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CHOMAMA Days Edition
Previous thread: >>499823679


Current Event: Galaxy Wedding!
Current Gacha: Marry me! Blessings In The Celestial Church Gacha (5* PAREO, Hina, 4* Arisa, DF TOKO and Saaya)
Current Event Boost: Cool ft. PAREO, Hina, Arisa, Rinrin, Nanami

Next Event: No Music? Yes Summer!
Next Gacha: Marine Blue of the Azure Rose, Trickling Vividly Gacha (5* Lisa, Rinrin, 4* Ako, KF Arisa and Chisato)
Next Event Boost: Happy ft. Roselia

Database with optimal Team Builder, event cutoff predictions, song chart viewer and simulator, asset explorer and story viewer:https://bestdori.com/
Another database:http://bandori.party/
EX Mission guide:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gPwOa9HuLz9vsuo0uhTw21ztO5q5zsooRK5u1tSgyss/

Fun Stuff
Pico Puzzle:https://hamzaabamboo.github.io/pazuru-pico/
Himari's Visual Novel:https://bang-dream-gbp-en.bushiroad.com/april/artemis.html
Favdori sorter:https://garupasorter.tumblr.com/charactersorter
Favsong sorter:https://bandorisongsorter.tumblr.com/
Tower game recreation:https://thebuddyadrian.itch.io/garupa-tower-battle-remake
Dumbdori soundboard and Flappy Ako (hasn't been updated in a long while):https://dumbdori-noise.pw/
Live Interactions and other translations:https://pastebin.com/GJrs87pH
ENGRISH ALL PAHFECT~:https://files.catbox.moe/c325jm.mp4
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Happy birthday Arisa!
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nyoooooo it's too hetcoded....need gender neutral art....my pronouns....
hate het-coded birthday art...
I think bpen should just cease to exist, no point of making a general if we can't talk about the game and the characters anyway. Fuck you all, seriously.
She's clearly looking at man...you can just tell....
Lol is this guy seriously starting his bot routine already...
How about trying to start a conversation instead of whining?
Arisa is kinda like a less desirable Sakiko
fujo... fuck off already
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>Oi I told you to make sure to buy those condoms. Just because it's my birthday doesn't I'm gonna let you cum inside
Kasumi is too stupid to use a condom...
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>HAAAAH!?! I am not going to you shoot it on my face. We agreed you get one paizuri and that's it. w-well... I guess you can do it once s-since you went to all this trouble f-for my birthday... b-but only once, you hear?
I'd erupt like Vesuvius between those
>Oiiiiiiiiii~ come on out, Kasumi and the others already went home. We finally got the whole place to ourselves. And yes I made sure to buy condoms 'cause I knew you wouldn't. No I will not make an exception because it my birthday. Now take your pants off
But Arisa I want to put my baby inside you...
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>Ahaha~ wait~ did you actually think I was coming unto (You)? Awwwwwwwww I appreciate that you feel that way about me, but I only see you as a friend~ and besides, you already know I'm dating chad~
Het-coded posts...
Post the best Arisa paizuri
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Luv how SEAsato makes the dialogue in-character enough that you can read them in their voices...
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The weak me... is already dead...
kill yourself
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>okay, we can do it raw, but make sure you pull out when you're about to blow your load. You know I can still easily get pregnant even on a safe day
That's the idea
Pussy like Arisa's is never safe when it's that good...
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dedicate this birthday song to arisa...
Gonna finish the new Subzerus festival quest while he spams...
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No one can defeat Subzerus...
Scotty= (You)
Fiona= Lisa
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Nicki Minaj = Lisa
Ice Spice = Touko
Why is Ran so fucking sexy
Kasumi sometimes shares her boyfriends with Arisa
But Saaya is stingy with the good dick when she finds some
Ren is so lucky~
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh Saya only wants her boyfriend Banri's dick~
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Aya really gets around. She's fucking producers, featured artists, guys on the bus...
...Chisato, Kanon, Hina...
Kaoru and Aya losing the Chisatobowl to Kanon will never not be funny. It'd be like if Love Hina ended with the main dude picking the blue hair quiet girl or if Toradora ending with picking the blue hair girl or if SAO ended picking the blue hair girl
My point being blue hair girls aren't supposed to win the harem
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The cuckposters are getting even more active, i guess bpen is unusable anymore at this point. I'll just come here when i want to room then.
it's just the same one...
Blue girls are for pump and dump
Based SEAQueen purging the mygonlies...
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Out of everyone in the cast, Chisato has spent the most time with Kanon. Those other blues came in after the first girl.
What I don't get is how is it cuckposting when she is clearly shipping the girls with guys and is in no way romantically invested in any of the girls. The only way I see it as cucking is the ones reading it who thinks they're in a relationship with an anime girl and they feel cucked when somebody ships their fictional waifu with a man...
yeah we really need less people here that actually play the game instead of treating this like a shitpost discord...
Umm it's cucking because this is a yuri series
Are you retarded by any chance...?
Because she also does write literal cuck posts like 500118613.
I play the game AND shitpost here
ummm she said she'd be here to room though...
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Better to just ignore any posts with text here and post fanart...
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What's your favorite cuckfic?
Pretty sure she spends more time wirh Kaoru due to being childhood friends, and Aya for being in the same band.
The Valentines ones are my fav. Always look forward to them every year...
Chisato is very overrated
love plant monster mutsumi...
Kaoru and her went to separate schools after elementary and Chisato doesn't go out of her way to hang out with Kaoru. Aya was in a different class than Chisato every year in high school and they didn't meet until the 2nd year. So Aya was behind Kanon by years at the start.
But what about Shiro?
Shiro is the goddess we should all worship.
Shiro should run for school president
Rui is nice president
Soyo is secretary
Mutsumi the the treasury
Fusuke is the disciplinary committee
Want Tsukushi is discipline me...
I was thinking the same thing...
Touko is the whore committee
Mutsumi is in the beautification committee...
Touko tries out to be president but rui and fusuke tell her she's too retarded to be president and she disappears for the rest of the event because the writers don't know what to do with her anymore
She's the cucumber commitee
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Tradwife Ran
New Hanasakigawa blood
New Haneoka blood
New Tsikinomori blood
Are Singaporeans trustworthy?
need a fifth hanajo for events since haneoka can use rokka and ako...
Singaporeans are chinese
It's going to be revealed that Nyamu also studies at Hanasakigawa middle school
Thought they were Malaysian
There's always Kasumi, Eve, or Hagumi
The hypothetical is after they graduate...
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I can see Pareo going to Tsukinomori. Chu2 would cover tuition and having her go to a prestigious school would help convince her parents to let her move in with Chu2.
It's 50:40:10 chinese:malay:indian or bangladeshi
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need this without the speech bubble
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Basedotaki is for casual sex...
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Now that's based
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They are lovers.
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>soyo-chan, are you still a virgin~?
miss when taki and soyo didn't think anything of each other instead of having a mtual hatred relationship...
TakiAnon is playful toxic while TakiSoyo is just plain toxic...
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>nyoooo don't let mom know that i'm a bitch to my friends...
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Ummm she's trying to get some sleep after working a 20 hour shift...
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>cuckschizo spam
>mygo spam
>seiyuu posting
this is what a shitposting thread looks like
now that's a curveball
Only see one shitposter pissing his pants over bandori posts in bpen/...
they must be into swapping...
Sounds like something a cheating floozy would say...
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>reeeeeeeeeeeeee stop posting about bandori and go over to >>/psg/ and talk about trans rights
Yikes xe's really losing it...
Our children will never go hungry.
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get bobbed get bobbed
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ansyfags in china never fails to impress me
fueeeck I forgot the event ended today...
Blame tsukushi for not reminding us...
same... rip for the bride pareo voiced stamp...
She's gonna need some rape correction...
blame the shitposter for rushing the previous thread so he could vandalize the OP again...
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But I did... >>500095998
those shillros would much rather blame others than themselves...
WTF he removed a bunch more links from the OP...
uhh no she didn't...
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thought it was a one time joke but she really does ship sytk and uman
Mere mortals like us cannot fanthom her thought process.
I don't think sytk is that rare
It's called having a mental illness...
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Global twitter won't like when they post summer Lisa's ass...
can't fucking wait to roll that sexy piece of ass...
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I need them...
Too small... Where's Rinrin
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god, roselias are so fucking sex
one day I will get this yukinya in a df selector somewhere...
Miyako's stream is about to start...
Let's watch it together...
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Speaking about Roselia and specifically Yukina, her KF is still bugged. Lisa still stares at me instead of interacting with Yukina like other KFs.
Collab with Shiro, hype!!!
she got in love live!
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>Amane Bushi is playing Tomori in Love Live
I coulda sworn she was already in something LL related some times ago
crying for the bot...
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