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Crossover edition

>Steam Page:

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Latest Patch:

>How do I git in?
Post your Steam profile and ask. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for each hero in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

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Deadlock Delight
Vindicta best girl.
So does this mean that Emissary is the average rank?
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Literally every fucking game has been decided by gray talon this company is fucking filled with subhumans they all need to be hanged
I genuinely have not seen a worst balance since overwatch, this is very close to somehow beating that.
So I've been thinking, creeps after 10 minutes give each around 100 souls. Each creep wave have 4 creeps on each lane that all spawns at the same time from the enemy base.
My thinking is, what stops a seven from sneaking into the enemy base, ulting the creep spawns for an instand 1600 souls (or 3200 with refresher in just 30 seconds) and then fucking off. No one is going to pay attention to their base if the walkers aren't blown up and if they zipline in, they're going to get stunned and possibly killed if you have escalating exposure. Am I onto something here?
Vindicta nerfs in 2 weeks trust the plan
High rank people (Phantom-Eternus) what games did you play before Deadlock? Do you have to spend 10000 hours in mobas/shooters to gitgud?
According to Tracklock Archon II is the midpoint
I would not be surprised if their numbers were slightly off and the delineation point is programmed to be between Emissary VI and Archon I
>fourth game in a row with an abrams that ends up with 2x the souls of anyone else and an 26-2 k/d
He didn't even get buffed that hard this patch, what is going on?
post hot deadlock ai slop already...
sorry that was me i just like playing strong heroes in ranked :^)
Forgot pic
Dota 2 smite league hots etc I came out the womb playing these games my G
>lost ark, osrs, ffxiv, poe
>street fighter
havent invested any significant time into a moba since dota 2 like 8 years ago unless you count playing smite casually with my gf and i'm ascendant
sorry but I like winning
>phantom 2
>11 hours in dota 2
>400+ hours in overwatch
>3000+ hours in tf2
That sounds more complicated and risky than just farming or advancing lanes. Also, like hell would people not care about Seven ulting in their base.
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4000 hours in dota (im still trash)
2000 hours in CSGO in high school
2000 hours in League in high school
a few hundreds of hours across other fps games
uncountable amount of hours in all types of RPG and strategy games
>wtf is seven doing? free kill
I was mystic when tracklock still had meme ranks, is this reasonably accurate (top ~20%) or was it completely vapid?
This really rubs in the fact that I got sent to Initiate 3. I guess I'm not good at shooters or playing against people.
you'll figure it out soon enough if you play ranked
I've never played a MOBA and barely touched PvP shooters before Deadlock and got sent to Initiate 3. I assume long time TF2 and/or Dota 2 players (especially "and") had a head start.
Well the spawns are on a fixed timer, so you could just go in, ult and go out in 10 seconds, so by the time people realize what's happening, you'd be long gone and you'd throw some balls on their jungle on the way out. It's so stupid, there's no way they'd expect it.
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Seven ult buffs are pretty good for early - mid game at least.
I don't think Phantom is really high rank but
>never played a moba
>played overwatch from release to season 1 (got diamond)
>lots and lots of single player shooters from doom wads to ultrakill
>a lot of jrpgs too
>700 hours on btd6
I have 2000 hours in CSGO, 20 hours in Overwatch and 0 hours in any moba

I stomped like my first 20 games just brooling and then immediately started hard feeding for my next 100 until I figured out what macro was, so that tracks
oh yea im the guy who plays a lot of grindslop mmos and i was gm in overwatch from like season 2-8 until i quit playing that trash
From phantom 4 and above in most regions you are top 4k in that region so yes its pretty high lmao
playing against vindictas who DON'T have tf2 sniper training. is realll great
in the base with bd protection, you get zapped even outside of the pit.
What macros are you using? Actually, doesn't that count as cheating?
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
These are TWO different characters.
I don't know if this is a moba thing but people here are really delusional about ranks. They'll call anything under Eternus poop mmr.
This is where I was a month ago

Macro = big picture what to do in the match, like which lane to push or which fight to take
Micro = individual actions in individual situation, ie baiting out Abrams shoulder slam before popping ult as Haze or last hitting a creep before poking the enemy laner

I never thought about this until I started playing the inhouses
I don't have any input macros
its just terminally online retards in any game
Ah, true, oh well, that would've been funny.

The patron would shoot you if you don't have any base guardians destroyed? Ah, too bad.
ok retard you can stop spamming this
I'm phantom 2 which according to tracklock is top 75% on south america, it's above average but I'd only start bragging about top 10%.
4chan also attracts people who play this game a lot which is why the rank average is a bit higher
no, it's like a torment pulse effect anywhere in the base
when I played hearthstone people would say the same thing about people who are below top 1000
they would call top 10000 "the dumpster"
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First time I've ever recieved a direct message on the forums.
In CSGO they would call everyone including Global Elites trash because "anyone can get carried to global in a 5 stack, if you're not Faceit 10 or on a pro team you're garbage"
You are top 800 in your region people also don't realize valve could have easily combined the last 3 ranks and gave out numbers like dota
So strategy?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>south america
I don't like that the slot machines turn towards you now.
Because there are a lot less people on the server compared to EU and NA, an Archon player is top 2k on SA. I don't think they'll put numbers so soon though, they are only calibrating ranks once a week and giving numbers instead of broad ranks go against that.
Basically, but my understanding is that all the moba fags think it's 90% solved and you should just know when to push which walker or not, rather than like in CSGO where someone in the game is calling the shots in the moment for the team

So if you spawn and go to work on the walker in your lane again instead of going to yellow walker because 4 are showing on the other side of the map, meppz screams at you for being trash
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>do gun build miku or bebop to brool
>always end up turning my brain on and ooobjectiving instead
how do i stop this?
Post your playtime and your rank
>350 hours, Phantom 3
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asneedant 4
Add "sinner's sacrifice is actually a creep" to the iceberg
Ascendant 4
282 hours
Initiate 3
What the fuck happened to Infernus? I was gone for two weeks and now I cant seem to kill anyone. I get ignored every teamfight and it makes no difference
quick question, are you a ricochet tard
Phantom 4
315 hours
no you don't understand, it helps establish a general's "culture" to make the same post in every thread, without fail, and also to have many such posts appearing in every thread without fail. That's how people who find the general for the first time understand what the posters in it are like.
eternus 3
played league in pre-season to season 2
about 10k hours in CS and games like it
about 10k hours in 1st/3rd person survival shooters / BRs

I'm mid ascendant
Usually? But I'm not even getting to 6k items before we get rolled and lose
inhouse up

code: KND5V
how many rubles did you pay
lobby just crashed for some reason.

Why does the game get less fun every patch?
200, Oracle 5
if you get an early spiritual overflow your damage output increases tremendously, ricochet is a noobtrap
lmao have a few great players here that lurk steal info and doesnt credit DLG but you didnt hear that from me

all i know that people started spamming miku and got shadow weave nerf after people here claiming it was S+ tier
I cant even seem to fucking hit people so it doesnt matter. My aim feels super weird and floaty. Did they change some setting around this? Feels fucking awful
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it gets more fun actually
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First pass at Miku Turret Build for inhouse.
kill yourself talon abuser
deadlock network offline, how we sposed to join
Deadflop. Concord II.
prepatch webm doe
Sorry, probably my fault because I joined and left while you were the only one there.
I think when someone leaves, the server checks the player count and crashes the lobby if only the host is left.
I mostly play duo lanes, but every time I get put into a solo lane it ends up being one of the most boring things ever. We'll maybe exchange a kill or 2, but for the most part it seems like every solo lane devolves into just farming for ~10 minutes until someone ganks and one of the guardians is finally taken.
not to my knowledge, but i normally just magdump them after ulting so that's where most of my gun damage comes from
you had ammo could've just clicked on him
yeah but i wanted to melee him to give him a fair chance. after all everyone in dlg says that all you have to do to beat melee is parry.

need 7 more.
gee Grey Talon how come you get to have two ways to convert spirit power as a passive?
phantom 3 played vainglory (some shite moblie moba) 2k hours. smite 150 hours thats it. mobas are about using your head
Yup. Early kills don't give enough souls, so there's no reason to fight and you're just kind of punished for it. Duo lanes you have enough going on to farm and fight so it's fun.
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2k hours of dota, unknown amount of league over a decade ago, 1k hours of HotS, and 100 hours of battleborn
You can add fleetfoot and pristine emblem for your free gun slots.
It's just reparation for my people
if you're not playing vindicta i'll take her. but i don't wanna be a ballhog
This has alot of the core items for turret miku but alot of it is just terrible
Get rid of extra spirit, bullet resist shredder, unstoppable and refresher.
I'd like to single out majestic leap as being comically bad on miku even before the nerf.
You shoud fill up all four orange items even if only with 500g items, monster rounds i'd particularly reccomend.
As things stand you'd need more than four flex slots if you wanted to have your mid core items and any of the optional extras.
For the love of god just remember to shuffle before starting.
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>still can't load a custom game or private bot match with the Herolabs heroes
>"use console com-"
u can play your support vindicta i dont care
im playing grenade paradox. might eat an edible like the stupid retard i am hehe he
mikue only my wife...
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Never played a moba before. Played some TF2.

I mostly play indie games, puzzle games, and RPGs
make sure to bong up on the mic
They break spectating? Won't connect to any of my friends games.
Posted the inhouse link on the subreddit, hope you guys don't mind.
4 years of League (Master)
800 hours in CS (Silver Elite Master though)
just ask your friends to stream, spectating sucks ass.
go back
>only played the seven required games
>Mystic Burst
>Mystic Vulnerability
>Cold Front
>Majestic Leap
Yup, I'm online. Time to rack up KPA before my team and the enemy team realizes I picked a dead weight ultbot hero.
What if that faggot epezz or whatever his name was yells at them?
when you're fully cooked play great alan. you'll be useless but you'll be having the most fun in the match
grow thicker skin i guess(he's not here right now)
>shitty feeder that can only play crutch heroes is also the most obnoxious
I genuinely always pick the opposite team to him because he's so annoying on mic
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This might be the worst patch yet. Wake me up for next patch day
banned inhouse players
banned inhouse players
MnK are literally unkillable in lane
>miku gets buffed
>Number of players goes down
miku players are honest and will not play an op character
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free him
>I'd like to single out majestic leap as being comically bad on miku even before the nerf.
I agree with most of this, but why hate on Majestic Leap?
Is it just that it doesn't do as much as fleetfoot at more then double the cost in your eyes? Because I really value being able to switch lanes rapidly as Miku.
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bro? you cropped abrams and warden?
>griefer is slavic
Not big surprise
miku was already op last patch just this patch shes op in a way thats a lot less fun its egirl tier to spam turrets and have them play the game for you
Join the inhouse now! Just three spots remaining!
You could get spotted for a pro team. Girls will be watching. You could pick up a new girlfriend. Anything could happen.
Lmao im waiting for the next patch just been watching tape in the meantime

Jerax dropped the game crazy enough he was no life it before the September patches guess he doesn't like the direction it's going in
>Girls will be watching.
but im gay
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Place your bets. PLEASE remember to shuffle
People are like this with every game. If you're below their rank they assume you must be retarded. If you're above their rank they assume you must be boosted.
man swap the teams around you already know that team is bullshit

maybe if more of you fuckers talked it wouldnt be such a problem
How do you know who the host is? You can see him shuffling until it's in his favor lol
everyone can shuffle lol
enough shuffling
One (1) more for inhouse
That seems like a stupid design
t. leap ultginnis fag who jumped to GT out of spite
>hero labs games impact ranked elo
fucking why
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Just for you Anon.
I personally have no issues with Abrams because I enjoy the mindgames of melee baiting and I always get healbane anyway.
Surprised to see Paradox so high though, in my mind she is still doesn't register as a threat
forced 50 join the game team retard
Hilarious if true.
cant im making pasta
Whats the point of Return Fire? Seriously, Metal skin does it's job infinitely better if you're getting shit on by bullet builds and the damage vs attacker is a total meme cause they'll just outheal it anyways with lifesteal items.
It's cheaper than metal skin, idiot.
because the damage returned is before your mitigations.
>another downplaying geist tard who literally gets to vomit out 3 abilities every 10 seconds while having one of the strongest fucking guns for trading in existence and thinks any sort of justified nerf makes her 'unplayable'
you cunts are so boosted it's crazy. 2500 nekoscore geist = 1500 anything else. I used to be on a team and we put the resident retard on geist and 'somehow' it was the only hero he didn't go 0-9 on.
its more likely to cause the haze player to shit their diaper
Every single game since patch I've been the worst player in the game. I hate myself. This isnt fun.
>someone tbags randomly
>they commend me after the match
uh ok...
Just a bit of friendly banter bro.
I believe it, the game doesn't seem to treat them any different from real matches
>feed like a useless piece of shit
>ask my team to report me for griefing
>comms banned for a month
slapping my balls on your chin is just my way of saying nice play bro
I'm just crouch spamming to dodge headshots while i pick up that soul bounty
>Much much longer duration 7s vs 3.5 sec
>Useful against most characters rather than just haze
You only buy metal skin only if haze get online and be a real threat in the late game. You can easily destroy haze with return fire before that point
>can't spectate customs mid-game
this seems like an oversight.
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>lash player gets solo killed
>boosts back to their walker to ult me into it and kill me, tbags my corpse
>I boost back and kill him, tbag his corpse, he dcs

why is it always the faggots who are the most fragile
Because tbagging someone and being disrespectful is generally a sign that the person doing it was already mad.
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>get comm banned
and then people will complain about match quality because the people who actively comm are literally being removed from the matchmaking pool by blyats being asked to show upto fights
Just stop being European and you won't have to play with cyka's.
>1v1 wraith
>she ults me
>activate return fire right before the ult lifts me
>starts magdumping and suddenly she's half health and starts shitting herself and stops attacking
>catch up to her and kill her

Return Fire is pretty good yea.
>we're 50k+ ahead and pushing their base
>some mic fag commands everyone to back off after getting 1 shrine instead of running them over, extending the match by like 10 minutes
>speak english
>get banned
>after getting 1 shrine
this isn't even worth doing anymore you need both or it was fucking pointless to begin with. they fall over so quick you might as well just sit there for an additional 5 seconds and mag dump it as a team to secure a flex.
nice shuffle fucking retards
If you marry me I'll come move to America. I'll cook you food and be your support bitch.
You can you just need match id
how big is your penis?
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I meant from the lobby screen.
Probably like four inches hard.
Amber wins no contest
Uhh, you need to be a girl for that....
that doesn't matter. what nationality so I know what kind of food? if youre british fuck off
sorry anon but you'll never find a good husband with a cock that small
it would be too much like having sex with a w*man
Braindead character that's very easy to build into an undying punch machine.
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there's no taunts so its all people can do
How viable is slowing bullets/silencer and other slow active items when you struggle to aim a bit?
Ireland. You're getting potatos forever.
Whats the matchid for inhouse rn?
I like picking slow bullets because it does help secure picks on enemies trying to flee. Very viable
yall some dick heads LMAO yall should have reset like i wanted to that team was clearly unfair af
heads up if 3 people sit in one lane things need to happen elsewhere on the map.
>vindictard rage quits the inhouse
brother i can understand why all the best players were on one team
who shuffled last game?
this happens every time you retards put an inhouse together, rofl
its good
especially versus people who refuse to buy upgraded boots
inhouse theme
anyone got post game stats of inhouse game?
why would anyone care about stats in a complete stomp you fucking troglodyte
just wanted to see who was the most worthless on blue team
guiness, whiskey and taters it is
>the host """"""RANDOMLY""""" gets all the best players into his team
I've played with bison before, he's a feeding little cunt.
>pick viscuous
>go gun build
>forgot i cant aim
>do zero damage
Shallow god punches people away after hook. Worst bebop I've seen in my life
He can play good when he locks in

T. Not bison
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>People abusing broken shit that's inevitably going to get nerfed in ranked
>Can't learn anything honest like Warden 6 Man Ult or Abrams Tank The Entire Team in peace

Why even play?
What compels someone to build Tesla on Seven THOUGH
lightning guy = lightning item
FREE TESLA???????????
upgraded boots are literally worse then normal boots, you're paying 1250 for
>1.1 regular move speed
>0.5 regen
>3% base health
>75 hp
>-4% weapon damage because for some reason enduring speed doesn't have this but sprint boots does

the anti slowing resist is a fucking meme, just buy superior stamina or an item that actively stops people from wanting to shot you or something that lets you kill them instead, it barely makes a difference and now you can get a gun item for 20% slow resist instead if kelvin is really making you depressed
its gret synergy w his 3 and entire itemization path
it is to seven as toxic bullets is to inferniggus
it has no synergy with his 3 though?
he has free tesla on his 3
therefore he doesn't need to spend an item slot on tesla?
what the fuck
this >>500097852
it simply feels right
imagine not building mjolnir on zeus
>get stunned by abrams in lane
>hold F
>get punched
>time F
>parry comes out, he punches through it
is this just impossible unless both players have great ping
that match atleast felt more balanced
>tilt Yamato in lane by going 2-2
>she holds W at me for the rest of the match, even letting her base die
>Mirage DC 7 minute before the end of the game
>he still has highest kills
>we win 5v6
>Oracle lobby btw

Is this what I have to look forward to in Oracle?
>had the 1/8 and 1/11 geist and mcginnis on my team
>"this looks balanced"
At first.
Then it became a stomp because someone kept feeding. No name just someone…
not my fault that everyone died in fucking team fights OR DIDNT JOIN THEM AT ALL
>tripfag is an archon player
this is not new information
That's enough inhouses for today...
Bug shaker is here its time to feed and seed
>retard believed the name that he's eternus 2
does anyone have the id for this game?
>retards haven't filtered tripniggers
fire rate
so is there any point of playing when mcginnis exist currently? it's actually impossible to beat the turrets
it's GG the second she gets echo shard, you just can't beat turret and heal spam
>make turrets immune to spirit
>mcshittis stacks all three turrets ontop of eachother behind a cornner
>if you try to kill the turrets she uses her wall and instakills you with ult
>Turrets scale off her health so they can have 1000 HP
>healing ability to give even more health
what the fuck are they thinking
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so how do i try to win this game
first you need to not play Paradox in pisslow
Hit towers lol 0 obj damage is nasty work
stay obsessed fag
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i had 2.8k hours on tf2 but i was never THAT good on it, always been a casualfag and arguably still am even in deadlock
t. phantom IV
>0 obj damage
>highest souls in the team
>shit kda
Kek you griefed your team by soaking up all that farm and doing nothing with it
Valve has literally never seen proper netcode in their life, much less written it
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>Player count plummets
>Bad balancing
>Devs playing sim city in every patch
>Matches take forever to start
>Placeholder models everywhere
>New gimmicky gamemode for broken heroes
Just shut it down and wait until riot and blizzard release a better looking game with sovl designs.
>sovl designs
>kpop gookslop
low IQ post
krill is monke
shiv is monke
game is monke
Diamond wasn't a rank in Season 1 you liar.
this is going to be riot deadlock its going to be a 1for1 copy expect you wont have denies
most of the items will be for stats
game will be even more snowball heavy
no possible comebacks
surrender button at 10-15 mins
>gooner anime designs
sign me the fuck up
how much do you get paid to post here shill-kun? i truly don't believe anyone genuinely likes riot or blizzard
please stop picking mcginnis its so unfun
It's a good thing we didnt shuffle, otherwise the teams could've been fair, nobody wants that
>soul has 16 deaths
now do you fuckers believe me
getting real tired of fighting this decay + crow improved reach vindicta in the inhouse.

lol i gethit once + decay 81% of my health is gone and I have 0 vamp now
Was totally mcginnis fault not going 2:16 and 0:10
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Clique on the left, threadchads on the right.
I will NEVER buy an active item
unfair teams lmao tell celi to go to the other side
based retard
you just play paradox, grenade, wall and carbine all cuck her nests really hard
i cant bro niggas shuffle and then im stuck on whatever side i end up on after 18 shuffles
Shallow Fraud wants to get carried by celi every time
We need two eternus+ people for inhouse lobby
I literally tell them to shuffle every match. Regardless of it being balanced, random means it's at least fair. I never choose teams based on who's on them because I want it to be shuffled anyways
>Do spirit damage against turrets that have 80% spirit resists

Any other excellent ideas?
the turrets have 80% spirit resist, but miku doesn't. grenade is a stacking damage amp so if you're actually just struggling against turrets she randomly placed somehow you m1 them with big bonus damage while being completely untouched because wall makes the braindead turrets a non threat

if miku is there, she has to either leave her nest or eat 40% carbine to the head
Please add Original in addition to Billy of "not allowed to play Miku" category. Fucking faggots.
I don't want to be on any particular person's team though, I want it 100% random
Too bad. She maxed out heal and tanked it for free, put a wall up before you could swap (but that swap would have killed you because you just teleported into 6 turrets.)
This dude doesnt play the game
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no more mcguiness ....
lol its fine he won't play her again
never seen the warcraft dork play miku yet
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i brool to hard as lash and always forget to farmmaxx
>see kelvin on lane next to me
>I initiate on vindicta taking 80% of her life
>Kelvin has wandered off sightseeing
>I have to back off, vindicta just walks away
>5 seconds later kelvin comes back to said lane and feeds said vindicta and lash

Yep, at that point i knew it was over
>before you could swap (but that swap would have killed you because you just teleported into 6 turrets.)
yeah which is why I didn't mention swap anywhere in my post & mentioned the pretty obvious ways paradox 123 are annoying for miku to deal with you weirdo. die angry
he just rats every time he plays the inhouse
Need one more for inhouse

Initiate-alchemist players welcome
Gonna make coffee rq, ill.sit on spectatoes
T. Thug shaker
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I don't mind being shat on, but keep the thread clean. Tripping is for other generals.
Didn't coordinate enough with Pocket in Lane and got run over hard by Miku+Kelvin tech.
Was kind of funny how Vindicita tried to assassinate me through Seven Ult the first time, wish it worked the second one, also, going through the tele, seeing mo run into it, and saving his ass was a big highlight for me. You owe me one Moleman.
double armor metal skin with 8 guns items and mystic slow verbatim those items every game
it is the gayest shit to challenge.
enough of stomping with lash its time to equal the game with ivy.....
Wait, was that the one with the weird symbols? If so then I played until season 2. Sombra was the last hero I remember being added but when I finally uninstalled the game they had the mecha centaur lady in it.
Wallriding with Lucio was fun as fuck, I hope they add something like that to Deadlock even though it would be broken
Gun ivy is good rn howevervstve

Very surprising amounts of damage she can do
whats a good pocket build to look up
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higher avg rank = lower valve match rating?
What are some secretly amazing items for gunbebop?
good advice - when you have lash on neighbour lane - don't walk with half hp on enemy lane half. it literally took me like 5 seconds to go on roof and oneshot your ass
shadow weave + curse
become temu wraith
anyone got stats on the last inhouse
Hear me out
Alchemical fire bebop
The valve match rating doesn't correspond exactly to mmr/ranks.
hurry the flip up
Alchemical fire abrams is pretty nasty also
>seven farms the whole game
who taught them to do this
hat makes them do things
392 phantom 4 soon to be eternus
Laning (and playing) vs Gray Talon feels like that "YOU WILL NEVER GET THIS LALALALALA" sketch in Borat. There has to be a way to easily counter such a hypersafe hero.
>inb4 kill him/ward his jungle
He'll just hug his fucking tower and if it's 2v2 I can't just kill and deny every trooper
Alright Bebop bros how we faring since the big fuck you bombs update?
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>queue unranked
>retard feeds shiv and cries about it
>switch to ranked
>retard feeds shiv and cries about it
>fotm bandwagoners left
this is a good thing.
some faggot youtuber made a video about buying magic carpet and farming jungle for 40 minutes while you lose all your walkers and now every seven has suffered permanent brain damage
still a faggot unfortunately bro, I dont think valve can fix this with a ptach...
i just checked and the seven in my last game didn't have magic carpet
he just was busy splitpushing while we were losing an urn fight
the game became completely unwinnable after we lost that urn fight, too
Titanfall 2 like 1000+ hours, 500 hours of DotA and an inordinate amount of League but that was 10 years ago.
right is going to gen annihilated
I want to say this is an exaggeration but every time I am dead and spectate my teammate seven he's farming jungle and it pisses me off
Nobody, the 1 is just so good for farming it's natural
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>play mirage
>buy richochet and sharp shooter
>stand 50 meters away from the team fights and just spam bullets at random enemies
>click 3 once after like 5 seconds
>90% of the enemy team are 1 hit away from death and my team finishes them all off
What are you even supposed to do against this?
Spread out
Is there a sweet spot for long range/sharpshooter? The damage from distance doesnt feel any more powerful
>play character
>character gets nerfed
>play different character
>character gets nerfed
I dont even play people that everyone complains about but I'm just going to let you all know I'm playing Mo and Krill lately so sorry you're next on the chopping block
That's an ancient strat that that never got buffed and only got nerfed over time (but still somewhat solid anyway)
for the love of god please play mcginnis
What's the trick to getting a lot of momentum after ziplining?
Has anything been changed with aiming the past two weeks...? I come back from a break and it feels fucking AWFUL to try and hit people now, for some reason
I like playing the green arm hag, who else should I try out?
It's because you took a break, you're out of practice.
drop off the line by pressing crouch instead of jump and you temporarily have zero air friction
>stun the fed enemy carry
>win the game
simple as.
If you get a walker for an urn, especially the first few urn that have lower value, it's worth it. Stop inting into an uneven urn contest if you can just get a walker out of it.
I've taken breaks from shooters before. It just kind of feels sloppy, floaty, and off.
he didn't get a walker he was literally just farming the troopers
he pushed right up to the walker and then just left
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am I the only one who buys items cause it fits the character archtype the most and not following some defacto meta guide or some shit
>if you like spamming ignorant AOE's
Ivy, Paradox
>if you like being an unkillable piece of shit
Your wife....is my wife
>Valve adds Arab character
>Is always loudly yelling
>No other character is like this
top kek
how many characters can you do this with?
>tesla bullets on seven
>alchemical fire on warden
>sprint boots on lash
>magic carpet on mirage
>phantom strike on vindicta
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>20 minutes into a game and I notice the enemy abrams is on an 8 kill streak
>my team is having a tough time dealing with him in fights
>I've somehow missed all the fights on that side of the map but I'm also fed as fuck on Mo from my own fights on my side
>big teamfight happens that I'm finally there for
>grab his ass
>he doesn't have spirit armor at all
shadow weave on haze
I want a hero that has a large oversized mallet as a primary weapon and their 1 is the hero holding it up in front of them and a big red boxing glove launches out of the mallet straight ahead and makes a boxing bell ding if it hits an enemy.
Come on Valve hire me right now we can make this happen it'll be so funny.
not really. any game after 12 am is only 100% sweat now
why does he yell all the time
All the herolabs games I've played are super casual with people on mic shooting the shit with each other. Feels like tf2 pubs from 2011.
You guys were up a fair bit but your Kevlin suicided into us like 3 times lol.
he chased us by himself on the rooftop?
What a game
I'm off to sleep though gg everyone
i like playing with the miku guy he has a positive attitude UNLIKE SOME OF YOU
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hero labs party?
our team doesnt know how to team fight
Miku guy ?
More like micool

5 more!
Doing good
Building hybrid
Ganking a lot and splitpushing even more
out fucking skilled
gun ivy is not great honestly but maybe my aim died after playing melee shit for too long
the first plan was entire team baiting you all on mid so i could rat against 1-2 dudes max. thank god we changed the plan quickly
do duplicate heros work
Ngl i just farmed all game as paradox and had no impact :(

The grenade build is also fucking stinky,
idk your lash and vindicta stuck together for the most part
stop talking about yourself faggot
Every fight we took was a 2 v 4+ against heroes that are very good at stalling out fights so even if we do get a favorable fight it takes forever to kill them.
>playing gun bebop
>launch myself into 5 enemies and ult
I don't know what I was on that game lmao.
the plan changed into wait for lash to show in base to finish off mid
whenever i see ivy type "i gonna rat" i know we're only a minute or two off winning the game
i was playing mirage that game though
>Valve adds Black male character
>he's the fastest runner and his ult is perfect for stealing rejuv
>No other character like this
Based valve
Imagine playing a game and it's just 6 Mirage's on each team.
is lucky bullets a meme or is it useful now? its so expensive but its luck based which makes me cautious about buying it
You dash slide too much, in the metro area you could just walk back without shooting at me and you would be fine
just get lucky
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I appreciate you and your management of lanes, came in clutch.
It wasn't a bait, we knew it was happening, it's just impossible to contest your team in the pit with all the stuns and knockups they have.
start it up
Lash's ult is better at stealing.
Just damage test in sandbox. It gives the most damage for my build at least
6 v 6 of all the same characters has the potential to be hilarious

I want this to happen where we all play Lash. Deadlock more like Leapfrog
grenade build is op bro you just need to buy cold front to farm faster
and its really not that much of a farm-all-game build you only need improved reach and echo shard to rape
>Kelvin is the thing
>pocket sucks
>pocket is strong
Need another one like 3 tiers down that says
>pocket sucks
anyone got stats for last inhouse
also yamato
It evens out to be 1.3x damage multiplier while also slowing
Its good against people who dont move
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Post them, I want to see them
i was building into sliding with heroic aura and vampiric burst, my aim just got too rusty so i kinda sucked
Lucky shot combos very well with any character that procs stuff to an extent. It's a staple on haze. Every "lucky shot" counts as another bullet, which affects any bullet procs so in Hazes case every lucky shot gives another stack of fixation allowing her to build it much more quickly. The damage is also just good, even if it's chance based you're getting nearly double damage every time it procs.
he can stop rejuvenator steals too he's pretty OP
How do you even see that shit? It goes straight back to menu.
All of the T4 gun items are great in the right place
>1 loss followed by 6 wins today
kinda boring but a good day I guess
3 slots left

of the jinn
I just feel like I don't do enough damage as gunbop
>I just feel like I don't do enough damage as gunbop
then play bumper bot.
Bump-er, if you know what I'm sayin'
You only get bonus damage when you land your hook so otherwise you're very mediocre compared to other gun heroes
2 more, get them while they're HOT!!!!!
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idk its been pretty consistently strong for me. you have to abuse the fact it doesnt respect line of sight and try to carbine people while they're stuck in it, keep track of who used their mobility skills in fights if out in the open, chuck them on teammates who are being focused, etc.
it also makes your combo deadly to basically anybody
Downvoted and reported the video, rekt lol
I have lost 8 of my last 10 ranked games. Every game had at least 2 people feeding 10 kills by midgame. I can't do this anymore bros.
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all 'win button' ults should be replaced with more tactical abilities like what paradox and ivy have
fuck haze
fuck bebop
fuck seven
fuck wraith
fuck shiv
fuck yamato
fuck warden
stay in rotten wood mmr
Take the unranked pill
>like paradox ult
>literally deliver somebody into your team or deliver them through your silence into grenade rape, and gain 100% lifesteal to heal yourself back to full while doing it
>not a "win button"
alright man
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>Miku and Calico turret rape
Unranked has gotten so bad after ranked got introduced. Even on phantom you get more leavers, more seething, and it's just a bad time now.
It's the best or 2nd best "pure" gun build T4 but most gun characters build hybrid nowadays so it just doesn't get bought until like 50+ min into the game, which makes it niche as the result. It gets relegated behind other core T4 like crippling headshot, leech, inhibitor, spiritual overflow, items that fit into hybrid gun much better.
just split push if your team is animal
inhouse bros....
need 3.
Need two more players for the inhouse.

unranked was fun before ranked, but now you get all the retards and parties on there it's like asking to get owned by coordinated stacks no thx

anyone who wants fair good quality games plays solo ranked now. My friends already quit this game, it's not very fun for casuals...
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>paradox ult isn't a win button because she has to use all 3 of her other abilities first
meanwhile 90% of haze and lash players afk in spawn until their ult is up so they can waddle into a team fight and press 4
you know anon when a wraith ults you in order for it to be a win button she needs to use her other abilities too
lash isn't raping teamfights with his ult unless the enemy team is either really fucking bad or already stunned by someone else
Sorry bros but I gotta go I have plans in 15 mins and was hoping we'd get enough people sooner. gl getting more!
>Shiv buffed
Holy based.
>soul killed the inhouse
>tried to sneak in lash like we wouldnt notice
some is salty
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had a update.

Need all.
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I just left the lobby to update the game.
Please don't tell me I caused a collapse.
What drugs can I take to make me better at the game? I already take caffeine for focus and can't play without it at this point.

the game had to update. We're stilll going strong!!!
are initiate 3 subhumanbros welcome?
buy knockdown and combo it with carbine to keep them in the aoe

H9PCB need 11 for custom lobby.
The old Lobby is still up, we should just stick to that.
This is bebop buff isnt it, you just dont get free stacks now

Fuck that faggot hero
I guess they wont be driveby bombing you anymore tho
>McGinnis: Mini Turrets Spirit Resist reduced from 80% to 70%
>McGinnis: Spectral Wall cooldown increased from 37s to 46s
>McGinnis: Spectral Wall T2 cooldown improved from -14s to -23s
Oh that's literally nothing. Great.
>All those bebop buffs

Holy fucking aids dude.
use this >>500112878
Adderall like most people in eternus takes
>literally a nerf
the difference is that wraith and haze can lose a 1v1 but press 4 to instantly win. dynamo, paradox, viscous, ivy, and mo just press 4 to delay their death.I've never been in a fight with a dynamo who instantly turned it around with a single button press, but i've had countless shitter haze players lose hard but win anyways purely because win button
Custom lobbies keep crashing. Seem broke for now.
Sorry Billy, I did it to you again. We're here: R8SS2
>mo and krill untouched
>ice path cooldown increased by 4 seconds
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The coin Yoshi flipped landed on heads today
yeah i was liking it with knockdown too, but i was doing kd -> swap -> carbine to keep them in it since knockdown is a point & click stun
It's a nerf bro. He actually has to kill you with the bomb for him to get stacks now.
I'm glad, bomb felt pretty impotent last patch
It's funny how retarded /dlg/ is
you need to update your game retard
Hopefully bebop players can stfu now

No vindicta nerfs guess I gotta wait till the next patch for that
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>turbo rebuff bepop, which was absolutely okay after the nerf
>meanwhile seven who is utter dogshit currently and was mid before the harsh nerfs gets +10 ult DPS and nothing else
because it's bullshit?
I was diagnosed with ADHD as a kid and have a psychiatrist visit in about 2 weeks. What are the chances I can bullshit my way into getting an Adderal prescription?
- Bebop: Sticky Bomb stacks no longer decrease on death
- Bebop: Sticky Bomb now gives stacks based on dying heroes hurt by Sticky Bomb damage with a 12 second buffer (previously anyone hit by the bomb would automatically grant stacks)
- Bebop: Sticky Bomb damage per stack increased from 3% to 5%
- Bebop: Sticky Bomb spirit power damage scaling increased from 0.9 to 1.2
- Bebop: Sticky Bomb T1 improved from -7.5s to -8s

its the most fun spell in the game and it does 0 damage, they gotta add icicles that fall from it or something before nerfing it
>He actually has to kill you with the bomb for him to get stacks now.
You have ADHD, it wont be bullshit
>massive Bebop buffs AGAIN
holy shit the secret really is to just complain and whine
The balancing in this game is fucking hilarious. They literally just keep going back to what they have. How many times do you have to do that before you just admit you fucked up so tremendously that half of the cast is in need of concept-level reworks before the game even releases?
inhouse bros...we're so close....just 3 more people....please

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Need three(3) more ENEMY gamers to join inhouse!
because retards STILL weren't buying cleanser/E shift against it
>wood mmr
try phantom/oracle.
be happy they don't remove that nigger robot outright
>yamato gets 5 seconds quicker ult cooldown
finally, buffs... haha..
A good 95% chance of them giving it to you

That alone will boost you to ascendant if you are somewhat decent at the game
bomb being better without stacks is good
also previously the stacking was stupid and uninteractive
>bebop taken
I turned 360 degrees and walked out of there
dota never had anywhere close to the number of reverted changes as deadlock already has
Did you play dota when it was in alpha
does this game have any furries or lolis
Man his laser is so satisfying to use
>rank: ARCHON IV
pooling and buyable second heroes were in the game and removed but not revertrd
yeah watching you try to play anything else is like a monkey trying to fuck a football.

you and meepz should hold a competition for the title.
I just want tohook people why is the range so short it's like my cock
I only wish it didn't fall off so hard lategame, but it has its uses
Yes, the creme of the crop for people with lives
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There's a coin that's someone at Valve is gonna flip for that someday.
We NEED one(1) more gamer for inhouse R8SS2
insane lash rejuv steal
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based on the left, cringe on the right.
Don't know why you have to be severe about it. I do okay as Geist if allowed.
Imo his lasers best use is picking off people who are already fleeing fights rather than initiating it to start a fight. Ive gotten so many picks in the laning phase just grabbing people running to hide behind guardian
>everyone saying bebop got huge buffs
Can you ESLs even read?
can you spectards just join and start jesus
fuck yeah i have addictive personality but fuck it im going pro
Tell one of meppz or banyti to move to the other side to actually make it balanced
didnt happen

i know because i spent a long time in sandbox minmaxing mark damage and fully stacked mark with 40k of items, tesla bullets + escalating to stack damage amp vs a target with 0 spirit resist doesnt even do half health, and it takes you like 12 seconds of uninterrupted sightlines to even get that many stacks, which you aren't going to get vs remotely competent players

the only time i do well as mirage, or ever see anyone else do well as mirage is building very gun centric (at least at phantom 5)
two people just sitting in the spectator seat when we need just one more to play. awesome.
i have food in the oven BITCH!
I don't want to play. I might just leave anyways after 10 minutes because it's 2am
shallow god is a one trick faggot that'll refuse to play and cry like a baby until he's allowed to play bepop
idk about rex's deal
Lmao you might not want to take Addy if you have a addictive personality
That's when its best, running to the next lane over at 6-7 minutes and nuking them with galick gun is basically a guaranteed kill or three
Mystic slow does make it a bit better later in the game where you can shine down the spotlight of "kill this guy he can't move" for your teammates
Its a massive buff over the "lose 20% of stacks" thing, but its hard to tell if 5% bombs but only on kills is going to be a buff or a nerf for most bebops.

If you echo shard, thats still 10% per kill, maybe even 15% if you get a third bomb off. But if you fumble the kill, thats 0% now which will fucking suck.
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this nigga photoshopped mingebag
no one wanted you anyways
Stop obsessing
fine but im going afk to take my food out 5 minutes in
if no one joins in 5 minutes i'm fucking off
Who is it from the inhouse that calls out anyone who has a main as a "one trick"?
>buyable second heroes
what the fuck
Also consider that the bombs scale better with spirit now, so that's 5% of a higher number than before
neo afk?
How much do your calibration games affect your final placement? I don't want to end up like 4 ranks lower because of weekend only mongs.
I don't have all night to sit in a lobby and do nothing get it together people
We literally have 10 people who have been waiting for like 30 minutes holy fuck this is so retarded
your normal game MMR is the heaviest factor in your rank seeding.
people have lost ALL of their "placement" matches and still ranked stupidly high.
i don't mind people having mains, but if you refuse to play anyone besides your main then you are a one trick faggot
>hero lab
>every just leaves because they didnt get the shitty new hero
Hope they get permabanned
what the heck is going on guys?!?!?!?
13 people and somehow can't get a game going you guys are retarded
They went to play hero labs
remember shitterbros, nobody else has as much sway over game's outcome as you. not even the best carry can determine a win or loss as cleanly as you can from minute 0
shit my bad I forgot I joined that shit like 30 minutes ago
Thanks for coming in and sitting afk for 10 minutes when we had a game ready Neo. Fucking retard.
>buying 3k item to counter him
literally had 14 people in the lobby at one point and rex decided to just not fucking play but all of a sudden he's in now. If this dumb fucking nigger would've just joined earlier we would all be playing
except neo was afk so it wouldnt have started anyway lmao
We need two more jimmedy christmas I beg of you.
You know what, nah, this isn't worth it. I've been in the lobby since the last match was played. I've been waiting for an hour at this point. The result is going to be a completely mediocre unfun match, win or lose.
I give up.
Hero labs party:
Fuck it I'll just solo queue
Stop being so retarded all the time
Dead game....
Anyone make a hero labs lobby so i can join as eurofag
Yeah sorry guys. Moving forward if you sit in spectator spot or are just afk longer then minute or two I'm just kicking you from hereon out. This is fucking ridiculous, you're just holding up the other 11 fucking people who want to play. That's absurd.
I don't know what your beef is with me bro but I'm pretty sure I've mainly played Geist in the inhouse because because bebop is always taken. I was gonna go to sleep but then there was a big bebop patch. I'm sorry I killed you or whatever but you shouldn't lie about others.
I'll start in five minutes or when we're full.
i wanted to spectate why is that such a problem
>slight nerf to paradox bomb range scaling
>but it still hits people through walls
oh thank god
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Nobody complains about me maining paradox because im so mediocre at it
>bebop spends 15k+ juicing bombs that are countered by 3k items
>this is a bad play on the 3k buyer

Nicotine pouches, I like Rogue brand.
Cocaine, but you will always do too much and become even worse.
>meppz finally turns up for the inhouse
>someone starts mass seething about shallow god
hmmmmmmm, the puzzle pieces are falling into place
Geist is objectively the weakest character in the game by far. Nothing in her kit is good.
Mo and Krill unchanged and Miku's nerf are manageable.
Yep,, we stay winning.
shallow god is one of the few people i like :)
So is Yamato actually good or not? Enemy just had one that shat on us 18/4
She's the worst hero in the game
/dlg/ think she is the worst character in the game for months but almost all tournament scrim matches have a Yamato on one team for months now.
this game's unplayable with even a bit of lag
Buildlets call her bad
she snowballs really hard if she gets fed early but is garbage otherwise

she gets picked a lot in tournaments but also loses most of the matches she gets picked in
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I try to fit as many actives into my build as fast as possible but I suspect it's not always a good idea, I just hate not having buttons to press, does anyone else feel this way?
pre 5.84 dota was pretty fun
actives are always amazing. you're doing the right thing
I get the feeling that you're actively throwing if your build doesn't have 4x actives by 10k souls. It's just flat-out more abilities, it's insane.
nah infuser / rescue beam / healing rite are bad
my go-to solo queue strat is buying a bunch of purple disable items and just spamming them all on one faggot
>switch from my own homebrewed build to the trending meta build
>instantly dominate
Did you guys already go once or did you just forget to go after 5 minutes
>that Seven buff
Seven was already pretty dogshit as a whole, people just bitched about him still being able to stealth win games because his balls autoshoved lanes and let him gigafarm to the point that it wouldn't matter because he could contribute by showing up for 1 second and dipping out, they might as well just rebuff the ulti to its pre-nerf levels because people actually know how to play around it now and shitters won't be crying because they tried to facetank it
Active items generally have worse stats than passive items. You're wasting money if you buy actives that don't directly enable your build or counter the enemy.
I've become really jaded about online games because so much of it is about stupid tricks. I don't like playing games where I can win 10% more often by following the meta build, or games where you can like shimmy or bunny hop to dodge the enemy more easily. I think it's stupid and meaningless busywork - either make your game so that moving in a direction expands your hitbox, so sitting still is the most evasive state, or make the character attempt to dodge shots automatically without my input. I don't feel like learning a habit of twitching back and forth like a retard.

Predictably, I don't like Deadlock very much.
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If anyone else likes, we can go again for hero labs:
I feel like Yamato peaks mid game, when a lot of people are still filling their build with core items. As soon as that happens and people start buying the counter items, she starts to drop off quick.
magician is kinda wonky but fun
>the game should play itself for me
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I'll start at 10:45 EST or when we're full this time.
He deals nutty amounts of damage with his meme double at early and mid game, if you can hold.your targets still
What are your fav 1.25k-3k actives?

For me it's:
1.25k: Fleetfoot, Divine barrier, Cold front, Slowing Hex

3k: Majestic leap, Rescue Beam, Knockdown,

Although it depends on the hero and matchup ofc, but I don't use return fire nor withering whip all that much
another patch

another Kelvin nerf
im just quoting retards on this general that say that.
>using 3k souls to completely shutdown someone
sounds like a good deal
I don't care whether the game plays itself for me, or if other people aren't allowed to play the game. Either one is fine. I just don't want to be forced to play the game they do.
Just built Ivy as fire rate gun god with that vampire item.
Gosh DAMN I love hearing her gun make that sound at max fire rate, also seeing your hp bar sky rocket with green is amazing.
Dear fucking lord they touched Yamato but not Pocket? PLEASE BUFF POCKET
Do we think that is Calicos final look or will she eventually be updated to match her profile pick?
we are no longer allowed to disarm, headshot, heal, or move around the map, they will take 1 base stam from him next
for 1.2ks, cold front feels good even if slowing hex is probably better in most scenarios. divine barrier is also great for its versatility
for 3ks, i love majestic leap on almost every hero. being able to go to an adjacent lane near-instantly is so great. and it's just cool to jump around
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I have a fix for bebop - change his ult to a giant bomb you place on an enemy that the longer you fire at it, the bigger/more damaging it gets, and can be detonated by you at any time within 6 seconds.
They are muted, silenced, disarmed, cannot be dispelled, and movement impaired (cannot roll but can still run away), so they can be forcibly moved by stuff like lash bomb or bebop punch.

Super Bomb
Cold Front, Decay, Glyph, Knockdown, Leap Warp, Eshift
In that order. You can guess my main easily.
>profile pick
That's just a leftover from Neon Prime.
>6 second curse that can't be dispelled
yeah great idea
Alright, what the fuck is up with Melee Shiv? Makes no sense to me
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change his bomb to this
We sure its bot the other way around? Do we know this?
Same thing as Abrams. If he gets parried he just tanks it and punches again.
>- Yamato: Shadow Transformation cooldown reduced from 90s to 85s

fuck off yoshi
Nah, not even Abrams is on this level of tanking and damage dealing, there's clearly more to it
lmao abrams is no longer the tankiest hero in the game shiv mo and krill and a few other can take that spot after icefrog/valve keeps nerfing him but one day we will actually get a buff we deserve shoulder charge disarm i am pushing that narrative
The abundance of bullet resist is good because gun based heros are for faggots
>Basically just stun a player for 6 seconds. Why even shoot the bomb when you can shoot the player
ult gives more damage to everything including melee with full rage, melee builds up rage fast (worse since the nerf) and Shiv doesn't really give that much of a fuck about being parried because he's still most likely gonna be able to tank whatever you hit him with, all this plus you are essentially always fighting against him with -20% of your max health whenever his ult is up
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When will icefraud stop nerfing my nigga? And for what reason?
yeah i fucking hate having sevens on my team, they dont realize that hero is hot dogshit and just brool (feed)
next time im getting completely shit on, maybe i'll just sell all my damage items and buy full tank and actives
He was too cool and left too much trauma in the early days

Really they should just fucking roll back to June balance man, what the fuck are they DOING
>those stickybomb changes
I can already hear my buddy complaining and he's at work at the moment lmao
Change his heavy melee to his uppercut and swap it to a passive that buffs it
Keep bomb stacking as it currently is in the latest change, make it so a heavy melee from bepop instantly pops the bomb and causes an AOE stun if a bomb is popped
>wraith just runs around with her hands in her pockets all the time
holy autism
what the fuck is holiday's kit even supposed to be
trickshot cowboy(female)
hero labs kinda sucks
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Why do I keep fucking losing?
My team will be even or ahead for most of the match and then we lose anyway.
My winrate is down to 50% on the dot for the first time ever...
its good to practice other heroes on since it doesn't count stats or win loss.

kinda fucked if you fight slark though.
yeah cause i keep getting noobs i cant really gauge how good slork really is literally got 30 kills 1 game and im not even good at aiming
Some trick shot meme shot with bat rider ult. There's so much cool shit you could do for a old western hero but uh, they seemingly have zero idea how to balance or develop a majority of the cast so jury's out on that one.
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I've actually every single fucking ranked game today what the fuck.
9 times out of 10 enemy team had GT and vindicta and when I finally get them they fucking lose lane and go like 3/5 SOMEHOW
Every fucking game it's 3-4 people going hard negative and their laners are diving MY lane 3 minutes in how the fuck am I supposed to carry this?
literally batrider except with a 3 that is an absolute magnet for bots, cheating faggots, and third-worlders
Her 3 is really not that good.
Wrecker is really cool and I like the almost artillery mage feeling but I'd like it if her 2 gave her stacking ammo as well as fire rate.
>aruru avatar

Ok holliday is fun, it just doesnt compare to fucking slork m1 + w at you,
After i lassooed his ass 3 times he was fucking upset at me real bad

Bombs are cool and all but her 3 basically shoehorns you into playing her as a gunfaggot.

But with headhunter, mystic shot the midgame burst is pretty nutty
I didn't say it was good just that it's a magnet for cheating
>heh let’s change his base ult DPS by +10
>now this is balance
IceFraud’s the name
LMAO people still dont realize you can use her ulti then zipline while still holding on to the target
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post your contributions to making this game better
ive told them to remove the urn because it's unbalanceable and unfun in july
Well, i didnt know that, but dont expect it to stay that way, cause i doubt its intended
>Build into healing to help your yamato lane
>She leaves to base or hides behind a wall after any damage
>Steals kills from everyone else
>Flaunts her KDA any time anyone says she's being an idiot
I see Haze mains have moved on to Yamato
>lose ranked game
>win unranked game
>lose ranked game
>win unranked game
You need to stay in one lane. Unranked is loose meme shit, Ranked is srs bsns
I made a post saying how disappointing seven’s ultimate is, and now IceFraud buffs it bit by bit. It’s still lackluster and bad changes for the character overall; it needs a complete rework
Rescue beam seems pretty good between the percent-based healing and the tether.
>run into slork on the enemy team
>ungabunga nigga does half health per second at all points of the game
>slork on team
That character seems to kind of take over games, insane DPS output without his 1 up
are geist downplayers as bad as paradox downplayers?
Fun fact: They're the same thing.
Your MMR isn't changed because you pick 'ranked' or 'normal'. It's the same number.
mutliple tip tier eternus players put Geist in S tier
you get mystic reach 20 seconds into the game and throw jdams in lane lol its obnoxious

her ult is her weakest part
>Ranked is srs bsns
tell that to my fucktarded haze geeking out on pot all game. oracle "above average" game btw
Lol the trick is underplaying your hero so it gets buffed doing the same thing with Abrams now his shoulder charge needs to disarm
She's good, but mostly a lane terrorist and pusher not a great fighter. I don't think S tier is wrong but people notice the killers and tanks more.
Both are the same shit truth be told you gain and lose mmr in both
you can also icepath while using zipline
really, that's pretty odd. in dota 2 you have two different MMRs, a hidden unranked one and a visible ranked one, i figured deadcock worked the same
Which hero do I main if I want to impress gamer girls
>im demoting myself to wood by running meme builds on unranked
No one told me...
the uninstall wizard
all it takes is someone to shoot you for 1 damage and you just fall down and get stunned for 4 seconds, absolutely retarded move.
the lash
women cannot resist The Lash
lmao we been trying to tell you niggas since the start "ranked" is just solo queue and to get a badge for that hidden number that's why you do placements every week

of course you dont do it when people are around but if you are against one or two people when maxed out you might as well use the tech to bring them behind the walker and kill them
Haze and Infernus. They most likely main Ivy and she can be your healslut
there are no placements dumbass
Meta chaser are terrible, especially when they pick up a character because they think it's meta.
I had a gray talon who play like he's fucking Abram. He literally Frontline every fight, flying toward every red icon in the map and instantly get blown up because he's always by far lowest soul in the whole lobby.
Of course but you have to play 7 "ranked" games a week to keep your badge visible that's what I mean by placements
Alright, you've been the executive chair for a day. (You) can delete, change, or completely rework ONE (1) character.
Who are you picking?
Bonus points if you outline what you change.

For me, I would change McGinnis
>Delete the turrets, turn them into timed charges. Bombs you can plant and detonate on command/some kind of mine
>Scrap wall entirely - change it into a small foxhole type thing that gives firerate bonus and bullet resist bonus.

Make her feel more like a sapper than TF2 Engie lite. Probably should change her gun too but can't think of anything
I would get rid of the entire cast and replace them with the Hero Labs heroes.
replace vindicta's ult with something that isn't retarded
I would switch infernus to his neon prime model to laugh at everyone's seethe
Seven. His cool design is utterly wasted on how boring his kit is. Make him more movement focused (since his whole thing is lightning, and his movement already scales with spirit) something sort of like Lash but with horizontal velocity as opposed to height.
>1 creates an AOE around him that deals damage and scales with his current velocity. It can only hit each target once, but deals large damage. Upgrades eventually make its range increase with spirit scaling as well.
>2 is a short-range blink teleport that conserves momentum and adds some more velocity on exit. Allows him to change direction easily. Upgrades give it higher range, lower cooldown, and then an aoe damage and slow around the exit point.
>3 is a channeled thunderstrike. Stuns and damages in an AOE around the target point. Basically his current 2 but you can aim it instead of it being target-based.
>4 is his current ult but with less damage and a shorter duration. When it ends, it sends him flying in whatever direction you're looking at huge speeds. The longer you stay still in your 4, the greater your velocity will be when you finish it.
>Delete the turrets
I will fucking kill you.
gray talon has:
>spirit scaling bullet damage
>spirit scaling movespeed
>4 base stamina
>unmolested scaling on all his abilities
anyone who has half a brain would pick him because he's so overloaded right now and if you lose with him you absolutely deserve your mud tier mmr
why nerf pulse grenade already, did anyone even get the chance to "abuse" it, was it even good
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Changing Sprint Boots to build into Enduring Speed
Meleeing the Urn runner drops Urn
Quicksilver nerfs and buffs to other reload-centric items
Suggesting Wraith's Royal Flush be changed into Card Trick
He is uniquely bad in that he has a button that is completely useless if he doesn't build into it. His 3 needs to get changed into some kind of nuke that does high spirit damage or a steroid
>Suggesting Wraith's Royal Flush be changed into Card Trick
I kneel............................
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>Suggesting Wraith's Royal Flush be changed into Card Trick
>did anyone even get the chance to "abuse" it
>was it even good
No. The easiest lava ability to just dodge out of. Doesn't even have charges so echo shard is mandatory.

Walldox is unironically stronger and comes online faster.
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That shit was REALLY bad, dude
Royal Flush was hands down the worst ability in the game, it was laughably bad
Even Mirage Scarabs on release were like 4x better
it wasn't just a name change? what did royal flush do?
you dont know that dumbass, all they said is you have a base mmr
>you dont know that dumbass
yes i do because all of your ranked matches for the week are calculated together on tuesday
if they were placement matches they would behave differently from regular matches
my main, mcginnis, is too strong. icefraud please make her shit so i can play her again
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It threw 4 super low damage cards to random nearby targets in melee distance.
Forced a glass cannon hero to get into melee range. And even when you'd get in range, it hit creeps 90% of the time instead of the hero you were fighting. And when you actually did Telekinesis a target, it was completely pointless because it was Spirit Damage on a hero with no reason at all to build Spirit damage yet.

You couldn't rely on this ability to do fucking anything.
that was my impression too, it feels like they saw a funny clip of the grenade getting huge with 5k of items and thought that would be a problem even though it does 0 damage
you're basically wasting slots to spec into it so why not leave it a little ridiculous
it's not as if ivy can't drop 4 kudzus the size of uranus and them actually do damage
yes and also please make my main (geist) stronger
>that does high spirit damage
>you naturally build into the ability to stack the multiplier pretty fast
>the ability is a super low CD
>it chunks constantly and can be used to execute around walls

The real redpill is to use it and then use the reveal to teleport to them
Wraith 1 is one of the coolest abilities in the game and it makes me sad that the optimal way to use it is to farm 4 cards and dump them in the face of an enemy who can't move. I live for those cheeky card trickshots in lane phase
Wraith should have a way to dumbfire the card in a straight line too honestly
Post that on the forums. It could just be alt cast.
personally I'd like if my cursor being within 2 miles of a creep didn't make the card careen towards it instead of where my cursor is
i've gotten mirage as my lane partner 3 times today and every single time it felt like i was 1v2ing.
isn't this guy supposed to be an absolute menace in lane?
I would hardware and IP ban anyone who's played Shiv.
It's mostly just his gun and heal. His gun is retarded for poke, and he heals nicely so he just trades against you forever.
But if he wants to actually go in he's kinda shit, same for if they go in, he just tornadoes out and watches
In 1v1 he's a proper sandnigger terrorist, but in duos he needs another poke heavy teammate, and against someone with a good heal like Dynamo he just kind of jerks off uselessly
High Velocity Mags were my idea

And Kelvin beam last hitting souls, but I've heard multiple people suggested that too
>And Kelvin beam last hitting souls
You fucking monster.
I didn't bother giving any feedback for this game but the devs listened to a lot of my feedback for Rotwood
Vindicta has 0 place in a game like this
Heavy melee should cancel flight. This would make Lash a hard counter for Vindicta since he wouldn't be dependent on his ult to knock her out of the sky.
Would you say it's more important to stick to your build for the laning phase or should you prioritize buying items to directly counter whatever character you're facing?
how did you learn how to decay yourself
Lash is already a hard counter on Vindicta for 2/3 of the match
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game is easy
I would probably lose less if I bought Reactive Barrier in lane against the heroes who have strong CC.
Only when his ult is up.
LMAO smurfing thats some nasty work brother
Literally all they need to do is remove the retarded damage bonus from the base ult and put into her T2 or something, so she doesn't just immediately ruin lane phase.

Very cool anon, I do like the idea of a horizontal lash.

Is escalating exposure still worth buying?

At least on Kelvin it was a massive powerspike, but it feels like does nothing now.
What's your Lash skill order?
it does nothing because spirit builds are trash compared to gun builds
on 100% of heroes you would rather buy sharpshooter instead of improved reach
idk it feels kinda weak kinda feels we are moving back into a gun meta
Yeah I 100% agree. Only thing is I build into gun on Kelvin I feel like the beam is almost unusable except to slow for your team
How do you even itemize against Shiv? What is good against him? Even after the nerf he still does the same bullshit where he just facetanks your entire team with only 10k souls in the bank and punches everyone to death. He's so fucking tanky, it's ridiculous
>two games in a row where my allies put us 20k souls behind by the end of laning phase
Two hours of my life down the drain, thanks Icefrog. You know the Halloween event was today in Splatoon and in two hours of playing I played like 30 matches? And saw significant improvements in my play? I didn't learn anything about Deadlock in the past two hours.
I don't think you can itemize against Shiv because there are no items that stop damage deferral. Since only Shiv has that mechanic, it's kind of hard to design an item that beats it but isn't completely useless if no one picked Shiv.
If toxic bullets just ignored his passive that would be a nice start.
You know, honestly, after playing a few other characters, no other character gives me the same feeling of agency that Paradox gives. It's only when her ult is up, but no other character feels like i can directly impact the game quite like her, in any situation I can think of. Probably Lash would feel similar if I played him.
This is probably why I switched to Lash after initially maining Paradox for my first 25 games. I just realized that I mostly use his ult the way I used Paradox's, too.
You don't. His 3 is inherently broken, as it has been in literally every single game that's ever tried a similar mechanic. It will always either be too small to matter or so enormously powerful that it's insane. It's currently the latter.
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I've lost 13 out of 15 ranked matches today.
I had absolute fucking feeders every game, people picking mcginnis/haze/seven and literally going like 1/14/3 with 20k souls on a 33 minute game.

How much does the "OH WHAT MATTERS IS YOUR PERSONAL PERFORMANCE GOY" meme actually matters because at this point I'm gonna be placed in piss low phantom.
>Kelvin beam last hitting souls,
thank you chad, makes laning alot easier since im a aimlet
The main problem is that the mechanic is completely uninteractive. Shiv just gets to live forever unless your entire team coordinates to chainstun him, while every other tank in the game right now is soft countered by resistance shreds and healing reduction.
There's literally nothing wrong with being a onetrick, actually.
>piss low

You're fucked once we get draft.
there is like 5 people from this thread alone that can *only* play 1 character competently what the fuck are you talking about lol
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It is absolutely piss low my first match was fucking HIGH ASCENDANT/LOW ETERNANT


My main is low tier garbage so I'm safe
okay, that's pretty bad
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Not him but literally the only reason I'm a one trick is because all other heroes feel/look like shit and all the other heroes I'm interested on are in hero labs cage.
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>You're fucked once we get draft
So by 2028 at the earliest? I'll keep one tricking haze and you'll keep seething in the meantime.
I get screamed at whenever I decide to play someone else in inhouses, so why even bother?
I'm a Paradox main (80% of my 400 games) but Dynamo is what you're looking for.
One big ult can make you comeback from 50k behind. If that's not agency, I don't know what is. It also helps that all his abilities are just really, really good.
*locks in Haze before you join the lobby and then feeds all game because I've never played her before*
Heh... nothin personnel...
Watch out, anon. You're gonna summon big hat here to downplay dynamo as anything other than S tier.
by the time we have a draft mode there will be at least two characters i'm interested in playing.
i can already play three but two of them have been nerfed so badly that i don't want to play them anymore even if they're still pretty decent.
What's his carry potential like? Is he just fucked if his teammates suck? He can't really capitalize on his ult by himself.
And you're gonna still come right here to complain about her being broken after going negative.
Not really. He is also aware of how good Dynamo is, but jerks himself off about being the only one to "figure out" Dynamo.
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That was just the recent game, on the last 3 I had a
>1 feeding kelvin who ulted us while a haze was ulting with unstoppable, inside, with her
>One grey talon that somehow lost lane vs abrams and went 2/9
>An ivy going full kudzu bomb build and died 18 times
>a seven going 1/18/2 with zero farm
>2 teams that decided to coin flip midboss against abrams/infernus/lash

Imagine 2-3 of these fucking professionally trained mmr assassins every game.
bro... youre on ritualist mmr.... not piss low phantom...... you are below dirt...
Do people not realize how squishy Wraith is? Had a few games in a row of people bitching me out after I killed them saying she's too broken to play against
siphon bullets ignores damage deferral entirely
>feeding kelvin who ulted us while a haze was ulting with unstoppable, inside, with her
I would have reported him for griefing. There's no way that's an accident.
Really? Usually I see him complain about dynamo being awful. Especially in inhouses (which should be absolute prime dynamo estate for obvious reasons).
Siphon bullets suck ass, I don't think that item is good for or against anyone
True, but isn't that around 70 DPS with no way to scale it?
It suffers from being too good to cost 3k but not good enough to cost 6.2k.
What am I supposed to rush on geist
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That wraith in particular was phantom 5.
The kelvin was ascendant 1.

Genuine mmr assassins.
Suggest to make it 4250 by adding a t2 requirement
Bros, I'm scared. People are getting better at Lash, I don't want Icefraud's balancing team's attention...
Yeah, I was thinking about this. Probably a good idea.
Lash has literally always been broken auto win what do you mean
doesn't matter they'll never nerf him, same as mo n krill valve is retarde
>infernus on my team in rank
>30 min of farming and his only life steal is T1 enduring spirit
>0 armor
>Can't participate in any fight without insta die in 1 sec without even igniting one player
>Have the least soul in the whole lobby when all he does is farm, probably extremely inefficiently
How the fuck can these players even exist?????
>still no ritualist 3 gf
life sucks...
Yamato still needs massive buffs. What the fuck?
This is an Initiate 1 game

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this is the correct geist build
buy in order left to right top row to third row
her entire kit together is what makes her so dangerous to deal with, her chucking bombs downwind makes people forget about w being like a 6 second silence when maxed or ult making her almost impossible to 1v1 if she isn't braindead, the 3 nerfs were a start considering that skill has the range of an intercontinental cruise missile
It's 73 DPS, but it ignores resistance and also heals you (which gets multiplied by resistance). Conservatively it's probably close to 250 DPS when those are taken into account. It also ignores range.
Lash is statistically the most fair and balanced hero in the game.
am i supposed to get leech that early? Ive always skipped it for more damage/mobility
Lash has a 49% win rate. He's literally fine.
it sets you to around 2k hp right when you need it, imo it's correct to get it before either alchemical fire or improved burst
before leech you slowly lose hp in team fights or while jungling
spirit lifesteal not enough to keep your hp topped off in the jungle
I haven't tried it but my gut says spiritual overflow is better than leech due to the lifesteal nerfs.
>only 2 actives on main with one of them offering 0 contribution to the team
wood or lolbab either way you are ass
this nigga buys 4 actives every game and only uses 1
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>kelvin who ulted us while a haze was ulting with unstoppable, inside, with her

the true 50/50 agents of deadlock
If your team sucks, you're just gonna lose, so considering that scenario is a waste of time for me.
Dynamo's good no matter what the game state is, that's all. So I guess if your team sucks at farming then you can carry with him harder than anyone else.
>not a team fight contributor
who do i play if i like playing annie in league
I don't know, does he really? It seems like you don't have that ability to stand and fight, or burst someone down. I never really feel afraid of a Dynamo unless he's currently ulting me.
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- Grey Talon: Movespeed spirit scaling reduced from 0.04 to 0.032
- Grey Talon: Bullet damage spirit scaling reduced from 0.13 to 0.12

...what the fuck?
Isn't this literally fucking nothing?

Why are they so keen on giga hard buffing for zero reason but they're so scared of rightfully nerfing?
>That faggot haze seething at the end
It's a small patch
Dota2 philosophy of balance without the massive roster or store to balance it out
>just handle grey talon and vindicta for another week and half goy
yeah nah pass
You signed up for a closed alpha.
>Bebop: Sticky Bomb stacks no longer decrease on death
>Bebop: Sticky Bomb now gives stacks based on dying heroes hurt by Sticky Bomb damage with a 12 second buffer (previously anyone hit by the bomb would automatically grant stacks)
>Bebop: Sticky Bomb damage per stack increased from 3% to 5%
>Bebop: Sticky Bomb spirit power damage scaling increased from 0.9 to 1.2
I'm not sure if this is even better unless you can shit out like 20 assists per game. At least stacking spirit power will give a little bit more damage.
it's just free damage for ult bebop players because nobody has any business playing bomb builds.
Bebops are going to be a lot more aggressive it seems
I played Annie more than anyone I know and I only played her because Im a pedo not because her kit was that fun to use
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is watching matches broken? can't seem to connect to any
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I love this ugly fucking mongrel rat creature so much
too bad her in game art and model is soulless and hideous and nothing like the fanart.
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Literally no part of that sentence is true thoughever
trade offer un-nerf geist but rework her ult to some other shit I don't care what
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Hero specific MMR when?
I hate being actively punished for trying a new character. I feel like I've played too much now and I can't learn anyone new.
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I can relate pretty hard to this
I just can't enjoy any other hero in this game like I do Dynamo, its downright unfun playing anyone else
Playing with friends or trying a new hero?
Have fun deranking archon!
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God same
Her art is cute as fuck
In game she's a fucking gremlin
I adore the bitch
Because Valve has literally never balanced a game remotely well
Look at fucking CS for example
There are effectively like four guns in the game, despite there being like 15 that are literally never purchased except by the absolute bottom barrel trash tier noobs.
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the game punishes you for doing well
It will not get better on release, it will always be bad.
They need to fill 12 player slots and the only method they'll ever use is making sure your teammates are braindead if you're high MMR
or you will never find a match
What other characters should I play if I'm a Wraith one trick? Want to expand my hero pool, got some games on Haze too.
If I can't get a ricochet on Haze by 15 minutes should I skip it, get tesla early?
please just add character bans already stop giving me bullshit cc stun teams i have to fight against like mo/abrams/infernus and whoever else just has disables just making team fights impossible to win it's bullshit overwatch tier fights that dont work in shooters
It's not even deranking that bothers me. It's that I have to effectively troll ten games in a row to get my MMR low so I can actually play without just getting shit on because I don't even understand how my abilities function yet.
I just ruin the game for ~110 players every time I want to try a new hero. And then another ~110 when I go back to the heroes I'm good at and stomp games.
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>got my final kill by majestic leaping into their fountain and instantly killing heya hoya by sticking myself
I'm on a Bebop kick so I recommend bebop
Similar gun, some CC abilities, some explosives, and the big laser
Plus the can do the same thing wraith does which is kill walkers midgame in 3-4 seconds
You have 5 seconds to explain why I shouldn't go spirit Mirage every single game
That was true like 7 years ago but at the end of CSGO (I don't play CS2) most of the guns had occasions to buy them.

There were probably only 3-4 that I didn't see bought in pro level matches.
tank mirage health steal evasion stack more marks uhh 5 seconds up
I think less of you as a person for playing Mirage
im glad the new characters don't have absurd stuns, even as the magician frog you still have movement and calico cat is predictable as fuck.
I have this friend who's really not that bad at the game but he has a sub 20% win rate and I don't even see how that's possible
Since they messed with the group matchmaking I think I haven't won a single game with him out of like 12 or 13 matches
I dunno what's going on. He doesn't perform badly but we're always up against insane shit with lobotomites on our team, the casual queue is just so awful
Yeah the new bombs are better at basically every stage of the game. Big fan
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Vindicta bunny suit when?
>losing lane
>land hook and uppercut them into my tower
>now winning lane
>enemy gets extremely tilted from the cheap kill
>win lane harder
feels good
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I'm not "the only one to figure out dynamo". It's that other people aren't getting with the fucking program because they don't want to. People don't like playing support, and I get it.
Dynamo isn't a hard hero to understand. He's hard to play. But people keep going the wrong builds and playing him incorrectly. You don't build high tier gun items on him, you get a strong basis to farm with and you build for teamfights/utility.
His whole kit is utility and teamfight strength for his team. If you're going gun Dynamo, why not just go some shit like Wraith or Haze? It's pointless playing Dynamo like that when other heroes do that better.

It's why I take issue with Ivy. Ivy currently is a glorified janitor hero, her only unique strength is Kudzu, and her other strengths are outdone by Dynamo. She definitely needs a rework.
Is he making bad calls
>Yeah the new bombs are better at basically every stage of the gam
really? I assumed they'd be worse early on
already exists, i switched mains a few weeks ago and my games were so low MMR that they stopped getting caught by the tracker until i played like 40+ games.
oh absolutely, people sleep on Dynamo because low winrates and all that but that's mostly because he requires a lot to get going outside of his ult being a complete gamechanger

A Dynamo that goes all in on 1 is one of the scariest fighters in the game, knockups every second that reach down what feels like an entire lane and do like 500 plus damage a pop, it just usually takes a long time to get going and requires you to actually know exactly what you're doing on the hero
>noooooooo 30% damage deferral is too much you cant itemize around it!!!!!!!!
how about something that does 30% more damage or more DUMBASS!!! Shiv was complete ass before the buff today.
I played Bebop for the first time tonight and had a guy that was in the same match immediately prior where I played my main (Seven) on who I have a 63% winrate and am Phantom
So no
Part of the problem now is he's so beat down that he doesn't make calls at all, and just goes with the flow of the game, which he hates, but continues to play. I dunno what to do differently, because people in casual already don't use their mics and whenever we play with a full stack of friends we get against an unbelievable team of hyper competitive career games in discord together while I have two guys I'm trying to teach and one contemplating suicide every time he dies on his hundred game loss streak
It's just all messed up.
Maybe super early, like pre 3 minutes, but once you get your combo down early game you're probably going to be killing whoever you hook. Also, the improved scaling and cooldown give it more uptime and damage besides.
What if he was playing a new hero
You're retarded. 30% damage referral is insanely strong, because it increases your EHP by ludicrous amounts compared to the damage you do to him.
Let's say your enemy Shiv has 2000 HP. You naively though if you now did 2000*1.3=2600 damage you'd kill him. However, he takes 2600*0.7=1820 damage, and lives. Thirty percent is stronger for him than for you. If he buys armor, it just increases his efficiency even more. You can never keep up with his damage reduction without a MASSIVE soul lead, it is by far the strongest passive in the game.
what's your MMR? i was 2500 on my main and only just climbed back to 2000 on my second character.
if you aren't that high you aren't going to notice.
He was playing the same one

Phantom 5 IDK how you see a number
Majestic Leap really got buffed all this shit is showing me all you need to do is cry and you are probably going to get a buff or shit reversed this is insane

and yamato should have had her ulti cut down to 80 seconds not 85
The deferral percent is not the problem 10 seconds is just way too long
yeah going open alpha like this was a massive mistake. I really thought Valve was above this sort of thing but obviously they are not. Its like the same devs of a shitty indie game, even having a discord is fucking embarrassing for a AAA dev
>heavy melees are still extending like 5 meters further than they should
Why do enemies hit my from 3 miles away, but if Im one centimeter off I dont get the AOE damage?
Just giving EHP as a passive is good, but not inherently OP. Especially when that EHP has a huge caveat, he can still die from the bleedout.
The cancerous part is where he can just press 3 to heal away giant chunks of damage.
>muh shiv durrhurrd damage
alright, buff pristine emblem, fixed. Now shiv dies.
one of the nerfs was enough it didn't really need both
though honestly I think the recast nerf should have been the one reversed
This. They seem dead set on removing a lot of fun stuff
melee aoe is a cone so it has longer range at the corners
Someone in lane tried to heavy me through a corner in lane today and I parried and it played the parry confirm sound, so I heavied around the corner and I got parried.

I was pissed.
and my other big problem is why cant they balance like for example shiv they need to figure it out because they been having issues balancing this hero since he dropped so at some point they actually have to look at his kit and ask themselves does it make sense
when is the last time they entirely reworked an ability into something else? I heard about like ivys old ult but that was atleast awhile ago, there is so much shit that just doesn't fucking belong and is a putrid stain on the game that just need to be fucking gone.
Bebops bombs are here to stay, shitter
I meant this for kelvin but whatever
im warden one tricking rn and i wanna kms for it
kinda thinkin lash but the first two games i played against people I clearly didnt understand how to play lash
bake new faggots
>bunny suit Vindicta
>Geist but more transparent dress
>Paradox in her coat and micro-bikini
>Haze in painted on clothes
Yeah ivy is in a pretty weird place right now. I think the tether should be stronger if they want to lean into her being a supporter
the single thing good from last update was character shaders
>character shaders
why do you want to play Lash
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lmao you didnt notice the new shade it actually looks great
Since it's fun to play hero?
silence glyph hurts shiv pretty good, anything to make him duck out of the fight after engaging means his deferred damage will take effect before he can engage again
way more vibrant to look at and it looks great while playing
Do you really need to teamwipe 15 minutes in? Or can you just assassinate lone targets like haze is supposed to?

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