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Full OP Edition

Previous: >>500013625

>Final Days to Launch: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

>Black Ops 6 / Warzone Trello Boards

>Call of Duty Patch Notes, Blog Posts

>Call of Duty Updates

>Weapon Builds

>Online Gunsmith

>/codg/ Anon's Gun-Fu(n) Guide

>Warzone Tactical Maps

>Warzone Meta (updated automatically from TrueGameData)
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First for JANE!!!
Why does cod appeal to mommy issue riddled men now
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Do you have arachnophobia mode turned on?
Women are so ugly they made me gay now I love Weaver and Carver
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>game in menus
>go into match
>game refuses to go past 10fps
Anybody else having this problem? This shit happened during the beta too. It's absolutely insane that a billion dollar company can't properly optimize the same dogshit game they make every fucking year.
Never had a favorite teacher (female), anon? What about a manager (female) who really liked you and took care of you at work?
4 years
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I only play characters who cover their face.
Yes, but only people with mommy issues fall in love with said people.
>Non-binary operator
Yeb, it's gaming time
>manager (female) who really liked you and took care of you at work
fantasy scenario
I use the older woman operators
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S Tier
A Tier
B Tier
C Tier
>Skyline, Vault, Rewind, Derelict, Red Card, Protocol
D Tier
>Payback, Vorkuta,
F Tier
>Babylon|Subsonic (literally the exact same map), SCUD, Warhead, Lowtown

Fuck this shitty piece of shit game, come home to XDefiant, White Man.
I'm gonna play MW3 just to shoot an AR that actually kills people.
Why the FUCK do so many Americans have AS VALs in this game
What did you spend your first prestige token on anon?
Office lady Jane skin?
They just took over vorkuta, so I imagine the found some in a pile somewhere and thought they were neat.
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>Will will never get ops like this again because they’d rather appeal add old farts
Stop buying their slop so they stop adding old farts in every single game
Doing the boat glitch in Terminus.
Feels good.
I don't use outdated boomerfag "features"
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I did for an hour before realising I wasn't researching any augments.
zoomies like you belong on reddit
I don't care what any of you gooning niggers say. That bitch is fucking ugly.
It makes genuinely no sense why they keep adding ugly cunts. Literally no reason for it whatsoever, none. Imagine the money they would suddenly rake in if they released a hot slut with a nice voice. But no, ugly raspy cunts as far as the eye can see!
mara is genuinely ugly both in game and real life, get some standards
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They started giving us operators and bundles because we actually buy them instead of unlock tooling.
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V3L4R1A, IZANAMI, JET and DOKKAEBI destroy this bitch
Any controller niggers here? Haven't used cucktroller in a while and to me it feels like the input curve (both dynamic and normal) are more exponential than what they were in MW3. Am I wrong? Don't have mw3 installed so I can't check.
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I like cold war so far but that campaign is probably the worst black ops campaign since BO3. No idea what the point was having Adler, Woods and Park back when they basically do nothing and for some reason I'm going through Harrows bullshit mommy and daddy issues.
This is really her least flattering pic. I think it's the coat.
Be honest, no one but maybe .5% of overall cod players are buying these old bitches. They are just appealing to DEI.
lmao are you only capable of thinking in buzzwords? MILF/DILF has been a porn category forever now.
god she's fucking hideous with those fish lips man
even when trying to add a "sexy" operator they fuck up the face
Fuck I meant bo6* kek
The AR need 5 bodyshots to kill, so I thought it would take 2 heatshots to kill. Maybe 3 depending on the AR and distance...but no. It takes 4. FOUR! Why is the game so afraid to reward precision aiming? I know I can 1 HS kill with some marksman rifles, but come on, its borderline impossible to keep up with the pace of this game with semi-auto weapons, specially since most maps are glorified meatgrinder boxes.
Those are just younger actresses acting like old bitches. Not actual old women like cod adds
>younger actresses acting like old bitches
The average zoomoid thinks 25 is old, so even back then they would have qualified as "old bitches".
>It takes 4
That explains alot.
I dunno, this feels like the most "We've heard your feedback" COD game ever. Every downside to the MP feels like in response to hearing absolute shitters cry online for the past 4 years.
I've found the solution to the clunky movement on console. Max out the controller sensitivity, play on dynamic aim curve and set ADS sensitivity to 0.65.

Bam. You're now an omnimovement beast and can still beam people accurately across the map. I dropped 37 kills and another 40 in TDM back to back after this change.
This is unironically Call of Duty: ADHD Edition isn't it? I watch some of these kill cams and my head about rolls of my neck. Does it not get tiresome sliding and jumping and zipping all around? It feels exhausting and I'm just watching it happen I can't imagine playing like that.
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>footsteps are completely inaudible
>bizon without silencer sounds like it's silenced
what the fuck did they do with the sound
If you turn a corner and see 3+ enemies, you're pretty much done for, nothing you can do regardless of the skill level of the players involved. In other CoDs you still had a chance to HS them all and come out on top, now they are focusing on the lowest common denominator to please shitters.
controllertards cant aim for the head
Either way cod players like hot young women, a very very small percent would prefer to have old bags over young operators. So I really don’t get why they are appealing to such a small playerbase
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kino skin in the files boys
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>he doesn't know about the hagmaxxing meme
ngmi frfr nocap ONG!!!!!!
>its another all black skin in a game with shit visibility
When are the tourist bitching about the game going to leave?
It’s just that, a meme.
You underestimate how willing zoomers are to pay for digital avatars of memes.
Wow yeah, ARs are million times better in this. Classic Treyarch's SMG supremacy I guess
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I'm sorry, did I disturb your safespace, honey?
kek fuck off to reddit, bitch.
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S tier
A tier
>Babylon, Subsonic, Skyline, Derelict, Rewind, Vault
B tier
>Red card, Vorkuta, Scud
C tier
D tier
Shit tier
>Payback, Protocol
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Starter weapon meta(Under level 20)
S tier
A tier
C tier
D tier
Shit tier
>All SMGs, because they don't kill at range. Last guy in webm related lived
Honestly, people who prefer old farts don’t deserve any safe spaces. Degenerates.
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I couldn't agree more. Loli operator when?
You should never, NEVER balance a competitive online multiplayer game based on the input of the less skilled masses. Unless you're Nintendo or something.
Well they don't care about the game being good they care about it being popular
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>A tier
>>Babylon, Subsonic, Skyline, Derelict, Rewind, Vault
babylon is the worst map this series has ever had
protocol is one of the only bo6 maps with any chance of having flow in objective modes
how can you have taste this bad
Why is Payback so low? Top of the list is the shitment clusterfuck maps?
i knew you were retarded klem but fucking hell
>Verification not required.
>babylon is the worst map this series has ever had
I can predict 99% of the spawns, so the map is good. Don't remember spawns on Protocol-it's dogshit, for now!
>Why is Payback so low? Top of the list is the shitment clusterfuck maps?
Don't remember half the spawns on it, so it sucks
>i knew you were retarded
We're all special on here!
this is bait? you say the big maps are like scud?
I don't know if bo6 has that feature but during mw3 I often waited in the loadout selection screen and observed someone on my team.
Most such retards simply do this: spawn, sprint and just mindlessly spam slide then shoot any enemy they see and react by jumping. Then they die and start over again. Sometimes they die instantly, sometimes it takes bit longer.
If you stay at the spawn you can see how people keep getting killed and churn away. Theu just literally spam these controls and just react to anything what might be moving. No brain activity whatsoever.
One such person might look "skilled" in one match because it was an easy lobby and he went 20/10 or whatever but next few lobbies this adhd shitter will barely get to 1:1.
I don't know if theater mode works in BO6 or not but that would be very educational...
The absolute worse maps are Babylon and Redcard, the smallest and the largest map, funny enough.
How is Lowton beneath Red Card, or Scud.
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>have blue specialist perk map hack
>spawn, see where everyone is
>walk around for a bit
>haven't fired a shot so i can change loadout
>pick a new gun and get another dose of wallhack
KEK nice.
Babylon is alright, it’s in the same league as Stakeout. That water shitter is the worst.
Redcard is genuinely baffling. Niggas just disappear and you'll randomly bump into an enemy like it's all one big game of hide and seek.
That water map you’re talking about has to be Lowton. It and Red Card are some of the worst maps at launch, they had to have been ripped out of Warzone like some of the maps from MWII.
map is made for 10v10 or bigger
way too big for just 6v6
the only thing about you that call of duty should cater to is your funeral
For sure. It would make sense of it was the main entrance, the stands and a bit of the carpark underneath, but then there's the big fuck off street outside that's just dead space for anyone that isn't interesting in having sweaty sniper duels.
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i wish cod would just go ahead and fill matches with bots
keep it 6v6 or 10v10 with people but then add 5-10 bots on each side
you only get half exp for bot kills but it would be more fun
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cope faggots
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holy fuck eurosport still exists? i have not watched tv in years, thats surprising
You mean like the Attrition game mode from Titanfall? That could work, but that would require the maps to be big and the player movement to be able to support the map sizes.
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>You should never, NEVER balance a competitive online multiplayer game based on the input of the less skilled masses.
Pubs in CoD aren't competitive, it's the casual pew pew for retards
>the only thing about you that call of duty should cater to is your funeral
Dying is something i don't do, so...
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>Flashed himself
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Helen "Monica" Park - MI6 Honeypot/White House Staff
Washington DC
November 14, 1995
Objective: Infiltrate the White House to recover Saddam's tape
>Improper Physical Relationship: Perform fellatio on Clinton to distract him (qte scene)
>Mutual Relationship: Swipe the Saddam tape while distracting Clinton
>Slick Willy: Do not gag on Clinton during qte
>Insurance Policy: leave the White House wearing the blue dress
>I did not have...: leave the blue dress at the White House.
>Dark Ops Challenge: Depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is: Collect the Lolita Express flight logs (secret intel, unlocks flash forward co-op raid mission)
Why does park only have a goofy ass BO3 skin in this game? Is she ugly now?
>Pubs in CoD aren't competitive
neither is anything about this game right now
If the rumors are true that next year’s game is basically a sequel to BO2, then I can only hope that Sledgehammer is in charge of gun balancing too. The C9 should not be so accurate while outputting good damage at longer distances compared to an AR.
Paypig exclusive until S1 is my guess to drive vault edition sales. If I wanted to maximize $$$ I'd release Park bundles ASAP. We'll probably have to wait until S3 to get her in the BP so they can milk paypiggies
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Mother of god the zombies get so ungodly tanky at high rounds and there's a gorillion elite zombies.

I have no idea how you're supposed to have fun doing high rounds legitimately. No fucking joke, I saw almost 10 Manglers emerge from one window like they were getting out of a clown car once I got past the 60s and felt like they could eat around half a clip of a maxed out Ray Gun. I don't think I'm ever gonna play past the 40s again.
I'm just gonna use the amalgamation bug to grind camos until it gets patched desu, wave 35+ is just bullet sponge hell
>HC face off playlist
>everyone hates every map so they always vote random
>an equally shitty map comes up every time
pure comedy
What's wrong with your aspeect ratio? Looks horrid.
Sir, my aspeect ratio is fine thank you kindly
It's 32:9 and it's great.
That's exactly what I'm doing. There's a Dark ops for completing the EE after Round 50 or getting to round 100, what I was going for, but fuck it's such a slog.
Don't pretend to be me.
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how do i delete this post (mine) >>500137125
Jokes on you I'm 28
finna goon
how 2 cop
how do i get it
i exclusively use bad guns and then get mad when they're bad
that is how i enjoy this game
PSA You can look through flash grenades if you have the scoreboard up

4 Years in development btw
I put the headshot multiplier barrel on the XM4 and it feels a lot better than it did, gonna try long barrel next.
MS Store version has much better connectivity than Steam. I'm not talking about the weekly maintenance but I always had a host of disconnections and other issues with Steam CoD. Ms Store CoD is perfect in this sense.
Other games on Steam were fine though.
I guess it has something to do with their respective login servers or whatever I don't know.
free operators if you use google
some really obnoxious monster energy ones
oh you have to buy monster
Why didn't Marshal just fix Harrow with his bbc?
Game sucks so bad that everyone’s in hardcore to get prestige and camos. Another fucking fail game from acktivision.
Ive had 3 people in alobby with prestige 5 already
>2025 preseason
>google is usable
just post them
How is this possible? I'm still at 45 or so. I only play MP, slowly.
How come the game uses the same attachment models as modern warfare III? I thought they had 4 years
That's been my routine since MW19. I think BO3 was the last game I bothered playing a decent amount after unlocking the mastery camo.
No clue im guessing theyre on a steady diet of adderral coke and monster
i never get mad at this game because if i die to an xm4 it doesnt count, therefore my adjusted kd is actually very high
These game modes are so uninspired. Did we really need so many domination variations?
that's been the go to strat since forever, I've been doing that shit since bo2
the maps are .so tiny you literally spawn on top of each other while the enemy team spawn camps your side

god damn whoever designed these maps needs toget fired
Sad, Ninja perk makes the operators completely mute again.
I'm already bored of blops6. When are we getting new modes and some new and bigger maps?
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I'm back to COD for BLOPS6 since my last purchase that was BOCW.
I had CoD points in my Blizard account but when they added Warzone 2 to steam I got nothing even if I'm using the same Activision account.
Anyone knows a way to transfer the CP from Blizard to Steam?
I got it right in the ass no?
My guess is it's for the Model L. I'm only about halfway through Prestige 1, but I'll make sure to post about it once I finish Prestige 2 and know for sure.
og nuketown is supposed to drop nov 1st

we should be getting more content when the season 1 battlepass and the new warzone map drops.
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>Anyone knows a way to transfer the CP from Blizard to Steam?
not possible
Perk Greed since it's a Level 54 unlock, so I'd barely get to use it until Prestige Master otherwise.
All of my tokens are going to go to high-level perks/wildcards/maybe equipment, since in a few weeks I'll be able to perma-unlock guns by getting skins for them from the battlepass or etc.
Of course, everyones running around with prestige max, the best perks, the best weapons

Fuck this game
the only thing I found is downloading wz2 again on blizard and purchasing something there, gets added to your steam version too because of the activision account
It's impssible to get to Prestige max this quickly.
I should be able to search for specific maps. I don't care if it takes 3 times longer to queue, I don't ever want to play Redcard or Babylon again...
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posting my autism again from the good old days
sorry about bad quality
I basically 100% mw2019
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Buy monster (or use ebay or cheaper sites too)
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what are the odds of a sale when S1 starts?
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>no free selection of 3 perks wildcard
>new modes
More like less modes. They should remove everything except for hard point and domination.
I'm wondering this too, I'm playing on Game Pass now but if it isn't $30 or $40 on Steam around spring next year at least I'm simply not playing it.
is it a guarantee with a monster purchase
A tier
>Vorkuta, Protocol, Skyline Kill Order
B tier
>Derelict, Red Card, CHUD, Vault Kill Order, Rewind Kill Order
C tier
>Skyline, Rewind, Lowtown
"Back out of lobby if it wins the vote" tier
>Babylon, Subsonic, Payback
"Haven't played yet" tier
>Non-Kill-Order Vault

I play Hardpoint, HQ, Control, and Kill Order. Some of the maps definitely play better with the more open "kill shit, maybe go after the HVT if you want" attitude of KO than they do with fixed objective zones, since people use the entire map rather than some areas having zero activity (ex. Skyline Hardpoint I think I've seen somebody use the basement path maybe once, but in Kill Order people use it constantly).
They should bring back Patrol, the maps that are weak for regular Hardpoint feel like they have potential to actually be fun with that type of hill.
>started getting the black screen glitch more frequently
does anyone know why this happens or no? my drivers are up to date, too
tac stance is dogshit in this game
I have a glitch as of recent where my monitor cuts to black for a few seconds occasionally, and the only time it ever seems to do this is while playing CoD Zombies (whether it be BO6 or MWIII).
I'd been attributing it to my monitor being sketchy since it's always had problems with its HDMI port and I recently had to change ports/cords, is this actually something to do with CoD?
It has always been a dogshit gimmick
my screen in-game will go black in 6v6, but i can move my character and see menus. if i try to get into another lobby, it will render black again.
restarting is the fix and its happening significantly more often today than at launch
You should attach this to your resume. Show them you are taking matters very seriously.
So they nerfed ARs and left LMGs just as shitty as they were in the previous COD it seems.
i'm getting raped every game
Just use 'roller bro.
That's for subhumans
>gonna have to tank my k/d for roughly 20 games now until i get a bot lobby so i can get 7 finishers in 1 match
love the design of these games
And after you get those finishers in one match, the matchmaking thinks you need to go to the CDL lobbies back again. So funny.
at least i have the titty calling card then
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you might hate it but this is the correct opinion
post the calling card so i can know if it's worth bothering for. btw I think the baseball bat makes this easier since you can get a finishing move from the front with it? not sure.
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What is the medication you are using?
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Gonna have to test the bat once i get it, currently getting my ass reamed until i get a non cancerous lobby lol
>meleeing enemy from behind
>he turns around and kills me
1-19 atm lets gooo
Mwsisters.. where's the lgbt calling cards??
Blop6 is literally unplayable without them
lol wtf this is totally AI generated isnt it?
why is everyone already prestige 3 to 5??? what the fuck do these people have 0 lives
just change to a fag name and people will get mad same as always
It's because the streamers are doing it so they can "dab" on "noobs" who level up in normal fashion.
dunno and dont care, titty
LMGchads status?
It is, it looks like standard sd1.5 gen. Look at the tiny accessories which don't make any sense.
I guess I'm not surprised they didn't bother to even paint over these and fix them.
>buying cod on steam
it always runs considerably worse on steam for whatever reason. microstutters out the ass and then you have to deal with steam downtime every week. You fucked up not buying it on battle.net. Microsoft is going to do what they did with Minecraft and add all activision blizzard shit into their store eventually.
I want demolition back
idk how tf niggas aim with a controller
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Nice. This is mine right now. I need help finishing the Terminus easter egg.
Better luck next year.
real I keep fucking overshooting my target on "the sensitivity pros agree is the best" I went back to mkb
Why are they trying to shove this HVT shit down our throats. Might as well bring back capture the flag. At least the spawns wouldn’t be so fucked.
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look at her left hand its that brown thing is clipping into it, her right hand is suppose to be covering a gun but its cut off before it touches her hand and the other end pops out near her elbow lmfao its AI, very coomer but its for sure AI
works on my machine
i mean yeah look at the zombies calling cards, lots of ai ones there too
also already halfway through the knife camos and the closest ive gotten to the challenge was 3 finishers, given half of them flat out dont work
>that one schizo that was getting really mad in the last thread because people were enjoying BO6
ctf has always been a dogshit game mode throughout all of game history
Black Ops 6 zombies feels like it'd reaaaaaally benefit from the old point system that was hit+kill based instead of only kill based.
Game has gotten boring already.
Maps are too simple.
half of the highlight plays in hardcore are just blatant walls
the recon bonus doesn't show in killcam or best play, honestly annoying because it makes it really hard to tell legit players apart from wallers unless you can know for absolutely certain they didn't recently spawn
how what
? ?
100 kills with one score streak
>teammates stealing my finishers constantly
this will be a 2 month grind wont it
It's pretty easy with chopper gunner in the later rounds or just pop it right before exfil and mow down all the zombies
yeah im stupid nvm
>exfil round 46 on Liberty Falls
>cant use
>cant use
>cant use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cant use
i hate this dumbass game
the recon bonus is so fucking dumb lmao
that's annoying as fuck. I haven't had to deal with bullshit bugs yet
i can't explain it but the guns don't feel like they are doing much damage when you shoot them unlike mw3 where there was some punch to your shots. i feel like most of my bullets are just phasing through the enemy rather than actually doing damage, and i was kinda proven right when i got a best play, and the last guy i shot at seemed to take like half an extended mag from a c9 with only a handful of the bullets actually registered as hitmarkers despite every bullet being on target. my friends who were in the lobby with me noticed this too.
It’s an apples and oranges kinda thing. I don’t see why they would change it in the first place.
will this game just let me be trash in lobbies without fags using metashit
According to a post I saw in this general hit markers are on the client side now
COD servers are gimped by the fact that since Bo4 bullets are physics objects now instead of raycasts
If you are playing outside prime time, i.e. on Monday mornings and such maybe for a while.
Eventually in a month or so game will be filled up with sweats who have prestiged up to the max and it's going to be a hellhole especially with these maps.
And when the normies get bored and quit, the sweats are the only playerbase left.
I'm pretty sure a good chunk of the calling cards are AI. the prestige icons also look AI generated
... Why in the fucking world would they do that?
Take a look at the ingame paintings too. Some of them have that specific ai-style going on. Even though these are actually pretty varied in terms of styles and subjects.
Battle royale
and because it's better this way
they want to make bullet velocity a thing outside of warzone, for whatever reason. because accounting for leading shots 0.05 degrees in a 20 meter firefight is more engaging for players somehow
I understand it in like massive ground war maps and whatever but normal 6v6 maps should just be hitscan...
does the bo6 story follow on from cold war or another one? i didn't finish the cw campaign
follows on cold war and the past missions from bo2
it doesn't really reference the CW campaign that much, it just has Adler as a major character and a cameo of Park in one mission
So it's pretty much unanimously agreed the Omni-diving is objectively fucking useless compared to even just sliding in any situation yeah?
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lol no refunds
thanks bros
people will really play the shittest of the shit maps on repeat just to grind pointless shit
If you play multiplayer you are either deeply depressed or suicidal. Why the fuck would anyone play that shit instead of zombies when there’s no ranked. This zombies isnt good but it’s not bad. I just think all the guns in the game suck and look cheap
i am chronically depressed and playing BO6 is just making it worse, literally killing any kind of self esteem i had before
shits horrible
Yes. Did you even play the beta at all?
The aek sucks but I refuse to not use it.
? it onebursts, are you high
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I'm not a very good player and I prefer the famas fmor mw2019. This might be the only gun I enjoy using in bo6. Might have something to do with my love for the iron sights.
No. Omni-diving for tags in kill confirmed is kino.
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>im not a very good player
get on my level
based, i'm 32, I just play to have fun
It's not a good mode.
warzone is going to be fucking lit
Has anyone try to crop BO6's Bill Clinton model, yet?
I remember seeing a post complaining about mw3 shipment how it’s only good for fiendish camo grinding. This is my first cod since bo3 and I get it now. I have no desire to do anything in multiplayer outside camo grinding in hardcore stakeout. Multiplayer has simply become stale. How do you innovate and rejuvenate multiplayer?
31 and usually 2-3 KD in the other cods, just going fro the cringe as fuck finisher darkops and its just fucking impossible
half my finisher inputs just turn into normal melee hits
unfortunately that's cod now.
>camo grind
Modern warfare 2019 was the last cod I played to actually play the game because it was fun.. even though I did get damascus and even many obsidians.
Make it more fun by making maps more varied and adding more fun gadgets. Take some influence from Metal Gear Online or something.
I'm pretty sure they would be able to do something cool but it never works out because of Activision and everything else.
I mean they could just start by implementing fair matchmaking system instead of this rollercoaster.
why the fuck would you buy a pvp multiplayer fps if you don't like pvp multiplayer fps?
if you can't handle being domed by little timmy once in a while, maybe you should fuck off to discord or new vegas. that's more your speed, gutter faggot
How much cum do I have to spill to femboy porn before I start enjoying black ops 6
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Honestly I think both MWIII and BO6 are fun
>360 bo3
Doesn't even have zombie chronicles which is the only reason bo3 is good
I completely forgot there was a 360/PS3 bo3 release lool
MW3 was some of the worst the franchise had to offer so if you think that was fun you’re a lost cause and likely will eat and drink any slop Activision puts out. Make sure to buy the $20 audio pack!
Its the second best cod in the warzone era after cold war
Anyone else getting black snow everywhere on vorkuta
As if that’s anything meaningful
its the second worst cod in the warzone era after transguard
>2 years worth of content
>worse than vanguard
What goes on in the minds of mw19troons?
I prefer BO6 but I do miss Terminal
What are they going to do in her office?
>>2 years worth of content
>mw22 maps not 100% in the game
>no ground war maps either
>most mw22 guns unusable because they took away attachment tuning
>b-but think of le skins!!
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Have they said anything about party modes coming back??
Coalburners On Duty
Yeah, they are coming back with season 1
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>buy a game called black ops 6
>complain that the game is black
2025 doesn't look any better. Who the fuck will enjoy a DLC with BO2 maps. I mean I don't actively play Black Ops 2 but year or so ago when I tried it for some reason I could still remember each and every map.
And then it's always Raid and Hijack, or that one other map. Plus Reddittown.
We are potentially looking at TWO YEARS of Redditown.
What is even funnier is the fact no one else will come up with a decent FPS shooter in the meanwhile.
>party modes
Why weren’t these here on release?
I thought they were Russians lmao Pantheon is American?
cant be the only one that currently enjoys zombies more than the actual multiplayer
>yacht is coming back
cant really remember any other bo2 maps desu
i can remember a fair amount of AW maps now that i think of it
>nooooo MUH shitty maps
Who cares
>>most mw22 guns unusable because they took away attachment tuning
They literally just buffed all the mw22 guns, something you'd know if you actually played cod instead of being a nogames
>nuketown 24/7 leaked for nov 1st

nobody will play normal rotation again
That's good because most of the sweats are on Nuketown.
Core kill confirmed etc will be desolate and thus hopefully lenient.
>they buffed all the m22 guns after or just before BO6 came out
fucking assholes man, like 90% of the 22 guns were unviable
>Who cares
Obviously, you. Since you keep talking about "2 years of content" even though that is not even the case. lmao.
>They literally just buffed all the mw22 guns
And they're still bad because all of the mw22 attachments are unusable. Something that weapon tuning would fix. Another feature cut from the alleged "2 years of content", btw.
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How is Black Ops 6 in PC? Are there lots of players there compared to console? I have been thinking of getting back to COD.
It's cross-platform, you get to play with the console players on PC
Bunnygod Mr.Peeks…. It is an honor to be in your presence…
It's not playable on toasters this year
Ah shit really? I may get it then. Are there really 3 sniper rifles for multiplayer? I have been looking at it for quite some time.
Why? PC is not optimal to run it?
Fucking nigger stole my Terminus amulet easter egg
PC has the same problem its had for the past 4-6 years
Devs do not optimize their games at all because "lol just overpower it with hardware goyim"
It actually got worse because of DSLL and FSR being introduced, actual slop
i like bo6, just finished the story, it's okay, 6/10 i would say. zombies are fine too, still haven't touched mp but i've been playing a lot during the betas and it's fine, i had my fun. plus it's on game pass
i think it's huge win bwos
>i played during the beta and its fine
except it doesnt play anything like the beta
Console franchise, stupid.
cool now explain every other PC game in existence in the last few years
to give other maps a chance to be played before faggots just only pick nuketown 24/7
>party modes
fuck idk
>Nuketown with fucked spawns
>going into peak hours
>mp is unplayable again
Kek. Brutally murder all devs involved in the making of SBMM
is there a release date for warzoom 3
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BLOPS6 multiplayer is helping me stay sane/happy rn

How do you fuck up this bad? Like what the fuck? 4 years of development time. 4 YEARS. And the game is the most broken of any cod I can remember.
why are you acting like this minor glitch is something gamebreaking?
This is the same thing as black screen bug. Haven't tried scoreboard but going to loadout menu let's you see the game world behind - thus removing the black screen but you still need to restart if you want to play.
Some kind of overlay buffer issue or whatever.
At this point after all these years none of these issues should happen. It's not like they had to build last 3 games from scratch.
what are the chances we get some cute operator in the battlepass ?
Does the rampage inducer actually give you more zombie spawns per wave, or is it only an increase to how fast zombies spawn and move?
>all those NPCs spouting "4 years" even though this game wasn't developed for that long
Also clean up your links dumbass faggot
How fucking cancerous is the SBMM in this one?
Just get the monster skin
Same as before - very cancerous.
Is Jane Harrow the worst character since Farah Karim?
Game's unplayable during peak hours
It took MW3 an entire year to add Rhea Ripley, a cute fem operator that wasn't Valeria so don't get your hopes up
meant for >>500160705
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Sooooo what the fuck was that ending? I actually thought the campaign was halfway decent until the final mission, but after Case went crazy on Harrow and they said that they stopped the main bio weapon off camera I assumed something was wrong, but NOPE it just acrually happened. Why the fuck was the ending so abrupt and left a million things unanswered? Do they just think that’s good storytelling?
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>spend a while on that boring walking simulator bullshit mission near the end of the campaign
>game autosaves, decide to stop and come back to it later
>try to resume later
>it starts the whole fucking mission over from the beginning and immediately autosaves
Fuck this, I'm never finishing the campaign
I gotta say, whatever *genius* came up with the ability to SAVE YOUR ZOMBIE GAME deserves a million medals. It was infuriating playing the always online games and just praying your game in progress hadn't crashed.
same with whoever developed third person, it’s weird to get used to but it helps with movement a lot
I will say having a *combined* 15 minutes of pause is a little silly, but I guess they really need it in order to keep bandwidth working for the saving.
ye seems that this is the only somewhat good looking female skin right now
>Rhea Ripley
>be having a day off
>use vpn to connect to east coast
>had very easy lobbies during 4am to 7am ET
>as soon as clock hit 9am ET lobbies changed to insta-laser beaming sweats
And it's Monday.
so whens the emblem editor coming back haha oh wait never because Lil' Timmy couldn't stop making swastikas and cocks so it had to be pulled
We love Rhea here
My thing is couldn't they have just had an AI to detect problematic emblems or outsourced some cheap Indian labor to approve emblems? I don’t think they realize how fondly people remember the emblems and how it would get word of mouth on that alone…
those kinds of AIs are either too strict or useless, like how Nintendo tried to keep dicks off miiverse and failed miserably.
Personally i'm hoping for Aminata
This is a man
How is HC better for prestige and camos?
easier to get headshot kills I reckon
Cod is playable only if you're a neet
I heard Nov 14
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>Cod is playable only if you're a neet
As a NEET, can confirm.
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My coworkers keep trying to get me to play...
When are you playing most of the time? Early mornings or something?
diving is for uneven terrain, sliding is for even terrain. this has been my experience
diving is bad on flat ground because you dive at roughly eye level, but going down stairs or off ledges, or even up stairs and slopes to keep a low profile moving up them can work really well
>And the game is the most broken of any cod I can remember
then your memory fucking sucks lmao
I miss MW19, can't believe it's been 5 years already.
Really starting to think they rig damage models somehow. They show you how much damage a gun will do so you have the raw numbers and know exactly how many shots it will take to kill someone yet for some reason those numbers don't align to actual gameplay. Really is sus to me.
if this was true people could actually put a case together with recordings of gameplay, but you ONLY ever hear this from people "as a feeling" and there's never been a lick of hard evidence. they're not fucking with your damage you're just missing shots
First time COD player here, didn't think i'd enjoy the Black Ops 6 MP so much. Is the MW3 MP worth the 85 gigs of download size?
eomm doesn't matter when the baseline mechanics like spawns are broken and the maps are bad
>12 losses in a row

yup charge back time
Ok I have decided to go back to COD since ff14 is cooked. Wish me luck!
MWIII is in a better state map-wise than BO6 right now. Some maps like nu-Vorkuta are terrible for modes like Domination.
Nothing else is also not true but you are still right.
>Sweats = high frequency of inputs, even higly accurate player who doesn't actually move that much has high frequency of micro-movements when he's hoisting his mouse around etc. Or controls his analog stick.
>Retards = they use big ass inaccurate slow movements
>terrible maps
>horrible spawns
>non-existent gun balance
>inconsistent hit reg
>inconsistent ttk
>spastic gameplay
>general server issues
>fortnite zoomer skins
>15 seconds of totally-not-an-ad-to-sell-skins winner circle

Who are the people enjoying this? I can play maybe 2 or 3 matches every other hour before I reach my limit.
Did they actually fine-tune SBMM even more? I'm getting a lot more games of getting 1.27-1.5 k/d instead of 3 k/d games and 0.75 k/d games.
this non perfect game feels like gemmies after the horror that was MWIII
Presumably people that liked Vanguard, because I dont remember many other CoDs with Winners Circle shit. Did BO4 have them?

MWIII outside of its fucked spawns at launch was better than BO6 at launch, and that was a glorified MWII expansion pack.
I dunno man, I booted MWIII, got destroyed in 15 straight games, and just said fuck it to the entire concept. I've played dozens of games and am having a blast here.
this but also notice how you can have people who have like a 2.0 K/D who do nothing but camp and prone all day and they clearly have the easiest most braindead lobbies. the game doesn't care about their stats it just cares about how active and cognizant it thinks they are based on their APM, and slow campy playstyles cheat the system
I can't hit headshots with AK-47 and it feels strange to even shoot. Maybe it's the visual recoil.
Always preferred the iron sight because in the past games it has been great even for long distance shots but now it feels like the weapon is blocking my whole screen.
Wat do?
It's crazy how shit of a map Red Card is
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Bros I think this is as good as shotguns can get.
You are right but there is more to that, it records heat maps and classifies you as in category.
Very often game matches opposite categories (i.e. movers vs campers) together and this results in frustration which is the point of this matchmaking...
Would be cool to have some real leaks about this instead of the same retard youtubers spewing the same shit every year.
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>have 6/7 finishers
>get the 7th right at the end at like 195 in dom
>teammate steals it at the last little slash
>miraculously find another guy to execute
>actually land it
>fucking game ends MID-EXECUTION
>RIGHT as I hit the last slash
>doesn't kill him
Just finished the campaign. Felt a bit weird. Like I know it’s CoD but it feels a bit out there that there is some super duper secret rogue group running around with so much money and military power behind it l. Especially just pretty openly operating during the Gulf War? I saw an anon guess the mole being Jane months ago and I’m not sure if that was a lucky guess or insider info. Kinda of makes sense the way she reacts to Pantheon in the first mission. It just seemed a bit sus and unnatural considering she’d apparently just learned about them. Was cool to see Park return but I forgot her accent was so bad. I thought it was better in CW but I went back and listened to it from them and it was pretty bad there as well. Also why do I recognise Gladney’s voice? Was he in the MW games as an announcer or something?
The whole Cradle stuff as well just seemed a bit OTT and just a way for them to throw zombie shit into campaign. I also don’t get where they were going with Case and his reveal. Just felt all over the place desu. Also have no idea why the voice in his head is a woman. Is he supposed to be trans or something?. So no idea if this story is being teed up to be followed across the next few seasons or the next BO game but yeah I felt a bit disappointed overall considering CW landed pretty well and didn’t go too out there with everything. Casino mission was fun, though. Something a bit different. Also, why they hell did they need to create the fake country of Avalon? Is this going to be a new Warzone map or something so they can’t use a real place?
6v6 is a fucking snoozefest
cant believe people are sleeping on aek-973. this shit is really good. but the brainless retards playing this game only use the xm4 and what their favorite streamer tells them to use
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>use war cry field upgrade while prone
>nothing happens and it gets wasted
I have no idea why they do this and won’t just fix it so teammates can’t steal the kill. Probably because they’re so shit at their jobs that it would result in a bug where someone can become invincible
Yeah even if the game was more fun and less barebones in other ways 6v6 ruins it
What is it about Treyarch and godly mixes of metal and symphony? What's their secret?
There should be more people?
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Did I stutter?
Jack Wall
This has been an issue since MW2019. It's retarded
I'm just really fucking confused. The Tanto can kill in 3 bullets. That's a pure and simple fact. So why is it when someone rounds the corner, i put my barrel into their chest, and 5 rounds come out of my gun yet they don't die? There is literally no other place for the bullets to go. It's physically impossible for them to miss. So why am I not winning these close gun fights?
What is the name in the game?
Part of the spawns being so bad is because there's a small number of players. Also player deficits are felt more the smaller the maximum team size is. You rarely even notice if you're down 2 players in 12v12 but you can tell immediately in 6v6 even if the team is bad because you're getting shot in the back 20x as much as usual.
It's probably the servers and terrible hit detection.
Because server side only 2 of your bullets came out.
This isn't some big fucking mystery what aren't people understanding?
This is a problem with all online games.
The only difference is the problem is fucking massive in this one.
Tik rate. Hit detection. Hit reg. Call it whatever you want but at the end of the day the bullets didn't actually come out of your gun.
I don't have this problem in other games. Like Overwatch doesn't even have a high tickrate but noregs are so rare you can immediately tell when one happens. You have to be playing at legit like 400+ ping for it to happen as often as it does in BO6. I've never seen it this bad in any COD before.
Reminder that it is your duty to steal execution kills because team visibility in every CoD is ass and only gets worse when they start dropping skins.
If memory serves me correct, MW3 also had a similar problem when it first launched. But it seemed to got better overtime and definitely was not anywhere near this bad before BO6 launched.
Do all CoD maps suck now because it’s impossible to make actual good maps anymore? Like think of all the MP maps across all FPS games. Surely all good maps have been made at this point? I don’t even pay attention to the names of maps anymore compared to the old CoDs (CoD4 to BO2). It just feels like there’s nothing iconic anymore
Most games have mediocre to bad maps but this case stands out because not only are the maps bad but there’s only 6v6 and the maps are generally worse versions of ones they made before. Like if you stupid fucks love shipment so much why not just put shipment in the game instead of shipment with a hangar skin
Babylon and subsonic play very differently as babylons a square and subsonics a horseshoe (subsonic's better btw)
see my point below your post
just because a map is small doesnt mean it plays the same as other small maps
the shape of a map effects how it plays
I dont see people saying nuketown plays the same a shitment
so sick of seeing this braindead "hurr le small map just like le shitment" comparison
Everyone can admit this game is really REALLY bad right? Sure you can be having fun but holy shit don't sit there and try to tell me it's a good game.
For a while I’ve debated with myself whether black ops 2 or 3 is better and this game made me realize bo2 has the edge. Bo3 is a tad too trend chasey with the microtransactions and heroes. Bo2 was the innovator. Multiplayer had pick 10, scorestreaks, league play, gun prestige. It was the only cod game where I enjoyed all the zombie maps, all of them were incredibly unique and inventive. It also brought Turned and Grief. Zombies in black ops 3 was just constantly trying to recreate Origins and it utterly collapsed after Der Eisendrache.
It's pretty bad. I'd say about the same as infinite warfare
This and cold war are consciously trying to avoid three lane map fatigue by either making 2.5 lane maps or three lanes with a twist, or making some idiosyncratic layout like whatever lowtown is
is lazy and doesnt meet the expectations of a cold war with twice the dev time
Bad? No, you and most other ppl itt are being hyperbolic as usual
>black ops 2 had a nuketown/hijacked playlist
Current devs would never do something like this because pride or some other dumb reason
What are u talking about
If Poop Ops Sucks had a ground war playlist it would be a lot better and less fatiguing.
>no one click to mute people in the scoreboard
garbage game, worse than mw3
For zombies, most of the community would apply those same things about innovation in bo3s favor (gobblegum, weapon leveling, etc)

For mp, its very tough to compare jetpacks and boots games, just look at how differently a map like raid played when ported to bo3
A playlist that only had nuketown and hijacked
Why is a playlist with popular small maps anethem
It's not that all the good maps have been made, CoD maps have just been mandated to be shitty since MW3 (the original)
what do you mean?
Why is a playlist with popular small maps anethema to todays devs? They do it all the time
>Infinity Ward constantly dragging the franchise down since 2011
I thought AEK was not with its real name but using some fake name.
>still no turbine remaster
nah it's real, you get it at like level 32 in the marksman category. it's a burst rifle, it's just that noone uses it
I read somewhere on this general that hardcore is what cod should be. Is that true?
So is Zombies any good?
hell no
It’s alright
hardcore, since it's inception 18 CODs ago or whatever has been the realm of shitters who can't play the real game and just want to camp corners but are too shit to play a real tac shooter
think this game has the least gun variety yet, haven't seen anybody use ANY of the lmgs, marksman rifles or half the snipers
Only for the skin grind, because it miserable to try to get them all in core otherwise in this game
Best are the Kill Order matches in which your team just camps there doing nothing.
Fucking great.
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bo6 is lacking in weapon camos
level 20 now and only got basic bitch green camo for a gun or two
meanwhile i got red tiger for my launcher because i shot down 50 uavs
>try playing the game again
>it's still shit
if this came out and was called something other than COD people would call it a terrible rip off of COD
Gobblegum at its core is just a mtx gimmick that doesn’t improve or impair the experience, it just exists. Likewise weapon customization is more or less moot when pack-a-punch decks out your gun anyway. They aren’t nearly as big innovations as building.
>zoomers running and gunning
>i shoot first but they kill me first

>zoomers running and gunning
>i shoot first and kill them first

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