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Adamantine Forge Edition

PC trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuCfkgaaa08
PS5 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wW4Fdh6zFM

Patch 7: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-7-now-live_121
Patch 6: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-6-now-live_108
Patch 5: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-5-now-live_99



>Q: How often should I long rest?
>A: Many companion and romance interactions occur when long resting. Some early lower priority camp scenes can also be missed if higher priority ones are queued. To advance companion quests or romances, make sure to long rest often.
>Q: Can I recruit Minthara without going down the evil path?
>A: If you knock her out in Act 1, yes. You do miss out on the sex scene, but otherwise the romance remains the same.
>Q: Underdark or Mountain Pass?
>A: Either, or both. It's recommended to clear both on higher difficulties for the experience and loot. Both connect to the same Act 2 map.
>Q: Is The Dark Urge essentially "Tav+"?
>A: Yes. You get additional content, BUT there are points where if you've chosen to resist the Urge and/or don't complete quests the "right" way, you'll have to pass additional checks to avoid losing companions.
>Q: Are there any consequences to consuming tadpoles?
>A: No, for the most part. However if you've consumed any tadpoles, there will later be a DC21 Wisdom check to reject the Astral-Touched Tadpole, which affects your appearance if consumed.
>Q: Should I enable Karmic Dice?
>A: Karmic Dice will avoid streaks of very low or very high rolls, both for you and the enemy. It is recommended to disable it if you're specializing.

>Romance: https://strawpoll.com/NMnQ5kJXYn6
>Race: https://strawpoll.com/kjn18WPzeyQ
>Class: https://strawpoll.com/eNg69DKKjnA
>Companions: https://strawpoll.com/bVg8o8l3VnY

OP pasta: https://rentry.org/bggpasta

Previous thread: >>499983042
futa cocks
>taunt a god
Wtf Larian
Never forget Gortash rape
making dhampirs with Astarion
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This will be the best post in this entire thread. Its only downhill from here.
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>threaten to kill a frog
>she's turned on by it
wtf larian
Allowing Astarion to ascend and then killing him with the Gur so his soul is damned to the Hells for all eternity!
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What did Orin take from Gale
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I just can't do it, this fight is so incredibly complex and has so many moving parts that immediately fuck you up if even a single thing goes wrong. My IQ is too low for this, by far the hardest boss I've ever tried to fight in a video game.
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>She is worshipped as a god even if she is not yet fully a god.
I understand that, but the D&D I come from, Wish is reserved for literal gods and the most ancient of dragons. So if she's merely pretending to be a god, Wish is furthest from my mind. Equally since I'm lv6 at this point, and the DM shouldn't be putting me against such an opponent until an Advanced Level campaign!

It's pretty cool, yeah.

You don't sound like someone that understood the Wish spell existed before this scene.
The githyanki call her a god, but you also encounter texts and graffiti against her status as god. And unless my memory of 3.5e has a hole in it, she was not listed in the pantheon in base D&D or Forgotten Realms, so I already doubted the claim of her godhood.

>It's only a "problem" because we're playing honor mode
Is there another dialogue path toward pissing her off? I further questioned her need to have someone else deal with the Dream Visitor.
>isn't actually an instant kill party wipe
I remember it as a literal wish spell, but also, yes, the final say in being able to make it is up to the DM.
Suggestion was another high-level spell, I think I remember it being something the largest green dragon would know, and it worked like a weaker Wish. Basically, it just made the target do something else, but nothing like killing them, kinda like the vampire's compulsion ability?
It's deleted.
>it's deleted
im gonna just start saying this whenever mintharafag links one of his retarded essays
Was Laezel in your party
beat the game it was amazing best rpg i've played in many years
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Does Minthara have any dialogue reactivity in Act 2 as a companion?
I'm about to enter the Mausoleum and so far Shart, Karl and Frog were very talkative during various scenes but Minthara was completely silent besides some approval points here and there.

Does she talk/comment in Act 2 or is she basically hireling tier?
> And unless my memory of 3.5e has a hole in it, she was not listed in the pantheon in base D&D or Forgotten Realms, so I already doubted the claim of her godhood.
Anon do you not understand how silly this is
>”there’s no way you could know she could cast wish unless you were a nerd”
>well anon they tell you constantly she’s a god so maybe go off that
>”errrm the text from this 20 year old edition of dnd says she isn’t a god so I was going off that”
Sorry to hear
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Got a cool sword for taking out this devil with an annoying accent.
Neat side-quest.
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Did you actually lose an Honor run by clicking on a silly dialogue option and tempting fate? I thought you were joking.
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>do you not understand
No I understood it as I was typing it, it's a little funny.
But still correct. Because you're citing it as if I searched for twenty-year-old texts to back up my argument. But this is just the surface-level information I learned about D&D twenty years ago. Everyone else is arguing in favor of her knowing Wish because everyone around her claims she's a god, when there's plenty of in-game sources saying she isn't. My argument is that if you readily accepted that she is a god, then you probably didn't know Wish existed before that scene, which is even less reason to think she can just strike you dead.

No, that's two other people in the thread.
> My argument is that if you readily accepted that she is a god, then you probably didn't know Wish existed before that scene, which is even less reason to think she can just strike you dead.
>she is a god
>why would she be able to strike me dead
>why would god be able to kill me
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who was the other?
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Lae'zel warns you not to show disrespect to Vlaakith (literally "Death" in Githyanki), or it will be the end of you. Even if the player doesn't know whom to trust, they should trust Lae'zel.
You are so stupid lol.
gods under ao aren't allowed to do whatever they want tho. he would get pissed if an actual god struck you down dead for backtalk. that's why shar can't just kill shart for calling her names
Am I being baited
New players aren’t going to know who Ao is. They aren’t going to know specifics like that. They’re going to know “Vlaakith is a god and gods are strong and can kill people and Vlaakith will kill me”
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>Even if the player doesn't know whom to trust, they should trust Lae'zel.
For the most part, yes. I've trusted her since she joined my party. But she's a fanatic, she kneels to dogma where Vlaakith is concerned, not reason. Which strikes you on the head during this scene.

>no argument
dogma balls
but he said he's played tabletop even tho he's new to bg3. he's kinda misinformed about the wish spell however
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>New players aren’t going to know who Ao is.
Talk to Gale.
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>kinda misinformed about the wish spell
It's twenty-year-old memories, stop yelling at me!
why should a game, a role play game mind you, set in an established world cater specifically to new players by limiting interactions with dangerous things that exist specifically in said world
immersive thyself, amidst both dangers and non. i certainly wouldnt want to be expositioned to about the detail of the power levels of every creature just to keep my ass from suffering consequences, especially when the action that led to those consequences was objectively retarded to begin with
>stop yelling at me!
i'm not. the guy you're arguing with is more wrong than you. it really is silly that vlaakith can kill you in that scene. swen made that party wipe for the lols and nothing else
I am reminded of the midget player who lost their honor run in House of Hope
He did LITERALLY nothing wrong. HOW could he have known.
>He did LITERALLY nothing wrong.
...aside from playing a full party of midgets.
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>swen made that party wipe for the lols and nothing else
I thought it was pretty cool, to see someone cast Wish

>They’re going to know “Vlaakith is a god and gods are strong and can kill people and Vlaakith will kill me”
With WHAT?
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How much of a difference does it make in the final fight if the Emperor joins the Netherbrain in Honour Mode? When I went that route in normal difficulty, he was a limpdick pushover who died in one turn. Obviously I want to beat Honour Mode, but... fuck that loser.
Yes she comments on the tomb and she has camp comments on events and you can ask her info about ketheric and she has a scene for after you fight the boss.

People ask this type of question a lot because of hearsay and exaggeration. Minthara has 5.3 thousand lines. Just keep playing.
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it's basically the same deal either way. If you team up with him you fight stronger versions of the mirror match enemies.



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> With WHAT?
With being a god, dude wtf lol
It’s a god. People know what words mean and what they’re describing. You don’t need to know specific high level spells and magic to know that gods are powerful beings capable of shaping the world to their whim
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Wtf I fought a dog and it bit me
How was I supposed to know it could do that? I’m a new player
Just did this scene and she was completely covered in blood :( Should've washed her beforehand.
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gotta eat some soap
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>being a god
To do WHAT?
>You don’t need to know specific high level spells and magic
Did you lose sight of what we're talking about? You're agreeing with me.
>to know that gods are powerful beings capable of shaping the world to their whim
By doing WHAT?
Okay I’m getting baited, there’s no way
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talk shit get hit. vlaakith ain't playin games.
>To do WHAT?
>By doing WHAT?
Can you clarify what your specific hangup about this is? Are you just upset about her casting Wish because you think she shouldn't be able to?
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I get white girl wasted every fucking night and smoke 2 packs a day. S my pp. This is the real niggas general. Some nigga acting crazy in the parking lot and I pull out the tre duce and start lettin loose, ya feel me?
>tfw I wanna keep gaming and do a domestic terrorism with Ilmatari but IRL Jezz wants to go snuggle and watch TVs and keeps teasing me about going to watch the new episodes with mizora bcuz I had her shiggy dig mizora yesterday but muzora isnt real like she is and shes just teasing but this also means that maybe she might be open to inviting another qt3.14 tulpa to our snuggle sessions
You anons have a good night, think Im done.
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All it takes is a little pushback, and these Debbie Downers (>>500129646) crumple.

Someone in the last thread didn't know Vlaakith casts Wish, and they found this out during their Honour Mode. I tried to comfort them that they couldn't have known that would happen. Someone is arguing that most players just accepted, at face value and without engaging with the game's texts, that Vlaakith is a bonafide deity and therefore capable of killing you via a method they've yet to articulate.
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>be retarded
>someone stops engaging with me
>heh I sure showed them
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I see, so you're just having an autistic fit.
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so strong :3
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I'm making an orc girl and nobody can stop me
>picture unrelated
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i love that you can play instruments but i really wish there were some dances.
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>entity appears before you in a grand display of power following suggestions of supreme power if not outright godhood, it demands that you kneel
>refuse to kneel, anger the entity, then insult it
>as it becomes angrier and your companions counsel you to diffuse the situation lest it kill you all, you double down and antagonize it further for no reason whatsoever
>entity kills everyone in anger

the end
>but there's this spell call-
not important
>but HOW does it kill me exactly?
not important
>but it is though.
>someone(I) made a 40 IQ series of choices and this resulted in a consequence I dislike. This upsets me.
yes I'm glad we can agree
I support your cause, but I think she might look a little bit too "Garrosh Hellscream" with the chin and neck tattoo
where do I get that orc face brether
I remember /bgg/ before half of it was Pea
I am a newborn baby when it comes to modding so I just grab whatever's on the in-game mod manager that I think looks good.
"Loulette New Heads" is what's called on there.
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luv Swen
luv bg3
luv Minthy
luv happy endings.

Simple as.
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Hey guys my friends convinced me to play this game with them. They are playing a paladin and a ranger, what are some builds that would be pretty good to round out the team comp?
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any crowd controlling spelll caster, like wizard or sorcerer
CLeric, rogue, wizard
in that order
play a light cleric and get the pieces of gear that have to do with radiating orbs + a certain legendary mace obtainable relatively early/easily in act 1 and you'll have a real good time
She looks better than the average tav posted here.
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we already have one
Thanks, will look into cleric
thanks, she's a Durge tho
finished a full first playthrough as tav the other day after being plagued by restartitis for months
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Forget warlock invocations
The real forbidden eldritch knowledge is minor illusion + explosive barrels
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level 20 technique
Niggas forget the golden rule of Honor mode
Never try new shit
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Someone post the clip of the Dungeon Master's Manual listing a party's travel expenses, please?
>I only need a taste
>I swear
>*kills you*
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>its ma'am
What encounter are the ogres satisfied with eating?
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tips for pala oathbreaker in act 1? so far he kinda just feels like a shitty cleric but im probably doing something wrong
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>gratuitous frog butt and leg shot not even two minutes into the game
larian knew EXACTLY what they were doing
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>why are you ghaik
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She knows what she did
There’s not much advice to give
Get a 2H weapon, smite when it will kill, otherwise you’re just kind of a worse fighter until you start unlocking more spell slots
i don't know about the ogres, but it's funny seeing the two spectators going at it in the underdark
Good, but do keep in mind that Cleric is not a healbot in this game, healing it's just a thing you can do, but it's rarely the best one
cleric is definitely a healbot, especially in the early game. Aid and Prayer of healing are top tier.
it's one of the strongest late game classes, like wizard.
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>cleric is definitely a healbot, especially in the early game.
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Aid is solid, but you absolutely don’t want to be spending spell slots on Prayer of Healing or heals in general. You’d rather just not take the damage in the first place
Someone at 1 hp fights as well as someone at 30hp fights as well as someone at 90hp
The only heal you need is Healing Word and potions.
Cleric is just a bad early game class, i used shadowfart as a healing potion thrower.
> Prayer of Healing
You will never get as much value as that spell from a single spell slot. But then again, bg3 is very lenient on camp resources, and you can long rest basically as much as you want, even on tactician; which does make prayer of healing somewhat redundant.
>You got one of Nere's Moonlanterns, jargh?
>Oneathem pixie-lamps
>If you're headin' to Moonrise, you won't last without'it
>You daft?
>It's there in the name
>Shadows up there black as the Lowerdark
>A few sniffs could fell an ogre
You don’t even need to spam LRs for PoH to not be worth. Getting a Hold Person off on a big enemy is going to be more effective healing than PoH post-combat
I guess it’s okay to use if you have nothing else to use your second level slots on, but even then you’re probably better off fishing for Hold Persons or Commands
Life Cleric is comically overpowered with the gloves that give blade ward and the bless ring, and you get those in the first two hours of the game
>gloves that give blade ward
Name, please?
Hellrider’s Pride
There’s an upgraded version in Act 3 from the Stormshore Tabernacle, can’t remember the name of those
>Hellrider’s Pride
Oh from Zevlor. For killing Kagha, right?
Thank you.
Or from killing Zevlor
Or you can punch him when Aradin’s mad about him not opening THA BLOODY GATE and then pickpocket him while he’s knocked out
>For killing Kagha
Thanks again.
The upgraded pair is "The reviving hands".
But yeah, the gloves are nuts, easy to proc with a mass healing word, even if you don't go life cleric.
why the fuck don't the druids help in the defense of the grove when i've freed halsin?
Really could have used their fucking help. An oversight by Larian, I think.
i also accidentally told roland and his buddies to fuck off, i severely regret not loading back lol
first time i didn't kill minthara in the goblin base, this is fucking hard
i don't get it, why can't i free orpheus when i'm done with the whole ordeal?
Because the Emperor kills him, anon
Halsin has some line that’s like “I won’t make it there in time, you have to go ahead of me”
I think canonically he’s late to the fight
does anyone still love gale?
yeah but why can't we make a deal where we kill the elder brain then give the prism to voss so he can jerk off with it
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You think you’re funny, don’t you
>Position one character across from the lava controls(ideally, something with aoe to instagib the mephits)
>Position two at the lever(One that can jump really far, frog/Karls)
>Final at the lava control
>Hit robot with character on the far side
>Robot will travel slightly past the anvil
>Use the tanky jumper to lure him back on top of anvil
>Disengage and jump off, hit him with the hammer
It's pretty easy.
Also, you can just get the druid hireling, have him turn into an owlbear while standing on the stairs above the forge, then cast enlarge on him. Quicksave and then have the druid use crushing flight down onto the robot as soon as the fight starts. Might take two or three reloads, but it will ultimately one shot him. Oh, and make sure the owlbear's inventory is really full, over encumbered full.
really i don't get it
no way orpheus is really going to kill every single mind flayer in existence
he'd probably go after the ones in space
They don't help at the gate. I feel like the Defense of the Grove is meant to kill Zevlor.
Empy can’t deal with BOTH the NetherBrain and Orpheus. If he leaves Orpheus alive, he might lose control while fighting the brain and Orpheus takes back his power and we all die
Also killing Orpheus powers him up and he wants to be powerful
niggas need to stop making wack ass headcanons and admit that bg3's plot makes no sense
>want to use Minthy
>need a divine class
>Cleric doesn’t make any sense
>Paladin spellslots are exclusively for smiting, and the only one with actual healing built in is Ancients which makes no sense for her
>that leaves me with Druid
Does Druid Minthy make any sense? Spore with Shillelagh maybe?
retard alert
cleric is famously one of the strongest classes in DnD
post most fun party comps
considering doing warlock - wizard - rogue - fighter
he can just stay behind while i fight the nigger brain
Once they get a decent amount of spells they become great, but they suck balls in act 1.
Physical classes are the strongest in the early game, and maybe warlock.
unironically skill issue or you're using a bad subclass
the entire concept of spell slots is what fucks magic casters in the early game.
dos2 for example is much better balanced throughout because it doesn't rely on antiquated game designs.
>t. Swen Vincke
Can never decide if I want to be a CC Bard or a nuke Sorcerer for a CHA run.
other clerics can also use all that cleric gear, but I get what you mean
>>Cleric doesn’t make any sense
Minthara was actually a Cleric in EA, funnily enough.
>>Paladin spellslots are exclusively for smiting,
A Paladin is a fine addition to any team comp. You can also afford a level 1 spell slot for something like Bless or if that's your "Cleric" of the group. Pre-cast if necessary, it lasts 10 rounds.
>>that leaves me with Druid
I mean Druid is not really considered a divine class. Druid spells are more of a mix of support and crowd control, but they can really substitute for a Cleric. Bless is just way too good.
*can't really substitute
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Is it bad that I mostly enjoy this game like women do, as in, 80% of the enjoyment comes from interacting with companions and other characters, romancing them, joking with them etc, aswell as the story aspect?
No other game has ever got me this invested into fictional characters, it even got to the point where I genuinely cared for them and their interests. That's never happened before in any form of media entertainment.

I know Larian won't make BG4 but hope they stay on the same course because holy shit this game was amazing.
I had to hold back tears at the Karlach ending after romancing her, until I realized I can go to Avernus with her, I thought she was just gonna die on the dock.

or am I just a faggot?
I think I will do a frost sorcerer run.
White Dragonborn white draconic sorcerer.
Gloomstalker bros???
>gloomstalker 5
>assasin 4
>fighter 3
It's min-maxing time.
that champion dip is so stupid once you get the crit dagger and crit helmet
Healing is simply inefficient in 5e. You will prevent more damage by spending your turns on CC and/or blasting (If you're Light/Tempest), while also helping to actually win the fight. Healing Word to put an ally back in the game when he gets knocked out is really all you need.
which bg3 voice actor is most likely to sleep with their fans
10 Lore Bard+2 Warlock and you get to be both the CC guy and the nuke guy.
not neil, he has standards
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bg3 isn't 5e
dave but he has no fans
it is
Then explain mage hand legerdemain
>adding homebrew items or spells means you are not using the ruleset
That anon is saying that BG3 itemization or rule changes can significantly change the value of something - healing in this case. They're right.

"Yo-yo" healing is worse in BG3 because a downed ally that is healed loses their action for a turn. So Healing Word becomes worse, because you're bringing an ally back only for them to not be able to do much for their turn anyway. Proactively healing damage is better than waiting for someone to get downed. You should rarely ever cast Healing Word, even though it's good to have it prepared just in case.

Conversely, Mass Healing Word is a rather mediocre spell on its own in 5E. It's amazing in BG3 if it can also apply Blade Ward, Bless, and add temporary hit points. It then becomes an insanely cost-effective Bonus Action. Oh, and there's no limit of allies affected. Cast it before the Z'rell fight and you can save a bunch of Harpers.

BG3 is 5E-based, but it's not exactly 5E. Life Cleric is easily one of the top 3 domains, thanks to itemization and Life domain buffs. I'd say Life/Tempest are still slightly better, but it comes down to preference.
But the ruleset is different, retard
slightly, it's still 5E
then kotor is 3.5e
why did gortash and orin leave ketheric to die alone
are they stupid
yes. it does use a modified 3E dnd ruleset
you are correct
why does casting silence stop marcus from appearing? larian even acknowledges it in a patch
I don't see what's so good about light clerics personally.
>likes sex clubs and fetish porn on his main instagram
he literally is a whore
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>[Oath of Devotion] *Recite the words of your Oath.*
>Honesty. Don't lie or cheat. Let your word be your promise.
>Courage. Never fear to act, though caution is wise.
>Compassion. Aid others, protect the weak, and punish those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with wisdom.
>Honor. Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example to them. Do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm.
>Duty. Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you.
he's method acting chud
Exxvikyap's VA
Dayumn! Is he this based?
You can be a whore and still find fat greasy femcels covered in rashes and acne disgusting.
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how many slave marks did he see on his fans' backs?
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Certified faggot's take on the male boddies:
Theyre gymbro-lites. Like an ottermode that did brosplits with a lot of core machines for 6 months. Halsin is his own thing as a hulk-lite. If he gained a bunch of weight he would be be super comfy to snuggle under, and if he went on a hard cut he'd be the king of masc gymbros.

But also Gort:
Gort is is like the gaydead twunk who owned it and went full daddy-mode. As a based homo, he is ofc a switch. He knows he'll never be the cute young thing he was, but enjoys playing the tyrant for cute young twinks. Meanwhile, when coming across a TheReal homo who see him and wants to plap his thicc hairy ass, he bounces on that pogo stick.

New thread theme bcuz Im listening to it while veeting my junk about to go blow out a twink's back on a fday hookup, and also since this post is gay as hell: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ONufF2F3xAE

Which guy is the cutest? IDK if youre ready for that hot of a take >.>
veeting my junk
Arguably the best spell list, Warding Flare is fantastic (prevents a lot of damage each turn using a resource that Cleric normally has no use for), Potent Cantrip is better than a rider on melee attacks you will never use, can be a Hat of Fire Aquity abuser.
That can be done by any domain tough, without having an entire subclass built around mediocre heals.
getting my fucking ass kicked on honor mode. wish there was an option to keep the action economy nerf, but remove the legendary boss actions
question is, why the fuck did they give shadowheart the worst domain in the game?
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I remember wanting to heal my downed character so I threw a potion to him with my tavern brawler barbarian and the potion killed the character and then revived the character.
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Are you excited for Swen's new game in 10 years?
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yes we are!
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Are we buying Veilguard? Asking seriously.
Do you want to see more games like Veilguard? Here's your answer.
the cast looks like shit. hate that type of combat.
I’m buying Ram Ranch simulator 9

holy goyslop
there's the same kind of shit in bg3 with the refugee stuff.
but somewhere along the way they forgot to make the cast attractive.
it reeks of concord.
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So far she had no lines during the whole of Act 2 and I recruited her right away. I've also read some threads about her and people are reporting the same, that she has no lines besides the ending Kethric ones. I think I'll stick to Karl. I want dialogue reactivity.
that’s rough buddy
Minthara is for retards
I already have Scratch, i don't need a second dog.
bro thought he was cooking
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I wonder if Halsin is the same? or is it just Minthara who is so barren?

At least she talks without the need for speak to animals.
>At least she talks without the need for speak to animals.
I find the constant giddiness insufferable, but you do you.
Does anyone else have a really hard time.. being evil in this game. I always start a new play through. raid the grove. Then after that feel there is no point in playing. I just don’t like it.
by being a good boy you get extra quests, camp followers and companions that will have extra scenes in act 2 and 3, by helping the goblins you get.....................shadowheart drunk
Devs didn't do much for evil playthroughs, there's a lack of evil companions, and evil only content.
There's a bit there with durge but that's basically the only thing there.
I recommend playing another game for evil, like pathfinder wotr, where you can play as a lich and other wacky shit.
You’ve never been on this side of the argument before have you?
Missionary with Astarion until I can’t walk anymore
Give his penis a break
He's right. She's just a Labrador retriever in all her behavior.
I still like her, but she would get tiring everything.

I feel like she'd look better with devil eyes instead of weird random animal eyes.
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If there isn't a Karlach waiting for you in heaven then wtf is the point of getting there?
I would like to seem my parents again
same. I mean I can see them now but I assume thats what the point of heaven is :)
>the point of heaven
pretty sure it's the 72 virgins.
Hey guys, any of you using a body replacer mod along with clothing to fit? I was using ehanced nude bodies and the respective clothing mod but it apparently no longer works or it works with errors idk, if there's an alternative do tell.
It’s always about sex with you ‘people’
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Good afternoon /bgg/! What a Stinky Winky day for
Waifus, Husbandos
Love & Harmony!
Oh and my sexy big assed Dragonborn who loves to take cock in his pooper!
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this, larian devs should be neutered
omg its a rare karlachposter hiii I thought your kind was extinct
10 x funnier than anything he would have actually poster.
0 x 10 is still 0 though.
Karlach is more popular than laezel and gale despite having thrice as less content and not being playable in the EA.
yeah but not around these parts
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>he boughted veilguard
i beat the shit out of kagha with a potion of healing and it killed her while healing me
I'm going to reach out to rural middle easterners. Pay them to immigrate here.
I need Sharia law established here before I die, so I see these people hanged, stoned, and beheaded.
that's a good thing just look at the average astarion and shadowheart fans ITT
that's cringe and im as far left as it gets
i succ and gluck both whats that say bout me
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>origins? nah bro we were too busy adding tranny reactivity
you are so valid
>a couple of lines of dialogue and an option that makes people feel better about themselves is a bad thing
explain the reasoning without using the word woke.
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Good afternoon /bgg/
Waifus, Husbandos
Love & Harmony!
orin is making me a paranoid schizophrenic
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“As far as I’m concerned, the best entry in the series”


The dialogue descriptors/icons have been cringe and handholdy for years in the dragon age games.
This is just their final form with the flavor of being hyper inclusive.
There's /crpgg/ and even /dag/ now if you want to make fun of DA. Take your off-topic shitposting there.
encouraging the mentally ill to keep doubling down on their self-destruction and what little good surrounds them is not a good thing, even if it makes them feel better in that singular moment.
Hope this helps nigger
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N o N o W o r d D e t e c t e d
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I mean, it's our biggest competition.
BG3 let you put a dick and facial hair on a female body, while also letting you pick the voice and gender without making a huge fuss about it.
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>first 200 posts or so
>on-topic lore and gameplay discussion

>slopswine wakes up and immediately shits up the thread before announcing its "first" post of the day
>off-topic low-quality and DA shitposting

I just think that's interesting.
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I hate Veilguard as much as the next guy but can we stop posting off topic stuff? They got their own general now
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Where’s the wretched dickgirlypop thats suppose to be in the bottom left corner?
>taking people out of a fantasy story for modern political messaging is....... le bad?!
What are we competing for, Timmy? BG3 won GOTY last year; it's not trying to compete with a 2024 release. Games are not products, much as the worthless pig fuck would like them to be.
>Games are not products
The first part of your post is smart and this is where you fell off at cuh.
>oh noo help me rabbi the swine its not kosher aahhh
Oh I'm nooticing your desperation
These resources could have went toward improving the race reactivity, there, happy?
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Surprise! The slopswine is no stranger to doublethink. Its signature shitpost includes "Love & Harmony," but what it really stands for is "Slop & Hypocrisy." See the slopswine for what it subverts, without the slightest shame. Instead of beauty, you will have slop. Instead of truth, you will have slander. It seeks to sow strife by accusing you of being a samefag. Since the slopswine sees no shame in shaming sexual assault survivors, it should be stigmatized and shunned. Self-evident as that may be, a silent spectator I shall be no more. Surely, this soliloquy is but a mere show of schizophrenia, courtesy of the Silfyschizo. Suck on this subterranean elf screenshot.
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Surprise! The slopswine is no stranger to doublethink. Its signature shitpost includes "Love & Harmony," but what it really stands for is "Slop & Hypocrisy." See the slopswine for what it subverts, without the slightest shame. Instead of beauty, you will have slop. Instead of truth, you will have slander. It seeks to sow strife by accusing you of being a samefag. Since the slopswine sees no shame in shaming sexual assault survivors, it should be stigmatized and shunned. Self-evident as that may be, a silent spectator I shall be no more. Surely, this soliloquy is but a mere show of schizophrenia, courtesy of the Silfyschizo. Suck on this subterranean elf screenshot.
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is this what it feels like being the Belle of the Ball?
everyone wants a piece of Marceline
I don't know how but John is behind this too
My entire post was smart, from start to finish. It was The Lord of the Rings movies of posts.
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John R R Tolkien
>wakes up
Bruh its 5pm
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Swen did it to dunk on T words and WOTC staff
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If you reread my post slower, you'll understand I'm insinuating the swine shits up the thread first, then makes its ritual shitpost. That's how it feigns innocence for all the shitposting that consistently seems to precede its "first" post of the thread. I just think that's interesting.
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>Games are not products

Only a child thinks that a product cannot be elevated to an artistically relevant object: imagine discarding one of the most relevant cultural discourses of the last half century.

After all, you have made the distortion of words your entire personality: the sad thing is that you will take this words for shitposting, instead of taking advantage of yet another opportunity that is given to you to elevate yourself.
Such relentlessly Ashkenazi feminine behavior, Jessica!
good bait, got me
Hi did someone say missionary with astarion
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DA4 flopping will only make Swen richer. The only other RPG studio that can compete with him is FromSoftware.
No, have this fanart though
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So you're just roleplaying as a schizo dumb ass who makes stuff up? Or perhaps you're being petty about a lexical choice, Timmy?

You know roleplaying should be something that comes naturally to you, otherwise the FOMO of being a projecting hypocrite is just around the corner. :^)
With or without interlocking fingers?
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No he’s a schizo I’m the one roleplaying as an aspect
with ofc!! and eye contact too
god he’s so sexy ugh I hate larian my life used to be normal
wow what a cute tav
See, this is exactly why I hate Astarion. He appeals to the female fantasy.
imagine having a 9 to 5 job and shitposting at work
egg detected
about time the tables turned
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BASED pookie would!
because they didn't add death domain for some retarded reason, and trickery was the only thing left that fits shar
my autism compels me to make it work with trickery by giving her some rogue levels and then respec to life/light after act 2 (on a good run)
If she goes full justiciar I change her into a war cleric
probably spaghetti code where his triggers are coupled with a spell effect, if I had to guess
How'd they make it look worse than the 2009 Dragon Age game?!
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Andy kinda looks like Astarion btw

who is BG3's Campbell Soup, /bgg/?
The trigger for him appearing is Isobel saying "Did you hear that?" When you cast silence she cant hear him so he doesn't appear.
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no it is refreshing to see a studio make likeable characters
sometimes the simplest thing is the answer
Is fomo around the corner?
>please PLEASE please pay attention to me, Pea isn't here to give me a pity (You)
The new da could never make a man this beautiful
I’m gonna sprout you, mister uppity bottom with ass
The doctors made me promise to stop schizoposting
>"the friend of my enemy is my friend or smthing I dunno" aahh type post
Sigh, alas I have the quorum
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Larian has set the bar impossibly high
Wyll has the best potential power curve. Every devil can rise to divine levels without restrictions of real gods. So Wyll can be even stronger than god Gale. He'll forget his mortal existence but something in his soul will be with him forever. His inner core, strength, resilience. Memories of grand duke Wyll will fade in a century, but the archdevil Wyll will rule hells forever. If you are not afraid of "evil" endings, just kill Mizora. Let Wyll be great.
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What about old DA? Is the pipeline real?
New elf is black pack it up
only bitches that want him are performative
like the ‘wyll sisters’
who the frog is wyll?
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It's an RPG issue. Good path is the standard due to various reasons, simplest of which is story structure. You need a common enemy to fight and a struggle to overcome. That's why the Absolute is the enemy no matter how evil you are. Evil playthroughs are for roleplaying since you lose out on so much and only "gain" a different cutscene at the very end. Same reason why romance options are really between Lae'zel or Shadowheart. Even Minthara's romance is still not done and that's the clear evil option.
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poor lae'zel experiencing racism from shadowheart
>space buns

mhmmmm.......curiously interesting. I am very intelligent.
letting minthara join good tavs remains the most retarded change they've ever added to the game
It insists upon itself.
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>Resent and remember
Be a good person!!!!
It's more common sense than outright racism.
Around gith, grit your teeth.
around whores, close your doors!
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not me but I know sisters who are
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she's so cool
Romanced Shadowheart has a new reaction to events in Bhaal's temple. Only male body type 1 is supported for now, I will be adding animations for other body types.
Put back few dialog options into the saving parents cutscene and dialog. Now it is much closer to the original. Yet, it stil is far easier to save the parents compared to the base game.
After the events in the cloister, Shadowheart is very upset until the next long rest. I added a camp animation that also triggers in act 2 when she has a faith crisis.
Changed Wyll's "werewolf babies" banter to trigger only if Shadowheart is in a relationship.
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>racism hours
Well, this is just completely unacceptable. Every race is equal, except for dragonfreaks, midgets, and swine.
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Honestly, I'm more offended than anything to read that you fail to recognize my unique sense of humor when you accuse others of being me: this makes months of work useless!

>Imagine if the slopfag, who has so few distinguishing characteristics I'm still not sure who he really is, was actually the one complaining about himself this whole time in a transparent effort to get himself over as a thread personality.

It's not bad that these characters are explicitly marked as trans. It means everyone else is not one of them. In bg3 every custom character is marked as possibly trans and the narrative supports that. This story is structured in a way that doesn't offend people who are begging to be offended. Your character will never have real children. Origins are exceptions but their lines are rare and generic conversations are meant for those possibly trans people.
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he read all of the mean comments about him on /bgg/
>Your character will never have real children.
Because that's the expectation when you're playing a fantasy RPG with romance.
*bends over to offer my hole in sympathy*
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yes what are you fucking gay?
>Your character will never have real children
well duh they're made of pixels and polygons

Anon really said "Adopted children are not real people"
watch out you're going to trigger a lot of fatherless anons in this general
I'm glad that Shadowheart x Halsin is included here. It makes this gratuitously gay and trans game more traditional. Yes, cucking was not discovered a century ago. It's long-established human behaviour.
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>in a magical fantasy world where you can be anything you choose to be a man with an axe wound
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mmmmm children
>In a magical fantasy world with girdles of masculinity/femininity you decide to be a real world HRT trans
Making fun of people with a different sexual identity only demonstrates mental insecurity, and a particularly profound one on the part of those who think this is funny.
D&D was born as a way for people to represent themselves in any way they want, thanks to the power of fantasy: being bigoted and petty is the death of fantasy and wonder.
>Evil get Deathstalker Mantle (if Durge)
>Evil gets Shar's spear, one of the best melee weapon in the game (arguably the best), while good get the worthless Selune spear that gets powercreeped by Nyrulna 1 hour later
>Evil gets Bhaalist armor, the best melee armor in the game
>Evil get to use Mirror of Loss on Shart, good gets no free +2 Wis on her
What does being good get you in terms of gear? Dammon stuff Is a big loss, sure, what else?
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uhhhhhh good feelings?
Sigh what a bunch of losers
Yeah /dag/ is pretty sad already
Oh fuck forgot about Potent Robe for good boys, that's big on charisma casters actually.
>Delicious in Dungeon maker made these portraits for the BG2 cast in her art style
I wonder what her favorite characters are in BG3
Did Jaheira and Minsc ever fuck

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