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Elder Thread: >>499892187
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This is what we get for being too lazy to bake I guess
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please stop forcing this shit
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you gotta spit on that thang first
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now raise the FOV and take a shot looking towards the bridge entrance
What is the best lighting overhaul?
>install otrainers
>start new game
>that shit happens where the game picks the wrong dialogue option even though i scrolled the menu up and down and made sure the right option was highlighted before clicking
>dialogue flickers out
>"well... you've convinced me :)"
>talk to him again
>fuck me right here
>no cancel option
>exit dialogue
>it's ok, he'll stop following me after 10 or 15 seconds
>he doesn't
>6 hours later he's still breathing down my neck
>can't do anything to make him fuck off
What mod to fix dialogue selection?
just get fucked?
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>nigga installs weird shit like OTrainers, but doesn't have essential mods like Better Dialogue Controls
testament to the absolute state of this community
Friends don't let friends play with Lux. Fuck that buggy piece of shit mod that makes everything so dark you have to carry a latern to see 3 feet in in front of you in your house.
the reddit refugees infesting this thread probably have a character like this
Skill issue unironically
Lux, only if you are down for pozzing yourself with patch AIDS
I forget which one I'm using right now
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we gamering?
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For me it’s installing Conquest of Skyrim and making BORKVLL THE BVLL jarl of Markarth.
real niggas remember that shitty devious devices quest with him
never forget
it's not like there's much choice and from what ive seen lux with its tradeoffs is a net positive over ELFX
>tiny feet
Lux is the only one that overhauls lighting instead of staining vanilla with a different piss filter
>Conquest of Skyrim is an ambitious mod that allows the player to create their own faction independent of the Stormcloaks and the Empire
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We sheetering
I'll need to make a new one
you just don't understand, what about the heckin patcherinos???
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WTF that’s literally me?
we milking
I don't want to lose my virginity to Faendal
I don't want Faendal to watch the deflowering either
Intredasting... I was fairly certain I had it active but I can't find the whole mod on my list anymore, just some config file
just use your ass then silly
of course (you) would assume those are inherently positive traits, instead of just being annoying
>incels threatened by sexuality and people looking good
many such cases!
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always made me wonder, what noble clothes replacer people use like that?
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Riverwood, home...
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Waltuh.. I turned myself into an elf, Waltuh.
>bulge smaller than waifu's cameltoe
What causes this
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go back to r\trueSTD and stay there, Romanian
YOU are not the mer, I had a mer, but now I don't
I don't want to play with saints and seducers, but when I remove that from my load order, the Unofficial Skyrim Patch no longer works.
I know there is a mod to disable Sains and Seducers, but it doesn't remove the items from the levelled list.

What do?
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get the uncucked version of skyrim and the patch brah
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Do Breton women really?
sigh... you are probably right.
That's a boy.
Just deal with a couple items being in the leveled lists you pussy, it's all stuff from previous Elder Scrolls games.
That's a sloth.
I love you guys, regardless if you're all cucks and agp sissies
>agp sissies
Now, just because I'm in a cock cage and my prostate Lovense is integrated with Ostim doesn't mean-
>he doesn't want to turn the shitty civil war to a shitty mount and blade one
I duno, the features Sound like fun but I never started a serious run, maybe with her
No I cant deal with it. My autism doesnt allow me
Should just call the mod ONWO simulator tbqh
why were you meat glazing anyway? you some kinda poofer?
Just SSEEdit patch the items out of leveled lists? Think I've only seen 1 amber and nothing else in a 30-hour run, so doesn't really matter anyways.
I think it has nothing to do with the civil war, the vanilla quest is probably broken with that mod
How feasible is it to give all NPCs SMP clothes? Will it absolutely kill my fps?
erm...depends on the hardware
I have them, full SMP. Nothing bad so far, but they're vanilla so less random shit to fly around.
That's not what sacking Orsinium mean ya dumbass
If you use nvidia GPU, you can offload the SMP calculation to CUDA cores and you'll retain some performance, otherwise it's the same as anything else, more SMP = less performance due to CPU being tied up by SMP calculations instead.
doesn't matter with FSMP
it limits SMP distribution on its own and by default its fairly limited
stuff that isn't in your immediate vicinity and in your viewpoint doesn't use SMP
you can configure it to be even more aggressive or liberal depending on your hardware
Oh yeah, you can tell this one is sacking Orsinium every night.
Is nvidia only for FSMP? I tried using it but it was really glitchy compared to regular HDT.
Only FSMP has it. It gets glitchy sometimes but nothing "smp reset" cannot solve.
It was constantly fucking up SMP hairs for me so I went with the regular one
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>game freezes almost everytime I get in a house/cave
>no crash log to know what the problem is
>the only way I've found is to load a save in front of the door and go in right away
I'm too tired for this shit.
using 1.5.97?
No, Breton women do not.
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>buncha nord witches keeping a troll on the loose in their base
>make stormcrown more immersive by adding a CNTO record so meditate it only works in High Hrothgar
>realize CNTO records may be Turing complete
oh no
wholesome family moment with my wife and daughter.
socking arsinium
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the modder who made it not adding bulges to it? don't know. I'm not concerned with dick bulges on slightly baggy shorts, or at all.
>reposting, because it was in the online thread
Anons, why Skyrim modding is so bad when compared to Oblivion and Morrowind?
Oblivion have the entire continent of Tamriel available to download, whereas with Skyrim it is only demos and promises, for years. They only release those skimpy armors, and retextures for a 13 year old game. It is only recycling of dead content that everybody already played.
What caused this? Was the permission system in the Nexus? Was the Creation Club that caused authors to be greedy? Was the collections feature, where a curator make more money than a author?
>>Anons, why Skyrim modding is so bad when compared to Oblivion and Morrowind?
What level of brain damage do you have to be on to believe this?
>why Skyrim modding is so bad when compared to Oblivion and Morrowind
should have stayed there with this objectively wrong opinion, dickface.
4chan contrarianism
Can I go to Hammerfell or Elsweyr in Skyrim?
No, but I can in Oblivion.
Simple as that.
The Skyrim modding community is really, really bad. And anyone who tell otherwise is a faggot.
>>Can I go to Hammerfell or Elsweyr in Skyrim?
Go ahead post a few screenshots of your character in Hammerfell and Elsweyr in Oblivion
Just post something about muh libtards instead if you want a you again
the only place you can go in oblivion is to the desktop
It is a objective statement. There is no contrarianism there.
Skyrim modding is objectively worse than in the previous games. I can travel anywhere in Oblivion, can't do the same in Skyrim.
You faggots felt it. Compromised much?
>no screenshots
I accept your concession but not your transition
Let's talk about the Thalmor Dossier, yes...
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blue auroras my beloved
How do galaxies even form in Elder Scrolls when the stars are holes in the firmament left over by the gods?
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gotta admit, Deserts of Anequina is a cool mod
World of Rudra ain't too shabby either, but actually getting the latest version is a pain
don't know why fag can't host it on some mod site instead of Mediafire
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>Deserts of Anequina
Holy PS1 kino
>don't know why fag can't host it on some mod site instead of Mediafire
Nexus permission system is a pain in the ass. A simple chair can make 10gb of content to disappear in a instant.
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Canonically got ORCED exactly 361 days ago
looks more like she got Teen Titans'd
probably an SKSE mod
Are you running unforgiving devices?
>World of Rudra ain't too shabby either, but actually getting the latest version is a pain
gg1 links the latest version on his nexus translation page
I was going to add some LOD models to it for ACMOS but I couldn't figure out how to get decimation going on for them
this guy truly never left huh. Reposting the same things from literal years ago. Insanity.
what's the vigilant-unslaad-glenmoril trilogy of oblivion?
>Reposting the same things from literal years ago
The fuck do you want on a game that hasn't seen one good update in 13 years
We're past Duke Nukem Forever territory and that used to be franchise breaking back then
except I don't think it's got 3 episodes...
Giskard's quest mods.
a greater density of holes
Is maids I as pretentious and mean-spirited as maids II?
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what makes you think there are other galaxies?
Giskard in Oblivion = Vicn in Skyrim
Francesco in Oblivion = Mihail in Skyrim
Tamriel in Oblivion = nothing in Skyrim
He's commenting on the interstellar cloud seen in the modded skybox in the screenshot he replied to.
god I wish that was me (Serana)
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I'm gonna buy anniversary edition when it next goes on sale. I think I've found enough mods to fix the CC into something good.
can't you just pirate it?
there used to be link to download it
aren't all the CC in the OP?
Why would you pay for something free?
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case closed
TES cosmology is inconsistent as fuck though
constellations are also just holes made by fleeing Magna-Ge (except the Serpent lol) but they somehow affect people's fates
also Sun is suppoed to be just a big hole blasting Nirn with raw mana, but Vampires can use magic just fine
I have downloaded it for free before, but it's out of date now from what I've heard
what made the serpent again?
I don't think they update CC, I think they just add new ones, all of which you can get for free somewhere on the internet. Modding haven was hosting those new paid mods iirc (not CC, it's whatever program that arquebus mod was a part of)
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it's supposed to be made of celestial objects that look like stars, but aren't
they have a super original name - Unstars
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also also, galaxy brain Aedra built Mundus physically dependent on a hole in the cosmic shell made by one of them fucking off
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Also I just delved into the horrendous Bethesda creations website and many anniversary CCs have been updated within the last year, although the changelogs aren't maintained kek
galaxies seen in the sky on modded game have one simple explaination: it looks cool

I personally headcanon it as if its aedra's sperm spayed in the sky
yeah you heard that right
now look up how aphrodite was born from the sea foam
yup, same thing

checkmate kirkbride
I assume Bethesda isn't paying people to create actual content updates for free, so it's probably all just bugfixes and tweaks. And considering CC are so basic, there's probably not much of that to be done.
are .modgroup files completely worthless and safe to delete from mods?
Not in my cOda
>TESfags are still in the "woah!!! Is that a frickin' penis????? In a pagan myth?????? YOOO MOM'S GONNA FREAK" phase
wait until you hear about how the Aesir got out of paying weregild by forcing Loki to engage in cock and ball torture.
Or how most depictions of Freyjr have him just casually waving his like 5 foot cock around.
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for me it's Horus feeding Seth lettuce salad with his semen instead of mayo to weaken him...
what is your opinion on the 202x mod?
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TES is actually rather prudish, all things considered
Why does Sven or faendal think they have a chance with Camilla when I rail that bitch in the ass every night
you forgot to tell them
>tell them
why not show them
that works too, I guess

> Resist Poison: Your Redguard blood gives you 75% resistance to poison.
> Endurance: Redguards sprint 30% faster and use much less stamina while sprinting.

EnaiSiaion is a racist
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come back to skyrim after while
they added in paid mods again
thankfully they're so bad that there isn't even a potential for developing FOMO
I have all CC for free sitting on my harddrive and I just never use them. I'm actually considering deleting the archive for space.
Those are basically the exact abilities Redguards had in Morrowind and Oblivion.
I don't understand how that would be reddit. That bum Madanach managed to take Markarth and create his own kingdom.
Yay! Skyrim! Fun for all! Woo!
(more tits, pls)
I wish TES lore had levels of debauchery compared to IRL myths
>"How dare modders get paid for their work!"
be contrarian about asset flip cash grabs somewhere else retard
Your wife and daughter WILL submit to redguard BVLLS
>believing in getting paid for your time is "contrarian"
alternative armors cc is are just port from blades
ayleyd dungeon too
it's not so much that they are all necessarily debaucherous, it's just they aren't uncomfortable about depicting sex. Being uncomfortable surrounding sex is an american thing, and TES is of course american.
Why should I pay for garbage I wouldn't even accept for free?
he's not even referring to CC which at least has unique assets, he's saying people deserved to be paid for buying asset packs from model shops and selling them for money like people are currently doing on bethesda's shit store.
dirty fat bitch. i could kill her in one good punch.
reading the guides, it says elfx and lux are not needed anymore? Is that true?
Does anyone have a rec of a good enb with dark nights? enough to make the use of torchs a must?
>"Some paid mods are shit, so that means they're all shit!"
OK psycho
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Bethesda could afford to pay those mfs actual salary
instead, they are giving them a cut from monetizing shit that happily survived being free for decades
taking out the trash doesn't make me a psycho. it makes me a just and honorable man
that's a nice home for thalmor players/screenarchers I suppose
I like the navel
what skin texture?
the free fishing one is easily the only decent CC mod, and even then I hardly ever use it. And also I used xEdit to delete the quest line and remove all of the new draugr weapons it adds (why the fuck does a fishing mod add draugr maces???)
anyone know if theres a bhunp version of this that exists with physics?
What if someone spends 5000 hours building real content for the game?
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name 10 good CC mods
Takes a gazillion million gbs and looks like shit desu
then they can make patreon bucks like modders having been doing for years now, and it's probably more money than the cut they're receiving from bethesda. exactly two paid mods have a decent amount of effort put into them on bethesda's shit store, so it's well below that retarded coper's "only some paid mods are shit."
Good ol bijin
Most sane person in Markarth
muh enlightened centrism in the civil war is peak plebbit power fantasy
second only to high king balgruuferino
Patreon have no visibility. Your content will be drowned in a sea of trash.
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So I've tried the disable/enable trick or changing body weight and no dice. What do?
wow, just like bethesda's store then
Turn off your furry mods?
Fucking BASED
Yes, but this does not defeat the argument that mods should not be paid, that you should give it for free for a scene where mod authors are constantly being bashed, called thieves, and persecuted by plebbit mobs.
mods should not be paid because 99% of them on bethesda's store SHOULD be bashed. exactly two mods on skyrim's paid store are good. go suck up to low effort content in the western porn general retard. actually, at least low effort western porn games are usually free.
the fuck is up with those arms
same thing that was wrong with them over 10 years ago
which one do you use then?
5000 hours is not low effort, your absolute faggot.
I'm not talking about your usual cheese nexus mod. Fucking clown.
I'm addicted to m&m's, i never leave my house without at least one pack in my pocket, i have a box full of them in my car so that i ever run out of them, the crunchy chocolate taste is too delicious for me to resist, my diet is m&m's based, i only eat them and if i'm having some deficencies i just coat them with supplements and eat them on the spot, the are so perfect, all nice round and coloured nobody can resist them, the perfect food.
For me, it's the McChicken.
2 mods have anything close to 5000 hours of effort put in on the store. the rest are cash grabs, which makes the shop shit and once again a repeat of steam mods. i have to assume you're a retard to not see this basic point. anytime people talk about the dignity of modders and them needing to get paid certain modders post shit cash grabs.
No, they don't. These small mods don't take more than 10 hours to make. You are a retarded cocksucker who never touched a sdk in your pathetic excuse of a life.
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epic buzzword drop, you must be a heckin godlike programmer bro!
name a single paid mod from bethesda's store that had 5000 hours of effort put into it outside of the two kinggath ones. i'll wait.
Bro, are you high?
Reddit is not centrist, they actively vilify centrists.
Also, your character may want to seize power because they want to be king, not because of political ideology. A bandit uprising sounds fun.
Destroys fps and looks like shit
Fantasia or Atlantean or SRP mogs 202x
They're useful if you want to solve conflicts in xedit.
Seethe, cope, dilate.
The creation kit is a sdk.
And low-effort mods are really low-effort, some of these are built in just 2 hours.
It is a matter of scale. So yes, it is justifiable to pay, or at least fund, some big mods.
There is none. Bethesda is against high-effort content. And the people who do it dont want to release their works, because of dickheads like you.
That's why the community is so bad.
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why should anyone give a shit about how long it took you to do something?
we doing fucking Labor Theory of Value in a talk about Billion dollar corp nickle-diming NPC's now?
go set up a fucking Patreon
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>The creation kit is a sdk.
holy shit no way
>we doing fucking Labor Theory of Value in a talk about Billion dollar corp nickle-diming NPC's now?
i had enough of the shitty gog copy eating my vram up
im downloading 1170 from some rusky site as we speak
>why should anyone give a shit about how long it took you to do something?
its another "anon never worked a single day in his life and has no concept about work value and retribution for a artisanal job because capitalism brainwashed his head or he's probably just a USian" episode
you gotta pay me to read that jewish drivel
Fuck all you cookie cutter NIGGERS i have all creations in my skyrim save best skyrim experience, imagine downloady from nexusmods in 2026 lmao get fucked.
Why are you so aggressive, dude?
All of us here are on the same team. Just relax.
>All quests are "Here, it's all in this note" or getting stalked by the courier because no voice acting allowed
I just hope you are a trust fund kid
because entering the real world will absolutely destroy you
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luv Skyrim
luv Serana

Simple as.

With da4 coming out in just 4 days, we'll see how the waifus compare to Skyrim.
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Ok shall we argue about MCO or Enai vs Simon next? Or maybe even the US election?
Reminder that the OP is a morbidly obese black incel (in his 40s) that actually posted his 3cm micropenis.

This is why he seethes so much about white characters in gaming and spams blacked/cuckshit on discord and 4chan.

Redguards are the least popular race for a reason. Kill yourself faggot josh
have we done Empire vs. Stormcloaks this thread yet
Sometimes they fill the player's dialogue prompts with a shit ton of text because they're working with recontextualised voice lines, which sticks out with the rest of the game.
No content is better than shit content.
>no cleavage
>probably a skin colored spandex under that corset
and you call yourself a serana conoisseur? lame

>da4 in 4 days
does that mean youll leave and never come back? dont give me hope
Context? I thought we only had 3 melinated individuals frequenting this place?
nigga that shit hasn't been good since the first
Is the "dealing with daedras" mod good?
its alright
>used by molag bal
>OP is a morbidly obese black incel
>This is why he seethes so much about white characters
The logic doesn't follow. Why would that make him dislike white people?
I don't think he's said anything is shit before. He even likes Starfield.
first game was good
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Thoughts on swapping Lux with Relighting Skyrim + Luminosity? Anyone tried it?
I tried them literally all 1:1 and it's still bussin
based. I look forward to your review of the waifus
>your character may want to seize power because they want to be king
reddit power fantasy
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What ate the best enemy variety mods out now?
Your mom did
oh, i downloaded that too
got tired of trying to update from 1.6.323
They're all pretty shit, but I used Heritage 2 for some time.
demonic creatures
It's practically indistinguishable from vanilla. I used to run it. Same with ELFX and other shit.
You wrote this whole fanfiction just because of one image?
Stop samefagging the OP
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hell yeah
when's the last time we had Kematu vs Saadia in here?
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Ultimate Skyrim vs SPERG
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Skyrim Flora Overhaul v Skyrim Bigger Trees
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Orcs are HOT!
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RW2 vs. Water For ENB
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Climates of Tamriel vs Vivid Weathers
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What are /tesg/ favourite vanilla+ mods?
why Ordinator, of course
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I love simonrim and resent Nwahman for brainwashing/tesg/ into thinking it's vanilla but worse
looks more like one of Reaper864's goblins
This but totally unironically. Creating build variety and nuanced mechanics in perks saves the game.
jealousy. He spams and shills shit like femboy Link getting cucked by Ganon. Because Link is a white blond guy

Skyrim is very nordic influenced, so he shills forced memes like "LELELELEL ORC'ED" and redguard shit as a coping mechanism
every single blackedcuckshit spammer deserves to be exposed and publically humiliated. It's off topic demoralisation propaganda. Die, faggot.
Half of Simonrim but with some older versions because he made bad changes and Spaghetti's locations
Also, shilling Hand Placed Enemies again because it's my favorite mod of the decade
I side with Saadia because the Alik'r should've brought something official from the houses of Hammerfell to prove their identity and purpose instead of shacking up with bandits and trying to disregard the rightful laws of the land when they don't get their way. I don't really care about the he said she said, disrespectful foreign mercenaries deserve to get told to fuck off for throwing accusations at citizens earning an honest living.
I'd like ordinator if it didn't made you a walking murder machine few perks in.
That's the male power fantasy. Ascending the highest social rank.
>AA just has you murder Aerin in the quest
Holy based...
Sshh, let the racebait going, obelisk meltdown is enough
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>mfw i searched around on the internet for an hour trying to get racemenu to work because i couldn't actually finish creating and get into the game
>i just had it at the bottom of my load order
cutting room floor
It's always those retarded little things lmao, once i had the wrong papyrus and wasted an evening trying to figure out what the fuck was happening.
He's jealous that white characters exist?
That doesn't make sense since most media includes black people, especially nowadays where DEI is prioritised.
I side with Saadia because I'm a honorfag. Going against your word and using deceit is shit. Also the inn feels emptier without her.
i wasted 2 hours yesterday trying to figure out why obody was applying blacklisted presets. turned out i had another json config that contained the blacklisted outfits overwriting it
saved. What's this semen demon's name?
I side with Saadia to get that Amorous Adventures pussy.
Grow a thicker skin you're seething over shitposts and the reason why this place was getting raided with orc posting because of thin skinned pussies like you who are extremely insecure and wouldn't let it slide without seething
Genshin impact that womb
Leave him alone, you fucking bastard.
Ordinator making you powerful is a good reason to tweak your difficulty mod, not a reason to forgo Ordinator.
redditlennial disdain for the will to power
distribute them to npcs
Remember that if you choose Saadia your character is either
A - a coomer
B - a retard (there is plenty of evidence that suggests she is the liar)
C - a chaotic evil cunt

There is no wrong choice, however.
It's just damage/health modifiers, there was that dynamic bandit overhaul that implemented location based scripts for the npc's to use tactics but it doesn't convincee me.
I simply chose options that led to the most combat.
>it's just a joke chud, let the turboleftist cuckshit spammer go totally unchecked brooo!!!
>the reason he does this is because people like you getting mad!
There should be absolutely 0 tolerance. You ignoring it is why it's gotten to this sad pathetic level to begin with.

None of this shit was a thing years ago. you're using "insecurity" as a weapon to let your precious off topic racial shitposting to go unchecked
My character said he would, his honor is at stake. You wouldn't understand.
Is it gay is I want to play as a female?
Without sex mods too?
Vivec would never
Uh, no, that's tranny. Especially if you want to play dress up like a 11 year old girl would.
It's an indication of gender dysphoria.
Stellar Blade has you play a female without sex mods and it's the best game of the year
I just want to play as what I want my wife to look like -_-
They're so cute
That ebin emoji is too obvious for this to be effective, retard, nobody writes like that unless they want to bait
That's what you say, but I doubt that's how you feel.
Yeah yeah keep fighting the good fight one day they'll eventually stop and accept defeat due to your efforts
No but I do run Cursed Loot and Devious Lore. Do DD related mods have a high chance to freeze my game?
Pretty much anything on SL does
SL was a glorious mess
>oblivion's "you're getting weaker as you level up" problem
>slightly lower difficulty slider after every level

There, I fixed it. No mods needed. I'm a goddamn genius.
>be on skyrim unbound reborn and delayed dragons
>get around to riverwood and start the claw quest after finishing what i had to do
>must've been right at cue because i get a dragon right on my face as i exit bleak falls barrow
Good timing.
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Should I use Skyland AIO + Bits and Bobs?
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keep being a cucked bitch. I'll keep rightfully telling (you) that you're unwelcome on here. Fuck off back to your tranny discord, or better yet, kill yourself
Skyland is also fugly but I don't know the latter one
Bits and bobs is by the same guy, covering misc items and furniture and shit
that's what I hate about it, losing unique npc
he could get castrated or mindbroken in his quest or something instead
i save her because i was fighting uthgerd and for no reason, she jumped in and helped me win. dont know why as I hadnt done her quest yet but shes top tier for me
Take big lenny put of your shitty meme images, the pisslord only goes with the best tranny prostitues florida can provide.
That's not the same, bitch.
That's good for you, cutie.
first is boring vaginal shit, second is boring reddit meme thing
What if I'm an open homosexual and don't like NTR? How does that compute???
Trolls feed on attention. You're only going to encourage him.
whats some early safe storage in skyrim?
>*squares up*
Reddit memes are awesome.
There's a keep called, "Cracked Tusk Keep," which can unofficially serve as a free player home.
First you have to clear the dirty Orcs that reside there.
Yes as a base with SMIM
Skyland imperial forts are very good imo and is a nice base
uthgerds house
kek neither A, B or C
Helped Saadia out of pure survival instinct and gratitude.
Armor Rating Redux. Vanilla armor scaling makes no god damned sense.
Upstairs in the bannered mare after you chop some firewood for hulda.
The Bannered Mane stinks of piss. When roleplaying, I like to simulate what my character can smell, taste, and feel (the game itself takes care of the other senses) and the Bannered Mare stinks of piss and smoke.
Is that better than True Armor?
what is habening gamerinos
Beggars can't be choosers
>Beggars can't be choosers
choggers can't be besars
Dotard! What is the Bannered Mare but a thatched barn where brigands drink in the reek, and their brats roll on the floor among the dogs?
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>losing unique npc
>soulless knob who doesn't even have a schedule, just follows Mjoll or sits in his house
what a terrible loss
Maybe anon likes having him on the cuck chair after he marries Mjoll
But Saadia doesn't wipe her cunt properly, so the inn stinks of piss. That women in the corner is a closeted lesbian, and the owner doesn't care as it brings in horny men. I for one can't stand the stink of piss.
saadia smells of body odour, rotting flesh masked poorly by coconut oil like all redguards
> I for one can't stand the stink of piss.
stop it with the antialtmerism
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Thinking about playing Skyrim but I don't have the energy
Elfx + elfx shadows
It does what lux does but better and won’t take up 70% of your load order with patches
I know that feeling. I want to fight a dragon but the spawns are sluggish and until the story progresses to post-whiterun there aren't any at the roosts.
>take up 70% of your load order
leddite problems
>delphine watching in the back as orgnar pounds my bussy for information
Doesn't ELFX have a problem with cells not getting shaded?
>do thieves guild because it’s been literal years and also doing some quest mod at level one forced me into stealth archer mode so my stealth is like 55 at level 6
>even using the thieves guild for good guys mod which eliminates most of maven’s cuckery I still end up doing very little actual stealth and get forced to give my soul to nocturnal because ???
It will also look like total shit, but yes, it's less LO!
>only retards stuck on LE wouldn't want to devote 400 plugins to a mod that just makes interiors pitch black
>"Most didn't believe dragons were real."
>*lizard men and other bizarre shit equal to that of dragons exist*
>just makes interiors pitch black
skill issue
I just stumbled on a video where a guy plays it back in 2012
He's having trouble on pic related lol
lux is a display of an utter lack of skill by the mod author
Delphine wouldn't tolerate that shit.
Delphine would beat your faggot ass and fire Orgnar.
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Managed to fix it. Just had to have project jakhajay overwrite my easynpc patch.
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>that just makes interiors pitch black
I had to Google it because I'm Arab and read it backwards.
Took him 5minutes lol
Can't wait for the claw one
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That makes no fucking sense lmao
and yet you suggest elfx? lol
It’s all lux does. It makes everything pitch black, and bloats your load order.
Literally just use elfx for interiors + shadows, Azurite for outside weathers and an enb that isn’t trash and you’ll accomplish much more without 400 different patches
what's a problem of giving him a schedule?
Arabs read backwards.
this has to be bait and i will consider it so
I use RLO without patches
All of it just works
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Then you would have read the sequence already in the room backwards too????
I'm not the one who suggested ELFX. I'm just saying that the actual quality of lux doesn't merit devoting several hundred plugin slots for it.
>It makes everything pitch black
there's like a dozen enb adjustments you can make if it's too dark/bright you know
>bloats your load order.
leddite meme
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>It makes everything pitch black
Sounds like a You issue
>bloats your load order.
ohhh noooo, not patches oh noooooooo. what ever shall I do getting ever so closer to that 4,000 or so limit...
tfw your load order is feeling gassy and pukey
>he didn't loot Arvel
>Spent 10+ minutes finding it
At least he was smart enough to get it first try by rotating it
Ah... those 10 ESLs... I should installed... more immersive feeeeeeeeeeet...!!!!
Future cuckposter
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Lux is cool until you try to nigger rig lux/via/orbis together with northern roads, your town (outskirts) overhauls, your landscape overhaul, the environs mods, your jk's slop, embers xd, and dungeon additions, all without opening xEdit a single time, so you require patches for patches for patches that don't even work
>if you just don't install any new lands mods, any quest mods, or any mods that edit existing cells, then there's barely any lux patches to contend with!
but no thanks
I do all of that except northern roads and my bloatmaxxed LO just werks
>any new lands mods
>any quest mods
>any mods that edit existing cells
wait a minute.... that claw....
Throwing northern roads into that mix makes it exponentially more complicated; I know from experience
imagine playing anything but vanilla skyrim
Dragonborn? Bloat.
Dawnguard? Bloat
Building your own house? Boy, you better fucking believe that's bloat.
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Then the puzzle would be the same!
I’ve avoided it for that reason it’s already enough to get grass, lux via, city outskirts, CotN, TGC, and schlitzhors towns to not have broken land and seams everywhere
It wouldn't. The puzzle is snake, snake, whale. Whale, snake, snake wouldn't work.
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isn't Lux Via and Northern Roads doing the same shit?
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They have the same goal but add different decorations in mostly different places, so if you're a bloatlord you will want both.
Gotta get that Lux Tuah
ELFX has been undefeated for 10 years chuds.
>fatal exception pops up on certain outfits whenever I try to preview them or open them in outfit studio
why tho
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"Hmm I wonder how are creations doing nowadays, its been nearly a year since Bethesda announced them"
>A fucking framework being paid
And going by the description it sucks ass too, who the fuck pays for this?
The market is lucrative
modders be buying Ferraris and shit of paid mods
People wasted millions of dollars on shitty never ever porn games, anon.
but if the puzzle is backwards, why wouldnt you put it in backwards as well?
To be a consolebab is to live a cruel and twisted fate
>as time goes on in my playthrough I keep increasing my characters boob size
someone stop me
I keep doing it everytime
Ignorance is a bless. Said consolefag is probably happy and contained in his own bubble, not knowing the autistic culture of PC modding and the arguments people have on a daily basis in /tesg/ about what mod is better.
The puzzle is snake, snake, whale. But I read it backwards and put it as Whale, snake, snake. So it didn't work as a result.
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That's kino, but only if you add other signs of aging as well.
for me it's snake snake fish
>not doing it immersively through frameworks
I've been out of the scene for a year+ and I have some questions
1) Did Community Shaders ever go anywhere? Or is still a "WIP" / "It looks like crap now but soon it'll look JUST like enb"
2) What are the popular ENB presets nowadays? Do people still use Rudy and Cabbage?
3) Any cool/goundbreaking SKSE mod?
Last time I was here was around early-mid 2022.
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>tie move speed to breast size and turn the game into a race against the clock
i'm not doing it because of some roleplaying reason or some shit like that
i just suddenly out of nowhere one day would be like "her tits are too small" and increase them
1 no CS is still WIP and worse than ENB
2 all of the hyped enbs are built on NAT3
Remember the early horndog days of dressing your waifu (Lydia) in Falmer armor because it was the best thing available?
against the cock, one might say
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>1) Did Community Shaders ever go anywhere? Or is still a "WIP" / "It looks like crap now but soon it'll look JUST like enb"
It's still a long ways off from looking like ENB, the only thing it has going for it is a superior cubemap system for terrain.
>2) What are the popular ENB presets nowadays? Do people still use Rudy and Cabbage?
Those still seem to be the best ones, though there's also ANAL enb, which could be up your alley.
>3) Any cool/goundbreaking SKSE mod?
cool? sure, I like Sandbox While Idle and Seasons of Skyrim a bunch, but I'm not sure if you'd consider them groundbreaking.
People stopped making ENBs too
I was redownloading them recently for testing and 95% of them I had in my download history
>Enter Zaric's stream
>He's dressing up as an anime maid and the song "I've been a nasty girl" is playing
This is the guy who was supposed to save elder scrolls
Skyland + fantasia is the way to go. I’ve tried a lot of replacers and Skyland is the only one that really keeps the vanilla Skyrim feel without making you run it through CAO because the mod author made 4k the standard even though there is absolutely no reason why you need 4k textures for a game made in 2011 running in the same engine that Morrowind did
But is somebody gonna match his freak?
ffxiv got him sadly
>The nigger who's solution to skyrim's civil war was to have ulfric backstab you band of the hawk style while he still hasn't won the civil war
Bro, dude's a retard.
>you band of the hawk style
Band Of The Hawk Tuah
That's some Ulfric would definitely do given he's a narcissist.
Most of the enairim mods + journeyman, gourmet, apothecary and Starfrost

I prefer last seed + frostfall overall but Starfrost is easily the best survival mode variant
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pov: they are coming to beat you to death
Now just what did anon mean by that?
i just released a miasma of my own design
who the hell are you talking about
Good luck.
I'm hard as fuck.
That’s the worst part because Sacrosanct and Better Vampires are both on console so why the fuck are these niggers paying for this
thanks, business as usual i suppose
ah, thanks anon will check those mods out, I guess nothing has changed in the enb front, did boris stop developing it or something?
oof, well thats bleak
Slightly autistic yet classy boomer who's enthusiastic about Elder Scrolls
Ulfric is an honorable man, the empire abused him despite his loyalty, forbidding him to even see his father on his deathbed, all his actions are coherent given the current state of the empire.
>oof, well thats bleak
It is how it is, even Shirley quit Skyrim.
>did boris stop developing it or something?
He added dynamic cubemaps support but I don't know if it's a stable feature or experimental/WIP
Not heckin grannie reddit!
No, Ulfric is a straight up narcissist. I'm an empath, so I know this kinda thing.
>did boris stop developing it or something?
not that I know of
right. I see. Is that worth a watch?
Most of enai’s latest mods actually are vanilla+
Doesn't like half of hardcore Stormcloaks say that he is a power hungry narcissist too
Anyway, Ulfricerino discussion in 2024 lmaooo
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>playing one game for 13 years
She'll get dementia at that point
>Thirtheeen fucking years
>Civil War discussion is still going
How did Todd do it?
Wasn't there some tranny drama with boris about ukraine or some shit? what happened with that?
No, Ulfric is a good and just man. Him and his gay lover Galmar are the rightful rulers of Skyring.
nothing because russians are uncancelable
Todd is pretty good at making slap-you-in-the-face basic allegories that people completely misconstrue and argue about. He even did a soo on the nose stab in the back myth in Skyrim and people genuinely believed it.
You ever notice women have rounded foreheads?
Shit's weird.
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time to watch this guy destroy the skull for the nth time
who fuckin cares anyway
>create conflict with two opposing sides
>allow people to take part in it
>give arguments to defend both sides of the conflict
pretty simple formula but too many writers are too focused on making one side look good and the other look bad to ever seriously utilise it.
Men and women have different skull structures, yes
Congratulations on entering middle school biology anon.
Todd did nothing, people started to use it as a device where they can discuss their own politics
>who fuckin cares anyway
I do because i thought he stopped development on the skyrim front and stopped using enbs for it.
>create conflict with player choice
>create scenarios for lorefags to argue for both sides convincingly
>don't actually provide enough evidence for either side to be conclusive
>never show definitive outcomes in game so you're left to fill it in with headcannon
>never comment on it
>take a 20 year break for any sort of follow-up
The civil war quest is only like half done too, at this point the lorefags have a more detailed nonsense around this than the writers did.
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Sell me on requiem.
actually fair
the only reason to play human manlet is the 25% magic resistance is the strongest bonus for minmaxing the lategame
pure virgin gamer behavior
immersive equipment displays can only deal with favorited items is that correct? i would like to not display ammo unless a bow is equipped
no, it's a meme
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There is enough evidence to conclusively choose being a stormcloak though; there is only surface-level obfuscation and nostalgia pulling you towards the contrary position
1. Still WIP. Discord versions are getting performance heavy and full of fake ass shit like "TRVE PBR" that looks like playdoh.
2. Cabbage, Rudy/Rudy for NAT 3, Silent Horizons 2, Picta, and Pi-cho if you are an animefag.
3. Probably but I can't remember anything except Screen Archer Menu if you are a Barbie dressup loving poser faggot. It was posted in the last thread or the one before that.

That's not true. There's quite a few new ones but most are built on SH2 shaders and SH2 is still in dev.

He added some really cool cloud features recently. Its not volumetric, but there's scattering effects for sun and moons. A lot of ENBs updated for it (like Rudy, SH2 and Picta) and the maker of Picta just released their panorama clouds for ENB for weather and ENB devs to use so that might be hitting some ENBs soonish.
Anon, it's 2024, not 2014
There’s a preset for that you can merge or you can just make it yourself in the settings
>being any other race than than nord
>wanting any other system than a military-enforced dictatorship
russians are automatically subhuman so it's not like he can get worse, I just take his free labor and get on with my life
>"TRVE PBR" that looks like playdoh.
Oh nice they are going through the same cycle of when devs started to implement PBR back in 2014
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>empire isn't a military-enforced dictatorship
thx i'll have a look
Playing as an outsider takes some explanation or motivation on the player's side and it's brought up a few times that the Thalmor aren't content with the current arrangement and that they're going to try conquest again. The outcome of that is a complete unknown and without it being known it's still a valid topic of debate. We can only speculate and that's why we'll be doing this forever.
Fortunately Todd the Godd will say that the Season Unending peace persisted and Skyrim's fate was left unclear after Skyrim's events
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Should a marry a breton, dark elf or Nord woman as a orc farmer?
Bethesda should pay cultural reparations for ruining the franchise, not make 5.
I think Bethesda should go defunct before trying their hand at TES VI
That'd be nice.
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Kek healing the netch actually worked
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this ice looks so tastey I want to bite it
Trueee they'll call Todd a sellout but making Fallout 5 instead of TES 6 would be 10 times more profitable
I ran out of slider
you get NTR'd by horses?
it's because of the penis size
NEVER marry that weird horse girl...
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Who wouldn't?
so that pic isn't complaining about NTR but simply big dicks? went from based to insecure cringe
the big dicks are why they're used in ntr
again, if you're just seething at big dicks instead of NTR then you're cringe
Worked to do what?
lol you just know whoever made this had tears in their eyes
get morningstar and you can be black and meta at the same time
sprint speed is op
Is there any way to get followers to dual wield using NFF? I tried changing the combvat styles like the pdf suggested, but nothing.
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think I'm signing off for the day. I've been awake for more than 12 hours so that's about enough. I got to kill a dragon finally.
is exclusively qqq'ing to forceclose the game known to cause any issues with save files?
Wasn't there a Kemono site-like that you could get NSFW paetron Skyrim mods too?
I want to play a slim, small-titty thief but have the rest of the npcs be thicc. What's the best way to do this, just grabbing a preset and then fucking around with racemenu morphs? Not played in nearly a decade
look into obody
Just make your MC however you want and then use Obody
i impregnated her
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>enter 'tolerant' solitude
>experience racially motivated fruit placement
Anyway what solitude interiors do you guys use
these are really mismatched and the grouted brickwork looks like ass even if I like the normal wall
Is it okay to have 4 landscapes mod overwriting each other?
Skyland -> SRP > Tomato's -> Fantasia
They all have between hundreds/thousand untouched files so idk really, or if this fucks with the game
I just use Distinct Interiors
These are all textures, aren't they? Then it doesn't matter besides looking like doodoo.
there's a difference between landscape textures and landscape edits
textures are fine they just overwrite normally
I do it all the time. Its fine
Yeah all textures edits, not worldspace or else
only thing you might encounter is parallax being weird but autoparallax and whatever tends to catch those
there isn't much reason to have 4 total landscape texture overhauls enabled concurrently, that said
That's the one.
Thanks Anon. Funny enough I had it bookmarked and I forgot lol
Pepe plush?
the new ones are also in the OP alongside the old ones
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Curious, how many of you mod manually (outside sex mods) and how many use just a modpack?
Has anybody EVER made a deck in LOTD? I swear I played to the high 50s mutliple times without ever getting one.
>removed from SE nexus
that's strange but here
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Bloatlords.. our council convenes again, and under unexpectedly pleasant circumstance.
The last time i modded packs weren't available, but if i ever did it again i would probably use a pack
I'm an OG who modded manually from the beginning. If I could go back in time I would use a modpack.
I've never used a modpack and would just buy a real videogame if I wanted a prebuilt experience
are lighting mods necessary if i use enb?
all manual, no sex mods
Not really
>pretty easy to use
>can do anything
>does what you order it without questions
>saves your setup and asks nothing in return
>nobody knows how to use it
>get pissy, orders you to remove half of your modlist before it even starts working
>takes literal hours to do it's job
>full of unfunny "jokes"
For Ulfric and free Skyrim. Kill all elves.
uninstalled niggerlod when it told me it wouldnt work for me if i dont update it
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all by myself, maybe around 80 are sex mods
modpacks are worst shit I could do to myself, I would probably die from stroke after seeing all useless bloat they put in those
>download wabbajack modlist
>wtf is this shit
>why isnt this working
>what the fuck is this meme item

I do look at lists and take whatever sounds interesting though
I tried a pack once and almost vomited at the "taste"
I definitely used a lot of modlists for bases before though.
Yes really
Man that's a really clean ratio of panes
Do you do a lot of merging?

enb is an enabler to take more advantage of those nice bulb placements and exterior evlas stuff
problem is that most are a headache. you definitely need enbLight minimum
What pisses me off is in ES6 instead simply revising the "problematic" stat they'll probably do away with racial disadvantages all together
My gameplay preferences are unpopular enough that I can barely find suitable mods standalone, let alone in a pack.
>not reading step guide on it
skill issue desu
is 4k fantasia necessary?
I don't know if I can even use Wabbajack on Linux. I haven't seen any lists I like.
I know how to read and follow basic instructions, so no.
I had to put it in firewall to not connect with internet and seems to finally stop with that bullshit
like fucking last time
>bosses me around to download new version
>download it, spend 20 minutes setting this shit again
>comes out that this newest version is broken and I need to get yet another one and regenerate this shit yet again
if I had used old version it would be good, like fuck all I wanted is to regenerate lods as I removed one mod and added another
I have the same but with graphics. When I see peoples' aesthetic choices I start thinking I have different eyes.

Good to know, I use to manually mod back in 2016 but decided to give Nolvus (no idea what rep that has here) but I found it was super easy and super stable unlike my past experience and took me way less time but was curious how many others use modpacks and sprinke lin their own mods they want to add as well.
SE https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/47703?tab=description
You mean the thing they already did 15 years ago?

Is that the riverwood innterior?

buy an ad
and fuck if that was the only one time it had broken version as the mandatory newest one, some time back it would completely fuck up dragonborn island lods
>>takes literal hours to do it's job
Takes 10min for me lol and just werks out of the box
Filesize is around 1.5gb, I remember a few years ago it would take 1-2 hours sometimes when I'd use plenty of mods/tree overhaul and co
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May I interest you in an altmer wife?
that's a man
is parallax worth the headpain
mine is 5.62gb and takes 2 hours (10 when it brilliantly forced me to install bugged out version)
>ebin celtic independence leader, savior of the people and messiah
>kill him in a minute
Is this what Margaret Thatcher felt like?
apples and oranges
Any recommendations for in game mods. I bought a deck and can't be arsed to figure out how to get wabbajack working on it.
He's not even a 'reachman' he's a thrall of the dragon cult and received a burial according to that
I don't know why it didn't show up in the list for me, thanks.
yeah its this mod.
It's pretty good.
Parallax looks like shit to me personally so judge for yourself
no merging, and I have 231 esm/esp. not sure how it worked out but my list is full of animations, SPID stuff, JKs interiors, lux stuff. so a lot of patches
I started my list following the manual install guide of nolvus but it's become far different from it especially skipping dumb shit I don't want and making my own combat setup.
never tried it, but I assume it hooks to MO2 somehow if you can launch it from MO2 or proton/winetricks since it is a windows binary
Yeah it does read like a shill post, my bad
parallax is worth it but only if the author knows how to use it and it's applied to things that make sense like bricks
it's also very simple
Meant >>500104316
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>see random low quality patch of vegetation
>no idea what i need to download to replace it
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And he delivers, very nice.
Maybe if you play VR, otherwise are you really going to spend any time zooming in on anything to admire the 3 dimensions?
Post pic?
Never used any modpacks. I learned like a decade ago playing modded minecraft that the only way to have something I truly enjoy is to customize it myself. I carried that thinking forward into all games I mod.
>lv 20
>still haven't been in whiterun
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I already closed my game...
Use tg to see if it's related to your grass mod
Or use the console to know it's name, Mari's flore or whatever might cover it
skyking shrubs
cathedral shrubs
dead shrube replacer
there are many possibilities
>new game
>reach riverwood, go bleakfalls
>spend 1 hour grind sneak/some magic in there
>come out level 18
>get Hearthfire letter when i get back to riverwood
>remember this means the quest from Siddgeir to do him a favor is skipped and my 100% run is ruined
I get a headache everytime I look at parallaxed train. There's a good reason why developers jumped to tessellation.
skill issue, dyndo is really easy to use if you're not a retard, 99% of the time it bitches about something is also warning about a potential crash or similar game breaking error, any optional shit is just put as yellow notices.
there is a mod that disables the letter
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I love 'lax
>radiant favor quests
Todd goy (meant to type got) you good huh
Speaking of grass, is there anything that fix floating grass? I'm playing a quest mod and I notice I see floating grass from the exterior. I saw this bug back in LE, I'm surprise it's still around
Nice terrain you got there
It would be funny if you looked it from a wrong angle
get back to me when you can pick up those rocks
>if you look at a rock while laying on the ground, it doesn't look the same as from above or a 45 degree angle

This isn't ARK
'lax is 3d and looks good at any normal angle
Unless you go up close
Name 1 game that has that feature
I don't think that's how it works
Mmmmmh don't tell me that is a green whiterun troondra I'm seeing...
>>if you look at a rock while laying on the ground, it doesn't look the same as from above or a 45 degree angle
No you're right, it'll look even more formed and bigger
Meanwhile parallax would just squish the entire texture down
What exactly is the use case for staves? All this time and I've only ever reached for one super early on when I was packing it out to sell and decided to give it a try for some ranged damage while healing.
this is the 12fps world you want to live in
It can be useful if you find one with a summon early one I guess?
2024 and people still don't read the basic in game texts that show Ulfric was 100% right and the Empire was okay with ceding southern Hammerfell to the Thalmor because they're incompetent retards. Then the Redguards fought and beat the Thalmor while the Empire just jerks off and does nothing.
yea I got tired of brown and the ugly landscape lods so it's a springtime tundra now
in vanilla staves are early game tools. backup copies of ranged spells when you run out of juice or for casting expensive spells like atronach summons before you've got enough enchantments to not care about cost. i played a bit of a staff build with Ordinator/Vokriinator and the extra spell/enchantment magnitude you can get from just holding a staff is pretty strong.
not letting a foreign empire run your nation is racist
I'm loving the rock textures and the water, what mods are you using for those?
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just one more... offensive...
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>wood roads in whiterun
>Then the Redguards fought and beat the Thalmor while the Empire just jerks off and does nothing.
Speaking of not reading ingame texts
Simplicity of Sea
Vanaheim mountains for ERM
I can't wait to be a High Elf in Elder Scrolls 6 wearing Thalmor robes in the capital of Hammerfell and have absolutely NOBODY comment on it
sure lot of wokegendering going on in this thread
so youse telling me the crakkas didn't do gorilla warfare in their urban lands like we brothas did in niggerton, sand dune, hammerfell?
Post any in-game text that said the Empire helped the Redguards fight off the Thalmor after the Great War. You'll find none because they didn't.
chuds mindbroke the tourists in this general and that's great
we wuz cyruses and shiz
Thanks man
kikeus mede was just a scared bitch who surrendered for no reason
>Obody gave Helga the biggest hips and tits preset it could
Sentient AI...
What's the performance hit for parallax? It looks pretty, but not melt my pc pretty.
>stuck at high hrothgar because I die of cold on the way down
what now greybeards you fucking morons
What's /tesg/'s thoughts on trans npcs in tes6?
giving followers spells like paralyze
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what's his endgame?
In game texts are not enough given that most authors are biased one way or the other
Total Axis Nexus Take Over (Operation TANTO)

There was half a legion discharged while the rest went to Red Ring as a means of making the Thalmor think that there wouldn't be 2.5 legions in Cyrod
I assume they didn't all die immediately
the one in eso is unbearable and that's saying something consider how grating most eso npcs are, so no thanks. realistically in this setting being a tranny shouldn't even be a thing because it should be a one and done potion to switch sex and then you never even mention you were ever another gender at all.
Just like with any texture mods there will be a performance hit. If you really want parallax, I suggest getting it for roads and stone walls.
The absolute funniest thing about that to me was seeing some TES publication for "national women's day" and one of the characters writing in it was the high elf dude from ESO lmao
That was during the Great War, not after. The treaty at the end of the Great War was the one that specifically ceded southern Hammerfell to the Thalmor because Mede is a cuck.
>not after
read nigga
they didn't recarr their region so they were still there, those are imperials deliberately placed to repel the thalmor even if the rest of the governing body didn't do shit
least it was before mods fucked it up
Wut? Assuming the official Imperial legion did anything at all after the war ended is fucking retarded, the Empire fully abandoned the province legally after Hammerfell refused to accept the treaty. Even assuming like five guys chose to resist the Thalmor, they'd be doing it illegally and of their own volition and it would be considered desertion.
so hammerfell plus half a legion were able to successfully resist the thalmor while the rest of the empire decided to just surrender completely to the thalmor?
They were deliberately disguised as discharged invalids (again, about half a Legion) before the March of Thirst but were generally still capable combatants and continued to assist Hammerfell against whatever 1.5x force the Dominion was fielding, which presumably was of great use given that it took until mid-interior for the crowns and forebears to cooperate at all. Having nonpartisan partisans would be a boon for the several years to follow
>Even assuming like five guys chose to resist the Thalmor, they'd be doing it illegally and of their own volition and it would be considered desertion.
Just to add onto this. The Thalmor are desperately looking for a cassus belli to resume hostilities. Even if 5 guys were fighting in Hammerfell they could use that as provocation.
I was gonna make fun of the retards for repeating discussions from a decade ago but it's not like the mod talk is that fresh either
They didn't surrender unconditionally, they retook the imperial city as a result of that withdrawal
I don't see any High Rock barony sending footmen to Hammerfell either, it's a bit of a skewed premise when the whole ass Empire fell apart
Have you been here for a decade?
High Rock didn't ceded southern Hammerfell to the Thalmor. The Empire did. Assuming one general (who once again was going against orders and wasn't even aware the Empire was going to cede parts of Hammerfell when the war ended) did leave some troops to fight against the Thalmor, how exactly did that benefit the Empire in the long run? Hammerfell is now rabidly anti-Imperial because Mede was a bitch.
Nah but it's always the same shit every time it's brought up
Almost like there are two a5 pages of actual in game sources for this shit
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just for reference
>formed the core of the army
You can also reverse hash this to find this same conversation a year ago

he wasn't going against orders; it was a deliberate ruse. The thalmor didn't know his guys were booking it across the desert to reinforce Titus Mede at Red Ring and assumed it was just going to be Jonna's nords
that's like saying the japs didnt surrender because the yanks let them keep tokyo
there's literally thalmor waltzing around abducting citizens off the street and strutting through imperial courts
what enb should i use with fantasia?
looking for a more "wow" and "fantasy" feelin'
What does any of this have to do with the Empire factually ceding southern Hammerfell to the Thalmor and Hammerfell breaking off to the point it's no longer an Imperial province and Redguards don't like the Empire? What did the Empire actually gain from this schizo keikaku you ascribe to them?
I'm bored
Pi Cho nigga
Start a retarded shit fight for something you talked about sixty times last 7 years
I don't think you actually read anything I posted
Imperial City would never have been retaken without the withdrawal which means complete obliteration instead of suing for peace, at which point Hammerfell gets picked apart as it had previous until the Legion managed to intervene at Skaven et cetera
They're up
So you admit that the Empire ceded Hammerfell to the Thalmor and absolutely would do the same to Skyrim if they had to, disproving their claims that they're the ones standing between Skyrim and the Thalmor and proving Ulfric fully right, thanks.
How about this? https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615803-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/61173356
team rocketchads rise up
Bjorn Dark Ages
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The sanest opinion is self determination being good, just not under a retarded redneck segregationist militarist using the cause and causing a civil war purely for personal power gain as acknowledged even by his supporters
that's pretty much every rebellion because the educated elites are always getting paid off by the empires lording over them
americans kept the opium farms running while the taliban immediately shut them down
Do the shouts that scale off your Destruction level (Frost/Fire Breath) level up said skill as well?
No, the bug goes one way. Same with fire and the illusion fear effect.
Self determination to be a redneck segregationist militarist is good.
Yes yes, we know you hate negroes, you could've just said that instead of making up another Skyrim civil war argument
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"ZZzzZZ....I remember when tesg used to be good...zzZZzz"
I don't hate black people at all. That should be pretty blatantly obvious by me talking about Hammerfell a lot. I was lightly pointing out that you don't support self determination if they end up choosing a form of self determination you don't like but you didn't seem to pick up the hint because you're a retard.
lookadis crakka
>"The sanest opinion is-" followed by insane niggerbabble
why do trans people always have to insert themselves even if it doesn't make sense in the medium?
Anyone tried the ordinator mesmer build?
I just play the drums while bandits beat the shit out of themselves
What's your preferred smithing overhaul mod?
Ars Metallica?
Why aren't wabbajacks modpacks on the sticky?
What do you mean?
I don’t use one, deadass don’t even try to craft armor anymore I just use AIM or that one mod that gives you a radiant quest to find whatever it is you’re looking for
Hammerfell is confirmed to have lost territory to the Dominion. There are still Dominion/Thalmor and their local accomplices in parts of the province. (see: the whole Saadia thing) The idea that the redguard KANGZ beat them by themselves is objectively wrong.
>cursed loot
Name a single good thing about Skyrim. I'll start.
It is by far the best open world video game ever created and has defined 3 generations of vidya.
the Rise In The East quest
I still think the radiant NPC AI thing from Oblivion and Skyrim is pretty cool. No other game really has that immersive city feeling.
Nta but are any of the cc mods worth it? Especially the free saints and sinners, fishing, ect. mods
chimperial seething that redguard KANGZ proved that you didn't have to surrender your entire nation, culture and religion
>last seed + frostfall
nta but same. It's the only survival mods I've seen that is both harsh yet forgiving at the same time
toymy and honed metal
I'm considering this recipe overhaul tho https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/113517

the overworld map design is goat
I've never gotten tired of it
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Teldryn Sero
I've never chosen Saadia in my life. Not even in ps3 Skyrim days
the soundtrack is the only undisputed thing about it
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Would a bosmer join the stormcloaks?
how big are their cocks?
I'm the same. Not sure why Anons on here call us a tranny. I just like seeing my cute short Breton witch going on adventures and writing what she would write in her diary
Noted, will check it out and thanks (if it's good lol)
idk if it's sounds of skyrim mod but the music in Solitude sounds like a song from Anno 1800 (which also has an amazing soundtrack)
>the overworld map design is goat
>I've never gotten tired of it
Very based. My only gripe is the same as FO4. I wish there were miles of untracked wilderness between POIs/locations. My character nearly died of cold on the way to Dawnstar and only survived due to a roadside brazier. Imagine a meme no-death playthrough where if you don't go out prepared it's literally over.
Me too. Especially now since I'm stuck in a dlc sized quest mod
The nords? Pretty small to be honest.
The bosmer? Third leg status confirmed.
Meant for >>500124886
kek! It must be comfy seeing someone play Skyrim for the first time. Wish I could time travel to myself playing it for the first time
modders barely get paid jack shit. From what I hear it's only a flat fee. Still more than all modders make from donations
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Eli does the best player homes. That mixed up young lad may be mentally deranged but their skill here is without par.
I'm running Step Skyrim modlist with vokriinator and a few others on top. Running into an issue where if I pick up the black robes necromancers wear with the magicka regen enchantment they become non enchanted immediately. Anyone got ideas? I think it may be a bashed patch problem but everything else seems to work fine aside from that one specific item.
Autism cat 2.0 trying to decide what to have for dinner
TES 6 better have pregnancy or I swear to Talos I'll hire dark brotherhood
That'll be $10 plus tip on the creators club anon
Not sure if this was just an excuse to post the art
It's kind of a jank association but under the auspices of the game allowing a random elf to join I would say a bosmer might have more grounds for SC than Imp on the basis of self-determination and stuff, plus historical relations with the empire and its provinces

My welf in particular would favor that side of it even before accounting for the whole bear gimmick. It's kind of a process of elimination for any character as to whether it works
>okay do you like the dominion
>well do you like the empire
>do you particularly care about fighting
>alright then I guess you can stormcloak
I'll impregnate you, anon
So where are the sky whales that shoot cocaine out of their blowholes?

Also is "The Children of the Sky" where it says Nords carry the wind with them always retconned or something? Skyrim looks like Norway, not some place where the people are elemental.
men can't get pregnant anon
Aldudagga is OOG
the only thing that made it in was the cows
I feel like it wouldn’t be all that hard to justify a Bosmer being anti-thalmor enough to side Ulfric just like it wouldn’t be hard to justify a Dunmer joining him by channeling hatred of the empire.
Considering Malborn and Breals run away to Windhelm it's probably fine
>was it retconned or something?
or the book is just really old and an outdated description of the ancient Nords and not remotely reflective of the modern Nords.
Unofficial Skyrim Modder's Patch

Should I use it? Or is it a meme?
If something you use wants it as a requirement
>or the book is just really old and an outdated description of the ancient Nords and not remotely reflective of the modern Nords.
kind of like those old films where the Native American guy is some mystic living in the woods and you go to a rez and he's actually a drunk dude sleeping on a bench?
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Imagine if bethesda spent the last 10 years releasing novels instead of leaving the IP wither at TESO... fleshing out the great war, the thalmor and so much stuff that happened between TES iV and V, what could have been...
but it's not to late! Starting ordering more novels right now Todd.
you probably should use it and if you don't like something about it, there are patches to revert specific changes
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tell me more
usmp isnt ussep
I use it yeah and personally patched some shit I didn't like
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Your character has ancestors etched on the wall of the 500, right? They CAN trace their lineage back to the Harbinger Of Us All, RIGHT? You wouldn't play a poser, surely.
whats with the zoomer cut?
she's pregnant
by me
I’ve never seen Malborn survive the embassy before
Even if I manage to get him out of the one room alive he always ends up dying in the cave
It's just one troll to kill
My character can trace her ancestory back to other heroes, sure. Her mother was Nerevarine, and on her father’s side she has an entire tribe of Dunmer living the true path and not falling prey to the false tribunal and their lies. That’s worth way more than some dumb Nord getting a brick in the worst city in all Tamriel
you got to kind of time how you aggro the troll correctly, so he doesnt go after the other NPCs
>Teehee you can't tell if I'm a boy or girl. Can you anon
It's a cringe cut
Show us your shitty screenshot of your waifu.
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sigh, wokegenders
Rent free
me first!
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why contain it?
Going to need a timelapse
*prolapses you*
Are there any other mods like Landlord? I could have sworn there was one just like it on old rim. It's my first time playing SSE/AE

I'm trying to build the best economic modlist that I can.
So far, I have: Morrowloot Ultimate, Trade Routes, Trade and Barter, and some conquest mods
I mod manually but I also watch showcases on YouTube to find mods to add.
Perfect Altmer wife.
Last thread it was determined by the Elder Council (standing subcommittee of shitposters) that Red Eagle was a Nord who went native and had a Dances With Wolves situation with the reachniggers.
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I'm not much for waifufagging but sure
I added C.O.I.N for muh immersion and to purposefully nerf myself so I don't end up having a GDP greater than Whiterun after raiding three draugr tombs.
I feel like the exchange rate shouldn't be that high anyway
I just collect them with COIN because they're nice
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....Don't post my Mer.
i tried this but every Nordic ruin would be full of purses containing Dwemer or modern Dominion currency so it's either broken or even worse for immersion than just plain ol gold being on draugr
Every time I get 10k florins I just put it in the safe and leave it. Need a retirement fund after all. That house then needs two followers to act as security and the objective is to get 100k in each house (usually only have 3 houses tops).
I would love it if Skyrim had some mod that made it more like the Patrician games. Buy raw mats in the east, sell in the west. Buy finished products in the west, sell in the east. Get my hanseatic jew on.
I don't like the scars.
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Oh wait I've already got COIN so it seems. So without it is it septims that you find in burial urns, etc?
>go to sleep outside indawoods
>wake up to three hired goons sent by Hemming Blacked-Briar for pickpocketing him
>kill the goons, loot their bodies to sell their gear
>go inside an orc longhouse
>distinct thumping sound of a dead body being throne even though no dead bodies can be seen
>thumping is rapidfire, obviously a glitch. Switch to 3rd person view, my character's head is cranked awkwardly to stare at a spot on the ground to his right. Head stays cranked like he's orbiting whatever he's staring at no matter where I move him
>toggle clipping off to go through the floor to see what's making that thumping sound, find nothing.
>exit longhouse, thumping sound is now following me everywhere
Watch the grounds, Traveler.
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>Doesn't like earned battle-scars on a hardened cleric girl.

Sorry all your girls aren't untouched perfect anime waifus.
Should I take a nap or play skyrim?
Yep, which doesn't make sense right? Why would Nord sarcophogus pots from the 1st Era have septims?
You can manually change the exchange rate in the MCM menu. Speaking of a fully (un)realized Skyrim economy, it is somewhat immersion breaking that the septims being exchanged with the merchant spawns out of nothing instead of coming from the merchants treasury (Aval in Windhelm goes broke if you sell him 10 horker slabs but he's got 200 septims lying around just to trade for Dwarven ncharks?)
Really? In multiple playthroughs, that's never happened to me. Sorry to hear that. Maybe try a fresh install of the mod?
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And as for you....Call my Mer a Man one more time and I'll tap back into Thalmor Supremacy. Just. For. (You).
I just don't think they add anything. She looks more generic with them somehow.
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It's autism, Anon. Background lore.
I impregnate her
>Get my hanseatic jew on.
An The Elder Scrolls: East Empire Company vidya does sound really fun.
>hire mercs to guard your overland trade caravans
>hire pirates to harass (or protect) your shipping trade
>play the game of thrones with barons, jarls, crowns, and mayors in the various provinces to get favorable rates and exclusive contracts for rare goods like ebony and contraband goods like moon sugar
>once in a while a random event might happen to throw a wrench in your plans or a boon to your trade empire: psijiicniggers show up and cause a storm off the coast of Summerset for the lolz, an Akavirii snekman wants to go on lads holiday in Black Marsh
sorry but he doesn't pass
>waccf changes gold to septims
man is this mod even worth it if this is the sort of brains behind it?
damn OAR mods keep reaching file length limits. Does no one pay attention to this shit? Why does it need a filepath 10 pages long to get to the actual file?
i do, only using CAO, MO2 and SSSEEdit to check for conflicts, pack BSA's and verify i edited/patched esps correctly, HxD for much of everything else, paint.net for textures, all while just adding everything to skyrim.ccc because it just works
gd anon that sounds amazing. You got me wondering if Elder Kings mod has a merchant republic found this on reddit
>Ive seen it mentioned before of playing Orgnum of pyandonea (the islands south of Altmer). He's immortal, a god, and has a constant cash supply boost. You can turn the islands into merch republics and roleplay the god element, choosing who rises and falls in your empire. I never do republics myself though, so i wouldnt know much. I think tamriel's pretty built on the feudal system, since thats how the lore goes.
CK2 merchant republics are all about cucking the rival families more than "peaceful" trade though.
>set up your own currency and mint with legitimate backing
>every country on Nirn with a central bank instantly declares war on you
i ditched it for my current load order and i can't say i've missed it
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so how hard does the writer of this jerk off Redguards?
>mod manually doesn't just mean dragging files into ur \data\ folder and nuking the install when things go sour anymore
the future is now and modpacks/modlists/modguides are an even bigger waste of time when installing them wholesale
I've always had less issue with vanilla tes than trying to sort out some stranger's pile of mods
even daggerfall gog cut was aids, no exceptions
>gog cut
im glad that got shit on as much as it did. even if the mods worked and if they were compatibile some of them were just really shitty choices
>jerks off Redguards?
Kinda based ngl
I need a Breton gf irl.
>cucking the rival families more than "peaceful" trade though
That dovetails nicely into Tamriel geoeconomics too. I mean, the Riften quests were more tied up with the Black-Briars monopoly over the city than the wider Imperial/Stormcloak conflict, same with Markarth and the Silver-bloods, and of course the Dark Brotherhood quest directly impacts the presence of the EEC in Skyrim. This hypothetical TES:EEC game could easily have dynastic mechanics implemented into the game both as events and characters. For example:
>You need to assign managers to your trade routes. You can hire advisors and ancillaries as well but it all has to be managed in a family tree kind of organization, where the character's personality traits and private ambitions sometimes aligns with but more often than not goes against the greater interests of your organization as a whole. You could roll the odd Dunmer that actually gets along with an Argonian but more often than not this causes resentment and a disaffected Dunmer middle-manager who has to work under an Argonian will defect to your rivals, taking your trade contracts and septims with him.
>Every province has their own dynastic families and with the right bribes and the right threats made one way or the other, events can be triggered for good or ill that can boost your profits or undercut your competitors. A strategic alliance between two High Rock baronies along the Iliac Bay will cause tensions to decrease: trade route overheads now cost substantially less for all traders doing business including your rivals. But maybe purposefully sabotaging that marriage alliance leads to higher costs your competitors can't handle, but your business "luckily" has a surplus of weapons sitting in the warehouse waiting to be sold at wartime prices to the now feuding families.
>en route to High Rock your caravan encounters Sheogorath who turns all your expensive glass armor and weapons to cheese wheels. He mocks you as a s-o-yjak normie redditor and disappears. You don't know what those cryptic words mean so you hire some mages specialized in daedric research. They go mad in Apocrypha after learning the forbidden knowledge.
well, I for one am terrified
>Also is "The Children of the Sky" where it says Nords carry the wind with them always retconned or something? Skyrim looks like Norway, not some place where the people are elemental.
That sounds fucking retarded and I'm glad it's not in the game. Kookbride fans can't distinguish between what would end up being cool in game and what would be stupid as shit.
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Is /tesg/ optimistic about ES6?
'carried the wind with them' isn't any different from Woad/Thunderfist or now Battle Cry which is even more similar to the Voice
No, because Bethesda had already proven with Starfield that they're willing to cut entire quests and dungeons from the game and resell them on their shitty mod store which wasn't supposed to be for official Bethesda content.
Starfield 6/10
F4 6/10
Skyrim 6.5/10
F3 6/10
Oblivion 7/10
MW 8/10
I think TESVI will be a 5.5-6.5/10
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i'm going to spend an hour thinking of cool names for my vampiric Dragon Priest build looking at the Dragon language page on UESP even though i know i'll play for 5 minutes then quit for a week
Is an LotD playthrough fun? I feel like Im missing out. Redpill me.
My current playthrough is a Bosmer Stormcloak werewolf married to Aela
it's all about collecting artifacts and shit and filling up a museum. if you want skyrim to be a collectathon then you might enjoy it
I did not know what I was missing out on until I gave a modpack a try.
Redguards being best warriors is canon lore mentioned countless times in the games so if anything it's Ted Peterson, Kirkbride and Todd jerking them off.
Missing out on what? You've probably played with a lot of the mods/equipment that it borrows independently already unless you feel like ugly textured "collectibles" are exactly what you're missing in a playthrough
it's a bloat
I hate this shit, npcs still call them septims at every occassion
then surely you can cite a single instance of this happening
medes aren't septims you blind fool
it says right fucking there


>Though it is widely acknowledged that Hammerfell is home to the finest warriors of the Empire

oh right
but why do they exist, from where do they even come
I imagine Nord fanboys are quite furious that the best warrior race in their precious Elder Scrolls are niggers LMAO
>mentioned countless times in the games
common reddit pilpul
>I think TESVI will be a 5.5-6.5/10
That is incredibly optimistic!
It's going to be a 3.5 at best and reek of curry and poo even harder than Starfield did, and all the while as it bombs Emil Fagliano is going to be talking about how great it is.
They've really needed competition in the genre this last decade and the poles at CDPR aren't even close with CP77
A Stormcloak controlled Skyrim would probably go through a faction power struggle almost immediately between the hardliner Skyrim for da Norfs and the more moderate As Long As You Hate Sussy Elves types
Proteus-pill me /tesg/
Is it worth the download? EFF isn't cutting it for me. I'd appreciate being able to level and perk up my entire group of followers.
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It never was, people only got it because retard modlist makers said so
>It never was, people only got it because retard modlist makers said so
For all the hate Skyrim gameplay gets, I don't know what happened in the writers' room when they were developing it.
Yup, honestly my prediction is that Starfield is going to be better than TESVI.
any mods of this type for other cities? I have noticed I don't really have anything that makes wall textures better
I keep seeing those "elder scrolls is actually weider" youtube vids.
I wish they had kept it weird and went off the LSD casualty's writings instead of going lord of the rings
You know, LOTR aside, every time I complete a quest line I'm hit by how internally illogical it is for some reason. Like they had to try to make it as stupid as it is.
Also they got rid of these fun little side quests we had in previous games.
Yeah, they're really disjointed as fuck.
The more I listen to these while I play, the more I wish they had kept this lore and style
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I'm quite happy with my modlist now...
Just need to test some cities now if they look good
funnily enough eso tried often to add back some of that weird lore but it's always either locked in lorebooks or made as boring as humanly possible
my favorite is probably 1E nibeneans eating their river saints in some form of sacred cannibalism
Disjointed is the right word. I know they're a "small indie studio" and they poorfagd out on VAs but they didn't have to do this like this. But apparently the concept for Skyrim wasn't even Skyrim at first and they shoehorned in all the dragon stuff leftover from Akavir so it makes sense why it's all so weirdly shit.
Not bad, anon.
ESO will always be held back by having to magically delete everything it introduces because it doesn't make sense in future dates.
>mhm yes there was a giant witches coven in rorikstead and they were so powerful and they had a city
>and it got completely destroyed and wiped out from its location ;)
That and making everything purely for one-off quests.
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How did a random modder design a city that shits all over Raven Rock.
>ESO will always be held back by having to magically delete everything it introduces because it doesn't make sense in future dates.
for me in TES in general it's the opposite, it's thousands of years between ancient nords and current times, hell there is thousand years between eso and skyrim. Compare irl how much from that times made to our times, actually most of what we know we have learned in last centuries, medieval people didn't even knew how roman soldiers looked like so they thought they walked in weird plate armor like other knights they knew
If anything, everything in TES gets too preserved
wad mod : D ?
because raven rock is a dying village build atop a dead east empire company colony?
I guess that's true. Still, they clearly think of it when writing. That town example is just what I remember but it happens all over.
because he didn't need to add a single quest or dungeon to it

Seems to be empty though. I have yet to find any NPC who offers a quest or any dungeons to explore. Don't really recommend it so far, but its city shits all over Raven Rock. You can swim across the ocean from Raven Rock to access it.
Raven Rock being as big in Skyrim compared to what it was in MW is still pretty funny.
>because he didn't need to add a single quest or dungeon to it
Oh, so it's empty? Shame, could have been a great mod if it had some quest/dungeons/loot.
I'm personally only keeping it for lods so I see something on a horizon from raven rock
Any mods to make female characters in Skyrim look good?
The ones I found just makes them look like Koreans
kirkbride is gay, his eceleb dicksuckers are gay, and i'm glad skyrim didn't include most of his dipshit ideas
Just get some texture mods you want
Works better than butiful xdd hdd face overhaul with sims hairdos
i just get bijin and pandorables and call it a day
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Anyone know why this setup for Bodyslide isn't working? I'm trying to set up LL and non-LL profiles. But if I run BodySlide LL and then switch to my non-LL profile with 'Bodyslide Output' enabled I still get the coomer bodyslides loaded
Did you actually build the non-coomer slides properly? I had to reinstall some stuff because the presets got stuck when removing some mods.
Also, I'm pretty sure nude or non-nude is determined in your body mod installation.
doesnt it only go to the overwrite folder if it doesnt find anything to overwrite in your other mods? run it and check the modified timestamps of the meshes in both your outputs
You need to disable Bodyslide Output LL
Check your overwrite folder to see if anything is in there
If the mods come with their own prebuilt meshes then bodyslide overwrites them instead of writing the output to your folder
>It's going to be a 3.5 at best
And if it isn't, don't worry, we'll make sure it is ;)
I got so tired of making modlists for new saves and dropping them after 5 hours that I finally decided to try ESO before its inevitable EOS and it is with a heavy heart that I inform you that despite the 3 elven lesbian marriages I've seen, the writing and dungeons are both better than anything in Skyrim
>bijin and pandorables
arr rook same
yeah, they're installed properly
no meshes in the overwrite dir, and bodyslide output LL is disabled on the non-LL profile.
I'll re-run in the LL profile and check the timestamps
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>reminded me of karliah and the tg questline
Day ruined, thanks anon...
yeah tho i like pandorable mirabelle
All base game Dunmer look like gray aliens, I have no idea what drove the art direction there considering everyone on Solstheim looks accurate to Morrowind
i impregnated this redhead
that's only pandorables but bijin doesn't cover everything so you take what you can get
Any suggestions?
new thread
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The timestamps looked OK at first, but when I began to dig into the meshes dir in the output mod it was just some KS Hairdos rather than the vanilla armors/bodies that I expected, so I'm probably doing something wrong.
>If the mods come with their own prebuilt meshes then bodyslide overwrites them instead of writing the output to your folder
It's only Karliah that looks weird, every other dunmer is fine.
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I use these for people atm
That's what you get for not using a body replacer for her.
I didn't think it was doing that, since I was only working with vanilla gear, fixing the output dir in Bodyslide's sorted that, thanks.
Is there any way to avoid having to change the output path in each executable for bodyslide? At the moment It just sticks with the last one bodyslide ran as rather than what it should be for that profile, if that makes sense

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