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Patch Notes

Vikala Trailer
Battle pass

Next EU tournament (#9) (JOIN!!!)
Saturday November 9th 12pm PT / 7pm GMT


>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Upcoming DLC
Vikala (October) will close out the pass, season 2 starts with Sandalphon.

>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Vaseraga, Belial, Cagliostro, Zeta
>Latest Patch Notes (big meaty, 1.52)
>Steam page
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays

Previous: >>499976398
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The lesson learned: just be a lazy shit and someone WILL fix the problem for you!
post THAT webm
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Do you still hate her?
her game was boring and fighting her isn't fun so yes she can suck my dick please
I need to see what the hitbox looks like
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bruise room still open
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Come bruise or you will get an ass full of rebinrebu when you sleep tonight
ID 524497
Just wait 3 months for this to get patched no big deal
I'll take the ass-full, thanks.
holy shit why is winning as green so hard
let's go green clutched
damn, full lobby jumpscare
oh hello there
4/4 full house
So why did you feel the need to come here and brag? This is behaviour you see in children.
i accidentally hit momanon and almost killed him
then karma struck instantly
All these Granbruise levels I don't need...
Holy smokes you guys have double
we love children here
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>Lobby trannies shitting up the thread again with their circlejerk bullshit
you can be ice
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its not the hitbox
the ult dp is considered a projectile
headbutt can nullify projectiles
every move that can go through or nullify projectiles beats her ult dp
i can only assume everyone at cygames who tests character balance and decides on these things is completely ass at fighting games

enjoy the bonus at the end
good night
you can be a false flagger
only those above 12 and bellow 18
damn that luci got duffed
Owari da
Thanks for bruise
oops meant to post this in /opg/
ggs bwo thanks for playing
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I'm finally getting better with bikky but every win feels like a struggle
even if the opponent drop to 1 hp I can't relax because she doesn't have a single button I can trust
nyooo the cag newcutie :(
spot still open?
nyes, jyoin
I'm feeling this bad. None of her buttons feel good and any win I get feels like I just got lucky. It sucks how they made one of the most popular characters so weak.
I think I get it
To jump from one cog to the other you need to do that thing that is common in games, where you jump from one platform to the other but you need to time your jump to very slightly after you've already ''left'' the platform
shit I was trying to stop the rat. I'm sorry kotbro..
Welcome to the zoner life in Granblue Fantasy Versus……………..Rising. You’ll get used to the pain don’t worry.
niggas are realizing what matera players had to deal with for a year
it's ok i did that too last round
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the january patch will fix her
Nerfs for her and Ferry coming up
What controller do you guys recommend for fighting games? Only one I have that somewhat works is my busted, ancient ds3 and I'm not using that
yeah, but even with that it's hard because you need to aim it towards the rotating edges of the other cog
>member is currently in a game
I wouldn’t be surprised if they made her fH not hit air blockers like Ferry. That would crush my soul.
watashi no ougi
Taimanin fighting (or decent action) game when?
A Taimanin guest character would be infinitely based. A fighting game would only be based if it had the budget and devs to not look like shit, which it would never get.
oh, isn't that like metera's DP? I remember seeing some Yuel oki that took advantage of her DP and Bea's SSBA as a reversal to do something
you were this close to the heal circle...
I've been happy with DS4, though diagonals can sketchy every once in a while. Switch pro was great until I realized there are angles where the wrong amount of force on the triggers won't register a press.
Who we thinking for a guest character? My two choices would be Su and Rinko. I do find it funny that Taimanin has yet to produce a game even a quarter as decent as the Senran Kagura games.
I got hit by the shadow of the fat golem
I know it's going to be seen as the boring answer, but I would want Asagi as the guest character, with Sakura showing up in her win screen.
Just get a Series controller, that shit's dpad is actually functional. Or use keyboard/leverless, anything that prevents accidental diagonals that Sony/Nintendo were too cheap to fix.
At least you're aware.
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We heard your complaints about 66L so in season 2 we are going all in on zoners and the top 2 are going to be Metera and Ferry
man I hate lasers
kek that ending
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man I love lasers. Back to rat gaming
ggs anon
3/4 yet again
Is it better than the XBONE controller? That was awful.
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Last one for me, clocking at about 2 hours of bruising
>man I love lasers
ur wrong
thanks for coming, ggs
one more pop... anytime now....
cant make this shit up
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This is someone's Grand Bruise hero
Why would it get patched? It is working as intended. Her reversal is a projectile, it also beats parries that lose to projectiles so it is only right it also loses to thing that beat projectiles.
holy shit that lunaru LMAO
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at least one of us got it
ggs bwos, thanks for the bruise
I saw you.
ggs, see ya next time
Thanks for bruising, that was a kino match to end the day with
The lunalu in the first stage, the second stage where everyone was at 1 heart and it was cramped as fuck
then in the grand finale the rat got big and fucked my ass, as i was falling i sent a spear that killed her and gave the win to the f2p gran anon youre welcome
also the kot died somewhere inbetween all that
I hope that the next season pass just includes a version that costs $10 more but includes the Sandal skin. I dont want another battlepass wasted on a male.
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but did you feel me?
yeah I know it was horrible, don't remind me
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rat zoning is too strong
>in granblue
it's you thats the problem
I have a slight feeling that the exaggerated whining about the rat is done by tourists.
They don't care/play the game, they just came to check out the rat and were mad that they weren't stomping everyone day 1 like Beatrix
it's very obvious if a character is not good if you've ever played a fighting game before in your life
I block every rat fucker that doesn't approach.
I block every Fastiva that uses command grabs.
I block every mixup.
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>quickly whips out dick so she kisses my dick instead of my mouth, avoiding oral herpes

it's that easy
jokes on you i had a condom on when i opened this pic
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UNI is so cooked its unreal
B-But Anon... Herpes on your dick sounds significantly worse...
Noo I don't wanna be a lesbian! >.<
it's oral herpes, it doesn't work on the dick
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poverty game

This is how you play Vikala, like a huge DICK
*writes into notes*
>only play against ladivas

okay thank you for the vikala guide.
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>official Strive stream
>they show a video of a random e-girl teaching how to sew a frilly dress
can't make this shit up
cannonballs, bombs and stars should at least do chip
If it was Vikala's skirt in a gbvsr stream you retards would be drivelling about "soul" this and "based" that
>[schizo babble]

so true sis
vikala is not pandering to transgenders, so yes
where did the rat go...
one of her attacks is literally hitting you with the tranny rainbow
>so mindbroken by trannies he sees them literally everywherw, even in natural phenomena
trannies did not invent rainbows
The rainbow is a creation of God, it has 7 colors
Evil cannot create, only corrupt. The LGBT flag is only 6 colors.
>not a single button I can trust
thank you for putting it into words. even her 5H is deceptively shit
guessing 236H > 214H hit as a true string
true string
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>he sees them literally everywherw
they quite literally are everywhere
go outside
you can't chip kill with a true blockstring
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that's where i find them, i spot them in the wild like pokemon
i went to my local arcade the other weekend and the front desk person was a visible tranny (passes in my books but trans nonetheless)
then i went to play pop'n and the person at the chunithm cab next to me was a man in a dress
after a few hours of playing pop'n i left the 'cade and there was a ltbgqqpia2x++ awareness rally on the main avenue
>If things were different they'd be different
no shit
whats pop'n???
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pop'n music, my favorite rhythm game
it has big slappable buttons
Dumb frogposter
you can be nice to frogposters
this isn't /a/
/a/ banning all wojaks and frogs is the best thing about that board outside of the Christmas r/a/dio stream
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but should we?
did they actually do that?
holy shit that's based
thats been a rule for a very long time, they are banned on sight
Hypocrisy within a community must be pointed out.
yes, we have bea mains amog us
/poeg/ made me hate frogposters
and ever since that gen ive been aware of how frog images are always attached to the dumbest posts ever made
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theres only one type of frog you should be nice to
>POV: your head is on the edge of the bed and she's about to go in
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God damn
Anyone EC wanna play? I'm SA
I'm west coast on wifi but I'll play you
Sure, I'll boot up the game
Fuck, now I have to play...
her womb looks like this
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Reject rat
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>america be like:
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be honest gbvsg, would you blargh her if you had the chance?
I'd blargh anything with a heart beat... functioning or not
>if the opponent drop to 1 hp
At this point I find a way to squeeze in 236U and go nuts with zoning
Even that ugly fat nigger wavie?
anything.... but that...
that's how it be over here my fellow frog from down under
is it really that bad in america? i remember visiting britain and getting shocked at gender-neutral bathrooms and pride flags
yeah it's a common thing in any high population metro area centered around a large city here
we have a national holiday for lgbfaggotry now, along with a whole month dedicated to being proud of your faggottiness
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there's idols exactly like this who make more than you ever will
Yeah but they kill millions.
Everything has a price.
What if Vikala was a single mother? What then?
then I would be a deadbeat dad
ggs rat anon, was fun
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I wonder what kind of makeup Metera uses on her armpits?
Wait... does this enable meaty Karma for Bubs?
Can someone lab this for me I don't have the rat
I really like the sound Vikala makes when she uses her ratsengan
If it works against Bea's SSBA, then it would work against bikki
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I wonder if he does these thumbnails himself
It's not that hard to make
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someone make a reimu recolor for vikala
I got diarrhea
I think vikala is the reason they made the ranked changes. They knew the rats were going to be losing too much and didn't want them to derank
I've been playing around with the BC on block setting in training mode.
any button into spotdodge is always +2 if they immediately BC.
jump in into spotdodge is +2~-4 depending on the height of your jump in normal.

Also it's actually impossible to hit your opponent's recovery frames with BC on their BC. They can always block regardless of how much you delay, so what you are actually hitting is them hitting buttons after they BC you for the counter hit. This doesn't apply to any other move against BC, if they whiff BC, they have recovery frames that you can hit. But for some reason another BC is always blockable while recovering from BC.
Everyone knows this already. Why do you think people hate it so much
I doubt that many people knew about the last part. I don't think I have ever see anyone mention it despite it being a very specific and weird thing about BC.
The japs really like the rat, huh?
Shosan seems to be having a lot of fun, but that's a guess
rat is fun
I knew about it
it's the reason bc wars exist in the first place because you're gambling taking your +6 turn off a blocked bc vs knowing your opponent is going to do it back and blocking
ferryanon literally brought it up a few days ago lol and probably even more times before that
rat's too shit to play. I really tried. it's too frustrating losing to trogdolytes that you'd beat on any other character
>only thing you can do is grab because she will lose the clash
>hit 5M
>opponent punishes because you're -8
>hit 5M and cancel into a move
>opponent rolls because she can't do fucking anything about it and gets full punish
>lab some sideswitch shenanigans
>try it in a match
>other guy uses the block button
vikky sama

no more horns.
block them back, permanently
wym i just saw sho san clash in the mirror and he won
the clash RPS is throw/DP/spotdodge, her buttons have nothing to do with clash RPS up close and she has a 6f f.L for ranged clashes.
She doesn't have a problem with clash.
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>Anila/Vane player
>mfw seeing all these people bitch and moan about how Rat is weak
i kneel
vane is belial tier compared to anila
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forbidden trick: do a raging strike after the sideswap if you have the time, they need to hit the right direction to dodge
last burger, evos
Rat's worse than both
I'm gonna do this.
DLC mains are funny to me.
man her ~kuhuhu~ is so cute it's insane
ganbare anon, it works every time. don't spread the word though, my low tier needs the knowledge check to survive
I'm such a fool, I should have used the rat gauntlet as a opportunity to get mom into master
Should Vikala have even more items? Or more redundant items removed in favour of more unique items?
Super rare item with 0,001% chance, you can paralyze your opponent for 3 seconds
this but instead it's the rat ears and turn the enemy into Vikala
Cygames hire these men
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Not really big into mom's face in this pic and her skin is too dark, but beggars can't be choosers
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never realised how annoying zeta was until i played against a proper one, luckily she doesn't do as much damage as before
hello grimnir nig
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why made you into a frogposter?
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Vikala is so fun
why don't you post the frog I "made" for you
I have a lot of fun playing against vicky's (i win every game)
I truly have no idea how to rank this character.
but to be completely honest I doubt this is a Vikky only thing. i have a feeling that I can recreate this webm with bubs
>236H with stars
>followed by another star
>followed by a bomb

Man am I good at fighting games.
any vikalas here raach masters yet
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Can Vikala win a zoner war against Metera?
>curious to give rrat a try, despite not being a big fan of her character
>find out Ironmouse is doing the voice of her beartrap thing
>resolve to never touch rrat again
Can't wait for Season 2.
>en dub
you don't even have to change characters, gran is right there in that webm with his bottom 1 sba that doesn't even link off fL
2b fair you shouldnt even be doing that unless it closes the game.
>dizzy has a special that does constant damage and the damage itself is not affected by blocking
Yeah idc this game will never be nearly as kusoge as strive.
>special that does constant damage and the damage itself is not affected by blocking
just dodge bro
>costs all your meter and opponenet can FD to offset the damage
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Imma toot
All that for so much meter.
It deals psychological damage
Its to send a message, I would kneel to anyone that did this to me.
>I would kneel to anyone that did this to me.
you would kneel to anyone, tranny
Forgive him, grubbers aren't used to games with defensive options.
We do these things not because they are efficient...
>watch vikala grand master matches
>none of them use the cannons
>the best their do is popping the cannon to extend the combo but no one actually fires it

Damn, this button is really that bad huh, hope the devs are watching
I'm not sure how viable it actually is, but I did a vikky mirror earlier today and the guy's gameplan was literally only cannons and items when at fullscreen. he managed to fill the entire screen with shit and the only thing I could was 214U. against other characters it might be sort of effective
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>Shosan has been playing Vikala for 8 hours straight
>only gone from S++5 to S++2
horse evoking belly button
It worked really well in the mirror match because she doesn't have any sort of gap closer. I've tried it on others and they always wait for cannons to disappear, either 3 or 6 blasts, and then move in. You can 214M to stop their approach but crouching beats that. They would then only need to run a little more and press their gap closer and will be pretty much in your face.
I'm unironically going to use this
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How would you guys buff Vikky cannon?
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>no DP
>not armor
>no rekka
>no mix
>supers have no range (shes a zoner btw)
>outzoned by the other zoners
>meter DP is a projectile
>sometimes heal the opponent
>low health
>low hitboxes
>slow normals
>cost $8
She's cute, though.
You forgot the 500% sex factor
Other than the healing you just described Metera.
half of that doesn't even apply to metera, fuck off
Metera actually isn't that bad against other zoners because of air arrows.
Doesn't matter, I still suck at dealing with zoners.
Vikala should piss on my face
>>outzoned by the other zoners
Not even sure how much she can outzone any other character with a projectile who aren't even dedicated zoners, considering her only multi hitting projectile is UCannon which gets cancelled by other U fireballs and recovers slower than them due to the blowback. It's kind of an issue with modern fighting game balance where they know people hate fighting zoners and grapplers so they tend to be undertuned and prime material for the low tier character that gets 2 compensatory nerfs for every buff they get most games seem to have.
At least she has the cutest and most soulful animations in the game
funnt to me how she also doesn't have a single zoning combo
even simples stuff like 3 hits into knockdown it's impossible to her because the trap/cannon/hook/rats doesn't combo with each other at zoning distance
another major top 4 for metera
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kissing cagliostro!
sounds like Metera mains are just more skilled at the game than most other people since she is universally considered a bottom 5 character.
It is not right. It is fucking stupid. There are no positives to this retarded negative. No one uses parries on someone else's wake up.
This might shock you, but you can use a fully invincible move in other scenarios as well, not just on wake-up.
For example, you can DP Sieg's Orkan mix and the parry follow-up that is specifically intended to prevent you from just DPing loses to her DP.
Are you retarded?
it's time for another day
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The hit wasn't a punish or a counter, meaning ratto simply did not do anything after the first evade.
yuel is smelly
He keeps queing into the same S++ Kat...
Vikala can't combo off 66M CH? What the hell
gig deam
Cannons go off from inputting 6U
Heling items cause hit/blockstun when shot from a cannon (they still give the same ammount of life/bar and cause no damge)
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>The hit wasn't a punish or a counter, meaning ratto simply did not do anything after the first evade.
Do you know what a character flashing red means? I know you play this game. Probably not Master considering how unbelievably stupid and blind you are, but I'm sure you can figure out what is being shown in the webm and what exactly is wrong with what you said.

Fucking retarded nigger, god, H O W are you this goddamn stupid? KILL YOURSELF
Also, she can put out cannons while jumping but with the opposite command (button press for air cannon, hold for grounded cannon)
What's stopping me from sitting in a corner and spam cannons and everything as vicky? I'm practically invincible
>>no DP
She has a DP
>>not armor
Setplay =/= armor
>>no rekka
Autocombo = rekka
>>no mix
She has the highest corner pressure in the game and she can force 50/50 mixups with trap
>>supers have no range (shes a zoner btw)
Her skills go full screen and linger
>>outzoned by the other zoners
only metera and her gimmick stays on the field unlike caglio who can be countered
>>meter DP is a projectile
not sure how this is a bad thing
>>sometimes heal the opponent
yea for 1 life, irrelevant for a character that does 60% on vaseraga from a standing light
>>low health
medium actually
>>low hitboxes
this is a bad thing how?
>>slow normals
the only thing slow is her 66P being 8F instead of 7, but her normals are average to good, which is insane on a character that plays like she came from ggxrd
>>cost $8
the cannons go away after a few items and you need to place another one
people can use neut skip to hit you once that happens
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what's that sticking out from their belly?
Bait used to be believable
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You mean being able to remotely fire the cannons?
These would be really nice changes
Why is it so hard to connect c.M after 623H in the corner? It doesn't come out sometimes.
Characters should cost no more than five dollars, and even that's too much when modern fighters are shitting out dozens of them.
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game needs bans
i shouldn't have to play vs so many rats
It's a (fake) 1 frame link, you may be screeibg up the timing, unles you really only have that issue in the corner, then dunno, maybe you're too close to the opponent when you shoot the mice, their hitstun ends sooner and therefore thst link doesn't work. Just speculation since I can't lab it at the moment.
Go back to your ASSFAGGOTS, subhuman.
Vikala isn't annoying to fight, especially compared to the other DLC characters
goes away after shooting 3 times
it's slow
little damage, doesn't combo
1/3 chance to fire a heal item
same trajectory, running+dodging or running+jumping gets you at vicky in no time

if you just defend the while she spam the cannons you might actually win the match by time out since she heals you and fill you bar
It does f.M some times which stinks. Should have clarified.
can you not do 2M or 2U link?
true, make sure to send in feedback on the website
at least make it like strive where we can see what characters we're against before we accept
Bro wants features from Strive of all games
bitchmade system
rat SSBA doubles as an anti-crossup is pretty cool
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Oh that's a neat alt color for the opus rat ears
>low health
>It's okay for other characters to have low HP but not MY favorite Rat character

having Vikala as my partner genuinely makes me happy
the "other characters" have low health to compensate for strong tools
cog is also a trap setplay character and has more health than her
>What's stopping me from sitting in a corner and spam cannons and everything as vicky?
Me walking away from my pc and coming back to block you.
EX fireballs
ratbros... shosan got her to masters and went back to zeta...
My EX fireball only goes half the screen because scrubs complained about it too much...
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If she didn't guess/spam spot dodge early, she would have made it out. Main and love love love Siegfried.
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im lonely without my kizzingtons
Seigcels are so carried that they are unable to view the game as it is.
All locked in the wage cages
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wow vikky's dp is awful
What the fuck am I doing?
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gamerip rat theme
I can post from my wage cage. I just decided not to because this thread became very gay and trans ever since rat came out.
Thank you xewom
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sir, I'm the default one
rat is so shit im not even going to make a soundpost for her
the tiny rats are adorable
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let me check if that's truly the default one
>touches face
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it's true...she really is super sand lesbian...
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>let me check if that's truly the default one
>>touches face
>it's true...she really is super sand lesbian...
I look like this
t. Every Charlotta player
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we're still paying for kokonoe's sins
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You there, human.
Looks like you are using an ultimate ability to get increased damage and corner-to-corner carry. What truly unique and interesting use of meter.
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If Tako can make Rat work 4-1 against Bea, so can you. Own up to your mistakes. Rat confirmed balanced and playable.
tako has asian jeans
i don't
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I love her theme so much
Well, what's preventing you from buying a pair? I'm sure they can't be that expensive...
Made me smile, thanks
that bea seems afraid to press buttons
>Zooey is trying to empty jump throw me
>I fuck up and Anti air with my f.L that's a low
>it works and I win the match
I have to stop playing while being so damn tired
I wish this game had mmr but then again there are probably 5 more people like me who don't know how to play
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I wish croak croak
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If Rat gets buffs, then Niia should too
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What kind of absolutely degenerate behavior is this? Why would you 66H while negative?
ah gottem ggs
champion mindset

you wouldn't understand
because I play Vira
I do this all the time as Abel, usually followed by me dying.
But the few times it hits and I get to do a big combo makes it all worth it.
I only win with belial because everyone runs into my parry. That's all i do
Is the game really just Dash Light to force Brave Counters until you TOD the opponent?
confused, yomilet?
Because he knew your dumbass wouldn't block and exposed you. Next question.
what does vikunny smell like
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must taste like nectar
>Is the game really just Dash Light to force Brave Counters
>until you TOD the opponent?
>gran is considered upper tier
>2nd lowest winrate in the game
>the least amount of tourney rep
explain faggots
I can never get mad losing to a percy i got simply outplayed by honesty, unironically
Don't pretend you have an IQ higher than 80 and pretend to understand how statistics work. You're a fighting game player.
Too bland to play
He's f2p
Nothing every character does in this game is honest, if you ever get mad by losing to any character you're biased, and since you're defending Percishit, a faggot too.
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>fatal error
I'm gonna say the n-word
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Xerom? No longer our guy.
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>Nothing every character does in this game is honest
I can't believe xewom is going to block us for playing Belial
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I'm also cheering against rat shits merely because I couldn't get to fight one yet because they'd all rather masturbate in lobbies.
And non ironically, he's right and you know it. Vikala's archetype is literally "I am cancer if I'm stronger than average".
stfu xerom
charlottarillas have no rights
>charlotta tortillas
what did he mean by this?
>50f command grab

Vira is ableist
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>Vikala discussion
Mindbroken. Rest in piss.
why is Charlotta removing het eyeball
et tu, xewom?
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it's not being mindbroken when you announce your main with every post
Charlotta mirror match is the cutest thing in a fighting game.
1) a person posting a character =/= what they play (not in my case but just warning you)
2) The discussion was about Vikala. Charlotta has nothing to do with it.

Unlike Xerom I am FAIR and JUST and would buff her until she's competitive, but if I did that I know you would start wishing the worst kind of terminal illnesses to her and everyone playing her and you know it.
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this charlotta hours
be nice
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tortillas hours
I actually have a lot of fun playing against the rat. I like to think it is because she's cute and I love her, but I'm not gonna deny it might just be because not only she's weak, the characters I play happen to rape her
but it might be the first. I like playing against Lowain and Cag too even if they're annoying and both those aren't weak
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>all those words when you already exposed that you play her and could have just said yeah thats a good point since every charlottafag avatarfags with charlotta itt
didnt read beyond the first sentence but i assume you got pretty mad
what about Vikky mirrors
Thar's pretty cute too
playing grandbruise you hear A LOT of rookie cookie Vikky
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I don't mind her either or Cag either, I don't feel angry when playing this game. At worst I hate Metera but because every experience I had with her has been miserable because I happen to play only against those fucking ultra super GM Meteras that don't even allow you to understand what's happening.

But Vikky does belong to these characters categories, people would find them annoying to play like they find annoying 2B. 2B is pretty decent for example, hence why people hate her.
>[inane babbling]
Can you at least follow the conversation...
this fartlotta pic reminds me of that one kot pic
hey make your own screenshot
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Shush, Charlottarilla.
How come I've never seen this one? Saved, thank you.
How are things going in Europe master queue?
it's been a while but some time ago everyone from here was taking turns bring molested by Metera, I always found it hilarious how it wasn't just one particular metera, but a pack of meteras that were the EU queue Boogeyman
this can't be a gbvsg thing only. I wonder if euro pros get raped by the queue Meteras too
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i got the counter hit it's over de arimaAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
I haven't played in a month, no idea, but they have to be there still.

Yes it's not a boogeyman, they do exist.....

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