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#6280 - Nekroz Leaks edition

Previous: >>499888834

>Recommended Simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel
●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “/dng/” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful Links
Rulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Wiki: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yugipedia
Probability Calculator: https://yugioh.party
Stock Market: https://yugiohprices.com
Database: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com
Misc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/

TCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/list_2024-09-02/ (Sep 2/Next Banlist: SOME MONTHS FROM NOW)
OCG: https://yu-gi-oh.jp/news_detail.php?page=details&id=2055 (Oct 1st/Next Banlist: Jan 1st)

OCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocg
TCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-decks
https://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)

JP: https://yugioh-starlight.com
EN: https://ygorganization.com

>Upcoming Releases
●Terminal World 2 (Nov 23)
●Premium Pack 2025 (TBA, probably Dec)
●Quarter Century Trinity Box (Dec 21)
●Alliance Insight (Jan 25)
●Quarter Century Art Collection (Feb 22)

●Quarter Century Bonanza (Nov 7)
●Crossover Breakers (Dec 6)
●Supreme Darkness (Jan 23)
●Structure Deck: Blue Eyes White Destiny (Feb 7)
●Maze of the Master (Feb 21)

●AMC Cup 11 (Nov 3, 1930 UTC):
Banlist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VL_NLd-Sh2hVgvIzf11PzsZO-kq9ZNkp

●TCG Next QCSR Poll:
●/vgl/ Polls:
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Buster Blader is the biggest hypocrite in Yu-Gi-Oh
raping Albaz's bussy is based
every nigger alive should be buckbroken into submission as God intended
But all Buster Blader do is helping Albaz rape others.
Zesty ass niggas
That's Albussy taking an entire field of dragonified monsters face down though?
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El dragon negro...
Albaz is listed first in the material of Alba Lenatus.
He’s the top there.
Pic-releated is an example of Albaz being the bottom
Blue-Eyes in meta yet again. It is above Yubel or Snake-Eye
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damn romin lost the yugabowl and had to settle for rook instead
I wish it was a Hydreigon tri-head instead of this mistake. Like how does konami fuck up their tri-headed dragons?
the potential tho
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Red Eyes reproduces asexually and this is just how Red Eyes monsters are made
red-eyes b. chick tho...
The egg is just a Konami Orb.
Not a Red-Eyes, it's some freak imposter
How the fuck do you beat troonbel with lab??
I can stall them with removals and daruma but they shit out so many yubels it's impossible to break through
Hosting on eu casual
Floodgate them retard
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>Konami Orbs are Unions, Cyberdarks and maybe Materiactors
What mean?
How the hell did he FTK with this? (and win to boot?)
I can't think of any line that can lead to FTK.
Any topping branded lists after the limit?
>Kali Yuga
straight sex fusion archetype when
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FTK is different from turn skip
Kali Yuga is always summoned in opp's turn so that's no longer FTK.
Beside, he ran the Gimmick Puppet CXyz to make use of the burn effects of Raidraptor monsters but I just can't think of a combo that can achieve that
>fingertips touching
delete this
If 8 today's drop will be diaper.dek support
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who will win the yuamubowl and create yuga?
She was trying to win?
I thought both were just friends
>maybe White Woods is coo-
>troonick and floodgates
holy trash
>Fiend Eagle burns for original ATK
>Stranger Falcon burns for original ATK (but destroys in the process)
>Ultimate Falcon burns for 1000 damage on EP
>Rising Rebellion Falcon can gave the effects of any of the other RR Xyz, and also has its own built-in pop+burn effect
>Fanatxi Machinix can revive any monster to the opponent's field from GY, with the choice to pop+burn for half its ATK
My guess is
>make a big beater
>make Machinix revive it to the opponent's field
>see deck
>looks interesting
>expensive as shit
Why do I even bother?
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Insect Gods.
4 topping Branded lists since the banlist
I will create 50 Yugas and bless YGO with infinite alt formats
romin belongs to me
They have a couple 1-card FTKs now but it's mostly with blaze falcon and fanatix machinx doing the killing.
Yuamu also belongs to me.
Toon support doko
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>coomertrannies thinking they're ever getting laid
Comedy gold
Pretty easy
>make 77
>go into Machinix and revive it back to field
>both Fiend Eagle and Stranger Falcon burn for original ATK (4000 + 4000 = 8000 you win)
You can do it with 1 card and a lot of the garnets are soft garnets
>c-coomertrannies thi—
>play Plunder for the first time in a while
>immediately play all Water deck
This deck and I are cursed lol, you being on Fiendsmith would unironically have been better than Sharks.
GGs player. Hosting again on eu casual
gg, I'm shocked Shark isn't more playable, guess Multcharmies are just too much of a pain in the ass
The funniest thing is that I'm pretty sure the FTK variant doesn't even run any garnets that the standard variants don't bother with, it is almost all based on ED slots instead
mad because bad
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Import Celeb Rose to OCG/TCG, Konami.
Literally proving his point, lmao
why is a regular dog one of the choices??
>Avian and Burstinatrix
>Sparkman and Sparkwoman
Honorary white woman
why are you guys so horny?
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I am forgotten...
>battle destruction effect
>in the year 2017 (at the time)
>none of the effects have anything to do with how Baby Dragon was used in the anime/manga
>completely outclassed by a non-Red-Eyes card (Black Metal Dragon)
Yep, it's a Red-Eyes card alright.
Over 95% of the fandom is male and around 30 years old.
Most of the females are just yumes or fanfic writers so they don't interact with us either.
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Didn't realize girls liked gintama that much.
both Jujutsu Kaisen and MCU have way too many fujos to be just in the middle
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>6 cards with any value
>OTS asks for $4 when TCGplayer says $2.50
Who buys product?
Titfuck Parlor
>Attack on Titan is close to the middle, but trends female
the male enjoyers just aren't as loud or obsessive as the fujosisters
all of them are men over 30, btw
The average casual does not give a shit, he just wants to open packs and get high off the pseudo gambling feeling
30 year old male yugiboomers vs 40 year old femcel pent house enjoyers
Erm it searches Black Metal Dragon with the 2nd effect thoughbeit
GGs player. I played into the Steeds pretty badly by using the Fusion spell there in game 1. I could have done a lot more if I had started with a normal summon instead.
>imperming the card printed over a decade ago with no HOPT instead of the new card with actual restrictions
Silly me.
half of mcu fujos got genocided in 2019
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shut up faggot twink
After some testing, I think this was how it went
>summon any Rairaptor + extender to make Raider's Knight
>Raider's Knight rank-up to Brave Strix to search RUM Skip Force to rank-up to Arsenal Falcon
>Arsenal Falcon summon Noir Lanius from deck to search and then summon Heel Eagle
>Link summon Wise Strix using Arsenal and Heel, activate Wise Strix and then Arsenal Falcon to summon Ultimate Falcon and Mimicry Lanius from Deck. Then Wise Strix set RUM Soul Shave Force from deck.
>Activate Ultimate's effect by detaching Arsenal Falcon, then use it to summon Number 77.
>Summon Force Strix using Noir and Mimicry to search Strangle by detaching Mimicry, then search Rise RUM by banishing Mimicry.
>Summon Rising Rebellion, then detach Noir + 2 other materials to copy Arsenal (but don't activate right away).
>summon Strangle and use its effect to summon another RR from GY
>activate Noir to deccrease Strangle's and the other RR's Lv by 1 to summon Fiend Eagle
>Summon Badirche using Wise Strix and 77
>activate Soul Shave Force to summon Fanatix to summon 77 to opp's field (but don't activate its pop effect)
>activate Fiend Eagle to burn for 4000
>activate Rising Rebellion to summon any lv4 Raidraptor.
>activate Badirche to send Silent Boots to set Shade Brigandine, then banish Boots to search PK RUM Launch
>summon Gagagaga using the lv4 RR summoned by Rising Rebellion and Brigandine, then summon Force Strix from GY.
>activate PK RUM Launch to summon Stranger Falcon to destroy and burn for the remaining 4000.
Goddamn that was long for a 1.5-card combo.
Maybe there are better 1-card combo but I'm not bright enough to think of them.
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>Pulled an Ulcanix from prize pack
>Pulled an Diabelle from OTS
Good enough time to shitpost with fire. I love me some Turn 0 bullshit. One Paidra equals AFD plus field spell search. What can fill this ED?
What is she doing
They need to make new toon support and dont have any of them having the limitation that they cant attack once per turn. Or some Toon or Continuous Spell that makes it so all your toons can attack first turn. this is the only hope of making them playable.
No one cares about toons because it's not in Yugi or Kaibas deck
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holy shit
Nice ass
I wonder what her farts smell like haha
little knight is so lucky
>Cyber Dragon got buffed
>But Cyberdarks got nerfed
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KoJ didn't like Hell Kaiser arc, it seems
>Kaiser has a lv4 dragon for the maindeck Cyberdarks in the anime
>Konami's nerfing makes that strategy incompatible
Bravo Konami.
Retrained into Cyberdark Infernal Dragon when?
>how to make the worst selling set of all time in just 1 easy step
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This still the only card that rewritten effect describe
Not change effect during activation, literally rewritten
More like this when?
Malefic Territory but for Kaijus coming later.
Territory was created because Malefic is a mistake.
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I am forgotten...
And so I am glad that edo got disrespected hard in arcv. Deserved.
I:P is only $30 so she's gonna be smol
The next step is completely rewriting cards into other cards, or
>Assault Fort
If it makes you feel better, every onscreen Edo had after getting Bloo-D were all losses.
>CDIP sold bad
>it had fucking Instant Fusion
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Bait Doll, but for monster effect/spell when?
Hindsight is a bitch
trouble sunny, traptrix, and another ip fig>>500115394
And Instant Fusion, a Common card at the time, has what to do with CDIP being one of the worst selling sets of all time, illiterate retard?
Instant Fusion wasn't relevant way back when. Only Snipe Hunter for meme shit like Ojamachinegun and HERO City and Chain Strike
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How about this?
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It's like he was self-aware that his entire Deck is trash besides CyDra.
What if opponent say
>Nah, dont have one
What are you gonna do?
Also this isnt like Bait Doll, as Bait Doll force activating card effect, not force summon
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dababy tho
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>instantly mogs yuya at being a duelist showman
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>What if opponent say
If they show they lie later in the game you can get them a game loss/DQ if they're being a shithead
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Yuya really was a worse Jaden huh
>Both are goofy characters that are seen as clowns for most of the show (Yuya having a literal circus deck to boot)
>Both have an arc where they become get taken over by an evil they are related too and have to overcome it
>Both lose sight of who they were and the last part of each show is regained their sense of self
With GX Season 4 was rushed and was only 24 episodes but it still did a decent job of showing the aftermath of Jaden having turned into someone else and remembering to have fun way better.
So itll be like infernities setting their monsters in the S/Ts to get rid of hand and OTK
It's always funny when someone in GX will break the laws of physics when shuffling cards.
Or hell, when Sherry straight slices through multiple objects with a fucking card.
dng lost
Also would this be good against anything?
Reviving a Ritual that wasn't Ritual Summoned from the graveyard.
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>>500108678 (Me)
It was really fun to be able to make full use of the forgotten Raidraptor Xyz like Fiend Eagle and Stranger Falcon as well as the level changing effect of Noir Lanius.
However, this build has the same weakness with the Kali Yuga turbo.
>Xyz deck
>it does either FTK or turnskip cancer
Never beating the Xyzgger allegations
the biggest fattest ugliest bastard imaginable
>Synchro Deck
>Omninegate Unbreakable board
Same shit
>Rushtrash is the result of letting a subhuman procreate
At last I truly see
This is a coin flip game.
Whoever wins the coin flip wins the game.
Therefore, we should all take the Arcana Force pill and become coin flip CHADS.
Making your opponent understand true despair like Aporia through white negation is beautiful thoughever
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>dark ruler no ack
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We need a Pragtical remake on par with Aerial Eater
Why not sera?
>contacting fusion by destroying dinosaur on the field
>on summon, destroy 1 Dinosaur from Deck
They're likely making several and Genlisea was just the furthest along in production
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Jump Festa for this year.
One of this year's features is that they're gonna put card art on display again.
>Tablet artworks
"You made shitty plays and use garbage cards so I decided to carry the game."
That's not the tablet Blue-Eyes, for some reason
I only watched the first yugioh series with yugi, why is this girl being such a cunt?
>you should have relied on my strat instead of going for the win

Blue eyes art is not the tablet
That's actually the Rush Duel Blue-Eyes.
It's the Rush Duel art for both cards
It's from Season 4. TLDW The main character (Jaden) in Season 3 had an arc where he commits genocide and fused with a demon and vanished for a while, and once he came back he kind of stop caring about stuff.
>Using Rush card to shill
>Rush art front and center
Because he was being an ass
What's the best xyz targets for ultimate slayer?
Long story short
>GX's MC liked to play the game for fun, but anime plot stuff eventually happens that forced him into high stake duels where people die
>GX MC starts playing hyper competitive and OTKing most games because dueling is serious business now
>casual friends get upset that he isn't playing like a casual and having fun anymore
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current vgl poll status:
alt #1 (picrel) is set to be our logo for the upcoming season, sorry to everyone who didn't like the drawn one.
tied for first place in the position poll are Laundry and Air Neos, with second place being a tie between Albaz, Ash Blossom, Deadnader, and Tenpai. If you don't like those, then go cast your vote. If you haven't voted, I encourage you to please vote, links in the thread OP
rushgods keep winning
She's a pathetic beta woman who's trying to get him to realize she likes him by helping him at card games but he doesn't need her help. Nor does he ever realize she has feelings for him.
Does ignoring his teammates plays actually come back to bite him in the are later, or is it just like the rest of GX where jaden just wins anyway and the potential moral of the story is completely forgotten about?
He simply did not care if she was into him he was more into Yubel's she/they demussy or riding Johan/Jesse's dick.
We should change from /dng/ into /rdng/
Why didn't you watch gx?
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>She's a pathetic beta woman who's trying to get him to realize she likes him by helping him at card games but he doesn't need her help. Nor does he ever realize she has feelings for him.
How do people even like Asuka as a character?
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rape dem niggas general?
they dont
Reminder that Jaden was canonically a homosexual AND a tranny chaser, and no amount of deflecting to other MCs will ever change this.
>tranny chaser
>still the best mc
'fraid so.
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magikey support
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More Reptilianne when?
>canonically a homosexual
>a tranny chaser
Nah, Yubel chased him and he wasn't attracted to Transei at all in the movie.
So it's one of those only liked because of her body instead of the characterization situations.
that fuck is a tranny chaser?
>cool giant space mech monster
>only exists to be dumped from extra deck
The only time I see this guy hit the field is in stupid FTK wombo combo videos
Someone who chases trannies, like Honk.
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Thinking of adding an illusion package with the new link 4 as a way to deal with spells/traps.
>rush won
Give your opponent a bunch of LP then flip self destruct?
My nigga since forever.
oh shit i didn't noticed self destruct
I liked yugi and kaiba, and I heard they weren't in it, so I bounced. How was I supposed to watch yugioh without ever hearing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4v351FhLfo

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Are there any spell equivalents to this?
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Kaiba had some appearances in GX.
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Why not just used Darklord Nurse
Shit is searchable
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>Still no Little Girl selling matches archtype
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Soon Memento Judge man will push us to S
How did AF get to D rank?
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>Look up tourney deck
>Triple D barrier in the side
Confess anon, you use 4+ floodgates as well
>SS back to be meta
>Tenpai belong to AF tier
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>Arc-V and GX constantly filled with the gayest shit and overused of rainbow and troon colors
Like why?
I see MaZe is being retarded again. Why don't you stick the few things you actually know like trannies and diapers? Leave the game to people who actually play.
>How did AF get to D rank?
They found a way to consistently summon The World with Light Barrier on
But they auto lose any time they go second
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>anime's entire storyline is based around proving there's a generational timeline in the anime because the audience is too stupid to understand otherwise
In a a way it's insulting.
>Gimmick Puppets will immediately win if you do nothing
>Arcana Force will immediately win if you do nothing
Why does the OCG hate Breaker decks so much?
That was fun.
I didn't know about Raidraptor FTK until now.
I hope there is a going second build somewhere (I will never forgive Konami for nerfing Rise Falcon).
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Why is Xyz so soulless?
Why is Synchro so soulless?
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I will save her
Because it doesn't rely on the heart of the cards to draw the correct cards for your combo.

You just need the one guy who summons another guy who lets you combine at no additional card cost. and that guy you bring out is big and can bring back those other guys

t. cynical yugiboomer who can't read size 2 font used on the cards
Why is Fusion so soulless?
Because they use syncro and xyzs as fusion material.
Why is Ritual so soulless?
Because they use syncro and xyzs as ritual offerings.
Be honest have you disappointed yugi?
Why is Normal Summoning so soulless?
It's not.
How is Goblin Bikers so high?
As usual, synchro is the most soulful summoning method.
guess who is at SS tier?
Then they should have been higher since before the banlist and not now
Holy retardation
Does Xyz have the most top tier decks in the history of YGO?
We do know Xyz have the most numerous broken monsters in the game.
Pretty sure this is the kansai list from twitter. They post one every other week or month.
Finally got mine. :)
I was actually looking at him in a tearlamrnts deck, since he synergises with kaleidoheart.
>sky striker in the nostalgia card pool for the bonanza
Fucking women is very gay.
They are basically men with wigs and ton of make-up, and some extra meat on theit tits and asses sometimes.
Being a sexual is the way to go.
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what's your go-to card to destabilize your locals?
for me it's Zombyra, the Dark (pt)
>What if opponent say
>>Nah, dont have one
they're obligated to show you their entire deck (or at least it worked like that in goat rulings)
painful choice, but unfortunately 1 of the cards goes to your hand
You could just bring a DM deck in PT
Dark Magician needs...
- A new boss monster with multiple negates
- A way to consistently Quick Play out Chaos MAX Magician
You take any any card PT version of a card with Dark in the name if you want to do that
>Arcana Force in rogue
Cursed timeline
The ultimate chud...
Dark or Black*
>1 branded fusion 1 branded in red no aluber
How the fuck does this deck even access the albaz dragons consistently
Arcana Force is the most consistent FTK in a long time. If you go first you've got about an 90+% chance to auto win.
How do i play icejades and not end on a single synchro 10 that i have to out to use my negate?
it has the best combination of consistency and resiliency to handtraps, but if talking about consistency alone, there are lists that perform better
Didn't they get a new XYZ monster?
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Buster Dragon turns opp's entire board into Dragon
then Albaz rapes all of them with Alba Lenatus
>3 Tales
>3 Deception
>no Rcia
>the book of moon trap
Not a fan
>If you go first you've got about an 90+% chance to auto win.
>the coin flip deck that can only win the game if they win the coin flip
Is Arcana Force the most SOVLful FTK?
>sets up Thrust and Talents to take the opponent's Veiler
>puts a monster on the opponent's field to stop Imperm
>has a summon chain block to stop Mourner
>the entire deck is hinged around having the extension power to set up The World
Horrifying timeline
I wish they made Chaos Ruler floodgate stronger like the anime version of Light Barrier.
In the anime, if Light Barrier is up, opp cannot activate monster effects from anywhere, not just field
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It's fine.
Arcana Force's winning rate when going second is 0%
oh yeah? i discard gnomaterial
even if it were true it's terrible publicity under a tournament's perspective, since it exacerbates the importance of the initial cointoss. I have no clue why they printed an archetype that will get konami ridiculed the second it goes first in a feature match
>even with NINETEEN MONSTERS that isn't even half of the Glad Beast lineup
Snake eyes loses to Ryzeal but it was still dumpstering goblins
Theres nothing I hate more than these retarded mill decks, I've never seen a single one of these troglodytes actually express any type of skill in the game beyond how lucky they get with being able to tank up to 4 negates and then still somehow bruteforce through to mill 40 cards into infinite pure rng advantage off of a million triggers with zero contextual use combined with the braindead spam of fairy tail snow because this retarded chinkshit mobile game somehow NEEDS to have this meme custom retard format in play
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Why do I see japs using Talents more than Thrust in Arcana Force?
Isn't Thrust's search better than Talent's draw 2?
>Arcana Force is just Gimmick Puppet again
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Talents has two other useful effects anon
>change of heart effect
Arcana Force's entire strategy is that they won't opp have a turn to summon anything to steal
If The Hierophant's effect goes through, that means opp has no valuable handtrap left because they would be stupid to not hit The Hierophant
>>500153759 (Me)
they won't *let opp have a turn to summon anything to steal
I think the gimmick puppet fieldspell can go to 3 again
You can CoH The World you give them, also they might have more handtraps or are saving a Veiler for The World, although they should probably run Thrust since it would still be a live Talents
Hell no
Gimmick Puppet field is the same broken shit with Tenpai field
Were you thinking of the Tenpai field spell? Cuz Mansion is unlimited in both formats.
>You can discard this card; for the rest of this turn, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects when an "Arcana Force" monster(s) is Summoned to your field.
Who approved this?
If I steal a monster with Talents that already used its negation effect this turn, will I be able to use its negation effect since its now mine, and the owner of the card changed?
I think the gimmick puppet monsters can go back to 3 again
Depends, if SOPT or only once while on the field, no, if HOPT (and not only once while on the field), yes.
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Why pro players cope around saying top decks everytime is not tier 0?
I every other game if a deck gets over 15% its a problem that should and will be adressed
they don't want their 1500$+tip investment to go in the shitter because of the banlist
Indirect support is nice, isn't it?
Remember when people shit on new AF card
>Arcana Force can't go second
>plays both Talents, can play Heralds if it wants to, has a boardwipe with the Fiend
Arcana Force is still very dependent on coin flip to win though.
They have no plan for going second.
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No,bro ...
>garbage set doesn't sell
why are nips such kneelers
don't they have any pride
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I mean what does this set have anyway
Remember when even garbarge set sell?
Honestly I prefer this to
Besides, it had plenty of support for my petdecks.

Those are garbarge
Literally noone play it (except droplet, but it is single so people can just buy it anyway)
Tearlament/Fiendsmith/Snake Eyes really killing normie's interested on this game, huh?
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People got used to something powercreeping something else every set, you reap what you sow
>Honestly I prefer this to
If only more people thought like that but alas
We're beyond the point where we can blame Tears considering 2 years have passed, more than enough time to scale down considerably yet Konami decided this train has no brakes
>ROTD was shit
>Infernoble and Dogmatika meta, had Droplet
Fucking retard, kill yourself
Even during that time, they couldnt reach meta tier
Raidraptor support in ALIN please
This is EXACTLY why I want to go back to the old formula of only one set per series being a game changer instead of every set busting the game's kneecaps one after the other. It creates ludicrously high expectations and all it does is keep accelerating the arm's race of "just how can I powercreep the previous meta deck?".
unplayer retard
B-but HEROs!
Blue-Eyes support in ALIN please
>n-no it's cause it wasn't power creep
It's because it's more dogshit Hero support and archetypes from GX that no one genuinely gives a shit about. Could have been DM, 5Ds, ZeXal and Arc-V support and that alone would garner more interest than "series that almost killed the game early in its life"
>Even in their homeland, they could not sell shit
Its truly over
Miscellaneousaurus for Winged Beast when?
I don't wish on any Type the fate that befell on Dinos.
Zombiefag here
We want to have same fate as Dinosaur
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No you don't. You still have a chance because Uni-zombie is just mid by modern standards.
One thing i know for sure
Without anime, noone truly give a shit about card game
Unizombie is way worse than Oviraptor
How can they POWERCREEP the current meta so they could sell upcoming pack?
Alright! More Arcana slop for me!
What are 5Ds and Arc-V then, series that almost killed the game mid and late in its life?
They don't need to. Make support for decks that aren't overrepresented like HERO but have dedicated fanbases. I mean how exciting must have it been to see more HERO support that does nothing in the long run after it keeps getting constant modern support.
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If only they had made more Arcana Force, than Supreme Darkness would have sold. As is they have 3 common cards, a rare, and then only Chaos Ruler is a foil card.
pote 2
Brought back massive losses from GX. GX was actually a rating sky fall and it only picked up after 5Ds took off and dropped slightly after the Earthbound arc with ZeXal being a word plateau. Arc-V killed it but the anime was no longer the best way to sell the game and instead lived off its decks in the meta game not the anime.
And Goddess of Duality, the Stratos of Arcana Force, is also quite cheap (a Normal Rare)
If the fans want to go for The World and Dio meme, they can easily get it without spending much
make bugs and zombies broken
TCG is the only place caring about Insect
I want to see what a TCG exclusive Plant deck would look like.
Still a better set than RIRA and CHIMP
bro your IDS
Either immediately assimiliated into Plantslop or too mediocre and basically becomes plantslop carrying it
Irritable Dowel Syndrome?
Nice try tear tranny really good attempt
>Fusion locks itself just by breathing
You do know GX almost killed the game and the anime right? 5Ds was the one that revived it for a bit on an anime and game basis.
Either copes with Predaplants or Plantslop does it at the tail end of their combo
I hope TCG SUDA gives Arcana Force a packfiller searcher for coin toss spell/trap
Yes it is
But it still sold less than the former
I wonder why
Maybe, the game is ______
needing more Blackwings
I won't play Blackwings
But you will buy Blackwings
we will not be buying blackwing and raidraptors
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silence, faggot
You will
Say one reason to play or buy blackwings
You can't
Supreme king and yubel unironically made worse damage than arcv, with vrains being the only one to surpass it. Gx would have improved if they gave asuka and rei more screentime.
>make ANOTHER main set without rituals
we need a broken ass zera retrain
Rage of the Abyss sold well thoughever
>implying it wouldn't have flopped harder with Rituals

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