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Previous: >>499888664
What the fuck is nightfall's problem?
what the fuck are you doing saksa
Nightfall looks like a shit carry
>Pro players deserve 25% of the money from arcanas and immortals because... uhhh THEY DO OKAY
nightfall seems so shit on paper I don't get why the pick it. maybe same r eason I pick him he is just cool as hell
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Buff Hoodwink
I don't get it, he doesn't even play anymore
why are you still sucking his dick?
are there any drawfags left
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That looks eerily similar to a picture that was posted yesterday.
No, AICHADS mogged them too hard
more marci in black please
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why haven't they added my wife to the game yet?
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I want to impregnate and marry marci
Which game I'm not actually watching.
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Because Dota is GAY
4 years ago Valve released 2 female heroes in a row and redditors complained that we needed more burly monsters and ugly DEI hires. So valve designed primal beast, the Sweet Baby mexican, turned PA into a fag, plus the latest 2 faggot heroes
this exact same post word for word but Mirana
Asan is probably the least bad addition to this game.
He reminds me of Kain.
so act 4 is coming out... right?
Yes it's going to be Act IV+Diretide+New Hero+Confluence
EARLY 2025
Trust the plan.
Act 4 + Frostivus + Balance Patch.
in Late January 2025 (early march)
Is it true to not play ranked on the weekend in Dota 2 as well? I was close to Bronze 2 in LoL and entered an 8 or 9 lose streak that I was demoted to Iron 1 and close to Iron 2. The amount of fucking griefers, inters, trolls, etc is insane.
Why does it take me 10 to 15 mins to find a match? I'm in NA in case ye ask.
Act 4 is this game's Heavy update.
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My boi tide is finally picked
Wood mmr post, you were the reason your team lost
Valve delaying this shit for 3 months is making me consider starting to play a gacha fucking hell
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>Report shitty indian weaver
>Literally 15 minutes later get told he's been punished
So satisfying
10 points had been deducted from his player score!
I wish instead it literally castrated him
they're just fucking around at this point, it's the 10th game in two? three? days
what the fuck is going on? tundra getting pubstomped on
>It's my fault I can't 1v9 when a team mate is dying on purpose so we can lose faster
In Dota 2, there is a chance. In LoL, there isn't unfortunately.
Someone answer me?
You have no way of knowing that.
Sorry bro, but reports do nothing.
wtf Reddit got us Primal Beast? I thought they were soi bois.
Dota 2: The Long Haul Update
I know, I know. A Dotard explained to me how junglers basically make games unwinnable.
Team spirit losing versus Waksa...
is that for deadlock?
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the confluence... any day now...
Imagine when Valve shutsdown Dota they make a video that shows both of the sides losing.
i liek your meme may i save the image?
No. And for your clarification I am not the person who posted it.
>the Secret Shop (((Merchant))) just picks up his tent and goes on to the "next adventure" with a big smile on his face
rude :(
>hoodwink removed
deer pussy
>implying Valve wants to save dota
That would kill Dota
>it's a smurf account deliberately draws out a won game because he feels like it.
There is no way he was that retarded fucking 40 minutes of a won game getting CC'd as a pos3 until I lose my lead until I am able to end the game when he could've just been in any teamfight. What make's carries such gigafaggots.
Reminds me of my pudge mid that went like 18-3 and proceeded to go 1vs5 3 times in a row and then we lost.
>beans added to model
no this guy was special in his griefing, he avoided every fight while I just got ass raped by CC and slowly farmed up until he became Le Carry xDxxxx got the five racks but not the sixth which would give mega creeps btw I had to get that. We also almost lost the game because of this shit, ancient had 73 hp and the entire enemy team scaled. Finally we won a fight in their base and I ended, pretty sure only reason he shot their ancient was to not make it obvious. This is fucking LoL tier griefing honestly and I won't be playing anymore DotA today even if the games have all been free. Was so fucking miserable, oh and our Razor was a braindead retard too along with that faggot griefing Weaver.
got bored of Dota 2, so I downloaded a Dota AllStars matchmaking client and set it all up and played some Dota 1
it's pretty fun, I recommend it if you've never played Dota 1 but are curious about it
apparently the guy who maintained it used to work with Icefrog and the downside is that he's kinda trying to copy Dota 2 with every patch he releases. like he added the Talent tree and some other things that Dota 2 has and his reason is because something like Dota 2 is the natural progression of Dota since it's what Icefrog moved on to do. or something like that
idk, if you want to play older patches though, then Reforged has lobbies with older patches, so that's nice that there's some variety
is there any proof that dota has engagement based matchmaking? EOMM
No idea but I haven't thousands of games to judge it on my own. LoL was really obvious about it if DotA has it it's a lot more subtle.
I had that happen to me awhile ago but it was kinda based, ngl
the enemy Luna was a smurf and refusing to push hg and farmed a bunch of Rapiers, Aghs, and an Aether Lens and was basically oneshotting us with Lucent Beams
enemy team was pissed at Luna because she wouldn't end the game
>Luna says, "where do you think I learned to play :)"
no, just schizo ramblings
well there is a behaviour score factor, so it's definitely not purely elo based like normal games
Bro... are you telling me if I want to learn Dota I should intentionally get myself into low priority queue?
if anything, you'll probably learn how to hard solo carry games
Cool, I'll ask my teammates to report me after game.
realistically it'd be hard to implement in dota because players and circumstances can vary so much
the game can't know if someone is calm or tilted the fuck out
it can't know if someone is drunk/high or focused
it can't know if someone will pick a hero they can or cannot play
it can only know how someone is generally, in both skill and behaviour at most it can roughly give you games that might create more engagement but even in games it thinks you should statistically win to keep you happy, it can't predict that someone on your team just arbitrarily decides to shit themselves and make it your problem
Yeah, if you havent played for a long ass time you will be paired with people on a loss streak. to et more losses.
punishment for not spending. basically low prio.
t. havent played in like two months and get matched with nothing but people with sub50% wr
this is the shittest game ever i wish i never got beta access
so why is Deadlock flopping? haven't they been adding a bunch of new heroes and stuff?
deadlock is better than dota get over it
The game feels done at this point despite being in "alpha"
and the direction of balance is all over the place.
literally dota since 2013
Power creep and bloat kills every game, deadlock is a prime example. Way too much new stuff in a short amount of time.
Dota gets its new stuff added much more slowly which is why dota is dying a lot slower
If they want to save the game they should add the real Techies to the game again
fuck no.
i agree the game should die...
techies is already dead tho LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
tfw no gf
jsut get one
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templar assassin in bondage when?
ur too late dude
Hoodwink beans
oh fuck lads i just realised since being here since 2013

this game is shit
and its dead
2012-2017 /d2g/ was peak
this game has been dead since 2014 bro why are you still here...
>ignoring the shitposting from fly/n0tail drama
the ppd GOT edits where peak
everything was better 10-20 years ago
i got riki darted
Brewmaster is so fucking dogshit
im practicing morphling, any advice?
dotabuff com/players/1772345227
I keep getting matched with absolute braindead people
This is not okay. Im certainly not this fucking dumb and im not the same skill as these fuckers.
>Im certainly not this fucking dumb
x to doubt
Literal braindead players in my games.
Nothing I can do about it. Every game has been worse than the one before, and its not even a behavior score issue, its literally maxed out, the matchmaking just wants me to fucking lose every single game.
>Ally pudge misses hooks with people standing skill and even CC'd
>People pick stupid shit like ringmaster and build orchid on it
on top of that they feed and they blame me for not carrying their ass.
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>mfw skadi assault and daedalus on luna instead of the meta shit
I miss non-hero cosmetic items so much. It's crazy that there are hundreds of HUDs but if you sort by most recent, there's a 2016 HUD in the first row of results. Why did Valve stop releasing interface cosmetics? Most of those old HUDs are unusable due to Aghanims changes.
yeah, my favorite portal's HUD got fucked hard.
Another of Valve's "features" abandoned.
(It was just a monetization test)
Will buying an Invoker persona set give me the persona?
Yes, don't
Morph is a hero for troons
nuh uh
troons play things like lol and overwatch, not dota
is iceiceice dead? been a month since he last streamed and he just watched a bit of dota then went to play lost ark

He is too rich to bother streaming, like most Dota 2 pros who don't deserve our money
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Fem orc hero when?
>get hoodwink mid in team
I won one game.
go ahead, I just made it
how do you play againts morphling counter?
i hate playing againts doom, ice blast and duel.
you hope your offlaner tanks all that shit.
what if its a 1 v 9 game?
pick a better hero
i love testing the water.
you let your team wipe then you wipe
what if my team simply die without tanking any spells?
Accept your fate.
What did he mean by this?
Do you guys think its wrong to smurf and stomp using tryhard hero like morph? or its okay since everyone smurf anyway.
>Play Enigma for the first time since 6.something
Have his spells always been basically melee-range or is that a change from the past few years?

And yes, I got stomped. That was brutal.
isn't bronze the equivalent of herald? you shouldn't worry about MMR assassins because you already are one
>game seems done
>the direction of balance is all over the place
pick one
small hero roster, which means lack of variety in matches
also wonky balance
Every time I play against arc warden, I want to kill myself.
sange (and consequently halberd/sny/kns) should increase cleave damage by 100% (of the existing value)
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what went wrong?
children dont drink onions
Roaming, brawl provoking 4s have been much more prevalent in the past than now (during the time bounty runes only gave gold to the hero that picked them up).

Dota's average skill level is also incomparably higher than it was several years ago and increases every year. It's typical to hear accounts of returning players being unable to handle the competition and dropping to much lower ranks.
>lost to a pos3 venge
my life
we had trilanes at the last ti
>Dota then
>Dota now
>Based Aryan chad
Checks out
Was it a melee or ranged Venge?
melee facet
get jenkins away from the instruments
Play Turbo.
Turbo is the worst gamemode. It's not even dota.
correct, its dota ascended
No it's for mouthbreathers
im sorry you feel that way
It's not a feeling, you slobbering retards dont have ranked for a reason
ranked mmr is meaningless these days
hidden mmr that cant be manipulated with dd tokens is legitimate
Whatever you have to cope with to pretend your gamemode doesnt exist purely for Russians to farm behavior score
Whatever you have to cope with to pretend your gamemode doesnt exist purely for Russians to farm immortal accounts
>n-no u!!!
Turbo player IQ really shining through
didnt deny anything :)
much more of a yesu
Which will be a better game, Nigma vs GG or BB vs XG?
should be bb-xg but yesterday we got

nigma-bb 1-1
xg-nouns 1-1

so who knows
bb xg
nigma is bad relying only their name recognition

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