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Coming Soon Edition

Previous newsletter: >>500069780

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
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...what is it?
Temmie feet
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Krautsie lost
Doomer lost
No chapter 3 stimmies for them ever
>toby pulls a pathologic
the game is delayed so long that he abandons the episode cycle.
Instead he releases the later chapters as its own title. A sequel to deltarune
How would you react
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...what is it?
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a creation of mine in the OP again? wow
Man, I am NOT feeling up to post that snail right now. This shit sucks.
>blue leg
>Blue Leg
blueleg mind
has the dbz guy really been posting on cool down for 8 hours now
yeah, just don't acknowledge him
its sunday and im too sore to want to walk.
i literally only know this game because of a fact someone told me that shooting allies causes the gun to jam instead of just disallowing you to do it

anyway gradeaundera did what you're talking about because he announced a "season 2" and then never uploaded for like 3 years
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fine ill do it since your lazy ass wont.
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Remember that series of comics that were made here about Spamton replacing Ralsei and Ralsei being pissed off?
Does anyone has it saved?
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>final boss is a giant television contraption with giant arms and a smilley face on screen that glitches into quick flashes of disturbing expressions

Does this seem kind of a familiar to anyone else?

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*gulp gulp gulp* ahh
life o' riley
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rango the dog ate queen.
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There is not a single thing in Undertale that is original
everyone knows that when something is so unoriginal it turns back around and become original
Shota rape.
Queen found my search history and now WONT STOP FLASHING ME!
It's been officially longer than any timespan between chicken roast poasts. It's OVER.
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Queen turned into a toilet and WON'T STOP FLUSHING ME
we told you this yesterday.
i bet you still think that chapters 3+4 will release before september next year.
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"When reflecting upon it today, that the usage of GameMaker should have succeeded in making the game seems a blessing from [Heaven]. It was clear that a great potential had been concentrated in GameMaker, and we supposed that their work would be very good." - Producer-sama after GameMaker still hasn't fixed the LTS
Yeah, this one, but there was more
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I know, but I still held out hope...
>Looking for Susie dakimakura
>All of them look weird
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>believing in toby
hasn't he let us down enough?
make your own
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I pray that Mod-Sama may grace our wretched thread
either way, sans is a funny guy
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it's my sweet summer child... (cries)
do you think tobert would make official body pillows
Spamton already has one, so it's not off the table...
i can't believe i believe the fuckin "noelle gets hit by a car" theory
Hope is the cruelest poison.
I wish I could draw
It's weird, paradoxical even. The more I invest myself to draw Undertale/Deltarune, the more it seems it will never release. Why Robert
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>had a dream where toby was called "the chocolateer"
>IDK why
I love you, Kris Dreemurr
that damn dog around town went ahead and gave us perfect shitposts 5 days in a row then stopped doing them the INSTANT he announced them on twitter
it's like giving crack to the homeless this fucker WANTS us to go infighting between eachother he wants us to kill twitter he's an evil fucking maniac
Welcome to the fold.
everyone who can't does
>"noelle gets hit by a car" theory
ok I think I understand the basics but can I get the full rundown on this one?
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so dont drink it and be hopeless like the rest of us.
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nta but I wrote about it here: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/488175967/#q488177590
Then stop drawing
>giant close up of ass
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as i understand it, it goes off the whole "lightners aren't getting merch" theory because they could die and stuff
which implies that you wouldn't want a stuffed toy of someone you just killed in game or in noelles case dying outside of the player's volition except for in the weird route

so the thought goes that if to save her you have to fuck her up is it worth it?
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Toby kinda looks like Timothee Chalamet
i want a pillow sized catty plush
I need catty to smother me with her boobs not in a sexual way but in a comforting tender way.
are you phoneposting or something? my 4chan monitor is a bum ass 4:3 monitor i got for free and it shows fine there
Toby just doesn't wanna WIN BIG. He's pulling the brakes in the middle of the road of SUCCESS

(pun intended)
>smother me with her boobs not in a sexual way but in a comforting tender way.
i need this so badly jesus christ
What are the chances.
100% because the cattycord woke up
yeah i didn't believe the whole discord thing until this shit started happening often
is there any evidence for it apart from it would be cool and deers get hit by cars?
it's a fun idea but it doesn't seem plausible to me.
I do think that it's likely one or more of the lighters will die but noelle being hit by a car just feels too comical.
pretty sure "hit by a car" is just a placeholder for "Noelle is going to die"
It's named "Noelle gets hit by a car" because it's funny, but the theory just means Noelle will die in a fucked up way. It doesn't have to be a car crash specifically, it's just a deer joke.
Not really. It's just a decent (in my opinion) explanation for why Toby isn't making Lightner merch, and also what the true purpose of the Weird Route is.
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>baroneschizo posts on /utg/
it all makes sense now
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Did he now?
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Catty's soft round belly
Catty's big fat ass
>oh these spinning plates are very fucking clearly too much for me no matter how little information i give out yet i must add more plates
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> Basically, it goes that the light world is supposed to be based in reality, like our world. This is why there isn't any merch of lightners, as to coat them in a layer of reality and give them more respect in the narrative.
I hate this theory because it sounds exactly like what Toby would do but ALSO kind of invalidates the stuff going on with 'player playing the game has... consequences?' It's either too few or too many layers of abstraction going on, like you can't tell me it's a funny quirky RPG but also it's REEAAAALLLL with a straight face unless I'm literally a 65 IQ drooler. It's just stupid.

Don't be silly, I don't sleep.
Fave smothers you with a pillow then drives off to an abandoned town with your body in the trunk
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>Fave smothers you
>with a pillow
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he is NOT working on chapter 5.
oh ok that makes more sense and i can see it happening.
a part of me was kinda hoping someone would have a schizo image with 10 different references to car crashes that i didn't remember though.
The belly squeeze, so perfect...
in absolute AWE of the definition of those legs, especially the saddlebags and the back of the knee, fucking magical, goddamn art is amazing
fuck off sanspedo.
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I swear I've been working on chapter 5 everyday
>goddamn art is amazing
i wish i could actually make stuff
thread theme forever
he's desperate because no one's replied to him so far lmao
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what vidya are you guys playing rn
first 2hu because of the 50000000
grand theft auto five
same, man
it burts
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it better not be the overrated one (EoSD)
Is it just me or is /utg/ one of the best places to talk about theories, when people are actually talking about them? Everywhere else I go, theory talk is always arguing and slapfighting and shit. This place is nicer.
teammmmmmm fortress 2
is it possible to lose 10kgs(22lbs) in a month?
Tekken 8
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damn I think I like this cat
Nope, she does get hit by a car. Asgore's car. Just when he got his license back!
i've done it before but i also didn't do anything to cause it so i can't help sorry
the people that talk about theories here have weathered the storm and are now emotionless. truly they should serve as inspiration to us all.
you could like cut your arm off i guess
yeah but you should probably go slower than that if you want to be safe
try losing 1 pound per week and see how you feel
i know a better place but i'm never letting you fuckers mix ever

no it's the first pc98 game, hrtp
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Asgore is destined to kill children in every universe.
If you're the guy who's 450 pounds maybe
That's not enough, for once I've been invited to a birthday party I wanna look my best.
Check it out

Carpet Inside House
Carpet Inside House
diy liposuctions are cheap and easy
I need to cuddle my face in that tummy.
stop eating
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She is a good cat. Cherish her. Save hr.
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How much dip can fave take?
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Groundbreaking if true
>Asgore's car
He drives a truck
>can't find the nissan titan meme theory image
goddammit this night is getting worse and worse i'm fucking so goddamn pissed off
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multiple cans at least
Maybe /utg/ is the actual game
>135 pounds 6 foot
hey papyrus, how was the fall
/utg/ - Unhealthily Touch-starved Goners
Shhh just imagine it's the truck, and the perspective makes it look like a car aight?
is it really gooning if it's once per day for about 7 minutes
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too many O's, anon.
Will I lose 10kgs in a month if I only eat a can of beans a day and fast 24h 2 days a week?
i hope toby does something good with her
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same brother
so like, am I gonna get to press my nose up against her big dark discolored winking asshole and huff her nasty musky ass smell or should I just like KILL MYSELF or something??
this depressed me
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why do you want to draw, /utg/
it seems like a lot of people do
Is it copium?
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honestly i don't even know
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No Reason Whatsoever . . . I Think
making stuff is a lot better than being a consuming leper who takes all and gives none, leaving nothing when you go except "god he was okay to talk to that one time"
Unbelievable levels of copium.
Sell furries porn and get out of south america.

Yes. It very much is.
Makes people happy, makes me happy. Simple.
so I can draw sans au stuff.
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i love /utg/ i salute you /utg/
>Sell furries porn and get out
i need to do this
I'm a straight male but I'm sexually attracted to toby fox. what's up with that chat?
You're TobySexual
I just find it relaxing to do and it's satisfying to be able to take ideas from your head and put them on paper.
it's satisfying to see yourself improving as you practice even if it's only small.
it's a skill that you can use to impress others.
it would be nice to get good enough to feel comfortable taking requests from other people and make them happy.
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Kiddo artist chad is that you??
>two arrows with nothing next to them
Added to the filter. Goodbye hummy.
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im not hummy but he can't see this so im gonna call him a pee pee head
I missed you bro
the funniest part is he will instantly switch it up even though he knows you're only saying this to mess with him because he's paranoid it might be true
so easily manipulated
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I never really left, I just hit artist's block. It's hard being a professional artist in today's world.
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keep hating on me lil bro.
why did you have to point out you were filtering him
>I just find it relaxing to do
>and it's satisfying to be able to take ideas from your head and put them on paper.
yeah maybe if you have *talent*
Speaking of drawing I swear that 99% of art guides regarding color don’t actually deeply explain shit like mixing colors to get proper tones, how to structure your layers, etc. it’s just some vague stuff like “shade towards blue” or putting a bunch of color swatches on the canvas like you’ll just suddenly figure it out
Added to the filter. I think I’ll filter all his common misspellings.
>art guides are useless and only serve to gatekeep art within those who have an existing affinity for it, for fear of others intruding on their territory or contract work
>vague nonsense or "just draw bro" is universally useless
Now you're learning!
I was actually right about to suggest this lol
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>(so I dont wind up forgotten)
This just makes me sad genuinely
why are you like this
color theory is a hoax
embrace pure greyscale
not hummy again but im just gonna use this concealment to say he's a WEE WEE HEAD hehe
you don't find it relaxing to draw?
maybe it's because i'm adhd but when i'm drawing i have to focus so hard on it that i can just get lost in it for hours without even realizing it.
it just feels kinda zen just drawing and redrawing the same line to get it to look just right.
>and it's satisfying to be able to take ideas from your head and put them on paper.
i'm very bad but i'm still able to get down the basic idea of what i want and that's good enough for me right now.
I want to be better though, my art doesn't feel good enough to share with other people yet.
That's actually a genius idea, just filter out any typos you see and you'll only have to interact with people who aren't stupid.
Added to the whitelist. In fact, I’ll add all words with over ten letters to the whitelist.
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Vessel superiority
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because this place is the closest I will ever get to being loved.
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get good
yall are so gross and disgusting. I would hate to be around you irl
you would probably be even more loved if you remained anonymous
I have filtered every single possible combination of characters that could ever be posted.
I can finally browse /utg/ in peace.
>art guides are useless
Perston Blair's How to animate has been one of the most useful resources in improving my art. Very useful book.
your MOM
don't lie, it makes your genitals smaller
too long didn't read?
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hummy doesn't want to wind up forgotten like a deltarune secret boss.
Then he should stop posting here and start working on his 8 fangames
All hummypedo had to FUCKING DO was just talk about stuff about the games he liked but NOOOOOOOOO
kek, yall actually thought it would
he can say what he likes but he can't say why he likes it and he sure as hell can't replicate it into his own ideas, it's pretty nuts to me
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I dont know how to make games, thats the issue.
Someone's got a case of the Mondays!
ive said why I like the things I like before. Im just bad at explaining things.
the roast provides
we may yet survive this winter
>he waited 5 minutes before it became monday
he's using the canon timezone...
just posting this so the people can see this.
I'm going to crack the code
It's all Homestuck
okay so for 4 weeks I'll be eating half a can of beans 5 times a week and doing a 24hour fast every sunday and wednesday. If I don't lose 10kg I'm screwed and I wont be invited to a birthday party ever again

wish me luck friends
Just take laxatives
who has the biggest boobs in utdr
GIGA Queen
Bro if you really want to lose that much weight then my advice is take caffeine and bronkaid together it will kill your apatite.
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Canonically Toriel
what on earth is this
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every time someone asks this I wonder if they play games with their eyes shut
Man I just want to cry into her boobs fuck this planet
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Any tea drinkers here that can recommend a good tea?
Toriel as drawn by Tobias Fox
same, man
she's just so goddamn big and you know she's fluffy and soft and warm as hell and would hold a hug for however long you needed
I recommend water, lots of, but during the day, try to limit to a glass or two while eating. Oh and don't forget to keep a calory calculator, eating beans will just weaken you stomach and nutrition. Good luck!
drink coffee like a real man.
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>all dogs should go extinct
Chocolate and mint tea. I know, sounds bad, but it isn't like the ice cream. I tried this blend on a packet on my old tea box during the pandemic and it was the best. Though it's quite hard to find a manufacter that distributes it, let alone that nails the taste, but once you find the brand (or alternatively, blend it yourself) it's the best taste ever
i don’t know man some unknown type of sweet tea just materializes in my refrigerator sometimes. one of the perks of being a southerner i guess
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Toriel's canonically huge milkers
Literal true answer
>>tea sucks
It’s simple.
Sans image?
I skip over.
>two arrows next to each other that don’t have a post number after them
I never see anything good from these. Filtered.
>but it isn't like the ice cream
But... I like the ice cream...
This is Hummy's biggest crime.
I now instinctually glaze over when I see a Sans post even when it's not one of his.
They used to be some of our best.
yeah this is how i feel too
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Hot Dog Harpy
you ruined sans images more in my opinion
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so I should use papyrus instead, got it.
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All of his Sans images look the same, which helps with recognizing and skipping over them.
Not either of those anons but I only skip over Sans sprite images because of hummy, not drawings
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hummy activily ruining years of work put into making this thread like sans and sans aus just by sucking so much
im gonna buy a drawing tablet im so fucking done with this adding nothing shit
paper and paincil first
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should I make posts to share my ideas instead of just for attention? (like the hole burgerpents dusttale thing)
can't savescum on paper
PAINis cupcake…
no one really cares about what you say tbdesu
draw lighter and use an eraser
the reference is incorrect
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makes me ashamed to be a skeletonfag
i don't even know what i'd want to draw
you’re giving him too much credit. no one likes sansfags, they’re the basic bitches of the fandom
Why is there no good dominant Asriel asmr? Must I do all the work myself?
How the fuck are you gonna draw if you don't know what you want to draw?
Everyone loved sansfags in /utg/ though
i don't pretend to know everything
uh huh
You'd probably have to literally starve yourself
nta but you don't just freeform stuff without direction?
or just mindlessly practice drawing basic shapes or things like eyes/hands/mouths without having a bigger picture in mind
Not unless you take a shit ton of drugs like DNP but that can kill you extremely easily.
You are not everyone
I remember when sanfags were the kings of the general and everyone shouted with glee when one would grace us with a kiddopost or a goomba stomp bad time greentext.... Those were the days....
practicing mindlessly isn't practice
Trust me, it's more of an unique taste, blending the two better (just make sure to pick one that states it's "Black tea with chocolate and mint" as there's also just "mint chocolate" which has a worst taste)
>roommate walked in and saw the queen folder
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iv'e had this idea in my head for a WHILE now so i'll share it now that I give up on getting past the filter. Sans gets slashed but kills flowey and asgore so the timeline does not get erased and his max HP grows, saving his life. Frisk now hunts down sans while sans makes some armor out of the mad dummy's body and now equip'd the mettaton NEO cannon arm and tries to fight frisk again only to run away every time he gets tired as to not get killed.
Noelle > Susie > Kris > Ralsei (ranked in order of tastiness)
You have to kill him now.
I mean, it sounds kinda retarded objectively but by virtue of being both A. on-topic and B. relatively original this is by FAR the best post you've made in the past several days
I mean it's not totally mindless i'm obviously working on and thinking about my construction I just mean i'm not thinking any deeper than just drawing another hand or making another box from a different angle.
stop replying, retard
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It's okay Sansbros, I still love you (you are excluded, hummy).
If you only reply to him in the rare occasions when he posts on-topic he can literally be Pavlov'd into being an actually good poster, so no u
he won’t change.
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you know what fuck it im buying big silicone boobs and im gonna see if I can get them in purple so I can snuggle my face between them and pretend its catty.
wouldn't you want fur or something
How does an injured Sans kill Asgore?
I don't think even a fully powered up Sans could
the wait makes our bonds stronger!
sleep tight /utg/! may we meet again in the morning!
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friks exposes asgore's soul and sans breaks it then sans kills flowey. Sans is Level 3 after this.
I dont think they would sell any with fur let alone in purple but god damn I want to at least try
i looked it up and just saw chicks in fur coats (hot) and fursuits
File deleted.
Just get your booba, then get some faux fur, trim it if needed, and glue it over the top https://www.fashionfabricla.com/products/purple-luxury-long-pile-shaggy-faux-fur-fabric?srsltid=AfmBOorn03cMbmaAeq9IAIC2pklJSTEXk5Cew3yCJz7DT_txSAVSfHX3
I appreciate the help a lot I really do but im complete dogshit when it comes to crafts. I have to wonder if I can pay someone to do it for me without them judging me.
they just found hit- i mean... asgore’s (?) grave in argentina
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I mean I don't know how to do crafts either but you don't even have to trim or glue anything really, just buying a small sheet of fake purple fur and laying it over the top of the silicone will do the same thing
Alternatively you could just find a fat woman who owns a fur coat but I fully understand how fucking difficult that is
Ironic how you're talking about fur while posting art that draws her like she just has purple skin
well thats my weekend sorted
Sorry not into this, I just can't take seriously anything that requires every other character acting like a complete retard and jobber in order for them to work.
I had to search for five minutes to find a single pic of her that has fur detailing rip
he could be killed off guard like toriel in a betrayal kill
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To be fair Catty in Undertale doesn't really look furry.
some ppl get particular about anthros having fur
ok im going to sleep gnight

also if you make those boobs can we see them
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asgore is not a jobber, his soul gets exposed and sans breaks it while it's just floating out there.
To be fair Catty in Undertale is 32 pixels high 32 pixels wide
Added to the filter.
Which cat character in Undertale or Deltarune has the softest fur?
Catty in Undertale is a shopkeeper actually so her sprite is bigger
If you could tell Robert Ford Fox anything, what would it be?
I strongly feel its catti and have no real answer why.
tasque looks pretty fluffy
i mean, probably catty. there’s not many options, burgerpants definitely isn’t soft and catti? no.
Ice Wolf
Or Asgore
Those are not cats
Neither of those are cats
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Good night /utg/, hope you all have comfy dreams of fave and get to make the most of tomorrow.

I love Chara
Missed the cat part
I realized my mistake the moment I pressed post.
I am going to bed now.
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quick shitty catty drawing
I love it, it looks like an old pc game.
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Her tail is uncolored
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>Forgor The Tail
the part in deltarune about the danger of failing the group project hits a little too close to home
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File deleted.
nice catty!
i already fixed the tail in paint.
2 Slow
these jannies are quick on the draw today
(captcha: 888pw (trips!))
I need her to sit on my face.
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What is fave's favorite food?
you know what their favorite is.... right anon?
Of Course
It's sushi
like all women
Cattys favorite food is all of them.
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fave really likes human souls and dark candy.
would you play Fave Pinball and each ball is just a tiny spherical Fave
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Sonic Pinball (Featuring Berdly From Deltarune)
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he'd eat all the balls in the machine after breaking it.
What if Berdly was a terrorist and screamed allahu ackbar but his bombs were whoopie cousins instead.
Youll pay for your sins against her
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He's Gonna Out-Prank Sans
check it out
i'm in the house-like carpet
>Kris emptied out Seam's stuffing and now wears his living skin as trophy
You know what mintfag
Catty would bear my fat ugly brat and become a teen mom for my half-eaten glambaconcheeseburger
mettaton likes grapes but idk if they’re his favorite
he also likes ghost juice and adult eggnog
possibly steak and burgers
>Bro, is that catface?
>and become a teen mom
Catty's An Adult, Anon
She's 18-19
>18+ Years
That's What Being An Adult Means
no she has a husband you fucking idiot
In foot size
Yes but if you're 18 you're still a teen mom
>In foot size
Baby Feet
why the fuck would you think im mint what?
in us size
Real bad stuff. I didn't nailed her hair nor her ears, but whatever, here's the kitty cat

Thats Asca
Who's The Nerd With The Apples?
Also, A Blue Apple?
Im gonna buy BACON and EGGS and BREAD!!!
Wheres her giant futa cock hanging out?
GONE, Reduced To Atoms
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Fuck you Thanos.
wait yeah why is the hi. mirrored
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If I told you we wouldn't be on topic. Just one of the protagonist of a project Toby worked in the past
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She's behind you. You're looking in a mirror
I wanna rub cattis feet after shes been in those work heels.
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Ok, Keep Your Secrets Then
what will be the “yiffany” moment of deltarune that forces you to stop playing
seeing a rundown cowboy set in chapter 3
Why cant cat monsters be real I dont like humans I want a chubby cat monster gf to have her cuddle her head into my lap as I pet her while she purrs herself to sleep.
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that's the dream
name a single reason he shouldn’t have a cowboy area
i don't like friend inside me
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so true
my most reluctantly saved catti pic
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Give it to me straight anons…this game will NEVER be finished will it?
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just wait
The numbers are intimidating
It's hard to give a fresh new start
When everyone’s anticipating
Another masterpiece of art!
If this machine keeps playing dead, we
May end up on the other side
So hold on to all your hats, let’s
Show 'em an indie game done right!
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Made for boundless rape and molesting
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>Chapter 5 Release Date
Virovoro-kun gets pregnant in chapter 3.
Dont ask me how I know
the pillars are commiting an fundamental crime against the very premise and social contract of 4chan by overriding their anonymity to no end other than attention for its own sake
moreover, anyone engaging with "thread drama" is also contradicting part of the social contract of 4chan, that being that when we post here it's with the express hope and intention that it is forgotten unless its a valuable bit of on-topic discussion that doesn't have anything to do with the individuals who post here

anyway, berdly is for feminization
A chicken stole my bike
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it won't be the same, cats- especially shorthairs like catty and catti- have fur that tends to break and pile in one direction, and isn't shaggy at all, mostly just straight and kind of soft for the second shorter layer underneath
i thought the general that made an asriel bedmate out of a pillow, goatskin blanket, and weights would know this
Escapism bad
check it out i'm in the house like carpet
house like
house like
house like carpet
check it out i'm in the
check it out i'm in the
check it out i'm in the house like carpet
I want to make my imagination everyone else's problem
And I also wanna draw cool homoeotic fights and explosions
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Asgore? More like Ass Sore am I right?
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Ass Sore is what Rudy ends up having every time Asgore visits him
Stories having endings? Escapism
fave is insane in the membraaaane
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Would you eat popcorn flavored Ralsei?
Popcorn flavors are as followed:
>Spamton: Cider
>Ralsei: Chocolate
>The Human/Frisk: Cheese
>Toriel: Butterscotch
>Omori: Caramel
>Aubrey: Strawberry
The Human confirmed to be Cheese flavored
i'm more interested on what frisk tastes like
Oh I'm down as fuck for cheese I love cheese and I love popcorn
Cheese Popcorn sounds majestic
cheese-dusted popcorn is not rare by any stretch of the imagination
Is this the first official key art of Frisk Undertale
I've never had it
why didn't assgore just go around the bar? is he fluffy?
Really? Cheese popcorn is out there as a normal snack in any convenient/grocery store. It's not like mutually a Christmas snack.
They serve it at christmas? I don't know I've never seen one being sold
Popcorn is one of the snacks served at Christmas and can be given as a gift. I've seen those giant tin bucket loads every year during the holiday season. Am I that old to still notice and remember it or do they not do it anymore in America?
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where the hell do you live because it's not America (or Japan near the Fangamer store/popup)
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(p.s. the caramel's the best part of the gift tins anyway)
Sometimes... things just happen. (laugh)
ah yes the three human genders:
and Sea Salt Caramel
Toby Fox groomed me.
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the humans in ut/dr are made of cheese and I have proof
in undertale you/frisk play a substantial role in freeing the underground, thus making you important (the big cheese)
also you are yellow
need i say more
When in Dark World Kris is blue
Which is the best cheese? Blue cheese
you get it
Fuck consoles and japs
I can get fucking Japs, but consoles? That would hurt, probably. As a male.
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Frisk/Fsea Fsalt Fcaramel
We will never know what flavor popcorn Susie is because Toby genuinely believes she will come to his house and beat him up for illegal use of her copyright
toby wants that to happen though
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>I strongly feel its catti and have no real answer why.
She's got fluffy cheeks
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I need to run my hands through them cheek fur.
Youre based for making this and actually giving her big feet unlike a lot of artists who make her feet small.
not gonna lie, it's been kinda stressful recently for me.
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If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.
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chapter 7 will release in 2030.
>As seen on Mike the Tenna TV!
The fact that anyone believed this for a second is hilarious.
Undertale Chapter 3: Barbarians of the Badlands
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well i don't know what to draw anymore
(not asking for suggestions)
Not even Fave???
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He's so hot.
i don't think i can draw fave anymore, seeing all the other people drawing her makes me feel kinda nervous about it
why would that make you feel nervous?
I feel more inspired when I see people drawing pics of fave.
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I love him so much.
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I want Toriel to be all clingy and lovey dovey to me
i suppose it's a feeling of inadequacy
comparison is the thief of joy.
you shouldn't judge yourself against other people in that way, you'll always find someone you think is "better" or more worthy in some way.
you will always be able to bring something that other people can't simply by being yourself something more than just pure artistic ability.
the most technical art isn't always the most enjoyable.
>fave randomly gets spinoff centered around them
what's the gameplay?
Mega Man Battle Network like
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Stick RPG. The original indie RPG game.
Draw yourself cutting your wrists open
Nasty little man
YoYo's been stuck, corroded by the money
But after many years
We can't believe the Maker started running
This time they'll finally split the EXE into three!
Whos the most ticklish woman in Deltarune?
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*But nobody came
I came to big cat titties
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mettaton gets a dance game
How is the dog absorbing stuff is he cell now?
Play the game
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I only play with my pp to undertale 34 ive never actually played it.
>How is the dog absorbing stuff
You're a secondary too?
Very grim
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to be fair i didn’t do the piano on my first run
Worse, he's a tertiary
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whats very grim is the lack of chubby cat titties in my face.
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>Draw me like one of your French monsters
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Fish I wish
I know the scene I was making a vore joke.
Then why did you say something that makes you look like a tertiary
Cus it was funny
so omori cat and toby worked with each other. Did they influence each other. Or did their works just have a simmilar evolution
deltarunes cast is very suspiciously like omoris. The plotline also has connections too. And even the over circumstances (big sister missing, set in a modern town etc etc) is suspiciously simmilar.
Does fave like the Critic or the Nerd more?
The Nerd, definitely
Today may be the first time theory discussion in this general had me looking away in disgust and rage.
It's all the same ideas and concepts with no one bothering to peek outside the box.
All technicalities and mechanically adhering to perceived consistencies without wondering if pretending the obstacle doesn't exist or will be destroyed may be beneficial to any other level of the game.
It has to be this or that, never mind the fact that they don't know if it being this or that matters or meaningfully advances their understanding.
It needs to be running around in circles.
I'll get the last laugh when Gaster is finally revealed to be a penguin, obvious to anyone who has eyes and isn't tricking himself into believing anything else for the sake of not sticking out.
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tbf what is there to talk about? We already discussed everything lol
It has left a vacuum for schizos to fill
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Sure man, just rip off Adventure Time instead of Chrono Cross. Real origami.
There is only thread personalities left. When there is nothing to talk about all that remains is blog posting or talking about the same topics.
For example blog poster exhibit a: >>500178440
is this about the cheese popcorn
What you see as fact may itself be deconstructed. Penguins are godless, black and white creatures. There is nothing saying he CAN'T be a penguin.
What theory discussion?
also shitposters who pretend to be schizos such as exhibit b: >>500178598
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You're saying Gaster is a penguin and the penguin in the show was one of the big bads. It's been done before, we're talking about the game, and your theory was kind of bad.
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Good to see you
I hope you've been doing well
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It was something in a previous thread. I, for one, welcome the cheese popcorn.
You're doing an unironic penguin of doom routine man
Im not the anon who said gaster was a penguin.
He didn't say that post was a blog post he called you out as a blog poster don't be obtuse.
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Point stands, I did not blogpost.
You will need to wait until next season to hear about my golf game improving.
More like because Tobias Ford Foxington think that Susie's flavour will reveal spoilers for a computer program designed for the merriment of the general population he is working on that is titled "Deltarune".
read this >>500178984
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Being obtuse is literally what I do when I'm not posting blogs and music links.
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grape popcorn
>It was something in a previous thread
My Gaster post really pissed you off that much?
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it's so joever
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Is chapter 3 just one big feature creep.
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And feature seep, since none of it will be used again.
yes and with all the removed somethings it will all have been pointless
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Featuring heaps of wasted time: Deltarune!
I didn't know what that was before, but it makes so much sense.
The elements of sporks and waffles can be attributed to the penguin of doom, Gaster. Sporks are lol so random, like the random fun events. Waffles, on the other hand, look like prison bars, they represent the trapped feeling of being in a video game and being aware of this fact. Being random may be a way he wishes to escape from the confines of being in a predefined simulation, the more available paths resemble freedom in the same way being trapped out of the predetermined, standard gameplay visible to the player is freedom to Jevil.
The "penguin of doom" is bisexual, the merging of homosexual and heterosexual, penguins are the merging of sea creatures and fowl into one life form, two distinct categories according to the Bible. It is this unholiness which allows him to relate to Zim from Invader Zim, for he is a demonic alien disturbing the holy land of humanity which the Angel gazes upon.
Lastly, the name "Katy" means pure, which makes his connection to the number of the beast all the more ironic.
Toby just creates all these features, and then they wont be used again in chp 4 5 and etc. Hell the planned features for chapter 3 is being cut down
What was the point of this. I dont need these new and unique features. (well i want some but not to the level of chapter 3) Just give me the fucking game goddamnit.
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I dont understand toby
why does kris look like a fat latinx
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Speak for yourself, the removed something's depresses me every time and I wish Toby would spend longer to get everything he wanted in his game.
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I dont want to be in my mid 50s, when I play this game
pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet
We passed the point where that was acceptable when two years were spent almost solely on a throwaway minigame chapter.
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maybe chapter 3 is bigger than we think guys. It cant be that chapter 3 is just a throwaway minigame chapter. The dreemur house has gotta to introduce some deep plot elements. I refuse to believe its just filler.
The lore will be contained to a brief appearance of Mike and the superboss, which will be Petaly almost exactly.
No I refuse. You are telling me the dreemur house filled with kris asriel and dreemur history, is just going to have bits of lore. That is inconceivable to me.
It wont have the lore because Toby has to keep up the mystery.
If this was chapter 5+ maybe we might be getting something deep but 3 is still the early game so hints at something deeper is all you will get.
When you try to look at an item that might show the slightest bit of Kris backstory an ear-piercing siren will play while the text ESCAPISM DETECTED flashes on screen and your computer starts spewing mustard gas
See this is one of those pics where I just question what synapses fired to make it happen
Asriel in the DD art style popping a Virtue is something but why is he in Crusader armor and how is he Stalwart
It looks cool
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Get the minusculetask one
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omori is finished. Deltarune isnt. Deltarunes next release is a filler chapter. Therefore
Omori > deltarune
Yay, you're still here!
I hope you've been doing well!
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is waterfall out yet
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making games takes time
Ignorance is piss
Isnt Justice Piss?
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i want it NOOWW!!
Temmies feet.
So, besides GameMaker, what do you guys think is taking so long? There’s no way it’s just translations and console ports.
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could noelle survive without her frontal lobe
Temmie has been in a rut and has been struggling to make art so the whole game has been slowed down because it relies on her artwork and she's just not been making as much.
Toby obviously can't say that though.
toby isnt working on the game full time. Hes taking multiple breaks
Temmie hasnt been in a rut shes been in cell.
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what if
friend outside of me?
Toriel gets really into Ace Attorney
Toriel Takedown
What if Asriel inside of me?
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Noelle is built for BHC (Banging Hot Chicks)
give me an au to draw
noelle is sunny
kris is kel
asriel is hero
dess is mari
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Susierune (Everyone is Susie)
oh god. sans omori
undertheseatale (it's just sansbastian)
Au where Sans and Papyrus as swapped with Undyne and Alphys.
Udyne and Alphys are now sisters and Sans and Pap gay lovers.
AU where everything will be all right
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1237 days
gonna do this one
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Reminder that Kris has an eating disorder and I am all here for it!
would you want horrortale to actually be scary
and how would you do that in an 8 bit rpg
How far does Billy Herrington get in Deltarune?
Everyone cares about the carpet but no one cares about the turtle
why do you want kris to have an eating disorder
It's hot.
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Japan just consooooooooooooooooom

I wish I was a carpet so I could feel temmies feet stepping on me.
Aww, is a little mister jealous he doesn't get a Sans cookie? ;_;
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I wish you'd hurry up and get rangebanned
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Would you drink the Spamton?
reminder that, based off text box sounds, berdly probably has a deep voice
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My headcanon voice for him is Memphis Tennessee from sonic real time fandubs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEu84aJG_14
you would have to pay me
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All part of his master plan to get inside you and take your SOUL.
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Deltarune will release tomorrow. Change my mind
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oh no frisk
Did mintfag make fun of you?
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>and how would you do that in an 8 bit rpg
When I was a kid I was terrified by Maniac Mansion on the nes .
I literally had to switch the console off when playing it because I got so scared.
are you like 80
>15 hours later
>14 hour reply
Anon i think he's gone...
Why is Toby's father so goddamn old? he had him at like 40+
I'm only 35, i'm not that old...
Did fan schizobosses peak at Petaly?
>tfw even more deltarune delays when his parents inevitably die
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Winterrune or puppetswap, please
you're nearly twice my age
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here you go
>Anon i think he's gone...
they posted this >>500172254
10 hours later
they're here a lot
I like Petaly but I'd rather he look exactly like Flowey, maybe just a few shades of color different.
>you're nearly twice my age
That should be impossible.
Get off my lawn.
My back hurts.
You're just guessing at this point.
Imagine how sweaty susies feet must get being in those boots ha ha ha she probably didnt even change or shower after chapter 1 ha ha ha.
I really like it
post DILF cock
>using 4chan v

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Good night, anons. Have a lovely day!
this isn’t an airport...
no need to announce your departure
>flat stanley fetish
well that's a new one.
Please seek medication
she has such nice hair
i love when girls have shortish hair that does the brushed-out part at the bottom
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i just think she's neat
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RIP comfy thread
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He can make it comfy again
Bottom right ahego.
dude weed lmao
tummy spotted
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What if Monster Kid was browsing through UnderNet and saw people talking about a female Don Quixote (who is a monster in the undertale universe) and got excited thinking about a cool and insane knight lady, only to have their hopes shattered after realizing it's a new character from a gacha game they don't care about?
I do not like this dog
It's smug aura mocks me
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Bad names but I'd fuck the one on the left.
fave is doomed to die even in their own story mode
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>gator MILF muffin top and faint stretch marks
Yeah, well maybe YOUR fave dies, MY fave suffers a fate worse than death.
i just want to get wrapped in her big chunky arms and feel her size and warmth
god damn it
Where is the new roast chicken? My children are starving...
I think Monster Kid would be more than disappointed because they don't particularly like gachas, considering the lack of real interesting designs besides the clothing style and hair colour, and the predatory gambling mechanics they have.

Also, would Monster Kid be a fan of knights in general to care about Don Quixote?
your greedy fucking children can wait a few hours can't they, we already saw it go to monday, we're waiting at the finish line
I swear i've listened to the house-like carpet song like 100 times
Toby's slowly winning me back round to his side with them so he better keep it up.
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Flannel overshirt and boots sexo...
Why does Dess always get a cap.
Did I miss some piece of lore where it says she wore cap or is it just one of those fandom things like pink slippers?
Nice trips
noelle's buckteeth are stupid and that isn't even how buck teeth look or work
have you looked at any other character in the game?
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dess has no cap fr fr on god
bcuz bessboll
so yeah, fanon
Regardless of their thoughts on knights generally, since Don Quixote is a monster in this version, chances are the book might've been mentioned or even used as reading material in school (assuming they go there), enough for them to at least be familiar with the concept and get interested when applied to a female character
Horrible takes.
Monster kid would definitely end up maxing out their parents' credit cards if the vtuber they idolized told them that they have to not miss out on the new OP character
We already have one baseball cap wearing hero, Jockington; it would be weird to have another.
Will you accept a second one if Dess's baseball cap is a big reference to GAME BRO?
lts status update?
It's out but super buggy
Toby Fox sexually assaulted me at a convention in 2013.
Which Homestuck character were you cosplaying?
31 october 2025 - toby used 7 years to release 4/7 of his game
1 november 2025 - toby cancels deltarune
Whenever Toby's watching a movie if it has an ending he tosses the TV out the window and starts beating up anyone else in the room
terezi obviously
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I wish I were you
Whenever Toby's watching a movie when it keeps playing after the title drop he tosses the TV out the window and starts beating up anyone else in the room
Whenever Toby's watching a movie he starts beating up anyone else in the room
toby beats off while watching movies even if everyone else is in the room
toby did not beat her, he did not, he did not beat her
Oh Hi Mark
what a tale, Under
what a rune, Delta
* erererr... that really was quite the under tale, wasn't it, kiddo?
kiddo named tale
Who is quirkier, Toby or Van Gogh
slower thread = higher quality
fast threads = shit quality
utg has taught me the truth
Would you rather have infinite money or infinite hugs from Ralsei?
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>Imagine not using Ralsei as a HugSlut, and putting price to his hugs
White paws wrote this post
Would you rather have infinite fucks or infinite fics from Ralsei?
Decemberreleasefags, do you need a wellness check?
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i wrote a story snippet like this and it made me so sad that i ended up reworking not just the character but the entire story too
Nah because I just know the Halloween newsletter will have good news for us.
>the Halloween newsletter
I'm so sorry.
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Warterei macht frei. (lachen)
>so sorry.
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no this is so sorry
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>losing 10kg in 4 weeks
That's not how this works
>Was planning on having the next newsletter in late December.
When he said this he was talking about the winter season one which is now delayed not the Halloween one which is for Deltarune's anniversary and is separate from the others.
>the next newsletter
It’s plain as day right there, anon. The next newsletter will be released in December.
Toby is evil for making Kris gay
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I'm coming for you.
Fiveish more post until this one gets the bump limit. Ten more post until a new thread appears. Can't wait
kris is always straight, they can only be gay with monster kid
Yes the next seasons.
Why would he be releasing the Halloween newsletter in December?
how can they even be gay(male attracted to male or female attracted to female) when they dont even have a clear gender?
Toby has referred to Kris as a male.
Kris is a lesbian in my heart

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lol, undertale
this wasn't even a Roast Chicken it's just a straight up shit post
Nihon Break Kogyo Eurobeat Remix Reference?????????
>Japan Break Industries

Of course, Toby
He will be in Deltarune.
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Profile bio changed
sup guys
Shut the fuck up
Do you think this means it's over or that he's only gonna do a couple more?
>it's a "hummypedo isn't there as a hatesink so it gets dished out to everyone else" thread
Or maybe we just don't like how the only thing that anon talks about is muh bans and muh thread being bad.
Idk, I'm hoping he at least keeps it up for the rest of October
>21 hours and 5 minutes ago
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>on this sub
Did you copy-paste this from Reddit
what? reddit?
sorry i got too lazy didn't even change sub
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is fave sub or dom

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