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>Gielinor Gazette - October 2024

>Run Energy Changes - Open Beta 2

>Project Zanaris: October Update

>Halloween Fixes & Miscellaneous Changes

>I'm new, what should I do?

>Communication & Info
Website: https://osrs.game/
Wiki: https://osrs.wiki/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS
Chat channel: fart cc

>/osg/ 2024 Skilling Competition

previous >>500006024
i worship manta rays desu
its up
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You are under surveillance.
this looks like shit why did you edit it this way
its much better actually im not even the one who made it
it is kind of off-putting to have non-runey images in the runey chart
doesnt post here | doesnt post here | ok
who?? | ok | quit and also definitely evil
who?? | who?? | needs a better picture
fear and loathing in al kharid
69 smithing party soon hope i can get some people to come
quit and also definitely evil is online right now wym
i think you are just mad you didnt make it into the chart, i think it looks nice
we up
is the bottom left one midzy?
you're up all night to have fun
i'm up all night to get lucky
the chart is shit now because nobody knows or cares about jays toon
i think people should care abt my toon i think she's cool she has white hair like the witcher :c
wow congrats on not knowing anyone
do you want a medal or something?
hag granny bitch
my 5000lbs furry oc just vored her sorry
i know you are already taken but how do i get a gf like you
if jay can get a gf then so can i
i can be your gf as well you just have to not be black :3c
you can get a trans gf at the drop of a hat because of how self-loathing they are
you people are unironically mentally ill holy shit. i thought it was just a meme
im normal
there's only 1 girl like me babygirl
and i dont like the word taken bc it implies im not available ;3
anyone can have me if they'll teach me how to duo ToB
what makes you think this
what do you mean by mentally ill because most people are mentally ill if you mean stuff like depression or anxiety
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is jay racist
jay why dont you stop spending so much on travel and instead spend it on ozempic
actually her mom pays for her travels jays never worked a day in her life and thats ok
ozempic is like using bonds to buy BiS instead of working it yourself
i am starting on adderall though so you might see me lose appetite while also having the most efficient runescape gameplay you've ever seen
>your treasure is worth around 8 coins
this is racism
i want a bf who crossdresses and is cute and passes but doesn't think he's a girl
if you dont lose weight on adderall you should unironically kys
good song
i dont understand. this is like directing some to /cgl/ when they complain about no gf
this is mostly true but i briefly worked at a gas station for like 6 months and it was pretty chill until i had 1 fight with my boss and stopped showing up
thats why shes chaotic evil
its not okay because yeah it might be fun to not work and just play video games all day but every single person whose done that turns into a horrible ugly freak by 40
I don't work and I look pretty good I'll be 28 this winter
im a neet and most of my time is spent on creative hobbies and reading
i meant ugly on the inside they all turn into guamers
im gonna start college in like a year and a half or sooner if this adderall shit actually makes me more put together and im actually pretty excited for my chosen profession, the plan is not to permaneet
whats wrong with being a guamer
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cgl is the worst place to get a gf it is like r9k with cosplay
whats your profession going to be
i read a lot and it's all fiction
>for my chosen profession,
which is?
for me, i want to be a code monkey
wish i could have a functioning brain so i could go to college to learn about things and become a professional in a field that i care about
im trying to get a gf in /osg/
somewhere in mental healthcare, personally my experience with mental health services has been shit and i would like to do it better
im trying to get a gf at group therapy but if that doesnt work out i will try some other groups instead
pro tip dumb bitch girls dont go there to date they go there to talk to other girls
why arent jay and shenkansen a couple they could be unstoppable
have either of them made any statements on the other
what if we all transitioned to the other gender and had group therapy sessions under jaytoonies care
im not looking for a gf im just gonna have a boy meets girl manga scenario dictated by fate one day
im looking for a cute imouto style partner to play osrs with
have you tried killing yourself
I've spent so much of my life
Trying to get out
And still I wander south
no but i should
ill meet my rsso on the shores of zulandra one day its bound to happen eventually
im trying to manifest a passable discover weekly pls be quiet
*shuts up and starts manifesting as well*
how about you discover something yo damn slef bitch
how do i access the discover weekly i see a recommended thing on my homepage is that it
wait no that says recommended for today i dont see a weekly thing
just hit 39k yews gonna buckle down and just cut and read books instead of looking at AI porn on boorus
you can just type discover weekly in the search bar if youre really lost
shenkansen and jaycutie are you both only childs with an absent father
thats every poster itt
thanks i found it
no i have a brother and a sister
dad was not there tho
my father wasnt absent but he was a bit of a cuck all things considered
i have two sisters and married parents
i love my dad i saw him yesterday i am the man i am today largely because of him
we are all one

kind of insane when i think about it.
both my parents were very absent cause they were busy raising my brothers so i was left alone and i resent them for it
i have an anxious mother, a stubborn and hotheaded father, a developmentally disabled younger brother and a relatively normal but somewhat neurotic younger sister
yall runephews need therapy
my mom cheated on her husband with my dad and thats how i was born
we moved far away a few years later and my mom was alone until i was in my 20s
>us or a PS5?
i have three older siblings and my parents hate each other but theyre still married and i think thats why im still in my horrible relationship anyways my sister is an escort and my brothers are pretty normal
whats your sisters rsn NOW
lol that reminds me of the asian kid rapping on tik tok that meme is very epic play ps5 or get play by 5 women lol
therapy is annoying i went through 4 therapists and didnt like talking to any of them and gave up and now i just write to myself
bsg..... crabby-o.........
not to sound like a chud but if my sister ever whored herself id honor kill her
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what the
why are you possessive over your sisters pussy kinda weird bro
i really liked my therapist but shes on leave now and they dont know when shes coming back
uhhhh who let the chud in
thinking about spookdogs hairy stank swamp pussy again
This but d333cay hole
i do love her romantically but even putting that aside it shames the whole family
very respectable this is how the klingons would do it
thats dramatic and ugly
are you muslim
based & beastpilled
no im a white gnostic
youre are being ugly and perverse
this is jason from /cum/ since you arent aware of the lore just fyi
how do you know who it is i just saw an ugly post and assumed it was shenny
leave her alone she can be romantically in love with her sister if she wants
even though its a bit weird that she keeps bringing up her sisters escort job i do still tentatively simp for samantha
shenny has no siblings his mother saw how that freak came out and decided enough was enough
whose samantha are you talking to me this is the second time i brought it up....
im pretty sure he has a younger sister
incest is conspicuously excluded from the sexual revolution and i find that suspicious
unlikely it is probably a girl he kidnapped
what is going on right now im so lost someone hold me
i also think hes an only child if he had sisters he wouldnt be so creepy towards girls
thats not necessarily true there are plenty of horrible men out there who will say "wow i never thought about it like that before" when you say "what if it was your mom or sister"
everytime i hear about blooming onions i think somebody is mad at an onion
i just want a nice trans gf to cuddle and support emotionally whats so creepy about that
i know it was jason because i posted in freaking /cum/ with him for months if not years and he always said siscon stuff in there the exact same way along with the weird stuff about gnosticism
every time i hear blooming onion i think of anal prolapse
i dont think anyone cares about his int celebrity status why do you keep bringing it up
are you the smidge reader whose reading frenkenstein because i dont think anyone else here reads
yeah can you go post about it on int instead of bothering me after i explicitly quit using int months ago
are you being sarcastic
thats me and i dont post there or care really >>500117962
actually personally i care because drama is delicious and i would like you to keep spilling tea even though youre wrong about him being femboy soles
you have said that and come crawling back so many flipping times
i already knew it was her because she posted about being gnostic like an hour ago when she posted her coke bottles its not that hard girls
speaking of readers i miss her so much
i quit once when butthew was spamming and this is twice grow up sis
eala you freaking tourist omg get on your chartered flight back to seattle
maybe we could go on a date to the seattle underground or the museum of pop culture or pike place....
who the heck is that
idk who that is was she nice
she was a reader she loved russian books
osg culture is dying it is full of freaks who arent matching our freak and dont know the rich folklore of this place
the kpop girlies need to track her down and bring her back
if its not meriipu then i dont want to hear it
when is meriipu doing the learner tob
personally underground seattle is one of the strangest places ive ever been what a terrible idea for a date
not that anon but how was it a rich folklore if she was here for like a month personally i was taking a break from osg the entire time she was apparently here
ive never even been on a date i dont know what i would do if a girl fell into my lap and i had to take her out and convince her to be my gf
i should finish reading middlemarch its what she wouldve wanted me to do but i dfad it to read dorian gray and then i floundered and didnt read anything til frankenstein
the only thing i know about seattle is tossed salad and scrambled eggs lol
dates are way overrated
if a girl fell into my lap my peanits would get hard lol
i was wondering why everyones posts were reading american even though it was so late and realized i forgot i am the one that is european now and late time is burger hours
i can read russian personally sorry just wanted to share
ive been thinking that we need more males around here does anyone know where maddy is and also is the sad looking int guy funny or interesting
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me too lol
yea im thinking its bedtime
everyone in this thread is male
it depends on what you mean by male really
stop talking about int i dont use int
personally i identify as a male with tits
sorry to be the bearer of bad news but there are plenty of women and transgirls here
im spiritually a girl in osg exclusively
making your orthography 1 to 1 with english is so lazy
im spiritually a girl but physically male i still dont know how to come to terms with this
lol in your dreams
im spiritually a girl thats why im struck with the mental illness of a woman
I'm working on world building a fantasy/isekai and this reminded me I might need to make up a language or alphabet if i want to compete with Tolkien
just wanted to say that you are cute and any guy would be lucky to have a gf like you
you'll never compete with tolkien he invented multiple languages first and then made a world for people to speak them
is jay attracted to guys i thought she only wanted gfs
i know the date discourse is gone but i will say i took a girl on a date to the cat shelter and it cost $0 and we got to pet the cats and the shelter people were happy that the cats were being socialized it was a great date idea if i do say so myself
ive never been on a date and it makes me sad
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I'll do just fine, I'm working on a map right now
personally i like to go on dates to the local cat bookstore
is that south america
that map stinks someone else posted a much better one
i do mostly like girls nd have a girlfriend but my runey best friend is a guy and im in love with him a lil so idk
this person thought plants grow by eating the soil lol
what person
i wish i could have a friend and a girlfriend
me i had several long distance relationships but i am not making that mistake again i want a girlfriend who i can hold and touch and kiss more than once every 2 flipping months
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that was my map i also want to make languages like the other poster
it's Europe rotated left + Japan rotated left + Morrowind + some of ASEA + some Warhammer maps cropped and hand drawn edits like deleting England and Iceland.
having a long distance gf seems like it would be awful what is even the point
my brother was in a LD relationship and it worked out for them so far they just had a baby a couple days ago, sometimes life circumstances have you far apart and you have to wait
I'm pretty sure Karamja and Zeah are supposed to be a lot bigger than that.
I'm going for more of a regional map rather than a world map, I want there to be a sense of mystery beyond the scope of the map and the story itself won't explore the whole map either
your world map is good though
well it was when i was at college and she was from my hometown
jay is probably one of the most normal and well adjusted people in this general desu
3 long term long distance relationships is enough for me you could probably find local rssos at card/board game shops those mtg nerds definitely play
me i live in the freaking middle of nowhere once i save up enough money i want to move to at least a somewhat inhabited city
how do you turn a stranger into a gf this idea is baffling to me its like im missing some gene that explains this to your brain
jay being trans is somehow the 2nd worst thing about him
for me its jays total lack of respect for her body and now she sweats grease as a result
i could be well adjusted if i wanted to be i just dont want to be yet
whats the worsti.. curious
here okay
if you like a girl you do this thing called "flirting" basically drop plausibly deniable hints that you might maybe be interested in them. things like eye contact of a type, smiling, etc. if they reciprocate a bit, dial up the intensity, maybe touch their arm while laughing or something. continue continue continue, if youre both socially well-adjusted youll have done this and you will both know youre into each other without anyone cold confessing or anything
(of course, she could just be flirting for the attention and will reject you if you ask anything but thats a separate problem)
when someone is a dirty gross t(r)oon it doesnt matter how nice or normal they seem online because at some point all the delusions build up and they break and turn into one of the other psychos you see everywhere
is this a joke did you not see that creepy video she made with her gf
and also her hideous fashion choices
not her but i did not
thats stupid why cant i just be myself
darwinian self-selection at work
leave her alone her fashion choices are cute
why do so many of you post pics of yourself i shouldnt have to know what any of you look like let alone 6
i would win the award for the most normal looking person to ever post in the history of osg pretty easily if i posted a selfie
care to elaborate i can think of three people who have posted pictures of themselves
actually no i would
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im fishing eels and reading
i was in a suicidal phase and was hoping that someone would doxx and swat me but that never happened so now im stuck with the aftermath of my retardation
why do you girls make your screenshots so difficult to jarvis
i used to post pics of myself online to prove im white to win arguments but now im openly bi so i dont much anymore
7 months until this game gets new content. thanks leagues!
Thanks for marking the tile. I might have not known what could be fished there.
me i wanted to be a 4chan known entity or lolcow or threadgirl or whatever as part of my bucket list
cant tell if this is jay or shen
leagues is content chud
the tiles not marked the fishing spot is and it moves around its easier to see than the little bubbles
leagues is fun
i like the way the official client does it where it shows the icons over the spot
i think its the 30 something year old anon that self-handicapped himself
why did he punch us at the end of the video
its a brofist
this thread is moving too fast can we all slow down a bit please
brofist!!!!!!! /)
i forget why i changed it to the name instead of the icon but i had a reason to at the time
if it wasn't trailblazer for the 3rd time I'd agree they should have tried something new
yeah i think it's dumb that all leagues will have trailblazers region locking now.
i started playing in january so this will be my first leagues
Maybe a more refined take on something like shattered relics with a way less grindy task list could be fun, but I'm perfectly fine with the "trailblazer with some other glmmick thrown on top" formula they seem to want to do.
me personally im a pale ugly tranny and i listen to memphis rap and play osrs
lol so true jay
im 29 years old 350lbs and ugly and jobless and i live with my parents
the int guy
when did midzy post a photo of herself? i know that there were other threadgirls from previous generations that also posted pics

someone posted a guy from a solace meetup and said it was midzy no idea if its accurate or not
someone else posted d333cays face after she self-doxed
femboy soles never posted any selfies in here
midzy and maddy never posted. you are retarded if you believe that ai slop is real
so 3
i dont think you know who maddy is
you are stupid
papa posted his feet at least if thats enough
maddy aka scruube anti aka midzy anti aka kpop good aka finding saki has never posted a picture of themselves tourist bitch fuckface
maddy is muddy claws who posted several deranged photos of himself dont call me a tourist if you werent even here. when has anyone ever called kpop good maddy
I bet on the thread trannies' discord server, they have all of this shit documented.
to be honest i fabricated that entire post it didnt really make sense in my head but im mad that im wrong so yea sorry
are you calling maddys pics ai idgi i dont think they were
imagine filling your brain with all this irrelevant details about trannies
why are you so annoying
osg is all i have
how am i annoying
my brain is pretty empty so osg only fills up a small portion of it i have lots of room to store stuff if i wanted to i just dont want to yet
whether decay and femboy soles posted the pictures themselves or not is irrelevant to the fact that we know what they look like
I'll still have fun but I think it's a bit of a shame because they could do some cool stuff I think outside of region locks. Shattered looked rough and I didn't play any of it.. was too busy on the gim. probably gonna end up doing some of the same regions as last league too because fuck some regions
these shores boutta be so bright you gonna need shades
i havent seen either of them so in my mind there are only 2 known osg faces and nothing will change my mind
your an idiot
when are leagues
so youre a tourist okay stop talking then stupid bitch
the extreme sudokus on sudoku dot com are too easy
nov 27
how should i know i dont even play this game
if i havent seen it then it doesnt exist dont be jealous just because you are a side character in my story
are these leagues gonna be better than last leagues
no because this leagues i wont see boxee or clommy running around
how do you know neither of them are gonna play boxee logged in for at least a day when varlamore part 2 dropped
why would you not play leagues with entity hider on
did that guy who made the pastebin guide for the last league make a new one for this league yet
are the leagues in the room with us right now
why g maul so expensive now?
mayhaps you will see me running around if you go mory in leagues
mory stinks
im unlocking asgarnia and kandarin
ummm i logged in recently and i saw boxee online so i think maybe she just unadded you :/
last leagues i thought heartist was giving me advice so i did everything “he” told me to do turns out it was nut bladder
shut up
lol potm
nut bladders a beast
shes going discover weekly mode
beast thank you for the reminder save me discover weekly
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>creates a uim
>trains nothing but agility
>gets to 10m away from 200m
>quits the account
ok and?
im going to bed goodnight osg i love some of you
can't believe you hate me sis..
i just think thats above mediocr
even still he has more total xp than me...
am i the one you dont love
oh yea he ded
I'm over 2100 total, and only have 173m total xp...
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my virginity level is 99 but that guy has 200m xp
i dont believe in zmi
erm its blackmailing and highly unethical to even say jarvis
im a virgin personally
im sort of a born again virgin
far out
they got third party client banned and since they were botting for a meme account they dont want to actually play for the last 5%
found it, apparently its easy since 167m is low xp for 2103 total
not gonna dox but the beginner clue kc ends in 15 to prove i found it
post it or ur a lier
File deleted.
erm what the spruce
hahahaha what the fuck
what the spruce lol
what like professor xavier
delete this
can't believe the jarvis poster is just another gross botter baka
i used to jarvis chuds and people that annoyed me but i havent really bothered lately
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does anyone want these things
wish someone would milk me like a sturgeon
that video made me horny
i saw that too what the heck
did you know that beluga sturgeon are the largest freshwater fish species in the world theyre freaking huge
what about that arowana guy from animal crossing isnt he pretty big too
my discover weekly was a disaster i added 2 songs to my "liked songs" playlist and one of them was in a language i dont even understand
same hopeful sound late night daylist was much better
whats wrong with listening to music with a language you dont understand i like it better that way then i dont have to think about lyrics
nothing is wrong with it really i just thought it was a funny tidbit to my post sorry
why do you girls use liked songs
i've had spotify for 9 years and back then following artists automatically saved all their songs so now my liked songs is fucked
This game is fucking ass lmao
can someone help me with playing using runelite through the jagex launcher while on linux please i'm in hell trying to figure this out T~T
i think its fun
zoomer spotted
maybe even two
don't use the jagex launcher use the bolt launcher
im in the weird age group where im not really a zoomer or millennial but i relate to zoomers way more
are you also a 97 baby
ye i relate to zoomers much better
even though my gf is a millennial
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im in that age group but the opposite do kids even know what katamari is these days
how did you make the file name an emoji
i dont know what that is either
im so freaking gassy my roommate walked into my room to ask me a question and immediately made a pukey face and looked at me in the eyes and said nevermind and walked away its so over
i hate when you guys talk about music because im autistic and i dont get music
same i always play in silence
i like rap music
jarvis wake me up in 9 hours
my attention span is absolutely horrible so i fill my time with music instead of tv shows or movies most of the time and i dont like silence for too long because it usually makes me start overthinking and dwelling on things unless im in a good mood
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what the fuck is this general i was expecting autism about lobster fishing not whatever the fuck this is
grow up or leave
This thread is infested by a handful of trannies, and it has been next to unusable to several years at this point.
this thread is just people talking like a cc its not that deep retard
katamari was our goat simulator if you really think about it and the music was cute
noooo why cant i talk about runescape and how politics are ruining it whyyyy are people having fun noooooopooo
i saw a clip of this dude playing a point and clock game what game wa sit it looks pretty fun
old school runescape lol
nut bladder can you please answer my runescape related question
>checks the archives
Sweet Jesus. Um, I'm gonna leave but you guys have a good? time? I think I might just pretend I never saw this. I don't even play Runescape I was just curious... Wow.
do you have autism
you sound gayer than anyone in this thread
no it was a detective game
*kisses you on the lips*
oh you mean like pajama sam or spy fox
i just wanted to circle back and say that i think using the like function on spotify would train your algorithm more effectively than just listening to your release radar/discover weekly without giving it any input. if you dont tell it what you liked how is it going to adjust future recommendations to your taste
i dotn even watch movies or tv shows or anything because i just bedrot and doomscroll for hours on end
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just clogged only 4 uniques left
spotify curates itself based on your listening history
a small trick i found was searching one song and then letting it skip forward based on that song
i know but i still think that pressing like on a song will weight it more highly in your algorithm for future recs but thats just my opinion
i like using the liked song feature because i like seeing the number piles up it makes me feel like a dragon hoarding gold coins or something
i would do that if i didnt have 9001 liked songs to clean up
you could feel like that in osrs too if you never spend any coins and wear the cool dragon head treasure trail item
letting the autoplay pick next songs works pretty well in youtube but ive found that in spotify it goes off track really fast, suggesting me stuff that i would never listen to
thats weird because i have the exact opposite experience, sucks on youtube good on spotify
i kind of do that i dont really spend my gold coins so theyve been piling up but i dont think i would like to look like an ugly dragon
i actually mainly listen to the autoplay stuff its good for me i have 336 liked songs i had to remake my spotify in 2019 to unlink it from my facebook account
i like flexing that i was on the spotify hype train before anyone else because im kind of a hipster
in my experience youtube only recommends me edm music or instrumentals which i have to be in the mood for so i dont use it very much
i first got spotify in 2011 because i lived in sweden and everyone was like “oh har du spottyfy” but i didnt like it i only switched to it once itunes turned into apple music in like 2015 or something
oh ok so im not a hipster yea ok cool ok
ive had spotify for a very long time but only really started using it a lot this year because i was a little autistic and liked "owning" my music and having it on my pc so i used foobar2000 but it was such a time sink i gave up
i got spotify around then too but my special interest was 90s rap music and it ruined my spotify algorithm until this day
yes i only got spotify because my old laptop that i had all of my torrented and autistically catalogued songs on died and i cba doing that again
should i go for a night walk or stay inside and safely watch shows on the couch
you should eat a mozzarella cheese stick and smoke a ciggy with me
i prefer day walks in autumn to see the pretty trees
why cant you safely go for a night walk do you not own an msb?
i dont walk during the day because of the uv levels
attractive osrs streamer live https://www.twitch.tv/autumneev
my skin is usually covered because its not hot out anymore, i have pmle so i get hives if im out in the sun too long and thats why i take night walks in the spring/summer
what the hell is a msb
my sexy bunny
does project pat look weirdly asian to anyone else
im a youngmaxxer and avoiding sunlight is huge for skin gains
msb stands for magic shortbow it's a very common range weapon
people obsessed with youth give me an ick
i have that too i think my legs get sooooo itchy when i go for walks in the day
it kind of matters when you make a living off onlyfans
its very annoying i can avoid it if i slather myself in high spf sunscreen but i cbf doing that for a 40min walk
i thought i looked young until cashiers stopped carding me :(
my ex was like that she had body dysmorphia though i could not handle it
for me i dont care about youth anymore i found a grey hair on my head and thought wow cool
where i live they card you no matter at most stores i was getting carded the second i turned 21 and i looked like a baby
ok nvm continue
i have some weird genetic quirk that made me grey super early or something half of my girlbeard is grey already i think most people would dye it but i just dont care
i think i would go fully crazy from body dysmorphia if i had to live off only fans id sooner turn to the streets like anons sister
does anyone want to join my cc were doing a twisted watch along
im the patrick bateman of osg
i want to join the cc but im not interested in the watchalong at this time
truth hurts like steppin on a lego
do i do wines or mahogany homes for the night
are you talking about my sister shes not a street prostitute you can only hire her online
i feel like if i was an online street prostitute i wouldnt tell my family
im probably alone in this feeling but does anyone else hate how much maintenance bodies take i hate showering and washing my face so much it takes me hours to build up the nerve sometimes
my gf is like that
and no, i dont suffer from body dysmorphia so i just shower normally
I like showers but yeah it's super annoying how needy our bodies are
yes i agree i especially hate days when i wear sunscreen because then i absolutely Have to wash my face twice before bed even if i really really dont want to
i dont take hours or anything but i definitely hate the idea of getting in the shower but once im showering im having a good time but i think thats a pretty common feeling
i was like that during covid probably worse than anyone itt i didnt brush my teeth for over a month i showered once every two weeks i ate in bed i used the same blanket for over a year and a lot of other gross things god i was a fucking pig
its nothing to do with body dysmorphia i just dont like having to take time to do these tasks that need to be done every day and also yeah totally agree with the sunscreen anon thats a reason too
rotpilled stinkmaxxer
im sorry i am very stupif i did an iq test and got 92
i am the most intellectual poster in this thread and it's not even close. i took the mensa international iq test and scored 142. the depth of my inner mind is beyond what you can even conceptualize
im 142 iq
im tired of all of these normalfags in my thread everyone but meriipu and the doomscrolling rotmaxxer leave right now
okay im taking a walk now can someone check in on me in thirty minutes to see if i got home safe
im not exactly normal but i like to keep up appearances
im normal
425 reminds of the downfall movie meme
theres nothing wrong with being stupid >>500133316
is outside still based i havent been outside since it was declared based
live action scobby doo movie with matthew lillard
im the stupidest poster in this thread my brain is a pile of mush rotting in my skull
autumn is very Based but i feel like much of it was stolen from me because it was like 70 degrees outside for all of october
outside is incredibly based i got to pet that cat
im not a chud im a #ally
its based when you see a nice lizard or bird but not based when your legs get itchy
i cant start a family with a man
if you want to start a family you should move to the philippines
thats not even a trans girl
why the philippines is that where boxee is
no its where philip is
if you marry a femboy/transgirl you can
A) adopt
B) use your sperm with his sister/cousin/mother as a surrogate
C) use his sperms with your sister/cousin/mother as a surrogate
D) use an unrelated surrogate(less related to you both, but fine if no close relatives)
E) practice polygamy and have a third person in your love triangle, a woman, and you can take turns impregnating her

Just off the top of my head
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just learned about this word surrogate gosh you guys are so smart
if i married a trans woman or femboy i would simply allow her to breed me
osg is in the market for a word of the week but i dont think surrogate is good enough
so what are you saying do you mean to say its gock time
she is cute but if she was my gf i would probably encourage her to lose some weight
i cant even remember the last word of the week tautology or was that the week before
yeah tautological
erm how about recumbent
every time is gock time
surrogate is not even a good word everyone knows about that hasnt she watched juno
i think limerence was a much better word desu i had never heard of that concept before it shouldve maybe demoted tautological to word of the day and taken its place
i knew the word existed but its not a word i hear enough to use in my inner monologue so when i hear someone else use it im like wow youre smart
i always get juno confused with hard candy
pickle riiiiiick
that was my word i learnt it from my therapist after a particularly severe fp instance made me very sick in my mind and body
i love juno i love michael cera i love trans icon elliot page
it had me doing some reading on it
if i had a cis boyfriend it would be ideal to inseminate women together, i approve
surrogacy is a misogynistic practice because it takes advantage of poor women i dont think it would be ally behavior for it to be wotw
my abusive rsbf says hes going to teach me toa on saturday so i have a week to learn the ropes before we get in call where ill pretend to know nothing and where he'll probably still scream at me but at least ill be prepared
i wish i had that
hawk toa
do you like the abuse i dont get it
i dont look forward to the abuse i hate when we call him hes a genuinely despicable person but i get off to the abuse afterwards
really i just want anything to motivate me to do stuff that isnt intrinsic i guess he wouldnt have to be abusive
me i would simply get a normal rsbf who only talks down to me during camsex
and by get off i mean i like that he gives me a lot of attention even if its negative idk maybe im a little fucked in the head he gets me meeked up i like feeling submissive but not in the "lets get in vc and raid" kind of way

not me
there is nothing more erotic than getting yelled at in the funny dung beetle toa room
damn some girl pvmers are nasty
why do i feel like ive read this post before
>dark crabs and tuna potatoes are 1400
>anglerfish are 1700
>manta rays are 1900, despite being the most common food drop that heals 22
i dont get it
idk i dont really pay attention to the economy sorry
Because people forget that 22-healing food outside of manta rays exists, and they just pay whatever the fuck for it and don't think about the price.
anglerfish have twice the daily ge volume than manta rays. why do you think rays are more common?
me personally I would encourage her to gain some weight
as for me i wouldnt give her the time of day shes not my type
my type is not obese
crabs + anglers are heavily botted since you can actually gather them. mantas are basically just pvm drops since you only get them from trawler with high fishing
>why do you think rays are more common?
i was just thinking in terms of pvm drops, like zulrah/muspah/vorkath. i guess anglers are heavily botted?
nut bladder how many manta rays did you get from your tempoross grind
stop asking him questions hes going to get confused and ignore mine that ive been trying to ask for days
your question is probably not about the game
didnt he answer your question yesterday or something i saw him post some long blog but my eyes glazed over
its a different question and im waiting for him to be here so i can ask it
i think of nut bladder as the vegeta of osg on the surface hes really mean and self-centered but deep deep down he cares about us like and maybe if we're lucky before he dies he will give us a hug
if he is vegeta then who is his bulma omg
i dont want to say what i think of him cause its a little mean spirited but hes just an autist so i cant blame him for how he acts hes just the other side of the coin as us
is there a pick me threadgirl thats smart and kind i dont think so
i want to know and then you can delete it so he wont read it
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me hmm idk maybe i would be the casual piccolo of osg
bulma was so hot now shes a hag and for some reason the saiyans don't even age even though theyre like 50
im not in the mood to go meaniemode rn
me im the yajirobe of osg
can someone assign me a dbz character i dont remember any of the show i only caught random stray episodes
i never watched that show because
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this is my saiyan oc her name is baechu which is the korean word for nappa cabbage so it fits the saiyan naming convention of being named after vegetables
ok you can be
cliffhanging bitches
she looks like shes 6
calm down shenky
do you think taking a single sip of candle wax would do me harm
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and me? heh. i am the don patch of osg. in fact osgs posting style is a lot like the fighting style in bobobo if you think about it
if it kills you at least there will be a wax model of your digestive system
classic anime only sorry
i aint tryin keep up because i dont love you anymore
bobobo is a classic mr. oh of yugioh even cameod in the manga
i feel like that autistic girl from earlier who didnt understand music i dont know any of this
does your secretbf make you watch gundam
im fighting calvarion without a security camera i like to think the gowers are smiling upon me for playing the game as intended no alts no wilderness player alarm just me and the boss in the wilderness
are you talking to me i dont have a secretbf im single are you looking for an rsso perhaps
was it something i said
just heard theyre going to poll blighted overloads and chromium ingot shops for irons some privavte server type shit
damn thats crazy
blighted snores
i wonder if boxees secrethusband was the one who made her stop posting here
do all threadgirls have secret partners
boxee is single and im saving myself for her
personally all my partners are public, its hard work being the only ethical threadgirl
who was she making all those cakes for then yeah thats what i thought
im single and all alone so in a sense all of my partners are public too
she runs a bakery shop dummy
is jaycutie here i just wanted to say that i have developed a huge crush on you and i cnt stop thinking about you i know you already have a gf and a cool and funny male bsf and you have no use for a boring autistic emotionally unstable weirdo like me so i will try tomove o n and get over this but i just wanted to get this off my chest and let you know thatt there are people out there who love you and want you to do well in life you are the cutest threadgirl i have ever seen and i hope that your dreams come true i love you so much
quiet shenny
the funny part is that jay is the only threadgirl in osg history that would fw shenny
im going to sleep so i will be quiet
aw dont give up on your crush i'll be sad :< pls love me forever, also don't say those things about yourself its not good for you and it makes people feel bad
most of the thread wants him arrested or dead i dont think anyone is gonna feel bad for him
i swear shenky has written long rambly paragraphs about every threadgirl hes so desperate hes just waiting for the one person who responds positively
holy smokes imagine jaycuties fat ass slamming down and bruising your pelvis
i need to choose an youtube video to watch while i eat but theres nothing good on
i cant sleep i have butterflies in my stomach and my heart is racing i hate being in love i hate it somuch i need to turn off my phone and read until i can calm down enough to sleep
next time shenny is going suicidal mode can no one be nice to her this time
the only two videos in my youtube history recently are rap world and a 240p best of rodney mullen video
i already watched rap world it was so good
fat people butts are gross if i stick it in a threadgirl she cant be fat and she needs to have a healthy diet yuck yuck thinking about how much jay eats grosses me out
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hes such a visionary
why the hell would he post that in response to the nastiest looking penis ever posted
is that a 6 month backlink to the time i was drunk and posted my ass >.> lmao
imagine the grease and the slime
can you tell me the cast list i saw caleb pitts and len0killer promoting it what other niche micro celebrities from new york are in it
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is this boondock saints 3
im not sure if theres a cast list anywhere i saw that picture in a tweet which is from this article, they go over some of the cameos but idk if its a full list https://filmmakermagazine.com/127673-interview-conner-omalley-danny-scharar-jack-bensinger-rap-world/
why is it always the accounts with anime avatars that are racist
cause thryre usually mexican or fillipono
there are the vtuber pedos too like revsaysdesu and that nuxtaku creep
I think your map is pretty ok anon but that one island inside the cup on the right looks weird/interesting
gn ily
whya that guy got no neck hes henchman shaped
and for me its also a gn osg, new tyler album when i wake up yipeee
im up manifesting my future with wintertodt girl
am i wintertodt girl who is wintertodt girl did i miss osmething
who the heck is wintertodt girl im so behind on my osg lore
ugh shes the girl that was going for the pheonix pet last week she has the cutest posting style
isnt that just the hairy bitch
no and it could be one of two people are you refering to the eel fishing wintertodt girl or the other wintertodt girl
the former
maybe im biased but i think the other wintertodt girl is cuter with the arty images of her th rough the flames and she was like ^_^ in one of the pictures
why would you be biased
sorry ive said too much
conniving bitch
if you log in we can talk about it
trifling bitch
chat help i need my godsword shard 3 chat im so close to a bgs i can't focus on anything but grinding gwd bosses bc i just NEED a godsword help
um dont you just get whatever you want with your god rng or whatever? just get it
hold on, what you just said, i think its true, i'm going to lock in real quick
youre welcome
it took my helmie more kills than jaycutie has and i have less bandos items than she has
i think rainbolt could probably get it
ew bad taste girlie
bgs is not really useful anywhere youre better off saving the shards for the sgs
that rap world thing wasnt very good there was only like one good joke and it was from patrick doran
you can remove the hilt and attach it to something else but bgs is useful since she probably wont have an elder maul any time soon
oh look a babymoder said something stupid >>500143574
bgs is recommended equipement on the wiki for theatre of blood so i will be getting it thank you for the advice though
Where do people even use the SGS that isn't hyper niche or just super inconsequential (like slayer)?
me personally I cant use godswords because you need 70 attack
mhmm and whats holding you back from getting 70 attack babe
erm its 75 attack sorry
yves is on chuu can do it holy smokes
sorry ive been kinda having an identity crisis ever since misamo dumpstered rsn itzy
nini osg
idk why but misamo has been giving me the ick
no thats crispedo im not on there
midzy anti made it and left you off as an act of aggression
Should I save all trash armor and weapons like mith axes for giant foundry?
im kinda like the moo deng of osg
this is the story of a girl
can someone recenter me i dont know what i should be doing with my account
i could but i wont
*makes a teak crossbow stock*
>get up early to play
>servers are down
this shit keeps happening god damn it
i use watarmalon for what's?
what servers are down, not runescape's
*sucks you dry*
you can take the bandos hilt off and put the sara hilt on freely btw
i browsed gif while it was down
no good fight threads this "knife incident" thread scares me and makes me sick but i keep watching as a reminder to never relax
why is your text cute
ummm... okay yeah... u guys are... weird?
>playing runey on your phone
>almost die
i swear every time i take adderall i can't tell if im high or if being able to do things just gives this much dopamine
i spent 2 continuous hours tick manipping at chins then cleaned up trash in the living room did my physical therapy exercises went for a walk and now im gonna voluntarily take a shower, god bless modern medicine
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I was watching my daily runey updates video and discovered gnomonkey quit his GIM.
Chat is this real?
why do redditors like coil and the forloean homestead so much these sound like ass
its that me despresso
i dreamt about talking to my situationship again but this time we agreed to be friends
now i'm going to log on to oldschool runescape and do blast mining for 8 hours
I also don't know but have to assume yes given how neurotypicals act.
gm super gremlins
my fp just logged on omg
forlon homestead is a nice song but i heard it a bajillion times when i was doing farming runs and cant stand it anymore
girl at the pet store yesterday was really nice to me and also sweet and pretty. i was telling her about how i switched my cats diet and she seemed really interested. she also complimented my cool frog hat i got recently and the pin i got on it, she was saying she has jiblets for her crocs that look the same then i was telling her i found some cool ones at the same con. i got kinda nervous after that which is pretty uncharacteristic of me so i just kinda said gotta go and dipped.
i think she was just being friendly but next time im there ill ask her name and try and strike up another conversation who knows where it could lead.
ok but how does that relate to osrs
talk about the game.
ok you start
listening to this
psyching myself up to finish one small favour
she done used that rose toy on my asshole and i shittes everywhere
i personally do not talk to people in public and mind myvown business and will die alone but thats ok because i have runescape
when i am sleep deprived i have been known to start yapping to random strangers but normally i am quite socially anxious
weaming today. think ill knock out some more quests. i got all the shit gathered to start the myreque quest last night so i guess ill dinish it first. also hit 100 total quests complete so that was cool too
after that im thinking desert treasure 1 and then i will be set to do regicide through to sote with my steong ancient magiks and get priff very cool and very epic
no, son.
you're winning.
I wanna get to priff on the weam so bad and get 99 cons but I know I need more gp so it's probs gonna be a ton of gotr before I even consider that grind
ya thats something ive been struggling with too as much as i am hype for priff theres not much i can do there its really just going to be a more convinient place to dp and have my poh but i know in the long run it will pay off
who up twistin they torstol
good morning angels
>unlisted worlds
>password access
I sure hope that Jagex employees have access to community server chat logs. or else it will be CP emporium, lol.
dumb retard bitch shut the fuck up youre so dumb
well that was rude

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