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Visual Novel General #6675

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTLR+C and paste them with CRTL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>500019281
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Sasser in the OP
Banned words for this thread: moege, imouto, sister
trapge otouto brother
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>read nakige
>heroine is terminally ill
>dies at the end
>magically returns in the epilogue
Kino every time. Even though I know how it's going to play out I still cry every time.
Moege where I can fuck my imouto (little sister, for the layman)?
So the excuse MC uses after entering the girl's dorm to hide the fact that he's a boy is that he's a follower of hinyuu-ism (pun on hinduism except hinyuu means flat chest), and it's against his religion to be seen in a state of undress, so they have to leave the room when he's changing.
I admit it, I laughed.
mating with my younger female sibling, perhaps even multiple times
Did you ever read a VN and go "I need to try that with my gf"?
Not really, I don't like my GF very much and sex with her is pretty miserable.
I need to try that with my little sister
yeah i kms all the time
that is direspecful SAAAAAARRRR
Every time I read an NTRge, brother.
No but sometimes I feel H-scenes get a bit too intimate and lovey-dovey to the point where I can't self-insert anymore and it feels uncomfortable like voyeurism so I just skip to the plap plap nakadashi part.
>a bit too intimate and lovey-dovey to the point where I can't self-insert anymore
What? Why?
Why is he infiltrating female spaces? What the fuck is his problem?
Is it morally okay for you to be turned on by secretly watching your childhood friend change her clothes while you're already in a relationship with another girl?
Because you aren't the protagonist in a visual novel.
why is visual novel tech so primitive, I basically never see any advanced graphics or functionality in any of the games I played
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MC is crossdressing because he was conscripted into the robot wars but he doesn't want to fight so he's pretending to be a girl to draft dodge.
It's only natural for any healthy young man.
I'm incapable of loving other people, so I can't see myself in a situation where someone would unconditionally love me because I would never be able to give love back to them. H-scenes can be interesting to me when they show the characters interacting in unique ways, or when they're really well-written as fap material. But when it gets into more generic ichaicha is where it loses me.
Is this a standard waffle nukige or a waffle plotdrama nukige?
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>having a girlfriend
Yeah, I really like the moe parts of moege, like going into dates, the couple being deredere, etc. The only bad part is the H-scenes, they’re too vanilla and boring for me.
It's they/them, chud.
now that I don't have one, yeah
dropped Nukitashi JP version a while ago, is it worth picking up the EN version now or is the translation shit?
Why did you drop the JP version??
Why would you even read the translation of a JP VN unless your Japanese reading skills are shit? Translations are a filter, you always lose out on something when you read a translation.
New computer. I know how to export/import registries for previously installed games, but I don't know where I should look in Registry Editor.
Anyone know? Where are the vn registries?
I don't like how they talk like black people
I forgot
Sometimes translations are funny and entertaining in their own way even if they're not accurate or faithful.
The translation isn't great, but it's still ultimately the same VN. If you didn't like it you still won't like it.
Would it be cringe to have your gf cosplay as VN heroines and engage in roleplay sex with her?
yeah but it would also be pretty hot so i think it balances out
>kiss CG shows the MC kissing the heroine
>kiss CG is a big closeup of the heroine's face puckering her lips
Which do you prefer?
Not if you invite fellow VN bros
Standard from what I've played so far but I'm holding out for some homewrecking drama
the latter
Why not both?
Bweh deserves a kiss CG and a sex scene...
Brother, she's 14.
Is ditzy demons good wank material? The art is pretty good
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>read nukige
kino every time.
not a cuck so the second
Yeah especially the fandisc
No, not at all.
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Have your gf voice the female character(s).
That's what I did during my DDLC play through.
Occasionally, but usually we get ideas from the erodoujinshi we read and try those.
I almost dehydrated myself with the MILF's scenes
First one is more hot. The second one doesn't even feel like a kiss scene. Are you supposed to kiss your screen or what?
I do this with male characters
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former, because im not a self-insertfag, i like stories with actual characters
>i like stories with actual characters
but not art drawn by actual human beings?
Unfortunately AI is better than VN artists.
Hairi is 17.
>read eroge with gf
>H scene starts
>put it on auto and have sex with your gf
So that's why nobody reads VNs here? It's just a bunch of normalfags? I feel betrayed by you guys.
this isn't AI art, you complete neanderthal
Nobody reads VNs cause nothing good comes out these days. The era of kamige releases is behind us.
I read vns...
How does it feel to have a gf who can voice the girls in your favorite vn bros? Does it feel nice?
Humans terrible at drawing hands too. It's not a flaw unique to AI.
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>Are you supposed to kiss your screen or what?
mfw it's a POV kiss CG
Having a gf doesn't make you a normalfag. That's like saying having a job/house makes you a normalfag. Dumb bullshit. Housing, food, healthcare, employment, romantic partner are all essential things in life everyone struggles for.
Are there any good fantasy setting political drama and/or thriller VNs?
I was originally going to ask "any VNs like Fire Emblem" but while the aesthetic is on point, I was hoping for something with more depth to it, and I wasn't sure if Eushully games would suffice.
I guess a lot of otomege are founded on courtly intrigue at base, too.
Really, any VN with a fantasy setting that carries itself relatively seriously would be nice.
>That's like saying having a job/house makes you a normalfag
That's true dough
You kind of answered your own question, there's a LOT of otomege like this.
I guess arguably later Rance entries too?
Rance IX and X is exactly what you want
Old eushilly games. Pre kamidori ones.
the oldfag fire emblem games are peak desu
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You can never have too many donuts. They literally have 0 calories.
Nozomi hands typed this
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So Haruka stayed in the dream world after her route in the hopes that Riki would help Kanata too, sucks for her to have to get cucked. At least the other heroines save Komari seemed to fade away after their respective routes. I wonder if any of them retain their memories of dating Riki in the real world after the true ending, Kurugaya at least likely does based on her alternate ending and her whole regret being never finding love.
>arranged marriage plot

Aiyoku no Eustia, and Yoakena to a lesser extent
posted too early
was going to say that Eustia kind of fits that, but it's not a great VN, the Rance series is definitely better
I wonder if they knew Riki was having sex with all the girls in the dream.
Mitsumin my beloved...
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Thank you R07 for helping me to suspend my disbelief on the ineffectiveness of Japanese CPS
I can never get into 2000's vns because the character designs look like fat fucking plushies. What were they thinking?
it's called SOVL, zoomerbro
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You WILL like the bug eyes
>Japanese CPS
Might as well not exist in rural areas.
But did they even call them in Futaki's past? I doubt that social services would have a lot of sway in matters concerning highly influential families anywhere you go.
I don't remember it being mentioned no
That's true. I don't exactly mind playing otomege either, but I'm not exactly sure where to start looking for good courtly intrigue ones. Ideally there'd be a bishoujoge where you just played an ikemen love interest ripped straight out of an otomege, but beggars can't be choosers.

Will give Rance IX a look. I figured all of them were a little lighter in tone because Rance is a bit of a goofball, his rapes tend to always lead to good outcomes for everyone involved, and the setting seems to run partially on litrpg logic, but I also find Rance endearing in and of himself and know things do get serious in his stories from time to time, like when a demon lord enters the picture. And also god is some sort of giant evil fish that wanks to everyone's suffering or something.
If Rance 03 was translated I'd look into that, because I saw Jill once and she looked adorable.

Will certainly keep those in mind for later if I feel like leaning on machine translation backing my meager Japanese.

I've actually played Genealogy (read the Oosawa manga too) and Thracia, as well as the remakes of 1-3. Hell, I've played Tearring Saga (and I never get tired of dark dragon cult conspiracies as long as they get a lot of development and the evil dragon bastard god is cool). I started Berwick Saga a few years ago, but I lost my save. Not really looking for gameplay right now, in any case. I guess I just want a similar sort in-depth anime fantasy story that's more focused on its writing above all else.

Definitely will look into these two. Going by >>500134283 Eustia seems like it's barking up the right tree too.

Thank you anons!
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This is what growing up looks like.
>start nukige
>almost always absolute slop made for subhuman hylics incapable of higher thought
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I love 00's art styles
really weird how the right is clearly more grounded, detailed, and sharp and yet somehow feels less alive
This image reflects the shift in manga/anime art styles more than VNs, but there was a similar evolution for VN art. I still think early 10s VNs looked pretty good, VN only started to look weird and overly "modern" style by the mid-late 10s.
kyonyuu fantasy?
i once read a waffle after years of not reading nukiges and was somewhat blown away by the plot, the next nukige i read was one hell of a reality check, i had forgotten how bad the average nukige is
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I WISH there was a harem route. I can literally count the EOP moege with harem ends on one hand.
>Ditzy Demons
Which wafflege, if you remember?
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What caused this change to occur within the span of a few years?
Hit the nail on the head.
>read xianxia novels
>a lot of them are transmigrations into an otomege/galge
>read vns
>not a single xianxiage
what gives?
VN art tends to lag behind anime/manga art by a few years when it comes to catching up on art styles, so stuff like the big bug eyes stuck around as trendy for much longer. VNs that actually look like contemporary anime are extremely rare, the only examples I can think of right now are Tanetsumi no Uta for a modern VN and Noel/Satisfaction for a 00's VN.
AI art is garbage
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iirc K-ON and Sword Art Online are largely responsible for the "modern anime artstyle."
>smaller eyes
>rounder face
>less hair highlights
>softer colors
>little to non-existant hatching
>thinner outlines
Blue wafflege?
You'd be lying if you said the left looked better
I can't wait for all the isekai slop VNs we'll get in a couple years.
00's art is peak aesthetic. Too bad most VNs from that era are cursed with eternal 480p/600p.
anyone that "needs" more deserves to suffer
WDYM? we're already getting those.
>If Rance 03 was translated I'd look into that, because I saw Jill once and she looked adorable.
They'll probably release it in 2025. It's really good, arguably will be the best translated Rance.
i refuse to read VNs that are 4:3. I'd unironically read 16:9 with cropped CGs than 4:3. I hate black bars.
the duble teaming a girl with your bro one
I'm fine with low resolutions but there are a lot of people who will just ignore them entirely because of how blurry they are (or how tiny the window is if they play windowed) and that sucks because I want more people to experience these VNs. How many people here actually read Yotsunoha for instance?
this makes me sound like a pretentious oldfag, but i truly think 2000s art had the most soul
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The modernization has begun. Embrace it, chud.
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>The power of friendship? That's nice.
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We're already starting to get them because Isekai/fantasy is one of the safest genres to rely on now that school setting gets your game's chances of getting on Steam shot down. I'd hope we actually just see a shift from school shit to literally any other genres at this point. Fantasy, sci-fi, occultism and cryptids, anything.
Where? I'm an EOP. I don't see any.
As someone who grew up watching cinemascope movies on 4:3 screens and later watched a lot of 4:3 TV shows on 16:9 screens I never had a problem with black bars.
One of the most pointless remakes of all time. There's barely a difference since Koku's art was already great when Hapymaher first came out.
as someone on an ultrawide monitor, im fucking sick of all the black bars i see
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>VN is in a fantasy setting
>still takes place in high school
Elevens really, REALLY love high school.
Isn't it fucking crazy how a game about an MC owning fantasy slaves who fall in love with him has a higher chance of getting on Steam than a game about an MC being a normal high school student getting in relationship with other high school students?
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fuck you bug-eyes
VNs where heroines or other characters besides MC are the ones that got isekai'd (besides rance)
slavery good?
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And cucked...wafuu...
HaremKingdom. Please read blog about it here, PLEASE.
>read blog
Meant to say read and blog, fuck
does the former exist?
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Hot take: Harem Kingdom is the best smeege.
for me it's fureraba
please read my blog saar, do the needful!
it's so cold bros... i need a heartwarming moege
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Have you read Cafe Stella?
Moege is a banned word for this thread
for some reason this reminded me to do my HSR dailies. almost killed my login streak
Read Senren Banka
I feel like visual novels is like a big step to troonmaxxing. This is like troonmaxx gateway drug.
gachaslave brain can't forget his daily grind
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>click second option first just to see what Riki says
>Haruka's face comes to mind
wtf surprise Haruka split
the cuckquean becomes the thieving cat
God, I wish I could marry Roka and live on the Japanese countryside running a candy shop.
NTR is a banned word for this site
In terms of comedy anwd h-scenes it absolutely is.
eroge girls trigger my agp
>almost killed my login streak
That's a good sign that you might be ready to quit and get into VNs fulltime
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Amen, brother.
what happens if you send your accountant non-taxable returns
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After marshmallow all the way home and this stopped listening to the samefagger shills, some of the worst shit ever made.
Hinoue Itaru really isn't a great representative for 2000's art, especially since she never really evolved her art style into the 2010's.
More school uniforms should include military caps.
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>tfw I haven't changed my toothbrush in over a year
What VNs did you actually like, anon?
I haven't enjoyed any visual novels since my parents got divorced, they all turned to shit
ge where the heroine calls her mother the japanese equivalent of “mommy” in front of MC
your creativity is running out
>japanese equivalent of “mommy”
bro you'll never guess what this is
Hentai Prison
Full Metal Jacket must've been so popular in Japan. It's done so much for culture.
>AI art
I don't think that happens in hentai prison. None of the character's parents appear.
2000's >>> 2010's
80s is pure SEXO, she is literally asking for it
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It makes me smile every time I see it referenced in a VN
Riki does it again.
Kanata's route is weird since it's the only one where you're aware of the world's dreamlike nature and know that you're actively cucking all of the other girls.
The brutal punishment from the vicious drill sergeant being 30 pushups is prety funny.
should i watch full metal jacket?
I don't think I can even do 10 push ups...
It'll make you never want to enter the military, but otherwise yeah.
What the fuck is wrong with her poor damn torso.
too many push ups
kek, I need to watch KINOnado.
Did they cut out the Kyou/Ryou interaction?
>Hinoue Itaru really isn't a great representative for 2000's art
Come on, 2000's art wasn't hat bad
He wasn't born back then, please understand.
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this but you call the heroine that, but she's actually younger than you
This cow comes into your room and offers you her spit so you can get better, what do you do?
nobody likes bug eyes anymore
I'm calling the police
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just found out about this, deep sea research facility is pretty cool setting for a werewolf game.
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But what if the police are cows too?
AI is the future old man
ge where your bros date the heroines you neglect?
Explain to her that drinking someone’s spit can be harmful due to the presence of bacteria and viruses that may lead to infections. It can also expose you to allergens or pathogens from oral health issues. If the saliva contains blood, there’s a risk of transmitting bloodborne diseases. Additionally, ingesting foreign saliva can upset gut health and cause gastrointestinal problems.
Then I'm cooking a lot of burgers
This one is going to get localised, right? Right?
Raging loop was a hit they would be stupid not to.
Getting sick from drinking a cow's spit sounds like a skill issue to me.
he can't draw for shit
Low skill: Getting sick from drinking cow spit.
High skill: Getting the cow sick with your spit instead.
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I was wondering why Muramasa never got an anime since it would've been relatively straightforward to adapt compared to many other VNs and then while I was in the shower I had another thought: Katanagatari is the closest Muramasa will ever get to having an anime adaptation
they tried to get a muramasa anime made three times, but were unwilling to censor/alter any of the content in the game, so it kept falling through
>Getting NTR'd by an ice cream bar.
Not her too...
refusing to compromise on all the interracial cuckolding, respect
>Is married.
>No wedding ring.
I swear even the last game put wedding rings on the milfs that were married. It's odd that this game didn't do it.
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Maybe it would have had a chance as a 90s ova, i don't see any studio touching it now.
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VN with smelly girls?
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
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They didn't localise the game that Raging Loop was a prequel to.
Sorry to disappoint you but she's a woman.
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You wouldn't drink your sibling's bathwater, would you, /vn/?
that can't be healthy for you
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vroom vroom
How many anons here even got to experience bathing with a childhood friend when you were kids?
I bathed with my cousin, does that count?
Yoshino's route is kinda boring so far. Murasame's was much much better
Close enough.
looks like that artist is already doing fanbox, which should be pay well as long as you can market or focus on a neglected yet popular niche. Just using CLANNAD's name should already open up opportunities. Taking advantage of nostalgia is a successful business strategy for game companies too
A childhood friend in the western world would be the same gender, so I would want to forget such a thing if it happened
Me with multiple childhood friends. I'm a VN MC locked into the bad end
You can't adapt NTR.
And now all the moms have weddings rings in this CG. Did Delaware just forget to draw them wearing them in the oyakodon scenes?
Here's your Grisaia gacha collab designs.
Yumiko got the worst outfit.
kinda funny how ao is best girl in every route
worst outfit is makina's thoever
>Hinata's mom casually dropping the most erotic line of the entire cast of mom's in this scene.
She seems like the best mom of the bunch. Shame none of these characters are really explored like the moms eventually did in the maid game.
It's erotic though.
Yumiko's covered up and Asako just got a new coat cape.
Ao by far has the most chemistry with Hairi. She deserved the main heroine spot more than Shiroha. Her side story does explain why she's comfortable with him.
I still love Bweh and Kamome more though.
erotic != good :)
Amane still best.
sachi has the best
pissing lolis
>first day in the gym
>walk past some people in the shower room
>hear laughter behind me
ge for this feel?
>comparing the pure ludokino that is Katanagatari to Midmasa
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Any age gap ge like this? Doesn't need to be translated.
I already read Damekoi and Genjitsu ga Mietekita node Lolicon Yamemashita.
Ge with an old guy MC loving and fucking young JC and/or JK girls are so hard to come by. It's sad.
menstruating hags
Why do Nips hates her so much?
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rate my schizo masterpiece
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She hates Japs that's why
It's their last taste of "having a normal average everyday life" before life comes fast at them. Can you even blame them for wanting to go back to simpler days? It's no coincidence the most popular genres on Japland over the years have been schoolgirl shit or Isekaislop
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Well, in this case more about the adult teacher fucking young JK girls fetish. Truthfully, we need more male teacher/female high school student romance. It's one of the most erotic romance scenarios.
nah its shit
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Well, plus who wants to fuck old hags over young JK girls? I literally skip any adult heroine routes in any VN. Makes me remember how I skipped all 3 hag heroine routes and only read the the JC heroine route. lol
Neetbros, how are you doing?
Unfortunately I reached the wagecuck cycle of my 5 years of neet + 2 years of wagecuck cycle.
Never give up.
I need to find a job, preferably fast. I wish I could afford being a neet
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life sucks but I guess it could be worse
nearing year 20
Why is Kizuato not translated when it's so influential?
Why are you reading the remake? It's worse in every way.
I was a neet since I was 18 years old. Got my first job 3 years ago. I am now 32.
Basically neet for 14 years.
Do I want to go back? Sometimes. But I like having money.
Because it's not that good. It's basically Tsukihime Far Side but shit
EOPs don't really lose anything by not reading Shizuku and Kizuato. ToHeart 1 is debatable, it's a good game, but probably will seem slightly boring to modern buta
Well Shizuku is even weirder because with denpa being such a huge buzzword among the modern VN crowd you'd think all the classics would get translated.
what place hires someone with no experience and a 14 year hole in your resume that isn't something that makes you want to kys everyday for minimum wage
That's a powerful Ren.
Fucking serious. In here our minimum wage is $17. Amazon hires people for $19 if seasonal or $21 for full time. And after three years you get a pay increase to $25.
It's not that bad. It's slowly killing my body but I can't really be picky.
"Classics" for vns not always equals good, unfortunately. Both Shizuku and Kizuato aren't that good, in addition to being ancient. Paradise lost is technically a chuuni classic, but realistically, it's not that well-written, especially compared to how Masada writes now. There are some writers that barely changed over years, like Shumon, but for the most part older works are just not as good.
Any VN heroines in need of rape correction?
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i already hate the original so why not read the remake
What cage do you do your 2 years in?
Just don't forget to take your pills.
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don't worry my schizophrenia is used only for good
holy gimp
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This brown oppai loli is so cute!
The whole point is to self insert into the MC. That's why MC's are mostly unvoiced. The MC is the vessel for the reader.
Just play the shit with MTL methods faggot. These days forcing the English tranny localizations only rule makes no sense.
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>Steins Gate Reboot announced
What is this, haven’t they milked it enough at this point…
Anon Code flopped. Chiyomaru needs to go back and milk S;G for money. It's the same with C;C.
Can't be excited since it's all a simulation and it doesn't matter.
I wish I could suffer from selective amnesia so I could read Haretaka again

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