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Class Action Lawsuit Filed against Fatshark for Selling Unplayable Game on Consoles Edition

Previously on /copeg/: >>499910319

>Latest News/Updates:

Darktide: Hotfix #48 (1.5.1) Patch Notes

Vermintide 2:
Lore Post: Skaven Chronicles part 1

Helldivers 2:
Patch 1.001.102


Deep Rock Galactic:

Space Marine 2: Patch 3.0

Payday 3:

Remnant 2:
The Dark Horizon DLC releasing SEP24:

Earth Defense Force 6

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2
The Forever Winter
No More Room in Hell 2

>Future games
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
this OP again?
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if i have to hear VARLETS one more goddamn time im gonna kill myself
Ok, pre-servitor.
so which weapon is truly the best for gunsiker? is it recon, vraks, or revolver?
if they add a mechanicus class, and it doesn't prompt special boy voicelines from hadron, I'm going to be upset
>Except for you, my skitarii, blessed machine, you are performing adequately...
>*happy binharic noises*
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blow it out your ass you old toaster cunt
I use recon and autoguns with my BB, and both feel about the same. I use a revolver and bot bolt pistol with shards, and I like BP slighly more due to the reload cancels.
There goes the only reason i'd ever pick ogryn, back to knifelet it is
heckin wholesome! a heckin good boye, with chunky binhauric
>Shit movement
>Only gun choices are wide stagger grenade launcher or a shotgun variant (yes, even the stubbers)
>Shield & Borovian are the only melee to play differently
>Can't stagger bosses anymore, and every other class can deal with mixed hordes
Ogryn bros, why does FS hate us?
>Im permanently in high peril, the game now encourages you to be capped out at all times and keep blasting at 100%. Are you retarded?
If that's the case then why do you want more warp resistance?
Am I retarded? I can't get the mk V ripper gun to kill a flamer in one burst at 10 m. I've got maniac on it and i've dumped Ammo so that I get a stack of Blaze Away every shot. I'm also trying to avoid igniting the tank, but I think I need to get headshots and a pellet will usually scatter onto the tank.
Why is the Darktide ship crew like 70% women
>shit movement
I enjoy feeling slow and lumbering, it's part of the fantasy

>and every other class can deal with mixed hordes
actual skill issue unfortunately, ogryn absolutely mulches mixed hordes in part because he can push to stagger maulers and ragers and in part because his weapons generally have good cleave values and stagger

Weapon variety and balance is ass in general though those complaints are valid. Fatshark is retarded and made the other 3 classes share weps so obviously ogryn is always gonna have way less than the other 3. I don't know why they did this. It's bad design and the issue is completely obvious, simple calculation, same effort to make a new wep but only a quarter of the roster can enjoy it
So that you can edge out even more with the ten percent before you explode.
Personally I just accepted that this is its weakness. I put flechettes on it so it'll atleast do it when it crits. Could try payback time cause that shit is always gonna be up in situations where you'd want to kill a flamer especially fast
So you can get more usage out of your staff before you roll into scriers overstay, and usually chain scriers that way with your quelling nodes.
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>be last man standing psyker
>actually do good, slowly move forward killing all trappers and shit spawning at me
>one guy praises me in chat
>start sweating and fumbling
>die to stupid mistake
damn nigger some authors write series of books and have continuity errors because they forget what happened 2 books and 900 pages ago, and they get shat on for it
for you all it takes is a series of two posts with one sentence each
>Slow and lumbering
Not a problem on its own, but FS wants a speed meta for everyone else. Even a gun psi can leave you in the dust.
>Skill issue
I'm not saying Ogryn can't deal with mixed hordes well; I'm saying other classes can do it just as well either through stagger options or blasting away with anti-carapace.
>Less weapons
Is fully understandable, but that should mean each weapon is actually unique niche of its own. Where's my fucking Karl Gustav FS!
>and every other class can deal with mixed hordes
lol what
ogryns are the only class that can just push both ragers and maulers without any buffs at all
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That's rough psykerbro. Better luck next time.
Don't need to stagger if they're fucking dead, and who doesn't have buffs up if there are any enemies within sight?
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>almost ended an auric maelstrom with 0 damage taken
>get pounced by a dog right before the end so I end it with 28
Shucks, I'm a point short from grabbing payback time. I'd have to either give up a heavy hitter node, 25 toughness, or bruiser...
Having to spend the second burst really dampens my enthusiasm about using the mk V
Their hitbox is a fucking suggestion at best.
oh I forgot every other class just deletes dozens of ragers instantly and no one ever dies to them, my bad
> and who doesn't have buffs up if there are any enemies within sight?
most builds can't at all no matter how many buffs they, it takes a very retarded zealot build to be able to
have you played a class besides ogryn ever
Ogryn was always the default easy mode but at least it had some fun stuff.
Now it's just boring easymode.
At least staggering bosses gave a reason to press one more button instead of holding lmb the entire game
anon thats a child
no that's a man
not being able to keep up with your team as ogryn is one of the goofiest complaints I've heard ngl frfr
That makes it better.
how else you want to have grapes masterfully stomped?
I need them in game.
20% toughness per heavy isn't enough
zealots fill their whole bar off of one heavy
The should add those types of voice lines for all classes. Sefoni and Hestia with the psyker, Hestia with Zealot, Morrow with the veteran, forgot the name of the quartermaster with the ogryn and so on.
They really need to step up their game with the voice lines.
through your irony, you have become what you hate
The men are busy fighting wars.
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I'd prefer the right but both would be cool
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Yeah, it would be awesome if we could completely obliterate furries in game. Imagine gibbing them and smacking their ragdolls around like poxwalkers.
Finally broke down and installed the UCP and the Spare Parts mod for BL2. On Safe/Strict mode it basically just allows model-model legendary part swaps and broader rarity-locked part lock beyond that. Gun tuning is really fun, but I don't want to untether it and brick my save file with a bunch of stuff that would get purged by a san check yet. Gun crafting definitely does add to Borderlands, though. I'm holding on to guns I'd otherwise sell just in the hope of finding a good thing to slap parts onto. And being able to swap a bad part off of and optimize guns is neat. Feels good.
Almost done with the Gaige playthrough, and then on to Krieg. And by that point my brain will be well and thoroughly cooked, so it'll turn into roleplaying.
>No custom voicelines
>Horrible mod support
>No bot matches
>Unreliable matches
>No lobby browser
And what did we get in return?
>Shitty FOMO shop, with predatory premium currency pricing
A single sandwich and headpat would turn the right into your loving pet for life.
stop cheating
Instead of removing the crafting locks they should've allowed you to turn weapons into NFTs to buy or sell on a marketplace so you could make money off your perfect rolls.
There's no god-damned reason assault rifles should have a penalty to critical hits and you fucking know it.
you posted it again
Randy wanted it that way so it should be that way
I'm screencapping your posts and sending them to him, you're so fucking banned
I want left for player characters and right for enemy horde models.
The only way you can see smiggers in aurics is if you are one.
I dont think you guys actually play the game
I just blocked one not even 2 hours ago
Why must the good force sword be the one that's shaped like a penis?
Cute catgirls improve any game, specially if they're anime styled.
imagine being this brain rotted that your primary concerns are swords can you cant help but imagine as a penis and the presence of anime catgirls
jesus christ the extended weapon customization mod is such a gigantic piece of trash

just give me a standalone sights mod for the love of god
Is this a KI image? I will an answer become from you
Just create a mod with just the sights then, duh...
but what about muh heckin laser sights and weapon sway
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What is the scoreboard mod maker's reasoning behind overkill damage being... le bad! Like what, is using weapons with hordeclear heavies or anything with brutal momentum supposed to be wrong somehow even if it leads to the most real damage?
He's german, any more questions?
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>electric fences all placed around the ARC
>all the turrets and bunkers are stacked in one spot
>ammo all placed in one spot on the ground next to the ARC
>inside of the base is a maze of randomly placed and rotated walls with gates and ramps dotted down without any thought
Every single game. They should just designate one player (me) to be in charge of base design while the brainlets stick to being welder monkeys since that's all they're good for
wich tide game?
>being unoptimal with damage
anyone with a brain disables the calculated score stuff, it's utterly arbitrary and meaningless
I don't care about the score, I just genuinely wonder what was going through his head for that to be something he thought should even be included on it, let alone used in his retarded scores.
>can tailor the scoreboard to your liking
>play on default and whine that your personal scoreboard no one else can see favors other players
Why does this keep happening?
Starving African children could have eaten that damage
are you german?
>the scoreboard still collects and tracks those stats, just doesnt display them
>as such it still causes the appropriate script load and contributes to LUA out of memory errors
you must see the full picture to understand why its retarded
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Purgatus bros, what's the current go to build now that they added a broken blessing?
I ended up making this
do i look like some faggot nerd retard CODER to you bro??
i mean i probably could but judging ffrom what ive read id be surprised if the sights were encapsulated properly and wouldnt have a bunch of tendrils into other parts
>i look like some faggot
knife with flesh tearer for bleed spamming: riposte, precog, uncanny, or mercy killer?
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it's flatfu from dow2 I think
depends, mercy killer if you have a bleed talent like serrated on vet or the bleed on crit from zealot, uncanny if not
Riposte is bestest because you want to proc more bleeds than anything else.
i like solidity over puppet master for when shit hits the fan and you need to tap quell to edge high peril.
i would also probably drop warp expenditure and 1 other thing (wildfire maybe) to pick up kinetic deflection
i run with assail so i have some of the right side of the tree stuff like warp splitting and soul drinker, but if you are running with smite you can obviously skip that.
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Wow man I really hate playing psyker. I feel so useless when things are actually going wrong. I wish they had a "save the day" button like the other characters.
You need to aim at their legs
i am doubting needing riposte desu, with 5% crit chance on the knife, 30 from scourge, 15 from piety, and 10 from righteous warrior, thats already 60%. granted it does take a bleed to get the ball rolling, but another 20% almost seems to be going to waste
power sabre and powersword buff when?
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What's the least obnoxious Zealot personality? Be honest
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we need more versions of power swords.
we're playing as iquisitorial troops for fuck's sake
Venting Shriek, (Empowered) Smite, the big boom staff, the bubble shield. You may not have instant "fuck everything around me", but you can mitigate it
Judge closely followed by Fanatic, both male
Judge is the nicest and the least obnoxious, and the Fanatic irish accent is funny to hear
Agitator is a cringe LARPer
le funny alcoholic and YON BARREL
(you imply one but I like those two both. Redditjudge is cringe)
Dont listen to this guy >>500070523
He fucks children in the ass
>not obnoxious
everyone who likes judge is a faggot with shit taste
kill yourself NOW
all primarchs and only primarchs should have been female
t. Heretics
Agitator is the least annoyoing, but also kinda boring and a bit "too normal" for supposedly zealous warrior.
Judge is cringekino. Sounds extra obnoxious at first, but grows on you and becomes kinda endearing more you hear it.
Fanatic is the funniest one. Mostly thanks for the accent.
those are the same voice
post the kek or cringe one
peak lack of self awareness
Is there any reason not to make your character a womanlet?
>smaller hitbox
Nah not really
It is implied somewhere that agitator and Melk drink amasec together
Fanatic is just irish
Maxheight to have easier time hitting weakpoints in melee
They were rejected from propah postings
Agitator being an uneducated retard but trying to fake it until he makes it just off his love for the emperor is endearing.
>smaller hitbox
doesnt matter much in practice, it matters more that you wont be able to see over a poxwalker horde without jumping which is an extreme visibility drawback
you do you though
>Press funny button
>Spam heavy attacks
The fuck are you talking about, they're everywhere on aurics
I will join your auric in my paypig dress and I will go down on every horde and you will carry me to an orange weapon for free.
I will pretend that you're a girl while this occurs so I get soemthing out of it too
i'm only running smite because BR is extra useless without investment, at least smite might clutch a shitty spawn or something, i was considering battle meditation since purgatus gets a lot of procs but i don't know what, wildfire sounds to good to drop, i could trade perilous combustion for it, don't think i'd need to run active quell speed with that hopefully
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>women in darktide
only face 10 is somewhat ok for women PCs
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also i'm still grinding purgatus mastery so active quelling is a no no with this shit
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>face 10
>not face 14
Tell him to give me $2M to make a DLC to retcon 3.
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simple as
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The Judge's VA made a video with greentexting in it
He's in this thread
luv emper
Most based zealot VA, best zealot voice.
shut the fuck up James you are not only worst zealot voice but worst male voice across all classes
I'm a male judge because it is setting accurate cringe kino.
That is the only reason I need.
>The Judge's VA made a video with greentexting in it
I take it back James after sending this post I remembered the ooga booga negro psyker existed
You are only 11th out of 12.
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wake me up when haloween drops
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*casts the curse of the horned rat on you*
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face 14 looks like a crack whore
what will halloween event be?
Was this supposed to be Kerrilian's face?
a copy paste of the last one
what was the last one?
Halloween vacation
this thing scares me. also, blaze away needs to be on your staff 1000% whatever else you put if your choice, id suggest warp nexus, but blaze away is far and away the best blessing for it.
battle meditation in general is pretty mid imo. 10% chance to quell 10% is ~1% peril quelled per kill, which is very low power compared to any other node. smite is fine since youre going for psykinetics aura which is the real only reason you want to be on the left side of the tree, you are just going to be very weak against gunners. i would still suggest quell speed despite the things you list. aura range is /okay/ but in many scenarios it is a talent that does literally nothing for you.
aren't chinks supposed to work people to the bone?
Is there any reason to use the Bleed blessing on the Boltgun? I keep seeing everyone (the normies) shilling the Bleed blessing for it, but, this sounds retarded?
It's a health bars mod thing, you wouldn't understand.
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face 10 is the only ok looking one
I turned that mod off because I'm not a sweaty cheater.
He's actually just some faggot who saw it on reddit or something, it's based on this
I like to put zappers vertical against a gate or main wall; good coverage while people can still repair it. I also put ramps vertical to inner walls, that way they're less likely to get destroyed during big waves.
yeah that also works
as long as they're in the general area of the horde the bugs will get zapped
(which in turn is based on an actual 4chan post that someone voiced I forgot to mention)
a copy paste of the previous one
i bought darktide this year so i don't know what last halloween event was
no one mentioned darktide you freak
>left: vermintide player
>right: darktide player
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Wrong face.
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I don't appreciate being attacked like this.
Cutest face.
Cutest hair (the long one would be better if it wasn't half shaved).
Don't like skin scribbles.
that's face 10
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Unless the face order for you is different, that's face 14.
I agree that face 10 is the only ok one. But there are several faces loosely based on U5 and Kerillian's face ended up being ugly as fuck. I don't remember which one though.
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it is
What the fuck?
What class is that? This is on a psyker.
mine is on veteran
So it seems different classes have different face orders. Fucking sweedes...
Cute mini-sororitas
Help me up! Please! I don't like it here!
What is the best male Zealot personality? It's the next class I'm playing.
I hate Agitator because the tiny dick white boys that play it keep making do not redeem jokes whenever I speak in voice chat
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Then stay in Malice
okay, lobby doko
have you tried redeeming, saar?
okay but why should i even bother grinding purgatus when smite somehow became even more broken than before
More like L’chaimsword
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I'm in your games.
Explain to me the dueling sword marks /copeg/
4 is best
5 and 2 have a nice personality
it's aight, it does the job
The OP one, emphasis on the P. Take the pokepill.
It's still a dueling sword so it's broken, however you're retarded if you main it.
hello Mrs. Darktide...
I have noticed the pattern that anyone who types in strike team chat tends to be a massive shitter. Even down to saying "Hello"
if they say shit like "hehe hello every one have a good game!" otherwise no I haven't noticed that
it's sort of funny that the narrative is
>you are all scum being thrown into meat waves attacks that 99.999% of you will not survive
>btw have fun and make some friends :D
Raven black hair >>> sororitas knockoff
i always wish my fellow strike team members a good morning, afternoon or evening, and i think everyone should do that.
I haven't noticed any particular trend there. That said, I do type in the chat sometimes, especially to make jokes or talk shit about someone's name while we're in the dropship.
NTA but, i find white haired women sexy
They are, but goth psyker are hotter.
I'm so fucking bad at Synthetik. Something about the "drop mag" "insert mag" "unjam" stuff trips me up.
What you have to do is focus hard on getting it right even if it's at the detriment of your general gameplay and it keeps failing you runs. Eventually, if you force yourself to keep doing it right, you will get it down and then you can play normally.
If you just keep going, you will learn it wrong and the longer you go the longer it is to unlearn the bad pattern.
Basically, go into your next 10 runs says I WILL get every reload right even if it kills me.
That's a smart point. Cheers
that's a marker for you to aim your cum at
what stat do people dump on revolver, i'm guessing mobility to 60?
What's the best solo maelstorm psyker build? Smite and a duelling sword?
Damage or crit. You do so much that you don't need both maxed
nice bait, i was actually asking because i've seen people dump reload speed and i was wondering why
Fire Trauma Staff, Duel sword, Brain burst
Personally I like the brittle trauma staff because It doesnt feel like Im limp dicking everything if I dont crit.
Because either they're fucking retarded or don't care enough to reroll, anon.
half these retards haven't spoken to hadron once and just use whatever emperor's gifts they got
wtf vet called my ogryn a "cunny fellow"
Mobility or reload speed
If the revolver is your main weapon, then you want reload.
But if you're a zealot just looking for a sidearm to kill ranged elites and whatnot, dumping reload speed is fine. You won't be using it all the time and will have plenty of time to reload in between fights, plus it acts as a mobility tool if you're using a thunder hammer or something slow like that.
Currently going through and leveling weapons. What blessings do anons recommend for the tac axe? I'm assuming it's
>brutal momentum
but which two?
agile is a meme and anyone who recommends it should not only have that bad advice ignored, but you can safely assume they are complete and total dogshit and ignore everything they have to say
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Please explain how this is a meme? It's infinite dodges, plus a tidy little damage boost on a weapon that you should be weakpoint-fishing with anyway. Unless I'm missing something, it seems very solid.
easy on the gatekeeping, sis, you're coming on a bit too strong
they're gonna start suspecting something
The first two. It's hardly a bad blessing, but you have no real use for Agile. Just block for a second or push things. The Tac Axe has plenty of mobility already. It needs the damage and cleave far more.
Tac axe already has as many dodges as you should ever need.
Is mobility the dump stat on force swords? It seems warp would be a better dump, you're not always charging it so why bother?
emphasis on the little, no way you're getting any breakpoints off of that
and your dodges recharge so fucking fast while melee enemies other than ragers take multiple whole seconds for each swing, you have to literally just be spamming it with no regard to what the enemies are doing to ever run out
compare this to the blessings it's competing with such as being able to do anything to hordes or a free 40% power.
I guess It'd be better for bosses if you took it with shattering impact, but pinning fire is likely better in general.
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Noted. Does pic related seem alright? I'm not a huge fan of crit bonus as a dump stat, and assume mobility is the better option for that, but otherwise this feels decent.
>missing 1%
Its not hard to get four 80%s these days, but yeah that looks pretty good.
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check his weapon out
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oh hell no
>sacrificing crit bonus for some mobility stat
All of my why. You don't need that .2 sprint speed or whatever and however much dodge distance. 60% mobility easily lets you solo for prolonged periods in HISTG if you need to clutch. And if you're just getting it for map movement out of combat, you're an even bigger idiot. Get the crit and dump some mobility. Read the stats, you fucking monkey.
>10% MWSD
is trash. Get Maniac damage instead. Or crit chance. Or unyielding. Or fucking unarmored or infested. Anything's better than MWSD because of the way it maths out, even fucking stamina, but I'd personally grab Maniac because Ragers.
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do these two talents actually function how they're described?
so if I shoot at an enemy that's 50m away I will still get the bonus from Longshot even if there is an enemy 5m from me?
meanwhile Killzone will only be active for maybe 30s total during a mission on difficulties higher than Malice
Go into the Meat Grinder and find out. This is easy as fuck to test.
>All of my why.
>I'm not a huge fan of crit bonus as a dump stat, and assume mobility is the better option for that
I'm aware mobility is better for dump, you double nigger. Hence the "otherwise this feels decent." I just can't be assed to roll a perfect stat weapon before I've leveled it a bit more.
>Get Maniac damage instead
Fair, I was on the fence there.
And I was confused how you can care enough to come here and ask "guise which blessings are optimal" yet be such a monumental dipshit that you'd pass up a healthy chunk of crit chance and damage like that for no tangible gain.
>before I've leveled it a bit more
Now it makes some sense though
I hope they never realize they gave heavy sword a different headtaker and forgot to nerf it when they were nerfing the other version. Keep spreading the meme that that it's a bad weapon so no one uses it and they never realize.
not an argument
Vet has the grindiest penances jesus christ
ok retard
i accept your concession.
You can't pretend ogryn isn't a class in this game.
>yet be such a monumental dipshit
where do you think we are anon
ok retard
You're not even the same guy, kek. Who are you trying to kid?
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Psyker penances force you to be a smigger.
>ogryn grenade penance: kill 75 retards
>vet grenade penance: kill 500 (five hundred) (five zero zero) retards
>ogryn keystone penance: kill 2500 retards while just doing what you were gonna do anyway
>vet keystone penance: kill 2500 retards while either blowing all your ammo on poxwalkers or crabwalking
no way, it's not even close
please answer
hmmm maybe xbox players aint so bad after all
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here you go you gay retard


say thanks daddy
by the time ogryn gets 5 heavy swings off to stack his keystone vet will fully stack focus and kill 20 mobs on top

i did those penances and they're not close

ogryn nade requires you to kill 25+ mobs at once 50 times

also zealot fire nade penance takes a lot of games to finish, it's 2000 kills when one nade will at most kill 20 mobs if nobody else is contesting them
>letting your stacks fall off
can't relate, I like my aurics no more than 25 minutes long
thanks bro
I don't have the game installed so I can't go check in the Insaniquarium
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almost beat this rolling steel with a bot for the entire game
if you quit rolling steel at the start and make us use a bot the entire time fuck you, why queue for aurics at all if you get filtered that hard by a kino map
best recon las blessings for gun psyker? currently using headhunter and infernus but i feel like there are an impossibly high number of good combinations on this damn gun
so what do i do after ive leveled all the classes to 30
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play the roguelike mode or the pvp mode
oh wait
>playing through BL2, 5th run
>generally let Lilith have the Jack kill
>end of Gaige playthrough
>Deathtrap zaps him from across the map before going back to zapping rakks
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congrats on beating darktide, you're in a very small but elite club, we like to get together on the weekends and reminisce about the game as we wait for darktide 2!
that's a mission marker for the terminal in the middle
the normal one
I quit that garbage at the lobby part but sometimes I get sent into it when it is in progress you know
hard to believe it, but it's the normal hud
all it needs is a fingerless glove meter honestly
gaige is objectively too based to give that whiny little coalburner lilith any semblance of satisfaction
Scaled up by a lot.
It's blocking like a quarter of the screen.
that's just what it looks like at 1080p
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I'm used to that size lmao
just got the hud mod to move them and make the see through though.
not any bigger than the dev hud in the OP
Mine is 900p and it's much smaller and more compact.
The devs are shitters, so I expect that.
they didn't manually increase the size of their hud because they're shitters lol, that doesn't even make sense
that's just what the default is dude, you're sounding like a schizo
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Mine is just tidier, I thought that was scaled up.
how the fuck do you complete the 'cliffhanger' psyker penance
so what you're saying is that you're so shit that in your """aurics""" (heresy, probably) there's always something to hit in melee range but you struggle to headshot it with ranged

sorry to hear about your disability
I'm not having this argument with you again
Everyone laughed at you last time and everyone would just laugh at you again this time
Playing vet doesn't mean you never melee. Stop shooting poxwalkers and accepting your death if any get near you, full stop.
*laughs at you*
any suggestions for illisi blessings? using it for horde clear on gun psyker. i know deimos is generally better but i like swapping between the hybrid of recon las, illisi, and assail. if i end up taking this into aurics, it will probably have to switch to deimos.
>this argument with you again
>Everyone laughed at you
Do you realize just how insecure you sound and that you are possibly the only person ITT who knows what it feels like when "everyone" laughs at you?

Your post genuinely made me feel like I'm a bad guy because you behave like a child who barely manages to keep himself from crying, throwing random insults hoping something sticks. Why act like this when you clearly can't handle the pressure? Just a zoomer parroting some sort of e-celeb like a role model?

All rhetorical questions but it's better for your own sake to figure out the answers.
>charging and bowling over an entire crowd of ragers, crushers etc to save a downed buddy
No better feel (other than ogryn frag), its a damned shame the Taunt will never compare to ogryns charge
My psyker uses their powers to help move the poop from their butthole
slaughterer, uncanny strike. now you can spam and kill anything without thought.
use a force sword to push enemies down, it's easiest that way since it has a uniquely strong push
good places to do this are vigil station oblivium(end event right has bridges with no railings and enemies rushing to you via those) and hab dreyko(extraction includes a long section of bridge with no railings, enemies hordes spawn behind you) and clandestium gloriana(the very start before the first event)
>using stacked sniper resistance because it's the only thing that makes revives problematic aside from gunners who are usually close enough to either smack or shoot
>3 retards decide to defend at elevator and go down because it's sniper gauntlet + fog
>start reviving
>get shot by snipers twice
>barely lose like 40 hp out of 400+
>Quickplay Auric
>Teamed with three Zealots
>Give safety of bubble shield
>Stop using the shield in the second half of mission
>Watch as they all go down to gunner chip damage
>While dead, they ask why bubble stopped with only me still alive
>Don't respond even after mission fail
Its so fucking fun having all the class penances done, fucking with meta fags shouldn't be this enjoyable
>all tactical axes in C
He's smoking crack. They're easily A tier, at least for Zealot, and arguably S tier. I had to go and listen to his argument against them, and he's wholly incorrect about them having poor damage. He's likely using heavies to kill elites instead of just spamming lights and doing way better DPS. I'd also put the old Chainaxe mark in A as well and drop both chainswords to B. I don't touch Ogryn or Psyker, really, so aside from their shit, the other stuff looks fine. Definitely seen worse out of youtuber tier lists.
The smite penance is pain.
i just assume people forget their ability exists. happens a lot. saving it for the next game i guess.
>bull butcher better than mk4 knife
yep it's "I didn't play ogryn since early access" takes
That never happened.
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>unique blessing that rewards you for getting perfect blocks / parries
What mark is the most fun on shock maul? Try as I might, I just can't seem to click with any of them.
I think the problem with tac axe is that zealot has no shortage of great melee weapons. The tac axe is very good, but it's also competing with absolutely busted shit like the dueling sword or kn*fe right now. Hard to call it S tier when other weapons are simply better in all scenarios, even though it is an excellent weapon in its own right.
Meta fags are the worst players usually.
They rely soly on something they didnt even come up with just shows how little they know about the game or how their game skill relies on being carried by "OP" builds.
People that are actually good at the game play whatever the fuck they want and still mog the rest of their team.
Here's what really happened

>quickplay damnation
>use the bubble shield
>really proud of myself about how truly impactful the bubble shield is
>notice nobody ever thanks me for it
>make up mentally ill fake story about how impactful my shield was and how people asked me to keep using it when I stopped doing it
it's scotish ya cunt
Whenever me and my buds see someone using smite we all laugh at /coopg/ and go AIEEEEEE HE'S BEING A SMIGGER IM LOSING MY MIND SAVE ME GOD-EMPEROR
>Psyker: "Good job, veteran!"
Is there a single worse node in the entire game?
>I think the problem with tac axe is that zealot has no shortage of great melee weapons
This has 0 bearing on the weapon's performance ability. Other weapons being better doesn't make the weapon worse than the likes of the Power Maul or the Shovel. It's one thing to tier weapons relatively to one another's performance (which is obviously the point), but it's another to intentionally misplace a weapon because "hur dur X is better", and then stick the weapon 2-3 tiers below where its capability and relative performance actually lands it. The Tac Axe's performance is competitive with its brother, the Combat Axe, which got put into S tier. It's better or on par with the Heavy Sword, which is in A tier. It's certainly better than the Chain Swords. Yet it's in C tier.
> Hard to call it S tier when other weapons are simply better in all scenarios
If you never looked at the video, he had a category above S exclusively for the DS4 and the combat knife. I wouldn't put it in the same tier as the DS either.
not even giving you a (you) for that obvious bait
depends on whether "toughness replenished" just refers to the passive toughness regen from being in coherency, or to all forms of toughness regen
if it's the former it's not that bad a trade-off
if it's the latter then yeah, that's horrendous dogshit, especially when it's so easy and fun to make psyker builds that emphasize the constant gain and loss of peril to the point that you dont really worry about your peril
It's just smite and scream for two missions
if FF was on there would be a lot of very upset loner psykers
>"Pffft, your 'corpse god' is a shit biscuit, and the imperium is a hellish totalitarian state, by the five!"
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>Use EP Smite
>Top Damage
>Vet-kun says I'm the bestest Psyker there ever was!
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It does apply to everything.
That's so boring.
Also the game seems to know I can't kill shit with this garbage and pairs me with the most braindead retards possible just to fuck with me.
Playing vermentide for the first time and the first party I get is some guy who is clearly white shouting out nigga and nigger in some one sided argument. SOme real schizos out there.
4 psyker games are the most fun
no i will not elaborate
Heretic piece of shit
Maybe if they're all trash. One good psyker with a good build makes an average HISTG boring.
i played natural selection 2 like 10 years ago and the first server i joined everyone was in the ready room watching some guy scream nigger. very fond gaming memory.
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smigger-chan don't hold your boobs up like that... it makes me feel.....
>talks copius amounts of shit
>hides name like a pussy niger fag
like clock work LOL
post your steam profile if you think namefagging is so cool
just fuck already
Another day
Another session of /coopg/ having a hissy fit.
If you can't handle a some autistic screeching, you don't belong on 4chan
Just saw a vet reload before picking up ammo...
showing IG username =/= namefagging lmao

newfag ousted, many such cases...
had an idea for smite
i was thinking about bolt staff and how it would work in DT and i think i know how
remove smite
put the charge smite on surge staff
turn surge staffs basic attack from that stupid little dinky attack in a quick bolt of lightnning that staggers but doesnt chain
replace smite as a blitz with telekenesis
here is my idea for how to fix psyker
>make a new psyker class
>give it two handed force weapons, force halberd, force greatsword, force dildo
>give it staves that are 1:1 with shit they've already done in VT2
>give it regular grenades as blitzes
>forget the original psyker class exists
>shelve any plans to rework it
>whenever someone asks about it, deflect and release a new Psyker 2.0 subclass
it's honestly a really simple fix, can't believe they haven't figured it out
here is my idea how to fix psyker
>give it massive titties
>a fat ass
>make it look female
>jiggle physics that shakes when they use smite
its honestly a really simple fix, cant believe they havnt figured it out
I agree with the above two statements, and would pay money for a combination of both.
Your move, Fatshart.
>remove smite
I agree with this.
Didn't really bother reading the rest.
I will now goon to psyker even harder.
My desire to reward Fatshark by making purchases in their games would go up if they weren't so afraid of the female form in general.
I'd rather it not look cartoonish like you're suggesting but right now the alternative is completely flat female models that are actually just the male models on female characters.
Good job sibling, my Beloved is very proud of you.
>flat female models that are actually just the male models on female characters.
Unfortunately wont be likely because thats how discussions about women looking like women devolves into.
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>heretics are using hellguns
>inquisitorial troops can't
what the fuck
This but for female ogryn
here is my idea how to fix psyker
>give it massive titties
>sexy abs
>make it look female
>jiggle physics that shakes when they shoot bolters
its honestly a really simple fix, cant believe they haven't figured it out
Just give us the force greatsword
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force polearms would be nice too
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power fists when?
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What do we think of Mr.E's melee tier list?
nobody knows what to do with hellguns, because you have the new animations with them being semiautos, whereas them being rapid fire comes from dow
shield is the best melee in the game and it isn't close
And the actual game. Hellguns are far more powerful Lasguns. that's it. So they're supposed to be select fire. The backpack is so you can put LongLas sniper -level shots out of a Lasgun without having to change three thousand cell packs every minute.
power fisting smigger-chan when shes mid-smite
slab maul and shield is the only ting that lets someone resist a gunner line the team has decided to fucking ignore for some retarded reason too. the best survivability tool there is.
Ability to shoot in semi-auto mode doesn't mean "semi-auto only".
In rogue trader for example hellgun can shoot in both single shots and in full-auto.
As for darktide it should just act like a machinegun with a bit of spool-up period and long-ish swap animation to make it distinct from recons.
wrong. it should be at least as powerful as lasgun, or a halfway point between fully charged hellbore shots and lasgun, and select fire. wand it should have no magazine, the entire ammo pool is in the backpack, which is connected to the gun by hose. it should be balanced by low mobility since it IS fairly heavy and bulky. but you can't have the hellgun included and nerf its key mechanics, that its a laser hose of especially powerful lasers. there is no "spool -up" period. if you really want to be silly, you COULD conceivably give it an homage to ghostbusters, by giving the backpack a 'warm up' period complete with ghostbuster backpack sound effect when you switch to it. a longer version of the bolter's 'always have to charge the charging handle when swapping to'

IFyou give players a Hellgun, and its obviously significantly shittier than the gunners hellguns which totally nuke all your toughness in a poofteenth of a second grazing near you.
>Shit movement
Just slide dude

>Only gun choices are wide stagger grenade launcher or a shotgun variant (yes, even the stubbers)
Gauntlet is fun, kickback is fun, the ROK is fun in a pinch

>Shield & Borovian are the only melee to play differentently

more than enough for me
>it should be at least as powerful as lasgun
I don't think I've implied that it should be weak. Of course if should be strong.
And yeah I know there is not "spool-up" because well there is nothing to spool. What I've meant is that it should be a weapon that require you to commit to firing instead of just allowing full-power short bursts.
hotshots are just ap -1 instead of 0 over regular lasguns, whereas the volley gun is rapid fire 2, 2 attacks, str 4, ap -1, and extra 6" range, its slower but stronger heavy stubber, having -6" range, ap 0, rapid fire 3, and 3 attacks
no, because hotshots are just a slightly stronger lasgun, the media depictions are just all over the place, its feel likes a meme with lasguns that nobody knows how theyre suppose to function, technically lasgun arent ever rapidfire unless theres a big power pack or mounted, and that makes sense, but then you have the recons, which were rapid fire for darktide alone when thats not really how theyre supposed to be, the helbores, not suppose to charge, theyre suppose to "gets hot"
darktide haloween event is just changing the coherency buff icon?
why is the best heavy sword lower than the others
He says it's because it's damage sucks compared to the other two.
Spooky, right?
Honestly though I think they changed it because Fatshark has been making a lot of pointless changes lately.
it's enough to oneshot litteraly any special with the best moveset by far, both ragers included, wtf is he on about, you ain't going to kill crushers with the other 2 regardless of their damage
the orhers do a LOT more damage when cleaving ragers and gunners but thats really it, the moveset on em is a little awkward
wait, did they fix fury applying on ranged fire?
Guess laspistol isn't no longer sleeper op
some russian is hitting on me and invites to the team in mourningstar..
well russia has almost as much aids as africa so that checks out
okay, i get why people shat on smiggers before the buff but it's legitimately broken now, at least it's trash in maelstrom with nurgle's blessing but damn. i'm guessing trauma shield is still king for general auric?
>tried out the weapon customization mod
why the fuck wasn't this built into the game
Because it's not CoD
>fanatic has special line when using flamethrower
>agitator has for evi
what judge gets?
Literally was advertised as an upcoming feature on release
Afaik the modder activated the hidden feature and expanded on it
Too bad he's an autistic fuck and has been completely bloating the mod since a while now
terminal autism
what are those lines?
>variations of burn burn yes yes
>rend tear wahaha I'm not sure if maybe it procs with different weapons but for me it was always on evi
If you analyze the sound files you can hear male judge jerk off to the sound of his own epic voice
whats interesting is if you analyze further you find out that the length of his strokes is very short
>game has ADS
CoD clone.
i'm new to the game
why the fuck do they make you redo a bunch of shit and unlocks (even training dummies) if you play another operative
like they did it fine in rats 2
is it just to pad out the gameplay because i'm enjoying it, just seems odd
can you guys stop being fags for a second and give me a straight answer
>commissar lisp
I stopped listening to the vox thing halfway through
huh? it's literally same, darktide lets you skip all tutorials and only things you get redone are cutscenes you can just skip as well
idk, do penance, farm aurics, get all your masteries and good weapons to 500
Now you can play the game. Try different builds and weapons. Challenge yourself by playing harder missions.
>farm aurics
farm to get what?
im not trying to be difficult i am just genuinely clueless since this game does a terrible job of telling you things
>farm to get what?
to get fun
Crucis my beloved.
I have no idea who this guy is, and I don't care.
What's the drop rate?
>get all your masteries and good weapons to 500
for example
i also wanted to ask with regards to 500 weapons, am i right in saying

>rating 500 weapons all have a stat budget of 380, divided between 5 stats clamped between 60-80%
>besides mastery, the only gear "progression" is RNG on how the stat budget is distributed and whether or not this is favorable for your build

also what the fuck is the stat priority for the rashad combat axe
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chuds and trannies are meant for each other
If unsure = dump mobility

chaxe is higher than B
The older one definitely should be in A. The newer one is meh, so B is fine.
are you referring to the rashad axe
isnt finesse important for the cleave/brutal momentum/whateverthefuck
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They don't know me but they are my internet friends. We are practically family.
I'm referring to basically any weapon. Mobility is a niche stat that is nice to have but not really necessary unless you're specifically going to zoomie build. Which is why everybody use mobility as dump stat.
As for rashad axe — inspect, mouse over that stat, read. You will see that of course finesse is important because it's more damage and higher attack speed.
>mouse over that stat, read
>but i did
>no you have to go into a separate menu and mouse over it there!

also you didnt mention weak spot hits
>also you didnt mention weak spot hits
Yeah, because that's what you always aim for regardless of stats you dumdum.
im not a dumdum
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>think the image is a photoshopped shitpost
>its not
meanwhile you fags will lose your shit over a modded hud
this shit is way worse
no i dont think so
Is there a mod that makes your stacks of disrupt destiny and scrier's gaze ALWAYS visible? In a dedicated spot maybe?
I'm so tired of them getting swallowed up by a hundred passives and auras, and SPRINT (??? wtf fatshark)
That hair/face combination is literally just Meryl Silverburgh. It's too much of a coincidence that the only halfway attractive face and hair styles resemble her so much that it leads me to believe that some fag on the dev team has her as his waifu or some shit. Compels me to use different shit on my Zealot just so I don't end up looking like 90% of female player characters in this game.
>attractive face
Whoa there calm down, i will agree on this being the best female face but let's not pretend it's attractive
serious question.

Why do people turn retarded any time snipers exist? like, they can't even use their immediate clear abilities to draw some time to shoot them. they jsut stand in the open and eat shit until they die. they don't even go to cover, fight the shit they have there, and then take the sniper. they just pretend the sniper isn't there even when it shoots them.
She will bear you strong sons.
there's the ONE white girl face which is at least acceptable. and there is ONE asian face which DOES approach cute, even.

but every other face is either 'crack whore', 'meth whore' or
>"look sven, I made another Sheboon Unga bunga retarded ape monkey! they will never Know I am a racist fuck If I claim I am being an Inclusive Ally!"
>"good good Gertrude, you made this shaniqua even fuglier! how DO you do it?"
Did you miss "halfway"?
>tanner going down and died
lolhe unironically got carried
I love going fast in missions with a psyker, they literally can't keep up lmao!!!
>I'm an auric storm survivor!
>Of course I die to regular pox walker hordes
>Of course I can't evade disabler mechanics
>Of course I can't handle multiple ragers
>Of course I can't dodge crusher swings
>Of course I stand in the fire
>Of course I refuse to target gunners and just let them whittle my toughness and health down
>I'm an auric storm survivor!
>>"look sven, I made another Sheboon Unga bunga retarded ape monkey! they will never Know I am a racist fuck If I claim I am being an Inclusive Ally!"
>>"good good Gertrude, you made this shaniqua even fuglier! how DO you do it?"
I really do wonder what these modellers think when they create a face that looks like a racial caricature, or what a casting agent is told for them to go out and contact an actor that looks like an actual gorilla.
I don't know how you guys bother playing auric with randoms.
I hate luggerchuds so much
can you explain how he thinks ogryns power maul is in the B ranking? thats probably the worst weapon ive ever used.
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This is what my vanilla HUD looks like. I think it's pretty clean and I like it.
>"Find the blackest black that ever blacked, the works, gorilla lips, protruding lower jaw, ect. If we dont represent the average black person we will be called racists for giving them white features."
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Reminder Pyskers are very slow and you can outrun them and let them die to being overwhelmed.
ogryn is the most grindy
vet is second most grindy
zealot is third most grindy
psyker is the least grindy
t. completed all
my trauma psyker has the speed of a knife zealot. You can never outrun me.
vet penance is the reason why i got the auto tag cheatermod
>Smaller hotbox
do you think the AI have a tougher time shooting smaller targets retard?
idk i got all the vet penances when i was at 60ish out of 100 mission completed penance. all the other classes i had penances still after the 100 mission one.
>hit dog with plasma gun
>it doesn't drop dead
dumb dogs
What are they made of, niggerfagium?

ramming the train into commissar Dukane
I didn't know xbots could use mods
It just shows how racist DIEtards and wokies actually are.
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guess i'm NGMI
Drop from A tier:
>the two shit variants of pickaxe
>power swords
>force swords
>ironhelm thammer

Lift from B tier:
>shock maul
>devils claw mk4 (I'd put this into S tier frankly but that's just my massive bias)

But A and B tier are anyway largely the same, they're all *fine*. S and S+++ seem correct.
eh, it's too shit at hording to be higher imo, bit annoying to get safe shreds with how slow it is as well.
Crucis deservers to be higher even with shit hording since it mogs it on single target
get slaughter and headtaker and the chaxe will shred hordes with heavies
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>prompts on screen telling him there's a dog
>presumably the dog is making noise
>fuck all around him to worry about
>still manages to get pounced by the dog
For some reason the part that bothers me the most is that most of the shit isn't centred or lined up properly. Fucking philistine can't appreciate symmetry.
>eh, it's too shit at hording to be higher imo
It's not, pushattack+heavies can deal with hordes just fine.
>annoying to get safe shreds
True, but but fuck that anyway. Just use lights for single target damage. It's not dueling sword's poke of course, but it's better than special attack at least.
judging by your face neither can you
>*fingers your asshole*
Now what?
god damn that's ugly
Uwu, keep going
the fuck is this GUI? icons and crap are blocking the most important parts of the fucking screen
>Verification not required.
damn anon at least buy me a drink first
and that GUI shit should be 1/3 bigger. and split up. the team information can easily use the op left corner. your gun shit the bottom right. and the you information can easily take up the entire bottom edge of the screen so that as much of the screen itself isn't clogged with your gui shit.
I think Mr.E is RealAsianRobot tier for making builds that make no sense, but at least he's committed to Darktide. I guess we get the content creators we deserve.
at least they're all auric maelstroms proven to an extent if he bothers doing a solo run with all of them
what happened to the gook vtuber
moved on to other games
She's still streaming Darktide
See? You don't need weird powers to make a difference. *yells very loudly to heal you and telekinetically push enemes back*
what's weird about that? it worked well in skyrim
that's Heresy / 10. report for commisariat BLAMming. everyone knows Faith in the Emporer can manifest as divine power granted by Him On Earth! and calling it Psyker filthiness Is a Direct Insult to His Imperial Majesty!
i respect the autism
today I learned you can select characters with wasd in vermintide 2
Well, her voice sounds feminine. Are current voice changers good enough for that?
so, when are we getting the rest of the scion set, the helmet is the only thing i paypigged for but it doesnt fit with anything
the pigslopshop rotation is bound by astrological patterns and i am not qualified to answer

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