worth 60$... Good thing I got it on sale though.
top 5 favorite super souls in xv2, go. i like "I must protect Grand Elder Guru!", "I have an unlimited energy supply...", "Nothing beats flying!", "I think I'm finally warmed up now!", and "Sorry for the wait. You ready?". Honorable mention to "That's one down!"
strike vs ki supers. whch category do you think gets the better skills? i think ki gets more versatility, though some of the nastiest skills are strike, like jump spike.
She's playable in Xenoverse 2, so there's a basis for a moveset. They could also throw in extra powers she used in DBH, so she has enough to do without even transforming.
They could pull inspiration from her XV2 move set.

By themselves? Ki supers.
In combos? Strike supers
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I have been on-again-off-again lurking since like 2016, though I've changed my CAC a lot and made plenty of new ones since I was last active
#1 GOAT is "Here goes! Volleyball Fist!"
Next on the list are "Take this! Cross Arm Dive!", "The real fight starts now!", "I've been saving this! Kaioken!", and "I've had enough of you!"
1:25 isn't that a normal string Pan has in BT games? Which she used when she beat up that guy who turned her in a doll.
Really bent over backwards to make the Mary Sue seem flawless huh?
Does anyone have this scene but from the manga panel?
what's infuriating to me is the awful side chapters for other universes, this shit would be over 10 years ago already if it wasn't for that
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based picks. its scary to fight you when you use the cross arm dive soul.
what are some roles you like for them to cover? i like ki skills to start combos like death beam. strike skills like eagle kick, evil whirlwind, and super god shock flash are great for swindling people
ngl, not much is needed for a moveset in sparking zero, other than unique animations it's not like they function too differently from each other
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Vegetto is honestly just a symptom of the overall Vegeta wank in DBM.
Like Super Saiyan Vegeta is still the strongest despite Goku surviving to adulhood, reaching Super Saiyan and even having a form of immortality that he can spam Zenkais with.
And he get to brutally curbstomp King Bardock's Goku while being smug as fuck, King Bardock's universe where Vegeta once again get to be the most special boy ever and be the one who find how to kill Broly.
Personally I just combo with strike supers and then use Ki supers to long range nuke when the opponent lost me or refuse to stay in CqC.
Worst part is that most are uninteresting and when you find one with potential, it's completely squandered in the main story, like Super Saiyan universe Kakarot on Earth and how he lost it from isolation.
Not completely flawless, but he did tone down how bad she is. Once her rampage was done, everyone excused her actions as "She was being mind controlled", but never once she tried to resist, and other characters did try to do so... Plus she broke free of the mind control on her own, so she's not weak willed like the story tries to say.

From what I heard this whole thing was considered so bad a bunch of admins quit.

You mean you don't like amazing stories like one where future Gohan stops Buu's resurrection in the most contrived way possible because he can't fight Dabura at full power? Or the one where Raditz fuses with Kakarot to defeat Vegeta, only for that special to turn out to be Elder Kai's imagination?

>Vegetto is honestly just a symptom of the overall Vegeta wank in DBM.
I'd say he used to be, but he's for the last years. Bra's wank is that much stronger.

>Like Super Saiyan Vegeta is still the strongest despite Goku surviving to adulhood, reaching Super Saiyan and even having a form of immortality that he can spam Zenkais with.
That universe's Vegeta also got SS2 and SS3 before Kakarot.

>King Bardock's universe where Vegeta once again get to be the most special boy ever and be the one who find how to kill Broly.
King Bardock is the one who found out how to do it, but it still was Vegeta who did it, and Bardock needed Vegeta since he said he was waiting for years for Vegeta to transform.

>it's completely squandered in the main story
Or Krillin's universe having terrible side chapters.
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Fusion Monkee the best Monkee
I am the ONLY person who cares about Cross Arm Dive's damage scaling with fall distance and knockdown state. Giga Boost has such a slept-on synergy with it especially for EXTREMELY devious crossups
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Bra wank surpassed Vegeta wank only because she became Salagir's own personal Vegeta, he treat her like he wishes Vegeta would have been treated in canon.
The whole mind control shit is not different from the 'Vegeta was forced by Frieza!' dub shit.
That's some very impressive art.
>That universe's Vegeta also got SS2 and SS3 before Kakarot.
Oh yeah, SSJ3, the form that only make sense to be learned and created in the afterlife, where Vegeta has never been.
Damn, I didn't know that was a thing.
That, and she's his waifu.
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Thanks, I needed it for this...
What if Vegeta went Super on Namek, killed Frieza then tried to kill Goku but accidentally trigged Goku to also Go super then getting absolutely destroyed by Goku because he was angrier?
>What if Vegeta went Super on Namek, killed Frieza
Even as a SSJ, he'd lose.
>She has no tail
Bad waifu.
Vegetto in DBM is just Vegeta, there's no Goku in him.
Even how he fight, he just tries to overpower his opponent and spam.
What if Frieza killed Krillin and it made Goku slightly more Angry so Goku skips to SSJ9?
Honestly with how crazy the Custom Battle tech is it's almost a waste that barely, if none, of it gets used on Story Mode. You can do some crazy things with swapping characters, making moves do certain damage, have hidden characters that weren't even displayed on the pre-battle screen, etc. You could do the most of the Namek Saga in one battle if you wanted to (and I'm not saying all because of the huge amount of characters and costumes involved) with the amount of dialogue that you can include to make it seem that time has passed and the fact that they use just one Stage for that saga. But the actual battles are just "Defeat your Opponent(s)" and meet whatever condition to get the what-if. Maybe, MAYYYYYBE a forced character change or unavoidable super (Never on your side though).
I think the Idea(could be wrong) is that Vegetto has all of the worst traits of both multiplied.
Makes sense so little Goku comes out by that logic because Vegeta has loads more bad traits than Goku does.
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>I think the Idea(could be wrong) is that Vegetto has all of the worst traits of both multiplied.
So Vegetto is basically Gotenks?
Broly is pretty cool.
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Super Saiyan periwinklebros...
In Multiverse? Yeah absolutely
>he treat her like he wishes Vegeta would have been treated in canon.
And now that main Vegeta isn't an asshole anymore, he gets to be the guy who motivates Pan into becoming a warrior.

>The whole mind control shit is not different from the 'Vegeta was forced by Frieza!' dub shit.

Gotenks did learn it by himself without even seeing SS3, so it's not impossible for a living being to learn it, just difficult.

IIRC the idea behind him is that Vegeta didn't develop into a better person yet so Vegetto gets a bunch of Vegeta's bad traits. Combine that with him being stronger than everyone and he's frustrated he can't find someone on his level. And it's handled poorly, since once again Vegeta gets all the emphasis.

Less mature than him too. When Vegetto lost to XXI he threw a tantrun over it, Gohan told him to stop it because if they get disqualified Pan won't be resurrected, and he admitted to himself he wanted to beat up Gohan for talking back.
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DBM would be better if they had Maidku.
Also make him canonically the strongest Goku ever and hasn't even learned how to transform.
>>The whole mind control shit is not different from the 'Vegeta was forced by Frieza!' dub shit.
I think you forgot to write down what you wanted to say after that quote
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Except Gotenks in Multiverse can be calm, mature and collected
Which one?

Personally I think the worst what if is the Android 17 match with Piccolo where you have to beat Cell in like 35 seconds and even if you do it's bugged so that the timer doesn't stop when you beat Cell, even though it's supposed to, so you also have to beat Android 17 in that time too.
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>When Vegetto lost to XXI he threw a tantrun over it, Gohan told him to stop it because if they get disqualified Pan won't be resurrected, and he admitted to himself he wanted to beat up Gohan for talking back.
What the fuck?!
god I hate this blue hair faggot so much get him out of this entire franchise I fucking hate trunks
You're welcome, anon
hey what should I use my super Shenron wish on
I think I saw theres some stuff exclusive to him but Im not sure what the exclusive stuff is
Zamasu and Black if you don't want to wait till you reach Player Level 20 and they appear in the shop
Oh yeah, that one's pretty bad too, took me like 20 tries. The AI is just really good at defense when it's using high level characters.

The Frieza one where you have to fight your way through Krilling, Gohan, and Piccolo then back to Goku is also bad.
oh Im already level 19 so Ill get to 20 soon enough, I didnt plan on buying anyone from the shop until I heard you need to get Goku black and fused Zamasu from wishes
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Another Sunday, another painful football loss
That’s because frog Ginyu couldn’t talk
New to Dokkan, if i like the units (videl, bunny bulma, and fireza) is it worth it or is it not like fgo?
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NOW we are talking
>Chouzetsu Dynamic!
>>>>¡Vuela Pega y Esquiva!
Why is it that Evil people feel the need to wear eyeliner?
what am I supposed to do when Im getting hit in the back I thought I was supposed to r3 that but it doesnt fucking work
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I was going to say that what you wrote reminded me of english dub trying to give Vegeta a deeper reasoning for accepting Babidi's mind control but felt it wasn't as close of a comparison. Although Salagir did change Bra's reasoning from "Oh I can finally let go of morals and just do what I want" to "Okay, I have some hatred within me but I'm not bad okay?!!"

>It was you who sold your soul to Babidi. You wanted his control
This is why Vegetto feels like he's just Vegeta... This has nothing to do with Vegetto yet they treat him like he's Vegeta.

Pic related.
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Wow. This bad fanfic sounds and reads like a bad fanfic.
Picrel is funny as shit though.
Despite what anyone says about GT & Super, they weren't this.
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Pic related is my personal favorite.
Rushed game
This is dumb, neither Goku nor post-Majin Vegeta would ever do that.
It's some Cell saga Vegeta bullshit.
Also it's weird how fusion are treated as completely seperate individuals in DBM when in canon, it's clearly some weird mixed consciousness where both parties have some control (since Goku and Vegeta bicker about their bad decisions when fused).
Or in cases like the Elder Kaioshin, the other party is for all intent and purposes dead.
i don't think we have to worry much about that. i don't think they'd have built those frameworks just to squander them, and even if they do it'll just become a resource for modders.
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21 is cute
Doesn't this literally let you open the game itself in UE and edit everything? If so, modding is gonna be WILD.
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The funny thing about Multiverse's Bra is that she was clearly supposed to be some kind of gotcha against Mary Sues, like "now this is how you actually write an original character", but she's the exact thing Salagir was making fun of
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based gohan
What did you expect? He also has the side gag manga for her alone as well. He had a clear Bias to his version of bra from the start and by the point he changes the lore for her and Vegito the only reason the change exist is to half absolve her of any true fault since he passes the buck onto the next person and then proceeds to keep making that person shittier every time he brings him back. The only time he ever tries to cover up on it after ward is her next match where it's against the next strongest OC available and is just a match about hypotheticals and her then giving up.

I'm sure at one point it started out fine but the common OC autisms came in and he wanted her to shape up as the next strongest thing around, has he even Brought back Uub from training world yet?
Salagir completely lacks self awareness, and Multiverse's Bra is the most obvious example of that.

Aside from it, even after 15 years he's heavily involved with the English translation despite his English still sucking, and because of that characters constantly talk in ways that are awkwardly worded, and even when told the way he words things sounds bad, he doesn't change it "because he's a troll".
You know for a Mary Sue she's tame as fuck, like none of that would even put her on the level of Frieza.
Even Piccolo Daimao got immortality with his eternal youth technically.
She really only stand out because of the Sailor Moon artstyle.
Ah, that explains >>500102569. I had a stroke reading that.
I'm also french and I have bad news: The dialogues are just bad, it's not a translation issue, it's just as stilted and awkward in french.
>has he even Brought back Uub from training world yet?
Anon, Elder Kaioshin is still dancing around Raditz and we got a whole ass special about him fantasizing about it being over.
Obviously Uub is still away.
Would be cuter as a loli
will Xenoverse acknowledge or ignore the changes to the demon realm
I hope they'll actually be able to add standalone new stuff and not just replace existing things.
Is Super non-canon or not? Because it gets retconned every episode, but they mention there being multiple universes.
Daima is before super but after Z apparently, so contradictions will happen i guess
I imagine they'll... sort of... acknowledge it. Like you won't get Old Kai saying "Aren't you also from the Demon Realm" to Chronoa if she badmouths a Daima character during a mission. But they'll casually talk about the DR and Dabura as if always was the case. Like when Super was introducing new concepts like when Zen-Oh became a thing and they had to pretend they always knew about him or when they had to drop any implication of OG Broly being potentially "canon" when New Broly was introduced.
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>He had a clear Bias to his version of bra from the start
Reminder Vegetto forbid Bra from killing Zangya during the match, and he threatened to disqualify her if she did so. Then Bra killed Zangya anyway and Vegetto congratulated her because "You tried to not kill her".

>I'm sure at one point it started out fine but the common OC autisms came in and he wanted her to shape up as the next strongest thing around
Surprisingly Bra, and Vegetto's universe in general didn't have much focus initially. The fight between Vegetto and Broly is the initial hook but the main universe was treated as the protagonist universe, and even once Vegetto's universe is properly introduced, it takes a while for them to get focus, and Bra debuts in a random panel with no focus put on her, and I think it took years for her to really start stealing the spotlight.

>has he even Brought back Uub from training world yet?
No. And we may only see his return in years since it takes so long for anything to happen.

The character named Mary Sue is an ironic joke because she's the furthest thing from it. What makes her existence more ironic is that she's made to mock the concept of a Mary Sue, while Bra exists in the same comic and she's practically one.

Does the dialogue sound like it's written by someone's second language in French? Because that's the biggest problem with it in the English translation.

Related to that, what does main Bra say to the other Bra in >>500102569 in the French version? It would be hilarious if Salagir picked a word as bad as "Passive" as an insult even in his native language.
At the risk of attracting the schizo from yesterday the 1st mention of Universes was at the end of the Battle of Gods Movie which you can consider DBZ. But obviously they had to have dropped that for a reason, even back then. Specially considering that Res. F did nothing with it.
I thought the only thing BOG mentioned was that there were fighters stronger than Beerus.
Toriyama seriously did not think this multiverse shit through. He never does. All of his ideas are purely "in the moment, for the moment". It was only there to establish the kind of level that Beerus was on in BoG and cement his position as the strongest in the universe, rarely meant to actually be utilized or explored.
It's why when we finally get to see them all, it's only so we can see the "strongest of their universes" but also to introduce Jiren and make him stand out as the "strongest among ALL universes". Because Toriyama didn't know how to write beyond "this guy's the strongest in X".

He does the same thing in Z by introducing a web of planet sellers existing in the universe and immediately killing its leader. And then its never mentioned again and we just go back to earth stuff. He has ADHD
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You know, for all the problems I had with GT and Super, they weren't THIS bad. Jesus Christ.
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Even if Daima and Super don't share continuities, ideas introduced in Super aren't necessarily going to be completely ignored.

>Like when Super was introducing new concepts like when Zen-Oh became a thing and they had to pretend they always knew about him or when they had to drop any implication of OG Broly being potentially "canon" when New Broly was introduced.
Or when Chronoa talked about Trunks time traveling not being an actual crime, only for Xenoverse 2 to ignore that angle once Super put more emphasis on it.

It's also funny they try to pretend Xeno Trunks is the same Trunks as Super Trunks, which makes no sense with Super's events since Xeno Trunks is unaware of Beerus, but Super Trunks knows him... And it makes Xeno Trunks even more incompetent for never using his stronger forms, even once that idea was introduced.

It's more surprising they didn't go the DBH route, where Xeno and Super Trunks aren't the same, and both it and Xenoverse are developed by Dimps...

Toriyama really has a bad habit of blowing his load too early. Roshi was the strongest on Earth and Goku was near his level after training for only 8 months. Then suddenly Tao Pai Pai is even stronger. Then Tien is even stronger. Then Piccolo Daimaoh...

He is surprisingly good at justifying how characters weren't aware of the previous strongest guy (Goku didn't know much of the world, Crane School hasn't been a pain in Roshi's ass for years, Piccolo Daimaoh is an ancient evil), but fact is he likes to unambiguously make someone stronger than everyone, kill him off, then come up with an even bigger threat with it becoming less believable over time, and for whatever reason he always does that, with Jiren and Broly looking really ridiculous because of how many times Toriyama pulled that... And he's even self aware of it since he parodied it in Neko Majin, but still kept doing it in Super.
>Does the dialogue sound like it's written by someone's second language in French?
It sounds like it's written by ChatGPT is basically the closest I can think of.
pizza cutter ass pages
You're literally talking to said schizo, he's still mad he got lynched.
>Brapan, Parra
>Bulchi, Chima
>Truten/potara Gotenks
>Kuhan, Gokan
>Gohunks (future Trunks and future Gohan)
>Vegenks, Trugeta (future Trunks and Vegeta)
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the Shinjin were mentioned during the Zamasu arc.
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That's not the name of the Core People tree.
Impressive Salagir was ahead of his time in the dumbest way possible.
>Even if Daima and Super don't share continuities
They obviously do. The entire 'Newcomers only get one wishes' is to link back to DBS Broly and U6 Namekians are implied.
To be fair, it's a common issue in french where amateur writers clearly have no clue how writing dialogue works so they just write it like it's a school textbook.
Even worse when they try to compensate by spamming vulgar language so you end up with dialogue that's not only awkward and stiltered but also sounds like every character has tourette syndrome.
I have no idea how he's been writing for more than a decade without improving in that aspect tho.
I hope so. I also wish Heroes lived long enough to incorporate Daima too.

Only because it confirms that demons do exist outside the multiverse and for whatever reason, they choose to bully Universe 7 almost exclusively
Xenoverse's story is a mess. Instead of a 3 they need to start from scratch like Heroes and Super Divers.
I took it the opposite. Metamoran fusions bring out the worst aspects of the fusees, potara bring out the best aspects. That's my personal headcanon that precisely zero fanfiction has ever used.
Honestly both DBH and Xenoverse's attempt to fit in the DBS lore only made things more complicated and nonsensical.
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So how do they do on the ToP (from one of the premade Custom Battles)
>Frieza (Super)
>Hirudegarn (Not pictured but you do fight him and this is whole thing is insane enough already I can believe Goku convincing him to join).
Since we're talking so much about Multiverse right now, do you guys think Daima will end before we get to Multiverse's finals?
Still would
Unless Daima is like 500 episodes long? Yes.
Now the question is: Will Kakumei still be stuck in Vegeta filler hell by then?
>Allegedly 20 episodes
>One episode per week
>We're at Episode 3
It should end around early February and even breaks would only push it to March at best, so...probably not.
Daima is allegedly 20 episodes long, so yeah, it's obviously gonna end well before DBM.
Of course, Daima will probably end before we are done with the next special
I'm gonna try anyway...
>To be fair, it's a common issue in french where amateur writers clearly have no clue how writing dialogue works so they just write it like it's a school textbook.
>Even worse when they try to compensate by spamming vulgar language so you end up with dialogue that's not only awkward and stiltered but also sounds like every character has tourette syndrome.
That sounds like a very thin line between cringe and funny.

>I have no idea how he's been writing for more than a decade without improving in that aspect tho.
Salagir is obviously very stuck in his ways and has no desire to change them, probably because he thinks there's nothing wrong with his writing. Him making the comments section into an echo chamber where people who shit on terrible chapters like the recent Elder Kai one shows he doesn't like hearing otherwise.
It's more than 20 episodes long according to the leaks.
Now if that means 21 or 40 is the question.
>That sounds like a very thin line between cringe and funny.
The joys of a complex language like french.
>Now the question is: Will Kakumei still be stuck in Vegeta filler hell by then?
I stopped following Kakumei around the time Buu got in demon realm, now Vegeta is there too?

I didn't mean it ending before DBM. I meant Daima ending before the finals start.

Currently we're at the last match of semi finals, but between the slow release schedulem occasionally two side chapters in a row, and the tournament getting interrupted, the chances of Multiverse's finals starting long after Daima ended aren't slim...
I don't think things would be that different from canon. Hildergarn and Janemba would probably get all the attention on themselves by going wild right at the start and be taken out by Jiren or another of the heavy-hitters. The big question is who they replce on the lineup, if this makes it so Goku doesn't bother asking 17 and just takes Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo and Krillin or Roshi with them they may be fucked in the long term, I could see Cell taking 17's place in the final standup against Jiren but no way he would wish to restore the other universes, so everyone gets deleted.
>now Vegeta is there too?
Nope, he's still on Sadala, fighting the same dude. Buu's time in the demon realm got off-screened BTW.
>>500112752 (me)
Now that I had to do the rough math for it a 20 something episode run sounds about right:
>DLC 1 (Super Hero) for S0 comes out in "Q1 2024"
>DLC 2 (Daima Part 1) comes out ALSO in "Q1 2024"
So they have to release on January and March (Doubt they'll release DLC 2 months in a row).
>DLC 3 (Daima Part 2) comes out in "Q2 2024'
So between April and June. And even the BIGGEST most massive delay they could have until June (Which I doubt since it ewould mean a massive gap between DLCs so it's probably going to be on May (1 month after Daima 1))
At best would make for 8 or so episode over the supposed 20 number. So between 20 and 30 seems to be the ideal range. I suck at math because I can't be THAT far off...I hope
24-26, two full 'series'
(me) Man my brain was getting cooked during that post.
>Q1 and 2 of 2025
>May would be TWO months after March
I hope you understood anyway.
>dozens of DBZ/GT doujinshi
>no original Dragonball doujins
Closest we got is Sai (which is rad, but also on indefinite hiatus)
>Nope, he's still on Sadala, fighting the same dude.
Oh yeah he was fighting some god of destruction right? And I stopped around there (I wasn't sure which between demon realm or god of destruction fight was the most recent), and that was like, and year or two ago? The fight still going sounds miserable...

>Buu's time in the demon realm got off-screened BTW.
Fucking seriously? Buu getting any focus at all is something rare, and him being in demon realm was fun, and it was the part of the story I was most interested in, since the little I saw seemed interesting (And him destroying that tower gave me a laugh), off-screening the one part I was particularly interested sucks...
>The fight still going sounds miserable...
It managed to get into a filler within the filler where everyone was fighting the GoD's underlings.
>Fucking seriously?
Yup, I was so fucking mad because it's the part that interested me the most too.
We saw Goten and Trunks keep doing the weird synchro exercise and unlock SSJG somehow I guess but I find it retarded for Whis to push them toward being even more synchro with each others instead of growing on their own, it's literally the opposite of UI.
Also we haven't heard of or seen Goku either.
I couldn't care less about Vegeta in OG DB, Sai's Kakarot is top tier tho.
I guess we'll see when we get there.
Yeah the adult saga of Sai was better, I'm just saying that Said is the only noteworthy doujin with a focus on classic Dragonball
honestly I just want to see Bardock fused with someone that would be cool
I want Goku to fuse with anyone that isn't Vegeta.
Fusions were a mistake, they are a big part of why Vegeta is always stuck to Goku like glue now.
>It managed to get into a filler within the filler where everyone was fighting the GoD's underlings.
There's more than one? I only remember the one guy who teleported Broly to other saiyans.

Also I'm checking it out and I completely forgot Broly powered up so hard a bunch of stars reached supernovas. It's ridiculous, but also hilarious.

>but I find it retarded for Whis to push them toward being even more synchro with each others instead of growing on their own, it's literally the opposite of UI.
Yeah it's just weird, he should be training them to be great on their own and the synchro stuff is a side bonus. Could even be something Goten and Trunks come up with on their own (Obviously without the more mystical angle) so they can think for themselves for once and Whis isn't as omniscient about training.

>Also we haven't heard of or seen Goku either.
Funny he's basically trapped and betrayed...
He should fuse with King Gomah
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This looks retarded.
And I'm not just talking about the drawing style.
Goku fused with Bardock. Godock, Barku, Kakadock, Bardarot.
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I can respect the quality of the art but this feels like someone look at the few manga scenes that were censored for the anime and went "Hell Yeah, brother. That's the essence of Dragon Ball"
I don't like how much it focus on pointless display of powers when DB characters always used their strength in much more pragmatic and logical ways.
Like what the fuck is the point of punching your opponent to another planet or flying to another planet to avoid an attack? You're just wasting time, effort and energy while leaving yourself wide open.
I know they have super speed but from their perspective, they still have to cover all that distance and against an opponent that's just as fast, it's like if you turned away mid-fight to start running to another city.
Also Goku would never just destroy planets as a side effect of his fight for no reason unless he wasn't in full control like during the SSJG fight, not only it goes everything he stands for (even if there's no life on the planet) but it's also a stupidly inefficient way to fight, you waste a ton of energy and make your attacks weaker since your opponent is human-size so most of the energy just pass by him anyway.
Like sometime it's cool and cathartic but Kakumei abuses it.
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I'm really trying too keep an open mind for Daima, but NONE of the new world building reveals is interesting and it actively contradicts DBS, them being kids adds nothing positive (especially when they dump 6 already-made, better looking kid designs), and the entire cast is brought back just for most of them to be irrelevant AGAIN.

I'm basically just waiting for them to grow up and get into a proper, nicely animated fight and that could be at the end series for all we know.
Whis putting people in their place is impressive BECAUSE he doesn't have to even flex, just his tone and 'aura' does all the work.
This page completely miss the point.
>esl babble
>no argument
>Whis... Kiss me...
>I'm not gay, let go of m-
>GT expansion, Super 18 what-if
that's right, your esl babble was not an argument.
if it toned down the 13 yo edgy shit maybe I'd read it
>Reverts back to normal so Krillin in his old age gets a prettier 18 because he made God himself smile apparently
>Too Short
>Chest (And I actually mean chest not boobs) too small
>Still has eyebrows
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This is where the Trapped and Betrayed retard got his delusions from, isn't it?
I feel like there were much better ways to actually do what they were going for here.
Also people talk about DB fanmangas always have 'The War' and needing to 'Prepare for The War' but I feel like it's just the artists being fans and thus being heavily influenced by the whole 'Saiyans arrive in 1 year, be ready' and 'Artificial Humans arrive in 3 years, be ready' rather than any 'war' stuff.
Yeah I'm re-reading it and I thought of it as just fun but kinda dumb fan manga, but what I'm seeing now, how did I not notice how bad this is?

Also just like DBM the writing and art are pretty edgy. Do French people like edgy stuff that much or is it just these two DB fans?
Nope, Trapped and Betrayed is older than that, it's Kakumei referencing it, not inspiring it.
Rather than a shit ton of normal sized chains, I prefer when it's just a few giant chains, rather put his power into perspective compared to his 'mere' mortal body.
Also the fact we haven't seen Goku since is such a fucking waste, it'd be so interesting to see Goku interacting with bad guys outside of a battle situation due to being incapacitated himself.
Could even have him pull a Mister Satan on one of them or even the other way around, getting attached to one despite their evilness.
how do all these trapped stories handle goku starving to death, do they just ignore that
Goku doesnt starve because our hopes and dreams feed him!
>Do French people like edgy stuff that much or is it just these two DB fans?
As a frenchman, all I could say is I have pretty broad tastes and I don't mind the edgyness, I mostly have an issue with HOW they are using the edgyness if that make sense.
That and the pacing is just awful, alongside them consistently squandering their better ideas like Buu in the demon realm.
Most of the time, he's trapped in the ROSAT or some variant and we know that place has food.
Also honestly, Goku still need food mostly because he can't be bothered to find a way to go without, same with aging.
>What do you want from me?
It feels like a very un-Goku thing to ask for some reason.
>What if Goku was trapped and betrayed by his friends for a 2 minutes and Goku did one half a push up while covered in chains while being called mean words from the internet in the middle of mexico with a taco cart he can't reach selling amazing tacos to everyone but Goku and Vegeta legally gets adopted by Chi-Chi making him Goku's brother so Vegeta can disrespect the Son family name and marry piccolo so he can force piccolo to never train with Goku again leaving Goku training partnerless resulting in krillin stubbing his toe and dying resulting in Goku learning of Crystal Frieza 9th form coming to earth to buy Kirllin's corpse and marry 18 then Vegeta so he can have to Son family name and be racist at the dinner table and because they are family Goku will have to tolerate his racism from now every holiday while Goku has to endure Beerus cutting onions in front of Goku's face?
R8 my fanfic idea?
Nareg would solo Frieza.
Maybe I'm just trash but why to Rush Ultimates/Super feel so inconsistent in this game? I fly past people who are actually stunned and/or ricochet or pieces of the terrain.
Not to be pedantic because even I forget all the time but the food in the Time Chamber isn't infinite. It's stocked up for 2 people for a Year.
Westerners in general tend to go hard edgelord in their anime fanfics. See: all the MCR AMVs from back in the day.
One year should be plenty of time considering it should take Goku 5 seconds to get out like Buu and Gotenks did way back during the Buu Saga.
This is the reason why Z-only fans are a detriment, they misunderstand Dragon Ball to an edgy degree.
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>what if
No more... Please...
Also why Vegeta is so popular in the west.
A lot of interactions and dialogues feel super out of character, yeah.
Sad some people seem to only like Vegeta because ow the edge reasons, and not because of his character growth.
Some people act like Vegeta's entire Character is Android Saga version and nothing else.
Why does Nappa look like a bearded Jiren wearing Grandpa Gohan's clothes?
>>500113741 (me)
Holy shit I'm catching up with Kakumei and the fight against that magic minion doesn't end... This is One Punch Man levels of a boring fight that far overstays its welcome... Like did these people even read DB's manga? Or do they simply not get it? Fights against minions don't usually last for long, and when they do (Such as Nappa), it's to build tension because characters are getting killed.

>Could even have him pull a Mister Satan on one of them or even the other way around, getting attached to one despite their evilness.
That would be novel. Goku is friendly with people so someone who doesn't keep doing bad shit would be in-character.

>As a frenchman, all I could say is I have pretty broad tastes and I don't mind the edgyness, I mostly have an issue with HOW they are using the edgyness if that make sense.
Yeah the edginess is just, out of place and tryhard. Much like a 90's western comic book.

>That and the pacing is just awful, alongside them consistently squandering their better ideas like Buu in the demon realm.
I do remember thinking the pacing wasn't good before the god of destruction fight, but once he showed up I remember thinking it got worse (His flashback when introduced felt far too long too), and now it's just terrible.

I guess I'm just becoming a softy as I'm getting older so it's becoming more noticeable over time. Not that I'm against edgy elements but, having them and using them in such forgettable/boring ways is a moronic decision.

Every line Goku utters there feels out of character. Like I don't think Goku ever called anyone a coward, or at least, not in this kind of context (Since he insults his opponents to throw them off during the fight, which he's not doing here).
I was thinking he looked like Kratos.
I thought it was Kratos.
>Like I don't think Goku ever called anyone a coward, or at least, not in this kind of context
It doesn't even make sense for him to call them cowards because they just beat his ass, if anything he'd be trying to think of ways to get a comeback.
>Holy shit I'm catching up with Kakumei and the fight against that magic minion doesn't end... This is One Punch Man levels of a boring fight that far overstays its welcome...
Yeah, he had like what? 5 'HOWEVER'? Dude has been dragging out his fight for longer than Frieza and Frieza was the main bad guys.
Even worse when you account for the fact there's another minion who we keep cutting back to, dragging both fights out even more.
>Sad some people seem to only like Vegeta because ow the edge reasons
>Some people act like Vegeta's entire Character is Android Saga version and nothing else.
Also known as Sega of Japan
>Universe 7 is EVEN MORE EXTRA SPECIAL, let's continue to downplay the multiverse!!!
this shit is lame. i hope not.
>Yeah the edginess is just, out of place and tryhard. Much like a 90's western comic book.
It's not like DB didn't have it's fair share of edginess and gore but fanmanga keep making the error of making the edginess and gore the 'center piece' and the 'default tone' of their story, which just doesn't work.
>and now it's just terrible.
That's why I only check once a year at best and even then I barely see any progress.
I thought this was my post and I was confused because I did not write the Kratos comment like this...
Masako is a sick nigga, man. lol
>This is One Punch Man levels of a boring fight that far overstays its welcome...
It's pretty ironic for a manga called One Punch Man to end up being known for it's fights that never fucking end.
Beerus is out to kill you and you only have Goku and Vegeta to defend you, what do?
Promise Beerus I'll cook for him.
Then train with Whis.
Then become the first human to Master UI which will give me the power to cook better food somehow.
Gather the dragon balls
Wish for Saiyan women to be on earth
Get a monke wife because I'm just that good at cooking
Every villain gives up to try my dishes
Endless era of peace
Hope Goku goes UI while Vegeta does the bingo dance and gets murdered.
Or ask Goku to press the Zeno button.
Tell Goku to bring Broly and by extension Cheelai. Then I convince her I'll give some money or a treasure or something if she tells him I'm a friend.
>Then train with Whis.
You'd fail there. If you had the willpower, talent and work ethics to learn anything from Whis, you'd be a world class athlete in real life already.
That's because Whis isn't real and thusly my will to live is on borrowed time.
Get Goku to death battle Superman again, then beg HIM for help
Why would you ask for a weaker guy for help?
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Yeah, Goku is surprisingly stoic in weird situations, so if he looked angry but stayed quiet while planning something it'd be more in-character.

Am I detecting Kengan Omega brainrot?

>Even worse when you account for the fact there's another minion who we keep cutting back to, dragging both fights out even more.
The fight against the magic minion ended at least, but there's one more, and Vegeta's fight against the god of destruction stopped developing ever since he started to think Bulma was dead...

>It's not like DB didn't have it's fair share of edginess and gore but fanmanga keep making the error of making the edginess and gore the 'center piece' and the 'default tone' of their story, which just doesn't work.
Yeah, we had stuff like Gero killing a guy by ripping off his throat and trying to kill Yamcha by impaling him, but situations like those aren't common and generally not too detailed, so they're just quickly showing brutality.

>That's why I only check once a year at best and even then I barely see any progress.
Yeah I do the same with Multiverse.

Yeah, even Saitama's fight against Garou kept dragging... And then Murata decided to make it even longer by having God power up Garou.
>Use the Super Dragon Balls to wish I was Beerus
>Kill myself as Beerus
>Beerus uses the Super Dragon Balls to wish he was Me
>kill me as Beerus
>Use the Super Dragon Balls to wish I was Beerus
How would things have played out if Majin Buu got to participate in the tournament of power?
To be fair, Toriyama himself seems to only see value in his Cell Saga personality, considering that's how he acts for all of Super.

I never liked the edgelord stuff. My chuunibyou phase made me more interested in paranormal stuff and mysticism. I got really into crystals and astrology for a while
Does absorption count as killing?
He might be able to just absorb everyone to cheese it.
If not, it would likely still go well since Buu is practically indestructible and can even split himself into mini Buu's, I feel like he'd overwhelm a lot of fighters.
>Am I detecting Kengan Omega brainrot?
It seems I'm still too 'green' and got 'caught' in your 'spider web'.
>The fight against the magic minion ended at least, but there's one more, and Vegeta's fight against the god of destruction stopped developing ever since he started to think Bulma was dead...
I am the only one who think they were going for a Vegeta wank arc and then started falling in love with their OCs? I see no other explanation for that filler-ception.
>Yeah, even Saitama's fight against Garou kept dragging... And then Murata decided to make it even longer by having God power up Garou.
I never understood why the manga is even still going after that. Saitama got his all-out fight where even his full power couldn't instantly win and he had to improve, which still kept the fight even.
Even if you say 'well he forgot because of time travel', now we know it's possible and that ultimately, people CAN be as strong or stronger than him so it's only a matter of time before he get another 'True Fight'.
Majin Buu might've been seen by other contestants as the top priority to take out from Universe 7, maybe the entire tournament. His stamina is basically infinite, he can turn people into candy (Which he use to just throw them away from the ring and then turn them back), so fighting him is a battle of attrition that you can't win if you're around his level, and he can heal his teammates, so more powerful characters like Goku would be in tip top conditions pretty frequently as long as he can get Buu to heal him.

Hell these powers are why Toriyama is constantly sidelining him, since his healing would make Freeza almost killing Gohan less tense, he would be very hard to take out in the Universe 6 tournament (Hit in particular could have a hard time because assassination techniques wouldn't very effective on Buu), and in Super Hero he would make senzu pointless, since he'd just be able to heal Piccolo so he can fight Cell Max without them having to rely solely on Gohan to win.
He's basically 17 but with healing power AND regen that make knocking him out or disabling him impossible (Unlike 17 who can still get beaten down despite the infinite stamina).
So outside of Jiren giving him the Maji Kayo treatment, he'd be a massive advantage for the U7 team, if he doesn't act like a retard.
Luckily he isn't Super Buu so he won't be a retard.
>so more powerful characters like Goku would be in tip top conditions pretty frequently as long as he can get Buu to heal him.
Technically, we don't know if Buu's healing restore stamina, which was Goku's main issue in the TOP (though getting healed post MUI-backlash would have been big).
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>It seems I'm still too 'green' and got 'caught' in your 'spider web'.
It seems you haven't arrived.

>I am the only one who think they were going for a Vegeta wank arc and then started falling in love with their OCs? I see no other explanation for that filler-ception.
The Tuffle guy was around before, and Vegeta's part of the story has the most focus on side characters so it does seem like they were all meant to fight, but o the other hand, Vegeta himself also got a lot of focus, with only maybe the king getting as much if not more. So I think you're right, maybe it was supposed to have a Vegeta and King wank but then the writers fell in love with this Tuffle vs Magic guy fight and had it take most of the focus.
I make pudding.
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Healing in DB universally restores stamina too, it would be odd for Buu's healing specifically to not do so. In the manga, Shin suggests Buu can replace senzu at least...

I wouldn't mind if Buu's healing had some sort of limit though, it only healing wounds but not restoring stamina works fine, but unfortunately it's not what's suggested.
>It seems you haven't arrived.
Thankfully I have all the data I need to evolve my shitposting to the next level.
>but then the writers fell in love with this Tuffle vs Magic guy fight and had it take most of the focus.
It also goes into another flaw of DB fanmangas: The authors always end trying too hard to show how 'smart' and 'clever' they are by introducing like 50 tricks, caveats, ability and weird interactions to the fights without actually improve it or it's choreograpjy.
Buu being able to treat diseases and disabilities in exchange for not being able to regen stamina would have been a nice trade off.
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'I' am interested in 'seeing' your schizophrenia evolve. 'Me'.

>It also goes into another flaw of DB fanmangas: The authors always end trying too hard to show how 'smart' and 'clever' they are by introducing like 50 tricks, caveats, ability and weird interactions to the fights without actually improve it or it's choreograpjy.
Yeah the magic vs science fight was constantly a bunch of "I outsmarted your outsmarting" while the fight itself is just a bunch of boring splash pages. Plus they don't even do anything that complex, like the magic guy having a punch that erases space so he always hits something... Like, cool? A punch that he doesn't have to think about range isn't ground breaking or a clever attack.

I wouldn't mind it that much if the fight was shorter, but like you said, it had like 5 'howevers' and the choreography is forgettable too...
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I'm gonna kiss that kai
ask Goku to Instant Transmission us to the Supreme Kai, then i shoot him in the back with a gun. so long, Beerus.
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good lord...
I think Glorio's hairstyle SUCKS.
They blew all their best demon girl hairstyle ideas on Towa and her 4 transformations.
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>don't you get it? humiliating Vegeta is funny!!!
these rog ass niggas keep beating my ass
Glorio is the guy
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now that's a goddamn demoness hairstyle. wew lad.
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It's already happening, there's nothing you can do about it
i hate that a very cool anime from my youth has been reduced to a child's plaything. Dragon Ball could be such a grand and compelling setting. i think it could still be running laps around even today's shonen stories if it took itself or its legacy even a little bit seriously.
Vegetafags deserve every ounce of second-hand humiliation they feel.
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>when the AmericanZ out themselves
Z broly sucks until he gets his his lvl 9 form, or maybe im just not defensive enough to get my 3 ki stock. i always lose like 2 health bars before i can get my ki up. any tips for DP battles?
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>I hate that a plaything of my childhood is a plaything for children
Some of you all need to look deep inside yourself and accept that your inner child is too dead for you to still be caring about dragon ball
You have to go further back
You have to read Tsukihime
DBZ was pushing the boundaries of what you could air on children's TV networks. people had big gaping holes blasted through their bodies, they bled, limbs were torn off, some of the shit with Imperfect Cell is borderline body horror when he's sucking the life out of people like a horror movie monster, Freeza was cut in half and partially dismembered, there's more body horror in the Buu Saga with that one guy Buu pours himself inside of till he explodes, etc. there's nothing in DBS comparable to any of that. the closest they ever got was the Goku Black arc in the anime and some manga only stuff. not to mention there were still stakes and the concept of death still had some semblance of meaning and consequence.
DBZ also had piss and nudity jokes
Broly literally gets pissed on
pissing on kefla
goku a peepee poopoo face
and even a smelly dumb dumb head
I'd rather be pissed on, then pissed on
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Playing this game in south america is ROUGH. Half the sudacas here can't even run this shitty game properly and you're fighting powerpoint presentations. Nuke Bolivia.
Watch Blue Lock season 2 and you will be ready to play in 1 frame per second
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Frieza is by far my favorite character in this franchise and has been for a decade.
If I could have one wish it would be to turn back time and warn Toriyama not to resurrect him in Super.
>doin the orange piccolo raid
>decide to try the JP guys hosting
>successful raids
>dmg dealt didn't increase
what/where do you spend star coins on again?
The clothing / auras at the festival shop counter
ah right, thanks
I care about Dragon Ball because I like the modern stuff as well. Just not as much as the original trilogy and classic movies.
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Fighters considered Z-Warriors by Sparking Zero.
Why doesn’t Yajirobe count?
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i know some additional costume ideas are a longshot, but i really hope we gain the ability to put Goku Black in Zamasu's clothes. that seems like a reasonable ask.
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New illustration still for characters from other works of the late Toriyama.
>This is a special project in which Mr. Toyotaro, who serializes “Dragon Ball Super” in V-Jump, reveals his newly drawn illustrations!
This time, the illustration is “Kajika”!
>Kajika is the main character of the adventure action story “Kajika”, which was published in Weekly Shonen Jump in 1998 with a total of 12 episodes!
>The story is full of battles in which Kajika, who has been turned into a “fox man” by a curse, struggles to return to his original form.
>Please write in the comments section which character and situation you would like TOYOTARO-sensei to draw next time. Your idea may be chosen!

>"This is a special project in which Mr. Toyotaro, who serializes “Dragon Ball Super” in V-Jump"
I thought it ended???
officially it's on hiatus
>A special project in which Toyotaro-sensei, the author of Dragon Ball Super, who is currently serializing it in V Jump, will be releasing original illustrations!
>A special project by TOYOTARO, who serialises Dragon Ball Super in V Jump, to showcase his newly drawn illustrations!
>A special project by Toyotaro, who serializes “Dragon Ball Super” in V Jump, will reveal his newly drawn illustrations!
>を連載している currently serializing
oh no no no no no no
That's really weird considering he's the leader.
Who told you that? /dbs/? lmao
Brother, I highly doubt the monkeys that shamelessly put those ridiculous fanfics up have ever read anything published by Type Moon.
I still like Dragon Ball though?
BoG was enjoyable, the Tournament of Destroyers was alright and I liked the ToP.
The Goku Black Arc was fine until they went full retard on the last or last 2 episodes with that ridiculous Spirit Bomb Sword that Trunks pulled straight out of his ass, which is in turn the result of mishandling Trunks' development throughout the arc.
>>"This is a special project in which Mr. Toyotaro, who serializes “Dragon Ball Super” in V-Jump"
>I thought it ended???
Why would you? The very last arcs sets up Frieza coming back as the next big bad for the 3rd time, didn't it? Black Frieza gut punching UI Goku and UE Vegeta? Everyone talks about that in DB focused spaces, so even if you don't read the manga you'd know.
Got around to playing multiplayer after having only played singleplayer since the game came out
beat one C2 ranked guy and a couple Ds ranked up to D3 or D2 I forget
I know I will get destroyed once I hit higher but I am very much enjoying it right now
My team is Raditz, Vegeta (Scouter), Nappa, and two Saibamen.
Tbf Frieza's "purity" had already been ruined when they brought him back for Fusion Reborn, Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans and the Super 17 Saga.
Wallace is the guy, and Gromit is the dog.
>It's legacy
Literally all the lore in that tweet is from Super.
You forgot when him and Cell got owned by Paikuhan in hell.
It's been years and two whole arcs that completely ignored Black Frieza, he wasn't setting up shit, just doing fillers.
Fair enough. Also the scene on the Majin Buu Saga where they watch SSJ3 Goku fight Kid Buu and throws a tantrum.
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Every remaining ??? is an android 21 version
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>two whole arcs that completely ignored Black Frieza
Granolah arc ends introducing Black Freeza and the SH arc begins with Vegeta and Goku training to surpass Black Freeza, then ends with Cheelai mentioning him too.
Stop talking out of your ass, retard
>An offhanded mention count as him being the big bad
>Please ignore the Goten and Trunks arc
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The Goten and Trunks thing is part of the SH arc, but if you want to count it as a separate thing then you are still wrong because he's shown as Goku and Vegeta's motivation before showing Goten and Trunks back on Earth.
It doesn't matter how you divide it, Black Freeza has been in every arc since its introduction, you don't know because you like to talk about stuff you have never read like the retard you are.
>no! when I said he was "completely ignored" I mean he wasn't the main villain!
Stop trying.
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The strongest
Pretty sure every character with an ingame model has one. Except for the announcer guy?

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