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ARISAAAA birthday edition
Previous thread: >>499823679


Current Event: Galaxy Wedding!
Current Gacha: Marry me! Blessings In The Celestial Church Gacha (5* PAREO, Hina, 4* Arisa, DF TOKO and Saaya)
Current Event Boost: Cool ft. PAREO, Hina, Arisa, Rinrin, Nanami

Next Event: No Music? Yes Summer!
Next Gacha: Marine Blue of the Azure Rose, Trickling Vividly Gacha (5* Lisa, Rinrin, 4* Ako, KF Arisa and Chisato)
Next Event Boost: Happy ft. Roselia

Database with optimal Team Builder, event cutoff predictions, song chart viewer and simulator, asset explorer and story viewer:https://bestdori.com/
Another database:http://bandori.party/
EX Mission guide:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gPwOa9HuLz9vsuo0uhTw21ztO5q5zsooRK5u1tSgyss/

Fun Stuff
Bandori VTubers: https://www.youtube.com/@BDP_yumemita
Bandori Vocaloids: https://www.youtube.com/@yumenokessho
Pico Puzzle:https://hamzaabamboo.github.io/pazuru-pico/
Himari's Visual Novel:https://bang-dream-gbp-en.bushiroad.com/april/artemis.html
Favdori sorter:https://garupasorter.tumblr.com/charactersorter
Favsong sorter:https://bandorisongsorter.tumblr.com/
Tower game recreation:https://thebuddyadrian.itch.io/garupa-tower-battle-remake
Dumbdori soundboard and Flappy Ako (hasn't been updated in a long while):https://dumbdori-noise.pw/
Live Interactions and other translations:https://pastebin.com/GJrs87pH
ENGRISH ALL PAHFECT~:https://files.catbox.moe/c325jm.mp4
I think bpen should just cease to exist, no point of making a general if we can't talk about the game and the characters anyway.
first post pshill post...
Fuck you all, seriously.
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not feeling too good... don't think I'm gonna make it to T1000...
don't give up...
does this event have stamps with sounds for tier rewards...
there are stamps with sounds? like d4dj?
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Don't like voiced stamps, prefer reading stamps in fvnn's voice...
>PAREO: Hi, today is the day you have all been waiting for! The fifth episode of Chisato-san's show will be airing today~! Our heroine, played by Chisato-san, has finally realized the hero's secret...! Will the hero really reveal the truth to her or stay quiet? I can barely contain my excitement! And I am thrilled to see what kind of outfit and hairstyle Chisato-san will have this time! Her cuteness leaves me breathless! I hope you all will watch tonight's episode! Of course, I am recording the whole season, so if you somehow happen to miss an episode, please let me know~!
>Arisa: k
Chotto matte
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It's time for Miyako's stream...

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