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he's not wrong doe
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built to dominate timmies
why can tekken launch with over 30 characters but other games can't even reach 20
reuse of assets
...with her dick?
of course
ps1 animations and tekkucks eat it up
because tekken has always been a refurbished PS1 game
niggas working on the new dmc show admitted they traceappa'd ONI's protag for Lady
only thing I know about oni is that larry bundy jr drew the cover
the guy who made DMC left capcom. we're never getting another one
shouldn't have made a shitty dragons dogma sequel
he left capcom because they forced him into making another DMC when he just wanted to make a new game
reminder the expansion and game people like the most of dragon's dogma (dark arisen and the mmo) weren't directed by itsuno and the series is unironically better off without him
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We all know you guys like that new Dragon's Dogma
being able to make big booty furry bitches was appreciated but itsuno really should've focused on not making the same mistakes the first game did
Where did they state this? why did they do this?
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Running wild and slime free.
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ugly ahh ps3 game
praying kain doesn't look this bad
That is a... VERY different take on the character
wonder why they chose this direction.
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Lady... but she's a COP? that's not gonna fly well...
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dogshit ass redesign
I'm happy that she's covered up because it will piss off you incels.

I'm sad that they made her a bootlicking pig of the state that kneels on people just for being black.

Conflicted emotions....
kill anarchists
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The best fighting game released this generation incoming.
can't you just...enjoy a character design without tearing down other people?
I still can't tell if those posts are serious or parodies, because then you get a bunch of retards unironically agreeing with it lmao
>action game series with artstyle/aesthetic influenced heavily by gothic art
>redesign characters to look like generic scifi shit
why did they make her hair more guyish
>Netflix shit from that corny Indian dude using his trust fund to make cringe
What were you expecting?
cry vappa
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NETFLIX STRIKES AGAIN. Bet she'll be genderfluid and non binary as well.
Real Zesty nigga hours
Mary was never even that hot, nothing of value was lost.
im handing in my capbadge, I cant support this anymore
it took you this long?
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you seriously need to have sex if the redesign of a wacky cartoon character makes you this upset.
its not as bad as the castlevania one until dante gets assfucked
that's gonna be the opening scene to set the tone
There are so many things happening in the FGC right now and you retarded ass niggers are talking about the Devil May Cry Netflix adaptation and gay sex.

Fucking kill yourselves nappy headed spooks.
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dante but he chun-li?
oh nah hes really gonna get sodomised
Uh. Hmm.
lady was a little androgynous but she was still cute

now they just straight up made her a dude wtf
green slime this weeekend? damn so excited
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And you all said people were crazy for saying they're trying to make everything lame and gay now
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Cross-dressing as a joke has been a thing in media for centuries, did you zoomers really just discover it? Were you going insane when Jacky Chan cosplayed as Chun-Li ironically in City Hunter, too?
I make those posts ironically to get reichan to give me attention so I can xxx her when I go to Japan finally. Consensually, of course.
they did that to emasculate him and we were just too young to notice the jewish machinations
the rape in castelvania was thematically appropriate, it was to show how depraved his captors were
>Looks like a dude, shoulders too wide while hips are too thin
>No ammo pouches working as a skirt
Jesus Christ this will be bad
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and then they go
Hyenas bros... we can't stop losing...
why are netflix adaptions always so shit
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if it's hot and not done illegally then there's nothing wrong with it
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>spines getting ripped out good
>big titties and ass bad
yup, sorry incel!!!!!
sonicfox goons to this btw
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why do furries always got the most f***ed up fetishes?
Creators are often given way more creative freedom on the platform.
Contrary to popular belief, this is not necessarily a good thing. Good art is often made because of the limitations on it.
When some people are told they can do anything, they are then going to do something silly and nonsensical.
You know how people used to complain about shows being toy commercials and corporate slop? Well it turns out, having shareholders invested in your product and companies having a large stake in your product prevented it from taking certain dumb risks.
The reason that characters had to look good/appealing in a lot of older media is because that was what would sell. The reason that a plot couldn't be too crazy and off the wall is because it would alienate too much of the audience to sell.

But with netflix type stuff, the budget is subsidized by a multi million dollar corporation with money to burn. So if you are already famous and want to make a propaganda piece, or just a generally low quality product, you can as long as you have connections.

When Kevin Smith made the new He-Man show that killed He-Man in the first episode and was mostly focused on his friends, he asked his bosses at Netflix "Hey, should I bring him back? The fans online are getting really upset." And they said something like "You don't have to if you don't want to. We make a billion dollars from that Squid Game show, so it doesn't matter if some random cartoon gets review bombed."

That's another thing. Media has become a big insular circle of yes-men, so even if a show is bad, they'll just dismiss any and all criticism, no matter how valid and assure themselves that they are right. Because they have billions to waste, they don't care if a product fails here or there, either. It's why these companies have been making low quality glitchy games for years now as well, they don't care about the bad reviews.
This is of course, not sustainable in the long run, but they don't NEED to care. Yet.
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Jewish meddling.
thank you chatgpt, very infromative
I don't think chatGPT can name "them" so flagrantly
They of course, did bring he-man back later in the show, but that initial shock really upset the older fans when they first showed it off because he wanted to focus on the other characters.
They used to not attempt things like that because it would tend to cause controversy or make people upset. Like that time they killed Brian on family guy for a while. Or that time they killed Optimus Prime (and actually planned to keep him dead) until kids started crying in the theater and sending in upset letters. That one actually made them decide not to kill Duke in the GI Joe movie because they didn't want to upset their fans again (and thus potentially lose money)
>We make a billion dollars from that Squid Game show, so it doesn't matter if some random cartoon gets review bombed
This, one success pays off for all the crap, so as long as you are well connected within the company you can keep your shows greenlit without ever having to face scrutiny, if it underperforms you'll just have to move on to the next garbage project and that's it, they'll only really cut you off if you make something that is so bad that even the larger crowd rejects it
chun li but a koreappa and lightning
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fgg apes see a post longer than a paragraph and assume no human could have written it...
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People claim that it's ironic that series like Fallout, Squid Games and The Boys are beung funded by Amazon considering the themes of said shows but I really don't get that argument. Their entire goal is to make cash no matter what and it's clearly working.
Billionaires literally don't give a fuck about the government.
it's cheez that always talks about rape though
like he straight up replies to posts with hot girls and says "made for rape"
Chadcheez doesn't need consent nigga
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that was fake cheez
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lady was always a dogshit character chud
didn't a bunch of chuds lose their shit about homelander because they didn't realize he's supposed to be a bad guy?
Hopefully there's a wardrobe change in the show. Lady is mostly carried by her design, to be real.
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Somebody boot all these faggots out the industry already.
Are you trying to minimize the influence that the billionaire class has on politics? That's dumb, they have more access to lobbyists and there's plenty of evidence of insider trading among politicians and businesses.
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Jerron Bacat fucking nailed it. Bravo!
Even the Armpit special, hahahahahahaha.
>>500038193 >>500040372
Stuck selling automobiles, lol.
added to backlog
Why are you in my general?
Naaaah, Lara Croft was nasty good.
this. If anything, governments worship mass exploiters. Several are financing Hitler 2.0.
They want to gaslight this psychosis event.
This happens because our culture is dictated by religious fundamentalist war mongers.
Everyone likes sexy designs, as long as they aren't bordering on parody.
What about ellie? She draws 3D fighting game fan art all the time and you all hate her
Quit spamming, Ellie. Your version of those characters are so off-model they may as well be OCs
ellie told a beginner minority artist to kill himself because he just learned how to draw boxes, why should we support her?
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I just realized this is exactly why in the Apocalypse/Relevations they loath a slut that can conquer a man made beast, because it goes against their fundamental ideals at the core, and they can't fathom a badass slaying femboss.
They can't see themselves respecting a woman over her perfect executive functions.
No wonder patriarchs releaned on Drumpf., the orange bitch of Babylon.
But everything i own that this Pajeet doesn't even know she's playable in 4.
why are you letting baron off the hook if he doesn't draw fan art?
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mickey 6
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im literally voting harris and YOU PEOPLE still say im in favor of genocide
Cheez said he's voting for Kamala's mamalas so I will do so as well
Yes, women are generally property in their world view.
I just voted, funny enough. She IS in favor of genocide, and so is Trump who pleged his loyalty to Israel. Hoping for a face turn from Kamala in the 2025-arc.
this timmy had a mental breakdown over people not liking ff16 earlier this year kek
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I'm still reading if I should vote for Randall Terry, Cornel West, or Chase Oliver.
I'm honestly not interested in voting for Blue MAGA.
Last direct interview, she was against standing with LGBTQIA+.
And yes, I know about the spoiler effect.
platinum three
Stellar Blade took forever to make even 1mil. What makes this guy think the guy behind it could save DOA?
Oh, that's right. He's a porn addict.
I wonder if Palestinians know that you American leftists are wasting their votes just to own the Dems.
I don't speak tranny.
Does cis mean "real"?
After any of the third parties receive 5% of all votes, their party will have federal funding for the following presidential election.
The Green Party/Jill Stein are probably the closest to having that happen.
funny how he changed his tune from "stellar blade censored" to "stellar blade based"
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If reading comprehension is anything to say, I don't think Xi Jiping cares either.
Putin wants his investment back.
Not interested in her Donald attempt.
The psychosus of this alarm, 'cause Trump literally bomb Syria, Yemen, and Iran.
arab voters are pretty evenly divided between the parties. and lmfao if you think zion don is going to yank the leash on bibby.
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>random ass Chilean nigga made it to Capcup 11
Pfffftt Luhwoof. Random ass game

DOA was doing fine on its own but then they tried core values to appeal to fat e-sports pedoniggas who don't want to work. Their Gacha is raking in money tho.
if leftists were in any way more than a loud minority in this country then the democrats wouldnt be the one competing with the republicans
Sonic is made for rape, which I will do
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>psychosis of this is alarming*
They keep killing us, yeah.
>appeal to fat e-sports pedoniggas who don't want to work
it worked, doa6 is cheez's favorite of the series
Anon... the excessive fanservice was its own undoing. No one took the game seriously, there were ads mocking its horny fanboys and most people only knew about it through the tiddyball spinoff.
It's only that way because Americans are generally propagandized against leftism.
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There's no leftist candidate, that's the issue.
And gentrified.
fanservice is the only thing keeping doa afloat ellie
america is the only country where wanting kids to NOT be hungry is criticized for being communist luhmeow fucking clown ass place
he's funny
only by conservatives, libGAWDS don't do that
shaddap about politics you fucking nerds
nigga you can't even vote, you're in huezil LMFAOOOO
Didn't keep the main game alive. Also
So is everyone that says uncomfortable truths your transgender boogeyman?
mickey mouse slimehouse
3rd party votes are only a loss for either party in swing states. People who are voting for 3rd parties know they won't win, but if they get someone to 5% then they might have a greater chance in the future.
What's so funny about rambling for paragraphs on end?
None of you felons can vote.
>not your tranny boogeyman
this is only thanks to the affirmative action capcom cup rules made during china virus
the democrats are using NGOs and section 8 housing to try to turn rural red areas blue using the same techniques Russia used to make Ukraine and other countries they took over more Russian and less local
You need to stop obsessing over this "Ellie". It's creepy and pathetic.
It's also because rural suburbs costs the country more resources than dense housing
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does emperor xi even let you people vote?
and the GOP turns areas that are statistically blue red with bullshit like redistricting, I don't care
>trash mk1 not at EVO
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me and who
b-but it sells more!
wrong general retard
He thinks he's a genius, so his delusions are humorous
the democrats have been gerrymandering where they can and when they can for a very long time, too. these late adventures in deliberate ethnic replacement and demographic editing are a step above that. it's a throwback to the indian suppression days
>deliberate ethnic replacement
yes yes tell us more about white genocide
nigga gassing up evo..............france
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This is the Evo France lineup.

Street Fighter 6
Tekken 8
Guilty Gear Strive
Dragon Ball Fighterz
Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising
Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves

Are we excited?
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>two fighting game characters
>in a fighting game general
Again, why is fucking Dooberz there but not MK?
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It's a great line up, just basic as fuck. I mean, you are in France, do a legacy tournament on SoulCalibur.
There’s only one good game here and it’s from 6 years ago
because the game's ass and no one plays it competitively
france is the god-region for DBFZ. The game is still very popular game there.
NRS is not as popular in France.
If anything, I was expecting SoulCalibur since they also like that game.
i remember all the yuropoors who used to frequent this genera... so good for them I guess. brick, brosk, alcatraz, and chariot can finally meet up in person
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what are we going nuts about today?
Is MK even popular at all outside the US? Last I heard they don't even sell it in some countries.
Because the last thing NRS players will do is actually learn how their game works in order to play it at a level beyond mashing.
Who the hell is flying to EU to play... MK?
die paedofile
In the UK, yeah.
Only anglos care about MK
US, Canada, UK, Australia and you can't even buy it in Australia half of the time, lmao
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Time to restudy my sample ballot
>>500062376 >>500063076
Weird gerrymandering favoring.
When are you giving native Americans their land back?
>Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves
sure. luckily my filter was off for me to see this
>>500063406 >>500063441
But they also no longer play SE6.
The dev team.
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Guy is a fucking Encyclopedia of random knowledge about video games.
The answer wasn't SCVI, but SoulCalibur II.
Okay so 2XKO is supposed to come out in 2025.
There are 4 EVOs total in 2025 if I understood correctly but 2XKO isn't featured for the last one of the year despite France being a gigantic League country, okay.
They have 6 characters (allegedly), this shit will never be out for february, so the only EVO slot they can get for marketing is Las Vegas, the EVO of EVOs. If they do not manage to have the game out by August next year, 2XKO, a Marvel clone for combo autists will be out without a single major tournament to form an hype around competition, which basically mean 2XKO will die as fast as DNF.
what I think doesn't matter
the game does not have a set release date in 2025, so they really can't plan around it lol.
2xko isn't coming out in 2025 nigga, that's what you're missing here
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Oh. Then I hope it's a side tourney.
Then why bother replying at all?
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Is it over? Are SF6, T8, MK1 and Strive so fucking bad that they killed the genre?

My god. GigaMaidens might have to pivot into being an RPG
oh like you were ever going to finish the game anyway
why indeed? when I pointed out both sides use gerrymandering, you accused me of apologizing for it. this means you hear what you want to hear. not what is said
so they will delay their negative hype kusoge for another year? I get that they overestimate their ability a lot but this shit was announced in 2018 as a reminder. Riot managed to get everything else they announced yet, TFT, Valorant, Arcane but their fighting game isn't even ready.
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none of you can make a game
I’m enjoying fighting games right now. You know what I did a few hours ago? Enjoy fighting games.
She looks like she smells... bad
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how so?
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a greasy haired timmy setting in his swamp ass scented computer chair prying the dried cum around his balanitis covered dick from his shit and piss stained underwear he hasn't changed for a week after busting to vore hentai while he wastes his government mandated check commisioning fanart for a game that hasn't moved past making polygons move when you press the corresponding button for several years saying anyone smells bad is rich
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I think you're confusing me with someone else, or you're having a schizophrenic episode.
I already said I'm voting third party knowing full well my FPTP Vote will go to either genocider. I'm extremely aware Kamala is Obama 3.0. I'm just asking you as a person, what will you do about it than seat on a screen all day?
You don't have to defend Kimberly anymore, we have Yoruichi now.
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kimberly is a real black woman
yoruichi is just some incel jappa's fantasy tanned white woman
i like kimberly and yoruichi
mentally ill British man larping as a Japanese-American woman
mentally ill gerrymandered woman larping as native american man
why is this so common? viddy did it too
>seethes when he plays niggas that play random
>seethes when he can't random niggas that play solid neuch
the dichotomy of the genelet
mentally ill furry larping as a genius historian and game dev
>has to specify "cis" because trannies dont count

luh heh
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Fortune is probably the muskiest skullgirl but I'd huff her fumes anyway
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Mk temu is COOKED
what granblue twitlongers? only soivers have been brutally raping each other
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Why would I pretend to be a black insurrectionist voting for Trump?
elon already pays people to do that
Saying that the day the poster boy of the MK franchise is saying "My cock is your dad's mouth"...
criticizing the vocals of a japanese man and half-japanese half black woman is a YIKES from me you chuds
niggas cant even get air to aired by vegito without blowing up now
>half-japanese half black woman is a YIKES from me you chuds
is this about aisha?
>dbfz outlasted jive
God Chun is so fucking ugly in this game. Thank god I'm never playing SF6 again
There is no woman in your personal life that looks as good as her 3D model, face and body.
If I met a woman in real life that looks like Chun or AKI I'd want to improve their appearance by caving their skull in with a large brick
Get help lol
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I don't understand how something like AKI doesn't get crushed underneath a cinderblock the moment it oozes out of its mother or eggsack or whatever spawned her
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>defending that ugly Aunt Jemima ass bitch
Luhmmeeeeow. They should have ripped off Bleach's Yoruichi and not link her to Bushinryu
seek guidance
Get off of this website and touch grass. You need to heal your rotted brains.
>they should've made her an ambiguous safe ebw
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Honestly waiting on when his ass gets deported back to South Africa.
You backing Marvel 5?
>Reichan is a "mvci is marvel 4" truther
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Read the initials dyslexically.
It was always in the title. :kissing face emoji:
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japan doesn't even know what marvel is, that's like taking some timmy's opinion on doraemon seriously
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Yes. Make the bitch white and paint her brown. It's like they hate money

>Marvel 5
Maybe if Yidsney stop being jewish niggas forcing DEI.
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Agreed in the greed department.
Forcing DEI is good though.
We need more Asian ass in media.
nigga still thinks reichan is Japanese and not a larper

this is like how you retards think Irish American is real Irish
did we already talk about infiltration
No one here even mentioned it. This thread is just a discord server for some mentally ill incels to talk about Baron, Reichan, and the Devil May Cry Netflix adaptation. You're better off going to another general for FGC discussion.

yeah, the consensus has been made that he beat his wife

thats the consensus
we talked about it last thread...
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infiltration is our nigga and always will be
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every negro on sparking zero got a videl on their team which is crazy because you'd think they'd prefer A18
She costs less and she has a broken mechanic.
Can't see me!
this general is still impressively terrible i see
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I guess the final five characters for Wolves will be these four plus a new character.
Wait there's no way they would skimp on having Andy and Joe for the base roster would they?
they had to focus on developing ronaldo, chun li, and ken please understand
I can't see more new characters and old ones waiting the DLC.
not necessary for the story and will probably be DLC. best to focus on the garou roster.
stil mind-boggling ronaldo is going to be a character. i thought negan was weirdest it was going to get.
ronaldo being a character might actually be the tipping point for the "STOP HECKING COMPLAINING ABOUT GUEST CHARACTERS" crowd
oh my lord, these retards still think ronaldo will be a guest character.
what will be the cope when he is
We had negan and almost had colonel sanders but the snk spicniggas will tell you the football man would never happen
Ronaldo will be a guest character... in Street Fighter 6 season 3!
What character should I play to prepare to hardswap to Dizzy?
fatal fury featuring only 3 fatal fury characters
SF6 Season 3
Kain, Andy & Joe are already confirmed though.
they need to reveal andy already so they can stop pretending that hokutomaru has an adult voice after only one year
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lmao shit game
Any. The game is in the lowest state Goober's been in. Nutless Timmanthas mash in this game designed for them lil dawg. Just pick your favorite
Even Aizen jobbed to Yhwach
yes we knew that without shuckle having to tell us already
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aizen was the only reason they beat him doe
Shuckle will continue to play because like everybody here "no playing dix is not an option".
im thinking cosplay javs tonight
sternritter arc in bleach was utter dogshit tbqhwymf
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the one girl is a tranny isn't she...
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finna vote *skims wiki* kyedae
timmy is a real guy?!?!?
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I've heard of like 3 of these
Made for BWC
big whale cock?
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All the right moves.
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Built for BLC
be honest, how much have you jacked off to the fox?
>less peak than melty and dnf
And yet it'll have a higher daily count than both combined.
rivals 1 didn't
ah but this is rivals 2 that's double the rivals of rivals 1
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Any Kirby Fighters 2 players in these threads?
rivals 2 did :)
are you furries really pushing yet another smash clone here? lol
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so what's the cope going to be when it's still the 3rd highest played fighting game a year from now?
post her feet
you said the exact same thing about multiversus
Kappachino is turning into a chudreddit
How so? And is that le bad?
>how so
they're having daily anti-trans posts
>And is that le bad?
As a trans person, I'd say so
they're just joshing you, sis
what do you want us to do about it?
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eliminate THEM
Transgenderism is nothing but a fetish and I'm sorry you were molested.
IITZTIMMY's opinion on fighting games???
more like dookielores
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this site is so boring nowadays
nigga browsing /sfg/
reich must be really mad knowing non-americans like her can't vote for kamala
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FGC, sponsored by metal slabs.
>>500090125 >>500090332
wait wait, you honestly didn't know /r/Kappa were anti queer?
trandem said vappajam is a gift oh my days
you entire personality is a fetish
sajam was literally just some random KI guy and he just sat in front of a camera and parroted milquetoast fighting game essays and now he's rich and has an asian party gf
why didn't one of you do that?
this is what happens with every attractive white man
Actually, he was an Injustice guy before KI. Also, KI wins again.
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ellie said i have bad optics
just stop being black?
I'm not trans so this is false
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What did she mean by this?
she? a man drew this, that mans goal was to turn you on, gay ass nigga
based id jerk him off while he draws more titties
she rapes boys
Im happy that kappa won in the end
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support your locals.
no last time I went to locals one of the top players said he'd teach me his technique and to meet him in the bathroom and he raped me
i almost said traceappa irl and damn near slapped myself
locals are a meme
>he went to locals and didn't know that they're just an excuse for gay fgc sex
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Nitroplus Grand finals
3rd strike is to fighters what fear and hunger is to rpgmaker
Stay chudly. Stay hating trannies 24/7
but some of them are cute
Aren't you the guy who spent the last 20 years making a fighting game starring men in wigs?
dizzy's strive theme is alright
Made for rape.
Are you actually though
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saved up a decent amount from my party job, is a 7600x and rx 7600 good enough for modern games?
I use a 1070 and it works good long as you don’t need 4k
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yes kappachino is gawdlike
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Times you did Mystic Stare
french butts...
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Times you did Mystic Slash
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is this what snk niggas been shilling? lmfaooo
love how everyone in garou has these crayon eyebrows
They better not be asking $60 for this
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City of the Wolves is going to be so good.
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French butts, you say?
>awful graphics
>the girls are safehorny
>the guys have the same face
CoTW is going to bomb
Goofy ass nigga knew not to mention gameplay lmao.
is the gameplay good?
Bow to your queen.
kill yourself
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For me, it's COTW being the only modern non-anime new fighter to try to nickel and dime you with battle passes (in full-priced games!) and overpriced DLC.
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wings of light will either be unusable dogshit or completely retarded
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>big butt
>BIG damage
Best combo
new emezie just dropped
is he spittin?
true true
sf4's reliance on 1f links for execution was an anomaly and i'm tired of streamboars acting like most past fighters had that specific strain of execution autism
When games have bad normals, the neutral becomes more unique across matchups because characters must rely on their specials, which are inherently more distinct. Although this gives them variety and replay value, it also makes them fraudulent, as there is no universal proper way to play them.
Ain't no one a streamboar because you can't do 1 frame links consistently.
I hate how this combo became "the Daigo stunfest" when Sako was the one behind it and pulled it off at Evo before Stunfest.
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For some reason this reminded me of how old Anita was meant to appear in Vampire Savior and I kind of Capcom got hit with a Game Freak-level teraleak so we can how far she was into development before being scrapped alongside Capcom's other fighting games.
I don’t get the 1 frame link thing because there are literally 1 frame links in SF6. Guile has a ton.
wild punish reminds me of punish counter which makes me scared, i dont want to have to eat half health for whiffing something in neutral
thankfully theres no drive rush to allow that in the same ways as in sf6, it looks like
i also really fucking hate guilty gear strive 6p, which unfortunately seems to be what upper evasion is looking to be like in cotw

beyond that though, however many issues the game may have on launch, it will still be better than sf6 im sure
Characters having one frame link to confirm off a jab was retarded.
Dude just finding out fatal fury games have high crush/low crush lmao it didn't com from strive
fatal fury 2 invented 6p, but garou stole universal overheads from street fighter 3
>supporting censorship
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none of you are as smart or funny as you think you are
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>none of you are as smart or funny as you think you are
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i graduated high school so that puts me ahead of at least 95% of the population
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Population of monkeys, maybe
But among the human population, you still belong in a cage
slavery is bad...
Prison isn't slavery just because you can't stop killing people
i played strive enough to hate 6p before i got a bit into garou, excuse me for drawing comparisons to things im familiar with
Is it true? It the lack of consoomption the reason SC and VF are kill?
Fink let that cuck out of his cage?
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whos the whore on the left again?
>I played strive
Awful fucking taste and probably little experience with the genre
timmy who saw a 240p garou tourney trying to flex on a striver luhmeow
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>T8 is risky
What a retard
I wish I was good at guitar already so I could completely abandon this hellhole
nothing good comes from here, but I can't post on a guitar forum yet because I suck
Genuinely curious
What does being solid at guitar even mean?
Are you gonna join a local/school band?
Are you gonna book a gig at the local cafe?
The hell are you hoping to accomplish
Live performance in my area
Just play more lazy denial faggot
I cant get good at fighting games or practice my accordion because I have ADHD instead of the gene
i have been playing fighting games on and off throughout my entire life and ive started taking them more seriously several years ago
simply having played strive means nothing, especially considering i stopped playing months ago after realizing how dogshit 6p is as a mechanic

though i will say if some things were tweaked like throws beating jump-in pressure on block for some fucking reason and the removal of antiairing my grounded normals, i wouldnt really have much of an issue with the game at all, it would be about on par with xrd i think
>inb4 le evil dei
i dont fucking care about any of that i just want to press buttons with the funny vampire man
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I really just dont like the fact that the air of superiority (and mystique) that Japanese players have had just isnt there anymore. Now anyone can win.

The last holdout was probably Tekken for a while and now that scene has lost it too with the Pakistan players performing well.

Although to be fair I guess you could say KOF still has some of that, but nobody cares about KOF.
The Japan worship in the FGC has always been incredibly weird. It's like the guys that watched too much anime and never grew out of that arrested development phase found a way to legitimize their belief that the Japanese have special racial super powers because they pressed buttons in a video game

All just to downplay the skills of the players from other countries
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It's not about race, it's about the story line of overcoming strong competition that's different than what's around you, and it's a common theme you can find in many other competitive spaces.

It makes the whole thing more fun as a spectator and let's be honest a spectator is all you'll ever be.

When everything is homogenized, it's less fun even if everyone is better on a technical level. When UFC first began, it had all kinds of whacky disciplines competing. Now everyone's training regime are the same.
>this from the weebs that used to worship Japan until they "went woke"
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Get on addy lil nigga
In my experience, it's the opposite and the people that fellate Japan in fighting games claim not to be wapanese retards. it comes more from SF players than from GG or BB players. And SF players are way more normal and less weeaboo than those people, yet they elevated Daigo to godhood status, lol
I am in 2 weeks :]
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Of course you fake American leftist larpers pretend to love DEI until it makes your Japanese boyfriends stop winning.
Reminds me of when all of you were crying about how Daigo and Tokido didn't get free slots into Capcom Cup since the company dared to allow Indian and Brazilian players to have slots for once, god forbid we get actual variety of competition.
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Just um summon the tulpas of Jimi Hendrix and I-no to possess you while playing, NIGGAAAAAA

>Now anyone can win.
Because every fukcing modern fg has lowered dexterity requirements, ez high damage and ez fisher price Evo 37 moment mechanics/forward space stealer mechanics making EVERY match a fucking dice roll. Dumbass Calinigggas and Core-a-gaming turned fgs into digital craps instead of Rock Paper Scissors. LUHMEEEOWWWWWW
No you didn't.
This isn't me
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Post your favorite stage.
why does cheez do that
who is he even responding to
The person pretending to be me
okay but what post are you responding to
you never link it you just post some random shit like "no it isnt" and it's like 4 hours after whatever post you're responding to
he's right. no one gives a fuck about slop frame shits
Ah yes, 6p, that's what's truly wrong with strive lol
i dont like not being able to use my long range buttons as sin, who is famously the long range buttons + rushdown character
what else is there wrong with strive that im not aware of, though?
rotd has good stages but i like this one for the theme
You're having trouble not because of 6p (existed in previous games) but because sin is ass. If you really like the character so much try him out in xrd
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>People will pay $60 for another shitty tag fighter
There are so many cheap and good tag fighters on the market. Why am I going to pay for a lazy, poorly animated tag fighter. That's going to be shilled because of the IP and supposedly '''''' GOOD BALANCE''''' crap that I'm already tired of hearing from the FGC shills. Games like this don't even have the excuse of Blazing Strike which was made entirely by one nigga. We're talking about a game backed by one of the biggest book publishers in the world
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well cheez doods care to explain yourselves
>I'm going to share random tweets because I have nothing better to do
Why would anyone do that
i know what the fuck 6p is and its existence prior to strive, but how it works in strive is very different and very fucking annoying, they turned everybodys 6p into slayer 6p
they turned the meme of guilty gear having no neutral into a gameplay mechanic and thats just mean

i have played sin in xrd and in all honesty he is kinda just more fun in xrd, so fair enough i guess, but nobody plays xrd anymore unfortunately
black bitches can't do dps dough
new shuckle just dropped
is she spittin?
loool just clocked half the lineup at evo frog is arcsys shit. cant see how grandturd keeps getting in unless cygames is really paying for that shit
what is a black trait? aside from skin color niggas from sub sahara africa got all sorts of different looks, and why is he only talking black people when the OP said brown?
>A game stuck on one platform didn't have a ton of sales

No shit, really? FYI it still qualified as one of the best selling games on PS5...

why didnt cheez buy stellar blade
is he gay?
Why so dark?
Filtered by good ass KOFXV.
>FYI it still qualified as one of the best selling games on PS5
>Source: wikiped
Me when I lie
>Although to be fair I guess you could say KOF still has some of that, but nobody cares about KOF.
Japanese players never had any mystique in KOF, the best player from Japan is M` who is just Japanese Xiao Hai minus the cool shit like being able to play with 1 hand.
Nah she's swallowing Idom's bbc cum
whoops I mean cheez's bcc cum
No she's in Idom's chatroom everytime he goes online,says everything he likes to get his attention
I hope doa7 looks this good bros........................
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stand lp to mess up the reversal throw

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Missed out on psychic adult anita action.
Who did they replaced with 野中 藍?
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Amazon Chunners
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>Execution is is brutal
Are these the [M] players?
Why doesn't he try out -Strive- then? Or does it have too high skill ceiling for him.
Is this why there's no Israel fighter with krav maga?
I'm dissapointed that SFV didn't have a charater with a different groove depending on V-skill and V-trigger chosen. Z-ism, X-ism, (3)S-ism and of course with V-ism being the strongest one. Haha.
Max's view count has been dropping steadily ever since fighting collection 2 came out.
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Wus wrong with dat?
he is just playing Tekken
>but not racially black

And his view count used to be around 7-8k when playing T8. Now it's 5k and dropping.
It's Tekken at 5 am what do you expect?
I just said it
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Have you seen this DICKtator?

tis the cobra effect
hard for an audience to believe an israeli would have the courage to fight adults
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Queen Dizzy?
they will fight anyone (superiority complex)

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