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Zenkai no /llsifg/!: >>499833265

LLLL: Autumn gacha
Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club TOKIMEKI Roadmap to Future releases on Switch April 24th

Let's be ONE and DAISUKI FULL POWER release October 23rd
Bubble Rise / Special Color releases November 13th
School Idol Musical the DRAMA begins airing November 21st
Genjitsu no Yohane theatrical compilation movie releases in Japanese theaters November 29th
Cerise Bouquet + Dollchesta + Mira-Cra Park! 2nd unit split single releases December 4th
Nijigasaki Final Chapter part 1 OST releases December 4th
Superstar S3 insert single 2 releases December 11th
Eternal Hours releases December 18th
Genjitsu no Yohane theatrical compilation movie BD releases December 25th, includes a new song
Ai Scream! releases January 22nd
Nijigaku Monthly Songs singles begin releasing each month starting January 29th
Niji Conclusion Arc Part 2 releases in Japanese theaters winter 2025
Aqours 4th Solo Concert Albums release on the respective girl's birthday
Aqours Finale Live announced

>SIF2 databases, teambuilder, misc stuff

>LLLL gameplay guides
(in Japanese)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rrZFdnRXX9cigAH3jI6874KVv8RcI9A9CaXdWFus3OE/edit#gid=515581572
>LLLL card database
>LLLL story links

>dead game offline/private server guides

Thanks NHK
how hard is it to remove outdated releases without being spoonfed?
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i love them
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ren and sumire please
Thanks Rin
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This is cutest thing that recently happened
For what? Nothing
He's trash, quit pretending falseflagging idiot
Natsumi was always the cutest
These last two episodes have been nothing but soul, feels like pure liquefied Love Live goodness again. Liellabros.....
mou... shinaide...
Shanghai groups:
Ren, Sumire, Shiki and Natsumi: whoring themselves out in China dresses
Kanon, Chisato, Mei, Kinako, Natsumi: meeting la Hermana de Keke
Keke and Margarete: ?
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>end card showing Tomari and Natsumi eating sweet potatoes together
>as lolis
>Tomari’s favorite food is sweet potatoes
tfw her favorite food is one that her sister probably bought for her, or at least they enjoyed together as a kid frequently
You're NOT supposed to praise Superstar.
i like s3 so far but fuck, if she was going to have a sister they really should have foreshadowed it.
Yeah, because people siblings they don't mention when not relevant is something otherworldly you can't just bring up out of the blue.
Would have called you a fag but I forget I have a brother sometimes since he's not very social and I don't bring him up much in casual convo so fair
What makes sense in real life makes for faulty logic in fiction.
Why what’s the issue
that's not what i'm saying. You know how disengenous it is for the 1st years to say in ep 2 "hey you mentioned you had a sister right" when that never fucking happened in s2.
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Tomari is so cute
I don't remember it not happening.
Even the insert song B-side tracks are surprisingly solid. What the hell is going on they're actually listening to reception and feedback??? Who'd have thought that worked.
The lack of foreshadowing for Tomari just makes her feel like a last-minute addition, especially when so much of Liella early on felt like it was building towards a 12-member group, not 11.
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Please stop... please say something bad about Liella S3 already... please...
It’s poor people’s food, it makes sense that she likes it.
The derelict man’s DiaMari.
It's a conversation that had nothing to do with the plot of S2 so it makes sense that we didn't see it.
Also, they could have said "hey you never mentioned her" instead, and it wouldn't have made a lick of a difference.
I guess you could call these two….イモうと
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Natsumi's sister and her personal life seems pretty integral to shaping up the issues she had in season 2.
>Also, they could have said "hey you never mentioned her" instead, and it wouldn't have made a lick of a difference.
It would have addressed the elephant in the room better than pretending it was something casually mentioned in Season 2.
I don't get it
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B-tracks being good was the norm for season 2 already.
She was keeping her personal life pretty well hidden so telling her groupmates about having a sister was probably just an offhand comment rather than opening up to them. Also Natsumi's dream issues are a thing with or without Tomari, it's Tomari's issues that are directly tied to her sister.
Imo = sweet potato
Imouto = little sister
>pretending it was something casually mentioned in Season 2.
you made this up in your head and you're mad about it, seek therapy
I want to meet the nigga who decided, "Hmm which trait should we keep with Ai? Shitty puns or gyaru? Shitty puns."
It doesn't really change anything either way. They knew nothing else about her sister. Didn't even know where either of them lived. Just that Natsumi had mentioned once that she had one.
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i just said it would have been nice if she mentioned or hinted at it before. damn
They hated anon for he told the truth
always a shitpost
>Keke and Margarete: ?
Gonna hatefuck each other over Kanon
Did you run out of arguments or something?
>everyone on 4chan is me and my boyfriend
It's me, I'm the guy who decided Ai should be the shitty puns girl
What are you gonna do about it, punk?
Kuku's episode next week gonna ruin the entire season btw
if there's anything, S3 is what S2 should have been
also, songs don't stand out as much
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She's just like me frfr
DiaMari isn't as one sided as TomaKano though
Mari is just pretending to be submissive to Dia, while Kanon is pretty much a doormat to Tomari
Wait fuck I mean Maggie lmao
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Her demeanor... changed...
Her optimism... gone...
Her dream... vanished...
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Maggie will fix that
Maggie is for Kanon doe
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I just meant the cheeks-pulling
name of doujin please
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Mari is always looking for someone to top her.
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Which seiyuu actually genuinely like LL and their character?
Tomori. She knew she wasn't good enough so she gave her seat to someone more deserving
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She seems like she genuinely loves playing Yoshiko.
how does she feel about her designated partner being a shitposter that ruined her career so fucking early?
all because her sister can't stick with one thing
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Not Anchan
Not Burger King
Not Shuggo
Not Kankan
Not.... the 104 seiyuu who sat in a chair during mira cra park's last live
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Something I've always found cute is that Aikyan mentioned she grew out the sides of her bangs longer than usual specifically for Yoshiko and I don't think she has ever cut them shorter since. Same with Furi casually having pink hair most of the time.
maybe not LL as a whole but (most of) Niji show they love the group and bringing their characters to life
they have great synergy with their characters and their C&R sessions are fun
Do you think she cried at home after they announced the last live?
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Our precious orange leader
She genuinely did. Here's the translation of her fanclub post the day after:
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Hopefully loliKeke next episode
Why were the nutellas so F A T as kids?
Loli onitsuka is so hot
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>they *all* wore the exact same hairstyles they have now in high school, that they wore in kindergarten
So lazy
That's the case for almost every raibu.
You're not supposed to point that out
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That's the case for almost every anime character.
If you could only get a blowjob from one of them who is named Mia who would you choose and why is it Mia
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so... wait... the whole reason Tomari and Natsumi were sneaking away last episode was just cause... they live far away? what
ONE FOR NINE and NINE FOR ONE by the group qp flapper
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How's my drawing, /llsifg/?
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Holy UGGO overload + Gubitch.
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I don't like when they show the raibus as children. I want to fuck teenage girls not preschoolers.
Before her papa died!
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loli shioriko had long hair and JK kaoruko had short hair
>"i'm only a pedophile for high schoolers"
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that's an oxymoron
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He's just saying high schoolers > kids. I don't think he cares about the legality of either.
This makes since to a coomer
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he's saying he's not a pedo because he doesn't wanna fuck little kids are you retarded
ugly crap
Same difference
Let's be fair, anything under the age of 18 makes you a pedophile
>she was 17 years and 364 days old officer
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Still underaged
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Go back.
Didn't you say you're giving up replying to your boyfriend's bait weeks ago?
You wish the age of consent was still the same in Japan don't you
to where
most places is 18
American website
This is legal aged Tomori
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This is underaged Agupon
Reminder that age is just a number!
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She's 15?? Zamn....
Maybe legally but when you look at a cute girl her age doesn't appear before your eyes, you just see if shes attractive and has an appealing body. Being attracted to teens is completely normal, it doesn't make you a pedophile. Plus anyone that tries to say liking a 5 year old and liking a 16 year old are equivalent are just retards trying to muddy the waters.
americans are hypocrites, teen porn is consistently one of the most popular right before cuckoldry and bbc.
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It's always hotter when an adult woman dresses like a little girl.
stupid sexy pomu.
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ok you got me, that episode was pretty good. I think the message of people neglecting their dreams/hobbies for money is pretty relevant nowadays so it's nice.
It wasn't her.
Everyone knows that
>Liella TV stream
>all these Niji ads
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now that the anime is confirmed super kino and they even brought back sex, are you going to apologize for all the times you insulted them?
i never want to hear any nonsense about them pushing Liella now
Wait this is a Live Show?
And its not locked behind a vpn?

I'll apologize to them, alright.
*unzips dick*
>As soon as they start Kuma has mic problems
Saku :3
saku is genuinely so fuckable
ugly tablecloth dresses
beautiful ikisei interaction, i'm so glad i was born unto this world because i got to see this
They should kiss.
we have the technology
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We do
The future will be great
Glad to know the deadline for messages is as late as one day before the event
nonbitch can't go 2 seconds without needing to hog the spotlight
shut the fuck up
It's funny how the melting fingers still gives it away.
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She's desperate as fewer fans are buying her act.
Twintail Hunter Kurone-sama!
Forget Kinako!
There's something to be said about Liyuu not wanting to live in a packed room
Literally just leaked a song
what happened?
Liyuu hummed a short melody saying "happy happy", Peiko and Nagisa suddenly stopped her
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>all the Niji shilling lately
>2025 is just going to be Niji shilling
w-what about akua...? is the last live all we're all going to get...?
Akua is dead and Anchan killed it.
Niji isn't getting shilled after the movie turbo flopped.
>Niji isn't getting shilled after the movie
Yeah they're only getting songs every months, a game, another movie, a bunch of figures, etc.
All planned when they thought the movie was going to be a hit.
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>Audition clips
what in the actual fuck?
Sakuchang... you've grown so much ;_,
Dreams do come true bros
We're all gonna make it
I'm sorry but I still only care about the 5. The other 6 could leave and I wouldn't care
You could leave and I wouldn't care.
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She has her true love.
Cute and canon
Shiiiiiieeet they will also stream the 2nd stage
dumb Maru
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Make one with Mayu and Nacho kissing.
do you want to vomit
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reminder Hasu fes x live in 1 hour! Rurino will perform, but Tsuzuri will use prerecorded voice because voice hurt.
I see that AI is moving forward. I wonder when we'll get porn.
what the fuck is happening with her right hand?
What happened to the 'fraction of a shit' guy?
nah, they just shifted to shilling Niji more
>free mini concert
>only 8k is watching the stream
Eight thousand too many?
It's dinner time in Japan, they went to eat first so they are ready for the real stream coming up
Midella kek
What's the point of doing 2 parts if both were the exact same songs and behind the scenes video. Guessing there isn't even anything getting announced here
Bandai Saku shilling time
chat is this real
it's starting! >>500147097
I can understand the anime, but being a 5fag for the seiyuu makes no fucking sense.
is this concert also in the app?
Ceribu is so kino.
kek, overlapping streams
majority watching in app since you get to pick your camera angles if you ranked high enough
God, she's so hideous.
squeaker time
Those outfits are really cool
god i want to have sex with megumi so bad
Just say you hate Niji

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